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The second offers a guide to the magic system, usable items, and equipment spread through Exile. The third section is a full walkthrough, from beginning to end. The fourth section offers some analysis on the plot and who the characters you encounter are supposed to be. Finally, the fifth section is the copyright information for this title. .___________________ O--|__________________/ The Exile Series ' The Exile series is a controversial series of three action RPGs appearing on the MSX, Sega Genesis, and Turbo CD. Due to it's heavy use of religious themes, all releases of the titles underwent censorship of one form or another in their transition to English for release in the United States. For information on the plot of the series, refer to the final section of this guide. The first title in the series, XZR, was released on the MSX in 1988. The title introduced Saddler, a member of the Hashshashin who sets out to kill the Caliph in the Twelfth Century. Gameplay mechanics featured healing items being composed of narcotics and other drugs, which in turn could have adverse effects if overused. The second title in the series, Exile (or XZR II on the MSX), was released on the MSX, Sega Genesis, and Turbo CD. The story picks up shortly after the first game and finds Saddler journeying around the world with the Grand Master of the Knights Templar to try and end religious strife, one way or another, that is covering the world in warfare. The Sega Genesis version underwent far more censorship than the Turbo CD version. This guide covers the US release of the Turbo CD version, an early publishing effort by Working Designs. The third title in the series, Exile: Wicked Phenomenom, was released on the Turbo CD in 1992. Again the US release was done by Working Designs. This title is very rare, fetching over $100 apiece on eBay. The third entry is also the only to allow you to play as someone other than Saddler. .___________________ O--|__________________/ Mechanics ' Upon acquiring the Stone of Kamuri at Homis Shrine, Saddler can cast a number of spells. You have all of these in your menu from this time onwards, but are limited by your current level as to which you can cast. These spells are as follows: () Fire Blast Saddler fires a burning crescent from his sword at his opponents. This crescent will deal ten, thirty, or fifty damage, based on the level. The damage dealt to mana used becomes more efficient with the higher the level of the spell. () Ice Storm Saddler generates an ice field around himself that damages nearby opponents for ten, thirty, or fifty damage, based on the level. Like with the Fire Blast, the efficiency of this attack is higher at higher levels. () Restoration Saddler heals himself at a rate of one MP to one HP. This happens continuously, so if you want it to stop you need to shut the magic off. Spell Chart ______________________________________________________________________________ | Spell | Level | Effect | |-------------|-------|--------------------------------------------------------| | Fire Blast | 1 | Fires a burning crescent that does ten damage. | | Fire Blast | 2 | Fires a burning crescent that does thirty damage. | | Fire Blast | 3 | Fires a burning crescent that does fifty damage. | |-------------|-------|--------------------------------------------------------| | Ice Storm | 1 | Fires a blast of freezing air that does ten damage. | | Ice Storm | 2 | Fires a blast of freezing air that does twenty damage. | | Ice Storm | 3 | Fires a blast of freezing air that does fifty damage. | |-------------|-------|--------------------------------------------------------| | Restoration | n/a | Heals at a continuous rate of one MP to one HP. | |_____________|_______|________________________________________________________| Items can be bought from Tonic Shops at friendly towns and a few can be found in dungeons throughout the game. The game does not tell you what these items do in- game, which is somewhat odd. The chart below describes all items that can be found in Exile: ______________________________________________________________________________ | Item | Cost | Effect | |---------------|------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Convalsants | 100 | Heals for ten hit points. | | Somnifacients | 200 | Heals for twenty hit points. | | Heart Poisons | 300 | Heals for thirty hit points. | |---------------|------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Coca | 200 | Recovers for ten magic points. | | Kava | 400 | Recovers for twenty magic points. | | Piper Betle | 800 | Recovers for thirty magic points. | |---------------|------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Snake Poison | 300 | Adds ten to your attack power for twenty seconds. | | Spider Poison | 600 | Adds twenty to your attack power for twenty seconds. | | Cantharos | 1200 | Adds forty to your attack power for twenty seconds. | |---------------|------|-------------------------------------------------------| | Ipoh Dok | 400 | Adds ten to your defense for twenty seconds. | | Kayu | 800 | Adds forty to your defense for twenty seconds. | | Aconitum | 2400 | Adds sixty to your defense for twenty seconds. | |_______________|______|_______________________________________________________| Saddler can also equip four