BLOOD GEAR How to Play I = Jump II = Attack Select = Menu Start = Fixed Movimentation Menu: ITENS = Recovery Itens and another itens WEAPONS = Fireweapons, Laser Sword annd Shields SETTINGS = Your Current Status If select Itens USE DROP = Drop any item include Weapons ___________________________________________________________ CHARACTERS Aref Rolen Gray: Main Protagonist Rakuh E Bower: The girl, you will be save her several times........ Porp: Brother of May Cash Randy: Member of the trio Scarlet Hunter and save you from first fight with Rakuh, but you fight with him in a Cave to release the local for you Yan Myroad: Member of the trio Scarlet Hunter Gear and save you from first fight with Rakuh and your first Rival. Shell Vianne: Member of the trio Scarlet Hunter Gear and save you from first fight with Rakuh. Sazan: Your second Rival, you find in Jibiku Town and you fight later. J.G. Carniham: Doctor and owner from J.G. Shop, He cares of May after fight with Khiese Spin: The boss of Revolutionar Army Rakuh E Bower: Your great rival Bey Eurct Degner: The creator from this war _________________________________________________________________ WALKTHROUGH _________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- (Map 1) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 0 Drive to suicide, but destroy the Gunner Mechs, but go to the bottom of this scenario and be killed by Rakuh. Start Town Weapons: Gun JT-19 (20), Luger Sword (50) Shop: Short Energy (20) Factory Recharge: (10) After the cutscene go to the factory talk with Porb and find the blue mech, back to the town, go to V Computer again and get 200 and and go to the forest. Forest Only go to the another side, beware with drones and Blue Walker. Mirauji Town Shop: Shield S12 (50), Short Energy (20) Weapons: Gun JT-19 (20), Luger Sword (50) Factory Recharge: (15) Go to the square from this city and find the blue girl with red hair and talk with her(May), if possible update the Settings in factory (second option) and pass crater and got to the Zani Town. Crater You need to go to the another side, beare with the stair with Blue Walk, and destroy him. Beware with the Towers, and climb the stairs to go to Zanzi Town Zanzi Town Shop: Gun JT-19 (20), Luger Sword (50), Rifle 4A (80), Short Energy (20), Escape (200), Shield S12 (50) Recharge: (15) In this city, you will talk with guys from Scarlet Hunter, talk with everyone in this destroyed city, and update settings, buy new weapons or recharge your mech, will choose, and back to the Mirauji Town. After update and buy a shield, the maximum possible to go the bridge (across the Forest 2) and fight your first boss. Forest 2 Enemies: Green Walker, Armed Blue Walker, Tiny Jet This your first fight with Rakuh, I recommend using Rifle 4A and Shield S12, but your but the Scarlet Hunter interrupt their fight go to the rescue. After this battle Cave 1 and Cave 2 are released. Cave 1 BOSS (2) For him to release the rest of the cave, you will have to face Cash, use same strategie from previous fight. After this, go to Cave 2 and go to Bamia Town. Cave 2 Enemies: Gunner Mech, Rifle Mech, Mini Spider, Blue Sword Mech, Cannon Mech Go to the right and up the stairs and proceed get the elevator and go to the left and go up with another elevator. Go to the right and down proceed to the right and here we have two routes. 1) If you go down you find a entrance and get a Energy Tank and back to down to follow to the right, fight the Blue Sword Mech and proceed to the right at find the elevator. 2) If you Go to the up jumping the hole and if you avoid the elevator you find a Gun JT-19, getting the elevator go to the right, avoid these elevator and go to the right and surpass the wall. Get the elevator, go to the left, get another elevator to up and go to the right and go to Bamia Town. Bamia Town. (1) Shop: Gun JT-19 (20), Luger Sword (50), Rifle 4A (80), Gunner (100), Cannon (150) Short Energy (20), Medium Energy (70) Shield S12 (50), Shield DS-C (100) Factory Recharge: (20) In Bamia Town resupply your mechas if necessary and didn't talk with any Green guys. Bridge Enemies: Part 1&3: Barrier (x4)(x4), Blue Drone, Gunner Mech, Rifle Mech, Cannon Mech Part 2: Gunner Mech, Rifle Mech, Cannon Mech, Big Red Spider Tank Beware from the Red Four Legs Mechs and Cannon Mechs in second part of this stage, destroy the walls to proceed. Dam Fotress(1). Get some energy tanks and Rifle 4A if necessary and go Back to Bamia Town. Bamia Town (2) Go to the upper right and enter the underground passageway, go to the other side and then talk with anyone green guy to be arrested. Escape from Prision Walk to the left toward in the wall to find a hole in the top to surpass it