SNES - JAP Vs. CINEMA - 2p Simul. __ __ __ __ \ \/ / _ _ _ _ \ \/ / _ _ _ _ \ / // // // // \ / // // // // / / //_// //_// / / //_// //_// /_/ /___/ /___/ /_/ /___/ /___/ YUU YUU HAKUSHO __ __ / / / / _ __ __ __ ______ __ __ ____ / /_/ / /\ | | / / / / / / / ___/ / / / / /__ / / __ / //\\ | || / / / / / /_ /_ / /_/ / // // / / / / / __ \ | || \ / /__/ / __/ / / __ / //_// /_/ /_/ /_/ \_\ |_| \_\ /______/ /____/ /_/ /_/ /___/ FAQ by KageKaze Version 0.96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL THANKS: Kyo Kusanagi : This is long overdue... I've listed the password for all the characters but forgot to acknowlege the person who gave me that password!! This is very regretable especially considering all the help that Kyo-sama has given me though the time we've talked. Help in not only my Yuu Yuu Hakusho FAQs, but also once gave me and FAQ for Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden that I was looking for. Moshiwake arimasen, Kyo-sensei... I'll try not to let this happen again. Thank you once again for all your help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS-- 1. Version History 1> Version 0.95 2. Author's Notes 3. Main Menu 4. Menu Modes 1> Story 2> Free Competition 3> Options 5. Option Screen 6. Option Modes 1> Key Configure 2> Sound Setup 7. Sound Setup Options 1> Mode 2> kuon 3> BGM 4> Voice 5> Exit 8. Free Competition 9. Competition Modes 1> One on One 2> Team Fight 10. Password System 11. Screen Layout 1> The Screen 2> HP Bar 3> Action Screen 4> "Move" Bar 5> Inventory Box 6> Special Move Bars a> The "Energy" Bar b> The "Spirit" Bar 7> Energy Transfer System 12. Control Key 13. Standard Controls 14. Power Boxes/Orbs 1> Orange 2> Yellow 3> Blue 15. Special Situations 1> Yellow Aura 2> Red 3> Disable 4> The Shields 5> Split Image 6> Angry Roars 16. Character Numbering Chart 17. Character Move List 1> Yuusuke Urameshii 2> Kuwabara Kazuma 3> 'Miwamino Shurichi' Kurama 4> Hiei 5> Genkai 6> 7> Rinku 8> 9> Chuu 10> Touya 11> Jin 12> 13> Shi-Shi-Wakamaru 14> 15> Karasu 16> Makimarou 17> Toguro Ani (Elder Brother Toguro) 18> Toguro Otouto (Younger Brother Toguro) 18. Cheat Section 1> Passwords 19. Copyright Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSION HISTORY-- Version 0.95 (5-22-98)-- This FAQ released Version 0.96 (11-16-98)-- Added in my E-mail address ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTHOR'S NOTES-- Greetings patrons, KageKaze here again to bring you yet another FAQ, and once again, it's about Yuu Yuu Hakusho. This time, I've mad a FAQ for the original SNES Cimeatic Fighting game. Well, I haven't covered all the Yuu Yuu Hakusho games yet, so you can probably expect more FAQs in the future . This game set the way for Yuu Yuu Hakusho 3: Tokubetuhen. It features simular graphics (tho not as good) and gameplay. Hakusho is tougher to Tokubetuhen in regards to the "Rei" ("Spirit") attacks. Not only do you have Spirit attacks, but you now have a seperate energy bar as well wich I tenativly call the "Energy" bar. This bar measures what strength you have for non-offensive techniuqes AND for your jump. Tokubetuhen took these bars and made them into one, and automaticly transfered the energy gained to your bar, in this game you must do that manually. If you forget to do this, you may find yourself fighting using only your fists, since you'll have no Spirit strength or Energy left. Another differeance is this game doesn't seem to have any secret characters, but instead uses passwords for character activation. Also, Genkai cannot become young like in Tokubetuhen, but uses her younger form's strength to power up her Spirit attacks. Also, Yohko Kurama doesn't seem to exist in this version. One other major change is that projectile attacks do not collide, so can't cancel eachother out. This means that both characters have equal risk at being hit by their opponent's technique. Well, I