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Improved graphics, a whopping 32 wrestlers to choose from, fine tuned controls, tons of new moves and, the debut of Fire Pro's landmark feature ...the Create-A- Wrestler mode. For the first time ever, Wrestling fans were finally able to create their own custom wrestlers from scratch using pieces from over 30 different wrestler templates. On top of the created wrestler's appearance, gamers also had the option to customize their created wrestler's moves, specials, submission holds and even the way the created wrestler reacted when controlled by the computer. With three installments under their belts (plus the handful of variations ported to other consoles) Human's Fire Pro Wrestling series continued to gain momentum with no end in sight. This FAQ covers: *All 32 wrestlers. *Every special and secret move uncovered. *A complete walkthrough of every mode. *Secrets, tips & tricks. *Gameplay mechanics ======================================================== ******CONTROLS & GAMEPLAY****** ======================================================== While standing: Button II - Punch Button I - Kick Button RUN - Run Button RUN - Dropkick/Strike attack (while standing close) Button I - Climb turnbuckle/exit the ring/re-enter the ring While locking up: Button II - Light grapple Button I - Medium grapple Button Run - Strong grapple While opponent is laying on the ground: Button II - Pick opponent up Button I - Pin Button RUN - Submission hold While running: Button II - Light running attack Button I - Medium running attack Button RUN - Stop running Additional options: Button mash - escape pin attempts and submission holds Up/Down/Left/Right + Button I + Button II - secret move Button I/Button II - Tope Suicide (while running and opponent is outside the ring) Button I - tag partner in tag match From top ropes: Button II - Light top rope attack Button I - Medium top rope attack ======================================================== ******THE GAMEPLAY****** ======================================================== **Gameplay terms** Strike attack: Punches, kicks, dropkicks and other fighting techniques inputted without locking up. Certain wrestlers can also apply strike attacks to a downed opponent. Stomp attack: A special type of grapple where a wrestler continuously pummels the opponent. Stomp attacks, while not having the ability to force an opponent to submit, can be used to inflict damage as well as monitor the health of the opponent on the receiving end of the stomp attack. It is also interesting to note that stomp attacks can also be performed on downed opponents laying on the mat. Running attack: A strike attack inputted while running towards an opponent. Certain wrestlers use running attacks as their finishing moves. Top rope attack: High flying attacks that can only be performed after climbing one of the 4 top ropes within the ring. Lockup: When both Wrestlers lock arms and attempt to grapple one another. Front grapple: A grapple maneuver that can only be applied from the front of either wrestler after a lockup has been initiated. Back grapple: A grapple maneuver that can only be applied from the back of either wrestler after a lockup has been initiated. Submission hold: Grapple techniques that requires button mashing to escape.The amount of damage inflicted in a Submission hold depends on how quickly either Wrestler escapes from the submission. Illegal moves: In standard match settings, illegal moves are banned moves such as head biting, fork stabbing and choking an opponent. In standard match settings, illegal moves are not permitted and, if caught by the referee, have the potential to result in a disqualification. Grogginess: When a wrestler receives enough damage from grapples, submissions, strike attacks, etc, the wrestler (when picked up from a downed state) will start to show signs of grogginess. Reversal: When a medium or strong grapple is applied to a wrestler with a substantial amount of health remaining, the wrestler on the receiving end of the strong or medium grapple will reverse the maneuver resulting in a reversal. There are many types of reversals which vary from Wrestler to Wrestler and style to style. Blood: Certain attacks, grapples and submission holds in Super Fire Pro Wrestling III: Easy Type can cause blood to appear on the inflicted wrestler. Other than a visual side effect of certain moves, blood has no effect on the match. Special move: A wrestler's signature strike attack, grapple, top rope attack or submission hold performed using standard inputs. For the most part, a Wrestler's special can be deemed as their finisher (though, this detail varies from wrestler to wrestler). Secret moves: A wrestler's hidden grapple techniques that require special input combinations to perform. Each wrestler has two secret moves (one front grapple and one back grapple) and the input for each secret move varies from wrestler to wrestler. It is also interesting to note that