Copyright Nintendo 1986 Written By Brian P. Sulpher E-mail: Version 4.3 Dates Written: December 8th to December 12th, 2002 I dedicate this to all Nintendo Entertainment System fans out there! I am a hardcore old school gamer, and I hope more than a few of you are as well! Read on and maybe I can teach you something, or mayb you can write me with something I do not know! Also, for Cougar, Howler, and Koonce. I miss you, and I hope you are living it up in the afterlife as you did in this world. You will always be in my memories, and you will never be forgotten. Also a quick thanks to Trace for his contributions! Anyone who reads this should check out any guide wrote by Trace "Meowthnum1" Jackson as he is one of the best (just not better than me)! ^_^ If you enjoy this FAQ and want to give back, you can click the Donate button by my author name above, and send some money my way (via Paypal). I have no set amount or minimum, so feel free to donate as little as you like (this is simply a from the bottom of your heart deal). Thanks for your consideration, now on with the FAQ! ----------- Version 1.0 ----------- -Submitted on December 10th, 2002 -Walkthrough finished to end of World Four ----------- Version 2.0 ----------- -Submitted on December 12, 2002 -Finished walkthrough of First Quest -Added Fighting Bowser, Second Quest Details, and Story sections ----------- Version 3.0 ----------- -Submitted on January 1st, 2003 -Completed Second Quest Walkthrough ----------- Version 3.5 ----------- -Submitted on November 22nd, 2003 -Altered Format -Fixed some content to make more sense ----------- Version 3.6 ----------- -Submitted on January 19th, 2004 -Corrected some info on Bonus Room D -Thanks to Jerome Azbell for contributing the info for the correction above ----------- Version 4.0 ----------- -Submitted on July 15th, 2004 -Altered format to make it more pleasing to the eye and easier to follow ----------- Version 4.1 ----------- -Submitted on July 15th, 2004 -Thanks to numerous e-mails, I have made a correction to the Bonus Rooms section ----------- Version 4.2 ----------- -Submitted guide on 18th of October, 2005 -I added in Retronintendo and Honestgamers as sites allowed to use my FAQs -Altered the format to make it easier on the eyes of the reader ----------- Version 4.3 ----------- -Submitted guide on 15th of January, 2013 -Added in the 1-Up in 7-1 that I was msising (thanks to Terry Grandchester) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Table Of Contents----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction 2) Story 3) Controls 4) Advanced Moves 5) World One 6) World Two 7) World Three 8) World Four 9) World Five 10)World Six 11)World Seven 12)World Eight 13)Second Quest Details 14)World One Second Quest 15)World Two Second Quest 16)World Three Second Quest 17)World Four Second Quest 18)World Five Second Quest 19)World Six Second Quest 20)World Seven Second Quest 21)World Eight Second Quest 22)Enemies 23)Items 24)Fighting Bowser 25)Bonus Rooms 26)Warp Zones 27)1-Up Methods 28)End Of Level Scoring 29)Continuing 30)Weird Happenings 31)Final Word ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Introduction------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) This is an amazing game that should be experienced by all video game players; if only to pay respect to the game, the video game character, and the company that gave birth to the to the home console boom when the market for such things were dying. So, to all of the PSX and PS2 only video game players out there, check this one out, and hail to the grand daddy of them all! Guide Mario and Luigi along the 32 levels to the fortress of Bowser, and rescue Princess Toadstool to return peace to the Mushroom Kingdom! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------Story----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) The following is the official story of the original Super Mario Brothers game for NES. This is taken directly from the Super Mario Brothers instruction booklet, so it is a work of the Nintendo corporation, and is no way a creation of Brian P. Sulpher. One day, the kingdom of the peaceful Mushroom Kingdom people was invaded by the Koopa, a tribe of turtles famous for their black magic. The quiet, peace-loving Mushroom People were turned into mere stones, bricks, and even field horsehair plants, and the Mushroom Kingdom fell into ruin. The only one who can undo the magic spell on the Mushroom People and return them to their normal selves is the Princess Toadstool, the daughter of the Mushroom King. Unfortunately, she is presently in the hands of the great Koopa turtle king. Mario, the hero of the story (maybe) hears about the Mushroom People's plight and sets out on a quest to free the Mushroom Princess from the evil Koopa and restore the fallen kingdom of the Mushroom People. You are Mario! It's up to you to save the Mushroom People from the black magic of the Koopa! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------Controls---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) This section will review the basic controls of the game. D-Pad...: LEFT and RIGHT will move Mario in the corresponding directions. DOWN will cause Mario to duck if he has a Power-Up, and UP has no apparent use. SELECT..: Only used to select between One Player or Two Players. START...: Confirms choice between One Player or Two Players, and it will also pause/unpause the game. B Button: By holding this down, Mario will run. If Mario Has Fire Flower Power, Mario will throw fireballs with every pressing of the B Button (max of two on the screen at a time). A Button: This Button will allow Mario to leap onto enemies, go over gaps, and to make your way past Bowser. Learning to control Mario exactly as he jumps will make your quest a success. This is also how Mario takes a stroke underwater in Worlds 2-2 and 7-2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Advanced Moves-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) This section will review the advanced functions of the controller for in-game smoothness. o-----------------o | Coming Up Short | o-----------------o This is another way to not lose as much time due to a Piranha Plant in your way. What this requires is for Mario to jump onto the edge of the pipe that the Piranha Plant is coming out of. This will allow Mario to either jump over the plant in the way, or let it move down before he continues forward. o-----------------o | Crouching Slide | o-----------------o This is useful for getting underneath/getting through areas that are meant for Regular Mario. By doing this, Mario can gain access to Power-Ups, Gold Coins, etc. that he normally could not get to. It is also useful in a few places for saving Mario some time in progressing through the level. o-------------o | Lip Jumping | o-------------o This combines the first part of Coming Up Short (landing on the left edge of the pipe), with a jump immediately so Mario will clear the Piranha Plant. The main problem with this one is that it requires you to jump the exact instance you land on the pipe, or you will get hit by the Piranha Plant. o-----------------------o | Piranha Plant Jumping | o-----------------------o Piranha Plants have some hit detection problems that can be taken advantage of by an aggressive player. When running at a pipe, and a plant comes out, you normally stop to let it go back down into the plant. However, you can actually jump through part of the Plant to keep your momentum going. With a bit of practice, this can become an extremely useful and easy move to do. o-------------------o | Small Gap Running | o-------------------o This is pretty simple, but it is quite useful in many places in the game. Whenever a gap is one block wide, Mario can run right over them without falling through (this is most useful in World 8). Hold the B Button as you move forward, and you will run right over the gaps, but keep in mind that you can not jump when over a gap. o------------------o | Wrap Around Jump | o------------------o This is a move used to get Mario to jump around a ledge directly above his position to land on the same ledge. The easiest way to do this is to stand on the lip of a block that is below the end of the platform you are trying to jump to, and then jump up. Mario will get displaced a little by the platform above, and when that happens, just hold the direction to the platform to land on it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------World One----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) This section will cover levels 1-1 to 1-4. o-----------o | World 1-1 | o-----------o Start your journey by running to the right to hit a ? block, kill a Goomba, and then hit the three ? blocks (two coins, and one Super Mushroom). After this adventure, head right to go over the pipes and the three Goombas, and when you pass the second and third Goombas, go halfway between the pipe and the bottomless pit. Jump up to reveal a hidden block that contains a 1-Up Mushroom! The pipe can also be gone down to a bonus room with multiple coins. 1-Up +--+ ++----++ | | ++ ++ +--+ | | | | | | | | -+----+----------------------------+ +---- | | | | Jump across the gap, hit the bricks above as the two Goombas fall down so you can then collect the power-up from the ? block, and then head right over the gap. Kill the two Goombas that approach, hit the brick by itself as it is a Coin Block (hit until it turns into a spent block), and then hit the ? block for a coin. Next, you should hit the second brick of two for a Starman, collect it, and then run right as you plow through up to eight Goombas. Jump carefully over the one last gap, and then head up the staircase to the top, where you should run and jump off at the Flagpole for the top to score high (like 5,000 or 2,000 points). o-----------o | World 1-2 | o-----------o You go underground, and once you land, destroy the two Goombas coming at you before you hit the five ? blocks to get four coins and a Power-Up. Now head across the mini-columns in your way, kill the Goomba in the shallow hole, and then hit the Coin Block till it runs out. Now head right to take on two Green Koopa Troopas, get the coins off the brick structure (if you are still tall), and then break the three right-most bricks to find a Starman! Now run right, duck as you run under the low ledge so you will fit under (or bust the bricks above to make a different path), and head right collecting coins and killing all the enemies you can until your invincibility runs out. A Power-Up is in the tip of a brick structure, so bust the bricks carefully to get at it, and then the brick structure that is 2 X 5, hit the second column once, and then keep hitting the next block up as it is a Coin Block. Now get on the higher ledge, jump to the floating platform, and then hit the brick above you on the edge of the platform, quickly followed by hitting the one to the right of it immediately, so you will fall down to the bottom level as the 1-Up Mushroom will follow suit. -----------------------------+ Key | | 1,2 - order of brick hitting | | -----------------------------+ 1-Up +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | |1 |2 | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ Now you face three Goombas, and then three Piranha Plants. You can go down the first pipe to find a treasure trove of coins before you go back up to come out of the third pipe in the line. Now jump the two gaps, kill the two Goombas coming down the mini-stairs, and then jump onto the elevator coming down. Jump to the next platform (the far right brick has a Power-Up for you if you fight off the Red Koopa Troopa), and then hop onto the next elevator going up so you can land on the far ledge to go up the pipe. Once you move up the pipe, go right up the stairs, and launch yourself from the top to hit the Flagpole on the higher points of it. The other option is to ride the elevator to near the top of the screen, hop onto the roof of the level, and then run right till you fall down into a Warp Zone! You can warp to Worlds 2, 3, or 4 if you go this route! The following will make it clearer in picture form: MARIO => /\ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ || | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ -------------- | [][][][][][] | -------------- | | | | | -------------- | [][][][][][] | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ -------------- ++----| | | | | | | | | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ || | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--++----+--- | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | TO THIS PART +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | WELCOME TO WARP ZONE! | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ 4 3 2 +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ | | | +--+ ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+---+---+----+---+----+---+--------+--+--+ o-----------o | World 1-3 | o-----------o Head right to kill a Red Koopa Troopa and two Goombas as you collect various coins on the unlevel platforms (careful not to fall off the cliffs). Jump down to the low platform (collect the two coins on the fall), jump across the gap using the elevator, and hit the ? block to find a Power-Up. Then you should take the aforementioned elevator up to the top ledge for four coins, and then jump the gap that the Red Paratroopa Koopa patrols (look out for the Goomba on the far ledge). Now you need to use the horizontally moving ledge, and jump from it to the next moving horizontally moving ledge, and then onto the next platform. Take out the Red Koopa, the Red Paratroopa Koopa, and then collect the coins before you jump across the horizontally moving ledge to reach the stairs. Now jump off the top to hit the Flagpole high up for a lot of points! Now you are entering your first fortress, so be ready! o-----------o | World 1-4 | o-----------o Jump the lava pit, go right, jump the lava pit (jump to the platform when the Fire Bar is just starting to pass 9 O'Clock), hit the ? block for a Power-Up, and then jump to the next ledge. Now walk right carefully so the Fire Bars will not hit you, and then when the hall opens a bit, jump the Fire Bars when they are pointed to 12 O'Clock (this allows you to clear the Fire Bars without worry of it swinging around to get you), and then hop the flames that flies at you (this is a BOWSER ATTACK!). Now you are in a depression in the floor where the flames from Bowser fly overhead, jump up in the air to find invisible blocks that yield one coin each if you hit them. They are arranged as follows: -------------------------------------+ Key | | 1,2,3,4,5,6 - order of brick hitting | | -------------------------------------+ +--+ +--+ +--+ |2 | |4 | |6 | +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ |1 | |3 | |5 | +--+ +--+ +--+ --+ +-- | | | | | | +--------------------------------+ now you will have one more safe spot from Bowser's flames, and then you step onto his bridge to fight him. If you have Fire Flower Power, shoot fireballs till the Koopa King is dead for 5,000 points (it is a fake), or if you are Fireless, then you should run forward to jump Bowser OR run underneath him when he jumps to pull the Axe Switch to send the bridge supports falling away (incidentally carrying Bowser to burn in the lava below!). Congratulations on finishing World One! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------World Two----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) This section will cover levels 2-1 to 2-4. o-----------o | World 2-1 | o-----------o Start the level by going right to punch the middle brick of the three brick set to get a Power-Up, and then squish the Goomba before you go up the mini-stairs. Now jump down where you should hit one of the Green Koopa Troopas, but do NOT kick the shell. Now you should jump up and hit an invisible block which is found below and to the left of where the brick line is in the sky, and then get onto the block to jump straight up to hit the invisible 1-Up block. The following will give you an idea of what I mean: -----------------------------+ Key | | 1,2 - order of brick hitting | | -----------------------------+ 1-Up +--+--+--+--+ |2 | | | | +--+--+--+--+ +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ +--+ | | |1 | | | +--+ +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+-------------------------+--+ After that, head right two face two Goombas, and then jump the pipe to land where a Green Koopa Troopa waits. After dealing with him, you have to get rid of two Goombas, and then you should bust up the ten ? blocks for a Power-Up and nine coins. Then you face three Goombas, jump up on the first brick you come across in the air, and hit the brick that is just to your up-right to release a Starman. Now collect it, hit the seven ? blocks as you kill the three Goombas, and then hit the third of five bricks above to make a beanstalk appear! Climb the beanstalk to go to Coin Heaven! VINE +--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ ----------------------------------- Coin Heaven has a white platform for you to get on, and you will jump up to get the coins in the air, and when the platform is about to run out, get off the cloud so you can take running leap at the three coins left in the air before falling back to the regular level. When you land, hit the Coin Block to your left, and then hit the ? block for a coin before dealing with the Piranha Plant and the Green Koopa Troopa. Now use the Springboard or the invisible block above the bricks to get to the top of the wall, where you will run and jump to reach the top of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 2-2 | o-----------o This is an underwater level, so you will press the A Button to swim, and B Button to throw fireballs (if you have Fire Flower Power). You will start by swimming right to get three coins on the bottom, go past a Blooper, go over the seaweed, and then get the three coins on the bottom. Next you face a Blooper, swim over the seaweed, go past another Blooper, and then swim over the suction of the pit below (go into it for coins if you like). Now Cheep-Cheeps will start coming at random locations on the screen for the rest of the level, so be wary. Three Bloopers will quickly appear, so stay on the bottom so they come to you, and then walk under them before swimming away from them. Now you will see another suction from the pit below (again the coins are optional pick-ups). Continuing right will take you over yet another suction pit with coins inside of it (collect if you dare), and then swim across the top of the water to avoid the fish. Then you should drop down to go through the pipe to find yourself at the staircase, so climb up and leap off at the Flagpole to finish the level. o-----------o | World 2-3 | o-----------o This level has enemies that are only flying Cheep-Cheeps. Each paragraph will represent each bridge you are crossing, and in some cases, the small ledges grouped together. Bridge #1 is fairly long run with nine total coins on it, and then hop the gap. Bridge #2 is a very short section with four coins on it before you hop to the next bridge. Bridge #3 is short and leads to a leap to Bridge #4 where you can get the lone Power-Up on it in a ? block. Leap down to the green platform before hopping to the Bridge #5. Bridge #5 has some coins, and it leads to an empty Bridge #6 before you leap to Bridge #7. Bridge #7 leads to three small platforms before depositing you onto Bridge #8. Bridge #8 is the end of the attacks, so run to jump the gap, climb the stairs, and then take a running leap at the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 2-4 | o-----------o Begin by running right to jump across the two platforms (be sure to miss the Podoboo flying from the lava), get the Power-Up from the ? block, and then finish the remaining two leaps over the lava (again avoiding the Podoboos). Go along the bottom route slowly so you can avoid the Fire Bars here, and then hop up to the next ledge when the Fire Bar there is at 2 O'Clock. Leap onto the Donkey Kong-like elevators here and get across the pit to find six coins. Now you need to jump across the two lava pits while dodging the Bowser flames, and then go past the two pits where you can hide from the flames to find a brick walkway above (bust a couple to get up there if you are big). Then you just need to run across to get to the Axe Switch, or you can use the Fire Flower Power method to wipe Bowser out (once again it is a fake). Congratulations on finishing World Two! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------World Three---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) This section will cover levels 3-1 to 3-4. o-----------o | World 3-1 | o-----------o You head right from the Fortress to hit two ? blocks before you tangle with two Green Paratroopa Koopas (you can also avoid them by going on top of the spent ? blocks). The next ? block contains a Power-Up, and then you will continue right past the bricks, past the first Piranha Plant to find a Goomba (smash it good). Go down the next pipe to enter a Bonus Room, and once you finish up in there (there is s a Power-Up on the left side of the brick structure), you will go onto a bridge. Kill the three Goombas, and then go about three quarters of the way across the bridge to where you will jump up to hit an Invisible Block with a 1-Up inside! 