*************************************** ROMANCING SAGA 3 BATTLE MECHANICS GUIDE *************************************** Ver. 1.0: 01/2013 Author: Djinn to Tonic Co-Author: Snow Wanderer Disclaimer: Romancing SaGa 3 is copyright to Squaresoft 1995 -------- CONTENTS -------- I. Intro A. RS3 Basics B. Scope II. Damage Formula A. Skill Level Function Chart B. General Weapon Damage Formulas C. General Martial Arts Damage Formulas D. General Magic Damage Formula E. Multiple-Formula-Calling Skills F. Throw Skills G. Weight-Based Skills H. Counterattacks I. Percentile Damage J. Willpower Skills K. Miscellaneous Magic Damage Formulas L. Healing Formula III. Accuracy Formula (includes Buff/Debuff info) A. General Damage Skills Accuracy Formulas 1. General Weapons 2. General Axes 3. General Bow/Epee 4. Slayer Skills 5. Martial Arts 6. Throws B. Added Effects Accuracy Formulas C. Status Skill Accuracy Formulas 1. Status Effect Skills 2. Instant Death 3. HP Absorb Spells 4. LP Damage Skills 5. Charm Skills IV. Party Level Formula V. Base Stats A. Initial Stats B. Growth Rates C. Static Base Stats D. Initial Abilities/Equipment VI. Equipment Properties Lists VII. Skill Data ------------ INTRODUCTION ------------ Romancing SaGa 3, as the name would imply, is the third game of the Romancing SaGa series. It is the sixth game in the total SaGa series, and the immediate predecessor to SaGa Frontier, a PSX game with which it shares many similarities. Both games are known for their unusually open-ended gameplay, vast roster of characters, and gameplay mechanics so impenetrable that it took over a decade for Japanese data-miners to figure them out (and even now, they aren't completely cracked). Romancing SaGa 3 received an English fan translation patch by Mana Sword that's been available to the community for a long time now, and these are the translated names that will be predominantly seen in this guide. Much of the information contained here has been translated from various Japanese sources, notably Korotan's Room (http://korotan.xrea.jp/rs_index.htm) and tested within the game itself, as well as some supplemental data-mining on my part. *********************** ROMANCING SAGA 3 BASICS *********************** Romancing SaGa 3, despite being light on plot, is a DENSE game. It has 8 main characters, each with their own intros/endings and restrictions on what events they can and can't activate, though these are largely similar in most cases (Mikhail, Katarina, and Harid being the main exceptions). In addition to the main battle system discussed here, the game also has war battles, a merchantile sidequest, a blacksmithing sidequest and a Commander Mode for regular battles that changes things up a bit. Like SaGa Frontier, the game features enemy monsters that increase in strength alongside the player through a mechanic known as Battle Rank, though most boss monsters have fixed stats. This battle rank affects how easily a PC can learn a new skill in battle through a mechanic known as Sparking. RS3 also features various quests that open up to the player based on party level, beating other quests, and a mechanic known as Greed. These quests reward the player with various treasures, recruitable characters and advancement of the admittedly bare-bones plot. And like SaGa Frontier, RS3 has a host of hidden mechanics and stats to completely confuse its player! HP: Lose these and get knocked out! Involved in the damage of select skills. WP: Waza Points, called TP in the English patch. These fuel non-magical skills and are involved in the damage of certain skills. JP: Jutsu Points, called MP in the English patch. These fuel magical skills and are involved in the damage of certain skills. LP: A fixed starting stat that determines the number of times a PC can let their HP reach 0 before being removed from the party entirely. Most LP-killed PCs can be re-recruited by visiting them where they originally joined. If your main character is LP-killed, it's game over. LP can be restored at Inns or through certain healing spots. Fixed Stats: These do not change over the course of the game and can only be raised through equipment or temporary in-battle buffing. STR: Main stat for most non-magical skills for damage. Also involved in accuracy for some skills. DEX: Main stat for non-magical skills for Bows and Epees for damage, and the primary stat for accuracy. SPD: Determines turn order, involved in accuracy/evasion, involved in damage for certain skills. Decreased by a semi-hidden Weight stat on equipment. CON: Stat involved in defense against non-magical skills, as well as most magical skills. INT: Main stat for determining the damage of offensive spells. Also involved in accuracy for some skills/spells. WIL: Main stat for resisting status effects, also involved in the damage calculation of a select number of skills. CHA: Stat involved solely in the infliction and resistance of the charm status. Skill Levels: These stats can increase after battles when using skills of the corresponding type. These levels are mostly used in the formulas through a function chart to determine their actual effect on damage and accuracy, though sometimes the level itself is used (those cases will be noted in the relevant formulas). Slash LV: Corresponds to Sword / Greatsword damage and accuracy. Blunt LV: Corresponds to Axe / Mace damage and accuracy. Pierce LV: Corresponds to Spear / Epee damage and accuracy. Shot LV: Corresponds to Bow damage and accuracy. Fist LV: Corresponds to Martial Arts damage and accuracy. Also used for some buffs and Leonid's magic. Sun LV: Corresponds to Sun Magic damage and accuracy. Moon Lv: Corresponds to Moon Magic damage and accuracy. Wind LV: Corresponds to Wind Magic damage and accuracy, called "Seiryu" magic in Japanese. Fire LV: Corresponds to Fire Magic damage and accuracy, called "Suzaku" magic in Japanese. Water LV: Corresponds to Water Magic damage and accuracy, called "Genbu" magic in Japanese. Earth LV: Corresponds to Earth Magic damage and accuracy, called "Byakko" magic in Japanese. Equipment-dependant Stats: These stats come solely from the sum of currently worn equipment. Attack: Main determinant of non-magical damage. Defense: Base value in determining actual resistance. This value is modified by one or more of the following resistance stats to determine the actual "DEF" value