hope you enjoy this game and that my FAQ becomes usefull in your aventure. If you are interested in any of my other FAQs about Yuu Yuu Hakusho or any of my Anime and Non-Anime FAQs, you can visit my homepage located at My E-Mail address is ( ) If you're just interested to know what games I've written FAQs for, I'll save you time and give you a list. Here are the games as of this writing: Non-Anime related: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Fighting Edition The Justice Leauge: Task Force Anime: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Bishoujo Sensji Sailor Moon R G-Gundam Yuu Yuu Hakusho Yuu Yuu Hakusho II (Game Gear) Yuu Yuu Hakusho III: Tokubetuhen Yuu Yuu Hakusho IV: Final In this FAQ I tried to get as many of the japanese names for the moves and their translations as best I could right away. This isn't easy since I don't know enough Japanese and my only real skill is converting the Kana into Romaji. I think I did rather well for a novice and I hope you agree. If you have any suggestions or can give me any information that I'm missing, please write me. I look forword to any mail I can get. I want to thank you all for your continued apreciation of my FAQs and I hope I can continue to bring you comprehensive FAQs for playing Japanese and Anime games. I enjoy this stuff so much, that I don't want other Anime (or Emulation) fans out there to miss out. Thank you once again. I'm sure you've heard enough from me, so on to the FAQ. Enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAIN MENU-- SUTOORII (Story) FURII taisen (Free Competition) Option ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MENU MODES-- Story-- A one-player game where you fight through the Yuu Yuu Hakusho story. There are two options in this mode: New Game, wich starts you off at the begining, and Password, where you can pick up where you left off last time you played. The only players you get in this mode will be Yuusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, and Genkai. Free Competition-- This is basicly a battle mode. You select your character and your opponent. When you select this option, you will be given a password screen, the password you use determines what characters you can select. After this you are given two more options wich will be covered in a moment. Options-- Your standard options mode. This will be covered in the next sections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPTIONS SCREEN-- KIIKONFIGA (Key Configure) SAUNDO settei (Sound Setup) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPTION MODES-- Key Configure-- Controler setup Sound Setup-- This mode lets you listen to the various Back Ground Musics (BGM) and audio tracks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUND SETUP OPTIONS-- MOODO (Mode) SUTEREO / MONORARU (Stereo) / (Monorail) kuon NOOMARU / kuon / kuon / kuon (sound ) (Normal / sound / sound / sound) *If you have any idea what these modes are, please let me know* BGM No. 00 (00 - 28) *Listen to BackGroun Music* BOISU (Voice) No. 00 (00 - 68) *Listen to the Voice Samples in the game* *Dunno what it sez, but it's the exit command* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FREE COMPETITION-- TAIMAN CHIIMU sen (Team ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPETITION MODES-- TAIMAN -- One on One fight to the finish. after selecting this you can select 1p. Vs. 2p. or 1p. Vs. Com. CHIIMU sen-- You and your opponent select 5 characters (The same character cannot be selected by both sides). after you've selected your characters you will see a cross of five points (Up, Down, Left, Right, and Center) representing the locations on your control pad. This is where you select the order your characters will fight in. The selection is as follows: Top Character: Up + A Bottom Character: Down + A Left Character: Left + A Right Character: Right + A Center