___ ___ _ ___ | | | | | | / __| | | | | | || | _ _ | |/\| | ____ | || |__ ____ ___ ___ _| |_ ___ |_| ___ | || __ || || __|| _ || \ | __||_ _|| _ || || \ | |||__||| || | | __|| |\ ||__ | | | | __|| || |\ | |____/\____||____||_||_| |____||_||_||___| |_| |___||_||_||_| __________ __________ /\ \ /\ __ \ / \______ \ / \ \ \ \ \ / _____\ \\ \ \ \ \ \/_/\_____ \\ \ \ \ \ / / ____\ \\ \ \ \ \ \/_/\ \\ \ \| / / \_________\\ \______/ \ / / \ / / \/_________/ \/_____/ For the Super Nintendo ================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright © 2003 VERSION: 0.7 AUTHOR: DasonRise LAST UPDATED: April 26th, 2003 EMAIL: dason_rise@hotmail.com (NO SPAM!)(yes I have messenger. see Contact Me) ================================================================== -----------------------( I. Table of Contents )----------------- ================================================================== I. Table of Contents II. Introduction III. Basics IV. Walkthrough V. Frequently Asked Questions VI. Passwords VII. Contact Me VIII. Credits ================================================================== ---------------------------( II. Introduction )----------------- ================================================================== Wolfenstein 3D is (surprisingly) a first person shooter for Super Nintendo. Duh. ok you knew that, but when your playing this game you have to think about what kindof shooters they had when they made this game. I know the graphics suck really really badly, but you have to cut 'em some slack. It was probably really hard to make this game for Super Nintendo because the of the weak graphics. So if you would stop thinking how lame this game is compared to Halo for a minute you can enjoy a fun exciting game! A few things that this game doesn't have that some other games today have are obvious, but you seem to get by anyway. Like for instance, there's no cross-hairs, but the gun is in the center so it kindof gives you an idea of where your shooting. But beyond that, just try and get past all of the things you don't like about the game and enjoy it. Thank you for spending the most wasted minutes in your life reading this introduction. - DasonRise NOTE: I don't know all the details about this game. I don't have a manual, and I don't know the real names for the enemies or the weapons (if they are even in the manual) but I have experience in this game and I know the levels. If that's not enough for you than you should check out Akuma22's guide on www.gamefaqs.com He seems to have some more details straight than I do. ^_^ ================================================================== --------------------------( III. Basics )----------------------- ================================================================== ______________ = = = ( CONTROLS ) = =______________= There's only like, two buttons you have to use in this entire game so There isn't really a point in putting up a Controls section, but I have to tell you somehow if your too lazy to figure them out on your own (or look in the manual) A - Opens Doors/Secret Passages B - Fires Weapon X - Does nothing Y - Does nothing R - Strafe Right (Walk sideways to the right) L - Strafe Left (Walk sideways to the left) Start - Goes to Map Select- Cylces through weapons _____________ = = = ( WEAPONS ) = =_____________= I'm not sure what the names are for the weapons, and I don't have a manual, but its obvious what kind of weapons most of these are; so you won't be lost when I say, "get the assault rifle", will you? Good. Anyway, unlike most games, you get "upgrades" for some of your weapons almost. You can only use the Knife if you run out of ammo. You can't use the hadgun when it's upgraded to an Assault Rifle. And you can't use the Assault Rifle when you've gotten the minigun. Understand? good. Here's a description of the weapons and what I call them. Knife - Ok this thing sucks. You'd think that it would kill enemies in one little poke (yes, he pokes), but you can barely even kill weaker enemies before they blow the crap out of you with Mr. Nine Millimeter. (Upgrade: Handgun) Handgun - This is the gun you start with and it fires one bullet per shot. Kinda weak and slow,so you shouldn't use this if you have access to a better gun (Upgrade: Assault Rifle) Assault Rifle - This gun is alot better than the handgun. It's faster and stronger, but it feels kind of like a semi automatic. Not quite as fast as other guns. (Upgrade: Minigun) Minigun - This is one of the best guns in my opinion. It's faster than the assault rifle and it's strongest of it's kind. (Upgrade: none) Grenade launcher - This beast fires a grenade shell. I think it's probably the most powerful weapon, but you only have 10 shells, so don't go using this on weak little enemies (you sick punk) (Upgrade: Rocket Launcher) Plasma gun - This thing shoots out a purplish plasma/laser thing that is decently powerful. It kills most enemies in one shot but you only get 50 shots so also don't waste this ammo. (Upgrade: None) Rocket Launcher - This is like a grenade launcher except you have three times the ammo! >:-) So save these for bosses though. ____________ = = = ( HEALTH ) = =____________= In Wolfenstein, cool word by the way, your health is shown in the bottom left corner in a percent. 