and another hole in the lower part of the wall. After this, get the green suit in the prision and talk with the May to release her in the future. Change your suit (maybe you need to take out a energy tank to catch it) and left from the prision and go to the bar in the top left from this city, talk with clerk and go to the door inner the bar. After this go to the house in the top right form the city and someone guy delivering some save-like in the house, enter in this house, and select the options to get a red answer, choice “RRLR” and releasing her and open the gate form the fortress. Dam Fotress(2). Enemies: Secure System, Trench Cannon Gunner Mech, Wall. Boss: DAM Defense System This time is all opened, go to the left, beware with Trench Cannon and get the Elevator. If you get the first elevator you find an Energy Tank and skip the another elevator and proceed to right you fin another Energy Tank. Get the second elevator and beware with Trencher Cannon and go to the right, if you get the elevator, you find a local with Cannon, get it if no previously bought and return and go down and go left and go down and go to the right, destroy the walls to face the boss. BOSS (3) To beat the boss, attack in the middle top, after top, after middle opened local and go to the right, get the Vernier and get-out from here. After this the doors elevators in the cave 2 are opened, with some energy tanks and weapons. After beat the boss form this map and go to the Map2. But you don't return to Map 1 after. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Map 2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jibiku Town (1) Items & Shop: Short Energy (20), Medium Energy (70), Shield DS-C (100), Shield RS-10 (150), Cannon.D (200 / 150), Regi Sword (250), Gun JT-19 (20), Rifle ST-18 (100), Rifle 4A (80), Gunner (100). Factory Recharge: (30) At start, talk with Sazan, resupply your mech and go to Military Camp Military Camp Enemies: Rifle Mech, Cannon Mech, Runner Mech The only thing you need to do at this stage is destroy the Green Runner and get the item (Night Vision) and back to Jibiku Jibiku Town (2) Regi Sword (250), Gun JT 19 (20), Gun ST-18 (100), Rifle 4A (80), Gunner (100), Cannon (150) Factory Recharge: (30) Various citziens are de dead, talk with the guy above you andgo down, and he are killed. Dark Forest Enemies: Rifle Mech, Cannon Mech, Blue Drone After start the level select your Item that you picked from Green Runner and go to the Mini Fortress. Mini Fortress Enemies: Gunner Mech, Rifle Mech, Barrier, Wall, Secure System Boss (1): Sazan Mech 1 Beware of Secure Systms and climb up three floors and down in the right of final floor. You will be fight Sazan, his mech use Laser Sword (like the mech from the cave 2 in map 1) use Laser Sword , isn't só hard, and go to the Gorusa. Gorusa Town (1) Factory (None) Oh No! he stole your controller SAP, go to the boss from the city and get you SAP back, answer only yes or no and yes, if you answer no 2 times, your mech explodes, and will be to the pay 32000 to back restored. After this, buy some Items, recharge your mech and go to the Passeway. Passeway (1) Enemies: Unarmed Mech with Platform, Gunner Mech, Rifle Mech, Cannon Mech, Acid Walker. Entering in the Passeway you find Shell in first floor and Yan in the third floor, go to the right and get the PDG. If you have a gun or dropped one, Shoot the broken floor and down to the next floor and go down and defeat the Rifle Mech and down to the another wall, and destroy him. Ok, go down the elevator toward the right wall, hit it fast and get back to the elevator and go up fast before the acid destroy your robot. Back to the Gorusa Town and resupply your mech, if necessary. Gorusa Town (2) Factory: Regi Sword (250) Rifle ST-18 (100) Rifle 3S (200), Gunner (100) Items & Shop: Short Energy (20), Medium Energy (70), Escape (200), Shield RS-10 (150) Factory Recharge: (35) Boss (2): Yan Mech Go back the PDG to the boss from the City and the Shop wil be open and you will be rewarded 3000 money, buy the Shield and Gun Weapons. Enter in factory and talk to the old man with white hair ln the left and recieve the letter. After this you find the guy that killed one guys from the city, talk with he and you kill him and get the pass to the use in Great Fortress. After this you will be fight Yan. Yan (BOSS 2) Regardless of your choice, if you lose from him, you don't get game over, BUT YOU WILL BE RETURN TO THE LAST SAVE, Use guns to destroy him. Great Fortress Rifle Mech, Cannon Mech, Gunner Hover, Cannon Hover, Missile Hover, Runner Mech, Red Tower, Blue Drone, Jet Bomb, Blue Bomber, Secure System. At the start go up the tower to the right if you will find a Random