used the defensive formula. Base Defense itself is bugged and non-elemental skills simply bypass this stat. Slash Res: Resistance to Slash-elemental damage (primarily Swords/Greatswords, and a host of skills/spells) Blunt Res: Resistance to Blunt-elemental damage (primarily Axes/Maces/Martial Arts, and a host of skills/spells) Pierce Res: Resistance to Pierce-elemental damage (primarily Spears/Epees, and a few other skills/spells) Shot Res: Resistance to Shot-elemental damage (primarily Bows and other ranged attacks) Heat Res: Resistance to Heat-elemental damage (primarily Fire/Sun Magic and a few other skills/spells) Cold Res: Resistance to Cold-elemental damage (primarily Moon Magic and a few other random skills/spells) Electric Res: Resistance to Electric-elemental damage (primarily Water Magic and a few other random things) Status Res: Resistance to Status-elemental damage and also involved in resisting/evading status effects. Weight: A hidden stat on all weapons and armor that decreases speed, as well as being involved in the accuracy formula for most skills and the damage formula for certain skills. ***** SCOPE ***** This is a Battle Mechanics Guide, and only covers the basic Romancing SaGa 3 battles. It doesn't cover war battles or Commander Mode-specific battle quirk, focusing primarily focused on the PC side of things, though there is also information on most enemy skills and stats. Some enemy names and enemy skill names are not listed with the Mana Sword English patch names because I'm not as familiar with the English names. If someone wants to contribute to filling any of these gaps, it would be appreciated. -------------- DAMAGE FORMULA -------------- Damage for most abilities depends on the combination of a number of hidden parameters attached to each and every skill in the game, modified slightly by a character's or enemy's relevant stats. In general, a skill's base power and multiplier is more important than stats. Final damage is determined in two main steps: The raw damage calculation using mostly the user's stats, and the defensive calculation using the target's stats. Every damage-dealing skill in the game has a base power value, a specific number of hits and an innate multiplier applied elsewhere in the damage formula. Each normal skill is also typed with one or more elements that determine which defense stat to hit. If a skill has more than one element, it hits the lowest of the target's involved DEF stats. If a skill has no element, it is either a status-afflicting skill or it ignores DEF. Species-Slayer skills also treat DEF as 0 if the target is of the appropriate species. Skill Levels are a large part of the damage formula, abeit indirectly. They are usually filtered through a Skill LV Function that determines the actual value used in the formula, as opposed to their direct visible value in the status screen. There are a few skills that use SkillLV directly, though. Most skills also involve a random number added onto the raw damage. This random number is always selected from 0 to 3 times the corresponding Skill LV's visible value. Terms: D: Raw damage, the first calculation Base: Base power of a skill, found in its respective listing in this guide. Hits/Hit#: Number of hits a skill has. Each hit makes an accuracy check, found in the Skill listing. TF: Technique Factor, the innate multiplier each skill has, found in the Skill listing. LF: Level Factor, the function of Skill LV found by taking the visible Skill LV and referencing the chart below. ATK: Equipped weapon's attack value. DEF: The corresponding defense value found by taking base Defense and multiplying it by the lowest applicable elemental resistance factor. STR/DEX/CON/INT: Strength, Dexterity, Consitution and/or Intelligence stats after any current buffs/debuffs/equipment changes. SkillLV: The Skill Level associated with this ability is used directly here. Ran#: A random number selected from 0 - 3*SkillLV ************************** Skill Level Function Chart ************************** ****************************************************************************** |Sk. LV|Sword |GSword|Axe |Mace |Epee |Spear |Bow |Fist |Wind |Magic | ****************************************************************************** |0 |2 |3 |3 |2 |3 |2 |2 |0 |5 |4 | |1 |3 |3 |3 |3 |3 |3 |2 |0 |6 |5 | |2 |3 |4 |4 |3 |4 |4 |3 |1 |6 |5 | |3 |4 |4 |5 |4 |4 |4 |3 |1 |7 |6 | |4 |5 |5 |5 |4 |4 |5 |4 |1 |7 |6 | |5 |5 |6 |6 |5 |5 |6 |4 |2 |8 |7 | |6 |6 |6 |7 |5 |5 |7 |5 |2 |8 |7 | |7 |6 |7 |7 |6 |5 |8 |5 |2 |9 |8 | |8 |7 |7 |8 |6 |5 |8 |6 |2 |9 |8 | |9 |7 |8 |9 |7 |6 |9 |6 |3 |10 |9 | |10 |8 |9 |9 |7 |6 |10 |7 |3 |10 |9 | |11 |9 |9 |10 |8 |6 |10 |7 |3 |11 |10 | |12 |9 |10 |11 |8 |7 |11 |8 |4 |11 |10 | |13 |10 |10 |11 |9 |7 |12 |8 |4 |12 |11 | |14 |10 |11 |12 |10 |8 |12 |9 |5 |12 |11 | |15 |11 |12 |13 |11 |9 |13 |9 |5 |13 |12 | |16 |12 |12 |13 |12 |9 |13 |10 |6 |13 |12 | |17 |12 |13 |14 |13 |10 |14 |10 |6 |14 |13 | |18 |13 |13 |15 |14 |11 |14 |10 |7 |14 |13 | |19 |13 |14 |15 |15 |11 |15 |11 |7 |15 |14 | |20 |14 |15 |16 |16 |12 |15 |12 |8 |15 |14 | |21 |15 |15 |17 |17 |13 |16 |12 |9 |16 |15 | |22 |15 |16 |17 |18 |13 |16 |13 |9 |16 |15 | |23 |16 |17 |18 |18 |14 |17 |14 |10 |17 |16 | |24 |16 |17 |19 |19 |15 |17 |14 |11 |17 |16 | |25 |17 |18 |19 |20 |16 |18 |15 |11 |18 |17 | ****************************************************************************** |Sk. LV|Sword |GSword|Axe |Mace |Epee |Spear |Bow |Fist |Wind |Magic | ****************************************************************************** |26 |18 |19 |20 |20 |16 |18 |16 |12 |18 |17 | |27 |19 |19 |20 |20 |17 |19 |17 |12 |19 |18 | |28 |19 |20 |21 |21 |18 |19 |18 |13 |19 |18 | |29 |20 |21 |21 |21 |18 |20 |19 |13 |20 |19 | |30 |21 |21 |22 |21 |19 |21 |20 |14 |20 |19 | |31 |22 |22 |22 |22 |20 |21 |21 |14 |21 |20 | |32 |22 |23 |22 |22 |21 |22 |22 |15 |21 |20 | |33 |23 |23 |22 |22 |22 |22 |23 |15 |22 |21 | |34 |24 |24 |23 |23 |23 |23 |24 |16 |22 |21 | |35 |25 |25 |23 |23 |23 |23 |25 |16 |23 |22 | |36 |26 |25 |23 |23 |24 |24 |26 |16 |23 |22 | |37 |26 |26 |23 |24 |25 |24 |27 |17 |24 |23 | |38 |27 |27 |24 |24 |26 |25 |28 |17 |24 |23 | |39 |27 |27 |24 |24 |27 |25 |29 |17 |25 |24 | |40 |27 |27 |24 |24 |28 |25 |30 |18 |25 |24 | |41 |27 |28 |24 |25 |29 |26 |31 |18 |26 |25 | |42 |28 |28 |24 |25 |29 |26 |32 |18 |26 |25 | |43 |28 |28 |25 |25 |30 |27 |33 |19 |27 |26 | |44 |28 |29 |25 |25 |31 |27 |34 |19 |27 |26 | |45 |28 |29 |25 |26 |31 |27 |35 |20 |28 |27 | |46 |29 |29 |26 |26 |32 |28 |36 |20 |28 |27 | |47 |29 |30 |26 |26 |33 |28 |37 |20 |29 |28 | |48 |29 |30 |26 |26 |33 |28 |38 |21 |29 |28 | |49 |29 |30 |26 |27 |34 |29 |39 |21 |30 |29 | |50 |35 |35 |35 |35 |35 |35 |40 |22 |30 |29 | ****************************************************************************** |Sk. LV|Sword |GSword|Axe |Mace |Epee |Spear |Bow |Fist |Wind |Magic | ****************************************************************************** * For techniques that change the user's weapon type, the Level Factor value and Weapon Power are calculated using the weapon AFTER the change (e.g. Seven Star Sword or Masquerade). ****************************** GENERAL WEAPON DAMAGE FORMULAS ****************************** For Sword, Greatsword, Axe, Mace, Spear, and all associated damage skills: D = Base*Hits + {LF*STR + LF *(50-LF)/2}/4*TF + {TF+LF+(STR-19)/2}*(ATK-DEF/2)/2 + Ran#(0~3*SkillLV) Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 For Bow, Epee, and all associated damage skills: (same as above but replace STR w/ DEX) D = Base*Hits + {LF*DEX + LF *(50-LF)/2}/4*TF + {TF+LF+(DEX-19)/2}*(ATK-DEF/2)/2 + Ran#(0~3*SkillLV) Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 For Evade-Ignoring Weapon Skills: (all ignore evade and have an extra modifier for WP used) D = (WP Modifer*WP used + Base)*Hits + {LF*STR + LF *(50-LF)/2}/4*TF + {TF+LF+(STR-19)/2}*(ATK-DEF/2)/2 + Ran#(0~3*SkillLV) Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 This formula only applies to PC skills. Monsters lack weapons to give them an ATK value, so even if you see a Monster using a PC weapon skill of the same name, it's using a different equation (Usually the Martial Arts damage formula). *********************************** GENERAL MARTIAL ARTS DAMAGE FORMULA *********************************** For all non-Throw-typed Martial Arts skills and most damage skills (not spells) used by enemies: D = Base*Hits + sqrt(STR * SPD) * LF*TF + (STR-19)/2 * (LF+TF) + Ran#(0~3*SkillLv) Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 *The square root value is truncated to a whole number *The value of (STR-19) is capped at no lower than 0 *Boston's special Punch and Counter are 2 times final damage. *Tiger Break's Base power is calculated using STR+8. *Several Martial Arts and enemy skills are non-elemental and completely ignore DEF. **************************** GENERAL MAGIC DAMAGE FORMULA **************************** For PC and enemy spells, as well as a few pseudomagical skills (such as Flash Arrow): D = Base + LF*TF + {LF*INT + (INT-19)/2 * (INT+4)} *TF/4 + Ran#(0~3*SkillLv) Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 *The DEF activated in the defensive portion of the formula depends on whether the skill is typed as physical or magical, then modified by elemental resistances. In most cases for this formula, MDEF will be used. *Subtractive functions cannot drop below 0 and divisional functions all truncate to a whole number value. *Freeze Barrier, the Ice Sword counterattack, uses Greatsword LV to determine LF. *Self-Burning, the fire-element counterattack, hits the defensive stat matching the attacking stat of move that triggered it (I think). *Boston's Water element spells get a 1.25x damage multiplier. ********************************************** MULTIPLE-FORMULA-CALLING SKILLS DAMAGE FORMULA ********************************************** For Holo Sword, Split Body, Yo-yo, Deadly Spin, Round Slicer, Tri-Shooter, Continuous Shot: D = Base*Hits + {LF*STR + LF *(50-LF)/2}/4*TF + {TF+LF+(STR-19)/2}*(ATK-DEF/2)/2 + Ran#(0~3*SkillLv) Final Damage = D * n * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 *These PC skills all call the formula for another basic skill and run it multiple times, depending on the skill. This generally increases the maximum amount of damage they can do beyond the simple "Hits" multiplier attached to the general weapon skills. However, it also means that a miss on any accuracy check will severely decrease the skill's damage, so their offensive output fluctuates a lot. *Additionally, these skills are bugged. While they were intended to use the base power of their respective called skills, they instead read the most recently-loaded high bit value as their base power, leading to even more instability (and often gross numbers) in their final damage calculations. In short, the formula uses whatever the base power of the last skill used before the Multple-Formula-Calling Skill was. If a skill hasn't been used yet in battle, the base power of the actual seems to work correctly... mostly. Occasionally, the formula appears to use 0 as base power in those cases, but I haven't figured out what causes this so far. *n is the number of times the formula is called, so any variables (such as the random number or the accuracy formula) are recalculated this number of times. *n is determined by a function of Skill LV for each skill's respective proficiency n-values: ***************************************** | |Split B| | | | | |Yoyo, | | |H.Sword| |SkillLV|R.Slice|D.Spin |C.Shot |T.Shoot| ----------------------------------------- |0-9 |1 |2 |2 |1 | |10-17 |2 |2 |2 |1 | |18-19 |2 |2 |3 |1 | |20-29 |3 |3 |3 |1 | |30-35 |4 |3 |3 |1 | |36-39 |4 |3 |4 |1 | |40-49 |5 |4 |4 |1 | |50 |6 |4 |4 |1 | ***************************************** ******************** THROW DAMAGE FORMULA ******************** For Air Throw (AT), Reverse Throw, Niagara Buster, and Giant Swing*: D = (Base+LF) * n + (TgtCON-15) * MALv + Ran#(0~3*MALv) Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 *MALv = Martial Arts Skill Level *n is the number of swings involved in the throw skill. This is determined by a function of MALv in the chart below. Air Throw (AT) has its own n values, while the other skills (Etc) all follow the same function for n. *Giant Swing seems to follow this damage formula, but given how it doesn't follow any of the other normal equations for accuracy and status rate, it's possible it doesn't run off this formula either. The results start getting a bit erratic in the case of high high swing rates. *Yes, the Throw damage formula punishes targets for having a higher CON stat. Additionally, (TgtCON-15) cannot drop below 0. n-values: ******************** |MA LV |AT n |Etc