_._ |¯¯¯¯¯||¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯||¯¯\ /¯¯| ,-' '-. | |¯¯¯ | |¯) ) ¯| |¯ | \/ | ,-' '-. | |[¯¯|| ¯ ( | | | |\ /| | [ ] | |_| || |¯\ \ _| |_ | | \/ | | | | | _____ |_____||_| \_)|_____||_| |_| | \ | / | | ___||¯¯¯¯¯||¯¯\ |¯||¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯¯||¯¯\ |¯||¯¯¯¯¯||¯¯¯¯¯| | \ | / | | |_ | |¯| || \| || |¯\ \ | |¯| || \| || |¯¯¯ | |¯| | | /¯\ /¯\ | | _| | ¯ || |\ \ || | ) )| ¯ || |\ \ || |[¯¯|| | | | | ( ) ( ) | | | | |¯| || | \ || |_/ / | |¯| || | \ || |_| || |_| | | \_/ _ \_/ | |_| |_| |_||_| \_||____/ |_| |_||_| \_||_____||_____| [ / \ ] R E M A S T E R E D ) (,-.) ( | _______ | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | / | | | \ | | Spoiler-free PS4 FAQ & Walkthrough -by- | | (--+-+-+--) | | P. Summers (Shotgunnova) -- shotgunnova(a+)gmail(d0t)com | | \ | | | / | |__________________________________________________________| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ I. CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CNTR II. WALKTHROUGH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WLKT Year One ......................................................... WK01 Year Two ......................................................... WK02 Year Three ....................................................... WK03 Year Four ........................................................ WK04 III. APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPN Achievements/Trophies ............................................ ACHV Item List ........................................................ ITML IV. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAQZ V. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPDT VI. LEGALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LGLT _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ I. CONTROLS [CNTR] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The game's controls can't be changed, but are fairly simple already. Buttons that have no function aren't listed below. ___________ _______________________________________________________________ | BUTTON | FUNCTION | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | D-Pad | Controls movement | | Options | Toggles main menu | | Share | Toggles share menu (screenshots, videos, etc.) | | Circle | 'Cancel' button for menus / Puts items into inventory | | Square | 'Inspect' button (gives commentary on give item/person, etc.) | | Triangle | Toggles inventory menu | | X-Button | 'Use/Action' button / Skip dialogue | | L1 Button | (at certain points) toggle director commentary, if turned on | | R1 Button | (hold) Sprint button | | R3 Button | Toggles rendering (original or remastered) | | L. Analog | Controls movement | |___________|_______________________________________________________________| ________________________ ____________________________________________________/ II. WALKTHROUGH [WLKT] |_ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ YEAR ONE WALKTHROUGH [WK01] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ A few things before starting: • Those shooting for the tank controls trophy should turn that feature on as soon as control is given to Manny, just to be safe. ("Tank controls" are the game's original, blocky controls, requiring rotation to a direction before moving in 'em. They take a bit of acclimation, but aren't impossible to work with.) • Many achievements in the game derive simply from questioning many NPCs. The PS4 trophy list is also in a rough chronological order, although it's not perfect. The guide's trophy list, however, is. But, a good tip for trophy hunters is this: keep a separate save at the beginning of each new year to avoid any problems. (There are only four files allowed, though, so advance carefully.) • In my experience, it's impossible to get truly, game-breakiningly stuck. The game usually won't allow one to advance into those situations, and'll demand one have the requisite items (etc.) first. • I highly suggest playing with the director's commentary on. If the feature is enabled, there are certain points in the game where a clapperboard icon will appear (use with L1) to hear interesting things about the game. The point is, unlike other games' commentary, this is 100% optional and not at all intrusive. It can make a first playthrough even more fulfilling. ____________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [1.1] THE WORK ORDER ____________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The game begins with Manny Calavera, otherworldly travel agent, coming back to his office after a cheap sale. There'll be a note in his mail tube right off the bat. • Inspect the mail tube to get the 'Special Work Order'. • Take the 'Deck of Cards' off the table to also get the 'Ace of Spades'. • In the hallway, near the elevators, find Eva, the boss' secretary. Manny will learn he's late for a gazpacho poisoning, and will need to visit the Land of the Living to take part. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "What I did back in the fat day is none of your business. You know the rules..." -- Talk to Eva, Don's secretary, about what debt she's paying off. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Gets the aggressions out, doesn't it?" Inspect and use the hole punch on Eva's desk. • Visit the garage area (use elevator kittie-corner from Eva's desk) • Approach the mechanics' bay in the very back. • Knock on the shed door to meet Glottis • Pick chat options that talk about Glottis becoming Manny's new driver. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "It's like I'm not happy unless I'm breathing in the thick, black, nauseating fumes..." -- Talk to Glottis about his origins to learn he's an elemental spirit with a need for speed. • When able, pick the "you're not too big, the cars are too small!" option. Manny will get the 'Work Order' from Glottis, and needs it signed by the boss in order for him to drive. However, talking with Eva about it won't result in anything, so it falls on ingenuity to save the day. • Take the elevator (opposite Eva's desk) to reach the main lobby • Exit onto the street and enter the side alley • Find the festive banner hanging down and climb it • Enter Don's office. • Change his PC's automated response so it tells Eva to "sign it herself." Return to Eva and have her try again, this time with results. Manny will go to the Land of the Living automatically -- a diner, more specifically. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Scaring the living is technically against the rules, but we all do it..." -- Try talking to the three diner patrons before opening Bruno Martinez's burrito-shaped bodybag. Manny will say the titular line when done right. When ready, release Bruno with the scythe for some more cutscenes. _______________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [1.2] BAGGING A PREMIUM _______________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Don Copal, Manny's boss, has issued an ultimatum: find a premium client or find a pink slip! However, the pipsqueaks being doled out can't even compare to the ones Domino (agent down the hall) gets. It'll take some finesse, trickery and dead worms to get this job done. • Use the 'Ace of Spades' on Eva's hole puncher to get the 'Marked Card'. • Visit the 1F lobby for an automatic scene with a maintenance demon • Exit onto the street and locate the balloon artist's stall at the dead end • Obtain two unfilled ("dead worm") balloons from the balloon artist _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Lousy bony fingers!" Make the balloon artist pop a balloon by picking the "BANG" chat option. • Return inside the 1F lobby and enter the packing room (where Bruno was) • Use an unfilled balloon on the left-hand nozzle to get the light chemical. • Use an unfilled balloon on the right-hand nozzle to get the dark chemical. • Return to Manny's office. • Put the balloon with dark chemical into the mail tube • Put the balloon with light chemical into the mail tube Both balloons will break and create an ungodly, foamy mess that temporarily breaks the mail sorter. • Visit the mail room (1F lobby, opposite the packing room) • Inspect the open door to operate the deadbolt • Converse with the maintenance demon. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "I squeezed down one of these tubes, like a pixie!" Get the maintenance demon to say the above line while he's fixing the huge mess Manny made. (Ask about how he got in that particular room.) There's a scene, either early on or later on, where the demon catches fire and Manny automatically claims the 'Fire Extinguisher' from the wall. (If he didn't get it earlier, that is.) If the conversation aspect's done, leaving the room will finish up the demon's repairs and he'll leave. • Enter the mail room • Use the 'Marked Card' on Domino's mail tube to learn of Mercedes Colomar. Note: Using a regular playing card will just cause the air pressure to uselessly blow it away. Similarly, if one didn't turn the deadbolt while the maintenance demon's back was turned, the room locks like normal, forcing a recreation of the mess -- chemicals, balloons, tubes, etc. If all goes well, Manny will automatically beat Domino to the next client and bring her to his office. • Go through Meche's dialogue options thoroughly. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Well, I could do something bad right now if that would help..." -- This trophy can pop during the first conversation with Meche at Manny's office. When going through the list of possible wrongdoings, choose the "give me some dirt" option. • Approach Eva's desk after being stumped to Meche's ticketless destiny. ____________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [1.3] AGENT CALAVERA ____________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After an automatic meeting with the boss, Manny will be in the garage shed. • Inspect the door. • Pick the option that talks about the D.O.D. being crooked. • Pick the option about blowing the lid off the conspiracy. Manny will automatically visit the LSA headquarters, situated in the alley and accessed by inspecting the weird skull on the wall. Eva and Salvador'll be there. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Join or die! Again!" In the LSA headquarters, ask Eva about "any messages for me?". _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Precisamente, amigo." In the LSA headquarters, ask Salvador regarding "do you know something I don't know?" Question both NPCs thoroughly. They'll agree to help Manny in exchange for access to the DOD database and some pigeon eggs. Players can now enter/exit at their leisure. (Some access to the DOD building, like the lobby area and office hallways, is disabled.) • Obtain 'Bread of the Dead' from the vendorless stall (by balloon artist) • Obtain a Robert Frost balloon from the balloon artist. • Climb the alley banner to reach the building's upper ledge. • Enter Dom's office. _ |_| SILVER TROPHY: "'ARROGANT FRAUD' doesn't work..." Try guessing Domino's computer password four times. • Inspect Dom's desk to steal the 'Glowing Coral' trophy. • Use the punching bag three times to get Domino's 'Mouthguard'. • Exit onto the ledges again. Stand on the wooden protuberance the banner's tied to. Instead of descending, inspect the right-hand side (the one that wasn't climbed earlier) and pull up the shorter end. Once it's spooled and dropped, use the 'Glowing Coral' on it to create a grappling hook -- one that allows roof access. There'll be a gaggle of skeletal pigeons there. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Run, you pigeons! It's Robert Frost!" "Use" a Robert Frost balloon on the gathered pigeons, i.e. when close enough and Manny's head is turned to signify the right spot. This can't be done after solving the pigeon puzzle, so the window's small! • Put a filled balloon (any type) in the nearby dish • Crumble some 'Bread of the Dead' into the dish The combination of food and pecking pops the balloon, scaring the birds off. • Obtain the 'Pigeon Eggs' from the rooftop nest. • Descend back into the alley. • Revisit the garage shed Manny started this segment in. • Use the 'Mouthguard' on the putty machine to fill it. Finally, inspect the mouthguard -- without Manny being distracted by any other objects -- to bite it and make a plaster cast. This is the last item needed. • Give the 'Pigeon Eggs' to Salvador • Give the 'Plaster Cast' to Eva __________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [1.4] THE PETRIFIED FOREST __________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Manny will automatically visit El Marrow's creepy outskirts. Inventory clutter has been removed, leaving just the scythe and fire extinguisher. • Approach Glottis in the next screen for a heart-rending scene. • Go around the corner to the spiders' lair. • Locate the pile of bones near the webbing and take a 'Bone'. • Throw the 'Bone' into the webbing • Use the scythe on the webbing to slingshot the heart The bone is necessary to prevent the web from being cut. Using the scythe without the bone there creates a rip that will be automatically repaired. • Retrieve "Glottis' Heart" from where it's fallen, by its master • Use the heart on Glottis to revive him. • Glottis will accidentally bump the signpost with his mammoth ride. • Drive into the eastern screen to find a tree farm _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "The marrow of these trees, Manny, they suck it out, it's like cement!" -- Talk to Glottis as he stands near the wheelbarrow. This should trigger after the first conversation. To do the tree farm puzzle successfully, note the harvester machine's normal operating state. The goal is to make it shake while it moves, almost like it's spinning unbalanced. To do this, simply move the wheelbarrow along the pre-scripted track, which kinks hoses it runs over. Simply move back and forth over these until the machine gets jittery. • Flip the lever near the building to shut down the machine. • When Glottis climbs on, flip the lever to rotate him. If the machine was already screwy before Glottis climbed on, his continued swinging will break it and the Bone Wagon (Glottis' car) will get some new shocks. Just letting Glottis swing around normally, without imbalancing the machine first, won't do anything, but does offer some fun dialogue. • Pick up the 'Signpost' and run with it (NW) to the vacant lot There's a puzzle here, although it may not be obvious. Planting the signpost anywhere in this screen (with many tree-root entrances) will cause it to spin and point in a particular direction. Note that direction, replant the 'post further in that direction, and then repeat. When the 'post is put in just the right spot -- which is usually a bit SW of center, on discolored ground -- a secret vehicle-sized entrance appears. • Reenter this screen while in Glottis' ride • Drive into the underground road (automatically continue on to new area) • Exit ride and inspect sign to get the 'Old Key' • Reenter ride (automatically continues to the heavily locked gate) If the shocks weren't installed -- such as by doing this segment out of its normal order -- Glottis can't get over the rocky road and backtracks to the garage road's entrance. • Exit the vehicle and enter through the gate's door to find a beaver dam • Reenter the dam area • When able, take three Bones from the skull pile (may appear greenish) • Go around corner (left side of first screen) to find a nook by the tar Going to the nook will automatically summon a beaver to the entrance, where it stays. To solve the puzzle, throw a 'Bone' into the tar, which starts a scripted sequence where the beaver jumps in after it. The trick is to hit the beaver mid-drop with the fire extinguisher, which kills it. This needs to be done three times to continue. (Luckily, it's pretty easy to hit the buggers. Fire the device right after the critter's roared for best effect. It doesn't count if there's no death animation!) • Return to the vehicle side of the barred gate • Use the 'Old Key' on the padlock ______________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [1.5] RUBACAVA ______________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After the beaver dam incident, Manny and his rotund compadre will encounter the seaside town of Rubacava. • Visit Flores as the inn • Chat him up about his wife • Pick "What does she look like?" to get a picture of his beloved. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "We only have one mop." Talk to Flores about places to stay and finding a job. • Walk into the mist-covered area (Manny will be rescued by Velasco) • Talk to Velasco down by the Bone Wagon _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "...used to scream like a banshee when the trade winds blew..." -- talk to Velasco about his eyepatch. • Show Velasco the picture of Flores' wife to get the 'Port Log'. • Show Flores the 'Port Log'. _ |_| SILVER TROPHY: Year 1 Automatically received for completing the first year's plot. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ YEAR TWO WALKTHROUGH [WK02] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This year takes place entirely within Rubacava, so getting to know its layout is rather important -- it can be rather daunting for newcomers. It can be separated into an upper town and a lower waterside area. The elevator behind the cafe connects there quickly and there's a stairway from the racetrack as well (requires operating extendible bridge by BW Storage first). High Roller Lounge _____/ Airship | | Morgue/Jail Sect. \_|_ _|#### \_____ | | | | # | |______________|_ | Race| # _________ |___ | ________________ Track| # | _____ |______| | | | | |___ | # | | Cafe| |_ _________| | | # | | | |____| |___|_____| # | | |___| # / # |_______| # SS Limbo Litter # # _____/ Pool # # |_ _| ____ # # | | | |-BW Storage # ############ ___,' '.___|__ |___ # # ___| _ ______ ___|############## # Blue-| | | '. .' | | # Casket | | | | | | # |___| | | | ____) ) ###########|__ ( | | |_____/ \ \_| | / \__ | Tattoos Lighthouse _| | ___/ Bees-|_ |_________| | '.______________| ____________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [2.1] MECHE? ____________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Manny will begin the second year with nothing but his scythe. Lupe, the girl who checks coats at his club (the renovated automat Flores kept), will call his attention to a woman she saw earlier. • Go inside. • Take 'Salvador's Letter' off the desk near the bed. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Great news -- we have discovered a new, secret talent of our tiny messengers!" | After Manny starts reading the letter from Sal and puts it away, take it out and read it in its entirety. This may be doable by inspecting the note from the inventory, also. • Go downstairs. (Lupe will stop Manny if he tries to exit.) _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "YOU'RE NOT EVEN LISTENING TO ME!!!" Talk to Lupe about her ridiculous coat-checking system. The option's not available until the small talk's dispensed with. • Before leaving, go down into the casino where Glottis is playing piano. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Plus, we look good in these clothes!" Talk to Glottis about leaving ("You know, when we leave, I'm actually...") • Take the 'Marillo de Oro' liquor from behind the bar. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Well, maybe just a sip..." Take a swig of the Marillo de Oro. This will be gotten mandatorily later, but can be triggered now, too. (It provides bottomless sippin'.) • Enter the casino (door by bar) • Sit down next to Chowchilla Charlie. • Talk about the top option a few times to get the 'Ticket Printer'. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "We're all citizens of the same nation, and our king rides a pale horse." -- After getting the counterfeiting machine, ask Charlie if he can print fake passports. That's all that's available for now. Exit the club and run down the stairs for an automatic cutscene. Afterwards, Manny will end up in the lower town, near Velasco's S.S. Limbo. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "It shone, pale as bone..." On the Limbo's dock, walk to the background until Manny looks up at the moon. Press square to recite the awesome poem and trigger the trophy. Exhaust all dialogue options with Velasco in an attempt to get passage on the Limbo. Players will learn of three impediments: 1) Naranja runs the galley, the only position Manny could fill 2) Glottis can join right off the bat, but needs Sea Bee tools 3) Even with the above two finished, Manny needs to join the maritime union! __________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [2.2] UNION JACKED __________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There's a general order to these, and it starts by doing the union job first. • Return to Calavera Cafe • Speak with Chowchilla Charlie in the casino • Get the 'Ticket Printer' through dialogue (if not done already) • Ask Charlie about making union cards to get the 'VIP Pass'. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Oh Rusty Anchor" This is one of the more esoteric trophies in the game, and requires one to show the "Rusty Anchor" paper to Glottis in the lounge. This directly stalls this segment, though, as the next step (showing the VIP Pass to Glottis) makes him relocate for the rest of the Rubacava scenes. To get the trophy: acquire the VIP Pass, then do NOT show it to Glottis. Visit the Blue Casket club at the docks and see Lola's stakeout scene; this enrages Nick and causes him to leave. Then, simply follow the steps in walkthrough segment [2.4] until the 'Rusty Anchor' slip is acquired. Show it to Glottis for a badass piano tune and a trophy! Those who don't care about the trophy can ignore the above and just do the guide as normal, though. • Show the 'VIP Pass' to Glottis (he relocates to High Rollers Lounge) • Revisit the racetrack area • In the kitty litter pool area, take the silvery 'Can Opener' off a can • Enter the High Rollers Lounge and visit the kitchen • Take the 'Turkey Baster' on a corner tray • When Raoul enters the wine close, close it and lock him in with the scythe. Glottis, deprived of his booze, will come down to the kitchen and finish off the keg himself. Aitor, the big green lizard guy, will also spawn near the elevator. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Oh, yeah, I could take you down..." Talk to Aitor about taking a ride in the elevator. This causes a funny misunderstanding that pops the trophy. There's only a small window to do this event, though, as it can't be done after the next few steps. • Climb the ladder and use the 'Can Opener' on the top of the keg • Climb into the keg (the lost 'Scythe' is reclaimed here) Manny will find himself in the keg cellar. • Drive the forklift into the elevator • Spin the forklift so its tongs face the entrance • Exit the forklift near the button • Hit the elevator button and quickly enter the forklift Notice how there's a floor between the kitchen and the cellar, but the lift doesn't stop at it? That's the destination. The goal is to drive the lift's tongs into the small gap between the gate, jamming it into the middle floor's empty space. (This only works while ascending, note.) When the lift becomes stuck, exit the vehicle and hit the blade-control lever on the vehicle's side. Manny will automatically get the 'Union Card' after entering the vault and taking hold of the briefcase. That ends this segment! ____________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [2.3] NIXING NARANJA ____________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This section tells how to get Manny a job on the ship by stealing it from the current employee, Naranja. • Enter the Blue Casket • See the scene with Lola, Olivia and Nick (if not done already) • Converse with Olivia (optional) _ |_| SILVER TROPHY: "Consider it an homage." Perform a poem at the Blue Casket's open mic -- any old phrasing'll do. Afterwards, ask Olivia to perform a poem, and watch her steal Manny's. • Enter kitchen • Use the 'Turkey Baster' on the dishwater • Visit the tattoo parlor • Open the refrigerator's lettuce crisper (lower drawer) • When the two are distracted, use the 'Turkey Baster' on Naranja's booze The distraction begins when Toto says something like "who's over there," and both men look over there. Have the dishwater-filled baster readied. If all goes well, Naranja will fall asleep and Toto will get on the horn. • Inspect Naranja to steal his 'Dog Tags'. • Visit the airship security area. • Take a drink of the 'Marillo de Oro' • Enter the security gate before the effect wears off (signified by a burp) • Enter the back room with Carla _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Here, let me hold that metal detector for you while you cry..." -- After entering the back area, Carla regales Manny about her past. Many funny options will appear to ask about her metal detector, but the crucial one (in title) only appears towards the very end. • After Carla throws the metal detector away, visit the kitty litter pool • Stand on the diving board and use the scythe to get the 'Metal Detector' There are a couple spots that catch Manny's attention. The correct one isn't at the very end, but along the side (facing foreground). Using the scythe on other points of interest does nothing. • Visit the morgue. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Manny, we've given up. All of us." Ask Membrillo why he doesn't leave the Ninth Underworld. • Throw the 'Dog Tags' onto a corpse when Membrillo isn't looking • Give the 'Metal Detector' to Membrillo Membrillo will eventually uncover the "corpse" of Naranja and call Velasco with the bad news. This is all that's needed to get Manny a spot on the ship, so onto the next section! _________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [2.4] CONTROLLING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION _________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This section tells how to get the tools. • Visit the worker bees at the docks. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "We're straight stingers, you know?" Ask Terry why he's not paying the union off. This option isn't available by default (go through work-related options at top of list for awhile). • Enter the Blue Casket hipster club. • Show the 3 hipsters at the table 'Salvador's Letter'. • Ask to borrow the book on the table to get the 'Manifesto'. The hipsters won't lend the book out until the letter proves Manny's cred. • Give the 'Manifesto' to Terry (causes him to be arrested) • Visit the racetrack (Manny automatically spectates if it's the 1st visit) • Enter the High Rollers' Lounge (requires VIP Pass) Nick will only be here if Manny saw him leave the Blue Casket earlier. • Talk with Nick and ask to retain his services _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "So, sorry, but I don't do... 'odd jobs.'" Try to retain Nick's lawyer services by flattering him -- i.e. Manny says he needs a good lawyer, the best lawyer, and that Nick's the best. Virago will refuse, saying the given line. Do this before he leaves in the next step. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Come to see how the big boys play, eh Manny?" Talk with Maximino in his office at the Lounge. This should trigger with the opening dialogue, so further chit-chatting ain't required. • Threaten to tell Maximino about him and Olivia (causes Nick to leave) • Steal the 'Cigarette Case' off the table • Visit the airship security area • Show Carla the 'Cigarette Case' • Pick "I found it under your desk" and "Yes" to get "Nick's Key" • Visit the lighthouse and unlock it • Inside, watch the automatic scene to get the '#22 Tile' Return to the Calavera Cafe. • Show the '#22 Tile' to Lupe to get "Lola's Jacket" • Inspect the jacket (without facing anything) to get the 'Rusty Anchor' slip. Those trying for the "Oh Rusty Anchor" trophy should remember to do it here. See section [2.2] for the details. • Try leaving the club for a small Lupe scene • Visit the docks' tattoo parlor Note that one can't continue with this segment until Naranja is knocked out. That method's detailed in the previous section. • Show Toto the 'Rusty Anchor' paper to get 'Racetrack Photo' • Return to the racetrack • Get out the 'Ticket Printer' and operate it • Make a slip for Week 2, Tuesday, Race 6 The clues to this puzzle are mostly in plain sight. The race is explicitly mentioned in the photo itself; everyone has kitty hats on, so that means it's a Tuesday (according to a guy at the counter nearest the lounge entrance). As for the week, this has to be pieced together from the memorial plaque on the stuffed cat display (it mentions dying to a blimp, and the blimp is in that photo). • Print that particular configuration to get the 'Counterfeit Stub' • Give the 'Counterfeit Stub' at the betting counter to get "Lola's Photo" • Visit the High Rollers Lounge • Show "Lola's Photo" to Nick Nick's lawyer skills will free Terry from prison, and they'll quit working in the meantime, making their tools ripe for the picking. (Note that the tools aren't put in the inventory, and will be acquired automatically at chapter's end.) _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "ME, ME, ME-ME-ME!" After freeing Terry, revisit the worker bees to find them doing picketing songs. To get the trophy, chant in time with their ranting (i.e. when the red subtitles appear) until they get to the final verse about Manny. Get through this one to finish up. ______________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [2.5] LEAVING RUBACAVA ______________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ All the problems Velasco mentioned may be gone, but there's still one issue left: Glottis won't leave the High Rollers Lounge. If one talks to Maximino, he'll mention as long as the club's in business, there's no reason to refuse it as collateral. Hmm... • Return to Manny's 2F office at Calavera Cafe • Inspect the big desk to find roulette table controls • Wait until Chief Bogen's table comes up (rightmost of 3 red lights) • When the game's begun, hit the magnet icon to change the winning bet Cheating Bogen will enrage the guy, and he'll shut down the club. This gets Glottis' credit cut off, which automatically leads to the duo leaving town on the S.S. Rustbucket -- err, Limbo. _ |_| SILVER TROPHY: Year 2 Complete all events up to this point. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ YEAR THREE WALKTHROUGH [WK03] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Cap'n Calavera begins the third year with just his scythe. ___________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [3.1] PUERTO ZAPATO ___________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is a small section since there's no trophies to get. • Enter the bridge • Descend the ladder to reach the engine room (automatic) with Glottis • Raise the right-hand anchor (red button on right-hand side) • Turn the ship to the right • Drop the right-hand anchor • Raise the right-hand anchor (also drags up tangled left-hand anchor) • From the right-hand window, use the Scythe to snag the anchors to the ship • Raise the left-hand anchor (damages hull) • Steer the ship in reverse This will break the ship in two and lead to the next section. Note that one can attach the snagged anchors to either window, not just the starboard side. It's just easier to do that one on tank controls for some reason. ___________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [3.2] SEA OF LAMENT ___________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The hapless duo will be underwater in a small beam of light they can't leave. • Try leaving the beam of light to encounter Chepito • Talk to Chepito as he passes by _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "I wasn't always this color!" Ask Chepito "How long have you been down here?" • End conversation with Chepito • When Chepito stops near the beam of light's right-hand side, grab his light • While grabbing him, move towards Glottis Everyone will advance to the Pearl. • Run along the rim to find the weird rock • Run around the rock with the red tentacle things to snare Chepito ___________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [3.3] THE EDGE OF THE WORLD ___________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Manny and Glottis will end up riding to an mining island on the world's edge. Some exploration is available at this time, but generally, the first thing to do is visit the interior. • Enter the elevator (in the screen with Glottis) • Use the right-hand path until one finds the empty office • Enter the adjacent room, also an office, for a scene with Meche & Domino Afterwards, Manny goes to the angelitos' room. • Talk to the angelitos • Choose the option about not having any tools • Collect the 'Hammer' from the floor when the angelito brains Manny with it _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: *sniff sniff* Make the angelitos cry. Manny can do this in several ways, including threatening to sue their parents and telling them he'll take Meche away. • Revisit the right-hand office to find Meche _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Save your breath..." Try explaining to Meche that Manny doesn't work for the bad guys. When it doesn't work, the conversation automatically ends and the trophy will pop. (Remember the hint about giving her a gun...) • Inspect the ashtray by Meche's desk (right when she taps her cigarette) • Get the 'Stockings' from the trash can nearby when Meche ruins them _ |_| SILVER TROPHY: "Okay, how much of this haven't you figured out, Calavera?" Get Domino to explain his operation. These are the lines about being on the island and stealing tickets. As a funny note, showing the angelitos the burnt stockings will also make 'em cry, triggering their related achievement. __________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [3.4] THE EDGE OF THE WORLD, PT. 2 __________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Now that Manny has the stockings and hammer, it's time for the next phase. • Return to the outdoor entrance where Manny/Glottis arrived • Go left into the screen with all the miners (Chepito will now be there) • Talk to Chepito about how he got his drill to learn he traded for it _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "IT'S A BUST-ALL!" Talk to Chepito about his "nice drill." • Exit convo • Show the 'Stockings' to Chepito to get the 'Sproutella Gun' • Show the 'Hammer' to Chepito to get the 'Bust-All' Next, revisit the outdoor entrance and enter the right-hand screen with the conveyor belt. By default, the belt spins upwards (to the water's surface), although this can be changed by the lever controls. Manny can climb onto the conveyor at several locations, either being taken upwards or downwards, which depends on the belt's direction. Enough preamble -- let's do this! • Climb onto the belt and exit onto the upper crane • Enter the crane's controls and move to the opposite side's beach • Lower the crane's bucket onto the beach • Run down to the beach and use the 'Bust-All' on the chain This destroys the crane, leaving only a lengthy chain behind. • Reenter the crane and lower the chain into the grinder • Raise the chain again to destroy the grinder wheels • Maneuver the crane back to the conveyor belt area • Lower the chain onto the conveyor belt (it should bunch up at the top) • Return to the conveyor controls and reverse them (drags chain downwards) • Make the conveyor controls go upwards (chain pools on the conveyor) • Reverse the conveyor controls AGAIN (chain descends, snagging on anchor) Once the chain is snagged, all that's left is to operate the crane controls again. This will the lift the S.S. Lamancha out of the murky depths and onto the eastern beach. (Remember to destroy the grinder's wheels! It's not meant to be optional!) __________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [3.4] THE EDGE OF THE WORLD, PT. 3 __________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The third and last part will mostly occur back inside the building. Make sure to get the trophies for her and Domino first, as they can't be done after the next step. • Return to Meche and show her the 'Sproutella Gun' (she's locked in a vault) • Use the 'Bust-All' on the vault's hinges (outside Meche's office) • Align all the locked vault's tumblers For many players, this segment may be a tall order. First off, to misalign the tumblers, the goal is to make the flat side perpendicular to the lock (on right-hand side). If it's done right, there will be a noticeable gap where the vault door's rim can be seen. To do this properly, rotate the tumblers until the top one is aligned perfectly, then rotate in the opposite direction for the tumbler below it. • Use the scythe on the aligned tumblers (Manny says "stay!" if done right) • Operate the door handle to enter the vault (Scythe is retrieved) The scythe must be wedged in to gain entrance. Using the handle without it will only cycle the tumblers, making players waste time. The vault contains a statue, a heavy axe and locked-up coral harvest reports. • Inspect the door to accidentally close it • Use the 'Scythe' on the metal contact above the vault door • Enter the secret room and inspect the suitcases • Use the scythe on the sprinkler system above • Drag the heavy axe into the room Since the water isn't pooling, that must mean it's draining somehow. To exit the vault, the goal is to drop the heavy axe abruptly (with X-button) on the loose tile. The correct one is directly adjacent to a blue one, almost right under the system. (On the PS4, its edge has a noticeably whiter edge than the surrounding tiles, so this may give it away.) Once outside, everyone congregates on the eastern beach. If the SS Lamancha's been raised, the team will set sail automatically. There's one final fight to take care of, though. • Get out the scythe _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Stop showing off for the girl!" On the submarine, use the scythe on Manny's opponent repeatedly until he says the line. Unlike some of the other trophies, this one actually does take many attempts to get, often ten or more. • To end the boss fight, use the scythe on the octopus' eye Year Four will begin shortly after the timely rescue. _ |_| SILVER TROPHY: Year 3 Complete the walkthrough up to this point. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ YEAR FOUR WALKTHROUGH [WK04] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ As usual, Manny begins the new year with only his scythe. _________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [4.1] GRAN DEMONIO ROEDOR _________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Manny's crew will have trekked through the wilds to reach the final train station, but a mishap shortly after changes circumstances. One begins on the stairway just outside the station itself. • Approach the train station entrance again for a scene _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Happy trails, Captain." See Chepito on his way. To do this, enter the train station itself and talk with the old-timer as he walks in circles. Go through the dialogue until he finally departs to the next life. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "I could walk out out of this world and not look back..." Try exiting this afterlife by approaching the train station's far tunnel. This can be done before or after speaking to Chepito. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "I'm getting out of here. This world's for suckers." See the scene with Bruno by inspecting the coffin near the vehicles (this is the dead-end area at the bottom of the station's largest stairway). Seeing the scene earns "Bruno's Mug". NOTE: This trophy is mandatory. • Try exiting back to the outdoor stairway to get "Hector's Note" • Visit the cement structure underneath the train tracks to find Glottis • Speak to Glottis until he draws his blueprints on the wall _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "...so large" Speak to the mini demons about "what are you guys?". They'll comment on how they've never seen one of their kind (Glottis) being so large. • Enter the mechanics' break room • Hang "Bruno's Mug" on the mug rack • Open the drawer near the toaster and get the 'Rag' • Dip the rag in oil (red barrels outside break room) to get an 'Oily Rag' • Use the 'Oily Rag' on the toaster Putting the rag in the toaster causes a fire; if the mug is hung, the packing foam will catch fire and automatically advance the plot to the next segment. Make sure to get all trophies here before the final step! (Also, lighting the rag without hanging the mug does nothing.) ________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [4.2] RUBACAVA REVISITED ________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Manny, Glottis and Meche start near the Bone Wagon's storage area. • Visit Toto's tattoo parlor • Inspect the cabinet near the phone to get "Liquid Nitrogen" • Visit Velasco at the docks (automatically causes him to leave) • Take Velasco's "Ship in a Bottle" from his stand _ |_| SILVER TROPHY: "Oh, Lola..." Revisit the lighthouse where Manny last met Lola. There's no reason to come here, other than the trophy, so it can easily skip the mind -- do it at an early convenience. (It's already unlocked this time around.) • Enter the Blue Casket's kitchen • Use the "Ship in a Bottle" on the keg to fill it with booze • Speak with Olivia (automatically seen if not already done) • Give the booze-filled "Ship in a Bottle" to Glottis • Talk to Glottis again to make him puke • Use the 'Liquid Nitrogen' on the puke to freeze it solid _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" After freezing the alcoholic spit-up, inspect the Bone Wagon (with Square button) to crack a joke about it being the soon-to-be "Blown Wagon". This must be done before the next step. • Disarm the bomb. The crew now moves to... _________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [4.3] EL MARROW REVISITED _________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Control is given back to Manny in Salvador's resistance hideout. With the city having changed over the years, it's now underneath a casino instead of the travel agency. _ |_| BRONZE TROPHY: "Manuel! Is everything okay?" Inspect the radio mic on the table for a conversation with Salvador. • Inspect the sprouted corpse to get the "Soldier's Arm" • Inspect the trash can to get the "Agent's Photo" Salvador tossed earlier • Talk to Meche about the plan (mandatory if one tries to leave first) • Leave the hideout into the tunnel where Glottis is • Enter the screen behind Glottis and climb that ladder • Near the Casino's back exit, climb the second ladder to reach an alley Manny will end up near a revue's backstage where two dancers are chatting. • Take the 'Coffee Pot' from its burner • Climb the ladder behind the dancers (done with X-button, not manually) • Dump the coffee onto the dancers from above • Descend and put the coffee pot back where it belongs • Enter the stage entrance to get the Thunder Boy disguise With the disguise, Manny can now enter the casino from the tunnels. • Climb the previous ladder again and approach the snowmaker machine • Use the "Soldier's Arm" on the grinder • Steal the "Grinder" for later use Many players have a hard time on this part since the grinder can't be picked up normally (with X-button), as that operates its functionality. Instead, use O-button, then stow it as usual. • Return to the tunnels and enter the casino floor • Talk to the covert agent (in trenchcoat) twice • Talk to Meche twice to get her 'Sheet' • Throw the 'Sheet' onto the gambler Meche's standing by • While he's under the sheet, talk to the covert agent • Enter the bathroom (near tunnel entrance) to get the high roller's suit ____________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [4.4] FINDING HECTOR ____________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ With the disguise intact, return to the resistance's hideout. • Get the "Agent's Photo" from the trash if not done already • Show the "Agent's Photo" and "Hector's Note" to the pigeon (any order) This will cause Bowlsley, Hector's sproutella manufacturer, to flee his high rise and take refuge in the tunnels. • Approach the tunnel ladder to get the 'Remote' from Glottis (mandatory) • Enter deeper into the tunnels • Use the "Grinder" with the arm inside it on the right-hand tunnel Manny will find the bone chips react with the spilt sproutella, advancing on into the darkness with Glottis at the wheel. However, as they approach the florist's hideout, a massive alligator sentry appears. • Use the 'Remote' to operate the Bone Wagon's shocks • Exit the vehicle onto the higher ledge and descend behind the alligator • When the gator turns around, quickly climb back up so it doesn't advance • Use the 'Remote' to drop the vehicle onto the creature's tail, pinning it One can now enter the Bowlsley's building further down the tunnel. However, the frightened florist won't be having any lucid conversation if one tries. • Use the scythe on the ball of tape above the door (reveals the bell) • Reenter and automatically get the 'Sproutella Gun' and 'Sproutella Can' • Revisit the casino floor • Talk to the demon guarding the elevator and solve his questioning The demon will ask Hector-related trivia that a player will have no idea how to solve. The solution to the question is cleverly hidden in the overhead keno display -- the latest number shown is the solution. (This is revealed a little in how the quizzer looks up before giving each query, showing he's looking at the digits.) Passing automatically leads one up to LeMans' office area. • Talk with Celso Flores under the guise of Hector's crony • Try to dissuade Flores from buying any tickets (go through all options) • Pick "enough about you guys, let me tell you about my problems" • Go through all Manny's complaints (makeup, suit's arms, bad vacation...) • Approach LeMans' door There'll be a nice cutscene, then the penultimate area of the game. • Climb onto the casino's roof • Find the gargoyle used as a support for the glamour girl sign
 • Use the "Grinder" on the gargoyle's mooring, then the "Sproutella Can"
 • Climb the broken sign for a cutscene