item and FNL, maybe you will be discard some Items to get. *In the bridges has one little camera bug, jump to correct the camera. After this you will go left in direction of Boss and open the door. Great Fortress Boss (3): Khiese Mech You will be fight Khise, the main boss from theGreat Fortress, use the Laser Sword to defeat him, and beware with the claw. Dazeru Town Weapons: Regi Sword (250), Rifle ST-18 (100), Rifle 3S (200), 3 Way (400), Cannon (150) Items & Shop: Short Energy (20), Medium Energy (70), Escape (200), Shield RS-10 (150),Shield S16 (200) Weapons (2): Heavy Cannon (500), Search Missile (200) Girl in the top of Bar: P.P. (100), F.N.L (150) Maximum Shield (5963) Factory Recharge: (50) Oh No! Someone hurt May! Go to the left, down, left and enter in J.G. Shop go to the terrace and find J.G. After the talk with him, go toup, left, down and left to find the BAR, enter and talk to the guy with red hair is actually is Rakuh! You will be fight with him, and lose (again). Rakuh and his new mecha destroyed your own! Go to J.G. Shop and get the new mecha. Now the second Weapon Store form Dazeru Town is now open. After the cutscene go to Jibiku Town. Jibiku Town (3) Regi Sword (250), Gun JT 19 (20), Gun ST-18 (100), Rifle 4A (80), Gunner (100), Cannon (150) Factory Recharge: (30) Go to this city and give the letter to the scientist and get the Kernighan Bomb. After this, upgrade your new mecha and back to the Passeway. Passeway (2) Enemies: Unarmed Mech with Platform, Gunner Mech, Rifle Mech, Cannon Mech, Acid Walker. Go back to the point that you find the wall and use the Kernighan Bomb and proceed. Run fast to the highest platform of this stage and then wait for the acid down and go to the right to find the elevator. Cavern Secure System, Wall Spider, Wall, Runner Mech, Pink Spider Tank, Blue Drone, Jet Bomb. Boss (S)(4) BEWARE to the big Wall Spider in front of you, don't use swords otherwise he kills you, do this, lock your legs, select cannon and go back shooting him, after destroy him proceed. Beware to the elevators, there is a Death row if you climb them, then destroy some Security System and go up! If you go to the right, you find a secret passeway and go down, you find a Secret Boss he is a hard boss, don't let him touch you, if not the spear destroy you immediately. They doesn't leave any money, you get only a Medium Energy Tank, If you climb and go up and go to the right you find a secret exit from this cavern. OK, go to the left, go upo to the elevator and go to the left, don't go to the right to get the Rifle 3S, protected by four Secure Systens, go to the left until you find Yan, and talk with him. After this go up and left and proceed to the corridor. Beware to the Pink Spider Tanks, and go up to the elevator and go to the right and find another mini boss to unlock the elevator to the boss fight. He doesn't só hard, but don't let his arm touch you, if he will destroy you. Destroying him, you gained 100 of money and Medium Energy Tank. Go up and left again, beware with the corridor and the steps full of Secure System, if you go to the right you find another exit from cavern, go up to fight the boss. Tower Boss (5) Merry Mech Not so Hard, use Laser Sword this mecha attack with Laser Sword, Flamethrower and eletric torrent. Passeway Go to Map 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Map 3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bridge You will be fight Rally, the first serve of Rakuh, and lose Again Orairu Town Luger Sword (50), Regi Sword (250), Pross Sword (800), Escape(200), Short Energy (20), Medium Energy (70), Shield RS-10 (150), Shield S16 (200) Recharge (40) Orairu Town You will be enter at first city from this map. Enter in the destroyed city and find Transom (Yes! from AURAIL). You enter in a Ancient City created 1000 years ago, talk with the ghosts and go to the right and up and enter in the temple and talk with the soul in blue orb, they will be talk about the civilization and ask for a mission, recharge your mech and go to your mech and start in a cavern. Cavern: Hover Jet, Heavy Walker, Spreader Jet, Statue After this, you will be find 4 status, the first is go up the starting hill, go down and to the right to find another Statue. Back to the left and find the Golden statue. Go to the right, down and right and find another statue Back to left, down the stairs, proceed to left and fly to the up and find the last Statue, after this, go down and left and go to Revolutionary Army Base. Revolutionary Army Base Weapons: Luger Sword (50), Regi Sword (250), Pross Sword (800), Gun JT 19 (20),Gun ST-18 (100), Rifle 4A (80), Rifle 3S (200), Gunner (100),3 Way (400), Cannon (150), Heavy