Song Master FAQ/walkthrough by Arcadia Questions? Comments? Corrections? Flames? Email them to me at Looking for more Super Famicom game FAQs? See my other FAQs at: ----0. General Comments This file is best viewed using a fixed-width font. If you're looking for the answer to a specific question, but don't want to risk spoiling the rest of the game, check the "Frequently Asked Questions" section first to see if it's there. Spell are listed with the character who learns them, in the order they appear in the menu. In the item lists, if a price is listed in the "Get" column, it can be bought in a store (see the Store Stock section for where). Stock in the weapon and armor stores changes over the course of the game. The Store Stock section lists all the items the store carries (that I've found) throughout the game. Some items listed may not be available at certain times. ----I. Game overview ----1. Story Long ago, the people of the planet Avalon were plagued by an evil god bent on conquest. To fight this god, the god of light gave King Cain, master of the Singer Guild, the holy song of Auran. This song was said to drive out evil, cure disease, and give peace to the dead. King Cain became known as the Song Master. Years later, the Singer Guild still thrives in the town of Limerick. One day, a talented young man named Yuri joins the guild. He expected to simply follow in the footsteps of his grandfather and become a Song Master. However, there was something evil afoot... ---2. General Game Advice You can save the game at any time by selecting the Save command (2nd from bottom) from the status screen. When a character levels up, all HP, MP and status are restored. Don't waste items or MP healing someone close to levelling up. All unconscious characters are revived with 1 HP when a battle ends. Any character can equip any equipment, however some items suit them better than others. If the character's name is in red when buying equipment, or an item's name is in red in the equip screen, that item is not well-suited to the character, and he/she won't be able to get the full use of it. You don't have to be directly facing someone to talk to them when they're behind a counter. You just have to standing next to the counter. The character automatically turns when he hits a wall, so ending up directly facing something can be tricky. You can rename any character currently in the party at any time (several times, if you like) by choosing the Change Name option (7th from the top) in the status window. The status screen commands, from top to bottom, are "Status", "Item", "Magic", "Equip", "Party order", "Formation", "Name change", "Config", "Save" and "Load". The battle commands, from top to bottom, are "Fight", "Magic", "Item", "Move", "Defend" and "Run". They should be pretty self-explanatory. The battle formation of the characters can be changed by choosing the Formation command (6th from the top) from the status screen, or using the Move command (3rd from the top) during a battle. Characters near the back are less likely to recieve damage. The position of the a character also affects how effective summoning spells will be. Formation does NOT affect your ability to attack. A character can attack any monster from anywhere on the screen (even with short- range weapons. Go figure) Spell are divided into 3 categories: Spirit, Healing and Summoning. Spirit spells are primarily attack spells. Healing spells are just what you think they are. Summoning spells call an elemental spirit to fight for you. You pick where the summoned monster appears, but it cannot appear where monsters or other characters are standing. All spells have a level, indicated by the number of music notes by the name. You can change the level of the spell you want to cast by pressing left or right on the directional pad. Since spell in this game are essentially songs, the effectiveness of a spell is determined by the "Rhythm" stat. Town shops: Medicine shop: Marked with a red cross. You can buy medicine or be healed here Weapon shop: Marked with a sword sign. Buy weapons here. Armor shop: Marked with a shield sign. Buy armor here. Tool shop: Marked with a teapot sign. Buy battle items here. Pub: Marked with a beer mug sign. Talk to people and buy drinks. Inn: Marked with a "INN" sign, sometimes in the same building as the pub or station. Stay the night to restore HP/MP Information desk: Marked with a star sign. You can hear the latest rumors here. If you're short on cash, you can see if there are any jobs available (See the Jobs section) Station: Marked with a round sign. Catch a carriage to the next city here. Boathouse: Marked with an anchor. You can buy passage on a boat to the next city here. Singer Guild: Marked with a music note. ----II. Characters (in order of appearance) ---1. Yuri Felm Yuri is the hero of the game. He is a talented singer, and wants to join the Singer Guild and become a Song Master like his grandfather, Robinton. Yuri's Spirit spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ ------ --- ------- Fireball......Fire attack........1.......15......Single...1 2.......120.....Single...16 3.......220.....Single...23 Fire Ring.....Fire attack........1.......120.....All......9 2.......320.....All......19 3.......620.....All......23 Fire Pillar...Fire attack (hi)...1.......430.....All......17 2.......630.....All......21 3.......930.....All......28 Thunder Ball..Thunder attack.....1.......40......Single...9 2.......130.....Single...17 3.......230.....Single...24 Thunder Arrow.Thunder attack.....1.......130.....All......10 2.......330.....All......20 3.......930.....All......23 Thunder Storm.Thunder attack(hi).1.......460.....All......18 2.......660.....All......22 3.......960.....All......29 Water Ball....Water attack.......1.......20......Single...2 2.......110.....Single...15 3.......210.....Single...19 Water Ring....Water attack.......1.......110.....All......9 2.......210.....All......19 3.......990.....All......22 Water Pillar..Water attack (hi)..1.......410.....All......17 2.......610.....All......21 3.......1110....All......28 Aircutter.....Air attack.........1.......25......Single...3 2.......100.....Single...14 3.......200.....Single...18 Vaccuum.......Vaccuum attack.....1.......100.....Single...10 2.......300.....All......18 3.......600.....All......22 Tornado.......Air attack (hi)....1.......400.....All......17 2.......600.....All......20 3.......800.....All......28 Iceburg.......Ice attack.........1.......30......Single...4 2.......120.....Single...16 3.......220.....Single...23 Blizzard......Ice attack (hi)....1.......440.....All......18 2.......640.....All......21 3.......840.....All......29 Shining.......Light attack.......1.......180.....Single...18 2.......400.....Single...25 3.......800.....Single...38 Earthquake....Earth attack.......1.......2200....All......54 Meteo.........Meteor attack......1.......3500....All......68 Moonfall......Moonlight attack...1.......600.....Single...37 2.......900.....Single...41 3.......1100....Single...50 Aurora Dust...Light attack (hi)..1.......1200....All......48 Star Wall.....Celestial attack...1.......3000....All......61 Poison........Cause Poison.......1.......150.....Single...18 2.......350.....All......22 Confuse.......Cause Confusion....1.......80......Single...10 2.......400.....All......28 Crystal.......Cause Crystal......1.......250.....Single...21 2.......600.....All......36 Sleeping......Cause Sleep........1.......50......Single...4 2.......300.....All......32 Hold..........Cause Paralysis....1.......60......Single...6 2.......400.....All......35 Fear..........Cause Fear.........1.......40......Single...8 2.......200.....All......18 Sudden Death..Kill enemy (10%)...1.......400.....Single...26 (30%)...2.......800.....Single...29 Yuri's Healing spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ----- ------- Healing.......Restore 300 HP.......1.......30....Single...1 1500 HP......2.......80....Single...23 All HP.......3.......250...Single...27 70% of max...4.......400...All......40 Burning.......Raises ATC/HP 30%....1.......50....Single...8 50%....2.......550...Single...19 Quick.........Raises AGL by 30%....1.......40....Single...7 50%....2.......500...Single...19 Protection....Raises DEF by 30%....1.......50....Single...6 50%....2.......550...Single...20 Rhythmics.....Raises RHM by 30%....1.......80....Single...10 50%....2.......450...Single...21 Life Absorb...Steal HP.............1.......200...Single...29 2.......600...All......40 Mind Absorb...Steal MP.............1.......100...Single...30 2.......800...All......40 Curse Remove..Restore status.......1.......300...Single...22 2.......600...All......36 Restore.......Restore status + HP..1.......400...Single...26 2.......800...All......48 Resurrection..Raise a fallen char..1.......500...Single...23 2.......1000..All......50 Darkness......Lowers hit rate......1.......50....Single...12 2.......150...All......24 Illusion......Evade attacks (30%)..1.......100...Self.....15 (50%)..2.......200...Self.....34 Escape........Escape (50% chance)..1.......10....Party....11 (80% chance)..2.......80....Party....25 Seal Magic....Seals magic (50%)....1.......80....Single...14 (80%)....2.......100...Single...20 Silence.......Seals magic (30%)....1.......100...All......15 (50%)....2.......300...All......24 Yuri's Summoning spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------- Flame Bird....Low-rank fire spirit...1.......100.....1 2.......330.....16 3.......830.....23 Earth Serpent.Low-rank earth spirit..1.......130.....8 2.......330.....16 3.......830.....23 Slash Ball....Low-rank air spirit....1.......120.....5 2.......300.....14 3.......800.....22 Splash........Low-rank water spirit..1.......110.....3 2.......310.....15 3.......810.....22 Salamander....Hi-rank fire spirit....1.......800.....31 2.......1200....35 3.......1500....40 Gnome.........Hi-rank earth spirit...1.......800.....31 2.......1200....36 3.......1500....41 Sylpheed......Hi-rank air spirit.....1.......800.....29 2.......1200....34 3.......1500....39 Undine........hi-rank water spirit...1.......800.....30 2.......1200....35 3.......1500....40 ---2. Shion Shion is Yuri's friend. He once trained as a singer, but didn't have the talent for it, so he became a swordsman instead. Ever since quitting the singing school, he's been too embarrassed to return home. He hopes to one day become a knight for the Marsia kingdom. He cannot use magic. ---3. El Rahn El Rahn is the king of the elves, and a friend of Robinton. He comes to Tilis to accompany you on your journey at Robinton's request. El Rahn's Spirit spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------ ------- Fireball......Fire attack........1.......15......Single...10 2.......120.....Single...22 Fire Ring.....Fire attack........1.......120.....All......10 Thunder Ball..Thunder attack.....1.......40......Single...10 2.......130.....Single...34 Thunder Arrow.Thunder attack.....1.......130.....All......10 Water Ball....Water attack.......1.......20......Single...10 2.......110.....Single...15 Water Ring....Water attack.......1.......110.....All......10 Aircutter.....Air attack.........1.......25......Single...10 2.......100.....Single...11 Vaccuum.......Destroys enemy.....1.......100.....Single...10 Iceburg.......Ice attack.........1.......30......Single...10 2.......120.....Single...27 Confuse.......Cause Confusion....1.......80......Single...10 Sleeping......Cause Sleep........1.......50......Single...10 Hold..........Cause Paralysis....1.......60......Single...10 Fear..........Cause Fear.........1.......40......Single...10 El Rahn's Healing spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------ ------- Healing.......Restore 300 HP.......1.......30....Single...10 Burning.......Raises ATC/HP 30%....1.......50....Single...10 Quick.........Raises AGL by 30%....1.......40....Single...10 Protection....Raises DEF by 30%....1.......50....Single...10 Rhythmics.....Raises RHM by 30%....1.......80....Single...10 Darkness......Lowers hit rate......1.......50....Single...10 Illusion......Evade attacks (30%)..1.......100...Self.....15 Escape........Escape (50% chance)..1.......10....Party....10 Seal Magic....Seals magic (50%)....1.......80....Single...11 Silence.......Seals magic (30%)....1.......100...All......15 El Rahn's Summoning spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------- Flame Bird....Low-rank fire spirit...1.......100.....10 2.......330.....22 Earth Serpent.Low-rank earth spirit..1.......130.....10 2.......330.....27 Slash Ball....Low-rank air spirit....1.......120.....10 2.......300.....11 Splash........Low-rank water spirit..1.......110.....10 2.......310.....15 ---4. Cat-eyed Jack Jack is a travelling thief. He calls himself "legendary", and has a huge ego. He originally worked for the theives guild in Lancaphan, but once he realized what they were really