World Cup and Nekketsu Koukou Soccer FAQ v1.10 1/15/03 by Mike Fredericks email: site: .......................__ ...................../\/\/\ ....................|/\/\/\| .....................\\/\// .......................-- This FAQ covers: US/Euro 8-bit NES World Cup Soccer (actually titled Nintendo World Cup but Nintendo's taking too much credit) JPN Famicom (JPN NES) Nekketsu Koukou Soccer (Hot Blooded High School Soccer) JPN PC-Engine (JPN TurboGrafX16) Duo SCD Nekketsu Koukou Soccer (The info concerning the SCD version should apply to PC-Engine Hucard version but I don't have the Hucard to see for myself). NKS's full name is Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu Soccer-hen. It is sometimes called Hot Blooded High School Soccer or Kunio's Soccer. This FAQ while loaded with information and tricks, may be short on strategy. Dimetric Houston's World Cup Soccer FAQ is a good source for strategy but keep in mind he uses a different scale of numbers to rate player speed and uses different names for super shots. --==FAQ history==-- v1.10 1/15/03 Added save stating hacking info for PC-Engine and speed stats for its additional teams. Determined Samurai's and World Cup Argentina's speed more accurately. v1.00 1/14/03 first release --==Contents==-- Section 1 - World Cup Player Stats Section 2 - World Cup Super Shots Section 3 - Tournament match info and passwords for both games Section 4 - Game Plan for both games Section 5 - Differences in Nekketsu Koukou Soccer Section 6 - Nekketsu Koukou Soccer Player Stats Section 7 - Nekketsu Koukou Soccer Super Shots Section 8 - Super Shots missing from games and their vs modes Section 9 - Game Genie Codes and Hacked Save States Section 10 - Nekketsu Soccer League name translations (This is the sequal to Nekketsu Koukou Soccer) Section 11 - Other Name Translations (mainly concerning Nekketsu Kunio games that made it to the US) Section 12 - Credits, etc. --==Section 1 - World Cup Player Stats==-- In tournament mode (1 or 2 players VS CPU), when you pick a team other than USA, your team will still look like USA, have their speed, their hit points, and their Goal Keeper%, but they will have the super shot, shot steps, colors, and names of whatever team you pick. At the team set up screen the players players are arranged like this: A (Tony) E (Mark) B (Dayv) F (Don) C (Brian) G (Phil) D (Terry) H (Fred) (USA names shown) In vs mode when you pick a team other than USA they are exactly what they are like when controlled by the computer in tournament mode. To play on a special type of field in tournament mode, play a vs game on the type of field you want and then play tournament mode. To make the vs game only 1 minute long use the Game Genie code AAKTXXPA. On the USA team each player has a different super shot while everyone shares the same super shot on other teams. When a player tries to shoulder bash another, he will succeed if the opposing player has less HP. If they have the same HP, they will both fall to the ground. If a player tries to shoulder bash someone with more HP, only they fall and the opponent is completely unphased. Goal Keeping Defense is the player's chance of stopping a super shot rather than being smashed by it without changing its course. +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Player | Speed | HP | Shot Steps | G.K Defense | Super Shot | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | A (Tony) | 6 | 50 | (7) | 50% | (Blaster) | | B (Dayv) | 2 | 40 | (3) | 40% | (Breaker) | | C (Brian) | 2 | 38 | (3) | 40% | (Bouncer) | | D (Terry) | 8 | 40 | (7) | 30% | (Stinger) | | E (Mark) | 4 | 40 | (7) | 30% | (Psycho) | | F (Don) | 2 | 40 | (3) | 60% | (Levitator)| | G (Phil) | 4 | ? | (7) | ? | (ZigZag) | | H (Fred) | 8 | ? | (7) | ? | (Pulse) | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Cameroon | 1 | ? | 6 | ? | Pulse | | Japan | 1 | ? | 3 | ? | Blaster | | France | 2 | 32 | 3 | 20% | Waffle | | Russia | 1 | ? | 6 | ? | Spinner | | Spain | 3 | ? | 7 | ? | Pulse | | England | 5 | 38 | 5 | 33% | Stinger | | Mexico | 4 | ? | 8 | ? | Boomerang | | Holland | 4 | ? | 8 | ? | Waffle | | Brazil | 6 | ? | 7 | ? | Psycho | | Italy | 10 | 50 | 9 | 