=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- S E I K E N D E N S E T S U 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Seiken Densetsu 3 Character FAQ version 1.3 Created by Anemo on September 10, 2001 E-mail: thundasnake@hotmail.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- D I S C L A I M E R =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This FAQ is © Copyright 2001, 2002 Anemo. Seiken Densetsu 3 is © Copyright 1995 Squaresoft You may not reproduce this document in whole or in part in any form. This document is for personal use only. If you want to post this FAQ on your website, you MUST e-mail me before you do so. If you don't, I will ask you to take it off your website. If you fail to comply, I will take legal action. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.0 - September 10, 2001 Done! Version 1.1 - October 16, 2001 Finally, I update! Well folks, some what of a major update. Just a few minor corrections here and there, and revised my opinions for the classes. And thank you MeepleLard for pointing out that Demon Breath does not lower Defense just Magic Effectness (Boy, I feel stupid) Oh yeah, I put the "Final Words" Section in the FAQ not just in the table of Contents (Another stupid mistake). Version 1.2 - October 29, 2001 Added AbsoluteZero's opinion on classes and team. Thanks, man. Version 1.3 - January 3, 2001 Added GoodLuckDie's teams and quote. Also corrected some mistakes. Thank you, again, GoodLuckDie for pointing them out. Corrected spelling errors. Changed the layout of this FAQ. Whatcha think, people? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I. Introduction II. Things You Should Know III. Carlie of Wendel IV. Stats V. Pros and Cons VI. Techs VII. Spells VIII. Classes IX. Equipment List X. Team Suggestions XI. Carlie's Scenario XII. FAQ XIII. Quotes IVX. Other Character FAQs VX. Credits VIX. Final Words =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I. .:: I N T R O D U C T I O N ::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Seiken Densetsu is the prequel to the Secret of Mana. (and the best damn prequel at that). It's about how three hungry power nations try to get the Mana Sword,which can create or destroy things, unleash the God-Beasts, who can bring doom to the world, to make the world their own, by unleashing the power of the Mana Stones. When they do, the way to the Mana Holyland will open up, which houses the Mana Sword. Now three teenagers must save the world by preventing the evil people from unleashing the power from the stones and save the world by getting the Mana Sword. Unfortunately, the game never made it to these shores. Square ditched the project at the last second to release Mario RPG and Secret of Evermore (or so I heard) instead. Even though some people enjoyed these two games, it a was sad choice made by Square. Even when one of the articles of Nintendo Power had a preview of this game, it was still decided not to be unreleased. But, four years later, a group of of deticated group of hackers translated the game and made it avlaiblie to the English-speaking public through ROMs. Now here is the Carlie FAQ, deticated to Carlie, one of six heros you can choose. Who are the six heros you ask? Here they are: Duran - A fighter from Forcena Anglea - A magician from Altena Hawk - A thief from Navarre Riese - An amazoness from Rolante Kevin - A grappler from the Beast Kingdom AND! *drum rolls* Carlie - A cleric from Wendel :D If you want to send in something please send something that is related to Carlie and/or this FAQ.(Tips, advice, information and questions etc.) My e-mail is thundasnake@hotmail.com Now... ON WITH THE FAQ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- II. .:: T H I N G S Y O U S H O U L D K N O W ::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Scattered through out this FAQ are some mumbo-jumbo that you should know. Here they are: Lv - Level MT - Mulitarget ST - Single Target CC - Class Change FC - Final Class FS - Full Screen BTW - By The Way IMHO - In My Honest Opinion MTHL - Mulitarget Heal Light =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- III. .:: C A R L I E O F W E N D A L::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Carlie is the granddaughter of the Priest of Light, the head priest of Wendel. Wendel is a neutral town, with no allies or enemies. Carlie lives in the temple with her granddfather and the priests. Within her flows the blood of elves, which causes her growth to be slower when compared to others. So she is like a child. Bright, talkative and curious, like a child. But, being around the priests causes her to have a sense of good (which is sort of a bad thing since she sometimes threatens to give spankings to someone who did something bad. She even threatens Angela! O_o!). All of Carlie's troubles began when Heath, a priest and close friend of Carlie's, is sent to investgate a mysterious light near a lake. Carlie, fearing the worst, follows after, but couldn't because she isn't allowed to go outside. So with the help of Mick, another friend, she escapes... only to land in the wrong place (and on your second party member too). She wakes up at the Astroia Inn (courtsey of your second party member) and then heads out to find Heath. Carlie finds him soon, but their reunion is short lived. Carlie runs ahead of Heath who pushes Carlie and gets hit with a spell. An unknown man appears and says something. Then, Carlie watches in horror as Heath gets abducted by the strange masked man. Now Carlie has to get home... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IV. .::S T A T S::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Carlie is no fighter so her physical attributes (Strength, Agility and Vitality) suck like Angela's. Yet, her mental attributes (Intelligence, Spirit and Luck) are very high so don't have her be your main attacker. Have her heal and cast spells. Here is a rundown of Carlie's Stats. < Strength (STR) > ------------------ As I said before Carlie is no fighter. Try not to raise this stat unless nessesary. < Agility (DEX) > ----------------- Carlie's Agility ain't no prize winner either. It's a bit better that Strength though. Sage has the highest one while Necromancer has the lowest. < Vitality (CON) > ------------------ No matter what class you choose, they will have the same max as their counterparts. Example: If you choose Sage as your Final Class, her max Vitality will be the same as the other Final Classes. < Intelligence (INT) > ---------------------- Dispite the fact she can't read, Carlie has the second highest Intelligence with Angela being the first). Now Carlie really doesn't need this to learn any spells, expect Holy Ball and Saint Beam, but it helps protect against magic attacks. < Spirit (PIE) > ---------------- Now this is where Carlie rules. She has the highest Spirit out of all the characters, which is useful since most of her spells require Spirit. Spirit also raises her healing power and cuts down on casting time. < Luck (WC) > ------------- Luck increases chance of critical hits and lowers amount of traps in the item trap. Carlie's Luck is the second highest next to Hawk. As I said before, Carlie is no fighter so concintrate on Intelligence, Spirit and Luck. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- V. . .::P R O S A N D C O N S::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Every character has their pros and cons. Carlie mostly has Pros instead of Cons (at least in my opinion). < Pros > -------- First off she learns two very useful spells in her first class: Heal Light and Tinkle Rain. Either class you choose you get good spells. If you choose the Light side you get sabers. If you choose the Dark side you get summons. She also gets very powerful Ulitmate Spells. She has a high Spirit so you'll be able to cast spells in a few seconds. And, as you will soon learn, her techs are intresting even funny, to watch. < Cons > -------- Once again, Carlie is no fighter, so her Strength, Agility and Vitailty are low, so poor Carlie can get the smackdown if you don't pay attention. Her techs can't multitarget. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VI. .::T E C H S::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Since Carlie's attack power is low the techs don't do much damage. And they can only strike one enemy. The good side? They're funny to watch. Cleric's Tech - Bonkle: One Enemy Carlie twirls her flail over her head and gives the enemy two good wacks. Priestess' Tech - Jump: One Enemy Carlie jumps in the air and comes down one enemy, doing two front flips in the air, hitting the enemy with her flail, each time. Bishop's Tech - ChopChop: One Enemy Carlie jumps toward the enemy, throws her flail in the air. The flail comes back as a fan, which Carlie wacks the enemy with. Sage's Tech - BoomBoom: One Enemy Carlie jumps back, jumps up, slowly then comes back down quickly, exploding on the enemy. Enchantress' Tech - Dash: One Enemy Carlie dashes toward the enemy, twirling her flail. She bonks the enemy. Evil Shaman - HugeHuge: One Enemy Carlie jumps toward the enemy and throws her flail in the air. The flail comes back, super-size. With great effort she picks it up and bonks the enemy with it. Necromancer - Craaaazy: One Enemy Carlie strikes the enemy with her flail. Each time she strikes there is an explosion. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VII. .::S P E L L S::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Carlie has a wide verity of spells to learn. From Sabers to Summons, Carlie is very useful. Carlie's spells mostly need Spirit to be learned. But there are two spells that need Intelligence to be learned. Holy Ball and Saint Beam. Now here is the format I use: Name of Spell: Stat Learned at. Classes: That can use this spell MP Cost: Cost of the spell Spirit: needed Effect: the effects Comments Now here are the spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: h e a l i n g s p e l l s ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heal Light: PIE 6 Classes: All of them. Everyone execpt Cleric can mulitarget. MP Cost: 3 Spirit: Wisp Effect: Restores HP Well looky here! Every class can learn this basic healing spell! And almost every class can mulitarget it. Raise your Spirit even more in order for more healing power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tinkle Rain: PIE 7 Classes: All of them. Bishop, Sage and Necromancer can mulitarget. MP Cost: 2 Spirit: Wisp Effect: Heals all status ailments This lil' spell heals all of your status ailments! What are status affects you ask! Well they are: Poison, Mute, Snowman and Petrify. And this spell heals them all. A very useful spell indeed. -Thank you to GoodLuckDie for pointing out Bishop does mulitarget Tinkle Rain. I believe I added that in the Class section but I must of missed it here.- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: s u p p o r t s p e l l s ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magic Shield: PIE 18 Classes: Bishop MP Cost: 4 Spirit: Wisp Effect: A barrier weakens magic damage Good against magic wielding enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anti-Magic: PIE 18 Classes: Evil Shaman MP Cost: 4 Spirit: Shade Effect: Negate all magic affects Good against enemies who cast Stat Up spells on themselves, they take away Elemental Properties and take away saber properties. Get it? Got it? Good. -Thank you, again, GoodLuckDie for telling me Anti-Magic dispels sabers.- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: o f f e n s i v e s p e l l s::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Holy Ball: INT 6 Classes: Priestess, Bishop and Sage. Sage can mulitarget. MP Cost: 2 Spirit: Wisp Effect: Deals Level 1 Holy Damage Ahh... If you choose the Light side you can get the Holy Ball, which can make great use of Carlie's high Spirit. Good against Dark, Undead and Evil. enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Saint Beam: INT 6 Classes: Sage MP Cost: 4 Spirit: Wisp Effect: Deals Level 2 Holy Damage Once again you can take advantage of Carlie's high Spirit. However, only the Sage can take advantage of this spell. Outstanding against Dark, Undead and Evil enemies. -Thanks for the word "outstanding" GoodLuckDie. I need to update vocab...- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: s a b e r s ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Diamond Saber: PIE 7 Classes: Priestess, Bishop and Sage. Sage can mulitarget. MP Cost: 4 Spirit: Gnome Effect: Put Earth attribute on equipped weapon You put the power of Earth on your weapon! Good against Flying, Wind enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thunder Saber: PIE 8 Classes: Priestess, Bishop and Sage. Sage can mulitarget. MP Cost: 4 Spirit: Jinn Effect: Put Wind attribute on equipped weapon You put the power of Wind on your weapon! Good against Earth enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flame Saber: PIE 9 Classes: Priestess, Bishop and Sage. Sage can mulitarget. MP Cost: 4 Spirit: Salamando Effect: Put Fire attribute on equipped weapon You put the power of Fire on your weapon! Good against Ice enemies. --- Ice Saber: PIE 9 Classes: Priestess, Bishop and Sage. Sage can mulitarget. MP Cost: 4 Spirit: Undine Effect: Put Ice attribute on equipped weapon You put the power of Ice on your weapon! Good against Fire enemies. --- Saint Saber: PIE 6 Classes: Bishop MP Cost: 4 Spirit: Wisp Effect: Put Light attribute on equipped weapon You put the power of Light on your weapon! Good against Dark, Undead and Evil enemies. --- Dark Saber: PIE 13 Classes: Necromancer MP Cost: 4 Spirit: Shade Effect: Put Dark attribute on equipped weapon You put the power of Dark on your weapon! Good against Light and Holy enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: s u m m o n s ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unicorn Head: PIE 12 Classes: Enchantress, Evil Shaman, and Necromancer MP Cost: 1 Spirit: None Effect: Summon Unicorn Head to damage a single enemy One of Carlie's first summons! A bit weak though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Machine Golem: PIE 12 Classes: Enchantress, Evil Shaman, and Necromancer MP Cost: 2 Spirit: None Effect: Summon Machine Golem to damage a single enemy One of Carlie's first summons! A bit weak though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ghoul: PIE 18 Classes: Necromancer MP Cost: 3 Spirit: None Effect: Summon Ghoul to damage a single enemy Ooo.. Check it out it's the big scary GHOUL! It is not the strongest summon though but it is good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ghost: PIE 18 Classes: Necromancer MP Cost: 5 Spirit: None Effect: Summon Ghost to damage a single enemy Summon the Ghost to make your enemies wet themselves! Ok, Ok. It is not the strongest summon though but it is good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gremlin: PIE 18 Classes: Evil Shaman MP Cost: 3 Spirit: None Effect: Summon Gremlin to damage a single enemy SEE as your enemies get anilated as they RUN! HEAR their pitful screams! Alright, alright it's not that strong but still it is one of the best. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great Demon: PIE 18 Classes: Evil Shaman MP Cost: 5 Spirit: None Effect: Summon Great Demon to damage a single enemy You'll be casting this summon over and over and over... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: u l t i m a t e s p e l l s ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turn Undead: PIE 19 Classes: Bishop can mulitarget. MP Cost: 1 Spirit: None Effect: Instantly kills Undead enemies. Deals 999 damage to undead bosses Effective against Undead enemies. Useless against anything else. It works the same way as DeathSpell; Carlie needs to be at a higher level than the Undead creatures for it to work. And it only works on the undead. Not Dark or Evil. -Thanks GDL for mentioning the info on the last 3 sentences.- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demon Breath: PIE 18 Classes: Evil Shaman can mulitarget. MP Cost: 6 Spirit: None Effect: Deals Dark damage and lowers Magic Power and Magic Def. Effective against enemies. Great in conjuntion with somebody who can cast offensive spells (Like Angela). Also it's a great combo with Anti-Magic since Demon Breath deals Dark damage it will heal Dark enemies so use Anti-Magic on them and they're advantage will be gone. -Thanks, GLD for telling me about the last sentence.- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Black Curse: PIE 18 Classes: Necromancer MP Cost: 6 Spirit: None Effect: Lowers Enemies Strength, Agility, Vitality, Intelligence and Spirit Effective against enemies. Very useful indeed. Great in conjuntion with Lise's Stat Up spells, Angela's spells and Duran's Strength. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VIII. .:: C L A S S E S ::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This section deals with Carlie's Classes! And who learns what spells, their max stats and comments from me and fellow Seiken Densetsu 3 players. Here they are! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleric (Neutral) Spells: Heal Light, Tinkle Rain Tech - Bonkle: One Enemy Max Stats Best Equipment ---------- --------------- Strength.......8 Weapon.....Meteo Flail Agility........8 Helmet.....Mog Cap Vitality.......8 Armor......Velvet Cape Intelligence..11 Ring.......Moon Ring Spirit........12 Luck..........11 Carlie can learn Heal Light and Tinkle Rain after you meet Wisp, the second Spirit you meet. This is very useful in the early in the game where you can can get your butt kicked. With the high Spirit it almost like giving an item. The downside are her low physcal attributes (Strength, Agility and Vitality) so she can't be an attacker. Oh well... she can't have everything. Opinions from other gamers: ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: A r m i s a e l ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charlotte is the game's clerical character. She learns Heal Light and Tinkle Rain without any class changes, which means she can take the stress off healing items and cure status ailments at the earliest points of the game. She's not much of an attacker, though she does improve with time, but she's very diverse. All of her second class changes have the ability to heal the entire party at once, which makes Charlotte a great addition to any team. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Priestess (Light) Spells: Heal Light*, Tinkle Rain, Holy Ball, Diamond Saber, Thunder Saber, Fire Saber and Ice Saber Tech - Jump: One Enemy Max Stats Best Equipment ---------- --------------- Strength......13 Weapon.....Vertina Maul Agility.......14 Helmet.....Spiritus Ribbon Vitality......14 Armor......Kurikara Robe Intelligence..16 Ring.......Magatama Spirit........18 Luck..........16 The Priestess learns a bunch of new spells. Holy Ball, her first attack spell is especially good because of her high Spirit. She also learns elemental Sabers! These spells are useful, especially if you lack magic power. Carlie also learns how to mulitarget Heal Light, which is very useful. A good support character. (The * indicates the spell can mulitarget) Opinions from other gamers: ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: A r m i s a e l ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Priestess learns Charlotte's standard multi-target Heal Light, as well as her first attack spell, Holy Ball, albeit only in single-target form. The Priestess is also able to make use of a whole slew of supportive saber spells, which can tack an element onto a character's physical attacks. The Priestess is an adequate attacker with her high Spirit and Holy Ball, but support spells are where she really shines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: M e e p l e L a r d ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Combine the Lord, Gladiator, and a Holy Ball and you got the Priestess, spell wise at least. The better of the 2 Second Classes of Carlie's. She has a Stronger MTHL and learns 4 Sabers. Good choice for beginners. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: V e i b ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Great against God Beasts since she has Sabers. Then again, Sabers can be bought. MT Heal Light is always useful, and Holy Ball is nice too. A good class, I just prefer dark myself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: Z h a b l e f a h r ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I´m currently working on it, I want to make her a bishop. Anyways, is a very very good second class, it learns MT heal light, ST holy ball and the fire, ice,thunder and earth sabers, is a great class,and the next classes are great too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bishop (Light + Light) Spells: Heal Light*, Tinkle Rain*, Holy Ball, Diamond Saber, Thunder Saber, Fire Saber, Ice Saber, Saint Saber, Magic Shield and Turn Undead Tech - ChopChop: One Enemy Max Stats Best Equipment ---------- --------------- Strength......16 Weapon.....Judgmentes Agility.......16 Helmet.....Bishop's Ribbon Vitality......18 Armor......Bishop's Robe Intelligence..18 Ring.......Moon Flower Spirit........22 Luck..........18 With the highest Spirit out of of all Carlie's Classes, this class is the best healer. With the highest Spirit Carlie can use her Heal Light quickly. She also learns some new spells. Saint Saber is the most useful spell, it's good against Dark Enemies. Magic Shield reduces Magic damage and Turn Undead instantly kills Undead enemies and deals 999 damage to undead bosses. She also learns how to mulitarget Tinkle Rain. (The * indicates the spell can mulitarget) Opinions from other gamers: ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: A b s o l u t e Z e r o ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carlie's best class, in my opinion. Decent attack power, and great spirit, so a great healer. Luck doesn't matter all that much at lv.38 with you're second class change. Magic Shield is useful against people like Koren or Archdemon, since they mainly use magic. The big thing is Turn Undead. Instant death to undead enemies, and 999 damage to undead bosses. FOR 1 MP!! Yahoo! Just to let you know, both Jagan and Dark Lich are undead. That's one of the spells I'd use on normal enemies, it's so useful. Only because it's for 1 MP. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: A r m i s a e l ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charlotte's final classes all cast Heal Light almost instantaniously; this coupled with the high Spirit stat and healing capacy of the Bishop make her the best healing class in the game. She also learns a multi-target variant of Tinkle Rain; Magic Shield, which halves the damage a character takes from offensive spells; Saint Saber, which tacks the Light element onto a character's physical attacks; and Turn Undead, a cheap, quick spell which causes instant death to any undead creature, and causes 999 damage to an undead boss. The problem with the Bishop is that her effectiveness is largely scenario-based, and her final spells may prove useless to certain teams. Her high Spirit stat still makes her a worthy addition, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: M e e p l e L