COSMIC FANTASY STORIES FOR SEGA CD/MEGA CD BY ADK : Final version : Welcome to my walkthrough for both cosmic fantasy story 1 and 2. Hope you'll like it. Configuration : Sega cd or mega cd + md 60hz + pro cdx 1.9 NOTE : This game contains both PC-Engine games : COSMIC FANTASY 1 and COSMIC FANTASY 2. Final version update : A more readable version of this faq. Homepage : E mail : Join my Forum for quick answer and to discuss about Sega Games. UPDATE (02/23/2003) : I'm back on the scene of video games, less active than before but back. If you wish to talk of video games with me or other fans in the future join my forum. Summary : 1 REVIEW 2 CAST OF CHARACTERS AND WALKTHROUGH FOR COSMIC FANTASY STORY 1 3 CAST OF CHARACTERS AND WALKTHROUGH FOR COSMIC FANTASY STORY 2 4 CREDITS 1 REVIEW : The Cosmic hunters are the guardian of peace and security in the univers.Through two adventures in the same CD they will risk their own lives to save people from the evil force. COSMIC FANTASY STORY 1 : Wouh... The first time i play this game i had a strange feeling, like if i was suddenly two or three years old. The realisation is very odd for the sega cd. The original game was simply transcoded from a support to another. The game is not various... Look at the program : A city, one important dialogue and a dungeon. No enigmas, no research, just dungeon exploring and many fights. The presentation is very good with a special introduction for the Sega Cd. A long animation with a new music. In the game (the first story for the moment) there are a lot of animations. It's good to see that the editor makes all the dialogue on CD track. What can i say about the graphics ? Huh let me see, oh yes, The game uses 16 colors. It's good for 16 colors but the problem is that it is 16 colors. On Sega cd look at Vay or Lunar 2, Lodoss or 3X3 EYES you can obtain best graphics. The animation is the same as in the original game, why not with a turbo ? The sound creates a special atmosphere, a style you cannot obtain on a 32 bits, but the editor makes them in BGM instead of CD. The controls and the menu are reduce to the minimum and at least you can complete the game without understanding japanese. I want in fact to talk of the game himself. The technique is not all in it. The story has a lot of allusions to the knights of the round. In the game, Uow, the hero, becomes a Cosmic knight and must find Grancalibur. One of the monster was named Morgane. It creates a special atmosphere like in Phantasy Star. It's between middle age and SF. I like the music of the boss and the monster name : Cobold, Slime, Wraith, etc... All this game begins because of the Mazi Ship has a breakdown. Uow then search for help and in fact he finishes to discover that the evil is everywhere on the planet. I appreciate the dungeon in and also outside. The forest or the mountain are my favourite. You visit also castle with tons of ladders and floors. The area is great and the character has a good design. I regret that the programmers didn't enhance the game. They had the possibilty to do it. Cosmic fantasy story 1 is one of the grand father of RPG style but it stays a good one. PRESENTATION : 14/20 GRAPHICS : 10/20 ANIMATION : 10/20 SOUND : 12/20 CONTROLS : 14/20 INTEREST : 16/20 FINAL NOTE : 75% COSMIC FANTASY STORY 2 : Until i complete Cosmic 1 i doubt i have the 2 in the same CD. But when i reached it, it was as if i found the graal. The difference is real and i thought that the programmers have given all they can for Cosmic 2. The presentation is fantastic with a super animation and super graphics. It's very good and close to the animation of Lunar 2 in quality. It never decreased in the game. Ouh la la for the graphics, unbelieve. I have never played to the original version but this one contains 2D brightness effects and great colors, there are also 2D transparent effects in the game. There's no problem with the graphics but i regret that the character is a little too pinky. The animation is best than in the first story. It's quick. The battle scenes use the same technique and the same magic effects. There's no surprise for this point. The sound is awful. Except For the music of the dungeon they are all awful. There isn't a music for the boss and none for the last boss like in Cosmic 1. The controls are the same as in Cosmic 1. The menu haven't changed. The game is based on four quests where you meet with Van the hero, Liam another Cosmic hunter, an