/ _\_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ /\/\ __ _ _ __(_) ___ \ \| | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| / \ / _` | '__| |/ _ \ _\ \ |_| | |_) | __/ | / /\/\ \ (_| | | | | (_) | \__/\__,_| .__/ \___|_| \/ \/\__,_|_| |_|\___/ |_| ___ _ _ _____ _____ / __\_ __ ___ | |_| |__ ___ _ __ ___ \_ \\_ \ /__\// '__/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __| / /\/ / /\/ / \/ \ | | (_) | |_| | | | __/ | \__ \ /\/ /_/\/ /_ \_____/_| \___/ \__|_| |_|\___|_| |___/ \____/\____/ -------------------------------------------------- Super Mario Brothers 2 for the Famicon Disc System Email: imationm320@gmail.com AIM: ImationM320 Site: www.geocities.com/imationm320 Copyright 2005 of ImationM320 Version 1.0 Version 1.1 Version 1.2 -------------------------------------------------- **NOTE FOR ALL TO READ** As some of the things such as controls and enemies are the same as the previous Super Mario Brothers, the first six sections were pasted from my original Super Mario Brothers guide so it will look familiar until you reach the walkthrough part. This bit here is just so save some confusion. Latest Update Added all of worlds 1-6. Dedication This guide is dedicated to Humanvegetableonline for all the laughs and the inspiration for me to get off my butt and write some guides! Contents: 1. Introduction 2. About the Game 3. About Me 4. Legal Junk 5. Controls 6. Enemies 7. Accessing world 9 8. World One 9. World Two 10. World Three 11. World Four 12. World Five 13. World Six 14. World Seven 15. World Eight 16. Who to thank 17. Closing Comments -------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction Hello gamers from across the globe and welcome to my walkthrough for "Super Mario Brothers 2" on the Famicom disc system! My name is Richard or I am also known as ImationM320! I am currently writing guides for old games to fulfil a goal. Read about my goal in the "About Me" Section. I hope that this guide is of use to you and it helps you in a classic and fun Mario game! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 2. About the game Another Mario game! This is an incredibly fun game and when it was first introduced it was long and quite hard in some parts! There are eight worlds and in each world there is four levels. That adds up to 32 seperate levels! In this game you choose your character and battle your way through a series of levels. It's very fun and VERY addictive! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 3. About Me What can I say, I'm a 15 year old gamer with some free time and a strong will to play video games. I am writing a game that was made before I was born. I have still played it and loved it. Why am I writing a guide for this game? I have a goal to fulfill on GameFAQs. My goal is to write a guide for EVERY game that is based around Mario. No Donkey Kongs or Donkey Kong JR but nearly ALL the Mario games from the 1980s to the year 2000! Sounds like a crazy goal? Not to me. To me it sounds like a good opportunity to show my apperciation for such a fantastic and entertaining game series! Over time I will hope to have FAQs for the following Mario Games: Mario Brothers - Atari 2600 Super Mario Brothers - Famicom Disc System Super Mario Brothers II - Famicom Disc System (Which you're reading now!) Super Mario Land - Gameboy Super Mario Land 2 - Gameboy Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land - Gameboy Super Mario Kart - SNES Super Mario World - SNES Super Mario Brothers III - SNES Super Mario 64 - Nintendo 64 Mario Kart 64 - Nintendo 64 As you can see that will take me quite some time and I will slowly be filling through that list. -------------------------------------------------- 4. Legal Junk Well here we are, the copyright stuff. This guide *CANNOT* be hosted without my permission. Email me if you want to host it first. I keep a record of who is hosting it! Secondly, you *CANNOT* sell this guide or edit it. You are not permitted to unless you pay me like $10.00 first. You may print if off for *PRIVATE* use but you *CANNOT* print it off and publicly distribute it! With that being said, the following sites have permission to host it: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamespot.com Neoseeker and IGN will be added when the guide is online at their websites. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 5. Controls Below is the listing of controls for this game: A button: Jump, stomp on enemies, break bricks and hit the question blocks. B button: Hold to run faster and shoot fireballs Start: Pause the game, Start the Game Select: Switch Option left/right" Move in that direction down: go down special pipes -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 6. Enemies This game would be nothing without the enemies! These pests make the game hard and fun! Below is a paragraph or two about each enemy. Goombas: The basic and most common enemy. Not to mention an annoying one. To get rid of them, just stomp on them. Koopa Troopa: These turtlelike enemies come in two different colours, red and green. Green ones are stupid and just walk off edges whilst the Red ones will walk back and forth. Now these guys are annoying to kill. When you stomp on them they turn into their original shell. Now if you stomp on them again they will zoom off in the direction you kicked it and will rebound off the nearest object. Any enemies in your path will be affected but watch out, the moving shell can harm you. Koopa Paratroopa: Just Koopa Troopas with wings. The green ones bounce towards you and the red ones move up and down. When you stomp on them they turn into normal Koopa Troopas so you follow the normal procedure to kill them then. Lakitu: These pests float around on little clouds and drop spiny eggs. Spiny: When the Lakitu thrown egg hits the ground they become spiny creatures. You cannot stomp on them because they have spikes/spines on their backs. Hammer Brothers: These guys fling hammers at you. They cannot fling them if you are right next to them. Stomp on them to kill them. Buzzy Beetle: These guys are immune to fireballs but they act like the Green Koopa Troopas. Pirhana Plant: They pop out of some pipes and munh on anything that gets near them. They cannot pop out of the pipe if you are on or next to the pipe. Bullet Bills: These are fired from cannons. Like Pirhana plants, they cannot fire if you are next to or on top of the cannon. Cheep Cheep: These fish are no problem underwater. But on land they pop out of nowhere and are a pest. Blooper: Underwater that chase you. Small Mario cannot be touched if he's on the bottom floor. Pobodo: Balls of fire that pop out of the lava in the castle. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 7. Accessing world 9 Yes it is possible. To get to it, you have to complete 8-4 without the use of _ANY_ warp pipes. In world 9-1, you start with only one life and after 9-4, it goes back to 9-1 until you lose your life. Now stop with the emails asking how to get to it. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 8. World One Here we are on another world winning adventure. You've got the choice of being Mario or Luigi. I choose Mario but it's your choice. Mini Luigi resembles an Oompah-Loompah from Charley and the Chocolate Factory. Anyway let's get this walkthrough going. ----- -1.1- ----- There's only one way to go, and that's right. Head off in the to the right and a jumping turtle (a winged one but it's also known as a Koopa Paratroopa) will be around here. You can either kill it for the points or ignore it and keep on going. Keep going and you will see a sort of chamber with a red Koopa Troopa walking along it. Ignore the Koopa Troopa. There will be a row of five "?" blocks. Hit all except the middle one. The middle one contains a mushroom, a purple one. The purple ones can kill you! Keep going and there will be a Pirahna Plant in the ground. Wait for it to shrink back into the ground and sprint or jump across it. Jump over the next pipe and there will be three goombas. Just jump on the first one and you'll bounce onto the second one, then the third one. Jump across the gap and you'll see some blocks, a Koopa Paratroopa and a row of bricks. Ignore them if you don't want the points and keep going. Now you'll see five Koopa Troopas on the bottom and one red one on the top. Kill the red one and kick it to the right side. It'll go down to the ground and kill all of the other Koopas. The third block contains a purple and poisonous mushroom. Run across and leap over or kill the goombas then the Koopa Troopas. When the pirahna shrinks down, leap up onto the pipe then onto the bricks. Walk across and jump down when you reach the other side. Run the short bit then you'll see another Pirahna plant. Jump up and over it and onto the next pipe. Leap over and you'll see a smaller pipe, You're near the end. Climb the steps and take a small run at the top then leap. If you touch the top of the pole, your character will slide down and you receive points. Wherever you land you receive points. Now Mario will walk into the castle bit. Level passed! ----- -1.2- ----- Oh boy we're underground now. Run across and take a leap over onto the blocks. Run up the steps and leap. Make sure you don't hit the Pirahna plant. Jump down and onto the ground and kill the goombas. Run across and jump up onto the pipe. If you want to be a cheat, jump up onto the blocks at the top and take a nice sprint across the top. Otherwise keep going. This next bit is tricky. You have to sprint then leap, sprint then leap until you are at the end. I died a few times here. When you're at the other