Cannon (500), Search Missile (200), M2 Search Missile (350), Escape(200), Short Energy (20),Medium Energy (70), Shield RS-10 (150), Shield S16 (200), P.P. (100) F.N.L (150) Maximum Shield (5963) Factory Recharge: (55) Into the base, you find Yan and accept, his city has a lot of weapons in JG Shop in up, right, recharge your mech, upgrade if possible. Discard or sell one of your items and go to the elevator and go into second floor and go to the left and talk with the gunsmith and get the card Go to the right elevator and talk with Shell and choice the second option, go into the right room and talk with Spin to deploy your mech. Hangar Rifle Mech, Gunner Hover, Cannnon Hover, Missile Hover. Boss Ship: Bow, CenterBoard, Gun(x3), Large Gun, Down Deck, Thruster Go to the right, destroy the Fling Towers and follow to find the ship and destroy all parts, get the item and get out from here. After back to the Base, ressuply your energy and weapons, and talk again to Spin to deploy your mech. Tank Convoy Enemies: Rifle Mech, Cannon Mech, Circle Drone, Blue Rifle Mecha, Blue Cannon Mech, Worm Tank New mechs appear, destroy all and the Worm Tanks mainly, and complete the stage. Again, resupply and recharge your mech, talk with Shell and Yan before talk with Spin, and go to the Volcano Cave. Volcano Cave Enemies: Blue Rifle Mecha, Blue Cannon Mech, Wall, Secure System, Red Wall Spider Boss (1): Rally This stage isn't hard, but beware again with the Red Wall Spider, use same strategie from the previously similar, and go up to the thirth floor and down in right and fight with the Rally again. Rally: Avoid from the attacks, use cannon or attack with the Laser Sword trapping him against the wall. Camp Pross Sword (800), Gun AE8 (200), Rifle 3S (200), Heavy Cannon (500), M2 Search Missile (350), Burst Gun (500),Escape (200), Kernighan Bomb (50),Short Energy (20), Medium Energy (70), Large Energy (300), Shield RS-10 (150), Shield S16 (200) Factory Recharge: (55) Recharge your enegy and go to the house in top right, talk with Shell, Yan and Spin and accept your mission and go to the Oil Refinery Oil Refinery Enemies: Gunner Hover, Cannon Hover, Mortar Mech, Blue Rifle Mech, Blue Cannon Mech, Green Tower, Flying Tower Go to the right and find the elevator and down, go to the right, up trom another elevator ad right to find the Blue Teleporter, go to the left and destroy the first transformer, back from the elevator and get out from here, go to the right find another elevator, go up destroy the flying tower and down and find another elevator go to the left, find the another elevator, and left to find the Red Teleporter, go to the right, destroy the another transformer and return from the elevators and get out from this stage. Camp (2) Go back to the Camp, and talk again to the Shell, Yan and Spin after you get outfrom this house, you will be stopped, go to the your mech and fight with Garnish. Boss (2): Granish: Isn't hard, use the Laser Sword. After this discard or sell some item and talk again with Shell, Yan and Spin and get the map to the Oil Refinary, your mech and go to the Forest Forest Enemies: Same of Oil Refinary Forest Forest trully is a secret underground passeway to Oil Refinary, but, isn't easy,this passeway is protected by three laser cannons which are alternated. Go to the right to find the elevator to Oil refinary. Enter in this portal to enter in Oil Refinary, to explore the refinary, use the map then you have gained of Yan to find him in the bottom of this Building, the same portal transport you to various differents areas if you enter in left or right. The Best Route is go to the portal in left, go to the right get the elevator andproceed to the right at another portal, avoide the elevator and enter in the portal in the right, back to portal, and go to the right to another portal, after this go to the left and down and left to find Yan to disarm all Teleporters and go to the top to find the elevator to the boss. Boss (3): Marl It's a Knight-like mecha but with ninja-like skills and big claws, beware to the claws, and be fast in attacks. Camp (3) Back to the Camp, and call again with Shell, Yan and Spin, and answer No and Yes and go to the Sukarai Town. Sukarai Town Weapons: Pross Sword (800), Gun AE8 (200), Burst Gun (800), Mega Bazooka (500), M2 Search Missile (350), Medium Energy (70), Large Energy (300), Escape(200), Shield DS-F (300), Shield RS-20 (400) Factory Recharge: (80) This city is full of Mazes go to up, and talk with the guy, answeryes, and talk with these two computers , talk with the computer of right and left, and talk again with the computer of the left and answer yes and proceed. Talk again with the guy in final of “S” road