**********##########**********##########**********##########********** # Super Mario All Stars - The Lost Levels FAQ v1.1 # **********##########**********##########**********##########********** Produced by Jon Thomson (edgeleypark@hotmail.com), (c) 2001 Table Of Contents 1) Version History 2) Introduction 3) Walkthrough 4) Warp Zone Locations 5) Credits *** Section 1 - Version History *** v0.8 - 30/7/01 Pre release of FAQ, containing walkthrough for worlds 1-8. v1.0 - 5/8/01 First full version of FAQ, with walkthrough extended to worlds 9-D. v1.1 - 25/8/01 Decided to include the locations of all the warp zones I know of. Added some more information to the walkthrough, highlighted by a (1.1) in the walkthrough. (Levels 1-2, 2-1, 2-4, 3-1, 4-1, 4-2, 5-1, 5-3, 7-1, 7-2, 8-1, 8-3, A-3, B-1, B-2) Added the flagpole 1-up to the changes section in the introduction. Extended the credits section. ################################### **** Section 2 - Introduction ***** Why did I make this guide? Simply because there was no adequate walkthrough available for The Lost Levels on GameFAQs. This is a very difficult game to complete, and as such needs a comprehensive walkthrough. This FAQ can be freely copied to websites, posted on Usenet, stored at FTP sites etc., on the condition that it is not modified in any way, full credit is given to the author and only the latest version is available. I'm going to assume you know the basics about the game, having played the original Mario Brothers before. I'll quickly detail some main differences between SMB1 and TLL but if you don't understand anything which I don't explain, look through some of the other FAQs for the original Mario Brothers. If you still don't understand anything, email me and I'll try to answer it, but if the answer is obvious from the FAQ don't expect a reply. Finally I'm NOT going to give the locations of the warp zones, using these won't allow you to access the secret levels. With infinite continues and the ability to save after each level, you don't really need them. If you know of something I've missed, or have any questions, feel free to email me. Don't ask anything obvious which is already covered in this or other FAQs if you expect a response. Don't spam me - Hotmail have rather good spam trapping software, and I will TOS people who really piss me off. If you do ask me a sensible, unanswered question, I'll try to respond as quickly as possible - I do have a life outside of the internet. Main differences between SMB1 and TLL - * There is only one-player play available, but you can choose to play as Mario or Luigi. Mario plays very similarly to the characters in the original game, but Luigi plays differently, being able to jump higher, but skids around a lot, causing control to be more difficult. Nevertheless, Luigi is the better player to play with, being able to reach platforms easier. * A blue mushroom has been introduced, which will reduce Super/Fire Mario to normal size and kill small Mario. Avoid! * You can save the game after each subworld has been completed, whereas SMB1 in All Stars only allows you to start at the beginning of any given world. * Getting a 1-up from the flagpole isn't difficult. Get a coin total that is a multiple of 11 (eg 22, 55) and hit the flag with the timer having a last digit matching your multiple. For example having 77 coins and a timer of 147 will get you a 1-up. ################################### ***** Section 3 - Walkthrough ***** Level 1-1 * When you see the first set of normal blocks, the second one on the bottom tier contains a power up. * The third ? block contains a blue mushroom. Don't hit it. * After the second pipe, there is a hidden 1-up above that small tree thing. * The block next to the small staircase is a coin box. * When you see the red koopa on the high platform, kick it to the right and run after it. You should be able to get an extra life. * The pipe under the overhang leads to a coin room. * In the coin room, there is a hidden power up at the far left of the ceiling. There are hidden coin blocks you can use to get to it. * If you miss the pipe, one of the ? blocks under the pipe holds a power up. Level 1-2 * (1.1) If you are big coming into this level, there's a stash of coins you can get just before the area where you have to duck and slide (very near the start). Jump up and knock out the middle of the three bricks and keep jumping to get the coins. * (1.1) You'll need to be big for this one too - when you are nearing the end of the level you'll see three koopas trapped between a pipe and a single block. There's also a floating structure near the ground that gives just enough room for the koopas to get under. Slide under it (you may want to stun one of the koopas and trap the other two to give yourself some time) and break open the bottom layer - you'll be able to access some coins. * There aren't any real things to look for in this level. Cut out a huge chunk of the level by getting on the ceiling at the first opportunity (near the buzzy beetle and just before the drop lifts). You can carry on right to the exit pipe! Level 1-3 * You can jump on top of the Bloobers. * If you are small, take out