Seiken Densetsu 3 Copyright 1995 This game was going to be called Secret of Mana 2 if it came out in the US. This FAQ was made by Rick N. Bruns. Translation by Shinichi Shimizu. FAQ Version 1.2 Last Updated December 2nd, 1998 NEW TO THIS VERSION: Fixed a mistake in first Astoria Town section. Included two people that you need to talk to in order to progress in the game, and translation of what they say to you. Corrected a few more spelling errors. [C] 1998 Richard N. Bruns If you have questions or suggestions e-mail me at: If you want to use this walk-thru on your web sight, please don't edit it and leave all information intact. Also let me know the web sight you want to use it on. Updates to this document can be found at: _____________________________________________________________________________ OVERWORLD MAP I have maped out the overworld for this game and have labeled the various locations in this game. This map can be found at: A 24" x 24" Poster of this overworld map can also be ordered at the above site. _____________________________________________________________________________ CONTROLS: A: Accept, Attack B: Cancel, Special Attack, Run X: Ring Menu Y: Menu L: Control the second person in the group R: Control the first person in the group Start: Item Menu (On controller 2 and 3 start activates the other character) Select: Change the leader of the group _____________________________________________________________________________ STARTING A NEW GAME OR LOADING A SAVED GAME: NEW GAME: Pick 3 characters. Press A to select them. CONTINUE SOUND: STEREO: Normal Wide MONO _____________________________________________________________________________ THE CHARACTERS: >From left to right, top to bottom: NAME GENDER AGE CLASS WEAPON COUNTRY TOWN Duran Male 17 Fighter Sword Field Forsene Kevin Male 15 Glubbler Claw Beast Kingdom ?? Hawkeye Male 17 Thief Knife Sand Fortress Nabarl Angela Female 19 Magician Staff Magical Kingdom Artena Charlotte Female 15 Cleric Frail Holy City Wendel Riese Female 16 Amazoness Spear Wind Kingdom Rolant Each character has their own intro. You will do the intro. of the first person you select when starting a new game. NOTE: I wrote this walkthru by picking Duran, Angela, and Hawkeye. If you pick different characters some things in this walkthru will be different. _____________________________________________________________________________ INTRO FOR DURAN: You will start in a battle. After you beat the knight the king will talk to you. Talk to the King. You will see a flashback. After the flashback you will be standing on the castle wall. Walk north and go in the first door you come to. Talk to the gray statue to save your game. The top answer is Yes and the bottom in No. Go South. Talk to the man by the gate. A guy will appear and go thru the left door to the north. Follow him. You will find him on a bridge. Try to attack him. He will almost kill you. You will end up in a pub after the battle. Leave the pub. It's night time. There is no reason to go to the weapon or armor shops. You already have what they sell. Go to the 2nd floor of the house in the northwest corner of town. Talk to the man behind the counter. Go in the house to the right of the weapon and armor shops. Go up stairs and grab the treasure chest. Some Candy in inside it. It will be day when you leave the house. Go North to the castle. Go North and talk to the king. Leave the castle. You can save your game at the Inn. Now you can leave the town. The exit is to the south. INN: Would you like to sleep here? Yes/No Wake up in the day. Wake up at night. Would you like to save your game? Yes/No ITEM SHOP AT THE INN: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP. Rope 12 Escape from an area. Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Bronze Sword 42 Duran ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Quilting Armor 22 Duran _____________________________________________________________________________ OUTSIDE FORSENE: Note: The enemies are harder to fight at night. Go South. Go East. Go South. Cave: Go East. Go South. After you cross the bridge you will take a ship and start the game. _____________________________________________________________________________ START OF GAME AFTER CHARACTER'S INTRO: JAD TOWN: You are in a town. Go to the Inn and sleep until it's night time. Then you can sneak out of the town. At the Inn select the first option then the second one. When you wake up it will be night time. Go South and leave the town. INN: Would you like to sleep here? Yes/No Wake up in the day. Wake up at night. Would you like to save your game? Yes/No ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP. Rope 12 Escape from an area. Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. _____________________________________________________________________________ RABI FOREST: Go South. Go West. Go West. Go South. Go South. Go South. You are now in Astoria Town. _____________________________________________________________________________ ASTORIA TOWN: Talk to the woman with the blue hat. She is walking around outside the item shop. She tells you there is a Holly City of Wendel on the other side of the lake. You have to go thru the Cave of Falls to get there. That cave is east of this village. There is a magic barrier around the cave now to protect it from enemies. You can't get in the cave now because of the barrier. Talk to the man standing by the water in the southeast part of this town. He tells you that he saw a light floating out in the lake, but no one believes him. Go to the Inn and sleep. When you walk in the bedroom select the first option to sleep. At night you will see a fairy fly around the town. Leave the Inn. Go North to leave the town. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP. Rope 12 Escape from an area. Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it is for Iron Sword 100 Duran _____________________________________________________________________________ OUTSIDE OF ASTORIA TOWN: Go North. Go West. Go South. Go West. Talk to the golden statue to recover HP/MP and to save your game. Go South. Go South. Go East. Talk to the fairy. The fairy will join you. Go back to Astoria Town. When you enter the town you will see it has been destroyed! Go North and leave the town. Go East. You will meet Angela here and see a flashback. Angela will join your group. (This depends on who you picked to be in your party). Go East. The fairy will come out and let you pass into the cave. _____________________________________________________________________________ CAVE OF FALLS: Go South. Go South. Go South. Go West. You will see a girl that is about to fall off the cliff. Help her out. You will see a flashback. Go West. Go West. Go South. You are now outside the cave. Go East. _____________________________________________________________________________ WENDEL HOLY CITY: Go to the Armor shop and look in the pots downstairs to find something. Go North to the castle and talk to the king. He talks about class change. You need more experience and a Mana stone to do a class change. You need to go to the sanctuary to get the Mana Sword. If you get the Mana Sword you will wake up the goddess of Mana. She will save the world. She will grant your wishes. There are 8 Mana stones. If you generate energy from the Mana stones the door to the sanctuary will be open. The forbidden spell is able to control the Mana stone. Near the Mana stone is an element. If you get support from the element you can open the door to the sanctuary. There is a Light Mana stone in the Cave of Falls. Someone saw the Light element, Willow Whisp. You must first go to the Cave of Falls. Leave the town thru the East exit and go to the cave. WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it is for Iron Sword 100 Duran Staff 75 Angela ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it is for Hard Leather 65 Duran Silk Robe 50 Angela On the way a girl wants help finding Heath who was kidnapped. She wants to follow you into the cave. You say No. _____________________________________________________________________________ CAVE OF FALLS: Go East. Go East. Your fairy will come out and talk to you. She tells you to go up. Go East. Go North. Go West. On this ledge your menu will come up. Press Up and select the fairy. Now you can go West. Go West. Go North. Go West and talk to the golden statue to recover your HP/MP and save your game. Go back East. Go East. Go East. Go North. Go North. You are now fighting an end guy. Attack the eyes. After you kill it walk east and go South. Go East. Use the fairy to get back across the water fall. Three people will push you off the edge and you will fall down. You will wake up in a jail cell. Your HP will be 1. _____________________________________________________________________________ JAD FORTRESS: You will meet Hawkeye here. He will help you escape and join your group. (Note this depends on who you selected at the start of the game). Talk to the gold statue to recover you HP/MP and save your game. Go up the stairs to the West. Go South. Go South. Go South. Go South. Walk in the entrance to the right of the Inn. Get on the ship. _____________________________________________________________________________ MAIYA CITY: Go to the house in the northeast corner of town. Go North. Talk to the man with the funny hat. Go to the Inn. Talk to the man outside the Inn that is blocking the way west. He will move out of the way. Sleep at the Inn and save your game if you want. Take the West exit out of town. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP. Rope 12 Escape from an area. Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it is for Iron Sword 100 Duran Staff 75 Angela Dagger 90 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it is for Hard Leather 65 Duran Circlet 42 Angela Defense +3, Magic Resistance +2 Silk Robe 50 Angela Leather Hat 42 Hawkeye Defense +3, Magic Resistance +2 Fatie Black 55 Hawkeye Leather Visor 58 Duran Defense +3, Magic Resistance +2 _____________________________________________________________________________ GOLDEN ROAD: Go West. Go North. Go West. Go West. Go South. Go South. Go North into the cave. _____________________________________________________________________________ LAND OF CREVASSE: Talk to the gray statue to save your game. Go West. Go South. An Artena Soldier will talk to you. The soldier wanted you to find the Princess Angela. The Queen wants to kill Angela because she committed treason. They try to use a magic weapon to make a shield. You must fight a battle. They will blow up the bridge. The Magic Kingdom is going to attack some other country to get the Mana stone. There is a Mana stone near here. Go North. Go East. Talk to the gray statue to save. Go back to Maiya City. _____________________________________________________________________________ MAIYA CITY: Go to the Cannon Travel Center. It's the house in the northeast corner of town. This is your first time to use this cannon. He forgot the gunpowder. He ask you to bring him some gunpowder. When you leave the house you will say, "We need to ask somebody about the gunpowder". Talk to the man standing just south of the Inn. He is standing next to a pot. He says, "The Dwarf has the gunpowder". There is a secret entrance before the bridge in the Land of Crevasse that leads to the Dwarf Village. Go to the Land of Crevasse. LAND OF CREVASSE: Talk to the gray statue. Select the Willow Whisp. It will open up the secret passage. Go South. Walk all the way south and then walk up to the right. Go North. _____________________________________________________________________________ DWARF VILLAGE A Dwarf in the village says, "Watz in the Item Shop has the gunpowder". Go to the item shop. A dwarf there will tell you, Watz is going out to the inner tunnel. Leave the village and go right. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP. Rope 12 Escape from an area. Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Gradius 210 Duran Witch Staff 180 Angela Bazalard 194 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it is for Bezant Mail 154 Duran Black Cloth of Witch 95 Angela Camouflage Cloak 100 Hawkeye Outside Dwarf Village: Talk to the guy standing by the wall to the east. Watz is in the tunnel. He will break a hole in the wall. Go East. Go North. Go West. Go West. Walk north and go East. Go East. Watz is in this room. He has the gunpowder. He wants 5000 Luks for it. The first option is "Ok I will pay you for it." the second is, "It's to expensive." Pick the second one. He will lower the price to 3000. You get the same two options again. Pick the second. He is looking for the Nome in the tunnel. Go West. Go West. Go South. Go West. Go West. Go South. Walk west and go North. Go East. Go East. Go North. Go East. Go East. Walk north and go West. Go West. Go South. Talk to the gray statue and save your game. Go North. Go West. Go West. Go South. Go South. Walk west and go North. Watz will be here. Talk to him. He runs away and an end guy appears. After you kill Jewleater, Watz will talk to you. Something bad happens every 1000 years. It is starting to happen again since Jewleater was born. The Nome shows up. They need your help to open the door. The Nome joins you. Watz gives you the gunpowder. Do you want me to take you to the exit of this tunnel? Yes/No. Pick Yes. Leave the cave and go back to the cannon travel center in Maiya City. MAIYA CITY: He asks who you are. You are angry that he does not remember you. He forgot what the gunpowder was going to be used for. After you draw your sword, he remembers. Go North. Talk to Bon Voyage. Are you ready to go to Forsena? Yes/No. Pick Yes. _____________________________________________________________________________ MALLBEAR FIELD: You end up in the wrong place. Duran is angry. Go North. Go North. Talk to the gray statue and save your game. Jump in the whole. Go East. Go South. Go South. Go East. Go East. Go North. Go North. Go East. Go North. You will enter a town. _____________________________________________________________________________ FORSENA KINGDOM: This town was attacked. Go North thru the right door. Talk to the golden statue to recover your HP/MP and save your game. Go North. Go North. Go North thru the upper middle door. Go North. Go North. Go North thru the middle door. The king is in this room. Talk to the King. He wants to know why someone would bother to attack Forsena. To get all the Mana stones. He wants to know why they wanted to Kill Angela. There are 8 Mana stones: Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Light, Darkness, Moon, and Tree. Take a ship from Byzel Port to Paro. There is a Wind Mana Stone in Rolant. That is a mountain area. To find the other Mana stones you need the Wind Elemental Jin. After you find Jin come back here. After you talk to the king the monsters will be gone. Keep going South until you see the cannon travel guy. Talk to him. He is Bon Voyage's brother. His name is Bon Jour. I will make a cannon here so you can go back. Wait till morning and I will be done. Go South. Go in the house to the right of the weapon and armor shops. This is Duran's house. He does not want to go back home until he kills the Red Magician. Angela wants to see Duran's room. Angela says your room must be messy. Go to the 2nd floor of the house in the northwest corner of town. Talk to the man behind the desk. This is a fortune teller. She can't see anything in your future. The Fairy says that's not a problem. If you have a fairy with you people can't see your future. Sleep at the Inn. Go to the house to the left of the south exit to town. Talk to the woman at the table. She asks, "Why is there a cannon in the castle?". Go North back to the castle. Talk to the guy next to the cannon. His brother gave him the cannon to support him. Do you want to go back to Maiya? I will not fail my brother. Yes/No. Pick Yes. He will send you back to Maiya City. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP Rope 12 Escape from an area Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life Stardust Herb 16 Remove magic effects from you. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. Honey Drink 75 Recover All HP Magic Walnut 50 Recover 20 MP Chocolate 40 Recover 300 HP WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Gradius 210 Duran Witch Staff 180 Angela Bazalard 194 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it is for Leather Gauntlet 98 Duran Defense +2, Magic Resistance +1 Jewel Ring 70 Angela Defense +2, Magic Resistance +1 World Earrings 75 Hawkeye Defense +2, Magic Resistance +1 _____________________________________________________________________________ MAIYA CITY: Leave the city and go to Byzel Port. Take the West exit out of town and follow the golden road to get to Byzel Port. _____________________________________________________________________________ BYZEL PORT: Save at the Inn and buy supplies if you need them. When it is night time you can go to the Black Market to get magic items. A woman in the town says, "There is a Volcanic Island in the south sea of Byzel. It we erupt in the near future". A woman says there hiring dancers for the black market. Go to the East exit of town and get on the ship. The man will ask if you will pay 150 to go to Paro Port. Yes/No. Pick Yes. You will get on the ship and go to Paro Port. WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Broad Sword 276 Duran Oak Staff 220 Angela Rondel Dagger 234 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Lameler Armor 220 Duran Queen Bee Dress 184 Angela Phantom Thief Cloak 200 Hawkeye MAGIC SHOP ON LEFT SIDE OF BLACK MARKET: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Earth Coin 22 Earthquake Caruberos Nail 40 Adds Fire to your weapon Drake Scale 22 Strength Up Fire Coin 22 Fire magic Puseidon Nail 40 Adds Water to your weapon Sahagin Scale 22 Intelligence Up Ice Coin 22 Ice magic Seire-n Nail 40 Adds Wind to your weapon Bird Scale 22 Dexterity Up Storm Coin 22 Wind magic Mallbear Nail 40 Adds Earth to your weapon Ballett Scale 22 Defense Up MAGIC SHOP ON RIGHT SIDE OF BLACK MARKET: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Darts 5 Damage far enemy Spector Pupil 40 Disables enemy target system Dark Coin 22 Dark magic Marmpot Oil 22 Recover Status Pot Oil 30 Recover HP Light Coin 22 Light magic Pumpkin Bomb 16 Damage far enemy Hand Ax 5 Damage far enemy _____________________________________________________________________________ PARO PORT: Talk to the soldier when you first enter the town. The soldiers minds are being controlled by Isabell. All thief guild members are controlled by Isabell. Hawkeye is wanted in this country. Go in the tunnel below the Inn. Go up the stairs to the north. Talk to the people in this room. You should go to the mountain. Leave the town. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP. Rope 12 Escape from an area. Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Broad Sword 276 Duran Oak Staff 220 Angela Rondel Dagger 234 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it is for Lameler Armor 220 Duran Witch Hood 184 Angela Defense +4, Magic Resistance +2 Queen Bee Dress 184 Angela Garrabeya 194 Hawkeye Defense +4, Magic Resistance +2 Phantom Thief Cloak 200 Hawkeye Headgear 215 Duran Defense +4, Magic Resistance +2 _____________________________________________________________________________ ROAD TO THE SKY: Go North. Go East. Go North. Go North. Go East. Go East. Talk to the gray statue and save your game. Go South. Walk east and go North. When you walk in to the field of flowers your party will fall asleep. _____________________________________________________________________________ SECRET PLACE OF ROLANT: You wake up in the Secret Place of Ronlant. You talk to the princess of Ronlant. There is a wind corridor on the west side of this mountain. The god of wind lives there. You can control the wind power from Ronlant Castle. Some enemy took over the castle. She does not want your help to get back the castle from the enemy, because it is there problem and not yours. Ronlant castle is on the top of the mountain. Go to the northeast room. And talk to the people there. The old guy says, "Donperi is in Rabi Forest. This is south of Jad. Donperi will help get back the castle. You need to find Donperi. You need the Minimize Hammer. Use this hammer to impersonate Donperi's Klan. The Minimize Hammer is in Byzel Port. Go North. The woman in this area says, "No one knows about this secret entrance". Walk west and go South. Talk to the woman here and follow her North. She will have a cannon in this area. Talk to her. She will ask if you want to go to Byzel Port. Yes/No. Select Yes. _____________________________________________________________________________ BYZEL PORT: (Getting the Minimize Hammer) First make sure you have room for the hammer on your item ring. Press Start to bring up the item menu. If you have stuff in all the spaces on the left side then select an item to move over to the right side. Select the item and press A, then press A again. That will move the item off the item ring. Now during the night go to the Black Market. If it is not night sleep at the Inn and select the second option to get up at night. Black Market: Talk to the woman with the blue dress in the upper left corner. She will give you the Minimize Hammer, and then walk away. Leave the black market. Go East and get on the ship. You can go to two places from here. Paro Port or Jad. Select the second option, "Jad". _____________________________________________________________________________ JAD TOWN: (Passing thru on the way to Rabi Forest) Buy any supplies you need then go South and leave Jad. Go South again and the music will change. You are now in Rabi Forest. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP. Rope 12 Escape from an area. Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Broad Sword 276 Duran Oak Staff 220 Angela Rondel Dagger 234 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it is for Headgear 215 Duran Defense +4, Magic Resistance +2 Crystal Ring 154 Angela Defense +3, Magic Resistance +1 Witch Hood 184 Angela Defense +4, Magic Resistance +2 Thief Bracelet 160 Hawkeye Defense +3, Magic Resistance +1 Garrabeya 194 Hawkeye Defense +4, Magic Resistance +2 Steal Gauntlet 154 Duran Defense +3, Magic Resistance +1 _____________________________________________________________________________ RABI FOREST: Go West. Go West. Go South. Go West. Go South. Go West. Talk to the golden statue to recover your HP/MP and save your game. Go South. You will see a tiny guy standing near a gray statue. When you get close he will run away. Use the Minimize Hammer on all your people. Look at the front of the statue to open up the secret path to the village. Walk west and go North thru the secret passage. _____________________________________________________________________________ KUROBOCKEL VILLAGE: An old man will talk to you. He says you look foreign. You tell him you just moved here. You ask him where Donperi is. He does not know. Look in all the houses, everyone says they don't know where Domperi is. Some of the trees have small doors you can enter. After you go in all the houses, the old man will be standing in the center of town. Talk to him. He tells you about the wind cave. After you get Jin go to the sleep flower garden. Then use Jin's power. The pollen from the flowers will be sent to Rolant Castle. Then you can attack the sleeping soldiers. Jin is deep inside the Wind Corridor. Leave Kurobockel Village. RABI FOREST: Go back to Jad Town. JAD TOWN: Go to the ship. Enter the tunnel to the right of the Inn to get to the ship. You have two places you can go. Paro Port, Maiya City. Select the first option to go to Paro Port. PARO PORT: Take the West exit out of town. ROAD TO THE SKY: Go North, Go East, Go North, Go North, Walk north and go East. Go East. Walk north and go in the gave to the left of the bridge. Go North. Go West. _____________________________________________________________________________ WIND CORRIDOR: Last time there was a statue here. It was blocking the passage, but it is gone now. Walk north and look at the button on the wall. Press it. Go West. Go in the first cave to the west. Hit the switch. Go West. Go South. Walk south and go East. Go South. Walk south and go West. Talk to the gold statue to recover your HP/MP and save your game. Go East. Go East. You are now in the room with the Mana stone. You see some foot prints to the east. Go East. After you kill the end guy talk to Jin. He joins your group. Go West. Talk to the Mana stone. Most likely you will not be able to do a class change yet. Leave the Wind Corridor area. ROAD TO THE SKY: (On the way to the Sleeping Flower Garden) Go West. Go West. Walk south and go East. Go East. Talk to the gray statue to save your game. Go South. Walk east and go North. Walk east until your in the Sleeping Flower Garden. SLEEPING FLOWER GARDEN: Select Jin when the menu appears. Jin is the blue guy with big ears. Some enemies are still awake so be careful. Inside the two barrels are some candy and a cup of life. You can have them. Go North. _____________________________________________________________________________ WIND KINGDOM OF ROLANT: Go in the lower east entrance. You will see a gold statue in this room. Save your game and go back South. Now go in the upper east door. Go North thru the east door. You wonder why there are monsters in this area. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Go in the upper door to the North. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Walk north and go East. Go East. Go North. Go North. Walk west and go South. Go North in the left door. Go in the door to the east. Talk to the gold statue to recover your HP/MP and save your game. Go back South. Go South in the door to the upper west. You will see some people here. Bill and Ben are holding Riese. Talk to Riese. The enemy General is in the room to the left. Go North into the left door. You will fight an end guy in here. He is very strong. After you kill him go North. The guy you will fight here is Hawkeyes friend, but is being controlled by someone else. After you kill him talk to Isabell. You must get the Sword of Mana. Lets go back to Foresta to talk to the king. Go West. Go South. ROAD TO THE SKY: (On the way to Paro Port) Go West. Go West. Walk south and go West. Go South. Go West. Go South. Go East. _____________________________________________________________________________ PARO PORT: Jesicha is now in jail. The people are no longer under control. There are new items in all the shops. The man standing near the east exit that leads to the ship says, "There is an unfamiliar ship here". Get on that ship. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP Rope 12 Escape from an area Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life Stardust Herb 16 Remove magic effects from you. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. Honey Drink 75 Recover All HP Magic Walnut 50 Recover 20 MP Chocolate 40 Recover 300 HP WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Sarbel 585 Duran Puter Rod 378 Angela Shark Teeth 405 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Hoewbark 276 Duran Bat Coat 230 Angela Soft Leather 234 Hawkeye _____________________________________________________________________________ GHOST SHIP: This ship goes in circles. You wake up in the night and hear a scream. Go South. Go up the stairs to the East. Go South. If you go in the middle door and kill the enemies in this room a ghost will appear, you can buy items from him. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP Rope 12 Escape from an area Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life Stardust Herb 16 Remove magic effects from you. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. Honey Drink 75 Recover All HP Magic Walnut 50 Recover 20 MP Chocolate 40 Recover 300 HP Leave the Item Shop. Your Fairy thinks there is an Elemental here. Be careful. Go in left door. Go Up the stairs. Go in the door to the west. You are in a room with three book shelves. Look at the shelves in this order. Right, Left, Middle, Left. The books are, Blood, Death, Curse, Death. This will open a passage so you can go to the right part of the room. Look at the book sitting on the desk. It is a diary. All it says is death. Talk to the ghost that appears in the room. Duran turns into a ghost. He can't leave the ship until he makes someone else a ghost. Now you need to go and find out what caused it. Go South. Go Down the stairs in the northeast part of this area. Go South. Go Up the stairs in the northeast part of this area. Go in the door to the left. Go Up the stairs. If you look out the port hole you will see thick fog out side. Then you will see someone out there. Go South. If you go in the middle door and kill the monsters, a ghost will appear and sell you weapons. WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Shark Teeth 405 Hawkeye Puter Rod 378 Angela Leave the weapon shop. If you go in the left door and kill the monsters, a ghost will appear and sell you armor. ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Soft Leather 234 Hawkeye Bat Coat 230 Angela Leave the armor shop. Go up the stairs in the northwest part of this area. You are now on the deck of the ship. Shadow says, "Welcome to my ship". You tell him you want to remove the curse from your friend. He says you must kill him. Light magic does the most damage to him. He is pleased to be free. He says he will help you. The Shade Elemental joins you. The dark Mana stone was lost in the war. The dark Mana stone may be in another dimension. _____________________________________________________________________________ VOLCANIC ISLAND BUKKA: You want to escape as soon as possible. Go North on the west path. Go North. You will see a big turtle swimming in the ocean. Go South. Go South. Go North on the east side. Go West. Talk to the gold statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go back East. Go South. Go East. Go South. Walk east and go North. Go East. Go East. Go South. Walk east and go North. Go North. Go North on the east side. Go East. You are now in a small village. _____________________________________________________________________________ DARK PREIST VILLAGE: Talk to the totem pole in the center of the village to recover all HP/MP and save your game. One of the people in the village tells you there is a cave to the west of this village. The owner of the ocean lives in the cave. You can ask it to help you escape from this island. The entrance is blocked by a boulder. Go West and leave the village after you buy supplies and save. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP Rope 12 Escape from an area Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life Stardust Herb 16 Remove magic effects from you. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. Honey Drink 75 Recover All HP Magic Walnut 50 Recover 20 MP Chocolate 40 Recover 300 HP WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Steal Sword 1000 Duran Ruby Staff 738 Angela Steal Dagger 820 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Half Plate 378 Duran Tiger Bikini 234 Angela Idaten Cloak 276 Hawkeye _____________________________________________________________________________ VOLCANIC ISLAND BUKKA: Go South, Walk west and go North. Go North. Go West. Go West. Walk west and look at the rock in the upper part of this area. Select the Nome. He will open the entrance to the cave. Go North into the cave. _____________________________________________________________________________ SEASHORE CAVE: Go East. Go South. Go South. Go South. Walk east and go North. Go North. Go North. Go West. Go West. Go South. Go East. Go South. Go West. Talk to the golden statue to recover your HP/MP and save your game. Go South. Go West. Go West. Go South. Walk west and go North. Go West. Go West. Talk to the golden statue to recover your HP/MP and save your game. Go North. Go North. Here you will talk to Evil Eye. Evil Eye is a count. He came here to kill you! A big turtle will take you some to a beach near the Golden Road. You say, "Lets go talk to the king in Forsena". Go West. Go North. GOLDEN ROAD: Go East. MAIYA CITY: Go to the cannon travel center in the northeast corner of this town. He will send you to Forsena Kingdom. _____________________________________________________________________________ FORSENA KINGDOM Go North and talk to the king. He will show you where 4 of the Mana stones are. -The Water Mana Stone is in the Snow Field to the north. You will get Windena (Water Elemental) there. -The Fire Mana Stone is in Flame Canyon. Flame Canyon is south of the Desert. You will get Salamander (Fire Elemental) there. -The Moon Mana Stone is southeast of Forsena in Forest of the Night Moon. You will get Luna (Moon Elemental) there. -The Tree Mana Stone is in the Sea of Trees of Wonder. You can't get there from the ground. South of the Sea of Trees is the Lamp Flower Forest. There is an Elf that lives there. Find Dior City, then ask the Fairy King how to get to the Tree Mana Stone. You will get Duraid there. Make sure you have space on your item ring and grab the chest next to the king. Press Start to bring up the menu to remove items from your item ring. Once you get the Pi-hyara Flute go South. Use the cannon travel center to go back to Maiya City. MAIYA CITY: Take the west exit out of town. GOLDEN ROAD: Go South. Go East. Use the flute on the beach to call the big turtle. Ride the big turtle to the upper middle section of the map. There is a beach by a town on the center of the north side of the snow-covered land. Once you land at the beach go East. _____________________________________________________________________________ ELLAND TOWN: (On the way to the Water Mana Stone)This town is covered in snow. Save your game and buy supplies. Take the South exit out of town. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP Rope 12 Escape from an area Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life Stardust Herb 16 Remove magic effects from you. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. Honey Drink 75 Recover All HP Magic Walnut 50 Recover 20 MP Chocolate 40 Recover 300 HP WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Bastard Sword 1690 Duran Crystal Rod 1100 Angela Mizerizord 1300 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Plate Mail 800 Duran Rose Leotard 600 Angela Chain Mail 630 Hawkeye _____________________________________________________________________________ SNOW FIELD THAT IS BELOW FREEZING: Go South. Go West. Go West. Go West. Go South. Go West. Go West. Go South. Walk west and go North. Talk to the gray statue and save your game. Go North. Go West. Go North. Go North. Go West. Go West. Go South. Go South. Go East. Talk to the gold statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go back West. Go West. You will talk to a knight in this room. He will disappear and you will have to fight three enemies. After you kill them go West. Enter the cave to the North. _____________________________________________________________________________ LYBRINTH OF ICE WALL: Talk to the Water Mana Stone here. Energy is generated from the Mana stone. Windena (Water Elemental) joins your group. Have each of your characters talk to it, so they can do class changes. Now leave this area and go to the beach. Call the big turtle. _____________________________________________________________________________ CLASS CHANGE: ______________________________________ Paladin Knight - Lord Duran - Sword Master Gladiator - Duelist ______________________________________ Grand Deviner Sorceress - Arch Mage Angela - Rune Master Delvar - Magas ______________________________________ Wanderer Ranger - Rogue Hawkeye - Ninja Master Ninja - Night Blade ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ HOW TO GET TO THE FIRE MANA STONE: Go to the first beach to the left of the southeast dot on the map. Once you land on the beach to the left of the dot on the map, go East. _____________________________________________________________________________ SAND CITY SALTAN: (On the way to the Fire Mana Stone) Save your game and buy supplies. Then take the East exit out of town. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP Rope 12 Escape from an area Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life Stardust Herb 16 Remove magic effects from you. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. Honey Drink 75 Recover All HP Magic Walnut 50 Recover 20 MP Chocolate 40 Recover 300 HP WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Bastard Sword 1690 Duran Crystal Rod 1100 Angela Mizerizord 1300 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Plate Mail 800 Duran Rose Leotard 600 Angela Chain Mail 630 Hawkeye _____________________________________________________________________________ INCANDESCENT DESERT: Go East. Go South. Go East. Go South. Go South. Walk south and go East. Go East. Go East. You are now in a town. _____________________________________________________________________________ OASIS DEAN: (On the way to Fire Mana Stone) Go to the Inn and save your game. Buy supplies if you need them. Take the West exit out of town. People in town say: -There is a rumor that there is a Devil in the Sun Fortress. -The Sun Fortress is in the East Desert. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP Rope 12 Escape from an area Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life Stardust Herb 16 Remove magic effects from you. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. Honey Drink 75 Recover All HP Magic Walnut 50 Recover 20 MP Chocolate 40 Recover 300 HP WEAPON SHOP: (Only open at night) BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Bastard Sword 1690 Duran Crystal Rod 1100 Angela Mizerizord 1300 Hawkeye ARMOR SHOP: (Only open in the day) BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it is for Studded Helmet 1100 Duran Defense +5, Magic Resistance +2 Fog Pendent 645 Angela Defense +4, Magic Resistance +1 Jade Teira 820 Angela Defense +5, Magic Resistance +2 Poison Snake Earrings 630 Hawkeye Defense +4, Magic Resistance +1 Feather Hat 800 Hawkeye Defense +5, Magic Resistance +2 Gauntlet 820 Duran Defense +4, Magic Resistance +1 _____________________________________________________________________________ INCANDESCENT DESERT: (On the way to Fire Mana Stone) Go West. Go West. Go West. Go West. Walk east then go South. Go East. You will see some people in this area. You will have to fight two end guys before you enter the cave. After you kill them go South and enter the cave. _____________________________________________________________________________ FLAME CAYNON: (On the way to Fire Mana Stone) Go South. Walk south then go East. Go South. Walk east then go North. Go West. Talk to the gold statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go East. You will see two women in this area they will talk a bit and Neketa the Cat shows up. Then they will leave. Go East. One of the women will be looking at the Mana stone. She will disappear. Talk to the Mana stone. Salamander (Fire Elemental) will join you. After you get Salamander go back West. Go back to the beach and call the big turtle. Now go to the dot in the near the center of the map (Not the one by the snow area). The beach is to the east of the dot. _____________________________________________________________________________ MOON LIGHT CITY OF MINTOS: (On the way to the Moon Mana Stone) A statue will be blocking your way. Just walk up to it and it will disappear. Go East to enter the town. People in town say: -The Tower of Moon Read is in the forest. -West of the Moon Light Forest is Beast Kingdom. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP Rope 12 Escape from an area Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life Stardust Herb 16 Remove magic effects from you. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. Honey Drink 75 Recover All HP Magic Walnut 50 Recover 20 MP Chocolate 40 Recover 300 HP WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Silver Blade 2820 Duran Bosh Staff 2650 Angela Soul Rod 2400 Angela Minegosh 2795 Hawkeye Katarl 2600 Hawkeye Estok 3400 Duran ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Plate Mail 800 Duran Bunny Dress 1000 Angela Rose Leotard 600 Angela Moon Shadow Cloak 1300 Hawkeye Chain Mail 630 Hawkeye Runyu-ra Mail 1450 Duran _____________________________________________________________________________ MOON NIGHT FOREST: Go South. Go South. Walk south and go West. Go West. Go West. Go West. Go North. Talk to the gray statue to save your game. Go North. You will see some people in this area. Then you will fight an end guy. Luna joins your group after you kill the end guy. The Mana stone is on the first floor of the Moon Read Tower. Go North and enter the Moon Read Tower. _____________________________________________________________________________ MOON READ TOWER: Talk to the Mana stone. The man who eat death wants the Mana sword. Lets go ask the fairy king in Dior Village how to get to the tree Mana stone. Go South and leave the Moon Read Tower. _____________________________________________________________________________ MOON NIGHT FOREST: Go South. Save your game and go back to Moon Light City of Mintos. Then take the North exit out of town to get back to the beach. Call the big turtle. Go to the beach to the east of the dot on the map by the snow area. Walk West and you will enter the Lamp Flower Forest. _____________________________________________________________________________ LAMP FLOWER FOREST: (On the way to Dior Village) Walk up to the shrubs and when the ring menu comes up select Luna. He will open up the path. You will see a girl. She will say, "You will not reach Dior Village because there is a secret way to get there". Go South. Kill the monsters and talk to the girl. She will say, "Come here at night and follow the red flower to get to Dior Village." She will take a nap until it's night. Come back here when it is night. Go South. Go West. Go South. Go South. Go East. Go South. Go West. Go West. Go North. _____________________________________________________________________________ DIOR VILLAGE: Go in the house in the southwest corner of the village. Walk in the door to the North and talk to the Fairy King. He says, "I can't talk to humans so please go back". He is surprised to see the fairy with you. The Goddess of Mana is to the northwest of the lamp flower forest. Use power of Luna if you find the goddess of Mana. After you buy supplies and save your game leave the village. Go South. Go West. You are now back in Lamp Flower Forest. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP Rope 12 Escape from an area Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life Stardust Herb 16 Remove magic effects from you. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. Honey Drink 75 Recover All HP Magic Walnut 50 Recover 20 MP Chocolate 40 Recover 300 HP WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Franbelju 3410 Duran Will Staff 2900 Angela Toleriko Staff 2650 Angela Short Sword of Elf 3300 Hawkeye Crystal Dagger 3160 Hawkeye Kolishunald 3480 Duran ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it does Plate Mail 800 Duran Food of Black Panther 990 Angela Defense +6, Magic Resistance +3 Owl Cloak 1970 Angela Rose Leotard 600 Angela Fairy Hat 1150 Hawkeye Defense +6, Magic Resistance +3 Breast Plate of Elf 1750 Hawkeye Chain Mail 630 Hawkeye Bayzard Helmet 1750 Duran Defense +6, Magic Resistance +3 Reflex 1970 Duran _____________________________________________________________________________ LAMP FLOWER FOREST: Go West. Go North. Go North. Go West. Talk to the gold statue and select Luna when the ring menu comes up. Luna will open up a passage to the west. Talk to the statue again to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go West thru the passage you just opened up just under the statue. Go West. Go North. Go North. You will now fight the end guy to this area. After you win the battle Duraid (Tree Elemental) will join you. Go to the Forgotten Island. Go back South. Go back to the beach and call the big turtle. There will be a flashing dot near the center of the map. Go to the island where the flashing dot is. _____________________________________________________________________________ FORGOTTEN ISLAND Go West. A big event will happen here. You will open the Holy Palace of Mana. Three countries will go by air to the holy palace. The fairy tells you that there is a creature that can fly on Rolant Mountain. Go back to the beach and call the big turtle. You must go to Rolant. Go to the beach in the southeast section of the map. The beach is in the bay on the right side of the continent. _____________________________________________________________________________ ROAD TO THE SKY: Go West. Go North. Go East to enter Paro Port. Buy supplies and save your game if you need to. After you get supplies leave the town and go North. Go East. Go North. Go North. Walk north and go East. Go East. Go East. Go East. You are now at the castle. You ask her to open the secret door. Go East. _____________________________________________________________________________ TOP OF SKY: Go East. Walk north and go West. Go North. Go North. Walk west and go South. You are now at the top of the Mountain. Flamie will be here. He will take you to the Holy Palace of Mana. _____________________________________________________________________________ HOLY PALACE OF MANA: You will see a bunch of dead people on the ground. Go North. Go West. Go North. Go West. Go North. Walk west and go South. Go North. Go North. Talk one of the gold statues to recover HP/MP and save your game. Talk to the gray statue at the center of this area. You can class change here. If you want to change to class three, you need to find a secret item for each class. Do you want to change class? Yes/No. Pick No, because you don't have the items you need yet. Go East. Go East. Walk west and go North. Go North. Walk across the log to the northwest. You will see the Sword of Mana. Go get it! The Goddess of Mana will talk to you. You will see 7 Mana stones that you must save. The Fairy was kidnapped by the evil side. A chest will appear. Make sure you have room on your item ring for it. It is the Wind Drum. Go back to where you first landed on the Holy Palace. On the way back you will ask The Man Who Eats the Dead if he kidnapped the fairy. He says he did not. The people who kidnapped the fairy also killed his master. That person is waiting at the exit of the holy palace. Later on the way back you will ask Beauty Beast if she kidnapped the fairy. She says she did not do it. She dies. You will meet the Red Magician when you get back to where you first entered the Holy Palace of Mana. The Red Magician says if you want the fairy back you should come to Artena Castle. Use the Wind Drum to call Flamie. Controls: A: Up B: Down, Land Go to the flashing dot on the north part of the map. Land near the castle. Go North and enter the castle. _____________________________________________________________________________ ARTENA TOWN: People in the town say: -The monster in the castle is a magical creature. You can't attack it with magic. Go North and enter the castle. ITEM SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price What it is for Candy 5 Recover 100 HP Rope 12 Escape from an area Cup of Life 100 Bring a dead person back to life Stardust Herb 16 Remove magic effects from you. Puipui Grass 10 Heal poison. Honey Drink 75 Recover All HP Magic Walnut 50 Recover 20 MP Chocolate 40 Recover 300 HP WEAPON SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Pale Storm 4535 Duran Misery Rod 3830 Angela Lardin Rod 3480 Angela Misery Knife 4240 Hawkeye Blue Gale 3830 Hawkeye Misery Sword 4830 Duran ARMOR SHOP: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it does Armor of Flying horse 2600 Duran Protect Ring 860 Angela Defense +5, Magic Resistance +2 Soft Wind Cloth 2150 Angela Ancient Talisman 1100 Hawkeye Defense +5, Magic Resistance +2 Cloak of Gale 2350 Hawkeye Power Ring 1690 Duran Defense +5, Magic Resistance +2 _____________________________________________________________________________ ARTENA CASTLE: Go North thru the left door. Go North. Go South thru the second door from the left. Go Up the stairs. Go North. Go North. Go North thru the center door. Go North thru the right door. The Red Magician will be in this room. He tells you to give him the Sword of Mana to save the fairy and the Queen. He takes the sword from you. He kills the Queen. He runs away and you get the fairy back. The Beast God is divided into eight parts. The fairy tells you to kill the eight parts before they combine into one. Go to the Mana stones. _____________________________________________________________________________ - FIRE MANA STONE - Location: Desert area in the southeast corner of the map. Land in Oasis Dean and walk to the Flame Canyon. FLAME CAYNON: Go South. Go East. Go East. Go South. Go East. Go East. Go East. Go East. Go South. Go East. Go East. You are now at the end guy. After you kill him you will be returned to the entrance of the cave. _____________________________________________________________________________ - WATER MANA STONE - Location: The snow area on the north part of the map. NOTE: If you go to the locations of the Mana stones in a different order, this shop may not be here or may have different stuff. WEAPON SHOP OUTSIDE THE CAVE: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Palmunku 7735 Duran Druid Rod 7015 Angela Mi-Miru Rod 6950 Angela Field Dagger 7870 Hawkeye Dancing Dagger 7600 Hawkeye Varal Sword 8430 Duran ARMOR SHOP OUTSIDE THE CAVE: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it does Reonisu Plate 3155 Duran Snow Crystal 2000 Angela Defense +6, Magic Resistance +2 Silver Circlet 2300 Angela Defense +8, Magic Resistance +3 Mananarn Cloak 3160 Angela Elemental Tree Ring 2100 Hawkeye Defense +6, Magic Resistance +2 Grizzly Galar 2100 Hawkeye Defense +8, Magic Resistance +3 Firefly Stone Breast Plate 3155 Hawkeye Knight Emblem 2260 Duran Defense +6, Magic Resistance +2 Horn Helmet 2350 Duran Defense +8, Magic Resistance +3 LYBRINTH OF ICE WALL: Go North. Walk west and go South. Go North thru left door. Go North. Go West. Go North thru right door. Go North. Go North. Go East. Walk east and go South. Go North thru right door. Talk to the golden statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go back South. Go South. Walk east and go North. You are now at the end guy. After you kill him you will appear back at the entrance to the cave. _____________________________________________________________________________ - MOON MANA STONE - Location: Near the center of the map. It is the small castle in the middle of a forest. Land in the castle to the southwest of it then walk over to it. Moon Night Forest: Go East. Go South. Go East. Go North on the right side. Go East. Walk north and go West. Go West. Go West. Go North. You are now at the entrance of Moon Read Tower. Talk to the gray statue to save your game. Buy supplies if you need them, then go in the Tower. The weapon and armor shops here are the same as the ones outside the entrance to the Labyrinth of Ice Wall. MOON READ TOWER: Go in the upper left door. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Walk east and go North. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Go in the lower left door. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Walk west and go North thru the right door. Talk to the golden statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go back South. Go in the door to the left. Walk Up the stairs. Go South. Go in the door to the upper right. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Go North thru the left door. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Go in the door to the upper right. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Walk west and go North thru the door. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Go in the door to the upper right. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Go North thru the left door. Go Up the stairs. Go South. Go North thru the right door. Talk to the golden statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go back South. Go North thru the center door. Now you will fight the end guy. His name is Doran. After you kill him you will be outside the tower. Walk south and save your game. Then use the wind drum to call flammie. _____________________________________________________________________________ - WIND MANA STONE - Location: The center of the East side of the map. A castle surrounded by mountains. When you land you will be standing near some steps. ROAD TO THE SKY: Go West. Go South. Go in the cave to the West. Go North. Go West. WIND CORRIDOR: Remember to hit the switches to change the direction of the wind. Go West. Go North thru the middle entrance. Go West. Go South. Go in the South entrance. Go South. Walk south and go West. Talk to the gold statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go back East. Go East. Flammie will fly you to the end guy. You will fight him in the air. His name is Dangard. The magic spell that looks like a diamond does a lot of damage to him. After you kill him you will be on flammie above the cave. _____________________________________________________________________________ - EARTH MANA STONE - Location: The dot farthest to the west. Southwest of the northern snow covered land. Land to the North of Byzel Port, the town with the black market. You will be in a mountain area and have to go north. Go North. Go North. Go East. Walk north and go West. Go in the hole and then go West. Go West. There will be two people in this area selling weapons and armor. (If you get the Mana stones in a different order these shops may sell different stuff. After you buy the stuff you need go South. WEAPON SHOP BY EARTH MANA STONE: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Tulvint 17470 Duran Branch of Royalty 16400 Angela Ninja Staff 14335 Angela Silven Knife 17615 Hawkeye Melkeyl Dagger 17230 Hawkeye Defender 18800 Duran ARMOR SHOP BY EARTH MANA STONE: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it does Knight Armor 4830 Duran Snow Crystal 2000 Angela Defense +6, Magic Resistance +2 White Snow Vial 2795 Angela Defense +9, Magic Resistance +3 Dawn Dress 3830 Angela Ring of Tree Elemental 2100 Hawkeye Defense +6, Magic Resistance +2 Black Hood 2865 Hawkeye Defense +9, Magic Resistance +3 Duplicate Cloak 3480 Hawkeye Knight Emblem 2260 Duran Defense +6, Magic Resistance +2 Silver Saleet 3415 Duran Defense +9, Magic Resistance +3 JEWL VALLEY OF DURIAN: Go South. Go South. Go East. Go East. Go East. Walk south and go West. Go West. Go West. Walk south and go East. Go East. Go South. Walk west. Talk to the golden statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go back East. Go East. Go South. Go West. Go West. Go South. Go West and you will be at the end guy. His name is Landanber. After you kill him you will be returned to the entrance. Get back on flammie and go to the next Mana stone!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ - LIGHT MANA STONE - Location: To the left of the Wind Mana Stone. A town surrounded by mountains. ANCIENT RUINS OF LIGHT: Go East. Walk north and go West. Go West. Walk north and go East. Go North. Go North. Walk east and go South. Go East. Walk south and go Down the stairs. Go East. Kill all the monsters in this room and read the note on the wall. It says, "There are two stones on the wall give Light to the one on the left and .... to the one on the right." Go South. Go West. Go West. Grab the treasure chest. A Honey Drink is inside it. If you have 9 of them, drink one and then open the chest. Go back East. Go East. Go North. Walk north and go Down the stairs. Look at the stone on the Left side. Use the Willow Whisp on it. A door will open to the south. Use the Shadow on the one on the Right stone. You will hear water flowing. Go South. Go West. Go North. Go East. Go North. Go North thru the left door. Talk to the golden statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go back South. Go North thru the right door. Go North. You are now at the end guy to this area. He is called Light Gazer. After you kill him you will be returned to the entrance. Get back on flammie and go to the next area. _____________________________________________________________________________ - TREE MANA STONE - Location: East of snow land in the north. In a small clearing in the woods. WONDER FOREST: Go West. Buy supplies in this room if you need them. Go West. Go West. Walk north and go East. Go North. Go East. Walk east past the first entrance. Take the Upper East entrance. Go West. Go West. Go West. Talk to the gold statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Walk north and go East. Go East. Go East. Go East. You are now at the end guy to this level. It is called Mispolm. After you kill him you will be returned to the entrance of this area. Get on flammie. If this is the last boss you went to, the 7 dots that were lit up on the map will now be gone and there will be a dot on the island in the southwest corner of the map. _____________________________________________________________________________ AFTER KILLING THE SEVEN BOSSES: Now there will only be one dot on the map. Land near the dot on the island in the southwest section of the map. DAZZLE JUNGLE: Go South. Walk east and go North. Walk inside the small building in this area. Look at the sign on the wall. Select yes to go to sleep. Yes is the top option. After you sleep and save your game go back South. You will now be in the Ancient City. If not sleep there again. ANCIENT CITY OF PEDAN: One of the people in town tells you: -Prince Richard is with the fairy. Go talk to the guy in the center building. -The Mana Tree is dying, three heroes from Dragon Country..... Prince Richard and the golden knight are going to kill the Dragon Emperor. Prince Richard is in this town buying weapons and armor. Go to the armor shop on the east side of town. Talk to the men standing at the counter. The golden knight is called Roki. He asks who are you. His son is 5 years old. The Golden Knight tells Price Richard that it is time to go to the Dragon Hall. A woman in a house says: -There is a dark monster in the Desert of Glass. The Desert of Glass is on Dragon Hall Island. A man in the town says: -In the deep Jungle there is a Mirage Palace. The way there is too complicated for you to find it. In the west sea of Magic Kingdom Artena there is an island with the dragons nest. The Dragon Hall is there. After you buy supplies call flammie and go to the island on the northwest part of the map. There will be two dots lit up on the map. -The North Dot is Dragon's Hall. -The South Dot is Glass Desert. It does not matter what dot you land at you will end up in the Glass Desert. NOTE: If you picked someone other then Duran or Angela for your main character the Darkness Mana Stone will be somewhere else. If you picked