a r d ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Better of Carlie's Light Side. This class learns Saint Saber to add to her Saber Collection, and gets the STrongest Heal Light in the game. Add the fact that Carlie's FC's have Instant MTHL means no more Poto OIls ever! She also gets 2 more intersting spells after. One is Magic Shield. This spell is useless if you use Sahagin Scales or Mind Up Spells, but if you don't, this spell will reduce damage done by spells by 1/3. The other is Turn Undead. This spell can either be REALLY GREAT, or not that useful. In Carlie's/Kevin's Story, this is the best spell ever, as it kills ALL Undead, and most of the enemies in Mirage Palace are Undead. In Hawk's/Lise's,its good against Jagan and Carmilla's while in Duran's/Angela's story, only good against Zombie Dragons. Oh well, this class is good choice if oyu made Carlie Light. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: V e i b ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The better Light class. The ST Sabers are enough, Turn Undead rules in Kevin/Carlie quest and Magic Shield is nice. Tinkle Rain and Saint Saber are nice spells too. A good class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sage (Light + Dark) Spells: Heal Light*, Tinkle Rain*, Holy Ball*, Diamond Saber*, Thunder Saber*, Fire Saber*, Ice Saber*, and Saint Beam Tech - BoomBoom: One Enemy Max Stats Best Equipment ---------- --------------- Strength......15 Weapon.....Gigas Flail Agility.......17 Helmet.....Sage's Ribbon Vitality......18 Armor......Sage's Robe Intelligence..19 Ring.......Moon Flower Spirit........21 Luck..........19 Sage gets to mulitarget her all of her spells and gets to learn a new one: Saint Beam. This isn't mulitarget. This class is good for supporting fighters, like Duran and Kevin, because it has mulitarget sabers and a high spirit. Plus, she has Holy Ball and Saint Beam. So the Sage has muiltarget sabers, healing spells and two attack spells. What's not to like? The problem is that all these quailties can be replaced by her other classes (sabers - Bishop; attack spells - Necromancer and Evil Shaman; healing - all of them) and they have something special that makes them more powerful, (Necromancer - Black Curse; Evil Shaman - Demon Breath and Great Demon; Bishop - Her high spirit, Saint Saber and Turn Undead) so this class isn't what it seems. But still, if you want sabers, healing spells and attack spells, all in on class, this is the class to choose. (The * indicates the spell can mulitarget) Opinions from other gamers: ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: A b s o l u t e Z e r o ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This class is an okay one if you want MT sabers. Otherwise, just avoid it. She has awful strength. She only learns Saint Beam, which can sometimes be useful, but only on Dark Lich, in my opinion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: A r m i s a e l ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Sage gains the ability to multitarget all of her saber spells and her Holy Ball spell, and she also learns the level two Light attack spell Saint Beam. Multi-target sabers are nice, but not outrageously useful, since it isn't much of a chore to simply single-target them; additionally, the only other functions of the Sage are to cast attack and heal spells, so she isn't exactly up to her elbows in tasks. The Sage's two attack spells do come in handy, element permitting. The Sage is probably Charlotte's most easy-to-use class, and you won't have any trouble playing her, but she's nothing to write home about, either. If you want to use Charlotte as an attack class, though, I recommend you to go dark with her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: M e e p l e L a r d ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not Much to say. Learns to MT all of the Priestess spells and gets the Strongest Saint Beam in the game, but its only ST. Weakest Class in game making the MT Sabers lose Value. Carlie'S worst Class, but it still can be useful in certain Parties. I would choose the Bishop over this Class most of the time, but feel free to use it. This class also has the most fun tech to watch, but its also the weakest. Oh well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: V e i b ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMHO this one is nearly useless. Since the Sage has so low attack power, the MT Sabers are wasted since she can't do much damage anyway. The strongest Saint Beam in the game is nice, though. --- Enchantress (Dark) Spells: Heal Light*, Tinkle Rain, Unicorn Head and Machine Golem Tech - Dash: One Enemy Max Stats Best Equipment ---------- --------------- Strength......13 Weapon.....Vertina Maul Agility.......14 Helmet.....Spiritus Ribbon Vitality......13 Armor......Kurikara Robe Intelligence..17 Ring.......Magatama Spirit........17 Luck..........17 The Enchantress gets to mulitarget Heal Light and learns two summons: Unicorn Head and Machine Golem. However, these summons are weak. And the low Spirit doesn't help either. However, it gets better... (The * indicates the spell can mulitarget) Opinions from other gamers: ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: A r m i s a e l ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In addition to multi-targetting Heal Light, the Enchantress gains the ability to use the Unicorn and Golem summons, which are, in effect, non-elemental attack spells. The Enchantress isn't Charlotte's greatest class with her lower Spirit and lack of support spells, but she's marginally stronger than the Priestess and her summons are an effective means of attack in the early parts of the game. Towards her second class change, though, you won't really be getting much use out of the Enchantress, save for her healing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: M e e p l e L a r d ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not as good as the Priestess class, but its Not Torturess to use. She also Gets MTHL, despite being a Dark Class. Hers is weaker, but not by much. She also Gets only 2 new spells, both Summons. They are good for Cheap Long Range Decent Damage, but nothing to Brag about. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: V e i b ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since the summons are weak, she can basically be only used as a healer. IMHO this is the worse of her second classes, but this is made up with the quality of her Dark FC's. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: Z h a b l e f a h r ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ it doesn´t have many spells, but is a good addition for a player that have played more than 1 time, It learn two summons and the MT heal light, her summons are: unicorn head and machine golem, not very good, but her second dark classes are worth it. -- Evil Shaman (Dark + Dark) Spells: Heal Light*, Tinkle Rain, Unicorn Head, Machine Golem, Gremlin, Great Demon, Antimagic and Demon Breath Tech - BoomBoom: One Enemy Max Stats Best Equipment ---------- --------------- Strength......17 Weapon.....Juggernaut Agility.......16 Helmet.....Bitium Ribbon Vitality......18 Armor......Bitium Dress Intelligence..20 Ring.......Black Onyx Spirit........20 Luck..........19 A great offensive class for advance players. She learns two more summons: Gremlin and Great Demon. These summons are the strongest summons and coupled with Demon Breath, which lowers Magic Power and Magic Defense, they rule! She also learns Antimagic which negate all magic effects (sabers, Stat Up effects, Stat Down effects) and Elemental Properties. The best offensive class for Carlie. (The * indicates the spell can mulitarget) Opinions from other gamers: ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: A b s o l u t e Z e r o ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This class has the best attack power of all of Carlie's classes. She also has the worst spirit, but I guess that's the price you have to pay. Great Demon is a awesome summon. Demon Breath then Great Demon deals some nice damage. The only drawback is that costs 11 MP the first time, and 5 every time after. I prefer the Necromancer if you don't have Hawk gone Dark. These are both good classes, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .::A r m i s a e l ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I love the Evil Shaman. It's Charlotte's best offensive class, and learns some excellent spells: Antimagic wipes away both the status effects AND elemental modifiers of its target, meaning you can effectively nullify an enemy's strengths; Demon Breath is a strong full-screen attack spell that lowers the enemies' magic defense and effectiveness, which works well with the Evil Shaman's two final spells, Gremlin and Great Demon, the most powerful summon attacks in the game - lower the enemy's magic defense and then hit it with a Great Demon. Definitely my most favoured of Charlotte's classes, and just generally a lot of fun to play. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: M e e p l e L a r d ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carlie's Strongest Class Physically, this class can actually fight. BUt still, its not ALL that great. This is the only one of Carlie's FC's that does not learn MT Tinkle Rain, but that's not such a bad thing. She learns the strongest of Carlie's Summons, but has the weakest of her Heal Lights. She also gets 2 fun spells. The first is Anti Magic. This takes away all the advantages and Disadvantages the Enemy has, including Elemental Properties. This helps for her Next spell, Demon BReath. This spell lowers Magic Def and Magic Pwr of the enemy as well as deals Good Dark Damage in the same way Hawk's Justu's Lower stats and deal damage. Also, Demon Breath is an FS attack, meaning you can lower the magic power of all the enemies on the screen. CHoose this class if your team is mostly magic based, and if you need more Power. But you'll want the the Necromancer instead. Oh yeah, this class is great for those who love to use summons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: V e i b ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The most offensive class of Carlie. Highest STR and lots of attack spells. I don't find Antimagic too useful, but Demon Breath and Greater Demon summon are good ways of damaging enemies. Demon Breath also reduces enemies' Magic Damage and Defense, and it's MT. My favorite of Carlie's classes, this one makes her both healer and offensive spellcaster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: Z h a b l e f a h r::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A good addition to a magic team, it is the strongest of carlie´s classes, but it have the weakest heal light. It learn two summons and an attack spell, the summons are: Gremlin (not very good) and great demon (AWESOME) and the attack spell is demon breath, is the second strongest dark spell (second only to death spell) and lowers the enemy magic atributes, a good spell for a good class (notice that it is the only class of carlie that don´t learn tinkle rain multiple). --- Necromancer (Dark + Light) Spells: Heal Light*, Tinkle Rain, Unicorn Head, Machine Golem, Ghoul, Ghost, Dark Saber and Black Curse Tech - HugeHuge: One Enemy Max Stats Best Equipment ---------- --------------- Strength......16 Weapon.....Maul of the Dead Agility.......15 Helmet.....Undead Ribbon Vitality......18 Armor......Undead Suit Intelligence..19 Ring.......Black Onyx Spirit........21 Luck..........20 Two words: Black Curse. This little spell lowers all of the enemy stats (Strength, Agility, Vitality, Intelligence, Spirit