planning, he decides to join you. He is fast and has a lot of HP, but can't use magic. ---5. Selena Corman Selena is the daughter of King Corman of the Marsia Kingdom. She acts as head of a temple. She has clairvoyent abilities. Selena's Spirit spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------ ------- Fireball......Fire attack........1.......15......Single...17 2.......120.....Single...17 3.......220.....Single...30 Fire Ring.....Fire attack........1.......120.....All......17 2.......320.....All......19 3.......620.....All......30 Fire Pillar...Fire attack (hi)...1.......430.....All......17 2.......630.....All......30 3.......930.....All......30 Thunder Ball..Thunder attack.....1.......40......Single...17 2.......130.....Single...17 3.......230.....Single...30 Thunder Arrow.Thunder attack.....1.......130.....All......17 2.......330.....All......19 3.......930.....All......30 Thunder Storm.Thunder attack(hi).1.......460.....All......18 2.......660.....All......30 3.......960.....All......30 Water Ball....Water attack.......1.......20......Single...17 2.......110.....Single...17 3.......210.....Single...18 Water Ring....Water attack.......1.......110.....All......17 2.......210.....All......18 3.......990.....All......30 Water Pillar..Water attack (hi)..1.......410.....All......17 2.......610.....All......30 3.......1110....All......30 Aircutter.....Air attack.........1.......25......Single...17 2.......100.....Single...17 3.......200.....Single...17 Vaccuum.......Vaccuum attack.....1.......100.....Single...17 2.......300.....All......17 3.......600.....All......30 Tornado.......Air attack (hi)....1.......400.....All......17 2.......600.....All......30 3.......800.....All......30 Iceburg.......Ice attack.........1.......30......Single...17 2.......120.....Single...17 3.......220.....Single...30 Blizzard......Ice attack (hi)....1.......440.....All......17 2.......640.....All......30 3.......940.....All......30 Shining.......Light attack.......1.......180.....Single...17 2.......400.....Single...30 3.......800.....Single...61 Moonfall......Moonlight attack...1.......600.....Single...53 2.......900.....Single...61 Aurora Dust...Light attack (hi)..1.......1200....All......66 Poison........Cause Poison.......1.......150.....Single...17 2.......350.....All......30 Confuse.......Cause Confusion....1.......80......Single...17 2.......400.....All......30 Crystal.......Cause Crystal......1.......250.....Single...32 2.......600.....All......49 Sleeping......Cause Sleep........1.......50......Single...17 2.......300.....All......35 Hold..........Cause Paralysis....1.......60......Single...17 2.......400.....All......47 Fear..........Cause Fear.........1.......40......Single...17 2.......200.....All......17 Sudden Death..Kill enemy (10%)...1.......400.....Single...30 2.......800.....All......47 Selena's Healing spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------ ------- Healing.......Restore 300 HP.......1.......30....Single...17 1500 HP......2.......80....Single...30 All HP.......3.......250...Single...30 Burning.......Raises ATC/HP 30%....1.......50....Single...17 50%....2.......550...Single...18 Quick.........Raises AGL by 30%....1.......40....Single...17 50%....2.......500...Single...18 Protection....Raises DEF by 30%....1.......50....Single...17 50%....2.......550...Single...19 Rhythmics.....Raises RHM by 30%....1.......80....Single...17 50%....2.......450...Single...30 Life Absorb...Steal HP.............1.......200...Single...30 2.......600...All......59 Mind Absorb...Steal MP.............1.......100...Single...50 2.......800...All......60 Curse Remove..Restore status.......1.......300...Single...30 2.......600...All......49 Restore.......Restore status + HP..1.......400...Single...30 2.......800...All......66 Resurrection..Raise a fallen char..1.......500...Single...30 2.......1000..All......67 Darkness......Lowers hit rate......1.......50....Single...17 2.......150...All......30 Illusion......Evade attacks (30%)..1.......100...Self.....17 2.......200...Self.....40 Escape........Escape (50% chance)..1.......10....Party....17 (80% chance)..2.......80....Party....30 Seal Magic....Seals magic (50%)....1.......80....Single...17 (80%)....2.......100...Single...20 Silence.......Seals magic (30%)....1.......100...All......17 (50%)....2.......300...All......30 Selena's Summoning spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------- Flame Bird....Low-rank fire spirit...1.......100.....17 2.......330.....17 3.......830.....30 Earth Serpent.Low-rank earth spirit..1.......130.....17 2.......330.....17 3.......830.....30 Slash Ball....Low-rank air spirit....1.......120.....17 2.......300.....17 3.......800.....30 Splash........Low-rank water spirit..1.......110.....17 2.......310.....17 3.......810.....30 Salamander....Hi-rank fire spirit....1.......800.....32 2.......1200....48 3.......1500....60 Gnome.........Hi-rank earth spirit...1.......800.....35 2.......1200....50 3.......1500....60 Sylpheed......Hi-rank air spirit.....1.......800.....30 2.......1200....44 3.......1500....58 Undine........hi-rank water spirit...1.......800.....31 2.......1200....46 3.......1500....59 ---6. Ferrion Ferrion is Robinton's old rival. He was once a member of the Singer Guild, but got tired of the bureaucracy and left. He is a powerful Singer, and might have become a Song Master if he'd stayed in the guild. Ferrion's Spirit spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ ------ --- ------- Fireball......Fire attack........1.......15......Single...23 2.......120.....Single...23 3.......220.....Single...25 Fire Ring.....Fire attack........1.......120.....All......23 2.......320.....All......23 3.......620.....All......25 Fire Pillar...Fire attack (hi)...1.......430.....All......23 2.......630.....All......23 3.......930.....All......31 Thunder Ball..Thunder attack.....1.......40......Single...23 2.......130.....Single...23 3.......230.....Single...26 Thunder Arrow.Thunder attack.....1.......130.....All......23 2.......330.....All......23 3.......930.....All......25 Thunder Storm.Thunder attack(hi).1.......460.....All......23 2.......660.....All......24 3.......960.....All......33 Water Ball....Water attack.......1.......20......Single...23 2.......110.....Single...23 3.......210.....Single...23 Water Ring....Water attack.......1.......110.....All......23 2.......210.....All......23 3.......990.....All......24 Water Pillar..Water attack (hi)..1.......410.....All......23 2.......610.....All......23 3.......1110....All......31 Aircutter.....Air attack.........1.......25......Single...23 2.......100.....Single...23 3.......200.....Single...23 Vaccuum.......Vaccuum attack.....1.......100.....Single...23 2.......300.....All......23 3.......600.....All......23 Tornado.......Air attack (hi)....1.......400.....All......23 2.......600.....All......23 3.......800.....All......31 Iceburg.......Ice attack.........1.......30......Single...23 2.......120.....Single...23 3.......220.....Single...25 Blizzard......Ice attack (hi)....1.......440.....All......23 2.......640.....All......23 3.......940.....All......32 Shining.......Light attack.......1.......180.....Single...23 2.......400.....Single...27 Poison........Cause Poison.......1.......150.....Single...23 2.......350.....All......23 Confuse.......Cause Confusion....1.......80......Single...23 2.......400.....All......31 Crystal.......Cause Crystal......1.......250.....Single...23 Sleeping......Cause Sleep........1.......50......Single...23 2.......300.....All......38 Hold..........Cause Paralysis....1.......60......Single...23 Fear..........Cause Fear.........1.......40......Single...23 2.......200.....All......23 Sudden Death..Kill enemy (10%)...1.......400.....Single...30 (30%)...2.......800.....Single...33 Ferrion's Healing spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ----- ------- Healing.......Restore 300 HP.......1.......30....Single...23 1500 HP......2.......80....Single...24 All HP.......3.......250...Single...29 Burning.......Raises ATC/HP 30%....1.......50....Single...23 50%....2.......550...Single...23 Quick.........Raises AGL by 30%....1.......40....Single...23 50%....2.......500...Single...23 Protection....Raises DEF by 30%....1.......50....Single...23 50%....2.......550...Single...23 Rhythmics.....Raises RHM by 30%....1.......80....Single...23 50%....2.......450...Single...23 Life Absorb...Steal HP.............1.......200...Single...33 Mind Absorb...Steal MP.............1.......100...Single...33 Curse Remove..Restore status.......1.......300...Single...23 Restore.......Restore status + HP..1.......400...Single...28 Resurrection..Raise a fallen char..1.......500...Single...24 Darkness......Lowers hit rate......1.......50....Single...23 2.......150...All......25 Illusion......Evade attacks (30%)..1.......100...Self.....23 Escape........Escape (50% chance)..1.......10....Party....23 (80% chance)..2.......80....Party....27 Seal Magic....Seals magic (50%)....1.......80....Single...23 (80%)....2.......100...Single...23 Silence.......Seals magic (30%)....1.......100...All......23 (50%)....2.......300...All......25 Ferrion's Summoning spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------- Flame Bird....Low-rank fire spirit...1.......100.....23 2.......330.....23 3.......830.....25 Earth Serpent.Low-rank earth spirit..1.......130.....23 2.......330.....23 3.......830.....25 Slash Ball....Low-rank air spirit....1.......120.....23 2.......300.....23 3.......800.....23 Splash........Low-rank water spirit..1.......110.....23 2.......310.....23 3.......810.....24 Salamander....Hi-rank fire spirit....1.......800.....35 Gnome.........Hi-rank earth spirit...1.......800.....36 Sylpheed......Hi-rank air spirit.....1.......800.....33 2.......1200....48 Undine........Hi-rank water spirit...1.......800.....34 ---7. Aeria Aeria is El Rahn's wife (although El Rahn says the word doesn't mean the same to elves as to humans) and the fairy queen. She joins once you reach Tir-na-Nog, to replace El Rahn. Aeria Spirit spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ ------ --- ------- Fireball......Fire attack........1.......15......Single...34 2.......120.....Single...34 Fire Ring.....Fire attack........1.......120.....All......34 2.......320.....All......36 Fire Pillar...Fire attack (hi)...1.......430.....All......34 Thunder Ball..Thunder attack.....1.......40......Single...34 2.......130.....Single...34 Thunder Arrow.Thunder attack.....1.......130.....All......34 2.......330.....All......36 Thunder Storm.Thunder attack(hi).1.......460.....All......35 Water Ball....Water attack.......1.......20......Single...34 2.......110.....Single...34 3.......210.....Single...35 Water Ring....Water attack.......1.......110.....All......34 2.......210.....All......35 Water Pillar..Water attack (hi)..1.......410.....All......34 Aircutter.....Air attack.........1.......25......Single...34 2.......100.....Single...34 3.......200.....Single...34 Vaccuum.......Vaccuum attack.....1.......100.....Single...34 2.......300.....All......34 Tornado.......Air attack (hi)....1.......400.....All......34 Iceburg.......Ice attack.........1.......30......Single...34 2.......120.....Single...34 Blizzard......Ice attack (hi)....1.......440.....All......34 Shining.......Light attack.......1.......180.....Single...34 Poison........Cause Poison.......1.......150.....Single...34 Confuse.......Cause Confusion....1.......80......Single...34 Sleeping......Cause Sleep........1.......50......Single...34 Hold..........Cause Paralysis....1.......60......Single...34 Fear..........Cause Fear.........1.......40......Single...34 2.......200.....All......34 Aeria's Healing spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------ ------- Healing.......Restore 300 HP.......1.......30....Single...34 Burning.......Raises ATC/HP 30%....1.......50....Single...34 50%....2.......550...Single...36 Quick.........Raises AGL by 30%....1.......40....Single...34 50%....2.......500...Single...36 Protection....Raises DEF by 30%....1.......50....Single...34 50%....2.......550...Single...36 Rhythmics.....Raises RHM by 30%....1.......80....Single...34 Darkness......Lowers hit rate......1.......50....Single...34 Illusion......Evade attacks (30%)..1.......100...Self.....34 Escape........Escape (50% chance)..1.......10....Party....34 Seal Magic....Seals magic (50%)....1.......80....Single...34 (80%)....2.......100...Single...36 Silence.......Seals magic (30%)....1.......100...All......34 Aeria's Summoning spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------- Flame Bird....Low-rank fire spirit...1.......100.....34 2.......330.....34 Earth Serpent.Low-rank earth spirit..1.......130.....34 2.......330.....34 Slash Ball....Low-rank air spirit....1.......120.....34 2.......300.....34 Splash........Low-rank water spirit..1.......110.....34 2.......310.....34 ---8. Nimmens A legendary hero who once