Top Gear 2 FAQ/Walkthrough By Kemco for the Super Nintendo Version 0.70 cnick ( Last Updated: (1/20/03) Newest versions of this guide can be found ONLY at: WRITTEN EXLUSIVELY FOR GAMEFAQS.COM Copyright 2000-2003 cnick. =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------=- [O C O N T E N T S ] I. Introduction and Revision History II. Starting Menu III. Pre-Race Options - Player Options - Buying Menu IV. Country Tips V. I'm Losing; help! VI. Secrets - Passwords - Game Genie Codes VII. Thanks and Disclaimer =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= I. INTRODUCTION AND REVISION HISTORY Sequel to one of the better racing games for the Super Nintendo, Top Gear 2 continued the tradition (I guess you can call it that) of making a fun racing game, but adding the ability to slightly customize your car. Instead of just racing to go to the next country, you won money which you could use to buy a new engine, or more nitros, or better tires. This game is pure-fun. It's a great 1-player game, but add the competition of a friend and you will have yourself the time of your life. Im writing this FAQ for a couple of reasons. First, I wrote a FAQ for Top Gear, which I love dearly, so why not make a FAQ on this game, an equally good game. And second, no one else had made one yet, so why don't I write one and have the first Top Gear 2 FAQ at GameFAQs? Revision History V0.10 (4/14/00): Barely anything. Just a preliminary release. V0.20 (4/15/00): Added basically all the menu stuff, excluding the buying area. V0.30 (4/16/00): Finished buying menu section. Added passwords and codes. V0.40 (4/19/00): Added more passwords. V0.50 (4/21/00): Disclaimer problem fixed. More Country work. 6/15 done. V0.51 (1/19/03): Spring cleaning. V0.70 (1/20/03): Through Ireland. 11/15. New Section. In Future Revisions ------------------- More Tracks. =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= II. STARTING MENU Hit any button to move past the title screen, into a menu: +--------------------+ | 1P GAME | | START | | CONTINUE COUNTRY | | OPTIONS | | CONTINUE GAME | +--------------------+ Select 1P Game, and it will switch to 2P Game. Only do this if you have a second player playing with you. Start creates a new game and brings you into the Pre-Race Menu. Scroll down to the next section for more information on that. If you have put down a correct password, you can select CONTINUE COUNTRY, you can pick what country you have beaten and you can race it again. You can't do the United States if you dont have the Switzerland password. Select OPTIONS and it gives you a choice to turn off the music, and set the difficulty to amateur, professional, or championship. Select what difficulty you want. CONTINUE GAME brings up the password screen. Once you put in a correct password, it moves you into the country menu. =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= III. PRE-RACE OPTIONS ================ =Player Options= ================ After you have selected start from the previous menu, you will move into a new screen. It will look something like this: (if theres 2 players, player #2¹s screen will have a large 2.) +---------------------+ | 1 Race | | 1 Player | | 1 Gears | | 1 Control | | 1 Speed | +---------------------+ Select RACE to start the next race. Select PLAYER to switch the name you use during racing. I recommend that you do, since Player 1 is a real crappy name. Select GEARS to change to manual or automatic transmission. Select SPEED to change everything into MPH or KM/H. Select CONTROL to change the controls of your gamepad. Here they are: L R /------\ /-------\ /------------------------\ / |--| __ __ \ | | | (Y ) (X ) | | |-- --| -- -- | | |-- --| __ __ __ __ | \ | | S St (B ) (A ) / \ |--| /--\ -- -- / \---------/ \---------/ Control Setup 1: ---------------- D-Pad - Left or Right L - Down Gear R - Up Gear X - Acceleration Y - Brake B - Brake A - Nitro Control Setup 2: ---------------- D-Pad - Left or Right L - Down Gear R - Up Gear X - Acceleration Y - Brake B - Nitro A - Brake Control Setup 3: ---------------- D-Pad - Left or Right L - Brake R - Acceleration X - Up Gear Y - Down Gear B - Brake A - Nitro Control Setup 4: ---------------- D-Pad Up - Up Gear D-Pad Down - Down Gear L - Left R - Right Y - Brake B - Brake A - Nitro Control Setup 5: ---------------- D-Pad - Left or Right L - Nitro R - Nitro X - Brake Y - Acceleration B - Up Gear A - Down Gear ============= =Buying Menu= ============= Before each race, you have a choice on buying different kinds of things, as well as changing the color of your car (for free). Here's the stuff you can buy: Engine: ------- Normal - Free Upgraded 1 - $30000 Upgraded 2 - $50000 Upgraded 3 - $80000 Basically, the better the engine the faster you accelerate. Wet Tires: ---------- Normal - Free Upgraded 1 - $1000 Upgraded 2 - $2000 Upgraded 3 - $3000 Needed for races when its raining. The better the tires the better traction you have on the road. I recommend you pick this up as soon as you have the money. Dry Tires: ---------- Normal - Free Upgraded 1 - $1000 Upgraded 2 - $2000 Upgraded 3 - $4000 Just like Wet Tires, only you have better traction on dry surfaces. This is needed more then wet tires are, because the majority of the races are on dry roads. Get this as soon as you have the money. Gearbox: -------- Normal - Free Upgraded 1 - $10000 Upgraded 2 - $30000 Upgraded 3 - $50000 Upgrade 1 gives you a 5th gear, #2 gives you a 6th gear, and #3 gives you a 7th gear. Better top speed is the result of this, but you need the engine to accelerate faster. Don't bother getting this unless you have an upgrade 2 or 3 engine. Nitro: ------ Normal - Free Upgraded 1 - $5000 Upgraded 2 - $15000 Upgraded 3 - $30000 Makes your nitros more powerful (gets you to higher speeds) and I think it let's you go in nitro mode for a bit longer. Probably the best thing to buy in the game. Side Armor: ----------- Normal - Free Upgraded 1 - $5000 Upgraded 2 - $10000 Upgraded 3 - $20000 The better the armor, the longer your armor will stay with you. You want these eventually, because if you lose your armor, anything can spin you out, and you don't want that happening when you are in the lead. Rear Armor: ----------- Normal - Free Upgraded 1 - $5000 Upgraded 2 - $10000 Upgraded 3 - $20000 Makes rear armor stronger. Read above. Front Armor: ------------ Normal - Free Upgraded 1 - $5000 Upgraded 2 - $10000 Upgraded 3 - $20000 Makes front armor stronger. Read above. Car Colors: ----------- FREE! Colors: Red Gray Green Light Blue Blue Yellow Black Purple This just changes the color of your car. Doesn't make it better or anything. Personal preferance dictates what color you will pick. =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= IV. COUNTRY TIPS ========= =Britain= ========= Fairly easy country. My mind just kind of zoned out, so I can't say much on any tips, other then the obvious. Nitro your way into first place as fast as you can, as save as much nitros as possible. And also, try not to hit the signs. Dont brake, since that will let those much more powerful cars go ahead of you, and you dont have a chance. You just get plenty of money, to grab the best tires for both kind of situations, and even a nitro upgrade. ======== =Canada= ======== Nothing new from Britain. Same strategies apply, and you should be able to rack up a $20 to $30 thousand, which should help you a lot in the next countries. I suggest getting a new engine, or if you are fairly close, wait so you can buy the $50000 one. It's your decision. You should have at least an upgrade 2 on nitros, since it only gets harder, and you will need to get to first as fast as possible. ======= =Egypt= ======= The majority of the tracks are very short, but you need to go around them more than the previous country's tracks. These courses do contain some nasty turns, so watch out on that. Again, same things apply, and the need to get into first with one or two nitros is a must. The cars at the top of the pack have much better equipment, and can basically out-run you, even when you are at top speed with the best engine. I suggest you should have an upgrade 2 engine, with an upgrade 3 nitro by the time you finish this, or be relativity close to getting them. ======== =France= ======== Beaudeux returns, but without the wine signs. The fearful France country in Top Gear makes its return to TG2, but its fairly easy to conquer. Actually, it can only be compared to the easier countries in this game, Britain and Canada. Oh well, I prefer this over Top Gear 1's version of France any day. Should be upgrading your gearboxes by now, or in the process of getting that last $80000 engine. ========= =Germany= ========= 4 races that end up being very easy. The first two come and go real quick. They are short tracks, and you have only a couple of laps. They should be easy wins (or easy 2nds, if you are playing with a friend) and you should be able to rack up $30000 easy. The 3rd track isn't as easy. It's a fog level, and its hard to see. Meaning you will be running into the signs a lot. Still, you should be used to running fog races and you shouldnt have too much trouble. The next and last race involves snow, and for some reason, turning becomes a bitch. Even with the best tires, its hard to make some of the turns, especially with nitros on. Bare with the race, and realize a top 6 is great. ======== =Greece= ======== Wow, if you were wondering what the TG2 equilivant of France is, you just found it. Athens looks like an easy race, but it isn't. Almost every turn on the track can't be taken if you are a nitro, so make sure you are using them on the straight-a-ways. Believe me