and proceed, Find 3 computers in the labyrinth, first in the top and two in te right. After this go to the up exit, talk with guy and go to the left and find a secret passeway. Go to the left and up and find the another house, enter in, and answer “no” to proceed, and talk with these four girls, back to the the man in the house, answer “yes” and talk again with the second girl, answer “yes” and talk with the computer to proceed. Talk with these two cientist, answer “yes” in the second, and across to another computer to buy weapons and recharge your mech and go to the Desert. Desert Enemies: Flying Tower, Desert Walker, Desert Mech, Desert Cannon, Jet Support Unit This level is a bit hard, various new mechas attacking from all sides. Go to the right to find Porp, if you have Laser Sword, you will be you will cause a large amount of damage, after this proceed to right and enter in undeground cavern. Boss (4): Porp Desert Mech He attacks with Machine Gun and Spiker, like some previous mech. Cash: 500 Climb down the cavern to find Marry again. Boss (5): Marry 2nd Mech This Mech use scorpion-like skills, beware with the big claw and his tail. Cash: 230 After defeat her, get the elevator and go up to exit. Back to Sukarai Town and talk again with the cientist in the right of lake and get the B-Rifle, if necessary, drop or sell one of your weapons. Feare Town Jail: Cell Sword (1500), Medium Energy (70), Large Energy (300), Escape (200), Kernighan Bomb (50), Shield RS-20 (400), Shield S-18 (500), P.P. (100), F.N.L (150), Maximum Shield (5963) Talk with Guards and will be arrested (Again), and go to the wall to pass from another side, go to the left and enter in opened Jail, and pass te wall and find the green guy to buy some equipaments. After this, get out from this Jail and enter in jail in the top and go to the right to find the exit from this jail. Go to the left and go up to the stairs and left and up talk with guards. After cutscene you will go to the spaceship. Enemies: Space Mech Large Spaceship: Engine, Mini Torrent x2, Mini Thruster, Controlled Gun x2, Mini Gun x3, Unused Cannon, Cannon x2, Large Gun, Main Bridge Parts----------Cash-- Engine 150 Mini Torrent 80 Mini Thruster 80 Controlled Gun 140 Mini Gun 80 Unused Cannon 180 Cannon 265 Large Gun 140 Main Bridge 0 --------------------- After destroyed the Main Bridge you will be filght with Ill, his is vunerable only in robot mode, and beware with the missile torrent, destroy him before you fall into the atmosphere. Boss (6): Ill Mech The only transformable mecha from this game, he is invencible in Stealth form, beware the missile torrent. Cash: 240 Camp 2 Pross Sword (800), Cell Sword (1500), Gun AE8 (200), Sniper Rifle (1000), Mega Bazooka (500), M2 Search Missile (350), Medium Energy (70), Large Energy (300), Escape(200), Kernighan Bomb (50), Shield RS-10 (150), Shield S16 (200) Recharge: (85) Resupply your mech and talk with Spin, after the dialogue, talk with J.G. out of Quarters and talk again with the J.G. And Spin, and go to the Ocean. Ocean Flying Fish Mech, Submarine Walker, Submarine Mech, SubmarineCannon In Ocean, laser weapons cause only 50-75% damage, the Sniper Rifle is best weapon from this area. You will go to the left jump to avoiding the fans use de Thrusters at until you find the elevator and climb it. Go Up and Down in the elevators to find Rakuh again You need Destroy 25% of energy of Rakuh mech, but isn't easy, the best weapon is Laser Sword, and Yan will be stop the fight, go to Map 4 Camp 3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Map 4) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Camp 3 Pross Sword (800), Cell Sword (1500), Gatling Gun (500), Sniper Rifle (1000), B-Rifle (35000), 5 Way (1500), Napalm Cannon (700), M2 Search Missile (350), Medium Energy (70), Large Energy (300), Escape (200), Shield DS-J (600), Shield RS-30 (700) | Recharge: (85) Recharge your mech, buy new weapons, and talk with Shell, Spin and J.G. and go to your mech to the Tower. Tower Red Sword Mech, Red Mortar Mech, Silver Circle, Silver Drone, Silver Mech, Silver Missile Mech, Silver Cannon, Big Silver Spider Tank, Silver Flying Tower Remember that mech at start the game? Yes, this time to get him back, first destroy the wall to enter in a tower, go to the left, go up and to the right, beware with floors in this area, little damage destroy them. Get the elevator, Go up and go the left, go up and go to the right to find the door to the bridge. The Laser Sword is the best weapon from these mechs. In this second part, use Laser Sword or B-Rifle are best weapons, and acrooss the bridge. If will go to the right and down, you find a Max Recharge and F.N.L. if you need, don't