n| -------------------- |0-4 |1 |1 | |5-9 |2 |1 | |10-14 |3 |2 | |15-19 |4 |2 | |20-24 |5 |3 | |25-29 |6 |3 | |30-34 |7 |4 | |35-39 |8 |4 | |40-44 |9 |5 | |45-49 |10 |5 | |50 |11 |6 | -------------------- ********************************** WEIGHT-BASED SKILLS DAMAGE FORMULA ********************************** For Earth Run, Earthquake Hit, and Grand Slam: D = Base + LF*(STR + WpnPw)/4 + LF*TF*WpnWeight* (STR - TgtWeight*2)/8 + Ran#(0~3*SkillLV) Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 *When subtracting (STR - TgtWeight*2), result cannot be less than 0. **************************** COUNTERATTACK DAMAGE FORMULA **************************** For Cut Down, Stealing Hands, Justice Mete, Matador, Windmill: Final Damage = (DEX + WpnPw/2) * LF * TF/2 + Ran#(0~3*SkillLV) *All counters ignore defense. It's uncertain whether this is specifically tagged to them or if it's just a collateral effect from their non-elemental nature, leading them to bypass the bugged defense stat. *WpnPw is based on the most recent weapon used. ************************* PERCENTILE DAMAGE FORMULA ************************* For Moon Reading Mirror, Dimension Sword, and Aerobeat: D = Target MaxHP/8 * m + Ran#(0~3*SkillLV) Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 *Moon Reading Mirror: m=2, SkillLV=Moon Magic LV *Dimension Sword: m=2, SkillLV=SlashLV *Aerobeat: m=3, SkillLV=BluntLV ******************************* WILLPOWER SKILLS DAMAGE FORMULA ******************************* For Psycho Burst and Shield Rush: D = WIL * A + (Target MaxHP-currentHP)/16 * B/(Target MaxHP/64 +1) + Ran#(0~3*PierceLV) Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 *These skills have no innate base power, so the User's WIL is directly used. Theoretically abusable with high-WIL setups, maybe (though why you would do this is beyond me. WIL-boosting in RS3 is very hard to come by to boot)? *For Psycho Burst, A=8, B=500. *For Shield Rush, A=5, B=48 (Also, the Ran# is always 0 since there's no associated LV proficiency). *The enemy skills Beetlejuice (A=1,B=45) and Ultra Vibration Sword (A=10, B=80) also use this formula. ************************************ MISCELLANEOUS SPELLS DAMAGE FORMULAS ************************************ For Wind Dart: D = 60 + (WindLV/5+1) * [(WindLV+9)/2 + INT*3] + Ran#(0~3*WindLV) Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 *Hit multiple times as WindLV increases For Suction: D = 80 + (LV+9)/2 * INT + Ran# Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 *Using Shadow Servant, this skill does 4x damage instead of the usual 2x mult applied through the effect. Damage Item Formula: D = Base + UserMaxHP*TF/4 + (INT-19)/2*TF*8 + Ran#(1~INT*3) Final Damage = D * (128-DEF-CON/2)/128 - DEF*2 *Attack items lack an associated proficiency, using INT instead. For the Ran#, it's chosen from 1~INT*3, max 255. If INT>85, though, the value rolls over back to 1. Granted, you're pretty much awesome if your INT is above 85. ********************************** HEALING ABILITIES RECOVERY FORMULA ********************************** For Power Heal, Shatter Staff, Focus, Earth Heal, Life Water, and Moonshine: Hphealed = [TgtMHP/8] + TF*(LF+INT+1+Ran#m)+Ran# *Ran#m = Random # between 1 and INT. *Ran# = Random # between 1 and SkillLV*3. *[TargetMaxHP/8] is truncated after the decimal. *Max healing value is 999. *A Target equipped with the Devil King Shield gets 1.5x healing. *During an Abyss Field Effect, healing is multiplied by 0.5. *Healing=0 if Target is equipped with Undead effect item (Death Ring, Death Bow, *true* Dusk Robe) ---------------- ACCURACY FORMULA ---------------- The checks defining whether an attack connects or not are made by rolling a random number between 0 and 100 against a boundary value, accrued through an equation of in-game values (example: character's Will+attack's base accuracy). This roll can be done in two ways: either the generated number needs to roll lower than the boundary value -or- to roll equal or higher. In the case of the first situation, the higher the boundary value, the higher the success rate. In the case of the latter, the lower the boundary value, the higher the success rate. The table below offers the success rate values for any given boundary value - this way, one can infer the straight odds of succeeding a check just by having the boundary value at hand. To exemplify: the general weapon skill hit formula is Hit + LV + Max(STR-WpnWgt*4, 0) + DEX - TgtSpd*2 > ran# mod 100. The math leads to the boundary value that the RNG will roll against - and, in this case, the roll succeeds if the boundary value is higher than the number rolled. So, let's run this formula with a L35 Sword level Julian, who has 17 DEX, and a theoretical enemy with 25 Speed. The base hit of swords is 110, so we have the following math: 110 + 35 + (18 - 2 * 4 -or- 0) + 17 - 25 * 2 145 + (18 - 8) + 17 - 50 145 + 9 + 17 - 50, finally resulting in a 121 boundary value. Since the boundary value is above 100, the attack does not have a chance to miss. In case the boundary value ends up -below- 100, the odds of missing are detailed within the chart - just look up the boundary value gotten in the table. For an instance, a boundary value of 95 on the weapon formula would derive a mere 3.50% chance of the attack missing. Status and instant death, on the other hand, run two separate boundary checks, and failing either of them results in a miss. For status, the formula runs as following: Check 1: [(Target's Status Resistance+Target Will)/2] <= random #mod 100 Check 2: Attack's base hit + User's Will + (Skill Level/2) > random #mod 100 So, for an example, let's take Bai Mei Niang, who has 18 Will, with level 35 in Wind Magic, using the Sleep-inducing Wind spell, Nap, and a theoretical enemy Status Res of 25 and Will of 19. First, we roll the status res check: [(25+19)/2] [44/2] = 22, which is our boundary value. In this equation, the RNG must roll equal or higher than the boundary value to succeed. So, the success rate of this roll is 72.7%. If this check fails, the equation stops right there. If it succeeds, then we head to the second formula, considering the base hit rate of Nap is 50: 50+18+(35/2) 68+17.5 = 85.5, leading us, post-truncation, to an 85 boundary value, which the RNG has to roll lower than to succeed. So, the success rate of this check is 88.5%. With these two values in tow, we can calculate the actual odds of success in this particular scenario, which is (0.727*0.885) = 64.34%. * Note that most damage spells and a large number of techniques outright ignore accuracy/evasion and always connect. *********************************************** Accuracy Percentages from Boundary Values Chart *********************************************** *********************************************************************** |Bound.