saved the kingdom of Pharon from being invaded. After the battle, he could have become the next king, but decided to leave the country and become a travelling mercenary, instead. He likes booze, and can usually be found in a bar. He cannot use magic. ---9. ArthurArthur is a priest from the country of Acron. He joins you to avenge the death of his teacher, Uther. Arthur's Spirit spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ ------ --- ------- Fireball......Fire attack........1.......15......Single...35 2.......120.....Single...35 3.......220.....Single...35 Fire Ring.....Fire attack........1.......120.....All......35 2.......320.....All......35 3.......620.....All......35 Fire Pillar...Fire attack (hi)...1.......430.....All......35 2.......630.....All......35 3.......930.....All......35 Thunder Ball..Thunder attack.....1.......40......Single...35 2.......130.....Single...35 3.......230.....Single...35 Thunder Arrow.Thunder attack.....1.......130.....All......35 2.......330.....All......35 3.......930.....All......35 Thunder Storm.Thunder attack(hi).1.......460.....All......35 2.......660.....All......35 3.......960.....All......35 Water Ball....Water attack.......1.......20......Single...35 2.......110.....Single...35 3.......210.....Single...35 Water Ring....Water attack.......1.......110.....All......35 2.......210.....All......35 3.......990.....All......35 Water Pillar..Water attack (hi)..1.......410.....All......35 2.......610.....All......35 3.......1110....All......35 Aircutter.....Air attack.........1.......25......Single...35 2.......100.....Single...35 3.......200.....Single...35 Vaccuum.......Vaccuum attack.....1.......100.....Single...35 2.......300.....All......35 3.......600.....All......35 Tornado.......Air attack (hi)....1.......400.....All......35 2.......600.....All......35 3.......800.....All......35 Iceburg.......Ice attack.........1.......30......Single...35 2.......120.....Single...35 3.......220.....Single...35 Blizzard......Ice attack (hi)....1.......440.....All......35 2.......640.....All......35 3.......840.....All......35 Shining.......Light attack.......1.......180.....Single...35 2.......400.....Single...35 3.......800.....Single...37 Earthquake....Earth attack.......1.......2200....All......49 Meteo.........Meteor attack......1.......3500....All......54 Moonfall......Moonlight attack...1.......600.....Single...35 2.......900.....Single...41 3.......1100....Single...53 Aurora Dust...Light attack (hi)..1.......1200....All......46 Star Wall.....Celestial attack...1.......3000....All......51 Poison........Cause Poison.......1.......150.....Single...35 2.......350.....All......35 Confuse.......Cause Confusion....1.......80......Single...35 2.......400.....All......35 Crystal.......Cause Crystal......1.......250.....Single...35 2.......600.....All......35 Sleeping......Cause Sleep........1.......50......Single...35 2.......300.....All......35 Hold..........Cause Paralysis....1.......60......Single...35 2.......400.....All......35 Fear..........Cause Fear.........1.......40......Single...35 2.......200.....All......35 Sudden Death..Kill enemy (10%)...1.......400.....Single...35 (30%)...2.......800.....Single...35 Arthur's Healing spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: Range gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------ ------- Healing.......Restore 300 HP.......1.......30....Single...35 1500 HP......2.......80....Single...35 All HP.......3.......250...Single...35 70% of max...4.......400...All......41 Burning.......Raises ATC/HP 30%....1.......50....Single...35 50%....2.......550...Single...35 Quick.........Raises AGL by 30%....1.......40....Single...35 50%....2.......500...Single...35 Protection....Raises DEF by 30%....1.......50....Single...35 50%....2.......550...Single...35 Rhythmics.....Raises RHM by 30%....1.......80....Single...35 50%....2.......450...Single...35 Life Absorb...Steal HP.............1.......200...Single...35 2.......600...All......47 Mind Absorb...Steal MP.............1.......100...Single...35 2.......600...All......47 Curse Remove..Restore status.......1.......300...Single...35 2.......600...All......35 Restore.......Restore status + HP..1.......400...Single...35 2.......800...All......48 Resurrection..Raise a fallen char..1.......500...Single...35 2.......1000..All......48 Darkness......Lowers hit rate......1.......50....Single...35 2.......150...All......35 Illusion......Evade attacks (30%)..1.......100...Self.....35 (50%)..2.......200...Self.....35 Escape........Escape (50% chance)..1.......10....Party....35 (80% chance)..2.......80....Party....35 Seal Magic....Seals magic (50%)....1.......80....Single...35 (80%)....2.......100...Single...35 Silence.......Seals magic (30%)....1.......100...All......35 (50%)....2.......300...All......35 Arthur's Summoning spells: Level Name: Effect: Level: MP: gained: ----- ------- ------ --- ------- Flame Bird....Low-rank fire spirit...1.......100.....35 2.......330.....35 3.......830.....35 Earth Serpent.Low-rank earth spirit..1.......130.....35 2.......330.....35 3.......830.....35 Slash Ball....Low-rank air spirit....1.......120.....35 2.......300.....35 3.......800.....35 Splash........Low-rank water spirit..1.......110.....35 2.......310.....35 3.......810.....35 Salamander....Hi-rank fire spirit....1.......800.....35 2.......1200....35 3.......1500....40 Gnome.........Hi-rank earth spirit...1.......800.....35 2.......1200....35 3.......1500....41 Sylpheed......Hi-rank air spirit.....1.......800.....35 2.......1200....35 3.......1500....40 Undine........hi-rank water spirit...1.......800.....35 2.......1200....35 3.......1500....40 ---10. Hilda Hilda lives in the ancient city of Tiamat. She oversees all operations there. She has a certain connection to Yuri (which I can say without spoiling things). She can't use magic. ----III. Item lists ---1. Items --A. Healing/Support Items: Name: Effect: Get: ----- ------- ---- Potion................Restores 300 HP.............100G (Pooshon) Red Potion............Restores 1000 HP............600G (Reddopooshon) Blue Potion...........Restores 3000 HP............1100G (Buruupooshon) Clear Potion..........Restores all HP.............2500G (Kuriapooshon) Merazin...............Restores 300 MP.............150G (Merajin) Red Merazin...........Restores 1000 MP............800G (Reddomerajin) Clear Merazin.........Restores all MP.............2750G (Kuriamerajin) Life Water............Restores HP/MP..............700G (Seimei no Mizu) Elixir................Restores HP/MP of all.......3000G (Erikusaa) Antidote Water........Cures Poison................100G (Dokukeshi no Mizu) Awakening Water.......Cures Sleep.................100G (Mezame no Mizu) Courage Water.........Cures Fear..................100G (Yuuki no Mizu) Crystal Water.........Cures Crystal...............300G (Suishou no Mizu) Resolve Water.........Cures Paralysis.............100G (Kiai no Mizu) Revival Water.........Raises a fallen character...4750G (Kitsuke no Mizu) Sanity Water..........Cures Confusion.............100G (Shouki no Mizu) Drop..................Rhythm +25 (temp)...........700G (Doroppu) --B. Battle Items: Name: Effect: Get: ----- ------- ---- Nitron................AP 100 attack...............500G (Naitoron) Hi-Nitron.............AP 500 attack...............1500G (Hainaitoron) Pavlov................AP 1000 attack..............2500G (Paburofu) Darts.................Attack 1 enemy..............300G (Daatsu) Bomb Darts............Bomb attack.................500G (Bomudaatsu) Flash Darts...........Stronger bomb attack........1500G (Furasshudaatsu) Fire Darts............Fire attack.................1500G (Faiaadaatsu) Poison Darts..........Attack + poison.............1600G (Poizundaatsu) Boomerang.............Attack several enemies......500G (Buumeran) Mad Blaze.............1000 HP of fire damage......2500G (Maddobureezu) Burst Thunder.........1000 HP of electric damage..2500G (Baasutosandaa) Flood Enemy...........1000HP of water damage......2500G (Furoodoenemii) --C. Special Items: Name: Effect: Get: ----- ------- ---- Amsia crest...........Protection while in.........Tilis temple (Amushia no Gofu) Amsia's territory Amulet................Use to get an Orb...........Durham Mine (Amyuretto) Aram Crest............Protection while in.........Ulster temple (Aramu no Gofu) Aram's territory Arlim Crest...........Protection while in.........Meritus temple (Aarimu no Gofu) Arlim's territory Bronze Ring...........Use to get to Tir-na-Nog....Durham (Buronzuringu) Cell Key..............Opens the castle's jail.....Ulster castle (Rou no Kagi) Circlet...............A memento of your childhood.Robinton (Saakuretto) Gold Nugget...........A bribe.....................Durham Mine (Kinkai) Holy Book.............Identifies you as a singer..Robinton (Shinseifu) Insignia..............Identifies you as a singer..Robinton (Kariniteisho) Pendant...............Needed for a job............Western Forest (Pendanto) Snake Crest...........identifies a member of......Ulster (Hebi no Monshou) the thieves' guild Taram crest...........Protection while in.........Lancaphan temple (Taramu no Gofu) Taram's territory Ticket................Ticket for the ferry........Tilis boathouse (Jousenken) Yellow Orb............Ancient artifact............Ferrion has it (IerooOobu) ---2. Weapons Abbreviations in the Effect column: ATC = Attack DEF = Defense AGL = Agility RHC = Rhythm Abbreviations in the Users column: Y = Yuri Ae = Aeria Ar = Arthur E = El Rahn F = Ferrion H = Hilda J = Jack N = Nimmens Se = Selena Sh = Shion Name: Effect: Users: Get: ----- ------- ------ ---- Short Sword.......ATC +70, DEF +5,...Y,J,N,Se,Sh....500G (Shootosoodo) AGL +14, RHC +15 Main Gauche.......ATC +71, DEF +3,...Y,E,J,Se,Sh....300G (Mangooshu) AGL +25, RHC +25 Copper Sword......ATC +80, DEF +5,...Y,J,N,Se,Sh....950G (Seidou no Tsurugi) AGL +35, RHC +20 Rapier............ATC +85, DEF +8....Y,N,Se,Sh......1000G (Reipia) AGL +50, RHC +50 Long Sword........ATC +105, DEF +10..Y,N,Se,Sh......1300G (Rongusoodo) AGL +28, RHC +28 Broad Sword.......ATC +118, DEF +16..Y,N,Sh.........2620G (Buroodosoodo) AGL +35, RHC +30 Bastard Sword.....ATC +145, DEF +19..Y,N,Sh.........3100G (Basutaadosoodo) AGL +39, RHC +39 Black Sword.......ATK +150, DEF -50..Y,N,Sh.........4500G (Burakkusoodo) AGL +18, RHC +15 Purge Blade.......ATC +175, DEF +20..Y,N,Se,Sh.......Ulster (Paajibureedo) AGL +45, RHC +45 (strong against undead) Ice Blade.........ATC +195, DEF +27..Y,N,Sh.........18500G (Aisubureedo) AGL +50, RHC +50 (freezes enemies) Terror Blade......ATC +210, DEF +35..Y,N,Sh.........21000G (Teraabureedo) AGL +50, RHC +57 (causes Fear) Flame Sword.......ATC +237, DEF +38..Y,N,Sh.........28500G (Fureimusoodo) AGL +56, RHC +58 Gaia Sword........ATC +250, DEF +30..Y,N,Sh.........Durham (Gaiasoodo) AGL +63, RHC +48 Galaxy Sword......ATC +300, DEF +55..Sh.............Tiamat (Gyarakususoodo) AGL +100, RHC +100 Club..............ATC +75, DEF +3,...J,Sh...........400G (Kurabu) AGL +11, RHC +15 Mace..............ATC +95, DEF +3,...J,Sh...........750G (Meisu) AGL +20, RHC +20 Warhammer.........ATC +145, DEF +10..J,N,Sh.........1100G (Uoohanmaa) AGL +28, RHC +30 Hand Axe..........ATC +118, DEF +7...J,N,Sh.........1500G (Handoakkusu) AGL +23, RHC +28 Battle Axe........ATC +150, DEF +23..N..............27500G (Batoruakkusu) AGL +46, RHC +50 Pike..............ATC +78, AGL +10,..Ar,E,H.........1100G (Paiku) RHC +10 Naginata..........ATC +92, DEF +4,...Ar,E,H.........1700G (Naginata) AGL +15, RHC +14 Scythe............ATC +99, DEF +6....Ar,E,H.........2500G (Saizu) AGL +20, RHC +18 Verge.............ATC +115, DEF +8...Ar,E,H.........3400G (Baaji) AGL +23, RHC +24 Glaive............ATC +128, DEF +12..Ar,E,H.........4800G (Gureibu) AGL +27, RHC +27 Partisan..........ATC +140, DEF +15..Ar,E,H.........5500G (Paruchisan) AGL +38, RHC +38 (attacks two enemies) Trident...........ATC +175, DEF +21..Ar,E,H.........7000G (Toraidento) AGL +42, RHC +42 (attacks two enemies) Halberd...........ATC +227, DEF +27..Ar,E,H.........18600G (Harubaado) AGL +46, RHC +50 Vorpal Lance......ATC +232, DEF +36..Ar,H...........Tiamat (Vooparuransu) AGL +69, RHC +64 (Damages all enemies) Flame Rune........ATC +245, DEF +30..Ar,H...........35410G (Fureimu Ruun) AGL +53, RHC +58 Destruction Rune..ATC +257, DEF +34..Ar,H...........41500G (Hadou Ruun) AGL +65, RHC +59 Galaxy Lance......ATC +305, DEF +51..H..............Tiamat (Gyarakusuransu) AGL +97, RHC +98 Sling.............ATC +68, DEF +7....Y,Ar,E,H,J,N,..600G (Suringu) AGL +18, RHC +18 Se,Sh Bow...............ATC +83, DEF +7....Y,Ar,E,H,J,N,..890G (Bou) AGL +28, RHC +23 Se,Sh Blowgun...........ATC +108, DEF +12..Y,Ar,E,H,F,J,..1120G (Burougan) AGL +33, RHC +33 N,Se,Sh Terminate Bow.....ATC +180, DEF +22..E,J,Se.........1520G (Taamineetobou) AGL +43, RHC +42 Sherwood Bow......ATC +195, DEF +25..E,J,Se.........2500G (Shaauddobou) AGL +48, RHC +48 Crossbow..........ATC +219, DEF +32..E,J,Se.........2900G (Kurosubou) AGL +54, RHC +55 (attacks twice) Arbalest..........ATC +229, DEF +20..Se.............3100G (Aabaresuto) AGL +45, RHC +40 (attacks twice) Laser Plot........ATC +260, DEF +57..Se.............Cristo (Reezaapurotto) AGL +100, RHC +86 Bronze Harp.......ATC +190, DEF +42..Ae,F...........9100G (Buronzuhaapu) AGL +60, RHC +65 Silver Harp.......ATC +230, DEF +48..Ae,F...........12500G (Shirubaahaapu) AGL +64, RHC +69 (causes Sleep) Rhythm Reactor....ATC +315, DEF +55..Y..............Tiamat (Rizumuriakutaa) AGL +103, RHC +92 ---3. Armor The armor section uses the same abbreviations as the weapon section. --A. Armor Name: Effect: Users: Get: ----- ------- ------ ---- Leather Armor.....DEF +60, AGL +15...Y,Ae,E,J,N,Se,.650G (RezaaAaamaa) RHC +10 Sh Gilboal...........DEF +75, AGL +20...Y,Ae,E,F,N,J,..870G (Giruboaaru) RHC +15 Se,Sh Scale Armor.......DEF +86, AGL +24...Y,Ae,E,F,N,J,..1000G (Sukeiruaamaa) RHC +19 Se,Sh Ring Mail.........DEF +98, AGL +29...Y,E,F,J,N,Se,..1280G (Ringumeiru) RHC +25 Sh Lamellar Armor....DEF +109, AGL +33..Y,E,F,J,N,Se,..1700G (RameraaAaamaa) RHC +29 ShBanded Mail.......DEF +119, AGL +40..Y,E,J,N,Sh.....3600G (Bandettomeiru) RHC +35 Chain Mail........DEF +131, AGL +47..Y,E,F,J,N,Sh...4570G (Cheenmeiru) RHC +42 Titan Armor.......DEF +152, AGL +52..Y,Ae,N,Se,Sh...5520G (Chitanaamaa) RHC +48 Poison Armor......DEF +167, AGL +58..Y,Ar,E,F,J,N,..4570G (Poizunaamaa) RHC +55 Sh Thunder Armor.....ATC +5, DEF +183...Y,Ar,E,N,Sh....11200G (SandaaAamaa) AGL +61, RHC +55 Flame Mail........ATC +10, DEF +195..Y,Ar,F,N,Sh....14100G (Fureimumeiru) AGL +67, RHC +62 Sylph Gown........DEF +195, AGL +82..Se.............38000G (Shirufu no Koromo) RHC +80 Earthed Suit......ATC +15, DEF +210..Y,N,Sh.........18000G (Aasudosuutsu) AGL +72, RHC +67 Clone Armor.......DEF +240, AGL +72..Y,Ar,H,Sh......Tiamat (Bunshin no Yoroi) RHC +68 Reflect Guard.....DEF +250, AGL +80..Y,H............Tiamat (Rifurekutogaado) RHC +75 (Reflects Spirit magic) --B. Shields Name: Effect: Users: Get: ----- ------- ------ ---- Gold Shield.......DEF +5.............Y,Ar,E,F,H,J,..10000G (Goorudoshiirudo) N,Se,Sh Small Shield......DEF +23, AGL +5....Y,E,J,N,Se,Sh..300G (Sumoorushiirudo) RHC +5 Buckler...........DEF +31, AGL +8....Y,E,F,J,N,Se,..700G (Bakkuraa) RHC +8 Sh Large Shield......DEF +36, AGL +10...Y,Ae,E,F,H,J,..1000G (Raajishiirudo) RHC +10 N,Se,Sh Round Shield......DEF +43, AGL +13...Y,E,H,J,N,Sh...1300G (Raundoshiirudo) RHC +13 Kite Shield.......DEF +50, AGL +15...Y,H,N,Se,Sh....2000G (Kaitoshiirudo) RHC +15 Ice Shield........DEF +56, AGL +10...Y,Ar,F,H,N,Sh..15500G (Aisushiirudo) RHC +10 Air Shield........DEF +64, AGL +18...Y,Ae,Ar,E,F,H,.25200G (Eaashiirudo) RHC +18 J,N,Se,Sh Medusa Shield.....DEF +69, AGL +25...Y,Ar,E,F,H,J,..Troll cave (Medyuusa no Tate) RHC +25 N,Se,Sh Heat Shield.......ATC +15, DEF +75...Y,Ar,H,N,Sh....27600G (Hiitoshiirudo) AGL +19, RHC +19 Shock Lucis.......DEF +87, AGL +25...Y,Ar,H,N,Sh....30100G (Shokkuruuzesu) RHC +15 Mirror Image......DEF +92, AGL +28...Y,Ar,H,N,Se,...Cave to (Miraaimeeji) RHC +18 (damages attacker) Sh Tir-na-Nog Libera Ring.......DEF +102, AGL +32..Se.............Cristo (Riiberaringu) RHC +32 Galaxy Shield.....DEF +100, AGL +35..Y,H............Tiamat (Gyarakushiirudo) RHC +35 --C. Helmets Name: Effect: Users: Get: ----- ------- ------ ---- Cap...............DEF +15............Y,E,F,J,N,Se,..300G (Kyappu) Sh Leather Helmet....DEF +24, AGL +10...Y,E,F,J,N,Se,..900G (Kawakabuto) RHC +10 Sh Mind Hat..........DEF +31, AGL +12...Y,Ae,Ar,E,F,Se.Triangle Gate (Maindohatto) RHC +20 (reduces MP usage) Iron Helmet.......DEF +32, AGL +15...Y,Ar,H,N,Sh....5200G (Tetsukabuto) RHC +15 Tree Cap..........DEF +38, AGL +37,..Y,Ae,Ar,E,J,N,.5900G (Tsuriikyappu) RHC +15 Se,Sh Stone Cap.........DEF +40, AGL +15...Y,Ae,Ar,F,Se...6200G (Sutoonkyappu) RHC +35 Cross Helmet......DEF +40, AGL +20...Y,Ar,H,N,Sh....7500G (Kurosumetto) RHC +20 Force Helmet......DEF +50, AGL +40...Y,Ar,H,N,Sh....Great Wall (Foosumetto) RHC +15 Star Tiara........DEF +49, AGL +35...Y,Ar,Se........Northshield (Sutaatiara) RHC +35 (regenerates HP) ----IV. Jobs You can take jobs at the Information Desks in some cities. These buildings are marked with a star sign. These are side quests that do not affect the main story. ---1. Tilis Noa jobs 1. Help in the Pub Pay: 100G This job can be done multiple times. Enter the southern pub through the back door (just walk behind the building) and talk to the bartender. He'll tell you to go take customers' orders. Talk to everyone, then talk to the bartender to get your pay. Very easy. 2. Thomas' Dilemma Pay: 1000GThis job can only be done once. Thomas lives in a blue two-story house on the west side of town. Lately, he saw a cave in the western forest where there wasn't one before. He tried to investigate it, but was attacked by monsters. While running away, he dropped a pendant that was given to him by his mother. He wants you to get it back for him. Use the bridge in the SW corner of town to get to the western forest. Sure enough, there's cave. It's pretty straightforward. At the end, there is a circle on the floor. The pendant is there. El Rahn notices the writing on the floor. Shion thinks it's just graffiti, but El Rahn recognizes it as a magic cirle. Someone was using this cave to cast spells, and that must have attracted the monsters. El Rahn says he's going to stay and seal the cave. Go back to Tilis Noa with Shion. Talk to Thomas and give him the pendant. He gives the reward of 1000G. You ask about the magic circle, and he says Davy must have made it. He saw Davy in the forest the day he found the cave. Shion suggests you go talk to Davy. Thomas gives you 2 Elixirs (nice!) just in case. Davy lives in the SE corner of town. He claims to know nothing about the magic circle, so Shion suggests they find some proof. Look at the bulletin board on the back wall. Read the memo there and talk to Davy again. The memo was a drawing of a magic circle. Seeing that you know his secret, Davy attacks you, and El Rahn comes in just in time to join in. After the battle, Davy comes to his senses. He doesn't remember anything from the past few days. El Rahn says he's been possessed by an evil spirit. He'd tried a summoning spell in the cave, and whatever he summoned ended up possessing him. Items to find in the cave: Potion (3), Merazin, Drop, Nitron, Pendant, 1700G ----V. Store Stock Store stocks changes throughout the game. Some items may not be available at certian times. ---1. Tilis Medicine shop: Potion, Merazin, Elixir, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote Water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water, Life Water Tool shop: Nitron, Pavlov, Darts Weapon shop: Main Gauche, Club, Pike, Sling Armor shop: Leather Armor, Gold Shield, Small Shield, Cap ---2. Tilis Noa Inn: 100G per person Medicine shop: Potion, Red potion, Merazin, Red Merazin, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote Water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water Tool shop (north): Nitron, Darts, Boomerang Tool shop (south): Nitron, Hi-Nitron, Boomerang, Drop Weapon shop (north): Short Sword, Copper Sword, Main Gauche, Club, Mace Copper Sword, Long Sword, Rapier, Broad Sword, Bastard Sword, Black Sword, Flame Sword, Ice Blade, Terror Blade, Warhammer, Hand Axe Weapon shop (south): Pike, Naginata, Sling, Bow Verge, Glaive, Partisan, Trident, Halberd, Flame Rune, Sling, Bow, Blowgun, Terminate Bow, Sherwood Bow, Crossbow, Bronze Harp, Silver Harp Armor shop (north): Gold Shield, Small Shield, Buckler, Large Shield, Round Shield, Kite Shield, Heat Shield, Air Shield, Ice Shield, Cap, Leather Helmet, Iron Helmet, Cross Helmet, Tree Cap, Stone Cap Armor shop (south): Leather Armor, Gilboal, Scale Armor, Ring Mail, Lamellar Armor, Banded Mail, Chain Mail, Titan Armor, Poison Armor, Thunder Armor, Flame Mail ---3. Vanvar: Medicine shop: Potion, Red Potion, Merazin, Red Merazin, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote Water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water Weapon shop: Short Sword, Copper Sword, Main Gauche, Long Sword, Rapier, Club, Mace, Hand Axe, Pike, Naginata, Scythe, Verge, Sling, Bow, Blowgun Armor shop: Leather armor, Giboal, Scale Armor, Ring Mail, Small Shield, Buckler, Cap, Leather Helmet ---4. Lancaphan: Inn: 150G per person Medicine shop: Potion, Red Potion, Merazin, Red Merazin, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote Water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water Tool shop: Nitron, Hi-Nitron, Darts, Poison Darts, Boomerang, Drop Weapon shop: Short Sword, Copper Sword, Long Sword, Rapier, Broad Sword, Mace, Warhammer, Hand Axe, Pike, Naginata, Scythe, Verge, Glaive, Sling, Bow, Blowgun Armor shop: Leather Armor, Gilboal, Scale Armor, Ring Mail, Lamellar Armor, Gold Shield, Small Shield, Buckler, Large Shield, Cap, Leather Helmet ---5. Meritus Inn: 180G per person Medicine shop: Potion, Red Potion, Blue Potion, Merazin, Red Merazin, Blue Merazin, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote Water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water Tool shop: Nitron, Hi-nitron, Pavlov, Darts, Poison Darts, Fire Darts, Bomb Darts, Flash Darts, Boomerang, Drop Weapon shop: Copper Sword, Long Sword, Rapier, Broad Sword, Bastard Sword, Mace, Warhammer, Hand Axe, Battle Axe, Pike, Naginata, Scythe, Verge, Glaive, Patrisan, Trident, Sling, Bow, Blowgun, Terminate Bow, Sherwood Bow Armor shop: Leather Armor, Gilboal, Scale Armor, Ring Mail, Lamellar Armor, Banded Mail, Chain Mail, Titan Armor, Gold Shield, Small Shield, Buckler, Large Shield, Round Shield, Kite Shield, Cap, Leather Helmet, Iron Helmet, Tree Cap ---6. Fahan Inn: 100G per person Medicine vendor: Potion, Red Potion, Blue Potion, Merazin, Red Merazin, Blue Merazin, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water Tool vendors: Nitron, Hi-nitron, Pavlov, Darts, Poison Darts, Fire Darts, Bomb Darts, Flash Darts, Boomerang, Drop Weapon vendor: Copper Sword, Long Sword, Rapier, Broad Sword, Bastard Sword, Black Sword, Mace, Warhammer, Hand Axe, Scythe, Verge, Glaive, Partisan, Trident, Sling, Bow, Blowgun, Terminate Bow Armor vendor: Leather Armor, Gilboal, Scale Armor, Ring Mail, Lamellar Armor, Banded Mail, Chain Mail, Gold Shield, Small Shield, Buckler, Large Shield, Round Shield, Kite Shield, Leather Helmet, Iron Helmet, Tree Cap ---7. Ulster Inn: 250G per person Medicine Shop: Potion, Red Potion, Blue Potion, Merazin, Red Merazin, Blue Merazin, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote Water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water Tool shop: Nitron, Hi-nitron, Pavlov, Darts, Poison Darts, Fire Darts, Bomb Darts, Flash Darts, Boomerang, Drop Weapon shop (east): Short Sword, Copper Sword, Main Gauche, Long Sword, Rapier, Broad Sword, Bastard Sword, Black Sword, Ice Blade, Club, Mace, Warhammer, Hand Axe Weapon shop (west): Pike, Naginata, Scythe, Verge, Glaive, Partisan, Trident, Sling, Bow, Blowgun, Terminate Bow, Sherwood Bow, Bronze Harp Armor shop (east): Leather Armor, Gilboal, Scale Armor, Ring Mail, Lamellar Armor, Banded Mail, Chain Mail, Titan Armor Armor Shop (west): Gold Shield, Small Shield, Buckler, Large Shield, Round Shield, Kite Shield, Cap, Leather Helmet, Iron Helmet, Tree Cap ---8. Dorphas Tool vendor: Nitron, Hi-nitron, Pavlov, Darts, Poison Darts, Fire Darts, Bomb Darts, Flash Darts, Boomerang, Drop Weapon shop (east): Pike, Naginata, Scythe, Verge, Glaive, Partisan, Trident, Sling, Bow, Blowgun, Terminate Bow Weapo shop (west): Short Sword, Copper Sword, Main Gauche, Long Sword, Rapier, Broad Sword, Bastard Sword, Club, Mace, Warhammer, Hand Axe Armor shop (north): Leather Armor, Gilboal, Scale Armor, Ring Mail, Lamellar Armor, Banded Mail, Chain Mail Armor shop (south): Gold Shield, Small Shield, Buckler, Large Shield, Round Shield, Cap, Leather Helmet, Tree Cap ---9. Rhythmore Inn: 100G per person Medicine shop: Potion, Red Potion, Merazin, Red Merazin, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote Water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water Tool shop: Nitron, Hi-nitron, Darts, Poison Darts, Boomerang, Drop Weapon/Armor shop: Bastard Sword, Ice Blade, Trident, Crossbow, Bronze Harp, Banded Mail, Chain Mail, Titan Armor, Poison Armor, Ice Shield, Iron Helmet, Stone Cap ---10. Durham Inn: 100G per person Tool shop: Nitron, Hi-nitron, Pavlov, Darts, Poison Darts, Fire Darts, Bomb Darts, Flash Darts, Boomerang, Drop Weapon shop: Bastard Sword, Black Sword, Ice Blade, Terror Blade, Glaive, Partisan, Trident, Halberd, Terminate Bow, Sherwood Bow, Crossbow, Silver Harp Armor shop: Banded Mail, Chain Mail, Titan Armor, Poison Armor, Thunder Armor, Large Shield, Round Shield, Kite Shield, Air Shield, Ice Shield, Leather Helmet, Iron