go to the entry on the bottom, go to the brige above it. Go to the left, if necessary, choose the B-Rifle, to jump these broken bridges, use run, jump and thrusters to go to the left and find the final mech. **Special Note, I recommend you increase your amount of money to increase up to 99999 to upgrade your mech after. And again you will be fight with Rakuh, you don't need destroy him totally, but is hard, after the sacrifice of Shell, you will be fight a little more before you will go back to the camp. Camp 3 (2) Cell Sword (1500), Gatling Gun (500), Sniper Rifle (1000), B-Rifle (35000), Napalm Cannon (700), 5 Way (1500), Search Missile 3 (500), Medium Energy (70), Large Energy (300), Escape (200), Kernighan Bomb (50), Shield DS-J (600), Shield RS-30 (700), Shield DS-X (1200), P.P. (100), F.N.L (150), Maximum Shield (5963) Upgrade your mech, talk again with Yan and Spin, and go to the Shop, and you find May! Talk with er and J.G. Will be appears, after the dialogue, go to the Spaceport. Spaceport Follow J.G. and accept the surgery from May. Back to the Camp 3 talk again with Spin and go to the Tower again. Tower Red Sword Mech, Red Mortar Mech, Silver Circle, Silver Drone, Silver Mech, Silver Missile Mech, Silver Cannon, Big Silver Spider Tank, Silver Flying Tower Follow the main route used previously, but in the bridge you will be find a mobile platform to go to the left entrance After this you will be two routes to the top of the tower, both with boses, the most hard is in the left, but if you will be go to the right side, the climb will not be easy, there are several areas that cause damage. Boss Left Spider Tower Cash: 220 Boss Right: Roof Ant Cash: 60 Head Cash 200 Body **Special Note, I recommend you increase your amount of money to increase up to 99999 to upgrade your mech after. Boss 1: Rakuh Cash: 250 Now, this is most easy to defeat them, Laser Sword if possible arrest in the wall. Camp 3 (3) Back to the Camp, upgrade your mech, and talk again with Yan and Spin, and go to the Island Island Red Mortar Mech, Purple Drone, Purple Flying Tower, Finger Mech, Knight Mech, Assault Mech, Hulking Mech, Secure System The first part there are lights that go up and down, not much hard to cross and find the Ill again,destroy him, and fall down in the hole. Boss: (2) Ill 2nd Mech Cash: 230 If you have B-Rifle you don't need more shoots to defeat. After going to the bottom of the hole, go left, several enemies will appear, destroy them and go up the elevator and watch out for the bridges, they have traps that make you fall. In the final floor, you need fly to go in another side. After climbing down again, you enter in a Labyrinth of holes, if you fall wrong, you go back to certain areas of the stage. Go to the right hole, right hole, left hole, right hole and find Bey again. After this, enter in the J.G. Spaceship, talk with Yan, and talk again with J.G. and go to Map 5 (Space) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Map 5) Space -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spaceship Shop: Short Energy (20), Medium Energy (70), Large Energy (300), MAX Energy (1000), Kernighan Bomb (50), P.P. (100), F.N.L (150) Weapon: Gall Blaze (5000), Gun AE8 (200), Gatling Gun (500), Sniper Rifle (1000), B-Rifle (35000), Napalm Bazooka (700), Burst Gun (800), 5 Way (1500), Search Missile 3 (500) Shield Shop: Shield S-12 (50), Shield S-12 (200), Shield S-12 (500), Shield DS-C (100), Shield DS-F (300), Shield DS-J (600), Shield DS-C (1200), Shield RS-10 (150), Shield RS-20 (400), Shield RS-30 (700), Shield RS-40 (2000). Recharge (100) Buy new weapons and go to the first mission. Laser Colony Enemies: Space Drone, Space Mech 2, Laser Colony: Isn't hard, go to the top or bottom right until you find an entry and destroy the fuse to destroy the Laser Cannon. Boss(1) Laser Cannon: Fuse (x6) Laser Cannon Part----Cash- Fuse 50 Cannon 0 ------------- Spaceship (2) Talk again with J.G. And back to your mech to recieve another mission from Spin. Colony Enemies: Space Drone, Big Drone, Space Finger, Space Missile, Grey Mech, Grey Cannon. You only need to cross the colony to find Rakuh the last time. First, upon arriving at the entrance of the colony, destroy the bombs to you arrive at the entrance. Upon entering you will find several enemies above the buildings, destroy and keep going. Boss (2): Rakuh Final Mech, use Laser Sword to destroy him, isn't hard. Spaceship (3) Talk again to the J.G. Again and back to your mech from the FINAL MISSION. Large Spaceship (2) : Engine, Mini Torrent x2, Mini Thruster, Controlled Gun x2, Mini Gun x3, Unused Cannon, Cannon x2, Large Gun, Main Bridge Same as previously, destroy the Main Bridge. To fight