pieces of equipment, specifically one sword, one shield, one turban, and one set of clothing. Swords increase his attack power, while the other three increase his defensive power (called AC in the game). All of these items, save one, are bought from the weapons shops scattered throughout the game. There are none to be found anywhere else, except for the Void Sword located in the Shrine of Backos. Like the regular items, the game itself never states what these items do. The stats they increase are as follows: ________________________________ ________________________________ | Weapon | Cost | Effect | | Shield | Cost | Effect | |----------------|------|--------| |----------------|------|--------| | Bat's Sword | 10 | +2 AP | | Bat's Shield | 50 | +1 AC | | Gaze's Sword | 25 | +4 AP | | Sem's Shield | 120 | +2 AC | | Abel's Sword | 110 | +6 AP | | Egon's Shield | 360 | +3 AC | | Blueno's Sword | 250 | +8 AP | | Lana's Shield | 790 | +4 AC | | Arleni's Sword | 880 | +10 AP | | Syaka's Shield | 1490 | +5 AC | | Syaka's Sword | 1660 | +12 AP | | Pasth's Shield | 2430 | +6 AC | | Pasth's Sword | 2710 | +14 AP | | Sumpa's Shield | 3620 | +7 AC | | Azala's Sword | 4050 | +16 AP | |________________|______|________| | Void Sword | n/a | +24 AP | |________________|______|________| ________________________________ ________________________________ | Turban | Cost | Effect | | Clothing | Cost | Effect | |----------------|------|--------| |----------------|------|--------| | Hemp Turban | 60 | +1 AC | | Hemp Clothes | 12 | +4 AC | | Cotton Turban | 500 | +2 AC | | Cotton Clothes | 480 | +5 AC | | Silk Turban | 1230 | +3 AC | | Silk Clothes | 1470 | +6 AC | |________________|______|________| |________________|______|________| Saddler can level up to a maximum of level seventeen, which you will probably reach a couple of dungeons before the final boss. This walkthrough offers the recommended experience levels before each boss, although higher is always better, but not necessarily worth spending excess time on given the low level cap of Exile. .___________________ O--|__________________/ Walkthrough _'_______________ / Assassi Village \___________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tonic Shop: | Weapon Shop: | | Convalsants | Bat's Sword Hemp Clothes | | Somnifacients | Gaze's Sword Cotton Clothes | | Coca | Bat's Shield | | Snake Poison | Sem's Shield | | Ipoh Dok | Hemp Turban | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Recruit Rumi | | () Speak with the man who saw the Templar spy in the Desert | | () Recruit Kindi and Fakhyle | |______________________________________________________________________________| As the game begins Saddler stands outside the village mosque. Rumi will come running up and welcome him home to Assassi. From here move southeast, then up to the north and to the isolated hut. Enter to hear about a mysterious spy seen in the desert outside the village. Leave the hut and go to the village entrance in the south and talk to the guard. He warns you that you need a larger party of adventurers to continue. Head to parade grounds near the mosque and talk to the big guy in the fez and the man in the robes that cover his whole body. The first is Kindi and the second is Fakhyle, both of whom will join your party. Before leaving town, I highly recommend you go to the weapon shop in the southwest and buy Gaze's Sword. This will make the first dungeon much easier. If you wish you can also go to the item shop in the southeast and buy some healing items. Once you are ready, leave town and access the map to go to the Desert. ________________________ / Desert & Ant Lion Cave \____________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Enemies Encountered: | Boss Encountered: | | Ant (2 EXP) | Ant Lion (11 EXP) | | Dragonfly (3 EXP) | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Approach the oasis and gain access to the Ant Lion's cave | | () Defeat the Ant Lion and recover the letter from Yuug D'Payne | |______________________________________________________________________________| Journey north and to the oasis, stopping to talk to the man wandering in the south if you wish, although he says nothing of consequence. When you touch the oasis, Saddler will be pulled down into a cave. This is your first action sequence. Journey to the right, killing the ants as you go. Drop through the hole and into the next room. You can either jump over the sand hole near the beginning or drop into it. I recommend dropping into it so you can fight some more ants and dragonflies and gain experience. Either way, the platforms lead upwards and split. Go to the right first and enter the room that is at the upper right of this large area. Follow the corridor to find a chest containing a heart poison. Return to the second room and take the path up to the left and enter that door. Boss Battle: Ant Lion Recommended Level: 1 Here Saddler will utter a warning before an ant lion bursts from the floor and tries to attack you. Immediately leap into the air and slash downwards (hit down and attack). You will slash it once as you land, avoiding damage and hurting it. You need to land on its back and not its mandibles. The mandibles are the only part of the beetle that will hurt you. The ant lion will burst from the ground when it nears you, mandible first. Leap over its moving