Seiken Densetsu 3 Walkthrough Version 1.0 by Amar Kishan on 7/31/99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a complete walkthrough for Seiken Densetsu 3's scenario for Kevin, the Grappler of the Beast Kingdom. The secondary characters I picked were Hawkeye and Charlotte. However, it works for most of the game if your character is not Kevin, as well. If you have anything to add, just contact me at: I hope you enjoy the guide. If you wish to use this guide for any purposes (other than use for help), please email me first. This guide is not to be reproduced in anyway without my permission first. This guide is copyright 1999 Amar Kishan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FORMAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This covers several things in a patricular format, which is useful to know in order to use the guide. Walkthrough Format: Chapter: (Name) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Section: (A,B,C, etc.) Name of place(s) Enemies: (name and level of enemies) Special: (Special attacks used) Boss: (If any) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss Format: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of Boss Reccomened Level: (Level I was at when I killed it) Attacks: Name(number affected: 1 or all) Strategy: (how to kill it) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abilities Format: Name: mp (number affected): Stats (Level) Stats are listed like this: Strength/Agility/Vitality/Intelligence/Spirit/Luck ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ i.) Inroduction ii.) Format iii.) Table of Contents I.) Walkthrough Part 1: The Spirits Chapter 1: THE EXILE Chapter 2: OBTAINING THE LIGHT: WILL-O-WISP Chapter 3: PRCOURING GNOME Chapter 4: THE SPIRIT OF JINN Chapter 5: EMBRACING THE DARK: SHADE Chapter 6: THE JOURNEY TO FORCENA Chapter 7: SUB-ZERO: UNDINE Chapter 8: THE FLAMES OF NAVARRE: SALAMANDO Chapter 9: RETURN TO THE BEAST KINGDOM: LUNA Chapter 10: THE FINAL SPIRIT: DRYAD Chapter 11: THE SWORD OF MANA II.) Walkthrough Part 2: The God-Beasts Chapter 1: THE WIND BEAST Chapter 2: THE FIRE BEAST Chapter 3: THE ICE BEAST Chapter 4: THE WOOD BEAST Chapter 5: THE MOON BEAST Chapter 6: THE EARTH BEAST Chapter 7: THE LIGHT BEAST III.) Walkthrough Part 3: The Final Showdown (For Kevin/Charlotte only) Chapter 1: THE DARK MANA STONE Chapter 2: THE MIRAGE PALACE Chapter 3: THE MANA HOLY LAND IV.) Class Change V.) Character Abilities VI.) Enemy Abilities VII.) Future VIII.) Credits/Disclaimer WALKTHROUGH PART 1: THE SPIRITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 1. THE EXILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You will learn about the Beastmen, the Deathjester's alliance with the King. You will learn Kevin's history, and then start the game. Go left, left, and continue along this path until you reach a narrow path. Here, Karl will go beserk and attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Bound Wolf Lv. 1 Strategy: Fight it as hard as you can, and fear not if your hp's drop below zero (they will). Kevin will then become a werewolf, which is much stronger, and you can easily defeat Karl. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Beast Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After burying Karl, Kevin automatically goes to the Beast Palace. Talk to everyone and save your game. After talking to the guard in front of the King's room, Kevin will overhear a conversation between the Deathjester and the King. Kevin will break through a wall and follow the two. Then, he will attempt an attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Deathjester and Beastking Srategy: Simply attack one of them once, and you will be warped away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.) Moonlight Forest Enemies: Bound Wolf Lv. 1 Special: Bite ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You awaken in the forest where you started with one hp. Talk to the statue, then go left. You will see now that the forest has some enemies. Take some time to level up to level 2 here. When you are ready, save your game at the statue, go left, take your first path north, and meet the Deathjester. He will talk to you (he tells you that someone in Wendel can revive Karl) and open up a path for you. Go through, and head south (I believe). Here, the game will fade to black and white, and you will swim to Jad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 2. OBTAINING THE LIGHT: WILL-O-WISP ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Castle City Jad ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Jad, you will learn that the beastmen have already overtaken the city. You can buy items here (I would buy some candy and a magic rope). You can also talk to some of your would be comrades (Hawkeye, Angela, Reize). You will learn that you can sneak out at night from the pub owner. So go to the inn and talk to the owner. For ten gold, you can sleep here. Choose to wake up at night. Now, leave the town through the south and kill the two wolves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.) Rabite Forest/Town of Astoria Enemies: Rabite Lv1 Myconid Lv 1 Special: Sleep Spore ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This forest is fairly easy to navigate. First, you should build up to level 3. When you are done, go south and follow the path until you see a sign. Go south twice to end up in Astoria village. Here, talk to the villagers, and one will tell you that he saw a light here during the night. Then, go to the weapons shop and buy the iron claw for Kevin. Once you are through, go to the Inn and pay 10 gold. Go north and sleep. You will be awakened in the night, and led outside. Follow the light north twice, then take the west path and follow it through (you should pass a golden mana statue). You will catch up with the light, who is really a faerie. She asks you to take her to Wendel. She then joins you. Afterwards, you see an explosion. Return to Astoria to find that the Beastmen have destroyed it. Head north, then east. Continue along the path until you see Hawkeye (or your second character) standing there. Talk to him and he tells you his story. After he joins, head east. The faerie will destroy the barrier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C.) Cave of Waterfall/ Wendel Enemies: Battum Lv. 3,4 Special Attack: Sonic Wave Myconid Lv. 3 Special Attack: Sleep spore Zombie Lv. 4 Poison Mist Breath Goblin Lv. 4 Special: Hand Axe Boss: Full Metal Hagger Note: Hand Axe is extremely damaging (40-50) Watch out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upon entering, save your game at the statue near the entrance. Continue down and build up to level 4. Save your game, and then head south. From this screen, head south, then west. You will find Charlotte, who joins you if you picked her. Head west, west, and leave the cave. Go west to Wendell. Here, buy the Leather Belt for Kevin. In the armor store, head downstairs and search the barrel to receive a cup of wishes. After exploring the town, go north into the Temple of Light. Talk to the Priest of Light, who tells Kevin that he can't revive Karl. Then the faerie appears and asks for help, as the mana tree is dying. You accept, and the priest tells you that Will-o-wisp, one the eight elementals needed to open the gate to the Manaland, is nearby. Make sure you have some candys. After saving at the inn, return to the Cave of Waterfall. This time, return to screen south of the mana statue, and go east (you may want to say and heal). When you reach the edge, you will be asked what to do. Go to the spirit menu and select Faerie. You will cross the gap. From here, go east, east, north, east (save/heal), west, west, north, north. You will battle the Full Metal Hagger here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Full Metal Hagger Recommended Level: 5 Attacks: Holy Ball (1), Healing (itself), Bubble (All), Dive attack (All), Eye Beam (1) Strategy: Attack it's eyes, and don't let anyone's hit points fall below 40. Use candies and antidotes if you need to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Having vanquished the boss, Will-o-wisp appears. You now have his powers. Head through the new exit, and go west. Use the faerie to cross. You will run into Lugar, and be captured. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D.) Jad Enemies: Bound Wolf Lv. 3, 4 Special: Bite ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After a scene, you will awaken in a prison in Jad. Duran will be in the next cell. Go to the gate, then talk to the wall facing him. He will escape and free you. Heal at the statue and save. Go east and cotninue south until you exit the building. Go to the docks and board the ship. You will set sail for Maia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 3. PRCOURING GNOME ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Maia/Cleft of the Earth Enemies: Rabite Lv. 4 Assassin Bug Lv. 4 Special: Venom Poron Lv. 4 Special: Dart Note: Dart is also damaging, so watch out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Maia, buy the Leather Hat for Hawkeye, Cat Ear Hood for Charlotte, and Bandanna for Kevin. Talk to the man blocking the road west and he will move. Go west onto the golden road and build up to level 7. Return and rest at the Inn. Then follow the road west until you see a cave entrance. Go north into the cave, heal up and save your game (the statue won't heal you, it is silver). Go west and cross the bridge, and talk to the witch. Get ready to battle the Machine Golems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Machine Golems (2) Reccomeneded Level: 7 Attacks: Drill Shot (1), Rocket Launcher (1) Strategy: Concentrate on both by keeping tham both occupied, so they can't use attacks as quickly. Use candies or Charlotte to heal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The bridge is destroyed, so go back to Maia. Talk to Bon Voyage (Upper right house) and go north. He'll tell you he needs gun powder. talk to the man in front of the inn next to the jar. Return to the Cleft of the Earth. Talk to the statue, select Spirit, then Will-o-Wisp. Go through the opening and continue down the stairs, taking a right at the bottom. Go north into the dwarf village. Buy Needle Glove (K), Baselard (H), and Ball and Chain (C) for weapons, and Fur Coat (K), Camoflauge (H), and Priest (C) for armor. Then go into the item shop and talk to the man. Shop and sleep at the inn if you want, then go south and to the right. The man will destroy the wall, allowing you to pass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.) Dwarf Tunnel Enemies: Slime Lv. 4 Special: Mucus Shot Molebear Lv. 5 Special: Rolling Goblin Lv. 4: Hand Axe Goblin Lord Lv 4: Power Up Boss: Jewel Eater ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go east through the opening, east again, west (upstairs), west, and east behind the wall. Go east again and talk to Watts, say no to both his offers, then go back west. Go south. Follow the one way path until it branches off down and west. Go down, and save your game. Go north and west, and continue until you face off with the Jewel Eater. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Jewel Eater Level: 8 Attacks: Gem Missile (1, all), Earthslide (all), Power Punch (all) Strategy: Since you cannot avoid any of his attacks, just do the best you can to kill him. You will need to heal, so use Charlotte and candies. Never let anyones hit point go below 55. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After vanquiching Jewel Eater, Gnome joins you, and Watts gives you the gunpowder. Take his offer to be warped out (unless you want to level build). Save and head back to Maia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 4. THE SPIRIT OF JINN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Molebear Highland/Forsena Enemies: Moelbear Lv. 5, 6, 7: Rolling Assasin Bug Lv. 6: Venom Gal Bee Lv. 6 Magician Lv. 6,7: Ice Smash, Airslash Machine Golem Lv. 6: Rocket Punch Unicorn Head Lv. 6, 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After saving and/or resting, talk to Bon Voyage and he will shoot you into the Molebear Highland. Follow the path until you see some holes. Go in them, and talk to Duran. Go south, east, south, east, into the hole and east, then north, hole, north, east, north. You are now in Forsena, which has been invaded by Altena. From the castle, take the side door, save/heal, north, north, north, north, north, north into the king's room. If you want you can build up to level 9 or 10 here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Koren Strategy: Punch him once and he leaves:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The King will tell you to get Jinn from Rolante next, but you need a ship from Byzel. Leave the Castle and talk to Bon Jour. Now stroll the town. Buy new armor, and read stuff in the library about the Mana beasts and class changes. Then rest at the inn and return to the courtyard. Bon Jour has the cannon ready. You are launched to Maia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.) Byzel/Palo Enemies: Chibi Devil Lv. 8, 9: Small Needle Bird Lv. 8,9: Yellow Wind (defense down) Harpy Lv. 9: Talon Claw Zombie Lv. 8: Poison Mist Breath (night) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow the golden road to Byzel. Here, you can check out the black market (night only) if you want, but otherwise you can just take the ship to Palo. Something is wrong, as you can tell by the music. Palo has been ovetaken by Navarre Kingdom, Hawkeye's place. It appears Isabella has put a curse on the soldiers. Buy new armor/weapons here, and go the inn. Walk west out of town. You are on the Path to the heavens. Follow the path north for a while, then take an east turn (I think second time this option appears). Cross the bridge and enter the cave, you can build up to level 10 around here if you want. Save in the cave and go south. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C.) Helping the Amazons Enemies: Rabilion Lv. 9, 10: Summon Level 9 Rabite Myconid Lv. 8,9: Sleep Spore Rabite: Lv. 1, 8, 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow the path and you will stumble upon sleeping flowers, and wake up in the Amazon hideout. Talk to everyone, then, from the central area, go through the north door on the right. You should over hear a meeting. After this, leave and talk to an amazon standing outside. Follow her to a cannon. Merci (the amazon) will launch you to Byzel. Rest at the inn so it is night, then enter the Black Market. Talk to the kid standing in front of barrels to get the midget hammer. Now go to the dock and tell the captain to set course for Jad. From Jad, go through the Rabite Forest until you see the sign that says "Astoria". Go west and follow the path until you see a little midget run away. Talk to the black statue and use the hammer on everyone. Now enter the path that opens. Talk to the old man, who says Don Perginon is not here. Talk to everyone in the town, (you can enter some of the trees), then talk to the old man, who is standing nearby. He is Don Perginon, and he tells you how to free Rolante from the Navarre. Return to Jad and set sail for Palo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D.) Corridor of the Wind Enemies: Lv. 10 Armor Knight: Whirlwind attack(all) Lv. 10 Harpy: Talon Drain Lv. 10 Chibi Devil Boss: Tzenker ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Palo (after buying chocolates) head north up the Path to the Heavens until you see a cave entrance (far past the amazon hideout). go into the cave, and go north. You are in the corridor of the wind. Hitting switches here changes the wind flow. Hit the first switch here so you can continue west. Now go north, hit the switches, go west, then go east(after going down some ledges). This is a tricky part now. Get blown back the first statue, then proceed north and hit the switch. Now go back near where the statue was, and go south until you see a gate, walk up to it, then go west. Now go hit the remaining switch in the eastern corner of the room, and exit to the south. From here, follow the path but go west. Save at the golden statue and go back to the path. Now go east. After seeing the Mana Stone, go east again. Now talk to the Dark Knight. He leaves and summons Tzenker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Tzenker Rec. Level: 11 Attacks: Air Blast (1, all), Speed Up Strategy: Wait for the boss to go near the south eastern corner. Now pummel it and heal whenever someones hit points drops below 80. Note: (I don't think it is possible to hit the boss when it is flyiong around in the northern corner of the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now talk to Jinn, and he joins you. Save, and go back into the tricky room. Exit to the NorthEast, and you will be blown near the entrance. Exit the cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 5. EMBRACING THE DARK: SHADE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Rolante Castle Enemies: Lv. 11 Ninja: Shuriken, Shadow Stike Lv. 11 Armor Knight: Whirlwind Attack Lv. 11 Chibi Devil: Mini Lv. 11 Evil Sword Boss: Genova Boss: Bill and Ben ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now you can either head back to Palo for supplies or go back to the Amazon Hideout. Either way, once you are at the hideout, return to the meadow, and use Jinn. The soldiers in Rolante will fall asleep. Now you are sent to retake the castle. The enemies are hard, and it is confusing to find the golden statue. From the entrance, take the north east door, then the north east door inside, east, up the stairs, south, north, east, south, east, east, north, north, south, left door, right door, and save. You should build up to Level 12 here. Then, from the room outside the statue, (be prepared for some hard fights) go south (other exit), and north. Now face Genova. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Genova Rec. Level: 12 Attacks: Frieball (1, all), Melt, Power Up, summon Lv. 10 shapeshifters, Trap Lv. 1 (spikes), Trap Lv. 2 (Earthslide) Strategy: This boss's weak spot is its mouth. However, the boss spits out many shapeshifters (two-three at a time). They can become anything, so watch out. It is a good idea to terminate one or two of the shapeshifters if they become hard enemies, but if not, concentrate on Genova. Once he dies, the others die as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go north, and face Bill and Ben. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bosses: Bill and Ben Rec. Level: 12 Attacks: Shuriken (1, all), Back Slash, Air Strike, Earth Jutsu, Combine Strategy: At first, they are combined together, and only one enemy, which isn't that hard. Once they spilt, though, it is very hard. They are Lv. 12 Ninjas with many techniques. You will need all the healing magic and items you have. Never let anyone's hit points drop below 70 or so, as some attacks woulkd kill them there. The plus side is that this is nowhere near as long a battle as Genova, meaning they are weaker in Hps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After killing them, head north and talk to Biegui (Isabella). After the ensuing scene, enter the gave and go south. You are at the top of the mountain, so all you have to do is go south all the way to Palo. At Palo, buy new armor and weapons, and restock on items. Then go to the port. You will board a ship for free. Little do you know that it is a...ghost ship. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.) Ghost Ship Enemies: Lv. 13 Ghoul: Poison, Heal Buster Lv. 13 Chibi Devil: Mini Lv. 13 Specter Boss: Gorva ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After you regain control of your characters, head south, east, and south. You should be in a three door room. If you want items, go in the middle door and a ghoul will appear (this only happens after you activate the ship, by walking near the left door) and sell you items. Otherwise, go to the left door, and follow the path (it has enemies now). At the book case, read them as following Right, Left, Middle, Left (Book of Blood, Death, Curse, and Death). This will open up the path to the room on the right. Read the log on the desk, and Mataro, from Byzel, will appear. He turns Kevin into a ghost. To revive Kevin, you must destroy the source of the problem. So exit the room and return to the three door room. Now take the staircase in the northeastern corner, left, up, and look at the out the porthole (for fun). Go south. The middle door has weapons, the left door has armor (you bought this in Palo, right?) Go up the stairs in the northwest, and face Gorva. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Gorva Rec. Level: 13/14 Attacks: Ghost Song (all), Black Rain (all), Anti-Magic (1), Silence (1), and Evil Gate (1, all) Strategy: This boss is a good deal harder than others you've faced (unless you have Angela and Holy Ball). He vanishes and appears at different places on deck, where you can pummel. But in the sky, where you can't reach him, he cast magic that hurts everyone. You'll probably run out of Candies and Chocolates, but if you remember to heal after 2-4 attacks, you should be fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After vanwuishing Gorva, Shade appears and offers you his powers. Kevin is thus cured. However, it appears that the dark mana stone is not in the ship. Years ago, the god beast within was released and destroyed most of the wolrd before vanishing. Shade has no idea where he is. In other news, the ship is going to collapse, and you black out, only to reawaken on Volcanic Island Bucca. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 6. THE JOURNEY TO FORCENA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Volcanic Islan Bucca Enemies: Lv. 13 Molebear Lv. 13. Rabite Lv. 13 Rabilion Lv. 13 Dark Priest: Heal Light, Unicorn Head , Summon Rabite Lv. 13 Myconid Lv. 13 Gal Bee Lv. 14 Cockatrice: Cokcabird Mature Lv. 14 Cockabird: Petrify Flutter, Yellow Wind Lv. 14 Golbin Lord ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the shore you're on, go northwest and north (to see the turtle you'll soon obtain), then go south back to the orginal shore. Go northeast, west (save here), east, south, west, south, north, west, south, west, north, north, north, and east into the Dark Priest Village. Here, bye new weapons, armors, and restock on items (you may consider getting honey here, as well as walnuts). From the village, go west, south, northwest, north, west, and west. Now look at the rock in the upper left corner. Select Gnome. Enter the opened cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.) Seashore Cave Enemies: Lv. 15, 16 Pakkun Baby: Mature Lv. 15, 16 Pakkun Lizard Lv. 15, 16 Pakkun Lizard: Gulp, Gulp (1) Lv. 15, 16 Poto: Summon Mother, Heal Light Lv. 16, 17 Mama Poto Lv. 15, 16 Grell: Acid Gel, Funky Dance ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special Note: This dungeon is very difficult. The enemy difficulty factor increases exponentially here, more so than Rolante (that was'nt too much). For the first time in this game, the weaker characters will not survive for very long (creatures can take off up to 70 damage, but usually only deal half that). Also, the enemies have higher defense and healing spells. I suggest, once you find a gold statue, you gain some levels here (at least level 15). It may pay off later. From the entrance, go east, south three times, north three times, west twice, south, east, south, and west. You'll find yourself at a golden statue. Make use it and the nearby rooms to build levels if you want. From the statue, go south, west (you must destroy all the enemies for a path to open up), west, south, northwest, west, west, and save. Go north twice, and speak to Jagan, another servant of the Dark Prince. After his short speech, the volcano erupts, but the turtle you saw from earlier saves the day by carrying you to a beach near Maia. Go west and north onto the golden road, then go east into Maia. Save at the inn, and then restock your items. Now talk to Bon Voyage and be launched to Forcena. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 7. SUB-ZERO: UNDINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Sub-Zero Snowfield Enemies: Lv. 17, 18 Shahagin: Bubble Bop(1), Hundred Harpoon(1) Lv. 17, 18 Poto: Summon Mother Lv. 18, 19 Mama Poto: Saint Beam Lv. 17, 18 Wizard: Ice Smash, Fireball, Evil Gate, Airslash Lv. 17, 18 Sea Serpent Lv. 17, 18 Pakkun Lizard: Gulp, gulp Boss: Machine Golem x3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the courtyard in Forcena, go north (many creens) to the kings room, and speak with him. He'll reveal the locations of the remaining Mana Stones. 1.) Undine and the Water: Located in the snowfields south of Altena. Its power has already been released. 2.) Salamando and the Fire: Located in the Valley of Flames south of the Desert, south of Navarre. 3.) Luna and the Moon: Located in a tower in the Beastlands. 4.) Druid and the Wood: Located in a forest which can't be reached by land. The Fairy King at Diorre, south of this forest, knows more. He also offers you the Pihyara Flute, which summons the turtle, Booskaboo, at certain beaches. Hence, you no longer need ships! Head back to Maia using the cannon travel center, then exit the town from the west, go south, and go east. Now use the flute to summon the turtle. Once you are on the map, head north to where the snowfields are. The big read dot is Altena, which you cannot reach. However, there should be a little bay somewhere north of Altena with fewer glaciers and a beach. Land at the beach, and go east. You are now in Elrand. Here, buy armor and weapons, and items if needed, and save at the inn. Head south out of town. The enemies here are much harder, like what happened in Bucca. Follow these directions to the gold save, where you can easily build levels. Go south, west three times, south, west twice, south, northwest (gray statue), north, west, north twice, west twice, south twice, and east (gold statue). From here, build up to either lv. 17 or 18. When you are satisfied, go west from the save, and west again. Now you'll face the three machine golems after meeting the Dark Knight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Machine Golem x3 Rec. Level: 17/18 Attacks: Acid Rain (all), Grenade Bomb (all), Thrunderbolt (all) Strategy: Hands down, this is tough. The physical attacks are doing 50 +, and the magics are doing 100+. And to top it off, the Grenade bomb attack does 200 damage to one character, and a hundred to everyone else. Watch out. The robots don't attack continously, like Gorva, but only once in awhile. So heal or whatever during the hiatus, and pummel them. If you cannot defeat them AT ALL, leave the snowfield, go to Rolante, and class change. Then it may be easier. Thats all I can say. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After destroying the machines, save at the statue (if you want), go west, and north into the Labyrinth of Ice Walls. Talk to the stone to unleash Undine. After this, it is a good idea to class change everybody (have everyone talk to the stone at LV. 18). If it helps, I made Kevin a Bashkar, Hawkeye a Ninja, and Charlotte a Priestess. Now, the enemies in this place are A LOT easier. Kevin and Hawkeye are doing about 80 damage per hit, 120 per combo, and 250 per super combo. The enemies do about 8-13 damage!! This is what it should be. From the statue, backtrack to Elrand, and get a long deserved rest. Restock on items, if you wish, and head to the beach. Use the flute to summon Booskaboo. Its time to get Salamando. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 8. THE FLAMES OF NAVARRE: SALAMANDO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Elrand, head to the southeast corner of the map. Sail near the ig red dot, which is Navarre. From here, go left until you see a beach in fron of a city. Dock, and go east. You are in the Sand City Sultan. Talk, and by supplies (which you did in Elrand, right?). Now go east into the desert. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Scorching Desert Enemies: Lv. 17, 18, 19 Bullette: Defense Lv. 17, 18, 19 Cockatrice: Cockabird Mature Lv. 17, 18, 19 Cockabird: Yellow Wind Lv. 18 Dark Priest Lv. 19 Duck Soldier: Pumpkin bomb Lv. 19 Gold Bullette: Gild Boss: Bill and Ben ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the desert, go east, south, east, south (cave like appearance), south (ditto), southeast, east, and east. You have found the oasis village of Deen. Nothing much here other than an Inn, information, and armor. Buy all the new armor, then exit. From outside, go west, west, west, west, southwest, south, and east. Now face Bill and Ben, again, as Bigiue and Jessica enter the Valley of Flames. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Bill and Ben Rec. Level: 19 Attacks: Shadow Dive, Shuriken (1, all), Fusion Strategy: Once again, this is hard. You should not even try without Heal Light (all), and class change. Attack them until you can use your super combo, and pummel them. Chances are, someone will die or be reduced very low, so use your Angel Grails and Honey. Once one is vanquished, it is easy. With both on the screen, it is really hard, because they continusoly hammer you. The good thing is when you kill them, they are gone for good:) Go south into the cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.) Valley of Flames Enemies: Lv. 17 Duck General Lv. 17 Ninja Master : Shuriken Lv. 17 Firedrake: Firebreath (all) Lv. 17 Dark Priest: Unicorn Head ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go south twice, east, south, north, sw (save), and east. Here, Bigieu will threaten to kill Jessica, until Nikita arrives and rescues her. Follow Biguie east, and after the scene, talk to the stone to get Salamando. Now go all the way back to Sultan, and go to the beach. Summon Booskaboo. Its time to get Luna. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 9. RETURN TO THE BEAST KINGDOM: LUNA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the beach near Sultan, swim near the beach at Maia (this in the central area). Near this beach is another beach (same continent). Dock at the second beach and go east (the statue vanishes). You'll find yourself in the moonlight city, Mintos (from Kevin's intro). After buying new weapons and armor, save, and exit the town to the west ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Moonlight Forest Enemies: Lv. 21 Werewolf Lv. 21 Dark Battum Lv. 21 Bound Wolf: Bite Lv. 21 Black Fang: Water-Moon Slice, Bastard Slam Boss: Lugar ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The enemies here are not only easy, they give tons of experience. Level up to 21 or higher if you wish. From the town, head south twice, northwest, west twice, south, west, and north. Save here. Now go north and watch the scene between Deathjester, Lugar, and your party members. After the scene, Lugar fights you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Lugar Rec. Level: 21+ Attacks: Water-Moon Slice, Bastard Slam (1), Seyozu Sky Fist (all), Seyozu Death Fist (1), and Moon Saber (itself) Strategy: This fight is incredibly easy. Until Lugar uses Moon Saber. For some reason, after that, he goes CRAZY. Worse then Bill and Ben with the nonstop attacks, he just pummels your characters. Excpect attacks one after another, like Bastard Slam, then immediatley Water- Moon Slice. Have Angel Grails and Honey, or your dead. The best way to hurt him, is to use Holy Ball with Charlotte, then two seconds later, use shuriken with Hawkeye. Then, right after Holy Ball, but before Shurken, hit him hard with Kevin's supercombo, and right after the shuriken, use Holy Ball. This only works once or twice, and this guy has a lot of hitpoints. Just never let two characters die, or the third one is already dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After defeating the Beast Commander, Luna joins you, and after Lugar's speech, revives Lugar into a child (by Kevin's request). Now go back and save, then go into the Moonreading tower. Talk to the stone, then leave. Now is a good chance to more leveling up. I did this to obtain level 22. After you are finished, return to Mintos and go to the shore. After summoning Booskaboo, you must find Dryad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 10. THE FINAL SPIRIT: DRYAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Swim near the remaining red dot, and land at the beach. Leave the beach and use Luna at the plant. Wait for night fall. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Lampflower Forest Enemies: Lv. 24 Mega Crawler: Spider Web Lv. 24 Porobin Hood: Sleep Lv. 24 Lady Bug: Power Up, Vaccum Surge Spear Boss: Gildervine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now follow the red flower until you get to Diorre (go south, south, west, south twice, east, west twice, north). Here, go to the mansion in the southwest corner of town. Go north and speak to the Fairie King. Now you can talk to everyone. Buy new armor and weapons, and head out of town. Go east, north, west at the cross roads to the golden statue. Use Luna, and then save. Go west twice, and north twice, and take on Gildervine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Gildervine Rec. Level: 23 Attacks: Sleep Flower, summon Assasin bug, Hammer Bean, Poison Bubble Strategy: Unlike the other recent bosses, Gildervine is easy. other than the fact that he can use sleep at any time, and summons aid, he is a goner if you but new weapons, its night, and you are level 23 or so. Just keep using super combos, magic isn't neccesary. About halfway through the battle, the pod explodes and a giant head pops out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After killing Gildervine, Dryad joins you. You need to go to the Island of Oblivion. Now head back out the forest (from the statue, you can north, south, east, and follow the path until you reach the entrance). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 11. THE SWORD OF MANA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) Summit of the Skies Enemies: Lv. 25 Needle Bird: Yellow Wind Lv. 25: Harpy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the map, go to the Island of Oblivion (Center). Follow the path. After you unlock the gate, Altena, Navarre, and the Beast Kingdom fly into the Mana Holyland. You need to obtain the Father of the Winged Ones, a legendary flying beast on the world's tallest mountain. So head for Rolante. (I went to Jad and took a ship to Palo). From Palo, climb all the way to Rolante, and talk to the Amazon. She opens up a path. Go east, northeast, west, north, east, south. You will climb a path and meet the flying beast. However, it is not the Father, but a daughter, who the fairy names Flammie. Regardless, it takes you to the Mana Holyland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.) The Mana Holyland Enemies: Lv. 25, 26, 27 Rabillion Lv. 25-27 Rabite Lv. 25-27 King Rabite: Rabite Rain, Doublespin, Triplespin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You land in the middle of a battlefield. Past battlefield, anyway:) Go north, west, north, west, north (on lilies), south west, north, and north again. Save at the statues. Go east twice, northwest, and north. In the upper corner of this screen is the Sword of Mana. You try to pull it, but fail. Then Kevin concentrates on the 7 mana stones. Then he pulls out the sword. But the fairie had been kidnapped! The goddess of mana appears and tells you that she was kidnapped by Evil, and that the tree is withering. Get the Wind Drum from the chest, but make sure you have room for it. Now you must return to the entrance. Thers some interesting stuff that happens along the way. this next part matters on who your lead character is (it explains how the other scenarios are ended). At one point, you'll meet the Darkshine Knight, who'll tell you that an evil infiltrated the Dragon Hole and assassinated their leader, the Dragon Emperor. After that, the knight killed Koren, and will soon disappear himself, because he was brought back to life by the Dragon Emperor (Note: This will not happen if Duran/Angela is your main character). Continuing on, you'll meet Biguie. It seems that the Dark Prince sacrificed himself to bring the Dark Mana Stone out of another dimension, and that with the sowrd of mana, he could be revived. But the same evil that killed the Dragon Emperor sealed the Prince in the nether world. Bigiue, who loved the Prince, killed Jagan, and then took her life as well. (Note, this will not happen if Hawkeye/Lise is your main character). Now, at the entrance, you'll fin the Deathjester and Heath, the fallen cleric. They were the evil that foiled the other's plans. And to retrieve the faerie, you must go the Beast Kingdom. (Note: If Hawkeye/Lise is your main character, Isabella and Jagan will be here, and if Duran/Angela is your main character, Koren and the Darkshine Knight will be here, and Heath and the Deathjester would have died as well). Use the Wind Drum to call Flammie, return to the overworld, and fly to the red dot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C.) The Beast Kingsom Enemies: Lv. 27 Werwolf Lv. 27 Black fang: Water-moon Slice, Bastard Slam Lv. 27 Silver wolf: Garuda 100 Kick, Heal Light ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The enemies here are hard. I suggest levelling up a bit. Go