47% | Levitator | | Argentina | 12 | ? | 10 | ? | Boomerang | | W. Germany | 10 | 70 | 5 | 60% | ZigZag | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ Argentina jumps over rocks on the bumpy field instead of tripping over them. They even take the ball with them in the air. However, a slower player can easily walk around the rock and smack them out of the air since jumping over a rock still slows a player down. A slide tackle will completely knock someone down instead of just stunning them since they're already in the air. Play tournament mode on the bumpy field and either use Argentina or use the password 22300 to play against them and see for yourself. Super Shots not in VS mode Pulse, Spinner, Boomerang Players not in VS mode G (Phil), H (Fred), Cameroon, Japan, Russia, Spain, Mexico, Holland, Brazil, Argentina Speed is how fast the player moves around. When a computer player's HP is down to zero he won't get up except to do a throw in or corner kick or after a goal is scored or the half ends. Hit points are restored to max after a half. Shot steps is the certain number of shots you have to walk and kick the ball for a super or turbo shot. You do not have to be dribbling the ball in your possession. G.K. Defense is the chance a goalie has of catching or blocking a super shot or a strong turbo shot when they can get to it. If they don't catch or block it, they get sent into orbit or smacked down hard while the ball keeps going. --==Section 2 - World Cup Super Shots==-- There are three ways to do a super shot. 1. Press A + B to bicycle kick the ball out of the air. Immediately start holding up or down after you press A + B to aim the shot accordingly. 2. Press left or right + A + B to hit the ball out of the air with a diving headbutt and aim accordling with up/down. You have to hit the ball out of air before it bounces on the ground or touches another player. 3. Stop, then walk a certain number of shot steps for your player and shoot and ball. You do not have to be dribbling the ball in your possession. You can walk up to the ball and super kick it as it sits on ground or another player is stopping it with their chest. Slow players can actually get across the field faster by doing diving headbutts instead of just walking. You can also jump over a rock with a diving headbutt. A computer opponent in tournament mode will sometimes do a super shot with a standing headbutt. It may be possible for a human player to do a super shot like this. The player closest to the goal can do such a headbutt shot with A when the ball comes to them in the air or if he stops it with his chest after it bounces off the goalie. If you were to walk your shots steps and press A at end of them with the ball coming to you right at that time, then maybe you could do a super shot like this. Human players can do five super shots in a half or in a whole VS game. Method 3 will do turbo shots after super shots are expended. The other two methods will do normal shots. With most super shots Method 1 is hardest to defend against since the ball is higher in the air. Computer players on a human controlled team never do super or turbo shots and computer players never do a turbo shot or bicycle kick as far as I know. There two kinds of a turbo shots of which you randomly do one or the other. A weak one is just like a normal shot except a lot faster while a strong one smashes people (including a goalie) into orbit like a super shot. Types of super shots: The Blaster (Tony, Japan) The ball just takes on a horizontally compressed shape. The Pulse (Fred, Cameroon, Spain) The ball flies like the blaster, stops and decompresses, flies like the blaster, and so on. This is the worst super shot since its pauses can give the goalie more time to get to it. The Waffle (France, Holland) Same as the blaster except compressed diagonally. Same effect. The Spinner (Russia) The ball looks like a bubble while it hovers in the air for a moment. Then it flies like a turbo blaster. This is one of the better super shots. It's completely unstoppable when done with the bicycle kick. The Stinger (Terry, England) Same as the blaster except the ball tumbles in its compressed shape. Same effect. The