YUYU HAKUSHO FAQ ver 1.00 SNES/ Super Famicom. Made by Namco. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- By : Godhand (St.Evan Lee Yonny) http://www.Godhand.net FAQ@GodhandProduction.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents : | +- Updates History +- Disclaimer +- Introduction +- Legend +- Passwords +- Basics +- Attack Moves +- Defend Moves +- Skill Moves +- Magics +- Informations +- Tips&Trickz +- Credits. ======================================================================= UPDATES ======= -Ver 1.03 <13 September 2000> Correcting my new e-mail and websites address. Arranging the Layout. -Ver 1.02 <3 January 2000> Adding Contents. -Ver 1.01 <17 December 1999> Correcting some layout. -Ver 1.00 <20 August 1999> Start writing and upload to GameFAQs.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER ========== No portion from this FAQ can be re-edited, modified without any permissions from the author (Godhand). Not any person can distribute this FAQ except the authors. So if you want to use this FAQ at your site, contact me first at FAQ@Godhand.Net. This FAQ is for personal use only. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION ============ Yuyu Hakusho for SNES/ Famicom is really rich of animation. The type of gameplay is unique. Its a fighting game that using lots of animation as you see in comic books. Its maybe hard at the first play, but once you understand the game. You will like it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGEND ====== Energy Crystal : that big blue crystal at the center-bottom screen. MP : Your magic points. You need this to perform magics. BP : Balance Points, if you lose this, you will dizzyed. Also, needed to performs "POWER-UP", jump, etc. Slot : The 6 slots at the edge (around) of Energy Crystal. left is 1P,right is for 2P/COM. Message Box : The place where the MAGICs NAME or messages appear. Extra Box : If you get an extras. It stored at here. BLUE BARS : Indicates your BP. ORANGE BARS : Indicates your MP. Charge Bar : If you push any directional button. It will charging this bar. More full more good (0% chance of miss). There is different status in Charge Bar.The status may affected by magics. This is the status : Red Color = Indicates standard charging speed. Green Color= Indicates slow charging speed. Blue Color = Indicates fast charging speed. Life Bar : At the top of screen, as ussual, left is 1P, and right is 2P. Skills : Any move that used "UP" direction button to perform. Magics : Special attack that need MP. Of course, more strong will need more MP. Dizzyed : You will fall to ground and you cant control your character until some seconds, or being hitted by opponent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PASSWORDS ========= Chapter I : BYYABYXX Chapter II : XAXYAXYB Chapter III : YYXXABYA Chapter IV : BBBXYBYY Chapter V : AYXXXYBA Chapter VI : XAYBABYX Chapter VII : BBXAYBAB Chapter VIII: AXBXYBYA Chapter IX : XYABBAYX Fight Toguro Bro (Final Battle) Chapter X : BABYBABY All characters revealed in VS Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BASICS ====== Blue Crystal. Fire inside that big blue crystal in the bottom-center of the screen is where the energy source. The energy describe there kind of small burning hearts/fires. They will appear randomly. They will given to you if your attacks successfully hit your opponent or may given for some possible reasons. Slot. There are 6 blank slots at the edge (around) of Energy Crystal for each fighter. So if there are 4 fire inside the Energy Crystal, and your attack successfully hit your opponent, then the 4 fire will transfer to your slots. Max Fire is 6 so your slots too. If both hitted, then both of you will receive same amounts.If your attack only 50% success, then you will receive half amounts. If you dodge an attacks, you will receive 1/3 of amounts. Gaining Energy. So if you gain any fire(s), then up to you where you want to put them. Press (B) to transfer to your MP. Press (X) to transfer to your BP. Extras. Sometime you will see a blue square or orange circle with a japanese looking fonts inside the energy crystal. Well, nothing wrongs with your machine. That's called "extras" : Blue Circle = you will got about 7 extra BPs. Blue Square = you will got about 14 extra BPs. Orange Circle = you will got about 7 extra MPs. Orange Square = you will got about 14 extra MPs. If you get this, simply, dont press any directional button. Just press Y or X to activate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTACKS. ======== Note :You need to charge using "FOWARD" direction button to performs standard attacks. This didnt need any MP or BP. Use this to gain some MP if you are out of MP.Sometimes "Strong Uppercut" can be useful to cancel opponent to perform a skills. FOWARD + Y = Weak Attack. FOWARD + X = Strong Attack. FOWARD + A = Strong Uppercut. FOWARD + B = Weak Uppercut. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFENSE. ======== Note :You need to charge using "BACK" direction button to performs defense.This didnt need any BP or MP. BACK + Y = To dodge against Fireball or long range attacks. BACK + X = To dodge close range attacks/magics. BACK + A = Standard Defense. BACK + B = To dodge attacks/ uppercuts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SKILLS. ======= Note :You need to charge using "UP" direction button to performs any skills.This will need BPs. Some of these moves are for upgrading your fighting skill or trapping your enemy to slow condition. Also, some of them are damaging too. UP + Y = it different for some characters. 1. Power up. 2. Restore Life. 3. Speed Up UP + X = Jump. UP + A = Build up your balance & faith (0% chance of miss). UP + B = it different for some characters. 1.Power Up. 2.Transform. 3.Perform special abilty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGICS. ======= Note :You need to charge using "DOWN" direction button to performs any magics.This will need MPs. The weakest magic is Level 1. While the most powerful magic is level 4. DOWN + Y = Ussualy Long Range Magics. (level 2) DOWN + X = The most powerful magics. (level 4) DOWN + A = Ussualy Close Range Magics. (level 3) DOWN + B = The weakest magics. (level 1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATIONs. ============= The are a small box at the right below your charge bar (1P) it looks like this : _ / \ \_/ If it turns red, means you cannot do anything. If it turns blue, means you had just press/do an action. Also, there four colored circle near the charge bar. Each have different colors. That indicates the Super-Famicom buttons. So if some of them turn black, means you cannot do that moves for some reason like : you dont have enough MP. For exam : You want to do a magic. You press "DOWN". So, if one of them turn black, means you cannot launch that magics for some possible reason like not enough MP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TIPS & TRICKs ============= - Dont use close range magics/attacks when your opponent is jump (in the air) but use your attack/magics when he/she is going down. - Dont use "lots MP needed magics" when the fire only appear a bit. - When you are out of MPs, get them again quickly by attacks, dodge or defense. - A full charged-weak-attack is more strong than a non-full-charged level 4 magics. - Use your Skills quickly (without charging to full) when your opponent is dizzied. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS ======= Namco : For distributing this game. Yuyu Hakusho Team : For making this anime. Me : For creating this FAQ. Sandy Setiadi(Joy@Godhand.net) : As my sparing partner since kid. ======================================================================= The Game (c) Namco & Yuyu Hakusho ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ (c) Stevanus Lioni. (Godhand) 2000. 13 September. Godhand Production.Indonesia. Bekasi Selatan. Jawa Barat.885-3868. -----------------------------------------------------------------------