the koopa before getting the power up - it will fall to the right so you need no distractions. Level 1-4 * When you have a choice of whether to go under or over the fire bars, take the top route. It's easier. * It's easiest to go over Bowser using the small lift. Level 2-1 * Jump on top of the ? blocks and let the koopas go past. Then drop down and hit the middle block for a power up. * Collect the star and then go into the pipe under the overhang. There is a hidden coin box at the top right of the bottom structure. * The green springboards allow you to go much, much further than the red ones as seen in the original game. Use it and stop when you see the next one. * (1.1) After the green springboard, you'll see a high platform three blocks wide. Land on it and jump up for an extra life. * Or, if you prefer, stop when you see the two hammer brother style platforms, and look in the top level for a beanstalk. Level 2-2 * A bit of the way into the level you'll see a single block in mid air above a little island - this contains a star. DON'T hit it, quickly continue so you can do the koopa kicking trick to the right. * Go down the next pipe you see. * When you emerge you'll see a very high pipe. To reach it, jump around and find the hidden coin blocks. Level 2-3 * The best tactic for this level is simply to move through it as quickly as possible. Only stop to get the power up in the top left ? block. Level 2-4 * (1.1) Just before the area with the fire bars (detailed below), stand on the 3rd step of the mini staircase and jump up for a power up. * Take the top route when given the option, it's easier to get through the fire bars this way. * The blocks hanging from the ceiling and, ironically, the lift, make going over Bowser difficult. Wait for him to jump and run under him. Level 3-1 * Wait for the Hammer Brothers to go up onto ledges then run along the floor. Make sure you are out of reach of the hammers. * (1.1) The fifth block from the end of the bottom row in that hammer brother area has a star. * The fourth ? block has a blue mushroom, but the top block on the left has a power up. * Throughout this level DON'T try to go down any pipes, you could go to an unavoidable backwards warp zone which will take you back to level 1-1 and screw your chances of getting the secret 9 world! * (1.1) When you see the first pipe after the cannons, there's a 1-up in the air two blocks to the left of the pipe. It's directly above the flying koopa. * (1.1) The only pipe that is safe to use is the second pipe after the cannons, you'll go to a coin room and you'll come out of that seemingly inaccessible pipe under that overhang. Go to the wall and jump for a power up. You can repeat this loop to get fireballs if needed. * Don't use the green springboard, you could go over the flag which will take you to the unavoidable warp zone. Level 3-2 * Use the normal water level tactics that you'll have learned from the first SMB game. Don't go for difficult coins and just swim through the level. Level 3-3 * Knock the flying koopa down and kick it to the left - you could get an extra life with a bit of luck. * Only go as far as the red koopa when you use the spring. Level 3-4 * This is the first of the maze castles. If you take the wrong route you will have to repeat sections. * Take the bottom route to the pipe. Jump over the pipe and take the bottom route again. Listen for the 'ping' noises, which indicate you are taking the right route. When on the second bottom route, run right over the small lava pit and jump onto the pipe. * Once you've dropped down, you'll be given a choice of three paths, with the top route being the correct route. Don't try and jump straight up there, find the hidden blocks and use them as a platform. Stay at the top. * Jump right over the small fireball and Bowser. Level 4-1 * You're introduced to the red piranhas in this level. They're faster, and keep coming up even if you are standing right next to the pipe. You'll need to be standing on the center part of the pipe otherwise they keep coming up. * Squeeze through the small gap if you are small and get the coins. Don't hang about otherwise Lakitu will get you. * Take a running jump onto the springboard and then jump again. It's the only way to clear the water. It may take a few goes to get this jump right. * Take out Lakitu when you are at the top of the staircase. * Avoid the set of three ? blocks, there's a blue mushroom in there which could catch you out in the confined space. * (1.1) You'll see a couple of ? blocks, then a gap, then 6 more ? blocks with pipes on top of them. One of the first two ? blocks has a power up (which should give you fireballs), take out the cloud and the plants, and go down the left pipe for a secret water world. You'll come out right at the beanstalk part described below. * You'll shortly see a ? block and a single block higher than it between two pipes. Hit the top block for a beanstalk. You'll be taken back to the staircase where you killed Lakitu earlier afterwards so you can repeat this a few times, depending on the clock. The end of the level is very near the beanstalk. * (1.1) The end staircase only has a top flight