Bakushou Yoshimoto No Shinkigeki for PC Engine CD (Turbo CD) V1.0 5-7-2002 By DDCecil (James Tompkins) 1. Introduction/Updates 2. Controls 3. Walkthrough 4. Credits 1. Introduction --------------- This game is one of the funniest games, ever! Even though the game is in japanese, the character's expressions are funny, and don't forget the laugh track! This game is pretty easy (I beat it in one sitting), and worth the once-through. This is basically a platformer with a bunch of mini-games found through out it. Before pressing 'RUN' at the title screen wait a couple moments to see some funny caractures of the characters seen throughout the game. V1.0 - 5/7/02 - Walkthrough is finally finished. 2. Controls ----------- Arrows - Move Left or Right. Run - Start the game/Pause the game. Button I - Jump, used in some Mini-games. Button II - Attack in the Mini-Games. 3. Walkthrough -------------- Round 1 - The City (Normal Outfit) Once the game begins, your character gets beat up by a crowd of thugs. Afterwards, the crab in the background will jump off the building and run away, then one of the men come back and taunt you with the usual anime-stereotyping sticking out the tongue and slapping his behind at you... Walk right, jumping on the people's heads if you would like, or just avoid them. Onmce you start going up a hill, watch out for the guy dropping vases that roll down the hill. The same thing will happen on the other side of the hill. After this, jump over the hole and use the 2 sewer-lids that come up out of the ground to reach the rooftop of the next house. Jump on the box to get a hamburger out of it. Go right, and you can choose to do downwards, or straight ahead. If you go straight, you get to see a bunch of men flirting wiht girls (and you get to flirt yourself, just press "up" near the 'big' girl when the game asks you to), or if you go down, you get to drink the river of water with a straw and see some very strange sightings (a yellow submarine and a man who looks like Colonel Sanders!). After this, you'll jump over some more holes, and man will invite you inside... Mini-Game 1: Dance Choose the girl you want to dance with, then press the arrows on your control pad in sync with the arrows that flash during this game to win. It seems you don't have to get very moves right to win, just a different response from the man who invites you in if you don't do very well... After this, continue right and grab the cane to transform into... Old Fogy Man (da da duh!) and kick some butt... sorta. After this, go up the hill, watching out for the rolling rocks which are being dumped on to you by a truck... After this, you'll find more of the vase-dropping men. Pass them, and you'll be at a very steep incline. Go down it and watch the craziness that ensues. At the end you'll hit some bowling pins and the game will continue like normal. Go up the hill, watching out for the men sliding down it. At the end of the path, a man will knock you out of his shop, you'll roll down a hill, and hit a campfire, and leap up onto a rollercoaster! Press the directional arrows when they flash upon the screen. If you mess up, you'll lose half a heart, and jump over some holes. If you complete it, you get your health recovered to full (The correct way through the rollercoaster sequence is up, down, up, up). Mini-Game 2: Janken Food Fight! It's Rock-Scissors-Paper with a twist! Press the arrows for which move you'd like to do. Left arrow is Paper, right arrow is scissors, and up and down are for rock. If you win, press 'I' to throw food at your opponent. If you lose, press 'II' to block your opponents food! Hit him 3 times to win. Also, if you lose and you try and throw food, you'll lose a heart, so be careful! Round 2 - Forest (Samurai Outfit) Go right, passing the people and dogs. Once inside the cave, avoid the bats, and wtach your footing! At the very end, jump on the platform to be shot upwards. You'll now be on a series of cliffs. Use the ninjas and their weapons to reach the very top, where a shack sits. Enter it if you would like to for... Mini-Game 1 (Optional): During this game, you will run from left to right, and need to press 'UP+I' to attack the bamboo sticks that are above you, and 'DOWN+I' or just 'I' to attack the ones on your level. Certain ones have 1-Ups in them. I'm not sure what happens if you chop all 60 of them, as I seem to miss one everytime I play... After this, go right, drop down one cliff, jump over this hole, then drop down the next series of cliffs to reach a hill, go down, avoiding the obstacles that appear and roll down behind you. At the bottom of the hill, the place will turn dark. Drop into the hole and wait for the lightning to strike the tree. After it falls, get out of the hole and avoid standing where the skull symbol appears. Everytime one appears, lightning will come down in that area. After passing that, go right some more until a man invites you in... Mini-Game 2: Kite Fight In this game, it's best to stay offensive and keep hitting the man, as he never really attacks you. Use the arrows to move and 'I' to attack with your stick weapon. 