side, there's a Pirahna plant. Jump over it and onto the bricks surrounding the higher Pirahna plant. Jump down onto the next one and carefully make you're way across to the other side. Kill the three Koopa Troopas and kump up onto the next red bar. Quickly jump onto one of the moving bars. Take a big leap onto the bricks then a big leap onto the ground. Enter the side pipe to be back on the ground. Climb the steps then leap onto the pole. Level passed! ----- -1.3- ----- Leap across and onto the stand. Jump onto one side of the scales then onto the next one, then jump onto the platform. Leap down and kill the pesky Koopa Troopas that are there. Ignore the jelly fish (in midair?!) and jump onto the next platform. Leap over again then wait for the platform to come back to you. Jump up and grab the coins. Leap across the scales then onto the other platform. Kill the Koopa Troopa and carefully jump onto the two blocks. Take a leap and jump onto the platform. Jump across the scales then the platforms and onto the flag area. Touch the pole and finish the evil level. ----- -1.4- ----- Run across and stay out of line of that firebar. Carefully jump across the two platforms and keep going. Stay out of line of the firebars as they can kill you. Dodge the balls of fire that will shoot towards you. The bowser battle is situated on a bridge. At the end is an axe. To kill this bowser, you only need to touch the axe. Watch bowser fall and watch Toad leap out saying "Thank you Mario But our Peach is in another castle!" YOU JUST GOT RIPPED OFF! Keep going. Seven more worlds to go. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 9. World Two Here we go. Part two. ----- -2.1- ----- Start off by going right and leaping onto the bridge. Dodge or kill the Koopa Paratroopas and smash all three "?" blocks. The middle one contains a mushroom that will let you be a big Mario/Luigi! Keep on going and leap across onto the steps. Climb up and go along the next bridge. Before doing so hit the middle of the three bricks. It's a star, which can make you invincible for a short time. Grab it and go go go! Carefully hop along this tricky course bit of Pirahna plants. Time it right and you'll be fine. Now jump down onto the moving platform and get to the next platform. Leap onto the spring and see how high he goes. When you get on the ground use the spring to get across to the other side. When you touch down, go across and use the next spring. Keep going and watch out for Koopa Troopas and Goombas as you go. Climb the steps and hit the pole to end the level. ----- -2.2- ----- Kill the Koopa Paratroopa and dodge the goombas or kill them. Make your way across the Pirahna plants and kill any Koopa Paratroopa thatare near the three coins. Take a leap and go down the two steps. Carefully cross from the pipe to the other side and kill the two Koopa Troopas. Kill the Koopa Paratroopas and get across the small steps. Land on the pipe then take a leap of faith onto the next bit and kill the two pesky goombas as you carefully touch down. Ignore the Koopa Paratroopa and go across. Kill one Koopa Troopa and kick his shell to the right. There are like seven Koopa Troopas in and ahead of this bit so this will clean them up fast. This Pirahna plant is a shortcut. Grab the bonus coins and exit via the pipe. Take the mightiest leap or try and get across via that upper Pirahna plant to get to the other side. Jump across from the pirahna plant and keep going. Kill the red Koopa Troopa and jump up onto the other ledge. Jump across. Kill the three goombas as you climb the steps. leap up and grab the pole. Level passed! ----- -2.3- ----- Go across the bridge and kill the koopa Troopas. Watch the stupid flying fish that randoml shoot across the screen. Leap onto the next platform and then across the next few platforms. Leap onto the platform then jump onto the ledge and smash all of the "?" boxes. The top left one is a mushroom that makes you gets bigger. Jump onto the platforms and carefully hop your way across. Jump up onto the ledges and onto a platform then onto the bridge, now go across. Jump across the platforms then grab the flag pole. Level passed! ----- -2.4- ----- Go across and jump up. Kill the Koopa Troopa now go across and carefully drop down onto the next ledge. Walk along and kill the Koopa Troopas as you go. Leap over across the firebar and over the lava. You will land on some steps. Carefully walk along and dodge the two firebars and the Pobodos. Carefully dodge the next Pobodos and firebars. When you reach the bridge, touch the axe and kill Bowser! Now see toad again, RIPPED OFF AGAIN! Two worlds down, six more to go! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 10. World Three Here we go. Part three. ----- -3.1- ----- Run across and dodge the hammer brothers. The hammer throws are annoying. Run across and smash all of the "?" blocks as you go and kill all of the Red Koopa Troopas. Leap across the platforms And over the over the pipe and keep going. As you go there will be a lot of bullet bills. Carefully dodge the bullets. Carefully leap across the pipes as Red Koopa Troopas are walking across them. Leap across and use the spring. Go up the stairs and leap across, there's a gap between you and the pole this time! ----- -3.2- ----- An underwater level. Swim across and ignore the enemies. Make sure you do not get into the holes, you do die. Stick to the top or the bottom as you go. When you reach the pipe go across and up the stairs and grab the pole! I'm really sorry about the lame help but it's a hard level to explain. ----- -3.3- ----- Leap across the platforms and kill all of the Koopa Troopas for the points. Run onto the lower platform and kill the four Koopa Troopas. A fifth will drop down so kill that one too. Leap across the two ledges then onto the scales. Carefully leap onto the ledge and keep going. Leap across and onto the spring. Use it to get further in the level. You should touch down next to a Red Koopa Troopa. Kill it and keep going. Leap across the two red platforms and onto a ledge. Hop onto the two bricks and take a few careful jumps across. Leap across past the Red Koopa Paratroopa and grab the pole. ----- -3.4- ----- Jump down and then jump up onto the bricks. Jump across onto the ledge and keep going. Here it is a choose the right path style. Take this path: Bottom, bottom, top, top and it will work and you'll then need to go top, top. It's weird I know. Fight Bowser again. Kill him and watch those toad stools congratulate you. Three down and five more to go! If you're hopelessly stuck on the maze bit, AIM or email me. I will happily give up a few minutes helping you. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 11. World Four Here we go. Part four. ----- -4.1- ----- Run across and dodge the pirahna plants. Dodge the spinies that Lakitu drops and leap through the gap in the bricks. Jump over the three blocks, then the Pirahna plant then smash all of the "?" blocks. Grab the mushroom and leap across the water with the spring. It isn't a huge spring either so be careful. Dodge the Lakitu and spinies and keep moving. Run up the steps and jump. Don't smash the third block as it contains the Purple mushroom. Leap over the pirahna plant and keep going. Go under the three Pirahna plants and jump over the ledges. Dodge the final few Pirahna plants and go up the steps. Watch out for the gap next to the pole as you finish! ----- -4.2- ----- Run across and carefully dodge the bullet bills. Jump over those two metal backed creatures and jump over the gaps. Keep running across and ignore the spring. Dodge the lakitu and kill the goombas. Watch out for the next bullet bill and smash as many "?" blocks as you can. Leap across the gap and kill the Hammer Brother. Run across the platform, dodge the next Hammer brother and the Pirahna plants then jump across the ledges. Take that final huge leap across the water and grab the pole. Level passed! ----- -4.3- ----- Take a big leap and run towards the spring. Use it to get onto the red platform then ontop the moving one. Leap onto the scales and carefully leap onto the moving platform then the narrow ledge. LEAP across and jump down onto the spring. Use it to jump onto the platform then get onto the next ledge. Jump across and then jump onto the red ledge. Jump across the red moving platform, then onto the scales and leap onto the ledge. Watch out for the bullet bills! You'll need to leap across and keep on moving. Take incredibly careful hops as you jump up a narrow staircase then grab the pole. ----- -4.4- ----- Carefully jump down then smash all of the "?" blocks. Watch the HUGE firebar as you go though, it moves faster as well! Carefully jump up and dodge the smaller firebar. Jump across and dodge the second huge firebar. Dodge the second smaller one and onto the lower ledge. Jump up onto the same brick as the firebar when it is under you then leap up. Watch the three Koopa Troopas. Jump down onto the red platform and it will drop you to the lower ledge. Watch out for the small firebar and the hammer brother. Keep going across, watching for the firebars, pirahna plants, Koopa Troopas and fireballs. Take the red platform across the lava bit and battle Bowser. A firebar spins on the bridge. No fair! Kill him and watch the next bit. Four down and four more to go! Alright, halfway there! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 12. World Five Here we go. Part five. ----- -5.1- ----- Run across and smash all the "?" boxes and watch out for the metal backed turtle liked creatures. Dodge the pirahna plantsand leap across the gap. Take careful hops across and kill the Koopa Paratroopa. Keep moving andd dodge the bullet bills and Koopa Troopas. Watch out for the goombas and pirahna plants as you progress. Run up the steps and jump, where a hurricane like wind will blow you across this huge set of gaps. When you touch down, watch out for that bullet bill and dodge the pirahna plants. Kill the goombas and koopa troopas and leap up onto the stairs. Leap across and keep going. Walk along, dodge the final pirahna plant and grab the flagpole. ----- -5.2- ----- Underground again. Carefully run across and when you reach the red moving platforms, carefully and I mean CAREFULLY jump across. Leap over the various ledges and pirahna plants and go through the final pipe. Leap up onto the pole. Level passed! ----- -5.3- ----- Leap over the ledges and onto the red platform. As you go keep jumping and stay on the red platform as much as possible. You'll land on more ledges. Go across and use the next red platform. Keep going and the upper pirahna plant is a shortcut. Go across the next two red platforms and grab the pole. ----- -5.4- ----- Leap down and jump across each platform. Watch the pobodo when you reach the red platform. Jump across and WATCH OUT for the firebars. Carefully guide your way across and then take a big leap or two small hops across the gap that's after the firebar course. Carefully get through the mixture of firebars, pobodos and red platforms and then keep moving. leap across the platforms and watch the pobodos and firebars until you reach Bowser. There's another HUGE firebar as you go so be extra careful. Hit the axe and finish the world. Five down and three more to go! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 13. World Six Here we go. Part Six. ----- -6.1- ----- Run across and ignore the Koopa Paratroopa and the metal turtle as you go. Jump across the gap and kill the three goombas. Then kill the three Koopa Troopas then the Hammer brother. Leap over the Pirahna plant. Watch out for the bullet bill as you leap across the gap. Carefully guide your way through the pirahna plant section. Keep going across and ignore the enemies. Run up the stairs and the wind will be there to help again. Get as far as you can and keep moving. Dodge the Pirahna plants and leap onto the Flag pole. Level passed! ----- -6.2- ----- Another damned under water level. I cannot help on this. Here's what I'll say though. Swim across and ignore the enemies. Make sure you do not get into the holes, you do die. Stick to the top or the bottom as you go. When you reach the pipe go across and up the stairs and grab the pole! I'm really sorry about the lame help but it's a hard level to explain. ----- -6.3- ----- Leap across the platforms then onto the bridge. Kill the Koopa Troopa and watch out for the stupid fish. When you reach a series of small ledges, take careful hops and jumps to get across. Patience is the key. There'll be a few more bridges, followed by another series of small ledges, then platforms to leap across. Grab the pole and finish the level! ----- -6.4- ----- Take a careful jump onto the platform and leap onto the land. Leap over the Pirahna plant and dodge the firebar. ANOTHER STUPID CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH COURSE. Go bottom, top, top, then bottom and you'll get through it ok. Battle through the course and fight bowser. He throws hammers this time. Damn him. Six down and only two more to go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 14. World Seven Here we go. Part Seven. ----- -7.1- ----- Run across and jump through the two Pirahna plants and go up the steps. Kill the red Koopa Troopa. Leap across and dodge the two Pirahna plants. If you want you can kill the Koopa Troopa there. Leap up and walk on the ledge which is over the water. Watch out for the bullet bill near the end of the platform. Jump down and run along the ground. Watch the hammer brothers. When you see the pirahna plant, get back. Get a run up and leap across the gap and keep moving. Jump over the Pirahna plant and go up the steps. Two hammer brothers are on the steps. Jump across the ledges and watch out for the Bullet Bill. Leap onto the flag pole and finish the level! ----- -7.2- ----- Run along the bridge and go onto the red moving platform. Move across and kill the Red Koopa Paratroopas as you go. When you get off, run along and jump onto the next ledge. The pirahna plant at the top is required, Leap up and go down it. Sprint along and dodge the Lakitu, spinies, Koopa Troopas and firebars. Hop across a series of narrow ledges and then go across the two red platforms. Jump up over the pirahna plant then touch the flag pole. ----- -7.3- ----- Run across and jump over to the huge spring. Leap onto it and fly through the air! Land on the ledge and use the next