form below the surface as it approaches and slash down as you are above it to hit it. It has a lot more hit points that the enemies before now, so you will do this about nineteen times if you bought Gaze's Sword like I recommended, or about twenty-five plus if you did not. With the ant lion destroyed, enter the next room and approach the dead man at the end of the corridor. Saddler will examine him and find that he is an emmissary of Yuug D'Payne, lord of the Knights Templar, and carries a letter addressed to Saddler beckoning him to come to Homis Shrine. Saddler will then make his way back to the surface and discuss it with the others. Once they are done talking, head south and leave the desert. You can go back to Assassi if you need supplies or want to upgrade your weapons and armor, but your next objective lies at the fortress of El-in. _______ / El-in \_____________________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Enemies Encountered: | Boss Encountered: | | Klispin Archer (5 EXP) | Klispin Cavalryman (19 EXP) | | Klispin Crusader (4 EXP) | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Fight your way through the Klispin stronghold at El-in to access Homis | |______________________________________________________________________________| Head north and enter the walls of El-in. Saddler will tell Rumi and the others to wait outside for him as he journies in alone. This starts your second action sequence. Just off the screen to the left is a Klispin archer. Approach until you see an arrow, then duck under it. Make your way to the archer and crouch in front of him and slash away until he dies. In general this is the safest way to handle these foes. Continue to the left, dealing with the Klispin archers and crusaders as they appear. It is best to simply take a few steps and duck, waiting to see if an arrow comes your way, then repeating this through the city. When you come to the building at the edge of town, enter it and immediately duck down. An archer waits just inside the door, so approach and take him out. Climb the stairs and take the platforms to the right just up them. Enter the room this leads to for 900 gold. Return to the stairs and continue up them. If you like to farm experience, this is a good place to do so up to level four or five. When you are satisfied, enter the room at the top of the stairs. Continue to the left and ignore the first two doors. They lead to a hallway that connects the two, but has nothing else in it. Enter the third doorway and drop to the ground floor. Exit the fortress and cross the alley. Enter the second door. The first door will take you back to the beginning of the first fortress, so skip it. Boss Battle: Klispin Cavalryman Recommended Level: 5 This Klispin officer is not so much hard as annoying. He charges back and forth along the ground floor, so leap to the platforms as soon as the plot begins. You need to jump off the platforms and downward slash him as he passes under you, which is made somewhat difficult by his speed and tendency to just stop at random times. He is easy enough to avoid, you just have to focus on hitting him as he charges by. Once he is defeated, enter the door behind him to continue to Homis Shrine. ______________ / Homis Shrine \______________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Speak with Yuug D'Payne and learn of his plan to unite the world | |______________________________________________________________________________| Speak with the guards at the gate to enter the shrine. Walk up the stairs and enter the central door at the top. The other doors lead to some interesting dialogue, but do not offer anything else. Inside the central door Yuug D'Payne will tell you of the Holimax and his desire to unite the world. After the cinematic ends, Yuug will join your party and both Kindi and Fakhyle will stay behind, but not before Fakhyle grants you the Stone of Kamuri, which will unlock the game's magic system for you. For details on this, see the magic section of this guide. __________ / Grunoble \__________________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tonic Shop: | Weapon Shop: | | Somnifacients | Abel's Sword Hemp Clothes | | Kava | Blueno's Sword Cotton Clothes | | Spider Poison | Sem's Shield | | Cantharos | Egon's Shield | | Kayu | Hemp Turban | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Talk to Andre and learn of his missing sheep | | () Buy new gear and head for Mosnee Pass | |______________________________________________________________________________| Saddler, Yuug, and Rumi will now be in Grunoble. Just to the north of you is a young shepherd boy named Andre. Talk to him to learn about his missing sheep. The weapon and tonic shops are in the southwest of town. Go there and upgrade your gear. Once you do, head to the northeast and enter the forested path there. When you do, Rumi will be kidnapped by Druids, forcing you to go after them at Mosnee Pass. _____________ / Mosnee Pass \_______________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Enemies Encountered: | Boss Encountered: | | Druid Brown Priest (9 EXP) | Druid High Priest (26 EXP) | | Druid Green Priest (8 EXP) | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Find Andre's missing sheep | | () Find Rumi's Necklace and bring it to Yuug | | () Stop the Druids from sacrificing Rumi | |______________________________________________________________________________| Your first objective is to find Andre's sheep so you can get the Prism item. Follow the trail past the stonehendge-ish place and to the cathedral. Do not enter, instead go north of it and talk to the sheep there. Return to Grunoble and talk to Andre. He will briefly join you so you can return here and recover his sheep with him. When you do, you will be granted the Prism, which will be helpful later. With this complete, enter the cathedral. Yuug will remain outside to try and decipher the stone circle while you battle the Druids inside to try and rescue Rumi. The stationary Druid priests will not attack you until you attack them. If you are at least level five this will mean they probably will not attack at all since they will only take one or two hits. If they do attack, however, be wary as they launch a streaming fireball at a rather decent speed at you if they get the chance. In some of the other rooms of the cathedral you will encounter Druids already in motion which will attack automatically, but those that are stationary will not. I have provided a map of this dungeon on GameFAQs. Open it in a seperate window to navigate this with these instructions. From either entrance make your way up to the door marked "F". Enter here and go to the door marked "J". Inside is Rumi's Necklace. With this in hand, go back outside and talk to Yuug. Using the Prism, Yuug will shatter a stainglass window inside the cathedral. Return to the cathedral and go to door "N". Fight your way up this room and enter door "O". From here go to door "Q". Follow suit with door "R". Enter either door "M" or "L" to emerge next to the shattered stainglass window. Enter this and follow the only route available to the boss and a Cosmic Fantasy reference. Boss Battle: Druid High Priest Recommended Level: 7 The Druid high priest alternates between two different attack styles. His first is to simply float around trying to ram into you. Slash away at him when he is like this as he is easy to dodge. His second is to emerge from his cloak as a ball of energy and hover high on the screen as his cloak swings from left to right trying to hit you. When he does this, jump on the altar and jump up to hit the energy ball. When the cloak swings towards you, leap over it and hit the Druid again. If it comes back low, do this again, while if it comes back high, drop off the altar and crouch on the ground as it passes. When the Druid high priest is destroyed, enter the far door. This leads to a room with nine additional doors. Enter door "4" first to claim a piper betle. Return to the nine door room and enter door "8" to find Rumi and clear this dungeon. Leave Mosnee and return to the main map to access Albee. _______ / Albee \_____________________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Speak with the Katari worshipper being burnt at the stake | | () Locate the underground passage out of Albee | |______________________________________________________________________________| Albee is a pretty grisly sight. The houses are all ablaze, blood covers their interiors, and a number of Crusaders are burning villagers at the stake. Speak with the villager being burnt on the westernmost stake to learn of a secret underground passage somewhere in the village. Go to the northeasternmost building. Once inside, walk into the blaze on the southside of the house to find the underground passage. Follow this path down and into the water. Keep going left to find the village elders. They will tell you that the scouts they sent never returned, then the Crusaders arrived and killed everyone else. Return to Yuug to learn that he had dispatched scouts to Caira to find the Manichi, the founder of the Katari religion. Once you do, all three of you will set out for Ayodoya. _________ / Ayodoya \___________________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tonic Shop: | Weapon Shop: | | Heart Poisons | Blueno's Sword Hemp Clothes | | Piper Betle | Arleni's Sword Cotton Clothes | | Cantharos | Egon's Shield | | Kayu | Lana's Shield | | Aconitum | Cotton Turban | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Learn about Larma and his flight to Lanker Isle | |______________________________________________________________________________| The tonic and weapon "shops" are two people standing in the southwestern part of town. The weapon lady is near a pile of dung, while the tonic seller is near the Frobar Temple. Once you have what you need, enter the castle to the north to learn about the missing Prince Larma. Once you do, exit town and head for Lanker Isle. ___________________________ / Lanker Isle & Kishuk Woods\_________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Enemies Encountered: | Boss Encountered: | | Butterfly (8 EXP) | Guruda (33 EXP) | | Mushroom (9 EXP) | | | Stick Bug (8 EXP) | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Speak with Larma and discover the fate of the Katari scouts | | () Speak with Jofre and recover the Diary of Mani for him | | () Travel through Kishuk Woods and defeat Guruda | |______________________________________________________________________________| Head to the north and enter the cave almost directly north of the entrance to Lanker Isle. Inside you will find Larma. Speak to him to hear