Character: A After the order has been chosen by both sides, the fighting will comense. The bar at the top shows you what number character you're on. Press B to deslecect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PASSWORD SYSTEM-- The password system is based on button presses on the contoller. So the only letters in the Password are Y, B, X, and A. Just hit the buttons according to what your password was and you're all set. The control pad moves the position cursor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCREEN LAYOUT-- The Screen-- Here's a *very* rough idea of what the screen looks like: ______________________________ | Player 1 HP | Player 2 HP | |------------------------------| | Action Screen | | | |------------------------------| | Move Bar Move Bar | | (Inv.) 0/\0 (Inv.) | | Energy Bar 0/ \0 Energy Bar | | Spirit Bar 0\ /0 Spirit Bar | |_____________0\/0_____________| HP Bar-- At the top of the screen is a yellow bar wich represents your Hit Point level. This bar will turn from yellow, to red, and then to black. Once this bar is all black, your character has been defeated. Action Screen-- This is where all the action unfolds and animations take place. "Move" Bar-- Just below the Action Screen is a bar that will fill up whenever a direction is pressed on the control pad. This bar represents strength and hit success of any move you try and pull off. You usualy if not always want this bar full when doing punches, defence, Spirit techs, or energy techs. The less the bar is filled the less likely that your attacks will connect. Inventory Box-- This small box below the "Move" Bar is where the Power Boxes/Orbs that you've earned in battle are kept. If one is not used and you get a differant one, the new one will replace the old and you cannot get the old one back again unless you earn another in battle. Special Move Bars: "Energy" Bar-- The blue bar below the Inventory Box. This represents how much "Energy" you have left to use for Defensive Techniques and for jumping. If you don't have enough energy for a technique then nothing will happen when that button is pressed. "Spirit" Bar-- Below the "Energy" Bar is the "Spirit" Bar. This is exactly like the "Energy" Bar except this measures strength available for "Spirit" techniques. "Spirit" techniques are usually offensive special moves, but some have other effects. Energy Transfer System-- At the bottom center of the screen is an sphere with transperant flames in it. These flames are the amount of energy that is up for grabs the current round of combat. This energy is transfered into orbs on either side of the sphere depending on who won that energy. This energy can be split between the combatants at differant ratios depending upon the outcome of the action. You cannot go over the amount of spaces available for these orbs. Anything won over the amount you have left is lost. Your best bet is to transfer this energy into one or both of your special move bars right away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTROL KEY-- <- -- Left on control pad -> -- Right on control pad /\ -- Up on control pad \/ -- Down on control pad "/" -- Divider for buttons. (Example: Y/B/A means press Y or B or A) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STANDARD CONTROLS-- NOTE: <- and -> are reversed for right side player. Y -- Use Boxes/Orbs X -- Transfer energy orbs into your "Energy" Bar B -- Transfer energy orbs into your "Spirit" Bar A -- Use Boxes/Orbs -> + Y -- Overhanded Punch -> + X -- Overhanded Punch -> + B -- Underhanded Punch -> + A -- Underhanded Punch <- + Y -- Block (There is a differance between these ) <- + X -- Block (blocks, but we have yet to figure them) <- + B -- Block (out. We hope to soon. Our apologies.) <- + A -- Block ( --The Management-- ) /\ + X -- Jump /\ + Y/B/A -- 'Energy' Technique \/ + Y/X/B/A -- 'Spirit' Technique ------------------------------------------------------------------------ POWER BOXES/ORBS-- Orange -- "ai" - "Love" - Restores HP Yellow -- "rei" - "Spirit" - Restores Spirit Bar Blue -- Restores Energy Bar ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL SITUATIONS-- Yellow Aura -- Refers to the "rei ryoku APPU" or "Spirit Strength Up" state Your Spirit moves become more powerful and sometimes even get new effects. Those effects will be listed in parenthasis "()" Red -- Refrance comes from Yuu Yuu Hakusho Tokubetuhen where you would get a red aura if you used this technique. This refers to the "PANCHI ryoku APPU" or "Punch Strength Up" state. Very nice if you have to resort to your fists. Disable -- This state removes your opponent's ability to use his "Energy" techniques, including jumping. This state is not permanent, but can be very bothersome. The shields -- Moves such as "Yo-Yo Shield" or "Blast Barrier" can absorb attacks thrown into them. Split Image -- This is an evasive technique. Most are only limited to that round of combat, but the "Mad Door" technique is a permanent free hit with no damage. I believe this is the only "Split Image" or in his case "Double Image" that stays with you untill a clean hit is scored. Angry Roars -- These moves seem only useful to knock your opponent down so you can get in a free hit while they're getting up or so you can power up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER NUMBERING CHART-- # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 # 6 # 7 # 8 # 9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER MOVE LIST-- NOTE: Anything in quotation marks are moves that I've translated into Romaji or English. Anything not in quotes are names I made up for the moves. #1: Yuusuke Urameshii /\ + Y -- Speed up "Move" Bar /\ + B -- Yellow Aura /\ + A -- Red \/ + Y -- "Kuraiyare, SHOTTOGAN" - "Shot Gun" \/ + X -- "Kuraiyare, REIGAN" - "Ray Gun" \/ + B -- Power Punch \/ + A -- "Kuraiyare, Reikoudan" - Multi-Punch #2: Kuwabara Kazuma /\ + Y -- Body Strength Recovery - HP heal /\ + B -- Yellow Aura /\ + A -- Red \/ + Y -- Fire Spray (Fire Wave) \/ + X -- Fire Shards \/ + B -- "Reiken" - "Spirit Sword" ("Nitouryou" - "Two Sword Skill") \/ + A -- "Shuidashaken" - "First Batter Sword" #3: 'Miwamino Shurichi' Kurama /\ + Y -- Yellow Aura /\ + B -- "Mugenka no Kafun. Meichuuritsu DAUN" "Pollen of Dreams. Hit Ratio down" /\ + A -- "Bara no kouki. Meichuuristu APPU" "Fragrance of the rose. Hit Ratio up" \/ + Y -- Plant Growth (Venus Fly Trap Attack) \/ + X -- Rose Pettle Barrage \/ + B -- Plant Arm Strike \/ + A -- "ROOZU UIPPU" - "Rose Whip" #4: Hiei /\ + Y -- Split Images /\ + B -- Yellow Aura /\ + A -- Red \/ + Y -- Multi-Punch \/ + X -- Demon Fire Dragon \/ + B -- Katana Strike (16 Hit Strike) \/ + A -- Flame Punch #5: Genkai /\ + Y -- Speed up "Move" Bar /\ + B -- Yellow Aura /\ + A -- Red \/ + Y -- "Kou! Jou!! Sai!!!" - Slow Opponent "Move" Bar "Light! Purify!! Judge!!!" \/ + X -- "REIGAN" - "Ray Gun" \/ + B -- Energy Fireball - Reflection Technique \/ + A -- "Reikoudan" - Multi-Punch #6: /\ + Y -- Murugu Summon - Prevent Opponent Jumping /\ + B -- Yellow Aura /\ + A -- Red \/ + Y -- Fog Attack - Spirit Strength Decreased \/ + X -- "Ankokuraikouha" - "Dark Lightning" ("Shichikuankokuraikouha" - "Seven Dark Lightning") \/ + B -- Dark Lightning Ground Punch \/ + A -- Dark Lightning Multi-Punch #7: Rinku /\ + Y -- Split Image /\ + B -- Yellow Aura /\ + A -- Red \/ + Y -- "SHIIRUDO YOO YOO" - "Shield Yo-Yo" \/ + X -- "DEBIRU HOIIRU" - "Devil Wheel" \/ + B -- Yo Yo Bolos - Disable \/ + A -- "DEBIRU YOO YOO!!" - "Devil Yo-Yo" ("DOBURU YOO YOO" - "Double Yo-Yo") #8: /\ + Y -- Yellow Aura /\ + B -- Red /\ + A -- Fire Arena - Life Drain \/ + Y -- Fire ball \/ + X -- Meteor Shower \/ + B -- Fire Punch \/ + A -- Fire Barrage #9: Chuu /\ + Y -- /\ + B -- Defense Strength Up /\ + A -- Yellow Aura \/ + Y -- "Shuyoushouheki" - Multi-Fireballs \/ + X -- "Shuyoudan" - Giant Fireball \/ + B -- Mist attack - Disable \/ + A -- "Shuyouken" - Power Punch #10: Touya /\ + Y -- Yellow Aura /\ + B -- Defense Strength Up /\ + A -- Ice Arena - energy drain \/ + Y -- "Juhyou koushou heki" - Ice Crystal Shatter \/ + X -- "Matekisandanja" - Ice Ball Barrage \/ + B -- "Juhyou souyouha" - Freeze technique - Disable \/ + A -- "Juhyouken" - Ice Sword #11: Jin /\ + Y -- Yellow Aura /\ + B -- Red /\ + A -- Increase Jump Strength \/ + Y -- "Shuratoppuugeki" - "Fighting Sudden Gust Attack" \/ + X -- "Shurareppuuzan" - "Fighting Gale Technique" \/ + B -- "Bakufuushouheki" - "Blast Barrier" \/ + A -- "Shurasenpuuken" - "Fighting Whirlwind Fist" ("DOBURU senpuuken" - "Double Whirlwind Fist") #12: /\ + Y -- Yellow Aura /\ + B -- "MADDO-DOORU" - "Mad Door" - Double Image /\ + A -- "SANDO-SUTOMU, bougyo ryoku APPU" "Sand Storm - Defense Strength Up" \/ + Y -- "AASUSHIEIKAA" - "Earth Shaker" \/ + X -- "ROKKU-BARUKAN" - "Rock Broken" \/ + B -- "SUTON-NAKKURU" - "Stone Knuckle" \/ + A -- "BOMBAA TAKKURU" - "Bomber Tackle" #13: Shi-Shi-Wakamaru /\ + Y -- Yellow Aura /\ + B -- Spirit Strength Reduction /\ + A -- Flaming Arena - Energy drain \/ + Y -- Speed up "Move" bar \/ + X -- Demon Spirit Attack \/ + B -- "shide no hagoromu" - Absorb Attack \/ + A -- "makokumeizanken" - Katana #14: /\ + Y -- Speed up "Move" bar /\ + B -- "shide no hagoromu" - Absorb Attack /\ + A -- "bakunikukoutai" \/ + Y -- "SAIKORON-UEEPU" - "Cyclone-Whip" \/ + X -- "REINBOO-SAIKORON" - "Rainbow-Cyclone" \/ + B -- "KURAUNZU-IRYUUJON" - "Crowns-Illusion" *this move has one of four random effects depending on wich suit Clown draws* *Spades is the cursed card, reducing your power, but this is rare* Hearts: "tairyoku kaifukushita" "Body Strength Recovery" - Heal HP Spades: "KAADO no jubakude, PAWAA DAUN" "Curse of the cards, Power Down" Slows YOUR "Move" bar Diamonds: "bakuretsu ROKETTO, JAMPU ryoku APPU" "Exploding Rocket, Jump Strength Up" Cubs: "bougyo ryoku APPU" - "Defense Strength Up" \/ + A -- Dark Sword #15: Karasu /\ + Y -- Yellow Aura /\ + B -- "shinomai" - Split Image /\ + A -- "KUESUTAAMAIN" - "Quester Mine" *Prevent Jumping* \/ + Y -- "PAINAPPURU" - "Pineapple" \/ + X -- "FURASSHUBOMU" - "Flash Bomb" \/ + B -- "MADDIBOMU" - "Mad Bomb" \/ + A -- "TOREESUAI" - "Trace-Eye" #16: Makimarou /\ + Y -- Yellow Aura /\ + B -- "PUROTEKUTO OORA, bougyo ryoku APPU" "Protect Aura, Defense Strength Up" /\ + A -- "BATORU OORA, PANCHI ryoku APPU" "Battle Aura, Punch Strength Up" \/ + Y -- "matouressenshou" - Electric Shock \/ + X -- "matoushouzanpu" - Axe Throw \/ + B -- "dogou" - "Angry Roar" \/ + A -- "motousenpu" - Axe Swing #17: Toguro (Ani) (Elder Brother Toguro) /\ + Y -- Heal HP /\ + B -- Body Double /\ + A -- \/ + Y -- Claw Extend \/ + X -- Full Body Attack \/ + B -- Diable \/ + A -- Hand Sword #18: Toguro (Otouto) (Younger Brother Toguro) /\ + Y -- "yarunue" - Speed up "Move" bar /\ + B -- Slow opponent "Move" bar /\ + A -- "youkiwo kyuushuushita" - Drain Opponent's Rei *this move costs alot of "Energy" but really saps your opponent's "Spirit"* \/ + Y -- "shidan" - "Finger Bullet" \/ + X -- "kuuken" - "Empty Fist" \/ + B -- "dogou" - "Angry Roar" \/ + A -- "bakunikukoutai" - Power up to 80% power *You Gain more strength in 80% mode, but you lose your speed* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHEAT SECTION-- Passwords-- BABYBABY -- Enables all selectable characters in Vs. Mode. This code also allows you to see the ending of the game in Story Mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COPYRIGHT INFORMATION-- This FAQ is Copyright KageKaze (Troy Ludwig), this document may be reproduced as long as no information is changed or edited in any way. The only thing I ask from any webmasters or publishers is to please notify me if this FAQ is used on their forum. (web page, article, etc..)