Uh oh! It's the- ,--^---^---^---^---^---^--. .--' .-----------------------. `--. .--~==< SEIKEN DENSETSU THREE.. >==~--. `--. `-----------------------' ,--' `--v---v---v---v---v---v--' ,% #*#* _ '#* *#* .-~**^ _`.-~. *#'**%#* , (/{) }__*#' `*#* / _ ` `* _.====^#* *#* ( , }& / `* *#' l/ /& | ` .'#_ __%) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .~*' `*' `|*' `|*' `|*' `|*' `|*' `|* `|** `|*~. .~* ,-. |* _ _l* _ _l*.__ _ _l* |* ,-. |* ,-. |* |** |*~. .~* |** |* '***** '******** '**** |* |* |* |** |* |** |*~. .~* |*; ,* l***** l******** |**** |* |* |* |*; '* `-^ '*~. .~* `-^ <** |** `.*** |**** |* `-' |* `-^ <***` ,^**~. .~* _ '* ,--'**`- -. |*** |**** |* _ |* _ '*** |***~. .~* '*` |* |********** |*** |**** |* '*` |* '*` |*** |***~. .~* |** |* l********** |*** |**** |* |* |* |* |*** |***~. .~* `-^ ,** `|*# ^ ;*** |**** |* |* |* |* |*** |***~. .~*.__ _.^***.__ __l# #_ _.^****.__l****.__l*.__l*.__l*.__l*.__l***.__l***~. ## #% Version 1.85 ## ##% ` * Welcome to a guide that takes ,-~._,~-. a rollicking trot through the /',~Y/.~.%\_ creeps and crawlers that ,&,^_' y_(*,~.`. befit a marvelous little _ _ { %'`_}`{_`\| }\ ,~-Tehehe, pfftpfft. import- a game us English ( V`} \`\~* o ~*;' )`. ~* patrons could only relish `.^ <*. `.` &,^ ;*\ \ in many years late. ;**A_/`-*^\_A#%|`.`. ,*&*(` Y' `);#( ...But better late {*&**&`~-^- ~^,#&%%. than never, right? |&*&**&A ,~-.`(W&%&%\ '&*&*&&#)'` *;_\&%%&%% Please see the Table of /&#*&*&#/~`.,' `.)&%%&%\ Content near below for (&#*#*&#* `/ ;W&%%&%%) the reference codes to |/`*#*&#* / ^W&%%*&%^| help you glide across this l |*#*&&#.y ,^W&%*%*J|\| lengthy document. l*;^.&#( .'WW&*%***%l ` V `*\-~`.W*/ V Godspeed. l`--'Y' |\``( `.__________ \%.`\ ..Authored by: )`|``\ ,~-----------^ ,* Y|``|^ <__./'`./ TLaG -&- CMK ,-~-. ,-~-. .___.^~^;(_8 8_)_^~^;___.^~^;(_@ @_)_^~^;__________.' \UUJ ,(_) UUU/ \UUJ (_) UUU/ / \ Hey CMK, that Poto's } vandalizing the header! / | .....Mmmm.... { ..worm's eye view... \ ...Geez, man! Stop gawking at the damn Carmilla ascii. _______________ -> -=< *CONTACT Info* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `===============' [1] ThrowsLikeAGirl : rgm6pocwruedu [2] CMK TacTican : stephen_y_hsuyahoocom ____________________ -> -=< *FORMAT Suggestions* >=- `====================' **-> For compatible printing and display of this document, please use: 1] Courier New font, size 10 ->Left and Right margins _at most_ 0.99 inches (2.52 cm) each **Standard** OR 2] Courier New font, size 9 ->Left and Right margins _at most_ 1.32 inches (3.35 cm) each **Recommended** OR 3] Courier New Font, size 8 ->Left and Right margins _at most_ 1.64 inch (4.16 cm) each **Small Type!** *...but it saves paper!* -- `.__ __ __ __ __ Divider & remark- 2 in 1! <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\____________________/\ ===)> < { *TABLE OF CONTENT* } > \ `------------------' / `~------------------~^-._,~- *-> For quick navigation, open the 'find' feature (CTRL+F) and insert the 5-character code for the desired section. Thank you. **Printing Recommended** = denotes a section of which one should be attaining a hardcopy *Printing Suggested* = print out these sections only if convenient for memory - [1] HEADER, CONTACTS, & FORMAT INFORMATION ^--(ya missed it; scroll up!) [2] TABLE OF CONENT ^--(you're reading it now-) [3] LEGAL NOTE ^--(the bull is next) [4] GROUNDWORK ^--(the formal(?) welcome) [5] CLASS TYPE & SPELL DAMAGES ^--(the gist of spell computations and the 'what/why' on enemy class types) [6] ATTACK & AFFINITY SYNOPSIS *Printing Suggested* ^--(summarizes the notation utilized for attacks/special attacks, descriptions, element info, and notes for each entry in the Main Enemy List) [7] STATISTICS BREAKDOWN *Printing Suggested* ^--(a synopsis of the vernacular used in the stats listing for each monster entry, and the basics of each noted attribute) [8] **THE MAIN ENEMY LIST** **Printing Recommended** ^--(the meat and potatoes of this guide..) [9] MEASUREMENT ISSUES ^--(a quick section on the problems surfaced during data gleaning, which you should be made aware of) [10] *ENEMY AFFINITY QUICK-LIST* **Printing Recommended** ^--(compact summary of each monster's elemental properties *only*; suited for magic and saber users as a quick look-up reference during game-play) ^--(this section also contains status immunity lists for monsters, an undead monster list, and elemental census data) [11] *ENEMY SPOILS LIST* *Printing Suggested* ^--(a corrected dropped item list for each enemy, with Luck attribute's effects thrown in; ideal for treasure-seekers) [12] F_requently A_sked Q_uestion_s ^--(the 'interactive' part of this guide) [13] TLaG's MUMBO JUMBO ^--(contains a listing of various documents largely authored by me, though most are informal or simply long-incomplete) ^--(Also holds a link to CalvinK's RSCC_RDCC Challenge guide; want to know what the heck that stands for? Well, go check it out!) [14] STAFF ROLL (w/ credits!) ^--(#this is the end...the ending..of..our story....the ennd...#) \ `-> *Update Log* (see what's new, if anything) -- `.__ __ __ __ __ ..Aw, do we have to?... <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\_________________/\ ===)> < { *LEGAL DRIVVEL* } > \ `---------------' / `~---------------~^-._,~- Seiken Densetsu and all related objects are property of SquareSoft, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. This document is strictly unofficial and should not be construed as to be endorsed by SquareSoft, Inc., in any way, shape, or form. This document is Copyrighted (c) 2004 R. Grant Mueller and Stephen Hsu. This document is protected by the United States Copyright Act of 1976 and the Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988. By using this document, the user agrees to be bound by the terms of this notice. This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part, electronically or in print, without the prior obtained express written consent of the author except for personal, private use. If in case such consent is granted, this document may not be altered from its original form by the user or any third party. This document may not be commercially exploited. Use of this document is solely at the discretion of the user. Use of this document on any web site except: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) ..is a violation of copyright law and is strictly prohibited. This agreement is effective until terminated by the user. The user may terminate this legal agreement by completely destroying all copies of this document that the aforementioned user possesses. By using this document, the user agrees to hold the author and/or editor free of any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind from the use of this guide. -- `.__ __ __ __ __ ..Now then- <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\_________________/\ ===)> < { **GROUND WORK** } > \ `---------------' / `~---------------~^-._,~- CMK will break the ice for you (er- me..): -/- Welcome to the Seiken Densetsu 3 'Beastiary'. This guide is a (hopefully) near-comprehensive bestiary of every regular enemy in the game. Here you will find every pertinent statistic relating to an enemy as well as bits of relevant information scattered around the place. Sorry, but bosses are not included, please check another one of the excellent guides at GameFaqs.com for a boss FAQ. Be warned that this FAQ can be extremely technical; hopefully, the tutorial sections and the Frequently Asked Questions section will answer all your inquiries. This guide was conceived, authored, and written by TLaG, to whom the lion's share of the credit should go. He is responsible for all the monster descriptions and statistics. I edited the guide and added the Miscellaneous Notes to each monster as well as sprinkling comments throughout the FAQ. We hope you enjoy reading this guide. Best of luck as you game through Seiken Densetsu 3! - CMK TacTican -/- ..CMK's so formal and polite 8) (He gave me that legal note above, by the way..) Anyhow, I welcome you as well. Please do not neglect to use the 5-6 character reference codes to jump around this large, unwieldy guide easier. For first time viewers, I suggest you read through the three sections that precede the actual bestiary to orient yourself to the vernacular, layout, and relevant issues to the main listing. For neophyte _players_ to SD3, you may find some of the material a bit hard to swallow but, though this guide is written with the somewhat experienced players in mind, one should be able to understand almost all the data in the Main Enemy List without having any prior knowledge of the game. Of course, you should be reading the tutorial sections as well (And shouldn't you be skimming through a general walkthrough/guide? I hope you have already done so..) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!============-----------============!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Please note that this document, like most faqs, contains potential plot ! ! SPOILERS invariably. ! !===========!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!===========----------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!===========! That is the only caveat you get.. _________________ -> -=< *Expedited Terms* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `=================' One last addition to this section: There are common abbreviations and acronyms that may be sighted throughout this guide (and indeed some are used all through SD3's message boards). These shortened terms include: -'~' = Ascii art aside, The tiled key in this document means 'approximately' -'ST' = 'Single-target' - applied subject hits only one target at a time -'MT' = 'Multi-target'- applied subject can/does hit multiple persons -'SU' = 'Stat Up' - support spell(s) that raises a certain attribute -'SD' = 'Stat Down' - support spell(s) that lowers a certain attribute -'HL' = 'Heal Light' - a Light/Wisp-elemental life-restoring spell -'FST' = 'Full-screen Tech' - special attack that hits multiple persons -'lvl' = 'Level' - described in the 'Statistics Breakdown' section -'Def' = 'Defense' - " " -'att' = 'attack power' - " " -'Mdef' = 'Magic Defense' - " " -'SPR-def' = 'Spirit Defense' - " " -'HP' = '(Maximum) Hit Points' - " " -'Luc' = 'Luc Dropped' - " " -'XP' = 'Experience Points Gained' - " " -'cls' = 'Class' - when rarely used, this just refers to class types -'STR' = 'Strength' - basic attribute that determines attack power -'AGL' = 'Agility' - basic attribute that governs evade and hit rate -'DEX' = 'Dexterity' - same as 'AGL' -'DEF' = 'Defense' - basic attribute that determines physical guard power -'CON' = 'Constitution' - same as 'DEF' -'INT' = 'Intelligence' - basic attribute that governs magic power and defense -'SPR' = 'Spirit' - basic attribute that governs Light/Wisp power and defense -'PIE' = 'Piety'- No, its not edible! Its the same thing as 'SPR'.. -'LUK' = 'Luck' - self-made abbreviation for the Luck attribute - Oh yeah- unless otherwise indicated, assume the person writing is TLaG (me) ...however, CMK is the default scribe of the Misc. Notes sections for the Main Enemy List. That's it? ..Yes, I think we're covered thus far, so.. `.__ __ __ __ __ ..Moving on... <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\______________________________/\ ===)> < { *CLASS TYPE & SPELL DAMAGES* } > \ `----------------------------' / `~----------------------------~^-._,~- This section of the guide could potentially become quite over-complicated if I drag in the issue of how SD3's wacky code determines all the base damages for the magics we all know and love. So, I'll simply resist ranting and raves and shun the matter completely for now. *breath of relief from the audience* Good. Anyhow, this particular section will inform the reader about enemy class variables and how they interact with magic damage. As one will see, this material is markedly relevant for mage-users, but should be known by all. _______________ -> -=< *Enemy Classes* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `===============' Dully apparently to any SD3 player is the influence of character's classes on game-play. If anything, one of the main drawls of the game is its class system and the stupendous options it opens (and at the same time, restricts). Lesser known is that the monsters themselves have 'classes'- ...but not in the conventional sense of, say: { Class 1-type Rabite = Rabite \ Class 2-type Rabite = Rabilion > WRONG!! Class 3-type Rabite = King Rabite / { The class system for enemies does _not_ depend on the monsters themselves, per se, but actually on fixed in-game events and locations. You should know already that characters can attain their first class change at level 18 XP and their 2nd class change at level 38 XP- do you? So does that mean any monster with level numbers 18 to 38 are Class 2 types? No, not exactly. Although the game allows the characters to perform their second class change as early as level 18, the first class 2-type enemies aren't encountered until the Moonlight Forest, where the enemies are all at level 21. Thus it seems the game allotted some leeway to the player- possibly assuming most will have class changed for the first time once they reach either the Fire or Ice Mana Stone. This theory is supported by the fact that, after acquisition of Salamando and Undine spirits, the next destination in plot _is_ the Moonlight Forest and the Moon Mana Stone. This situation is analogous to class 3-type enemies, where the first of such aren't encountered upon until after the first seven GodBeasts have been slain and the player has visited the city of Pedan. At this point, the next destination varies with the main character chosen: -Duran or Angela = Glass Desert -Kevin or Carlie = Jungle of Illusion -Hawk or Lise = Cave of Darkness ..but the first Class 3 enemies are always at level 41 and upwards. Again, we see some leeway given to the player, as the 2nd class change is possible as early on as level 38. So, even though a simple Rabite can be regarded as a Class 1-type enemy, Class 2 versions of Rabites are found in the first visit to the Mana Holy Land. Sword Master and Ninja Master enemies are near equivalents of Duran and Hawk's final classes of the same title, and hence Class 3's. However, both enemies appear as Class 1-types in the Valley of Flames area before the GodBeasts are activated, and never actually _exist_ as Class 3 types (well, for the most part). Et cetera... Get it? - - - - - - - Right, the gist is: -All foes in the beginning areas & upto the Moonlight Forest are of Class 1. -All foes in the Moonlight Forest & upto Pedan are Class 2 types. -All foes in locations after Pedan in plot are Class 3 types. ..with the first Class 2 enemies being at level 21, and the first Class 3 enemies being at level 41. (The two exceptions to Class 3's are level 41 Papa Potos & Sahagins; they can only be found as level 40 Mama Poto & Petit Poseidon spawn , respectively, before the 7th GodBeast fight. The Papa Potos are in both the Ancient Ruins of Light & Ice Wall Labyrinth areas, & the Sahagins are in the Ice Labyrinth) The monsters themselves do not factor into their classes, excepting where the game limits such monsters to only being found above certain levels (ex. Evil Shaman and Necromancer enemies are only seen at level 41+, and thus are always of class 3 types). What's so imperative about raising the issue of enemy class types? Well- ____________________ -> -=< *Base Spell Damages* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `====================' Buried within each entry of the Main Enemy List are the spell damages for any special attacks or magics a given monster may wield. These damages are listed often following the description given for any special attack, but only if that special attack deals damage. The details of the special attacks in the layout will be covered in the next section, but for now let us glide over the spell damage issue in a general fashion. As with most character classes, monsters themselves are capable of casting a variety of magic on your characters. In this game, spells come in three.. 'flavors', judging by what attribute governs their power: 1] Spells powered via Intelligence (INT)- These are the most commonly found magics in the game. All spells under this category are guarded with the target's own Magic Defense stat, which is in turn determined off the INT stat. 2] Spells powered via Spirit (SPR, or PIE)- These spells often relate to the Light/Wisp element, but also include many non-elemental spells and special attacks. A spell under this category is guarded with the target's own Spirit Defense stat that is in turn dependent on the SPR stat. 3] Spells powered via Agility (AGL, or DEX)- This handful of spells consists of projectiles or traps, but does include one oddball (Nightblade's Black Rain spell). All such skills are guarded with the standard Defense stat, which is based off one's VIT (Vitality) attribute. (there are also a few boss-only spells that are powered by Strength (STR), and others whose damage depends on the target's current or max HP, but I will not touch further into these types for this guide) For more data on the Defense, Magic Defense, and Spirit Defense stats, please refer to the 'Statistics Breakdown' section. The Agility (AGL) stat and the Luck stat do not help shield against *any* attacks in this game. Interestingly though, since AGL-powered spells/skills are guarded with Defense, one can use a Mind Up/Down on the caster, a Mind Up/Down on the target, AND/OR a Protect Up/Down on the target to alter the spell's damage. - - - - - - - Right, now that the baby-talk is done, let us focus on how class types factor into spell power. What separates magic from techs and plain attacks in this game are two facts: 1] Any attacks powered by one's attack power, and hence the Strength (STR) attribute, carry constant multipliers that do NOT vary with the target's class type. These include normal attacks and techs. 2] Spells carry a 20% base damage penalty for multi-targettting, whereas all full-screen techs do *not* suffer any MT penalty. These two facets form the fundamental separators between techs and magic. But underneath these facets is a different algorithm structure.. Since this guide is merely a bestiary and not a spell FAQ, I won't explain the logic behind the base spell damage formulas for this game, but rather just make do with an example: Ex. =Dark Force @ 20 INT= For class 1 targets *only*, the base damage for a single-target Dark Force is computed via: -> ST Dark Force against class 1's = 11.25 * INT + 19.25 So, if we take Angela as Magus with 20 INT, the base (and hence maximum) damage is: 11.25 * 20 + 19.25 = 244.25 = 244 [base for class one at 20 INT] Let us say the target is a level 17 Pakkun Lizard (a class 1 type monster). The lizard's Magic Defense at that level is 15. So, Dark Force on it should deal an average damage of: 244 - 15 = 229 -> 20-INT Dark Force on a lvl 17 Pakkun Lizard = 229 average damage Simple thus far, ya? Now time to hurl in the issue of enemy class types. - - - - - - - Now pit Magus' ST Dark Force against a level 34 Sea Dragon (a class 2 type monster). The Sea Dragon has 36 points in Magic Defense at that level. Knowing this, let us cast the spell on it and observe the average damage: -> 20-INT Dark Force on a lvl 24 Sea Dragon = 352 average damage Well this is quite different result from 220-240 damage, no? See why I'm writing so fervently about enemy classes now? ..Let us compute the new base damage: 352 + 36 Magic Defense = 387 [base for class 2] If we divide this by the base damage for class *one* targets, then we should obtain a value which the computer must use to convert damage for class *two* victims: 387 / 244 = 1.586065574.. Hmm, not a very attractive number; but due to rounding, we can assume that the real multiplier must be around 1.586. Let's test this new converter out, shall we? Ex.2 =Dark Force @ 13 INT= This time, we predict the base damage for a different INT stat (13). So, at 13 INT, Dark Force's base damage becomes: -> 11.25 * 13 + 19.25 = 165.5 = 166 [base for class one at 13 INT] Now apply the 1.586 conversion factor; the base damage for class 2 targets should become: -> 165.5 * 1.586 = 262.483.. = 262 [theoretical class-2 base] Compare this to the actual value gleaned from the game: -> Actual class 2 base for 13-INT Dark Force = 264 262 vs. 264.. Opps... we're off _just_ a tad :/ Surely dropping that ten-thousandth decimal shouldn't have that much impact.. There must be something slightly incorrect about the 1.586 constant we have attempted to apply here. Hmmm... ________________________________ => -=< *Summary of Class Spell Damages* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `================================' So, upon scrutinizing numbers for INT, SPR, or AGL values, we have found a case giving evidence that the theoretical conversion not always falls exactly. (I shan't attempt more analysis simply to keep any likely confusion from exacerbating 8) ) This is because, in actuality, the game does *not* apply a direct and static multiplier for class damage conversions. Rather, the game uses separate damage formulae for class one targets than it does for class two targets for _any_ given spells. This is also true for class 3 type targets. For instance, the reason why the last actual result from the previous sub-section did not beget from employing the *exact* 1.586 value is because the game implements another equation for class two targets that more or less yields an approximate 1 : 1.6 ratio. Observe: ->ST Dark Force against class 2's = 18 * INT + 29.0 .. ..(+ or - 1, depending on the INT value) As one can see that is NOT the same equation given prior for class 1 victims. Why the gaming code opts to behave this way instead of just sticking to a universal converter or multiplier is not to my understanding (a phobia of messy decimals, perhaps?)...and the nuances of these spell algorithms extend beyond this guide's scope. Thus, I won't explain the formula crapola and just inform the reader that the base spell damages can be converted between classes using constants: -Class 2 targets: Base damage = 1.575 * base damage for class 1 targets -Class 3 targets: Base damage = 1.875 * base damage for class 1 targets ..and that these multipliers hold with strong fidelity to the actual base damages between classes and from spell to spell. Though, again, they are NOT exact- they _can't_ always be since the game uses different formulas instead of conversion constants for spell damages. (the range is actually ~1.51-1.6 for class 2's and ~1.81-1.9 for class 3's;.. with the highest value only being attained at infinity and the lower range for INT/SPR/AGL values of 1-2) - - - - - - - So, mage-users be aware that unfurling magic against Class two enemies results in the spell dealing around 60.0% more base damage than it would against early Class one enemies, and that Class three enemies suffer about 90.0% more in base magical damage than Class one enemies. Got that? Hope so 8) ______________________ -> -=< *Elemental Weaknesses* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `======================' As with base damage issues, the susceptibility of enemies to elements of type they are weak against varies slightly with class types. The problem with elemental weakness bonuses is that they also seem to vary widely on the magnitude of the INT_SPR_AGL value that powers the spell, and thus classifying them w/ one set multiplier would be highly inaccurate. But normally, a Class 1 type monster suffers around 2.30-1.65 times the base spell damage if it is weak to that said spell's element. For Class 2 types, however, that multiplier holds better at 2.15-1.60 times the base damage. For Class 3's, it's more accurate at 2.05-1.58 times the base magic damage. To narrow those numbers: =Class 1 types= -If INT_SPR_AGL = 5-10, range = 2.00-1.84 -If INT_SPR_AGL = 11-16, range = 1.82-1.71 -If INT_SPR_AGL = 17-22, range = 1.70-1.65 =Class 2 types= -If INT_SPR_AGL = 5-10, range = 1.86-1.71 -If INT_SPR_AGL = 11-16, range = 1.68-1.64 -If INT_SPR_AGL = 17-22, range = 1.63-1.60 =Class 3 types= -If INT_SPR_AGL = 5-10, range = 1.78-1.67 -If INT_SPR_AGL = 11-16, range = 1.65-1.61 -If INT_SPR_AGL = 17-22, range = 1.60-1.58 ..using the upper range limit for the lower stats, and the lower limit for the higher stats. (reverse logic!) Why the class variance arises is likely due to the game again utilizing separate algorithms for different class types- here when deriving the base damage for a spell with an elemental weakness attached. Also, since the magic becomes increasingly more potent against higher-classed monsters, the elemental bonus from spells was probably toned down for balance. ..The class differences for elemental weakness bonus are minor, but things to keep in mind when reviewing the affinities of various monsters. As for the broad ranges within each class, those surface probably to add more oomph to the weaker spells at lower attribute values and inhibit higher attributes when abusing an elemental weakness. This range helps make Angela's magic lose potency as the game and stats progress. Always recall, however, that there doesn't really exist a range of conversion numbers, but actually fixed augmentations in the base algorithms that give rise to such a range. For instance: The normal base equation for level 2 spells (Mega Splash, Thunderstorm, ect) against a class 1 target is: -> 10.0 * INT + 19.0 However, if an elemental weakness can be garnered with the lvl 2 spell, then the base equation actually changes to: -> 15.0 * INT + 66.0 Do you see a single conversion value anywhere in there? I hope not 8) -- `.__ __ __ __ __ ... There's more... <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\______________________________/\ ===)> < { *ATTACK & AFFINITY SYNOPSIS* } > \ `----------------------------' / `~----------------------------~^-._,~- This section of the guide is aimed at explaining the fundamental layout of each entry in the Main Enemy List. Hopefully, this section can help make the compressed maze of data in the main list a tad more navigable. __________________________ -> -=< *Name, Code, & Appearance* >=- `==========================' Simple enough: each entry in the Main Enemy List is capped with the monster's official in-game title, the 6-letter filing code for the enemy, and a short physical description of that monster (below the name). Usually, the aim of the physical description is not only as a pictorial review, but also to distinguish one type of monster from another of the same type or species. This is important since in the main list all entries are sub- ordered with respect to type, and all the monsters under a given sort often are color palette swaps of each other. ______________________ -> -=< *Elemental Affinities* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `======================' Sitting below the enemy's appearance description is a concise listing of all the elemental properties for that monster. Here, six of the 8 total elements present in the game will always be listed: Ice, Fire, Earth, Wind, Light, and Dark. The first column sums the monster's defenses against spells of these elements, while the second column reads how elemental saber damage will be treated by the monster. Usually, enemies are neutral towards Leaf/Dryad magic, Leaf Saber, and Moon Saber, and hence will suffer no extra alterations in damage from these agents. However, if the monster *does* show special affinity towards the Leaf or Moon elements, then the gist of the effects will be noted in parenthesis below the standard six elements. (Moon-elemental magic, for all intensive purposes, does not exist in this game and thus is never cited) Here below lists all the feasible terms that could appear in this section of each entry: Normal = Enemy suffers no less or additional damage to the element. Weak = Enemy is susceptible to magic (1.58-2.0 base damage) or sabers (1.5 base damage) of the element. Strong = Enemy halves the damage received from magic or sabers of the element. No effect = Enemy suffers zero damage by magic or one point in damage by sabers of the element. Absorbs = Enemy is healed by magic or suffers zero net damage by sabers of the element. Reflects! = Enemy bounces back the element's damage to the caster (for magic only). ..with any odd/incongruous property being indicated via exclamation point (!). Please note that, although elemental reflection and absorption properties can be purged with AntiMagic or a Specter's Eye item, the other types of elemental properties remain unaffected. This is useful to keep in mind when attempting to Stat Down a boss or foe with a jutsu of the same elemental affinity, as any AntiMagic effect would not erase that adversary's elemental weakness property. (Ex. So after tossing a Specter's Eye at Xan Bie, Fire Jutsu would now deal neutral damage as well as apply the Mind Down effect, while not subverting the boss' weakness to Ice/Undine spells or Ice Saber.) ________________ -> -=< *Normal Attacks* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `================' After the elemental affinity listing can be found the data on any of the plain physical attacks a monster may wield. This section is simply dubbed 'Normal Attacks'. All monsters are capable of at least 1 means of delivering physical damage. Thus, the first item in the Normal Attacks section for each entry is a curt description of the attack's animation. Usually, a given physical attack won't carry any special effects, but there exists a few attacks that have a chance of inflicting a common status aliment on any hit target. If this arises, the added effect will be noted after the description and between arrows to distinguish the property. For example, Slime enemies can poison with their regular attack, so: =>Slime<= (physical description and affinity info..) ->*=normal attack=*<- - jump hit ;... (special attacks..) (etc..) By default, most physical attacks can connect only once per swing, but there are cases of double-hitting (and a few triple) attacks. Regardless, the number of times the listed attack animation(s) can connect at maximum will be given next to the attack descriptions. A number of monsters have a small repertoire of more than 1 physical attack animation, and usually these extra attacks are analogous in hit rates. In this case, all similar attack methods will be listed on one line, separated by commas. However, sometimes a given attack carries a markedly different hit rate from others, or can connect more/less times than other attacks. Here, attacks with differing properties will be line-separated, with some indication of the property/ies. -For example- Silver Wolves, have three different attack methods: 1] A drop kick, which can never actually connect 2] A 1,2 punch combo that can hit twice 3] An extended punching combo that can hit thrice So, the 'normal attack' section would summarize this info appropriately: =>Silver Wolf<= (physical description and affinity info..) ->*=normal attacks=*<- - jump kick (always misses); - forearm punch/backarm uppercut; double hit; - backarm punch/forearm punch/leap uppercut; up to three hits; (special attacks..) (etc..) The last item in most 'normal attack' entries will state how often the monster tends to activate its physical attack when in melee. Such information will be found between braces: Ex. - beak rush; double hit [moderate frequency] These tags provide only a rough estimate of the activity of a given foe, as their behavior can fluctuate due to many variables in battle. However, the reader can be sure the frequency tag is somewhat accurate, and should only use it to surmise roughly how an enemy will behave in battle. If ya want some more precise information: 'Low frequency' = Enemy often undergoes long pauses/delays between attacks and usually won't lay more than 1-2 hits before each rest. (~14 or below attacks per minute) 'Moderate freq.' = Enemy suffers delay between every 1-3 attacks, but the delay is not marked. (~20-24 attacks per minute) 'High frequency' = Enemy is often prone to stay close and consistently swing at your characters, with usually little delay between hits. (~28-31 attacks per minute) ...with other rates or descriptions falling in respect to these. (The relative activity of each monster type mainly corresponds to the roaming tendency of the enemy and how often the computer lets them 'shrug off' hits when in active melee -ie. when knockback animations are delayed-. Almost all enemies will attack after about the same amount of delay when isolated and if no commands are entered by the player) ________________________ -> -=< *Special Attacks: Types* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `========================' Listed underneath the 'Normal Attacks' section of each entry lies information pertaining to all the attacks a given monster can use that are not their simple physical attacks; this section is intuitively called 'special attacks'. Special attacks may fall under the following general categories: =>Attack techs- ..which are based off one's attack power, have constant multipliers (~1.5 for level 1, 2.0 for level 2, and 2.5 for level 3), do not vary in damage with target class levels, and carry no ~0.2 penalty for multi- targeting the damage. =>Standard spells- Include INT-based, SPR-based, and AGL-based spells- all of which carry elemental properties (can hence be reflected with Counter Magic and are subject to any elemental day bonus). Usually, these spells are the same fare available to players by some characters or classes. Since magics do vary in base damage from class to class, any base damages to be listed will cover all possibilities. (see the 'Format' sub-section below) =>Projectiles and Traps- Although these technically qualify as AGL-based spells, they are added as a separate category since the majority of them are non-elemental and non-reflect-able. =>Heal Light spells- Unlike standard lore, Heal Light carries its own special properties as the game's only standard HP-restoring spell; just a handful of enemies can wield HL spells. For more on HL, check the note given at the end of the 'Spirit Defense' subsection in the Statistics Breakdown section below. =>Non-elemental attacks- The majority of these attacks are based off attack power, and thus are guarded with normal Defense. Usually, these types of attacks have properties similar to normal attack techs, and have thus been labeled as 'e-techs'. See the special sub-section below for more on these. ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ________________________ =>Status-inflicting skills- A number of these are spells, others are special versions of attacks. Whatever the case, all the skills under this category are able to induce a status effect on contact. Some of these skills also deal damage on top, and in such cases the base damages will be noted. The full range of possible status aliments includes: -Sleep- (target is temporarily incapacitated and can only perform commands once hit with a physical attack/spell or after a certain duration has past) -Poison- (small amounts of HP are slowly eked away from the target, with damage equal to ~1/10th of the target's max HP for every in-game second; poison *can* kill the affected subject) (Addendum: Take note that a few Leaf/Dryad-based spells or attacks which can induce the Poison status also restore Magic Points (MP) to the attacker, and the amount of MP gained will always be equal to 1/15th of the spell/skill's final -not base- damage) -Silence- (target is made infertile to casting magic or using level 2 and 3 techs; when applied to monsters, Silence can quell any type of special attack that normally pauses gameplay -spells, standard techs, projectiles-) (Addendum: Silence cannot suppress special attacks that do NOT halt in-game action. So, after being silenced, such skills as '-breath' attacks, e-techs, Mind Drain, Petri/Parafeather Flutter, Acid Gel, etc.. can still arise) -Snowman- (the frozen target takes the form of a cute snowman, can't act, and can still suffer damage from attacks and spells. The effect wears off after an extended period if not cured- this period is dependant on the Luck attribute's value) -Chibikko- (if done on a character, he/she becomes miniaturized and cannot deal more than 1 damage with physical attacks, nor perform techs; on monsters, the chibi status is actually a transformation, whereupon the monster becomes a Shell Hunter. See the specialized sub-section at the of the 'Statistics Breakdown' section for more on this matter) -Petrify- (on characters, this effect halves their current HP and prevents them from performing any actions. Unlike with Snowman or Sleep, a petrified character can no longer suffer damage. On monsters, the petrifaction acts as an instant death- if the Stone Cloud spell's damage doesn't kill the monster, the effect activates whereupon the enemy is turned to stone, suffers damage equal to half their leftover HP... and yet still perishes anyway :p) (Addendum: Obviously, monsters could never hope to cure the petrifaction via any ally enemies -well.. usually-, & it would be impossible to actually kill an enemy in a petrified state since then they could not take damage anymore. This explains why petrified monsters are simply just killed by the computer) -Moogle- (only applicable to one's characters, this rare effect is a combination of the Chibikko and Silence statuses) -Dispel- (or 'AntiMagic', this good-or-bad effect acts ala an eraser to wipe clean any stat -not statUS- alterations, reflection properties, elemental absorption properties, and/or sabers. The spell resets the tech gauge to zero for characters and _can_ also cure status aliments... though you shouldn't be using the effect for that particular purpose) Please note that, with the exception of Chibikko on enemies, no two status effects can coexist (so one cannot be silenced *and* put to sleep at the same time). If an effect clashes with another during an interval, the most recently inflicted effect will prevail and override the other. -All the above states (excluding chibi'ed monsters and Dispel) can be lifted with a number of methods: 1] Puipui Grass, Mama Poto Oil, or Stardust Herb items 2] The Chibikko Hammer (due to a long-known glitch...) 