 Manny, Salvador and the traitor will go this area together.

 • Approach the hilltop greenhouse and attempt to enter it (cutscene plays)
 • Use the 'Liquid Nitrogen' when next able
 • Approach the car and speak with Salvador in the backseat
 • Inspect the suitcase to get the 'Scythe'
 • Inspect the corpse to find "Salvador's Ticket"
 • Run into the meadow behind the greenhouse (other side of hilltop)
 • With the ticket out, walk to the spot where it vibrates the most

 The ticket makes a flapping noise one can use as a makeshift radar to find
 Salvador. When one finds the right spot, the ticket will jump out of Manny's
 hand and a cutscene begins.

 • Get the 'Trunk Key' from Salvador
 • Inspect the vehicle's trunk to get the 'Sproutella Gun'
 • [Optional] Engage in a shootout with Hector at the greenhouse
 • Use the 'Sproutella Gun' on the hill's water tower
 • Try entering the greenhouse one last time

 That ends the game. The remaining trophies will trigger during the ending
 cinematic. Enjoy!
 |_| GOLD TROPHY: The Right Way
     Complete the entire game using tank controls.
 |_| GOLD TROPHY: Year 4
     Complete the game!
 |_| PLATINUM TROPHY: Number Nine Ticket
     Acquire all other trophies to get this one.
____________________________________________________/ III. APPENDICES [APPN] |_
ACHIEVEMENTS                                                             [ACHV]
 There's a ton of trophies in this game, most sprouting from conversations and
 natural progression. Most are hidden, though. Trophy hunters would do well to
 make saves at the start of each new year to minimize backtracking. The guide
 is in order of unlocking, which is basically the same as the PSN list, only
 with minor changes (platinum and a few golds are at end instead of start).

 And for the record, there's 48 trophies: 38 bronze, 7 silver, 2 gold, 1 plat.
 I included screenshots of each achievement, just for an additional aid. If a
 link is broken, make sure to send me an email so I can fix 'er.

 B = Bronze
 S = Silver
 G = Gold
 P = Platinum

 |B| "What I did back in the fat day is none of your business. You know the
  ¯  rules..." -- Talk to Eva, Don's secretary, about what debt she's paying
     off. [i.imgur.com/CKQnT0D.jpg]
 |B| "Gets the aggressions out, doesn't it?"
  ¯  Use the hole punch on Eva's desk. [i.imgur.com/F4JwoFT.jpg]
 |B| "It's like I'm not happy unless I'm breathing in the thick,
  ¯  black, nauseating fumes..." -- Talk to Glottis about his origins to learn
     he has a need for speed. [i.imgur.com/0efansl.jpg]
 |B| "Scaring the living is technically against the rules, but
  ¯  we all do it..." -- Try talking to the three diner patrons before opening
     Bruno Martinez's burrito-shaped bodybag. Manny will say the titular line
     when done right. [i.imgur.com/VJ5DpWK.jpg]
 |B| "Lousy bony fingers!"
  ¯  Make the balloon artist pop a balloon by picking the "BANG" chat option.
     It'll appear after a bit of chatting. [i.imgur.com/4Hd1dSH.jpg]
 |B| "I squeezed down one of these tubes, like a pixie!"
  ¯  Ask the maintenance demon how he got in that particular room. He'll say
     the trophy's line. [i.imgur.com/5Q7nAf2.jpg]
 |B| "Well, I could do something bad right now if that would help..."
  ¯  This trophy can pop during the first conversation with Meche at Manny's
     office. When going through the list of possible wrongdoings, choose the
     "give me some dirt" option. [i.imgur.com/PZ8twZ3.jpg]
 |B| "Join or die! Again!"
  ¯  Ask Eva about "any messages for me?". This takes place in LSA HQ, not
     the travel agency. [i.imgur.com/FYk1n6G.jpg]
 |B| "Precisamente, amigo."
  ¯  In the LSA headquarters, ask Salvador regarding "do you know something I
     don't know?" [i.imgur.com/kEviIPf.jpg]
 |S| "'ARROGANT FRAUD' doesn't work..."
  ¯  Try guessing Domino's PC password 4 times. [i.imgur.com/iS2iyR9.jpg]
 |B| "Run, you pigeons! It's Robert Frost!"
  ¯  "Use" a Robert Frost balloon on the gathered pigeons, i.e. when close
     enough and Manny's head is turned to signify the right spot. This can't
     be done after solving the pigeon puzzle. [i.imgur.com/ZMFY9Tr.jpg]
 |B| "The marrow of these trees, Manny, they suck it out, it's
  ¯  like cement!" -- Talk to Glottis as he stands near the wheelbarrow. This
     should trigger after the first conversation. [i.imgur.com/sYN8eGb.jpg]
 |B| "We only have one mop."
  ¯  Talk to Celso about board and finding a job. [i.imgur.com/FnwhjT6.jpg]
 |B| "...used to scream like a banshee when the trade winds
  ¯  blew..." -- talk to Velasco about his eyepatch. [i.imgur.com/RUHn6qO.jpg]
 |S| Year 1
  ¯  Complete the plot up to this point. [i.imgur.com/jDyBCjw.jpg]