north, northeast, east, south, west, south, south, north. After the scene, in which the Deathjester and Heath obtain the Sword of Mana, go north and follow that path. Talk to the beast King, who tells you that Karl is alive, and that Kevin's mother didn't run away, but died. He says that all this was to build up Kevin's anger and make him powerful (don't you want to kill him?). Use the Wind Drum, and fly someplace like Forcena. Restock on Items, and sleep at the inn. Now begins part 2. WALKTHROUGH PART 2: THE GOD-BEASTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 1. THE WIND BEAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fly to Rolante (easternmost red dot). Go east through the cave, and go east across the bridge into another Cave. This is the Corridor of Wind. Don't attempt fighting the beast on Jinn's day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) The Corridor of the Wind Enemies: Lv. 28 Chibi Devil: Mini Lv. 28 Armor Knight: Whirlwind Attack Lv. 28 Harpy Boss: Dangaard ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Follow the same directions as I gave earlier (see Chapter 4). Where you fought Tzenker, Flammie will automatically be summoned and you will fly around on the world map. Eventually, you'll run into Dangaard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Dangaard, the Wind God-Beast Rec. Level: 25 Attacks: Air Slasher (all), Thunderbolt (1, all), Air Blast (1, all), Thunderball (all), Speedup (itself) Strategy: Despite his semi-menacing look, the two-headed Dangaard is simple to defeat. This battle is very long, but is easy. First, cast Diamond Saber on all your characters (otherwise you'll do very little damage). Then fight him as you would any other boss. The catch is, Air Slasher and Thunderball are attacks you have to heal after, his others are not. Once you take off 1/4 his hitpoints (I think), the view shifts. Take off another 4th, and it shifts back. Take of the third fourth, and it shifts again. Now kill him. If he stays in one place and roars again and again, he'll either cast magic or attack for a 100 or so. Other than this, all this battle needs is Diamond Saber, Heal Light, and Magic Walnuts:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 2. THE FIRE BEAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fly to oasis Deen (south). Buy the new armor and weapons, and head to the Valley of Flames (see chapter 8). Note: Don't do this on Salamando's day! Inside the valley, run for the gold statue (see Chapter 8). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) The Valley of Flame Enemies: Lv. 30 Ninja Master: Shuriken (all), Earth, Fire, Thunder, and Water jutsu (all), Shadow Dive (1) Lv. 30 Sword Master: Ice/Diamond/Fire/Thunder Saber, Vaccuum Sword Lv. 30 Firedrake: Firebreath Lv. 30 Dark Preist: Heal Light, Unicorn Head, Machine Golem Attack Boss: Xan Bie ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The enemies here are harder than Dangaard:) Well, close enough. I built from level 26 to level 29 here. I suggest you do too. When you are finished, from the save point head north, south, north, north, east twice, south, and east three times (you may have to fight to open the last part of this path). Now go east, south, east, and northeast to fight Xan Bie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Xan Bie, the Fire God-Beast Rec. Level: 29 Attacks: Fireball (all), Heat Beam (1), Explode (1), Gigaburn (all), Fire Saber (you!), Lava wave (all, itself), Power up Strategy: This is indeed a smart enemy, but no match for you. Cast Ice Saber on everyone before heading north onto the main terrace. He has four forms: floating fire (invincible to physical attacks), fire: normal, dragon head: normal, and "furnace": healing. He uses his attacks once a form change, but you should be able to deal up to a 1000 before he does so. Other than the fact that some attacks do 200+ (which can be healed), he also, as said before, is smart. He'll cast Flame Saber on the guy attacking him the most, causing this character to heal him with every hit. Use Ice Saber to counteract. In furnace form, he heals up to 2000 damage, and becomes stronger, but by the time he does this, he is pretty weak. The only thing to really worry about is his Gigaburn attack. This he does once he turns white (the flames). Overall, this is a shorter, but more intense battle than Dangarrd's. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 3. THE ICE BEAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fly to the Labyrinth of Ice Walls (Northern corner). When you lande, buy stuff from the cats outside (very expensive, though). Go inside the cave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) The Labyrinth of Ice Walls Enemies: Lv. 32 Petit Posiedon: Harpooon Hail, Bubble Bop Lv. 32 Frost Dragon: Ice Breath Lv. 32 Sea Dragon: Chill lv. 32 Mama Poto: Calls father Lv. 33 Papa Poto: Father's Fist Boss: Fiegmund ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go north, south, northwest, north (must fight), west, northeast, north, north, east, south, and northeast. After saving, level up a bit (to Level 31 or so). From the save, go south, southeast, and north. Now fight Fiegmund. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Fiegmund, the Ice God-Beast Rec. Level: 31 Attacks: Cold Blaze (1, freezes character), Icicle (all), Frost (1), Mind up (itself) Strategy: Yet another easy beast. Use Fire Saber on everyone, then walk onto the terrace. This boss will keep jumping around on the top for a while. Hammer him (Kevin can hit him mabye 12 times before he is frozen, with 100 damage per hit). Fiegmund will use Cold Blaze on the character doing the most damage to him, probably Kevin. Well, use Fire Jutsu on him as well, with Hawkeye. After a while of repetisious fighting, Fiegmund will leap off the screen, and jump back, only on the bottom of the ice block. Physical attacks can't hurt him. Use Hawkeye in abundance here. Basically wait it out with Fire Jutsu. When Fiegmund returns to the upper block, hammer him again. He should die, or be very close, before he jumps off the screen again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 4. THE WOOD BEAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fly to th Forest of Wonder, east of Altena. Land, and go west. Now go south. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) The Forest of Wonder Enemies: Lv. 34 Darth Matando: Baby Spore Lv. 34 Giga Crawler: Sweet Silk Lv. 34 Queen Bee: Power Up Lv. 34 Pororbin Leader: Silver Dart Boss: Mispolm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go west, northeast, north, east, far northeast, west three times (save), northeast, east three times. You are now at Mispolm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Mispolm, the Wood God-Beast Rec. Level: 31 Attacks: Grenade Bomb (1, all), Counter Magic (itself), Shade Tree(???), Sleep Flower (1), Poison bubble (1) Strategy: This guy is very easy. Even though tree would brobably be weak against Luna, this guy is weak against thunder. So cast thunder Saber and use Thunder Jutsu on him. Kevin deals 200 per hit. Mispolm stands no chance. His worst attack is Counter Magic, which makes him counter whenever you attack him with magic. Also, one of the little plants to his side may attack for 300 damage to one person, but this is once or twice in a battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 5. THE MOON BEAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since the first four beasts were a sinch, does this mean the other four will be hard? We'll just have to see (yes). Fly to the Moonlight City Mintos (western). From here, head to the Moonreading Tower (see Chapter 9). In front of the entrance are two cats who sell armor (buy this) and weapons (very expensive, is your call. I didn't). Now, after saving, enter the Tower. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) The Moonreading Tower Enemies: lv. 36 Bloody Wolf: Seyozu Sky Fist Lv. 36 Silver Wolf: Garuda 100 Kick, Heal light Lv. 36 Beast Master: Calls beasts Lv. 36 Carmilia: Drain Kiss, Weird attack (lowers max hp) Lv. 36 Kereberos: Flamebreath Boss: Dolan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard enemies, but if you follow the path, you want have to fight them much until you reach a gold statue. From inside, go northwest, up the stairs, south, northeast, up the stairs, south, southwest, up the stairs, south, and northeast. This is the first gold statue. Use it, and build up some (33,34). From the save, go south, northwest, up, south, northeast, up, south, northwest, up, south, northeast, up, south, northwest, up, south, northeast, up, south, northwest, up, south, and northeast (lower plattform). Save here. Go south, and north through the central passage. Time to fight Dolan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Dolan, the Moon God-Beast Rec. Level: 33+ Attacks: Spiral Moon (all), Halflight (1), Body Change (1), Moon Saber (1), Graviton Press (all), Howl (all) Strategy: THIS is a god-beast. Thundersaber everyone (I'm not sure, but you'll do 10 damage without it). Thunder Jutsu isn't useful, so have Hawkeye attack. When Dolan first arrives, he swipes across with his claw, which he will do a lot later on. He blocks for a while, then sets his hands apart. At this time, he'll either cast magic (200-400) or slam the tower top his hands (200). His magic attacks can seriously hurt the party, and if that weren't enough, he lowers Max hp with certain attack, and takes off half your hp with others. He also minis you, which you cure with Tinkle Rain. His super attack, Spiral Moon, looks a lot like Ryu's hadoken, and hurts a lot, too. this attack does 400 to everyone. So use heal light constantly. He dies like he came in, whit style. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 6. THE EARTH BEAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After restocking and resting, fly to Byzel, but don't land there. Instead, fly north, and the text should change to Cleft the Earth. Try landing here (there is a certain spot). You'll land in a separate area of the Molebear Higlands. Go north twice, east, northwest, into the hole, and west twice. The guys here are selling the tuff from outside the Moonreading Tower. Go south. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) The Gemstone Valley of Dorian Enemies: Lv. 28, 38 Petit Dragon: Posion Breath Lv. 28, 38 Slime Prince: Mucus Shot Lv. 28, 38 Needlelion: Ironsand Needle, Multirolling Lv. 28, 38 Cockatirce: Mature Cockabird Lv. 28, 38 Cockabird: Yello Wind, Petriflutter Boss: Land Umber ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a challenging area. Use Hawkeye's Thunder Jutsu to help kill the Needlelions, and in the night, Kevin can beat up anything. You should go this way. Go south twice, east thrice, southwest, west twice, southeast, east, south, and west. Now save. Go east, east, south, west twice, and south. Go west to fight Land Umber. (try to get it at night, not on Gnome's Day) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Land Umber, the Earth God-Beast Rec. Level: 33/34 Attacks: Crashball (1), Earthquake (all), Stone Cloud (1) Strategy: While not as hard as Dolan, he is still moderately difficult. However, he is not much (I killed him on Gnome's day). Before he appears, cast Thunder Saber on everyone. Once he fully forms (the robotic arms and crystal are in place), start nailing him with Kevin and thunder Justu. Kevin alternates between doing 200 and 300 damage PER HIT, and his super combo does 400. Thunder Jutsu is weaker, but this seems to draw Land Umber's attentions. He will us Crashball on the one who deals him the most damage, but if you use Thunder Jutsu, chances are he'll use it on Hawkeye, while Kevin nails him. If its night, and Kevin has Thunder Saber, I give this battle 5-10 minutes (with Heal light, of course). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 7. THE LIGHT BEAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fly to the red dot west of Rolante, after getting some Stardust Herbs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) The Ancient Ruins of Light Enemies: Lv. 40 Siren : Melody Lv. 40 Grell Mage: Trikcy Dance, Flash Lv. 40 Silver Knight: Magic Circle Sword, Heal Light Lv. 40 Pakkun Baby: Mature Pakkun Dragon Lv. 40 Pakkun Dragon: Gulp, gulp Lv. 40 Mama Poto: Summons Papa Lv. 41 Papa poto: Father's Fist, Diamond saber Boss: Lightgazer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go east, northwest, west, northeast, north twice, southeast, east, south, east, and north. After killing the monsters, read the note. Now go back down. Talk to the left tablet, and use Wisp. Talk to the right, and use Shade. Now go south through the passage. Go west, north, east, north, and northwest. Save here. Make sure you are Lv. 36 +, and have Stardust Herbs (leaves). Go south from the save, northeast (make sure it is night), and north, to face Lightgazer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Lightgazer, the Light God-Beast Rec. Level: 36+ Attacks: Saint Beam (1, all), Holy ball (all), God Eyes Blast (all), Prisoner (all), Saint Saber (1), Heal Light (itself) Strategy: This guy is a pain. He took me an 1:15 minutes to kill, and he uses strong attacks. Although yo can easily cure his attacks, he has a lot of hitpoints, and moogles you. Thats right. With Prisoner, he Moogles everyone. You can't cure moogle without Tinkle Rain or Stardust Herbs. I suggest un-moogling Charlotte, then using her magic to heal the rest of your team. Plus, like Xan Bie, he'll try to heal himself using you. He'll cast Saint Saber on the guy hurting him the most, and you'll have to nullify that with another saber. At first, Kevin was doing 402 with super attacks, but once he was Saint Sabered, and nullified, his power was mysteriously reduced...Good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WALKTHROUGH PART 3: THE FINAL SHODOWN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 1. THE DARK MANA STONE.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fly to Pedan, the only remaining dot on the map. The clearing to the south is where you can land. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) The Jungle of Illusions Enemies: Lv. 41, 42 Guardian: Rusty Hurricane, Breastfire Lv. 41, 42 Papa Poto: Father's Fist Lv. 41, 42 Great Rabite: Huge, huge Lv. 41, 42 Boulder: Antimagic Lv. 41, 42; Evil Shaman: Antimagic, Summon Gremlin, Heal Light Lv. 41, 42 Gremlin: Evil Gate Lv. 41.42 Ruster Bug: Rust Lv. 42, 43 Lesser Demon: Dark Force Boss: Zable-Fahr (Kevin/Charlotte only) Boss: Deathjester (Kevin/Charlotte only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the clearing where you land, go south, north, and north into the solitary building. Read the note on the wall, and go to sleep. Wake up, and exit the building. You are now in Pedan. Go to the armor store for armor. Then go into a central building. The man will read a tablet telling you of the Masked Mage (Deathjester's master). Also, speak to the Mana Stone Guru, in the western part of town. He says that the Dark Mana Stone should be somewhere nearby. Other people speak of a Mirage Palace in the Jungle of Illusions. Rest in the inn until it is night, then go outside. Gain up to Level 38 here. When you fight Boulders, who come out at night, they may drop some ??? seeds (they must be the last enemy you kill to drop it). If planted at the inn, they will grow into the itms that allow you to do the second class change. When you are done (have at least 3-6 seeds), go to the inn. Save, and then plant them. Reading the description of the item will tell you what class you'll get. If oyu are unsatisfied, hit reset. A different item should come. When you are done. call Flammie. Now fly to the Mana Holyland. Once inside, go back to the gold statues (see Chapter 11). Now, after saving, talk to the statue in the center. Class Change everyone as you did earlier, by selecting the correct item. Now, you are finished. If it helps, I chose: Kevin-Dervish, Hawkeye-Nightblade, and Charlotte: Bishop Special Note: From here on out, if your main character is not Kevin or Charlotte, this guide does not apply. From the etnrace to the Jungle of Illusion, go west (through the trees), north up the river, northwest on land, and speak to the headless statue. Select Dryad as your spirirt, and a path to the south will open up. Save your game at the statue, then go south. Go east, and you will hear a click. Go north, west, and sout (you should be hearing clicks). Go west, west, north, and heal up. Now go north to face Zable-Fahr, the legendary Dark God-Beast. Note: If you want this to be a sinch, get up to Level 40 (see abilities) and wait for night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Zable-Fahr, the Dark God-Beast Rec. Level: 38+ Attacks: Dark Blazon (1), Dark Beam (1), Dark force (1, all), Evil Gate (all), Hell Cross (all), Regenration (all enemies), Death (1), Undead Attack (1) Strategy: When you begin the battle, cast Saint Saber if you have it. Attack the two heads ONE AT A TIME, or the battle will take forever. Charlotte's Holy Ball will help a lot, and Kevin in were-wolf form won't hurt. Once you feel like you have the remaining head almost killed (I think they are around 5000 hit points), make sure all your characters are at high hp levels (higher than 400). Then kill the remaining head, and you will wi....what the (insert expletive here)!!??? The word regeneration appears, and the two heads are revived. Worse yet, another head shows up in the center and uses Hell Cross on you. Heal immediately after this. Once you are done healing, pummel the main head with everything you have. But never let hit points drop below 300-400, because Zable-Fahr will use the Hell Cross at least once more before it dies. Once the main head is terminated, the other heads vanish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After killing Zable-Fahr, a treasure box will appear. Open it for the Illusion Mirror. Once you are finished, you can use the Wind Drum and go back to town to restock on items etc. When you are finished, return to the Zable-Fahr area. Now go south, south, west, north, north and save. you should be at Level 39-40. Now, from the save go south, west, north, and north. When you are asked, select the Illusion Mirror. The Deathjester will appear. After a short speech, he attacks. This is the fihgt you have been waiting for! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: The Deathjester Rec. Level: 39+ Attacks: Death (1), Cold Blaze (1), Blaze Wall (1), Holy Ball (1) Strategy: The first thing he does is split in three. However, only one of the sikcle-wielding maniacs is the real one, and they all look the same. To find out, hammer them with either weapons or Hawkeye's Thnder Jtsu, which does decent damage. Only the real one will take damage, and you will still retain your super meter if you attack a fake one. I used Moon Saber, but I am not sure if it helped (though I bet it did). His attacks, while few, hurt badly, and his sickle does pretty good damage. After a while, he will flash and change into one the clones. He does this once you found which one he is. However, once you find the real one, you can probably deal up to a thousand damage before he changes his form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After killing him, a path to the north will open up. You can either restock on items or head into the Mirage Palace right now... Note: Get full slots of Stardust Herbs and Cups of Wishes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 2. THE MIRAGE PALACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After doing what you wish, it is time to enter the mirage palace. From where you fought the Death Jester, go north twice into the palace. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) The Mirage Palace: Exterior Enemies: Lv. 43-46 Dragon Zombie: Methane Breath Lv. 43-46 Elemental Sword: Sabers Lv. 43-45 Carmilia Queen: Blood Drain, Strange Attack Lv. 43-45 Necromancer: Heal Light Lv. 43-45 Ghost Boss: Genova Boss: Ghost Boss: Gildervine ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go north. Speak to the priest. Kill the enemies and go northwest. Go north and speak to the skeleton to save. There are six paths. I took them in the following order. 1.) Southwest, northeast, west, south, south (don't kill enemies), and go southeast. Now open the treasure. After you have done this, return to the hall. The southwest orb is lighted. Save. 2.) West, north (after killing everyone), northeast, center, and north. You'll face Genova, who is about as easy as before (actually, much easier). To save you time, I'll put the strategy here:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Genova Rec. Level: 41/42 (this time) Attacks: Frieball (1, all), Melt, Power Up, summon Lv. 43 shapeshifters, Trap Lv. 1 (spikes), Trap Lv. 2 (Earthslide) Strategy: This bosses weak spot is its mouth. However, the boss spits out many shapeshifters (two-three at a time). They can become anything, so watch out. It is a good idea to terminate one or two of the shapeshifters if they become hard enemies, but if not, concentrate on Genova. Once he dies, the others die as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After killing Genova, you should return to the hall. the west orb is lighted. Save. 3.) Go northwest, north, and north. The room should change. Go south. You are in Astoria. Talk to everyone (including the dog), and return to the room from which you came, and face the ghost. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Lv. 52 Ghost Rec. Level: 41/42 (this time) Attacks: ??? Strategy: Just beat this guy to a pulp, as he is not too hard. If you are having to much trouble, use Saint Saber or Holy Ball. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After killing the ghost, return to the hallway. The northwest orb should be lighted. Save. 4.) Go southeast, and then northeast. You'll be warped to different areas, where you have to kill everyone. When you finish (stop warping), return the hall, where the southeast orb will be lit. Save. 5.) Go east, and northeast. You'll now have to kill Gildervine (again). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Gildervine Rec. Level: 43(this time) Attacks: Sleep Flower, Summon Assasin bug, Hammer Bean, Poison Bubble Strategy: This guy is simple, since you are now very strong. If you need, use Moon Saber to help you attack it. It is as good as dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After killing the Gildervine, head back to the hall. The east orb is lit. Save. 6.) Go northeast. After killing all nemies on the screen, go up the stairs nad press the switch. Go back down and enter the door. Go north, northeasr, northwest, north, north, northeast,northwest, north, north, northeast, northwest. You should see Karl (I amy have made an error). Ignore him (I think you should talk to him until he leaves, but don't follow him). Go northeast, and north. Now go back to the hall (if you go south, it shouldn't warp). At the hall, all orbs, except the one on the skull, are lighted. Talk to the skull to open up the path to the north, and save. 7.) This is the last trial, so to speak. Go north, north, and north, and you will warp into a strange room. You can exit until you kill all the enemies here, and I mean ALL. This just takes a while, but it isn't too hard. When you win, go north. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B.) The Mirage Palace: Interior Enemies: Lv. 45 Dragon Zombie: Methane Breath Lv. 45 Necromancer: Heal Light Lv. 45 Ghost Lv. 45 Great Demon: Dark Force Lv. 45 Power Boulder: Roullette Lv. 45 Death Machine: Freeze Beam, Thunderbolt Boss: Gorva Boss: Heath ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The enemies here are considerably tougher than those outside. Use Hawkeye's Blow Needles to stop magic attacks like Thunderbolt before they occur. Go north into the palace, and go north again. You should save at the headless statue. Go south. The switch should be in the down position. Now go east and north. Flip the switches so that the left one is down and the right one is up. Now go north, southeast (stairwell), and west. Flip the switch on the wall. Go back and save. On the way back you should see that in the room to the east of the main hall, a bridge has opened. After saving, go to that room, and go up the bridge. You can walk through the northwestern part of the wall. Step on the teleporter. From this area, go west and face Gorva, take two. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Gorva Rec. Level: 44 (this time) Attacks: Ghost Song (all), Black Rain (all), Anti-Magic (1), Silence (1), and Evil Gate (1, all) Strategy: All I can say is use Holy Ball and/or Saint Saber and he is doomed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Gorva, you can either save (if you are not confident you can beat him easily again if you have to), or continue on west. You should be level 45. If you decide to continue west, go west and take the teleporter. Now take the south exit from this room, and walk across the balcony and take the northeast door. Make sure it is night. Take the northeast portal. You are now in the throne room of the Mirage Palace. In the ensuing scene, the Masked Mae will destroy the Sowrd of Mana, and then go to the Mana Holyland to chop down the Mana Tree. You would follow, if not for Heath, who blocks your way. You'll be warped to a separate area to fight Heath. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Heath Rec. Level: 45 Attacks: Ghost Song (all), Black Curse (1), Saint Beam (all), Holy Ball (all), Iourmugand (all), Freya (all), Maraduke (all), Heal Light (himself), Ghost (1) Strategy: Since it is night, Kevin is in werewolf form, which makes this battle a little easier. Still, Heath has some very nasty spells whcih do tons of damage (400+), which ties Charlotte up. Note: Don't waste stardust herbs unless Charlotte is silenced by Maraduke, everything else can be cured with Tinkle Rain. I suggest using a Deadly Weapon or two on Heath with Hawkeye, then using Black Rain all the time (most of the time). Kevin should NOT be sabered, because Heath is mostly immune to all elemental attacks. If your attacks aren't doing enough, use Thunder Jutsu on Heath. For kevin, it is usually a better idea to use your level one attack, which can do up to 400 damage (200 per hit), and is much faster than getting his super or ultra combo (which does around 800). the worst thing about Heath is his Heal Light spell, which cures 576+ damage. You need to move very fast to kill this guy. Black rain, followed up by a succesful combo and (if possible), Holy Ball, should take off 1000, half of which he will almost immediately heal. Approximately 22 combos as such will kill him (he has 11000 hit points, I'm guessing). Magic Shield may help a lot. Overall, this is the hardest boss you'll be facing in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After defeating Heath, he reveals that the Masked Mage is his father, Belgar, who tried to help a dying little girl by studying dark magic. He finally became an accomplished Dark mage, but the girl is dead. The people of Wendel began to fear Belgar, and the Priest of Light exiled him. Over the years, his powers grew to fiendish levels. (You heard this is in Pedan). Its time to head to the mana holyland, but first, you need to restock on items. If you have any weapon/armor seeds, plant them after saving in Pedan to get some armor/weapons (these are the best armor/weapons in the game). When you are done, sell all unescerrary armor, and buy the best weapons the guys in Pedan are selling (you may already have done this). After that, fly somewhere like Forcena and buy 9 of the important items, like Cups of Wishes, Honey, and Walnuts. Now head for the holy land. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPRTER 3. THE MANA HOLY LAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A.) The Mana Holyand Enemies: Lv. 49, 50 Shapeshifter: Shapeshift Final Boss: Dark Lich ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From where you land, you'll see the Holy land has been totaled. So there is a new path to take. Go north, west, north, east, east, north, northwest, north, west, and north. Save here. Level build to 46, and save again. Now go east, north on the lilies, and west. Kill everything and go west, northwest, northeast, and east. Cross the log, and the head north to face the Masked Mage. You're too late. He' already cut down the tree. But you can still kill him. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Final Boss: Dark Lich Rec. Level: 46 Attacks: Ancient (all), Hell Cross (all), Death (1), Saint Beam (all), Dark Force (all), Power Up/Speed up (itself), Leaf Saber (itself) Strategy: This guy is very easy. The key is to keep hp pretty high. In the beggining, he is weak against holy (the background is dark). Use Magic Shield on everyone, then use Saint Saber on everyone, coupled with a few Deadly Weapons. By this time, he would have used ancient, which hits everyone for nearly 500. His only other bad attacks are Death and Hell Cross. Just heal light everyonce in a while. Kevin should be doing 400 per hit here, so his super attack will do 900 damage. After a while, the music will change You are now at phase two, which is easy as well. Whiler he is powering up, you're taking off tons of damage. Before you know it, he's dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After killing him, sit back and enjoy the ending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLASS CHANGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Each character has the ability to Class Change twice. These class changes occur at Lv. 18 and Lv. 38. However, the second change is secret. For the first class change, the character can choose the dark (offense) or light (defense) path. The second class change allows you to follow your path, or mix it. So the final combinations can be Ligh- Light, Light-Dark, Dark-Light, and Dark-Dark. With each class change, the character's appearance and stats change. Also, the character may learn spells and abilities based on the class. Some abilities require certain stats. For example, Hawkeye requires agility to perform his ninja attacks. The second class change can be unlocked in the Mana Holyland with certain items, which are obtained from ??? Seeds. Each time you plant the seed, you may get a variable item. Here is a list of the ones I have. Kevin: ???????????????: Death Hand Demon Wolf Soul: Dervish Hawkeye: Bullseye Die: Ninja Master Nighteye Die: Night Blade Charlotte: Bottle of Salt: Sage Holy Water Vial: Bishop When you speak to the goddes statue (on terrace) in the Mana Holyand at Level 38, you will have the coice of using something. Use the correct item to unlock the class you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHARACTER ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As characters change classes, they gain many abilities with certain statistics (may not always apply). Below is a list of the ones I have. Kevin: 1.) Dervish's Abilities Moon Saber: 16/15/18/14/14/13 (Lv. 39) Charlotte: 1.)Cleric's Abilities Heal Light: 3 mp (1): 3/3/4/5/7/5 Heals damage Tinkle Rain: 2 mp (1): 3/4/4/5/7/5 Cures all status effects (not sabers) 2.) Priestess's Abilities: Heal Light: 3 mp (1, all): 8/9/8/11/12/11 (Lv. 19) Heals damage Holy Ball: 2 mp (1): 8/9/9/11/12/11 (Lv. 20) Holy damage to enemy Diamond Saber: 4 mp (1): 9/9/9/11/12/11 (Lv. 21) Adds Earth attribute Thunder Saber: 4 mp (1): 9/9/9/12/12/11 (Lv. 22) Adds Lighting attribute Ice Saber: 4 mp (1): 9/10/9/12/12/11 (Lv. 23) Adds Ice attribute Flame Saber: 4 mp (1): 9/10/10/12/12/11 (Lv. 24) Adds Fire attribute 3.) Bishop's Abilities: Tinkle Rain: 2 mp (1, all): 13/14/14/17/18/16 (Lv. 39) Cures all status effects (not sabers) Saint Saber: 4 mp (1): 13/15/14/17/18/16 (Lv. 40) Adds Holy attribute Magic Shield: 4 mp (1): 13/15/14/17/19/16 (lv. 41) Increases magic defense by 50% Turn Undead: 1 mp (all enemies): 14/15/14/17/19/16 (lv. 42) Kills undead enemies, depending on level. Hawkeye 1.) Ninja's Abilities Shuriken: 1 mp (1): 9/13/9/9/9/12 (Lv. 19) Lowers hit rate, attacks Water Jutsu: 3 mp (1): 10/14/10/9/9/12 (Lv. 22) Water attack, lowers attack power Fire Jutsu: 3 mp (1): 10/15/10/10/10/12 (Lv. 25) Fire attack, lowers magic attack power Earth Justsu: 3 mp (1): 11/16/11/10/10/12 (Lv. 28) Earth attack, lowers evade rate Thunder Jutsu: 3 mp (1): 11/17/12/11/11/12 (Lv. 31) Thunder attack, lowers defense 2.) Night Blade's Abilities Poison Breath: 4 mp (1): 15/19/15/15/14/17 (Lv. 39) Inflicts Poison damage Flame Breath: 4 mp (1): 15/20/15/15/14/17 (Lv. 40) Inflicts Fire damage Blow Needles: 3 mp (1): 16/20/15/15/14/17 (Lv. 41) Silences the enemy Deadly Weapon: 4 mp (1): 16/21/15/15/14/17 (Lv. 42) Lowers the enemies max hp Black Rain: 6 mp (all enemies): 16/21/16/15/14/17 (Lv. 43) Shadow attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENEMY ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The enemies in this game will often use spells and abilities. They are listed below. Bite: Damage Sleep Spore: Sleep Mini: Causes miniture status Handaxe: Throws axe from distance Dart: Throw dart from distance Poison Mist Breath: Poisons Venom: Poison Holy Ball: Holy damage Healing: Heals Heal Light: Heals Bubble Breath: Does damage, may poison Dive attack: Hits everyone on screen Eye Beam: Laser attack Drill Shot: Attack Rocket Launcher: Fire damage (?) Mucus Shot: Poisons Rolling: Invincibility for time (?) Shuriken: Ninja star to one or all Earth Magic: earth damage to one Back Slash: Strong attack Shadow Strike: Strong attack Fireball: Fire Damage Yellow Wind: Defense Power down Air Blast: Air damage to one or all Talon Drain: Drains with attack Gem Missile (1, all): Earth Damage Earthslide (all): Earth Damage Power Punch (all): Attacks everone Whirlwind attack: Attacks everyone Black rain: Shadow Damage all Evil Gate (1,all): Shadow damage Ghost Song: ??? Anti-magic: Resets super meter Silence: Stops magic Melt; Fire attack Summon (insert monster here): summons monster Mature (insert monster here): Becomes that monster Petriflutter: Petrifies Gulp,gulp: Eats Combine: Form one out of two Trap Lv. 1: Spikes Trap Lv. 2: Earthslide Heal Buster: ??? Bubble Bop: Attack down Hundred Harpoon: Fearsome attack Saint Beam: Holy Laser Attack Acid Rain: ??? rain Grenade Bomb: Massive damage to target and anyone in blast radius. Pumpkin bomb: Fire Damage Firbreath: Fire Damage Defense; Defense up Unicorn Head: Unicorn attack Water-Moon Slice: Water-Moon attack Bastard Slam: Attack Seyozu Sky Fist: Special attack, all Seyozu Death Fist: Sepcial attack, 1 Earth Jutsu: Earth damage Hammer Bean: Power down, etc. Poison Bubble: Poison damage Vaccuum Surge Spear: Wind attack all Double/Triple Spin: Attack Rabite Rain: Damage to all Garuda 100 Kick: Fearsome damage Machine golem attack: Attacks Air Slasher: Air Damage to all Thunderball: Air damage to all Thunderbolt: Thunder attack (1, all) Heat Beam: Flame attack, 1 Gigaburn: Flame attack, all Lavawave: Flame attack, all Explode: Fire attack, 1 Cold Blaze: Freezes Icicle: Ice damage Mind Up: Intell. Up. Shade Tree: ??? Counter Magic: Counters when magic is used Vacuum Sword: Vaccum Attack Spider Silk: ??? Silver Dart: Better Dart Baby Spore: ?????? Drain Kiss: Drains Spiral Moon: Powerful Moon attack, reduces max hp Howl: Charges up, and damages you Halflight: Knocks off half your hps Body Change: Mini Ironsand Needle: Earth Attack Multiroll: Rolling punch Crash Ball: Throws around the room Stone Cloud: Earth damage, 1 Earthquake: Earth Damage, 1 or all Magic Circle Attack: Magic Attack God Eyes Blast: Fire/Light attack Melody: Silences Prisoner: Moogles all Flash: moogles some allies Rusty Hurrican: Defense down Breastfire: Fire attack Dark Beam: Magic Effectiveness down/Dark damage to one Dark Blazon: Shadow attack/eating Dark Force: Powerfull Shadow Attac Regeneration: Revives/Summons-God Beast Undead Attack: Summons demons who attack and vanish Hell Cross: Dark/Fire/Holy Damage (?) to all Blaze Wall: Fire attack Death: 999 damage to one Roulette: Kills one person on screen Freeze Beam: Snowman Thunderbolt: Thunder attack/Silences all Methane Breath: Silences anyone who is hit Iourmugand: Summons a giant snake which poisons everyone/deals damage Freya: This charioteer will damage and mini your allies. Maraduke: He will silence all and deal damage. Ghost: Deals damage Black Curse: Reduces overall power. Ancient: Meteor attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUTURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a high chance that I may also right a walkthrough for Hawkeye's/Lise's scenario. However, there is very little chance for Duran's/Angela's walkthrough. Not enough time to play through it three times, I guess. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREDITS/DISCLAIMER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits: Lise : Help in the Mirage Palace Interiror. RBurn's Walkthrough: Help in the Gemstone Vally of Dorian Squaresoft: Making this game Neill Corlett and company: Translation patch helped getting ability names and story details Disclaimer: This guide is copyright 1999 Amar Kishan, and Seiken Densetsu 3 is copyright 1995 Squaresoft. This guide is not official. Do not distribute or upload at all without my permission. This faq cannot be reproduced in any way without my permission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 1999 Amar Kishan.