adventure is for a cross over of heroes and the last contains a little surprise you will discover in the walkthrough. So this game is perfect ?, NO ! I begin with the riddles which are ridiculous. I think to the graveyard for example. The hero is alone, desperatly alone. When you find a character he or she stays with you just a little time. It increases the difficulty. Oh yes the difficulty, the game is unplayable, at least it's like to go to hell. When Van wants to hit a monster, the monster hit Van first. So when it's a Sial or a Naya or even a too much powerful monster, he loses the battle. In my inventory i have more Escape items than Healing items. I find that Cosmic 2 was shortest than Cosmic 1 even if the walkthrough seems to show the contrary. The surprise is a good idea but in fact we can think than Van isn't the real hero. In this RPG, you don't need a super level, you need to use special items like escape items or bombs to win in a battle, else you will abandon the game. Last it's absolutely stupid to add invincible monsters after the last boss in the castle where you must do the fest. To fight with those monsters i waited to reach level 55 and i won only 50% of the battles. In addition of that you fight with them in one corridor just to reach your ship and watch the end. It's definitely the most stupid thing i have ever seen in a RPG. Brief, Cosmic 2 is a good game for the technique but for the story and the interest i prefer Cosmic 1. PRESENTATION : 17/20 GRAHICS : 16/20 ANIMATION : 15/20 SOUND : 9/20 CONTROLS : 15/20 INTEREST : 11/20 FINAL NOTE : 73% IN CONCLUSION, two RPGs, it's better than one and you will play a lot of hours with this CD. It was a good idea after all, it's too bad that the programmer didn't adjust the difficulty. FINAL NOTE FOR THE CD : 86% ADK. 2 CAST OF CHARACTERS AND WALKTHROUGH FOR COSMIC FANTASY STORY 1 : COSMIC FANTASY STORY 1 / CHARACTER UOW : the hero. MONMO : the sentaï meca. ZAYA : UOW's true love. SHILUF : guardian of the peace. DRAN : a vampire who works for NINA. QUEEN NINA : a false goddess who wants to conquer the world. MORGANE : the most powerful sorceress of the planet. POCAS : the real foe of this story. WALKTHROUGH / AREA 1 / You begin in area 1. Go to town 1 and enter the inn to save. Visit the mayor and when you exit kill a cobold. The mayor gives you 150 g as a reward. Exit to the forest. Forest : All the way leads to a chest. One way is the exit. This forest has three parts. BOSS : King Cobold. After killing him you'll meet SHILUF. AREA 2 / Go to town 2. Lady lu asks you to save her husband and her child. Exit to the mine. Mine : First go to the boss. You will automatically run. Then the child appears. Bring him back to his mother. Return to the mine and go south to be totally heal. Now look at the cage and take the item in the chest. The father appears. Then you can go to b2. Explore this part and kill the boss : YETI Return to town 2. LUIRD joins the team. You find him in a mansion. AREA 3 / Go to town 3 and talk to the old man in a mansion. Answer yes. He wants you to bring him his grand daughter SASHIBI. Exit. HUT : You meet Sashibi. You help her to capture a special plant. Go to the island and kill the boss : EVIL FLOWER. Then you can bring her to her grand father. AREA 4 / Go to town 4. Enter the castle and talk to the king. Luird left your team. Say bye bye and exit of the town to the north. You arrived in town 5. Talk to an old man in a mansion and answer yes. Then go near the lake to find Zaya. Press A button and she appears. After that exit. AREA 5 / Go to the castle. You find a wounded soldier in it when you enter. Advance and a ghost will claim for a melody to sleep in peace. Go back to town 4 and go to the restaurant to talk to Frolu. She'll thank you for saving the soldier and gives you an ocarina. Go back to the castle and play the melody. The ghost disappears. CASTLE : This castle has 3 floors. Explore it in two times. The first you take all the chest and the second you kill the boss : GAIA . After gaïa died you are on the other side of the castle. AREA 6 / Go to town 6. Save, talk and exit. You can go to area 7. AREA 7 / Go to town 7 and find Rose. She will join your team. Save and exit. Go to the next dungeon. MONSTER CAVE : This cave has 4 floors. You exit in AREA 8. AREA 8 / Go to PRINCESS CASTLE : This castle has 5 floors. Visit all the rooms to find weapons and items. Then you will fight the boss : PRINCESS JILL (2 forms). After that she changes in princess Lina and Rose left your team. AREA 9 / On the way to the next town you fight with SHILUF. Don't expect to win. You can't. Then you will continue normally. Go to town 8. Take Lina to the castle. She will stay there. Save, talk and exit to the tower south of the town. TOWER : There's no monster in this tower. Take all the chest, climb 5 floors and kill the boss : LICH. Then Baron joins your team. Don't bring Baron to the castle in town 8, you need him for the game. Unless when he talks to Lina he stays with her. You can Equip and save in town 8 but don't go at Lina's castle. Ultimate cave : North of town 8 is one of the most difficult cave of the game. You will fight with Stone casters. Uow must be always in defense when fighting them and only the others party members can hit ennemies unless you will make game over on game over because all the team will be stoned. DRAN'S CASTLE : There is the same problem with the PARALYSER in the castle. You know what to do. Visit all rooms here and kill DRAN (2 forms). Then you saved Lina from Dran and Baron can marry her. Go to the north to AREA 10. AREA 10 / Nothing here. Go to AREA 11. AREA 11 / Zaya must have a Battle bow gun to shoot the stone harpie here. The problem is the same with Uow. Town 9 : This town needs water. Go to the shrine east of here and enter it. There is no monster so simply switch on the generator. You'll meet SHILUF. Go to the town and save. Then go to the south to the frontier and exit to AREA 12. AREA 12 / Go to town 10 to save then go west to the next dungeon. TITANUS CAVE : Visit the cave and you exit on an island near Titanus tower. TITANUS TOWER : This dungeon has 5 floors. The boss is QUEEN NINA (2 forms). After the battle she escapes. You will be teleported to town 10 where you can take a boat. You take the boat to reach the next area. AREA 13 / In town 11 go to the inn and pass the night. Exit. Now you must progress to level 54. It's not a joke, level 54 and not 52 or 53. If you don't do this you won't finish the game. SHRINE : After you reach level 54, enter the shrine. Nina kidnapped Zaya and destroy Monmo. Shiluf save you and you awake in area 14 in town 12. You are alone now. AREA 14 / Town 12 : save and exit to ice tower south of here. ICE TOWER : It has two parts. First go to 5th floor and use the bridge to arrive in the second part. Then the second part has 3 floors. Shiluf helps you to defeat Queen Nina permanently. Exit to the town. Save. To obtain all her power Zaya needs to gain one level. Now visit the ice tower to take item you have forgotten and exit to town 11. Take the boat and go east to enter the final cave. No monster here so take all chests and exit. AREA 15 / Go south when you exit of the cave. Hut 2 : Here you can save. Continue to go south. To find a DRAGON CAVE. You fight MIHIN then his DRAGON before entering. DRAGON CAVE : Talk to the old dragon then take all items and last GRANCALIBUR the sacred sword. You become a cosmic knight. Mihin joins you and take you to the Island Catacombs. ISLAND CATACOMB : Your goal here is to save Nian. He's got the only ship that can destroy Morgan's magic barrier. This cave has 4 floors. Kill the boss : GOLGUIN (or Gorgonne maybe) and save Nian. Mihin left the team. MORGAN'S CATACOMB : you enter the catacomb after the scene. There is no monster so don't waste your time. MORGAN'S CASTLE : This castle has 3 floors. Kill MORGAN (2 forms). Shiluf rest in peace. Then a ship appears with POCAS inside. You must destroy him. POCAS'S SHIP : 5 floors. The boss is POCAS (2 forms) Congratulations you have beat the game. Now you have granted access to COSMIC FANTASY 2. If you have questions about that game, e mail me at ADK. 3 CAST OF CHARACTERS AND WALKTHROUGH FOR COSMIC FANTASY STORY 2 : COSMIC FANTASY STORY 2 / CHARACTER / VAN : the hero of this story LARA : VAN's true love GALAM : the bad guy of this story LIAM : the beautiful cosmic hunter PICOU : the cat of this story Also starring : Uow and Zaya. WALKTHROUGH : FIRST QUEST FIRST ISLAND AREA 1 / The game begins in town 1. You have to find Lara and talk to her. Then leave for the Millenium tree. After the scene go to town 2. You see it's destroyed. Go back home and Lara is kidnapped by WIZZDAM, Galam's right hand man. The quest begins. Exit of the town and go south to the mountain cave. You exit to area 2. AREA 2 / Go to town 3. Talk to the guy in the