Started at- January 29, 2000 Ended at- January 30, 2000 ------------------------------------------------- RUN-SABER ENEMY/ BOSS GUIDE Written by: Dyce a.k.a. Forte -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Table of Contents ------------------------ 1) Characters 2) Controls 3) Power Ups 4) Boss/Enemy FAQ 5) Legal Stuff --------------- Characters --------------- Sewa- The female RunSaber. She uses a blue saber that slices upward, and seems to use the power of ice. Alow- The male RunSaber. He uses a green saber that slices foward, and seems to use the power of energy/lightning. ------------- Controls ------------- Y= Slash X= Hyper Bomb B= Jump L/R= Slide either left or right, depeding on the button. Note: There are special moves that can be done as well. Jump Kick- Jump up in the air, then hold down on the directional pad. Useful when falling down. Energy Jump- Hold up, then jump. Very useful for getting out or sticky situations. --------------- Power-Ups --------------- 1. Health-Up: It carries the Red Cross. When picked up, gives back on health point. 2. Saber-Up: It shows a picture of a saber. Pick this up to increase the range and power of your saber. Note that if your saber is not powered up, almost all of the enemies will drop these. 3. Double Health-Up: Like the health up, but it gives back 2 health spaces instead of one. Also, the cross is still red, but the background of it is blue. 4. 1-Up: Shows your face. Pick this up for 1 extra life. 5. Hyper Bomb: A picture of a pink, glowing sphere. Pick this up to increase the number of bombs in your invetory. ---------------- BOSS FAQ --------------- ------------------------- STAGE 1- Taj Base -------------------------- ------------------ The Enemies ----------------- Jumpsuit Alien: --------------------- Attacks- Machine Gun, Molotov's Comments: They're quite easy to dispose of. Just hit them once. And once defeated, they drop a Hyper Bomb. Flying Alien: ----------------- Attacks- Charge (None) Comments: Annoying, if they're attacking you in groups. But, luckily, they can be disposed of in one hit, and you can clear them out by using performing an energy jump or a jump kick. Once defeated, they drop a Health-Up. Rolling Razor: ------------------ Attacks- Charge (None) Comments: A black alien that curls up into a ball and rolls on the ground, attacking you by using the razors on it's back. If they're on the ground, you can take them out with a slide, but it's best to slash at them, instead. Also, be sure to watch out for them when they fall from the sky. They can be disposed of in one hit, and they drop a Health- Up, once defeated. Pod Dispensers: --------------------- Attacks- Pod Release Comments: It's not the pod dispensers that do the attacking, it's the pods themselves that do it. Destroy them to cease the creation of the pods. You'll have to slash them a couple of times, and once defeated, they drop nothing. Pod: --------------------- Attacks- Energy Shot Comments: Although not a threat alone, if there's too many of them, they can pose a threat. They all fire slow-moving energy shots, and they charge at you as well. Again, destroy the Pod Dispensers to get rid of them. They die in one hit, and they drop nothing, once defeated. Skull Masks: --------------------- Attacks- Falling Orb Comments: They like to hang on the ceiling, and drop slow moving balls of energy. Get rid of them by jumping on the ceiling and slashing at them. They die in one hit, and once defeated, they drop a Double Health-Up. Blue Mermaid: ------------------- Attacks- Missile Shot Comments: Unlike their pink counterpart, they're slow at firing missiles. Just perform an energy jump to get rid of them, then slash at them. They can die in one hit, and once defeated, they drop a Hyper Bomb. ---------------------------------------------- Sub-Boss 1- Mutant Flamethrower ---------------------------------------------- Attacks- Blue Flamethrower Comments: Hey, all you have to do is energy jump through this thing. Continue doing so, and you'll take him out in no time. --------------------------------------------- Sub-Boss 1- Pink Mermaid --------------------------------------------- Attacks- Missile Shot. Comments: This mermaid comes just as soon as you kill all of the blue ones. She can fire missiles quite fast, although it's only 2 missiles at a time. Energy jump to get rid of the missiles, then slash away. -------------------------------------------- Stage Boss- Fighter Jet ------------------------------------------- This boss has 4 forms. You can take them out in no particular order (Note: if you don't hit the forms after a few seconds, they'll submerge back into the jet. Be fast.): First Form- In the middle of the jet. Will use a gatling gun to fire at you. Duck, then slash it. It'll be out in one hit. Second Form- On the tail of the jet. It's the form of the head, and it will spit debris at you. Dodge the debris, then slash it. It'll die in one slash. Third Form- On the nose of the jet. This form will claw at you, and as soon as you get a few feet from it, it will start to reach out at you. Dodge the claw, then hit it from above with a jump