one block wide. If you fall off when trying to run up, there's a hidden block right next to the staircase which you can use to get back up and try again for the 5000 point flag bonus. Level 4-2 * This is a bit of a killer level, be patient. * To get the power up in the very first ? block, stand right next to the second cannon, stopping it going off. Quickly nudge to the left, hit it and jump on the second cannon to pick it up. * Get the star and run like hell! You could do the koopa kicking trick with the 1st red koopa but it's not worth the risk. * The block right before the hammer brother (the low one above a pit) contains coins which you can get if you are small Mario. But it's better to get the power up just before it. It's in the ? block above the cannon. * Jump over the first hammer brother, and take the top route, jumping over the other hammer brother. It's pretty comfortable from here to the end of the level. * (1.1) HOWEVER, if you're feeling lucky, take the bottom route and wait if you're small. The hammer brother will eventually come after you and probably fall down that little hole before the pipe. You can then go down the first pipe to get to a coin room. Level 4-3 * The first jump must be taken as a running jump. * You'll need to bounce off the red koopa paratroopa to make the next big jump, the one just before the 2nd springboard. Level 4-4 * This is by far the hardest castle, and for that matter level, so far in the game. It may take a few lives and continues to get through. * Wait for the huge fire bar to be at about the 8 o'clock position before running underneath it, hitting the 3rd ? block along the way for a power up. You'll only be able to get it if it's a mushroom though. * If you hit the koopa from underneath with a ? block, you'll knock it into it's shell. If you hit it again, sending it into the air, and kick it while it's in mid-air, you'll get a nice 8000 points! * Jump onto the platform with the next huge fire bar when it's at about 2 o'clock. Jump straight off, and onto the ground level. * Run along to the next fire bar. You'll need to jump up onto the fire bar's block through the right hand side when it is at about 12/1 o'clock. However there are koopas which will fall down, only jump if you can get up before the koopas start to fall. Otherwise, cautiously wait for the koopas to pass before jumping up. * Jump as soon as you see the hammer brother to get to the platform. * Jump onto the pipe, and drop to the middle level when the bottom fire bar is at 11 o'clock and the top bar is at about 2/3 o'clock. * At the end of this platform, jump up as if to get to the top level. You'll be blocked and will have to drop to the bottom level, but if you hit the right block you'll get a mushroom, which you'll have to meet later. * After jumping from the lift to the block, you'll have to become small if you are not already. Otherwise it is very difficult to make the next jump. * The fire bar and blocks make passing Bowser very difficult. More often than not you will die here. Level 5-1 * Take your time passing the upside down plants. When you get to the last jump, wait for the koopa to fall in the hole before continuing. * Go down for the next pipe for a coin room. There is a power up in the top left. * You will emerge in the wind. Power jump from each tower to the next, taking them quickly. * (1.1) As you get to the first, almost end of level style staircase, drop down to the small bit of ground you can see. Jump next to the tower for a hidden coin, and jump from that to find an extra life. * Be careful going through the double pipe. You can do a koopa kick in a minute, but be careful of the plants. * When you get to the huge tower, find hidden blocks to advance. Level 5-2 * The first set of ? blocks contain a blue mushroom. If you are big you can head to the ceiling here. * If you are still small, stay high when you have the option. In any case, drop down when you can see a thick platform with a single block jutting out to the left. This has coins in. * When you can see the exit pipe, stand on the extreme left edge of the 1 block sized ledge and dash through across the gaps when the plant is out of the way. Level 5-3 * Bounce off a flying koopa to get to the tall pipe which leads to a coin room. * (1.1) You HAVE to go down that pipe, it's a 'ping' route. * When you have passed the bloober, use the flying koopa to get to the high platform. Level 5-4 * You can try to get the power up in the first block you can see, but it's very tricky to get to and isn't worth the hassle. * Take the top route with the coins when you see the fireballs and drop lifts. * Take the bottom route past the fire bars this time, jumping up to the top ledge to make the next jump easier. * Wait for the large fire bar to get to 3 o'clock before jumping down, while you wait stand to the right of the small ledge to avoid the fireball. * When Bowser starts firing, head for the bottom route. Go underneath Bowser this time. Level 6-1 * The very first block has a power up inside. The rightmost block of the next set of three has a star, and there's a 1-up above the middle block in that set. * Jump over the hammer brother, and