well, the mayor and his son. Then exit. Exit to town 4. Search Annie inside the town and talk to her. She joins you. If not talk to everyone in town 3 and 4 then she'll come. Exit of town 4 to reach the WATERCAVE. This cave has 2 floors and is quite symetric. Nothing difficult here. You exit on the second island. SECOND ISLAND AREA 3 / Go to town 5. Talk to Yosh he'll introduce you to the king in the castle south. Go to the castle and try to talk to the king. He'll give you Jean to help you in your quest. Exit to town 6 where the difficulty increased with violence. You cannot exit of the town from where you enter. Talk to Zara. He hides the entrance of a cave. Zara joins you. Talk to the mayor, he gives you a key. If not, explore the cave to observe there's a door you can't open. Then come back to him and he gives the key. FORGOTTEN CAVE : This cave has 2 floors, is difficult and there is a boss : TELESSIA (2 forms). Then you can exit of the town. BEFORE QUITING FIND IN THE SHOP THE ESCAPE ITEM . If you don't find it you will never travel in area 4 due to the monsters, sial and naya, who stone you. It's the same problem as in cosmic 1. If you see one Sial or one Naya, Jean can kill it but Van must be in defense. If there are more, escape. AREA 4 / Go to town 7. There you find Zara's parents. They give you 500 g and Zara left the team. Go to the Shrine. Jean left you. Annie is here. Talk to her then to the old man. Exit and go to town 8 south of here. You'll see Crasco inside. Talk to him. He wants you to help Viola to go to Hylios's Shrine. Go to town 9 south of here. Viola is in the restaurant in 2F. Talk to her and she comes. Then head to the Hut, east of here. Talk to the fairy and answer yes. She heals completely you. Go to the TELEPORT CAVE. This cave has 2 floors. You exit in the next area. AREA 5 / Go to the shrine. Viola left you. Talk to everyone to learn the secret of the Hiram's statue. Go to the shrine where you found Annie and talk to the old man. You obtain an item with which you can talk with the statue of Hiram. Go to the STATUE CAVE : There are 4 floors. Talk to Hiram then exit. Go to the shrine and Annie left you. Exit to the north and enter GREEN CAVE. You exit in area 6. AREA 6 / Go to town 10 and find Joshua's house. Kill the 3 knight A,B,C. Exit and Talk to ARIS in another house. He wants you to bring him his weapon. Then he joins you. Go to Rolis Castle. Go to 2F then south , open the chest and you find his weapon. Go to town 10 and give it to him. Aris joins you. Go back to the castle. ROLIS CASTLE : There are four floors. Find the boss DIGRIS. When he dies you obtain the key to the jail. Go back to the town and take Joshua with you. Go back to Rolis castle and take him to a switch after the place where you fight DIGRIS. Now you use the teleporter to GALAM's tower. GALAM'S TOWER : Put the key to open the jail by pressing A button. Talk to Joshua and the door opens. If you talk again he'll teleport you to town 10. But don't forget you are alone and you need to do all the way to the jail. Exit of the jail and climb the stair. There are 3 floors. In the third you fight WIZZDAM. Then you will encounter Galam and you lose the battle. Van is supposed dead. End of the first quest. SECOND QUEST : THIRD ISLAND : AREA 7 / You begin with Liam and must run as quick as you can to the town 11. If you lose you must try again from town 10, argh. In town 11 find SHIRA. Jira her sister is ill and she wants you to bring her the Telemu Potion. She says you must find Miro the magician. Exit to the east and enter the HUT. Talk to the woman then to Miro. Exit to the north, pass the bridge and collect a leaf from the telemu (a very green tree). Bring the leaf to Miro, he makes the potion. Bring the potion to Shira to heal her sister. She needs another item in the warehouse of the town. Go to the graveyard and push a grave. UNDERGROUNG CAVE : There are 2 floors. When you are in The warehouse search for the item in the cupboard then bring it to Shira. Shira and Jira joins you. Go to the place. BOSS : FAKE JIRA and FAKE SHIRA. Shira stays with you and Jira left the team. Exit of the town to the south. You find town 12. Talk to Irena's father. You must save her. Go to IRENA'S CAVE : 2 Floors. At the end of the first, you meet MOTHER , the boss, it invites you to the second floor. At the end of 2F, kill it. Jack and Irena are saved. If you talk to Jack, you'll be teleported in town 