Super Mario Bros. ----------------- Copyright 2005 Brian McPhee Author: Brian McPhee (Kirby021591) E-mail: Most Recent Update: November 6, 2005 Originally Created: May 8, 2005 Version 1.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Table of Contents--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1* Introduction* Navigation* Storyline* Items & Points* Enemies* Continue Trick* Game Types* Controls* Section 2* World 1* World 2* World 3* World 4* World 5* World 6* World 7* World 8* Section 3* Second Quest* Warp Zones* Minimalist Quest* World -1* 1-Up Tricks* Bonus Rooms* Glitches* FAQ* Section 4* Credits and Legal Information* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ / \ / \ ||----------------------------Section 1*-----------------------------|| \ / \_________________________________________________________________/ ======================================================================= =============================Introduction*============================= ======================================================================= Bienvenidos! I started this guide on Cinco de Mayo, and I just had to include that. Well, with Mexican holidays aside, let’s get down to business. This guide is for Super Mario Bros., the NES classic that forever changed video gaming (disregard the fact that it was an arcade game called Vs. Super Mario Bros. before this). Why did I choose this game to write a guide for? Well, two reasons, actually. First, this was the first video game I ever played. It is very special for me, but I usually don’t have my NES hooked up, so it was pushed aside (yes, I will eventually write guides for the Oracle Zelda games). Secondly, I seem to have caught Mario fever, as my past four guides have been for Mario games. Also, I apologize for the long breaks between my past guides (it was especially long for me. It’s been eleven days since I was writing a walkthrough). But, that’s not important right now. What’s important is that this guide is for Super Mario Bros., and I pity you if you missed that. Super Mario Bros. is, in my opinion, the best of the SMB trilogy (Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3). This is Mario’s first venture into home consoles, and it quite literally changed society and pop culture. And for good reason, too! This game rocks out loud. The graphics are just okay; they’re good for an extremely early NES 8-bit game. It is interesting, though, that the SNES reincarnate of this game seems so much better (it’s 16-bit, so it’s pretty much twice the graphic capacity). Nintendo is constantly making references to this game. In many of Mario’s RPG adventures, he can briefly transform into 8-bit Mario, or they play the classic music of World 1-1. Seriously, Nintendo struck gold on that song, because they have used it in more games than I care to count. Also, let’s keep in mind that this is Mario’s first great adventure. Before, he jumped barrels and fixed broken leaks (in Donkey Kong and Mario Bros., respectively). Now he is jumping gaps, fighting turtle-dragons, and shooting fireballs. And his brother is game, too. This is what Mario is all about, and no matter how the series changes, this will always be the foundation. By the by, if you should happen to see this guide on any website other than or any affiliated sites, please tell me via e-mail (the address is at the top of this guide). With your help, we can put an end to plagiarism. Thanks for the help, my friends. ======================================================================= ==============================Navigation*============================== ======================================================================= So, I understand that you need help navigating in this guide. Also, I hear that you are wondering why I placed asterisks (*) next to the names of all my section titles. I have answers to both, and I will explain them in song (read next section in song, please). Well, first you press CTRL and then add an F, and remember that’s it’s Apple if you’re using a Mac. This brings you to a search box, in which you’ll want to type in the name of the section (including the asterisk). Press Search/Find and it will take you to the Table of Contents, the first place where that text is used. Click it again to be brought to the beginning of that section. Simple, no? The asterisks are included to distinguish section titles from times I might use those titles in text (navigation, ahem, navigation). So, now you know. ======================================================================= ==============================Storyline*=============================== ======================================================================= Though it isn’t spectacular, it doesn’t have to be. I mean really, back in the NES days, no one cared. It seems like the storyline was thought up after the actual making of the game, but who am I to say? Below is my little summary of events. Now, in later Mario games, people have new names. In the early days of Mario, they didn’t really get too specific with the characters. +---------------------+ | Story Summary | +---------------------+ One day, the Koopa invaded the Mushroom Kingdom. The Koopa are a tribe of turtle-like creatures with black magic, and the peace-loving Mushroom People were turned into bricks, rocks, and even horsehair plants. Oh, the humanity! Fortunately, one person can undo the magic, and that’s the Mushroom Princess, a.k.a. Princess Toadstool, daughter of the Mushroom King, obviously. Unfortunately, she is currently being held captive by the “great Koopa turtle king.” Mario, a potential hero in this story, was passing through the neighborhood and decided to lend a helping hand. Okay, fine, he hears of their plight and wants to restore peace and forms back to the Mushroom People. You control Mario (or Luigi), and it’s your job to rescue Princess Toadstool. Riveting… So, below is a list of characters, using, of course, their generic starting names from this game, but including information about them from future games. +-----------------------+ | Game Characters | +-----------------------+ Mario: It’s-a Mario! Mario is the mascot of Nintendo, and he’s an Italian-American plumber (at first, he was depicted as a carpenter, but that changed in Mario Bros. because Mario could use pipes) originally said to be from Brooklyn, New York. In his first game, Donkey Kong, Mario was known as Jumpman, quite appropriately. Mario was named after the landlord of the Nintendo of America building after his arcade classic release (Donkey Kong), and the name stuck ever since. Because of the bad graphics on the early arcade games, Mario was forced to have certain characteristics. To make it look like Mario’s arms moved as he ran, he wore overalls. Because they couldn’t animate hair and mouths, he had a hat and a mustache. And, since red is one of the easiest colors to generate, he took that color. Mario was instantly popular, and he went on to star in Mario Bros., an arcade game. It introduced his brother, and in it he and said brother were defeating enemies in the sewers of Brooklyn (although later, in Super Mario World 2, it was changed that Mario and Luigi are from the Mushroom Kingdom, not New York). This is Mario’s biggest adventure yet (it’s his third, so that wasn’t hard to do), and it would define a franchise and still attract players for over twenty years after being released. Luigi: Luigi’s name could be mistaken for the Japanese word “ruiji,” which means “similar.” This is quite appropriate, as Luigi is Mario’s younger brother who looks almost exactly the same. Though his mustache is smoother and he is taller and thinner than Mario, he is essentially just a change of palette in the originals, including this game. Luigi made a distinction between himself and his glory-hog brother in Super Mario Bros. 2, though. In it, Luigi had a better jump. In the American version of Super Mario Bros. 2, though, Luigi was a slow vegetable-picker. In the Japanese version of Super Mario Bros. 2, Luigi’s shoes had less friction. Still, Luigi is not his own character, and the eternal understudy remains in obscurity as Player 2 for a long, long time. Eventually, toward the end of the N64, Luigi started becoming serious (that is, he became recognized as an important character in Nintendo). In Paper Mario, Luigi was a big joke, but he wrote in his diary (which Mario could read) that he wanted to get a game with his name in the title. His wish came true, as the release game for the Game Cube, which came out only months after Paper Mario, was Luigi’s Mansion. In it, Luigi won a mansion in a contest he didn’t even enter, and Mario had gone to check it out, but he never returned. When Luigi goes looking for him, he finds the mansion haunted, and a mysterious spirit has kidnapped Mario. Luigi rescues Mario by overcoming his fear of the dark, which Luigi still supposedly has today. Of course, Luigi did get one other chance to save Mario. It was an edutainment (education + entertainment = edutainment) title called Mario is Missing, in which Luigi had to use his advanced knowledge of world geography to find his brother. Really, it was more of a slap in the face than a great chance to shine. Princess Toadstool: In Donkey Kong, Mario’s first game, Mario tried to rescue the Lady, later named Pauline (Pauline was a popular movie-era name for damsels in distress). Well, their relationship was short- lived, as they broke up as soon as Mario started rescuing Princess Toadstool in Super Mario Bros. Toadstool, princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, is the only person who can undo some nasty Koopa magic in Super Mario Bros., but later Bowser starts kidnapping Princess Toadstool for no reason. In fact, it has been suggested in both Paper Mario games that Bowser is actually in love with Toadstool, which explains why he’d abduct her so many times. Seriously, Bowser, get a life! Princess Toadstool is abducted quite often, and Mario always has to rescue her. Although he strayed once to rescue Princess Daisy of Sarasaland (it’s like “I can’t believe it’s not butter”; Daisy and Toadstool are almost exact look-alikes), Mario has remained true to this princess through and through. Toadstool often accompanies Mario on vacation, such as the ones in Super Mario World and Super Mario Sunshine, although they usually end in her getting kidnapped by some lunatic. And, in Super Mario 64, the princess and the plumber got on a first-name basis; Toadstool signed a letter inviting Mario over for cake as Peach, her first name. However, because this was a Toadstool game, I will refer to the pretty princess in pink as Toadstool and not Peach, though they are the same person. Mushroom Retainer: If you’ve ever played a Mario game, Mushroom Retainer was the original name for Toad. Toads are the residents of the Mushroom Kingdom and the subjects of Princess Toadstool (hence the name “Toad”), but seven of them from the court of the Mushroom King were abducted by Bowser and thrown into his castles as dummies to lead Mario down the wrong path. Each time you rescue one, they say “Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!” In Super Mario Bros. 2, Toad was actually a playable character. With bad jumps but quick vegetable-picking skills, he was a filler character, really. Toad also was playable in Wario’s Woods, the last game for the NES, in which he took down Wario, one of Mario’s many enemies. Aside from games like Mario Party, Mario Kart, and all of Mario’s sports titles, Toad is not otherwise playable. A while back, some began to question Toad’s masculinity. To show that Toad was indeed all man, they introduced Toadette, a female version of Toad. On a side note, Toad is even more cowardly than Luigi, even since before Luigi’s Mansion when Luigi was supposed to be a coward. Super Mario RPG shows one of the earliest signs of Toad’s not-so-commendable bravery, in which he let Croco just zip by without fighting at all. Still, he’s polite. Bowser: Bowser is the King of the Koopa Troop. In this game, that makes him “Bowser, King of the Koopa.” Bowser is Mario’s main adversary in the majority of his games, and Bowser got his start here. Bowser uses black Koopa magic in Super Mario Bros. 3, too, to transform the Mushroom Kings into animals, but Bowser stops using magic there. Ever since childhood, Baby Bowser has been trying to defeat Baby Mario (quite pathetic, really), as was depicted in Super Mario World 2. Bowser fails nonstop, but that doesn’t mean he won’t give Mario a good challenge. He’s the boss of every level in this game (actually, there’s only one real Bowser boss. In Worlds 1-7, a normal enemy is in a Bowser costume to fight, and the real King of Koopas is in World 8), but he varies things up in Super Mario Bros. 3. In it, his seven children – those annoying Koopalings – are the guardians of the different worlds. They each fail miserably, so Bowser rearranges their order of fighting Mario and pits them against the heroic plumbers in Super Mario World, in which they fail again. It would seem that the Koopalings died (we can hope), but they reappeared as mini-bosses in Bowser’s Keep in Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, and Larry Koopa made a brief cameo in Super Mario Sunshine (at the beginning, when FLUDD scans Mario). Koopalings aside, Bowser has one other child, and he favors that one, obviously. It is Bowser Jr., not to be confused with Baby Bowser (the infant self of Bowser) or Koopa Kid (a Mario Party Bowser clone). Bowser Jr. was Bowser’s partner in crime in Super Mario Sunshine. So, whether Bowser abducts Toadstool for the heck of it, or whether he secretly harbors a crush for her, we won’t really know for sure, but at least we can pull the ax switch to make Bowser fall into lava. Priceless… And that’s everything you ever wanted to know about the storyline of this game. It hardly affects the game play at all, anyways. ======================================================================= ============================Items & Points*============================ ======================================================================= Mario has an array of items at his disposal, and he will make use of all of them throughout his journeys. The game explains this rather oddly, but apparently all items used to be the people of Mushroom Kingdom, transformed into bricks and the like by dark Koopa magic, and they reward you for freeing them with power boosts. There are only a few items, but they are good ones. All of them reappeared in future Mario games. +-------------+ | Items | +-------------+ Magic Mushroom: Yes, “Magic Mushroom” is a term for hallucinogenic mushrooms (just one of the many drug references in this game). In remakes of this game, they are called “Super Mushrooms.” In any case, these make Mario larger – twice his normal size. If Mario takes a hit from an enemy while large (when he has a Magic Mushroom, he is called Super Mario), then he shrinks back to his normal height (regular Mario). Fire Flower: If Mario picks up one of these while Super Mario, he becomes Fiery Mario. His clothes change color and he is suddenly able to shoot fireballs by pressing B on the controller. In this form, he is Fiery Mario. Most enemies are weak to fire, including Bowser, but some advanced ones aren’t. Starman: Using this, Mario becomes Invincible Mario for a short time. As Invincible Mario, you can die only by falling into lava or down a pit, and you can run into any enemy to defeat them instantly. It is only temporary, mind you. 1-Up Mushroom: These are green versions of Magic Mushrooms, and they increase the number of lives you have by one. Your lives are your retries for if you die in a level. If x is the number of a World (either 2 through 8), then there will be a normally secret 1-Up Mushroom in Level x-1 if you got every coin in (x-1)-3 of the previous world. Coin: Coins are scattered throughout levels, and collecting 100 coins gives you an extra life. Jumping Board: I will probably call this a spring or a jump pad in the guide. Jump on this to spring upward. Press A at the top of the spring’s bounce to go super-high. Then there are points. There are tons of different ways to earn points, and some ways of getting points get you 1-Ups, which is why I include them here in this item section. +-----------------------+ | Point-Gathering | +-----------------------+ 1) Each enemy you defeat is worth a certain number of points, differing with the enemy. See the below section for those values. 