the fate of the Katari scouts and of Yuug's sister, Mireyu. After this conversation, leave the cave and go to the southwest. Talk to the man blocking the way to Kishuk Woods to gain entry. Kishuk Woods has a sneaky group of enemies. The stick bugs like to drop out of the trees overhead as you pass. The butterflies will fly onto the screen at high speeds and try to ram you. Their destroyed remains that float aimlessly upon their deaths will also cause damage to you. Inside the caves of the forest you will find mushrooms that explode as you approach. Do not bother climbing up into the trees yet. Head left and go underground. Enter the cave and work your way down to the second room. Pass through the second room and into the third. Leap across the pit and to the other ledge and slash downward as you do to eliminate the mushrooms below. If you miss, you will end up in an area that will take you out into the woods, but above the underground route you took. If you do fall, follow the path out and go right once outside until it hooks in with where you headed underground. Once you enter this door, continue right to meet Jofre Ryudel of the Katari scouts. He will inform you that in order to defeat Guruda, you need the Diary of Mani. He says it is back in one of the caves of Lanker Isle. Return there and go to the cave Larma is in. Approach the blue Mani statue and talk to it to retrieve the Diary. Bring it back to Jofre and he will unlock the path to Guruda. Go outside by falling off the ledge outside Jofre's room. Once there, find the first low branch you can get to and start jumping up. Climb all the way to the top of the screen and go all the way left. There is an entrance to a cave way up there. Enter here to face Guruda. Boss Battle: Guruda Recommended Level: 10 Guruda flies back and forth through its domain, attempting to slam into you. Couple this with a projectile attack and you have the hardest boss thus far. Only Guruda's underside can be damaged, so stay on the ground floor as much as possible, jumping up only to dodge a charge or volley of feathers. Use Fire Blast (Level 2) to hit him from a distance and avoid having to get in close. Once Guruda is slain you will gain Mani's components. Enter the far door to find Mireyu. Talk to her to return to Lanker's Isle. Go and speak with Larma once more. Once the conversation has been completed, approach the Mani statue and talk to it. Once you discover that you are missing the final page of the book, return to Ayodoya and enter the palace. This will open the next area. ________ / Baiyon \____________________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Enemies Encountered: | Boss Encountered: | | Ganesha Red Soldier (10 EXP) | Brahma Idol (45 EXP) | | Ganesha Yellow Soldier (11 EXP) | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Recover the Ritual Book from the abandoned Tower of Baiyon | |______________________________________________________________________________| Head north and enter Baiyon proper. Like the cathedral, this dungeon is very maze-like. As such, I have provided a map for here as well. Please open it in another window and follow the instructions here to guide yourself through. The quickest way to the boss is to go through door "A" and then "B". From here climb all the way to the top enter door "Q". Go into door "O" to claim 2000 gold, then go to door "M". Follow this to door "S" and into the boss room. Approach the broken pillar and hit up to claim the Ritual Book. When you do, the boss will come to life. Boss Battle: Brahma Idol Recommended Level: 10 This boss will spin in place, stopping occaisionally to launch fireballs at you before rotating back forth. Just stand in front of it and spam the attack button. It will crumble in no time, making it by far the easiest boss of Exile. Once the pillar is destroyed, exit the tower by going through door "S". Next go to door "M", then on to "Q". Follow this path back down to door "B" and then to "A" and back outside. A cinematic will play, leaving Saddler alone. Return to Ayodoya and talk to Larma in the palace. With the new information gleaned from the book, return to Lanker Isle and talk to the blue Mani statue. Mani will explain some things to you, then send you to Tachikawa. ___________ / Tachikawa \_________________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tonic Shop: | Weapon Shop: | | Heart Poisons | Syaka's Sword Cotton Turban | | Piper Betle | Pasth's Sword Cotton Clothes | | Cantharos | Syaka's Shield Silk Clothes | | Aconitum | Pasth's Shield | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Learn Ninkan's whereabouts | |______________________________________________________________________________| Enter the building in the central area of Tachikawa to learn Ninkan is being held captive. The shops, as usual, are on the east side of town. Buy whatever you need, and upgrade your armor and weapons, then head for Oniga Isle. ____________ / Oniga Isle \________________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Speak with Ninkan to gain access to Mount Koya | |______________________________________________________________________________| Head south until the guard stops you. After he warns you to leave, head to the west and talk to the man in the first cell you come to. This is Ninkan. He will direct you to go to Mount Koya