Boomerang (Mexico, Argentina) The ball flies to a spot straight up or down from the kicker in an arc then flies at turbo speed towards the goal. This is one of the better super shots. It doesn't need to be aimed and aiming will have no effect. It's completely unstoppable when done with the bicycle kick. The Psycho (Mark, Brazil) Two images of the ball float up and down for moment and then the ball flies like a turbo blaster. Same effect as the spinner. The Levitator (Don, CPU controlled USA, Italy) The ball floats high into the air in the shape of the stinger and then flies like a turbo blaster. This is the best super shot in the game. It's completely unstoppable except if you do it with methods 1 or 3 when in the goalie's box. The Zigzag (Phil, W. Germany) In the shape of the waffle the ball flies up and down diagonally towards the goal. In someways this super shot is one of the better ones and some ways it's the worst. It can get by the goalie in some really funky ways but it's the only super shot that can miss the goal when aimed. It will rarely miss the goal when done with methods 1 or 3. With a bicycle kick it will miss about half the time unless you do it from certain distances. The Breaker (Dayv) The ball flies straight forward then suddenly flies towards the goal at turbo speed. It doesn't need to be aimed and aiming has no effect. It's completely unstoppable when done with a bicycle kick. (This super shot only goes turbo speed in US NES World Cup. It stays normal speed in the Japanese versions.) The Bouncer (Brian) The ball hops on the ground towards the goal. It's not a good super shot since it goes down to the ground when done with the bicycle kick and it pauses between hops. It's easiest for a goalie to get. However, when shot from the ground at the right distance at an angle, it may hop right over a diving goalie and into the goal. --==Section 3 - Tournament match info and passwords for both games==-- # = match number P PW = PC-Engine versions password F PW = Famicom version password N PW = NES version password NKS Team = Team in Japanese versions WCS Team = Team in US version V = Playable in versus mode? Super Shot = Type of Super Shot (I used names from Super Dodgeball's manual and made up the rest) Field = what NKS Team plays on if not normal grass +--+----+----+----------+-+----------+--------+-----+----------+-+----------+ | #|P PW|F PW|NKS Team |V|Super Shot|Field |N PW |WCS Team |V|Super Shot| +--+----+----+----------+-+----------+--------+-----+----------+-+----------+ | | | |Nekketsu |Y|Varied | | |USA |Y|Varied | | 1| | |Students | |Square | | |Cameroon | |Pulse | | 2|3894|0103|Monks |Y|Bubble |Soil |10300|Japan | |Blaster | | 3|4319|0307|Bikers |Y|Waffle |Concrete|30700|France |Y|Waffle | | 4|1005|1015|Hunters | |Spinner |Bumpy |01500|Russia | |Spinner | | 5|7931|1220|Announcers| |Spikes | |22000|Spain | |Pulse | | 6|6512|0721|Firemen | |Coin | |72100|England |Y|Stinger | | 7|8918|1115|Fishermen |Y|Fish |Sand |11500|Mexico | |Boomerang | | 8|3161|0424|Psychics | |Ghost |Ice |42400|Holland | |Waffle | | 9|6464|0626|Mob | |Diamond |Concrete|62600|Brazil | |Psycho | |10|0920|0602|Miners | |Digger |Soil |60200|Italy |Y|Levitator | |11|0335|0223|Samurai |Y|Boomerang |Bumpy |22300|Argentina | |Boomerang | |12|5321|1128|Fighters | |Banana | |12800|W. Germany|Y|Zigzag | +--+----+----+----------+-+----------+--------+-----+----------+-+----------+ |13|6216| |France | |CloseUp | | | | | | |14|5872| |Brazil | |BumbleBee | | | | | | |15|3479| |Argentina | |Uppercut | | | | | | |16|9283| |Italy | |Arch | | | | | | |17|5050| |Germany | |Sidewinder| | | | | | +--+----+----+----------+-+----------+--------+-----+----------+-+----------+ The computer controlled USA team's super shot is the levitator. If you're the team that you're supposed to go against, you will go against USA instead except... If you pick Argentina, USA will replace Holland in 8th match, Holland will be moved to 10th match, and Italy will be the semifinal match. You pick W. Germany, the same changes will be made except Argentina is the final match. The additional teams 13-17 on PC-Engine aren't neccessarily like the teams of the same nationality in NES World Cup. --==Section 4 - Game Plan for both games==-- This is how it's laid out in both games with my settings so you don't need to know Japanese. +-----------------+ +------------------+ |Your Offensive | |Should The G.K | | Strategy ? | | join in ?