3] Tinkle Rain spells (-May Heaven's Urea cleanse you-) 4] If another status effect is applied 5] If hit with a Demon Breath spell (a glitch, it seems :/) 6] The victim dies 7] Ending the battle (automatically rids status effects and revives allies) 8] Exiting the current battle area (if not trapped in) 9] For Sleep and Snowman, the effect will deactivate over time 10] For Sleep only, a physical attack or spell (including Heal Light) will wake the target ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ _____________________ =>Stat-affecting skills- As with status-inflicting skills, these attacks or spells can temporarily alter 'homeostasis' for the target. Here, instead of affecting the victim with a detrimental state, stat-altering magics change certain attributes of the victim during the time of battle. Almost always, these skills are stand-alone effects and won't deal damage. The common stat-altering effects & spells include: -Power Up (4/3 * base Attack Power on the target) ->Item equivalent = Drake's Scale -Power Down (2/3 * base Attack Power on the target) ->Item equivalent = Slime's Eye -Mind Up (target's magic deals 6/5 * base damage, target suffers.. ..4/5 * base damage against spells, & target's Magic/Spirit Defense * 6/5) ->Item equivalent = Sahagin's Scale -Mind Down (target's magic deals 4/5 * base damage, target suffers.. ..6/5 * base damage against spells, & target's Magic/Spirit Defense * 4/5) ->Item equivalent = Battum's Eye -Protect Up (6/5 * base Defense on the target) ->Item equivalent = Bulette's Scale -Protect Down (4/5 * base Defense on the target) ->Item Equivalent = Bee's Eye -Max HP Up (6/5 * maximum Hit Points on the target) ->Spell equivalent = Life Booster ->Item equivalent = Porobin Oil -Max HP Down (4/5 * maximum Hit Points on the target) ->Spell equivalent = Lunatic ->Item equivalent = Moon Coin ** --> see the 'Statistic Breakdown' section for more on the above effects ** -Speed Up (4/3 * Evade Rate -and Hit rate?- on the target) ->Item equivalent = Bird's Scale -Speed Down (2/3 * Evade Rate -and Hit Rate?- on the target) ->Item equivalent = Needlion's Eye -Magic Shield (6/5 * Magic/Spirit Defense on the target) ->Item equivalent = Pakkun Oil (-Note: Unlike Mind Up/Down, Magic Shield does _not_ alter the base spell damage of magics either inflicting or cast by the target, hence the lack of 'Magic Effectiveness Up' message when using the Magic Shield spell or item.) -Water Jutsu (ice-elemental Level 1 damage w/ Power Down effect) -Fire Jutsu (fire-elemental Level 1 damage w/ Mind Down effect) -Earth Jutsu (earth-elemental Level 1 damage w/ Speed Down effect) -Thunder Jutsu (wind-elemental Level 1 damage w/ Protect Down effect) -Deadly Weapon (non-elemental Level 2 damage w/ Max HP Down effect) -Demon Breath (fire-elemental Level 3 MT damage w/ Mind Down effect) -Black Curse (Power Down, Mind Down, Speed Down, and Protect Down effect) ->Item equivalent = Shadowzero's Eye (-Bug alert: For some reason, the message indicating the Speed Down effects will not display when Black Curse is utilized. Be assured, however, that the spell does indeed also alter the Evade -and Hit?- Rate of the target.) (-Please note: It has been supported in the past that Speed Up/Down do little to nothing to alter the target's Hit Rate. Also keep in mind that Speed Up or Down do NOT affect the power of projectiles & any of Hawk's skills- use Mind Up or Down and/or Protect Down on the intended target(s) for that purpose..) (Also note that the Evade stat is unreliable in this game, and only determines the percentage occurrence of the evade animation's activation- NOT the actual damage evasion, which fluctuates between 0-30% at max given the evade stat, enemy type, & possibly the number of monsters and/or allies presently active. In short, Speed Up and Speed Down effectively have almost no marked effect, and neither does the evade boost from light-side Duran's shields :/ ) -Methods for purging stat-enhancers or relegations are: 1] Stardust Herb item (hits allies) 2] Antimagic spell or Specter's Eye item (hits enemies) 3] Having an opposing alteration cancel the current one 4] The subject dies 5] Ending the battle (resets stats to normal and revives fallen allies) 6] Exiting the current battle area (if not trapped in) ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ___________ =>Saber magic- Only a few monsters are able to cast magic that imbues a set element or effect to their normal attacks. Initially, sabers also apply a small 1.1 boost to one's attack power, however that bonus disappears upon being hit with an attack (bug, perhaps?). Since none of the player's characters have innate elemental affinities, no monster utilizing saber magic can ever obtain the 1.5 attack power boost conferred from using an elemental saber against foes whom are weak to that given element (..kinda pointless for 'em, huh? :p). Also, sabers *cannot* carry a 1.25 elemental day bonus, as that bonus only applies to elemental magics. The 8 saber spells all correspond to one of the eight elements in the game: -Ice Saber (attributes ice power to the weapon) -Flame Saber (attributes fire power to the weapon) -Diamond Saber (attributes earth power to the weapon) -Thunder Saber (You got the POWER!! Er- attributes lightning to the weapon) -Saint Saber (attributes holy power to the weapon) -Dark Saber (attributes dim navy, effervescent power to the weapon) -Leaf Saber (saber'ed subject restores MP == 1/15th damage with each hit) -Moon Saber (saber'ed subject restores HP == 1/8th damage with each hit) The routes for disabling sabers are analogous to those for stat-altering skills (see above). ________________ -> **** IMPORTANT NOTE **** Utilizing the same saber element as the elemental day has adverse effects on the intended castee. (Ex. using Moon Saber on Luna's day) When this happens, that saber'ed subject will often suffer 60 more points in damage from any physical attacks made by enemies. This saber 'glitch' also applies equally to monsters and bosses who can cast saber magic on themselves (such as Dolan). _______ -> Moral : `-----^ Unless you have Angela in your crew and need to take advantage of a basic elemental day bonus for spells, you should NOT be fighting any elemental bosses on the opposing-element day *if* you plan on employing saber magic or Claw items. (Of course, don't fight elemental bosses on the same element day as their natural affinity, unless you want their elemental spells to hurt more 8) ) Since there's no bonus for elemental day compatibility to saber'ed attacks anyway, ya mine as well just wait for a neutral-element day to face a given boss (that is, if no potent elemental mages are in your party). ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ =>One last type of command that applies to a few monsters- There exists skills that are noteworthy, yet don't have a formal title or moreorless encompass an action rather than an attack. Such actions include spawning or calling prompts for other monsters and transformations. Regardless of whether these skills have actual in-game titles, they will be noted in the Special Attacks section of applicable entries by parenthesis. _________________________ -> -=< *Special Attacks: Format* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `=========================' With all the special attack types out of the path, let us quickly scan the format of this section in each entry. Using an example: =>Petit Poseidon<= (...) ->*=Special Attacks=*<- [1] BubBub Bubbles- Power Down added effect, (multiple possible targets) [2] Harpoon Hail- non-elemental blanketing attack, Defense guard; e-tech; >base power = 1.53 * att; 257 (lvl 28), 286 (lvl 30), 304 (lvl 32),.. ..321 (lvl 34), 346 (lvl 36) [3] (Summon lvl #+1 Sahagin)- spawns a Sahagin at one level higher than the Petit Poseidon. (...) Here, we have listed one stat-altering skill (BubBub Bubbles), one non- elemental special attack (here specifically an 'e-tech', Harpoon Hail), and an untitled skill (a spawning action). As one can see, the formal names for each skill are listed first, after braced numbers, for identification. The next part to each skill/attack is a brief description of its (usually) offensive or noteworthy properties: -For stat altering and status-inflicting skills or attacks, the effect will be noted first and is usually accompanied by some indicator of the skill's target range. If the skill also deals damage as a spell, the appropriate information will then be supplied. (see '2]' below for the base damage notation) -For actions or prompts, the gist of the command or effect will be stated. -For special attacks, spells, & techs, any elemental properties will first be noted with any needed description, followed by which stat is used to guard against the skill (normal Defense, Magic Defense, or Spirit Defense). If the attack is an e-tech, it will be labeled so after the guarding data. Lastly inscribed is the attack or spell's base damage, usually separated to a new line and marked by an arrow (>) for easier spotting. Base damage listings have two basic categories that correspond to the divide between spells and techs: 1] If the skill is a tech, a ranged physical attack, or an e-tech, then the base power multiplier will first be given, indicating how the base power can be derived or approximated. (Ex. "base power = 2.0 * att" means the skill's base damage can be computed by multiplying the enemy's attack power -'att'- by a constant -here, two-). Then will follow the base damage values to expect for each applicable level ('lvl') of the monster, comma-separated. (see the 'Harpoon Hail' attack in the above example). If the attack's power carries no multipliers and thus parallels in damage with the monster's attack power, then this will be noted w/ no base damages needed. 2] If the skill is a spell, projectile, or any attack that is defended with either Magic Defense or Spirit Defense, then the base damage will vary with the target(s)' class and can also vary if the spell is mutli-targeted (MT) or single-targeted (ST). Thus, to list all the expected base damages for such spells and/or skills requires the classes and/or target numbers to be distinguished. To attain this clarity, a tag serving as a legend will be provided after the 'base power' text and in braces. Then the base damages will be listed, and differences between classes and/or target numbers will be divided by forward slashes (/) and hyphens (-), when needed. For clarity, here's a sample: [1] Saint Beam- lvl 2.5 Wisp magic, Spirit Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 89/142/168 (lvl 16-17), 118/190/224 (lvl 18-19),.. ..Note the '[class 1/2/3]' tag, showing that the first base number aligns with the damage dealt to class 1 targets, the second number (after the first slash) corresponds to the base damage for class 2 targets, and the third value (after the second slash) corresponds to the damage for class 3 targets. As with the techs/physical skills entries, the base damages are divided via the monster's levels, using commas. For spells/skills that can be MT or ST, the expected base damages for both situations will be noted similarly, instead using an '[ST/MT]' legend. If the spell/skill applies BOTH class and MT/ST differences, the (cumbersome) [ST class 1/2/3 - MT class 1/2/3] tag will be employed. That should cover the 'Special Attacks' sections. :Dusts off hands: - ____________ -> -=< *Statistics* >=- `============' This section of each entry in the Main Enemy List is composed of many subsets and thus a whole part of this guide is devoted to its divulging. Please see the 'Statistics Breakdown' section (below) for the meat. _____________________ -> -=< *Miscellaneous Notes* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `=====================' At the tail to each entry is the 'Miscellaneous Notes' section. These were all originally _& mostly_ written by CMK and are adapted to this guide. What is noted in this section of each entry is a potpourri of potential topics related to each monster: such as fighting strategies, known or odd behaviors, probabilities of specific attacks surfacing & what may spur them, ranges and wind-up times for certain skills, and just nonsense or the off-hand remark here or there :p All (er- most) of these notes are aimed at assisting the reader in fighting such enemies and offering glimpses of what to expect from each monster. Do not expect all information given in these sections to be completely accurate, however most of the statements should be valid and applicable (we hope). - _________________ -> -=< *About 'E-techs'* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `=================' No, this term doesn't refer to SplitImage Slice or Veritubach-like beatings delivered over the Internet to your pals! (Though CMK is quite the expert at Seiryuu Death Fist and Maiden Masher combos, so I hear..) 'E-tech' is what I dub in this guide to be certain enemy-exclusive special attacks that display properties similar to the standard attack techs one's characters (and a few enemies) possess. Such congruous properties are: -E-tech's base power is governed by a set multiplier (here, usually 1.53) for the enemy's base attack power, as with techs. -E-techs are always guarded with normal Defense, as with techs. -E-tech's damage does not vary with the class types of targets, as with techs. -E-tech's damage is _not_ subject to the ~0.8 MT-ing penalty, as w/ techs. However, there are a few properties that give e-techs a uniqueness: -E-techs do not carry 'levels' of damage multipliers, unlike regular techs. -E-techs do not halt in-game action, unlike spells and level 2+ techs (thus e-techs are also NOT halted by the Silence status) -The damage from E-techs *can* be avoided (I have definitely witnessed Hawk dodging a Harpoon Hail once before; most of the hits for the Bound Wolf's Bite skill will likely miss; etc..) Thus e-techs are basically hybrids of non-elemental special attacks and techs. (technically, they are the enemy's equivalent of your character's lvl 1 techs) The known 'e-techs' present in SD3 are: -Bound Wolf's 'Bite' -Molebear's 'Rolling' -Sahagin's 'Hundred Spear Thrust' -Unicorn Head's 'Rush' -Evil Sword's 'Whirlwind Sword' -Gold Bulette's 'Gild' -King Rabite's 'Rabite Rainstorm' -Petit Poseidon's 'Harpoon Hail' -Darth Mantango's 'Baby Shroom Spurt' -Queen Bee's 'Summon BeeBee' -Needlion's 'Multirolling' -Great Rabite's 'HugeHuge' -Elemental Sword's 'HundredHand Stab' If a special attack is an e-tech, or shows similar properties, it will be noted as 'e-tech' following the guard information. -- `.__ __ __ __ __ Wait! Wait! Not yet- <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\________________________/\ ===)> < { *STATISTICS BREAKDOWN* } > \ `----------------------' / `~----------------------~^-._,~- Listed below the special attack information for each entry, one will find all the effective stats for any given monster. Be aware that these lists do not contain the basic attributes of the enemy (ex. STR, INT, LUC, ect), as usually those values are almost impossible to determine (outside hacking) and should not be within the concern of the player. Does it really matter to you to know that a lvl 44 High Wizard has an INT of 16 ? ..My guess is 'No'; if anything, you'd like to see its magic defense and possibly the power of the spells it can cast, etc... Right- Enough rambling, for this section has to wade through the terminology of the most quantitative section in all the entries of the Main Enemy List. As a sample, let us look at the statistics for a level 42 Lesser Demon: ,^ ^. , (\( ( ) )/) . =>Lesser Demon<= /( \`. \,-./ .^/ )\ (description...) | `._,~*.`. V ,'.*-._, ) (affinity info...) `. `^._,\ \ / /._/.^ / (attack info...) `~. _}_ `.Y,^ _{_ .* -->*** =Stats= ***<-- ,|{`._V_,*{} ) .... \`.~_}&{_`,^/ -->** -lvl 42: 190 Def; 280 att; 20 Mdef; (23 SPR-def).. )`; `~' ` ( ..600 HP; 200 Luc; 950 XP (Glass Desert.., night) **<-- ,*`/`-' `-'\'`. -(other level statistics and misc. info...) / ,_)/%` ;\(_% \ ( /^| \|` |/ |`\ ) V \ `-~-^ / V `--<..Who you calling 'lesser'? > `~- -~` [Ugly mugs not included...thankfully] *Ahem* That's not the full entry (of course) and the numbers have been rounded here for simplicity, but it'll suffice.. ___________ -> -=< **Level** >=- ('lvl') `===========' First up is the *level number* (abbreviated as 'lvl ##') for that monster. For this listing, the stats have been indexed numerically according to the enemy's level value, as this number tends to dictate how high the rest of the stat values are set. This number should be self-explanatory, but enemy levels for this game are fixed with each area, with the earliest monsters (in the Rabite Forest) being level 1, and the latest monsters (Shapeshifters in the Mana Holy Land revis) being as high as level 50. This is not counting Black Rabite and the Great Demons he can summon, whom are level 99. Because the levels are static, don't expect to come back to an earlier area and find higher-level foes than before (except for a few cases, which will be pointed out in the listing)... So ya can't ever find a level 5 or 18 Lesser Demon, and ya won't ever see a Bound Wolf who's above level 21 (excepting via Shapeshifters, of course)- etc... __________________ -> -=< *Standard Defense* >=- ('Def') `==================' Noted second, the enemy's *defense* value (abbreviated '### Def') indicates how much the enemy lessens the base physical attack damage dealt by your characters. The simple final damage calculation for any physical attack involves subtracting the enemy's defense value from the character's attack power (+or- 1 point randomly): Attack damage = Attack Power - Enemy Defense (+ rand 1,0,-1) As with any other effecter stat, the defense value can be adjusted with Stat Up or Stat Down magic or items. In the case of Defense, stat alterations lower (ex. Protect Down) or augment (ex. Protect Up) the value by 20% (within a maximum of 300 defense). The opposing effects negate each other when both applied, and one of these affecters cannot stack on the same stat. For common enemies, don't expect any unboosted Defense values higher than 240. Attacks that standard Defense guards against include: -Normal attacks -Attack techs (all levels) -Projectiles, traps, and throwing items ->(including Black Rain, but *not* Hawk's Jutsus) -A few of the potent ultimate spells: *not applicable to monsters* (Drill Missile, Hammer Bean, MT Grenade Bomb, Iron Claw, Dragon Shout, Icicle, Giga Burn, Spiral Moon, Hypercannon, Hell Cross) ______________ -> -=< *Attack Power* >=- ('att') `==============' Coming up third in the list is *attack power* (abbreviated as '### att'). This stat goes hand-in-hand with standard defense, but here instead it dictates the enemy's base attack power, which your characters mitigate with their own defense stats (see above equation). Stat altering skills can either lower (ex Power Down) or raise (ex Power Up) the attack value by 33%, within a maximum of 999 points (though realistically, no un-boosted attack power exceeds even 351, outside bosses). As before, the same stat alterations cannot stack on the same number, and the Power Up and Down effects negate each other if both are applied to the same target (ie. no simple overriding). There are a few bends to the stacking rule for strength, however: 1] Kevin's wolf form is treated as base attack power adjustment .. (8/7th * base att), and thus Power Up or Power Down effecters can pile on once (at most) to the wolf form boost. The infamous Kevin 'bug' is analogous to an automatic Power Up, activated once Kevin suffers damage while in wolf form. 2] The other wrench involves saber bonuses. When applied to the proper elemental weakness, a saber'ed attack deals 1.5 times the normal base attack power with each hit, and this multiplier *can* stack with a single Power Down/Up multiplier (but to do so the Power Up/Down must _follow_ the saber, since the saber's temporary 1.1 attack power boost would override the Power Up/Down otherwise). Attacks whose potency is governed by Attack Power include: -Normal attacks -Enemy techs (all levels) -Most non-elemental special attacks ->(usually a type of 'tech' w/ a constant 1.53 multiplier = 'e-tech') -The same boss-only spells (attacks?) listed for Defense guard (see above) __________________________________ -> -=< *Intelligence-based Magic Defense* >=- ('Mdef') `==================================' Forth in line is the standard *magic defense* (abbreviated as '### Mdef') for the enemy. The term 'standard' here simply refers to the fact that this type of magic defense is based off one's INT (intelligence) stat, and is the most common form of magic defense in the game. Magic defense has a simplistic relation to magic power...though, as seen in the 'Magic and Enemy Classes' section, finding the base magic damage itself is quite a convoluted issue. Regardless: Magic damage = (Base Magic Damage w/ enemy class) - ... ...Enemy Magic Defense (+ rand 1,0,-1) With stat-altering magic, one usually uses a form of Mind Up or Mind Down to alter magic defense on *two* levels, since the stat-affecters effectively multiply the *base* (not final) damage by 120% or 80% AND the target's magic defense by 120% or 80% (remember though- the base equations are being changed, and there aren't really any fixed multipliers used by the computer). Thus, a Mind _Down_ on a target would make spells have ~1.2 times their base power against that enemy *and* also would lower that monster's magic defense and own offensive spell casting power by ~0.8 times the base. As with other stat altering magic, Mind Up and Down cancel out in net effect if both are applied to the same target. Again, no stacking of one stat effect here- however, the *base power enhancer* of offensive magic from Mind Up and Down affecters _can_ stack if setup correctly. So, after a Mind Down on the caster AND Mind Up on the target, a spell's base damage becomes 0.8 * 0.8 = 0.64 times its normal base power against that target. There is also partial synergy with the opposite situation (Mind Up on caster; Mind Down on target), where the spell's base damage becomes 1.2 * 1.2 = 1.44 times its normal base. Screwy, huh? 8) Also, as the 1.5 saber multiplier functions independently of Power Up/Down, the ~1.25 bonus from utilizing a spell of the same elemental as the given day (ex. Diamond Missile on Gnome's day) *can* coexist with the Mind Up and/or Mind Down effecters. (The exception to above is Demon Breath which, likely due to a bug, has its MT Mind Down effect overriding the 1.25 day multiplier on Salamando's day *if* another fire-elemental spell -like a 2nd Demon Breath- follows.) Attacks that standard Magic Defense guards against include: -Level 1, Level 2_2.5, and Level 3 non-Light/Wisp spells ->(Ice Smash, Explode, Stun Wind, etc..) -Angela's ultimate spells (Double Spell, Rainbow Dust, Ancient) -Evil Shaman's Demon Breath and Hawk's Jutsus & Poison Bubble spell -A plethora of boss-only spells: *not applicable to monsters* (Power Punch, Grand Slam, Melt Wave, Pollen Jet, Spined Kelp, Supersonic, Thunderball, Ghost Road, Darkness Beam, Turn Wind, Air Slasher, Ice Cradle, Death Ecstasy, Catastrophe) ____________________________ -> -=< *Spirit-based Magic Defense* >=- ('SPR-def') `============================' **NOT OFTEN LISTED!!** Usually, the INT-based (aka 'standard') magic defense value for any given enemy is the _same_ as the Spirit-based magic defense (this is true for one's characters as well, providing the SPR and INT stats are at equal values). Noting this... *-IMPORTANT-* the Spirit Defense stat for most monsters will *not* be listed, and here the reader can safely assume the Magic Defense value ('Mdef') covers Spirit Defense as well.-* Although Magic Defense = Spirit Defense *most* of the time, there are (of course) exceptions to this. Where these exceptions arise (as w/ Dark Priests, for example) the Spirit Defense (abbreviated as 'SPR-def', since a term like 'Sdef' could easily misread 'Mdef')..will be given right following the Mdef stat- that is, 5th in line. As INT-based magic defense barriers against most spells, SPR(Spirit)-based magic defense barriers against all Light/Wisp-based spells and some non-elemental magics. SPR-based magic defense shares a relation to magic damage similar to the relation between INT-based magic defense and magic damage: Magic damage = (Base Magic Damage w/ enemy class) - ... ...Enemy Spirit Defense (+ rand 1,0,-1) When stat-affecting magic applies to standard magic defense, it also applies in equivalent function to SPR-based magic defense: raising or lowering the base magical damage by ~20% AND the target's Spirit magic defense by +or- 20%. As usual, no stacking is allowed on one stat and opposing effects negate one another, but the base alteration *can* be compounded (see the explanation in the Standard Magic Defense section above). Attacks that Spirit Magic Defense guards against include: -Level 1 and Level 2.5 Light/Wisp-elemental spells (Holy Ball & Saint Beam) -Lise's god summons (Freya, Marduke, Jormungand, and Lamian Naga) -Carlie's conjurations: ->(Unicorn Head, Machine Golem, Gremlin, Ghoul, Ghost, and Great Demon) -Boss-only spells that are Light/Wisp and certain non-elemental spells: *N/A to monsters* (Dive Attack, Eye Beam, Bubble Breath, Howl, Graviton Press, Heat Beam, Lava Wave, Demon Scream, Kilstinger, Flare, Prisoner) ____________________ -=About Heal Light (HL)=- *Please note that Heal Light ignores Spirit Defense and instead relies on the SPR stat of the caster.. However, the target (the castee) can control the healing amount with Mind Up/Down affecters on him/her/itself, since those affecters will alter *base* spell damage regardless of magic defense. Mind Up effect _lessens_ the healing and Mind Down effect _strengthens_ the healing. Be aware that Mind Up/Down on the castER does *nothing* to alter HL's power when used on other allies* *Also note that Rogue's Silver Dart, like all projectiles, is defended using normal Defense, *not* Spirit Defense* (this factor accounts for the 'weakness' of most of Rogue's skills :/ ) ________________ -> -=< *Max Hit Points* >=- ('HP') `================' After the Mdef value (or SPR-def value, if provided) comes the monster's max *hit points* (abbreviated as '### HP'). Hit points are the 'life' values of the game that lower when the target suffers damage and raise when the target is healed- with targets slain when the current HP falls to zero or below. The player's characters can be resuscitated upon dying by using the Angel's Grail item, however enemies can *never* be revived once they're dead (as their bodies disappear, and no enemies have access to Angel's Grails anyways 8) ). The max HP value is the amount of life an enemy has on first encounter- before any damage/healing has set in, so it can be seen as the 'starting hit points'. With the exception of bosses, max HP is capped at 999 for all characters and monsters. Most enemies, however, can't get past even 700 maximum HP.. Spells and skills exist that can adjust one's max HP temporarily, but they are relatively rare to find. Life Booster (or Porobin Oil) is the only means of augmenting max HP, and it does so by 20% increase. Lunatic (or Moon Coins) and Deadly Weapon relegate max HP by 20%, as can a number of enemy special attacks (Deadly Weapon and Spiral Moon deal non-elemental damage on top off this effect, and this damage is independent of the 20% max HP 'damage'). Once more, no stacking allowed, and Max Life Up and Down cancel each other in effects. (Likely due to a glitch, the Max HP Down effect from any of the corresponding spells given above can be overridden by casting two Heal Light spells -and/or Poto Oil(s)- on the affected target.) (The above applies for the Max HP Up effect as well, but in that case, only the max HP is relegated initially- so the once-affected subject can have MORE current HP than their Max HP. This is until his/her current HP falls below the normal maximum or via the same methods used to purge normal status alterations -the fight is won, Tinkle Rain, once hit w/ another effect or HL spell, etc..- Odd stuff.) ______________ -> -=< *Luc Dropped* >=- ('Luc') `==============' Following the max HP number is the *Luc amount* (abbreviated '### Luc') that the monster carries. 'Luc' is the unit of currency in SD3, and the same foe at the same level will always drop the same Luc amount when killed. This money is automatically transferred to your party's inventory upon dispatching the foe. Generally, Luc amounts obtained from monsters vary widely, but *are* progressive with levels- even if no other stats increase for the monster, the Luc amount, max HP, and experience points given (see below) will always be incremented with the level number. Oftentimes, a number of enemies at the same area and/or level will drop equal Luc amounts. There exists no way to increase the money spoils from any enemy. However, one can make it so *no* Luc is gotten from a slain target if one can change it into a Shell Hunter (enemies with 'chibi' status applied). Ways to 'chibikko' enemies include light-side Hawk's ST and MT Body Change spells, Chibidevil Eye items, and Vanadis' Freya summon (MT-only effect). ...Why someone would willingly want to stop gaining money for kills is beyond me, but it's feasible :p ________________________ -> -=< *Experience Pts. Gained* >=- ('XP') `========================' The second to last item on each stat list corresponds to the amount of *experience points* (abbreviated as '### XP') begotten from a monster when slain. XP is listed in this manner since the authors figured most skims through the listings will be in purpose of finding out these XP values, and the numbers are easier to spot if adjacent to parentheses, or as the last item on a line. As with Luc, each monster will grant a fixed amount of XP upon being bested, and experience points are static for the same enemy at a constant level. Also as with Luc amounts, a number of enemies that share a region and/or level will carry the same quantities of XP. The cap for XP values is not certain, but it is at least 9999, as a few enemies in the final areas can grant over 999 XP and later bosses definitely drop more then that amount (ex. Deathjester gives 8310 XP when put to rest). Experience points are transferred automatically to each of your characters and count towards their own level progression. Every active member receives the same amount per kill when present (no splitting), w/ the XP amount for each enemy conveniently being displayed on the battle screen with each kill. Sleeping, frozen, petrified, or unconscious allies gain no XP while still incapacitated/inactive (though they will gain XP from the final monster slain, since they automatically recover once the battle outcome is successful). ..And no, monsters don't gain XP from dismembering your own characters. There are few reasons *not* to gain experience when possible...But if the want/situation ever arises then the same spells that turn enemies into Shell Hunters (Freya, ST/MT Body Change, Chibidevil Eyes)..can get ya there; Shell Hunters always give zero XP, regardless of level. As with Luc, there's no way to augment experience point amounts, aside from progressing further in an area and encountering higher-leveled enemies.. ____________ -> -=< *Location* >=- [parenthesized] `============' Serving as the caboose to each stat list is the monsters in-game *location* (appearing in parenthesis for easy discerning...much like this). Due to the length of most location entries, they are often line-separated from the rest of the stats. The location listing will give the reader concise info about where to find a particular monster and at a particular level number. Sometimes (..many times) enemies repeat and can be found in multiple areas; if this occurs at one level number then the locations will be colon-separated for such monsters. Also, a few enemies (or certain levels of an enemy) can be found exclusive to a time of day (night or daytime) Example: Sword Masters can inhabit both the Ice Wall Labyrinth and the Valley of Flames, but only during evening to daybreak are they actually present to fight. Other times, some enemies can be spawned or summoned from one or more of the current enemies in the area (ex. Rabilions can generate a Rabite companion) ..and sometimes such spawning is the only means of finding specific monsters at certain levels. (ex. lvl 28+ Gold Bulettes are only summoned from Beast Masters) In entries for these spawned monsters, the generation info will be listed, giving the "parent/master's" name and level for that monster, as well as the location and time of day (if applicable). There are no roaming monsters in the game, so usually expect to see the same faces when ya re-enter a past area. However, certain game events can (and do) trigger the arrival of fresh, new foes to replace old ones in some regions. If the enemy replaces others at a given point, the gist will be mentioned in the location clause. - _____________________ -> -=< **Stat List Summary** >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `=====================' -To lump the statistics into a quick legend, let's revisit the sample given before: (...) =Stats= (...) - lvl 41: 190 Def ; 280 att ; 20 Mdef ; 23 SPR-def ; ... \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ _|_ | _|_ | _|_ Level No. | Attack Power | (Spirit Defense) _|_ _|_ Defense Magic Defense ...600 HP ; 200 Luc ; 950 XP (Glass Desert.., night) \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \__________________/ | _|_ | \ / | Luc Dropped | \ / _|_ _|_ Location (& TOD) Max Hit Pts Experience Pts Given - _____________________ -> -=< *About Shell Hunters* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `=====================' Shell Hunters are simply the games answer to a 'Chibikko' status for monsters. The odd aspect to Shell Hunters is that they are not a real status aliment for monsters. See, when an enemy has been turned into a Shell Hunter, it can still suffer under one additional status effect (like Sleep or Snowman), and since all status aliments override each other, this tells us that Shell Hunters comprise more of a transformation than a 'status' (much like how Kevin's wolf form is more like a transformation than a simple variant of a Power Up). Other evidence that supports Shell Hunters being monsters themselves and not just a status effect is simply because, once that conversion happens, it is irreversible. There is NO way to undo the 'chibi' effect on monsters, aside from exiting and re-entering a battle area. The final bit of evidence relates to the SD3 development team's 'laziness'. If monsters were to be miniaturized ala your characters when under chibi status, that means each and every damn monster in the game would have to possess a good few more sprites and animations. Do you honestly think anyone would go through the effort of creating 2-7 new sprites/animations for all the 95 different enemies in the game? ...I wouldn't think so :p Tis much more convenient just to lump all chibi'ed enemies into one common progenitor; enter the Shell Hunters.. This tells us that these critters are more or less separate monsters that have their own stats for each level. For all levels, however, Shell Hunters ALWAYS... -have 0-1 point in Magic Defense and Spirit Defense -have severely low attack power, max HP, and normal Defense -drop no Luc amounts and carry no XP -can only grant Round Drops from any dropped treasure chest (when killed last) -are neutral to all elements -start out at their own max HP when transformed ..Thus the only aspects that aren't static for Shell Hunters are their max HP, their attack power, their Defense, their class type (always the class of the original monsters), and where they can be found (which is anywhere a chibi-ing skill can be applied, of course). Does this guide bother covering all the stats for these pathetic pansies? ... NO!! Not like that info would very handy anyways; given their weak stats, there's little to care about Shell Hunters as far as potential threats are concerned. -- `.__ __ __ __ __ Time for the biggun! <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\_____________________/\ ===)> < { **MAIN ENEMY LIST** } > \ `-------------------' / `~-------------------~^-._,~- *trumpets flare* CMK, take it! -/- Welcome to the SD3 Monster Encyclopedia. TLaG put this collection of information together, along with my own comments in parentheses. TLaG is responsible for all of the statistics, monster descriptions, and attacks, while I drew up (most) of the Miscellaneous Notes on all the monsters. This guide is separated by monster type. A brief table of contents is given below; each monster group has an assigned six-digit code for easy navigation. To jump to a monster's entry, use the Ctrl + F command and insert the monster's code. To return to the top of the list, just use the 'e-list' code for this section. Generally the monsters are arranged in order of gameplay appearance, with exceptions made for the monsters that correspond to your characters - they've been moved to the bottom of the list. [-Rabbit-type enemies-] [-Mushroom-type enemies-] Rabite (ehopp1) Myconid (etrip1) Rabillion (ehopp2) Darth Matango (etrip2) King Rabite (ehopp3) Great Rabite (ehopp4) [-Wolf-type enemies-] [-Bat-type enemies-] Bound Wolf (ecujo1) Battum (ebaty1) Kerberos (ecujo2) Dark Battum (ebaty2) [-Bug-type enemies-] [-Squirrel-type enemies-] Assassin Bug (estng1) Poron (eacrn1) Ruster Bug (estng2) Porobin Hood (eacrn2) Porobin Leader (eacrn3) [-Goblin-type enemies-] [-Slime-type enemies-] Goblin (ecave1) Slime (ejely1) Goblin Lord (ecave2) Slime Prince (ejely2) Beast Master (ecave3) [-Hedgehog-type enemies-] [-Horsehead-type enemies-] Molebear (enedl1) Unicorn Head (ehrse1) Needlion (enedl2) Gold Unicorn (ehrse2) [-Machine-type enemies-] [-Bird-type enemies-] Machine Golem (ebott1) Needlebird (ebeak1) Guardian (ebott2) Cockatrice (ebeak2) Death Machine (ebott3) Cockabird (ebeak3) [-Harpy-type enemies-] [-Lil' Devil-type enemies-] Harpy (esing1) Chibidevil (echrb1) Siren (esing2) Gremlin (echrb2) [-Zombie-type enemies-] [-Sword-type enemies-] Zombie (erott1) Evil Sword (ehilt1) Ghoul (erott2) Element Sword (ehilt2) [-Ghost-type enemies-] [-Grell-type enemies-] Specter (eboo!1) Grell (ecoel1) Ghost (eboo!2) Grell Mage (ecoel2) [-Pakkun-type enemies-] [-Poto-type enemies-] Pakkun Baby (epakn1) Poto (epoto1) Pakkun Lizard (epakn2) Mama Poto (epoto2) Pakkuri Baby (epakn3) Papa Poto (epoto3) Pakkun Dragon (epakn4) [-Rhino-type enemies-] [-Duck-type enemies-] Bulette (ehorn1) Duck Soldier (edown1) Gold Bulette (ehorn2) Duck General (edown2) [-Reptile-type enemies-] [-Sahagin-type enemies-] Firedrake (elizy1) Sahagin (efish1) Basilisk (elizy2) Petit Poseidon (efish2) [-Seahorse-type enemies-] [-Caterpillar-type enemies-] Sea Serpent (eseah1) Mega Crawler (ewebb1) Sea Dragon (eseah2) Giga Crawler (ewebb2) [-Mini Dragon-type enemies-] [-Carmilla-type enemies-] Frost Dragon (edrag1) Carmilla (esexz1) Petit Dragon (edrag2) Carmilla Queen (esexz2) Petit Tiamat (edrag3) Dragon Zombie (edrag4) [-Boulder-type enemies-] [-Demon-type enemies-] Boulder (eball1) Lesser Demon (ehell1) Power Boulder (eball2) Great Demon (ehell2) [-Bee-type enemies-] [-Magician-type enemies-] Gal Bee (ebuzz1) Magician (emage1) Lady Bee (ebuzz2) Wizard (emage2) Queen Bee (ebuzz3) High Wizard (emage3) [-Knight-type enemies-] [-Werewolf-type enemies-] Armor Knight (enite1) Werewolf (elycn1) Sword Master (enite2) Black Fang (elycn2) Silver Knight (enite3) Silver Wolf (elycn3) Dark Lord (enite4) Bloody Wolf (elycn4) Wolf Devil (elycn5) [-Ninja-type enemies-] [-Shaman-type enemies-] Ninja (ehide1) Dark Priest (esham1) Ninja Master (ehide2) Evil Shaman (esham2) Nightblade (ehide3) Necromancer (esham3) [-Shapeshifter-type enemies-] Shapeshifter (emrph1) Shadowzero (emrph2) Enjoy! - CMK TacTican ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> RABBIT-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ________ => Rabite <= (code ehopp1) -Hopping yellow & pink-tailed rabbit monsters w/ no legs; are the weakest enemies in the game (barring Shell Hunters).- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - bite; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Bite- non-elemental attack, Defense guard; >base power = same as normal hits =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 1: 1 Def; 10 att; 1 Mdef; 16 HP; 3 Luc; 1 XP (Rabite Forest, early on) -lvl 4: 2 Def; 17 att; 1 Mdef; 20 HP; 9 Luc; 1 XP (Golden Road, day) -lvl 8: 10 Def; 44 att; 1 Mdef; 28 HP; 18 Luc; 1 XP (Rabite Forest, after visiting Palo) -lvl 9: 10 Def; 44 att; 1 Mdef; 30 HP; 20 Luc; 2 XP (Rabite Forest, after visiting Palo) -lvl 10: 10 Def; 44 att; 1 Mdef; 34 HP; 22 Luc; 2 XP (Rabite Forest, after visiting Palo) -lvl 13: 10 Def; 57 att; 1 Mdef; 42 HP; 29 Luc; 4 XP (lvl 13 Rabillion spawn) -lvl 14: 10 Def; 57 att; 1 Mdef; 42 HP; 29 Luc; 4 XP (lvl 14 Rabillion spawn) [Class 2] -lvl 25: 36 Def; 138 att; 1 Mdef; 78 HP; 57 Luc; 18 XP (Mana Holyland) -lvl 26: 36 Def; 138 att; 1 Mdef; 82 HP; 59 Luc; 20 XP (Mana Holyland) -lvl 27: 36 Def; 150 att; 1 Mdef; 84 HP; 61 Luc; 22 XP (Mana Holyland) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Rabites sleep at night. Once you've overcome the instinct to hug them like teddy bears, use your advantage to deliver a sound preemptive strike. - With all Rabbit-type enemies active during daytime, if your party keeps still the rabite will soon settle down beside your allies and relent attacking ...looking for contraband, perhaps. -TLaG - Note also that Rabite enemies can infrequently attack in their sleep to an adjacent character; watch it! -TLaG __________ => Rabilion <= (code ehopp2) -Hopping pink & yellow-tailed rabbit monsters w/ no legs; must be dining on the Myconid locals since they can't stop smiling.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - pounce; single hit [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Jumpspin Attack- non-elemental attack, Defense guard; >base power = same as normal hits [2] (Summon Level ## Rabite)- generates a Rabite enemy of equivalent level to the Rabilion. =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 9: 28 Def; 45 att; 4 Mdef; 80 HP; 27 Luc; 9 XP (Rabite Forest, after visiting Palo) -lvl 10: 28 Def; 45 att; 4 Mdef; 86 HP; 30 Luc; 12 XP (Rabite Forest, after visiting Palo) -lvl 13: 28 Def; 59 att; 6 Mdef; 106 HP; 39 Luc; 23 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca) -lvl 14: 44 Def; 77 att; 8 Mdef; 114 HP; 42 Luc; 27 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca, day) [Class 2] -lvl 25: 97 Def; 143 att; 14 Mdef; 202 HP; 75 Luc; 126 XP (Mana Holyland) -lvl 26: 97 Def; 143 att; 14 Mdef; 210 HP; 78 Luc; 140 XP (Mana Holyland) -lvl 27: 96 Def; 155 att; 15 Mdef; 218 HP; 81 Luc; 154 XP (Mana Holyland) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Usually they summon Rabites at the beginning of a battle, but only if there aren't at least two other enemies on the screen. - Like all Rabbit-type enemies, the Rabillion sleeps at night. Use that to get in a good preemptive blow (hint: Aura Wave + Eruption Sword). (..If one could have a lvl 3 tech and AW that early in the game.. -TLaG) - As with Rabites, sleeping Rabilions can make rare attacks when subconscious; they also *can* summon sleeping a Rabite companion at night. I've seen this myself once, and it's quite amusing 8) -TLaG _____________ => King Rabite <= (code ehopp3) -Hopping white & blue-tailed rabbit monsters w/ no legs. Could be mistaken for a marshmallow Easter candy.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - rapid hopping (always misses); - whirlwind, up to three hits; [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Rabite Rainstorm- non-elemental MT attack, Defense guard; e-tech, >base power = 1.535 * att; 220 (lvl 25-26), 238 (lvl 27) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 25: 105 Def; 143 att; 22 Mdef; 370 HP; 169 Luc; 214 XP (Mana Holyland) -lvl 26: 105 Def; 143 att; 22 Mdef; 384 HP; 176 Luc; 238 XP (Mana Holyland) -lvl 27: 103 Def; 155 att; 25 Mdef; 398 HP; 183 Luc; 264 XP (Mana Holyland) =Miscellaneous Notes= - You'll never find a sleeping King Rabite. (They must hate Melatonin... actually it's since the 1st visit to the Holy Land is always in daytime -TLaG) - Rabite Rainstorm hits the entire screen and can only be evaded by killing the King Rabite. (note that the attack has about a two-second delay before actual impact -TLaG) ______________ => Great Rabite <= (code ehopp4) -Hopping green & pink-tailed rabbit monsters w/ no legs.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - bite, single hit; - hyper-biting, up to three hits; [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] HugeHuge- non-elemental ranged attack, Defense guard; e-tech; >base power = 1.53 * att; 367 (lvl 41), 378 (lvl 42-43) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 139 Def; 240 att; 28 Mdef; 30 SPR-def; 534 HP; 219 Luc; 822 XP (Jungle of Illusion, night) -lvl 42: 144 Def; 247 att; 30 Mdef; 32 SPR-def; 542 HP; 225 Luc; 877 XP (Jungle of Illusion, night) -lvl 43: 144 Def; 247 att; 30 Mdef; 32 SPR-def; 550 HP; 231 Luc; 936 XP (Jungle of Illusion- after maze, night) =Miscellaneous Notes= - HugeHuge homes in on a character; you have about a third of a second to dodge it, but it *can* be evaded. - Great Rabites, unfortunately, never sleep. (Their sex lives must suffer, because of this -TLaG) _____________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> MUSHROOM-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _________ => Myconid <= (code etrip1) -Funky purple & beige fungi with short appendages and incandescent orange spots at night; annoying (Amen - CMK).- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: Strong; Leaf Saber: Strong) =normal attack= - kick, headspin; single hits [mid-high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Sleep Spore- Sleep added effect if in range =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 1: 2 Def; 11 att; 1 Mdef; 32 HP; 3 Luc; 1 XP (Rabite Forest, early on) -lvl 3: 3 Def; 18 att; 1 Mdef; 38 HP; 7 Luc; 2 XP (Cave of Waterfalls, day) -lvl 4: 4 Def; 18 att; 1 Mdef; 40 HP; 9 Luc; 3 XP (Dwarf Tunnel, day) -lvl 5: 12 Def; 29 att; 1 Mdef; 44 HP; 11 Luc; 3 XP (Dwarf Tunnel, day) -lvl 8: 20 Def; 44 att; 1 Mdef; 56 HP; 18 Luc; 6 XP (Rabite Forest, after visiting Palo) -lvl 9: 20 Def; 44 att; 1 Mdef; 60 HP; 20 Luc; 8 XP (Rabite Forest, after visiting Palo) -lvl 13: 20 Def; 58 att; 1 Mdef; 80 HP; 29 Luc; 20 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca, day) -lvl 14: 32 Def; 75 att; 1 Mdef; 86 HP; 31 Luc; 23 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Sleep Spore's range is approximately 3/4th a character length in all directions around the Myconid (and it can lull more than one target -TLaG). _______________ => Darth Matango <= (code etrip2) -Former sithlords who *are* `fun guys'; these b-boying, blue/green glowin', and shroom shootin'...shrooms, are indicative of what the game's monster designers were eating at the time..- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: No effect, no MP loss; Leaf Saber: No effect, no MP loss) =normal attacks= - head dive, headspinning; single hits [moderate frequency] (note: their pre-fight headspinning never hits, nor should it) =special attacks= [1] Foundation- Counter Magic added effect on self [2] Baby Shroom Spurt- non-elemental MT attack, Defense guard; e-tech; >base power = 1.53 * att; 257 (lvl 28), 286 (lvl 30), 304 (lvl 32),.. ..321 (lvl 34), 346 (lvl 36), 373 (lvl 38), 376 (lvl 40), 418 (lvl 45) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 100 Def; 168 att; 15 Mdef; 542 HP; 64 Luc; 171 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 109 Def; 187 att; 17 Mdef; 580 HP; 68 Luc; 206 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 115 Def; 199 att; 19 Mdef; 618 HP; 73 Luc; 245 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 123 Def; 210 att; 19 Mdef; 652 HP; 78 Luc; 288 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 140 Def; 226 att; 21 Mdef; 686 HP; 82 Luc; 337 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 133 Def; 244 att; 21 Mdef; 23 SPR-def; 718 HP; 87 Luc; 390 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 133 Def; 246 att; 21 Mdef; 23 SPR-def; 746 HP; 92 Luc; 448 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 157 Def; 273 att; 27 Mdef; 29 SPR-def; 816 HP; ?? Luc; 619 XP (Mirage Palace- forest scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Baby Shroom Spurt hits the entire screen and can only be avoided by killing the Darth Matango. (As with Rabite Rainstorm, this attack has an approximate 2-second delay before impact -TLaG) - Unlike some innate barriers and Counter Magics (*cough*Mispolm), Foundation will reflect *all* elements. -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> WOLF-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ____________ => Bound Wolf <= (code ecujo1) -Tan and white wuffies.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - pounce; single hit [high-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Bite- non-elemental attack, can hit upto 4 times (!),.. (each hit has ~33% accuracy); Defense guard; e-tech; >base power = 1.535 * att; 17 (lvl 1), 26 (lvl 3-4), 180 (lvl 21) =Stats= [Class 1] -(Karl): 11 Def; 17 att; 1 Mdef; 85 HP; 3 Luc; 1 XP (Kevin's intro) [-note- Karl is indomitable during the initial tussle] -lvl 1: 2 Def; 10 att; 1 Mdef; 48 HP; 2 Luc; 1 XP (Kevin's intro; Outside Jad early on, night) -lvl 3: 8 Def; 17 att; 1 Mdef; 54 HP; 7 Luc; 2 XP (Jad Castle) -lvl 4: 8 Def; 17 att; 1 Mdef; 72 HP; 9 Luc; 3 XP (Jad Castle) [Class 2] -lvl 21: 83 Def; 117 att; 1 Mdef; 186 HP; 47 Luc; 68 XP (Moonlight Forest) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Bite doesn't hit that often unless you just don't move; however, it does pack a wallop. - Bite surfaces only powerful rarely as a magic counter against Class 2 Bound Wolves. Although the attack can hit many times, it has only about a third of a character reach and a very low hit rate. -TLaG __________ => Kerberos <= (code ecujo2) -Black and urine-yellow hounds from the hells. Got rabies?- Ice: Weak Ice Saber: Weak Fire: Absorbs Flame Saber: Absorbs Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - pounce and gnaw; single hit- [high-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Flamebreath- Fire-elemental attack, Magic defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 123/196/232 (lvl 28-30), 132/210/248 (lvl 32),.. ..138/222/261 (lvl 34-40), 149/237/276 (lvl 42-43) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 128 Def; 192 att; 6 Mdef; 468 HP; 64 Luc; 195 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 28 Beast Masters; before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 140 Def; 215 att; 7 Mdef; 500 HP; 68 Luc; 235 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 30 Beast Masters; before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 147 Def; 228 att; 8 Mdef; 534 HP; 73 Luc; 280 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 32 Beast Masters; before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 157 Def; 241 att; 8 Mdef; 564 HP; 78 Luc; 329 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 34 Beast Masters; before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 179 Def; 259 att; 8 Mdef; 592 HP; 82 Luc; 385 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 36 Beast Masters; before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 169 Def; 280 att; 8 Mdef; 9 SPR-def; 620 HP; 87 Luc; 446 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 38 Beast Masters; before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 169 Def; 282 att; 8 Mdef; 9 SPR-def; 644 HP; 92 Luc; 512 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 40 Beast Masters; before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 42: 175 Def; 279 att; 9 Mdef; 10 SPR-def; 666(!) HP; 97 Luc; 585 XP (Cave of Darkness) -lvl 43: 175 Def; 279 att; 9 Mdef; 10 SPR-def; 676 HP; 99 Luc; 624 XP (Cave of Darkness) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Flamebreath has about a one character-length range in one direction. It knocks your characters away (..as with all 'breath' attacks -TLaG). - Flamebreath randomly activates when the wolf's HP is lowered quickly (~25% frequency) and rarely as a magic counter (~20% frequency). __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> BAT-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ________ => Battum <= (code ebaty1) -Blue bats w/ sizeable fangs.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: No effect Dark Saber: No effect =normal attack= - bite; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Sonic Wave- Mind Down added effect if in range =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 3: 5 Def; 18 att; 1 Mdef; 28 HP; 5 Luc; 3 XP (Cave of Waterfalls; Golden Road, night) -lvl 4: 6 Def; 20 att; 1 Mdef; 30 HP; 5 Luc; 3 XP (Golden Road, night; Dwarf Tunnel, day) -lvl 5: 12 Def; 29 att; 1 Mdef; 32 HP; 8 Luc; 4 XP (Dwarf Tunnel, day; Molebear Highlands, night) -lvl 6: 15 Def; 29 att; 1 Mdef; 36 HP; 9 Luc; 5 XP (Molebear Highlands, night) -lvl 7: 15 Def; 29 att; 1 Mdef; 40 HP; 11 Luc; 6 XP (Molebear Highlands, night) =Miscellaneous Notes= - As you can imagine, all Bat-type enemies are weak against Light. Pound `em with Holy Ball. - Sonic Wave has an effective range of about one character-length and only goes in one direction. It is usually used as a counter to critical HP damage (about a 33% occurrence -TLaG). _____________ => Dark Battum <= (code ebaty2) -Crimson bats with blue fangs...- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attack= - bite; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Mind Drain- Mind Down added effect on one target (low success rate) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 21: 55 Def; 117 att; 8 Mdef; 274 HP; 47 Luc; 79 XP (Moonlight Forest) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Souped up Battums, but still not very difficult to handle. - Dark Battums always respond to magic with Mind Drain, which can hit the target from across the screen...but has about a 15% success rate. -TLaG __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> BUG-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ______________ => Assassin Bug <= (code estng1) -Green and yellow wasp-like flying insects.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: No effect, no MP loss; Leaf Saber: No effect, no MP loss) =normal attack= - sting ; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Venom- Poison added effect on one character =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 1: 2 Def; 12 att; 1 Mdef; 34 HP; 3 Luc; 1 XP (Duran's intro) -lvl 4: 4 Def; 22 att; 1 Mdef; 44 HP; 12 Luc; 3 XP (Golden Road, day) -lvl 5: 12 Def; 35 att; 1 Mdef; 48 HP; 11 Luc; 4 XP (Molebear Highlands, day) -lvl 6: 15 Def; 35 att; 1 Mdef; 52 HP; 14 Luc; 5 XP (Molebear Highlands, day) -lvl 7: 15 Def; 35 att; 1 Mdef; 56 HP; 16 Luc; 6 XP (Molebear Highlands, day) [Class 2] -lvl 23: 68 Def; 160 att; 1 Mdef; 150 HP; 52 Luc; 101 XP (called during Gildervine's first _and second_ fight) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Sting doesn't always inflict poison, it's more of a 50-60% chance. - Venom can travel up to three character-lengths and is aimed at a character's current location; dodge it by moving around. ____________ => Ruster Bug <= (code estng2) -Orange and purple wasp-like flying insects.- (how natural) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: No effect, no MP loss; Leaf Saber: No effect, no MP loss) =normal attack= - pinch ; single hit [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Rust- Protect Down added effect on 2-3 targets if in-range =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 165 Def; 266 att; 20 Mdef; 21 SPR-def; 508 HP; 94 Luc; 548 XP (Glass Desert, day; Jungle of Illusion, day) -lvl 42: 172 Def; 274 att; 21 Mdef; 23 SPR-def; 516 HP; 97 Luc; 585 XP (Glass Desert, day; Jungle of Illusion, day) -lvl 43: 172 Def; 274 att; 21 Mdef; 23 SPR-def; 524 HP; 99 Luc; 642 XP (Glass Desert, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Rust is aimed at one target and has a nearly full screen range. It's harder to dodge than it would initially seem since apparently it has a small area of effect. __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> PORON-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _______ => Poron <= (code eacrn1) -Enlarged squirrels in green & orange cloaks; spam whips and annoying darts.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: Strong; Leaf Saber: Strong) =normal attack= - hopping whip crack; single hit [high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Dart- non-elemental projectile, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 65/104/123 (lvl 4) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 4: 8 Def; 23 att; 1 Mdef; 50 HP; 12 Luc; 4 XP (Golden Road) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Their whip attacks have about 2 character length's worth of range, which makes them longer-ranged than anything your party packs. Fortunately, they suffer from high cool-down. (Damn manic-depressive states -TLaG) ______________ => Porobin Hood <= (code eacrn2) -Enlarged squirrels in green and yellow cloaks.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: No effect, no MP loss; Leaf Saber: No effect, no MP loss) =normal attack= - hopping whip crack; single hit [high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Sleep Flower (ST)- Sleep added effect to one character =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 22: 94 Def; 133 att; 12 Mdef; 280 HP; 66 Luc; 89 XP (Lampflower Forest) -lvl 23: 94 Def; 133 att; 12 Mdef; 294 HP; 69 Luc; 101 XP (Lampflower Forest) -lvl 24: 94 Def; 133 att; 12 Mdef; 306 HP; 72 Luc; 113 XP (Lampflower Forest) =Miscellaneous Notes= - They'll oftentimes cast Sleep Flower (usually on your lead character) at the start of a battle (at about 50% frequency). (I believe Sleep Flower is aimed at whomever is closest when the spell begins, ..which often happens to be the main character -TLaG) ________________ => Porobin Leader <= (code eacrn3) -Enlarged squirrels in dull purple and blue cloaks; can cast a number of Dryad/Wood spells.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: No effect, no MP loss; Leaf Saber: No effect, no MP loss) =normal attack= - hopping whip crack; single hit [high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Counter Magic- on self [2] Leaf Saber- on self [3] Life Booster- 20% Max HP Up added effect on self [4] Sleep Flower (ST)- Sleep added effect to one character [5] Silver Dart- Light-elemental projectile, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 158/254/302 (lvl 28-30), 166/267/317 (lvl 32),.. ..176/281/335 (lvl 34-40), 194/308/367 (lvl 45) (-Note- only uses Silver Dart on Hawk when he is present; never elsewise) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 112 Def; 168 att; 25 Mdef; 386 HP; 85 Luc; 195 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 123 Def; 187 att; 28 Mdef; 414 HP; 91 Luc; 235 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 130 Def; 199 att; 31 Mdef; 440 HP; 97 Luc; 280 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 138 Def; 210 att; 32 Mdef; 466 HP; 103 Luc; 329 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 158 Def; 226 att; 35 Mdef; 488 HP; 110 Luc; 385 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 149 Def; 244 att; 35 Mdef; 38 SPR-def; 512 HP; 116 Luc; 446 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 149 Def; 246 att; 35 Mdef; 38 SPR-def; 532 HP; 122 Luc; 512 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 177 Def; 273 att; 46 Mdef; 49 SPR-def; 582 HP; ?? Luc; 707 XP (Mirage Palace- forest scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - About 65% of the time, Porobin Leaders will start off a battle by casting a spell (not Sleep Flower). - They'll cast Counter Magic only if nailed by a spell (and it does actually reflect all elements). - Some spells (Life Booster and Leaf Saber) may be attempted if the Porobin is in danger of a quick death. But these spells have a 3+ second wind-up time, so punish `em for trying. -TLaG - If Hawk is present, there's ~10% chance the Porobin will use Silver Dart on him at the start of battle. -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> GOBLIN-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ________ => Goblin <= (code ecave1) -Stocky cave-dwellers with yellow faces and purple, green, & red garb; carry axes.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Strong Diamond Saber: Strong Wind: Weak Thunder Saber: Weak Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - jumping overhead chop, sideways slash, single hits [mid-high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Hand Axe- non-elemental projectile, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 71/113/134 (lvl 3-4), 80/127/151 (lvl 5-6) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 3: 6 Def; 13 att; 1 Mdef; 48 HP; 14 Luc; 3 XP (Cave of Waterfalls, night) -lvl 4: 6 Def; 18 att; 1 Mdef; 52 HP; 18 Luc; 4 XP (Cave of Waterfalls, upper section, day) -lvl 5: 14 Def; 30 att; 1 Mdef; 56 HP; 22 Luc; 4 XP (Dwarf Tunnel, day) -lvl 6: 18 Def; 30 att; 1 Mdef; 60 HP; 27 Luc; 5 XP (Dwarf Tunnel, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Like Poron enemies, Goblins have an annoying tendency to chuck items at you. Fortunately this is usually rare (about 15% chance even after using techs or spells). - More often Hand Axe comes out if the Goblins are near death (rough 25% chance), so be careful blitzing them with just one character or ally. -TLaG - If you catch them sleeping (always at daytime), be sure to take a good preemptive whack before they wake. _____________ => Goblin Lord <= (code ecave2) -Stocky cave-dwellers with pink faces and yellow, brown, & red garb; carry axes and can cast Stat Down magic.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: No effect Diamond Saber: No effect Wind: Weak Thunder Saber: Weak Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - jumping overhead chop, sideways slash; single hits [mid-high frequency] =special attacks= [1] ST Stat Downs- either Mind Down, Speed Down, Power Down, or Protect Down on one character. =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 4: 8 Def; 18 att; 3 Mdef; 64 HP; 18 Luc; 4 XP (Dwarf Tunnel, day) -lvl 5: 20 Def; 30 att; 3 Mdef; 70 HP; 22 Luc; 4 XP (Dwarf Tunnel, day) -lvl 6: 25 Def; 30 att; 4 Mdef; 74 HP; 27 Luc; 5 XP (Dwarf Tunnel, day; Molebear Highlands, night) -lvl 7: 25 Def; 30 att; 4 Mdef; 82 HP; 31 Luc; 7 XP (Molebear Highlands, night) -lvl 14: 52 Def; 78 att; 12 Mdef; 134 HP; 62 Luc; 31 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca) -lvl 15: 52 Def; 78 att; 12 Mdef; 150 HP; 67 Luc; 37 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Don't worry about the Stat Downs, as they're pretty rare (although frequency of use increases with level). And even when cast, it's usually done just as the Goblin Lord is about to die. - As with Goblins, ya can catch Goblin Lords sleeping during daytime before you approach; they'll wake if a character gets within around 1.5 character lengths of them, so be swift...young one. -TLaG ______________ => Beast Master <= (code ecave3) -Resemble Goblins, but with pink faces and black, pink, & yellow garb; carry axes, can summon beasts, and use MT Stat Down magic.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Reflects! Diamond Saber: Normal (!) Wind: Weak Thunder Saber: Weak Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - jumping overhead chop, sideways slash; single hits [high frequency] =special attacks= [1] MT Stat Downs- Power, Mind, Protect, or Speed Down added effect on all characters. [2] (Summon lvl ## Kerberos) - calls out a Kerberos of the same level as the Beast Master. [3] (Summon lvl ## Gold Bulette) - calls out a Gold Bulette of the same level as the Beast Master. =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 115 Def; 171 att; 24 Mdef; 378 HP; 127 Luc; 171 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 126 Def; 191 att; 27 Mdef; 404 HP; 136 Luc; 206 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 133 Def; 202 att; 30 Mdef; 430 HP; 145 Luc; 245 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 141 Def; 214 att; 31 Mdef; 454 HP; 155 Luc; 288 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 161 Def; 230 att; 34 Mdef; 478 HP; 164 Luc; 337 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 153 Def; 248 att; 34 Mdef; 36 SPR-def; 500 HP; 174 Luc; 390 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 153 Def; 251 att; 34 Mdef; 36 SPR-def; 520 HP; 183 Luc; 448 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Beast Masters use Stat Downs in response to the tech/spell you hit them with. If it's dependent on Agility, they'll use Speed Down; if on Strength, Power Down; etc.. - Beast Masters also have the annoying habit of using an MT Stat Down at the start of battle, and at a ~40-50% chance. -TLaG - If at most 2 enemies are left on the screen, any present Beast Master will summon a monster (~33% frequency). - In typical Goblin-type fashion, Beast Masters slumber when t'would be day outside the Moonlight Forest. -TLaG __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> SLIME-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _______ => Slime <= (code ejely1) -Green gelatinous jerks with lockjaw syndrome.- Ice: Absorbs Ice Saber: Absorbs Fire: Weak Flame Saber: Weak Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - jump hit ; single hit [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Mucus Shot- Power Down added effect if connected =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 4: 9 Def; 17 att; 1 Mdef; 38 HP; 12 Luc; 3 XP (Dwarf Tunnel) -lvl 5: 23 Def; 30 att; 1 Mdef; 64 HP; 15 Luc; 4 XP (Dwarf Tunnel, at night) -lvl 6: 29 Def; 30 att; 1 Mdef; 68 HP; 18 Luc; 5 XP (Dwarf Tunnel, at night) -lvl 13: 38 Def; 59 att; 1 Mdef; 116 HP; 39 Luc; 23 XP (Ghost Ship, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Mucus Shot has a near 3 character-length range in one direction, but it can easily be dodged. The skill is usually a response to having critically low HP. - The success rate for being poisoned off their normal attack is around 70%. ______________ => Slime Prince <= (code ejely2) -GRRAAAARR! Hate Hate HATE these purple semi-liquid arses (Repeat after me, "It's just a game" - CMK) ...*exhales* "Its just a - haaAATTE!!- Ice: Absorbs Ice Saber: Absorbs Fire: Weak Flame Saber: Weak Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: No effect, attacker loses MP = 1/15th damage; ... Leaf Saber: Normal, attacker loses MP = 1/15th attack damage) =normal attack= - jumping jelly fist (har har) ; single hit, [moderate frequency] (~2-5% hit rate) =special attacks= [1] Mucus Shot- *curses* Power Down ranged effect on 1-3 targets [2] Half Drain- non-elemental attack; halves target's current HP if in range [3] Poison Bubble- leaf-based elemental spell, poison added effect on hit, ..restores caster's MP = 1/15th damage dealt, Magic Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 188/299/355 (lvl 28-30), 202/321/381 (lvl 32),.. ..213/339/403 (lvl 34-40) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 138 Def; 165 att; 7 Mdef; 428 HP; 85 Luc; 171 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 151 Def; 184 att; 8 Mdef; 458 HP; 91 Luc; 206 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 159 Def; 195 att; 9 Mdef; 488 HP; 97 Luc; 245 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 169 Def; 206 att; 9 Mdef; 516 HP; 103 Luc; 288 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 193 Def; 221 att; 10 Mdef; 542 HP; 110 Luc; 337 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 183 Def; 218 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 566 HP; 116 Luc; 390 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 183 Def; 241 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 588 HP; 122 Luc; 448 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Jumping jelly fist has a 75% chance of poisoning your character on impact. (IF it hits :p -TLaG) - Mucus Shot has a half-screen range in all directions from the Slime Prince. If you start off battle right next to one and it decides to use it, you basically can't avoid the skill. - Poison Bubble appears as a frequent magic counter (about a 50-60% chance) provided one is far enough away from the Slime Prince. It also serves rarely as a counter to low HP amounts (~10% chance). The spell takes around 2.5 seconds to cast, but don't delay killing the slime. -TLaG - Half Drain has about a half-character range around the Slime Prince, and is usually a counter to having low HP (about 33% activation chance). ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> HEDGEHOG-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> __________ => Molebear <= (code enedl1) -Spinning blue and yellow hedgehogs (erm..).- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: No effect Diamond Saber: No effect Wind: Weak Thunder Saber: Weak Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - hopping claw dig; single hit [high-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Rolling- non-elemental attack, Defense guard; e-tech; >base power = 1.53 * att; 31 (lvl 4), 50 (lvl 5-7), 98 (lvl 13), 129 (lvl 14) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 4: 8 Def; 20 att; 1 Mdef; 52 HP; 9 Luc; 4 XP (Dwarf Tunnel) -lvl 5: 21 Def; 32 att; 1 Mdef; 56 HP; 11 Luc; 5 XP (Dwarf Tunnel; Molebear Highlands) -lvl 6: 26 Def; 32 att; 1 Mdef; 60 HP; 14 Luc; 6 XP (Dwarf Tunnel; Molebear Highlands) -lvl 7: 26 Def; 32 att; 1 Mdef; 66 HP; 16 Luc; 8 XP (Molebear Highlands) -lvl 13: 35 Def; 64 att; 1 Mdef; 102 HP; 29 Luc; 29 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca) -lvl 14: 54 Def; 84 att; 1 Mdef; 110 HP; 31 Luc; 35 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Don't worry about Rolling too much; while it hurts, it only has about 5-10% frequency of activation. The attack has about one character length range, but *can* connect on more than one target. __________ => Needlion <= (code enedl2) -Grey and pinkish hedgehogs... are bastards.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Reflects! Diamond Saber: Normal (!) Wind: Weak Thunder Saber: Weak Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - pouncing; double hits [high-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Multirolling- non-elemental attack (can hit twice), Defense guard; e-tech; >base power = 1.53 * att; 257 (lvl 28), 286 (lvl 30), 304 (lvl 32),.. ..321 (lvl 34), 347 (lvl 36), 373 (lvl 38), 376 (lvl 40) [2] Thousand Needles- Speed Down added effect if in range =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 120 Def; 168 att; 4 Mdef; 404 HP; 64 Luc; 219 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 131 Def; 187 att; 4 Mdef; 432 HP; 68 Luc; 264 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 139 Def; 199 att; 4 Mdef; 462 HP; 73 Luc; 315 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 147 Def; 210 att; 4 Mdef; 488 HP; 78 Luc; 370 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 167 Def; 226 att; 5 Mdef; 512 HP; 82 Luc; 433 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 159 Def; 244 att; 5 Mdef; 536 HP; 87 Luc; 502 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 159 Def; 246 att; 5 Mdef; 558 HP; 92 Luc; 576 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Thousand Needles has a two character-length range all around the Needlion. Its usually a counter to critical HP damage (about 25% chance of use). - Be weary of Multirolling at all times when fighting Needlions. The potent attack can activate when the Needlions suffer too much damage (~33% frequency). Fortunately, Multirolling has only about a half-character reach. -TLaG ____________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> HORSEHEAD-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ______________ => Unicorn Head <= (code ehrse1) -Well this chess piece is in the wrong game.. ..Hopping beige horsey busts with extendable cobalt horns that glow at night; are inactive 'statues' until approached.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: Strong; Leaf Saber: Strong) =normal attack= - horizontal horn stab; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks:= [1] Rush- non-elemental attack, Defense guard; e-tech; >base power = 1.53 * att = 53 (lvl 6-7); 272 (lvl 27) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 6: 20 Def; 34 att; 1 Mdef; 70 HP; 18 Luc; 5 XP (Forcena Castle) -lvl 7: 20 Def; 34 att; 1 Mdef; 76 HP; 21 Luc; 7 XP (Forcena Castle) [Class 2] -lvl 27: 89 Def; 178 att; 1 Mdef; 244 HP; 81 Luc; 176 XP (Altena Castle) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Since Unicorn Heads don't activate unless approached or attacked, use that to your advantage. - Full-screen techs/spells WILL hit them while inactive, but deal no damage. - Rush surfaces very rarely as their reaction to suffering too much damage and has about a 1.5 character-length range- but it can hit multiple targets. -TLaG ______________ => Gold Unicorn <= (code ehrse2) -Hopping gold horsey busts; have extendable teal horns, are inactive until approached, and appropriately are gold- er, Luc-mines.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: No effect, no MP loss; Leaf Saber: No effect, no MP loss) =normal attack= - horizontal horn stabbing; double hits [low-mid frequency] =special attacks:= [1] Double Critical- Sleep added effect if in-range =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 44: 212 Def; 299 att; 23 Mdef; 25 SPR-def; 676 HP; 371 Luc; 997 XP (early Dark Castle) -lvl 45: 220 Def; 308 att; 25 Mdef; 26 SPR-def; 698 HP; 380 Luc; 1059 XP (Dark Castle) -lvl 46: 220 Def; 308 att; 25 Mdef; 26 SPR-def; 699 HP; 388 Luc; 1125 XP (Dark Castle- basement) =Miscellaneous Notes= - While inactive, Golden Unicorns take no damage from anything, including FSTs and/or full-screen spells. Being hit by the aforementioned, however, usually activates them. - As far as I have seen, Double Critical can hit more than one target; though the title and animation may imply otherwise, the skill deals no damage. -TLaG __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> MACHINE-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _______________ => Machine Golem <= (code ebott1) -Watered down versions of the early bosses. Think of a large steel cone with thin appendages and another cone for a head... now add some stylish orange gloves and whitish 'eyes' - pretty.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - 90 degree turn + clothesline; single hit [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Rocket Punch- non-elemental ranged attack, Defense guard; >base power = same as normal hits =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 6: 21 Def; 32 att; 1 Mdef; 56 HP; 16 Luc; 5 XP (Forcena Castle) -lvl 7: 21 Def; 32 att; 1 Mdef; 60 HP; 16 Luc; 6 XP (Forcena Castle) [Class 2] -lvl 27: 93 Def; 167 att; 1 Mdef; 190 HP; 61 Luc; 154 XP (Altena Castle) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Rocket Punch travels in a straight line in a cardinal direction and has full-screen range. If you get in its way, you will be hit. It's usually seen as a counterattack against lvl 2+ techs or spells (~33% chance). - Only the boss versions of Machine Golems have abilities such as Pumpkin Bomb or Rocket Launcher. __________ => Guardian <= (code ebott2) -Look almost exactly like Machine Golems, but more orangy body; are potentially aggravating to fight.- Ice: Weak Ice Saber: Weak Fire: Absorbs Flame Saber: Absorbs Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - 90 degree turn + clothesline; single hit [mid-high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Rust Hurricane- Protect Down added effect on all characters [2] BreastFire- non-elemental ranged attack, Magic defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 261 (lvl 41); 276 (lvl 42) ('BreastFire'...which Angela had something like that..) (It's her Level 4 universal tech ^_^ - CMK) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 169 Def; 260 att; 8 Mdef; 9 SPR-def; 654 HP; 126 Luc; 548 XP (Glass Desert, day; Jungle of Illusion) -lvl 42: 175 Def; 279 att; 9 Mdef; 10 SPR-def; 666 HP(!); 129 Luc; 585 XP (Glass Desert, day; Jungle of Illusion) -lvl 43: 175 Def; 279 att; 9 Mdef; 10 SPR-def; 676 HP; 132 Luc; 624 XP (Glass Desert, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Guardians only use Rust Hurricane at the beginning of a fight - however, there's around a 40% chance of it, so if you run into a screen of three Guardians, your chances of encountering it are very high (78.4%, to be exact). - They'll infrequently use BreastFire if hit by a tech/spell. - BreastFire is a straight line attack which can be dodged by moving out of the attack's line of sight. _______________ => Death Machine <= (code ebott3) -Another enemy ya love to hate... Blackened tinmen with teal gloves and light purple eyes.- Ice: Reflects! Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Reflects! Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - 90 degree turn + clothesline; single hit [mid-high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Freeze Beam- Snowman added effect if in-range (can hit >1 target) [2] Thunderbolt- grr!..Wind-elemental MT spell, Silence added effect; Magic defense guard; >base power [ST cls 1/2/3- MT cls 1/2/3] = 187/296/353- 150/237/282 (lvl 44), ..197/312/371- 158/250/297 (lvl 45-48) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 44: 212 Def; 308 att; 10 Mdef; 764 HP; 101 Luc; 748 XP (early Dragon's Hole, day) -lvl 45: 220 Def; 318 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 788 HP; 104 Luc; 795 XP (Dragon's Hole- path to Black Rabite, day) -lvl 47: 220 Def; 318 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 790 HP; 109 Luc; 896 XP (Mirage Palace interior) -lvl 48: 224 Def; 324 att; 10 Mdef; 12 SPR-def; 792 HP; 111 Luc; 949 XP (Dragon's Hole- endurance hall, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Freeze Beam is a straight line attack that is dodged by moving out of its way. It's used if the Death Machine takes heavy damage in a short amount of time (at around 25% chance) - Thunderbolt hits the whole screen and cannot be dodged. - Death Machines only cast Thunderbolt at the start of fights, and at near 50% chance of use. Hope ya have healing or Puipui Grass_Mama Poto Oils handy -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> BIRD-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ____________ => Needlebird <= (code ebeak1) -Pink, long-beaked flyers with blue and yellow-tipped wings.