Helmet, Tree Cap, Stone Cap ---11. Ellus Noa Inn: 300G per person Medicine shop: Red Potion, Blue Potion, Clear Potion, Red Merazin, Blue Merazin, Clear Merazin, Elixir, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote Water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water, Life Water Tool shop: Nitron, Hi-nitron, Pavlov, Darts, Poison Darts, Fire Darts, Bomb Darts, Flash Darts, Boomerang, Drop Weapon Shop: Black Sword, Flame Sword, Ice Blade, Terror Blade, Halberd, Flame Rune, Destruction Rune, Sherwood Bow, Crossbow, Arbalest, Bronze Harp, Silver Harp Armor shop: Titan Armor, Poison Armor, Thunder Armor, Flame Mail, Earthed Suit, Sylph Gown, Round Shield, Kite Shield, Heat Shield, Air Shield, Ice Shield, Shock Lucis, Iron Helmet, Cross Helmet, Tree Cap, Stone Cap ---12. Cristo Medicine vendor: Red Potion, Blue Potion, Clear Potion, Red Merazin, Blue Merazin, Clear Merazin, Elixir, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water, Life Water Tool vendor: Nitron, Hi-nitron, Pavlov, Darts, Poison Darts, Fire Darts, Bomb Darts, Flash Darts, Boomerang, Drop ---13. Tiamat Medicine shop: Potion, Red potion, Merazin, Red Merazin, Drop, Revival Water, Antidote Water, Sanity Water, Crystal Water, Awakening Water, Resolve Water, Courage Water Too shop: Nitron, Hi-nitron, Pavlov, Darts, Poison Darts, Fire Darts, Bomb Darts, Flash Darts, Boomerang ----VI. Frequently Asked Questions Q: What effect does the battle formation have? A: The farther a character is from the monsters, the less likely he/she is to take damage. Summoned monsters can only be called to where there aren't any characters or monsters standing. It does not effect attacking ability. Q: How do I get into the locked buildings in Vanvar? A: You don't, apparently. They're just for show. Q: How do I find the assassin in Ulster castle? A: Talk to the guards in the guard quarters, then the maids in the kitchen, then search the king's room. Then check the panther in the cell. Q: How do I get to Troll Cave? It's a dead end! A: There is a path through the trees just south of where the path ends. Q: How do I get the Gaia Sword? A: Collect all 4 crests by buying them at the various temples. A dwarf in Durham will trade you the Gaia Sword for the crests. Q: How do I get to the Orb in the Dwarf mine? A: Go up the stairs after freeing the king and turn east. There is a secret passage by the stairs. Q: How the hell do I beat Zenon/Achal? A: Aurora Dust will work on Zenon, and Star Wall will work on Achal. Hi-nitrons and Pavlovs also work. Yes, it's a pain. Either I've missed something major, or the game designers were on crack. ----VII. Walkthrough ---1. Departure The game opens in the Tilis School on the island of Limerick. A shockwave rocks the school and the students flee. It was caused by Yuri, the star pupil. His songs are quite powerful, but he hasn't yet learned how to control them properly. The teacher tells Yuri to go calm down. Outside the classroom, Yuri meets his grandfather, Robinton. He says he has something to talk to Yuri about and brings him to his office. Robinton sees that Yuri has the potential to be the most powerful Singer of his time, but he needs to learn control. Getting the training he needs will be difficult here, so he thought he'd send Yuri on a journey to see his old friend Ferrion. That way, he'd get to practice his skills. He and Ferrion had studied to be Song Masters together, but Ferrion left the guild. Robinton thinks he could have become a real Song Master if he'd stayed. Robinton gives Yuri 500G and tells him to go say goodbye to Marsha, the woman who raised him, and come back when he's ready to depart. Marsha's house is the house without a door in the SE corner. Go talk to Marsha, then go the Dojo and talk to Shion (in the red armor, standing by the desk). He asks Yuri what's wrong. Yuri thinks Robinton is sending him away because he's become a nuisance. Shion insists he wouldn't do that. Shion commiserates that he's too embarrassed to go home, since he didn't have the talent to be a singer, and had to become a swordsman instead. He wants Yuri to not end up ashamed like him. Denton, Shion's teacher, thinks it would do Shion good to go on a journey, too, and asks Yuri to take him along. Naturally, Yuri agrees, and Shion says he'll meet him in Robinton's office later. Go in the temple and talk to the priest. He gives you the Amsia Crest, the symbol of Tilis' guardian diety, Amsia, god of air. It will protect you from evil, but only works in this country. Each guardian diety has their own crest, and you can get them at temples in each diety's territory. After getting the crest, a man comes to see you. He is El Rahn, an elf. He met you once when you were a small child, but you don't remember it. He came to see Robinton, so you decide to go together. Go to Robinton's office. Robinton explains that he asked El Rahn to accompany you on your journey. There's also something important he has to tell you. Even though he raised you as his grandson, you're actually not his grandson. Several years ago, he and El Rahn were exterminating monsters on the plain, when they found a village that had been destroyed by monsters. Only a single baby, namely you, was left alive. Your real parents died with the rest of the village. Nevertheless, he still considers you his real grandson. He gives you an insignia and holy book that identify you as a singer. If you're ever in trouble, these will let you get help from the Singer Guild. He also gives you a Circlet, which you had with you when you were found. Shion enters. Robinton wonders if he's finally built up the courage to return home, but Shion says he hasn't. However, he does want to go with you on your journey. Robinton approves. El Rahn asks where Ferrion is. Robinton says he should be in his homeland of Vernicia. You can get there from Tilis Noa, the capital city. Go see Marsha before you leave. She'll give you a Short Sword and Small Shield. They used to belong to her late husband, but she thinks he'd be happy if you used them. Go to the boathouse and get a ticket for the ferry. Give the ticket to the man at the dock, and you'll be off to Tili Noa. ---2. Tilis Noa The townspeople in Tilis Noa are all worried about monsters. Everyone is afraid to leave the town. People refuse to travel without bodyguards. There's an ice dragon living on Mt. Gloastil, and because of it, the road through the mountain has been destroyed and the carriage can't run. Goblins have been spotted near the village of Letha to the north. Go to the Singer Guild in the NE corner. A man behind the counter has heard of you. He tellsl you to go ask the Singer Guild in Meritus about Ferrion. Go to the southern pub. A man there says that a caravan is leaving for Farohn and Vernicia. Shion thinks you should join it. The leader of the caravan is Gordon, in the station's pub. The caravan is going to Ulster in Marsia. The caravan leaves in the morning. Go stay at the inn. Go see Gordon at the station. Or rather, the man sitting where Gordon used to be. The Caravan has already left! However, you may be able to catch up with it. Talk to the guard at the north entrance. Normally, he wouldn't let you through without a passport, but he'll make an exception since you're trying to catch the caravan. ---3. The Mountain bandits North of Tilis Noa is Sombaille Forest. A ways in, you find the members of the caravan, all dead or dying. Apparently, the caravan was attacked. One man says something about a bandits. You split up to look for survivors. You wander off and call out. Your call is answered by the bandits. They take you by surprise and capture you. You wake up in a dungeon. Remy, a girl you saw in a inn in Tilis Noa is in the cell with you. She was with the caravan when it was attacked. Since she's the daughter of Letha's mayor, they figured she'd make a good hostage. A Singer like you would make a good hostage, too, apparently. You check your items and find the Holy book and Circlet missing. You ask if anyone was brought here with you. The man in the next cell says that only you were brought. He introduces himself as Cat-eyed Jack, a famous mercenary. He'd been hired by the bandits, but once the job was done, they threw him in here. He also says that he heard the bandits planning to attack Letha next. Someone comes in. It's Shion! El Rahn used his magic to put the bandits to sleep, and Shion came to get you out. You tell him to take Remy back to Letha, while you and El Rahn look for your stolen stuff. Jack insists that you let him out, too, because he has a score to settle with the bandits. Shion leaves with Remy, and you ask Jack to explain what he said before. He claims that the bandits aren't his friends and he doesn't know any more about Letha. You have a choice whether to let him out. Be a nice guy and do it. Jack joins you. He says the bandit leader is in the inner most room. El Rahn arrives and joins, too. Outside the dungeon, all the bandits are asleep. The plan for attacking the caravan is posted on the board on the north wall. As you approach the other door, you hear a voice. It's the bandit leader talking to one of his underlings. He says that the goblins should have subdued the villagers by now, so their job is almost over. The village's treasure will soon be theirs. You rush in to confront him. El Rahn demands an explanation, and since the bandits figure you're about to die, they give it. The so-called goblin attacks were their work. They made the villagers think the goblins were attacking them, and the goblins think the villagers were attacking them. With both sides busy fighting a war, they can swoop in and take the treasure. They attack. After beating the thieves, the leader runs away. Jack chases after him. You want to, too, but El Rahn says you have to find your missing stuff and get to Letha. Your stuff is in the chest. Once you have your stuff, leave the bandit hideout and go through the woods. Eventually, you'll reach the path where you found the caravan. Go north from there to reach Letha. Shion and Remy are in the mayor's house in the NW corner. Now that the bandits are gone, they just have to stop the fighting between the villagers and goblins. Remy wants to come with you. Shion won't let her, but she gives you 3 potions, 3 merazins and a Revival Water. Head north to get to the goblin cave. ---4. Goblin Cave The villagers have chased the goblins into the cave. The mayor is there, along with two villagers. You tell them about the caravan, and they assume it was the goblins that attacked you. You tell them the truth, that the bandits not only attacked you, but Letha and the goblins as well, in order to get Letha's treasure. They believe you, but aren't sure that the goblins will stop fighting so easily. El Rahn offers to negotiate for them. Head west into the cave. Some of the chests here are trapped, and call monsters when you open them. The goblin town of Vanvar is on the second level. You try to explain that you came in peace, but the guards are still itching to fight. Fortunately, their leader, Giblon is willing to listen. After hearing the story, he agrees to take you to see their king, Orlin. Orlin isn't willing to stop fighting. Whether it was Letha or the bandits that attacked them, they were still attacked by humans. El Rahn tries to convince him by reminding him that the goblins once lived and fought together with humans in the battle against Achal, and it seems that Orlin is almost convinced. But then a goblin soldier runs in. The gobins' prince has been captured by humans. Now Orlin decides he can't trust humans at all and sends you away. Another goblin arrives, bringing Remy. Remy says that one of the people the mayor recruited as guards was one of the bandits in disguise, and had sneaked into the cave. She was afraid they would try to get revenge on you. It must have been the bandit who took the prince. The king says that the treasure the bandits are after must be the Red Orb. It is protected by a magic barrier that only a goblin child can pass through. Terrible things will supposedly happen if the barrier is broken. Giblon suggests sending you to rescue the prince. Since you're humans, you should be able to reach the bottom of the cave. Orlin reluctantly agrees. However, he doesn't entirely trust you, and insists that one of you stay behind as a hostage. Remy agrees to stay. Giblon leads you to the entrance to the cave. You can also explore the town of Vanvar and stock up before going in. Head down the stairs. The bandits are at the bottom. The bandit leader you defeated at the hideout is there. The bandit leader threatens to kill the prince is you come closer. A strange knight with the bandits tells the leader that his job is done now that they have the Orb, so he's leaving. And he does. The leader tells you to stay out of his way or else. One of the thieves