spring. Land on the next ledge and use the next spring. When you land, jump onto the next ledge and dodge the pirahna plant. Use the spring and you should land on some bricks. Keep going until you see some scales. Go across carefully onto the upper ledge. Use the next spring and leap across the brick ledges. Watch out for the fire- bars as you go. Grab the flag pole to finish the level! ----- -7.4- ----- Go down and watch the firebar. Jump over it and keep going. This bit is tricky. Jump down and land on the red platform. Go across then sprint onto the ledge. Dodge the firebar and make your way across the red bar section. Try and jump onto the top bit on the last red platform. You can just run across the entire level easily then! Otherwise go across and dodge the next firebar. Kill the Red Koopa Troopas as you go and then the metal turtles. Dodge the firebars and pobodos and fire breaths as you go along. Then there's the next Bowser battle. Hit the axe and kill him. Seven down and only ONE more to go! You're almost there! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 15. World Eight Here we go. Part Eight. ----- -8.1- ----- The final world! Feels good huh? Run across and jump through the two Pirahna plants and smash all of the "?" boxes. Kill all of the Koopa Paratroopas and Goombas in your way. When you leap over dodge the Bullet Bills, the Pirhana Plants and the Hammer Brother. Keep going and dodge all bullet bills and tread very carefully around the Hammer Brothers. Go through the series of Pirhana Plants, leap across the ledge and grab the flag pole. ----- -8.2- ----- Run across, jump across the red platform and ignore the pirahna plant. Kill all three Koopa Troopas and ignore the metal turtles. Kill the Koopa Paratroopa and leap over the Pirahna plant. Now jump over the small gap and leap onto the spring. Fly across then hop across each ledge and platform. Where that Red Koopa Paratroopa was under a block is the secret to finishing the level. Jump onto the Koopa Paratroopa and you'll hit the block above it. This will reveal a beanstalk for you to climb! Start climbing up it and you'll end up in the sky. Jump a few platforms and grab the flag pole. ----- -8.3- ----- Run across and kill the Red Koopa Paratroopa and kill the Lakitu. Leap onto the red platform and keep on moving across. Keep going and use the spring to get onto the red platform. Run across and occasionally leap over the pipes and kill the enemies. Ignore the Lakitu as they can be fatal. Leap across and get onto the scales. Jump onto the platform then onto the Flag Pole. ----- -8.4- ----- Here it is folks, the very last level! Of course it's a hard one. Leap across the lava pit and dodge the two firebars. Watch the Pobodo and the firebar as you leap across. Kill the red Koopa Paratroopa. Now go down the first pipe you see. You'll be underwater. Swim across and ignore the enemies. Make sure you do not get into the holes, you do die. Stick to the top or the bottom as you go. Now exit the pipe and go down the one on the right. Now it gets difficult. Leap over the lava pit and kill the Koopa Paratroopas. Jump onto the platform. Here's what to do. DO NOT TOUCH ANY OF THE BLOCKS ABOVE YOU. see the blocks level with the lava? YOU MUST WALK ACROSS THEM. Touching the upper ones will mean you have to swim through the mess again. If all goes well, jump up and dodge the firebar. Still DO NOT touch the above blocks. If all goes well you will walk along a platform for ages. Kill the two Koopa Paratroopas at the end and go through the pipe. Go along and you'll see a decoy Bowser. Kill him or dodge him. When you get to the real Bowser, it's the same way to kill him. Hit the axe and watch him die. Watch Mario free Peach and enjoy the ending. If you used no warp pipes, you will be invited to world 9-1. Congratulations, you've just completed Super Mario Brothers 2! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 16. Who to thank I'd like to thank the following people for assisting me with my FAQ and other things. Nintendo: For creating this game. Atari: For creating the Atari 2600 console. CjayC: For hosting it on GameFAQs. Humanvegetableonline: For the inspiration and the laughs! Me: For writing it. And you, for reading it! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 17. Closing Comments Here we are folks, the end of the Guide. It wasn't that great to read but it's one step closer for me to fulfil my goal of hosting an FAQ for the Mario games I had listed before! If you enjoyed this guide or have constructive critisicm, contact me via AIM or via Email. Again my contact details are: AIM: ImationM320 Email: imationm320@gmail.com Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my future guides! Signed, Richard AKA ImationM320 COMING SOON! My Super Mario Land FAQ for Gameboy!