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Weak Diamond Saber: Weak Wind: Strong Thunder Saber: Strong Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - beak dash; single hit [low frequency] - multi-peck; double hits (~10% chance of use) =special attacks= [1] Yellow Wind- Defense Down added effect if in range =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 1: 12 Def; 14 att; 1 Mdef; 178 HP; 3 Luc; 1 XP (Lise's intro) -lvl 8: 22 Def; 46 att; 1 Mdef; 74 HP; 18 Luc; 6 XP (Path to the Heavens, day) -lvl 9: 22 Def; 46 att; 1 Mdef; 80 HP; 20 Luc; 8 XP (Path to the Heavens, day) -lvl 10: 22 Def; 46 att; 1 Mdef; 86 HP; 22 Luc; 10 XP (Wind Corridor, day) [Class 2] -lvl 25: 75 Def; 146 att; 1 Mdef; 202 HP; 57 Luc; 108 XP (Summit of the Skies, day) -lvl 28: 77 Def; 171 att; 1 Mdef; 226 HP; 64 Luc; 146 XP (Corridor of Wind, day; before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 85 Def; 191 att; 1 Mdef; 242 HP; 68 Luc; 276 XP (Corridor of Wind, day; before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 89 Def; 202 att; 1 Mdef; 256 HP; 73 Luc; 210 XP (Corridor of Wind, day; before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 95 Def; 214 att; 1 Mdef; 272 HP; 78 Luc; 247 XP (Corridor of Wind, day; before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 109 Def; 230 att; 1 Mdef; 286 HP; 82 Luc; 289 XP (Corridor of Wind, day; before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 103 Def; 248 att; 1 Mdef; 298 HP; 87 Luc; 335 XP (Corridor of Wind, day; before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 103 Def; 251 att; 1 Mdef; 310 HP; 92 Luc; 384 XP (Corridor of Wind, day; before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 122 Def; 278 att; 1 Mdef; 340 HP; ?? Luc; 530 XP (Mirage Palace- mountain scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Not to be confused with Cockabirds. I'm not even sure if they're in the same enemy class. (Looks like a palette swap to me :p -TLaG) - Yellow Wind is a homing technique and will zero in on your characters. Annoying as a red traffic light. ____________ => Cockatrice <= (code ebeak2) -For new hatchlings, these baby birds have many feathers. Come attached to white and pink shells, with their yellow heads and pink claws poking out; unhatched when approached & will often mature into Cockabirds when low on HP.- Ice: Weak Ice Saber: Weak Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: No effect Diamond Saber: No effect Wind: Normal (!) Thunder Saber: Normal (!) Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - peck; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Petribeak- Paralyzes any single character on contact =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 14: 31 Def; 75 att; 1 Mdef; 180 HP; 62 Luc; 19 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca) -lvl 15: 31 Def; 75 att; 1 Mdef; 192 HP; 67 Luc; 23 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca) -lvl 17: 41 Def; 95 att; 1 Mdef; 218 HP; 66 Luc; 32 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat) -lvl 18: 41 Def; 95 att; 1 Mdef; 230 HP; 80 Luc; 37 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat) -lvl 19: 41 Def; 95 att; 1 Mdef; 242 HP; 85 Luc; 43 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat) [Class 2] -lvl 28: 70 Def; 165 att; 1 Mdef; 358 HP; 127 Luc; 122 XP (Gemstone valley Dorian, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 76 Def; 184 att; 1 Mdef; 384 HP; 136 Luc; 147 XP (Gemstone valley Dorian, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 81 Def; 195 att; 1 Mdef; 408 HP; 145 Luc; 175 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 86 Def; 206 att; 1 Mdef; 432 HP; 155 Luc; 206 XP (Gemstone valley Dorian, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 98 Def; 221 att; 1 Mdef; 454 HP; 164 Luc; 241 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 93 Def; 239 att; 1 Mdef; 476 HP; 174 Luc; 279 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 93 Def; 242 att; 1 Mdef; 494 HP; 183 Luc; 320 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 42: 96 Def; 238 att; 1 Mdef; 510 HP; 193 Luc; 366 XP (Glass Desert, from lvl 41 Basilisk) -lvl 43: 96 Def; 238 att; 1 Mdef; 518 HP; 198 Luc; 390 XP (Glass Desert, from lvl 42 Basilisk) -lvl 44: 106 Def; 260 att; 1 Mdef; 524 HP; 202 Luc; 416 XP (Glass Desert, from lvl 43 Basilisk- night only) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Cockatrices only change into Cockabirds after losing a certain amount of HP (~75% -TLaG); a single hit or spell that takes them all the way down to 0 HP will prevent that. - Again, you'd think they'd be weak against Earth, but instead they're weak against Ice. Go figure. (*kisses game mechanics*... Mmm, tastes like chicken -TLaG) ___________ => Cockabird <= (ebeak3) -Matured from Cockatrice; these cutish, yellow-feathered birds hide some nasty special attacks; take care when ganging up on 'em- ya may become petrified or see your whole team's defense melt..- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: No effect Diamond Saber: No effect Wind: No effect Thunder Saber: No effect Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - beak rush; double hit [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Yellow Wind- Defense Down if in range [2] Petrifeather Flutter- Petrifies any characters in range =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 14: 31 Def; 75 att; 1 Mdef; 180 HP; 42 Luc; 19 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca, from lvl 14 Cockatrice) -lvl 15: 31 Def; 75 att; 1 Mdef; 192 HP; 45 Luc; 23 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca, from lvl 15 Cockatrice) -lvl 17: 58 Def; 102 att; 1 Mdef; 204 HP; 51 Luc; 39 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat, from lvl 17 Cockatrice) -lvl 18: 58 Def; 102 att; 1 Mdef; 216 HP; 54 Luc; 45 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat, from lvl 18 Cockatrice) -lvl 19: 58 Def; 102 att; 1 Mdef; 228 HP; 57 Luc; 52 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat, from lvl 19 Cockatrice) [Class 2] -lvl 28: 100 Def; 177 att; 1 Mdef; 336 HP; 85 Luc; 146 XP (Gemstone valley Dorian, from lvl 28 Cockatrice; before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 109 Def; 188 att; 1 Mdef; 360 HP; 91 Luc; 176 XP (Gemstone valley Dorian, from lvl 30 Cockatrice; before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 115 Def; 210 att; 1 Mdef; 382 HP; 97 Luc; 210 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, from lvl 32 Cockatrice; before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 123 Def; 222 att; 1 Mdef; 404 HP; 103 Luc; 247 XP (Gemstone valley Dorian, from lvl 34 Cockatrice; before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 140 Def; 238 att; 1 Mdef; 424 HP; 110 Luc; 289 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, from lvl 36 Cockatrice; before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 133 Def; 257 att; 1 Mdef; 448 HP; 116 Luc; 335 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, from lvl 38 Cockatrice; before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 133 Def; 260 att; 1 Mdef; 462 HP; 122 Luc; 384 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, from lvl 40 Cockatrice; before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 42: 137 Def; 256 att; 1 Mdef; 478 HP; 129 Luc; 439 XP (Glass Desert, from lvl 41 Cockatrice) -lvl 43: 137 Def; 256 att; 1 Mdef; 484 HP; 132 Luc; 468 XP (Glass Desert, from lvl 42 Cockatrice) -lvl 44: 151 Def; 279 att; 1 Mdef; 490 HP; 135 Luc; 499 XP (Glass Desert, from lvl 43 Cockatrice- night only) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Yellow Wind has an annoying tendency to hit all of your party members right as a Cockabird expires. - Petrifeather Flutter is aimed in one direction and has about a two character-length range. However, petrifaction is limited to one character per attack (thank goodness...). - You'd think that Earth elemental spells would be effective against them, but nope... (*mating sounds in the back* :looks up from game code: No comment.. -TLaG) __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> HARPY-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _______ => Harpy <= (code esing1) -Flying femme freaks; pink human faces with orange hair, blue-green wings, and bird claws.- (When you can't get a date... - CMK) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Weak Diamond Saber: Weak Wind: Strong Thunder Saber: Strong Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - claw dash ; single hit [low frequency] (~2-5% hit rate) =special attacks= [1] Talon Drain- non-elemental attack; >deals damage = 10% of target's max HP =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 9: 23 Def; ~46 att; 1 Mdef; 94 HP; 20 Luc; 8 XP (Path to the Heavens) -lvl 10: 23 Def; ~46 att; 1 Mdef; 102 HP; 22 Luc; 10 XP (Wind Corridor) [Class 2] -lvl 25: 78 Def; 148 att; 1 Mdef; 238 HP; 57 Luc; 108 XP (Summit of the Skies) -lvl 28: 80 Def; 174 att; 1 Mdef; 266 HP; 64 Luc; 146 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 87 Def; 194 att; 1 Mdef; 286 HP; 68 Luc; 176 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 92 Def; 206 att; 1 Mdef; 304 HP; 73 Luc; 210 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 98 Def; 218 att; 1 Mdef; 322 HP; 78 Luc; 247 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 112 Def; 234 att; 1 Mdef; 338 HP; 82 Luc; 289 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 106 Def; 253 att; 1 Mdef; 354 HP; 87 Luc; 335 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 106 Def; 255 att; 1 Mdef; 368 HP; 92 Luc; 384 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Harpies have about a 33% chance of inflicting Silence status with each hit ...Usually won't save them from appearing on the Thanksgiving menu, though. (I'd go for cranberry sauce over a potential hooknose anyday -TLaG) _______ => Siren <= (code esing2) -Flying femme freaks. Have a tanned human face, purple hair, grey wings, and bird claws.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Weak Diamond Saber: Weak Wind: Absorbs Thunder Saber: Absorbs Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - claw dash (silence effect); double hits, [low-mid frequency] (~50-60% hit rate) =special attacks= [1] Melody- 20% Max HP down added effect on target [2] Parafeather Flutter- Silence added effect if in range =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 100 Def; 168 att; 5 Mdef; 386 HP; 64 Luc; 243 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 109 Def; 187 att; 6 Mdef; 414 HP; 68 Luc; 293 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 115 Def; 199 att; 6 Mdef; 440 HP; 73 Luc; 349 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 123 Def; 210 att; 6 Mdef; 466 HP; 78 Luc; 411 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 140 Def; 226 att; 7 Mdef; 488 HP; 82 Luc; 481 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 133 Def; 239 att; 7 Mdef; 512 HP; 87 Luc; 557 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 133 Def; 242 att; 7 Mdef; 532 HP; 92 Luc; 640 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 157 Def; 273 att; 8 Mdef; 9 SPR-def; 582 HP; ?? Luc; 883 XP (Mirage Palace- ruins scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Your characters have about a 50% chance of being silenced by a normal attack for the Sirens. - Parafeather Flutter has a wide two character-length range in one direction from the position of the Siren, and is always a counter to magic. - Melody homes in on a target and will travel full screen and usually appears at the beginning of a fight. Dodge the skill by moving around. (...or just live with a measly 80% of your max HP left :p -TLaG) ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> LIL' DEVIL-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ____________ => Chibidevil <= (code echrb1) -Demonic cherubs with pointed purple ears and pink skin; pack portable pitchforks- pshaw.- (phony pseudo-alliteration points to pathetic prospects - CMK) (Hah! Hear here- Heralds have harkened haughtily about my hale harmonies) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attack= - fork jab; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Chibikko Balloon- Chibikko added effect on one character =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 8: 23 Def; 47 att; 6 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 68 HP; 36 Luc; 8 XP (Path to the Heavens) -lvl 9: 23 Def; 47 att; 6 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 74 HP; 40 Luc; 10 XP (Path to the Heavens) -lvl 10: 23 Def; 47 att; 6 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 78 HP; 44 Luc; 13 XP (Wind Corridor) -lvl 11: 23 Def; 51 att; 7 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 86 HP; 49 Luc; 16 XP (Rolante Castle, day) -lvl 13: 23 Def; 61 att; 9 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 98 HP; 58 Luc; 26 XP (Ghost Ship) [Class 2] -lvl 25: 80 Def; 148 att; 21 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 184 HP; 113 Luc; 144 XP (Summit of the Skies) -lvl 28: 82 Def; 174 att; 27 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 206 HP; 127 Luc; 195 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 90 Def; 194 att; 30 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 222 HP; 136 Luc; 235 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 95 Def; 206 att; 32 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 236 HP; 145 Luc; 280 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 99 Def; 218 att; 34 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 250 HP; 155 Luc; 329 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 115 Def; 234 att; 37 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 262 HP; 164 Luc; 385 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 109 Def; 253 att; 37 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 274 HP; 174 Luc; 446 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 109 Def; 255 att; 37 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 284 HP; 183 Luc; 512 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 42: 113 Def; 252 att; 42 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 294 HP; 193 Luc; 585 XP (Jungle of Illusion, from lvl 42 Evil Shamans) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Chibikko Balloon has a range of about half a screen before it pops. Get hit by it, though, and you'd better have a status-canceling spell/item handy. (The chibi effect can be halted if the Chibidevil is killed before the balloon makes contact- not too difficult, considering their low max HP values. -TLaG) - They tend to use Chibikko Balloon after being smacked by a spell (~75% frequency) (...but it can be released if they are near death as well, around 40-50% of the time -TLaG) _________ => Gremlin <= (code echrb2) -White-faced and navy demonic cherubs with tiny red wings; _carry_ small pitchforks..- Ice: Reflects! Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Reflects! Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Reflects! Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Reflects! Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Reflects! Dark Saber: Normal (!) (-Note- Leaf: Normal) =normal attack= - fork jabbing; single or double hits [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Evil Gate (MT) = Dark-elemental lvl 1 spell, Magic defense guard; >base power [ST cls 1/2/3- MT cls 1/2/3] = 126/200/239- 100/160/191 (lvl 41), ..133/210/251- 106/168/201 (lvl 42-43), 141/224/265- 113/179/212 (lvl 45-47) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 159 Def; 270 att; 30 Mdef; 33 SPR-def; 636 HP; 188 Luc; 685 XP (Jungle of Illusion, from lvl 41 Evil Shamans; Cave of Darkness, night) -lvl 42: 165 Def; 279 att; 34 Mdef; 35 SPR-def; 648 HP; 193 Luc; 731 XP (Glass Desert; Jungle of Illusion, from lvl 42 Evil Shamans; Cave of Darkness) -lvl 43: 165 Def; 279 att; 34 Mdef; 35 SPR-def; 656 HP; 198 Luc; 780 XP (Glass Desert; Jungle of Illusion, from lvl 43 Evil Shamans; Cave of Darkness) -lvl 45: 189 Def; 313 att; 39 Mdef; 41 SPR-def; 686 HP; 207 Luc; 883 XP (Dark Castle, from lvl 45 Evil Shamans) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Evil Gate has a sizeable windup time (~1.5 seconds)..during which you can see the Gremlin chanting. - They tend to use Evil Gate after being smacked by a spell (..and it doesn't have to deal damage to catalyze Evil Gate -TLaG). - They can also attempt the spell when taking too much damage, at about 33% occurence; in these instances the Gremlin will keep casting Evil Gate until killed or silenced. _Do_ quiet it already. -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ZOMBIE-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ________ => Zombie <= (code erott1) -Undead blokes w/ greenish skin in green & brown rags.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: No effect Dark Saber: No effect =normal attack= - lunge and bite ; single hit [high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Poison Breath- Poison added effect if in range =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 4: 7 Def; 18 att; 1 Mdef; 64 HP; 9 Luc; 3 XP (Cave of Waterfalls, upper section, night; Golden Road, night) -lvl 8: 31 Def; 45 att; 1 Mdef; 90 HP; 18 Luc; 6 XP (Path to the Heavens, night) -lvl 9: 31 Def; 45 att; 1 Mdef; 96 HP; 20 Luc; 8 XP (Path to the Heavens, cave near Rolante Castle) -lvl 13: 31 Def; 59 att; 1 Mdef; 128 HP; 29 Luc; 20 XP (Ghost Ship) [Class 3] -lvl 44: 167 Def; 264 att; 1 Mdef; 396 HP; 101 Luc; 499 XP (early Mirage Palace, from lvl 44 Necromancers) -lvl 45: 173 Def; 273 att; 1 Mdef; 408 HP; 104 Luc; 530 XP (Mirage Palace, from lvl 45 Necromancers) -lvl 46: 173 Def; 273 att; 1 Mdef; 409 HP; 106 Luc; 563 XP (Mirage Palace- endurance room, from lvl 46 Necromancers) -lvl 47: 173 Def; 273 att; 1 Mdef; 410 HP; 109 Luc; 597 XP (Mirage Palace- 'Holy City Wendel', from lvl 47 Necromancers) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Zombies are undead, and thus can be dealt 999 damage with Bishop's Turn Undead spell. -TLaG - Poison Breath has about a one character-length range in the direction that the Zombie is facing. - Their normal attack has about a 60-70% chance of poisoning on impact. _______ => Ghoul <= (code erott2) -Undead blokes w/ bluish skin in purple & brown rags; are suped-up versions of Zombies.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attack= - rib-cage clamp ; single hit [high frequency] =special attacks= [1] X-nibble- non-elemental attack, upto four hits; (~50% hit rate) >base power = same as normal hits [2] Head Buster- Speed Down added effect on one character =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 13: 43 Def; 65 att; 1 Mdef; 156 HP; 39 Luc; 23 XP (Ghost Ship) [Class 3] -lvl 44: 227 Def; 294 att; 1 Mdef; 484 HP; 135 Luc; 582 XP (early Mirage Palace, from lvl 44 Necromancers) -lvl 45: 236 Def; 303 att; 1 Mdef; 498 HP; 138 Luc; 619 XP (Mirage Palace, from lvl 45 Necromancers) -lvl 46: 236 Def; 303 att; 1 Mdef; 499 HP; 142 Luc; 657 XP (Mirage Palace- endurance room, from lvl 46 Necromancers) -lvl 47: 236 Def; 303 att; 1 Mdef; 500 HP; 145 Luc; 697 XP (Mirage Palace- 'Holy City Wendel', from lvl 47 Necromancers) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Ghouls are undead, and thus are also susceptible to Turn Undead. -TLaG - Although they usually appear with Zombies, Ghouls are comparatively much tougher than their green brethren. - Their normal attack has about a 90% chance of inflicting poison. - Head Buster has a full-screen range and homes in on a character. - X-nibble has a very short frontal reach and poor accuracy. - Both Head Buster and X-nibble can surface if the Ghoul eats too much damage (~25% occurrence), but can also serve as infrequent ripostes to magic. -TLaG __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> SWORD-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ____________ => Evil Sword <= (code ehilt1) -Levitating swords with azure blades and reddish hilts.- (..hey, `tis better than the Evil Chairs of Mass Destruction in SoM) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Weak Diamond Saber: Weak Wind: No effect Thunder Saber: No effect Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - stab; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Gale- Speed Up effect on self [2] Whirlwind Sword- non-elemental attack, Defense guard; e-tech? base power = ~1.57 * att; 85 (lvl 11) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 11: 35 Def; 54 att; 1 Mdef; 60 HP; 17 Luc; 20 XP (Rolante Castle) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Whirlwind Sword only sees light too sparsely as a magic or damage retort; you probably won't ever encounter the attack, but it has about one-character length of travel in one direction, and can hit >1 target. -TLaG - They're weak against Earth and immune to Wind, ironically. _______________ => Element Sword <= (code ehilt2) -Levitating swords with dull yellow blades and green hilts; love saber magic.- Ice: Strong Ice Saber: Strong Fire: Strong Flame Saber: Strong Earth: Strong Diamond Saber: Strong Wind: Strong Thunder Saber: Strong Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: Normal; Leaf Saber: Normal; Moon Saber: Normal) =normal attack= - stab; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] ST Sabers- can use *all* types, on self [2] HundredHand Stab- non-elemental attack, Defense guard; e-tech; >base power = 1.53 * att; 464 (lvl 44), 479 (lvl 45-47) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 44: 201 Def; 303 att; 23 Mdef; 25 SPR-def; 778 HP; 101 Luc; 914 XP (early Mirage Palace; early Dark Castle) -lvl 45: 208 Def; 313 att; 25 Mdef; 26 SPR-def; 802 HP; 104 Luc; 971 XP (Mirage Palace; Dark Castle) -lvl 46: 208 Def; 313 att; 25 Mdef; 26 SPR-def; 803 HP; 106 Luc; 1031 XP (Mirage Palace- endurance room; Dark Castle- basement) -lvl 47: 208 Def; 313 att; 25 Mdef; 26 SPR-def; 804 HP; 109 Luc; 1094 XP (Mirage Palace- 'Holy City Wendel') =Miscellaneous Notes= - If I'm not mistaken, Element Swords ALWAYS start battles by sabering themselves - luckily, doing this takes a long time. -As with Evil Swords, they can be hit by spells or tech when still plunged into the ground upon first sight. Doing this will active them and prompt the saber spell. -TLaG __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> GHOST-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _________ => Specter <= (code eboo!1) -Floating, palish spirits in grey-blue pajamas and red clown neck bands. They have no legs, but use their `tail' appendage to attack.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attack= - tail sting; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Dark Fear- AntiMagic on one character =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 13: 34 Def; 58 att; 1 Mdef; 98 HP; 38 Luc; 26 XP (Ghost Ship) [Class 2] -lvl 21: 89 Def; 115 att; 1 Mdef; 154 HP; 94 Luc; 90 XP (Moonlight Forest) =Miscellaneous Notes= - These guys (they're male? -TLaG) have an annoying habit of casting Dark Fear when low on HP and against magic used on them, but only for Class 2 types. _______ => Ghost <= (code eboo!2) -Purple versions of Specters; no legs & use their `tail' appendage to attack.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attack= - tail stinging; double hits [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Dark Fear- AntiMagic on one character =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 199 Def; 266 att; 8 Mdef; 9 SPR-def; 630 HP; 219 Luc; 822 XP (Cave of Darkness, day) -lvl 42: 206 Def; 274 att; 9 Mdef; 10 SPR-def; 640 HP; 225 Luc; 877 XP (Cave of Darkness, day) -lvl 43: 206 Def; 274 att; 9 Mdef; 10 SPR-def; 650 HP; 231 Luc; 936 XP (Cave of Darkness, day) -lvl 44: 227 Def; 299 att; 10 Mdef; 658 HP; 236 Luc; 997 XP (early Mirage Palace, from lvl 44 Necromancers) -lvl 45: 236 Def; 308 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 678 HP; 242 Luc; 1059 XP (Mirage Palace, from lvl 45 Necromancers) -lvl 46: 236 Def; 308 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 680 HP; 247 Luc; 1125 XP (Mirage Palace- endurance room, from lvl 46 Necromancers) -lvl 47: 236 Def; 308 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 681 HP; 253 Luc; 1194 XP (Mirage Palace- 'Holy City Wendel' & interior, & from lvl 47 Necromancers) -lvl 52: 240 Def; 314 att; 11 Mdef; 12 SPR-def; 688 HP; 281 Luc; 1574 XP (Mirage Palace- 'Lakeshore Village Astoria') =Miscellaneous Notes= - Ghosts are surprisingly easy to beat up, but watch out for Dark Fear - they'll use it when they take a lot of damage in a short time, or otherwise when attacked by spells. __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> GRELL-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _______ => Grell <= (code ecoel1) -Turquoise jelly fish with yellow tentacles; float in the air.- (ooo..) (Remind me of cute Metroids - CMK) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - tentacle ram; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Acid Gel- (*curses*) non-elemental ranged attack, Defense guard; >base power = 174 (lvl 15-16) [2] Funky Dance- should lower max HP on one target, but actually does nothing. (Seiken Densetsu III isn't exactly known for its tight code - CMK) (*yet more mating sounds*) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 15: 56 Def; 77 att; 6 Mdef; 146 HP; 78 Luc; 33 XP (Seaside Cave) -lvl 16: 56 Def; 79 att; 6 Mdef; 154 HP; 83 Luc; 38 XP (Seaside Cave) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Acid Gel is aimed at a specific character and thus has a full-screen range. Just move before it gets to you because, trust me, you don't want it to hit. (The only way to avoid Acid Gel completely is to kill the Grell before the skill's impact :/ -TLaG) ____________ => Grell Mage <= (code ecoel2) -Pink jellyfish with yellow tentacles.- (They float, are annoying, and can be deadly - CMK) (...deadly?) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Absorbs Saint Saber: Absorbs Dark: Weak Dark Saber: Weak =normal attack= - tentacle ram; single hit [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Flash- Moogle added effect to the whole party [2] Tricky Dance- 20% Max HP down added effect on target =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 112 Def; 165 att; 29 Mdef; 382 HP; 148 Luc; 195 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 123 Def; 184 att; 32 Mdef; 408 HP; 158 Luc; 235 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 130 Def; 195 att; 36 Mdef; 434 HP; 169 Luc; 280 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light,before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 138 Def; 206 att; 37 Mdef; 460 HP; 180 Luc; 329 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 158 Def; 221 att; 41 Mdef; 484 HP; 192 Luc; 385 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 149 Def; 241 att; 41 Mdef; 44 SPR-def; 506 HP; 203 Luc; 446 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 149 Def; 242 att; 41 Mdef; 44 SPR-def; 526 HP; 214 Luc; 512 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 177 Def; 268 att; 53 Mdef; 56 SPR-def; 574 HP; ?? Luc; 707 XP (Mirage Palace- ruins scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Flash and Tricky Dance both hit the entire screen and are unavoidable. Have that Chibikko Hammer ready (..or Puipui Grass/Tinkle Rain spells, for the more chaste players amongst us -TLaG). - Flash is often used to counter a tech or spell (~75% chance), but it can be unleashed when the Grell is low on HP (more like a 15-25% chance). - Tricky Dance is only used at the beginning of a fight, usually on the lead character. (As with Porobin Hood's Sleep Flower, it seems Tricky Dance targets whomever is closest to the Grell Mage at the time; often that target == leader -TLaG) ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> PAKKUN-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _____________ => Pakkun Baby <= (code epakn1) -Pink tadpole-like monsters with yellow underbellies; hatch from soft-shelled eggs when approached, and usually mature into Pakkun Lizards when low on HP.- Ice: No effect Ice Saber: No effect Fire: Weak Flame Saber: Weak Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - pounce; single hit [moderate frequnecy] =special attacks= [1] (Mature)- change to a Pakkun Lizard of the same level; resets HP and stats =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 15: 46 Def; 77 att; 1 Mdef; 240 HP; 67 Luc; 33 XP (Seaside Cave) -lvl 16: 46 Def; 79 att; 1 Mdef; 254 HP; 71 Luc; 38 XP (Seaside Cave) =Miscellaneous Notes= - They change into Pakkun Lizards after losing a certain amount of HP.. (~75% -TLaG), but knock them out in one hit before they change and your battle is that much easier (attack techs come to mind). _______________ => Pakkun Lizard <= (code epakn2) -Baby blue aquatic reptiles with pinkish... manes; actually look younger than the Pakkun Babies themselves.- Ice: No effect Ice Saber: No effect Fire: Weak Flame Saber: Weak Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - tail lash; single hit [mid-high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Gulp, gulp!- ?...No real effect aside from temporarily incapacitating the targeted character, and it doesn't deal damage as in SoM... (But it's still amusing seeing your character, especially the girls, scream and then be swallowed alive - CMK). =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 15: 41 Def; 81 att; 12 Mdef; 220 HP; 34 Luc; 37 XP (Seaside Cave, from lvl 15 Pakkun Babies) -lvl 16: 41 Def; 83 att; 12 Mdef; 234 HP; 36 Luc; 44 XP (Seaside Cave, from lvl 16 Pakkun Babies) -lvl 17: 54 Def; 102 att; 15 Mdef; 248 HP; 38 Luc; 52 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield) -lvl 18: 54 Def; 102 att; 15 Mdef; 262 HP; 40 Luc; 60 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield, night) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 145 Def; 288 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 616 HP; ?? Luc; 707 XP (Mirage Palace- snowfield scene, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Gulp, gulp! has an effective range of a little more than two character lengths. Although it takes one of your characters out of battle, it also makes the Pakkun Lizard too heavy to move. - ..So while it's enjoying its meal, beat it up accordingly. (I wouldn't say the lizard enjoyed it judging by how it gags out the target. Anywho, if the swallowed character initiates a tech before or during the move, then it'll unfurl upon being released from the bowels -TLaG) ______________ => Pakkuri Baby <= (code epakn3) -Blue tadpole monsters with yellow underbellies. They hatch from soft-shelled eggs when approached, and usually mature into Pakkun Dragons when low on HP.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Absorbs Saint Saber: Absorbs Dark: Normal (!) Dark Saber: Normal (!) =normal attack= - pouncing; double hits [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] (Mature)- change to a Pakkun Dragon of the same level; resets HP and stats =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 100 Def; 165 att; 6 Mdef; 538 HP; 127 Luc; 195 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 109 Def; 184 att; 7 Mdef; 574 HP; 136 Luc; 235 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 115 Def; 195 att; 8 Mdef; 612 HP; 145 Luc; 280 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 123 Def; 206 att; 8 Mdef; 648 HP; 155 Luc; 329 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 140 Def; 221 att; 8 Mdef; 680 HP; 164 Luc; 385 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 133 Def; 239 att; 8 Mdef; 9 SPR-def; 712 HP; 174 Luc; 446 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 133 Def; 242 att; 8 Mdef; 9 SPR-def; 740 HP; 183 Luc; 512 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 157 Def; 268 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 808 HP; ?? Luc; 707 XP (Mirage Palace- ruins scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - After losing enough HP (~75% -TLaG), they'll "mature" into Pakkun Dragons. _______________ => Pakkun Dragon <= (code epakn4) -Light green aquatic reptiles with purple manes; cute.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Absorbs Saint Saber: Absorbs Dark: Normal (!) Dark Saber: Normal (!) =normal attack= - tail lashes; double hits [mid-high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Gulp, gulp!- ?..No real effect aside from temporarily incapacitating the targetted character, and it doesn't deal damage as in SoM... [2] Pakkun Oil- Magic Defense Up on self...but doesn't actually work.. (well, not realy...); (counter to magic) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 125 Def; 171 att; 7 Mdef; 414 HP; 85 Luc; 291 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, from lvl 28 Pakkuri Babies; before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 137 Def; 191 att; 8 Mdef; 442 HP; 91 Luc; 351 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, from lvl 30 Pakkuri Babies; before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 144 Def; 202 att; 10 Mdef; 472 HP; 107 Luc; 418 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, from lvl 32 Pakkuri Babies; before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 153 Def; 214 att; 10 Mdef; 498 HP; 103 Luc; 493 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, from lvl 34 Pakkuri Babies; before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 175 Def; 230 att; 10 Mdef; 524 HP; 110 Luc; 577 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, from lvl 36 Pakkuri Babies; before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 166 Def; 248 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 548 HP; 116 Luc; 668 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, from lvl 38 Pakkuri Babies; before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 166 Def; 251 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 570 HP; 122 Luc; 768 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, from lvl 40 Pakkuri Babies; before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 196 Def; 278 att; 13 Mdef; 14 SPR-def; 622 HP; ?? Luc; 1059 XP (Mirage Palace- ruins scene, from lvl 45 Pakkuri Babies) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Pakkun Dragons' Gulp, Gulp! work the same way as the Pakkun Lizards'. Since they're too heavy to move, smack `em while incapacitated. - Pakkun Oil fell prey to Seiken Densetsu 3's long list of bugs. (:groans: *yet more mating cries*... -TLaG) - Pakkun Oil actually raises the dragon's SPR-defense... but by a remedial amount (1.2 * 11 = 2 more points!!). -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> POTO-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ______ => Poto <= (code epoto1) -Potos == your masters; bow to the hopping, light-green, ... can't-describe-what-that-is lords. Prostrate NOW! ... LOWER!...- (...At this point I feel compelled to re-emphasize the point that TLaG, and not I, wrote the enemy descriptions - CMK) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: No effect Saint Saber: No effect Dark: Weak Dark Saber: Weak =normal attack= - tongue lash; single hit [mid-high frequency] =special attacks= [1] MT Heal Light- mass-healing; >base power [ST/MT] = 140/112 (lvl 15-16), 151/121 (lvl 17-18),.. ..476/381 (lvl 45) [2] (Summon Lvl #+1 Mama Poto)- generates a Mama Poto at one level higher than the Poto. =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 15: 56 Def; 75 att; 6 Mdef; 150 HP; 34 Luc; 37 XP (Seaside Cave) -lvl 16: 56 Def; 77 att; 6 Mdef; 160 HP; 36 Luc; 44 XP (Seaside Cave) -lvl 17: 74 Def; 95 att; 8 Mdef; 170 HP; 38 Luc; 52 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield) -lvl 18: 74 Def; 95 att; 8 Mdef; 180 HP; 40 Luc; 60 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 200 Def; 268 att; 25 Mdef; 26 SPR-def; 422 HP; ?? Luc; 707 XP (Mirage Palace- snowfield scene, night) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Potos have an annoying tendency to use Heal Light (~1.25 second charge) right when they're about to expire; worse, they heal all other denizens while they're at it. If you see a Poto prepping some Heal Light, call off your allies and gang up on the Poto. - Potos sometimes spawn Mama Potos when they are left as the last enemy and are low on HP (~66% chance). ___________ => Mama Poto <= (code epoto2) -Reddish, amphibian-like creatures with purple eye-lids & tongues; can spawn from Potos, where they are called at one level higher.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Absorbs Saint Saber: Absorbs Dark: Weak Dark Saber: Weak =normal attack= - tongue licks; double hits [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Saint Beam- Light-elemental lvl 2.5 ST spell, Spirit Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 89/142/168 (lvl 16-17), 118/190/224 (lvl 18-19),.. ..146/234/277 (lvl 28-30), 158/252/299 (lvl 32), 168/270/320 (lvl 34-36),.. ..181/286/343 (lvl 38-40), 203/323/384 (lvl 45) [2] (Summon Lvl #+1 Papa Poto)- generates a Papa Poto at one level higher than the Mama Poto. =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 16: 45 Def; 77 att; 13 Mdef; 222 HP; 48 Luc; 49 XP (Seaside Cave, lvl 15 Poto spawn) -lvl 17: 60 Def; 95 att; 17 Mdef; 238 HP; 51 Luc; 58 XP (Seaside Cave, lvl 16 Poto spawn) -lvl 18: 60 Def; 95 att; 17 Mdef; 250 HP; 54 Luc; 67 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield, lvl 17 Poto spawn) -lvl 19: 60 Def; 95 att; 17 Mdef; 264 HP; 57 Luc; 78 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield, lvl 18 Poto spawn) [Class 2] -lvl 28: 102 Def; 165 att; 32 Mdef; 390 HP; 85 Luc; 219 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 112 Def; 184 att; 34 Mdef; 418 HP; 91 Luc; 264 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 118 Def; 195 att; 36 Mdef; 446 HP; 97 Luc; 315 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 126 Def; 206 att; 39 Mdef; 470 HP; 103 Luc; 370 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 144 Def; 221 att; 43 Mdef; 494 HP; 110 Luc; 433 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 136 Def; 239 att; 43 Mdef; 46 SPR-def; 518 HP; 116 Luc; 502 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 136 Def; 242 att; 43 Mdef; 46 SPR-def; 538 HP; 122 Luc; 576 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 46: 161 Def; 268 att; 56 Mdef; 59 SPR-def; 590 HP; ?? Luc; 845 XP (Mirage Palace- snowfield scene, from lvl 45 Potos; night) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Mama Potos are sometimes randomly spawned when a Poto is low on health and there are no other regular enemies left on screen. - Mama Potos usually only cast Saint Beam randomly right after a nearby enemy has been killed in their presence, or when they are isolated and low on HP (~25-33% activation). -TLaG - Level 2 Mama Potos at level 32 or above can spawn Papa Potos. ___________ => Papa Poto <= (code epoto3) -Off-white, amphibian-like creatures with orange eye-lids & tongues; can spawn from Mama Potos, where they are generated at one level higher.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Reflects! Saint Saber: Normal (!