| | | | | ||>Pass the ball | | Yes | | | | | | Use dribble | | |>No | +-----------------+ +------------------+ +-----------------+ +------------------+ |Should your team-| |Your Defensive | | mates shoot? | | strategy ? | | | | | ||>Yes,frequently | | Try to Tackle | | Sometimes | | | | No, not at all | | |>Mark the | | | | Opponent | +-----------------+ +------------------+ With these choices you can tell teammates to pass and shoot. And they'll also do so on their own instead of just walking forward with the ball until even the weakest opponent slide tackles them. You can also tell teammates to slide tackle or shoulder bash. This is more preferable than having no control over a weak teammate trying to bash someone too strong for them or teammates slide tackling when they could just bash opponents. You can risk leaving an open net by having a goal keeper join in, but I don't recommend it. They need to be fast to get back in position in time and they hang back too much to be much of a help scoring anyway. Also when out of the goalie box they are like normal players with possibly none of the advantages of a goalie such as infinite HP or supreme priority. If the team you are playing against isn't enough of a challenge, go ahead and send out your G.K. Have fun or experiment. Goal keepers might be effective defensive players by taking the ball off players before they shoot and having to stop balls less often. --==Section 5 - Differences in Nekketsu Koukou Soccer==-- - Cut scenes and ending - Passwords are 4 digits instead of 5 and are shown when you quit after losing a game - 22 (26 on PC-Engine) super shots of which 14 are usable (opposed to 11 in WCS of which all are usable) - Super shots are unlimited and there's no turbo shots (except super shots that fly at turbo speed and some normal shots occasionally flying faster) - The Breaker super shot doesn't become turbo speed - The ball doesn't have to be in the air to do a SS with a diving headbutt - 1:30 time limit in a tournament game half (opposed to 4 minutes) - 2:30 time limit in a vs match (opposed to 10 minutes) - A ball kicked by a goalie doesn't smash people on the way up. - A ball can be hit with a diving headbutt when it bounces off a goalie instead of the player just being smashed by the ball. - When a Boomerang (when it's arcing) or a Breaker super shot hits a player other than a goalie, it will sometimes go in the opposite direction. If it then hits a teammate it will probably go back in the right direction. - You can only play as the Nekketsu team in tournament mode. - You start with 6 players in tournament mode. - Susumu (equivalent to Phil) joins after the 2nd match. - Atsushi (equivalent to Fred) joins after the 4th match. - Masa joins after the 7th match. - Genei joins after the 11th match. - You play against teams in tournament mode on all different types of fields. - On Famicom VS mode is only 2 players (but is up to 4 on PC-Engine) - On PC-Engine the timer is stopped when the ball goes out of bounds. - On PC-Engine you have cut scenes similar to the normal ending after winning the 12th match but then you go on to play five more teams of different nationalities. You get another ending after beating final team. - Also on PC-Engine, computer AI is meaner, sound and graphics are upgraded, and some cut scenes are more like standard Japanese anime. - In the PC-Engine SCD version, music is CD Audio and there's voices. There is also a JPN Gameboy Nekketsu Koukou Soccer. It's a strange hybrid of World Cup and Nekketsu Koukou Soccer where you play as the Nekketsu team with messed up names. This version is atrocious. The control, physics, and hit detection are terrible. I don't think the diving headbutt can even hit the ball. The behavior of goalies and other computer players will baffle you. The ones you can tell what to do will often play monkey in the middle instead of passing you the ball as you jam on the pass button to order them. Like the other Japanese games you have to lose to get a password. 