100% is full health ob- viously. And it goes down only so much every time you get shot. For instance a far away shot from a brown soldier only hurts you about 3%, leaving you with (this math may be to complex for you, so I'll tell you the answer) 97% of your health left. Ok? easy. Also, there's a picture of your face close to the percent thing that kind of shows your health in a way and also shows if there's enemies near you by your facial expressions. Ha, and if you care, when you pick up a better and bigger gun, the picture of the guy's face smiles with happiness. _________ = = = ( MAP ) = =_________= When you push start, it takes you to the map screen. The map is pretty simple, but I felt there should be a section on it so those of you with no intelligence can have a genius like me help you out. The yellow arrow stands for you, and points in the direction that you're facing. The light blue things are doors. Everything that looks like something is that something, such as the pictures are pictures, ect. The Map only shows you rooms you have been in so it won't help you find secret areas. ________________ = = = (END OF LEVEL) = =________________= At the end of the level you'll be in a room with a bunch of buttons and crap. I'm not sure what this room is supposed to do. It's not really an elevator, but I was thinking it could be a teleport pad. You know, he goes from the fort, to the army guy's place, then to the fort again. Ok, that's a load of crap, but you have to use your imagination sometimes. Remember, super nintendo first person shooter. Yah, there you go. Anyway, when you push 'A' on the lever thing it takes you to the end of the level screen. It shows a picture of Blazkowicz breathing heavy. Uh...at least I think. It kinda looks like he's checking out a hot chick or intensely reading a sign or something. Ha. Anyway, on the End of the Level screen it gives you the password for the level in case you turn off your game. I recommend writing down ALL of your passwords in case your power goes off or something and all you have written down is the first level password. Also on the screen, it shows what percent of the Enemy, Treasure, and Secret Areas you killed/found, and at the bottom is your score. When your done with that the elevator thing takes you up a floor to the next level (unless your on the last floor for the mission). ================================================================== ----------------------( IV. Walkthrough )----------------------- ================================================================== NOTE: Before we continue, I just want to note that I'm not going to list ALL of the secret areas. There are over a thousand if not more, and most of them only have one or two items and lots of enemies. So obviously, I'm not gonna list 'em all. If you want to find ALL of the secret areas (I'm not sure why anyone would want to) then just search every picture/ statue you want to and there is a good chance that you'll find a good secret area. MISSION 1: FLOOR 1: PASSWORD: None When you turn on your game, select your difficulty and select start game with the bullet thing. It will take you to kind of a story introduction with Blazkowicz, that's who you'll be playing the role of, and a military officer of some sort. He explains to you about Staatmeister, the bad guy that wants to take over the world, and his trusty clonie, Hans Grosse. You have to infiltrate Hans's(yes it's Hans's, not Hans', just ask your grammar teacher) castle and kill him yourself. Yes, just you by yourself, you manly hero. Ok, walk through the door and kill the brown soldier with your sucky gun. I'm gonna call this little wuss the sucky gun, and I'm gonna call the soldier you killed a brown soldier cause I'm not real sure what they're called. Anyway, go through the door and kill the brown soldier, and watch out if the brown soldier in the next room comes in to join you. Anyway, go on to next room to find yourself in a bigger room with two doors. Kill the brown soldier if you haven't already and head straight to the door in the North end of the room. You can go right, but it's almost like a dead end. All there is is a bunch of rats, a couple of soldiers, and I think some cheese that heals you like, only 2%. Anyway, in this next room, kill the brown soldier in front of you, and the one on the left in that little indention thing. Walk up to the picture of the Eagle in the indention thing and push 'A' to open up a secret passage. Grab the items and the assault rifle (that's what I'm calling it) and head to the next room. Kill the two brown soldiers in front of you and kill the one who should pop out in the top-right corner of the room. Head inside where he was to find some health, a big