to recover the key to his cell. Leave Oniga and head for Koya. _____________________________ / Mount Koya & Kongobu Temple \_______________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Enemies Encountered: | Boss Encountered: | | Fire Wheel (12 EXP) | Kekkai Demon (80 EXP) | | Lost Soul (13 EXP) | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Recover the key to Ninkan's cell | | () Free Ninkan and recover the mandala from the western tower | | () Destroy the force blocking the path in Kongobu Temple | | () Defeat the Kekkai Demon and get the Holy Torch | | () Light the candles in the Hall of Light | |______________________________________________________________________________| Head south, then follow the path as it curves to the east. Follow this, ignoring the other turns, until you come to a small building in a clearing near the very end of the path. Walk inside to find the key to Ninkan's cell. Return to Oniga Isle and speak with Ninkan. After the key fails and he imparts the wisdom of the ages upon you, go to the eastern pit and talk to the man with the pick. Go back to Ninkan to spring him and he will join your party. Leave Oniga Isle and go back to Mount Koya. Go south and around the bend. Go north at the first path and enter the building on the east side of the clearing. Ninkan will explain some more to you about the purpose of these towers, then you will be in an action sequence. There is only one path for several screens, so just follow it. When you come to the room with three doors, take the last one and follow it to the end to get a cantharos in the second room. Return to the three door room and take the righthand door (to the left of the door you came in to get to this room initially). From here, enter the first door you come to in every subsequent room. About four rooms in, you will come to a meditation room with the mandala. Collect it and leave the tower. Head north and follow the path across the bridge. Loop around the large wall here and enter the courtyard. Enter the temple here. I have a map for this as well, so follow it to find the time mandala. Go right and enter door "A". In the next room go all the way left and enter door "C". Go right and enter the upper door "E". On the left in front of one of the statues is the time mandala. Leave the temple and head south. Loop to the east and then go north into the main pavilion. Pass the first building and enter the northermost tower. Ninkan will now weaken the Kekkai force in the Kongobu Temple. Return to the temple and go left and enter door "H". From here enter door "I". Enter door "M" immediately to the left. You will be in a small room. Enter the next door ("O") to face the boss. Boss Battle: Kekkai Demon Recommended Level: 15 Move all the way to the left and crouch in the corner. The monkey creature will leap towards you, but usually will hit the wall and bounce back next to you. Slash at it whenever it is close. This boss only attack by jumping at you, so in this corner you will avoid it three out of four times. Just keep slashing at it until it goes down. Leave the temple the way you came in and go back to Ninkan. He will give you the Holy Torch and bid you to enter the building directly south of you. Do so and watch the cinematic before going back to the beginning... Head north and enter the castle. Approach Yuug D'Payne's throne to speak with him. He will tell you that both Rumi and Jofre are now dead, but bid you to follow him through a mysterious door. ____________________________ / Eleusis & Shrine of Backos \________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Tonic Shop: | Weapon Shop: | | Heart Poisons | Pasth's Sword Silk Turban | | Piper Betle | Azala's Sword Cotton Clothes | | Cantharos | Pasth's Shield Silk Clothes | | Aconitum | Sumpa's Shield | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Enemies Encountered: | Boss Encountered: | | Hydra (16 EXP) | Backos High Priest (150 EXP) | | Lillith (16 EXP) | | | Medusa (17 EXP) | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Find the girl that is to be sacrificed to Backos | | () Speak with Pythagoras to try and discern where you are | | () Visit the Homis Shrine construction site | | () Claim the Void Sword | |______________________________________________________________________________| You will appear on an island filled with naked women. One of them tells you it is the Festival of Backos. The first building you see is the weapon shop and contains all the final equipment you will need. Go the west and enter the north house to learn the fate of a young girl of this island. Head north and enter the Shrine of Backos. The Shrine of Backos only has one route, so just blaze ahead. The enemies all shoot projectiles, so be wary as you approach. You will eventually come to Pythagoras. After he speaks with you, walk past him and continue through the shrine to the altar to Backos. Boss Battle: Backos High Priest Recommended Level: 17 The Backos high priest will attack you by splitting into three and flying at you as the copies rotate. Slash him when he is on either side of the altar, then when he splits drop off the altar to the ground floor. Climb back up and repeat this strategy until he is defeated. At your current level he will offer very little resistance. The girl you have rescued is named Simone. Escort her