2) You get 50 points for smashing brick blocks. When you’re Super Mario, you can break brick blocks open. Coins are worth 200 points apiece. 3) If you jump on a Koopa Troopa, you can kick the shell afterward at a line of enemies. For each enemy it hits in a row, you get 500, 800, 1000, 2000, 5000, 8000, and then a 1-Up each time afterward per enemy in that order. 4) Rather difficult, but it is possible to continually kick Koopa shells to keep Mario airborne and pick up points for each time. Each time you bounce off the same shell, Mario gains points in this order: 500, 800, 1000, 2000, 5000, 8000, and then a 1-Up for each time after that. The best opportunity to do this is in Level 3-1, which is discussed in detail in the section entitled “1-Up Tricks.” 5) At the end of a level, there is a flagpole. Depending on where you land on the flagpole, you get a certain number of points. In one level, it is possible to jump clear over the flagpole, might I add. Below is a diagram of the flag showing where to jump for a certain number of points. _ (_) || 5000 || || || 2000 || || || 800 || || || || 400 || || || || || 200 || || || || 100 || || +----+ | | ----------------+----+ 6) Depending on your time, you get points for how much time is left on the clock. If t represents the total number of seconds remaining on the clock, then the formula for calculating the number of points is 50t = Points, or 50 x t = Points. As this shows, some things are more worth your time for points than others. For example, busting brick blocks may be foolish, as that is several seconds each worth 50 points you’re losing to get just 50 points. 7) At the end of a level, when you reach the flagpole, fireworks are launched. Each is worth 500 points, and the number of fireworks displayed is based on the number of seconds on the clock. If the one’s digit of the number is a 1 (like 151, 91, etc.), one firework is launched (coming to 500 points). If it is a 3 (253, 163, etc.), then three fireworks are launched (1500 points in total). If it is a 6 (206, 16, etc.), then six fireworks are launched, coming to 3000 points. Always end with a 6. To do this, jump from the staircase when the one’s digit is a 0. You should reach the flagpole six seconds later. 8) You get 1000 points per every power-up (Mushroom, Fire Flower) you get. And there you have it, folks. Now, let me list the enemies below and tell you how many points you get from them. ======================================================================= ===============================Enemies*================================ ======================================================================= Though some of the enemies have since been renamed, below are the original names of all the enemies in the game. Interestingly enough, every single enemy made it into another game; even the name-changed Bloober got a game as a Bloober (Super Mario RPG). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy Name Notes: Points: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Above is the setup for each enemy entry. I list them in the order that the game lists them. The list is below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Little Goomba Notes: Apparently, these are Mushroom People who betrayed their kingdom, and Bowser turned them into these brown mushroom-looking things. Jump on them to defeat them (or use any other type of offense, really). Goombas are a real staple of Mario games, appearing in tons of them. Points: 100 PTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Koopa Troopa (green) Notes: These enemies appeared in Mario Bros., an arcade game before this one, as Shell Creepers. They’re back, now members of the Koopa Troop (in this game, it refers to the Koopa Troop as the “Turtle Empire”). This is a really idiotic enemy; it will go left until it falls off a cliff or something similar. If you jump on him, he (always male soldiers) retreats into its shell, and you can kick the shell into other enemies by touching it. However, it can ricochet off pipes or bricks and hit you, so be warned. Points: 100 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Koopa Troopa (red) Notes: The manual of this game calls this enemy chicken, meaning that it is a coward. No, this enemy is just smart. It is a red version of the Koopa Troopa, and the only difference between the two is intelligence. This one will pace back and forth on one platform instead of falling off the edge like its green brothers do. Points: 100 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Koopa Paratroopa (green) Notes: This is a winged version of the green Koopa Troopa, and it out of control. It hops around instead of constantly flying to try to jump on you, but you can jump on it to de-wing it. Points: 400 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Koopa Paratroopa (red) Notes: By far the most effective airborne enemy, this is a smarter and redder version of the green Koopa Paratroopa. It can control itself instead of just bounding forward like its green counterpart, and it will turn right or left to cover an area again if it needs to. Points: 400 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Buzzy Beetle Notes: This is supposed to be a tough enemy, but it isn’t that hard. Buzzy Beetles are Koopas, but they are a different breed of them. They are short with dark, fire-resistant shells. But, if fire doesn’t faze them, then you can at least jump on them. When you jump on them, they leave behind their shell for you to kick. Points: 100 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hammer Brothers Notes: By far the hardest enemy in the game, these come in pairs (they are always born as twins). They throw hammers at you from afar, and this makes them nearly invincible to jumps. The safest way to beat them is to use fireballs, but you could also just run under them (they jump at times to get a better throwing range). Points: 1000 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spiny Notes: These are similar to Buzzy Beetles in characteristics, but they are opposites in weakness. Spinies have spikes on the top of their shells, but they are weak to fire. And, they always come in packs, since they are thrown down by Lakitus. Points: 200 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lakitu Notes: These are Koopas, but a slightly different branch of the family than your normal Koopa Troopa. They ride clouds and dog Mario everywhere he goes, only retreating at the very end of a level if he’s in it. He throws down Spiny’s eggs, and he’s usually just out of reach for Mario’s jump. However, he can be defeated by jumping on him, though you’ll rarely get the chance. Points: 200 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Piranha plant Notes: Piranha Plants (I will always capitalize their names in the guide, and the same goes for Cheep-Cheeps, Spiny’s Eggs, and Mushroom Retainers) are pipe-dwelling man-eating flowers. Because they have sharp teeth in their mouths, they cannot be jumped on, and they emerge from pipes unexpectedly. Only fireballs can set these menaces straight. Points: 200 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spiny’s egg Notes: Lakitu does not drop actual Spinies. He really drops their eggs, and they hatch into Spinies when they hit ground. You can send fireballs at these to defeat them, so there is really hardly any distinction between normal Spinies. Do not jump on them. Points: 200 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheep-cheep Notes: Always female, these fish come in two colors – a dark grayish shade and bright red. Sometimes these fish are found swimming in the water, where they can be defeated via Fire Flower. When they are in water, they swim straight forward, so you can avoid them fairly easily. However, at other times, they will be flying out of the water to hit you. They come endlessly, so just run to the finish and hope for the best. When out of water, they can be jumped on. Points: 200 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bullet Bill Notes: These are fired from Bullet Bill Blasters, which are not considered enemies in this game. They are black missiles with faces, and they are resistant to fireballs. Jump on them if you’d like, as that’s the only way to beat them. They come endlessly from Bullet Bill Blasters in certain levels. Points: 200 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bloober Notes: After this game, they started being called “Bloopers,” which is a better name, in my opinion. Bloobers are squids that float through the air menacingly (in future games, not this one) or chase you in the water, much more menacingly. The only way to defeat them is with a fireball. Points: 200 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Podoboo Notes: Podoboos are enemies, but they cannot be killed. In Bowser’s Castle, always the fourth level in a world, these sometimes jump out lava; they are little fireballs. Nothing can harm them, and they sometimes form chains that I will call flame chains throughout this guide. They jump out at certain timed intervals, so you should know when to jump a pit of lava. Points: NA ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bowser, King of the Koopa Notes: This is a large turtle-dragon found at the end of every world on a bridge over lava. He is the leader of the Koopa Troop and Mario’s most regular rival, though you only fight him once throughout this entire game. Yes, in World 1-7 the Bowser you’re fighting is actually a decoy – a costume manned by a common enemy. So, in reality, the bosses of each world are… World 1: Little Goomba World 2: Koopa Troopa World 3: Buzzy Beetle World 4: Spiny World 5: Lakitu World 6: Bloober World 7: Hammer Brother There are two ways to kill Bowser (well, you don’t “kill” him, but to defeat him). The most common way is to bypass the Koopa King and hit the axe switch behind him, causing the bridge he’s on to collapse, dumping Bowser or his doppelganger into the lava below. Alternately, if you have a Fire Flower, you can fire Bowser up until his costume breaks and the enemy inside falls into the lava, or until the real Bowser keels over and falls in the lava (in the case of World 8-4). Each time you fight Bowser’s decoys and himself, he has a new strategy. He always spits fire, but he can also throw hammers, jump on you, and manipulate Podoboos. I have strategies for beating this guy at the end of each world’s guide. You only get points for beating Bowser if you use fireballs. As a side note, Bowser’s first appearance is really quite lacking. In later games, he gets awesome red hair, his spikes become yellow, he doesn’t look so weak or thin, and he just looks all- around way cooler. He even gets a voice in Super Mario Sunshine (which is VERY disappointing. Bowser sounds like an idiot in that game). Points: 5000 PTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There are several ways one can die, losing a life. When you lose all lives, you get a Game Over and have to start back at 1-1 (or the first level of the world you were in if you use the Continue Trick I wrote in the below section). Here’s how Mario can die. -If Mario bumps into an enemy, then he dies. If Super Mario or Fiery Mario bump into one, then they simply become regular Mario. Invincible Mario can kill anything when he runs into it. -If you hit a shell of any type of Koopa (Para)Troopa or a Buzzy Beetle and it ricochets back at you, you die. -If you fall down a pit or get sucked into a suction pit found in some water levels, you will die instantly whether you’re invincible or not. -You are given 400 seconds to complete each level, but the timer ticks more than one second per every actual second. In any case, you die instantly if your timer hits 0. -If your life count ever exceeds 127, you will die instantly. Because of the way the game works on the NES, you can only have 127 lives, and after that you go to -128, which will mean that you are long overdue for death. So, don’t abuse the 1-Up Tricks. And that’s how Mario can die. With the odds stacked against him, will Mario (or Luigi) be able to survive the onslaught of the Koopa Troop, or “Turtle Empire”? If not, the below tip will help. ======================================================================= ============================Continue Trick*============================ ======================================================================= On the NES version of this game (really, in the SNES game of this you can save when you die), you have to start back at World 1 each time you get a Game Over. However, there is a way to get around that. Here are the steps for continuing in the world you get a Game Over in. 1) Get a Game Over. 2) You will be taken back to the Player Select Screen. Now, do not press Start yet. Instead, press and hold Down on the Control Pad, the A Button, and then press Start. 3) Tada! You start at the first level of the world you died in with three lives. I hope this totally neat-o trick will serve you well (it sure did with me…). ======================================================================= ==============================Game Types*============================== ======================================================================= There are two options for playing Super Mario Bros., and they are presented to you at the start of the game. Here’s a brief description. 