|Bound. value> (mod 100 ran#) |Bound. value<= (mod 100 ran#) | |value |******************************|*******************************| | |Probability (%)|Prob. (x/1024)|Probability (%)|Prob. (x/ 1024)| |*********************************************************************| |0 |0.00% |0/1024 |100.00% |1024/1024 | |1 |1.40% |14/1024 |98.60% |1010/1024 | |2 |2.70% |28/1024 |97.30% |996/1024 | |3 |4.10% |42/1024 |95.90% |982/1024 | |4 |4.90% |50/1024 |95.10% |974/1024 | |5 |6.20% |63/1024 |93.80% |961/1024 | |6 |7.00% |72/1024 |93.00% |952/1024 | |7 |8.00% |82/1024 |92.00% |942/1024 | |8 |8.90% |91/1024 |91.10% |933/1024 | |9 |10.40% |107/1024 |89.60% |917/1024 | |10 |11.30% |116/1024 |88.70% |908/1024 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |11 |12.20% |125/1024 |87.80% |899/1024 | |12 |13.80% |141/1024 |86.20% |883/1024 | |13 |14.90% |153/1024 |85.10% |871/1024 | |14 |16.00% |164/1024 |84.00% |860/1024 | |15 |18.20% |186/1024 |81.80% |838/1024 | |16 |19.20% |197/1024 |80.80% |827/1024 | |17 |21.70% |222/1024 |78.30% |802/1024 | |18 |22.50% |230/1024 |77.50% |794/1024 | |19 |23.70% |243/1024 |76.30% |781/1024 | |20 |24.50% |251/1024 |75.50% |773/1024 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |21 |26.00% |266/1024 |74.00% |758/1024 | |22 |27.30% |280/1024 |72.70% |744/1024 | |23 |27.90% |286/1024 |72.10% |738/1024 | |24 |29.50% |302/1024 |70.50% |722/1024 | |25 |30.70% |314/1024 |69.30% |710/1024 | |26 |32.00% |328/1024 |68.00% |696/1024 | |27 |33.20% |340/1024 |66.80% |684/1024 | |28 |35.10% |359/1024 |64.90% |665/1024 | |29 |36.10% |370/1024 |63.90% |654/1024 | |30 |37.10% |380/1024 |62.90% |644/1024 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |31 |38.60% |395/1024 |61.40% |629/1024 | |32 |39.60% |405/1024 |60.40% |619/1024 | |33 |40.80% |418/1024 |59.20% |606/1024 | |34 |41.80% |428/1024 |58.20% |596/1024 | |35 |42.90% |439/1024 |57.10% |585/1024 | |36 |43.90% |450/1024 |56.10% |574/1024 | |37 |45.30% |464/1024 |54.70% |560/1024 | |38 |46.00% |471/1024 |54.00% |553/1024 | |39 |47.80% |489/1024 |52.20% |535/1024 | |40 |48.50% |497/1024 |51.50% |527/1024 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |41 |50.20% |514/1024 |49.80% |510/1024 | |42 |51.50% |527/1024 |48.50% |497/1024 | |43 |51.90% |531/1024 |48.10% |493/1024 | |44 |53.10% |544/1024 |46.90% |480/1024 | |45 |54.70% |560/1024 |45.30% |464/1024 | |46 |55.90% |572/1024 |44.10% |452/1024 | |47 |57.30% |587/1024 |42.70% |437/1024 | |48 |58.40% |598/1024 |41.60% |426/1024 | |49 |59.70% |611/1024 |40.30% |413/1024 | |50 |60.40% |619/1024 |39.60% |405/1024 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |51 |62.20% |637/1024 |37.80% |387/1024 | |52 |63.30% |648/1024 |36.70% |376/1024 | |53 |63.90% |654/1024 |36.10% |370/1024 | |54 |64.80% |664/1024 |35.20% |360/1024 | |55 |65.80% |674/1024 |34.20% |350/1024 | |56 |66.50% |681/1024 |33.50% |343/1024 | |57 |67.20% |688/1024 |32.80% |336/1024 | |58 |68.60% |702/1024 |31.40% |322/1024 | |59 |69.20% |709/1024 |30.80% |315/1024 | |60 |70.00% |717/1024 |30.00% |307/1024 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |61 |70.80% |725/1024 |29.20% |299/1024 | |62 |71.40% |731/1024 |28.60% |293/1024 | |63 |72.20% |739/1024 |27.80% |285/1024 | |64 |73.10% |749/1024 |26.90% |275/1024 | |65 |74.10% |759/1024 |25.90% |265/1024 | |66 |74.70% |765/1024 |25.30% |259/1024 | |67 |75.10% |769/1024 |24.90% |255/1024 | |68 |75.90% |777/1024 |24.10% |247/1024 | |69 |76.60% |784/1024 |23.40% |240/1024 | |70 |77.10% |790/1024 |22.90% |234/1024 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |71 |78.10% |800/1024 |21.90% |224/1024 | |72 |78.60% |805/1024 |21.40% |219/1024 | |73 |79.60% |815/1024 |20.40% |209/1024 | |74 |80.40% |823/1024 |19.60% |201/1024 | |75 |81.00% |829/1024 |19.00% |195/1024 | |76 |81.90% |839/1024 |18.10% |185/1024 | |77 |82.60% |846/1024 |17.40% |178/1024 | |78 |83.60% |856/1024 |16.40% |168/1024 | |79 |84.30% |863/1024 |15.70% |161/1024 | |80 |85.00% |870/1024 |15.00% |154/1024 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |81 |85.90% |880/1024 |14.10% |144/1024 | |82 |86.60% |887/1024 |13.40% |137/1024 | |83 |87.20% |893/1024 |12.80% |131/1024 | |84 |88.00% |901/1024 |12.00% |123/1024 | |85 |88.70% |908/1024 |11.30% |116/1024 | |86 |89.60% |917/1024 |10.40% |107/1024 | |87 |90.20% |924/1024 |9.80% |100/1024 | |88 |91.20% |934/1024 |8.80% |90/1024 | |89 |92.00% |942/1024 |8.00% |82/1024 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |90 |92.70% |949/1024 |7.30% |75/1024 | |91 |93.40% |956/1024 |6.60% |68/1024 | |92 |94.10% |964/1024 |5.90% |60/1024 | |93 |94.80% |971/1024 |5.20% |53/1024 | |94 |95.70% |980/1024 |4.30% |44/1024 | |95 |96.50% |988/1024 |3.50% |36/1024 | |96 |97.20% |995/1024 |2.80% |29/1024 | |97 |98.10% |1005/1024 |1.90% |19/1024 | |98 |98.50% |1009/1024 |1.50% |15/1024 | |99 |99.30% |1017/1024 |0.70% |7/1024 | |100 |100.00% |1024/1024 |0.00% |0/1024 | |*********************************************************************| |Bound.