22431 will take you to the 2nd match. This FAQ will not cover this Gameboy version any further. --==Section 6 - Nekketsu Koukou Soccer Player Stats==-- Nekketsu Koukou Soccer is the original game by Technos of Japan. Nintendo changed the game so much when they translated the it, that it's like a completely different game in the same great series. Speaking of which, there is a sequal to Nekketsu Koukou Soccer called Nekketsu Soccer League and it's insane. +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Player | Speed | HP | Shot Steps | G.K Defense | Super Shot | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Kunio | 6 | 50 | 7 | 50% | Blaster | | Kouji | 2 | 40 | 3 | 40% | Breaker | | Hiroshi | 2 | 38 | 3 | 40% | Bouncer | | Mitsuhiro | 8 | 40 | 7 | 30% | Stinger | | Shinichi | 4 | 40 | 7 | 30% | Psycho | | Takashi | 2 | 40 | 3 | 60% | Flasher | | Susumu | 4 | ? | 7 | ? | ZigZag | | Atsushi | 8 | ? | 7 | ? | Pulse | | Masa | 6 | ? | 7 | ? | Sidewinder | | Genei | 8 | ? | 3 | ? | Levitator | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Students | 1 | ? | ? | ? | Square | | Monks | 1 | ? | 3 | ? | Bubble | | Bikers | 2 | 32 | 3 | 20% | Waffle | | Hunters | 1 | ? | ? | ? | Spinner | | Announcers | 5 | ? | ? | ? | Spikes | | Firemen | 3 | ? | ? | ? | Coin | | Fishermen | 3 | ? | 7 | ? | Fish | | Psychics | 3 | ? | ? | ? | Ghost | | Mob | 3 | ? | ? | ? | Diamond | | Miners | 2 | ? | 8 | ? | Digger | | Samurai | 12 | ? | 10 | ? | Boomerang | | Fighters | 8 | ? | ? | ? | Banana | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | France | 6 | ? | ? | ? | CloseUp | | Brazil | 8 | ? | ? | ? | BumbleBee | | Argentina | 9 | ? | ? | ? | Uppercut | | Italy | 11 | ? | ? | ? | Arch | | Germany | 10 | ? | ? | ? | Sidewinder | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ The players are arranged like this on the team set up screen. A Kunio F Takashi B Kouji G Susumu C Hiroshi H Atsushi D Mitsuhiro I Masa E Shinichi J Genei Here are the players on the Nekketsu team matched with their messed up names in World Cup (although my translations may be rough) and their equivalents on the USA team. +-----------+--------+-------+ | Nekketsu | Japan | USA | +-----------+--------+-------+ | Kunio | Kunio | Tony | | Kouji | Riki | Dayv | | Hiroshi | Koji | Brian | | Mitsuhiro | Susumu | Terry | | Shinichi | Masao | Mark | | Takashi | Hiro | Don | | Susumu | Makoto | Phil | | Atsushi | Kenji | Fred | | Masa | | | | Genei | | | +-----------+--------+-------+ It's odd that they used the name Riki for someone other than the sometimes rival, sometimes sidekick major character of the Nekketsu games, especially considering that he's not in Nekketsu Koukou Soccer (at least I don't think). Also the girl who the Nekketsu team bows before is Misako. The Bikers and/or Mob team might be Yakuza. --==Section 7 - Nekketsu Koukou Soccer Super Shots==-- The Sidewinder (Masa, Germany) The ball goes from side to side while flying towards the goal. The Flasher (Takashi) Same as Blaster but graphics blink between normal ball and bubble. The Square (Students) Same as Blaster but with different graphics. The Diamond (Mob) Same as Square but spinning. The Bubble (Monks) The ball turns into a slow moving bubble. The Spikes (Announcers) Same as Blaster but with different graphics. The Coin (Firemen) Ball turns into a spinning coin and moves slowly forward while going from going back and forth sideways. Tends to hit a lot of players, even the same ones again after they get up after flying through the air, but easy for a goalie to get to. The Fish (Fishermen) Same as Bouncer but the ball turns into fish graphics. The Ghost (Psychics) Flies slowly at strange angle with different graphics. The Digger (Miners) The ball goes down into the ground and towards the goal. When done with a bicycle kick the graphics don't go low enough. But the only time you could see this shot done with a bicycle kick is by loading a hack save state to play as the Miners team. The Banana (Fighters) Like the Pulse with different graphics. The CloseUp (France) Same as blaster but normal ball graphics that