box of ammo, and what looks like an ironing board. Yes, an ironing board. Of course with this game's graphics, it could be anything, but I'm pretty sure it's an ironing board. Anyway, head through the door on the left, kill the soldiers in here and go in the door down the hall. In this room, kill the three soldiers and grab their ammo. Make sure you get the gold pots and everything too. From the door you came in from look to the right to see a picture of an eagle thing, a portrait of someone, and another eagle thing. Push 'A' on the portrait to open a secret passage with two treasure chests and two boxes of ammo. Unless your violently trigger happy, or unless your accuracy sucks like crap, you should be maxed out in ammo. Ok, go through the door in the left side of the room and kill the brown soldier in here. Go through the next door to enter another bigger-sized room. Kill the brown soldiers in here and head on through to the next room. Kill the brown soldier in here and watch out for another soldier that will come out of the door to the right once you kill the other soldier. Head inside the door to the right for some items if you need them. Head down the hallway and go in the door to the left. Kill the three soldiers in here and enter the End of the Level eleva- uh... the End of the Level thing. MISSION:1 FLOOR :2 PASSWORD: TRKKHB Before you head off anywhere, go to the back wall and look for an eagle picture on the right. It should be in the corner. Open it up to find a secret passage. Kill the three brown soldier in here and grab any items you need. Leave that room once your done and go back to the main room. Before you head off anywhere yet, there is still a crapload more to do. This little area is just crawling with secret passages. Anyway, go in the door in the south part of the room. Go through the door in this room, kill the blue soldier in the next room, and open the portrait that should be straight ahead of you. After you grab the items in here, there's another secret passage behind the portait to the right of the entrance to this room. Enter it and go through the door in here. In this room there's two doors, but first go through the one on the right. There's not much in here except a few brown dudes and some health, so once you've cleaned it out head back to the previous room go through the other door. In this room you have to wipe out two of those big blue guys. to keep from losin too much health, stay far away from these guys and shoot at them from afar. They have terrible range, but your range is good enough to kill them when they are in the back of the room. Once you've cleaned out everything in this almost side quest of a journey, head back to the very first room that you appeared in. Go through the door in the northern part of the room (the door that you faced when you started this level) and kill the brown dudes in here. Go through the left door for some stuff, then though the right door. Kill the blue guy, and then the brown dudes if they come out of the door. Go through the door and kill the brown guys if you haven't and then go through the next door at the end of the hall. In this room, after you kill the brown dudes (I am getting really sick of saying that), get all the crap in here and go back three rooms to the main room with the three doors. You should see a door in front of you and a door to your left. Head right and take another right and go through that special little door of freedom. No. It's just a door. Anyway, head on down the hall, slay the brown dude (hey it's different) and continue on to the other door of freedom. No. It's just another door. Kill the brown/blue soldier duo and continue on. Continue on again through this empty room and go through the door. Kill the brown guy and open up the portrait on the right. Kill the brown guy in here and go through the door. In here, the left door leads to a big blue guy and another room with some health in it, and the right door leads to a brown guy and another guy that should come out of the next door. There's not much in the right door so go in the left one and get the health. You should now be maxed out in health. Head back two rooms to the room that you went in portrait room from. Head to the end of the room and go through the door on the left with the blue plus signs with the wheat around them. Kill the enemies in here and go through the door. In here there is a door to your left and two doors to your right which lead to the same room. Head left first, grab the health, and open the passage behind the indentioned eagle picture for some treasure. Head back and go through one of the two doors. Stay in the door- way and shoot off the blue guys from afar. After you clean out the room head through the door on the left. Kill the enemies in here and head to the end of the level room. MISSION: 1 FLOOR: 3 PASSWORD: VHKKJF When you first appear, head through the first door. Head on through again, then take a left to find a crapload of items. Grab the minigun, stock up on ammo and health, then head out to the next room to find Hans. ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Hans Grosse ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hans Grosse is a freaking huge beast of a man with two tractor- powered 50-cals attatched to his arms. He is the one who is in charge of this castle you've been wreaking havoc in. Anyway, when you open up the door that he's in, start running backwards quickly while firing at him with your minigun. Basically, like I said earlier, The big guys have sucky range, but your range is good enough to get them when they cant get you. So stay as far away from him as you can, and shoot from afar. If you need more ammo and health head back to the room where you found the minigun. Just keep hitting him from the back and he'll eventually croak and die. ================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================== MISSION:2 FLOOR:1 PASSWORD: VVKLLJ The purpose of this mission is similiar to the last one. Basically, there's another bad guy named Trans Grosse (I'm guessing he's Hans's brother) who is using scientists to make chemical weapons (Ooo, a plot twist). So the big guy downstairs (that's what I'm calling the military guy, heh) needs his one-man army to wipe out the chemical weapon source and kill another massive flesh being. Go through the first door and kill all the enemies before you go on. You'll notice that the farther you go, the more winding the paths get, and the more enemies you'll encounter. >:-) Anway, from the door you came out of, take a right, then another right, and then down the hall go through the door on the left. Continue on through to the next room. This room has four doors. The door on the left leads back to the previous room, the door on the right leads to a room with a few enemies (yah I got tired of listing the common ones, you'll live...) and a key, and the door straight ahead of you is your next destination. Make sure you grab the key in the door to your right before you go on to your next destination. Once you unlock the door, walk in and get ready for a bunch of guys to come at you. Take it away with your minigun then go on to the back of the room and unlock the door with your key and you should be at the end of level elevator thing. Short levels like this remind me of Chex Quest. Hey it wasn't a bad game when it came out. Especially for a cereal box game. (Never heard of it? don't ask) MISSION: 2 FLOOR: 2 PASSWORD: RKTLJL When you appear you'll see three doors. One of them leads to a giant wolf creature that kills you when you go through, one of them has a over 20 enemies, and one of them leads to the boss. No. That's just a bunch of crap. Go through the door on the right, kill the enemies in here, and continue on. In here, go around to the right and kill the brown guy. There's another brown guy in the indention. Kill him and go in the passage behind him (in the indention). In this room head towards the back and get all the golden goods and be sure to get the plasma gun thing. Head out through the indention and head towards the back of the room and grab the key. After that head back to the very first room with the three doors. This time go through the door in the middle. I'm tired of telling who to kill and stuff so I'm just gonna tell you where to go. From here head on through to the next room. Watch out for Blue guys that might pop out of doors or anything and head forward again. From here take a right and then a left then another left and then there should be a door on your left. After smoking through the guys with your new weapons head on through the door. In here head to the back of the room and grab the blue key. You'll be using the blue key later but for now head back to the first room with the three doors (the one you appear in at the beginning of the level). This time go in the door on the left. From here go through the door on the left and from there continue on. In here take the gun from the indented area and head back to the first room again (you can explore the rest of the area but there's not much there except dudes with guns that want to see your mommy die. Isn't that mean? You don't want to see them). This time go back through the second door again. Continue on through this room and take a right. Since you have the key now why not use it on that locked door. Hm? yes. Get the goodies in here and continue into the elevator onto the next level. MISSION: 2 FLOOR: 3 PASSWORD: RTSVTR When you arrive here, head to the door on the right of you(the topmost door in the room). There's nothing to the left ('cept bad dudes that wanna see your mommy die) so don't worry about that. before you ontinue on through the twisted hallway take the first door on the left. From here take the first right and go through the door from there. There's a key in here so make sure you get it. Head back out now (you can go to the opposite side of the room to unlock a locked door with ammo if you need some) into the twisted