|Probability (%)|Prob. (x/1024)|Probability (%)|Prob. (x/ 1024)| |value |*******************************|******************************| | |Bound. value> (mod 100 ran#) |Bound. value<= (mod 100 ran#) | *********************************************************************** *************************************** GENERAL DAMAGE SKILLS ACCURACY FORMULAS *************************************** ************************************** GENERAL WEAPON SKILLS ACCURACY FORMULA ************************************** For most Sword, Greatsword, Mace, and Spear weapons and techniques: Hit + SkillLV + (STR-WpnWgt*4) + DEX - TgtSpd*2 > Ran# mod 100 *If the result (STR-WeaponWeight*4) is negative, the game caps it at 0. *Which Skill Level is used depends on the kind of technique queued. For instance, Greatsword skills check SlashLV. *For enemy weapon skills, use their generic Physical SkillLV and their innate Weight stat. *Skills with added status effects and added debuffing run an extra check to see if the status hits. ********************************** GENERAL AXE SKILL ACCURACY FORMULA ********************************** For most Axe weapons and techniques: Hit + [SkillLV/2] + (STR-WpnWgt*4)*4 - TgtSpd*2 > Ran# mod 100 *If the result (STR-WeaponWeight*4) is negative, the game caps it at 0. *Axe skills ignore the user's DEX. *Most Axe skills can hit either Slash OR Blunt resistance. Which SkillLV is used depends on which of the target's resistances is lower. *For the basic Spear attack, use this formula, replacing BluntLv with PierceLV where applicable. *For enemy Axe skills, use their generic Physical SkillLV and their innate Weight stat. *Skills with added status effects and added debuffing run an extra check to see if the status hits. ********************************* GENERAL BOW/EPEE ACCURACY FORMULA ********************************* For most Bow and Epee weapons and techniques: Hit + SkillLV + (STR-WpnWgt*4)*4 + (DEX-18)*4 - TgtSpd*3 > Ran# mod 100 *If the result of either (STR-WeaponWeight*4) or (DEX-18) is negative, the game caps it at 0. *For enemy bow/epee skills, use their generic Physical SkillLV and their innate Weight stat. *Skills with added status effects and added debuffing run an extra check to see if the status hits. ****************************** SLAYER SKILLS ACCURACY FORMULA ****************************** For Snake Shot, Snake Sword, Sidewinder, Wave Shot: Hit + SkillLV + (STR-WpnWgt*4) + Spd - TgtSpd*2 > Ran# mod 100 *If the result (STR-WeaponWeight*4) is negative, the game caps it at 0. *There are other weapon techs with Slayer effects, such as Beast Chaser, Screwdriver and Undead Slayer, but they use their regular accuracy formulas. The Slayer damage kicks in against the appropriate enemy types. ***************************** MARTIAL ARTS ACCURACY FORMULA ***************************** For most non-Throw Martial Arts techniques: Hit + STR + Spd - TgtSpd*2 > Ran# mod 100 *A very large portion of enemy skills use this accuracy formula. Assume this one unless otherwise noted. ********************** THROW ACCURACY FORMULA ********************** For Air Throw, Niagara Buster, Reverse Throw, Giant Swing, Mighty Cyclone, and Body Drop: Hit + STR + Spd + FistLV + TgtFistLV - TgtWgt*2 - TgtSpd > Ran# mod 100 *Enemies lack a separate Martial Arts skill LV, instead use their innate generic Physical Skill LV. *Enemies lack an innate Wgt stat. For PCs, use the sum of the Weight of their Weapons and Armors. *Giant Swing is weird - apply this formula with a grain of salt regarding that particular skill. ******************************* ADDED EFFECTS ACCURACY FORMULAS ******************************* All skills with added effects use these formulas to determine if the added effect is applied once they pass their standard damage accuracy check. For weapon techniques, this means any of the other listed accuracy formulas. For spells and ITE skills, the damage always hits, but the effect may not. For skills that boost ally stats, there is no accuracy check for the buff. * Not to be confused with pure status effect spells, they use a completely different set of accuracy checks. * NOTE: All the stats used in these checks are the target's. ************* Added Debuffs ************* For any skills with an added decrease to target stats: [(STR+SPD+CON+INT+WIL)/2] < Ran# mod 100 ****** Poison ****** [(STR+SPD+CON+INT+WIL)/2] < Ran# mod 100 ***** Sleep ***** [(STR+SPD+CON+INT+WIL)/2] < Ran# mod 100 ********* Confusion ********* WIL + [(STR+SPD+CON+INT+WIL)/2] < Ran# mod 100 **** Stun **** StatRes + [(STR+SPD+CON+INT+WIL)/2] < Ran# mod 100 **** Dark **** StatRes + [(STR+SPD+CON+INT+WIL)/2] < Ran# mod 100 ********* Paralysis ********* CON + [(STR+SPD+CON+INT+WIL)/2] < Ran# mod 100 ******* Silence ******* StatRes + 10 + [(STR+SPD+CON+INT+WIL)/2] < Ran# mod 100 ***** Stone ***** CON + 10 + [(STR+SPD+CON+INT+WIL)/2] < Ran# mod 100 ******************* Added Instant Death ******************* StatRes + CON + 10 + [(STR+SPD+CON+INT+WIL)/2] < Ran# mod 100 ****************************** STATUS SKILL ACCURACY FORMULAS ****************************** As noted above, these accuracy formulas all require passing two boundary value checks. Statuses: Instant Death, Stone, Sleep, Nightmare (Sleep + one of Confuse/Charm/Berserk), Stun, Paralyze, Dark, Poison, Silence, Berserk, Charmed, Confusion, Mixed, Mess. *Stun keeps a target from acting for a single round (similar to Paralyze) and lowers the stunned character's evade to 0% (except against pure Instant Death skills; attacks that have ID as an additional effect will still hit). *Silence cancels a unit's action for that round if it was a spell and then prevents spell casting for several turns (called "Stun Magic" in Japanese, it uses the same katakana as Paralyze-style Stun). *Dark is essentially a blinding status effect, making physical attacks almost always miss. *Berserk, Charmed, Confuse, Mixed, and Mess are forms of confusion that all affect the target with slightly different behavior patterns for different durations. They are all blocked by "Mental Resistance" *Berserk locks a PC into only physically attacking at random while under its effects. *Charmed has its own set of formulas, based on the CHA stat, governing its accuracy/duration/actions. *Poison's damage formula is: Dmg per Turn = [mHP/8]+40 - CON*2 ************************************** GENERAL STATUS EFFECT ACCURACY FORMULA ************************************** For pure status effect skills (added status skills have a different accuracy check): [(TgtStatRes+TgtWIL)/2] <= Ran# mod 100 Hit + WIL + [SkillLV/2] > Ran# mod 100 *Both boundary checks must pass for the status effect to land. To get a functional accuracy percentage, multiply both results together. *[(TargetStatRes+TargetWIL)/2] and [SkillLV/2] are truncated after the decimal point. *Which Skill Level is used depends on thr kind of technique queued. E.g. Bow status skills use ShotLV. If there are multiple elements, use the highest available. ************************************** GENERAL INSTANT DEATH ACCURACY FORMULA ************************************** For any skills that instantly kill targets: [(TgtStatRes+TgtWIL)/2] <= Ran# mod 100 Hit + WIL > Ran# mod 100 *Both boundary checks must pass for instant death to