use a hidden block next to the pipe to get up. * Take the top route past the next hammer brother. * The 4th block in the big ? section has a power up. * Go into the pipe under the overhang when the wind starts. Use the drop lift to make the jump easier. * Take care on the end staircase! It's difficult! Level 6-2 * This water level is harder than the last one, but still straightforward. Use the normal water level strategies. Level 6-3 * You'll need to use the koopa to get the power up. * You'll need to bounce off a koopa again near the end of the level to be sure of making the jump. Level 6-4 * This castle is another with a 'ping' route. * Go under the fire bar. * Jump past the hammer brother then get to the top route for the ping. * Take the bottom route past the four pipes. * After the downward lifts, the bottom route is the one to take. * There's a lift in the large lava pit you will need to use to traverse it. * As in SMB1, Bowser in worlds 6-8 has hammers. Go underneath the arch and time a run underneath. Level 7-1 * You want to go over the four pipes in the windy section. Stand on the edge of the first pipe and do a curving jump to get up. * The block next to the pipe after the cannon has a star. * (1.1) The high pipe you can see is a coin room. Use the koopa to reach it. * (1.1) I don't advise stopping for it, but when you get to the two hammer brothers on the platforms (where one is ? blocks and the other is normal blocks), there is a power up four blocks from the end in the top row. * Once you have the star run like mad! You should get past the hammer brother going down the stairs if you are quick enough. If so, it's plain sailing to the finish. Level 7-2 * You'll need to be quick to get the power up. Get back on the lift quickly and get to the high pipe. * Go down this pipe and get the power up which should give you fireballs. * (1.1) If you hadn't worked it out already, the block in the ceiling above the other arm of the 'u' (ie. the other side to the power up) has coins in it. * Don't immediately lose the fireballs by stupidly jumping into Lakitu as I did when compiling this... make sure the cloud dies before attempting to jump past the fire bars. * Use the koopa to get to the drop lift. Quickly get to the pipe, standing right on the edge to avoid the plant if necessary. Level 7-3 * Until you get used to using the green springboards, always stop at each one. It's possible to miss some out by using a running start, but err on the side of caution. * You always have enough time in the air to reach the next springboard, so don't stop until you reach your target. * Make sure you get the power up! It makes the end a lot easier. * Be very careful on the fire bars. Being super is a great help. Level 7-4 * If you think this level is hard, wait till you see C-4... * When you see the lifts, don't jump straight on. Jump by the wall to get a power up. * Wait for each koopa to go to the left of it's platform, then jump on it and kick it away in one motion. * Take your time going past the two fire bars. If you go right next to the wall of each pit (ducking if necessary), you won't get hit. * The fire bar on the bridge during your battle with Bowser makes things difficult. You may need to time a running jump, dodging the hammers. Level 8-1 * The 7th ? block has a power up. * Jump off each koopa in turn to clear the pit. * (1.1) When the hammer brother attacks you near the upside down pipe, jump off the buzzy beetle and hit the block to the left of the pipe which contains a power up. You'll find it hard to get unless it's a mushroom, and if it is a mushroom you'll probably die trying to get it. * There are a few tricky jumps but nothing you haven't seen before and can deal with. I think they made this level easy because the next two (especially 8-3) are so difficult :-) Level 8-2 * Hit the first block for a power up, using the lift for leverage. * The windy springboard jump is hard, you need to get on the tall thin pillar and jump across from there. * DON'T get the star. Bounce off the koopa and hit the brick above it. This will reveal a beanstalk which you need to climb, preferrably before the hammer brother kills you. * Er, finish the level. Level 8-3 * This is the hardest level in the game. Well, in the first 8 worlds at least. It will take you a while to finish it. * Wait for the red koopa to start rising again before bouncing off it to get to the lift. If possible, take out the cloud on the way down. * You'll see a small pillar with a koopa trapped on it. Kick this to the right. Chase it, and hopefully it will kill one or both of the hammer brothers. If not, jump! And be very careful with the second one, there's a hidden block right in the middle of your jumping trajectory which will probably send you straight into a hammer, the hammer brother, or both. Either way, you die. * For god's sake, don't get hit by the shell when it rebounds off the wall... * About 6 or 7 blocks away from that wall, there's a hidden beanstalk. It's a very good idea to take it. * (1.1) Three blocks to the left of the beanstalk is a hidden power up. This makes the rest of the level much easier. * When you come down, don't