kick. Fourth Form- The hardest of the 4 forms. This'll come out of the cockpit, so be careful not to get near it. As soon as it comes out, slash at it to keep it away from you. After a slashing it a few times, the jet will somersault, causing you to hang on to the jet. Then, the form may end up spitting energy, or it may charge at you. Either way, dodge the attacks by performing an energy jump, and get on the other side of the jet. Slash at it, until defeated. --------------------------- STAGE 2- Tong City --------------------------- ----------------- The Enemies ----------------- Spearmen ------------- Attacks- Spear Throw Comments: Annoying, if they're fighting in groups. They can throw spears from a distance, and due to the fact that they can regenerate the spears fast, they can pose a threat, when paired with Cloud Surfers. You can kill them in one hit. One way to deal with more than one of them is to slide, or jump kick them. Once defeated, they drop a Health-Up. Bird Statue --------------- Attacks- Energy Shot Comments: Bird statues that spew energy shots from their mouth. The projectiles can be destroyed, too, so they don't pose too much of a threat. The only time you should worry about them is when you're fighting them on a slope, therefore increasing the Bird Statues charging speed, meaning that they can ram into you. Once defeated, they drop a Health-Up. Cloud Surfer ---------------- Attacks- Charge (None) Comments: Obviously the most annoying enemy in this stage. They can fly in the sky, meaning that it's hard to dodge the Spearmen's attacks if you wanted to, and if they land on the ground, the run at you at a tremendous speed, unleasing holy hell if you're fighting both the Spearmen and the Cloud Surfers. The best advice I can give you is to perform an energy jump if needed, and slash at them a.s.a.p., if they touch the ground. Once defeated, they drop a Hyper Bomb. ----------------------------- Sub-Boss 1- Orb Head ----------------------------- Attacks- Bubble Spit, Crush Comments: This is a fairly easy sub-boss. ( Provided you have a powered up Saber...) All you have to do is wait for the head to reach your level, then slash at it. Also, watch out for the bubbles it spits out, because if the bubbles hit you, they will leech away at your health, causing you to die in an instant, so destroy them, a.s.a.p. Take note to when it tries to crush you, as this attack is predictable. (When it stops hovering around, this is when it'll try to do it. Slide, or move out of the way, to dodge this attack.) --------------------------------------- Sub-Boss 2- Red Saber: Part 1 --------------------------------------- Attacks- FireStorm, Red Slash, Dagger Throw, Slide Comments: This will be your first of many meetings with Red Saber. Fighting him is, to no doubt, one of the hardest battles of the game. (Since most of his attacks are very similar to yours.) Since you can't rush in, (he'll kill you in an instant) you'll have to let him make the mistakes, and you'll have to make him pay for it. When he jumps, slide or move under him. Don't try to jump kick, energy jump, or slash him out of the air, as he'll knock you down with the RedSlash. Wait until he lands, then hit him, then move back. When he slides, jump away from him, then when he gets up, slash him. Be careful to when he performs Firestorm, as this attack travels the entire screen, and it's hard to dodge when you jump too early, or too late. As for the Dagger Throw, they can be destroyed, so get rid of them a.s.a.p... He likes to throw the daggers then perform the Firestorm,(or perform two Firestorms in a row) so look out for that as well. ----------------------------------- Sub-Boss 3- Rock Tosser ----------------------------------- Attacks- Rock Toss Comments: This is a very, very easy sub-boss. First, get as close as you can to him, then just dodge the rocks by jumping straight up in the air, and slashing him in the face. (At Saber's length, of course.) There should'nt be any problem here... --------------------------------------- Stage Boss- Undead Princess --------------------------------------- Attacks- FireWave, BouncingLaser Comments: The only way to die in this fight is if you goof up. Her FireWave attack is very predictable (When she moves her hand that's on the ground), and, it can be easily dodged. But, it's the Bouncing Laser which makes things difficult. The best way to defeat her is to stand on her lap, jump up, slash her in the face, then repeat. If she summons the FireWave while you're on her lap, just dodge it by jumping up, and slash her in the face again. If the Bouncing Laser is in effect while you're trying to do this process, just concentrate on dodging the laser. (Luckily, you can protect yourself from it by performing an energy jump.) Repeat until defeated. --------------------------- STAGE 3- Jodvalley --------------------------- ------------------ The Enemies ------------------ Mutant Bat: ---------------- Attacks- Swoop Comments: Mutant Bats bearing a resemblance to harpy's. Annoying, if they're fighting you in groups. They have a tendency to swoop down on you, if you're below them. Energy