hallway. Continue on and go through the door. You can enter the room in the center for another grenade launcher (and ammo) but I recommend you skip it and head out of the room on your right. Ok this is where it gets tough. Once you open this door there will be a blue guy but there's not alot of room to move around. watch out for more guys to come up behind you (this would be a good time to use the plasma gun or the grendade launcher. Take the door on the left and then go into the elevator on the left. If you didn't make it keep trying. I know your gonna want to start biting chunks out of your controller (mmm...crunchy) but you have to keep trying. MISSION: 2 FLOOR: 4 PASSWORD: SCQVTR Ok I hate this level. There's one thing and that's Trans but what sucks is you have your health from last floor too. There's a health pack in front of your face when you appear (don't know bout you but this didn't help too much. I was still at sixty percent or so). Take the door on the right and from here DO NOT GO THROUGH THE DOOR ON THE LEFT. The door on the left leads to Trans who is really tough. Go through the door on the right and grab the Rocket Launcher >:-) Save this baby for Trans and switch to the Minigun so you can kill his cronies that will come out on you. Grab the health that YOU REALLY NEED and the key and then head out back to the door I told you not to go into. ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Trans Grosse ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hans's brother, Trans, is no smaller than his brother. Actually, he's even bigger than Hans. Trans looks like the Hulk with two enormous guns the circumference of trashcans. He has alot longer range than his brother and he has more health too. Before you go anywhere, be aware of the room full of MASSIVE health to your left (from where you enter). And the room straight ahead of you has craploads of ammo too. Trans may is going to be alot harder than Hans. Because he has longer range he can shoot you when you can shoot him (fair game sucks doesn't it). Fortunately, there's always that room packed full of health. If you can't seem to get him without him pumping you full of bullets, try strafing around one of those wooden wall things. when he sees you, he waits a few seconds(bout two) until he opens up the doors of pain on his motor powered trashcans. if you stay behind a wall and he's opposite from you, than you can strafe out take a cheap shot with your Rocket Launcher and then strafe back before he shoots at you. Got it? If you don't understand just email me and I'll give you more details on what I did. Another strategy is to head straight to the Room 'O Health. From inside the room, open the door then take a shot, and then close the door again (push A). Just don't let tubby get too close. If he gets into your room then you are screwed out of your mind. Make sure you leave the room if he gets to close. If you need health just walk backwards into a health thingie. Got it? good. ================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================== MISSION 3: FLOOR: 1 PASSWORD: SNKLQN Ok, for this mission, the big guy downstairs says that some crazy doctor is bringing dead soldiers back to life using "Corpsokinetic Animation Serum" (Corpsokinetic? That is so corny it hurts our future generations to come). So it's your job to end this and kill the crazy Dr. Schabbs. When you appear you can turn around and you'll see outside. Cool. Ok, now head through the door. Before we continue, you should know that these zombie guys are really tough. They shoot faster and they move faster. So move with caution soldier! *cough, ehem* Anyway, Straight ahead of you, and to your right is a bunch of crap not worth gunning the zombies for(I'm tellin yah these guys are tough). So head left and go through the door. I'm not sure if you have to kill all the zombies or not, but I did anyway. You prolly don't have to so I'm going to tell you to skip them. (cuz they're so tough). From here go STRAIGHT (to the left is alot of zombies). From here your going to go straight. But before you do, you should know some things about playing it cautiously. If you storm in the room and turn to one side to kill a zombie, another one from behind you will kill you. So you have to lure them out so you can shoot from far away. Go into the room so the zombies can see you and then quickly come back out. The zombies will follow you. Back up so the Zombies won't shoot you and so you can pick them off with your minigun. It's pretty much linear from here until the end of the level. Just be sure to use the "peekaboo" strategy. MISSION: 3 FLOOR: 2 PASSWORD: PCKLRM When you appear, head right and continue on through the linear path until you get to a room with three doors. Take the door on your left and then take a right. Open the little chamber in here and take the key. Leave this room then go left back into the room with the three doors. Go straight ahead this time and unlock the door on the right. Continue