the button inputs for each secret move remains the same no matter which way the wrestler performing the secret move is facing. Much like the special moves, many of the secret moves are, in fact, a wrestler's finisher. ________________________________________________ **Locking up** When two or more wrestlers come into close range, by default, the wrestlers will lock their arms together into a "lockup" position. When a lockup occurs, both wrestlers will have a small window of time to to perform a grapple on one another. At what time can I perform a grapple during a lockup? Simple. When both wrestlers bend their knees. The first wrestler to input their grapple after both wrestlers knees have bent in a lockup will win the lockup and get to perform their grapple. If a player button mashes during a lockup, their grapple (especially on higher difficulty settings while facing a computer opponent) will be cancelled. As mentioned above, SFPW2's engine has a stronger emphasis on timing over button mashing. Furthermore, button inputs should only be inputted once during a lockup and at the right time. ======================================================== ******MATCH RULES****** ======================================================== GIVE UP: when a wrestler is unable to manually break free from an opponent's submission hold before their stamina runs out, the affected wrestler will tapout resulting in a loss. PINFALL: When a wrestler is pinned on the mat for the duration of a 3 second count by the referee, the match will end under a PINFALL resulting in the pinned wrestler losing the match. In special settings, the pin count can also be reduced to just 2 counts or turned off altogether. A PINFALL can only be attempted inside of the ring. A pin attempt from outside the ring will not be recognized by the referee. COUNTOUT: when either wrestler remains outside of the ring as the referee counts to 20. This is called a COUNTOUT and results in a loss foreither wrestler. If both wrestlers remain outside the ring after the referee has counted to 20,the match will end in a DRAW indicating both wrestlers have lost. DISQUALIFICATION: When either wrestler is disqualified from the match by the referee. A wrestler can be disqualified for the following reasons: *remaining on a top rope for a 5 count by the referee. *Allowing the referee to reach a 5 count while applying an illegal move. DRAW GAME: When neither wrestler or Tag Team wins the match due to: *both wrestlers/teams receiving a 20 second COUNTOUT from outside the ring. *The duration of the match has ended before a PINFALL, GIVE UP, or DISQUALIFICATION resulting in a TIME OUT. TIME OUT: when the time limit of the match has ended. When a TIME OUT is reached, the match will end under a DRAW GAME. BREAK: When a submission hold, pinfall or illegal tactic is applied next close to the ring ropes under standard match settings, the referee will call a "BREAK" signalling the submission hold or pinfall to be broken up. Unlike recent Fire Pro games, there is no way to ignore the referee's call for a BREAK. ======================================================== ******THE MODES****** ======================================================== EXHIBITION MATCH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OPEN LEAGUE ELIMINATION CREATE-A-WRESTLER PASSWORD/LOAD ======================================================== ******EXHIBITION MATCH****** ======================================================== When first selecting Exhibition Match mode, three game mode options will then be presented. Press Left or Right on the d-pad to choose one of the following: [Single Match] [Tag Match] [Handicap Match] [Single Match] - standard one-on-one match. [Tag Match] - Two-on-two tag team match. [Handicap Match] - Two-on-one tag team match. ________________________________________________ Single Match options: 1 P VS COM 1 P VS 2P ________________________________________________ Tag Match options: 1 P VS C P 1 P VS 2 P 1P & 2P VS CP & CP 1P & 2P VS 3P & CP (multitap required) 1P & 2P VS 3P & 4P (multitap required) ________________________________________________ Handicap Match options: 1 P VS CP & CP C P VS 1P & CP C P VS 1P & 2P 1P VS 2P & CP 1P VS 2P & 3P (multitap required) ________________________________________________ Standard options: [60] - Adjust the time limit. [Rounds] - Adjust the number of rounds for the match. Default: best of three. [Lumberjack] - Disable or enable the ability to exit the ring manually. Default: Lumberjack is turned off. [Rope break] - Disable or enable rope breaks. Default: enabled. [Difficulty] - Adjust the level of difficult. Default: 1 - Beginner [Watch mode] - Watch the COM wrestler for you in a match. Default: disabled. ======================================================== ******WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP****** ======================================================== Take on the entire roster to become world champion in the singles division or tag