1 Player Game – You control Mario in a single player game. 2 Player Game – The first player (the one with the first controller in the NES) controls Mario. When the first player dies, the second players begins, and they control Luigi, Mario’s little brother dressed in white overalls and a green shirt (oddly, Fiery Mario and Fiery Luigi look exactly the same). It’s a race to see who can get farthest in the game before getting a Game Over. You can’t really help each other, so it looks like these brothers are competitors. Either way, if Player 2 wants to pause, Player 1 will have to do it for them. ======================================================================= ===============================Controls*=============================== ======================================================================= Super Mario Bros. has simple, perhaps deceptively so, controls. There are also a bunch of other moves that Mario and Luigi can make use of, and I’ll list those in this section as “Advanced Controls.” Below are the button functions, though. -------- Controls -------- D-Pad: The Directional Pad has four directions – left, right, down, and up. The latter has no use, but left and right will make Mario move in that direction. Down can let him duck or take a pipe down (if it can be taken down). Select: The only use for this is picking a 1 Player Game or a 2 Player Game at the Player Select Screen. Start: This pauses the game, but it can also be used to pick a game type. Press Start again to end the pausing sequence. B Button: Hold this to make Mario run faster. As Fiery Mario, pressing this repeatedly will let Mario shoot fireballs (they come from his hands, not his mouth). You can have two fireballs on the screen at any given time. A Button: Press this to jump. This is Mario’s greatest asset (his name was originally Jumpman). Also, when underwater, Mario can use this to swim. If not, he sinks. Now, for the better players, here are some advanced tricks. You’ll make use of almost all of them if you want to beat the game. ----------------- Advanced Controls ----------------- High Jumps: The longer you hold A when jumping, the higher Mario goes up. If you’re running before a jump, you’ll go higher, too. Gap Run: In some areas, there are small gaps about the width of Mario that would take very precise jumping to pass over. Well, Mario can just run right over them if you want to (B is held when running). It can save quite a bit of time and lives. The Backup Jump: Sometimes, you’ll be in a situation like so: +---+ | | +---+ Ma ri o ----- Here, Mario needs to jump onto a block directly above him. To do this, jump forward, pull back as you go up, and you’ll land on the block. This is particularly useful in the final level. Slide: At times, Super Mario has to get through a small space that he cannot run through. To do this, start running and then duck right before the low overhang. Mario will slide right under that low block, giving him access to who knows what. That’s everything you need to know for controlling Mario. Now, onto the actual guide through the levels. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ / \ / \ ||----------------------------Section 2*-----------------------------|| \ / \_________________________________________________________________/ I don’t normally have captions for sections, but I thought it would be appropriate here. This is the guide through each level in Super Mario Bros. in its normal passage. That is, I don’t use any of the secret warp zones for this part of the game. It is possible to beat the game in 8 levels instead of the normal 32 levels that it takes, but this is for a regular run-down. Now, some of you might be thinking, who would need a guide for a Mario level? Well, here’s a condensed version of Section 2, two words. Go right. Now, that walkthrough above isn’t too specific. Besides, it isn’t that good, either. Some levels actually require special patterns and are a bit harder than that. So, let’s get on with the show. ======================================================================= ===============================World 1*================================ ======================================================================= World 1 is a grassy land with sewers. It’s pretty easy, and it’s the first place on Mario’s list to defeat Bowser’s forces. +-----------------+ | Level 1-1 | +-----------------+ Classic! Head right to see your first enemy, a Goomba. Jump on it to defeat it, and then hit the ? Block for a coin, and then hit the next ? Block for a Magic Mushroom, which I will only call Mushrooms from now on. With it, you become Super Mario. Hit the other blocks for coins if you want and then go right some more. Jump onto the pipe and then to the next pipe, killing the Goomba if you want. Afterward, go right over a pipe again. Avoid the two Goombas here and jump the pipe. To the right is a bottomless pit. Fall in it and you’ll die. Note: If you want, you can take the pipe left of the bottomless pit to reach a bonus room. Also, there’s a hidden 1-Up near here. Stand right between the hill and the bushes in the background and jump very slightly to the right to knock a 1-Up Mushroom down to Mario. Continue right, jumping over the pit, to see a ? Block with Goombas coming down. If you jump into a block that an enemy is standing on, you defeat the enemy. Also, assuming you’re still Super Mario, you can hit the ? Block for a Fire Flower, making you Fiery Mario. As him, press B to shoot fireballs. Continue right, hopping the gap and firing at two Goombas, to find a green Koopa Troopa. These mindless enemies walk straight forward, making them susceptible to fire and jump. Slightly right of them are two brick blocks, right? Hit the right one for a Starman. This makes you invincible for a short time. Run right, plowing through the Goombas here, to reach a staircase. Jump over it and continue right, repeating the process. Now, to your right are two Goombas and a coin in the ? Block. Defeat the former, hit the latter, and go right again to find a staircase. Get to the top, stand as far left on it as you can, and then make a running leap into the flag. Bowser’s troops set up the flag to claim the area, and lowering it wins it back for the Mushroom Kingdom. Congrats, as you just beat your first level. +-----------------+ | Level 1-2 | +-----------------+ As the level starts, either Mario or Luigi walks into a pipe, right into the sewers. Mario and Luigi are plumbers, so it works out well. This level is home to a warp zone, but I won’t use it (see Warp Zones for that information). Coming at you from the right are two Goombas (in recent games, sewer-inhabiting Goombas have come to be called “Gloombas”). Deal with them by jumping or firing at them, and then hit the first ? Block to the right. It’s a Fire Flower or a Mushroom, depending on Mario’s status. With it, continue right, hopping these pillars to see a caged-off Goomba. Jump onto it and then hit the brick block, which actually contains several coins. With them, go right to see two Koopa Troopas and some blocks. Defeat the former and then jump so that you hit the left column of bricks (Super Mario and Fiery Mario can break bricks). When they are cleared, jump onto the platform and take the coins. Now, to the right is a chance to practice the slide or breaking bricks. However you get past that low overhang, either by sliding under (run to it and duck before running into it) or by breaking bricks to form a path to the top, jump to the coins at the other side and then fall down. Defeat the oncoming enemies and go right, hitting the brick below the coin to take the coin, and then continue right to a hovering row of bricks. Jump from them over the gap to another row to the right, on which are several coins. With them, you can get another 1-Up. Just jump to hit the bricks on the roof (of the two you must hit, hit the one that is right over the last block and the one right of it), and then jump for another 1-Up. Now go right, passing three Goombas to reach three pipes. In these pipes are Piranha Plants, enemies that can be defeated only with fireballs. Kill the first one or wait for it to go down before jumping onto its pipe and taking it down to a bonus room. Collect the coins and go through the pipe at the end to emerge in the third pipe in the row on the surface that the Piranha Plants were in. Jump onto the bricks to the right and then over the gap to the right, defeating the Goombas as they come down the steps. To the right are elevators leading down. When one comes down, jump onto it and then quickly jump right. On the ground here is a red Koopa Troopa. It is almost the same as a green one, except it is smarter (it won’t walk off an edge). After it, jump onto the up-elevators (the elevators are Donkey Kong-style). Here, you can get onto the roof to the right and go right to find a warp zone to either World 2, 3, or 4, but this is a normal game completion guide; jump to the pipe to the right and take it up. Ah, fresh air. Climb the stairs and then jump to the right to reach the flag, beating the level. +-----------------+ | Level 1-3 | +-----------------+ We’re back outside for a level that teaches us about pits. Go right and jump onto the platform here. Jump onto the one to the right and then to the upper one when the red Koopa Troopa is going right. Defeat it, take the coins, and then drop onto the narrow platform with the coin on it. From there, jump up twice (defeating Goombas as you go) to reach a wide platform. To the right is an elevator platform. Take it up to some coins, drop down, go left a bit to the ? Block, and hit it for a power-up (Mushroom or Fire Flower). Now jump onto the Koopa Paratroopa here to bounce off of it onto a platform (or just jump right over it). Here, take the horizontally moving elevator platform right, collecting coins as you go, to reach a platform. Wait for the Koopa Troopa to turn right before jumping onto its platform, and then drop down onto the Koopa Paratroopa, taking the coins below it. Jump onto the other platform here, taking two more coins as you pass over a gap, and take a last elevator platform to the stairs. Stand on the left side and jump to reach the flag, which is next to the largest castle in World 1. +-----------------+ | Level 1-4 | +-----------------+ This is Bowser’s Castle in World 1, and it’s a piece of cake. Go right and jump the pool of lava. Continue right to see a flame chain, a bar of Podoboos that rotates about a block. When the chain is touching the lower-left corner of the ? Block above it, jump to the platform, hit the block for a Mushroom or Fire Flower, and take the power-up. Now drop down to the platform and jump right to a new hallway. Here, pass under or over flame chains until the end of the hallway. Easy, right? At the end, you’ll hear a weird sound and then a thin fireball comes at you! Jump, as this is the attack of Bowser (it means he’s close). Continue right to fall into a depression. There are six invisible blocks here, each with one coin in them each. Stand one block away from the left wall and jump to hit one of these invisible blocks, and each block over there is another one until you’ve hit six. Now continue right past another depression to see a bridge. Boss: Bowser Get onto it to find Bowser! There are two ways to beat him. First, you want to get to the axe switch. To do this, wait until the Koopa King jumps and then run under him to reach it. His only attack will be spitting fireballs at you, so you can do it. If you’re Super Mario, run right into him. You’ll become small, but you’ll be invincible for about a second, letting you run to the axe right through Bowser. If you’re Fiery Mario, then let him have it! Keep flaming Bowser and the costume breaks, revealing the monster to be a disguised Goomba! Yes, Bowser didn’t have the guts (or patience) to fight you here. Either way you beat him, you’ll go right with the heroic music playing and you’ll find… a Mushroom Retainer? It’s not Toadstool, guys. So, this entire World 1 adventure was just a ruse to lead us off the path of the real Bowser? Somewhere, the real Koopa King is guarding Toadstool. We’ll reach him eventually. “Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!” ======================================================================= ===============================World 2*================================ ======================================================================= This world isn’t that much different from World 1. It’s a bit rockier and it has more trees, but they are pretty similar. However, Mario must pass over a lot of water in this world (2-1 is the shore, 2-2 is the river whatever it is, while 2-3 is a bridge over water). It is home to one of the few swimming levels in the game. +-----------------+ | Level 2-1 | +-----------------+ Go forward from the castle and hit the central brick block for a power- up. A Goomba is coming down the stairs; crush it and continue right. See the pit with the Koopa Troopas? Jump on one, but do not kick the shell. Stand one block left of the block directly beneath the left block above you and jump. This uncovers an invisible block. Jump again straight up to hit an invisible block with a 1-Up in it. Here’s a visual. +---++---++---++---+ |1UP|| || || | +---++---++---++---+ +---+ | | +---+ -------------------- Note: If you did not get every coin in Level 1-3, then this 1-Up will not be here. However, the invisible coin block will be there no matter what. Great! Now, go right, squash the Goomba duo, and then wait for the Piranha Plant next to you to get into the pipe before jumping on. Hit the ? Blocks for a 1-Up and nine coins, and continue right. Jump onto the brick in the air to reach the row of bricks in the air before hopping the pipe to the ground. A bunch of Goombas are headed this way (three in total). Now, see the bricks in the air? Hit the rightmost one that is not over a ? Block to make a vine grow. Take it up to “coin heaven.” Ride the cloud, jumping for coins as you go, and then jump off at the end into the three coins. Now head right, defeating the Koopa Troopa and Piranha Plant as you go, and then bounce on the jump board (press A when the board is at full height to reach the platform). Here, jump into the flag to finish the level. +-----------------+ | Level 2-2 | +-----------------+ I hope you have a Fire Flower ‘cause it will help a lot in here. In water levels (which there are two of in total), press A to swim upward. You cannot kill any enemies at all (unless you are Fiery Mario), and you will die if you touch any enemy at any angle. Similarly, there are gaps called suction pits in here that will suck you in. At such times, you need to press A rapidly to escape its suck. Head right, swimming down to the coins, and you’ll encounter a Bloober. These enemies, which were renamed Bloopers for later Mario games (I will call them Bloobers because that is their name in this game), are your biggest threats. They float around, sink down to kill you, and then readjust themselves. Do not risk swimming past them; they are unpredictable. Sink to the ground and run past them. Up next, swim upward for three coins (and to bypass some coral reef, which may also be sea anemone or seaweed) and then sink down. Here, sink to the ground again (Bloobers NEVER sink to the very bottom, so it’s safe there) and continue right until you see a large suction pit. Swim into it if you dare (it’s really not that dangerous; just keep pressing A quickly) and collect the coins. In there, wait for the fish above to swim past. They are called Cheep-Cheeps, female fish who swim mindlessly by. Swim past them once they’re gone and then swim upward to avoid two oncoming Cheep-Cheeps (notice how