-CMK) (no more mating calls, plz!) Dark: Weak Dark Saber: Weak =normal attack= - tongue licks; double hits [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Father's Fist- non-elemental ranged attack, Defense guard; >base power = same as normal hits [2] ST Saber magic- use all types except Leaf, Moon, and Dark sabers =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 33: 147 def; 224 att; 40 Mdef; 564 HP; 75 Luc; 379 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, from lvl 32 Mama Potos;.. ..before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 35: 153 def; 237 att; 42 Mdef; 596 HP; 80 Luc; 445 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, from lvl 34 Mama Potos;.. ..before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 37: 165 def; 267 att; 46 Mdef; 626 HP; 85 Luc; 518 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, from lvl 36 Mama Potos;.. ..before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 39: 165 def; 274 att; 46 Mdef; 49 SPR-def; 652 HP; 90 Luc; 598 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, from lvl 38 Mama Potos;.. ..before 6th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 41: 165 def; 266 att; 50 Mdef; 52 SPR-def; 674 HP; 94 Luc; 685 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light & Labyrinth of Ice Walls, from lvl 40 Mama Potos;.. ..before 7th Godbeast; Jungle of Illusion) -lvl 42: 172 Def; 274 att; 53 Mdef; 56 SPR-def; 686 HP; 97 Luc; 731 XP (Jungle of Illusion) -lvl 46: 196 Def; 308 att; 60 Mdef; 64 SPR-def; 726 HP; 106 Luc; 938 XP (Dragon's Hole, day) -lvl 47: 196 Def; 308 att; 60 Mdef; 64 SPR-def; 728 HP; 109 Luc; 995 XP (Dragon's Hole, day; from lvl 46 Mama Poto, Mirage Palace's snowfield scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Papa Potos have a small chance of dropping the all-important ??? Seeds (..at about a 1:4 chance -TLaG). - Father's Fist homes in on a character and has full-screen range. It's quite hard to dodge. (They can use it from off the screen, so if ya just killed a Demon and are wondering why giant hands are falling on you, scroll over -TLaG) - If the Papa Poto has sabered itself, Father's Fist will take on that saber attribute. - When encountered naturally, a Papa Poto will often start a battle by casting a saber on itself (~40% chance). __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> RHINO-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _________ => Bulette <= (code ehorn1) -Gray rhinocerii with yellow claws and horns.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: No effect Diamond Saber: No effect Wind: Weak Thunder Saber: Weak Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - charge!, horn lift; single hits [low frequency] (the horn lift always misses) =special attacks= [1] Defense- Should add Defense Up to self, but never seems to work :p =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 17: 70 Def; 97 att; 1 Mdef; 260 HP; 51 Luc; 52 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat) -lvl 18: 70 Def; 97 att; 1 Mdef; 274 HP; 54 Luc; 60 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat) -lvl 19: 70 Def; 97 att; 1 Mdef; 290 HP; 57 Luc; 69 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Bulettes are notoriously hard to kill, being tank-like enemies. Hit `em with Wind-elemental attacks. - For some reason, Defense doesn't seem to boost their defense like it should. ______________ => Gold Bulette <= (code ehorn2) -Yellow rhinocerii with green claws and horns.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Reflects! Diamond Saber: Normal (!) Wind: Weak Thunder Saber: Weak Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - charge!, horn lift; single hits [low frequency] (the horn lift always misses) =special attacks= [1] Defense- Defense Up to self (does work) [2] Gild- non-elemental attack, Defense guard; e-tech; (can be used twice) >base power = 1.53 * attack power; 152 (lvl 18), 262 (lvl 28), 292 (lvl 30),.. ..309 (lvl 32), 327 (lvl 34), 351 (lvl 36), 379 (lvl 38), 384 (lvl 40) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 18: 79 Def; 99 att; 1 Mdef; 286 HP; 27 Luc; 60 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat, night) [Class 2] -lvl 28: 153 Def; 171 att; 1 Mdef; 446 HP; 232 Luc; 195 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 28 Beast Masters; before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 167 Def; 191 att; 1 Mdef; 478 HP; 249 Luc; 235 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 30 Beast Masters; before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 176 Def; 202 att; 1 Mdef; 508 HP; 266 Luc; 280 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 32 Beast Masters; before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 187 Def; 214 att; 1 Mdef; 538 HP; 283 Luc; 329 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 34 Beast Masters; before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 214 Def; 230 att; 1 Mdef; 564 HP; 301 Luc; 385 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 36 Beast Masters; before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 203 Def; 248 att; 1 Mdef; 590 HP; 318 Luc; 446 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 38 Beast Masters; before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 203 Def; 251 att; 1 Mdef; 614 HP; 336 Luc; 512 XP (Moonreading Tower, from lvl 40 Beast Masters; before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Gold Bulettes are significantly tougher than ordinary Bulettes. - Class 2 Gold Bulettes are encountered only if spawned from Beast Masters - Oodles of Luc per kill...too bad they're so rare a sight as Class 2's. -TLaG - Gild has semi-homing capability; it can travel for ~1/3rd of the screen and sometimes the bulette can repeat the hit. The attack has a small hit box, however, and is prone to miss. It's usually seen as a riposte to magic. -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> DUCK-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ______________ => Duck Soldier <= (code edown1) -Upright duckies..capped with oversized green army helmets and lugging ball n' chains... makes one wonder what Konrad Lorenz was doing in his spare time.- (I told you, every psychologist secretly wants to rule the world! - CMK) (Shh!! My bro may see this!) Ice: Weak Ice Saber: Weak Fire: Strong Flame Saber: Strong Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - ball n' chain smash; single hit [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Pumpkin Bomb- Leaf-elemental projectile, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 127/204/242 (lvl 17-19) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 17: 58 Def; 101 att; 1 Mdef; 146 HP; 38 Luc; 45 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat, day) -lvl 19: 58 Def; 101 att; 1 Mdef; 162 HP; 43 Luc; 61 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Not very tough... either smack `em physically or use Ice magic. - Their Pumpkin Bomb skill is analogous to the item of the same name, and its damage *does* increase on Dryad's day. They tend to throw the skill out infrequently- usually when low on HP (~15% chance), and even rarer as a magic counter (5-10% chance). -TLaG ______________ => Duck General <= (code edown2) -Duckies wearing blue army helmets and lugging ball n' chains.- Ice: Weak Ice Saber: Weak Fire: Strong Flame Saber: Strong Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - ball n' chain smash; single hit [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Dart- Non-elemental projectile, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 108/173/207 (lvl 17-18), 135/216/257 (lvl 28-30).. ..143/228/272 (lvl 32), 152/243/289 (lvl 34-40), 170/269/320 (lvl 45) [2] Hand Axe- Non-elemental projectile, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 115/183/218 (lvl 17-18), 141/225/269 (lvl 28-30).. ..150/239/285 (lvl 32), 158/253/301 (lvl 34-40), 176/279/335 (lvl 45) [3] Pumpkin Bomb- Leaf-elemental projectile, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 127/203/242 (lvl 17-18), 153/245/291 (lvl 28-30).. ..162/259/307 (lvl 32), 171/273/325 (lvl 34-40), 188/299/356 (lvl 45) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 17: 57 Def; 97 att; 8 Mdef; 246 HP; 51 Luc; 52 XP (Valley of Flames) -lvl 18: 57 Def; 97 att; 8 Mdef; 260 HP; 54 Luc; 60 XP (Valley of Flames) [Class 2] -lvl 28: 97 Def; 168 att; 15 Mdef; 404 HP; 85 Luc; 195 XP (Valley of Flames, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 107 Def; 187 att; 16 Mdef; 432 HP; 87 Luc; 235 XP (Valley of Flames, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 113 Def; 199 att; 16 Mdef; 462 HP; 97 Luc; 280 XP (Valley of Flames, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 120 Def; 210 att; 18 Mdef; 488 HP; 103 Luc; 329 XP (Valley of Flames, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 137 Def; 226 att; 19 Mdef; 512 HP; 110 Luc; 385 XP (Valley of Flames, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 129 Def; 244 att; 19 Mdef; 21 SPR-def; 536 HP; 116 Luc; 446 XP (Valley of Flames, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 129 Def; 246 att; 19 Mdef; 21 SPR-def; 558 HP; 122 Luc; 512 XP (Valley of Flames, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 153 Def; 273 att; 25 Mdef; 26 SPR-def; 608 HP; ?? Luc; 707 XP (Mirage Palace- flame valley scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Thankfully, these guys only appear in the Valley of Flames (or from Shapeshifters, but that's a given). - They retaliate with items when attacked by spells or techs, but very infrequently (see Duck Soldiers above). __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> REPTILE-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ___________ => Firedrake <= (code elizy1) -Yellow ochre mini-dragons w/ no arms. They resemble those cheap squirter toys ... but breathe fire..- Ice: Weak Ice Saber: Weak Fire: Absorbs Flame Saber: Absorbs Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - backflip; single hit [moderate frequency] (~50-60% hit rate) =special attacks= [1] Firebreath- Fire-based attack, Magic Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 123/196/232 (lvl 28-30), 132/210/248 (lvl 32),.. ..138/222/261 (lvl 34-40), 153/242/289 (lvl 45) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 17: 70 Def; 97 att; 15 Mdef; 248 HP; 51 Luc; 45 XP (Valley of Flames) -lvl 18: 70 Def; 97 att; 15 Mdef; 262 HP; 54 Luc; 52 XP (Valley of Flames) [Class 2] -lvl 28: 120 Def; 168 att; 27 Mdef; 410 HP; 85 Luc; 171 XP (Valley of Flames, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 131 Def; 187 att; 30 Mdef; 438 HP; 87 Luc; 206 XP (Valley of Flames, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 139 Def; 199 att; 32 Mdef; 466 HP; 97 Luc; 245 XP (Valley of Flames, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 147 Def; 210 att; 34 Mdef; 494 HP; 103 Luc; 288 XP (Valley of Flames, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 168 Def; 226 att; 37 Mdef; 518 HP; 110 Luc; 337 XP (Valley of Flames, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 159 Def; 244 att; 37 Mdef; 40 SPR-def; 542 HP; 116 Luc; 390 XP (Valley of Flames, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 159 Def; 246 att; 37 Mdef; 40 SPR-def; 564 HP; 122 Luc; 448 XP (Valley of Flames, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 189 Def; 273 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 616 HP; ?? Luc; 619 XP (Mirage Palace- flame valley scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - They tend to use Firebreath after taking a tech or spell, or after sustaining heavy damage in a short period of time. The frequency of this counterattack increases with level. - Firebreath has an effective range of 1.5 character spaces and is not limited to one target... Thing hurts, too. __________ => Basilisk <= (code elizy2) -Green-blue mini-dragons w/ no arms; must like chicken embryos since they can regurgitate a viable Cockatrice when needed.- Ice: Weak Ice Saber: Weak Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Absorbs Diamond Saber: Absorbs Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - backfliping; double hits [moderate frequency] (~50-60% hit rate) =special attacks= [1] Petribreath- Pertify added effect on one target if in-range [2] (Summon Lvl #+1 Cockatrice)- calls- er, burps out a Cockatrice at one level higher than the Basilisk. =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 165 def; 266 att; 39 Mdef; 42 SPR-def; 604 HP; 63 Luc; 822 XP (Glass Desert) -lvl 42: 172 def; 274 att; 42 Mdef; 45 SPR-def; 614 HP; 65 Luc; 877 XP (Glass Desert) -lvl 43: 172 def; 274 att; 42 Mdef; 45 SPR-def; 624 HP; 66 Luc; 936 XP (Glass Desert, night) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Petribreath, like Flamebreath, is aimed in one direction and has about 3 character lengths' worth of range. (Has a wide range too..) - Fortunately, Petribreath can only connect on one character a time. -TLaG - If another enemy is killed on the same screen, there's a chance (~50%) that the Basilisk will summon the Cockatrice. -TLaG __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> SAHAGIN-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _________ => Sahagin <= (code efish1) -Green and orange carp-heads with webbed feet and hands; tote small tridents.- Ice: Strong Ice Saber: Strong Fire: Weak Flame Saber: Weak Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - trident thrust; single hit [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] BubBub Bubbles- Power Down added effect on one target [2] Hundred Spear Thrust- non-elemental attack, Defense guard; e-tech; >base power = 1.53 * attack power; 15 (lvl 1), 152 (lvl 17-18),.. ..262 (lvl 29), 288 (lvl 31), 309 (lvl 33), 327 (lvl 35), 369 (lvl 37),.. 378 (lvl 39), 367 (lvl 41), 425 (lvl 45) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 1: 3 Def; 10 att; 2 Mdef; 60 HP; 3 Luc; 1 XP (Angela's intro) -lvl 17: 44 Def; 99 att; 1 Mdef; 190 HP; 38 Luc; 45 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield) -lvl 18: 44 Def; 99 att; 1 Mdef; 200 HP; 40 Luc; 52 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield) [Class 2] -lvl 29: 75 Def; 171 att; 1 Mdef; 324 HP; 68 Luc; 187 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, lvl 28 Petit Poseidon spawn; before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 31: 88 Def; 188 att; 1 Mdef; 346 HP; 71 Luc; 224 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, lvl 30 Petit Poseidon spawn; before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 33: 88 Def; 202 att; 1 Mdef; 366 HP; 75 Luc; 266 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, lvl 32 Petit Poseidon spawn; before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 35: 92 Def; 214 att; 1 Mdef; 386 HP; 80 Luc; 312 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, lvl 34 Petit Poseidon spawn; before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 37: 99 Def; 241! att; 1 Mdef; 406 HP; 85 Luc; 363 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, lvl 36 Petit Poseidon spawn; before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 39: 99 Def; 247 att; 1 Mdef; 422 HP; 90 Luc; 419 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, lvl 38 Petit Poseidon spawn; before 6th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 41: 99 Def; 240 att; 1 Mdef; 438 HP; 94 Luc; 480 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, lvl 40 Petit Poseidon spawn; before 7th Godbeast) -lvl 45: 118 Def; 278 att; 1 Mdef; 470 HP; ?? Luc; 619 XP (Mirage Palace- snowfield scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - BubBub Bubbles has a whole screen range and homes in on your character's current location; if you see it coming, move as fast as possible in any direction. It's not often used, fortunately. - Class 2 & 3 Sahagins still unfurl Hundred Harpoon Stab, but the attack will surface only rarely as a magic counter. -TLaG ________________ => Petit Poseidon <= (code efish2) -Aqua and orange carp-heads with webbed feet and hands; tote small tridents.- Ice: Strong Ice Saber: Strong Fire: Weak Flame Saber: Weak Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - trident thrust; single hit [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] BubBub Bubbles- Power Down added effect, (multiple possible targets) [2] Harpoon Hail- non-elemental blanketing attack, Defense guard; e-tech; >base power = 1.53 * att; 257 (lvl 28), 286 (lvl 30), 304 (lvl 32),.. ..321 (lvl 34), 346 (lvl 36), 373 (lvl 38), 376 (lvl 40) [3] (Summon lvl #+1 Sahagin)- spawns a Sahagin at one level higher than the Petit Poseidon. =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 100 Def; 168 att; 14 Mdef; 386 HP; 85 Luc; 195 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 111 Def; 187 att; 15 Mdef; 414 HP; 91 Luc; 235 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 115 Def; 199 att; 16 Mdef; 440 HP; 97 Luc; 280 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 123 Def; 210 att; 18 Mdef; 466 HP; 103 Luc; 329 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 140 Def; 226 att; 19 Mdef; 488 HP; 110 Luc; 385 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 133 Def; 244 att; 19 Mdef; 21 SPR-def; 512 HP; 116 Luc; 446 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 133 Def; 246 att; 19 Mdef; 21 SPR-def; 532 HP; 122 Luc; 512 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Petit Poseidons have a bad habit of initiating battles with BubBub Bubbles. These things have a whole screen range and home in on your characters, but can be dodged with movement. - If you're having trouble with BubBub Bubbles, just exit and re-enter the area until the fishy jerks stop spamming it. -TLaG - Petit Poseidons will only call on their weaker Sahagin counterparts when they are isolated, or after another monster has been killed on the screen, at ~50 chance. -TLaG - Harpoon Hail does *not* hit the whole screen, and instead covers random areas around the Poseidon. One can attempt to avoid impact by positioning, but avoidance is mostly via luck. -TLaG - ..Best to kill the Petit Poseidon before Harpoon Hail comes into effect (in around 1.5 seconds). ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> SEAHORSE-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _____________ => Sea Serpent <= (code eseah1) -Gray, green-winged sea horsies.- Ice: No effect Ice Saber: No effect Fire: Weak Flame Saber: Weak Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - pounce; single hit [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= (none) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 17: 57 Def; 102 att; 1 Mdef; 252 HP; 76 Luc; 52 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield) -lvl 18: 57 Def; 102 att; 1 Mdef; 266 HP; 80 Luc; 60 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 158 Def; 288 att; 1 Mdef; 622 HP; ?? Luc; 707 XP (Mirage Palace- snowfield scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Not much to say about Sea Serpents. -They have decent HP for their levels... that's about it.. (and I think the bluer wings are more gooder) -TLaG ____________ => Sea Dragon <= (code eseah2) -Gray, blue-winged sea horsies.- (Look a lot like Sea Serpents - CMK) Ice: Absorbs Ice Saber: Absorbs Fire: Weak Flame Saber: Weak Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - pouncing; double or single hits [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Chilly Breath- Snowman added effect on hit, ranged =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 122 Def; 168 att; 28 Mdef; 390 HP; 148 Luc; 243 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 134 Def; 187 att; 31 Mdef; 418 HP; 158 Luc; 293 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 142 Def; 199 att; 33 Mdef; 446 HP; 169 Luc; 349 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 150 Def; 210 att; 36 Mdef; 470 HP; 180 Luc; 411 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 172 Def; 226 att; 39 Mdef; 494 HP; 192 Luc; 481 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 163 Def; 244 att; 39 Mdef; 42 SPR-def; 518 HP; 203 Luc; 557 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 163 Def; 246 att; 39 Mdef; 42 SPR-def; 538 HP; 214 Luc; 640 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Chilly Breath has a 2.0 character-length range in one direction from the Sea Dragon. It can only hit *one* character at a time, and will spew forth when the dragon is low on HP, usually (at around 33% frequency). ____________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> CATERPILLAR-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ______________ => Mega Crawler <= (code ewebb1) -Green and yellow caterpillars; their yellow spikes glow at night.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: No effect, no MP loss; Leaf Saber: No effect, no MP loss) =normal attack= - front somersault ; single hit [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Spider Web- Speed Down added effect if in-range =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 22: 99 Def; 131 att; 1 Mdef; 302 HP; 50 Luc; 115 XP (Lampflower Forest) -lvl 23: 99 Def; 131 att; 1 Mdef; 316 HP; 52 Luc; 129 XP (Lampflower Forest & called during Gildervine's 1st _and 2nd_ fight) -lvl 24: 99 Def; 131 att; 1 Mdef; 330 HP; 54 Luc; 145 XP (Lampflower Forest) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Their normal attacks have ~60-70% chance of poisoning you. - Spider Web has one character-length's worth of range directly in front of the Mega Crawler. ______________ => Giga Crawler <= (code ewebb2) -Red and yellow caterpillars whose blue spikes glow at night; nice bait for painless level-gaining.- (Painless?! What are you smoking?! - CMK) (..I could smoke, line-dry laundry, cook a turkey, and take a nap while these insects try to hit my characters even once :p ) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: Reflects!; Leaf Saber: Normal (!)) =normal attack= - front somersaults ; double hits, [low-mid frequency] (~2-5% hit rate) =special attacks= [1] Aura Crush- ?? (never seems to hit) [2] Sweet String- Leaf Saber on one monster ally =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 128 Def; 168 att; 1 Mdef; 442 HP; 64 Luc; 267 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 140 Def; 187 att; 1 Mdef; 472 HP; 68 Luc; 322 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 147 Def; 199 att; 1 Mdef; 504 HP; 73 Luc; 383 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 157 Def; 210 att; 1 Mdef; 532 HP; 78 Luc; 452 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 179 Def; 226 att; 1 Mdef; 558 HP; 82 Luc; 529 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 169 Def; 244 att; 1 Mdef; 584 HP; 87 Luc; 612 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 169 Def; 246 att; 1 Mdef; 608 HP; 92 Luc; 704 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 6th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 200 Def; 273 att; 1 Mdef; 664 HP; ?? Luc; 971 XP (Mirage Palace- forest scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - You have about a 75% chance of being poisoned when hit by their normal attack. (IF hit by their normal attack :p -TLaG) - Sweet String may also be cast on one of your characters. Get those Stardust Herbs out. (note that this is still (my) speculation -TLaG) - I suspect that Aura Crush empties your tech gauge, although I haven't actually seen it happen. (Gold Star, anyone? -TLaG) ____________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> MINI DRAGON-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ______________ => Frost Dragon <= (code edrag1) -Rotund steel-blue mini titans; have apparently vestigal wings, large claws, and almost bird-like mouths. Cute, kinda.- (But deadly - CMK) Ice: Absorbs Ice Saber: Absorbs Fire: Weak Flame Saber: Weak Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - backflip claw; single hit [high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Ice Breath- Ice-elemental ranged attack, Snowman added effect on hit, Magic Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 123/196/232 (lvl 28-30), 132/210/248 (lvl 32),.. ..138/222/261 (lvl 34-40), 149/237/276 (lvl 44), 157/252/289 (lvl 45-48) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 130 Def; 174 att; 33 Mdef; 428 HP; 148 Luc; 291 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 142 Def; 194 att; 36 Mdef; 458 HP; 158 Luc; 351 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 150 Def; 206 att; 39 Mdef; 488 HP; 169 Luc; 418 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 160 Def; 218 att; 42 Mdef; 516 HP; 180 Luc; 493 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 183 Def; 234 att; 46 Mdef; 542 HP; 192 Luc; 577 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 173 Def; 253 att; 46 Mdef; 49 SPR-def; 566 HP; 203 Luc; 668 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 173 Def; 255 att; 46 Mdef; 49 SPR-def; 588 HP; 214 Luc; 768 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 44: 197 Def; 274 att; 57 Mdef; 60 SPR-def; 624 HP; 236 Luc; 997 XP (early Dragon's Hole, day) -lvl 45: 204 Def; 283 att; 60 Mdef; 64 SPR-def; 644 HP; 242 Luc; 1059 XP (Dragon's Hole- path to Black Rabite, day) -lvl 48: 208 Def; 288 att; 60 Mdef; 68 SPR-def; 648 HP; 259 Luc; 1264 XP (Dragon's Hole- endurance hall, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - There's a short windup time (about 0.5 seconds) before Ice Breath comes out. - Ice Breath has about a 2.5 character-length range in one direction from the Frost Dragon, it often comes out when the Frost Dragon is about to perish (~25% of the time); take care... ______________ => Petit Dragon <= (code edrag2) -Rotund green mini titans; have leathery wings, large claws, and almost bird-like mouths.- (Nice XP, but a pain to fight...and located in the darn Gemstone Valley area.) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - backflip claw; single hit [high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Poisonbreath- Leaf-elemental ranged attack, Poison added effect on hit, restores casters MP = 1/15th damage dealt, Magic Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 123/196/232 (lvl 28-30), 132/210/248 (lvl 32),.. ..138/222/261 (lvl 34-40), 149/237/276 (lvl 44), 157/252/289 (lvl 45-48) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 130 Def; 174 att; 32 Mdef; 428 HP; 148 Luc; 267 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 142 Def; 194 att; 34 Mdef; 458 HP; 158 Luc; 322 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 150 Def; 206 att; 36 Mdef; 488 HP; 169 Luc; 383 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 160 Def; 218 att; 39 Mdef; 516 HP; 180 Luc; 452 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 183 Def; 234 att; 43 Mdef; 542 HP; 192 Luc; 529 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 173 Def; 253 att; 43 Mdef; 46 SPR-def; 566 HP; 203 Luc; 612 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 173 Def; 255 att; 43 Mdef; 46 SPR-def; 588 HP; 214 Luc; 704 XP (Gemstone Valley Dorian, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 44: 197 Def; 274 att; 52 Mdef; 56 SPR-def; 624 HP; 236 Luc; 914 XP (early Dragon's Hole, day) -lvl 45: 204 Def; 283 att; 56 Mdef; 59 SPR-def; 644 HP; 242 Luc; 971 XP (Dragon's Hole- path to Black Rabite, day) -lvl 48: 208 Def; 288 att; 56 Mdef; 62 SPR-def; 648 HP; 259 Luc; 1159 XP (Dragon's Hole- endurance hall, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - As with any other 'breath' attack, Poisonbreath has virtually no casting time. As usual, the attack can be spurred by critical damage and more infrequently by spells & lvl 2+ techs. Poisonbreath is also Leaf-based, so its damage _will_ increase on Dryad's day. -TLaG - Poisonbreath travels for a range of around 2 character lengths, and is wide but one-directional. ______________ => Petit Tiamat <= (code edrag3) -Rotund yellow lil' dragons w/ purple fins; have leathery wings, large claws, and near bird-like mouths. Quite a nuisance, these ones are..- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Weak Diamond Saber: Weak Wind: Absorbs Thunder Saber: Absorbs Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - backflip clawing; single or double hits [high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Thunderstorm- Lvl 2 Wind-elemental spell, Magic defense guard; >base power [ST cls 1/2/3- MT cls 1/2/3] = 169/268/320- 135/214/256 (lvl 41), ..179/284/339- 143/227/271 (lvl 42-44), 189/300/358- 151/240/286 (lvl 45-48) [2] Thunderbreath- Wind-elemental ranged attack, Silence added effect on hit, Defense guard; >base power = 267 (lvl 41), 276 (lvl 42), 308 (lvl 45-48) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 195 Def; 279 att; 39 Mdef; 42 SPR-def; 566 HP; 251 Luc; 822 XP (Glass Desert; Cave of Darkness) -lvl 42: 203 Def; 288 att; 42 Mdef; 45 SPR-def; 576 HP; 257 Luc; 877 XP (Glass Desert; Cave of Darkness) -lvl 44: 224 Def; 313 att; 46 Mdef; 48 SPR-def; 590 HP; 270 Luc; 997 XP (early Dragon's Hole) -lvl 45: 232 Def; 323 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 608 HP; 276 Luc; 1059 XP (Dragon's Hole- path to Black Rabite, day) -lvl 48: 236 Def; 329 att; 48 Mdef; 54 SPR-def; 612 HP; 295 Luc; 1264 XP (Dragon's Hole- endurance hall, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Petit Tiamats can use Thunderstorm or Thunder Breath after being hit by a spell or high-level tech (~25% occurrence). - Unlike Angela, they can cast Thunderstorm neigh-instantly. Watch out! -TLaG - Thunderbreath is a homing attack that can travel a whole-screen range; it *cannot* hit more than one character, however. _______________ => Dragon Zombie <= (code edrag4) -[TLaG is currently too busy extricating expletives to describe this enemy]- (Pale tan mini-dragons with a pink/purple comb of hair; are the reason why Japan hosted the conference that brought about the Kyoto Accords. - CMK) (..and I thought Mothra did that 8( ) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attack= - backflip clawing ; single or double hits [high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Methane Breath- blah! non-elemental ranged attack, Silence added effect; Magic defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 146/231/276 (lvl 44), 154/244/289 (lvl 45-47) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 44: 205 Def; 308 att; 23 Mdef; 25 SPR-def; 884 HP; 202 Luc; 997 XP (early Mirage Palace) -lvl 45: 212 Def; 318 att; 25 Mdef; 26 SPR-def; 912 HP; 207 Luc; 1059 XP (Mirage Palace) -lvl 46: 212 Def; 318 att; 25 Mdef; 26 SPR-def; 914 HP; 212 Luc; 1125 XP (Dragon's Hole, day; Mirage Palace- endurance room) -lvl 47: 212 Def; 318 att; 25 Mdef; 26 SPR-def; 916 HP; 217 Luc; 1194 XP (Dragon's Hole; Mirage Palace- 'Holy City Wendel') =Miscellaneous Notes= - Undead enemy here, and thus Turn Undead-compatible (thankfully). -TLaG - Methane Breath has about a 2.5 character length range in all directions from the Dragon Zombie. It is a frequently-used counter against techs or spells. (It can also surface when the dragons are near death; try 2 fast ST Light/Wisp spells to pick them off from afar, if available -TLaG) - Dragon Zombies can't be silenced, and Methane Breath has almost nill wind-up time (as with most other breath attacks). :shrugs: Can't stop the tobacco industry, it seems. -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> CARMILLA-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> __________ => Carmilla <= (code esexz1) -Blonde, randy vamps who are fond of familial rape... just not in this game! Have azure skin and wear navy & yellow capes with skimpy underclothing.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attack= - swipe ; single hit [low-mid freq] (~33-50% hit rate) =special attacks= [1] Drain Kiss- non-elemental ranged attack, Defense guard; >base power = same as normal hits [2] Tehehe, pffpfft- winner of the best attack title, 20% max HP down added effect on one target =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 130 Def; 171 att; 34 Mdef; 472 HP; 127 Luc; 291 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 142 Def; 191 att; 38 Mdef; 506 HP; 136 Luc; 351 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 150 Def; 202 att; 42 Mdef; 538 HP; 145 Luc; 418 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 160 Def; 214 att; 44 Mdef; 570 HP; 155 Luc; 493 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 184 Def; 230 att; 48 Mdef; 598 HP; 164 Luc; 577 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 173 Def; 248 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 626 HP; 174 Luc; 668 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 173 Def; 251 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 650 HP; 183 Luc; 768 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Carmillas qualify as undead, so don't hold back that Turn Undead spell if you have Carlie as Bishop handy. -TLaG - Both Drain Kiss and Tehehe, pfftpfft can serve as magic or heavy damage couters (near 33% chance of use). Carmillas glow when they use Drain Kiss. - Drain Kiss can stun from afar, but usually misses if the intended target is too distant at the time. -TLaG - Tehehe, pfftpfft tracks the target's movement and is basically unavoidable unless the Carmilla is killed before affected. -TLaG ________________ => Carmilla Queen <= (code esexz2) -Blonde, gaudy vampire chicks w/ light blue skin, crimson & yellow capes, and skimpy underclothing.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attack= - swipes ; double hits [low-mid freq] (~33-50% hit rate) =special attacks= [1] Bloody Dance- deals damage = 1/8th (12.5%) of a target's Max HP [2] Tehehe, pffpfft (MT)- 20% max HP down added effect on all targets in-range =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 44: 201 Def; 308 att; 46 Mdef; 48 SPR-def; 858 HP; 236 Luc; 1080 XP (early Mirage Palace) -lvl 45: 208 Def; 318 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 884 HP; 242 Luc; 1147 XP (Mirage Palace; Dark Castle) -lvl 46: 208 Def; 318 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 886 HP; 247 Luc; 1219 XP (Mirage Palace- endurance room) -lvl 47: 208 Def; 318 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 888 HP; 253 Luc; 1293 XP (Mirage Palace- 'Holy City Wendel'; Dark Castle- basement) -lvl 48: 212 Def; 324 att; 48 Mdef; 54 SPR-def; 890 HP; 259 Luc; 1370 XP (late Dark Castle) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Once again we find a good candidate to slap w/ Bishop's Turn Undead. -TLaG - Carmilla Queens's MT version of Tehehe, pfftpfft covers almost the whole screen and can usually not be avoided. - Roughly 33% of the time, they'll answer a high-level tech or spell with Bloody Dance. This attack ignores any defenses, can hit the target from any location, and has a blatant wind-up animation. Feel free to maim these Flash -dance rejects during this interval. -TLaG __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> BOULDER-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _________ => Boulder <= (code eball1) -Levitating purple and gold-trimmed spheres with single, enlarged eyes... Your punishment for skipping dodgeball in Phys Ed. classes as a kid.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Moon Saber: No effect) =normal attack= - Close Eye n' Ram; single hit [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Body Change- Chibikko added effect on one target [2] Half Vanish- Halves current HP of one target =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 165 def; 261 att; 39 Mdef; 42 SPR-def; 674 HP; 126 Luc; 685 XP (Glass Desert, night; Jungle of Illusion, night; Cave of Darkness, night) -lvl 42: 172 def; 270 att; 42 Mdef; 45 SPR-def; 686 HP; 129 Luc; 731 XP (Glass Desert, night; Jungle of Illusion, night; Cave of Darkness, night) -lvl 43: 172 def; 270 att; 42 Mdef; 45 SPR-def; 696 HP; 132 Luc; 780 XP (Glass Desert, night; Jungle of Illusion- after maze, night) =Miscellaneous Notes= - These guys commonly drop the valuable ??? seeds. - They'll use Body Change or Half Vanish if hit by a spell or high-level tech. (at ~33% frequency - TLaG) _______________ => Power Boulder <= (code eball2) -Levitating green and gold-trimmed spheres with single, enlarged eyes; careful using magic on 'em..- Ice: Reflects! Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Reflects! Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Reflects! Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Reflects! Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Reflects! Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Reflects! Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: Reflects!) (I said that 7 times as fast - your turn :p) =normal attack= - Close Eye n' Ram; single hit [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Death Roulette- Death on 'random target', (can hit a monster -even off screen-); >deals 999 damage to target if his/her/its level < or = Power Boulder's level =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 44: 201 Def; 299 att; 57 Mdef; 61 SPR-def; 484 HP; 202 Luc; 831 XP (early Dragon's Hole, night) -lvl 45: 208 Def; 308 att; 60 Mdef; 64 SPR-def; 498 HP; 207 Luc; 883 XP (Dragon's Hole- path to Black Rabite, night; Dark Castle) -lvl 46: 208 Def; 308 att; 60 Mdef; 64 SPR-def; 499 HP; 212 Luc; 938 XP (Dragon's Hole, night) -lvl 47: 208 Def; 308 att; 60 Mdef; 64 SPR-def; 500 HP; 217 Luc; 995 XP (Dragon's Hole, night; Mirage Palace interior; Dark Castle- basement) -lvl 48: 212 Def; 314 att; 60 Mdef; 68 SPR-def; 502 HP; 222 Luc; 1054 XP (Dragon's Hole- endurance hall, night; late Dark Castle) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Power Boulders have a bad habit of using Death Roulette if hit by a high- level tech or spell, or rarely after taking lots of damage. - Death Roulette CAN hit (and therefore kill) the caster. Kinda funny when it happens since the Boulder's eyes go wide with panic. ^_^ __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> DEMON-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ______________ => Lesser Demon <= (code ehell1) -Hulking n' trudging dark green cacofiends; have large wings and claws, and look studly when hit.- Ice: Weak Ice Saber: Weak Fire: No effect Flame Saber: No effect Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: No effect Dark Saber: No effect =normal attack= - huge claw slash; single hit [low-mid freq] =special attacks= [1] Dark Force (ST only)- Dark-elemental lvl 2.5 spell, Magic defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 154/244/291 (lvl 27), 199/316/377 (lvl 42-43) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 27: 134 Def; 181 att; 13 Mdef; 412 HP; 122 Luc; 286 XP (Sand Fortress Navarre, throne room -after scene-) [Class 3] -lvl 42: 193 Def; 283 att; 21 Mdef; 23 SPR-def; 608 HP; 193 Luc; 950 XP (Glass Desert; Cave of Darkness) -lvl 43: 193 Def; 283 att; 21 Mdef; 23 SPR-def; 616 HP; 198 Luc; 1014 XP (Glass Desert; Jungle of Illusion- after maze; Cave of Darkness) =Miscellaneous Notes= - In Hawk and Lise's quests, the Lesser Demons in the throne room of Navarre are the earliest possible providers of ??? Seeds. -TLaG - They use Dark Force after being hit by a spell, or when low on HP. - Their Dark Force is ST-only and has about a 2.25 second wind-up. -TLaG _____________ => Great Demon <= (code ehell2) -Hulking n' trudging red beasts w/ large wings and claws; can use some heavy, hellacious magic.