team champions in the tag division. World Championship options: Singles division: 1P VS CP Tag Team division: 1P & CP VS CP & CP - Player 1 controls a tag team. 1P & 2P VS CP & CP - Player 1 and 2 controls a tag team. Note: standard options have been disabled in World Championship mode. ________________________________________________ Point system: In 1P VS COM mode, each match successfully completed earns your wrestler or tag team a series of points (referred to as "POINT"). NOWPOINTs can be tracked before and after each match as well as noting the NOWPOINTs needed to progress towards the next match. QUALIFY is the number of points required in order to continue. If the qualifying number of POINTs is not reached by the end of the match, 1P VS COM mode will end in a game over giving the player the option to retry or quit. Here is the point list for match finishes: ______________________________ Pinfall | 5 points | __________________|__________| Submission | 5 points | __________________|__________| D.Q.* | 4 points | __________________|__________| Countout | 4 points | __________________|__________| ________________________________________________ Save feature: To acess the save feature in World Championship, press the SELECT at the wrestler versus screen displayed before the start of every match. By doing so, a password screen will then appear with a password that can be written down and a question prompting YES or NO. To save the progress of the World Championship as a save file on the cartridge, select YES. Which will then create a save file that can be loaded from password mode on the mode selection screen. ________________________________________________ Singles Division Championship: in the single division of world championship the player must defeat twenty-eight opponents. After the twenty-eight opponent has been defeated, four hidden boss characters will then be presented as the player's final opponents: 29) THE ELIMINATOR (The Destroyer) 30) RIKIOUZAN (Rikidozan) 31) R.J. PHASE (Lou Thesz) 32) CARLOUS KRAUSER (Karl Gotch) After Carlos Krauser has been defeated, the game's credits and first ending will be shown. After the credits have finished, an on-screen password will appear: "LEGEN DROAD" Using this password will unlock the Legend Road, a brand new, more difficult competition where the player must compete against the roster once again to retain the player's championship title. ________________________________________________ Tag Division Championship: in the tag division, the player(s) must compete against fourteen standard tag teams. After defeating the fourteenth tag team, four hidden boss characters will then present themselves as the final opponents of the tag division. The hidden boss tag teams are: 15) THE ELIMINATOR (The Destroyer) & RIKIOUZAN (Rikidozan) 16) R.J. PHASE (Lou Thesz) & CARLOS KRAUSER (Karl Gotch) After R.J. Phase and Carlos Krauser have been defeated, the game's credits and first ending will be shown. After the credits have finished, an on-screen password will appear: "LEGEN DROAD" Using this password will unlock the Legend Road, a brand new, more difficult competition where the player must compete against the roster once again to retain the player's championship title. ________________________________________________ Legend Road: The final challenge where the odds are stacked against the player. In Legend Road, the player must compete against fourteen standard 2-on-1 tag teams with Lumberjack Death Match settings. After defeating the fourteenth tag team, two additional tag teams will then appear consisting of the four hidden boss characters. The teams are: 15) THE ELIMINATOR (The Destroyer) & RIKIOUZAN (Rikidozan) 16) R.J. PHASE (Lou Thesz) & CARLOS KRAUSER (Karl Gotch) Defeat R.J. PHASE and CARLOS KRAUSER and the game's true ending will then be presented which features a portrait of the wrestler the player selected hung on the wall of the New Japan dojo. In the foreground, a student attempts to sneak a break from doing pushups only to be struck by New Japan's dojo operator Kotetsu Yamamoto for slacking off. The credits are then shown once again. Congratulations! ======================================================== ******OPEN LEAGUE****** ======================================================== Round-robin competition where up to eight players (single or tag) can compete. The player(s) with the highest number of points scored by the end of the Open League wins. Open League options: To adjust the number of participating players, press Left/Right/Up/Down on the d-pad followed by Button I to confirm your selection. Single players 0 Single COM players 0 Tag team (players & COM) 0 Player 1 & 2 tag teams 0 COM tag teams 0 Time limit: 15 minutes (default) [Lumberjack] - Disable or enable the ability to exit the ring manually. Default: Lumberjack is turned off. [Rope break] - Disable or enable rope breaks. Default: enabled. [Difficulty] - Adjust the level of difficult. Default: 1 - Beginner [Watch