back to her mother's, but stop along the way to talk to Pythagoras for a little foreshadowing of events to come. Leave Eleusis and head for the site of Homis Shrine. Approach the bloodstain, then speak with the workers around you to learn about its odd properties. Enter the castle and try to use the door by the throne. Now return to Eleusis and talk to the girl partway up the hill to learn where Pythagoras has gone to. At any time after this you can return to the Shrine of Backos and fight all the way to the altar room. Enter the room beyond this to find the Void Sword, the most powerful weapon in the game (offering +24 AP). Once you have it, go to Croton Acadmey. ________________ / Croton Academy \____________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Enemies Encountered: | Boss Encountered: | | Harpy (20 EXP) | Yubelum (180 EXP) | | Taurus (19 EXP) | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Speak with Pythagoras and learn Hyram's importance | | () Track down Hyram's killers | | () Have Pythagoras activate the Holimax | |______________________________________________________________________________| Pythagoras is to the west, south of the triangular lake. Speak with him to find that he is the one you were to find all along. He will tell you that the three who killed Hyram are somewhere in Croton. Enter the central structure to track them down. Again I have a map on GameFAQs for you to use here. From the beginning enter door "C". Climb up and enter door "D" in the next room. Go all the way left in the third room and enter door "I". Take the lefthand door "K" here. Jump across the platforms to the right and enter door "O". Speak with Yubelo, then enter door "P" to face Yubelum. Boss Battle: Yubelum Recommended Level: 17 Drop to the bottom floor and position yourself to the right of the lowest face platforms. Yubelum will leap on to these try to whip you, but keep slashing him and he will be unable to hit you from here. With Yubelum defeated you can enter the door behind him to talk to Yubela, but it is not required. To leave, exit door "P" and then door "O". Drop off the ledge and enter door "M". Climb up and enter door "A", then go to the exit. Once outside, speak with Pythagoras. Enter the triangular lake once you finish and walk over to Yuug and Pythagoras. Yuug will transform in Shimbatha and force you on one last journey. ________________ / Garden of Eden \____________________________________________________________ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bosses Encountered: | | Dark Saddler (250 EXP) | | Shimbatha (0 EXP) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Objectives: | | () Stop Shimbatha from covering the world in darkness | |______________________________________________________________________________| Return to Homis Shrine and enter the castle. Enter the door by the throne and follow the path down to the Garden of Eden, or what's left of it. Approach the tree to begin the final battles. Boss Battle: Dark Saddler Recommended Level: 17 Dark Saddler is only vulnerable when he is on the ground. The best way to tackle him is to move back and forth in a small spot in front of the tree, forcing him to leap. Avoid his downward thrust, if he performs one, and be next to him as he lands. Slash and move back, forcing him to leap again. Repeat this until he is destroyed. A slightly disturbing cinematic will play showing you what is in that tree. Shimbatha will then appear and reveal that he is indeed both Yuug and Hyram and that he has orchestrated over several lives his plan to bring the world under his rule, seeing creation as an utter failure. Naturally, there is only one way to resolve this sort of situation. Boss Battle: Shimbatha Recommended Level: 17 Equip Fire Blast (Level 3) and fire at Shimbatha once he materializes above Yuug's body. This should knock the demon off the screen. When you see his sword enter the screen, fire again to hurt him (off screen). Repeat this as many times as necessary. If he fires a fire pillar at you, leap over it and continue to fire at him. If he teleports behind you, move so he is once again just off the screen. Once Shimbatha is defeated, the ending will play. Rumi's visage will haunt Saddler's mind, wishing for a better world. Saddler sighs and bemoans that no such world can come to exist. Alone, he wanders back into the desert. .___________________ O--|__________________/ Plot Analysis ' Exile opens with Saddler returning to the Hashshashin village (called Assassi in the US release) after slaying his father the Caliph, probably intended to be Al-Afdal Shahanshah a famous victim of the Hashshashin killed in 1121 AD. He was, historically, not a Caliph but the grand vizier, but the events of the series seem to indicate this is who Saddler's father is intended to be. His death can be seen in the opening cinematic of Exile. As Saddler arrives home, he is greeted by Rumi, who according to the manual is versed in knife fighting and nine different languages. Together they learn that a Klispin Crusader spy has apparently been sighted outside the village. They recruit Kindi and Fakhyle to accompany them to search for this spy. Given that the game seems to take place during the Fifth Crusade, the "Klispin Crusaders" are probably supposed to be the Knights Hospitaller. The party sets out into the