and Luck), allowing a phsycal or magic using person to destroy the enemy. But since it's Single Target, it's really only useful for bosses. She also learns two new summons: Ghoul and Ghost. There are nothing much but when coupled with Black Curse they're better. Lastly she learns Dark Saber. Sure the animation looks cool but there aren't many Light enemies for you to take advantage of. A great support character. (The * indicates the spell can mulitarget) Opinions from other gamers: ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: A b s o l u t e Z e r o ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a pretty good class. Dark Saber really isn't any use by this point in the game. The only enemy that is ever weak to dark (that I know of) are the final bosses. All three of those are only weak to dark for a short period of time. Black Curse is awesome, though. It's like using all of Lise's stat downs at once and it costs 6 MP. That is quite a bit, but suppose you want to stat down with Lise. That takes 8 MP and more time. Black Curse is very efficient. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: A r m i s a e l ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a halfway decent class with a very good spell: Black Curse. Black Curse is a single-target spell which lowers every status of its target. It saves time and MP, and is useful in any situation. The Necromancer also learns two new summons - Ghoul and Ghost - which, whilst not as strong as those of the Evil Shaman, are very effective when coupled with Black Curse, and are a definite improvement over the summons of the Enchantress. Finally, the Necromancer learns Dark Saber, which tacks the Darkness element onto a character's physical attack. Sadly, there aren't many Light elemental bosses in this game, rendering it less than useful. The Necromancer is fairly good, but it's really Black Curse that carries her. Black Curse IS an exceptional spell, though, so in many instances the tradeoff would probably be well worth it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: M e e p l e L a r d ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carlie's BEST Class. She learns Black Curse, which Lowers all the stats of an Enemy in one casting. Great against bosses, and even better when paired with the Star Lancer who can raise Stats. She learns 2 more Powerful Summons, but like the other 2, they are nothing to brag about. Her last spell is Dark Saber. Not all that great, but there will always be at least 1 use for this Spell, as there is always 1 Light Boss in each final Stage (The Full Metal Hugger's and Heath) This class also gets the Highest of Carlie's Stats, I believe, but not 100% sure. Choose this Class if your NOT playing her Story. Black Curse is worth the slight annoyances of the Enchantress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: V e i b ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weaker summons than those of Evil Shaman, but she makes up for it with a few new tricks. Dark Saber is probably the most useless Saber in the game, but Black Curse totally 0wnz. Reducing all stats at once is extremely nice. Nothing else is too great, though. --- Phew! That was long. Now you see how good a character Carlie is. All in all, one sentence wraps what was said in this section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .:: F i z b a n 1 2 3 ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carlie is good no matter what CCs make, nuf said. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IX. .:: E Q U I P M E N T L I S T ::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COMING SOON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X. .:: G R O U P S U G G E S T I O N S ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are some Group Suggestions. All of them have Carlie in them. If you want to send in a team, please e-mail me at thundasnake@hotmail.com. But they have to have Carlie in them. --- From AbsoluteZero: Kevin: Death Hand Hawk: Nightblade/Ninja Master Carlie: Bishop Carlie will cast sabers, heal, and use Turn Undead, Hawk will stat down or blow people up with a cool tech, and Kevin will just bash the enemy. From Anemo (Me): Angela - Rune Master Carlie - Necromancer Duran - Duelist This is a good boss fighting party. Carlie can heal and do Black Curse (which lowers every Stat) Angela casts her Lv 3 spells and Duran will kick ass. Simple as that. From Anemo (Me): Angela - Grand Devina Carlie - Evil Shaman Lise - Star Lancer An all female team. Carlie can heal, do Demon Breath, and Summon, Angela casts spells and Lise can cast Stat Up spells and Marduke. A good offensive team. team. From Anemo (Me): Duran - Duelist Carlie - Evil Shaman Kevin - God Hand A very good offensive team. Duran uses Sabers and use his Strength, Carlie can heal, do Demon Breath, and Summon while Kevin can double as a healer, use Aura Wave on himself AND Duran! Ooo... That's gotta hurt. From GoodLuckDie: Carlie - Evil Shaman Angela - Any final Class of your choice Duran - Swordmaster The Swordmaster will give this team Duran's second highest attackpower, a powerful fullscreen level 3 tech and last but not exactly least the Leaf saber spell. The Swordmaster himself will represent your physical fighting force in this team, while his Leaf saber spell will give both Carlie and Angela virtually unlimited spellcasting(!). The Evil Shaman has, besides the usual multitargeted Heal Light to support the team with, the Demon Breath and Antimagic spells, as well as Carlie's most powerful summons. With Demon Breath's ability to lower the magic defense of all non-dark enemies on the screen, it quickly becomes one hell of a spell to combine with Angela's spells. If there's a boss which absorbs the Dark element, make sure to cast Antimagic first, and the problem