mode] - Watch the COM wrestler for you in a match. Default: disabled. ________________________________________________ Save feature: To acess the save feature in Open League, press the SELECT button at the Open League grid screen. By doing so, a password screen will then appear with a password that can be written down and a question prompting YES or NO. To save the progress of the Open League match as a save file on the cartridge, select YES. Which will then create a save file that can be loaded from password mode on the mode selection screen. ________________________________________________ Open League also uses an indentical point system to World Championship mode: ______________________________ Pinfall | 5 points | __________________|__________| Submission | 5 points | __________________|__________| D.Q.* | 4 points | __________________|__________| Countout | 4 points | __________________|__________| ________________________________________________ ======================================================== ******ELIMINATION****** ======================================================== Assemble a five-man versus five-man survivor style matchup. Last team standing wins. Elimination options: 1 P VS CP 1 P VS 2P ________________________________________________ Team selection: 1P Elimination team: EDIT 2P Elimination team: EDIT Elimination teams: 1)EDIT (create own five man team team - default) 2)*RANDOM (Elimination team chosen at random) 3)WESTERN HEAVYWEIGHTS: ----------------------- *TEDDY GORY (Terry Gordy) *HITMAN SABER (Big Van Vader) *AXE MOGAN (Hulk Hogan) *B.G. BULL (Bruiser Brody) *STAR BISON (Stan Hansen) 4)NJPW ALL-STARS: ----------------- *MASAHIRO KONO (Masahiro Chono) *SHINYA HATAMOTO (Shinya Hashimoto) *HURRICANE RIKIMARU (Riki Choshu) *FIGHTER YAMATO (Tatsumi Fujinami) *VICTORY MUSASHI (Antonio Inoki) 5)STRIKERS: ----------- *MASAKATSU HIGAKI (Masakatsu Funaki) *TAKASHI FUDAHARA (Yoshiaki Fujiwara) *KAZUKI YAMAMOTO (Kazuo Yamazaki) *NOBUHISA SANADA (Nobuhiko Takada) *AKIRA SAEHA (Akira Maeda) 6)AJPW ALL-STARS: ---------------- *STAR BISON (Stan Hansen) *HOGARA TASHIN (Akira Taue) *TOSHIIE KAZAMA (Toshiaki Kawada) *MITSUHIDE HIKAWA (Mitsuharu Misawa) *TOMMY BOMBER (Jumbo Tsuruta) 7)HARDCORE: ----------- *B.G. BULL (Bruiser Brody) *STEEL JAMES (Steve Williams) *HITMAN SABER (Big Van Vader) *BLADE MUSHA (The Great Muta) *MAD TIGER (Tiger Jeet Singh) 8)NJPW LEGENDS: --------------- *TAKESHI NIOUDEN (Atsushi Onita) *GREAT PANTHER (Tiger Mask) *SUPER KAISER (Jushin Thunder Liger) *AXE MOGAN (Hulk Hogan) *VICTORY MUSASHI (Antonio Inoki) 9)HIGH-FLYERS: -------------- *BLADE MUSHA (The Great Muta) *MITSUHIDE HIKAWA (Mitsuharu Misawa) *GREAT PANTHER (Tiger Mask) *DYNAMIC BILLY (Dynamite Kid) *SUPER KAISER (Jushin Thunder Liger) ________________________________________________ Elimination organization: The next screen of Elimination mode organizes each player's team of five wrestlers (when any option besides RANDOM or EDIT have been Selected). To sort through and adjust the order of a team press Up/Down on the d-pad to navigate, Button I to select a wrestler to move then Button I again to confirm changes made. Press the RUN Button to finish sorting and start the match. ======================================================== ******CREATP-A-WRESTLER****** ======================================================== Create a Wrestler options: Create a wrestler Load created wrestler Delete created wrestler ________________________________________________ Create/delete a save file: After selecting one of the above options, a save file slot must be selected in order to delete or create a save file for a created wrestler. Save file slot 1 save file slot 2 save file slot 3 Save file slot 4 ________________________________________________ Name input: Input the name of the created wrestler. <| - move back a space |> - move forward a space -END- - proceed to next screen ________________________________________________ Appearance and skills: [Body]: select the wrestler's body [Attire template]: change the color, and choose between trunks or pants for the wrestler. Adjusting this option also disables and enables certain wrestling templates from being selected. [Wrestler Template]: the wrestler template number reflected from the body and attire templates. ________________________________________________ Skills section: ================== UNDER CONSTRUCTION ================== Unfortunately, the remainder of Create-A-Wrestler mode is written in Japanese. If you'd like to contribute a more precise translation and help complete this section of the FAQ, please visit the contact section of this FAQ to send me an email. ======================================================== ******PASSWORD/LOAD****** ======================================================== 1) Input password 2) Load data Note: the load data option only works if there is already a pre-existing save file stored on the game's catridge. ________________________________________________ ======================================================== ******THE WRESTLERS****** ======================================================== From left to right on the wrestler selection screen. =============== VICTORY MUSASHI =============== Real name: Antonio Inoki Nickname: Battle Legend Height: 186 cm (6 ft, 1 in) Weight: 105 kg (231 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: March 7, 1948 From: Yokohama, Japan Promotion: NJPW Special move: Enzuigiri - RUN Button (strike attack) Secret moves: Powerbomb - Down + Button 1 + Button II (front grapple) Octopus Hold - Left + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ============ TOMMY BOMBER ============ Real name: Nickname: Powerful Bomb Height: 193 cm (6 ft, 4 in) Weight: 113 kg (249 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: July 15, 1954 From: Makioka, Japan Promotion: AJPW Special move: Backdrop - Button I (back grapple) Strangle - Up + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Sleeper Hold - Left + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ =========== AKIRA SAEHA =========== Real name: Akira Maeda Nickname: World Fighting King Height: 190 cm (6 ft, 3 in) Weight: 110 kg (243 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: September 4, 1957 From: Osaka, Japan Promotion: RINGS Special move: Wheel Kick - Run Button (strike attack) Secret moves: Headbutt - Left + Button I + Button II (front grapple) German Suplex - Right + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ========== STAR BISON ========== Real name: Stan Hansen Nickname: Fierce Bull of the Ring Height: 200 cm (6 ft, 7 in) Weight: 150 kg (331 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: February 29, 1948 From: Borger, Texas Promotion: AJPW Special move: The Western Lariat - Button I (while running) Secret moves: Short Range Lariat - Right + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Sleeper Hold - Down + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ============ SUPER KAISER ============ Real name: Jushin Thunder Liger Nickname: Emperor of Time Height: 170 cm (5 ft, 7 in) Weight: 95 kg (209 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: Unknown From: Unknown Promotion: NJPW Special move: Shooting Star Press - Button I (from top ropes) Secret moves: Palm Fury - Right + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Rear Naked Choke - Down + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ============== FIGHTER YAMATO ============== Real name: Tatsumi Fujinami Nickname: Unyielding Dragon F.P. Birthdate: May 18, 1953 Height: 184 cm (6 ft) Weight: 105 kg (231 lbs) From: Kunisaki, Japan Promotion: NJPW Special move: Dragon Suplex - Right + RUN Button (back grapple) Secret moves: Spinning Backdrop - Up + Button I + Button II (front grapple) German Suplex - Right + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ============= HOGARA TASHIN ============= Real name: Akira Taue Nickname: Incomplete Prince Height: 189 cm (6 ft, 2 in) Weight: 118 kg (260 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: August 23, 1960 From: Chichibu, Japan Promotion: AJPW Special move: Chokeslam - Down + Button I (front grapple) Secret moves: Knife Edge Chop - Left + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Surfboard Stretch - Up + Button I + Button II (back grapple) _____________________________________________ ============= GREAT PANTHER ============= Real name: Tiger Mask Nickname: Hero of Dreams Height: 177 cm (5 ft, 10 in) Weight: 98 kg (216 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: Unknown From: Unknown Promotion: NJPW Special move: Moonsault - Button I (from top ropes) Secret moves: High Kick Special - Right + Button I + Button II (front grapple) German Suplex - Down + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ========= B.G. BULL ========= Real name: Bruiser Brody Nickname: Intelligent monster Height: 201 cm (6 ft, 7 in) Weight: 145 kg (320 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: May 27, 1951 From: Santa Fe, New Mexico promotion: AJPW Special move: Leg drop (from top ropes) Secret moves: DDT - Left + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Sleeper Hold - Right + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ============= DYNAMIC BILLY ============= Real name: Dynamite Kid Nickname: Heavy Bombing Rascal Height: 178 cm (5 ft, 10 in) Weight: 105 kg (231 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: April 24, 1959 From: London, England Promotion: NJPW Special move: Diving Headbutt - Button I (from top ropes) Secret moves: Headbutt - Down + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Bulldog - Left + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ================== HURRICANE RIKIMARU ================== Real name: Riki Choshu Nickname: Last Patriot Height: 185 cm (6 ft, 1 in) Weight: 110 kg (243 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: June 7, 1951 From: Seoul, North Korea Promotion: NJPW Special move: Scorpion Deathlock - RUN button (at feet of downed opponent) Secret moves: Standing Armbreak - Left + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Octopus Hold - Up + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ================ MITSUHIDE HIKAWA ================ Real name: Mitsuharu Misawa Nickname: Next Era Soldier Height: 185 cm (6 ft, 1 in) Weight: 110 kg (243 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: October 3, 1961 From: Hiroshima, Japan Promotion: AJPW Special move: Tiger Driver - Down + Button I (front grapple) Secret moves: Standing Armbreak - Up + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Headbutt - Left + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ =============== NOBUHISA SANADA =============== Real name: Nobuhiko Takada Nickname: War Daredevil Height: 188 cm (6 ft, 2 in) Weight: 112 kg (247 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: December 23, 1960 From: Yokohama, Japan Promotion: UWFI Special move: Elevated Suplex - Down + Button I (front grapple) Secret moves: High Kick Special - Down + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Bulldog - Up + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ========= AXE MOGAN ========= Real name: Hulk Hogan Nickname: Invincible Superman Height: 201 cm (6 ft, 7 in) Weight: 145 kg (320 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: June 10, 1959 From: Venice Beach, California Promotion: WWF Special move: Axe Bomber - Button I (while running) Secret moves: Jumping Powerbomb - Down + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Surfboard Stretch - Right + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ =========== BLADE MUSHA =========== Real name: The Great Muta Nickname: Bewitching Ninja Height: 188 cm (6 ft, 2 in) Weight: 107 kg (236 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: June 22, 1966 From: The Pearl of the Orient, Japan Promotion: NJPW Special move: Moonsault - Button I (from top ropes) Secret moves: Tombstone Piledriver - Down + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Atomic Drop - Right + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ =============== SHINYA HATAMOTO =============== Real name: Shinya Hashimoto Nickname: Great King of Destruction Height: 183 cm (6 ft) Weight: 136 kg (300 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: December 5, 1965 From: Toki, Japan Promotion: NJPW Special move: DDT - Left/Right + Button I (front grapple) Secret moves: Palm Thrust - Left + Button I + Button II (front grapple) German Suplex - Up + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ============== TOSHIIE KAZAMA =============== Real name: Toshiaki Kawada Nickname: Burning Warrior Height: 181 cm (5 ft, 11 in) Weight: 103 kg (227 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: May 14, 1962 From: Tochigi, Japan Promotion: AJPW Special move: Stretch Plum - RUN Button (front grapple) Secret moves: DDT - Right + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Octopus Hold - Down + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ =============== KAZUKI YAMAMOTO =============== Real name: Kazuo Yamamoto Nickname: Feverish Striker Height: 185 cm (6 ft, 1 in) Weight: 102 kg (225 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: March 21, 1960 From: Tokyo, Japan Promotion: UWFI Special move: Machine Gun Kick Special - Down + Button I (front grapple) Secret moves: Side Suplex - Left + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Tiger Suplex - Up + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ =========== THUNDER RYU =========== Real name: Genichiro Tenryu Nickname: Thunder Soldier Height: 185 cm (6 ft, 1 in) Weight: 105 kg (231 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: December 8, 1952 From: Katsuyama, Japan Promotion: WAR Special move: Powerbomb - Down + Button I (front grapple) Secret moves: Piledriver - Right + Button I + Button II (front grapple) German Suplex - Down + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ========= MAD TIGER ========= Real name: Tiger Jeet Singh Nickname: Bloodthirsty Tiger Height: 190 cm (6 ft, 3 in) Weight: 115 kg (254 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: August 12, 1944 From: Punjab, India Promotion: FMW Special move: Cobra Claw - RUN Button (at head of downed opponent) Secret moves: German Suplex - Down + Button I + Button II (front grapple) German Suplex - Back + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ============= MASAHIRO KONO ============= Real name: Masahiro Chono Nickname: Lion King of Fury Height: 187 cm (6 ft, 2 in) Weight: 114 kg (251 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: March 15, 1964 From: Seattle, Washington Promotion: NJPW Special move: S.T.F. - RUN Button (at feet of downed opponent) Secret moves: Gut Punch Special - Right + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Rear Naked Choke - Down + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ========== TEDDY GORY ========== Real name: Terry Gordy Nickname: Nuclear