grabs the prince and runs to you. It's Jack in disguise! The bandit leader prepares to fight you, but the ground starts shaking. A load roar is heard and the other bandits disappear. A Cyclops appears from behind the now-broken barrier and attacks. The Cyclops can attack the whole party at once, so keep the healing spells handy. After the battle, El Rahn explains that the monster was a servant of Achal, sealed here by the gods. You return to Orlin's castle. Even though you were able to rescue the prince, the strange knight still got away with the Orb. It's unfortunate, but the king is just glad that the prince is safe. As promised, he agrees to make peace with the humans, as long as they leave the goblins alone. Remy says she'll tell the rest of the villagers. El Rahn mentions that you're headed to Vernicia. There is a tunnel in the cave leading to Lancaphan, but it hasn't been used in years. Nevertheless, he'll let you use it, and you can keep the treasure left in it as a reward for saving the prince. Remy wishes you luck and leaves. Shion decides to escort her to the cave entrance and tells you to go ahead and he'll catch up. Items in Goblin Cave: Potion (6), Red Potion (4), Bomb Darts (8), Revival Water, 10500G Go east from the castle and talk to the goblin standing next to the door. He'll remove the seal on the door. Shion runs to join you. Once you go through the door, you won't be able to go back, so stock up before you go. Items in the passage: Clear Potion, Revival Water, Tree Cap, Potion (8), Blue Potion, Gold Shield, Life Water, 14000G ---5. Lancaphan When you leave the passage, Jack leaves the party, saying he has an appoint in Lancaphan. El Rahn tells you that this forest is ruled by Sybel, who is the fairy queen and his sister-in-law. He suggests you go meet her. Just as you start to go, you realize the Circlet is missing. Jack must have taken it! That appointment of his must have been to fence all the stuff he stole! You'd better go after him. Go through the forest to Sybel's house. She lets you stay the night there. You wake up in the middle of the night to find El Rahn missing. He is in the next room, talking with Sybel. He says there's something he needs to check on, and there isn't much time. Sybel seems worried that he may be right. You think they're talking about you, but it's rude to eavesdrop, so you go back to bed. The next morning, go talk to Sybel. She tells you to go over Mt. Barama to get to Lancaphan. Leave Sybel's house and go to Mt. Barama. Go through Mt. Barama to get to Lancaphan. One of the people in town thinks he recognizes you at first, but it seems they're mistaken (...?). Go to the temple and make a donation to get the Taram crest. Lancaphan is rumored to be a haven for theives, but King Eric is trying to drive the thieves out. The king's uncle, Count Goza is rumored to be connected to them. A man in the pub mentions a supposed secret theives town called Dorphas that exists somewhere in Lancaphan. Another man in the pub tells you about the hero Nimmens. Long ago, Nimmens saved the town from King Donon of Agna, who was trying to conquer the country. The king was also killed in the battle. Since the king didn't have any children, everyone thought Nimmens would be the next king, but he didn't want to. He left his younger brother Ranzel as king and left the country. Ranzel later died, and his son Eric succeeded him. A man in a house in the south end of town says that the man at the Information Desk supposedly also fences stolen property for the thieves. Go talk to him. There should now be a second option, for asking about Dorphas. He claims not to know anything. Keep asking. Eventually, he agrees to tell you the way to the theives' town for 2000G. He says to Benji, the jail guard, the password and he'll take you to Dorphas. Benji is in the left-hand cell. Tell him the password (2nd from the top). He tells you to go to the pub at the next full moon and order a "Griffon's Tear". It's still a while until the next full moon, so you decide to go on to Meritus, capital of Vernicia, and look for Ferrion until then. Exit town to the west to go to Vilne Pass. Go through Vilne Pass to Meritus. ---6. Meritus You can get the Arlim crest at the temple. North of Meritus is the Wasteland. It's said that that is where the gods fought the final battle with the evil Achal. The Singer Guild is on the west side of town. Ask Eddy, the guy at the north end of the counter, about Ferrion. He says that someone resembling him has been seen in the village of Alecia. Leave Meritus and go to Alecia (you'll have a choice of destinations this time). No one in Alecia knows anyone named Ferrion. There's an old man named Farrion, but he's not a Singer. After talking to everyone, El Rahn suggests you go back to Meritus. Talk to Eddy again, and he'll say he heard some people in a caravan from Curea talking about a man named Ferrion. Getting to Curea could be dangerous, since Clouador's king, Zenon, wants to start a war with them. Leave Meritus and go north to Watts Pass. Go through Watts Pass to the town of Fahan. ---7. Fahan There are no shops in Fahan, only travelling salesman who set up their booths in the street. In order to pass, you'll need to passport. You can buy one at the shop near the entrance for 500G. After buying it, the man will tell you to come back later to pick it up. El Rahn suggests you pass the time shopping. Talk to the vendor standing by the camel. He's from Curea. He fled the town when rumors of war started. You ask if he knows anyone named Ferrion. He says he doesn't, but he travelled here with an old man. When their caravan was attacked by monsters, the old man drive them away with some strange power. The man said he was headed to Ulster. Go back to the shop and your passport will be ready. Show your pass to the guard and he'll let you through. Head for Barahato Pass. In the middle of Barahato Pass, a group of knights stop you. They aim to kill you, but another man (who you might recognize from the pub in Telis Noa) stops them. The knights recognize him and immediately run away. The man leaves before telling you his name. Go through the pass to Ulster. ---8. Ulster Ulster is the capital of Marsia, ruled by King Corman. The town is in an uproar because yesterday, the queen was killed by an assassin. You can buy an Aram Crest at the temple for 1000G. There's a woman on the street who'll play rock-paper-scissors for 500G per game. A man in a house on the east side will sell you a Purge Blade for 18000G. The Singer Guild is in the NW corner, but Hudson, the guild head, is missing. The receptionist suggests looking for him at the pub. Go to the bar and talk to one of the blue-haired men. It's Hudson. He's already heard of you, and says he'll meet you back at the guild. Go back to the guild and talk to him. He says he hasn't heard anything about Ferrion. Geez. El Rahn says that King Corman is an acquaintance of his, so he wants to pay his respects to the queen. He asks you to accompany him to the castle. Talk to the guard by the castle and he'll let you through. They keep a panther is a cell in the castle. Perhaps the king was looking to start a royal menagerie. The king is in the throne room with his two daughters, Selena and Letitia. El Rahn pays his respects. The king laments that the assassin's dart was meant for him, but Queen Lianna shielded him. He blames himself for her death, but Selena tells him not to. King Corman introduces his daughters. The older daughter, Selena, acts as the royal high priestess. The younger daughter, Letitia, acts as captain of the guard. El Rahn introduces you and Shion. Corman recognizes your name. Apparently, he used to know Robinton. He invites you to stay in the castle for the night. El Rahn wakes you in the middle of the night. Selena comes in and says her father was attacked again. He wasn't badly hurt, but the attacker wasn't caught. El Rahn thinks you should help find the attacker. Go see the king in his chamber (the door next to the throne room). He says that although he wasn't hurt, the Blue Orb was stolen. The Blue Orb, like the Red Orb, was used by the gods to seal Achal. Perhaps the assassin's real target wasn't the king, but the Orb. The assassin must still be in the castle, since Letitia's guards have the place well-surrounded. Ask the guards about the assassin. One says it was like a shadow and he couldn't get a good look. One of the maids said she found animal hair on the floor while cleaning, and it was too big to be from a mouse. El Rahn suggests you search the king's room. Search by the north wall. Sure enough, there's some kind of animal hair there. Shion thinks the attacker is actually a monster or animal, but El Rahn thinks it's a person with the ability to change into an animal. The only animal in the castle is the panther in the cell. Go to the cell and talk to the guard. He'll give you the key. Open the door and go check on the panther. El Rahn tells it to show its true form. Sure enough, it does. The panther changes into a woman. She chants a spell and the guard attacks you. By the time you beat the monster, the woman is gone. You go report to King Corman. Even though the assassin got away, one of the guards found a badge with the insignia of the Lancaphan thieves guild while they were searching for her. You were planning to go to the theives' town anyway. You might find her there if you do. The king is reluctant to rely on you so much, but he agrees. The guard gives you the Snake Crest he found. You set off immediately, going south the Parm Pass. Go through Parm Pass to Lancaphan. ---9. Dorphas Go the pub and talk to the bartender. He'll ask what you want to order. Order a Griffon's Tear, the second option from the top (if you're wondering, the other options are Salty Dog and Grasshopper). At first, he'll claim not to have any. Order it again, and the bartender will decide you're actually a "customer". He tells you to wait for the guide to come. You sit and the table and eventully the guide, Sam, comes. Sam leads you through the town and down a hidden staircase to Dorphas. The man at the Information Desk says that Sam managed to steal an Orb from Cygnus Castle, King Eric's castle. Go to the weapon shop in the NW corner and talk to the shopkeeper. He says he has the best stolen stuff around. You don't have to buy anything. After you finish, Jack comes in! He thinks you're going to kill him, but you say you won't hurt him if he gives back the Circlet. Unfortunately, he gave it to the guild leader, Eleus, as an apology for failing his mission. He'd been told to get the Red Orb from the goblins, and had intended to use the bandits to do it, but they ended up capturing him and taking the Orb. El Rahn asks if there are any others looking for the Orbs, especially one who can turn into a panther. Jack says that the panther woman is Lamia, and she's bad news. If she's involved, things are worse than he thought. A strange knight named Ragnas has been hanging around Eleus, and it was his idea to collect the Orbs. Something about Ragnas has Jack creeped out. Jack decides he doesn't want any part of Ragnas' plan and offers to help you get the Orbs and Circlet back. Go through the cave to the east to Eleus' mansion. The door is locked, but Jack says there's a back door. Go in and listen by the door to Eleus' room. Eleus is talking with Lamia, Benji and Sam. They have Marcia's and Pharon's Orbs, so they only need Curea's and Vanvar's. They start complaining about how Jack failed to get Vanvar's Orb and how stupid and incompetant he is. Jack loses his temper and bursts in. Benji tells Sam to kill you, but Sam refuses. Sam reveals that he is really Eric, and Eleus is really Count Goza, his uncle. He had grown suspicious of the rumors regarding Goza and went undercover to find the truth. His soldiers have the town surrounded now, so there's nowhere for Goza/Eleus to run. Goza says he should have been king instead of his brother, and he still plans to be. He orders Benji and Lamia to kill Eric. Benji runs away. Eric tries to stop Lamia, but she runs, too. While Eric is fighting Lamia, Goza runs out the door. You go after Goza. Ragnas is in the back room. You demand that he return the Orbs. For a moment, it seems that Ragnas recognizes you. Ragnas attacks, but El Rahn stops him. He casts a spell that sends Ragnas flying. Ragnas decided to flee for now. Lamia grabs the Orbs from Goza. Goza begs for forgiveness, but it's too late. He transforms into a monster and attacks. After you defeat him, you get the Circlet back. Unfortunately, Ragnas and Lamia escaped during the battle. Eric brings you to the castle and you explain everything. You decide to go back to Marsia and report what happened to King Corman. King Eric thinks that since they have a common enemy, Pharon and Marsia should join forces, and tells you to tell