some are green/gray while others are red), and sink to the bottom afterward to avoid a Bloober. Near the ground are three coins you can get. After collecting them, go right, wait for the Cheep-Cheeps to swim by, get the three coins, and swim over the seaweed. Wait for the enemies to pass and then swim down over the suction pit (or into the suction pit). Either way, wait for the Cheep-Cheeps to pass by standing on the edge of the stairs leading out, and then swim right. Float up, entering the suction pit (this one is risky) if you want to, and then swim one last stretch to the right to reach a warp pipe. Outside, climb up the stairs and jump for the flag. +-----------------+ | Level 2-3 | +-----------------+ Mario is at the foot of a bridge, and he’ll have to run across. Although you cannot see it, the bridge is above water, and that means that those pesky red Cheep-Cheeps can jump out and try to kill you, which they are quite good at. If you run straight forward and make the appropriate jumps, you can avoid the Cheep-Cheeps and beat the level easily. If not, I have a strategy for you, as there are pits all over and you don’t want to run into them like an idiot, now do you? Run straight forward, avoiding the Cheep-Cheeps, and jumping when you should until you reach a ? Block. Stop! Don’t hit the block yet. Wait for the Cheep-Cheeps to jump and fall and be off the screen before you hit the block for a power-up. Now continue right until you reach one of those green platforms. Here, a series of short bridges are ahead, and I’d slow down around here. Jump for the coins over one bridge and then jump to the next bridge. Ahead are three small bridges, and you’ll be required to make short jumps with Cheep-Cheeps jumping at you to cross it. Do it slowly to make it across, and then run forward – stopping at a gap – and jump to the staircase. Jump forward to the flag. Goal! +-----------------+ | Level 2-4 | +-----------------+ It’s Bowser time! Go forward and you’ll see a Podoboo. These jumping flames will come out periodically; wait for one to jump and then make the leap to the first block as it falls. Jump to the second block for a power-up in the ? Block, and then jump-drop to the next block over the lava. Quite symmetrically, a Podoboo is jumping here, too. Wait for it to start falling before you start jumping. Here, you’ll see a fork in the road – up or down. The bottom route is more efficient since you’ll face one less flame chain that way. To pass them, simply run over/under them when the flames aren’t in the hallway. At the end, wait for the flame chain to be at 3:00 (that is, parallel to the blocks and pointing right) before jumping onto the platform and boarding an elevator platform. If you thought the previous elevators were styled after Donkey Kong elevators (Donkey Kong being the first game Mario ever appeared in), then these must be the elevators themselves, as these are nearly identical. Go up and then down on the elevators (you can get on the roof if you want, but you can’t stay there) before falling into the depression with six coins it (slide under the block for the coin if you’re Super/Fiery Mario). Bowser flames start coming, meaning that he’s close. Wait for one to pass before jumping up and across the platforms here, and then fall into the depressions. The bridge is ahead. Boss: Bowser As always, just fire the guy if you have the Fire Flower. This destroys its costume, revealing that this Bowser is indeed a fake meant to throw Mario off the real one’s trail; this is a Koopa Troopa dressed up like Bowser. If you’re Super Mario, run into Bowser. You’ll become regular Mario and start flashing, meaning that you’re invincible for a few seconds. Run through Bowser and hit the axe. Alternately, jump and hit the brick blocks above you and jump into the alcove there, then onto the elevator platform, dropping to the axe switch afterward (this is a lot harder to do than the other strategy). Alternately, if you are regular Mario, avoid Bowser’s flames, wait for him to jump, and run under him, hitting the axe. Not real as he was, the bridge still collapses and the fake falls into lava. And of course, this was a decoy, and thus we did not rescue Princess Toadstool. Instead, we rescued another one of the seven Mushroom Retainers (a.k.a. Toads in later Mario games) that were captured by Bowser. ======================================================================= ===============================World 3*================================ ======================================================================= It is nighttime when Mario visits this world, and apparently it snowed recently (the trees are still white with the stuff). This isn’t too challenging, but we are introduced to some new enemies in this world. +-----------------+ | Level 3-1 | +-----------------+ Head right and hit the ? Blocks. If you can’t handle the Koopa Paratroopas, get on a block and wait for them to pass. The third ? Block is a power-up. Ahead, you’ll find two Piranha Plants with a Goomba in between. If you take the second pipe down, you’ll reach a bonus room. If you’re Super/Fiery Mario, jump into the left blocks to make a path for yourself. One block here has a power-up in it. After it, take the pipe to the right. Here, a bridge is over some water. Flame those Goombas (otherwise, just jump on them) and then jump about three-quarters of the way down the bridge – one block right of the cloud in the air. It’s an invisible 1-Up! With it, go right and jump to the stairs, from where you should hit the left brick block. It’s a Starman! Take it and run right, right over the Piranha Plant. Ahead are two rows of bricks blocks, and two Hammer Brothers (whom I shall call Hammer Bros. from here on out). Hammer Bros. are very tough enemies on normal occasions. If you’re Fiery Mario, use fireballs to take them out at a safe distance. If not, run under their rain of hammers so that you’re in the arch and then wait for them to jump before fleeing. However, you have a Starman; defeat them both! Invincible Mario rocks! After disposing of them, hit the right ? Block for a power-up. To the right of them is a jump board. Either jump onto it and spring high or do the following: wait for the Goombas to fall into the pit, jump the pit. It’s quite a difficult spot, but you can hit a vine by hitting the upper-right brick block in the rows. To get in there, if you’re Super Mario, you can just bounce on it normally with good momentum to get between them. The vine leads to coin heaven, of course. When you fall to earth, hit the right brick block for coins. Now go right, jump the stairs, avoid the Koopa Troopas on the new set of stairs, and then jump for the finish flag. +-----------------+ | Level 3-2 | +-----------------+ Ah! A Koopa Troopa is coming at you! Show him no mercy. After it are three Goombas, and then three more Koopa Troopas, and then two more Koopa Troopas. This is the perfect spot to do a shell kick, by the way. At the end, you’ll find coins and a ? Block. Hit it for a power-up (use a backup jump to reach it). Right of you are enemies to defeat and then a short wall containing a Koopa Troopa. Use fireballs if you can; the shell ricocheting in that pen can be deadly. Jump onto the first brick and hit the above one for a… Starman! With it, run right, jumping over a wall on the way and defeating enemies as you go. Invincible Mario should wear off at around a gray pipe. After it are several more enemies and then the stairs, marking the end of this level. +-----------------+ | Level 3-3 | +-----------------+ Well, after that action-packed battle level, let’s see how this compares. Notice that we have a 300-second time limit for this level. Right of you is a pit, and over it are those tree platforms we first saw in 1-3. Jump to the elevators to the right, drop to the coins, and then jump right to the aerial coins. Follow this line of three coins to two red Koopa Troopas and a ? Block containing a power-up. Taking the bottom coins beforehand, jump to the next platform and then to the elevator. It will fall quickly when you’re on it. Jump off swiftly to the platforms and then jump across them for coins (or run across if you’re daring). At the end, jump to the upper platform and then drop to the elevator. The platforms here work like an old balancing scale – apply weight to one side and it falls while the other rises. If you’re quick on the first platform, you can jump to the second for two coins. Afterward, use the elevators to go right, taking the coins there, and then jump, bouncing off the red Koopa Paratroopa if you want, to land on a platform to the right (where else?). To the right you’ll find an elevator platform; jump from it to the next pulley system to the flag. +-----------------+ | Level 3-4 | +-----------------+ With only 300 seconds here, there’s no time for shenanigans. We’re taking Bowser DOWN! Go right to see a pit and platforms. Gasp! When the flame chains are low, jump across them. Podoboos are jumping out of the first pit, mind you (there must be lava below). At the end, go right to three ? Blocks. Hit the central one for a Mushroom, hit the right one to knock the Mushroom to the left, and then gather the fungus. Jump the lava pit and then jump through the double flame chains when the lower one is at 7 o’clock. Repeat this to find a lava pit complete with Podoboos. There are a few more (also with Podoboos) ahead, and Bowser starts breathing fire at around now. Continue right, stopping in a depression along the way, to find the bridge. Boss: Bowser When isn’t the boss Bowser? Like last time, this one’s a dud. If you use fireballs to roast the costume, you’ll find out that it was just a Buzzy Beetle in disguise. Now, if you’re Super Mario, just run through Bowser like normal and hit the axe. I explained Fiery Mario, but I’ll have to do regular Mario’s description. Bowser has learned several new tricks regarding his flames. He can now cast them unpredictably up or down. When he jumps, run in and get under him to reach the axe. Being very close to him is safe because the fire must go down first. At the end, you’ll find it was just a Mushroom Retainer. Sigh. Will we ever rescue Princess Toadstool? ======================================================================= ===============================World 4*================================ ======================================================================= We’re back in plain day on grassy land, but things aren’t like they were in World 1. However, this and World 1 are extremely similar, especially when you consider that Mario had to use the sewers in Level 4-2 to bypass something on land he couldn’t otherwise get past. +-----------------+ | Level 4-1 | +-----------------+ This level introduces three new enemies: Lakitu, Spiny, and Spiny’s Egg. Go right to see a pipe. Oh, look! It’s our good friend Lakitu. And look! He’s throwing Spiny’s Eggs, which cannot be killed save for Fire Flowers, and they hatch into Spinies when they hit ground, which can move and cannot be jumped on. Jump the pipe, quickly hit the ? Block for a power-up, and then go right, jumping the gap. Continue right, jumping when necessary, and you’ll pass four ? Blocks arranged vertically. Further right are four ? Blocks arranged horizontally. Stand on the third one over from the left, jump, and reap the rewards – a 1-Up Mushroom. Now go right, jumping the wall for coins, and then jump the pipe with the Piranha Plant inhabiting it. Further right, take the pipe here down when the Piranha Plant is down to reach a bonus room. You’ll have to be small to access most of the coins, including the brick block over the pipe. When you emerge, jump a few gaps to the right to reach three stacked blocks. Jump from them to the right and you’ll reach the staircase, marking the retreat of the Lakitu. Drop down to the brick block, hit it for a coin, and then use it to jump back up to the stairs. One more jump and it’s the flagpole for you, marking the end of 4-1. +-----------------+ | Level 4-2 | +-----------------+ Just like 1-2, this is in the sewers. Putting their plumbing to good use here will be slightly harder, though. However, this place is home to the worst, or best, warp zone in the game. To reach it, get on the roof, head right, and fall down to it at the end of the level. But, this is a regular level walkthrough, not the fancy footwork, and we’ll stick to regular progression through the level. Make a few small hops to the right to pass over the gaps and reach solid ground. Jump to the main hall, head right, and drop into the gap for three coins. Then hit the brick blocks above for a power-up. Head right, defeat the trio of Goombas, and stop at the end of this hallway. Five blocks over from the right on the upper level, jump to hit the brick blocks and hit a coin block. Now go right, hitting the ? Blocks for coins and a power-up, before jumping across the elevators to the right. If you land on the upper three brick blocks here, you can access the roof, but let’s not dwell on that. Ahead are several pipes, and you can take the third one to a bonus room, or use a Starman from one block. Assuming you take the bonus room, head right when you emerge and jump the Piranha Plant-inhabited pipes to go right. Here, an enemy called a Buzzy Beetle is coming at you. They are immune to all fire attacks, but they can be jumped on like any Koopa Troopa. To the right, jump to hit the left block for a power-up and then jump again (assuming you’re Super or Fiery Mario) to reach the power-up and the adjacent coins. Continue right, jumping up the pipes, to reach the end pipe. Through it is the staircase and the flag. +-----------------+ | Level 4-3 | +-----------------+ Living up to the Mushroom Kingdom name, this one is basically a slightly harder version of 1-3 with mushroom-themed platforms. Go right, jump onto one, and be wary of the 300-second time limit. Wait for the red Koopa Troopas to the right to turn right and jump onto the platform. Jump left for the coins and then sweep right for more coins. Jump again to reach a high mushroom, and then lower yourself for coins. Now jump up the platforms for the ? Block, which contains a power-up, and then jump to the elevator platform. Quickly jump over the pulley platforms and get to the platform at the end, from where coins should be easily accessible. After a red Koopa Troopa you’ll find several elevator platforms; jump across them, gathering coins as you go, to reach solid platforms. At the end of them is an elevator platform. Wait for it to get as high as it can, step back, and then jump for the flag, ‘cause this is the end of the level. +-----------------+ | Level 4-4 | +-----------------+ This is a particularly tough castle (if you don’t have a guide, that is). To get to the end, Mario must take a certain path. You’ll reach a new section of the castle if you went the right way, but you’ll start over if you didn’t. Lucky for you, I have steps below. 