5 hits and it's over... Now you'll be in a city. Continue right until you see weird Rosie O'Donnell look-alikes throwing bowling balls at you. Don't ask ^_^. On one of the rooftops, you'll see a fan. Grab it to become Great Geisha and you'll wipe out the screen of enemies. Continue right, going up a hill, until you see a hole. Fall down it and try to land on the bell tower. If you do, keep jumping on the lamp-things, jumping ot the next one just as the one you are standing on falls. You'll find 2 helmets that give you energy, and at the final one, you'll find 2 1-UPs. Stand on this one to get 2 more 1-UPs on your way down. Go right, and you'll see a ninja kidnapping a girl. Then the frantic mother will come out and ask you if you will help her. Answer yes, and you'll walk right. The mother than starts screaming the girl's name and runs into you, sending you into the bad guy's hideout. Go up and left, watching out for the spikes that pop out of the ground. Jump on the ninjas and gor ight for some more ROD look-alikes. Go up and then left and watch out for the disappearing floors. Enter the wall at the end. Jump on the Mario World- style platforms and meet the kidnapper. Something funny happens here, too bad it's in japanese because the laugh track thinks it's REALLY funny... Anyways it's time to play everyone's favorite arcade game... Mini-Game 3: Whack-A-Geisha You have 60 seconds to hit the kidnapper 16 times. Everytime you hit a geisha, you become paralyzed for about 2 seconds. Use the arrows to move around the nine holes and press 'I' to use the hammer. Round 3 - Western World (Cowboy Outfit) Go right, passing the cliffs, watching out for birds and immobile cacti. After this a stampede of buffalo come (Just like on Sunset Riders!). At end of this a baby buffalo comes and butts you over a cactus. Next you'll meet two kids that want you to try out their machine. If you answer yes, you'll be transported to their rocket ship which takes you to the moon, and then you crash into your next area. Go right and into the town. Grab the helmet to become Miner-who-makes- everyone-lift-their-dresses-up boy. Go right until you see the fat man who beat his chest at the beginning of the game. Mini-Game 1: Mechanical Bull Press "II" repeatedly to stay balanced on the 'bull'. Don't press it too fast, but don't press it to slow, either. If you fall off too many times, you'll have to repeat this event (and you'll lose a turn). After this, go right and a man will show you a scroll. Keep going right and jump to grab the meat and fall down. Get onto the trampoline and jump back upwards to grab the 1-UP. Go right avoiding the birds, and cross the bridges. Soon you'll see a kid riding a buffalo whith an evil grin on his face... Go right and the kid will shoot you and make you jump into the air press 'I' when the game tells you to, and use the branch at the bottom of the canyon to reach the next area. Go right, passing moving platforms (if you fall off, use the trampolines at the bottom of the canyons to reach the higher areas). At the end of the platforms, pass the tornado (just walk through it) and at the end you'll meet the fat man again and it's time for an old western... Mini-Game 2: Gunfight You'll be in the middle of the screen. Your goal is to hit the fatman 5 times. You can shoot his 2 cronies, but shooting them will just stun them for a couple seconds. Round 4 - Ice World (Eskimo Outfit) Once the level begins, you'll fall down a couple of slopes. Next go right, and make your way to the very top green slope. This will make the level easier. Make your way right, watching out for the many Yeti enemies. If you fall of the slopes, you'll have to walk all the way back to the left, so be very careful! Pretty soon, you'll see ice platforms moving up and down. Make your way pass these until you get to a rotating SMW-type platform with 4 platforms on it. Jump to the right and land on an ice platform. From this jump right and onto another rotating platform. Go right and make your way to the green slope. Go right, watching out for yetis and you'll find a sumo-wretsler that pops out of the icy cold water. He'll make the bridge you are tsanding on crumb to some ice slopes (they are 4 of them). After this you'll meet a strange man... Mini-Game 1: Senor on the Machine You get to make Ice Cone Pies! To make them, press up and down repeatedly then press 'I' to choose the color in a slot-machine type format. Depending on how many of each you make will depends on where you go after the timer runs out. I got 4 Purple pies, 1 Red and 1 Yellow. I got to grab a pair of ice skates become a skater girl. Go right, pass 3 more ice slopes, and you'll run into a red and green penguin. The red one will scare you down the ice slope. After passing more ice slopes and platforms, you meet the 2 penguins again... Mini-Game 2: Snowball Fight. Press 'I' to throw snowballs. Only hitting the green one counts. The red one is there for a distraction. Sometimes the red one will come to your side of the screen. Throw a snowball at her to push her back to her own side. Round 5 - River (Explorer's Outfit) You'll be on a raft, heading right. Jump over or onto the spiders, jump over the rocks, and jump on the fish that pop out of the water. Soon you'll crash onto dry land. You'll meet up with 4 men. After a scene with them, go right and pass the bridge, jumping over the tiki guys. Soon you'll reach 2 cavemen... Mini-Game 1: Rock'em Sock'em Robots! Once the game begins, get the caveman into the corner and press 'I' repeatedly to win without getting hit. Round 6 - Return to the City (Normal Outfit) Once the level begins, keep going right. You'll have a conversation with a man, and then you'll enter a building. Once inside, continue upwards. Pretty soon, you'll reach a slot machine. I've only gotten the heart everytime I've played. Continue right, then upwards again. Soon, you'll reach another slot machine. I got the '?' which warps you right to the final boss! If you don't get this, continue left, and jump on the switches to make platofmrs appear for a few seconds. At the top you'll reach the final boss... Final Boss: Water Pump Battle For this game, you are going to need to have lightning fast fingers! Press up and down together for the best results. Whoever feels their bubble first with the most water wins! After this, wtach your well- deserved ending! 4. Credits ---------- Thanks to: CJayC - for hosting this on GameFAQs All other websites that keep my FAQs up to date You - For reading this Me - For writing this