use the springboard. You won't reach the koopas, you need to take a running jump when they are at the bottom of their swoop. * Jump the two hammer brothers and look for the two hidden blocks to reach the lift. Level 8-4 * Like 8-4 in SMB1, this involves going down the correct pipes. * Drop to the bottom ledge and jump from there at the start, unless you like to die. * Use the koopa to reach the small platform above a pipe. That pipe is the one you want, use the other pipe to reach it. * Swim through the water level. * Go down the only pipe you can see when you emerge, being very careful with the plant. If you just stand there and jump and curl round it will come up and kill you. Instead, stand on the very edge of the plateau to force it out, and if that doesn't work, jump a little bit to the right to get it out, swing back and *then* jump down. * Stand on the ? blocks and take out the bloober before continuing. Be careful passing the koopa paratroopa, there's a hidden block if you time your jump wrong. * Get on the lift in the lava and stand on the left side. When the lift is as far to the right as it will go, run left (listen for the ping) and jump right past the fire bar. Run to the right, but please don't fall in the hole... * When you see the hole, you'll see two koopas guarding the pipe. When the red one is at the bottom FOR THE SECOND TIME, jump off that onto the green one and reach the pipe. * Go under the first Bowser. Keep going, avoiding the easy-ish obstacles. * When you get to the final Bowser, get under the hammer arch (the fire bar should not come into the equation), wait for Bowser to jump, and, er, win the game! Level 9-1 * If you used a warp zone (which you shouldn't have done if you are following this walkthrough through) you'll skip straight to level A-1. * Jump down the warp zone-esque pipe into the water (a subtle reference to the Minus World perhaps?) * Just stay near the top. You can't hit the ? blocks. Level 9-2 * All you need to do is stay ahead of the cloud here. Swimming quickly will suffice. Level 9-3 * The 1st block has a beanstalk. * If you go down the pipe, you'll go back up the beanstalk (sort of). * Getting past Bowser can be a bit tricky, wait for the right moment. Level 9-4 * Just stay right at the top and you'll be safe. Those hammer brothers are still deadly underwater! Level A-1 * This is the start of the second quest "proper"... * The gap in between the ? blocks on the top row has a power up. * The block at the top right where the three green koopas are has a beanstalk. * Hit the block you see straight away for a 1-up. * The top pipe where you see the hammer brothers has a power up. * The end block where you come out has a power up. * The bottom block after the springboard has coins in it. Level A-2 * The block directly above the springboard has a 1-up in it. * The 9th block after the drop lifts has a power up. * Once you've passed the hammer brother, be careful not to be hit by a cannon or fall in the hole. Level A-3 * This is no more difficult then the other bridge levels. Consider it a gift. * (1.1) When you see a cloud three blocks wide above another cloud which is larger (there's a bloober just before it), jump up on the right hand side of it for a power up. Level A-4 * Don't bother with the ? block. * Drop down after the koopa, don't jump down. * The cannons make life more difficult than you would imagine. * Getting under Bowser is straight forward. Level B-1 * There's a 1-up in the pit in between the first 2 pipes, right in the middle. * The block at the far right of the top row (with another block just beneath it) has coins in it. * The third ? block has a power up. * (1.1) Shortly after the power up you'll come to a pipe and two rows of bricks - the fourth brick on the top row conceals a beanstalk. * The middle block in the upper of the two rows (where the bottom row can be filled in with hidden coins) has a star in it. * (1.1) After the springboard, there are two platforms which are three blocks wide - the bottom one is normal blocks, the top one is made of ? blocks. The right ? block has a power up, but it's hard to get unless it's a mushroom. Jump down past it and attack it backwards - don't use the springboard (it's similar to where the beanstalk is on level 3-1 of SMB1 if you know where that is). Level B-2 * This is just a straight forward water level. Just don't do anything stupid trying to get coins. * (1.1) There are two hidden blocks two blocks to the left of the flag which make getting 5000 points very easy. Level B-3 * There are some tricky jumps here, but no real surprises. Just take your time and you'll be alright. Level B-4 * Although it looks like there is a 'ping' route, there isn't. * Bowser is surprisingly simple. Level C-1 * The 9th ? block in the row holds a power up. The next pipe on ground level leads to a coin room. * You'll need to bounce off the koopa to make the next jump. * After the hammer brother, use the koopa to get up. Level C-2 * Allow the bloober to get out of the way before you jump. * When you get to the single brown blocks, you'll need to run and jump off the second one. Stand on the far left edge. After that, you'll need