the Final Boss ----Parts------Cash----- Engine 170 Mini Torrent 80 Mini Thruster 190 Controlled Gun 160 Mini Gun 100 Unused Cannon 200 Cannon 110 Cannon 110 Large Gun 160 Main Bridge 0 ----------------------- Go to the right to fight the Final Boss Final Boss: Cannon, Head, Frontal Circle Chest, Minor Circle Chest, Major Circle Chest This huge mech is the final Boss. This huge mech is the Final Boss, the first main part to demage is the cannon above the body. And after go to the Head and to theend the 3 chest circles, but beware to the big hand. ____________________________________________________________________________ Leveling Guide ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BODY -SP---------------------Price---Energy- (00) 0 40% (01)* 100 50% (02)** 200 60% (03)*** 300 70% (04)**** 500 80% (05)***** 800 90% (06)****** 1200 100& (07)******* 1700 110% (08)******** 2300 120% (09)********* 3000 130% (10)********** 3800 140% (11)*********** 4800 150% (12)************ 6000 160% (13)************* 7400 170% (14)************** 9000 180% (15)*************** 12000 190% (16)**************** 18000 200% -DP---------------------Price--- (01)* 100 (02)** 150 (03)*** 250 (04)**** 400 (05)***** 600 (06)****** 1000 (07)******* 1400 (08)******** 1800 (09)********* 2200 (10)********** 2800 (11)*********** 3500 (12)************ 4000 (13)************* 4500 (14)************** 5000 (15)*************** 8000 (16)**************** 15000 -WT---------------------Price--- (01)* 30 (02)** 60 (03)*** 100 (04)**** 200 (05)***** 350 (06)****** 500 (07)******* 800 (08)******** 1200 (09)********* 1600 (10)********** 2000 (11)*********** 2400 (12)************ 2800 (13)************* 3300 (14)************** 3800 (15)*************** 4500 (16)**************** 6000 ARM -ST---------------------Price--- (01)* 50 (02)** 80 (03)*** 100 (04)**** 180 (05)***** 250 (06)****** 350 (07)******* 500 (08)******** 800 (09)********* 1200 (10)********** 1500 (11)*********** 1800 (12)************ 2200 (13)************* 2600 (14)************** 3000 (15)*************** 4000 (16)**************** 5000 -RS---------------------Price--- (01)* 30 (02)** 50 (03)*** 80 (04)**** 150 (05)***** 200 (06)****** 300 (07)******* 450 (08)******** 600 (09)********* 800 (10)********** 1000 (11)*********** 1200 (12)************ 1500 (13)************* 1800 (14)************** 2200 (15)*************** 3000 (16)**************** 4000 LEG -WS---------------------Price--- (01)* 50 (02)** 80 (03)*** 120 (04)**** 180 (05)***** 230 (06)****** 280 (07)******* 400 (08)******** 600 (09)********* 800 (10)********** 1300 (11)*********** 1500 (12)************ 1800 (13)************* 2300 (14)************** 2800 (15)*************** 3500 (16)**************** 5000 -DS---------------------Price--- (01)* 50 (02)** 100 (03)*** 150 (04)**** 200 (05)***** 250 (06)****** 300 (07)******* 500 (08)******** 800 (09)********* 1000 (10)********** 1500 (11)*********** 1800 (12)************ 2200 (13)************* 2500 (14)************** 3000 (15)*************** 4500 (16)**************** 6000 -SA---------------------Price--- (01)* 30 (02)** 50 (03)*** 80 (04)**** 120 (05)***** 150 (06)****** 200 (07)******* 300 (08)******** 400 (09)********* 500 (10)********** 600 (11)*********** 1000 (12)************ 1200 (13)************* 1450 (14)************** 1850 (15)*************** 2200 (16)**************** 2800 ____________________________________________________________________________ Weapons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laser Sword type ----Name--------Price----- Luger Sword 50 Regi Sword 250 Pross Sword 800 Cell Sword 1500 Gall Blaze 5000 Gun Type ----Name--------Price---Ammo------- GunJT-19 20 180 (15x12) Gun ST-18 100 225 (15x15) Gun AE8 200 225 (15x15) Gatling Gun 500 225 (15x15) Rifle Type ----Name--------Price---Ammo-------- Rifle 4A 80 90 (6x15) Rifle 3S 200 105 (7x15) Sniper Rifle 1000 120 (8x15) B-Rifle 35000 Your energy Cannon Type ----Name--------Price---Ammo-------- Cannon 150 9 Cannon.D 200 9 Heavy Cannon 500 30 (2x15) Napalm Cannon 700 30 (2x15) Special Type ----Name--------Price----Ammo-------- Gunner 100 75 (5x15) 3 Way 400 75 (5X15) Burst Gun 800 75 (5X15) 5 Way 1500 75 (5X15) Search Missile Type ----Name----------------Price---Ammo-------- Search Missile 200 47 (3x15)+2 M2 Search Missile 350 47 (3x15)+2 Search Missile 3 500 47 (3x15)+2 ____________________________________________________________________________ Shields ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----S Type----Price---Ammo---- Shield S-12 50 2 Shield S-16 200 5 Shield S-18 500 11 -----DS Type---Price---Ammo---- Shield DS-C 100 3 Shield DS-F 300 7 Shield DS-J 600 13 Shield DS-X 1200 20 -----RS Type---Price---Ammo---- Shield RS-10 