Kevin or Charlotte the Darkness Mana Stone will be in Mirage Palace in the Illusion Jungle. If you picked Hawkeye or Riese the Darkness Mana Stone will be in the Dark Castle near the Cave to the heart of darkness. WEAPON SHOP IN ANCIENT CITY: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who Croun Solace 21870 Duran Eternal Rod 33470 Angela Miznar Staff 22000 Angela Crescent Knife 32000 Hawkeye Short Sword of Syeol 18270 Hawkeye Excaliber 34670 Duran ARMOR SHOP IN ANCIENT CITY: BUY, SELL, EXIT Item Price Who What it does Golden Armor 8400 Duran Misty Vial 3630 Angela Defense +10, Magic Resistance +4 White Robe 7485 Angela Nokuto Goggles 3630 Hawkeye Defense +10, Magic Resistance +4 Quilas Armor 7735 Hawkeye Beril Helmet 5070 Duran Defense +10, Magic Resistance +4 _____________________________________________________________________________ GLASS DESERT: GETTING A SECOND CLASS CHANGE: Go to the Glass Desert at night. At night a creature named Bolder will come out. It is a round purple creature with an eye in. It also has small stars and moons on it. This creature will sometimes give you the ???Seed. This seed will give you the needed item to do the your second class change. Try to get 6 of these seeds. The other creatures in this area will also give you the ???Seed, but you get a better chance of getting it from Bolder. Have the lead character drop the seed in the pot at an Inn. Plant the seed and get the item you need to class change. First make an empty spot on your item ring so you know what item you get from the seed. Different items will change you into the two different possible classes for each character (A total of six items). Note: The item you get from the ???Seed is random. If you don't like what you get reset the game and try again. The items that look like a necklace are for Duran. The items that look like a book are for Angela. The items that look like dice are for Hawkeye. Once you have your class change items go to the Holy Palace of Mana (that floating island in the sky). Fly to the center of the map and go over that flashing thing on the island to get to the Holy Palace of Mana. Then talk to the Mana goddess statue on the island. This is the gray statue on the pedestal near the two gold statues. After you talk to the statue the fairy will ask you to select the item to use for the class change. Press Up or Down to change to the item ring, then select the item. If an item does not work with one character try it on someone else. _____________________________________________________________________________ GLASS DESERT: Go North. Go North. Go North. Go North. Go North. Go West. Walk south and go West. Go West. Walk north and go East. Walk north and go West. Go North. Go North. Go North and enter the cave. You are now at the Darkness Mana stone. Here you will fight Zeubl-Far. After you kill the heads on the left and right a new head will appear in the middle and bring the first to back to life. Direct all your attacks to the head in the middle when it appears. If I have to tell you this creature is weak against Light magic you should not be playing this game! The door to the holy place was opened. This was a trap. We were helping the villain by killing the 8 parts. Now the enemy gets the final from of the beast god. Go East. Talk to the golden statue to recover your HP/MP and save your game. Go North. Go East. _____________________________________________________________________________ DRAGONS HALL: A black knight is in this room. He says he will not allow you to get thru here. This black knight is Durans father. His father died in a battle and the Dragon Emperor resurrected him and now he is a servant of evil. He asks you to join him. He wants you to be in a ceremony to join the Dragon Emperor. Duran refuses. You will now fight Duran's Father, the Dark Knight. After you kill him has fathers ghost will talk to you. He thanks you for releasing him from the dark force. Go North. Go West. Go North. Go East. You are in a room with a gray headless Mana statue. Talk to it to save your game. Go East. Walk east and go North. Go West. There is a big flying bird in this room. Its name is Twenker. It is a tough enemy. Go back East. Go South. Walk south and go West. Go South. Go East. Go East. Go South. Go South. Go East. Talk to the gray statue to save your game. Go back West. Go South. Go West. Go West. Here you will fight Jewel Eater. Go back South. Go East. Go North. Go East. Talk to the gray statue to save your game. Go East. Go South. Walk west and go North. Here you will fight Fullmetel Hugger. After you kill him go back South. Go up the stairs in the south- east corner of this area. Go West. Talk to the gray statue to save your game. Go West. Go North. Go West. Go West. Go South. Go South. Go South. Go East. Go North. Go North. The Red Magician will be here. He tells you are too late to stop the creature from forming. It is now in the final version. You will have to fight a bunch of dragons. After you kill them all you will get a ???Seed. Go back South. You will be in a different area now. Go South. Talk to the gray statue to save your game. Go West. Go West. Walk north and go East. Go East. Go North. You are now inside a castle. Go North. Kill all the enemies in this room. A lot of them will keep on coming. After you kill them all go North. The red magician will be here. The final creature is going to the holy place of Mana. You will fight him. After you kill him he will talk to you. You must go to the holy place. You must prevent the Dragon Emperor from cutting down the Mana tree. Go down and save your game. Call Flamie and go to the dot near the center of the map to go up to the Holy Palace of Mana. _____________________________________________________________________________ HOLY PALACE OF MANA: Go North. Go West. Go North. Go East. Go East. Go North. Go West. Go North. Go West. Go North. Talk to the golden statue to recover HP/MP and save your game. Go East. Go North. Go West. Kill all the enemies in this area. Go West. Walk north and go West. Walk north and go East. Go East. Walk across the logs to get to the Mana Tree. You will fight the end guy to the game here. His name is the Dragon Emperor. He will transform into a Huge Dragon. After you kill him you will have finished the game!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ GAINING LEVELS: When you gain a level you can pick an area to increase. Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Piety Luck _____________________________________________________________________________ EQUIP MENU: Attack Power 20 Defense 9 Evasion 11 Magic Resistance 18 _____________________________________________________________________________ CONFIGURE MENU: Controls Attack/Decide A Special Attack/Run/Cancel B Ring Command X Menu Y Control on/off Start Change the leader Select Control the first person R Control the second person L END _____________________________________________________________________________ STATUS MENU: Attack Power 20 Defense Power 9 Evasion 11 Magic Resistance 18 Strength 7 Speed 4 Vitality 5 Intelligence 2 Piety 2 Luck 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ INVENTORY MENU: Weapon Armor Helmet Ring Shield _____________________________________________________________________________ BATTLE MENU: Attack the closest enemy Don't Use Special Attack Attack the enemy no one else is attacking. Use Cross Attack _____________________________________________________________________________ ITEMS: Candy Recover 100 HP Item Seed Plant this to get an Item Gray Seed Myconid Pupil Makes one enemy sleep Yellow circle Assassin Bug Pupil Poison enemy Green circle Dreaming Grass Change Day and Night Round with two leaves coming out Gunpowder Gunpowder for cannon Blue with yellow string Earth Coin Earthquake Brown coin Honey Drink Recover All HP Yellow stuff in jar _____________________________________________________________________________ MENU YOU GET BY PRESSING START: Item Weapon Armor Helmet Ring Shield NOTES: Fire - southeast corner of map. Water - Up north in snow covered land. Moon - center of map, in a castle surrounded by a forest. Wind - The center of the East side of the map. A Castle surrounded by mountains. Earth - The dot the furthest to the west. Southwest of the northern snow covered land. Light - To the left of the Wind Mana Stone. A town surrounded by mountains, and some trees. Tree - East of snow land in the north. In a small clearing in the woods.