1) Jump across these initial lava gaps and you’ll reach a fork in the road. Take the upper path and run straight forward. You’ll go over the gaps and the flame chain won’t touch you. 2) You’ll reach an opening at the end of the dual hallways and then you’ll see some platforms. Jump up these rising platforms until you reach the top level. There should be a hole directly in front of you. Fall to it and then go left to fall to the bottom level. Run forward, being wary of the single flame chain about halfway through, and Bowser will start threatening you with his fire. The bridge is directly ahead. Boss: Bowser That was surprisingly easy. Appropriately, in memory of Level 4-1, the guy inside the Bowser costume is a Spiny this time around. Bowser’s uses his usual lame bag of tricks – shooting fancy fireballs that rise or drop, but he also has a flame chain and a Podoboo, respectively, at his side. Jump the latter and get in close to the horned beast. Wait for him to jump, hoping the Podoboo doesn’t come up from under you, and then run under to the axe. That’s if you’re regular Mario, mind you. If Super Mario, jump the flame chain and run right through Bowser to the axe. If you’re Fiery Mario, roast this costumed clown until it reveals itself. When the bridge collapses and you continue on, you’ll find that a Mushroom Retainer awaits rescue, not Princess Toadstool. ======================================================================= ===============================World 5*================================ ======================================================================= This is an interesting world. It’s daytime, but there’s still snow on some of the trees (we have gotten to the real snow world yet, though). Nothing too special here aside from the Bullet Bill, a new enemy. +-----------------+ | Level 5-1 | +-----------------+ Go forward and fight a series of enemies, all Koopa Troopas or Goombas, before reaching a piped Piranha Plant. Wait for the one across the gap to lower and then jump to its pipe and beyond, killing a Koopa Paratroopa, six Goombas in a row, and then another green Koopa Paratroopa. Here, jump onto the platforms and hit the central brick block for a Starman. Run forward and you’ll see a Bullet Bill Blaster, which has the same symbol on it – a skull – as the flags at the end of the level. They fire Bullet Bills, missiles that are resistant to fire and can be jumped on. Continue right as Invincible Mario and drop from the low block wall through the hole. Jump at the hole for a 1-Up Mushroom (you’ll make the brick blocks, invisible block, and stacked blocks form an L). Now jump to the aerial pipe. Here’s a bonus room. The rightmost brick is a coin block, and you can reach the coins by getting onto the roof and dropping into the opening. When you emerge, head right to a disembodied staircase with a flag to the right of it. +-----------------+ | Level 5-2 | +-----------------+ Head right and jump over the Bullet Bill Blaster at the top of the stairs. Bounce on the jumping board to cross the gap. Continue right to see a Hammer Bros. atop a set of stairs. Get in close to it, right under the arch made by its thrown hammers, and wait for a let-up in its rain. That’s when to jump it. Beyond it is a “bonus room.” It’s underwater, and although there are many coins there are also many dangers. Assuming you take it, follow the line of coins quickly to avoid Cheep-Cheeps and Bloobers. Don’t go in suction pits and you’ll find a pipe at the end. When you emerge, you’ll be by two rows of brick blocks. However, it’s a safe bet taking the bonus room path, as it bypasses Hammer Bros. enemies. Here, hit the upper-rightmost brick block for a Starman, and then dash right, making jumps as you go and defeating Buzzy Beetles, too, to eventually reach the pitted staircase. At the top, stand back and then rush forward, jumping for the flagpole. +-----------------+ | Level 5-3 | +-----------------+ Somewhere, far in the distance, are Bullet Bills being constantly fired throughout this level. Jump on them to kill them or away from them to dodge them (this goes unsaid throughout this strategy). Go right, jumping up the platforms and following the coins, until you reach an elevator platform. You can take it up to four coins, 800 points, but the lower route has a Mushroom in its ? Block – 1000 points. Of course, you could do both. To the right, jump the gap either by bouncing off the red Koopa Paratroopa or by jumping when its down, and then get on the elevator platform. Jump to the second one and then to dry land, from where you should head right (getting all the coins you can). At the end, jump onto the platform and ride it to the staircase, from where you should jump for a high-scoring hit on the flagpole. +-----------------+ | Level 5-4 | +-----------------+ So, what has Bowser set up for us this time? This is much like 2-4, except for added difficulty. It is also home to the only extremely long flame chain in the game (the Japanese-only version of Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels is riddled with those things. It is basically a harder version of this game). In any case, go right and wait for the Podoboos to start falling and for the flame chain to be at 9:00 before jumping to the first platform, and the pieces should fall into place from there. Get the ? Block’s power-up if you dare, but it’s a big risk. With a huge flame chain like this, you’ll probably lose it right off. Try to avoid it by jumping onto the ? Block and jumping, but you’ll need to be fast. Faced with a fork in the road, take the lower one, and go slowly. This should seem very similar to you. Up ahead is another flame chain followed by thin elevator platforms much like those from Mario’s debut game, Donkey Kong. When the flame chain is up, jump to the elevator platforms. Bowser starts launching his flames right about now, too. Go right from here to find a flame chain surrounded by gold. Collect coins here if have the guts, though it is rather risky. Continue right past Podoboos and get into a bunker, err, depression. The bridge is up ahead. Boss: Bowser This time, a Lakitu is responsible for the guarding of a prisoner, as it is that very Lakitu who is dressed up like Bowser and running this world’s occupation forces. This time, the strategy is Podoboos and flames (no flame chain, oddly, which makes this an easier battle. Don’t stand above the Podoboo, of course, and wait for Bowser to jump. Run under his massive body and hit the axe to destroy the bridge, causing Bowser’s phony decoy to fall into the lava. If you’re Super Mario, avoid the Podoboo and run into Bowser, continuing through him to the axe. If you’re Fiery Mario, just fire him up until you expose the Lakitu manning it (they should really make fire-resistant costumes). Now hit the axe. What a surprise! We rescued a Mushroom Retainer. Well, Princess Toadstool will come in time. ======================================================================= ===============================World 6*================================ ======================================================================= This world is a combination of World 3 and World 1, but it leans on the World 3 side. It is nighttime with snow on trees (this foreshadows the future world), but it is also grassy judging by the background. +-----------------+ | Level 6-1 | +-----------------+ Go right and hit the two ? Blocks here for coins. Continue right to see a Lakitu throwing Spinies down. Lucky for you, though, we can kill him now. Hit the left brick block at the end of the stairs for a power-up. Stand on those bricks and jump (or flame) Lakitu. Now jump to the right, hit the rightmost brick block on the ground for a coin block, and then head right. Lakitu rejoins us after we jump a gap. Continue on this path to reach a staircase. When you reach the top, jump or flame Lakitu. If you want a 1-Up Mushroom, there’s an invisible block against the right wall of the staircase. Now continue right, where we find that Lakitu is alive and well again. After jumping up the stairs here, drop below the ? Blocks and hit the left one for a power-up. Proceed to the right to another set of stairs that you can jump to kill Lakitu from. But don’t bother now. To the right, past a bottomless pit, is the staircase that leads to the flagpole, and Lakitu retreats from there automatically. +-----------------+ | Level 6-2 | +-----------------+ Run right and past the brick blocks and defeat the Piranha Plants here (if you can). The left one has a pipe leading down to a bonus room. In it, hit the rightmost brick block to get coins. When it’s exhausted of its gold, jump onto it and then jump to the roof (right between your coin count and world display). Jump left to the upper block there and then jump into the opening to the right for a bunch of coins. Now exit at the pipe. When you emerge, go right and hop the pipe (complete with Piranha Plants) and then defeat or dodge the Buzzy Beetle (you don’t want its shell ricocheting in there. Hit the brick blocks for a power- up and then take the right pipe down to a bonus room. This bonus room is actually an underwater coin-sea kind of thing. It is exactly like the one we found in 5-2. Swim right, avoiding the Bloober and taking a line of coins (wait for the elevator platforms trying to push you down into a suction pit to leave the screen). At the end, swim past some suction pits, avoiding Cheep-Cheeps and Bloobers as you go, and take the coins from the platforms before exiting the bonus room with a pipe. When you emerge, jump to the left, onto the brick blocks, and then run over them across the gap. Take the next set of “brick stairs” up and then fall of them to the a small flight of stairs. Here, wait for the Piranha Plant to retreat into its pipe before you take it down into a bonus room. If you’re small, get each coin and hit the brick block before leaving. If not, take the coins available to you. When you emerge, head right over the Piranha Plants to the staircase, in which there is a Piranha Plant and on which a green Koopa Paratroopa is flying. Avoid both, take the stairs up, and then make a leap of faith for that flag. +-----------------+ | Level 6-3 | +-----------------+ The level is chrome, including the castle, and there are clouds. Is it snow? Go right and jump onto these platforms, from which you should jump to an elevator platform. Take the coins with it and proceed right to a jumping board on a platform. Bounce from it to the upper elevator platform and collect the coins on them. To the right, jump to another platform and take it up to a ? Block. It’s a power-up, by the way. From there, jump to the next platform and then to the next solid platform. After two pulley elevators with opportunities for coins, jump down these platforms. Bullet Bills begin to be fired at you from all directions (like in 5-3). As you continue, you’ll reach a jumping board with devilish Bullet Bill firing spaces. Use the board to reach the elevator platform, and then jump from it to the pulleys. After it, jump a series of platforms to reach one high platform. From there, step back and launch Mario straight into the flag. +-----------------+ | Level 6-4 | +-----------------+ Bowser must’ve thought that his first castle (1-4) was pretty nifty, as this castle is very similar to it. Jump forward over the lava pit and then continue down this hallway to a flame chain. Wait for it to be up, watch for Podoboos to be down ahead, and then jump to the platform between the lava puddles. Hit the ? Block for a power-up and then jump to the next platform from the ground when the Podoboos are down and then flame chain is up. After it, you’ll avoid a few more flame chains in a hallway when suddenly you see one of Bowser’s flames… The beast is near. In the next depression are several (six to be exact) coin blocks arranged like they were in 1-4. To the right is another depression and then the bridge, the arena. Boss: Bowser Bowser’s picked up a new trick – he throws hammers now. He also has a Podoboo jumping around here. If you want to stand a chance against this guy, run in past the Podoboo and under the rain of hammers immediately. When he jumps, run under him and hit the axe switch. This goes for Super Mario and regular Mario. And of course, if you’re Fiery Mario, you can just flame him until the costume breaks and reveals the true master of World 6, a Bloober disguised as Bowser. But, at least we got to rescue the sixth of the seven Mushroom Retainers of Princess Toadstool’s royal court. ======================================================================= ===============================World 7*================================ ======================================================================= In all future incarnations of Super Mario Bros., World 7 is depicted as a winter wonderland. It is always snowy, whereas this place is daytime with snow on the trees and somewhat wintry wood. I suppose that graphics limitations would prevent them from making it as obviously snowy as it is in the SNES version of this game, but it does have a certain icy feel to it. It also has more guns in it than the NRA in the first level, as well as a water level, and then a bridge level. In fact, this world is very similar to World 2. +-----------------+ | Level 7-1 | +-----------------+ Go right to a series of Bullet Bill Blasters. Hop onto the large one and hit the left brick block for a power-up. Now head right, hitting the ? Blocks and dodging the Bullet Bills, and then to another Bullet Bill Blaster with green Koopa Paratroopas on either side. Get into the depression and (if you want to risk it) hit the brick block right of the one that the Bullet Bill Blaster rests on for coins. Now, jump to the right when the Piranha Plant is down and you’ll see two Hammer Bros. To defeat them (or run past them), run into their hammer range and let them be on the brick row above you. Jump to hit the brick block they are standing on to defeat them. Or you could run. Either way, get into the pipe to the right for a 1-1 style bonus room. Take the coins and then surface with the pipe. Avoid the upcoming Bullet Bill and jump the Piranha Plant pipe to reach two Hammer Bros. Get in close to be under their arch of hammers and wait for them to jump before you run. Although rather risky, you can use the jumping board here to bounce into the brick block for a power- up. Now ascend up the stairs here, defeating the Buzzy Beetle along the way, and then jump for the flag. +-----------------+ | Level 7-2 | +-----------------+ This is much like Level 2-2, for this is a water world. Drop down and walk forward, avoiding Bloobers, to a wall of pink seaweed. Swim over it, drop again, and continue this pattern to reach a suction pit. Remember that Bloobers NEVER touch ground, so it’s safe to duck there to escape them. To the right of that is a suction pit with coins as bait (get it if you want). Also, Cheep-Cheeps start making their rounds right now. Swim forward, avoiding the bunched Bloobers by staying on the ground, and you’ll soon reach some coins with a bunch of Cheep-Cheeps in the screen. Pass the seaweed there and swim right to a suction pit. Take the coins in it if you desire and then continue right. There’s a barrage of Cheep-Cheeps in this section, but skillful swimming should get you out unscathed. After a final suction pit, the most dangerous of them all, and a Bloober reintroduction, you’ll reach the final stretch before the pipe leading out of the level and to the staircase before the flag. +-----------------+ | Level 7-3 | +-----------------+ This is a bridge over the Cheep-Cheep filled water level reminiscent of Level 2-3. But, adding in Koopa Troopas and more Cheep-Cheeps makes for a much harder level. Run forward, stopping when you see Koopa Troopas of either color, and jump over them after Cheep-Cheeps have done so. Soon you’ll reach a ? Block with a power-up in it. Jump right to the ground there and then jump to the small bridge platform and then to the large one. A green Koopa Paratroopa is here, and it must be the Einstein of its race because it behaves like a red Koopa Paratroopa. The same goes for the one on the next bridge. Jump to the next one and you’ll reach a few small platforms. Jump across them carefully, wary of excessive Cheep-Cheep attackers, and you’ll reach the end of the bridge. Jump the gap, take the stairs up, step back, and then make a running jump to the flag. +-----------------+ | Level 7-4 | +-----------------+ Go forward and jump the elevator platforms over the lava with Podoboos to reach… a fork in the road. Yep, this Bowser’s Castle is a 400- second maze like that of 4-4. Lucky for you, though, you have a guide. Otherwise, it would be a lot of trial and error for you. I’ll divide each section of the maze into numbered paths. Here we go! 1) Take the lower route, and walk forward until you reach a floating path. Jump onto the lower floating path and walk forward until it stops. From there, jump to the upper path and run forward to the next section of the castle. 