on 'til you get to a room with two doors. Take the door on the right. From here turn right and head down the hall way on the right and go through the door on the right. For this room use the peekaboo thing to get the zombies out of their hiding holes. Once you kill them, grab the key and head back to the room with the locked doors. Unlock the darker colored door with your newfound silver key and kill the big blue dudes. Grab some health if you need it and exit the level through the elevator. MISSION: 3 FLOOR: 3 PASSWORD: PNKLRM From the start on your left and right behind you are some stuff through the doors. After you grab those go through the door on the right. Go through the door on the left from here and then go through the door second from the left. Continue on through until you reach two doors. These two doors both lead into a big room full of zombies and a silver(looks blue to me) key (it unlocks dark colored doors). Your gonna have to do the peekaboo thing for this one. Run out into the middle of the room and then head back into the hallway. Back WAY up so the zombies don't over crowd you and surround you. Once you kill them grab the key and then head back to the first room. This time go through the door on the left. Continue on (it's straight-forward) until you get to a locked door. Continue on from there to another locked door. To your left are some zombies so watch out. After you blow em full head to the elevator. MISSION: 3 FLOOR: 4 PASSWORD: QCKLSQ This level sucks. The Crazy Doctor in this level is basically the boss and a freakin' hard boss he is. Just keep going through the metallic hallways until you get to doubledoors right next to each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Doctor Schabbs ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is going to be a tough boss. When you open those double doors your going to have to pull the biggest peekaboo so far in this game. Open the doors and (you don't have to enter the room) immediately start walking backwards while shooting the zombies (that are surrounding you) with your minigun. Once the big white guy (the Crazy Doctor) comes out of the doors start pounding him with your Rocket Launcher. If he gets close to you he'll start shooting (or throwing, I can't really tell) these things at you. So start backing away towards the door behind you on the right (or left). If he's not dead and he's caught up with you go through the door behind you and wait for him to come out after you. Keep doing this (going through the doors) until he's dead. If your at the very beginning and there's no doors left than you are the suckiest shot ever and you should have killed him long ago. He is tough though and his things he shoots at you take off a lot of HP. Don't give up soldier! ================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================== MISSION: 4 FLOOR: 1 PASSWORD: MCKLTP For this Mission, the big guy downstairs is telling you about a fortress up in the mountains that has some serious weaponry and some plans that you need to get hold of. The only problem is one of Dr. Schabb's mega zombies, the "Ubermutant", is in there ready to take you on. When you appear in the fort peekaboo the guards on your right and your left and kill them, then head on out (before you head out, there's a secret passage through the indention on the right side of the room). First off take the door on the left, and from there take the door on the right. These halls get kinda twisty, so use your map to help you out. From here head left, then right, then left, and then go through the door on the right. Head to the back of this room for a key. Now head back to one of the first rooms with the four doors (use your map). Go through the left one again and then go through the left door from there. continue on until you get to the sandy walls. Go on through the halls and take a rightfrom the fork in the road. Go through the first door on the left and unlock the door from there. Peekaboo the guys out and then continue on to the elevator. MISSION: 4 FLOOR: 2 PASSWORD: MNKLTP This level has lots of intertwined rooms connected by lots and lots of doors. Head up the hallway and go left (watch out for the blue guy behind you) and through the door. From here go through door, and go through the door straight ahead from there. Continue going straight(through doors) until you get to a room with blue walls and no doors to go straight into. From here go through the door and then go through the first door on the left. Kill off the blue guy and open both the doors. Grab the health and the key and then head back to the first room. Go through the left door again and continue on through the hallway and go through the door (not the one on your left). Go through the door in here, and from there go through the door on the left. Unlock the doors and head through kill the white dudes (if you haven't already from before), and unlock the doors in here to get to the elevator. MISSION: 4 FLOOR: 3 PASSWORD: NCKLVS