Rickesh Patel WWF Raw For the Sega Genesis, Super NES & 32X: Note: For all mega-move on the Super NES, continue to hold down the top L button during the following sequences. For Sega, always hold both the A and B buttons. In the following instructions, Sega refers to both the Genesis and 32X. Bret Hart Butt Flip-Off the turnbuckle, when your opponent is lying down beneath you, climb the turnbuckle... For Super NES hit right, Right, Up and B For Sega hit Right, Right, Up and release B Razor Ramon Back Flip Elbowdrop-Your opponent must be lying down in the ring, in range over Razor... For Super NES and Sega, hit Left, Left, Right then B(for the Sega release button B) Shawn Michaels Super DropKick-When your opponent is standing in the ring within kicking range. For Super NES hit Down, R, R and A For Sega hit down, R, R, and C Bam Bam Bigelow Torpedo-When your opponent is standing in the ring. For Super NES hit Up, Down, Left or Right and Y For Sega hit Up, Down, Left or Right and release A Doink Field Goal Kick-Stand behind your stunned opponent. For Super NES hit Left, Left, Left and A For Sega hit Left, Left , Left and C 1-2-3 Kid Turnbuckle to Turnbuckle Jump-When you are on the back turnbuckle. For Super NES and Sega, hit Up, Up, Up and A or B Owen Hart Whirling Dirvish-When your opponent is standing in the ring. For Super NES hit Up, Right, Down and Y For Sega hit Up, Right, Down, release B and hold A(drains energy) Diesel Caber Toss-When your stunned opponent is facing the large side of the ring, and Diesel is standing behind him. For Super NES and Sega hit Down, Down, R and B Yokozuna Cannonball off the turnbuckle-When you are on one of the turnbuckles and your opponent is lying down in the ring. For Super NES hit ? Undertaker Running Clothesline-When your opponent is lying down in the ring and vulnerable to attack... For Super NES hit, left, right, right and Y For Sega hit left, left, right and B Luna Vachon Propeller Splash-When your opponent is lying down in the ring and Luna is positioned above them(north side of the ring)... For Super NES and Sega, hit left, down, down, then B(for Sega release the B) Lex Luger Super Punch-When your opponent is standing in the ring and in punching range... For Super NES hit Up, Up, Down and B For Sega hit Up, Up, Down and release B