- Ice: Weak Ice Saber: Weak Fire: Absorbs Flame Saber: Absorbs Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attack= - huge claw slash; single hit - dual slash; double hit (~15% chance of use) [moderate freq] =special attacks= [1] Dark Force (MT)- Dark-elemental lvl 2.5 spell, Magic defense guard; >base power [ST cls 1/2/3- MT cls 1/2/3]= 199/316/377- 159/253/302 (lvl 44),.. ..211/336/400- 168/269/320 (lvl 46-99) [2] Demon Breath- Fire-elemental MT lvl 3 spell, Mind Down added effect; Magic defense guard; >base power [ST cls 1/2/3- MT cls 1/2/3]= 219/347/415- 175/278/332 (lvl 44),.. ..232/369/439- 186/295/351 (lvl 46-99) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 44: 227 Def; 318 att; 46 Mdef; 48 SPR-def; 748 HP; 236 Luc; 1163 XP (early Dark Castle- left and right wings) -lvl 45: 236 Def; 328 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 780 HP; 242 Luc; 1236 XP (Dragon's Hole; Dark Castle) -lvl 46: 236 Def; 328 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 782 HP; 247 Luc; 1313 XP (Dragon's Hole) -lvl 47: 236 Def; 328 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 784 HP; 253 Luc; 1393 XP (Dragon's Hole; Mirage Palace interior, day; Dark Castle- basement) -lvl 48: 240 Def; 334 att; 48 Mdef; 54 SPR-def; 786 HP; 259 Luc; 1475 XP (late Dark Castle) -lvl 99: 240 Def; 334 att; 48 Mdef; 54 SPR-def; 1162 HP; 547 Luc; 0 XP(!) (Dragon's Hole, Black Rabite spawn) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Dark Force and Demon Breath both hit the whole screen. - Both are used to counter spells or high-level techs; however, Dark Force has a sizable (~2.0-sec) windup time, during which the Great Demon is defenseless. (Demon Breath, however, exudes after about a 0.75 second delay... Ow. -TLaG) __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> BEE-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _________ => Gal Bee <= (code ebuzz1) -Bee and human chimeras... in bras and armor 0.0? (Uh, I think you need some help - CMK) (it's not me, it's the game designers) ..Have yellow with green padding; handle long spears.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: Strong; Leaf Saber: Strong) =normal attacks= - spear thrust, side swipe; single hits [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Whirlwind Spear- lvl 1 tech (ala Lise's `Whirlwind Lance'); >base damage = 1.67 * base att; 48 (lvl 5), 50 (lvl 6-7),.. ..98 (lvl 13), 128 (lvl 14) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 5: 14 Def; 29 att; 1 Mdef; 50 HP; 15 Luc; 4 XP (Molebear Highlands, day) -lvl 6: 18 Def; 30 att; 1 Mdef; 54 HP; 18 Luc; 5 XP (Molebear Highlands, day) -lvl 7: 18 Def; 30 att; 1 Mdef; 58 HP; 21 Luc; 6 XP (Molebear Highlands, day) -lvl 13: 23 Def; 59 att; 1 Mdef; 92 HP; 39 Luc; 23 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca, day) -lvl 14: 35 Def; 77 att; 1 Mdef; 98 HP; 42 Luc; 27 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - This class corresponds roughly to Lise's Neutral class, Amazoness. - Whirlwind Spear has a range of a little more than one character space (about 50% accuracy), but it rarely ever surfaces.. __________ => Lady Bee <= (code ebuzz2) -Armored bee and human chimeras. Have purple helmets with teal padding, and wield long spears.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: No effect, no MP loss; Leaf Saber: No effect, no MP loss) =normal attacks= - spear thrust, side swipe; single hits [low frequency] =special attacks= [1] Power Up (ST)- Power Up on self, usually at the start of fights [2] Protect Up (ST)- Defense Up on self, usually at the start of fights, but also when low on HP. [3] Mind Up (ST)- Mind Up on self, used to counter magic [4] Speed Up (ST)- Speed Up on self, used when low on HP and occasionally at the start of fights. [5] VacuumSurgeSpear- lvl 2 FST (ala Valkyrie's `Vacuum Surge Spear'), Defense guard; >base power = 2.0 * att; 262 (lvl 22-24) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 22: 66 Def; 131 att; 1 Mdef; 230 HP; 66 Luc; 102 XP (Lampflower Forest) -lvl 23: 66 Def; 131 att; 1 Mdef; 240 HP; 69 Luc; 115 XP (Lampflower Forest) -lvl 24: 66 Def; 131 att; 1 Mdef; 252 HP; 72 Luc; 129 XP (Lampflower Forest) =Miscellaneous Notes= - They correspond roughly to Lise's Light class, Valkyrie. - VacuumSurgeSpear isn't used very often, but watch out- after a Power Up, it can seriously hurt your party. ___________ => Queen Bee <= (ebuzz3) -Armored bee and human chimeras. Have yellow helmets with green padding, use long spears (Must bee the current trend, no pun intended - CMK) ..and like skewering lame joke tellers..- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Leaf: No effect, MP loss = 1/15th damage;... ..Leaf Saber: Normal (!), MP loss = 1/15th damage) =normal attacks= - spear thrust, side swipe; double hits [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Summon BeeBee- non-elemental MT attack, Defense guard; e-tech, >base power = 1.53 * att; 262 (lvl 28), 292 (lvl 30), 309 (lvl 32),.. 327 (lvl 34), 352 (lvl 36), 379 (lvl 38), 384 (lvl 40), 425 (lvl 45) [2] Power Up (ST)- Power Up on self, usually at the start of fights [3] Protect Up (ST)- Defense Up on self, usually at the start of fights, but also when low on HP. [4] Mind Up (ST)- Mind Up on self, counter to used magics [5] Speed Up (ST)- Speed Up on self, used when low on HP and occasionally at the start of fights. [6] Star Shot Spear- lvl 3 FST (ala Vanadis' `Light Shot Spear'), Defense guard; >base power = 2.5 * att; 427 (lvl 28), 477 (lvl 30), 505 (lvl 32),.. ..535 (lvl 34), 575 (lvl 36), 620 (lvl 38), 628 (lvl 40), 695 (lvl 45) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 102 Def; 171 att; 15 Mdef; 378 HP; 85 Luc; 219 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 112 Def; 191 att; 17 Mdef; 404 HP; 91 Luc; 264 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 118 Def; 202 att; 19 Mdef; 430 HP; 97 Luc; 315 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 126 Def; 214 att; 19 Mdef; 454 HP; 103 Luc; 370 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 144 Def; 230 att; 21 Mdef; 478 HP; 110 Luc; 433 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 136 Def; 248 att; 21 Mdef; 23 SPR-def; 500 HP; 116 Luc; 502 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 136 Def; 251 att; 21 Mdef; 23 SPR-def; 520 HP; 122 Luc; 576 XP (Forest of Wonder, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 161 Def; 278 att; 27 Mdef; 29 SPR-def; 568 HP; ?? Luc; 795 XP (Mirage Palace- forest scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - The Queen Bee corresponds roughly to Lise's Light-Light class, Vanadis. - Summon BeeBee hits the whole screen and can be countered only by killing the Queen Bee. - Star Shot Spear is an FST and cannot be avoided. It's usually used as a rare counter to spells or lvl 2+ techs, and if the Queen Bee uses it after a Power Up....bye-bye party. - Star Shot Spear will sparsely surface provided more than one character is attacking the Queen Bee at all times; the bees are more apt to use Speed Up or Protect Up or rarely Summon BeeBee when low on health or as counters. -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> MAGICIAN-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> __________ => Magician <= (code emage1) -Aww... they miniaturized the black mages from the FF series- eat your dark heart out, Vivi; use rods and level 1 spells.- Ice: Strong Ice Saber: Strong Fire: Strong Flame Saber: Strong Earth: Strong Diamond Saber: Strong Wind: Strong Thunder Saber: Strong Light: Strong Saint Saber: Strong Dark: Strong Dark Saber: Strong (-Note- Leaf: Normal; Leaf Saber: Normal; Moon Saber: Normal) =normal attack= - hop n' bop; single hit [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Level 1 Spells- both ST and MT (no Holy Ball used), Magic Defense guard; >base power [ST cls 1/2/3 - MT cls 1/2/3] = 58/91/108 - 46/73/86 (lvl 6-7) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 6: 21 Def; 29 att; 9 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 44 HP; 18 Luc; 6 XP (Forcena Castle) -lvl 7: 21 Def; 29 att; 9 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 48 HP; 21 Luc; 8 XP (Forcena Castle) =Miscellaneous Notes= - As you probably noticed, they have no elemental weaknesses but aren't exactly the best tanks in melee combat. Hit them with a high-level tech or spell and they'll retaliate in kind. (..They have lvl 3 techs? O.o -TLaG) - Magicians sometimes start off battles by casting spells (about 1.5 seconds casting time). The frequency of this event increases with level, though it's around 33-50%. - They correspond roughly to Angela's basic class, Magician, although compared to her they're rather gimped out. ________ => Wizard <= (code emage2) -Similar to Magicians, but greener palette swap.- Ice: Strong Ice Saber: Strong Fire: Strong Flame Saber: Strong Earth: Strong Diamond Saber: Strong Wind: Strong Thunder Saber: Strong Light: Strong Saint Saber: Strong Dark: Strong Dark Saber: Strong (-Note- Leaf: Normal; Leaf Saber: Normal; Moon Saber: Normal) =normal attack= - hop n' bop; single hit [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Level 1 Spells- both ST and MT (no Holy Ball used), Magic Defense guard; >base power [ST cls 1/2/3- MT cls 1/2/3] = 88/138/166- 70/110/133 (lvl 17-18), ..103/162/194- 82/130/155 (lvl 27), 141/224/267- 112/179/214 (lvl 45) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 17: 61 Def; 97 att; 17 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 182 HP; 51 Luc; 64 XP (Sub-Zero Snowfield) -lvl 18: 61 Def; 97 att; 17 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 192 HP; 54 Luc; 74 XP (Sub-zero Snowfield) [Class 2] -lvl 27: 101 Def; 155 att; 30 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 288 HP; 81 Luc; 220 XP (Altena Castle) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 165 Def; 273 att; 59 Mdef; 1 SPR-def; 450 HP; ?? Luc; 883 XP (Mirage Palace- snowfield scene, night) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Another boring (though annoying.. -TLaG) version of Angela. - They'll sometimes start off battles with ST spells (~33-50% chance), and often counter magic used on them with MT spells (roughly 80% chance, when prompted). _____________ => High Wizard <= (code emage3) -Pale-purple enrobed mini-mages. Still can't cast higher-level magic...- Ice: Strong Ice Saber: Strong Fire: Strong Flame Saber: Strong Earth: Strong Diamond Saber: Strong Wind: Strong Thunder Saber: Strong Light: Strong Saint Saber: Strong Dark: Strong Dark Saber: Strong (-Note- Leaf: Normal; Leaf Saber: Normal; Moon Saber: Normal) =normal attack= - hoppin n' boppin; double hits [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Level 1 Spells- both ST and MT (no Holy Ball used), Magic Defense guard; >base power [ST cls 1/2/3- MT cls 1/2/3] = 133/210/251- 106/168/201 (lvl 44), ..141/224/267- 112/179/214 (lvl 45-48) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 44: 174 Def; 294 att; 57 Mdef; 60 SPR-def; 610 HP; 135 Luc; 997 XP (early Dragon's Hole; early Dark Castle) -lvl 45: 181 Def; 303 att; 61 Mdef; 65 SPR-def; 630 HP; 138 Luc; 1059 XP (Dragon's Hole- path to Black Rabite; Dark Castle) -lvl 46: 181 Def; 303 att; 61 Mdef; 65 SPR-def; 631 HP; 142 Luc; 1125 XP (Dragon's Hole, night; Dark Castle- basement) -lvl 47: 181 Def; 303 att; 61 Mdef; 65 SPR-def; 632 HP; 145 Luc; 1194 XP (Dragon's Hole, night) -lvl 48: 184 Def; 309 att; 61 Mdef; 69 SPR-def; 634 HP; 148 Luc; 1264 XP (Dragon's Hole- endurance hall) =Miscellaneous Notes= - High Wizards often start off battles by casting a single-target spell. (approx. 33% chance on sight) - They use multi-target spells to counter your spells or high-level techs. - They don't seem to correspond well to one of Angela's classes.. ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> KNIGHT-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ______________ => Armor Knight <= (code enite1) -Burly, well-encased fighters with brown and grey armor; smack ya with huge swords and devastating techs.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Strong Diamond Saber: Strong Wind: Weak Thunder Saber: Weak Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - sword thrust, down slash; single hits [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Whirlwind Sword- lvl 2 FST (ala Gladiator's `Whirlwind Sword'), Def guard; >base damage = 2.0 * base att; 102 (lvl 9-10), 112 (lvl 11), 322 (lvl 25),.. ..378 (lvl 28), 422 (lvl 30), 448 (lvl 32), 474 (lvl 34), 510 (lvl 36),.. ..550 (lvl 38), 556 (lvl 40) =Stats= [Class 1] -(Bruiser): 15 Def; 16 att; 1 Mdef; 92 HP; 5 Luc; 1 XP (Duran's intro) -lvl 9: 32 Def; 51 att; 1 Mdef; 84 HP; 40 Luc; 12 XP (Path to the Heavens, night) -lvl 10: 32 Def; 51 att; 1 Mdef; 90 HP; 44 Luc; 16 XP (Wind Corridor) -lvl 11: 33 Def; 56 att; 1 Mdef; 96 HP; 49 Luc; 20 XP (Rolante Castle) [Class 2] -lvl 25: 110 Def; 161 att; 1 Mdef; 210 HP; 113 Luc; 179 XP (Summit of the Skies, night) -lvl 28: 112 Def; 189 att; 1 Mdef; 234 HP; 127 Luc; 243 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 123 Def; 211 att; 1 Mdef; 250 HP; 136 Luc; 293 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 130 Def; 224 att; 1 Mdef; 268 HP; 145 Luc; 349 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 138 Def; 237 att; 1 Mdef; 282 HP; 155 Luc; 411 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 158 Def; 255 att; 1 Mdef; 296 HP; 164 Luc; 481 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 149 Def; 275 att; 1 Mdef; 310 HP; 174 Luc; 557 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 149 Def; 278 att; 1 Mdef; 322 HP; 183 Luc; 640 XP (Corridor of Wind, before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Armor Knights correspond somewhat to Duran's Dark class, Gladiator. - These fools tend to be tanks and can usually give you a bit of trouble if you happen to be around their level when you meet them. - They'll use Whirlwind Sword if they sustain a heavy amount of damage in a short time (~20% frequency), and the tech has almost zero wind-up notice. (Ganging up on them is usually a wise idea as they have low HP, but take care; that full-screen tech can rip at any moment.. -TLaG) ______________ => Sword Master <= (code enite2) -Burly, well-encased fighters with beige and purple armor; lug huge swords; fond of saber magic and their powerful full-screen tech.- Ice: Strong Ice Saber: Strong Fire: Strong Flame Saber: Strong Earth: Strong Diamond Saber: Strong Wind: Strong Thunder Saber: Strong Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - sword thrust, down slash; double hits - spin & down slash; single hit (~20% chance of use) (always misses) [mid-high frequency] =special attacks= [1] ST Saber magic- use all types _except_ Leaf, Moon, Dark, and Saint sabers [2] Vacuum Sword- lvl 3 FST (ala Duran's `Vacuum Sword' as SM), Defense guard; >base damage = 2.5 * base att; 277 (lvl 17-18), 480 (lvl 28), 537 (lvl 30),.. ..570 (lvl 32), 602 (lvl 34), 647 (lvl 36), 700 (lvl 38),.. ..705 (lvl 40), 784 (lvl 45) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 17: 69 Def; 111 att; 10 Mdef; 184 HP; 88 Luc; 70 XP (Valley of Flames) -lvl 18: 69 Def; 111 att; 10 Mdef; 194 HP; 94 Luc; 81 XP (Valley of Flames) [Class 2] -lvl 28: 117 Def; 192 att; 14 Mdef; 304 HP; 148 Luc; 267 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls & Valley of Flames, night; before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 129 Def; 215 att; 18 Mdef; 324 HP; 158 Luc; 322 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls & Valley of Flames, night; before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 136 Def; 228 att; 20 Mdef; 346 HP; 169 Luc; 383 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls & Valley of Flames, night; before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 144 Def; 241 att; 21 Mdef; 366 HP; 180 Luc; 452 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls & Valley of Flames, night; before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 165 Def; 259 att; 23 Mdef; 384 HP; 192 Luc; 529 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls & Valley of Flames, night; before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 156 Def; 280 att; 23 Mdef; 24 SPR-def; 402 HP; 203 Luc; 612 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls & Valley of Flames, night; before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 156 Def; 282 att; 23 Mdef; 24 SPR-def; 418 HP; 214 Luc; 704 XP (Labyrinth of Ice Walls & Valley of Flames, night; before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 185 Def; 313 att; 29 Mdef; 31 SPR-def; 456 HP; ?? Luc; 971 XP (Mirage Palace- flame valley scene, night) =Miscellaneous= - Sword Masters always start a battle by casting a random saber. - They'll use Vacuum Sword in response to a tech or spell (~25% freq.), or in response to taking a lot of damage in a short amount of time (~10% freq.). Vacuum Sword hits the whole screen and cannot be avoided. (Ow) - They correspond approximately to Duran's Dark-Light class, Swordmaster. (I said approximately) (...I didn't say anything...d'oh! -TLaG) - Careful mobbing them when they are busy casting a saber (see last note for Dark Lords -below- for more). -TLaG _______________ => Silver Knight <= (code enite3) -Burly, well-encased fighters with gray and blue armor; lug huge swords; use healing and a stylish ST level 3 tech- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Strong Saint Saber: Strong Dark: Weak Dark Saber: Weak =normal attacks= - sword thrust, down slash; single hits [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] ST Heal Light- self healing; >base power = 300 (lvl 28-30), 321 (lvl 32), 340 (lvl 34-36),.. ..361 (lvl 38-40), 476 (lvl 45) [2] Magic Circle Cut- lvl 3 tech (ala Lord's `Magic Circle'), Defense guard; >base damage = 2.5 * base att; 435 (lvl 28), 485 (lvl 30), 515 (lvl 32),.. ..545 (lvl 34), 585 (lvl 36), 633 (lvl 38), 638 (lvl 40), 708 (lvl 45) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 125 Def; 174 att; 27 Mdef; 414 HP; 148 Luc; 243 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 137 Def; 194 att; 30 Mdef; 442 HP; 158 Luc; 293 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 144 Def; 206 att; 32 Mdef; 472 HP; 169 Luc; 349 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 153 Def; 218 att; 37 Mdef; 498 HP; 180 Luc; 411 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 175 Def; 234 att; 39 Mdef; 524 HP; 192 Luc; 481 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 166 Def; 253 att; 39 Mdef; 42 SPR-def; 548 HP; 203 Luc; 557 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 166 Def; 255 att; 39 Mdef; 42 SPR-def; 570 HP; 214 Luc; 640 XP (Ancient Ruins of Light, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 196 Def; 283 att; 51 Mdef; 54 SPR-def; 622 HP; ?? Luc; 883 XP (Mirage Palace- ruins scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - The Silver Knight corresponds nearly to Duran's Light-Dark class, Lord. - Magic Circle Cut cannot be avoided. It hits one character and is usually seen as response to techs or spells. - The knights tend to prolong battles by utilizing Heal Light on themselves when sustaining critical damage, and can occasionally whip out the Magic Circle Cut tech during such instances. Blanket them, if possible. -TLaG ___________ => Dark Lord <= (code enite4) -Burly, armored fighters with dark-purple and yellow armor; lug huge swords and can command one damn destructive lvl 3 full-screen tech- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attacks= - sword thrust, down slash; double hits - spin & down slash; single hit (~20% chance of use) (always misses) [mid-high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Dark Saber (ST)- Dark-elemental saber magic on self [2] Eruption Sword- lvl 3 FST (ala Duelist's `Eruption Sword'), Defense guard; >base damage = 2.5 * base att; 783 (lvl 44), 808 (lvl 45-47), 823 (lvl 48) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 44: 212 Def; 313 att; 10 Mdef; 690 HP; 236 Luc; 831 XP (early Dragon's Hole, night; early Dark Catle) -lvl 45: 220 Def; 323 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 712 HP; 242 Luc; 883 XP (Dragon's Hole- path to Black Rabite, night; Dark Castle) -lvl 46: 220 Def; 323 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 713 HP; 247 Luc; 938 XP (Dragon's Hole, day; Dark Castle- basement) -lvl 47: 220 Def; 323 att; 10 Mdef; 11 SPR-def; 714 HP; 253 Luc; 995 XP (Dragon's Hole, day) -lvl 48: 224 Def; 329 att; 10 Mdef; 12 SPR-def; 716 HP; 259 Luc; 1054 XP (Dragon's Hole- endurance hall, night) =Miscellaneous Notes= - The Dark Lord resembles Duran's Dark-Dark class, Duelist. - Dark Lords sometimes cast Dark Saber on themselves when they first appear. (at around 33-50% frequency of use, though it may depend on who is the lead character.. -TLaG) - If you hit the Dark Lord with a spell or high-level tech without killing it, brace yourself since you may be eating an Eruption Sword in return. And yes, Eruption Sword is full-screen and thus unavoidable. - You may not want to tempt fate and rush these dudes if you see them winding up a Dark Saber. If they survive after the saber spell, there's a pretty good chance that they'll counter the build-up of hits with Eruption Sword. -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> WEREWOLF-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> __________ => Werewolf <= (code elycn1) -Morphed lycanthropes, with shoes...Typical gray fur and brown cloaks.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Moon Saber: No effect) =normal attack= - forearm punch/backarm uppercut; double hit [high-very high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Ashura Dream Fist- lvl 1 tech (ala Grappler's `Ashura Dream Fist'), (can hit twice), Defense guard; >base power = 1.67 * att; 192 (lvl 21), 218 (lvl 24), 255 (lvl 27) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 21: 74 Def; 115 att; 1 Mdef; 322 HP; 63 Luc; 101 XP (Moonlight Forest) -lvl 24: 94 Def; 131 att; 1 Mdef; 370 HP; 72 Luc; 145 XP (Beast Kingdom, 3rd floor interior) -lvl 27: 96 Def; 153 att; 1 Mdef; 416 HP; 81 Luc; 198 XP (Beast Kingdom) =Miscellaneous Notes= - They correspond roughly with Kevin's Neutral class, Grappler, at night. - Ashura Dream Fist is very rare but will randomly occur. (less than 10% frequency) ____________ => Black Fang <= (code elycn2) -Blonde-haired, ash-grey werewolves in purple garb.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: No effect Dark Saber: No effect =normal attacks= - forearm punch; single hit; - forearm punch/backarm uppercut; double hit; [high-very high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Water-Moon Slice- lvl 2 tech (ala Bashkar's `Water-Moon Slice'), Defense guard; >base power = 2.0 * att; 234 (lvl 21), 264 (lvl 24), 310 (lvl 27) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 21: 76 Def; 117 att; 3 Mdef; 360 HP; 63 Luc; 112 XP (Moonlight Forest) -lvl 24: 96 Def; 132 att; 3 Mdef; 412 HP; 72 Luc; 161 XP (Beast Kingdom, 3rd floor interior) -lvl 27: 98 Def; 155 att; 4 Mdef; 464 HP; 81 Luc; 220 XP (Beast Kingdom) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Black Fangs correspond roughly with Kevin's Dark class, Bashkar, at night. - They often use Water-Moon Slice to counter techs or spells, and occasionally when low on HP (~25-33% activation). Careful.. _____________ => Silver Wolf <= (code elycn3) -White-furred & green-robed holy werewolves with annoyingly effective special attacks.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: No effect Saint Saber: No effect Dark: Weak Dark Saber: Weak =normal attacks= - jump kick (always misses); - forearm punch/backarm uppercut; double hit; - backarm punch/forearm punch/leap uppercut; upto 3 hits (~20% usage chance) [high-very high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Bone Crush- Power Down added effect if in range [2] Genbu-100 Kick- lvl 3 tech (ala Warrior Monk's `Genbu-100 Kick'), Defense guard; >base power = 2.5 * att; 330 (lvl 24), 387 (lvl 27), 420 (lvl 28),.. ..467 (lvl 30), 497 (lvl 32), 525 (lvl 34), 565 (lvl 36),.. ..610 (lvl 38), 615 (lvl 40) [3] MT Heal Light- mass-healing; >base power [ST/MT] = 195/156 (lvl 24), 264/211 (lv1 27), 301/241 (lvl 28-30), ..317/254 (lvl 32), 341/273 (lvl 34-36), 361/289 (lvl 38-40) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 24: 103 Def; 132 att; 20 Mdef; 432 HP; 126 Luc; 145 XP (Beast Kingdom, 3rd floor interior) -lvl 27: 106 Def; 155 att; 25 Mdef; 486 HP; 142 Luc; 198 XP (Beast Kingdom) -lvl 28: 110 Def; 168 att; 27 Mdef; 506 HP; 148 Luc; 219 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 120 Def; 187 att; 30 Mdef; 540 HP; 158 Luc; 264 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 127 Def; 199 att; 32 Mdef; 576 HP; 169 Luc; 315 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 135 Def; 210 att; 34 Mdef; 608 HP; 180 Luc; 370 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 154 Def; 226 att; 37 Mdef; 640 HP; 192 Luc; 433 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 144 Def; 244 att; 37 Mdef; 40 SPR-def; 668 HP; 203 Luc; 502 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 146 Def; 246 att; 37 Mdef; 40 SPR-def; 696 HP; 214 Luc; 576 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Silver Wolves correspond roughly with Kevin's Light-Dark class, Warrior Monk, at night. - Bone Crush is delivered via a normal attack (a jump-kick). - They'll use MT Heal Light once they run low on HP (~1.25 seconds casting time -TLaG). Kill `em before they get it off. - They counter techs/spells with Genbu, which hits one character and cannot be avoided. (The tech may also surface if they are in critically low HP range, at about 25% occurrence -TLaG) _____________ => Bloody Wolf <= (code elycn4) -Arseholes - er, cobalt-furred & blood red-robed werewolves; breed mass destruction with a persistent level 3 full-screen tech.- (I think the 'arseholes' description was more accurate - CMK) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- Moon Saber: No effect) =normal attacks= - forearm punch/backarm uppercut; double hit; - backarm punch/forearm punch/leap uppercut; upto 3 hits (~10% usage chance) - jump kick/forearm punch/forearm uppercut/leap uppercut; upto four hits.. ..(~5% chance of use) [very high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Suzaku Sky Dance- lvl 3 FST (ala Dervish's `Suzaku Sky Dance'), Defense guard; >base power = 2.5 * att; 420 (lvl 28), 467 (lvl 30), 497 (lvl 32),.. ..525 (lvl 34), 565 (lvl 36), 610 (lvl 38), 615 (lvl 40) =Stats= [Class 2] -lvl 28: 115 Def; 168 att; 24 Mdef; 436 HP; 127 Luc; 267 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 126 Def; 187 att; 27 Mdef; 468 HP; 136 Luc; 322 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 133 Def; 199 att; 30 Mdef; 498 HP; 145 Luc; 383 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 141 Def; 210 att; 31 Mdef; 526 HP; 155 Luc; 452 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 161 Def; 226 att; 34 Mdef; 552 HP; 164 Luc; 529 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 155 Def; 244 att; 34 Mdef; 36 SPR-def; 578 HP; 174 Luc; 612 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 153 Def; 246 att; 34 Mdef; 36 SPR-def; 602 HP; 183 Luc; 704 XP (Moonreading Tower, before 7th Godbeast) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Suzaku Sky Dance hits the entire screen and cannot be countered. It is often used to counter techs or spells, (..but can readily unleash if the irascible ones are low on life, at ~33-40% occurrence -TLaG) - They correspond approximately to Kevin's Dark-Dark class, Dervish, at night. (*pets Derv* -TLaG) ____________ => Wolf Devil <= (code elycn5) -Blonde, ash-furred werewolves in red robes.- (These dumbarses sponsor the most useful item in the game ;) ) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attacks= - forearm punch/backarm uppercut; double hit; - backarm punch/forearm punch/leap uppercut; upto 3 hits (~10% usage chance) - jump kick/forearm punch/forearm uppercut/leap uppercut; upto four hits.. ..(~5% chance of use) [very high frequency] =special attacks= [1] Seiryuu Death Fist- lvl 3 FST (ala Death Hand's `Seiryuu Death Fist'), Defense guard; >base power = 2.5 * att; 665 (lvl 41), 685 (lvl 42-43) [2] Energy Ball- Critical Hit Rate Up on self...be nice if it actually worked- =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 179 Def; 266 att; 20 Mdef; 32 SPR-def; 630 HP; 126 Luc; 822 XP (Cave of Darkness, day) -lvl 42: 186 Def; 274 att; 32 Mdef; 34 SPR-def; 648 HP; 129 Luc; 877 XP (Cave of Darkness, day) -lvl 43: 186 Def; 274 att; 32 Mdef; 34 SPR-def; 656 HP; 132 Luc; 936 XP (Jungle of Illusion- after maze; Cave of Darkness, day) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Wolf Devils may use Death Fist to counter spells/level 2+ techs/being ganged up on. They will NOT start battles with it. - Wolf Devils aren't as fearsome as their Bloody Wolf counterparts, since they have about a 50% chance of countering magic or heavy hits by attempting Energy Ball instead of the full-screen tech. Punish their stupidity, if so. -TLaG - The "most useful item" in the game, of course, being Wolf Devil Oil, which casts Energy Ball on a character. Yay - not! - This class corresponds to Kevin's Dark-Light class, Death Hand. (Death Hand should technically be Kev's Dark-Dark class, but whatever.. -TLaG) __________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> NINJA-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _______ => Ninja <= (code ehide1) -Stealth Assassins!- er, dudes with green tunics and brown & white desert gear who wield two butter knives and walk carrying hernias.- Ice: Strong Ice Saber: Strong Fire: Strong Flame Saber: Strong Earth: Strong Diamond Saber: Strong Wind: Strong Thunder Saber: Strong Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attack= - dagger slices; double hit- [low-mid frequency] =special attacks= [1] Shuriken (ST)- ST non-elemental projectile, Speed Down added effect, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 60/94/111 (lvl 1), 103/160/197 (lvl 11),.. ..138/218/263 (lvl 27) [2] ST Jutsus (all kinds)- ST elemental projectiles with various SD effects, Magic Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 56/89/105 (lvl 1), 86/134/162 (lvl 11),.. ..116/183/219 (lvl 27) [3] Silhouette Slice- lvl 2 tech (ala Hawk's lvl 2 tech when a Ninja), Defense guard; >base power = 2.0 * base att; 34 (lvl 1), 98 (lvl 11), 306 (lvl 27) =Stats= [Class 1] -(Eagle): 9 Def; 17 att; 1 Mdef; 86 HP; 2 Luc; 0 XP (Hawk's intro) (...had to place him somewhere 8) ) -lvl 1: 3 Def; 11 att; 1 Mdef; 28 HP; 4 Luc; 1 XP (Lise's and Hawk's intros) -lvl 11: 32 Def; 49 att; 1 Mdef; 60 HP; 33 Luc; 18 XP (Rolante Castle) -lvl 27: 107 Def; 153 att; 1 Mdef; 142 HP; 81 Luc; 198 XP (Sand Fortress Navarre) =Miscellaneous Notes= - While sometimes frustrating to handle, Ninjas aren't all that formidable. Even Silhouette Slice is easily survivable at the lowest levels. (also, these pretentious ones have pathetic Max HPs- even lower than Dark Priests -TLaG) - Ninjas have an approximately 15% chance of starting a battle right off with Silhouette Slice, which hits one opponent and cannot be avoided. - For plain Ninjas, the Justu and Shurkien skills surface infrequently and are ST only. The jutsus answer to any magic (~33% frequency), while the shurikens are an occasional response to taking too much damage (~10% frequency). -TLaG - They correspond to Hawk's Dark class, Ninja. ______________ => Ninja Master <= (code ehide2) -Ninjas with purple tunics and white & orange garb; don't upset them with level 2+ techs or magic... or breathing..- Ice: Strong Ice Saber: Strong Fire: Strong Flame Saber: Strong Earth: Strong Diamond Saber: Strong Wind: Strong Thunder Saber: Strong Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal =normal attacks= - dagger slices; double hit - extended slices; upto three hits (~25% chance of use) [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] MT Shuriken- MT non-elemental projectile, Speed Down added effect, Defense guard; >base power [ST cls 1/2/3- MT cls 1/2/3] = 95/148/175- 76/118/140 (lvl 17-18), ..138/218/263- 110/175/210 (lvl 27), 147/236/280- 118/189/224 (lvl 28-30),.. ..155/250/297- 126/200/238 (lvl 32), 165/265/314- 133/212/251 (lvl 34-40),.. ..182/289/345- 146/231/276 (lvl 45) [2] MT Jutsus (all kinds)- MT elemental projectiles with various SD effects, Magic Defense guard; >base power [ST cls 1/2/3- MT cls 1/2/3] = 85/130/154- 68/104/123 (lvl 17-18), ..116/183/219- 92/146/175 (lvl 27), 123/196/232- 98/157/186 (lvl 28-30),.. ..131/209/248- 105/167/198 (lvl 32), 138/220/261- 111/176/209 (lvl 34-40),.. ..153/243/289- 122/194/231 (lvl 45) [3] Shadow Dive- lvl 3 Tech (ala Hawk's lvl 3 tech when a Ninja Master), Defense guard; >base damage = 2.5 * base att; 242 (lvl 17-18), 388 (lvl 27), 420 (lvl 28),.. ..467 (lvl 30), 497 (lvl 32), 525 (lvl 34), 565 (lvl 36), 610 (lvl 38),.. ..615 (lvl 40), 683 (lvl 45) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 17: 72 Def; 97 att; 15 Mdef; 184 HP; 76 Luc; 64 XP (Valley of Flames) -lvl 18: 72 Def; 97 att; 15 Mdef; 194 HP; 80 Luc; 74 XP (Valley of Flames) [Class 2] -lvl 27: 118 Def; 155 att; 25 Mdef; 292 HP; 122 Luc; 220 XP (Sand Fortess Navarre) -lvl 28: 122 Def; 168 att; 27 Mdef; 304 HP; 125 Luc; 243 XP (Valley of Flames, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 134 Def; 187 att; 30 Mdef; 324 HP; 132 Luc; 293 XP (Valley of Flames, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 142 Def; 199 att; 32 Mdef; 346 HP; 145 Luc; 349 XP (Valley of Flames, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 150 Def; 210 att; 34 Mdef; 366 HP; 155 Luc; 411 XP (Valley of Flames, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 172 Def; 226 att; 37 Mdef; 384 HP; 164 Luc; 481 XP (Valley of Flames, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 163 Def; 244 att; 37 Mdef; 40 SPR-def; 402 HP; 174 Luc; 557 XP (Valley of Flames, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 163 Def; 246 att; 37 Mdef; 40 SPR-def; 418 HP; 183 Luc; 640 XP (Valley of Flames, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 193 Def; 273 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 456 HP; ?? Luc; 883 XP (Mirage Palace- flame valley scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - They correspond to Hawk's Dark-Light class, Ninja Master. - Ninja Masters have an irritating tendency to use Shadow Dive after being hit by spells or high-level techs. Shadow Dive hits one opponent and cannot be avoided. - ..However, the standard fare after being hit with a spell or lvl 2+ tech involves them throwing out an MT Jutsu. MT Shurikens can unleash if the Ninja Master suffers too much damage, or when it appears for the first time on a screen as the only/final enemy remaining. -TLaG -They are strong to all basic elements, but fortunately have low HP. A single Dark Force or Saint Beam at 17-19 SPR or INT can take them out of action at early levels. -TLaG ____________ => Nightblade <= (code ehide3) -Ninjas with brown tunics and gray & blue garb; if anything will induce controller or keyboard flight, it's these jerks.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: No effect Dark Saber: No effect =normal attacks= - dagger slices; double hit - extended slices; upto three hits (~25% chance of use) [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Flame Breath- non-elemental lvl 1.5 ST skill, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 140/222/267 (lvl 41), 148/237/282 [2] Poison Breath- non-elemental lvl 1.5 ST skill, Poison added effect, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 140/222/267 (lvl 41), 148/237/282 [3] Blow Needles- non-elemental lvl 1.5 ST skill, Silence added effect, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 140/222/267 (lvl 41), 148/237/282 [4] Deadly Weapon- non-elemental lvl 2 ST skill, Max HP Down added effect, Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 178/283/339 (lvl 41), 188/299/358 [5] SplitImage Slice- lvl 3 FST (ala Hawk's lvl 3 tech when a Nightblade), Defense guard; >base power = 2.5 * base att; 653 (lvl 41), 675 (lvl 42) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 159 Def; 261 att; 30 Mdef; 32 SPR-def; 648 HP; 188 Luc; 753 XP (Glass Desert; Cave of Darkness) -lvl 42: 164 Def; 270 att; 32 Mdef; 34 SPR-def; 660 HP; 193 Luc; 804 XP (Glass Desert; Cave of Darkness) =Miscellaneous Notes= - Nightblades will sometimes start off battles by using SplitImage Slice, which is basically Game Over at lower levels. No, it cannot be dodged. - They also use SplitImage Slice to counter spells or high-level techs (not always- around 25% chance w/ enough damage). - Their other abilities are also occasional magic counters, & will always hit. - They correspond approximately to Hawk's Dark-Dark class, Nightblade. - Take care in the Glass Desert at daytime, when Nightblades are found with Gaurdians; pre-fight Rust Hurricane + SplitImage Slice isn't pleasant. -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> SHAMAN-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> _____________ => Dark Priest <= (code esham1) -Plump, sun-soaked, and neigh naked shamans who zoom around and hide in floating cauldrons; can cast fast and annoying SPR-based spells.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: No effect Saint Saber: No effect Dark: Weak Dark Saber: Weak =normal attack= - pod ram; single hit [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Heal Light- ST healing; >base power = 126 (lvl 13), 139 (lvl 14-15), 280 (lvl 27), 300 (lvl 28-30),.. ..321 (lvl 32), 340 (lvl 34-36), 362 (lvl 38-40), 476 (lvl 45) [2] Unicorn Head- lvl 1 ST summon spell, Spirit Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 60/95/113 (lvl 13), 67/107/127 (lvl 14-15),.. ..91/144/171 (lvl 27), 97/155/184 (lvl 28-30), 106/169/200 (lvl 32),.. ..113/180/213 (lvl 34-36), 121/192/229 (lvl 38-40), 136/215/257 (lvl 45) [3] Machine Golem- lvl 1 ST summon spell, Spirit Defense guard; >base power [class 1/2/3] = 72/115/136 (lvl 13), 83/132/157 (lvl 14-15),.. ..103/163/193 (lvl 27), 110/178/209 (lvl 28-30), 118/189/224 (lvl 32),.. ..126/201/238 (lvl 34-36),133/211/251 (lvl 38-40), 148/235/280 (lvl 45) =Stats= [Class 1] -lvl 13: 28 Def; 57 att; 1 Mdef; 10 SPR-def 74 HP; 39 Luc; 26 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca) -lvl 14: 33 Def; 74 att; 1 Mdef; 14 SPR-def; 78 HP; 42 Luc; 31 XP (Volcano Isle Bucca) -lvl 15: 43 Def; 74 att; 1 Mdef; 14 SPR-def; 84 HP; 45 Luc; 37 XP (Seaside Cave, day) -lvl 17: 57 Def; 94 att; 1 Mdef; 18 SPR-def; 94 HP; 51 Luc; 52 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat; Valley of Flames) -lvl 18: 57 Def; 94 att; 1 Mdef; 18 SPR-def; 100 HP; 54 Luc; 60 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat; Valley of Flames) -lvl 19: 57 Def; 94 att; 1 Mdef; 18 SPR-def; 106 HP; 57 Luc; 69 XP (Desert of Scorching Heat) [Class 2] -lvl 27: 93 Def; 150 att; 1 Mdef; 29 SPR-def; 150 HP; 81 Luc; 176 XP (Sand Fortress Navarre) -lvl 28: 97 Def; 162 att; 1 Mdef; 32 SPR-def; 156 HP; 85 Luc; 195 XP (Valley of Flames, before 1st Godbeast) -lvl 30: 107 Def; 180 att; 1 Mdef; 35 SPR-def; 168 HP; 87 Luc; 235 XP (Valley of Flames, before 2nd Godbeast) -lvl 32: 113 Def; 191 att; 1 Mdef; 38 SPR-def; 178 HP; 97 Luc; 280 XP (Valley of Flames, before 3rd Godbeast) -lvl 34: 120 Def; 202 att; 1 Mdef; 41 SPR-def; 188 HP; 103 Luc; 329 XP (Valley of Flames, before 4th Godbeast) -lvl 36: 137 Def; 217 att; 1 Mdef; 44 SPR-def; 198 HP; 110 Luc; 385 XP (Valley of Flames, before 5th Godbeast) -lvl 38: 129 Def; 235 att; 1 Mdef; 45 SPR-def; 208 HP; 116 Luc; 446 XP (Valley of Flames, before 6th Godbeast) -lvl 40: 129 Def; 237 att; 1 Mdef; 47 SPR-def; 216 HP; 122 Luc; 512 XP (Valley of Flames, before 7th Godbeast) [Class 3] -lvl 45: 153 Def; 263 att; 1 Mdef; 61 SPR-def; 236 HP; ?? Luc; 707 XP (Mirage Palace- flame valley scene) =Miscellaneous Notes= - You guessed it; these guys correspond to Carlie's Dark Class, Enchantress. Not as cute, though. - They cast Heal Light when low on life (~1.0 second delay at Level 1, ~0.5 second delay at Level 2). Kill them fast to prevent prolonged fights. - They'll respond to techs or spells with summons...That's if they manage to survive them - Shaman-type characters aren't exactly known for their massive HP pools. _____________ => Evil Shaman <= (code esham2) -Plump grass-skirted, blue-purple shamans in orange floating cauldrons.