jump to prevent this. They die in one hit, and once defeated, they drop a Health-Up. Large Insect: ------------------ Attacks- Charge (None) Comments: They're not too hard to get rid of, but if you're fighting them in packs, getting rid of them may be a chore. Slash once to kill. Once defeated, they drop a Hyper Bomb. Iron Lizard: --------------- Attacks- Charge (None) Comments: A giant, ironclad, Godzilla-type of lizard. They're not to hard to dispose of, but watch out to when it suddenly runs at you, as this attack his hard to dodge. You can hop (repeated jump-kicks) on it, for an easy defeat. Once defeated, they drop nothing. --------------------------------- Sub-Boss 1- Giant Falcon --------------------------------- Attacks- Swoop Comments: Not to hard to dispose of, actually. Just follow the Orb Head tactic (Just wait until it reaches your level, then slash at it.) It's even easier if your Saber is powered up. ------------------------------------- Sub-Boss 2- Brawler Falcon ------------------------------------- Attacks- Extending Punch, Wave Kick Comments: This fight is easy, once you get it's pattern down. When it's on the ground, just duck and slash away at it. But, when it jumps, it's preparing to do a Wave Kick, and that's what it'll perform as soon as it lands. Just jump behind it, and slash at it. Repeat using the steps above, and he'll be out in no time. Again, it's easier if your Saber is powered up. -------------------------------------- Stage Boss- Mutant Dragon -------------------------------------- Attacks- Flame Breath Comments: An easy boss, if you follow the instructions I'm about to give you. Just try to stay directly under it's head, then energy jump, straight up. That's all you have to do. Do anything else, and you'll have a hard time. -------------------------- STAGE 4- Grey Fac -------------------------- ------------------ The Enemies ------------------ Alien Scientist: -------------------- Attacks- Machine Gun Comments: Weird looking aliens in lab coats. They attack by unleasing a machine gun from their head... weird. In any case, they're not really a threat. Just jump kick them from above, or slide to take out more than one. Once defeated, they drop a Hyper Bomb. Mutant Engine: -------------------- Attacks- Purple Flamethrower Comments- These enemies aren't a threat, either. They can fly at tremendous speeds, and they attack you by using a purple flamethrower, which is unpredictable. (Which, basically, is their only advantage.) Just jump up at them and slash them. Once defeated, they drop a Double Health- Up. ------------------------------------ Sub-Boss 1- Engine Knight ------------------------------------ Attacks- Sword Slash, Thrust Charge, Energy Slice Comments: You'll probably have a hard time with this guy. As soon as he appears, he'll come at you and perform a Thrust Charge. Just duck to avoid this attack, (If you didn't jump up in the air to hit him) then hit him in the back as soon as he passes. Eventually, he'll hover around in circles, and use the Energy Slice. As soon as he hovers under you, jump over him, face his back, then slash it. It'll probably try to run into you, and do continued SwordSlashes. You can try to jump over him, but it'll probably hover right under you, knocking you out of the air. You can try to energy jump through him when he's stationary. ---------------------------------------- Sub-Boss 2- Red Saber: Part 2 ----------------------------------------- Attacks: Firestorm, Red Slash, Dagger Throw, Slide Comments: He's back, and a bit more difficult, as well. He also can attack a lot faster than he used to. He likes to perform two Firestorms in a row, or perform a Firestorm, then follow up with a Dagger Throw, a slide, or, if you jumped up in the air to dodge the Firestorm, he'll jump up at you and use his saber on you. (Sometimes.) Otherwise, nothing has changed about him. Just use the tactics I've given you earlier. --------------------------------- Stage Boss- Giant Mech --------------------------------- Attacks: Electric Shot, Missile Shot, Charge Comments: This boss has 3 forms. They appear in this order: First Form: Four Legged- You can't damage this form, so don't bother trying to attack it. Just worry about dodging the Electric Shots that travel across the ceiling and the floor. Second Form: Standing Up- This form walks back and forth across the screen, and if you don't jump on the two bars on top of the screen, you'll have a hard time with it. The key to beating this form is to stand on the bar, wait until he passes, then slash it in the back, while it's away from you. Repeat until it's defeated. Third Form: Spider Legs- This form travels up the screen, shooting missiles at you. Just continue to slash at the torso of the form, and energy jump to destroy the homing missiles. Repeat until defeated. This is the final form. -------------------------------- STAGE 5- Bruford (The Final Stage) -------------------------------- ----------------- The Enemies ----------------- Living Slime: ----------------- Attacks- Head Explosion Comments: Threatening, if they're attacking you in groups. They should'nt pose too much