to bounce off a koopa yet again. * There's no need to use the green springboard. Get the power up instead. * You'll lose a surprising number of lives on this level. Level C-3 * Use a running jump to go straight from the first springboard to the third. * This level is the same as 7-3, but the cloud makes it much more difficult. Level C-4 * This level is very similar to 7-4, only with some minor changes. All designed to kill you :-) * Use the same tactics to get up to the fire bars. You can get the power up if you like, but it's only worth the hassle if you can keep it all the way to the very nasty bit. * If you kick the third koopa to the right, you can get a 1-up. You'll probably need them. * For the first fire bar, drop down when the fire bar is at the 10 o'clock position and head to the right side (ducking if you are big). The second one is probably the hardest bit in the game (unless you are big, then it's alright). Again, drop down at 10 while running and jump just enough to get out immediately. * It's a matter of personal preference as to whether to take the power up. It makes some of the intermediate steps harder (and it's very easy to die making the jump off the last lift as soon as you get it) but will save a lot of lives if you can keep it. I can do the second fire bar more often than not now, it takes a lot of practise. * Don't die once you're past the fire bars... Level D-1 * Get past the hammer brothers (what a lovely start to the level) then use the koopa to get across. You'll probably bounce off the ceiling but you'll be small so it isn't a problem. * The block next to the red koopa has a blue mushroom. I mention this as there is a hidden 1-up above and just to the right of it. * The pipe on the ? blocks leads to a coin room. * The block you see as you come out has a power up. * Wait on the pipe to get past the first hammer brother. Level D-2 * The very high pipe (after a cannon, with an upside down pipe below it) is the way to a coin room. * The coin room has a power up in the ceiling, above the right side of the middle structure. Break inside that structure to get coins. * The fourth block on the top row as you come out has a beanstalk. * The beanstalk will take you back to the coin room pipe, go in again to get fireballs. * You've got to use the high block to get to the flag. A normal springboard jump will normally leave you just short of it so it can be a problem to get on it. An all out running jump on to the springboard will drop you in the drink right in front of the flag as well. Level D-3 * The easiest way to complete this very difficult level is to keep the fireballs from the last level and shoot everything. Most of the time, you'll get hit by the cannons at the start, stopping that plan. * If that strategy fails, get the power up (the one in the block in the middle of about 800 cannons) and jump over the first two hammer brothers. * Find the hidden coin blocks (there are almost 10 in a row) and use them as a platform to jump to the top level avoiding the next set of hammer brothers. * Use the springboard to land on the koopa. Kick it to the right, it will normally kill the hammer brother, and kill you on the rebound if you're not careful. * Jump the next two hammer brothers (it's not that hard), and don't die on the cannon staircase. Level D-4 * The home straight is in sight... * Drop to the lower level a la 8-4, and get the huge fire bar on screen. Jump across when safe. * Get to the point where you went down the first pipe in 8-4. Continue along to the right, past the flying fish, drop lift and fire bar, and go down the pipe at the end. * You're outside! Use the pipe for a running start to jump the hammer brother, which is the hardest bit of this section. Carry on past all the enemies, up the staircase then make a big jump to the pipe. * Er, enjoy the coin room :-) * Bowser! You'll be small barring some minor miracle. Run along the floor underneath him. Keep going, don't let the hammer brother kill you. * Be careful with the fireball. More often than not if you drop down the first time it goes down, it will come straight back up and kill you. Wait for the second time it goes down. * Get past Bowser and enjoy the crappy ending. The fire bar IS a factor, wait for Bowser to edge forward, get under the hammer arch, and run when he jumps, unless the fire bar is in the way. If he jumps backwards you'll have to be quick. * That's it, there is no more! You've saved the universe once again. ################################### * Section 4 - Warp Zone Locations * If you don't know what a warp is from any of the other Mario games, or any other games for that matter, it allows you to skip ahead to levels further on in the game without completing the intermediate levels. A warning should go out here - if you use a warp zone, you'll not be able to access the hidden world 9! These are all the warp zones I know of, if I've missed any (and I may well have) email me and let me know. >From my current knowledge, every world except the secret world 9 has a warp zone going to it, except world A. I'm sure there is one but I'm still looking for it. I'm guessing it's a backward warp if it exists. Here's