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs =normal attack= - pod ramming; double hits [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Heal Light- persistent & instant ST healing; >base power = 428 (lvl 41), 451 (lvl 42-43), 476 (lvl 45-47), 498 (lvl 48) [2] AntiMagic- Dispelling effect on one target [3] Tinkle Rain- Clears all status effects of the targets, can be MT or ST [4] (Summon Lvl # Chibidevil)- calls forth a Chibidevil at the same level as the Evil Shaman. [5] (Summon Lvl # Gremlin)- calls forth a Gremlin at the same level as the Evil Shaman. [6] (Summon Lvl # Great Demon)- calls forth a Great Demon at the same level as the Evil Shaman. =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 41: 156 Def; 266 att; 39 Mdef; 42 SPR-def; 654 HP; 188 Luc; 822 XP (Jungle of Illusion, day) -lvl 42: 162 Def; 274 att; 42 Mdef; 45 SPR-def; 666(!) HP; 193 Luc; 877 XP (Jungle of Illusion, day) -lvl 43: 162 Def; 274 att; 42 Mdef; 45 SPR-def; 676 HP; 198 Luc; 936 XP (Jungle of Illusion- after maze, day) -lvl 45: 185 Def; 308 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 704 HP; 207 Luc; 1059 XP (Dark Castle) -lvl 47: 185 Def; 308 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 706 HP; 217 Luc; 1194 XP (Dark Castle- basement) -lvl 48: 188 Def; 314 att; 48 Mdef; 54 SPR-def; 708 HP; 222 Luc; 1264 XP (late Dark Castle) =Miscellaneous Notes= - This enemy corresponds to Carlie's Dark-Dark class, Evil Shaman. - As with all shaman-types, Evil Shamans take priority in healing other ally monsters (if damaged) before themselves. Take advantage of this altruism when trying to kill them without silencing methods handy. -TLaG - Evil Shamans rip out their healing when their HP falls below a certain percentage (50%, I believe -TLaG). This healing is near instantaneous and yes they can spam multiple heals in a row. (Best ta slowly build up a lvl 3 tech if they're isolated and being stubborn with the self-healing -TLaG) - They'll often summon a creature at the start of battle if they're alone. - They sometimes counter lvl 2+ techs or spells with AntiMagic. - Oddly, although Carlie's Evil Shaman class cannot multi-target Tinkle Rain, these enemies *can*. This surfaces only when a non-silencing MT status effect or stat alteration has been applied to the foes. It can be ST as well. -TLaG _____________ => Necromancer <= (code esham3) -Plump grass-skirted, red-purple shamans in gold floating cauldrons. You will grow to love these guys- guaranteed.- (I already do - enough to hug them ever so tightly...around the neck, of course - CMK) Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: No effect Saint Saber: No effect Dark: No effect Dark Saber: No effect =normal attack= - pod ram; single hit [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [1] Heal Light- persistent & instant ST healing; >base power = 451 (lvl 44), 476 (lvl 45-47) [2] Black Curse- Power, Mind, Protect, and Speed Down effect on one target [3] Tinkle Rain- Clears all status effects of the targets, ST only [4] (Summon Lvl # Zombie) - calls forth a Zombie at the same level as the Necromancer. [5] (Summon Lvl # Ghoul) - calls forth a Ghoul at the same level as the Necromancer. [6] (Summon Lvl # Ghost) - calls forth a Ghost at the same level as the Necromancer. =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 44: 178 Def; 299 att; 46 Mdef; 48 SPR-def; 684 HP; 202 Luc; 997 XP (early Mirage Palace) -lvl 45: 185 Def; 308 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 704 HP; 207 Luc; 1059 XP (Mirage Palace) -lvl 46: 185 Def; 308 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 706 HP; 212 Luc; 1125 XP (Mirage Palace- endurance room) -lvl 47: 185 Def; 308 att; 48 Mdef; 51 SPR-def; 707 HP; 217 Luc; 1194 XP (Mirage Palace- 'Holy City Wendel') =Miscellaneous Notes= - This enemy corresponds to Carlie's Dark-Light class, Necromancer. - Like the priest/shaman type characters, these bastards use Heal Light once they lose a certain percentage of their HP. They use it on themselves, which can make killing them a real hassle. (see Evil Shaman notes above for advice) - They'll use Black Curse when hit by spells. - Do remember that Necromancers null both Light AND Dark element spells; tis best to forego using any magics on them, however (save Angela's ultimates, lvl 3 spells, or Deathspell). -TLaG -Another unexpected aspect: unlike Carlie's Necromancer class, these dudes do *not* seem capable of multi-targeting their Tinkle Rain spell. -TLaG ___________________________ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> SHAPESHIFT-TYPE ENEMIES <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ______________ => Shapeshifter <= (code emrph1) -Liquid-solid state blue midgets; can morph into all other monsters and only use their physical attacks.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Normal Saint Saber: Normal Dark: Normal Dark Saber: Normal (-Note- *they take on elemental affinities of the monster they mutate into*) =normal attack= - jump; single hit [moderate frequency] (-Note- if the imitated monster has status effects added to their normal attacks, the shapeshifted versions will possess the same) =special attacks= [1] Shapeshift- morphs into random monster of equivalent level- all have distinct blue and orange color palettes. =Stats= (-Note- for *unmorphed* forms) [Class 1] -lvl 10: 20 def; 44 att; 1 Mdef; 146 HP; 15 Luc; 13 XP (spawned during Genova's first fight) [Class 3] -lvl 43: 96 Def; 238 att; 1 Mdef; 550 HP; 66 Luc; 624 XP (Mirage Palace- spawned during Genvoa's second fight) -lvl 44: 106 Def; 260 att; 1 Mdef; 556 HP; 68 Luc; 665 XP (Dark Castle- spawned during Genova's second fight) -lvl 49: 112 Def; 310 att; 1 Mdef; 578 HP; 76 Luc; 892 XP (Mana Holyland, 2nd visit) -lvl 50: 112 Def; 310 att; 1 Mdef; 580 HP; 77 Luc; 943 XP (Mana Holyland, 2nd visit) =Miscellaneous Notes= - They shapeshift when low on HP; beat them up to preempt the shapeshifting. - Shapeshifters cannot use the special abilities of the monsters that they morph into. - When shapeshifting is successful, their stats reset to those of the imitated monster at that level; HP resets as well. -TLaG ____________ => Shadowzero <= (code emrph2) -Blackened goopy midgets with teal 'eyes' whom can imitate a character to a tee. Fighting one of these is usually a practice in suicide.- Ice: Normal Ice Saber: Normal Fire: Normal Flame Saber: Normal Earth: Normal Diamond Saber: Normal Wind: Normal Thunder Saber: Normal Light: Weak Saint Saber: Weak Dark: Absorbs Dark Saber: Absorbs (-Note- they retain these elemental properties when morphed into a character) =normal attack= - inflating; double hits [moderate frequency] =special attacks= [Normally] [1] Revenge Voice- Power, Mind, Speed, and Protect Down on one target, if in-range [2] (Divide Lvl ## Shadowzero)- splits in two, begetting another Shadowzero at the same level [3] (Mimic)- morphs into the nearest party member (either have Deathspell handy, run at this point, or start praying..) [Mimicing] [1] Lvl # Tech- unleashes the imitated character's highest level tech (if imitating Kevin, any thow tech is randomized- as per usual) =Stats= [Class 3] -lvl 49: 112 Def; 273 att; 1 Mdef; 1150 HP; 227 Luc; 1226 XP (Mana Holyland, 2nd visit) ->[Stats When Mimicing] -Attack Power and Max HP = same as imitated character's -Defense = (character's Defense) * 0.9 -Magic and Spirit Defense = (character's Mdef_SPR-def) - 2.0 =Miscellaneous Notes= - Shadowzeroes cannot be inflicted with any status effects, even after adopting a character's form- so don't try to do anything smart on 'em.. -TLaG - When they mirror one of your characters (always after losing 75% HP), their stats reset and adjust to scale with those of the character. Also, they seem to take the form of the closest character at that time. -TLaG - The copying forms like to bust out your character's highest-level tech when badly wounded or as counters to magic. This, of course, leads to the next piece of advice: - PRAY THAT THEY DIDN'T IMITATE ANYONE WITH A LEVEL 3 FULL-SCREEN TECH! - Luckily, they can't imitate spells. (When I first fought these things, I should have changed my alias to ScreamsLikeAGirl. -SLaG) -- `.__ __ __ __ __ Coming up next..er, NOW- <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\______________________/\ ===)> < { *MEASUREMENT ISSUES* } > \ `--------------------' / `~--------------------~^-._,~- _______________________ -> -=< *Max Hit Points Values* >=- `=======================' To survey the HP stat for each enemy, I employed Half Vanish by utilizing Luna Statues on untouched enemies (always making certain to pass over Luna's day). From the damage dealt by the spell, I'd simply multiply the value by 2 to obtain the final listed HP value- this is why all the listed values are even numbers. ..It wouldn't take a mathematician to see the problem with this method: Since all decimal values are rounded down (if decimal < 0.5) or up.. (if decimal > 0.5)..to the nearest whole number for the final damage display, the Demi effect from Half Vanish, when doubled, can give either the exact max HP value (if the max HP is an even number) OR one point less than the actual value (if the max HP is an odd number). To illustrate the above: 1] ..say a monster has 68 max HP. ->Half Vanish on that monster would display a value of 34. ->If one doubles Half Vanish's damage, then one attains the exact value for that target's max HP. 2] ..say another monster has 75 max HP. ->Half Vanish now would display as 32 damage, though the AI still uses the actual 32.5 value for any subsequent calculations. ->Doubling the displayed damage yields 74 Max HP, which is off by one point from the actual value. Regardless, I hope the reader can forgive this slight discrepancy. Granted, I could have corrected the problem easily, in hindsight...but the work would be too arduous to endure just for neigh-trivial stat adjustment in some places.. _____________________________ -> -=< *Magic/Spirit Defense Values* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `=============================' Really, the problem with classifying enemy Magic Defense values lies in the zero/ground reference. In the way I proceeded to tally MDef values, there was no allowance for any values of zero in the stats. However, through PAR code working, the game runs fine enough with attributes set to zero. So, it could be argued that those enemies with one point in Magic Defense actually have zero Magic Defense, and thus all the MDef values listed in this guide should be lessened by one.. Nonetheless, it's only a difference of 1 point in average spell damage either way. Surely you can allow for this leeway 8) _________________________ -> -=< *Spell Base Power Values* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `=========================' Though a whole portion of this guide was devoted to relating spell damages with character and enemy class types, I just wanted to resurface the ever important point that not all the damage listings for magical special attacks (ie. guarded with Magic or Spirit Defense) are completely accurate. This is simply because I tallied the damage numbers for each magical attack using Angela in a final class (Archmage) w/ zero Magic Defense as the victim. Since the target was (nearly) always poor Angela, the given base spell damages only correspond perfectly against class 3 characters. How did I gather all the damage bases for the other level classes? Well, I had to use PAR codes to change Angela between her classes. For an enemy w/ multiple level numbers, I ate spell damages for two of those levels, this time with Angela in her Neutral class and later in a Second class. Obtaining the average base damages for a lvl 1 and 2 target over two distal enemy level numbers, I then simply computed an average conversion ratio and used this conversion to calculate the damages for the *rest* of the enemy's possible levels. Clear? ..I'd suspect not...so an example, if you please: *Example: =Ice Breath= -Initially, the only base values obtained for Frost Dragon's Ice Breath corresponded to class 3 recipients: 232 (lvl 28-30), 248 (lvl 32), 261 (lvl 34-36), etc... -In order to obtain the base damages for other class levels without having to endure arduous effort: I switched Angela to a neutral class (Magician), reloaded an earlier save state (before defeating the 1st GodBeast), and had her run into Ice Breath again; now I had the average base damage for a level _one_ class victim for a lvl 28 Frost Dragon's Ice Breath: 123 damage -Switching to a later save state (here, after the 4th GodBeast), I forwent the aforementioned procedure, but this time with a lvl 36 Frost Dragon: 138 damage -Now for a little number-lovin'. Divide the damages between different class'ed targets to obtain two conversion ratios: -Lvl 28 Ice Breath: 123 lvl-1 dmg / 232 lvl-3 dmg = 0.530172.. -Lvl 36 Ice Breath: 138 lvl-1 dmg / 261 lvl-3 dmg = 0.528736.. -Next, simply average the two ratios to obtain the final conversion factor: ( 0.530172 + 0.528736 ) / 2 = 0.529454 -Sweet! Now we can accurately estimate the level-1 type damages for Ice Breath without setting foot back into the game 8) (lvl 28-30): 232 * 0.529454 = 122.833328 ~ 123 lvl-1 dmg (lvl 32): 248 * 0.529454 = 131.304592 ~ 131 lvl-1 dmg (lvl 34-36): 261 * 0.529454 = 138.187494 ~ 138 lvl-1 dmg Ta Da! Now as the more vigilant readers have seen, already there surfaces some errors (122.8333 calculated dmg vs. 123 actual dmg for lvl 28-30 Ice Breath, etc..). However, also notice that these errors are relatively small.. (here, off by < 0.20 dmg). I utilized the same procedure given above for level 2-class victims. Expect a synonymous error range with class-2 values as with the computed class-1 counterparts (+or- 2 damage points). Thus, the reader can rest easy that the presented base damage values for all magical attacks in the enemy list are off by 1-2 points _at most_ from the actual numbers in-game, and that the values listed for class *three* targets are almost always accurate (as those values were taken from directly in-game). (Also note that any small discrepancy is most likely due to whole number rounding issues than anything else..) - - - - - - - That said, I'll recapitulate the crux of the Spell Damages section near the start of the guide: The class conversions (taking Class 3 targets as the base) were about the same average ratio for all spells: -For Class 1 targets: Base damage = 0.525 * base damage for class 3 targets -For Class 2 targets: Base damage = 0.843 * base damage for class 3 targets From reference point of Class 1 foes, those multipliers become: -Class 2 targets: Base damage = 1.575 * base damage for class 1 targets -Class 3 targets: Base damage = 1.875 * base damage for class 1 targets Now I could have shunned the above procedure and just opted to use these universal approximations, but I wanted to optimize accuracy *and* cover for the quirky spell damage system in this game at the same time- since the method of utilizing different equations for different classes is employed by the game .. true class multipliers don't really exist. -- `.__ __ __ __ __ Ya might be here for the- <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\_____________________________/\ ===)> < { *ENEMY AFFINITY QUICK-LIST* } > \ `---------------------------' / `~---------------------------~^-._,~- -=Priority and Terms=- -The order with which the elemental properties of each enemy are listed follow this structure: REFLection before ABSorption before NULLification before STRength before... ..MP LOSS before WEAKness before NON-elemental. -Abbreviation vernacular: REFL = Enemy reflects damage to magic of the element back to the caster. ABS = Enemy is healed by magic and/or suffers zero net damage by sabers of the element. NULL = Enemy suffers zero damage by magic and/or one point in damage by sabers of the element. STR = Enemy is strong versus magic and/or sabers of the element and halves the damage received. WEAK = Enemy is susceptible to magic (1.58-2.0 base damage) and/or sabers (1.5 base damage) of the element. MP LOSS = Target causes the character to lose MP = 1/15th damage dealt (or would have been dealt). NON = Enemy is neutral to *all* elements for magic and sabers. else NON = 'neutral to all but that listed'; only added after monsters w/ odd affinities to affirm that everything else is, in fact, neutral towards them. (of course, assume the above term with each entry, if not given 8) ) -And for clarity: 'EARTH Saber' = Diamond Saber 'FIRE Saber' = Flame Saber 'LIGHT Saber' = Saint Saber 'WIND Saber' = Thunder Saber ___________ -> -=< *Full List* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `===========' [-Armor Knight-] STR to EARTH Magic and Saber, WEAK to WIND Magic and Saber [-Assassin Bug-] NULLs LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Basilisk-] ABSs EARTH Magic and Saber, WEAK to ICE Magic and Saber [-Battum-] NULLs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Beast Master-] REFLs EARTH Magic, WEAK to WIND Magic and Saber, else NON [-Black Fang-] NULLs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Bloody Wolf-] NULLs MOON Saber, else NON [-Boulder-] NULLs MOON Saber, else NON [-Bound Wolf-] NON [-Bulette-] NULLs EARTH Magic and Saber, WEAK to WIND Magic and Saber [-Carmilla-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Carmilla Queen-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Chibi Devil-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Cockabird-] NULLs EARTH and WIND Magic and Sabers, else NON [-Cockatrice-] NULLs EARTH Magic and Saber, WEAK to ICE Magic and Saber, else NON [-Dark Battum-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Dark Lord-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Dark Priest-] NULLs LIGHT Magic and Saber, WEAK to DARK Magic and Saber [-Darth Mantango-] NULLs LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Death Machine-] REFLs FIRE and ICE Magic, else NON [-Dragon Zombie-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Duck General-] STR to FIRE Magic and Saber, WEAK to ICE Magic and Saber [-Duck Soldier-] STR to FIRE Magic and Saber, WEAK to ICE Magic and Saber [-Element Sword-] STR to FIRE, ICE, WIND, and EARTH Magic and Sabers [-Evil Shaman-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Evil Sword-] NULLs WIND magic and Saber, WEAK to EARTH Magic and Saber [-Firedrake-] ABSs FIRE Magic and Saber, WEAK to ICE Magic and Saber [-Frost Dragon-] ABSs ICE Magic and Saber, WEAK to FIRE Magic and Saber [-Gal Bee-] STR to LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Ghost-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Ghoul-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Giga Crawler-] REFLs LEAF magic, else NON [-Goblin-] STR to EARTH Magic and Saber, WEAK to WIND Magic and Saber [-Goblin Lord-] NULLs EARTH Magic and Saber, WEAK to WIND Magic and Saber [-Gold Bulette-] REFLs EARTH Magic, WEAK to WIND Magic and Saber, else NON [-Gold Unicorn-] NULLs LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Great Demon-] ABSs DARK and FIRE Magic and Sabers, WEAK to LIGHT and ICE Magic and Sabers [-Great Rabite-] NON [-Grell-] NON [-Grell Mage-] ABSs LIGHT Magic and Saber, WEAK to DARK Magic and Saber [-Gremlin-] REFLs ALL *except* LIGHT and LEAF Magic, WEAK to LIGHT saber, else NON [-Guardian-] ABSs FIRE Magic and Saber, WEAK to ICE Magic and Saber [-Harpy-] STR to WIND Magic and Saber, WEAK to EARTH Magic and Saber [-High Wizard-] STR to ALL Magic and Sabers *except* LEAF and MOON [-Kerberos-] ABSs FIRE Magic and Saber, WEAK to ICE Magic and Saber [-King Rabite-] NON [-Lady Bee-] NULLs LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Lesser Demon-] NULLs DARK and FIRE Magic and Sabers, WEAK to LIGHT and ICE Magic and Sabers [-Machine Golem-] NON [-Magician-] STR to ALL Magic and Sabers *except* LEAF and MOON [-Mama Poto-] ABSs LIGHT Magic and Saber, WEAK to DARK Magic and Saber [-Mega Crawler-] NULLs LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Molebear-] NULLs EARTH Magic and Saber, WEAK to WIND Magic and Saber [-Myconid-] STR to LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Necromancer-] NULLs LIGHT and DARK Magic and Sabers, else NON [-Needlebird-] STR to WIND Magic and Saber, WEAK to EARTH Magic and Saber [-Needlion-] REFLs EARTH Magic, WEAK to WIND Magic and saber, else NON [-Nightblade-] NULLs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Ninja-] STR to EARTH, FIRE, ICE, and WIND Magic and Sabers, else NON [-Ninja Master-] STR to EARTH, FIRE, ICE, and WIND Magic and Sabers, else NON [-Pakkun Baby-] NULLs ICE Magic and Saber, WEAK to FIRE Magic and Saber [-Pakkun Dragon-] ABSs LIGHT Magic and Saber, else NON [-Pakkun Lizard-] NULLs ICE Magic and Saber, WEAK to FIRE Magic and Saber [-Pakkuri Baby-] ABSs LIGHT Magic and Saber, else NON [-Papa Poto-] REFLs LIGHT Magic, WEAK to DARK Magic and Saber, else NON [-Petit Dragon-] NON [-Petit Poseidon-] STR to ICE Magic and Saber, WEAK to FIRE Magic and Saber [-Petit Tiamat-] ABSs WIND Magic abd Saber, WEAK to EARTH Magic and Saber [-Porobin Hood-] NULLs LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Porobin Leader-] NULLs LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Poron-] STR to LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Poto-] NULLs LIGHT Magic and Saber, WEAK to DARK Magic and Saber [-Power Boulder-] REFLs ALL Magic (including Leaf), else NON [-Queen Bee-] NULLs LEAF Magic, MP LOSS w/ LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Rabilion-] NON [-Rabite-] NON [-Ruster Bug-] NULLs LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Sahagin-] STR to ICE Magic and Saber, WEAK to FIRE Magic and Saber [-Sea Dragon-] ABSs ICE Magic and Saber, WEAK to FIRE Magic and Saber [-Sea Serpent-] NULLs ICE Magic and Saber, WEAK to FIRE Magic and Saber [-Shadowzero-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Shapeshifter-] NON [-Silver Knight-] STR to LIGHT Magic and Saber, WEAK to DARK Magic and Saber [-Silver Wolf-] NULLs LIGHT Magic and Saber, WEAK to DARK Magic and Saber [-Siren-] ABSs WIND Magic and Saber, WEAK to EARTH Magic and Saber [-Slime-] ABSs ICE Magic and Saber, WEAK to FIRE Magic and Saber [-Slime Prince-] ABSs ICE Magic and Saber, NULLs LEAF Magic, MP LOSS w/.. ..LEAF Magic and Saber, WEAK to FIRE Magic and Saber, else NON [-Specter-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Sword Master-] STR to EARTH, FIRE, ICE, and WIND Magic and Sabers, else NON [-Unicorn Head-] STR to LEAF Magic and Saber, else NON [-Werewolf-] NULLs MOON Saber, else NON [-Wizard-] STR to ALL Magic and Sabers *except* LEAF and MOON [-Wolf Devil-] ABSs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber [-Zombie-] NULLs DARK Magic and Saber, WEAK to LIGHT Magic and Saber -- ______________________ -> -=< *Status Immunity Info* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `======================' A more recent addition to this guide, these short lists tell which monsters are immune to any given status aliment. Note that Shapeshifters, Shadowzeros, & all bosses are UNaffected by ALL status effects, and have been mentioned last in each category. =from Chibikko= Chibidevil Shapeshifter Shadowzero -bosses- =from Snowman= Death Machine Frost Dragon Sea Dragon Shapeshifter Shadowzero -bosses- =from Petrify= Basilisk Cockabird Cockatrice Shapeshifter Shadowzero -bosses- =from Poison= Assassin Bug Dragon Zombie Ghoul Giga Crawler Mega Crawler Petit Dragon Slime Prince Shapeshifter Shadowzero -bosses- (_not_ Slimes, surprisingly) =from Silence= Dragon Zombie Harpy Petit Tiamat Siren Shapeshifter Shadowzero -bosses- =from Sleep= Giga Crawler Golden Unicorn Mega Crawler Myconid Porobin Hood Porobin Leader Poron Shapeshifter Shadowzero -bosses- _________________ -> -=< *Undead Enemies* >=- `=================' You thought that last section was short? Well, this one is even worse.. All enemies that qualify as undead can thence be affected by Bishop's Turn Undead spell. As long as Carlie's current level is even or greater than that of the undead foes, the Turn Undead spell will deal 999 damage to any of them left on the screen. Otherwise, insufficient levels with Carlie will make Turn Undead harmless. Note that two bosses can also be susceptible to Turn Undead- =Undead Enemies= Carmilla Carmilla Queen Dragon Zombie Ghoul Zombie -Jagan- -Dark Lich- That's all! Spirit or evil-type enemies, such as Specters or Gremlins, can NOT be hit with Turn Undead. All non-undead monsters suffer zero damage with the spell. -- _______________________ -> -=< *Elemental Census Data* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `=======================' This next recent & small addition to the guide merely summarizes the types of elemental properties exhibited by the various monsters of the game. The information given following is moreorless trivial, and may only serve to sate any curiosity the readers may have. The chart below should be relatively straight-forward, given the reader has skimmed through the terms plaguing the Affinity List. Each number corresponds to how many different monsters possess the given property (columns) for any given element (rows). Saber damage can never reflected, hence all the N/A's (DNAs!). =*Element*= || =*Reflct*= =*Absorb=* =* Null *= =*Strong*= *= Weak *= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [-Ice Magic-] 3 4 3 9 9 [-Ice Saber-] N/A 4 5 7 9 [-Fire Magic-] 3 4 1 9 9 [-Flame Saber-] N/A 4 3 7 9 [-Wind Magic-] 2 2 2 9 8 [-Thunder Saber-] N/A 2 4 7 8 [-Earth Magic-] 5 1 5 9 5 [-Diamond Saber-] N/A 1 7 7 5 [-Light Magic-] 2 4 4 4 19 [-Saint Saber-] N/A 4 5 3 19 [-Dark Magic-] 2 13 6 3 7 [-Dark Saber-] N/A 13 6 3 7 [-Leaf Magic-] 2 0 10 4 0 [-Leaf Saber-] N/A 0 8 4 0 [-Moon Saber-] N/A 0 3 0 0 - - - - - - - __________________ -=Individual Tallies=- `----------------^ ~[-ICE-]~ =>Total types WEAK to Ice element = 9 =~ 9.5% ~Class One~ [4] (Cockatrice, Duck General, Duck Soldier, Firedrake) ~Class Two~ [6] ('rare's count as half-points) (Cockatrice, Duck General, Duck Soldier, Firedrake, Kerberos -rare-, Lesser Demon -rare-) ~Class Three~ [5] (Basilisk, Cockatrice, Guardian, Lesser Demon, Great Demon) =>Total STRONG, NULL, and ABSORBent to Ice element = 16 =~ 16.8% ~Class One~ [10] (Magician, Ninja, Ninja Master, Pakkun Baby, Pakkun Lizard, Sahagin, Sea Serpent, Slime, Swordmaster, Wizard) ~Class Two~ [7] (Frost Dragon, Ninja Master, Petit Poseidon, Sea Dragon, Slime Prince, Swordmaster, Wizard) ~Class Three~ [3] (Element Sword, Frost Dragon, High Wizard) `->Total REFLECTing Ice magic = 3 (Death Machine, Gremlin, Power Boulder) ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[-FIRE-]~ =>Total types WEAK to Fire element = 9 =~ 9.5% ~Class One~ [5] (Pakkun Baby, Pakkun Lizard, Sahagin, Sea Serpent, Slime) ~Class Two~ [4] (Frost Dragon, Petit Poseidon, Sea Dragon, Slime Prince) ~Class Three~ [1] (Frost Dragon) =>Total STRONG, NULL, and ABSORBent to Fire element = 14 =~ 14.7% ~Class One~ [8] (Duck General, Duck Soldier, Firedrake, Magician, Ninja, Ninja Master, Sword Master, Wizard) ~Class Two~ [8] (Duck General, Duck Soldier, Firedrake, Kerberos -rare-, Ninja, Ninja Master, Lesser Demon -rare-, Sword Master, Wizard) ~Class Three~ [6] (Element Sword, Guardian, High Wizard, Kerberoses, Lesser Demon, Great Demon) `->Total REFLECTing Fire magic = 3 (Death Machine, Gremlin, Power Boulder) ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[-WIND-]~ =>Total types WEAK to Wind element = 8 =~ 8.4% ~Class One~ [6] (Armor Knight, Bulette, Goblin, Goblin Lord, Gold Bulette, Molebear) ~Class Two~ [3.5] (Armor Knight, Beast Master, Gold Bulette -rare-, Needlion) ~Class Three~ [0] (-) =>Total STRONG, NULL, and ABSORBent to Wind element = 13 =~ 13.7% ~Class One~ [9] (Cockabird, Evil Sword, Harpy, Magician, Needlebird, Ninja, Ninja Master, Sword Master, Wizard) ~Class Two~ [7] (Cockabird, Evil Sword, Harpy, Needlebird, Ninja Master, Siren, Sword Master) ~Class Three~ [3] (Element Sword, Petit Tiamat, High Wizard) `->Total REFLECTing Wind magic = 2 (Gremlin, Power Boulder) ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[-EARTH-]~ =>Total types WEAK to Earth element = 5 =~ 5.3% ~Class One~ [3] (Evil Sword, Harpy, Needlebird) ~Class Two~ [4] (Evil Sword, Harpy, Needlebird, Siren) ~Class Three~ [1] (Petit Tiamat) =>Total STRONG, NULL, and ABSORBent to Earth element = 15 =~ 15.8% ~Class One~ [12] (Armor Knight, Bulette, Cockatrice, Cockabird, Goblin, Goblin Lord, Magician, Molebear, Ninja, Ninja Master, Sword Master, Wizard) ~Class Two~ [6] (Armor Knight, Cockatrice, Cockabird, Ninja Master, Sword Master, Wizard) ~Class Three~ [3] (Basilisk, Element Sword, High Wizard) `->Total REFLECTing Earth magic = 5! (Beastmaster, Gold Bulette, Gremlin, Needlion, Power Boulder) ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[-LIGHT-]~ =>Total types WEAK to Light element = 19 =~ 20.0% ~Class One~ [5] (Battum, Chibidevil, Ghoul, Specter, Zombie) ~Class Two~ [7.5] (Black Fang, Carmilla, Chibidevil, Dark Battum, Ghoul, Lesser Demon -rare-, Specter, Zombie) ~Class Three~ [11.5] (Carmilla Queen, Chibidevil -rare-, Dark Lord, Dragon Zombie, Evil Shaman, Ghost, Great Demon, Gremlin, Nightblade, Lesser Demon, Shadowzero, Wolf Devil) =>Total STRONG, NULL, and ABSORBent to Light element = 12 =~ 12.6% ~Class One~ [5] (Dark Priest, Magician, Mama Poto, Poto, Wizard) ~Class Two~ [8] (Dark Priest, Grell Mage, Mama Poto, Pakkun Dragon, Pakkuri Baby, Silver Knight, Silver Wolf, Wizard) ~Class Three~ [2] (High Wizard, Necromancer) `->Total REFLECTing Light magic = 2 (Papa Poto, Power Boulder) ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[-DARK-]~ =>Total types WEAK to Dark element = 7 =~ 7.4% ~Class One~ [3] (Dark Priest, Mama Poto, Poto) ~Class Two~ [8] (Dark Priest, Grell Mage, Mama Poto, Papa Poto, Silver Knight, Silver Wolf) ~Class Three~ [1] (Papa Poto) =>Total STRONG, NULL, and ABSORBent to Dark element = 22 =~ 23.2% ~Class One~ [7] (Battum, Chibidevil, Ghoul, Magician, Specter, Wizard, Zombie) ~Class Two~ [8.5] (Black Fang, Carmilla, Chibidevil, Dark Battum, Ghoul, Lesser Demon -rare-, Specter, Wizard, Zombie) ~Class Three~ [12.5] (Carmilla Queen, Chibidevil -rare-, Dark Lord, Dragon Zombie, Evil Shaman, Ghost, Great Demon, High Wizard, Necromancer, Nightblade, Lesser Demon, Shadowzero, Wolf Devil) `->Total REFLECTing Dark magic = 2 (Gremlin, Power Boulder) ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[-LEAF-]~ =>Total types WEAK to Leaf element = 0 -[None! Nill! Nada! Nutin' honey!] (..well, sans Koren.. but he's the exception to everything) =>Total STRONG, NULL, and ABSORBent to Leaf element = 14 =~ 14.7% (13 for the saber) ~Class One~ [5] (Assassin Bug, Gal Bee, Myconid, Poron, Unicorn Head) ~Class Two~ [6.5] (Assassin Bug -rare-, Darth Mantango, Lady Bee, Mega Crawler, Porobin Hood, Porobin Leader, Slime Prince, Queen Bee, Unicorn Head) ~Class Three~ [3] (Assassin Bug -rare-, Golden Unicorn, Mega Crawler -rare, Ruster Bug) `->Total REFLECTing Leaf magic = 2 (Giga Crawler, Power Boulder) ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~[-MOON SABER-]~ =>Total types WEAK to Moon element = 0 -[No go, Roger] =>Total NULLifying Moon Saber = 3 =~ 3.2% ~Class One~ [0] (-) ~Class Two~ [2] (Bloody Wolf, Werewolf) ~Class Three~ [1] (Boulder) `->Total REFLECTing Moon magic = N/A -- `.__ __ __ __ __ Put yer grubby hands on- <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\_____________________/\ ===)> < { *ENEMY SPOILS LIST* } > \ `-------------------' / `~-------------------~^-._,~- In yon experiences all throughout this game, you'll likely encounter numerous treasure chests which all hide certain goods- you know, the same fare that has become a hackenedyed facet to most rpg games out there. In SD3, (most) treasure chests only appear after the conclusion of a battle, when the last foe has been elimated from the area. In such cases, the chests have an approximate 1:6 chance of appearing after each fight. The items possibly contained within each chest vary with whichever monster type was last slain. The majority of monsters can drop more than one type of item, and the specific item gleaned from each chest depends on the Luck attribute value of the character opening the chest as compared to the Luck attribute of the last-slain foe. Generally, any given monster can drop one of three consumable spoils: 1] An item more common at lower Luck values with the chest opener 2] An item more common at higher Luck values w/ that character 3] A rare item that has anywhere from a 1:4-1:50 chance of appearing instead of the *lower*-Luck item. Some enemies only drop 1-2 items, and a few can drop 4, but in each case the low/high/low-&-rare parameters still hold for the range of items. It is difficult to assess exactly how Luck can determine which item surfaces w/ respect to the enemy's own Luck stat, and the chances of the rare item's appearance vary with the monster. But, generally, rough analysis shows that having equal Luck w/ respect to the enemy grants one about 60-80% chance of obtaining the lower Luck and/or rare item over the higher Luck spoil (not an exact science, obviously). The following is a *very* curt guideline to enemy Luck values: -Lvl 10 enemies = 6-8 Luck -Lvl 21 enemies = 10-12 Luck -Lvl 32 enemies = 12-14 Luck -Lvl 44 enemies = 13-16 Luck Keep in mind the attribute's value fluctuates with the monster type itself. - - - - - - - ______________ -> -=< *Full Listing* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `==============' Now that the dribble is out of the way, we (I) present the now completed list of all the possible dropped items from each monster in the game. The format should speak (er- read) for itself. If a '(?)' is noted after the entry, it simply indicates that the given enemy appears to only drop one sort of item, but there still exists the possibility of another spoil being a (grossly) rare event. No actual probabilities are available for the rare item finds at this time (-sawry-), but those relics that like to wait a blue moon to pop up have been indicated as being 'very rare' (oooo..) If you notice any errors in this section of the guide (tis highly likely I miss-typed an entry here or there) then please take the courtesy to notify me via e-mail (rgm6[at]po.cwru.edu), or just yell at me on the boards. Alrighty, I'll shut up now: [-Armor Knight-] Dreamsee Herb Pakkun Chocolate Angel's Grail [-Assassin Bug-] Puipui Grass Assassin Bug's Eye Honey Drink [-Basilisk-] Honey Drink Basilisk's Fang ??? Seed [-Battum-] Round Drop Stardust Herb Dreamsee Herb [-Beastmaster-] Needlion's Eye Slime's Eye Battum's Eye [-Bill & Ben-] Round Drop (boss fights only) [-Black Fang-] Pakkun Chocolate Moon Coin Angel's Grail [-Black Rabite-] Moogle Charm (boss fight only) [-Bloody Wolf-] Round Drop Mysterious Seed (very rare) Moon Coin [-Boulder-] ??? Seed Luna Statue ??? Seed [-Boundwolf-] Round Drop Puipui Grass Pakkun Chocolate [-Bulette-] Puipui Grass Bulette's Scale Angel's Grail [-Carmilla-] Puipui Grass Stardust Herb Carmilla's Claw [-Carmilla Queen-] Honey Drink Weapon/Armor Seed ??? Seed [-Chibidevil-] Puipui Grass Item Seed Chibidevil's Eye [-Cockabird-] Stardust Herb Puipui Grass Flying Item Seed [-Cockatrice-] Puipui Grass Stardust Herb Honey Drink [-Dark Battum-] Puipui Grass Battum's Eye Magic Seed [-Dark Lord-] Stardust Herb Weapon/Armor Seed ??? Seed [-Dark Priest-] Pakkun Chocolate Item Seed Angel's Grail [-Darth Mantango-] Dreamsee Herb Magic Walnut -OR- Stardust Herb Mantango Oil [-Death Machine-] Weapon/Armor Seed Weapon/Armor Seed (?) Weapon/Armor Seed [-Dragon Zombie-] Puipui Grass Angel's Grail Weapon/Armor Seed [-Duck General-] Pumpkin Bomb Honey Drink Item Seed [-Duck Soldier-] Round Drop Pumpkin Bomb Item Seed [-Element Sword-] Dart Throwing Item Seed Weapon/Armor Seed [-Evil Shaman-] Pakkun Chocolate Magic Seed Specter's Eye [-Evil Sword-] Puipui Grass Storm Coin Mysterious Seed [-Firedrake-] Drake's Scale Fire Lizard Fang Angel's Grail [-Frost Dragon-] Puipui Grass White Dragon Fang Magic Seed [-Gal Bee-] Puipui Grass Honey Drink Item Seed [-Ghost-] Flying Item Seed Ghost's Eye ??? Seed [-Ghoul-] Round Drop Item Seed Flying Item Seed [-Giga Crawler-] Puipui Grass Crawler's Claw Hand Axe [-Goblin-] Round Drop Hand Axe Item Seed [-Goblin Lord-] Magical Rope Battum's Eye Dreamsee Herb [-Gold Bulette-] Pakkun Chocolate Stardust Herb Mysterious Seed [-Gold Unicorn-] Weapon/Armor Seed Weapon/Armor Seed (?) Weapon/Armor Seed [-Great Demon-] Weapon/Armor Seed Weapon/Armor Seed (?) Weapon/Armor Seed [-Great Rabite-] Stardust Herb Honey Drink (very rare) Weapon/Armor Seed [-Grell-] Grell Oil Magic Seed Magic Walnut [-Grell Mage-] Grell Oil Magic Seed Flying Item Seed [-Gremlin-] Puipui Grass Darkness Coin ??? Seeds [-Guardian-] Flying Item Seed Magic Seed (very rare) ??? Seed [-Harpy-] Round Drop Stardust Herb Harpy's Fang [-High Wizard-] Round Drop Magic Seed ??? Seed [-Kaiser Mimic-] Round Drop (trap wheel) [-Kerberos-] Pakkun Chocolate Kerberos' Claw Weapon/Armor Seed [-King Rabite-] Round Drop Angel's Grail Mysterious Seed [-Lady Bee-] Puipui Grass Bee's Eye Honey Drink [-Lesser Demon-] Shade Statue Weapon/Armor Seed ??? Seed [-Machine Golem-] Round Drop Hand Axe Stardust Herb [-Machine Golems-] Round Drop *boss fights* Puipui Grass Pakkun Chocolate [-Magician-] Flame Coin Light Coin Ice Coin [-Mama Poto-] Light Coin Mama Poto Oil Wisp Statue [-Mega Crawler-] Pakkun Chocolate Crawler's Claw Item Seed [-Molebear-] Round Drop Earth Coin Pakkun Chocolate [-Myconid-] Rounnd Drop Puipui Grass Myconid's Eye [-Necromancer-] Pakkun Chocolate Flying Item Seed Weapon/Armor Seed [-Needlebird-] Round Drop Bird's Scale Storm Coin [-Needlion-] Needlion's Eye Molebear's Claw Gnome Statue [-Nightblade-] Weapon/Armor Seed Weapon/Armor Seed (?) Weapon/Armor Seed [-Ninja-] Round Drop Dart Hand Axe [-Ninja Master-] Stardust Herb Flying Item Seed Shuriiken [-Ogre Box-] Round Drop (trap wheel) [-Pakkun Baby-] Pakkun Chocolate Pakkun Oil Magic Seed [-Pakkun Dragon-] Pakkun Chocolate Pumpkin Bomb Mysterious Seed [-Pakkun Lizard-] Round Drop Hand Axe Mysterious Seed [-Pakkuri Baby-] Pakkun Chocolate Pakkun Oil Light Coin [-Papa Poto-] Puipui Grass Papa Poto's Claw (very rare) -OR- Poto Oil ??? Seed [-Petit Dragon-] Puipui Grass Assassin Bug's Eye Magic Seed [-Petit Poseidon-] Pakkun Chocolate Poseidon's Claw Angel's Grail [-Petit Tiamat-] Mysterious Seed Weapon/Armor Seed (very rare) ??? Seed [-Porobin Hood-] Dart Myconid's Eye Dryad Statue [-Porobin Leader-] Round Drop Porobin Oil Flying Item Seed [-Poron-] Round Drop Dart Pakkun Chocolate [-Poto-] Round Drop Poto Oil Angel's Grail [-Power Boulder-] Angel's Grail Poto Oil (very rare) ??? Seed [-Queen Bee-] Round Drop Honey Drink Item Seed [-Rabilion-] Round Drop Item Seed Stardust Herb [-Rabite-] Round Drop Pakkun Chocolate Item Seed [-Ruster Bug-] Pakkun Chocolate Assassin Bug's Eye (very rare) ??? Seed [-Sahagin-] Puipui Grass Sahagin's Scale Item Seed [-Sea Dragon-] Ice Coin Undine Statue Mysterious Seed [-Sea Serpent-] Pakkun Chocolate Ice Coin Magic Seed [-Shadowzero-] Pakkun Chocolate Shadowzero's Eye (very rare) Weapon/Armor Seed [-Shapeshifter-] Pakkun Chocolate *unmorphed forms* Puipui Grass Angel's Grail [-Silver Knight-] Puipui Grass Angel's Grail Papa Poto's Claw [-Silver Wolf-] Pakkun Chocolate Angel's Grail Item Seed [-Siren-] Dreamsee Herb Harpy's Fang Siren's Claw [-Slime-] Puipui Grass Slime's Eye Stardust Herb [-Slime Prince-] Pakkun Chocolate Honey Drink Angel's Grail [-Specter-] Puipui Grass Magic Seed Specter's Eye [-Swordmaster-] Poseidon's Claw Kerberos' Claw Carmilla's Claw [-Unicorn Head-] Puipui Grass Dart Angel's Grail [-Werewolf-] Stardust Herb Moon Coin Mysterious Seed [-Wizard-] Undine Statue Salamando Statue Jinn Statue [-Wolf Devil-] Weapon/Armor Seed Weapon/Armor Seed (?) Weapon/Armor Seed [-Zombie-] Puipui Grass Magical Rope Dreamsee Herb -- `.