Man Height: 198 cm ( ft, in) Weight: 142 kg ( lbs) Birthdate: September 21, 1960 From: Badstreet, U.S.A. Promotion: AJPW Special move: Jumping Powerbomb - Down + Button I (front grapple) Secret moves: Argentine Backbreaker - Down + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Sleeper Hold - Left + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ================ MASAKATSU HIGAKI ================ Real name: Masakatsu Funaki Nickname: Young Fight Leader Height: 181 cm (5 ft, 11 in) Weight: 100 kg (220 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: September 12, 1968 From: Hirosaki, Japan Promotion: PWFG Special move: Palm Fury - Button II (front grapple) Secret moves: Snap Suplex - Down + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Double Arm Trap Suplex - Left + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ============ HITMAN SABER ============ Real name: Big Van Vader Nickname: Devil's Assassin Height: 205 cm (6 ft, 9 in) Weight: 172 kg (379 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: February 8, 1960 From: The Rocky Mountains Promotion: NJPW Special move: Bodycheck - Button II (while running) Secret moves: Backbreaker - Up + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Surfboard Stretch - Forward + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ =============== TAKESHI NIOUDEN =============== Real name: Atsushi Onita Nickname: Blazing Charisma Height: 179 cm (5 ft, 10 in) Weight: 108 kg (238 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: November 25, 1958 From: Nagasaki, Japan Promotion: FMW Special move: Thunderfire Powerbomb - Down + RUN Button (front grapple) Secret moves: Snap Suplex - Down + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Double Arm Trap Suplex - Left + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ========= HIRO DATE ========= Real name: Hiroshi Hase Nickname: Magnificent Falling Star Height: 182 cm (6 ft) Weight: 102 kg (225 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: September 11, 1962 From: Oyabe, Japan Promotion: NJPW Special move: Northen Lights Suplex - Down + Button I (front grapple) Secret moves: Piledriver - Up + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Double Underhook Pin - Right + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ =========== STEEL JAMES =========== Real name: Steve Williams Nickname: Ruthless Doctor Height: 189 cm (6 ft, 2 in) Weight: 134 kg (295 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: March 6, 1959 From: Norman, Oklahoma Promotion: AJPW Special moves: Powerslam - Down + Button I (front grapple) Secret moves: Elevated Suplex - Up + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Double Underhook Pin - Right + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ================ TAKASHI FUDAHARA ================ Real name: Yoshiaki Fujiwara Nickname: Master of Judo Locks Height: 182 cm (6 ft) Weight: 103 kg (227 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: June 24, 1950 From: Iwate, Japan Promotion: PWFG Special move: Fujiwara Armbar - RUN Button (front grapple) Secret moves: Sitout Powerbomb - Left + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Double Arm Trap Suplex - Left + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ The following four wrestlers are hidden boss characters that can only be unlocked with a specific code. For more information, please visit the "Secrets, Tips & Tricks" section of this FAQ. ============== THE ELIMINATOR ============== Real name: The Destroyer Nickname: Masked Devil Height: 185 cm (6 ft, 1 in) Weight: 113 kg (249 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: Unknown Country: Unknown Promotion: AJPW Special move: Figure Four Leglock Secret moves: Side Suplex - Up + Button I + Button II (front grapple) German Suplex - Left + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ========= RIKIOUZAN ========= Real name: Rikidozan Nickname: Creator of the Mat World Height: 185 cm (6 ft, 1 in) Weight: 114 kg (251 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: January 1, 1941 From: Nagasaki, Japan Promotion: JWA Special move: Chop Special - Down + Button I (front grapple) Secret moves: Snap Suplex - Left + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Tsuruta Sleeper - Up + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ========== R.J. PHASE ========== Real name: Lou Thesz Nickname: Undefeated Prodigy Height: 188 cm (6 ft, 2 in) Weight: 108 kg (238 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: December 7, 1938 From: St. Louis Missouri Promotion: NJPW Special move: Backdrop - Button I (back grapple) Secret moves: Chop Special - Up + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Release German Suplex - Right + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ________________________________________________ ============== CARLOS KRAUSER ============== Real name: Karl Gotch Nickname: Ultimate God of Fighting Arts Height: 187 cm (6 ft, 2 in) Weight: 107 kg (236 lbs) F.P. Birthdate: March 13, 1940 From: Hamburg, Germany Promotion: NJPW Special move: German Suplex - Button I (back grapple) Secret moves: Sleeper Hold - Left + Button I + Button II (front grapple) Bulldog - Down + Button I + Button II (back grapple) ======================================================== ******SECRETS, TIPS & TRICKS****** ======================================================== ============================================================ Unlock the hidden boss characters in Create-A-Wrestler mode: ============================================================ At the mode selection screen, select Create-A-Wrestler mode and then choose the first option twice for the first two categories. The next screen will be the name input screen. Enter the following Japanese characters (format is Row #, Column #): - 4,4 - 3,10 - 1,14 - 1,18 - 2,5 - 7,7 (Space) - 3,4 - 1,13 - 3,1 - 5,8 -. then choose -END- to go to the wrestler template screen. Now, hold Select while cycling through the characters to have the 4 hidden boss wrestlers unlocked. ======================== Password mode passwords: ======================== FPRO3SENSEI 4 Hidden Wrestlers LEGENDROAD Hard Mode AAAAA See The Default Ending (after beating the Opponent) HUMANSAIKO See The Hard Ending (after the match is Over) FPRO3WOMAN Woman Referee ===================================== Legend Road ending portrait glitches: ===================================== To view two unusual Legend Road Portrait glitches, select either "Mad Tiger" (Tiger Jeet Singh) or "Hogara Tashin" (Akira Taue) and successfully complete the hidden mode "Legend Road". After the final Legend Road Tag Team has been eliminated, a special portrait (depending on who've you chosen) will now be shown during the ending credits incorrectly depicting the wrong wrestler. Complete Legend Road with Mad Tiger - Hogara Tashin portrait. Complete Legend Road with Hogara Tashin - Mad Tiger portrait. ================ Change the BGM : ================ In Legend Road mode press the SELECT Button during the match to change the background music of the stage. Unfortunately, the background music can only be alternated between the themes of the two main wrestlers in the match. ========================================= Fight against the hidden boss characters: ========================================= In World Championship mode singles division, successfully defeat the twenty-eighth opponent. The four hidden boss characters THE ELIMINATOR (The Destroyer) ,RIKIOUZAN (Rikidozan), R.J. PHASE (Lou Thesz) and CARLOS KRAUSER (Karl Gotch) will then be presented as the four final opponents. In World Championship tag team divison, successfully defeat the 14th tag team. The four hidden boss characters will then appear as the following two tag teams: THE ELIMINATOR (The Destroyer) & RIKIOUZAN (Rikidozan) R.J. PHASE (Lou Thesz) & CARLOS KRAUSER (Karl Gotch) ==================== The collision glitch ==================== When facing a computer opponent in a tag team or handicap match, continue damaging your opponent's health until they start to move towards the corner of the ring to tag their partner in. The next step is to follow your opponent towards the corner of the ring and simply run towards them BEFORE they get a chance to make the tag to their partner. If done correctly, both wrestlers (your wrestler and the computer's wrestler) will collide with one another; sending both wrestlers falling to the mat. By continuously repeating the above process, your opponent will continue to take damage until they have no health remaining (and they won't defend themselves in the process). But, be careful. By colliding with your opponent, your wrestler will also take damage as well. ========================= The running attack glitch ========================= An easy way to avoid locking up with tough computer opponents is to constantly perform running attacks against them. Simply start running in any direction and the computer opponent will stand in place for the duration of the running attack. Even if your running attack doesn't connect (yet still causes a collision) the computer opponent will still take damage. The downside to this however, you will take damage as well.So, use this trick with caution. ======================================================== ******CREDITS****** ======================================================== {HUMAN} - for creating the Fire Pro Wrestling series. {NEC} - for providing the initial home for the Fire Pro Wrestling series. {ReyVGM] - for discovering the vast majority of codes for Fire Pro 3 long before I ever started this FAQ. {PuroGeek} - for inspiring me to write my own FAQs. {Patorjk} - for providing the template for the header of this FAQ. {TheSuicidalDragon} - for their informative top 10 youtube series ... and you! ======================================================== ******CONTACT****** ======================================================== Questions, corrections and comments: justin.imprint.m@gmail.com