King Corman. You notice that El Rahn is looking sick. He insists that it's just because he overdid it in the battle with Ragnas. Leave Lancaphan from the western exit and go to Parm Pass. Go through the pass to Ulster. Go to the castle and see King Corman. You explain what happened. One of the guards recognizes the name Ragnas as the name of the son of King Zenon. Letitia says that she heard that King Zenon has been destroying all the temples in Clouador and building temples to Achal in their place. It could be that they want to Orbs to revive Achal. Suddenly, El Rahn collapses. Corman summons a doctor and El Rahn is taken to another room to rest. The battle with Ragnas must have taken more of a toll than he thought. Corman says that the Singer Guild has sent a messenger saying that they had information for you, and you should go to the guild and see what they have. Selena enters, dressed in regular clothes instead of her priest's robe. She wants to go with you in El Rahn's place, in order to help avenge her mother. Letitia agrees and asks the king to allow it. After some thought, he does. Go to the Singer Guild and talk to Hudson. He says that a message arrived from the guild in Meritus saying that the man resembling Ferrion has returned to Alecia. Leave Ulster from the west and go through Barahato Pass to Fahan, then through Watts Pass to Meritus, then to Alecia. ---10. Alecia Go to the house at the south end of town and talk to the man inside. The man claims not to know about Ferrion, but Yuri knows he's lying. He can sense the man's power as a Singer. The man gets mad and tells you to leave. Leave Alecia. As you do, a messenger from the Singer Guild arrives. He says that Eddy in Meritus' guild wants to see you right away. Go talk to Eddy. He says that Clouador has invaded Curea! According to Robinton, they're looking to revive Achal and conquer all of Albion. Robinton is gathering all the Singers and Bards to fight them. He wants you to find Ferrion and join the fight. Vernicia's King John is preparing to send reinforcements to Curea. Selena has a vision. She sees red fire and a black shadow. Something has happened to Alecia! Go back to Alecia. The village has been burned to the ground. The only person left is the man you talked to before. He admits he is really Ferrion. He says he hid after you left, and while he was gone, the village was attacked. They were after the Orb he had. King Askil of Curea is an old friend of his, and had asked him to keep the Orb to keep it out of Zenon's hands. Soldiers from Clouador had pursued him, but he ws able to defeat them with Nimmens' help. However, they must have kept after him and followed him to Alecia. Sure enough, three soldiers come up behind you. They demand the Orb. Ferrion refuses to give it to them. They attack. Don't bother using magic against them, as they seem to strong against everything. After defeating them, you ask Ferrion to come with you and he agrees. He says he'll teach you everything he knows, but he's a strict teacher. You're overjoyed anyway. Selena suggests you go back to Marsia and see El Rahn. Go back to Marsia and talk to King Corman. King Corman was also planning to send troops to Curea. He was also planning to go to Tilis Noa and join Robinton. You ask about El Rahn. Letitia says he seems to be doing better. El Rahn himself comes in to explain. Even though Elves live longer than humans, they age differently. El Rahn looks young, but he's almost at the end of his life span. When elves are about to die, they go to the elf homeland, Tir-na-Nog and are reborn into a new body. However, there isn't enough time for him to get to Tir- na-Nog now. That must have been what he meant when he told Sybel there wasn't much time. King Corman doesn't want to let El Rahn die, though. He says there may be a shortcut to Tir-na-Nog in the underground dwarf country of Northumbria. Everyone insists that they try. King Corman gives you a letter to give to the dwarf king, King Limbert, but insists that Selena go to Tilis Noa with him. Selena is disappointed, but doesn't want to disobey her father. You go to say goodbye to Selena. Selena apologizes. You say that once you get El Rahn to Tir-na-Nog, you'll come to Tilis Noa and join her. You can get to Northumbria through the cave known as the Triangle Gate, near the village of Rhythmore. ---11. Rhythmore Leave Ulster and go to Rhythmore. Rhythmore has problems. Trolls have settled in the mountains to the north, and they are forced to give them young girls as sacrifices to keep them from attacking. A boy in a house in the east says that the girl in the house south of his was taken and asks you to rescue her. Being a hero, I'm sure you'll say yes. After talking to the boy, talk to the man in the house. He'll tell you the trolls are in the mountain to the north. Exit from the west and go to Troll Cave. The path to the cave is hidden. Go a few steps south of where the obvious path dead-ends and go east. There is a path through the trees. There are trolls wandering in the cave. Talk to them and they'll call more trolls to fight. Otherwise, they'll ignore you. The Troll Lord is in the back of the cave. He says he needs the girl for a spell to make him immortal, and he won't give her back. He attacks. After defeating him, go through the door and talk to the girl. Items in Troll Cave: Flash Darts, Clear Potion, Life Water, Clear Merazin, Elixir, Medusa Shield, Clear Merazin, Black Sword, Revival Water, 40000G You take the girl, Laura, back to Rhythmore. Talk to her father and he'll give you 5000G. He also tells you about a secret passage in Triangle Gate. Turn left, then go south. ---13. Durham Go south from Rhythmore to get to the Triangle gate. To get to the secret passage, turn left at the entrance, then go south from the treasure chest. There are some extra chests there, but you can get to the dwarf city without the secret passage. Items in Triangle gate: Boomerang, Terror Blade, Elixir (2), Clear Merazin (2), Mind Hat, Stone Cap, Pavlov, Clear Potion, 37900G There is a dwarf who is collecting Crests. If you have all four, he'll trade you a Gaia Sword for them. Go north to King Limbert's castle. The drawbridge is up, but if you walk up to it, it will be lowered. Unfortunately, the king is sick, and isn't seeing anyone. The minister, Heidle, is ruling in his place. Apparently, Heidle is fond of sending people who get on his bad side to work in the mines. Heidle is in the throne room. You give him Corman's letter and ask for his cooperation. Heidle looks at the letter and says it's a forgery. You try to convince him otherwise, but he won't listen, and has his soldiers take you to the mine. The soldier takes you to the mine supervisor, Gimsy. Gimsy knows you were sent here unjustly. The king wasn't sick at all. He was imprisoned the mine by Heidle. Gimsy wants you to find King Limbert and free him. You agree. Gimsy tells you to find a man called Libra, who may be able to help you. Talk to all the dwarves. One on the top floor says Libra is somewhere around there. One on the bottom floor says he was on the floor above. Go back up and talk to the first dwarf there. Libra will come meet you. You explain what Gimsy told you. He says that he saw someone being taken to the bottom floor of the mine. He gives you a gold nugget and tells you to give it to the guard below. Talk to the guard. Jack will slip him the nugget and tell him to turn a blind eye. The guard lets you through. At the bottom of the cave is another guard. Jack tries to sweet-talk him, but with nothing to bribe him with, it doesn't work. You'll have to fight your way through. King Limbert is in the cave behind the guard. You explain what happened to him. He says that Heidle was seen plotting with some strange knight to get rid of him. The knight was looking for an Orb, but they haven't found it, yet. That knight must be Ragnas. Limbert decides to entrust the Orb to you. He gives you an Amulet, which will let you break the barrier around the Orb. The get to the Orb, go back up the stairs, then go east. There is a secret passage in the wall. Go up the right-hand stairs. Use the Amulet at the altar and take the Orb. But suddenly the room darkens and the Orb is gone. Heidle and Ragnas appear behind you. Ragnas sics Heidle on you. Heidle transforms into a monster and attacks. Just like before, Ragnas is gone by the time the battle is over. Items in the mine: Gold Shield, Hi-Nitron, Blue Merazin, Potion, Black Sword, 24400G Go up the left-hand stairs. You'll end up in the king's bedroom. Go tell King Limbert what happened. El Rahn explains about the plot to resurrect Achal and Limbert decide to help. El Rahn tell syou to show him your Circlet. Limbert says it looks like one that belonged to the Exelions. The Exelions were people who fought alongside the gods in the war with Achal. However, they supposedly disappeared without a trace after the war. You ask about the passage to Tir-na-Nog. He says there is one, but it hasn't been used in years, and there is supposedly a blood-sucking monster living in it now. You say you still want to go. Limbert gives you a Bronze Ring and says that the passage is behind the weapon shop. ---14. Road to Tir-na-Nog Go behind the weapon shop, to where a crack in the wall is visible. You'll use the bronze ring and the crack opens into a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, the monster King Limbert spoke of attacks you. It's actually three monsters, Emerald Worm, Amethyst Worm and Ruby Worm. The middle one casts Earthquake, which can do 2000+ points of damage, so you probably want to kill that one first. Items in the tunnel: Crossbow, Darts, Mad Blaze (4), Mirror Image, Clear Potion, 39500G The tunnel exits at Nordorvol Forest. The forest is a maze. Look for small brown patches near where paths dead-end. These will transport you to another area of the forest. The exit is to the SE. Next, you come to the Great Wall. El Rahn says that once you get through it, you'll have reached Tir-na-Nog. He seems to falter at the end of his sentence, but insists he's okay. Items in Great Wall: Gold Shield, Force Helmet, Ice Shield, 14500G ---15. Tir-na-Nog Go into the palace and go to the throne room. Aeria, the fairy queen and El Rahn's wife, is there. Aeria wants to perform the "Departure Ceremony" right away, but El Rahn says he intends to be reborn one more time. Aeria says it's too dangerous. You're not sure what he means, so he explains. When en elf reaches the end of its life, its soul goes to Tir-na-Nog, at the far reaches of time. The Departure Ceremony Aeria mentioned is meant to send ones soul to Tir- na-Nog. The other option is to remake one's body and come back to this world. For that, there is the Rebirth Ceremony. El Rahn has been reborn 3 times already. It gets more dangerous every time. No one has ever tried to do it a fourth time. If the ceremony fails, the soul will be trapped between this world and the next forever. El Rahn is still determined to do it, and is confident it will succeed. He tells Aeria to go with you to Master Robinton in his place. He sits on the throne and disappears. Aeria joins you. Go back through the Great Wall. This time, when you exit the south side, you'll go to Golgos Mountain. Go through the mouontain to get to Tilis Noa. ---16. Ellus Noa Go to the temple, and go to the council room through the right-hand door. King John of Vernicia, King Corman, Robinton and anotgher man are there. Ferrion teases Robinton for getting fat, but Robinton brushes it off. You tell Robinton what King Limbert said about your circlet. The other man, Fellun, elder of Acron, says that if you want to know about the Exelions, you should go to Ellus Noa, capital of Acron. There is a library there that has many old documents. Robinton thinks it's a good idea, and tells you to go to Ellus Noa tomorrow. That night, Selena comes to see you. She's glad to see you again, but disappointed that you're already leaving. She wants to go with you. You think she should stay with King Corman, because it will be dangerous. Selena wants to go, no matter what. Outside, Shion and Jack are talking. Jack has decided to leave, and plans to go tonight without saying goodbye. The next morning, you ask where Jack went, Shion says that he's decided to join King Corman's army, and he's better off alone. Go see Robinton. He tells you to ride the carriage to Ulster, then head for Ellus Noa from there. Fellun tells you to talk to a man named Arthur there, and he'll let you know what to do next. Nimmens has also decided to join you. You can find Nimmens in the bar. It's the man you saw drinking there before, and who saved you from the strange knights. Ride the carriage to Ulster. Go to the boathouse and talk to the man behind the counter. You ask about Arthur. The man says he was just there. Arthur comes rushing in. He