desert and the oasis where the spy was sighted. As Saddler approaches, he is sucked underground and into a cave where he is acosted by giant insects. After making his way through the cave, slaying the large ant lion who makes the cave his home, he finds the body of the "spy" and discovers he is actually a messenger from the Knights Templar. Although he is now dead, Saddler decides to follow the message from this warrior and journies to Homis Shrine, home of Yuug D'Payne, the leader of the Knights Templar. Yuug D'Payne is clearly Hughes de Payne, the famous leader of the Knights Templar. Also, although it is not initially clear, Homis Shrine is eventually revealed to be the Temple of Solomon, still interestingly intact despite it's razing by the Babylonians. Saddler must fight through the Klispins to get to Yuug D'Payne. When he does, he listens as Yuug tells him of an artifact called the Holimax, possibly a reference to the Holy Grail, that he wishes to use to end the religious wars that cover the Earth. Leaving Fakhyle and Kindi behind, Saddler, Yuug, and Rumi journey to Britain together to meet with allies of Yuug called the Katari. Upon arrival, however, Rumi is kidnapped by Druids, forcing Saddler to journey to a cathedral near Stonehenge that they have occupied. After slaying their high priest, Saddler rescues Rumi and they continue to the Katari village. The Katari village is under the control of the Klispins, who are burning the inhabitants at the stake. Saddler investigates the ruins of a burning home and finds the surviving elders of the village. They direct him to India, where they have sent scouts loyal to Yuug in search of the Holimax. The party journies there. They arrive in India and find that Yuug's scouts and the country's prince, Larma, are missing in the south. Following the trail they find they have been attacked by a creature called Guruda. They also tell them of their plan to ressurect a man named Mani. I have read that Mani is supposed to be Noah, but there is no clear indication of this in the game. Guruda, however, might be a reference to Gunda, a king defeated by the Indian King Prola II at about the time this game takes place. Saddler meets one of the scouts, Jofre Ryudel, who tells him Guruda's weakness. Saddler defeats the creature and must go to an abandoned temple to find the ritual book necessary for ressurecting Mani. In the temple he finds the book, then must defeat an idol to Brahma. As the party escapes the temple, a collapse traps Yuug, Joffre, and Rumi inside. Saddler is forced to continue alone, ressurecting Mani. Mani tells him to go to Japan and find a monk named Ninkan. Ninkan is possibly based on the Zen monk Nichiren, although he lived a century later, but both are depicted as figures of controversy in their time. Saddler must free Ninkan from prison, then together they seek to discover the secret of enlightenment that will lead them to the Holimax. They accomplish this, but Ninkan is lost in the process. Saddler returns to Homis Shrine to find Yuug, minus Rumi and Joffre, who beckons him to enter a mysterious door in the shrine that has been sealed for centuries. They enter and find themselves in ancient Greece during the Festival of Backos. Given the presence of excessive drunkeness and naked women, it is safe to assume that this is the Festival of Bacchus. They learn that a young girl is soon to be sacrified to Bacchus, prompting Saddler to enter their temple and slay their high priest to save her. Along the way they meet Pythagoras, one of the only historical figures in the translation to keep his real name. He tells them they have gone back in time to the Sixth Century. Saddler and Yuug journey to the construction site of Homis Shrine and find a pool of blood at the entrance. It seems the supervisor of the construction, Hyram Abiff, has been slain by three of his subordinates. This is a part of the central legend to Freemasonry and surprisingly makes it through the translation intact. They track the killers to Croton and meet with Pythagoras again. He directs them to the academy where the killers are holed up. Saddler enters and kills their leader, Yubelum, who fights a lot like Simon Belmont. He recovers the Holimax from him. Saddler, Yuug, and Pythagoras journey under a triangular lake. Activating the Holimax, Yuug transforms into the demon Shimbatha and beckons Saddler to follow him to Homis Shrine. Shimbatha may be a reference to Samyaza in the Book of Enoch, who in turn is possibly a reference to Satan. Saddler follows the demon and journies into the bowels of the shrine. Below the ground he discovers that the shrine, clearly the Temple of Solomon, is built atop the Garden of Eden. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil still stands, but has the heads of those who sought the Holimax hanging from it. Shimbatha reveals he is both Yuug and Hyram and has sought to ressurect hiself into his full power for many lifetimes. He forces Saddler to fight a dark clone of himself, then faces him in battle. Shimbatha falls before Saddler and ceases to exist. Saddler recalls the visage of Rumi who wished for peace in the world. Saddler, however, concludes that there can never be peace and wanders back out into the desert. .___________________ O--|__________________/ Copyrights ' Exile is (c) Telenet and Working Designs