when I say this. Cherish a 6th place position. The next 3 races are just as hard. They are long 3 lap races, with turns you have never seen in your life. I believe the track after Athens has a turn where it's so hard, you always turn right into the right side of the tunnel. Even when you aren't using a nitro! Oh my god, this was tough. I think I got 11 pts, and a 4th place finish, on amateur! ======= =India= ======= A relief from Greece. Nothing too hard, some small 6 and 7 lap tracks, and a medium-length, 3 lap tracks. A 30 point ranking position is highly likely. Theres almost nothing hard on in this country. Take advantage of this and start racking up the bucks to buy that $80000 engine. You may want to make sure you get at least $30000 before going on to Ireland. ========= =Ireland= ========= Fairly easy country. The first 3 races are no biggie. Easy 1st or 2nd place finishes. The big story is the 4th race, which is just about the biggest pain in the ass you will ever have. You have to be careful with your nitros, or you will run straight into a not able to qualify to the next country position, which means you have to do the 4 races AGAIN, which is a bitch. I've done it twice already, and failed to qualify, so its a real bitch. =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= V. I'M LOSING; HELP! - Nitro to reach 1st place quickly. The longer you take, the less time you will have to get first. - Use at most 3 nitros to get to first. Dodge cars as best as you can as you burst out of the pack. Once 3 are gone, you need to save the rest for the duration of the race, so set your goals on getting the current place you are in. - Dodge cars as best as you can. Especially with nitros, since you lose so much speed. - STAY ON THE ROAD! This is worst then running into the backs of opponents, and can determine the whole race. Some turns are so hard that you cant nitro on them, so beware of that. - On long races (6+ laps), make sure you have at least 3 nitros to use on the last three laps, so that you can keep high in the ranks, as well as gain an extra place or two. If you use them up to early, the cars, with extremely better power, will fly past you and you will be lucky with a top 5 finish. More to Come Later! =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= VI. SECRETS Drive super car in any country: ------------------------------- Power on the Super Nintendo and and highlight use the "Continue Game" option to enter 4N85 BJR6 6HJ5 8#H65 RNM## (for Amateur), 9LB< NW5> >VW< CFV> <521FF (for Professional), or DHYV 9>HW W<>V 1325 PN>Y L>VC M7032 NJH77 as a password. =========== =Passwords= =========== Passwords are randomly generated, so Im not sure if these work. Im going through the races twice, so I'll add more passwords down, in case one of them dont work. --------- Version A --------- BRITAIN ------- 2B%2 467J LTL% R$33M C+$WW CANADA ------ NQL# ]46N G3BN CP2DP FB%11 EGYPT ----- ]FB3 5[77 JF[[ B+RY9 2WVBB FRANCE ------ Y+$7 #MLJ 49D6 ]7J%L %][TT GERMANY ------- 8#6Y 3H$J M#NR ]$BNN LGF55 GREECE ------ TVQH MB9L 463B C%#FF C+$WW INDIA ----- [63T YBNG [27H RYQLP $#9QQ IRELAND ------- 9Q$7 #+D1 773$ GMF%D 521FF ITALY ----- $3JB FC[+ F2N5 G$NRV C+$WW JAPAN ----- 8BYP TN$2 J4Y3 8%QC+ 521FF SCANDINAVIA ----------- J4H% DYW2 5VY6 Q%RIT GCB22 SOUTH AMERICA ------------- 14PG LH[2 H3FM N]HPJ $#9QQ SPAIN ----- BL+8 [5YG 13DW ]BQ][ 2WVBB SWITZERLAND ----------- ]#1Q V83+ 6R9W 9$M98 WRQ$$ UNITED STATES ------------- 6M]6 9$Q$ TP2G V2$VT GCB22 --------- Version B --------- Britain ------- >>L5 B4DD 8VL< 9V7TV MHG66 Canada ------ 6DD3 M(H? C)QB DQ878 1VT>> Egypt ----- QJVP C#67 M9L# (H212 QML99 France ------ L>GY <5QT <97( (T8>B 965LL Germany ------- BLWY >D93 DD81 T3> Greece ------ GPQ MDJW2 HD(33 ================== =Game Genie Codes= ================== Start with 10 Nitros: DC2A-D6DD Unlimited nitros for player 1: C267-D07D Unlimited nitros for player 2: C2CB-D0FD Everything is free: 52C3-A083 0BC4-D9EE Cash not deducted for purchases: 52C3-3083 0BC4-49EE Fourth Engine Costs $1,000 instead of $80,000: DFC5-95ED First place gives $50 instead of $10,000: 7430-98ED =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= V. Thanks and Disclaimer Credits CJAYC - For creating the coolest site on the net and hosting this FAQ. Also, I used his layout for this FAQ, as well as the many others I have done, so thanks CJAYC! - For Version A codes. - For game genie and tips This GUIDE is (c) 2000-2003 cnick. This guide may be not be reproduced at all except for personal, private use. This guide is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. Unless noted on this guide, this document should not be found on any web site other than Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright their respective companies. Top Gear 2 FAQ/Walkthrough (c) 2000-2003 cnick. -End of FAQ-