12. Then Shira left the team. You win 500 g. Exit to town 13. In the town talk to a soldier. A child helps you to escape. Search for all the cupboards of the city then exit to the next area. AREA 8 / Go to town 14. It's under the control of NOVA and his soldier. HAUNTED HOUSE : In 1F kill the 3 knight A,B,C then go to 2F. Find Nova and kill him. Picou joins the team. There is a good armor for him in 2F. Go to B1, you must save the prisonners of Nova. Now you can exit to town 13. Save and talk to everyone. Exit. Galam attacks the cosmic space center and you must go there to help your friends. End of the second quest. THIRD QUEST : Van awakes in Town 15 after 20 years of sleep. Exit and go to town 16. Picou joins you. Talk to Varas in a house, then go north, kill the 3 kinght A,B,C and find Pito's house. Talk to Pito. Visit the cafe and kill all the soldiers. Then go talking to Varas again. Pito left. Equip Picou and go to the next dungeon. SKY TOWER : Search for the snow tree to enter B1. Talk with a man to obtain the tower key. Continue in B1. You can't exit by the way you use to enter. Go to B2 and open the jail. Go to 1F where you can exit by the main door, but if you do that you need to restart from B1 next time. Go to 3F and kill LICH the boss. You have saved LIAM. Go to town 16 and equip yourself. Talk to everyone and exit to the COLD CAVE south of Sky tower. End of the third quest. FINAL QUEST : COLD CAVE : There are 3 floors. Go to B2 and jump in the good hole to reach B3 and the exit. The good hole is south of B2. FOURTH ISLAND : AREA 10 / Go to town 17 to learn the five god names, Hilis, Hiram, Ayne, Noltir and Zalim. Go to the shrine. There you found another STATUE CAVE : 2 floors. In B2 the good way is north, right, north,left,north,right,north. Talk to Hiram and exit of this town. Go north to find a secret way near the water. FIVE GODS CAVE : There are 2 floors. In this cave, you need to talk to the four gods. Then the water in the lake disappears and you can talk to final Hiram. Exit and heal your team in Town 17. Exit. THE FOREST OF ILLUSIONS : The good exit for the first part is the sixth to the north, then you will meet Miran. You arrive then in town 18. You find Jack and Jira. In a tent , 3 guys await you. Then you are teleported in Miran's house. Kill a boss : ANSACHAN A and ANSACHAN B . Talk to Miran then to Lito then to everyone then to Galam's soldier and last talk again to Lito and kill him. Jira joins you. AREA 11 / Go to town 19. Save and talk to an old man. Exit. You arrive in Ghost castle : Find the ghost POWLI and kill him. Exit to arrive in area 12. AREA 12 / You arrive in town 20 and the first part is full of monsters. Talk to the guard then to the woman at the entrance of the town. Now you can access to the second part. Go to the big house and fight IVID then the 3 knight A,B,C. Then go to the shipyard and kill IVID. You take the boat and you arrived in town 10. Save and exit to the south to Green cave. Jira left you and you meet Jean. He gives you his daughter, Clea, to help you. When you exit of green cave, Go to the shrine and meet Annie. Go to B1 to learn the last will of the old man. Clea left the team and Annie joins you. Now go to town 5. Buy 2 armors(9500g), 3 shields(8800 g) and a weapon(5500 g). Equip Liam with the weapon and give all the stuff to Van. Fill Van's inventory with escape items. Visit the house to the north and there will be an event. Talk to the old man and he shows you a way to the castle. CASTLE : BOSS : HOTEN and VEGA'S ROBOT Search for the boss and kill Hoten. To kill easily the robot, the other characters must use some Hilis no Heal, Liam use blaze LV3. Then Uow and Zaya joins the team. You are now in MAZI, Uow's ship. Equip everyone with the stuff in Van's inventory and go to the CAVE : after a long cruise of 3 floors you kill VEGA. When you exit go to the house you see. Talk to Alu then to Lara. Lara gives you an item and died. Go to the last dungeon. GALAM's CASTLE : After 3 floors kill GALAM and MONSTER GALAM. The good way before Galam is right two times, north, left, north. The game is not over. After the congratulations talk to everyone and avoid all battles with your escape items. Then run to the ship and enjoys the end of the game. ADK. 4 CREDITS : Thanks to Telenet for this good idea. I think this walkthrough can be used for the PC engine version of the game. If you have questions about that game, email me at ADK.