 |B| "Great news -- we have discovered a new, secret talent of our tiny
  ¯  messengers!" | After Manny starts reading the letter from Sal and puts it
     away, take it out and read it in its entirety. Reading the note from the
     inventory may work, too. [i.imgur.com/euuJojF.jpg]
  ¯  Talk to Lupe about her ridiculous coat-checking system. The option's not
     available 'til the small talk's dispensed with. [i.imgur.com/jm6J1ry.jpg]
 |B| "Plus, we look good in these clothes!"
  ¯  Talk to Glottis about leaving town. This must be done before he moves to
     the High Rollers Lounge. [http://i.imgur.com/rn3UNtd.jpg]
 |B| "Well, maybe just a sip..."
  ¯  Take a swig of the Marillo de Oro. This will be gotten mandatorily later,
     but can be triggered now, too. [http://i.imgur.com/K8NUdaX.jpg]
 |B| "We're all citizens of the same nation, and our king rides a pale horse."
  ¯  After getting the counterfeiting machine, ask Charlie if he can make fake
     passports. [i.imgur.com/GFI6v3V.jpg]
 |B| "It shone, pale as bone..."
  ¯  On the Limbo's dock, walk to the background until Manny looks up at the
     moon. Press square to recite the awesome poem. [i.imgur.com/ompQoEs.jpg]
 |B| "Oh Rusty Anchor"
  ¯  Show the "Rusty Anchor" paper to Glottis to hear his badass song. This
     must be done before he relocates to the High Rollers Lounge. So, in other

     - Get the VIP Pass, but don't show it to Glottis
     - Visit the Blue Casket and see the Lola scene (Nick relocates to lounge)
     - Do walkthrough segment [2.4] until the Rusty Anchor paper is acquired
     - Flash the paper to Glottis

     Showing Glottis the VIP Pass makes him relocate, so players will have to
     deal with those weird walkthrough conditions. [i.imgur.com/7jGmOqc.jpg]
 |B| "Oh, yeah, I could take you down..."
  ¯  Talk to Aitor about taking a ride in the elevator. This causes a funny
     misunderstanding that pops the trophy. There's only a small window to do
     this event, though. [i.imgur.com/kgfKm9j.jpg]
 |B| "Consider it an homage."
  ¯  Perform a poem at the Blue Casket's open mic -- any old phrasing'll do.
     Afterwards, ask Olivia to perform a poem, and watch her steal Manny's.
 |B| "Here, let me hold that metal detector for you while you
  ¯  cry..." -- After entering the back area, Carla regales Manny about her
     past. Though many funny options appear, the titular line appears only at
     the end. [i.imgur.com/5vDD3aI.jpg]
 |B| "Manny, we've given up. All of us."
  ¯  Ask Membrillo why he doesn't leave town. [i.imgur.com/yjUtRHP.jpg]
 |B| "We're straight stingers, you know?"
  ¯  Ask Terry why he's not paying the union off. This option isn't available
     by default. [i.imgur.com/78E4wYQ.jpg]
 |B| "So, sorry, but I don't do... 'odd jobs.'"
  ¯  Try to retain Nick's lawyer services by flattering him -- i.e. Manny
     says he needs a good lawyer, the best lawyer, and that Nick's the best.
     Virago will refuse, saying the given line. Do this before he leaves in
     the next step. [i.imgur.com/dmqxjkI.jpg]
 |B| "Come to see how the big boys play, eh Manny?"
  ¯  Talk with Maximino in his office at the Lounge. This should trigger with
     the opening dialogue. [i.imgur.com/7FVUP6D.jpg]
 |B| "ME, ME, ME-ME-ME!"
  ¯  After freeing Terry, revisit the worker bees to find them doing picketing
     songs. To get the trophy, chant in time with their ranting (i.e. when the
     red subtitles appear) until they get to the final verse about Manny. Get
     through this one to finish up. [i.imgur.com/vZ2rpj1.jpg]

 |S| Year 2
  ¯  Triggers as the Puerto Zapato segment begins. [i.imgur.com/YVE4lKo.jpg]
 |B| "I wasn't always this color!"
  ¯  Ask Chepito "How long have you been down here?" Do this before heading
     toward the Pearl. [i.imgur.com/j0EEfIy.jpg]
 |B| *sniff sniff*
  ¯  Make the angelitos cry by threatening to sue their parents, telling them
     Manny'll take Meche away, or pretending Meche died (by showing them the
     burnt stockings). [i.imgur.com/XzqC2KP.jpg]
 |B| "Save your breath..."
  ¯  Try explaining to Meche that Manny doesn't work for the bad guys. When
     it doesn't work, the conversation automatically ends and the trophy will
     pop. [i.imgur.com/TANcaZe.jpg]
 |S| "Okay, how much of this haven't you figured out, Calavera?"
  ¯  Get Domino to explain his operation. These are the lines about being on
     the island and stealing tickets. [i.imgur.com/zJkyW80.jpg]
  ¯  Ask Chepito about his nice drill. Mandatory. [i.imgur.com/6bzoAxl.jpg]
 |B| "Stop showing off for the girl!"
  ¯  On the submarine, use the scythe on Manny's opponent repeatedly until he
     says the line. Unlike some of the other trophies, this one actually does
     many attempts to get, probably ten or more. [i.imgur.com/0TIZYDN.jpg]

 |S| Year 3
  ¯  Triggers at the Year 4 train station. [i.imgur.com/t7MSsRJ.jpg]
 |B| "Happy trails, Captain."
  ¯  See Chepito on his way. To do this, enter the train station itself and
     talk with the old-timer as he walks in circles. Go through the dialogue
     until he finally departs to the next life. [i.imgur.com/MDcKKtq.jpg]
 |B| "I could walk out out of this world and not look back..."
  ¯  Try exiting this afterlife by approaching the train station's far tunnel.
     Doable before or after speaking to Chepito. [i.imgur.com/NcbqWQC.jpg]
 |B| "I'm getting out of here. This world's for suckers."
  ¯  Talk to Bruno at the bottom of the train station's stairway. This is
     mandatory as he gives a crucial mug. [i.imgur.com/fRPmH9A.jpg]
 |B| "...so large"
  ¯  Ask the mini demons about "what are you guys?". [i.imgur.com/FRJNUpi.jpg]
 |S| "Oh, Lola..."
  ¯  Revisit the Rubacava lighthouse's upper area. [i.imgur.com/QdFYIEL.jpg]
  ¯  After freezing the alcoholic spit-up, inspect the Bone Wagon (with Square
     button) to crack a joke about it being the soon-to-be "Blown Wagon". This
     has a very small window of opportunity. [i.imgur.com/9lT6IZB.jpg]
 |B| "Manuel! Is everything okay?"
  ¯  Inspect the radio mic on the table for a conversation with Salvador. Do
     this before going up the casino elevator. [i.imgur.com/dyehFAR.jpg]
 |G| Year 4
  ¯  Triggers in ending cinematic. [i.imgur.com/Ihpaesr.jpg]
 |G| The Right Way
  ¯  Complete Grim Fandango using tank controls. Triggers during the ending
     cinematic. [i.imgur.com/JjCBcc3.jpg]
 |P| Number Nine Ticket
  ¯  Acquire all other trophies to get this one. [i.imgur.com/hvwvEiI.jpg]

ITEM LIST                                                                [ITML]
 Just a simple list of items Manny can acquire in each year. Not all items'll
 have a super-useful function, and if there's no clear-cut name for an item,
 I made one up. Note that most items are removed in the space between years.