150 4 Shield RS-20 400 9 Shield RS-30 700 15 Shield RS-40 2000 24 ---Other Type---Price---Ammo---- P.P. 100 1 Stage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Items ---------------Price-----Function----------------------------------------------- Short Energy 20 Recovery HP Medium Energy 70 Recovery HP Large Energy 300 Recovery HP Escape 200 Escape to map. MAX Energy 1000 Recovery HP G.N.Unit 1000 None function, only from sell P.P. 100 Creat a single drone to block shots F.N.L. 150 Creat a single drone to attack Kernighan Bomb 50 Destroy Walls PDG 0 Go back this from the boss from the city ________________________________________________________________________________ ENEMIES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bipedal Mechs Green Walker Cash: 2 Armed Blue Walker Cash: 3 Desert Walker Cash: 20 Submarine Walker Cash: 35 Acid Walker Cash: 45 Heavy Walker Cash: 60 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jets and Drones Jet Cash: 3 Blue Drone Cash: 10 Jet Drone Cash: 10 Blue Bomber Cash: 25 Circle Drone Cash: 35 Hover Jet Cash: 40 Spreader Jet Cash: 40 Flying Fish Mech Cash: 40 Precision Drone Cash: 45 Silver Circle Cash: 50 Space Drone Cash: 50 Jet Support Unit Cash: 50 Silver Drone Cash: 60 Purple Drone Cash: 60 Big Drone Cash: 200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mechs Gunner Mech Cash: 5 Rifle Mech Cash: 8 Cannon Mech Cash: 10 Missille Mech Cash: 12 Unarmed Mech Cash: 25 Desert Mech Cash: 25 Gunner Hover Cash: 20 Cannon Hover Cash: 28 Desert Hover Cash: 30 Missile Hover Cash: 30 Desert Cannon Cash: 30 Green Runner Mech Cash: 35 Blue Rifle Mecha Cash: 43 Blue Sword Mech Cash: 50 Mortar Mech Cash: 50 Submarine Mech Cash: 50 Blue Cannon Mech Cash: 55 Space Mech Cash: 65 Submarine Cannon Cash: 40 Red Sword Mech Cash: 50 Red Mortar Cash: 70 Silver Mech Cash: 80 Space Mech 3 Cash: 80 Silver Missile Mech Cash: 85 Silver Cannon Cash: 100 Hulking Mech Cash: 120 Grey Mech Cash: 100 Grey Cannon Cash: 120 Finger Mech Cash: 140 Knight Mech Cash: 140 Assault Mech Cash: 150 Space Finger Cash: 150 Space Missile Cash: 150 Space Mech 2 Cash: 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statues (Aurail Event) Cash: 123 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barrier and Secure System Secure System Cash: 2 Barrier Cash: 10 Wall Cash: 10 Trench Cannon Cash: 20 Bomb 30 Platform 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Laser Cannon Fuse Cash: 50 Cannon Cash: 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hangar Ship Bow Cash: 150 CenterBoard Cash: 100 Gun Cash: 50 Large Gun Cash: 80 Down Deck Cash: 180 Thruster Cash: 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Large Spaceship Engine Cash: 150 Mini Torrent Cash: 80 Mini Thruster Cash: 80 Controlled Gun Cash: 140 Mini Gun Cash: 80 Unused Cannon Cash: 180 Cannon Cash: 265 Large Gun Cash: 140 Main Bridge Cash: 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Large Spaceship 2 Engine Cash: 170 Mini Torrent Cash: 80 Mini Thruster Cash: 190 Controlled Gun Cash: 160 Mini Gun Cash: 100 Unused Cannon Cash: 200 Cannon Cash: 110 Large Gun Cash: 160 Main Bridge Cash: 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________________________ GAME CREDITS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aurail 2 - Scenario Blood Gear Unit Production K.Kikuchi Director Main Programmer T.Watanabe Sub Programmer K.Tozaki Art Director H.Nakazima SP Designers H.Nakazima S.Sakurai R.Sumi Map Designers H.Nakazima R.Sumi Map Decorator Y.Hirata Action Scene H.Nakazima Designers R.Sumi S.Sakurai Action Scene Y.Hirata Decorator Sound Designer Jin W. Action Coachers T.Watanabe Y.Hirata H.Nakazima Secon Unit Visual Effects T.Watanabe Coordinatos Y.Hirata Visual Effects K.Tozaki Designer Storyboard M.Ohzora Artists Y.Hirata Original Mora Okamora Boku Kubo M.Ohzora Music Composer Jin.W S.Sakamoto Sound Effects Jin.W S.Suzuki Visual Scene T.Watanabe Supervisor Visual Scene M.Ohzora Graphics H.Nakazima K.Saito Title Designer S.Sakurai Cast Naration I.Nagai Aref Rolen Gray M.Ohkamura Rakuh E Bower K.Shiozama Bey Eurct Degner B.Ginga J.G. Carniham I.Nagai Shato Rolen Gray K.Tanaka May Eurct Far R.Kasahara Yan Myroad H.Ishikawa Shell Vianne W.Yamazaki Cash Randy T.Kobayashi Shege Senpah H.Sato Marry Garnet E.Ogata Marl Bgatty T.Kobayashi Ill Marshal K.Tanaka Khiese Bray H.Sato Special Thanks Adviser E.Aoyama Yuzawa Kappa R.Nishizawa M.Kadowaki Supervisor T.Matsunaga A.Yamazaki M.Ishizuka T.Kurihara Design Support M.Yoshihara M.Morioka K.Saito Catering Shumei;Mikuni;Maruka;.... The Producers with to thank: CSP TOKYO Westone Red Aoni-Production Hudson Soft ----------------------------------------------------------------------------