a quick table showing how to warp to each world: World 1 - from level 3-1 World 2 - from level 1-2 World 3 - from level 1-2 World 4 - from level 1-2 World 5 - from level 8-1 World 6 - from level 5-1 World 7 - from level 5-2 World 8 - from level 5-2 World 9 - that would be stupid! Warping to World 9 would invalidate it! World A - ???? World B - from level A-2 World C - from level A-3 World D - from level B-4 Level 1-2 Near the start of the level, you'll come across a pipe which is trapping a buzzy beetle between it and something else, with a slightly lowered ceiling above. Hit the left most part of the ceiling and you'll uncover a beanstalk. Climb that, collect the coins and go down the pipe to go ahead to WORLD 3. Or, carry along the ceiling and go above the exit pipe on the ceiling (Luigi can get up from on top of the exit pipe should you drop down). Carry along, but be careful as there are a couple of plants to get past before you can warp to WORLD 2. If you decide to go this way and do change your mind, you can go down the first of the two pipes you see into a secret area, which will then take you back to the main level. If you're going that way, you may as well warp to WORLD 4, right? You know those plants I was talking about in the world two warp? Well go down the first pipe and you'll enter a strange secret area. Go along it (you'll need to be small to get under the bit with the lava - a duck slide will kill you) and eventually you'll come to a pipe, a lava pool and a koopa troopa. Get the koopa out of the way by kicking it into the lava. You can chicken out by going down the pipe, but for the warp, stand by the edge of the lava and jump. Get on that hidden block and jump again, standing on the right edge to unveil another coin. Get on that, jump onto the ceiling, run along and Robert's your father's brother! Level 3-1 Go down the first pipe to go into a coin room. There's a coin box in the small cubbyhole that you can only get into if you are super. Come out and you'll get to an unavoidable backward warp zone to WORLD 1, and you'll cry if you go there. If you go over the flag using the green springboard, you'll end up at the same place. Level 5-1 You'll reach an area with three flying red koopas, and two platforms. The top one his five blocks wide, and the bottom one three. The top one has a hidden beanstalk which leads to lots of coins and then a warp to WORLD 6. If you are small you'll need to use the koopa you can see. Jump off it to get to the beanstalk. Level 5-2 Get on the lift things near the end of the level, and jump up onto the ceiling. Stay on the ceiling, run along past the exit pipe and you will come to a pipe warping to WORLD 7. That's the easy one. Get to the area in the walkthrough where you pick up the coins (right before the suspended lifts). Now walk along and the platform will shrink from 4 blocks high one by one to one block high. In the right most single block is a beanstalk. If you are big you can hit it from the ground (being careful to land on a lift) otherwise you'll have to jump from the lift to hit it, and then use the lift again to get up the beanstalk. It's a bit awkward to hit it, you often can't get far enough over to the left. Be patient and you will be rewarded, advancing to WORLD 8. Level 8-1 Remember that backward warp zone in world 3-1? Well this one will make you cry even more. Count the number of hammer brothers you pass, there should be three. When you've passed the third one, go down the first "right way up" pipe you can see and thus enter. You'll go to a secret water world, collect the coins and exit. You'll then come out to a pipe which will warp you all the way back to WORLD 5. Level A-2 Yes, even the extra levels have warps... Go on the ceiling as per level 1-2, 5-2 and the pipe will take you to WORLD B - if you can get on the ceiling before the hammer brother the level is easier even if you don't want to warp. Level A-3 Use the springboard right at the end to jump the flagpole. Run along and you can take a shortcut to WORLD C. Level B-4 Yes, those crazy programmers put a warp zone in Bowser's castle... when you get to the fake 'ping' area, the pipes will take you back in the level, before the difficult to get power up. However, at the end of the ping section, there is a pipe with some lava ahead of it (Bowser is already firing at this point). Go down it and you will warp to WORLD D! Yes, now you can finish the game without going through the nasty C castle! ################################### ******* Section 5 - Credits ******* Credits go out to: Nintendo - for creating the fine Allstars compilation. I may well produce FAQs for the others if I see things the other FAQs don't cover and if this one goes down well. GameFAQs - for hosting this FAQ. The most recent version can always be found here (www.gamefaqs.com). Various people from the music industry - for providing excellent background music while I play - these include Muse, Radiohead, the Pixies, the Cuban Boys, the Prodigy and many more. mersenne.org - for giving my CPU something to do in it's spare time. The ZSnes emulation team (www.zsnes.com), whose emulator I used when making this guide.