is solved. You can turn Angela into any of her final Classes you want, but I'd personally recommend either the Magus or the Archmage. In this team, any of the 3 partymembers is an equally good candidate to be the main character. From GoodLuckDie: Kevin - Death Hand Carlie - Bishop Lise -Vanadis/Starlancer This team concentrates on the powers of the Wolf Devil. Carlie supports this team through the usual multitargeted Heal Light, but more importantly she will provide Kevin's most powerful Werewolf form with various saber magic including the mighty Saint saber spell. The results won't be pretty for your enemies. Lise from her side will provide this team with Stat-up spells and some additional physical force. If you want to put the emphasis on the stat-up spells, choose the Starlancer to get those spells multitargeted. If you want Lise to fully fight alongside Kevin however, have her become a Vanadis. This will give you a second fullscreen level 3 tech as well as Lise her highest attackpower. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- XI. .:: C A R L I E ' S S C E N A R I O ::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COMING SOON =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- XII. .:: F A Q ::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You got questions? I got answers. Just send them in at thundasnake@hotmail.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- XIII. .:: Q U O T E S ::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This section has some quotes from Seiken Densetsu 3. Send in your favorites! You can send them in at thundasnake@hotmail.com. <...> "You did something bad, Angela? You need a spanking!" - Carlie to Angela, on the bridge to Forcena. "Quiet! Nobody's going to come!" - Duran, while in custody in the prison of Jad (Submitted by GoodLuckDie) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IVX. .:: O T H E R C H A R A C T E R F A Q s ::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- < Twilight > ------------ Now you may be wondering why I'm telling Twi to shut up through out the FAQ. You'll find out sooner or later =D. Anyway, Twilight is the creator of the Duran FAQ and his character FAQ was the first one posted on GameFAQs. It's in it's Final version right now so it's complete. His FAQ includes info about Duran and how he does not suck. So check it out. < Lord Zero > ------------- Lord Zero is the creator of the Lise FAQ. Of course, it has info on Lise but it also has info on Norse Mythology, which most of Lise's Class names are from. He considers it done so, of course, it's complete. Check it out. < ThundaSnake > --------------- ThundaSnake (I have no relation to him) is the creator of the Anglea FAQ. Now this is why I'm telling Twi to shut up 'cause he thinks there is a conspiracy between us two (or so I believe). Anyways... his FAQ is still open for updates but it's pretty much complete. Check it out. < MeepleLard > -------------- This guy is insane... and the creator of the Hawk FAQ. Although messy (it's readable though) is contains info about Hawk. And he covered everything from head to toe. Check his FAQ out. < Veib > -------- Veib is the creator of the Kevin FAQ. Giving info about Kevin, Veib has a little while longer to complete it. Nothing big though. Check it out. < Koren > --------- Although a Duran FAQ is already up, Koren deciced to make another one. It's not complete but it has a "second opinion" (as Meeple says) on Duran. Check it out. --- All of these FAQs can be found in Character section at GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com/) except Koren's; his is at the In-Depth FAQs section. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VX. .:: C R E D I T S ::. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thank you to all these people! Squaresoft - For actually making the game. Neill Corlett, Lina'chan, Nuku-nuku, and SoM2Freak - For translating the ROM! Because of them, they undid the stupid thing Square did, not releasing the game here. AbsoluteZero - For sending in Class Opinions and sending in a team. Armisael - For sending in long, yet very helpful, Class Opinions. Fizban123 - For sending that short yet sweet sentence at the end of the Class Section. GoodLuckDie - For mentioning to me some errors I needed to correct. And he gave two teams and a quote. Thank you! MeepleLard - For sending in Class Opinions and for checking my work. Also for telling me the mistake about Carlie's Demon Breath. Nightblade - I "borrowed" parts his lay-out from his Walkthrough/FAQ. Hope he doesn't mind! (Man, I'm unoriginal...) Twilight - For checking over my work. Thanks. Veib - For sending in Class Opinions. Zhable fahr - For sending in Class Opinions. Nightshade Darkness (http://www.lilcorner.net/) Her website helped me alot, even though some info is incorrect. I don't think she'll be updating her site though... DC - His FAQ helped me alot, even though it was long as hell. See it at GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) Loopy - His FAQ also helped me and it was shorter. See it at GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) Twilight, Lord Zero, ThundaSnake, Meeple Lard, and Veib - For inspiring me to do this FAQ. Thank you. BTW, check out their character FAQs at GameFAQs! (www.gamefaqs.com) Anyone I missed - Sorry. I have a short memory span. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIX. .:: F I N A L W O R D S ::. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, that's all folks. Thanks for reading this FAQ and I hope this helps you. If you want to send in something please send something that is related to Carlie and/or this FAQ.(Tips, advice, information and questions etc.) My e-mail is thundasnake@hotmail.com. See ya, and remember boys and girls: Don't diss Carlie otherwise you'll find yourself in the hospital.