blink between normal and large size. The BumbleBee (Brazil) The ball flies around in a circular motion making its way towards the goal. The Uppercut (Argentina) The ball flies straight for a while, then upwards into the goal. It only works like it's supposed to when shot at left goal. When shot at right goal it won't fly up unless it was shot from near the left goal in which case it will fly upwards immediately there and level off at a certain height. But you only get the defects if loading a hacked save state to make player 1's team Argentina. The Arch (Italy) The ball flies like the Stinger towards the goal but when it gets close, it flies up and back, then down diagonally into the goal. It only works like it's supposed to when shot at the left goal. It will be just like the Stinger when shot at the right goal unless shot from near the left goal in which case it will behave strangely and go out of bounds. But you only get the defects if loading a hacked save state to make player 1's team Italy. Super shots already described in section 2 for World Cup: Blaster (Kunio) Breaker (Kouji) Bouncer (Hiroshi) Stinger (Mitsuhiro) Psycho (Shiniehi) ZigZag (Susumu) Pulse (Atsushi) Levitator (Genei) Waffle (Bikers) Spinner (Hunters) Boomerang (Samurai) --==Section 8 - Super Shots missing from games and their modes==-- (C) = Can not ever use in any of these versions of the games. Only the computer can use it. World Cup Super Shots not in its VS mode: Pulse, Spinner, Boomerang Supershots missing from World Cup: Flasher, Sidewinder, Bubble, Spikes, Coin, Fish, Ghost, Square, Diamond, Digger, Banana, PC-Engine exclusive ones Nekketsu Koukou Super Shots not in its VS mode: Zigzag, Pulse, Sidewinder, Levitator, Spinner, Spikes (C), Coin (C), Ghost (C), Square (C), Diamond (C), Digger (C), Banana (C), PC-Engine exlusive ones (C) SuperShots only possessed by the PC-Engine versions' extra teams in tournament mode: CloseUp (C), Bumble Bee (C), Uppercut (C), Arch (C) --==Section 9 - Game Genie Codes for World Cup Soccer==-- US World Cup (either version, single cart or combo cart w/ V'Ball): Enter the eight letter codes in an actual Game Genie. This list is actually in .pat file format for emulation. 6A3C?03:00 AAUVKZLA 1 min tourn half 6A3C?03:01 PAUVKZLA 2 min tourn half 6A3C?03:02 ZAUVKZLA 3 min tourn half 6A3C?03:0C GAUVKZLE 5 min tourn half 6A3C?03:05 IAUVKZLA 6 min tourn half 6A3C?03:06 TAUVKZLA 7 min tourn half 6A3C?03:07 YAUVKZLA 8 min tourn half 6A3C?03:08 AAUVKZLE 9 min tourn half 6A3C?03:09 PAUVKZLE 10 min tourn half 6A42?09:00 AAKTXXPA 1 minute vs 6A42?09:01 PAKTXXPA 2 minute vs 6A42?09:02 ZAKTXXPA 3 minute vs 6A42?09:03 LAKTXXPA 4 minute vs 6A42?09:04 GAKTXXPA 5 minute vs 6A42?09:05 IAKTXXPA 6 minute vs 6A42?09:06 TAKTXXPA 7 minute vs 6A42?09:07 YAKTXXPA 8 minute vs 2A2F?38:70 AYXXNXAL Turbo shots 3DA3?00:01 PEXLUIAA Faster players 22A2:E5 SVXZZZ Super jumps (X) 0828:9C KPZEEE Messed up graphics (X) 0898:99 OOOEEE Funny players (X) 5C24:E5 STZIKG invisible players (X) 5C47:51 PIKING some invis players (X) I do not recommend the codes marked (X). They came from I have only included them here in order to have a complete list, but I do not mean to completely discount the possibility that some useful codes could be made by modifying them. Euro World Cup: 6A41?03:00 AAKTOZLA 1 min tourn half 6A41?03:01 PAKTOZLA 2 min tourn half 6A41?03:02 ZAKTOZLA 3 min tourn half 6A41?03:0C GAKTOZLE 5 min tourn half 6A41?03:05 IAKTOZLA 6 min tourn half 6A41?03:06 TAKTOZLA 7 min tourn half 6A41?03:07 YAKTOZLA 8 min tourn half 6A41?03:08 AAKTOZLE 9 min tourn half 6A41?03:09 PAKTOZLE 10 min tourn half 6A47?09:00 AAKTNXPA 1 minute vs 6A47?09:01 PAKTNXPA 2 minute vs 6A47?09:02 ZAKTNXPA 3 minute vs 6A47?09:03 LAKTNXPA 4 minute vs 6A47?09:04 GAKTNXPA 5 minute vs 6A47?09:05 IAKTNXPA 6 minute vs 6A47?09:06 TAKTNXPA 7 minute vs 6A47?09:07 YAKTNXPA 8 minute vs 2A2F?38:70 AYXXNXAL Turbo shots 3DA3?00:01 PEXLUIAA Faster players You can get some already hacked save states to play as other teams at my site at on the front page or on a Technos or miscellaneous page when I get one up. Save State Hacking: With NESticle, choose 2 player vs match, pick the teams, and save state