of a threat, however, since they can be killed in one hit. Also, as soon as you kill them, watch out, as their entire body will explode, damaging you in the process. Once defeated, they drop a Health-Up. Appearing Head: ---------------------- Attacks- Debris Spit Comments: They appear after defeating the Ice Serpent. While you're falling down, just hold down on the directional pad to jump kick, and you'll be safe. Once defeated, they drop nothing. Security Pods: ------------------- Attacks- Rapid Energy Shot Comments: Obviously the most threatening enemy in this stage. As soon as they target you, they will fire a continued stream of energy. Dodge the energy by jumping, then get rid of them with a jump kick. They die in one hit, and once defeated, they drop either a Hyper Bomb or a Health-Up. Jumpsuit Alien: --------------------- Attacks- Machine Gun, Molotov's Comments: Look at Taj Base for reference. Rolling Razor: ------------------ Attacks- Charge (None) Comments: Look at Taj Base for reference. -------------------------------- Sub-Boss 1- Ice Serpent -------------------------------- Attacks- Ice Shot, Charge Comments: Easy, once you know it's pattern. First, it will come out of it's hive, then it will hover around the vicinity. It will either spit ice at you, or it will charge at you. First, when it spits ice at you, get rid of it by energy jumping. Also, attack it when you get the chance. After a while, it will start to go back into the hive. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO SLASH AWAY, so do so now. It'll repeat the pattern. Repeat until defeated. ----------------------------------------- Sub-Boss 2- Flaming Orb Head ----------------------------------------- Attacks- Homing Bubble Spit Comments: This is another easy battle. First, don't jump up and slash it, because you'll make things worse. Just walk up, following it, and slash it once it reaches your level. Also, watch out for the bubbles, and unlike the ones that the other Orb Head spits out, these are faster, and they hone in. Get rid of them by attacking them. Repeat until defeated. -------------------------------------------- Sub-Boss 3- Red Saber: Final Act -------------------------------------------- Attacks- Firestorm, Red Slash, Dagger Throw, Slide Comments: This is obviously the hardest battle in the entire stage. (As well as your final meeting with Red Saber.) He won't hesistate for a second, and he's a lot smarter from his previous losses, as well. When you try to slash at him, for example, he'll dodge it by sliding towards you. As for beating him, you should do the same. Don't hesitate for a second, and keep slashing away, and dodge his slide and jump, as well. Otherwise, nothing's changed about him, just follow the tactics I've give you earlier. After you beat him, you'll never see him again. ------------------------------------- Sub-Boss 4- Abomination ------------------------------------ Attacks- Headlash, Energy Spit, Straight Beam, Eyeball Spit Comments: The final sub-boss in this stage. This boss has 3 heads, as well. The one on the very top lashes at you, the one in the middle spits energy, and the bottom one fires a very powerful straight laser beam at you, as well as spit eyeballs. I'll list them out in this order: Middle Head: This is the one that spits the energy. Get rid of this one first, and energy jump to get rid of the energy that he spits. He shouldn't be too much of a problem. Top Head: This one is the most annoying. As soon as you get rid of the middle head, go for this one. It likes to continously lash at you, and it can reach long distances, making things difficult. When he lashes at you, dodge the very front of his head, then energy jump through the middle of him. Repeat until defeated. Bottom Head: The final head you should get rid of. Luckily, this one doesn't do anything until you get rid of the other 2. This one is quite easy, if you know how to hop, (repeated jump kicks) and if you do that, he'll be out in no time. ------------------------------- Stage Boss- Final Boss -------------------------------- Attacks- Hand Reach, Falling Energy Spit Comments: Don't be intimidated by this guy, as he is quite easy. First off, don't attack the head repeatedly, because even though it looks like you're killing him, you're not. After you hit his head once, you'll notice a small opening in his chest. This is what you should hit. Once you do hit the head once, jump down to his chest, and hit the heart. Be quick, because it only stays open for a few seconds. Also, get rid of the falling energy by energy jumping. Also, you may want to stay in the chest area, because his hands are almost impossible to dodge. Once you see his hand appear and go back, continue the pattern, until he is defeated. Afterwards, enjoy the ending. ----------------- Legal Stuff ----------------- (c) 2000, by Dyce. All right reserved. Do not use this FAQ on your webpage without asking me first. (You know, no plagiarizing, etc.) All versions (if any) of this FAQ will be property of Don't try to sell this FAQ, as it is free to the public. Run-Saber is published by Atlus, (c) 1993. Liscensed by Nintendo.