2) Stand on the elevated bricks and then jump to the platforms in the air guarded by the flame chain. Run forward and you’ll see a gap and another platform level with the one you’re on. Jump to it and then drop to the ground. From there, jump to the platform to the right and at the end of it jump to the one to the upper-right. Jump to the upper path from there and run forward to complete this section of the castle. 3) You can’t mess this up, but be aware that Bowser starts firing around here. Hide in the depressions along the way and you’ll reach the bridge. Boss: Bowser A Podoboo guards Bowser, and he throws hammer as well as spitting fireballs this time around. As always, if you are Fiery Mario, just flame him until the costume is too roasted to wear. This reveals that a Hammer Bros. was disguised as the King of the Koopa this time. Alternately, run under the arch made by thrown hammers, avoid the Podoboo, and run under the beast when he jumps. Hit the axe switch and you win (this goes for Super Mario and regular Mario). As it turns out, it was a Mushroom Retainer being guarded by this Bowser-impersonating Hammer Bros., but remember that there are only seven Mushroom Retainers. That means one thing only – Princess Toadstool is in the final castle! To World 8! ======================================================================= ===============================World 8*================================ ======================================================================= This deadly world has 300-second time limits, a grassy layout, and no checkpoints to speak of. Everything gets put to the test here. Good luck, brave plumber. +-----------------+ | Level 8-1 | +-----------------+ Run forward, defeating the Buzzy Beetles and subsequent Goombas. Hop the Piranha Plant’s pipe and defeat the Koopa Troopas here. See the gaps ahead? Just run over them. This is a neat-o trick that will help you greatly in this world. At the end, flame the Koopa Troopa and its accompanying Goombas. You’ll now see a Buzzy Beetle between two Piranha Plant pipes. Defeat the former if you want and then jump about three fourths of the way between the pipes (from the left) for a 1-Up Mushroom. After more pipes, you’ll find one that can be taken down to a bonus room before a trio of Goombas. When you emerge, go right, defeating the Koopa Troopas here, and then jump the pipe, defeating three Goombas. Further to the right is a fenced-in Koopa Paratroopa of the green variety. Stand in front of the left part of the fence in the background and jump to hit an invisible block, from which you can jump again to hit a coin block. From there, jump the other wall and you’ll reach a brick row. Hit the third one for a Starman. Now run right, jumping when necessary as Invincible Mario, to reach Piranha Plants. Stop there, jump up them carefully, and then fall to ground, running madly to the right. The Starman should wear off a set of mini-stairs. After it, defeat the Buzzy Beetle and jump the gap. Avoid the Koopa Troopa in the pen and jump another set of gaps to reach more enemies and Piranha Plants. Avoid the latter and you’ll reach the staircase, chopped up into pieces. Jump them carefully and then jump to the flag. +-----------------+ | Level 8-2 | +-----------------+ 400 seconds! Ahead of you is a staircase with a Lakitu, its Spinies, and two Koopa Paratroopas. At the top of the stairs, jump to defeat Lakitu and then drop to the ? Blocks, each containing coins. Run right to a jumping board, which you should bounce on to hit a brick block. This lets loose a 1-Up Mushroom. Rush right to intercept it before it falls to the ground and into a pit. When you have it, jump the Bullet Bill Blasters to reach a set of brick blocks. Hit the right one for a Mushroom and then hop more Bullet Blasters to meet a Buzzy Beetle. For this part, jump to the upper blaster and then hop the lower ones. After some gaps you’ll reach a Piranha Plant pipe and a tough jump. Carefully jump to the first small platform here and back up all the way. Run forward and jump at the end of the second ledge to clear the gap. When you cross, wait for the Piranha Plant to retreat into its pipe and then take the warp pipe down to a bonus room. You know the drill; hit the rightmost coin block, jump from it to the roof, drop into the opening for the coins, and surface using the pipe. Now jump right onto the Bullet Bill Blasters and then cross the gap. Take these stairs up and avoid enemy fire. To the right, wait out the green Koopa Paratroopa before jumping up the steps of the severed staircase and then leaping to the flag. +-----------------+ | Level 8-3 | +-----------------+ With 300 seconds, let’s get it on! Run forward and jump the Bullet Bill Blasters. As you can see from the background, there are fortress walls here, as if Bowser was defending his castle. Jump this second Bullet Bill Blaster and then run forward to a Piranha Plant pipe. Hop it and you’ll find the brick rows that always signal Hammer Bros. Stand beneath them, jump, and deal them death. The second brick block in the upper row from the right contains a power-up, by the by. Now jump to the stairs and jump right. Avoid the fire of the Bullet Bill Blaster and then jump on the green Koopa Paratroopa. Notice the fortress walls… Now head right yet again to find those accursed Hammer Bros. at it again. Beat them like last time and hit the brick block that is second from the left of the upper row for a power-up. Now jump the Piranha Plant pipe and go forward to a great challenge. Here, at the walls of Bowser’s final fortress, you must fight a Hammer Bros.! If you had done so earlier, kicking the Koopa Troopa shell would kill it. If not, wait for it to throw some low hammers and jump it (repeat this for the following Hammer Bros.). Now you’ll find a Piranha Plant. Beyond it are two more Hammer Bros. just begging for a humiliating defeat. However, it is much wiser just to jump over them and run when they throw some low hammers. Toward the end of this fortress wall in the background, you’ll see one slightly off brick. Jump there to hit a coin block. Now jump up this phantom staircase to reach the flag. This is it. You’re going down, Bowser! +-----------------+ | Level 8-4 | +-----------------+ Bowser sure knows how to throw a party. His castle is huge! It includes many enemies and an underwater section. Because of its length, I’ll divide the guide into five paragraphs, one for each room of the castle. Note that you have 400 seconds to complete it and that there are several pipes that you can take down. However, most pipes lead to the beginning of the castle. Get on the lowest step of the staircase and jump down across the lava. Wait for the Piranha Plant to disappear here and jump over it. Now run forward until you reach another pipe. Do not take it down. Instead, jump over it, crush the Goombas beneath your boots, and get onto the elevated bricks. Though it blends in nicely with the lava, there’s an elevator platform below you. Take it across the pool of lava and jump to the pipe, which would you should take down. You emerge in a new room. Jump the Piranha Plant to the right and then defeat the Buzzy Beetles here. After them are two more Piranha Plants with two Koopa Paratroopas (green) between them. Defeat them, jump onto the right pipe, and then jump to the other side of the lava. Defeat the oncoming green Koopa Paratroopas and then jump slightly left of the pipe to make an invisible block appear. Jump onto it and then to the aerial pipe, which you need to take down. Go right past two Piranha Plant pipes and flying Cheep-Cheeps (like in 2-3 and 7-3). Jump the lava-filled gap and you’ll find a pipe. Wait for the Piranha Plant to go down and then take it down to a water- filled zone. Look at the discolored red pipe and green bricks. Oddly, there are flame chains down here in the water pivoting around nothing. Swim forward, dropping to the ground, and carefully avoid flame chains. You’ll see one in the next opening, and I recommend swimming through the opening from the bottom. Now walk across the bottom of the water and take the pipe out of there. We’re back in the castle. Go forward, avoiding the Piranha Plant, to find a Hammer Bros. I like how all the enemies in Bowser’s Castles are differently colored from normal ones. Either run past this Hammer Bros. or jump on it to kill it (or flame it if you somehow managed to get a Fire Flower this far into the depths of the castle). Now, when the Poboboo is down, jump the lava. Bowser’s starts flaming here. The bridge is ahead. Boss: Bowser This time, it truly is Bowser, King of the Koopa. The real Bowser is tough. He throws tons of hammers and flames simultaneously, but he is no match for Mario. Run under his rain of hammers and wait for him to jump. When he does, run under him and hit the axe. The bridge collapses and Bowser is defeated. Or, if you are Fiery Mario, flame him until he keels over. Or, if you’re Super Mario, follow the regular Mario strategy. Afterward, Mario advances on to Princess Toadstool. She speaks! “Thank you Mario! Your quest is over. We present you a new quest. Push Button B to select a world.” CONGRATULATIONS! You beat the game. But, don’t stop playing yet. There’s a whole second quest to be played that is more difficult than the first. Try it out, my friend. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ / \ / \ ||----------------------------Section 3*-----------------------------|| \ / \_________________________________________________________________/ ======================================================================= =============================Second Quest*============================= ======================================================================= The second quest is gotten by rescuing Princess Toadstool in World 8. It is harder than the first quest, but not by much. Here are the differences. +-------------------+ | Differences | +-------------------+ Enemies: Easy foes like Goombas and green Koopa Troopas have been substituted for harder foes, like Buzzy Beetles. In fact, almost all Goombas are now Buzzy Beetles. Similarly, enemies are faster than normal and smarter than normal (they don’t fall off ledges as much and they can track you better). Also, there are many more enemies than there used to be. Levels: Levels no longer have halfway points or checkpoints. Some early ones do, but after that you’re pretty much finishing the whole level in one try. Aside from this, level layout is EXACTLY the same as normal. Ledges: Elevator platforms are now two-thirds their original size. Also, “coin heavens’” clouds are now reduced in size. Obstacles: Flame chains are now longer than they used to be in most cases, particularly ones in early castles. Other: Princess Toadstool does challenge you to another quest, but it won’t be new. This having been said, there is really no reason to write a guide for these levels. It is exactly the same level design, and I think you know how to deal with enemies without me telling you how. This time, Princess Toadstool will say: “Thank you Mario! Your quest is over. We present you a new quest. Push Button B to select a world.” Of course, this new quest she refers to is just a repeat of the second quest. So, in theory, you could beat Super Mario Bros. over and over again. Have fun. ======================================================================= ==============================Warp Zones*============================== ======================================================================= “Welcome to Warp Zone!” There are four “warp zones” in the game. A warp zone is a pipe or a group of pipes that lead to another world. They can be used to skip lots of levels or to enter the Minus World. I will discuss the fourth warp zone in the section entitled “World -1,” while the other three go here. The first three warp zones are shown below. Note: All warp zones work in both quests – one and two. +---------------------+ | Warp Zone 1-2 | +---------------------+ In Level 1-2, you need go get onto the roof. The best place to do this is the up elevator at the very end of the level. Take it up and jump to the roof brick blocks to the right. Now go forward and fall into the gap. You’ll see the quote and then the Piranha Plants clear out, letting you access World 2, World 3, and World 4. +-------------------------+ | Warp Zone 4-2 (1) | +-------------------------+ This is found in Level 4-2. Go to the end of the initial hallway with three Goombas (Buzzy Beetles if you’re in the second quest) in it. Here, you’ll see seven ? Blocks, six of which have coins in them, by an elevator platform. Cross over the gap with these and you’ll come to a pipe. Stop, though. Below the right two brick blocks of the ones hovering in the air are invisible blocks that you need to hit. Then use these as stepping stones to hit the brick blocks above you to make a vine appear. Jump to it and climb it up to reach the warp zone. This one lets you access World 6, World 7, or World 8. +-------------------------+ | Warp Zone 4-2 (2) | +-------------------------+ There is another warp zone found in Level 4-2. To reach it, get onto the roof and get to the end of the level, just like in the warp zone description for 1-2. You can get onto the roof in several places, but the easiest place is at the end of the level. When you’re standing on the very high pipe before the warp pipe that leads out of the sewers, jump (if you’re Super or Fiery Mario, that is) to hit the brick blocks above. Then jump to the roof and head right. There’s one pipe here, and it leads to World 5. Using these methods, it is possible to reach any world by playing only through 1-1, 1-2, 4-1, and 4-2. We’ll take advantage of this below. ======================================================================= ===========================Minimalist Quest*=========================== ======================================================================= There are 32 levels in Super Mario Bros., and that does not include the second quest. However, 24 of those levels are unnecessary for beating the game. It is possible to play Super Mario Bros. and beat it by only playing 8 levels, and I’ll show this below in the step-by-step process. 