  ________________________ __________________________________________________
 | ITEM                   | USAGE                                            |
 | Ace of Spades          | Use with the hole punch to make a Marked Card    |
 | Balloon (Cat)          | Used to scare pigeons on the roof                |
 | Balloon (Dingo)        | Used to scare pigeons on the roof                |
 | Balloon (D. Chemical)  | Send in the mail tube to screw up the mail room  |
 | Balloon (L. Chemical)  | Send in the mail tube to screw up the mail room  |
 | Balloon (Robert Frost) | (achievement-related)                            |
 | Balloon (Unfilled)     | Holds chemicals from the 1F packing room         |
 | Bone                   | Used to bait beavers in the Petrified Forest     |
 | Bread of the Dead      | Used to feed pigeons on the rooftop              |
 | Fire Extinguisher      | Used to kill fire beavers                        |
 | Glowing Coral          | Used with banner to make grappling hook          |
 | Glottis' Heart         | Used to revive Glottis in the Petrified Forest   |
 | Marked Card            | Used to stop a tube in the mail room             |
 | Mouthguard             | Used to make a mold of Manny's teeth @ garage    |
 | Old Key                | Used to open door to hellish beaver dam          |
 | Pigeon Eggs            | Give to Salvador at LSA Headquarters             |
 | Plaster Cast           | Give to Salvador at LSA Headquarters             |
 | Port Log               | Give to Flores in Rubacava                       |
 | Scythe                 | Generally used for grabbing/cutting things       |
 | Wife's Picture         | Show to Velasco to get the Log Book              |

  ________________________ __________________________________________________
 | ITEM                   | USAGE                                            |
 | #22 Tile               | Show to Lupe @ Calavera Club                     |
 | Can Opener             | Use on empty keg at High Rollers Lounge kitchen  |
 | Cigarette Case         | Give to Carla at airport security to get a key   |
 | Counterfeit Stub       | Trade at racetrack booth to get Lola's Photo     |
 | Dog Tags               | Throw into corpse patch at morgue                |
 | Lola's Jacket          | Inspect to find the Rusty Anchor slip            |
 | Lola's Photo           | Show to Nick to get the sea bees out of jail     |
 | Manifesto              | Give to the sea bees to make them riot           |
 | Marillo de Oro         | Use at airship security's metal detector         |
 | Metal Detector         | Give to Membrillo at morgue (to find Dog Tags)   |
 | Nick's Key             | Required to enter the lighthouse                 |
 | Racetrack Photo        | Gives clues when making fake betting stub        |
 | Rusty Anchor           | Show to Toto at tattoo parlor                    |
 | Salvador's Letter      | Show to hipsters in Blue Casket to get the book  |
 | Scythe                 | Generally used for grabbing/cutting things       |
 | Ticket Printer         | Used to get fake betting slip for Lola's Photo   |
 | Turkey Baster          | Used to get dishwater from Blue Casket kitchen   |
 | VIP Pass               | Required to enter High Rollers Lounge            |

  ________________________ __________________________________________________
 | ITEM                   | USAGE                                            |
 | Bust-All               | Use on vault's hinges to reveal its tumblers     |
 | Hammer                 | Trade to Chepito for the Bust-All                |
 | Scythe                 | Generally used for grabbing/cutting things       |
 | Sproutella Gun         | Give to Meche to continue plot                   |
 | Stockings              | Trade to Chepito for the Sproutella Gun          |

  ________________________ __________________________________________________
 | ITEM                   | USAGE                                            |
 | Agent's Photo          | Show to pigeon in LSA Headquarters               |
 | Bruno's Mug            | Hang near mechanics' toaster in breakroom        |
 | Coffee Pot             | Pour on dancers near the revue                   |
 | Hector's Note          | Show to pigeon in LSA Headquarters               |
 | Oily Rag               | Put in the mechanics' toaster to start a fire    |
 | Liquid Nitrogen        | Use to freeze Glottis' vomit                     |
 | Rag                    | Dip in oil to make the 'Oily Rag'                |
 | Remote                 | Use to toggle the Bone Wagon's shocks            |
 | Scythe                 | Generally used for grabbing/cutting things       |
 | Sheet                  | Use on high roller to obscure his vision         |
 | Ship in a Bottle       | Fill with boozy dishwater, then give to Glottis  |
 | Soldier's Arm          | Use with grinder to make a bone chipper          |
 | Sproutella Can         | Use with grinder to break rooftop gargoyle       |
 | Sproutella Gun         | Use during greenhouse segment                    |

IV. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS                                           [FAQZ]

 [Q] - [Year 4] I can't pick up the grinder on the casino catwalk!
 [A] - Yes, this seems to stump many players. Instead of the picking it up
       normally with X-button -- which just uses the grinder -- one must use
       O-button instead. This'll pick it up and let Manny stash it.

 [Q] - Does the Remastered version come with anything besides graphics?
 [A] - Yeah, it has a concept art gallery, director commentary, a cutscene
       viewer and a transcript of dialogue. One can also change the rendering
       mode (original and remastered graphics) with R3, plus screw with the
       aspect ratio.

 [Q] - Does the game support any other languages?
 [A] - Sure does: German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese.
       These can be changed in the menu (English is default, I believe).

V. UPDATES & CONTRIBUTORS                                                [UPDT]
 5-04-16 -----------------------------+ Started walkthrough
 5-18-16 -----------------------------+ Finished walkthrough

 • Sailor/Ceej, for hosting my crap
 • Membrillo, for one of the best quotes in the game

 • [Year 4] Can the "It shone, pale as bone..." trophy be attained here? Manny
   can recite the poem again in the same circumstances, only with an extra line
   about Velasco.

VI. LEGALITY                                                             [LGLT]
This document is intended for private home use ONLY, and may not be reproduced
through electronic or commercial means without the expressed consent of the
author (P. Summers). It cannot be hosted, edited, or distributed for profit,
and may not be given away as an add-in/gift to bought items. All rights are
reserved to respective parties, even those not explicitly stated herein. Those
who find this document on sites not listed below should e-mail the author (me).
Thanks for reading this, and thanks for respectin' FAQ authors.

 Allowed Sites:                       Disallowed Sites:

  • Gametalk.com                       • cheatcc.com
  • GameFAQs.com                       • gamershell.com
  • MyCheats.com
  • Neoseeker.com
  • Gamesradar.com
  • Supercheats.com
  • Cheathappens.com
  • Honestgamers.com
  • Chaptercheats.com                           E-mail me for permissions ~
  • Cavesofnarshe.com                        shotgunnova (a+) gmail (d0t) com.
THEY'VE TAKEN A               Document © Shotgunnova, 1997-2016 (and countin'!)
LIFETIME LEASE                       Grim Fandango namesake © respective owners
ON PAISLEY PARK                                   E N D   O F   D O C U M E N T