__ __ __ __ __ As we're packing up.. <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- -=Egregious Potential Issues and Their Attempted Answers=- ..er... /\_____________/\ ===)> < { **FAQ's** } > \ `-----------' / `~-----------~^-._,~- [default commentary by TLaG] (- if YOU have a concern or inquiry *related to this guide!*, let me know at: rgm6pocwruedu -) -=Topics covered=- (in order of appearance; read left to right) -Statement of purpose.. sorta- -Problem with level 38 Defense values- -Some other notably 'odd' stats- -Power Boulder bug- -What is/why 'else NON'?- -Boss issue- -Black Rabite coverage?- -Why dropped item info was added- -Clearance of Moon Saber rumors- -Issue of buggy skills & attacks- -About the base damage values..- -Ogre Box & Kaiser Mimic concern- -Shape-fitted monsters concern- -'Whadya think of this class/party?'- -Dealing with enemy skills & techs- -The beAst beAstiary evAer!- -So you don't like our outtakes...- -...and you don't like numbers?- - - - - - - - => Most people don't care to know the exact stat values for monsters, and such things can be found in strategy guides anyway. So why bother? -Ah yes, the 'Why?' question... Well, firstly a complete bestiary faq for this game had never been created or posted before. Secondly, this game was never officially released State-side, so ya'd be hard-pressed to find any strategy guides published by Brady Games or whatnot that could cover an full enemy list for Seiken Densetsu 3. Lastly, I felt that I owed the SD3 board here at Gamefaqs _something_ for the time I spent on the forum. I realize most readers aren't concerned with the precise statistical info contained within this document. But at least the data is there, for completeness. => What's up with the defense stats for lvl 38 Godbeast monsters? Did you majorly mess up your notes? -No no. That is actually a hiccup in the underlying code. I assure the readers that those defense values listed are accurate- level 38 foes in the GodBeast areas do indeed often drop in defense considerably. This is likely just due to the programmers unknowingly swapping the defense bases for those level 36 monsters with level 38, while not remedying this at level 40. Notice how the defense values for each monster have an abnormally high increase at level 36? ..oops.. Quite a sizeable mistake ya? Heh, well anything goes in SD3's code 8) (This typing error is actually analogous to Hawk's gigantic 72-point max HP boost from level 55 to 56. With all levels above 55, each character always gains 12 points in max HP, so the '72' error with Hawk was likely because an inattentive programmer hit the '7' on the numpad instead of the '1' when inputting that value..) Dumb mistakes happen, and they live unchecked in this game :p ~ That is true. Unfortunately, SD3 is chock full of errors that don't seem to have alerted the QA team. That's the price we pay for Neill Corlett and co.'s excellent translation. - CMK => Am I seeing things, or do the defense values for Rabilions and King Rabite's really lower from level 26 to 27? // Why does the Gold Bulette drop larger sums of Luc then his higher-level enemy counterparts? // Whoah! The attack power for lvl 36 Sahagin's is *that* high?? // (etc..) -These questions are grouped together as prime examples of the ambiguous 'weirdoes' among all the numbers given. They have been listed here to make the readers aware that the faq authors themselves acknowledge such oddities, and to assure you that such are not the result of typos or incorrect notation. So yes, the defense stat for Rabilions and King Rabites does indeed decrease by one/two points at level 27- I checked so almost obsessively. A similar situation arises with enemy attack powers from level 36 to 38 enemies in the GodBeast areas (see above). Yep- the Gold Bulettes do stow much loot (must be those tough hides).. but the only problem is that they are a very rare enemy to encounter, as the Beast Masters seem much more apt to unleash a Kerberos when prompted. So infrequent were the golden ones that it was quite a miracle to obtain their stats at all for the GodBeast levels. *grumbles* Uh huh, Sahagins gain an obscene 27-pt attack power increase at level 37, propelling these weak earlier enemies over even Silver Knights and Frost Dragons in physical damage at that stage. => Hey, I just tried some elemental spells on a Power Boulder and it didn't reflect anything??...But when I tried so on another boulder, I DID take damage back. What gives? -Small hiccup in the code.. There seems to be one Power Boulder which cannot reflect any spells (in particular, the lvl 48 one late in the Dark Castle that may appear in the area following where Tzenker was fought). Why only that one poor boulder? ...I dunno :/ => What's the purpose of the 'else NON' notation in the enemy affinity list? -If the curt explanation in that listing doesn't suffice, then: 'Else NON' is a phrase that was included to let the reader be aware that the faq authors do indeed recognize the monster's listed elemental affinities (w/ which the notation is attached) as being abnormal or illogical, and that the reader can be assured every other element *not* listed will indeed have a neutral effect on that said monster. Technically, the 'else NON' term applies to ALL entries in that list (well, except the "NON"s)..but it is used here just as reinforcement, where needed. So yes, although Papa Potos reflect Light/Wisp spells and their 'wives' and 'sons' are null/absorbent to Saint Saber, using Saint Saber against the Papa Potos will not cause them to absorb, nullify, or halve the hit damage. Similarly, although Cockatrice are immune to Gnome/Earth-based damage, they are actually susceptible to Ice/Undine spells & sabers and NOT to Wind/Jinn magic & sabers (as one may suspect). Also, Pakkuri Babies and Pakkun Dragons absorb the damage from Light/Wisp spells and sabers... but rest confident that Dark/Shade spells and saber are *not* strong against them. Beast Masters reflect Earth/Gnome spells, but are neutral towards Diamond Saber. Etc.. ..Now look at the term utilized to end the affinity listing for the aforementioned beasts. Clear why its there now? Good 8) => No bosses? -Nope, sorry. As stated before in the Groundwork section, this guide does not list bosses at this time. I decided to withhold gleaning info for bosses not just due to the considerable extra time (and delay), but also because there are already numerous boss strategies scattered around almost all the general walkthroughs for this game. Also, an excellent Boss FAQ has already been created by NothingMan: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/snes/file/seiken_densetsu_3_boss_a.txt ..he also has some extra strategy commentary by the sagacious RyuSeiryuu. Useful reading 8) Alternatively, there is also a nifty Boss/Monster FAQ by DarkLavos: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/snes/file/seiken_densetsu_3_boss.txt ..his guide lists not only a few Boss Strategies and stats, but also monster dropped items, levels, and XP. All the info is intermingled, but it does cover some grounds this guide has yet to touch. Since I wouldn't want to crimp NothingMan or DarkLavos' material, this guide would only list the stats for each boss & spell damages...and probably not much else. ~ Besides which, compiling boss data would inevitably lead to such feedback as "why don't you tell us how to beat them" sort of questions. We're here to resolve unanswered questions about normal enemies. And measuring boss statistics, at least in my experience, tends to be heavily dependent on too much luck and too little observation. - CMK => What about the Black Rabite? -What about it? It's not featured in this list simply because I consider the dark bouncer to be a boss, and this guide does not cover bosses. The lvl 99 Great Demons that the Black Rabite can summon, however, were fair game. Anywho- If ya need a resource, there's already an FAQ entirely devoted to the Black Rabite right on Gamefaqs' SD3 page- amalgamated by MuskKitty: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/snes/file/seiken_densetsu_3_black_rabite.txt However, I can't really recommend using that guide for strategies, as it's a bit antiquated and contains some misinformation. Instead, I'll refer you to a quick, short unofficial FAQ I made entirely devoted to this battle: http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3BRHelp-1.txt ^The host should always be up, but let me know if it isn?t. Enjoy. => Why a dropped items list, there's already 2 other guides for that? -Initially, this guide was NOT going to include any sort of a spoils list for each enemy, as I considered EternalSpirit's Item/Enemy List to be more than sufficient coverage in that respect: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/snes/file/seiken_densetsu_3_enemy_item.txt As time grew, I found there to be a few marked mistakes throughout the list (no offense to EternalSpirit, as his guide is mostly accurate), and I sought to remedy them by analyzing the dropped items for each foe myself. Rather than simply update EternalSpirit's list with the corrections, I decided to also take note of how one's Luck stat helps to govern what type of spoil, and thus formulate a new list entirely (I rewrote the contents entirely from scratch for accuracy). I have not included the locations of each entry, unlike EternalSpirit, due to spacing issues- so his guide still has merit to browse through. => Are there any enemies that can cause the character to lose HP with Moon Saber, as with a few enemies who cause MP loss with Leaf Saber? // I read in another guide that undead monsters can steal HP with the Moon Saber...true?? -No to both questions. The statement that Moon Saber is reversed in effect against undead enemies is just an old, incorrect rumor that floats around some faqs (much like the mistake in saying Demon Breath is Dark/Shade elemental, or that Duelist's attacks have Duran's fastest recovery time, etc..). In the whole game, the only enemies you don't want to pull out Moon Saber against are Werewolves, Bloody Wolves, and Boulders.. and they can only null the saber's damage. There are *no* enemies in the game that can absorb Moon element (even Half Vanish is never altered in effect, except on Luna's day). The only case where Moon Saber can even confer a weakness is against Koren, who has about a 4-6% of being weak to the saber after a Barrier Change :p Not counting Half Vanish and Moon Saber's hint of one, it is questionable if there really is a Moon element in the game, as there are no actual Moon- based offense spells to be found.. (sorry, Spiral Moon is non-elemental) On a skew to the point: also note that there are no enemies in the game whom are weak to Leaf/Dryad magic (again, excepting possibly Koren). So, Leaf Saber won't help much against the non-elemental menace Dolan. => Why do some of these special attacks not work? Are you certain... -Ya, I'm positive those attacks listed as being non-effective are indeed so. Tis difficult to explain why for sure, but knowing of all the quirky problems and hiccups in this game's underlying code (which I won't even begin to rant on here, perhaps some other time..).. I can say I'm not surprised there are some attacks that just don't do what they should. Something funky though: activate the Pakkun Dragon's useless Pakkun Oil counter by casting a spell on one... notice its new, wacky color palette? ..Ah, what a tightly-made game this is 8) ~ The Quality Assurance division was probably fired after this game. - CMK => Wow, those base damage values are high! -Indeed. But remember, that's the *base* value- in other words, the maximum possible damage each spell can blast a character for at a given level. Factor in that one usually has their characters at around 75 Magic Defense and 150 Defense halfway through the game and at around 150 Magic Defense and 300 Defense by the end points of the game. For instance: although a lvl 36+ Slime Prince's Poison Bubble can deal 400+ damage on a character in their final class, recall that by then the characters are usually equipped with about 120 points in Magic Defense. Thus, damage from the Poison Bubble spell should barely exceed 280 at level 40 normally. Powerful, yes, but not too hard to stomach for a slow ST spell. ~ However, that isn't an excuse to slack off during adventuring. As always, the prudent player keeps a load of healing and status recovery items on hand. And recall that stat ups and stat downs can boost an attribute by a hefty amount that only increases with the base value. - CMK (And if all else fails, ya can always high-tail it to the nearest Gold Goddess Statue or Inn- using a Magic Rope to warp out of arduous areas, if necessary) => How about the Ogre Boxes and Kaiser Mimics? -Yipe! You're asking for quite some meticulous work, but tis a possibility for a future update. We'll see.. => What, no info for the shape-shifted monsters?! -NOW you're talking crazy... I don't have _that_ much free time :p => What do you think of [so-and-so] as a class? -I'm placing this here simply in effort to halt numerous potential e-mails concerning the subject. Firstly, this is a bestiary, not a general walkthrough or a class-change guide. Though I would personally like to wade through all (yes, I mean ALL) posted guides that give class opinions and refute points, I don't have time and this guide isn't the place (also, most of those faqs are very dated; I doubt many of the authors are still around or active). Besides, you shouldn't rely on a single source, like an FAQ or me, to assist your own decisions. Do be aware, as well, that SD3 is easy enough for any possible combination of classes to work fine- even with redundancy in skills, lack of certain abilities, varying game-play styles, etc... If ya want class opinions or party suggestions, time has shown that the best possible avenue for such inquiries lies on the messageboard. There, at least one can obtain more dynamic, up-to-date information- as newer findings have been discovered even long after many of the guides have been published, which *can* impact the classes and their abilities in some means. Also, hopefully there are still present one or two class review or ranking topics still floating on the forum; give those a read or just post a message if you need incite and (hopefully) multiple viewpoints. (Also, if you are going to make such an inquiry on the forum, the board users would appreciate it if you could specify the characters you desire to use, and possibly any preferred game-play styles or goals -magic-user, melee, all girl, etc..-) => ARGH! I'm sick of eating all these enemy attack techs! -Yours is a hard lot. Er- enemy counter attacks and skills are one of the (few) intrinsic obstacles this game offers as challenge. Suffering under techs is a part of normal gameplay, and coping is basically a fight against probabilities. There are a few measures one can take to lessen the occurrence of counter techs, spells, and skills: -The most obvious route to halting enemy techs or spells is with silencing skills. Although the rare Harpy's Fang item (Stun Wind) is useable by any character, regular silencing spells are granted to only three final classes: Nightblade (ST Blow Needles skill), Runemaster (ST Stun Wind spell), and Star Lancer (Marduke summon- MT). Remember though, enemy skills that do not pause the game action canNOT be quelled with Silence. -In light of above, enemies also cannot perform special attacks if slain, for a reason that should be apparent. Thus spells that can kill *most* monsters in one hit can be seen as 'permanent silencers'. Deathspell, Turn Undead (against undead enemies), and Stone Cloud (against all foes *except* Basilisks, Cockatrice, Cockabirds, Shapeshifters, and Shadowzeros) are all capable of one-hit kills (though Deathspell and Turn Undead only work if the caster's level is at least equal to that of the enemy). Also, any spells that morph enemies into Shell Hunters (Body Change, Freya summon, and Chibi -devil's Eyes) will effectively purge any countering threat (though this method comes with considerable drawbacks- namely no XP, Luc, or useful items to gain). -The chances of most enemy counters arising is based mostly upon the amount of damage the monster takes. For instance, a Kerberos' Firebreath skill is more likely to surface as a magic counter if the pup were hit with a strong spell (like Saint Beam) than with a weaker spell (like Unicorn Head). Similarly, employing a spell/skill that applies elemental weakness bonus can also spark counters more often (that is, if the victim survives). So, a Great Demon is more likely to use Demon Breath or Dark Force in retaliation to Ice and Light spells -like Water Jutsu, Holy Ball, and even Power Down- than to skills/spells of other elements (or of no element). To help combat these countering tendencies, it is usually a good habit to cast weaker spells first to whittle down the HP, and then finish off any victims with hard-hitting spells. -As the power of spells/skills can guide monsters to counter the damage, so too can the power of physical attacks sway the enemy to using those special attacks. Duran, Lise, and wolf-form Kevin's high-powered attacks are more likely to spur counters each hit than with a weaker Carlie or Angela. Indeed, this is why the player may observe more counter attacks when controlling Duran over, say, Hawk. (Do not be mistaken, however, as one's Luck stat has been found to have no notable effect on countering chances, and hard-hitters like Duran and Kevin seem to encounter more special attacks simply because they deal more damage per swing, and the enemy thus has fewer chances to act before dead. One's killing more foes in a given time with heavy attacks, and thus Duran, Kevin, Lise, and any characters on Power Up/Sabers witness counter attacks more rapidly against a given number of foes- _not_ more *often*.) -Sometimes, one just has to know beforehand what triggers certain skills, and plan the game-play to work around these attacks. For example, Gremlins & Ninja Masters almost always counter magic with Evil Gate and Justus, respectively, and thus one should not be attempting to use magic on them unless they have already been silenced, or if the spell *will* kill. If you need help on such matters, peak through the Misc. Notes for that monster in the Main Enemy List to see info on certain special attacks. => It's 'bestiary', correct? -Yes, 'Bestiary' is accepted as the correct spelling; simply look in any dictionary to verify this. ...However, though the word has the root 'beast' contained (as 'bestial'), we in modern times are lazy and may need better indication of this point. Thus, the 'a' is inserted; the monsters probably would have wanted it that way, regardless :p Besides, the guide is a bit more unique this way, and having the word 'best' in the title is a bit too egotistical for my tastes. ~ Not for mine. Kidding, of course. - CMK => Will you two shutup? You're not funny. -Sorry 8( We needed an outlet to keep us sane while creating this guide. ~ Did you just tell us to shut up?! After all the hard work we did, and despite the fact that we poured our hearts and souls into this document?!?! ... Alright... I'll let it slide - ONCE - but if I EVER hear this sort of murmuring again, be advised that Bigieu will cast a spell on your friend and force you to kill him, then lock you up and sic a death collar on your girlfriend - IF you have one, which I highly doubt given your attitude. Again, just kidding... sheesh, I need to get away, all this FAQ writing has really made me lose a few marbles... - CMK (_You_ didn't have to proofread this bear of a document!) => Waah! Tooo many numbers!! Shtop this nonsense! -Shtop speaking like Carlie, firstly, and neither me nor CMK can assist the stubborn suppression you impose on your brain's unbridled desire for math. If ya didn't want numbers, then ya shouldn't have opened a bestiary document. (...poor, depriving souls...) ~ Besides which, for the not-so-math-inclined we have Miscellaneous Notes, the FAQ, etc., to try and help you not get lost. We do realize that, at its core, this is a very technical guide. - CMK (..*very* technical? Pfft!) -- `.__ __ __ __ __ Stay for just one more! <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\_________________/\ ===)> < { *MISC DOCUMENTS* } > \ `----------------' / `~----------------~^-._,~- This latest section of the Bestiary was placed here simply in effort to cover all my grounds. Although I have mostly retired from the SD3 scene, I do not wish to see some of my and other's work over these years lost on my harddrive. So, this section was created in attempt to preserve some of that more crude information- especially the incomplete Magic Guide, and the LARGE General Team Suggestion guide that so many have helped form over the years. But before that, I have a favor for a deserving friend CalvinK- webmaster of a grand Chinese SD3 site, and just an all-around nice guy. A year or so ago (2004), he let us all know on the boards about his discovery - how to complete SD3 with only one or two characters, and without having to simply ignore your other party members and act as if they weren't there. IE- a REAL Single_Double Character Challenge (RSCC_RDCC). He has a complete guide, w/ pics, on his site.. but has also kindly wrote us a text form. Unfortunately, he cannot get this guide approved by Gamefaqs, so I have chosen to link it here, as I would hate for this information & effort to be lost. So, if you are interested in this challenge, I point you to this link: http://sd3.mobilesuit.ms/files/RDCCnRSCC.txt ..and keep in mind that PAR/GameShark is needed for this challenge. - Now, for the rest of the crap. Many thanks to Subliminal Message on the boards for helping me preserve some of these links, although not all are quite up to date as of yet. Aside from the 2 extensive party suggestion guides and the Mage Guide, don't expect much more than an unorganized smattering of topics to be covered here: (and remember: plot **SPOILERS** can be abound) >** Latest Beta of the General Team Suggestions Guide **< http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3GenTeamsRough1a.txt >** Beta of the Magic Guide **< (has semi-complete spell algorithms) http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3Mage-beta.txt >* Beta of the Themed Teams Guide & thread *< http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3ThemeTeams1b.txt -Black Rabite Mini-Guide- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3BRHelp-1.txt -Fighter vs. Mage study- (math-intensive) http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/BossKillers.txt -Elemental properties of the GodBeasts and Final Bosses- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3FinalBossesElements.txt -Revisited Derv vs. DH melee comparison- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/Stored/SD3DervDHAgain.txt -Comparison of Light-side Angy's melee vs. Dark-side's- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3AngyvsHerself.txt -List of Boss-only Spells- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3BossSpellStuff.txt -General Grand Divina vs. Archmage comparison- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3GDvsAMRough.txt -Unfinished comparison of Luc amounts from GodBeast areas- (old!) http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3LucCrap.txt -SD3 Final Class Anagrams- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/Stored/SD3Class%20Anagrams.txt -Synopsis of my Final Class Rank system- (obscure) http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3ClassRank201a.txt -Correlational research on counters and the Luck stat- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/Stored/SD3CounteringCrap.txt -Pizza Bistro: the Demon Breath-chaining phenom!- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/Stored/SD3PizzaBistro.txt -Collection of some of Carlie's best lines- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/Stored/SD3CarlieLines.txt -Approx. dmg review of the best MT attacks & spells- http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/Stored/SD3TopMTAttacks.txt And that's all for now. If you are an SD3 lover and want to contribute to the General Team Suggestions guide, please let me know. Although it's doubtful I can ever finalize such projects myself, more info is better than none 8) -- `.__ __ __ __ __ ..Made it this far? Wow. <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ~ <> ,~-- -- -- -- -- /\_________________/\ ===)> < { **STAFF ROLL** } > \ `---------------' / `~---------------~^-._,~- _____________ -> -=< *Work Force* >=- `=============' *Assemble!* [-CMK TacTican-] Editor, note taker, & ..tactican! -Claim: -Enemy List- >Miscellaneous Notes information (mostly) >Introduction >categorizing Groundwork (some) Legal Notice FAQ section (some) >Form dirty mouth and stiff fingers!< [-ThrowsLikeAGirl-] Data collector, general commentator, & idiot -Claim: -Enemy List- >Statistical information >Appearance information (mostly) >Attack and Affinity information (mostly) Table of Content and all reference codes Enemy Class-type and Spell Damage Synopsis Attacks and Stats Synopses Enemy Affinity Quick-List FAQ section (mostly) Header & Ascii crapola >Form red eyes and receding social life!< [-*YOU*, the viewer-] -Claim: Tolerating us Reading (hopefully) >..And you'll form _the brain_!< *Go! Go! Gross digital conjugation!!*.. ________________ -> -=< *Spatial Tanks* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `================' __ __ __ __ __ __ _ -( CMK would like to thank: )- `- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --^ 'Actually, there is one person I'd like to thank...: my dear little sister, who patiently put up with countless hours that I spent playing SD3. She even helped me now and then. She's good, and I find that battles go by a lot faster when she's playing a character instead of letting the AI do it.' __ __ __ __ __ __ __ -( TLaG would like to thank: )- (...and credit) `-- -- -- -- -- -- --^ -Squaresoft- No SD3 without 'em! (...No headaches for me either) -Neill Corlett, Lina 'chan, Nuku-nuku, and SoM2Freak- No kickarse English version of this game without 'em 8) -CJayC- ..I shouldn't need to say why, right? -Mr. CMK- He's quite hip, for a physicist... and he could probably beat me up *runs* -MeepleLard- His Technical Guide helped ground me (and many others) on the basics of SD3's - um, inner-workings. -MikeHewitt- Pointed out I had forgotten to edit the elemental affinities for Wolf Devils in the Main List. Thankya- -waterotterunder- For being hardcore into this game's mechanics, like me.. Oh, but mentioned here for submitting a damn good few hard-to-spot corrections in various places. -Subliminal Message- A 'certified' Gfaqs Recycle Bin. Over the years his efforts at saving topics before purges have kept some memories and data from falling into the abyss. This includes some of my topics and links. *tips hat* -ClavinK- A nice fellow, & w/ a good SD3 site. Inventor of the RSCC & RDCC. -NothingMan- Just for reference. Great Boss FAQ ya got there, man. -EternalSpirit- Referencing ES here for the handy Enemy-Item List. -MuskKitty- Referencing MuskKitty's Black Rabite guide. -DarkLavos- One more- for DarkLavos' nice Boss/Monster FAQ. -GoshuJINsama- For his support on the boards back when; a knowledgeable and down-to-earth dude. -SD3 Board denizens- Fun times! -JS Biochem class- ..For being 70% female *grins* -My landlady- You're a peach, Mrs; the flat is grand! -Airheads candy- The lovely maltodextrin marvels they are.. AND.. -the Readers!- Thanks for taking time to skim through :) -- **!!Group Hug!!** ...or not... o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ____________ -> -=< *Update Log* >=- (code histy) `============' =Version 0.8= (March 17, 2004) -First official release of this guide (and on St. Pat's day- WHOO!!) =Version 1.0= (March 29, 2004) -First 'complete' version of this guide -Filled in the stat entries for the Navarre Fortress enemies -Added this revision history section -Updated the entry for Ninja enemies (I had apparently missed that Ninjas could use Jutsus and Shurikens... opps!) -Spotted and fixed a few typos & spacing errors -Added a topic concerning enemy counter attacks to the F.A.Q. section -Indexed the questions and topics in the F.A.Q. section =Version 1.5= (April 7, 2004) -Tallied the elemental properties for all monsters and lumped the totals into a chart; also categorized these values by Class types. Both of these comprise the whole 'Census' sub-section now below the 'Affinity Quick List' -Added two smaller sub-sections to the Quick List- monster immunities and information about undead types. -Caught and remedied a few more typos and mistakes. (Harpy's Fangs items cast Stun Wind, not Blow Needles- sorry) -[Note]- The tentative work on boss statistics has been dropped, as I plan on fully covering that data in another guide for this game. >The possibility of reformatting the 'Main List' is more and more bleak, as the effort would be too large, and I'm occupied with academics, tests, and another faq as is. You'll have to endure the dizzying layout for now.. Sorry 8( =Version 1.55= (April 29, 2004) -Very minor update here; I mainly fixed a few typos that were irking me. -I'm to be waist-deep in exams soon, so the Ogre Box/Mimic data will have to wait possibly a month or so. I promise to have this info collected eventually, as it will hopefully comprise the final addition to this guide. -In light of some recent study, I have decided to revamp past lists that pertain to item spoils from each monster type. Instead of regurgitating data in other guides, I have already analyzed & verified the dropped items from each enemy and noted the effects of the Luck stat on attaining certain items (as well as spotted a few errors in past guides). Hopefully, I can implement a comprehensive list into the next revision of this guide. -Still open for any questions concerning this bestiary 8) =Version 1.7= (May 10, 2004) -The items dropped for each foe have been documented in the new section, the Enemy Spoils List, along with how one's Luck attribute affects the appearance of each. -Quickly surveyed a few Luck values for certain monsters by counting the max duration the target is kept sleeping or frozen. More detailed &, hopefully, more conclusive data pertaining to Luck attributes and dropped items will likely be added in the next revision to this guide. -Made a few remedial typo corrections. -Questions? ... Anyone? ... Bueller? ... Mueller? (you called?) =Version 1.75= (June 26, 2004) -Changed my listed e-mail, as the last account has been discontinued. -Exams have been long since dispatched! WHOOOOO !! -Hey, someone other than meeself finally contributed a fix to the guide! Yup, my scrutinizing eyes passed up that the elemental affinities for Wolf Devils, as noted in the Main List, were off.. That embarrassing boo-boo has now been righted. -Also took the chance to add minor dividers to most of the sub-sections, just for improved legibility. -Fixed a midget's handful of typos and added the Black Rabite to the Enemy Spoils List. -Currently sidetracked by a formidable load of other games at the moment, and by two new guides in the works for this game. Be patient with me 8) =Version 1.78= (October 2, 2004) -Been a while, huh? -Good news: my two other guides are slowly but assuredly coming along. One is an exhaustive spell & skill guide that will contain correct damage algorithms, and the other is a lengthy team suggestions guide for the 'new age'- w/ collected feedback from various current and past board members. They are both well in-progress and available for viewing as drafts. If you want to see either of them, yell at me on the boards and I will give you their current urls. -Bad news: my current semester course load is rather arduous this time around, and other various projects (including the two other guides) are taking all my attention away from this document. If you're expecting an update to this in the near future, you'd best have inexhaustible patience. -Still, I was able to finally correct my e-mail contact address. This is the only real change to the guide for this version. Sorry about that :/ =Version 1.8= (December 7, 2004) -Quick revision this time.. -Aye had some chronic typo problems I never realized before that I would be embarrassed to admit towards.. But, these have been corrected. -In the elemental affinity tally, I had forgotten an entry (Kerberos enemies) in the Fire section for Class 3's. Fixed. -Finally decided to include my homebrewed strategy for fighting the Black Rabite. You'll now find it in the FAQ section under the question for BR. .. But to save you the look: http://dogglife315.netfirms.com/SD3/SD3BRHelp-1.txt >Just a little advert: My 'good buddy-buddy' CMK Tactican has recently released his textual wrath upon the g-faq's SD3 patrons with a new Plot Guide. It?s one of the few modern FAQs for this game, and is still in its late revision stages. Besides, it's a grand read; check it out! 8) =Version 1.82= (January 14, 2005) -Hoopahs to the NEW YEAR! *lampshade* -This update was brought to you (mostly) by the alert board member waterotterunder and his awesome proofing skillz! -Corrected a few ID'ed typos- most pointed out waterotter. -Also added missing 'Class Three' tags to 3 entries in the Main List. (thanks again to waterotter) -Clarified the possible location for Lvl 47 Ghosts, as also pointed out. -Added extra bits of notes to entries like Basilisks and Giga Crawlers that I feel I had passed up before. Also, changed 'Normal' for Slime Prince's Leaf magic to 'No effect' in the Main List, as it should be. -Lastly, waterotter let me know of a few problems with some enemies who are strong against sabers being instead reported to nullify them (High Wizards, Element Swords, Silver Knights). This has been corrected in the Main List and Affinity Quick List, where proper. -Don't you know? I have a badge now! Thanks CMK (*smile*) If you'll excuse me, I'm off to blind some people with it- =Version 1.83= (February 15, 2005) -More gnat-squishing corrections, courtesy of waterotter. Fixed a few parsing errors and typos through the Main List (lvl 18 Firedrake listed as lvl 17; commas where semicolons should be, etc..) ..Main List should be just about typo-free now. Thanks waterotter 8) -Accounted for the lvl 47 Papa Poto, which can be spawned from the lvl 46 Mama Poto, which in turn can be spawned from the lvl 45 Poto in that one Mirage Palace elemental fight (phew!). Guess spawned enemies CAN spawn other enemies after all, huh? -Waterotter got the lvl 13 Slime's data for me. Go him! -Changed 'Zombie Dragon's to 'Dragon Zombie' in the Main List (bad habit). -Added an extra note about e-techs; they ARE enemy lvl 1 techs, it seems.. -Did you feel the love in the air? Hope everyone had a.. wholesome V-day! =Version 1.85= (April 6, 2005) -Corrected some errors lost in the older writings of the guide... Call it Spring Cleaning, if you will: >Lvl 1 techs aren't technically 1.5 * Power - that's an approximation. >Snowman effect's duration is dependant on Luck, not monster/char. type. >Removed addendum concerning Evade differences in the original cartridge version of the game, as the conjecture hasn't been supported. >Edited the comment about Sweet String being able to target on one's own characters. This may have been young speculation on my part (sorry CMK). -Added footnote concerning HP-dependent spells in the 'Base Spell Damage' subsection.. just for completeness 8) -To the Main List, added a cautionary note concerning blanketing Dark Lords (or Sword Masters) while they are winding up a saber. -Did a little formatting here and there to make some notes neater. =Version 1.87= (November 13, 2005) -Been a while, huh? Lab work over the summer and a rather intense senior year at college have kept my focus away from this game. -..stiill, there's some work to be had. When consoling CalvinK after all trials he had been through, trying to get his guide approved by Gamefaqs, I chose to link to his guide in the Bestiary. So it has been done! And may the SD3 patrons can observe the wonder that is the Real Single & Double Character Challenges. -Additionally, I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw in some of my other SD3 works from my stay, and thus a new section of the guide was borne: > #13- TLaG's Mumbo Jumbo *trumpets* Complete w/ links to Calvin's Guide and betas of the General Team Suggestions and Magic guides .. & some other junk from me. -Tis all for now. Doncha wish academia would just vanish and we could all live in caves with our games? (and girls.. and beer) __________________ -> -=< *Future Itinerary* >=- o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o `==================' -Boss statistics (*planned for another guide*) -Re-formatting the main list (consider it done) -Probabilities of each rare item in the Enemy Spoils List (possibly) -Ogre Box and Kaiser Mimic data (possibly) -Other F.A.Q.'s (...well?) -- `.__ __ __ __ __ To close, a last chant of inspiration: ,~-- -- -- -- -- *To the Mana Goddess: 'Protect us!' To our enemies: 'Pertussis!'* -Now go forth and slay those fiends! .. _ ._, ```. ,^. ( / ] ] `.`/ ;| Y * * .~^,' | ._ , ~*`. \ '_;-' Kick``\,~. `. Me `,. } *~.. __..~^ `~* End of document...so stop reading; you may leave! --