1) Play and beat Level 1-1. This lets you play Level 1-2. 2) In Level 1-2, reach the warp zone (see the above section). Select the warp pipe leading to Level 4-1. 3) Play and beat Level 4-1 4) In Level 4-2, use the first warp zone mentioned in the above section to access World 8. 5) Beat Level 8-1. 6) Beat Level 8-2. 7) Beat Level 8-3. 8) Beat Level 8-4, and in so doing, beat the game. If you don’t want to waste time playing the 24 other levels, then this is the way to go. You’d be surprised at how many competitions there are about this game. There are “get the highest score,” “beat the game the most time consecutively,” etc., but there are also lots of speed records. Time yourself and see how you do. But please, don’t tell me about it. I get enough e-mail as it is. ======================================================================= ===============================World -1*=============================== ======================================================================= This is a very strange but interesting glitch. I’m not sure if it was intentional or not, but you can play in a World -1. You only ever to get play one level in it (that level is impossible to beat), but I should mention it all the same. Here are the steps for reaching it. +---------------------+ | Getting There | +---------------------+ 1) Get to Level 1-2, and reach the very end of the level in the sewers (that is, you’ve reached the pipe that leads to the surface). You must be either Super Mario or Fiery Mario. 2) Stand on the edge of the pipe. Jump and bust the second and third brick blocks from the right (that is, the first one from the right is the one directly above the rightmost part of the pipe). 3) Stand on the very left edge of the pipe and duck. Jump into the air, still ducking, and move toward the bottom-left edge of the pipe as you go. If done correctly, Mario’s body will “enter” the brick. 4) Repeat Step 3 until it works. It probably won’t work for you for the first few tries because you do it wrong, and you have to be perfectly lined up for it work. Remember: practice makes perfect. 5) Mario will continue to move through the bricks until he reaches the warp zone area. Do not touch anything while this is happening. When you come out to the warp zone, do not move right or the regular warp zone pipes appear (to World 2, 3, or 4). Instead, take the leftmost pipe you see before the text “Welcome to Warp Zone” appears. Tada! You’re in the Minus World. +-----------------+ | The Guide | +-----------------+ So, what is World -1? It is a mysterious watery level that goes on forever. In reality, though, it is merely Level 2-2 that infinitely loops. When you reach the pipe in 2-2 that would take you out of the water and to the staircase, you just restart the level. Time will eventually kill you, but you can stay down there for quite a long time. Here’s a guide for the Minus World, as if you really needed it. I hope you have a Fire Flower ‘cause it will help a lot in here. In water levels (which there are two of in total), press A to swim upward. You cannot kill any enemies at all (unless you are Fiery Mario), and you will die if you touch any enemy at any angle. Similarly, there are gaps called suction pits in here that will suck you in. At such times, you need to press A rapidly to escape its suck. Head right, swimming down to the coins, and you’ll encounter a Bloober. These enemies, which were renamed Bloopers for later Mario games (I will call them Bloobers because that is their name in this game), are your biggest threats. They float around, sink down to kill you, and then readjust themselves. Do not risk swimming past them; they are unpredictable. Sink to the ground and run past them. Up next, swim upward for three coins (and to bypass some coral reef, which may also be sea anemone or seaweed) and then sink down. Here, sink to the ground again (Bloobers NEVER sink to the very bottom, so it’s safe there) and continue right until you see a large suction pit. Swim into it if you dare (it’s really not that dangerous; just keep pressing A quickly) and collect the coins. In there, wait for the fish above to swim past. They are called Cheep-Cheeps, female fish who swim mindlessly by. Swim past them once they’re gone and then swim upward to avoid two oncoming Cheep-Cheeps (notice how some are green/gray while others are red), and sink to the bottom afterward to avoid a Bloober. Near the ground are three coins you can get. After collecting them, go right, wait for the Cheep-Cheeps to swim by, get the three coins, and swim over the seaweed. Wait for the enemies to pass and then swim down over the suction pit (or into the suction pit). Either way, wait for the Cheep-Cheeps to pass by standing on the edge of the stairs leading out, and then swim right. Float up, entering the suction pit (this one is risky) if you want to, and then swim one last stretch to the right to reach a warp pipe. From here, you start back over at the beginning of the level. There you have it. Maybe this will impress you or others, but it is kind of pointless in reality. Maybe you could see how long you can stay under… ======================================================================= =============================1-Up Tricks*============================== ======================================================================= Even pros lose a life every once and a while, and even pros lose three lives every once in a while. To make the game beatable and enjoyable, you have more than three shots in any one game. A 1-Up is an increase of your life count so that you can die once and still be able to play. Here are the ways to get extra lives. 1) Obviously, the simplest way to get extra lives is to find 1-Up Mushrooms. There are possible 1-Ups in Levels 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1, 6-1, 8-1, and 8-2. Please read my guide for specifics on getting them in those levels. Note: Notice I said “possible 1-Ups.” In the Levels 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 5-1, 6-1, and 8-1, there may or may not be a 1-Up there. First, if you warp (use a warp zone) to those levels, the 1-Up Mushroom will be there. Second, if you did not warp to those worlds, then the 1-Up will only be there if you got every coin in the third level of the previous world. For example, there is a 1-Up in 2-1 only if you warped to World 2 or if you got every coin in 1-3. 2) If you get 100 coins, you get a 1-Up automatically. 3) If you jump on a Koopa Troopa of either color or a Buzzy Beetle, they withdraw into their shells. Kick the shell into a line of enemies and you get points for each enemy you hit. You get, in this order, 500 points, 800 points, 1000 points, 2000 points, 5000 points, 8000 points, and a 1-Up for each enemy after that. It is not too useful, but it can be done in some levels with long lines of enemies. 4) If Mario can bounce off the same Koopa Troopa/Buzzy Beetle shell over and over again, he picks up points and then 1-Ups. For each time he bounces on it, you get 500 points, 800 points, 1000 points, 2000 points, 5000 points, 8000 points, and a 1-Up each time afterward. Though this can be performed in many levels, it is particularly easy in 3-1 at the staircase at the end. Below is a diagram of how it’s done there. +---+ As the Koopa Troopa is coming down, Koopa| | Mario should jump straight up. He +---+ will land on the shell and send it +---++---+ bouncing against the block between | || | the two. He will bounce off and on +---++---+ to it. When it stops (for it might +---++---++---+ eventually), repeat the process. Mario| || || | +---++---++---+ +---++---++---++---+ | || || || | +---++---++---++---+ +----------------------+ | The 1UP System | +----------------------+ Those are all the ways to get 1-Ups. But, be warned that you can never have more than 127 lives at any given time. Well, you can have 128 lives at once, but you have to die when you have 128 lives to keep playing. If you have one more than 127, then you actually have -128 lives, which is less than 1 (meaning you get a Game Over). Why is that? The NES is an 8-bit system, which means that it can hold 256 unique values in a basic memory units. These units -128 through 127 in Super Mario Bros. Now, think of these values as being on a circle (they actually are arranged this way). ------------------------------------------------ | -1 | 0 | | -32 | 32 | | | | | -64 | 64 | | | | | -96 | 96 | | -128 | 127 | ------------------------------------------------ The negative values are on the left half of the circle, and the nonnegative values are on the right side of the circle. When you gain a life, you go clockwise on the circle. So, if you have 127 lives and you gain one, you go over the line to the negative half. When you lose a life, you go counter-clockwise on the circle. So, if you have -128 lives and you die, you have 127 lives. The game checks your life count each time after you die and each time you clear a level. So, it is safe to have -128 lives as long as you don’t beat the level with that number, or you’ll get a Game Over. For this reason, the SNES incarnation of this game has a maximum number of lives set at 128. ======================================================================= =============================Bonus Rooms*============================== ======================================================================= In some levels, you can take pipes down to access “bonus rooms,” which have lots of coins in them. Here’s a guide for navigating the bonus rooms, not counting the tricky water rooms (Level 5-2 and 6-2) or the coin heavens (Level 2-1 and 3-1). There are five different types of bonus room, and I’ll describe how to reap the benefits of each below. 1) The most basic type of bonus room is a group of bricks in the center of the room with 19 coins atop it arranged in two rows of seven and one of five. Just jump into the coins, grab them all, and leave. 2) Another easy bonus room is arranged with two hallways down which are coins. Jump onto the upper hallway, collect the eight coins down it, get to the lower hallway, collect the eight coins there, and then hit the last block down the lower hallway (it’s a coin block) until it’s exhausted of its gold. Now exit. 3) This one is arranged with a bunch of bricks at the top of the screen that wall off coins, and the coins move up diagonally. You must be Super Mario or Fiery Mario to take advantage of it. First, hit the bottom two leftmost bricks and then jump to the coin. Work your way up, getting a power-up along the way, and then repeat on the other side. At the end, collect all the coins on top of the brick structure. 4) This has a low overhang and a bunch of coins beneath it, as well as some coins on top of the low row of bricks. There is also a brick hovering over the pipe so that only regular Mario can hit it. This brick contains a power-up, by the way. If you’re Super/Fiery Mario, you cannot get the power-up and only be a difficult slide under the overhang can you get all the coins. If you’re regular Mario, just sweep in and collect all eighteen of the coins. 5) The other type of bonus room has all the coins (ten in total) at the top of the room inside of a claw-shaped brick structure. There is also a coin block over the pipe. Rob the coin block blind and then jump from it to the top of the claw. Now jump left to that stack of bricks and then into the opening of the claw, in which are the ten coins you were after. And those are the bonus rooms. I have descriptions of watery bonus rooms and coin heavens in the guide as they occur. ======================================================================= ===============================Glitches*=============================== ======================================================================= Super Mario Bros. was not made perfectly, and so there are several glitches in it. For all of you who aren’t so video game slang-savvy as myself, a “glitch” is any occurrence in a video game that was not intended to happen during the development of that game. For example, in some games you fall through the floor for no reason (of course, I’m thinking of Super Mario Sunshine. It is so frustrating to meet your death so close to a Shine Sprite…) or going through walls, but glitches are widespread and varied. Here are a few (not nearly all, since many can be manipulated or experienced with a Game Genie or other cheating devices) that can be performed. 1) As I mentioned earlier, the Minus World (World -1) is the most well- known Super Mario Bros. glitch. Please see that section to learn how to access that infinite water level. 2) Perhaps it was meant, but Mario can actually jump over a flagpole in Level 3-3. You jump to it from a pulley platform, and it is possible to get the right elevator very high and then leap right over that flag. 3) In 2-2 or 7-2, you might see the seaweed growing at the top of the screen. Stand on this and go one space below the water’s surface. Press A as if to swim. You cannot go any higher than that, so you will stand still, but you will still hear the swimming sound. 4) If a Piranha Plant is at least one-quarter of the way into a pipe and Mario jumps onto it (provided that the pipe can be taken down) and takes it down immediately, he will not take damage. 5) When you climb a vine, hold up at the very top and Mario’s legs start squirming and his body rising, as if he’s trying to climb but cannot. Some call it “Vine-Dancing Mario.” 6) It is possible to be small but still be able to shoot fireballs. It can be done in Bowser’s Castle of any world except World 8, since the game ends immediately after Level 8-4. Get to Bowser as Super or Fiery Mario and get right next to the axe switch. Bowser will turn around and start coming at you. When Bowser is about to touch Mario, jump into the air, slightly to the right, so that you hit the axe switch and Bowser at the same time. This causes you to become small, but at the same time the level is already over. This is a priority conflict, and the level finishes before you become small. So, Mario enters the next level as the Super Mario sprite because it is how he finished the previous level, but he has the status of regular Mario because he got hit. Get a power-up and it will be a Mushroom. Use it and you become small! This is because the game thinks that a Mushroom transfers one Mario to the other (it is like a circle. Thin back to the ending discussion in the section entitled “1-Up Tricks”), so you are now small Mario with the Super Mario status. Get a Fire Flower and you become Small, Fiery Mario. You run around with the regular Mario sprite but Mario grows large and changes outfits to throw a fireball. This effect stays active until you die, when you are reset to small Mario with the small Mario sprite. 