1-Up +--+ | | +--+ +--+-----------------------+--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ Now jump the gap, and then jump off of the two block high stack at the left-most brick to release a Starman. Carefully collect it as you kill/avoid two Goombas and a Green Koopa Troopa, and then go past the Piranha Plant to find the first Hammer Brother set of the game (just run through them as you are invincible). Now use the Springboard to get on top of the bricks high in the sky, and then go down to tangle with two Goombas. Now you should get right next to the steps, hold the B Button, and then run left, followed by a jump for the lower brick platform. Then you should hit the right-most brick above you to reveal a Vine to go to Coin Heaven! VINE +--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+ +--+ | | +--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+--+ | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | +----------+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | When you fall back to the regular level, go under the brick platform, and start punching the second brick (going from the left) to find a Coin Block! Now jump over the gap, and you have arrived at the first place in the game that you can gain multiple lives! Kill the first Green Koopa Troopa, wait for the second one to start his step to the stair above yours, and then jump straight up to retreat the Koopa Troopa into it's shell. If done correctly, you will start to bounce repeatedly on the shell to more and more points before long 1-Ups start tot total up! You will have to start the jumping chain over on occasion, but you can gain many lives here (do not gain too many lives, as it will end your game: see the 1-Up Methods section for diagrams on this trick as well as info on too many lives). When you have had your run at extra Marios, go up the stairs, to where you launch yourself off to get a high total on the Flagpole! o-----------o | World 3-2 | o-----------o Start this level by hopping on the first Green Koopa Troopa you see, kick the shell, and then follow it to get a 1-Up for plowing through all the enemies on the path (be sure to jump the rebounding shell). Now you should collect the three Gold Coins, hit the ? block to release a Power-Up, and then collect it as you/before you fight a Green Koopa Troopa and three Goombas. If you have Fire Flower Power, roast the Green Koopa Troopa before you go to hit the Coin Block. If you do not have the fireballs to use, go hit the top brick to get a Starman, kill the Green Koopa Troopa, and then hit the Coin Block. Now head right to fight a Green Paratroopa Koopa, a Green Koopa, and then three Goombas before you hit a gap. Jump the gap, jump the next gap, and then stomp the Green Koopa Troopa so you can kick the shell. Follow the shell as it heads right to plow through enemies till you gain another 1-Up! Now head over the Piranha Plant pipe, stomp the Green Koopa, kick the shell to follow it as it reaches 5000 points before the shell rebounds off the barrier. Now you should climb the staircase, take a running leap from the top, and then you will land on the Flagpole to get yourself a nice and high bonus score! o-----------o | World 3-3 | o-----------o Start by running right, jump up two ledges to fight a Goomba, and then use the moving platform to reach the next ledge. Now head right as you get a few of the scattered Gold Coins, kill the two Red Koopa Troopas as you get some more Gold Coins and a Power-Up, and then hop off the high ledge to a sinking platform )+(jump to the right immediately to the waiting ledge). Run across the holes as you get some coins, jump to the next ledge, and then make use of the pulley ledges (these will sink on your end, rise on the other) to get onto the next set of moving platforms. Now that you have got to a solid ledge, jump across the gap to the next ledge where you find three waiting Gold Coins, and then jump the gap that is guarded be a Red Paratroopa Koopa. The next ledge up has two Red Koopa Troopas patrolling it, and then use the next moving platform to get onto to another pulley ledge set. Draw the left side down so you can hop to the right ledge as it rises. Now you should take a running leap before the ledge sinks down to far so you can hit high on the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 3-4 | o-----------o Start off by running right to jump across three lava pits, but you have Podoboos flying out of each lava pit as well as Firebars on each platform (the best way to go is to jump across quickly). Now you come across three ? blocks, and the middle one has a Power-Up for you. Once you collect the Power-Up, jump the lava pit, then hop through the first two Firebars (the bottom ones) when they are at a 3 O'Clock position, and then hop though the last Firebar set when the bottom one is at 7 O'Clock position. Now hop the lava pit, at which point Bowser starts his flame barrage, and then you enter a room where three lava pits are found, each one with a Podoboo inside. You should carefully jump from one platform to the next when the Podoboo ahead of you is heading down into the lava and when the Bowser flames are not blocking your jump. Now head for the bunker in the pathway, and then head out again when no flames are coming. Run right to find Bowser and his bridge as usual, and you should use fireballs (if you got them). Otherwise, wait for Bowser to make a jump, and then cut underneath him, or jump him as he is landing from his jump. Pull the Axe Switch to send him into his lava bath! Congratulations on finishing World Three! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------World Four----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) This section will cover levels 4-1 to 4-4. o-----------o | World 4-1 | o-----------o This level is your introduction to the fun that is Lakitu. The best way to do this level is to rush your way through, or to kill Lakitu at every opportunity (high ledges). This guide will list the latter, but running through is the suggested method. Start off by going right, jumping the Piranha Plant, and get the Power-Up from the ? block. Now Lakitu should be raining Spinies down to accost you, so take this opportunity to jump on top of the higher ? block so you can kill Lakitu. Now run right to jump a gap, grab the four Gold Coins, punch the next four ? blocks, and then kill a Lakitu again when he shows up. Now head right to jump a gap, and then you will find four ? blocks in the air. Go on top of the blocks, stand on the third one (from the left), and then jump straight up to find an Invisible Block with a 1-Up inside! 1-Up +--+ | | +--+ +--+--+--+--+ |? |? |? |? | +--+--+--+--+ Head right as Lakitu returns to annoy you, jump the Piranha Plant pipe, collect the coins, and then go down the next pipe to enter a Bonus Room. After you exit, head right to jump three gaps (during the third one, Lakitu returns again), and then run right at full speed so Lakitu can not catch up to you (he will turn around when you reach the end of level staircase), Climb the staircase, fall down to hit the Coin Block, and then hop back on top of the staircase to jump for the high end of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 4-2 | o-----------o Upon entering this level, you are immediately faced with some tough terrain to jump on. The easiest way to clear it is to start with a big run, half jump (tap the A Button) to land on the wider ledge, and then do a full jump to clear the rest of the pit. Go into the mini-bunker to get a Power-Up and some Gold Coins before you head right down the hall to tangle with three Goombas in the enclosed space (try to bounce your way across all three at once, or just fireball them). The fifth from the right column of bricks has a Coin Block inside of it. ----------------+ Key | | CB - Coin Block | | ----------------+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ | |CB| | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ Now you enter a choice in the level: you can continue on the normal level route, or you can go for the Warp Zone to Worlds Six, Seven, and Eight. The Warp Zone route will be shown first, and then the guide will revert to the same spot to continue the guide. ---------------------+ Key | | ? - ? Block | PW - Power-Up | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ ========== FIGURE ONE ========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ +--+--+ |? |? | +--+--+ -------------- [][][][][][] -------------- || +--+ +--+--+ +--+--+--+ \/ | | |? |? | |? |PW|? | +--+ +--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+--------------------------+ +--- | | ========== FIGURE TWO ========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+ | | | | | +--+--+--+--+ +--+ |IB| +--+--+ |IB| +--+ ++----++ ++----++ | | | | +-----------------------------+----+- | ============ FIGURE THREE ============ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ VINE +--+--+ | | | +--+--+ +--+ |IB| +--+--+--+ |IB| |IB| +--+ +--+--+ |IB| +--+ ++----++ ++----++ | | | | +-----------------------------+----+- | =========== FIGURE FOUR =========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | WELCOME TO WARP ZONE! | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ 8 7 6 +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ | | | +--+ ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+---+---+-----+---+-----+---+---------+--+--+ ========== FIGURE ONE ========== Get the Power-Up from the marked ? Block, and then go across the elevator gap. ========== FIGURE TWO ========== Punch the two Invisible Blocks, and then break the two bricks directly above each one. ============ FIGURE THREE ============ Punch the next brick in the line to release a Vine into the sky. Now fall down, punch the other two Invisible Blocks for two extra Gold Coins, and then climb the vine. Run right through the mushroom ledges, and then you arrive at... =========== FIGURE FOUR =========== Warp Zone #2! Choose your World that is your destination, and then head on to the next challenge! Now that you have seen and read how to do this Warp, we revert to the same starting point to continue on. Grab the Power-Up from the ? block second from the right of the elevator pit. Now go across the elevator, go past the Piranha Plant, go for the Coin Block beside the pipe (if you can handle the Green Koopa Troopa), and then jump over the tall Piranha Plant pipe to try and get the Starman from the right-most brick where the Buzzy Beetle is patrolling. Now head left over the pipes, past Buzzy Beetles, the Green Koopa Troopas, and then hop over the gaps to reach an elevator. Hop onto the second ledge of the middle part between elevators, and hit the middle brick for a Power-Up. Now you have a choice, ride the elevator up to the top so you can get on the ceiling to make a run for the Warp Zone to World 5, or continue on through the level (this walkthrough will finish the level). Once you get by the elevator, three Piranha Plants and a Green Koopa Troopa are waiting on this ledge, so jump the platform to face a Buzzy Beetle before you hop on an elevator moving downwards. Hop off to punch the first brick in the long horizontal row of them to reveal a Power-Up, and then hop over the two Green Koopa Troopas to get the Super Mushroom (or bust the bricks before the Koopa Troopas get to you so you can just roast them with Fire Flower Power). Head up the mini-stairs, hop to the tall Piranha Plant pipe, fall down to the low ledge, and then hop to the higher ledge to take the pipe out of the underground. Go up the staircase to launch yourself off the top to reach the upper reaches of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 4-3 | o-----------o Go right to see that this is a multi-platformed level. Jump up to the next ledge where two Red Koopa Troopas guard many Gold Coins, and then hop to the next high ledge on your right . Hop the Red Paratroopa Koopa, get the Power-Up from the ? block, and then go down to the bottom ledge where the Red Koopa Troopa guards some coins. Head right once more to play on a pulley ledge, and use that to get to the moving vertical platform set. Once you get across that set, wait for the second platform in the set to go high before you vacate it so you can get some coins, and then kill the Red Koopa Troopa on the next platform. Now you have to go across three pulley ledges, so do the following maneuvers: stay on the left ledge till the right starts to rise, and do this two more times for the second and third pulley ledges in the set. You will land on a platform with five Gold Coins, and then head left across the remaining platforms to reach a vertically moving ledge, which you will take a running leap off of when it is at it's highest point so you land on the higher part of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 4-4 | o-----------o This Fortress is the first of three castles that requires Mario to go through the castle on a certain path because it is a maze. If the wrong path is taken, you will have to repeat the area you just attempted. The castle starts off by giving two lava pits to be jumped, followed up by a choice between the high road or the low road. Take the high path, and make sure to run as you head right so you will go over the gaps in the floor (the Firebar will not hit you, so do not worry). Now when you get to the next section of the maze, go up the small, rising platforms, and when you reach the first hole in the top floor, go through it, and then go through the hole on your left to reach the bottom floor. Now run right to finish off this section of the maze, and Bowser will choose this moment to start trying to barbeque you (be wary of the Firebar as you go right). Continue right past the bunker in the floor to reach the Bowser bridge where Bowser has both a Firebar and a Podoboo to help defend him. Shoot with fireballs form a safe distance (behind the Firebar), or carefully jump the Firebar, get by the Podoboo, and then go under/over Bowser if you are Regular/Super Mario. Grab the Axe Switch to send Bowser falling into the lava, and then head over to find Toad once more! Congratulation on finishing World 4! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------World Five----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) This section will cover levels 5-1 to 5-4. o-----------o | World 5-1 | o-----------o Stomp the Green Koopa Troopa at the start, kick the shell, and then follow it to kill nine enemies for a lot of points as well as a 1-Up (be sure to hop the rebounding shell)! Jump the Piranha Plant pipe, jump the gap to the next pipe when the Piranha Plant is going down into the pipe, and then take the Green Paratroopa Koopa down to it's shell so you can kick it to clear enemies out of your way (up to the 8000 point spot in the chain). Now hit the middle brick of the three to receive a Starman, ad then run right through three Goombas, past the Bullet Bill cannon, over the gap through three Goombas, a Green Koopa Troopa, three Goombas, and then two Green Koopa Troopas. Now you should jump the wall, and then try to jump back through the small hole to reveal an Invisible Block hiding a 1-Up! ---------------------+ Key | | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ 1-Up +--+--+--+--+ | |IB| | | +--+--+--+--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+-----------+ | After collecting the 1-Up, take a running leap to the floating pipe when the Piranha Plant is starting to return to the inside of the pipe. When you land on the pipe, go down inside of it to find a Bonus Room. When you return to the level, go past the Bullet Bill cannon, and then tangle with two Green Paratroopa Koopas before heading up the broken stairs (make sure to hop over to the far side if the staircase). Take a running leap off of the staircase top to reach the Flagpole top. If you are extremely good, you can make one of the Green Paratroopa Koopas into a Green Koopa on the stairs, where you can do the 1-Up trick on the stairs. This is extremely hard to do, but it is possible on this staircase to do so. o-----------o | World 5-2 | o-----------o Go up the stairs to find a Bullet Bill cannon, which you will jump to land on a lower edge. Here you will find a Springboard, which you should use to get onto the high brick ledge. Now go to the end of the brick ledge, drop down to the lower brick ledge, and hit the right-most brick to gain a Power-Up. Move to the right to see a solo Hammer Brother guarding the stairwell, and he leaves you two choices: one is to kamikaze charge at him in hope of jumping between the hammers for a lucky kill, or back off onto the high brick ledge to wait for the Hammer Brother to charge at you. I suggest that you wait, and when he finally charges, take a running leap past him, and then go down the first pipe you come across. Now I know this is the weird room to go to (it is the underwater room with enemies), but once you get through, you will see why. Anyway, head right past the first Blooper, swim through the suction elevator while dodging the now appearing Cheep-Cheeps, and then avoid the Bloopers and Cheep-Cheeps as you collect some coins on the way to the exit pipe. When you reappear, a place where you would have to fight a pair of Hammer Brothers has been stripped of them (you actually get to avoid three total Hammer Brothers this way!). Now get onto the lower brick ledge, go to the very end on the right, and then jump up to reveal a Starman. Collect the Starman as you hop across the gap, and then head right as you plow through three Buzzy Beetles. Now you should use the Crouching Slide (if you are Super or Fiery Mario) to get under the first low brick to hit a Coin Block dry. Then get the one beside it for a Power-Up. Jump up the brick ledges to face a Red Koopa Troopa, then drop down to kill two Green Paratroopa Koopas before you use the lone brick to reach the high brick ledge. Then you should hop down to the ground, kill the Green Paratroopa Koopa, and then carefully hop up the broken staircase to the top where you can launch yourself with wild abandon for the higher portions of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 5-3 | o-----------o This is the first repeat level you will face in the game. This level is extremely similar to level 1-3, but this one has Bullet Bills firing across the screen continually, and the moving ledges are smaller in size. Head right to kill a Red Koopa Troopa and two Goombas as you collect various coins on the unlevel platforms (careful not to fall off the cliffs). Jump down to the low platform (collect the two coins on the fall), jump across the gap using the elevator, and hit the ? block to find a Power-Up. Then you should take the aforementioned elevator up to the top ledge for four coins, and then jump the gap that the Red Paratroopa Koopa patrols (look out for the Goomba on the far ledge). Now you need to use the horizontally moving ledge, and jump from it to the next moving horizontally moving ledge, and then onto the next platform. Take out the Red Koopa, the Red Paratroopa Koopa, and then collect the coins before you jump across the horizontally moving ledge to reach the stairs. Now jump off the top to hit the Flagpole high up for a lot of points! o-----------o | World 5-4 | o-----------o This fortress is the first repeat castle you will encounter. It is extremely similar to level 2-4, but it has more Firebars, Podoboos, as well as the lone huge Firebar in the game! Begin by running right to jump across the two platforms (be sure to miss the Podoboo flying from the lava), hit the Power-Up ? block, and then get on top of it so you can hop the approaching huge Firebar. Then you should hop down across the last platform while avoiding the Podoboos to arrive at the next section. Go along the bottom route slowly so you can avoid the Fire Bars here, and then hop up to the next ledge when the Fire Bar there is at 2 O'Clock. Leap onto the Donkey Kong-like elevators here and get across the pit while avoiding the Firebar guarding the ledge (try to jump when the Firebar is at 3 O'Clock). Then you can risk going after the six Gold Coins if you like to duel with a Firebar for them. The Bowser flames start at this point as well! Now you need to jump across the two lava pits while dodging the Bowser flames, and then go past the two pits where you can hide from the flames to find a brick walkway above (bust a couple to get up there if you are Super Mario). Then you just need to run across to get to the Axe Switch, or you can use the Fire Flower Power method to wipe Bowser out (once again it is a fake). Congratulations on finishing World Five! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------World Six----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10)This section will cover levels 6-1 to 6-4. o-----------o | World 6-1 | o-----------o Head off to the right, hit the two ? blocks, jump the gap, and you run into Spiny courtesy of good old Lakitu! Now hit the left-most brick at the top to get the Power-Up contained within, and then head left to jump another gap. Grab the coins, head up the stairs, jump the gap, and then go up to the top of the next stairs where you can kill Lakitu. Now go down to the lower brick ledge, head left onto the ground, get tight to the stairs, and then jump up to reveal an Invisible Block that contains a 1-Up! ---------------------+ Key | | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ +--+--+--+--+ | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+ | | |1-Up +--+--+--+--+ | | | |IB| +--+--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+--------+ +--- | | Now you will head right over a Piranha Plant pipe, up the mini-stairs, hit the two blocks to reveal a Power-Up in the right one, and by this point, Lakitu should have reappeared. Now head right up the next stairs, kill Lakitu if you wish to (easiest with fireballs), and then you can go after the Coin Block in the bricks below your ledge. You can just walk in to hit the Coin Block if you are Regular Mario, but if you are Super/Fiery Mario you need to use a Crouching Slide running from the left of the lowest brick ledge to get under the Coin Block. +--+--+ | | | +--+--+ +--+--+ | |CB| +--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+ +---------------- | Now head right over the gap, up the first part of the stairs, jump the big gap in the stairs, and then take a running leap off the top of the stairs to get a good score on the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 6-2 | o-----------o Go right to go over a Piranha Plant pipe, kill the Green Koopa Troopa with fireballs (or retreat the Koopa Troops into the shell on the side of the screen near the pipe without kicking the shell). Now jump up when you are directly below the middle brick of the high brick line to reveal an Invisible Block, and then jump straight up off of said block to start punching away on a Coin Block! Head right past the many Piranha Plant pipes while fighting a Green Paratroopa Koopa, and then stomp a Buzzy Beetle so it retreats into it's shell without kicking the shell. Now punch the second brick between the two pipes for a Power-Up. Now take a leap to the Piranha Plant pipe, and go down to enter a hidden water area! Head right past the first Blooper, swim through the suction elevator while dodging the now appearing Cheep-Cheeps, and then avoid the Bloopers and Cheep-Cheeps as you collect some coins on the way to the exit pipe. When you reappear, jump onto the brick on your left, and then hop up to the next highest brick, followed by a leap to the long brick row high in the air. Going right will bring you to a drop to two Piranha Plant pipes, and after that, jump to the first brick ledge you see another brick ledge just to your right. Now punch the first brick above you to reveal a Starman, which you should grab and head right through the Piranha Plants, Goombas, and other enemies. Once you reach the stairs, you can dewing the Green Paratroopa Koopa, stomp the Green Koopa Troopa, and then start the 1-Up bounce technique if you are fast enough at it. Anyway, once that is done, head up the staircase to the top, and hurl yourself forcefully from the top to hit the Flagpole for a lot of points! o-----------o | World 6-3 | o-----------o This is a platform and ledge jumping bonanza level, along with Bullet Bill starting to shoot through at the halfway point. I will do my best to describe each part, but this is a level that requires the player to do most of the work themselves through skill and practice. Run right, jump up the platforms, and then jump on to the vertically ledge. Grab the two coins at the top of the ledge area, jump right to the platform, and then use the springboard on the right to get up to the two horizontally moving ledges. After you get across to the third ledge, hit the ? block to reveal a Power-Up. Jump to the vertically moving ledge, then jump to the platform on the right, and then make use of the two pulley ledges (do this by lowering the left side so you can hop off the raised right ledge). This will get you onto a high platform with some coins on it, and following that, the Bullet Bills start as you head right across some platforms till you reach a Springboard. Use the Springboard to jump up to the horizontally moving ledge, jump to the pulley ledge, jump to the platforms on the right, and then quickly hop across the sinking ledged over the pit (be sure to hop forward swiftly so you do not sink too far down). Now take a running leap from the platform to reach the Flagpole's higher echelons! o-----------o | World 6-4 | o-----------o Jump the lava pit, go right under the Firebar, jump the lava pit (jump to the platform when the Fire Bar is just starting to pass 9 O'Clock), hit the ? block for a Power-Up, and then jump to the next ledge. Now walk right carefully so the Fire Bars will not hit you, and then when the hall opens a bit, jump the Fire Bars when they are pointed to 12 O'Clock (this allows you to clear the Fire Bars without worry of it swinging around to get you), and then hop the flames that flies at you (this is a BOWSER ATTACK!). Now you are in a depression in the floor where the flames from Bowser fly overhead, jump up in the air to find invisible blocks that yield one coin each if you hit them. They are arranged as follows: -------------------------------------+ Key | | 1,2,3,4,5,6 - order of brick hitting | | -------------------------------------+ +--+ +--+ +--+ |2 | |4 | |6 | +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ |1 | |3 | |5 | +--+ +--+ +--+ --+ +-- | | | | | | +--------------------------------+ now you will have one more safe spot from Bowser's flames, and then you step onto his bridge to fight him. If you have Fire Flower Power, shoot fireballs till the Koopa King is dead for 5,000 points (this allows Mario to not have to pass the Podoboo or avoid the thrown hammers of Bowser), or if you are Fireless, then you should run forward past the Podoboo to run underneath Bowser when he jumps during his hammer throwing frenzy. Pull the Axe Switch to send the bridge supports falling away (incidentally carrying Bowser to burn in the lava below!). Congratulations on finishing World Six! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------World Seven---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11)This section will cover levels 7-1 to 7-4. o-----------o | World 7-1 | o-----------o Start off by heading right to find a Bullet Bill Cannon, a Green Paratroopa Koopa, and then a duel Bullet Bill cannon (from this point on, they can be stacked on top of one another). After getting on top of the first stacked cannon, hit the left brick to reveal a Power-Up, collect it, and then head right past another Bullet Bill cannon to fight yet another Green Paratroopa Koopa. Hit the four ? blocks for coins if you like, jump the tall Bullet Bill cannon, and then fight a Green Paratroopa Koopa before hopping on top of the dual Bullet Bill cannon. Next you will go past the approaching Green Paratroopa Koopa, go underneath the Bullet Bill cannon on the bricks, and punch the Coin Block in the third brick from the left while avoiding more Bullet Bills from a cannon on the right. Jump the gap, go over the Piranha Plant pipe, and you will have to fight/flee two Hammer Brothers. The next pipe after that pair takes you to a Bonus Room (jump up to find the hidden 1-Up Mushroom if it generated for you), and when you return to the level, you face a Bullet Bill cannon. Now cross over the Piranha Plant pipe to face another pair of Hammer Brothers (fight or flee as you see fit). Jump the dual Bullet Bill cannon, use the Springboard to reveal a Power-Up, collect the Power-Up, and then head right over the first set of mini-stairs to the second set where you can perform the bouncing shell trick for lots of points and 1-Ups (on the approaching Buzzy Beetle). Now head up to the top of the stairs where you will leap to the high end of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 7-2 | o-----------o This level is very similar to level 2-2 except that there are more Bloopers, Red Cheep-Cheeps are much more common, and Green Cheep-Cheeps do not appear as often. The coin total is down a little from the totals found in 2-2. You will start by swimming right to get three coins on the bottom, go past a Blooper, go over the seaweed, and then get the three coins on the bottom. Next you face a Blooper, swim over the seaweed, go past another Blooper, and then swim over the suction of the pit below (go into it for coins if you like). Now Cheep-Cheeps will start coming at random locations on the screen for the rest of the level, so be wary. Three Bloopers will quickly appear, so stay on the bottom so they come to you, and then walk under them before swimming away from them. Now you will see another suction from the pit below (again the coins are optional pick-ups). Continuing right will take you over yet another suction pit with coins inside of it (collect if you dare), and then swim across the top of the water to avoid the fish. Then you should drop down to go through the pipe to find yourself at the staircase, so climb up and leap off at the Flagpole to finish the level. o-----------o | World 7-3 | o-----------o This level is similar to level 2-3, but with a few key differences. More Red Cheep-Cheeps in the air at one time, Red Koopas are added, Green Koopas are added, Red Paratroopa Koopas are added, and Green Paratroopa Koopas are added. The walkthrough will still be divided by bridges, and they will have the same numbering system, and Red Cheep-Cheeps will by flying throughout the level. Bridge #1 is fairly long run with nine total coins on it, but you need to watch out for a Green Koopa Troopa , followed by a Green Paratroopa Koopa before you hop the gap. Bridge #2 is a very short section with four coins on it as well as a Red Koopa Troopa before you get to hop to the next bridge. Bridge #3 is short with a Red Koopa Troopa on it. The gap jump leads to Bridge #4 where you can get the lone Power-Up on it from a ? block. Leap down to the green platform where a Red Koopa Troopa attacks before you can hop to Bridge #5. Bridge #5 has some coins as well as the first Green Paratroopa Koopa in the game that is able to have sustained airbourne flight (as opposed to the regular behaviour of bouncing along), and it leads to Bridge #6 where you find another evolutionary advanced Green Paratroopa Koopa guarding some coins. When you finish on this bridge, jump on over to Bridge #7. Bridge #7 leads to three small platform hops before depositing you onto Bridge #8. Bridge #8 is the end of the attacks, so run to jump the gap, climb the stairs, and then take a running leap at the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 7-4 | o-----------o This fortress is the second maze fortress you will encounter. If you are getting a repeat section of the castle, carefully go through each permutation of a path (or just use my guide). Head right to jump across to a sinking vertical ledge, and then you should jump across to the next sinking vertical ledge before hopping to the solid ground on the right (be sure to avoid the Podoboo that inhabits the lava pit here). Now take the bottom route, jump up to the next ledge you come to, and then jump up to the next ledge as the one you are on runs out to get to the next section of the castle. Take a running leap to hit the high ledge the Firebar guards (just run and jump as the Firebar will not hit you), and then drop to the floor first chance you get. Now you should jump onto the next ledge immediately, and then you should head right until you see a high path and the low path (take the high path to advance). Now you will see Bowser's flames start to come at you, so make your way past the five bunkers in the floor to find the bridge. Now, go onto the bridge to see a Podoboo guarding the King of the Koopas, and shoot fireballs till Bowser dies (yet another doppelganger). Otherwise, you should get in close underneath the arc of the thrown hammers, and run underneath the big bad Koopa King to grab the Axe Switch and finish the level! Congratulations on finishing World 7! Only one more World to go! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------World Eight---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12)This section will cover levels 8-1 to 8-4. This section of the game features two very unpleasant obstacles to what are already incredibly tough levels: 300 second timers (as opposed to the usual 400), as well as no midway point to continue from if you die in a level (dying at the staircase means going back to the start to fight through the whole level again). GOOD LUCK! o-----------o | World 8-1 | o-----------o Start off my stomping the Buzzy Beetle, kicking his shell, and then following till the points hit 2000 in the chain before you jump the rebounding shell. Go past the Piranha Plant pipe, deal with the two Green Koopa Troopas, run across the small gaps, jump from the bigger land section to clear a Green Koopa Troopa, and then take on three Goombas in a row. Jump the Piranha Plant pipe, stomp the Buzzy Beetle below when it is beside a pipe, do NOT kick the shell, but rather jump up near the middle of the ground between the two pipes to find an Invisible Block that contains a 1-Up! ---------------------+ Key | | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ 1-Up +--+ | | ++----++ +--+ ++----++ | | ++----++ | | ++----++ | | | | | | | | | | | | -+----+--------------+----+------ Now head right as you go past numerous Piranha Plant pipes, Goombas, and then five Green Koopa Troopas before arriving at another Piranha Plant pipe. Now head past it, fight the three Goombas, and then go over the small wall to where you will disable a Green Paratroopa Koopa (down to it inside it's shell). then hit the Invisible Block, and then get on it to hit a Coin Block. ---------------------+ Key | | IB - Invisible Block | CB - Coin Block | | ---------------------+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | |CB| | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ | | |IB| | | +--+ +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | ---+--+--------------------------+--+----------- Following this, head right to find two Green Paratroopa Koopas hopping toward you, and if any make it across the gaps, knock them down to their shells before you kick them away. Now you will run across the small gaps, hit the third brick from the left to find a Starman, and then continue right at top speed to go through two Green Koopa Troopas, jump a gap, three Goombas, up three Piranha Plant pipes (gaps between them), and then through an assortment of Goombas and Buzzy Beetles. Once you have gone over the stairs, you need to run and jump across a gap to a two space wide platform before jumping again to the far side. Now hop the trapped Green Koopa Troopa, running full speed towards the next gap, where there are two ways to do this hard section. The first is the more preferred method of running, jumping, and jumping immediately upon landing on the one square wide platform to jump again for the far side. The other option is to take a running leap, but slow Mario in his descent so you can stop on the platform before lining up on the left edged of the platform to make the next jump across. Now you have crossed, so jump the four Green Koopa Troopas, the two Piranha Plant pipes, and then climb the hole-riddled stairs to the top, where you can jump for the 5000 point section on the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 8-2 | o-----------o You get a big welcoming party to start 8-2. Two Green Paratroopa Koopas as well as Lakitu with his pet Spinies will attack you as you climb a staircase. Upon getting over the staircase, hit the four ? blocks for coins, and then head under the brick row in the sky to see Lakitu leave (at least he left quickly). Use the Springboard to hit a brick that contains the only recurring 1-Up in the game (it will be there if you die and have to restart the level). Now you need to go right while fighting off three Green Paratroopa Koopas, and you need to keep pace with the aforementioned 1-Up Mushroom moving to the right along the row of bricks. Once you see a lower row of bricks, jump onto them to wait and receive your 1-Up (if you were too fast/too slow, it will not be there to be collected). Now head right past the gaps and the Bullet Bill cannon to find a Green Paratroopa Koopa with a dual Bullet Bill cannon further along. Jump past them to find a Power-Up in the second brick you will see (just watch out for the Green Paratroopa Koopa), and then go past the Bullet Bill cannon on your right. The next section has a Buzzy Beetle between a Bullet Bill cannon (already mentioned), and a ground level Bullet Bill cannon. Just go atop the bricks to avoid that, and then the next section has two Buzzy Beetles between the Bullet Bill ground cannon and a tall Bullet Bill cannon (the second brick from the left has a Coin Block here). Now continue right over the Piranha Plant pipe to fight a Green Paratroopa Koopa, another Piranha Plant pipe, and another hard jump. For this jump you can get down on the first one block wide platform, get to the very edge of it, and then run over the small gap to the second one block wide platform where you hop across the gap to the other side. You can also run between the two Piranha Plants, take a low leap onto the second Piranha plant pipe, and then take a huge leap off of it to clear the wide gap (this way requires a fair amount of skill). Now that you are across the gap, you can go down the first Piranha Plant pipe (your time will be low of likeliness, so skip it), and then head right past the next Piranha Plant pipe (where the Bonus Room sends you back into the level) to fight three Green Paratroopa Koopas with a Bullet Bill cannon to complicate things further. Jump the gap, fight the two Goombas from the mini-stairs, and then go over the dual Bullet Bill cannon below to fight a Green Paratroopa Koopa. Now you should carefully climb the rather shoddy stairs (jump the gaps carefully) to reach the top, where you can take a hug running leap for the top of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 8-3 | o-----------o Jump the Bullet Bill cannon, take care of the Green Paratroopa Koopa, and then hop the tall Bullet Bill cannon as you head right to find a Piranha Plant pipe. After going past it, two Hammer Brothers will attack, and I suggest you fight them (reason to be explained below). Upon defeating the pair, get onto the bottom row of bricks, and then hit the second from the right brick above to reveal a Power-Up! +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | |PU| | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ Now after you have collected the Power-Up (likely a Super Mushroom), head right over the gap to the descending stairs, where another gap needs to be hopped across. A Bullet Bill cannon, followed by a Green Paratroopa Koopa greet you, and then you should head right to find a wall in the way. Jump the wall to mess with Hammer Brothers set #2! Take them out, and then get onto the lower row of bricks, and hit the second from the left brick to reveal a Power-Up (hopefully you are still Super Mario, so you can become Fiery Mario!). +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | |PU| | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ Jump onto the Piranha Plant, jump down to the platform below, stomp the Green Koopa Troopa so you can kick the shell and follow it as it plows through Hammer Brothers set #3! If you have Fire Flower Power on your side, just shoot the Green Koopa Troopa, move forward slowly so you can shoot the two aforementioned Hammer Brothers. Now jump the Piranha Plant pipe to tangle with Hammer Brothers set #4! If you have fireballs, just shoot them as you go along, but if you are not Fiery Mario, you need to get in close to the Hammer Brothers (inside the arc of their hammers), and then run underneath them as they jump in the air. Once you are approaching the end of the brick wall behind you, keep an eye out for a yellow line that looks to be out of place, and start to hit it as it is a Coin Block! Now jump up the barely there stairs to reach the ledge at the top, which you will of course jump off at full speed in an attempt to get yourself 5000 points! You have arrived at your final destination, Bowser's last fortress! He has to be inside, so go get him Mario! o-----------o | World 8-4 | o-----------o This fortress is a castle with a maze like system to it. However, this one differs from the previous mazes you were in as you do not have to walk on certain levels of the floor in certain parts, but you must pick the proper pipes to go down. If you choose the wrong one, you may end up right near the start of the level instead of going forward! This walkthrough will list only the pipes that lead forward, so you are warned not to go exploring other pipes if you want to reach the end! Walk to the bottom step, jump the lava pit, jump the Piranha Plant pipe, and run right to hop another Piranha Plant pipe to fight three Goombas. Next you have to use a horizontally moving ledge over a lava pit to get across, and then go down the first Piranha Plant pipe you see to advance to the next section. Head right past the Piranha Plant pipe to find two Buzzy Beetles (better to avoid them), another Piranha Plant pipe, and then two Green Paratroopa Koopas. Following that up is another Piranha Plant pipe, a jump over a lava pit, and two charging Green Paratroopa Koopas while you hit an invisible Block. Go on top of the Invisible Block, jump onto the floating Piranha Plant pipe when the Piranha Plant is out of the way, and then go down the pipe to get to the next section of the castle. ---------------------+ Key | | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ ++----++ ++----++ | | | | | | | | +--+ +----+ |IB| | | +--+ +----+ +------------------------------ | You will reappear in a new section of the castle where flying Red Cheep-Cheeps will start to bombard you with their bodies. Head right past the first two Piranha plant pipes you will see, across the lava pit, and then down the first Piranha plant pipe you come across to get to the next section of the castle. This section of the castle is underwater, so swim carefully. You will have to contend with not only normal underwater villains like Bloopers, but Firebars will also rear their ugly selves as well. Swim right (ignore the opening above) to wait for a Firebar to move to the 11 O'Clock position before going to the bottom of the chamber. Now head right to walk underneath another Firebar as it hits the 3 O'Clock position, and then swim through the enclosed passage the next Firebar guards when it moves to an 8 O'Clock position. Now you should walk carefully across the bottom of the chamber underneath the two Firebars (not to mention the Bloopers) to the wall, which you should swim up to the pipe exit as the Firebar hits the 3 O'Clock position to move onto the LAST section of the castle! You come out of a Piranha Plant pipe to head right over another Piranha Plant pipe to find a lone Hammer Brother! There are two good ways to deal with this deranged hammer-throwing opponent and those are the following. The more tried and true method is to wait inside the arc of the hammers, and when the Hammer Brother jumps into the air, run underneath to launch yourself across the lava pit (try not to hit the Podoboo that shoots out of there) to the final platform. The other way to do this is to stand on the left edge of the Piranha Plant pipe, and just play the waiting game. Eventually the Hammer Brother will get mad at you, and he will charge in your direction (continuing to throw hammers and jump). Your job is to leap over him, leap the lava pit (watching out for the Podoboo that shoots out of there) to land on the final platform. Moving to the right will bring Bowser flames your way, and once you get here, use your fireballs to roast the true Bowser, and send him flying into the lava pit to pay for his crimes. Oh wait, you are a normal player, so you have no Fire Flower Power? In that case, get in close so the hammers clear your head, and then run underneath Bowser to get the Axe Switch. Another common method of getting by Bowser here is if you are Super Mario/Fiery Mario, you can just run into Bowser to get hurt, which means you are invulnerable (and still able to get the Axe Switch unimpeded). Go to the right to find the Princess Toadstool waiting to thank you for your hard work on saving the Mushroom Kingdom, but you also get the offer of pressing START to get a more difficult quest! Anyway, Congratulations on succeeding in your journey to rescue Princess Toadstool, and for returning peace to the Mushroom Kingdom! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------Second Quest Details------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13)This section will look at what effects that the second quest has that are different from the first quest. It will also give some new strategies to use in some areas of the game as a result of these changes. Many thanks to Trace "Meowthnum1" Jackson for contributing to my guide with this section! Thanks buddy! Extra Mode is accessed by defeating King Bowser in world 8-4. It is, in essence, the mode you just beat, with a few differences. These differences, however, make the game more fun! o---------o | Changes | o---------o Enemies...........: The enemies in this mode are much faster than they are in Normal Mode. This becomes quite apparent where you have the most trouble... or is it just me? Enemy Variety.....: Some enemies are substituted for harder enemies. MOST Goombas and some Green Koopa Troopas, for instance, are replaced by the fire-proof Buzzy Beetles. Enemy Quantity....: Most enemies come in larger numbers now. They just so happen to be far enough apart to where you can't stomp them all in a row. Enemy Intelligence: The enemies seem a little better at tracking you as they change their platform levels (as opposed to just Spinies who could do it in the First Quest). Half-way Points...: They only exist in the first few levels. After that, you PRETTY MUCH have to start the level over when you die. Firebars..........: Most existing Firebars are now in the longer variety, especially the first few. Also, some empty blocks that didn't previously have Firebars, now have them. As usual, all this becomes apparent in the later stages. Elevator Ledges...: Smaller than normal with one-third reduced. Cloud Heaven Cloud: Reduced in size on World Two and Three. Ending............: When you beat it, Toadstool doesn't give you another Extra Quest. Thank [insert deity of your choice here]! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------World One Second Quest---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14)This section will look at World One after you have beat the game once, and then started a new game. o-----------o | World 1-1 | o-----------o Start your journey by running to the right to hit a ? block, kill a Buzzy Beetle, and then hit the three ? blocks (two coins, and one Super Mushroom). After this adventure, head right to go over the pipes and the three Buzzy Beetles, and when you pass the second and third Buzzy Beetles, go halfway between the pipe and the bottomless pit. Jump up to reveal a hidden block that contains a 1-Up Mushroom! The pipe can also be gone down to a bonus room with multiple coins. 1-Up +--+ ++----++ | | ++ ++ +--+ | | | | | | | | -+----+----------------------------+ +---- | | | | Jump across the gap, hit the bricks above as the two Buzzy Beetles fall down so you can then collect the power-up from the ? block, and then head right over the gap. Kill the two Buzzy Beetles that approach, hit the brick by itself as it is a Coin Block (hit until it turns into a spent block), and then hit the ? block for a coin. Next, you should hit the second brick of two for a Starman, collect it, and then run right as you plow through up to eight Buzzy Beetles. Jump carefully over the one last gap, and then head up the staircase to the top, where you should run and jump off at the Flagpole for the top to score high (like 5,000 or 2,000 points). o-----------o | World 1-2 | o-----------o You go underground, and once you land, destroy the two Buzzy Beetles coming at you before you hit the five ? blocks to get four coins and a Power-Up. Now head across the mini-columns in your way, hit the Buzzy Beetle in the shallow hole so it is by one side of the hole, but DO NOT kick it. Hit the Coin Block till it runs out, and then head right to take on two Green Koopa Troopas, get the coins off the brick structure (if you are still tall). Break the three right-most bricks to find a Starman, and then run right, ducking as you run under the low ledge so you will fit under (or bust the bricks above to make a different path). Head right collecting coins and killing all the enemies you can until your invincibility runs out. A Power-Up is in the tip of a brick structure, so bust the bricks carefully to get at it, and then the brick structure that is 2 X 5, hit the second column once, and then keep hitting the next block up as it is a Coin Block. Now get on the higher ledge, jump to the floating platform, and then hit the brick above you on the edge of the platform, quickly followed by hitting the one to the right of it immediately, so you will fall down to the bottom level as the 1-Up Mushroom will follow suit. -----------------------------+ Key | | 1,2 - order of brick hitting | | -----------------------------+ 1-Up +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | |1 |2 | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ Now you face three Buzzy Beetles, and then three Piranha Plants. You can go down the first pipe to find a treasure trove of coins before you go back up to come out of the third pipe in the line. Now jump the two gaps, kill the two Buzzy Beetles coming down the mini-stairs, and then jump onto the elevator coming down. Jump to the next platform (the far right brick has a Power-Up for you if you fight off the Red Koopa Troopa), and then hop onto the next elevator going up so you can land on the far ledge to go up the pipe. Once you move up the pipe, go right up the stairs, and launch yourself from the top to hit the Flagpole on the higher points of it. The other option is to ride the elevator to near the top of the screen, hop onto the roof of the level, and then run right till you fall down into a Warp Zone! You can warp to Worlds 2, 3, or 4 if you go this route! The following will make it clearer in picture form: MARIO => /\ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ || | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ---------- | [][][][] | ---------- | | | | | ---------- | [][][][] | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ---------- ++----| | | | | | | | | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ || | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--++----+--- | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | TO THIS PART +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | WELCOME TO WARP ZONE! | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ 4 3 2 +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ | | | +--+ ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+---+---+----+---+----+---+--------+--+--+ o-----------o | World 1-3 | o-----------o Bullet Bills have been added to this level, and they will shoot from all levels of the screen throughout your trip! Head right to kill a Red Koopa Troopa and two Buzzy Beetles as you collect various coins on the unlevel platforms (careful not to fall off the cliffs). Jump down to the low platform (collect the two coins on the fall), jump across the gap using the elevator, and hit the ? block to find a Power-Up. Then you should take the aforementioned elevator up to the top ledge for four coins, and then jump the gap that the Red Paratroopa Koopa patrols (look out for the Buzzy Beetle on the far ledge). Now you need to use the horizontally moving ledge, and jump from it to the next moving horizontally moving ledge, and then onto the next platform. Take out the Red Koopa, the Red Paratroopa Koopa, and then collect the coins before you jump across the horizontally moving ledge to reach the stairs. Now jump off the top to hit the Flagpole high up for a lot of points! Now you are entering your first fortress, so be ready! o-----------o | World 1-4 | o-----------o Jump the lava pit, go right past the Firebar, jump the lava pit (jump to the platform when the Fire Bar is just starting to pass 9 O'Clock), hit the ? block for a Power-Up, and then jump to the next ledge when the Fire Bar is at the 6 to 9 O'Clock position. Now walk to the right carefully so the Fire Bars will not hit you, and then when the hall opens a bit, jump the Fire Bars when they are pointed to 12 O'Clock (this allows you to clear the Fire Bars without worry of it swinging around to get you), and then hop the flames that flies at you (this is a BOWSER ATTACK!). Now you are in a depression in the floor where the flames from Bowser fly overhead, jump up in the air to find invisible blocks that yield one coin each if you hit them. They are arranged as follows: -------------------------------------+ Key | | 1,2,3,4,5,6 - order of brick hitting | | -------------------------------------+ +--+ +--+ +--+ |2 | |4 | |6 | +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ |1 | |3 | |5 | +--+ +--+ +--+ --+ +-- | | | | | | +--------------------------------+ now you will have one more safe spot from Bowser's flames, and then you step onto his bridge to fight him (be sure to watch out for the Podoboo on the bridge!). If you have Fire Flower Power, shoot fireballs till the Koopa King is dead for 5,000 points (it is a fake), or if you are Fireless, then you should run forward to jump Bowser OR run underneath him when he jumps to pull the Axe Switch to send the bridge supports falling away (incidentally carrying Bowser to burn in the lava below!). Congratulations on finishing World One! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------World Two Second Quest---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15)This section will look at World Two after you have beat the game once, and then started a new game. o-----------o | World 2-1 | o-----------o Start the level by going right to punch the middle brick of the three brick set to get a Power-Up, and then knock the Buzzy Beetle away before you go up the mini-stairs. Now jump down where you should hit one of the Green Koopa Troopas, but do NOT kick the shells. Now you should jump up and hit an invisible block which is found below and to the left of where the brick line is in the sky, and then get onto the block to jump straight up to hit the invisible 1-Up block. The following will give you an idea of what I mean: -----------------------------+ Key | | 1,2 - order of brick hitting | | -----------------------------+ 1-Up +--+--+--+--+ |2 | | | | +--+--+--+--+ +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ +--+ | | |1 | | | +--+ +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+-------------------------+--+ After that, head right two face two Buzzy Beetles, and then jump the pipe to land where a Green Koopa Troopa waits. After dealing with him, you have to get rid of two Buzzy Beetles, and then you should bust up the ten ? blocks for a Power-Up and nine coins. Then you face three Buzzy Beetles, jump up on the first brick you come across in the air, and hit the brick that is just to your up-right to release a Starman. Now collect it, hit the seven ? blocks as you kill the three Goombas, and then hit the third of five bricks above to make a beanstalk appear! Climb the beanstalk to go to Coin Heaven! VINE +--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ ----------------------------------- Coin Heaven has a white platform for you to get on, and you will jump up to get the coins in the air, and when the platform is about to run out, get off the cloud so you can take running leap at the three coins left in the air before falling back to the regular level. When you land, hit the Coin Block to your left, and then hit the ? block for a coin before dealing with the Piranha Plant and the Green Koopa Troopa. Now use the Springboard or the invisible block above the bricks to get to the top of the wall, where you will run and jump to reach the top of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 2-2 | o-----------o This is an underwater level, so you will press the A Button to swim, and B Button to throw fireballs (if you have Fire Flower Power). On this quest, the Blooper totals have risen significantly throughout the whole level, and the quantity of Red Cheep-Cheeps has also risen! You will start by swimming right to get three coins on the bottom, go past a Blooper, go over the seaweed, and then get the three coins on the bottom. Next you face a Blooper, swim over the seaweed, go past another Blooper, and then swim over the suction of the pit below (go into it for coins if you like). Now Cheep-Cheeps will start coming at random locations on the screen for the rest of the level, so be wary. Three Bloopers will quickly appear, so stay on the bottom so they come to you, and then walk under them before swimming away from them. Now you will see another suction from the pit below (again the coins are optional pick-ups). Continuing right will take you over yet another suction pit with coins inside of it (collect if you dare), and then swim across the top of the water to avoid the fish. Then you should drop down to go through the pipe to find yourself at the staircase, so climb up and leap off at the Flagpole to finish the level. o-----------o | World 2-3 | o-----------o This level has enemies that are only flying Cheep-Cheeps. Each paragraph will represent each bridge you are crossing, and in some cases, the small ledges grouped together. This level has Green Koopa Troopas, Green Paratroopa Koopas, and Red Koopa Troopas added into it for the secoond quest! The Red Cheep-Cheeps will also appear in large amounts than usual. Bridge #1 is fairly long run with nine total coins on it, but you need to watch out for a Green Koopa Troopa , followed by a Green Paratroopa Koopa before you hop the gap. Bridge #2 is a very short section with four coins on it as well as a Red Koopa Troopa before you get to hop to the next bridge. Bridge #3 is short with a Red Koopa Troopa on it. The gap jump leads to Bridge #4 where you can get the lone Power-Up on it from a ? block. Leap down to the green platform where a Red Koopa Troopa attacks before you can hop to Bridge #5. Bridge #5 has some coins as well as the first Green Paratroopa Koopa in the game that is able to have sustained airbourne flight (as opposed to the regular behaviour of bouncing along), and it leads to Bridge #6 where you find another evolutionary advanced Green Paratroopa Koopa guarding some coins. When you finish on this bridge, jump on over to Bridge #7. Bridge #7 leads to three small platform hops before depositing you onto Bridge #8. Bridge #8 is the end of the attacks, so run to jump the gap, climb the stairs, and then take a running leap at the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 2-4 | o-----------o This castle has been upgraded to 5-4 difficulty of the First Quest, including the massively large Fire Bar found by the lone Power-Up of the level! Begin by running right to jump across the two platforms (be sure to miss the Podoboo flying from the lava), hit the Power-Up ? block, and then get on top of it so you can hop the approaching huge Firebar. Then you should hop down across the last platform while avoiding the Podoboos to arrive at the next section. Go along the bottom route slowly so you can avoid the Fire Bars here, and then hop up to the next ledge when the Fire Bar there is at 2 O'Clock. Leap onto the Donkey Kong-like elevators here and get across the pit while avoiding the Firebar guarding the ledge (try to jump when the Firebar is at 3 O'Clock). Then you can risk going after the six Gold Coins if you like to duel with a Firebar for them. The Bowser flames start at this point as well! Now you need to jump across the two lava pits while dodging the Bowser flames, and then go past the two pits where you can hide from the flames to find a brick walkway above (bust a couple to get up there if you are Super Mario). Making sure to avoid the Podoboo at the start of the bridge, you just need to run across to get to the Axe Switch, or you can use the Fire Flower Power method to wipe Bowser out (once again it is a fake). Congratulations on finishing World Two! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------World Three Second Quest--------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16)This section will look at World Three after you have beat the game once, and then started a new game. o-----------o | World 3-1 | o-----------o You head right from the Fortress to hit two ? blocks before you tangle with two Green Paratroopa Koopas (you can also avoid them by going on top of the spent ? blocks). The next ? block contains a Power-Up, and then you will continue right past the bricks, past the first Piranha Plant to find a Buzzy Beetle. Go down the next pipe to enter a Bonus Room, and once you finish up in there (there is s a Power-Up on the left side of the brick structure), you will go onto a bridge. Kill/avoid the three Buzzy Beetles, and then go about three quarters of the way across the bridge to where you will jump up to hit an Invisible Block with a 1-Up inside! 1-Up +--+ | | +--+ +--+-----------------------+--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ Now jump the gap, and then jump off of the two block high stack at the left-most brick to release a Starman. Carefully collect it as you kill/avoid two Buzzy Beetles and a Green Koopa Troopa, and then go past the Piranha Plant to find the first Hammer Brother set of the game (just run through them as you are invincible). Now use the Springboard to get on top of the bricks high in the sky, and then go down to tangle with two more Buzzy Beetles (kick them off the cliff). Now you should get right next to the steps, hold the B Button, and then run left, followed by a jump for the lower brick platform. Then you should hit the right-most brick above you to reveal a Vine to go to Coin Heaven! VINE +--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+ +--+ | | +--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+--+ | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | +----------+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | When you fall back to the regular level, go under the brick platform, and start punching the second brick (going from the left) to find a Coin Block! Now jump over the gap, and you have arrived at the first place in the game that you can gain multiple lives! Kill the first Green Koopa Troopa, wait for the second one to start his step to the stair above yours, and then jump straight up to retreat the Koopa Troopa into it's shell. If done correctly, you will start to bounce repeatedly on the shell to more and more points before long 1-Ups start tot total up! You will have to start the jumping chain over on occasion, but you can gain many lives here (do not gain too many lives, as it will end your game: see the 1-Up Methods section for diagrams on this trick as well as info on too many lives). When you have had your run at extra Marios, go up the stairs, to where you launch yourself off to get a high total on the Flagpole! o-----------o | World 3-2 | o-----------o Start this level by hopping on the first Green Koopa Troopa you see, kick the shell, and then follow it to get a 1-Up for plowing through all the enemies on the path (be sure to jump the rebounding shell). Now you should collect the three Gold Coins, hit the ? block to release a Power-Up, and then collect it as you/before you fight a Green Koopa Troopa and three Buzzy Beetles. If you have Fire Flower Power, roast the Green Koopa Troopa before you go to hit the Coin Block. If you do not have the fireballs to use, go hit the top brick to get a Starman, kill the Green Koopa Troopa, and then hit the Coin Block. Now head right to fight a Green Paratroopa Koopa, a Green Koopa, and then three Buzzy Beetles before you hit a gap. Jump the gap, jump the next gap, and then stomp the Green Koopa Troopa so you can kick the shell. Follow the shell as it heads right to plow through enemies till you gain another 1-Up! Now head over the Piranha Plant pipe, stomp the Green Koopa, kick the shell to follow it as it reaches 5000 points before the shell rebounds off the barrier. Now you should climb the staircase, take a running leap from the top, and then you will land on the Flagpole to get yourself a nice and high bonus score! o-----------o | World 3-3 | o-----------o The Pulley Ledges has also had their platforms reduced in size by one third over the first quest! Start by running right, jump up two ledges to fight a Buzzy Beetle, and then use the moving platform to reach the next ledge. Now head right as you get a few of the scattered Gold Coins, kill the two Red Koopa Troopas as you get some more Gold Coins and a Power-Up, and then hop off the high ledge to a sinking platform )+(jump to the right immediately to the waiting ledge). Run across the holes as you get some coins, jump to the next ledge, and then make use of the pulley ledges (these will sink on your end, rise on the other) to get onto the next set of moving platforms. Now that you have got to a solid ledge, jump across the gap to the next ledge where you find three waiting Gold Coins, and then jump the gap that is guarded be a Red Paratroopa Koopa. The next ledge up has two Red Koopa Troopas patrolling it, and then use the next moving platform to get onto to another pulley ledge set. Draw the left side down so you can hop to the right ledge as it rises. Now you should take a running leap before the ledge sinks down to far so you can hit high on the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 3-4 | o-----------o Start off by running right to jump across three lava pits, but you have Podoboos flying out of each lava pit as well as Firebars on each platform (the best way to go is to jump across quickly). Now you come across three ? blocks, and the middle one has a Power-Up for you. Once you collect the Power-Up, jump the lava pit, then hop through the first two Firebars (the bottom ones) when they are at a 3 O'Clock position, and then hop though the last Firebar set when the bottom one is at 7 O'Clock position. Now hop the lava pit, at which point Bowser starts his flame barrage, and then you enter a room where three lava pits are found, each one with a Podoboo inside. You should carefully jump from one platform to the next when the Podoboo ahead of you is heading down into the lava and when the Bowser flames are not blocking your jump. Now head for the bunker in the pathway, and then head out again when no flames are coming. Run right to find Bowser and his bridge as usual, and you should use fireballs (if you got them). Otherwise, wait for Bowser to make a jump, and then cut underneath him, or jump him as he is landing from his jump. Pull the Axe Switch to send him into his lava bath! Congratulations on finishing World Three! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------World Four Second Quest---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17)This section will look at World Four after you have beat the game once, and then started a new game. o-----------o | World 4-1 | o-----------o The best way to do this level is to rush your way through, or to kill Lakitu at every opportunity (high ledges). This guide will list the latter, but running through is the suggested method. Start off by going right, jumping the Piranha Plant, and get the Power-Up from the ? block. Now Lakitu should be raining Spinies down to accost you, so take this opportunity to jump on top of the higher ? block so you can kill Lakitu. Now run right to jump a gap, grab the four Gold Coins, punch the next four ? blocks, and then kill a Lakitu again when he shows up. Now head right to jump a gap, and then you will find four ? blocks in the air. Go on top of the blocks, stand on the third one (from the left), and then jump straight up to find an Invisible Block with a 1-Up inside! 1-Up +--+ | | +--+ +--+--+--+--+ |? |? |? |? | +--+--+--+--+ Head right as Lakitu returns to annoy you, jump the Piranha Plant pipe, collect the coins, and then go down the next pipe to enter a Bonus Room. After you exit, head right to jump three gaps (during the third one, Lakitu returns again), and then run right at full speed so Lakitu can not catch up to you (he will turn around when you reach the end of level staircase), Climb the staircase, fall down to hit the Coin Block, and then hop back on top of the staircase to jump for the high end of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 4-2 | o-----------o Upon entering this level, you are immediately faced with some tough terrain to jump on. The easiest way to clear it is to start with a big run, half jump (tap the A Button) to land on the wider ledge, and then do a full jump to clear the rest of the pit. Go into the mini-bunker to get a Power-Up and some Gold Coins before you head right down the hall to tangle with three Buzzy Beetles in the enclosed space (try to bounce your way across all three at once, or just stomp the first one so you can kick it at the other two). The fifth from the right column of bricks has a Coin Block inside of it. ----------------+ Key | | CB - Coin Block | | ----------------+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ | |CB| | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ Now you enter a choice in the level: you can continue on the normal level route, or you can go for the Warp Zone to Worlds Six, Seven, and Eight. The Warp Zone route will be shown first, and then the guide will revert to the same spot to continue the guide. ---------------------+ Key | | ? - ? Block | PW - Power-Up | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ ========== FIGURE ONE ========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ +--+--+ |? |? | +--+--+ ---------- [][][][] ---------- || +--+ +--+--+ +--+--+--+ \/ | | |? |? | |? |PW|? | +--+ +--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+--------------------------+ +--- | | ========== FIGURE TWO ========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+ | | | | | +--+--+--+--+ +--+ |IB| +--+--+ |IB| +--+ ++----++ ++----++ | | | | +-----------------------------+----+- | ============ FIGURE THREE ============ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ VINE +--+--+ | | | +--+--+ +--+ |IB| +--+--+--+ |IB| |IB| +--+ +--+--+ |IB| +--+ ++----++ ++----++ | | | | +-----------------------------+----+- | =========== FIGURE FOUR =========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | WELCOME TO WARP ZONE! | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ 8 7 6 +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ | | | +--+ ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+---+---+-----+---+-----+---+---------+--+--+ ========== FIGURE ONE ========== Get the Power-Up from the marked ? Block, and then go across the elevator gap. ========== FIGURE TWO ========== Punch the two Invisible Blocks, and then break the two bricks directly above each one. ============ FIGURE THREE ============ Punch the next brick in the line to release a Vine into the sky. Now fall down, punch the other two Invisible Blocks for two extra Gold Coins, and then climb the vine. Run right through the mushroom ledges, and then you arrive at... =========== FIGURE FOUR =========== Warp Zone #2! Choose your World that is your destination, and then head on to the next challenge! Now that you have seen and read how to do this Warp, we revert to the same starting point to continue on. Grab the Power-Up from the ? block second from the right of the elevator pit. Now go across the elevator, go past the Piranha Plant, go for the Coin Block beside the pipe (if you can handle the Green Koopa Troopa), and then jump over the tall Piranha Plant pipe to try and get the Starman from the right-most brick where the Buzzy Beetle is patrolling. Now head left over the pipes, past Buzzy Beetles, the Green Koopa Troopas, and then hop over the gaps to reach an elevator. Hop onto the second ledge of the middle part between elevators, and hit the middle brick for a Power-Up. Now you have a choice, ride the elevator up to the top so you can get on the ceiling to make a run for the Warp Zone to World 5, or continue on through the level (this walkthrough will finish the level). Once you get by the elevator, three Piranha Plants and a Green Koopa Troopa are waiting on this ledge, so jump the platform to face a Buzzy Beetle before you hop on an elevator moving downwards. Hop off to punch the first brick in the long horizontal row of them to reveal a Power-Up, and then hop over the two Green Koopa Troopas to get the Super Mushroom (or bust the bricks before the Koopa Troopas get to you so you can just roast them with Fire Flower Power). Head up the mini-stairs, hop to the tall Piranha Plant pipe, fall down to the low ledge, and then hop to the higher ledge to take the pipe out of the underground. Go up the staircase to launch yourself off the top to reach the upper reaches of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 4-3 | o-----------o Go right to see that this is a multi-platformed level. Jump up to the next ledge where two Red Koopa Troopas guard many Gold Coins, and then hop to the next high ledge on your right . Hop the Red Paratroopa Koopa, get the Power-Up from the ? block, and then go down to the bottom ledge where the Red Koopa Troopa guards some coins. Head right once more to play on a pulley ledge, and use that to get to the moving vertical platform set. Once you get across that set, wait for the second platform in the set to go high before you vacate it so you can get some coins, and then kill the Red Koopa Troopa on the next platform. Now you have to go across three pulley ledges, so do the following maneuvers: stay on the left ledge till the right starts to rise, and do this two more times for the second and third pulley ledges in the set. You will land on a platform with five Gold Coins, and then head left across the remaining platforms to reach a vertically moving ledge, which you will take a running leap off of when it is at it's highest point so you land on the higher part of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 4-4 | o-----------o This Fortress is the first of three castles that requires Mario to go through the castle on a certain path because it is a maze. If the wrong path is taken, you will have to repeat the area you just attempted. The castle starts off by giving two lava pits to be jumped, followed up by a choice between the high road or the low road. Take the high path, and make sure to run as you head right so you will go over the gaps in the floor (the Firebar will not hit you, so do not worry). Now when you get to the next section of the maze, go up the small, rising platforms, and when you reach the first hole in the top floor, go through it, and then go through the hole on your left to reach the bottom floor. Now run right to finish off this section of the maze, and Bowser will choose this moment to start trying to barbeque you (be wary of the Firebar as you go right). Continue right past the bunker in the floor to reach the Bowser bridge where Bowser has both a Firebar and a Podoboo to help defend him. Shoot with fireballs form a safe distance (behind the Firebar), or carefully jump the Firebar, get by the Podoboo, and then go under/over Bowser if you are Regular/Super Mario. Grab the Axe Switch to send Bowser falling into the lava, and then head over to find Toad once more! Congratulation on finishing World 4! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------World Five Second Quest---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18)This section will look at World Five after you have beat the game once, and then started a new game. o-----------o | World 5-1 | o-----------o Stomp the Green Koopa Troopa at the start, kick the shell, and then follow it to kill nine enemies for a lot of points as well as a 1-Up (be sure to hop the rebounding shell)! Jump the Piranha Plant pipe, jump the gap to the next pipe when the Piranha Plant is going down into the pipe, and then take the Green Paratroopa Koopa down to it's shell so you can kick it to clear enemies out of your way (up to the 8000 point spot in the chain). Now hit the middle brick of the three to receive a Starman, ad then run right through three Buzzy Beetles, past the Bullet Bill cannon, over the gap through three Buzzy Beetles, a Green Koopa Troopa, three Buzzy Beetles, and then two Green Koopa Troopas (you can also kick the front Buzzy Beetle for a 1-Up through the point chain if you missed the Starman). Now you should jump the wall, and then try to jump back through the small hole to reveal an Invisible Block hiding a 1-Up! ---------------------+ Key | | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ 1-Up +--+--+--+--+ | |IB| | | +--+--+--+--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+-----------+ | After collecting the 1-Up, take a running leap to the floating pipe when the Piranha Plant is starting to return to the inside of the pipe. When you land on the pipe, go down inside of it to find a Bonus Room. When you return to the level, go past the Bullet Bill cannon, and then tangle with two Green Paratroopa Koopas before heading up the broken stairs (make sure to hop over to the far side if the staircase). Take a running leap off of the staircase top to reach the Flagpole top. If you are extremely good, you can make one of the Green Paratroopa Koopas into a Green Koopa on the stairs, where you can do the 1-Up trick on the stairs. This is extremely hard to do, but it is possible on this staircase to do so. o-----------o | World 5-2 | o-----------o Go up the stairs to find a Bullet Bill cannon, which you will jump to land on a lower edge. Here you will find a Springboard, which you should use to get onto the high brick ledge. Now go to the end of the brick ledge, drop down to the lower brick ledge, and hit the right-most brick to gain a Power-Up. Move to the right to see a solo Hammer Brother guarding the stairwell, and he leaves you two choices: one is to kamikaze charge at him in hope of jumping between the hammers for a lucky kill, or back off onto the high brick ledge to wait for the Hammer Brother to charge at you. I suggest that you wait, and when he finally charges, take a running leap past him, and then go down the first pipe you come across. Now I know this is the weird room to go to (it is the underwater room with enemies), but once you get through, you will see why. Anyway, head right past the first Blooper, swim through the suction elevator while dodging the now appearing Cheep-Cheeps, and then avoid the Bloopers and Cheep-Cheeps as you collect some coins on the way to the exit pipe. When you reappear, a place where you would have to fight a pair of Hammer Brothers has been stripped of them (you actually get to avoid three total Hammer Brothers this way!). Now get onto the lower brick ledge, go to the very end on the right, and then jump up to reveal a Starman. Collect the Starman as you hop across the gap, and then head right as you plow through three Buzzy Beetles. Now you should use the Crouching Slide (if you are Super or Fiery Mario) to get under the first low brick to hit a Coin Block dry. Then get the one beside it for a Power-Up. Jump up the brick ledges to face a Red Koopa Troopa, then drop down to kill two Green Paratroopa Koopas before you use the lone brick to reach the high brick ledge. Then you should hop down to the ground, kill the Green Paratroopa Koopa, and then carefully hop up the broken staircase to the top where you can launch yourself with wild abandon for the higher portions of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 5-3 | o-----------o Keep in mind that Bullet Bills will fly at you for the whole level from the left side of the screen. Head right to kill a Red Koopa Troopa and two Buzzy Beetles as you collect various coins on the unlevel platforms (careful not to fall off the cliffs). Jump down to the low platform (collect the two coins on the fall), jump across the gap using the elevator, and hit the ? block to find a Power-Up. Then you should take the aforementioned elevator up to the top ledge for four coins, and then jump the gap that the Red Paratroopa Koopa patrols (look out for the Buzzy Beetle on the far ledge). Now you need to use the horizontally moving ledge, and jump from it to the next moving horizontally moving ledge, and then onto the next platform. Take out the Red Koopa, the Red Paratroopa Koopa, and then collect the coins before you jump across the horizontally moving ledge to reach the stairs. Now jump off the top to hit the Flagpole high up for a lot of points! o-----------o | World 5-4 | o-----------o Begin by running right to jump across the two platforms (be sure to miss the Podoboo flying from the lava), hit the Power-Up ? block, and then get on top of it so you can hop the approaching huge Firebar. Then you should hop down across the last platform while avoiding the Podoboos to arrive at the next section. Go along the bottom route slowly so you can avoid the Fire Bars here, and then hop up to the next ledge when the Fire Bar there is at 2 O'Clock. Leap onto the Donkey Kong-like elevators here and get across the pit while avoiding the Firebar guarding the ledge (try to jump when the Firebar is at 3 O'Clock). Then you can risk going after the six Gold Coins if you like to duel with a Firebar for them. The Bowser flames start at this point as well! Now you need to jump across the two lava pits while dodging the Bowser flames, and then go past the two pits where you can hide from the flames to find a brick walkway above (bust a couple to get up there if you are Super Mario). Making sure to avoid the Podoboo at the start of the bridge, you just need to run across to get to the Axe Switch, or you can use the Fire Flower Power method to wipe Bowser out (once again it is a fake). Congratulations on finishing World Two! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------World Six Second Quest---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19)This section will look at World Six after you have beat the game once, and then started a new game. o-----------o | World 6-1 | o-----------o Head off to the right, hit the two ? blocks, jump the gap, and you run into Spiny courtesy of good old Lakitu! Now hit the left-most brick at the top to get the Power-Up contained within, and then head left to jump another gap. Grab the coins, head up the stairs, jump the gap, and then go up to the top of the next stairs where you can kill Lakitu. Now go down to the lower brick ledge, head left onto the ground, get tight to the stairs, and then jump up to reveal an Invisible Block that contains a 1-Up! ---------------------+ Key | | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ +--+--+--+--+ | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+ | | |1-Up +--+--+--+--+ | | | |IB| +--+--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+--------+ +--- | | Now you will head right over a Piranha Plant pipe, up the mini-stairs, hit the two blocks to reveal a Power-Up in the right one, and by this point, Lakitu should have reappeared. Now head right up the next stairs, kill Lakitu if you wish to (easiest with fireballs), and then you can go after the Coin Block in the bricks below your ledge. You can just walk in to hit the Coin Block if you are Regular Mario, but if you are Super/Fiery Mario you need to use a Crouching Slide running from the left of the lowest brick ledge to get under the Coin Block. +--+--+ | | | +--+--+ +--+--+ | |CB| +--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | +--+--+--+ +---------------- | Now head right over the gap, up the first part of the stairs, jump the big gap in the stairs, and then take a running leap off the top of the stairs to get a good score on the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 6-2 | o-----------o Go right to go over a Piranha Plant pipe, kill the Green Koopa Troopa with fireballs (or retreat the Koopa Troops into the shell on the side of the screen near the pipe without kicking the shell). Now jump up when you are directly below the middle brick of the high brick line to reveal an Invisible Block, and then jump straight up off of said block to start punching away on a Coin Block! Head right past the many Piranha Plant pipes while fighting a Green Paratroopa Koopa, and then stomp a Buzzy Beetle so it retreats into it's shell without kicking the shell. Now punch the second brick between the two pipes for a Power-Up. Now take a leap to the Piranha Plant pipe, and go down to enter a hidden water area! Head right past the first Blooper, swim through the suction elevator while dodging the now appearing Cheep-Cheeps, and then avoid the Bloopers and Cheep-Cheeps as you collect some coins on the way to the exit pipe. When you reappear, jump onto the brick on your left, and then hop up to the next highest brick, followed by a leap to the long brick row high in the air. Going right will bring you to a drop to two Piranha Plant pipes, and after that, jump to the first brick ledge you see another brick ledge just to your right. Now punch the first brick above you to reveal a Starman, which you should grab and head right through the Piranha Plants, Goombas, and other enemies. Once you reach the stairs, you can dewing the Green Paratroopa Koopa, stomp the Green Koopa Troopa, and then start the 1-Up bounce technique if you are fast enough at it. Anyway, once that is done, head up the staircase to the top, and hurl yourself forcefully from the top to hit the Flagpole for a lot of points! o-----------o | World 6-3 | o-----------o This is a platform and ledge jumping bonanza level, along with Bullet Bill starting to shoot through at the halfway point. I will do my best to describe each part, but this is a level that requires the player to do most of the work themselves through skill and practice. Run right, jump up the platforms, and then jump on to the vertically ledge. Grab the two coins at the top of the ledge area, jump right to the platform, and then use the springboard on the right to get up to the two horizontally moving ledges. After you get across to the third ledge, hit the ? block to reveal a Power-Up. Jump to the vertically moving ledge, then jump to the platform on the right, and then make use of the two pulley ledges (do this by lowering the left side so you can hop off the raised right ledge). This will get you onto a high platform with some coins on it, and following that, the Bullet Bills start as you head right across some platforms till you reach a Springboard. Use the Springboard to jump up to the horizontally moving ledge, jump to the pulley ledge, jump to the platforms on the right, and then quickly hop across the sinking ledged over the pit (be sure to hop forward swiftly so you do not sink too far down). Now take a running leap from the platform to reach the Flagpole's higher echelons! o-----------o | World 6-4 | o-----------o Jump the lava pit, go right under the Firebar, jump the lava pit (jump to the platform when the Fire Bar is just starting to pass 9 O'Clock), hit the ? block for a Power-Up, and then jump to the next ledge. Now walk right carefully so the Fire Bars will not hit you, and then when the hall opens a bit, jump the Fire Bars when they are pointed to 12 O'Clock (this allows you to clear the Fire Bars without worry of it swinging around to get you), and then hop the flames that flies at you (this is a BOWSER ATTACK!). Now you are in a depression in the floor where the flames from Bowser fly overhead, jump up in the air to find invisible blocks that yield one coin each if you hit them. They are arranged as follows: -------------------------------------+ Key | | 1,2,3,4,5,6 - order of brick hitting | | -------------------------------------+ +--+ +--+ +--+ |2 | |4 | |6 | +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ |1 | |3 | |5 | +--+ +--+ +--+ --+ +-- | | | | | | +--------------------------------+ now you will have one more safe spot from Bowser's flames, and then you step onto his bridge to fight him. If you have Fire Flower Power, shoot fireballs till the Koopa King is dead for 5,000 points (this allows Mario to not have to pass the Podoboo or avoid the thrown hammers of Bowser), or if you are Fireless, then you should run forward past the Podoboo to run underneath Bowser when he jumps during his hammer throwing frenzy. Pull the Axe Switch to send the bridge supports falling away (incidentally carrying Bowser to burn in the lava below!). Congratulations on finishing World Six! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------World Seven Second Quest--------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20)This section will look at World Seven after you have beat the game once, and then started a new game. o-----------o | World 7-1 | o-----------o Start off by heading right to find a Bullet Bill Cannon, a Green Paratroopa Koopa, and then a duel Bullet Bill cannon (from this point on, they can be stacked on top of one another). After getting on top of the first stacked cannon, hit the left brick to reveal a Power-Up, collect it, and then head right past another Bullet Bill cannon to fight yet another Green Paratroopa Koopa. Hit the four ? blocks for coins if you like, jump the tall Bullet Bill cannon, and then fight a Green Paratroopa Koopa before hopping on top of the dual Bullet Bill cannon. Next you will go past the approaching Green Paratroopa Koopa, go underneath the Bullet Bill cannon on the bricks, and punch the Coin Block in the third brick from the left while avoiding more Bullet Bills from a cannon on the right. Jump the gap, go over the Piranha Plant pipe, and you will have to fight/flee two Hammer Brothers. The next pipe after that pair takes you to a Bonus Room (jump up to find the hidden 1-Up Mushroom if it generated for you), and when you return to the level, you face a Bullet Bill cannon. Now cross over the Piranha Plant pipe to face another pair of Hammer Brothers (fight or flee as you see fit). Jump the dual Bullet Bill cannon, use the Springboard to reveal a Power-Up, collect the Power-Up, and then head right over the first set of mini-stairs to the second set where you can perform the bouncing shell trick for lots of points and 1-Ups (on the approaching Buzzy Beetle). Now head up to the top of the stairs where you will leap to the high end of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 7-2 | o-----------o You will start by swimming right to get three coins on the bottom, go past a Blooper, go over the seaweed, and then get the three coins on the bottom. Next you face a Blooper, swim over the seaweed, go past another Blooper, and then swim over the suction of the pit below (go into it for coins if you like). Now Cheep-Cheeps will start coming at random locations on the screen for the rest of the level, so be wary. Three Bloopers will quickly appear, so stay on the bottom so they come to you, and then walk under them before swimming away from them. Now you will see another suction from the pit below (again the coins are optional pick-ups). Continuing right will take you over yet another suction pit with coins inside of it (collect if you dare), and then swim across the top of the water to avoid the fish. Then you should drop down to go through the pipe to find yourself at the staircase, so climb up and leap off at the Flagpole to finish the level. o-----------o | World 7-3 | o-----------o Bridge #1 is fairly long run with nine total coins on it, but you need to watch out for a Green Koopa Troopa , followed by a Green Paratroopa Koopa before you hop the gap. Bridge #2 is a very short section with four coins on it as well as a Red Koopa Troopa before you get to hop to the next bridge. Bridge #3 is short with a Red Koopa Troopa on it. The gap jump leads to Bridge #4 where you can get the lone Power-Up on it from a ? block. Leap down to the green platform where a Red Koopa Troopa attacks before you can hop to Bridge #5. Bridge #5 has some coins as well as a Green Paratroopa Koopa that is able to have sustained airbourne flight (as opposed to the regular behaviour of bouncing along), and it leads to Bridge #6 where you find another evolutionary advanced Green Paratroopa Koopa guarding some coins. When you finish on this bridge, jump on over to Bridge #7. Bridge #7 leads to three small platform hops before depositing you onto Bridge #8. Bridge #8 is the end of the attacks, so run to jump the gap, climb the stairs, and then take a running leap at the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 7-4 | o-----------o This fortress is the second maze fortress you will encounter. If you are getting a repeat section of the castle, carefully go through each permutation of a path (or just use my guide). Head right to jump across to a sinking vertical ledge, and then you should jump across to the next sinking vertical ledge before hopping to the solid ground on the right (be sure to avoid the Podoboo that inhabits the lava pit here). Now take the bottom route, jump up to the next ledge you come to, and then jump up to the next ledge as the one you are on runs out to get to the next section of the castle. Take a running leap to hit the high ledge the Firebar guards (just run and jump as the Firebar will not hit you), and then drop to the floor first chance you get. Now you should jump onto the next ledge immediately, and then you should head right until you see a high path and the low path (take the high path to advance). Now you will see Bowser's flames start to come at you, so make your way past the five bunkers in the floor to find the bridge. Now, go onto the bridge to see a Podoboo guarding the King of the Koopas, and shoot fireballs till Bowser dies (yet another doppelganger). Otherwise, you should get in close underneath the arc of the thrown hammers, and run underneath the big bad Koopa King to grab the Axe Switch and finish the level! Congratulations on finishing World 7! Only one more World to go! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------World Eight Second Quest--------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21)This section will look at World Eight after you have beat the game once, and then started a new game. o-----------o | World 8-1 | o-----------o Start off my stomping the Buzzy Beetle, kicking his shell, and then following till the points hit 2000 in the chain before you jump the rebounding shell. Go past the Piranha Plant pipe, deal with the two Green Koopa Troopas, run across the small gaps, jump from the bigger land section to clear a Green Koopa Troopa, and then take on three Goombas in a row. Jump the Piranha Plant pipe, stomp the Buzzy Beetle below when it is beside a pipe, do NOT kick the shell, but rather jump up near the middle of the ground between the two pipes to find an Invisible Block that contains a 1-Up! ---------------------+ Key | | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ 1-Up +--+ | | ++----++ +--+ ++----++ | | ++----++ | | ++----++ | | | | | | | | | | | | -+----+--------------+----+------ Now head right as you go past numerous Piranha Plant pipes, Buzzy Beetles, and then five Green Koopa Troopas before arriving at another Piranha Plant pipe. Now head past it, fight the three Buzzy Beetles, and then go over the small wall to where you will disable a Green Paratroopa Koopa (down to it inside it's shell). then hit the Invisible Block, and then get on it to hit a Coin Block. ---------------------+ Key | | IB - Invisible Block | CB - Coin Block | | ---------------------+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | |CB| | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+ +--+ +--+ | | |IB| | | +--+ +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | ---+--+--------------------------+--+----------- Following this, head right to find two Green Paratroopa Koopas hopping toward you, and if any make it across the gaps, knock them down to their shells before you kick them away. Now you will run across the small gaps, hit the third brick from the left to find a Starman, and then continue right at top speed to go through two Green Koopa Troopas, jump a gap, three Buzzy Beetles, up three Piranha Plant pipes (gaps between them), and then through a horde of Buzzy Beetles. Once you have gone over the stairs, you need to run and jump across a gap to a two space wide platform before jumping again to the far side. Now hop the trapped Green Koopa Troopa, running full speed towards the next gap, where there are two ways to do this hard section. The first is the more preferred method of running, jumping, and jumping immediately upon landing on the one square wide platform to jump again for the far side. The other option is to take a running leap, but slow Mario in his descent so you can stop on the platform before lining up on the left edged of the platform to make the next jump across. Now you have crossed, so jump the four Green Koopa Troopas, the two Piranha Plant pipes, and then climb the hole-riddled stairs to the top, where you can jump for the 5000 point section on the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 8-2 | o-----------o You get a big welcoming party to start 8-2. Two Green Paratroopa Koopas as well as Lakitu with his pet Spinies will attack you as you climb a staircase. Upon getting over the staircase, hit the four ? blocks for coins, and then head under the brick row in the sky to see Lakitu leave (at least he left quickly). Use the Springboard to hit a brick that contains the only recurring 1-Up in the game (it will be there if you die and have to restart the level). Now you need to go right while fighting off three Green Paratroopa Koopas, and you need to keep pace with the aforementioned 1-Up Mushroom moving to the right along the row of bricks. Once you see a lower row of bricks, jump onto them to wait and receive your 1-Up (if you were too fast/too slow, it will not be there to be collected). Now head right past the gaps and the Bullet Bill cannon to find a Green Paratroopa Koopa with a dual Bullet Bill cannon further along. Jump past them to find a Power-Up in the second brick you will see (just watch out for the Green Paratroopa Koopa), and then go past the Bullet Bill cannon on your right. The next section has a Buzzy Beetle between a Bullet Bill cannon (already mentioned), and a ground level Bullet Bill cannon. Just go atop the bricks to avoid that, and then the next section has two Buzzy Beetles between the Bullet Bill ground cannon and a tall Bullet Bill cannon (the second brick from the left has a Coin Block here). Now continue right over the Piranha Plant pipe to fight a Green Paratroopa Koopa, another Piranha Plant pipe, and another hard jump. For this jump you can get down on the first one block wide platform, get to the very edge of it, and then run over the small gap to the second one block wide platform where you hop across the gap to the other side. You can also run between the two Piranha Plants, take a low leap onto the second Piranha plant pipe, and then take a huge leap off of it to clear the wide gap (this way requires a fair amount of skill). Now that you are across the gap, you can go down the first Piranha Plant pipe (your time will be low of likeliness, so skip it), and then head right past the next Piranha Plant pipe (where the Bonus Room sends you back into the level) to fight three Green Paratroopa Koopas with a Bullet Bill cannon to complicate things further. Jump the gap, fight the two Goombas from the mini-stairs, and then go over the dual Bullet Bill cannon below to fight a Green Paratroopa Koopa. Now you should carefully climb the rather shoddy stairs (jump the gaps carefully) to reach the top, where you can take a hug running leap for the top of the Flagpole. o-----------o | World 8-3 | o-----------o Jump the Bullet Bill cannon, take care of the Green Paratroopa Koopa, and then hop the tall Bullet Bill cannon as you head right to find a Piranha Plant pipe. After going past it, two Hammer Brothers will attack, and I suggest you fight them (reason to be explained below). Upon defeating the pair, get onto the bottom row of bricks, and then hit the second from the right brick above to reveal a Power-Up! +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | |PU| | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ Now after you have collected the Power-Up (likely a Super Mushroom), head right over the gap to the descending stairs, where another gap needs to be hopped across. A Bullet Bill cannon, followed by a Green Paratroopa Koopa greet you, and then you should head right to find a wall in the way. Jump the wall to mess with Hammer Brothers set #2! Take them out, and then get onto the lower row of bricks, and hit the second from the left brick to reveal a Power-Up (hopefully you are still Super Mario, so you can become Fiery Mario!). +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | |PU| | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ Jump onto the Piranha Plant, jump down to the platform below, stomp the Green Koopa Troopa so you can kick the shell and follow it as it plows through Hammer Brothers set #3! If you have Fire Flower Power on your side, just shoot the Green Koopa Troopa, move forward slowly so you can shoot the two aforementioned Hammer Brothers. Now jump the Piranha Plant pipe to tangle with Hammer Brothers set #4! If you have fireballs, just shoot them as you go along, but if you are not Fiery Mario, you need to get in close to the Hammer Brothers (inside the arc of their hammers), and then run underneath them as they jump in the air. Once you are approaching the end of the brick wall behind you, keep an eye out for a yellow line that looks to be out of place, and start to hit it as it is a Coin Block! Now jump up the barely there stairs to reach the ledge at the top, which you will of course jump off at full speed in an attempt to get yourself 5000 points! You have arrived at your final destination, Bowser's last fortress! He has to be inside, so go get him Mario! o-----------o | World 8-4 | o-----------o This fortress is a castle with a maze like system to it. However, this one differs from the previous mazes you were in as you do not have to walk on certain levels of the floor in certain parts, but you must pick the proper pipes to go down. If you choose the wrong one, you may end up right near the start of the level instead of going forward! This walkthrough will list only the pipes that lead forward, so you are warned not to go exploring other pipes if you want to reach the end! Walk to the bottom step, jump the lava pit, jump the Piranha Plant pipe, and run right to hop another Piranha Plant pipe to fight three Buzzy Beetles. Next you have to use a horizontally moving ledge over a lava pit to get across, and then go down the first Piranha Plant pipe you see to advance to the next section. Head right past the Piranha Plant pipe to find two Buzzy Beetles (better to avoid them), another Piranha Plant pipe, and then two Green Paratroopa Koopas. Following that up is another Piranha Plant pipe, a jump over a lava pit, and two charging Green Paratroopa Koopas while you hit an invisible Block. Go on top of the Invisible Block, jump onto the floating Piranha Plant pipe when the Piranha Plant is out of the way, and then go down the pipe to get to the next section of the castle. ---------------------+ Key | | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ ++----++ ++----++ | | | | | | | | +--+ +----+ |IB| | | +--+ +----+ +------------------------------ | You will reappear in a new section of the castle where flying Red Cheep-Cheeps will start to bombard you with their bodies. Head right past the first two Piranha plant pipes you will see, across the lava pit, and then down the first Piranha plant pipe you come across to get to the next section of the castle. This section of the castle is underwater, so swim carefully. You will have to contend with not only normal underwater villains like Bloopers, but Firebars will also rear their ugly selves as well. Swim right (ignore the opening above) to wait for a Firebar to move to the 11 O'Clock position before going to the bottom of the chamber. Now head right to walk underneath another Firebar as it hits the 3 O'Clock position, and then swim through the enclosed passage the next Firebar guards when it moves to an 8 O'Clock position. Now you should walk carefully across the bottom of the chamber underneath the two Firebars (not to mention the Bloopers) to the wall, which you should swim up to the pipe exit as the Firebar hits the 3 O'Clock position to move onto the LAST section of the castle! You come out of a Piranha Plant pipe to head right over another Piranha Plant pipe to find a lone Hammer Brother! There are two good ways to deal with this deranged hammer-throwing opponent and those are the following. The more tried and true method is to wait inside the arc of the hammers, and when the Hammer Brother jumps into the air, run underneath to launch yourself across the lava pit (try not to hit the Podoboo that shoots out of there) to the final platform. The other way to do this is to stand on the left edge of the Piranha Plant pipe, and just play the waiting game. Eventually the Hammer Brother will get mad at you, and he will charge in your direction (continuing to throw hammers and jump). Your job is to leap over him, leap the lava pit (watching out for the Podoboo that shoots out of there) to land on the final platform. Moving to the right will bring Bowser flames your way, and once you get here, use your fireballs to roast the true Bowser, and send him flying into the lava pit to pay for his crimes. Oh wait, you are a normal player, so you have no Fire Flower Power? In that case, get in close so the hammers clear your head, and then run underneath Bowser to get the Axe Switch. Another common method of getting by Bowser here is if you are Super Mario/Fiery Mario, you can just run into Bowser to get hurt, which means you are invulnerable (and still able to get the Axe Switch unimpeded). Go to the right to find the Princess Toadstool waiting to thank you for your hard work on saving the Mushroom Kingdom, but you also get the offer of pressing START to get a more difficult quest! Anyway, Congratulations on succeeding in your journey to rescue Princess Toadstool, and for returning peace to the Mushroom Kingdom yet again! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------Items------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22)This section will look at the items that will help Mario on his quest to rescue Princess Toadstool. o------------o | Gold Coins | o------------o These common items are found in groupings that range from two all the way to forty in some Bonus Rooms. They are also acquired from ? blocks, bricks, and Coin Blocks (multiple coins). After collecting 100 Gold Coins, you will gain an extra man. You gain 200 points per coin. o----------------o | Super Mushroom | o----------------o These appear from ? blocks and from bricks. They will rise from their hiding place, and once they are out, they will start to move to the right, and keep going till they hit a wall (they turn around), or fall off a cliff. If you Collect one, they will cause Mario to grow in size to become big or "Super" Mario. This will allow Mario to be hit and not be killed (he will revert to small or "Regular" Mario). You gain 1000 points per Mushroom. o-------------o | Fire Flower | o-------------o If you are Super Mario, and you hit a block that contains a Power-Up (the same blocks give Mushrooms/Flowers), you will have a Fire Flower sprout from the block. Once collected, it will cause Mario to change his outfit to red and white, and he will gain the ability to throw fireballs at his opponents. One hit form an enemy will cause Fire Mario to revert to Regular Mario. You gain 1000 points per flower. o---------o | Starman | o---------o These stars will give Mario the ability to run through any enemy that gets in his way. This effect lasts for only a few seconds, so make good use of this when you get it. No way to find these in a Fortress, so Podoboos and Firbars remain unkillable. You gain 1000 points per star. o---------------o | 1-Up Mushroom | o---------------o These are usually hidden in invisible blocks, although a few are contained within regular bricks. The physics of their movements are identical to that of a Super Mushroom, but instead of changing Mario into Super Mario, this little beauty will grant Mario an extra life! No points for this Mushroom. o-------o | Vines | o-------o Found in only a few levels, these are contained within bricks just waiting to take you to an area above the level. Mostly you will go to Coin Heaven, but one will lead to a special area... No points for unleashing a vine. o-------------o | Springboard | o-------------o These are found in a few levels, and they help you get to heights that a normal jump could not do. They are there to help make your travels easier, but you do not need to use them (see Weird Happenings section for reason on this). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Enemies------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23)Here is a complete list of the enemies you will face on your journey. It will also list their attacks, behavioural patterns, and point value for killing them off. Keep in mind that shell kicks will kill all enemies that live outside of water (not certain fortress enemies however). o---------o | Blooper | o---------o Appearance.........: A white jellyfish like fellow who will swim in somewhat erratic patterns. They are found in underwater levels only, and they can not reach Mario if he stands on the bottom of the water area. Methods For Killing: Use a fireball to get them, and this is the only way to rid yourself of them. Point Value........: 200 points. o----------------------------o | Bowser, King Of The Koopas | o----------------------------o Appearance........: A large, spiky-shelled, turtle with some lethal fire breath. Bowser hangs out in a fortress at the end of every World, and he will start to shoot flames at you in an attempt to fry you when you draw close to his hiding place. Be warned though, that what Mario sees, might not be the truth... Methods For Killing: The main way is to grab the Axe Switch behind him to send Bowser plummeting into the lava, but fireballs can be used to kill him (or the fake pretending to be him). Point Value........: 5000 points for fireball execution, 0 points otherwise. o-------------o | Bullet Bill | o-------------o Appearance.........: These black-shelled bullets fly in a straight line, trying to gun you down. They are usually launched out of cannons, but they can also be found in some levels where they fire at all heights on the level. Methods For Killing: Jump on top of them to wipe them out, or use an Invincibility Star. Point Value........: 200 points. o--------------o | Buzzy Beetle | o--------------o Appearance.........: Black shelled insects, they will walk in a straight line until they have a reason to turn (like a wall or an enemy). Methods For Killing: Stomping will cause retreating into the shell, but only an Invincibility Star will finish them permanently. Point Value........: 100 points for stomping them, followed by 100 points (200 if Mario does not touch the ground) for kicking the shell. 200 points are recieved for an Invincibility Star kill. o----------o | Fire Bar | o----------o Appearance.........: A group of red-hot fireballs joined together to put the hurt on you as they swing in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. These things can sometimes be joined together to form extra long versions of the normal ones. Methods For Killing: These can not be killed under any circumstances. Point Value........: 0 points. o--------o | Goomba | o--------o Appearance.........: A small brown mushroom that has been contaminated by Bowser to serve his purposes. They walk in a straight line till they have a reason to turn (like a wall or an enemy in their way), or they will fall off a cliff. Methods For Killing: Jump on them, shoot them with fireballs, kick a shell at them, and run them over while using an Invincibility Star. Point Value........: 100 points. o-------------------o | Green Cheep-Cheep | o-------------------o Appearance.........: Green fish that swim in a slow, steady pace across the screen right to left. Methods For Killing: Fireballs are the only way to kill this opponent. Point Value........: 200 points. o--------------------o | Green Koopa Troopa | o--------------------o Appearance.........: A turtle with a green shell. They will walk in a straight line until they have a reason to turn (like a wall or an enemy in the way), or they will fall off a cliff. Methods For Killing: A stomp will knock them back into their shell, but they will return in a short amount of time. Fireballs will kill them totally, as will an Invincibility Star. Point Value........: 100 points (an additional 100 points or 200 points for kicking the shell). The 200 points is dependent upon jumping on them once, and then kicking the empty shell without touching the ground. o------------------------o | Green Paratroopa Koopa | o------------------------o Appearance.........: These are winged green-shelled turtles that bounce their way happily forward. They will bounce in a straight line until they have a reason to turn (like a wall or an enemy in the way), or they will fall off a cliff. They will also fly horizontal flight patterns on level 7-3. Methods For Killing: Stomping kill cause a loss of wings, then a retreating into the shell, and then kicking. Fireballs will kill them off no matter what stage they are in, as will an Invincibility Star. Point Value........: 400 points for removing wings, 100 points for retreating them into their shell, and 100 points for kicking the shell (400 if it is done without hitting the ground). o-----------------o | Hammer Brothers | o-----------------o Appearance.........: These shelled turtles stand upright, and they throw multiple hammers at you. They often appear in twos, and they will usually be on a three tier platform system (two ledges and the ground). They will occasionally appear in a solo format, and they are not always on the ledge system (they may just stand on the ground, blocking your way). They will charge at you if you stand there for a while staring at them, so try to get by them. Methods For Killing: Stomp on them (not recommended as they throw multiple hammers overhead), hit the platform from below when they are above you, and use fireballs on them. Invincibility Stars work as well. Point Value........: 1000 points for regular kills, 500 points for a shell kick kill. o--------o | Lakitu | o--------o Appearance.........: A fellow riding in a cloud. He does not directly attack you (although direct contact will hurt you), but instead he throws his "pet" Spiny at you. Methods For Killing: Shoot with a fireball, or jump on top of him. Point Value........: 800 points for jumping on him, 200 points for fireballing him. o---------------o | Piranha Plant | o---------------o Appearance.........: These ravenous plants will duck in and out of the pipes of the land, but not if you are beside/on top of the pipe. Methods For Killing: Fireballs are the primary method of killing them, but an Invincibility Star will also do. Points.............: 200 points. o----------o | Podoboos | o----------o Appearance.........: These fireballs will fly out of pits of lava in the fortresses at the end of every world. up and down is all that they can manage, but they should still be enough to catch Mario unaware. Methods For Killing: These can not be killed under any circumstances. Point Value........: 0 points. o-----------------o | Red Cheep-Cheep | o-----------------o Appearance.........: Like their brethren, they swim a straight line right to left across the screen, but they do it much more quickly, giving Mario less time to react. They also take to the skies with their wings on two levels in this game. Methods For Killing: Fireballs are the only way to kill this opponent underwater, but in the air fireballs and stomping will work. Point Value........: 200 points. o------------------o | Red Koopa Troopa | o------------------o Appearance.........: A turtle with a red shell. They will walk in a straight line till they hit the end of their ledge, at which point they will turn around to patrol to the other end of their ledge. Methods For Killing: A stomp will knock them back into their shell, but they will return in a short amount of time. Fireballs will kill them totally, as will an Invincibility Star. Point Value........: 100 points (an additional 100 points or 200 points for kicking the shell). The 200 points is dependent upon jumping on them once, and then kicking the empty shell without touching the ground. o----------------------o | Red Paratroopa Koopa | o----------------------o Appearance.........: These winged turtles will fly up and down vertically on a set pattern. They patrol specific areas, most of which are usually over cliffs. Methods For Killing: Stomping kill cause a loss of wings, then a retreating into the shell, and then kicking. Fireballs will kill them off no matter what stage they are in, as will an Invincibility Star. Point Value........: 400 points for removing wings, 100 points for retreating them into their shell, and 100 points for kicking the shell (400 if it is done without hitting the ground). o-------o | Spiny | o-------o Appearance.........: red four-legged creatures that will come at Mario. If they change to a new platform, they will go in whatever direction Mario is found. Methods For Killing: Fireballs are the only way to kill them. Point Value........: 200 points. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------Fighting Bowser--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24) This section will look at how Bowser fights, and how a player should approach the battle based on Mario's status as well as Bowser's status. o------------------------o | General Bowser Tactics | o------------------------o -Bowser always uses one for sure attack, and that is to spit flames down the hallway as Mario draws near to his hiding place within the castle. He will often pick a spot where Mario has just made a difficult leap, trying to catch Mario unaware. Make your way to the right past this cautiously, and be sure to make use of any bunkers in the flooring so you can get to the King of the Koopas unscorched. o--------------------------o | Regular Mario VS. Bowser | o--------------------------o -Mario will approach these battles very cautiously as one hit will mean the end of him. Approach the bridge slowly, checking to see if any Podoboos or Firebars are present to help Bowser. Then you should move in close to Bowser, and then do one of two options. Option one is the more popular one, which is to leave enough room between Bowser and Mario so Mario can hop any flames sent his way as well as having running room. When Bowser jumps in the air, Mario should start to run forward and take a flying leap past the falling Bowser, which will allow Mario to pull the Axe Switch. The second option involves a little more daring as Mario needs to be in real close to Bowser, and as soon as Bowser hops into the air, quickly Mario should zip underneath the giant turtle to pull the Axe Switch. o------------------------o | Super Mario VS. Bowser | o------------------------o -Mario can utilize the jump over technique listed above quite well as Super Mario, but the underneath one does not work very well at all. -Some levels have bricks that forma passage partially past Bowser, so bust them to take the partial shortcut to the Axe Switch. -Another common way to get past Bowser in this form is to just run right into him, causing Mario to revert to Regular Mario, but also rendering him temporarily invincible. The player should just keep heading right to grab the Axe Switch. o------------------------o | Fiery Mario VS. Bowser | o------------------------o -Simply put, stay a good distance away while throwing non-stop heaters until Bowser changes into one of his troops (these are doppelgangers). o---------------------------------------o | Regular Mario VS. Bowser With Hammers | o---------------------------------------o -You thought you had it tough before, but now Bowser throws his hammers in large groups to try and get you as well! Now you should approach, get inside the arc of hammers he throws, and when he hops up, run underneath him to reach the Axe Switch. -Another option (although much harder) is to get inside his arc of hammers, and then jump through a break in his throwing. The main problem with this method is that he has no definite pattern upon which to base your decision to jump through (you must have great reaction time, or a lot of luck). o-------------------------------------o | Super Mario VS. Bowser With Hammers | o-------------------------------------o -Try to make use of the two strategies listed for REGULAR MARIO vs. BOWSER WITH HAMMERS, but you have one ace up your sleeve. You can get hit, and still make it to the Axe Switch. -Another common way to get past Bowser in this form is to just run right into him, causing Mario to revert to Regular Mario, but also rendering him temporarily invincible. The player should just keep heading right to grab the Axe Switch. This is an intentional run into Bowser, as opposed to the accidental hit like the one in the last point. o-------------------------------------o | Fiery Mario VS. Bowser With Hammers | o-------------------------------------o -Simply put, stay a good distance away while throwing non-stop heaters until Bowser changes into one of his troops (these are doppelgangers), or falls into the lava unchanged in World 8-4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Bonus Rooms--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25)This section will give a map of all the bonus rooms that can be found in the many pipes of the Mushroom Kingdom. a) This Bonus Room is the most simplistic in design, and it gives you a nice amount of coins (19 to be exact). -----------------+ Key | | CN - Gold Coin | PU - Power-Up | CB - Coin Block | | -----------------+ +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | CN CN CN CN CN | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | CN CN CN CN CN CN CN | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | CN CN CN CN CN CN CN | | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ++----| | | | | | | | | | | | || | | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ || | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | +--+--------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+------++----+----+ All you need to do is grab the Gold Coins and then leave. b) This Bonus Room is another simply designed ones that offers not only a fair amount of Gold Coins (17 coins to be exact), but it also gives access to a Coin Block as well. -----------------+ Key | | CN - Gold Coin | PU - Power-Up | CB - Coin Block | | -----------------+ +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+| | | | | | || | +--+ +--+--+| | | | | | || | +--+ +--+--+| | | | CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN | | || | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+| | | | | | | | | | | | | |CB| | || | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+| | | | | | || | +--+ +++----| | | | || | | +--+ || | | | | CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN || | | +--+------------------------------------++----+----+ For fastest pick-up, jump up to the higher ledge, run right as you grab the top eight coins found there, then collect the bottom row of nine coins, and use the Coin Block at the end before taking your leave. c) This Bonus Room require Mario to be at least Super Mario to reap the full benefits of the room. You get some coins (12 to be exact), as well as a Power-Up. -----------------+ Key | | CN - Gold Coin | PU - Power-Up | CB - Coin Block | | -----------------+ +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | CN CN | | +--+ | | | | CN CN CN CN | | +--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | | | |PU| | | | | | | | | | +--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | | | | CN| | |CN | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ +--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | | CN| | | |CN | | | | +--+ +--+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +--+ | | | | | |CN| | | |CN| | | | +--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | +--+ +--+ +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ ++----| | | | || | | +--+ || | | | | || | | +--+------------------------------------++----+----+ This Bonus Room was called the "Professor" by myself when I was young, and you will see why when you finish it. Bust the two most left-most bricks, jump up to collect the two coins, punch the brick above the second coin to release the Power-Up, and then collect the Power-Up. Next you will get the six coins on top of the structure, and then go down to the bottom where you break the bricks underneath the coins remaining before exiting. As for the Professor look, mimic the bricks broken on the other side (symmetrically) to see the Professor. ;) d) This Bonus Room has a decent amount of coins (18 to be exact), as well as a Power-Up. This room requires the use of the Crouching Slide if you are Super Mario or higher, and you can only access the Power-Up as Regular Mario. -----------------+ Key | | CN - Gold Coin | PU - Power-Up | CB - Coin Block | | -----------------+ +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+| | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN | | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |PU| | | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+ | | | | | | | | | | +--+ +--+ +--+ ++-----| | | | | | | | || | | +--+ +--+ +--+ || | | | | CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN|| | | +--+-----------------------------------++-----+----+ Collect the bottom row of coins, use the Crouching Slide (or just walk under if Regular Mario), to get the bottom row of coins, and then grab the Power-Up if you are Regular Mario, or use the following technique if you are Super/Fiery Mario. Destroy the bottom two bricks on both ends with the crouching slide, then go to the left, take a run at the pipe, and then crouch down and jump just before hitting the pipe. Provided you did it right, you will go under the block, so jump quickly as your momentum might carry you past the brick. Either way, take your leave through the pipe. e) This Bonus Room is perhaps the most difficult to collect every single coin out of it without a serious investment in time. If you get proficient at it, you can make lost of money here, but it takes practice first. You have a small amount of coins available (10 to be exact), but the Room contains a Coin Block for you as well! -----------------+ Key | | CN - Gold Coin | PU - Power-Up | CB - Coin Block | | -----------------+ +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | | | | | +--+ +--+ | | | | CN CN CN CN CN| | | | +--+ +--+ +--+--+--+ | | | | | |CN CN CN CN CN| | | | | | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+| | | | | | | | | | | | |CB|| | +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+| | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+ ++-----| | | | || | | +--+ || | | | | || | | +--+-----------------------------------++-----+----+ Upon falling into the vault area here, go right to stand on top of the exit pipe, punch the Coin Block (around 15 coins if done fast), jump on top of the room with the coins, jump to the far left wall (the top of it), turn around, and do a half-jump at the room to fall right into it for the ten coins before you head for the exit. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Warp Zones--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26)This section will describe how to get to the three Warp Zones found within the game, and it will also have useful maps to help you on your way. o--------------o | Warp Zone #1 | o--------------o Found Where.........: Level 1-2 Warps To What Worlds: 2, 3, 4 How To Access.......: This Warp Zone is found past the exit to the staircase via the pipe. By riding the elevator upwards, and then hopping onto the top of the ceiling, Mario can then run to the right to get to the Warp Zone. The following will give an idea of what is needed to access this Warp Zone: ========== FIGURE ONE ========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ -------------- [][][][][][] -------------- -------------- [][][][][][] -------------- +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | || +--+--+--+ \/ | | | | +--+--+--+--+ | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | ---------+--+--+--+--+--+ +-----------------------+ | | | ========== FIGURE TWO ========== /\ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ || | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ -------------- | [][][][][][] | -------------- | | | | | -------------- | [][][][][][] | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ -------------- ++----| | | | | | | | | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ || | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--++----+--- | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | ============ FIGURE THREE ============ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | WELCOME TO WARP ZONE! | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ 4 3 2 +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ | | | +--+ ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+---+---+----+---+----+---+--------+--+--+ ========== FIGURE ONE ========== This is the first part of the elevator. Make your way across to the brick line that is floating over the Red Koopa Troopa. ========== FIGURE TWO ========== At this point, you should jump onto the elevator, ride it up, and then hop onto the top of the ceiling. Now run right till you reach... ============ FIGURE THREE ============ Fall down into the Warp Zone, and then pick which pipe you would like to take so you can skip some levels! o--------------o | Warp Zone #2 | o--------------o Found Where.........: Level 4-2 Warps To What Worlds: 6, 7, 8 How To Access.......: This is strange to have this warp before the Warp for World 5 (see Warp Zone #3 for details on it), but the reason is that it is hidden in the middle of this level. Once you find the first elevator, cross it, and then you need to hit some invisible blocks to make steps so you can make a Vine appear to carry you up to the Warp Zone. The following diagrams will help to explain the exact steps involved: ---------------------+ Key | | ? - ? Block | PW - Power-Up | IB - Invisible Block | | ---------------------+ ========== FIGURE ONE ========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ +--+--+ |? |? | +--+--+ -------------- [][][][][][] -------------- || +--+ +--+--+ +--+--+--+ \/ | | |? |? | |? |PW|? | +--+ +--+--+ +--+--+--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+--------------------------+ +--- | | ========== FIGURE TWO ========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+ | | | | | +--+--+--+--+ +--+ |IB| +--+--+ |IB| +--+ ++----++ ++----++ | | | | +-----------------------------+----+- | ============ FIGURE THREE ============ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ VINE +--+--+ | | | +--+--+ +--+ |IB| +--+--+--+ |IB| |IB| +--+ +--+--+ |IB| +--+ ++----++ ++----++ | | | | +-----------------------------+----+- | =========== FIGURE FOUR =========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | WELCOME TO WARP ZONE! | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ 8 7 6 +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ | | | +--+ ++---++ ++---++ ++---++ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ | | | | | | +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | +--+---+---+-----+---+-----+---+---------+--+--+ ========== FIGURE ONE ========== Get the Power-Up from the marked ? Block, and then go across the elevator gap. ========== FIGURE TWO ========== Punch the two Invisible Blocks, and then break the two bricks directly above each one. ============ FIGURE THREE ============ Punch the next brick in the line to release a Vine into the sky. Now fall down, punch the other two Invisible Blocks for two extra Gold Coins, and then climb the vine. Run right through the mushroom ledges, and then you arrive at... =========== FIGURE FOUR =========== Warp Zone #2! Choose your World that is your destination, and then head on to the next challenge! o--------------o | Warp Zone #3 | o--------------o Found Where........: Level 4-2 Warps To What World: 5 How To Access......: When playing Level 4-2, you have many opportunities to get up on top of the ceiling, and you should do so. Run right as you jump any gaps in your path until you pass the pipe going up to the staircase and you reach... ========== FIGURE ONE ========== +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | WELCOME TO WARP ZONE! | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ 5 +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+--+ | | ++---++ | | | +--+ ++---++ +--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+ | | +--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+------------+---+-----------------+--+--+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------1-Up Methods-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27)This section will give some locations in the game to gain lives through special and normal techniques. a) The most obvious is to find a 1-Up Mushroom. These can be obtained in the following levels (but sometimes they are not there for an unknown reason at this time): 1-1, 1-2, 2-1 (sometimes there), 3-1 (sometimes there), 4-1 (sometimes there), 5-1 (sometimes there), 6-1 (sometimes), 7-1 (sometimes), 8-1 (sometimes there), and 8-2 (always there repeatedly). If you know of any others, e-mail me about it, and include a screenshot for me to base my verification around ( b) 100 Gold Coins can also get you a 1-Up. c) Kicking a Koopa Troopa shell through a line of enemies can also gain multiple lives. The order of points go: 500, 800, 1000, 2000, 5000, 8000, and then a 1-Up for every enemy after that. This is useful in only a few levels, but it is a technique that should be utilized by Mario as often as possible. d) A variation on the Koopa Troopa shell kick is by using a block formation (usually on a stairwell at the end of a level), Mario could jump on a shell, and as it rebounded, Mario would land on it. This would continue for a bit through the same point values as listed above in C), and then 1-Ups would occur. The most famous example of this method is on World 3-1, but there are other levels that this work on as well. They are the following: 5-1, 5-2, 6-1, 7-1, and 8-2 (these all occur at the end of the level on the stairwell). Keep in mind that most of these have Green Paratroopa Koopas that need to be de-winged, retreated into their shells, and they have to come to a rest on a block with space below to stand on. The following diagram will show how to go about getting the multiple 1-Ups (using World 3-1): ----------------------------------+ Key | | GK - Green Koopa Troopa | MP - Mario's Position | RK - Retreated Green Koopa Troopa | | ----------------------------------+ ========== FIGURE ONE ========== +--+--+ GK| | | +--+--+--+ Mario arrives at the staircase, and he | | | | will get onto the stairwell (bottom step +--+--+--+--+ is easiest to get to). Now Mario can get | | | | | ready for FIGURE TWO. +--+--+--+--+--+ GK| | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ MP| | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | ------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ========== FIGURE TWO ========== +--+--+ | | | +--+--+--+ Now Mario has killed the first Green | | | | Koopa Troopa, and it was done with +--+--+--+--+ fireballs, or Mario has kicked the shell | | | | | away. So Mario is now prepared to enter +--+--+--+--+--+ FIGURE THREE. GK| | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ MP| | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | ------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ============ FIGURE THREE ============ +--+--+ | | | +--+--+--+ Mario will now wait for the Green Koopa | | | | Troopa to start it's step down to the +--+--+--+--+ step above Mario's position. Mario will | | | | | jump at that exact point, and the Green +--+--+--+--+--+ Koopa Troopa will be retreated into it's | | | | | | shell, and the shell will be kicked. The +--+--+--+--+--+--+ shell should stop on the same step | | | | | | | however, and this sets up FIGURE FOUR. +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ RK| | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ MP| | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | ------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ =========== FIGURE FOUR =========== +--+--+ | | | +--+--+--+ Mario should now jump up straight with a | | | | tap jump, and he will start to bounce off +--+--+--+--+ of the shell repeatedly, which will | | | | | increase in point increments (as listed in +--+--+--+--+--+ c)), and then 1-Ups will start to ring | | | | | | in. At some point, Mario will stop doing +--+--+--+--+--+--+ this, so he should jump back on for more MP | | | | | | | chances. ^ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | RK| | | | | | | | v+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | ------+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ Keep in mind that this is the best area of doing this, but it can be achieved on the other levels. Also keep in mind that the maximum number of lives a player is allowed is 127. If a player goes above 127, the next time they die, their game will be over. This occurs because for data storage on this cartridge, the values for lives remaining is formatted in the following scale: -128 to 127. Now you start the game with a value of 3, and with each 1-Up that value increases by 1. If you Increase your value past the highest of 127 (128 lives), and once you move one more life into that total, you value for lives will turn over into the minuses as -128. Normally this would mean that when you lost a live next, you would go back to a value of 127, but that is not so on the NES cart. How it works is to check the value of your life total. If it scans and finds the total to be less than 0, you r game will end. So this means that if you go past the value of 127 (128 lives), and you enter into -127 or higher (129 or higher), the game will deem that your life value is below 0, and despite the life total being that high, the game will give you the game over screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------End Of Level Scoring---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28)This section will look at how the Flagpole scoring works, how the time remaining is totaled up, and how the Fireworks are caused/scored. o------------------o | Flagpole Scoring | o------------------o The following points can be scored upon the Flagpole: 100 points, 200 points, 400 points, 800 points, 2000 points, and 5000 points. The point total is decided by how high up the Flagpole you grab it when you jump onto it. The following diagram will give an idea of where the point zones are located on the Flagpole: _ (_) /| 5000----------|| \| /| 2000----------|| \| /| 800-----------|| \| /| / | 400----------| | \ | \| /| / | 200----------| | \ | \| /| 100----------| | \| +---+ | | -------------+---+ If you are jumping from the ground level, the scores that are possible to achieve are 100 points, 200 points, 400 points, and the highest which is 800 points. If you jump off of a higher structure (like the staircase or a platform), you can reach the higher sections to get 2000 points or 5000 points with a good jump. o------------------------o | Time Remaining Scoring | o------------------------o When you hit the Flagpole, the time remaining on the timer will be used to give your time bonus for the level. You will get an equation as follows: -------------------+ Key | | z = time remaining | y = total bonus | | -------------------+ z X 50 points = 50z points EXAMPLE 300 X 50 points = 15000 points Your bonus is multiplied by 50 points with your time remaining to get your time bonus. This means that busting every single brick you come across in a level will NOT get you extra points (as busting bricks is worth 50 points per busted bricks), but taking the time to kick a turtle shell through a line of enemies, stomping multiple enemies without hitting the ground, and Power-Ups/Invincibility Stars are worth collecting because they gain more points than you are losing on the timer. o-----------o | Fireworks | o-----------o Fireworks are worth 500 points a pop, and they sometime get fired off after you liberate a level from the enemy forces (you take their flag down, and fly the star symbolizing liberation). The appearances of the Fireworks is not random, rather it is based upon your time remaining when you grab the Flagpole. If your time remaining has a 1, 3, or 6 in the ones column, you will receive the same amount of Fireworks. See the following for clarification: =========== EXAMPLE ONE =========== Time Remaining: 261 Number Of Fireworks: One Extra Points: 500 =========== EXAMPLE TWO =========== Time Remaining: 243 Number Of Fireworks: Three Extra Points: 1500 ============= EXAMPLE THREE ============= Time Remaining: 286 Number Of Fireworks: Six Extra Points: 3000 A quick tip now for getting the Six Fireworks for when you launch off of the high ledge/staircase top so you get the Six Fireworks. Start your run when the time remaining in the ones column is at 0. You should hit the Flagpole when the time remaining has a six in the ones column. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Continuing--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29)This section will impart the knowledge necessary for continuing on the same World that you died on. a) After getting the Game Over screen, you will return to the Player select screen. b) Instead of Pressing START to go again from World 1-1, instead hold DOWN, the A Button, and then press START. c) You will then start on the first level of the last world you were playing on. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Weird Happenings------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30)This section will look at a few strange glitches that can be performed in various sections of the game. a) Possibly the most well known and heralded of all of these weird happenings, glitches, tricks, etc. is the Minus World. This trick is achieved in World 1-2, and it is done right by the pipe that goes to the staircase that is at the end of the level. Now, you need to be at a level of Super Mario at least (one can be found in the string of bricks between the two elevators just before the area of the glitch), and then you need to do the following steps: ------------------------------+ Key | | MP - Mario's Position | 1,2 - Order of Brick Breaking | | ------------------------------+ ========== FIGURE ONE ========== +--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ MP | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ++----++ ++----+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ++----++ || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---------++----+-----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+----+--- ========== FIGURE TWO ========== +--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | |2 |1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ MP | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ++----++ ++----+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ++----++ || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---------++----+-----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+----+--- ============ FIGURE THREE ============ +--+--+ +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+ ^ +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ MP | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ++----++ ++----+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ++----++ || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---------++----+-----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+----+--- =========== FIGURE FOUR =========== +--+--+ +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+ +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |MP | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ++----++ ++----+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ++----++ || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---------++----+-----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+----+--- =========== FIGURE FIVE =========== +--+--+ +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+ +--+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ MP | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ++----++ ++----+ +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ ++----++ || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ---------++----+-----+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+---+----+--- Now, you might wonder what all of this means, and I will explain it below. ========== FIGURE ONE ========== Mario arrives at the end of level pipe exit to the staircase. Instead of leaving the level, Mario will stand on the edge of the pipe. ========== FIGURE TWO ========== Mario will proceed to jump up and bust the second and third bricks away from the pipe (going to the right). ============ FIGURE THREE ============ Now you should move Mario to the far left edge of the pipe, and duck down. Then you should jump into the air, and move right towards the bottom left corner of the pipe. If this is lined up correctly, Mario will enter the brick. =========== FIGURE FOUR =========== Mario will continue to move to the right through the pipe, and he will be deposited into the room where the three pipes are located for the Warp Zone for Worlds 2, 3, and 4. =========== FIGURE FIVE =========== Now you should jump on top of the first pipe you see, and go down it before the screen scrolls and the text WELCOME TO THE WAP ZONE appears. This will take you to the Minus World. Alternately, you can also take the third pipe in the Warp Zone to reach the Minus World as well, but the second pipe will deposit you into World 5. The Minus World is nothing more than World 2-2 (underwater level), that will start again when you go through the exit pipe (instead of taking you to the staircase exit). Since you can not quite grab enough coins on one man to gain an extra life, you can not stay in the Minus World infinitely, but you can go for a fairly long time. Not a useful glitch, but a very fun one to perform to amaze your friends (like ANYONE stills plays this, and does not know about this glitch, but anyway...). b) This glitch is known as the Small, Fiery Mario Glitch. This can be accomplished on any fortress of any world. All you need to do is to get to Bowser in the castle while you are at least Super Mario. Now you need to get by Bowser without getting hit, and then you should stand right next to the block where the Ax Switch is located. Now that Bowser is drawing near, wait till Bowser is about to touch Mario, and then jump up in the air, move slightly to the right so Mario will be partly over Bowser and the Ax Switch. When Mario lands, he should hit Bowser and the Ax Switch at the same time (you will know it worked as Mario will flash, but stay as Super Mario). Mario will win the level, and then he will enter the next World as normal except if he gets hit, he will die! Now find a Power-Up, it will be a Super Mushroom (instead of a Fire Flower like you would expect). Upon collecting the Super Mushroom, you will shrink to small Mario (but if you get hit, you will revert to big Mario). Keep going along to the next Power-Up to release a Fire Flower, which will make you Fiery Mario while small! Now when you throw fireballs, Mario will grow large to throw the fireballs before shrinking once more. This effect will continue till you die. The reason that all the effects occur are as follows: 1) Mario is counted as getting hit when landing on Bowser, but since he also finishes the level, the game has already started to show the usual sequence (including their scanning of your current sprite for the graphics). 2) Upon starting the next level, you are counted as small despite your size, so if you get hit, you will die. 3) Upon collecting the Super Mushroom, Mario will become small since the Super Mushroom is programmed to switch the sprite for Mario (since he is already big Mario sprite, it puts him to small Mario). 4) If he gets hit, he will revert to big Mario despite getting hit as small Mario (you get hit, you revert to Regular Mario, but the sprite order is messed up, so big Mario it is). 5) Upon collecting the Fire Flower, you will throw fireballs as the regular Fiery Mario sprite before returning to small, Fiery Mario (this is simply due to no sprite for small Mario throwing fireballs). This is a fun glitch to perform, and it can really change the way you play the game. c) The Thank You Dead Mario Glitch is an altered version of the glitch listed above. It involves being Regular Mario, get behind Bowser, do the Axe Switch/Bowser jump, Regular Mario will fly off the screen as dead, but the screen will scroll anyway to Toad. Toad will thank no one for helping, and then the next level will begin. Since you are dead, the game will register you as dead, and then the screen will show your lives before inserting Mario into the level (less one life). d) Vine Dancing Mario is not a really cool thing, but it is quite easy to do. When Mario climbs a Vine to the top of it, go on the left side of the Vine, and keep holding UP. Mario will suddenly begin to dance on the Vine. e) A Bonus Room along the way (in two locations that I know of) in your journey are not actually a help, but rather a threat. You will enter an underwater area with enemies, suction pits, elevators (to knock you down the suction pits), and some coins. This something that really surprises you the first time you hit it. f) If Mario jumps onto a pipe that he can go down, and he does so as a Piranha Plant is going down into the pipe (at least one quarter of the way in is needed) to have Mario go in unharmed. This is hard to master, but it becomes useful on shorter timed levels, or long levels that need some extra speed done in them. g) Sometimes a Springboard will appear not to be there on the screen. If this occurs, and you jump on to use said Springboard, you will become permanently stuck until the timer runs down on you! If you see this oddity, DO NOT step onto the Springboard, but rather find another way around the area. This explains why every Springboard in the game has an alternate way around (jumps are makable without, 2-2 has Invisible Block for getting over the wall), and World 6-3 can be bypassed with running leaps. h) Not so much a glitch, but rather an unintentional mistake, Mario can in fact jump the flagpole on one level. In World 3-3, Mario will find a pulley platform set near the flagpole, which he should stand on the left platform and wait for the platform to reach the lowest spot it can before it breaks, at which point he should take a running leap to the now higher ledge and then across the large gap to just clear the flagpole! i) When in Worlds 2-2 and 7-2, there are a few pieces of Pink Seaweed that are growing towards the top of the water, but stop just one space below the surface. Get Mario on top of this and press the A Button, which will cause the swimming noise to occur, but Mario will stand perfectly still! Thanks to Highway_11_North for the contribution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Final Word--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31)As is the usual, this walkthrough is copyright property of Brian P. Sulpher, 2002. The only website, group, person, etc. to have access to post it is,,, and You must ask for permission before posting this, as doing so without consent is a violation of international copyright law. If you liked it, hated it, have anything to add, then please E-mail me at You can also contact me through MSN messenger through the same E-mail address. A classic to end all classics! This one has been played by almost all video game players who played ANYTHING in the 1980's. I really have nothing else to say about a game that most have already experienced.