introduces himself as the high priest of Acron. He takes you to the boat and you leave for Ellus Noa. On the boat, go inside and into the cabin on the far left. Selena is there! At first, she doesn't want to talk. Nimmens takes Shion outside so you can be alone. Selena says she wanted to go with you no matter what, and would regret it forever if she didn't. You apologize for not realizing how she felt, and agree to take her along. Something shakes the boat. You go outside. Arthur says that something under the sea has attacked the boat. Arthur joins the party and the Thousand-Mouth monster attacks. After you beat it, you head for Acron. Arthur says he has to report to the high priest, Uther, and heads for the temple. Once you're done looking around the town, go there, too. Arthur introduces you to Uther. Uther says that he'll do whatever he can to help. Arthur takes you to the library. Search the bookshelves. The books get older as you go deeper into the library. On the bottom floor, you find a book written in an ancient language. Arthur says it's the Melrose language, and it hasn't been translated yet. Yet, you think you can read it. "To thou who succeeds me: Achal must not be released into the world. Therefore, I leave for you all my power. Follow the Pointer to find Tiamat." Arthur says that Tiamat was the capital of the Melrose empire. Although there are many Exelion relics in the Plains, the only relics of the Melrose empire are on the island Deara to the east. Suddenly, a priest runs in. Clouador's troops have attacked! Uther is trying to hold them off by himself. You run to help, but you're too late. The knight says that Ragnas has ordered him to kill you. He transforms into a monster and attacks. After you defeat it, you try to save Uther, but he's done for. Arthur insists on going with you to avenge Uther. ---17. Tiamat You head back to Ulster. Nimmens says that you'll need a boat to get to Deara. The best bet is to return to Tilis Noa and set out from there. Go back to Tilis Noa and talk to Robinton. You tell him what happened. He tells you that Ferrion collapsed soon after you arrived. He was suffering from a fatal disease, and the journey wore him out. He probably doesn't have much longer. Robinton says that he's in McPherson's house. Go to McPherson's house in the NW corner of town. Ferrion is in the center room. He's angry that Robinton told you, but says not to cry. His only regret is that he won't be able to see you become a Song Master. As a last request, he asks you to sing for him. You do. By the time you finish the song, Ferrion is dead. Go to the boathouse to leave for Deara. You arrive in the village of Onsa. Talk to the elder in the house in the SE corner. At first, he tells you to get lost. Then he notices the Circlet. He says that the Circlet is a "Pointer". The elder is a descendant of the survivors of Melrose, and says they've been waiting for the one with the Pointer to come. The Pointer shows the way to Tiamat, and whoever has it is destined to defeat Achal. He tells you to go east to the ruins of Tiamat, and hold the Pointer up to the sun. Go east from Onsa to get to the Melrose Ruins. There is a stone circle there. Stand in the center. You hold up the Pointer. At first, nothing seems to happen, but then you see something coming toward you from above. That something is Tiamat. It pulls you into it. You find yourself alone inside Tiamat. A strange metal creature enters and says it's been waiting for you. It introduces itself as Sirius, Tiamat Maintenance Unit #0007. It calls you "master". You ask why, and it says its because you are the "Matrix" of the 1138th Galactic Emperor, Julian Zeigfried. Naturally, you don't understand a word of this. Sirius says that all will become clear once you've been to the memory unit. You follow Sirius to another room. There is an acutal person there, a woman named Hilda. She says she is another "Matrix" like you. You ask what is going on, and she explains. A long time ago, humans colonized space and created the Galactic Empire. However, the Empire would not last forever. When it seemed the end was drawing near, the emperor, Alan Zeigfried, began a final project. His goal was to a new race of humans, free from outside influences. Emperor Alan entrusted the protect to 6 people, including his successor, Julian Zeigfried. Julian and hid group picked a planet named Avalon and began terraforming it so that it could support life. Avalon was eventually filled with new lifeforms, starting with bacteria, and evolving plants, animals, and eventually new humans, elves and dwarves. When the project was coming to an end, its creators were fated to die out. However, one of them, Achal, refused to accept this, and tried to use the project to make himself emperor. He used Avalon to create evil lifeforms, which he used as soldiers in his rebellion. However, he was defeated, and fled back to Avalon. Soon after this, Emperor Alan died, and the Galactic Empire disintegrated. Julian and the others returned to Avalon to prevent Achal from regaining power. In a war known as the First Jihad, Julian joined forces with the people of Avalon to fight Achal. During this war, he gave the Holy Song to King Cain. Although there were many casualties, Achal was eventually defeated. Not wanting to accept defeat, Achal abandoned his physical body, and implanted his consciousness in Avalon's control system. However, Julian had anticipated this and was able to trap him in the system. Although trapped, Achal was not dead, and could presumably be revived. To prevent this, Julian created another system to keep Achal from escaping, using clones of himself as keys to its activation. The people who carried the key were called Matrixes. Whenever there was a danger of Achal returning, the system would create a new Matrix to stop him. This time, however, Achal managed to use Zenon to take over the system before the new Matrix could be activated, and steal the Matrix for himself. That Matrix was Ragnas. In response to this, the system created yet another Matrix, namely you. However, your home was destroyed in a war, and you disappeared right after you were created. The system then awoke Hilda, in order to find you and Ragnas. Unfortunately, Ragnas has already turned to the dark side, but you still have the power to defeat Achal. Sirius takes you to the memory unit, which will supposed awaken your powers as a Matrix. In seems to be just an empty room. Then a voice greets you. The voice comes from Avalon's control system. In order to understand how to defeat Achal, you must receive some of Julian's memories. It begins... Outside, Hilda is explaining the situation to your friends. You return to them (with a spiffy new outfit). You've finally found out who you are and where you came from. Hilda says there's no time to lose. Zenon is going to use the Orbs to activate the giant fortress Forn. You must stop them as soon as possible. Hilda says she'll warp you to Curea. ---18. Cristo Hilda warps you to another part of the system. She says this is where the Matrixes, including you, were born (specifically, the one capsule that's open). Outside is the town of Cristo. To get to Clouador, you must get past Northshield, a Clouador army base. Hilda has other duties and can't go with you, so she says goodbye. Before you leave, check the green boxes for items. Items in the ruins: Sylph Gown, Elixir(4), Stone Cap, Drop (10), 18000G Outside, there is another stone circle, just like the one at Melrose. Go south to Cristo. The town has been destroyed. There are still Clouador soldiers lurking about, and they'll attack if you talk to them. The inn is left standing, and you can stay for the bargain price of 1000G per person. Talk to the guard on the east side of town. Fight off the soldiers. After you win, more soldiers come. These soldiers, however, are members of the Curea Resistance. When they find out you're also fighting against Clouador, they take you to their base. The leader of the resistance is Vergil, prince of Curea. Vergil recognizes Nimmens. He tells Vergil of your plans to infiltrate Clouador and stop the revival of Achal. Vergil says that you'll need to get through Northshield to get to Clouador, and there are too many troops stationed there for you to make it. He suggests that the resistance act as a decoy and lure the soldiers away from Northshield. He gives you a Laser Plot and a Libera Ring (goodies for Selena). Some of the people walking around the base will sell you things. Items in the resistance base: Blue Merazin, Clear Potion, Mad Blaze, Clear Merazin, Revival Water, 5900G Go north to leave the base. Leave Cristo and go to Northshield. ---19. Northshield Fight off the guards at the gate and enter the fortress. Fight your way through.After beating the last guard, you'll get the Star Tiara. You say you can sense Ragnas behind the door. Talk to Ragnas. You try to convince him that he's being used by Achal, but he doesn't seem to care. He says that you and he are just tools as far as the system is concerned. The system had tried to get rid of him, and it will do the same to you one Achal is defeated. He asks you to join him, and you can rule the world together, without the gods or Achal. You refuse, and Ragnas attacks. After you defeat him, you are hesitant to actually kill him. Nimmens decides to do the job himself, but is stopped by Lamia. Nimmens and Lamia fight, but it ends in a draw, with both of them mortally wounded. With his last breath, Nimmens tells you to finish the mission and kill Achal. The ground shakes. Somethine huge flies overhead. Ragnas says it's the Forn fortress, then runs away. Hilda runs in. You ask her how they can operate the fortress without all the Orbs (you still have the yellow one, remember?). She says its not completely operational, but it's still too powerful for humans to fight against. She says that only possibility now is to use Tiamat against it, but Tiamat was not built for combat. You go back to the stone circle. Stand in the center and you'll be transported to Tiamat. Hilda places Tiamat under your command, and you send it to find Forn. Once the fortress is in range, you open fire, but it's no use. You suggest using Tiamat to ram Forn. That way, you can enter the fortress and destroy it from the inside. If it fails, however, Tiamat could be destroyed. You tell everything to disembark, saying that you and Hilda will do this alone. Everyone refuses to leave. Tiamat rams Forn, stopping it for now. Now you can get to Forn. Before you go, get the goodies from the green boxes, and buy supplies from the robots in the main room. Go through the north door to get to Forn. Items on Tiamat: Rhythm Reactor, Galaxy Shield, Reflect Guard, Galaxy Sword, Galaxy Lance, 27000G ---20. Forn Go north from the entrance. The guards walking around will fight you if you talk to them. They're a good way to raise levels, as one Water Pillar spell will generally wipe them out. Ragnas and Zenon are in the far north. Zenon tells Ragnas to kill you, but Ragnas refuses. He only needed Zenon to get Forn. Now that he has it, the power of Achal is his, and he has no further need for Zenon. Ragnas runs away and Zenon turns into a monster and attacks. The only spell I've found that will work on Zenon is Aurora Dust. Pavlovs and Hi-Nitrons also work. Have anyone who knows it cast Aurora Dust while the others use Merazins on them, or use Pavlovs on Zenon. After beating Zenon, you run after Ragnas. Ragnas says that Achal is his to control, and no one can beat him. But apparently Achal has other ideas. Ragnas collapses and a glowing sphere appears. The sphere is Achal himself, or what's left of him after all these years. He attacks. This time, Star Wall is the only spell that will work. I hope you really stocked up on Merazins and Pavlovs. After he's beaten, Achal possesses Ragnas' body as a last resort. He attacks, but Selena comes between you. She dies in your arms. In a rage, you attack. Achal/Ragnas tries to counter, but can't. Ragnas' consciousness was still alive, and managed to get some control over his body. Meanwhile, Arthur tries to cast Resurrection on Selena, but it doesn't work. With Achal dead, Forn starts to self-destruct. However, the door is sealed. Hilda says that even magic won't open it. Forn is essentially a part of Achal, and as such is virtually immune to magic. At what seems like the last minute, someone teleports in. It's El Rahn! He teleports everyone out. Now the battle is over, but it's an empty victory. The world is saved, but it cost Selena's life. El Rahn says that all is not lost. As a Song Master, you can use the holy song of Auran, the song that can bring about miracles. If a miracle is what you need, you'll have one. You sing the song. Selena opens her eyes. It worked! The credits roll. Congratulations! You have finished Song Master!