7) A slightly different version of the above glitch involves hitting the axe switch and Bowser at the same time as regular Mario. Mario will die (this takes priority over finishing the level), and then the screen scrolls over to the Mushroom Retainer/Princess Toadstool. They give the thank you quote even though Mario isn’t there (he’s dead), and then the level begins with regular Mario with one life less than before. 8) I have never done this personally, but I’d imagine that this would work (because # 7 works). If you are regular Mario and a Bullet Bill is fired to the right, keep up with it for the remainder of the level so that it stays on the screen and then jump to the flagpole at the end of the level, colliding with the flag and the Bullet Bill at the same instant. I’ve been told that Mario dies, but the flag and fireworks (if any) display goes on like normal. 9) Go down a pipe and hold B the entire time you are in this pipe area. Go through a pipe to emerge back on the surface, and keep holding B all the way through. When Mario runs, he should be doing so on one foot. 10) When Mario gets hit, he flashes for a few seconds, during which time he is invulnerable to attack. He can also run through enemies. If you get inside an enemy and you stop flashing, you won’t get hurt. In fact, you won’t get hurt even if you walk with the enemy, just as long as you’re inside of it. 11) Mario first learned the wall kick technique in Super Mario 64. With it, Mario could kick himself off of a wall for an extra jump. This is evidence that Mario had been practicing. If you run and jump into a wall at the right angle and you press A as you come into contact you, Mario can make a small second jump in a different direction. 12) This one was sent in by piofinn: “I've only tested this in level 8- 4 but I presume it works in any other -4 (castle) level. If you jump on the axe exactly as the clock hits zero, you will get points for 999 remaining seconds!!” Thanks, piofinn! And those are all the glitches that I know of. I’m not interested in adding any more to the list, so please don’t e-mail me about them. Sorry, but I like to move on from one guide to the next. ======================================================================= =================================FAQ*================================== ======================================================================= FAQ stands for “Frequently Asked Questions.” It’s one of those new- fangled acronyms. Here, I list questions that I get often so that you don’t e-mail me with them. Please, be sure that your question is not listed here or discussed in the guide before you ask it. Question: How do I beat Level ____? Answer: That is in the guide. Please read it. Question: Why do you always refer to the character you play as in your guide as Mario? Answer: Mario is the default character, and he is included in both modes of play. However, Mario may be substituted for Luigi if you’re playing as the green machine, and there are such things as Super Luigi, Invincible Luigi, and Fiery Luigi. Question: What’s the point of points? Answer: Good one, buddy! But seriously, Super Mario Bros. was originally an arcade game called “Vs. Super Mario Bros.” Players tried to set a high score when they played, which is why you can collect points in it. Also, it’s for competitions and other things to judge how well you play. Also, certain methods of obtaining points can get you 1-Ups, which certainly do have a point. Question: Do I have to get points to beat the game? Answer: No. In fact, sometimes it’s wise not to strive for points; certain coins that are too risky to get (like in some water worlds) and so on. However, points gotten in certain ways can get you 1-Ups (see that section for details). Question: Why don’t you give a guide for the second quest? Answer: The second quest has the exact same level design as the first quest. The ONLY difference lies in enemies and several other very minor changes (elevator platforms and clouds are narrower, etc.). So, the only reason to write a guide for the second quest would be to pointlessly extend this guide, and I don’t think that’s necessary. Question: I’ve heard that there are drug references in Super Mario Bros. Is this true? Answer: Sure is! It seems like everything was named with drugs in mind. Below is a little list of things I’ve noticed. 1) The game has a lot to do with mushrooms. Mushrooms can be hallucinogenic, and “Magic Mushroom” is the term for it. Everything is named after mushrooms, including Princess “Toadstool” and the Mushroom “Retainers,” “Kingdom,” “King,” and so on. 2) When Mario eats a “Magic Mushroom,” he gets taller. “Higher” is a synonym for “taller,” now isn’t it? 3) Mushroom Retainers are called Toads later on in the Mario series. Well, Toads can be used to induce highs. I won’t say exactly how because I realize that many young people might be reading this, but there were several cases of toad-induced highs in the 70’s. Those are all that’s I’ve seen, but there may be more. Remember, drugs are damaging to your body and they are bad for you. Don’t take them. You will NOT become a Super version of yourself. Question: I unlocked the second quest/set a high score, turned off my game, and started playing again. It wasn’t there anymore! Help! Answer: The first video game to ever have a save system was The Legend of Zelda for the NES, which came out in 1987. Super Mario Bros. hit the NES as its premiere game in 1985. So, it cannot save because the technology was not invented yet for console games, which means that you cannot save your high scores or second quests unless you keep your NES perpetually running. Question: I cannot perform a glitch! Why? Answer: Later versions of this game, such as the GBA version or the SNES version, do not include the glitches mentioned in this guide. Question: I cannot get my hands on this game. Where can you get it? Answer: Some stores might, and that’s a gigantic might, sell them, but they are no longer produced. There are new versions of this game on various systems, as well as older versions of the game in arcades or on minor systems. There is a very good remake of this on the Game Boy Advance (Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros.), Super Mario Bros. Deluxe for the Game Boy, and there is a version of this game with improved graphics on the Super Nintendo called Super Mario All Stars. Alternately, you could get an emulator. Emulators are computer files that contain a video game, usually with lesser graphics. Because this game is so rare now, I could see it being acceptable. There might be (or might not be) laws in your country, state, province, city, and so on against emulation, but it is very rare that people are actually fined for using emulators. More often, producers of emulators are stopped. I don’t know everything about it, so I’m not the one to ask about emulators. I’ve never used one in my life. Question: Why can’t you get over 127 lives? Answer: This on the NES, and as such the game counts in a circular pattern like so 1, 2, 3,… 127, -128, -127,… 0. So, you can get over 127 lives, but it isn’t safe to do so, as you’ll get a Game Over the next time the game checks your life count. I discuss this in detail toward the end of “1-Up Tricks.” Question: How can I contact you if I have a question? Answer: By e-mail only. My e-mail address – (caps don’t matter) – is listed here and at the top of the screen. My IM name is the same, but I do not accept IM’s. If you still want to try your luck that way, then you’re in for a ton of frustration. I’m frequently away from my computer and I don’t respond to IM’s even if I am on it. Furthermore, please put “Super Mario Bros.” in the title so that I know what game you need help with. Please spell things as correctly as you can and do not write in slang (I can handle most of it, but writing things like IAALTRFTS, for example, are not understandable by any human being, including myself). Furthermore, do NOT send me Spam, chain letters, “tags,” which are essentially the same thing as chain letters, or any personal e-mails (like a/s/l and that sort of thing). I don’t have the time to get to know everyone, I’m afraid. Question: Can I use your guide on my site? Answer: No way. In all my year as a walkthrough writer (yes, I’ve only been one for about a year now), I’ve only let one person ever use any of my guides, and that was not on a website. What makes you think that you can impress me that much? There are many reasons why I do not allow people to use my guides on their sites, mostly for update and e- mail purposes, and I don’t care what you say. No means no. Don’t ask why. Just no. No, no, NEVER! Questions: What other games do you have guides for? Answer: This is guide # 28. Yeah, I write these in all my spare time. I know what you’re thinking… I written ones for the following games: The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and 1, Sonic Heroes, Mario Kart: Double Dash, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64 DS, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX, Mario Power Tennis, Mario Party 6, Paper Mario, Super Mario RPG, and you’re reading my latest. Question: So, what games are coming up [that you are writing for]? Answer: In the future (probably during the summer or maybe into fall), I plan to write guides for the remaining games of the Super Mario Bros. trilogy, possibly Super Mario Land (1 and 2), Super Mario World, and a few other Mario games. But, I need to get back on track. It seemed almost certain that I’d write guides for Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons, both Zelda games, a little while back during my four-game Zelda walkthrough binge, but I received some Mario video games and I’ve been hooked to those guides ever since. Also, I am considering a guide for The Lost Levels, the Japanese version of Super Mario Bros. 2, but I might not write one. Honestly, I am not so thrilled about writing for The Lost Levels; too similar to this one to write them back-to-back. And those are all the questions that I receive. If you have a good one not in the guide, feel free to send it to me. I’ll answer to the best of my abilities. And that’s a wrap, folks. Now, let’s get to the best part of any guide – the legal section. Yippee! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________ / \ / \ ||----------------------------Section 4*-----------------------------|| \ / \_________________________________________________________________/ ======================================================================= ====================Credits and Legal Information*===================== ======================================================================= I sarcastically pretend that I like to write this section, but I really hate it. I mean it earnestly; I can’t stand this. So, I extracted this from another guide. If you are really obsessed or if you have a freakishly good memory, this should ring a bell with you. Reading legal sections is about as fun as watching a foreign-language film about the making of boxes in black and white. First, though, the credits. Yes, I know that everybody is dying to know who helped me write this. Let's get started, shall we? First, I'd like to thank myself for writing the guide, playing the game, and for posting it. The man! The myth! The legend! Second, a big round of applause for Nintendo. They made Mario and this game, and this guide wouldn't be around without them. Third, let's all thank GameFaqs, the great site that is the only place where you can find my guides. Without them, you wouldn't be reading this. Recently, some more people have helped me out. Here's a list of who they are and what they did. Note that I have included in this updated version, as of June 9, some people who I forgot to mention in the original. You see, I always copy and paste this section, which results in leaving people out the first time around. So, my apologies for this, and I am now rectifying that problem by listing those who helped me out before. - piofinn, who sent in quite a useful glitch for getting major points at the end of castle levels. - D.Hawkins, who explained quite well in a guide of his how the NES 1- Up circle works, which I touch upon in “1-Up Tricks” of this guide. Thanks for the info, D.Hawkins! - Brian Sulpher, because his guide contains several ASCII artworks that I used as a model for my own, such as the flagpole. - Spacepope4u, a contributor here on GameFaqs. I admit to being a great fan of his Mario Series Character Guide, and I write him with various tidbits. Anyways, I learned a bit about Mario’s origins, mostly name origins, from his guide. It was this guide that I started using some of his information for Mario character bios, like “ruiji” that evolved into Luigi’s name and so on. Also, for creating a truly entertaining guide. Check it out if you haven’t, because it is great. It is nearly impossible to find an encyclopedia of Mario characters that goes as in-depth as his guide does, and for that I thank him. Plus, it’s pretty funny, too. That's it for now, but I'm sure that list will grow. Now for the legal section. If you're really obsessed with my guides, you'll know which one I copied the legal boilerplates out of. First of all, I take no credit for the creation, distribution, production, idealizing, or in any way making this game. That honor goes to Nintendo, not me, and I do not deny this. Second, this document is Copyright 2005 Brian McPhee. Third, this may not be reproduced in part of in full under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. To phrase that first item legally, all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. To make it clear for those of you who might having problems absorbing information, no one but the website GameFaqs may use my guides on their sites, books, magazines, etc. Whoa! Did you see that? That was totally tubular, huh? I mean, first I set you up with that short little paragraph above, then I buttered you up with the copyright, and then I really hit it home with the anti- plagiarism liner. Ah, these are the things memories are made of… But, this guide is coming to an end after only three days (really two since I started it at around 11:15 on Cinco de Mayo). It’s been a blast through and through, and I loved replaying the first game I ever played. So, for all you NES fans out there trying to relive your past, or for all you youngsters trying to catch up on Nintendo’s fascinating history, I’m glad I wrote this guide. Hope you enjoyed it, but all good things must come to an end, so let’s bust out my funky good-bye catchphrase and slogan of the year. Here it comes – my great Houdini… Until next time… No, that was my geeky original catchphrase that I used in my first two guides (and I’m no geek, that’s for sure). Here come my really real one. You ready for this? Okay, drum roll please. Adios. Oh! I got you again. Okay, fine, here’s the real one. Fasten your seatbelts, ladies and gents, ‘cause this is going to be a wild ride. See ya later.