on the field select screen. Open the .st* file in a hex editor such as Hexposure. In a US World Cup save state go to the hex address 2514. Make sure the hex value is 00 for USA. Player one has to be USA or else you will have terrible graphic glitches. Make the next value at 2515 that of the team you want player 2 to be: 01 = Holland 02 = Japan 04 = Kenya/Cameroon 05 = Russia 06 = Mexico 08 = Spain 09 = Brazil 0B = Argentina For JPN NKS save state go to 2508. Of that and the next value at 2509 one has to be 00 for Nekketsu or else you will have graphic glitches. Make one value 00 and make the other that of the team you want: 01 = Miners 04 = Students 05 = Hunters 07 = Firemen 08 = Announcers 09 = Mob 0A = Psychics 0C = Fighters 0D = some hyper team (sprites of World Cup Argentina) - Must be player 2 and player 1 must be Nekketsu to avoid graphic glitches. Their super shot is just a normal shot with the super sound effects. For the purpose of trying to determine stats such as shot steps here are how the teams are matched up by their hex value used in save states: +--+----------+-+----------+--------------+-+----------+ | #|NKS Team |V|Super Shot|WCS Team |V|Super Shot| +--+----------+-+----------+--------------+-+----------+ |00|Nekketsu |Y|Varied |USA |Y|Varied | |01|Miners | |Digger |Holland | |Waffle | |02|Monks |Y|Bubble |Japan | |Blaster | |03|Bikers |Y|Waffle |France |Y|Waffle | |04|Students | |Square |Cameroon/Kenya| |Pulse | |05|Hunters | |Spinner |Russia | |Spinner | |06|Fishermen |Y|Fish |Mexico | |Boomerang | |07|Firemen | |Coin |England |Y|Stinger | |08|Announcers| |Spikes |Spain | |Pulse | |09|Mob | |Diamond |Brazil | |Psycho | |0A|Psychics | |Ghost |W. Germany |Y|Zigzag | |0B|Samurai |Y|Boomerang |Argentina | |Boomerang | |0C|Fighters | |Banana |Italy |Y|Levitator | +--+----------+-+----------+--------------+-+----------+ PCE-Engine save state hacking: I used Magic Engine v0.99 beta2 with an authentic SCD of the game. So far I've had the hex addresses of chosen team values fluctuate between 43E7E & 43E7F, 439A6 & 439A7, 44C8A & 44C8B, and 45162 & 45163. Those are only some possibilities. When hacking save states for different versions of the games, the easiest way to locate the hex addresses is to first save the state on field select screen after both players pick the Bikers (or the equivalent France in World Cup). Then open the save state in a hex editor such as Hexposure and search for the hex sequence 00030300. This may be found in a few different places of the file but the instance with a LOT of zeros around it is the one. Or you could get some already hacked save states from my site and modify them. The text file packaged with PCE ones tells what hex addresses their chosen teams are at. At the hex addresses, the first hex value there is the 1st team and the value at the next address is 2nd team. Change the values to those of the teams you want. Unlike 8-bit versions neither team has to be the main Nekketsu/USA team. You can have whatever match you want. On the position setup screen, the names are blank or invisible for any team not normally selectable, but it doesn't matter since their stats should all be the same. The Nekketsu team is the only one position setup means anything for. Here are the values for the different teams: 00 = Nekketsu 01 = Miners 02 = Monks 03 = Bikers 04 = Students 05 = Hunters 06 = Fishermen 07 = Firemen 08 = Announcers 09 = Mob 0A = Psychics 0B = Samurai 0C = Fighters 0D = France 0E = Brazil 0F = Argentina 10 = Italy 11 = Germany Emulation may not be always be so good compared to the real thing but as you can see it has its uses even though I have the actual carts/SCD of these games. Now if only I could figure out or get some Game Genie codes to do what my hacked save states do. --==Section 10 - Nekketsu Soccer League name translations==-- Nekketsu Soccer League is a sequal to Nekketsu Koukou Soccer only on JPN 8-bit Famicom. Keep in mind that my translations may be a bit rough. Nekketsu Team 0 Kunio 11 Yoritsune 3 Saji 10 Horibata 4 Iwakabe 0 Genei 8 Ugajin 9 Onitake 1 Kumon 7 Kaizuki 12 Tsune_? Karurosu Name - NKS Team they're from Yorisune - Samurai Saji - Biker Horibata - Miner Iwakabe - Hunter Ugajin - Psychic Onitake - Mobster Kumon - Student Kaizuki - Fishermen Tsune_? - Fighter I have no idea idea what that last character of Tsune's name is. The number next to a player is the team of Nekketsu Koukou Soccer they're from (See chart in Section 3). --==Section 11 - Other Name Translations==-- JPN = original Japanese name of character RCR = River City Ransom SC = Crash 'N' the Boys: Street Challenge WC = World Cup Soccer SDB = Super Dodgeball RG = Renegade This is based very much on the specific character sprites (For example, while Gouda appears in WC with a different name, he wasn't in the JPN NKS). JPN RCR SC WC SDB RG Kunio Alex Crash Cooney Kunio Sam Powers Mr. K Riki Ryan Crush Jack Mami Cyndi Hasebe Roxy Sareguchi Moose Kamijyou Benny Yamamoto Clyde Nishimura Rocko Baldy Kinoshita Blade Mochidsuki Turk Wheels Taira Mojo Kobayashi Thor Monty Gouda Ivan Spreck Don Onidsuka Otis Godai Tex Clint Ryuuichi Randy Ryuuji Andy Yamada Simon/Slick Skip Kounosuke Thornley Toudou Todd Saotome Nate Yoshino Dove Shimizu Zack Washio Spoon Hayasaka Knors/Knots Kumada Barns Hayami Milo Jyoni/Jimi Rocky Suteli-bu Bubu Kouji Riki Mike Hiroshi Koji John Mitsuhiro Susumu Steve Shinichi Masao Bill Takashi Hiro Saji Manuel Yukizaki Andre Hoshina Joel Yusa Pierru Souma Rone` Kazato Jan Iwakabe Chico Tsune_? Emilio Horibata Diego Ichirou Randy Tooru Tom Akira Fred Masahiko Ben Naritaka Paul Shintarou David Misuzu Kim Sabu Sabu Riki is replaced with Jack and Shinji is replaced with Joel in Renegade. Sugata, Morimoto, Nanase, and Ichijou are replaced with Cheese, Dragon, Sting, and Noise respectively in Street Challenge. River City Ransom and Chaddy Shack crossover?... In River City Ransom there's two successive bosses named Moose and Rocko (of course their names were different in the original Japanese version). At the end of Caddy Shack, Rodney Dangerfield says "Moose, Rocko, help the judge find his checkbook" as he sends the two thugs after the judge. Seems to me like the guys who translated the game grabbed those names from the movie, Caddy Shack. Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu names (Nekketsu Fighting Legend A.K.A. Riki Kunio) This is how the characters are arranged on the select screen: Kunio Shibata Ishidsuki Yamaishi Riki Ebihara Mashiba Jinnai Himeyama Raidou Aoi Anzawa Midou Fujikura Suga Ookuma --==Section 12 - Credits, etc.==-- Copyright / Permissions: You MAY distribute this file, provided it remains unmodified. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you keep this file intact and do not charge money for it (unless you're sending some $ my way). Ask me before putting this file on any site or public media. Where to get this file: I'd like to thank: Anyone that appreciates these great Technos games opposed to the usual generic sports games. If you want realism, play the real thing. Brian and Steve R. for having the first World Cup cart I played. Naxat Soft for the great PC-Engine SCD version of NKS (My only complaints are that you can still only select from the same five teams in VS mode and players 3 and 4 have the same aiming problem as in Nintendo World Cup) Technos Japan for their supreme games Sources of info: Nintendo Power volume 19 4-Player Extra Strategy Guide for many stats and the basis for stat scales (Beware of the guide's grossly inaccurate strategies) Super Dodgeball manual for super shot names for zips of animated gifs and icons whose filenames cleared up a couple names in section 11 Godai-Kun's PCE-Engine CD review of Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari on GameFAQs for PC-Engine Technos game info Game Genie Codebook but I did find more variations of codes myself and for Game Genie code hacking info and the code converting program which helped me figure out the Euro codes. Other sites of interest: (River City Hacky Sack game!) (Some Technos info) (Screenshots of possibly every version of every Technos game, but the site is in Japanese) (Import Famicom scans) Other FAQs by me: Grade Match/Ism Plus FAQ for Dreamcast Street Fighter Alpha/Zero 3 located at GameFAQs under SFA3 In-Depth FAQs and the SFA3 page of Tuesday, January 15th, 2003 Mike Fredericks