land. To get a functional accuracy percentage, multiply both results together. *[(TargetStatRes+TargetWIL)/2] is truncated after the decimal point. ********************************* HP ABSORB SPELLS ACCURACY FORMULA ********************************* For any Spells that absorb HP: (TgtStatRes+TgtWIL)/4 <= Ran# mod 100 *For these skills, the second check usually made during status accuracy calcs is considered automatically passed. ********************************* LP DAMAGE SKILLS ACCURACY FORMULA ********************************* For Gentle Touch, Life Break, and Life Steal: [(TgtStatRes+TgtWIL)/2] <= Ran# mod 100 *For these skills, the second check usually made during status accuracy calcs is considered automatically passed. *[(TargetStatRes+TargetWIL)/2] is truncated after the decimal point. ***************************** CHARM STATUS ACCURACY FORMULA ***************************** For Resonance Weep, Glare Light, Gaze, and any enemy skills that inflict Charm status: Hit + (CHA-TgtCHA)*2 > Ran# mod 100 *For these skills, the second check usually made during status accuracy calcs is considered automatically passed. *If the result (CHA-TargetCHA) is negative, the game caps it at 0. ------------- LEVEL FORMULA ------------- Levels in Romancing SaGa 3 aren't exactly handled through the usual JRPG approach. There's a hidden multiplier based on the HP of recruited party members - to be called "Party Level" for the purposes of this guide - that determines a few things typically associated to levels in other JRPGs. Monster Rank, Initial Level of new PCs, and Available Quests all correspond with Party Level, though it isn't a strict limitation in most cases. Additionally, the "level" of the entire party is determined solely by the character who has gained the most HP since joining. ******************************* DETERMINING CURRENT PARTY LEVEL ******************************* (CurrentHP - Initial HP) / 15 * 8 ...Truncate, take the highest character's LV, subtract 7 **************************************** DETERMINING STARTING STATS PER CHARACTER **************************************** Joining HP = BaseHP + (CurrentPartyLV/8)*15 ...Truncate the value in parentheses Joining Wpn/Mag LVs = Base Wpn/Mag LVs + (CurrentPartyLV/16) ...Truncate the value in parentheses, only applicable to certain Wpn/Mag LVs for each individual PC (these are marked in the Initial Stats Table) Joining WP = HighestWpnLV*3 + (Sum of all other WpnLvs) Joining JP = HighestMagLV*3 + (Sum of all other MagLvs) ---------------- PARTY STATISTICS ---------------- ++++++++++++++ Initial Levels ++++++++++++++ |********************************************************************| |Name |LP |HP |Slash|Blunt|Pierc|Shot |Fist |Magic |Heaven| | | | | LV | LV | LV | LV | LV | LV |MagLV | |********************************************************************| |Julian |10 |80* |2* |0 |0 |0 |0 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ellen |10 |85* |0 |1* |0 |0 |3* |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sara |10 |70* |0 |0 |0* |1* |0 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Thomas |10 |75* |1* |1* |2* |2* |1* |Water2 |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Harid |10 |170*|7* |2 |1* |0 |2* |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mikhail |10 |145*|2* |3 |7* |2 |0 |None |Sun 5| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Monica |10 |65* |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Katarina |10 |140*|6* |0 |4* |0 |1* |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Leonid |0 |666 |20 |0 |20 |0 |20 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Shonen |1 |180*|3* |0 |0 |1* |0 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tiberius |8 |90* |0 |1* |0 |0 |0 |Water9*|Sun 4*| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Wood |15 |180*|7* |4* |4 |0 |4 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Paul |11 |120*|2* |0 |0 |5* |0 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Robin |12 |180*|10 |0 |10* |0 |0 |Wind10*|None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fat Robin |9 |200*|6* |0 |12* |0 |0 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Muse |6 |110*|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sharl |9 |240*|10 |0 |15 |0 |0 |Fire15*|None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Poet |10 |120*3* |3* |3* |3* |3* |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tatyana |10 |65* |0 |0 |0* |0 |0 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Yan Fan |12 |250*|5 |5* |5 |5 |10* |None |Moon15*| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Undine |7 |330*|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |Water21|None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Zhi Lin |12 |160*|0 |0 |0 |13* |11 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Herman |4 |210*|6 |9* |0 |0 |0 |Wind7* |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fullbright |9 |180*|0 |5 |0 |0 |0 |Earth5*|Sun 5*| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bai Mei Niang|13 |300*|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |Wind27 |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Nora |14 |140*|0 |8* |4* |0 |0 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Black |12 |210*|6 |9* |0 |0 |0 |Wind7* |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fairy |7 |140*|10 |0 |14* |8* |0 |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Boston |17 |170*|0 |0 |0 |0 |15* |Wate10*|None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Zo |36 |280*|3* |0 |0 |0 |12* |None |None | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |Snowman |8 |180*|0 |0 |0 |0 |5 |Water15|None | |********************************************************************| * NOTE: Stats marked with an Asterisk will be greater upon Joining than shown if Party Level is high. ++++++++++++ Growth Rates ++++++++++++ |****************************************************************************| |Name |HP |Slash|Blunt|Pierc|Shot |Fist |Wind |Fire |Earth|Water|Sun |Moon| |****************************************************************************| |Julian |3 |3 |1 |2 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ellen |3 |1 |3 |1 |0 |3 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sara |0 |1 |1 |1 |2 |1 |2 |3 |2 |2 |1 |3 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Thomas |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |1 |1 |3 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Harid |3 |3 |1 |2 |0 |1 |3 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mikhail |2 |1 |0 |2 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |4 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Monica |1 |0 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |4 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Katarina|2 |2 |1 |2 |1 |1 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Leonid |-1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Shonen |1 |3 |2 |3 |1 |1 |3 |1 |1 |1 |3 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tiberius|0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |2 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Wood |3 |3 |2 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Paul |2 |2 |0 |2 |2 |1 |0 |0 |1 |0 |2 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Robin |2 |2 |0 |3 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |FatRobin|3 |1 |0 |4 |0 |0 |1 |0 |1 |1 |3 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Muse |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 |1 |2 |1 |0 |4 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sharl |2 |2 |1 |2 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Poet |2 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tatyana |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |2 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Yan Fan |3 |1 |1 |1 |1 |3 |2 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Undine |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |5 |0 |2 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Zhi Lin |2 |0 |1 |1 |4 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Herman |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fullbrig|1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 |1 |1 |1 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bai Mei |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |3 |1 |1 |1 |0 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Nora |3 |0 |3 |2 |0 |1 |0 |0 |2 |0 |0 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Black |2 |1 |2 |1 |2 |1 |0 |0 |0 |2 |0 |2 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fairy |1 |1 |1 |4 |3 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |1 |1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Boston |2 |1 |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |3 |0 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Zo |4 |1 |1 |1 |0 |4 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Snowman |2 |0 |2 |0 |0 |1 |0 |0 |0 |4 |0 |0 | |****************************************************************************| +++++++++++++++++ Static Base Stats +++++++++++++++++ ******************************************** |Name |Str|Dex|Spd|Con|Int|Wil|Cha|Total| ******************************************** |Julian |18 |17 |17 |15 |16 |22 |14 |119 | |------------------------------------------| |Ellen |21 |14 |18 |15 |15 |18 |20 |121 | |------------------------------------------| |Sara |17 |19 |21 |13 |20 |11 |21 |122 | |------------------------------------------| |Thomas |17 |15 |18 |19 |20 |13 |19 |121 | |------------------------------------------| |Harid |21 |12 |20 |17 |15 |19 |20 |124 | |------------------------------------------| |Mikhail |16 |17 |19 |15 |18 |21 |21 |127 | |------------------------------------------| |Monica |14 |19 |20 |14 |16 |17 |24 |124 | |------------------------------------------| |Katarina|17 |21 |23 |18 |10 |16 |17 |122 | |------------------------------------------| |Leonid |19 |13 |21 |17 |25 |13 |27 |135 | |------------------------------------------| |Shonen |23 |14 |16 |16 |17 |13 |17 |116 | |------------------------------------------| |Tiberius|14 |13 |14 |15 |23 |20 |14 |113 | |------------------------------------------| |Wood |22 |16 |10 |23 |12 |18 |13 |114 | |------------------------------------------| |Paul |18 |19 |17 |19 |13 |15 |16 |117 | |------------------------------------------| |Robin |21 |17 |20 |14 |17 |12 |17 |118 | |------------------------------------------| |FatRobin|15 |17 |22 |17 |14 |15 |19 |119 | |------------------------------------------| |Muse |16 |20 |15 |10 |19 |18 |25 |123 | |------------------------------------------| |Sharl* |21 |19 |16 |21 |19 |16 |18 |130 | |------------------------------------------| |Poet |20 |18 |17 |16 |13 |14 |22 |120 | |------------------------------------------| |Tatiana |18 |16 |15 |19 |17 |13 |20 |118 | |------------------------------------------| |Yan Fan |10 |15 |21 |10 |23 |21 |19 |119 | |------------------------------------------| |Undine |10 |20 |16 |15 |24 |17 |13 |115 | |------------------------------------------| |Zhi Lin |14 |24 |15 |18 |10 |20 |16 |117 | |------------------------------------------| |Herman |14 |20 |10 |11 |16 |24 |12 |107 | |------------------------------------------| |Fullbri |15 |20 |16 |13 |19 |21 |14 |118 | |------------------------------------------| |Bai Mei |17 |16 |14 |17 |23 |18 |8 |113 | |------------------------------------------| |Nora |23 |24 |16 |12 |14 |13 |13 |115 | |------------------------------------------| |Black |19 |20 |15 |16 |16 |24 |14 |124 | |------------------------------------------| |Fairy |21 |22 |25 |10 |12 |11 |20 |121 | |------------------------------------------| |Boston |16 |13 |20 |19 |21 |17 |9 |115 | |------------------------------------------| |Zo |19 |14 |7 |26 |18 |20 |13 |117 | |------------------------------------------| |Snowman |11 |17 |8 |24 |14 |23 |18 |115 | ******************************************** * NOTE: Sharl's stats taken with Silver Hand. Without that equip, his Strength and Dexterity nosedive to 5 and 3, respectively. ++++++++++++++ Initial Skills ++++++++++++++ Initial Equips/Initial skills Julian Longsword, Salve, Leather Armor, Leather Boots Parry Ellen Hand Axe, Salve, Leather Armor, Leather Boots Tomahawk Sara Hunter Bow, Salve, Tunic, Leather Boots Thomas Long Spear, Hunter Bow, Salve2, Leather Boots, Leather Armor, Fur Vest Leg Sweep, Squall Harid Curve Sword, Long Spear, Salve, Leather Boots, Tunic, Hard Leather Parry, Double Mist, Leg Sweep Mikhail Life Cane, Estoc, Salve2, Spirit Stone, Lord Armor, Leather Boots Accel Sniper, Snake shot, Hard Hit, Sunshine Monica Foil, Spirit Stone, Silk Shirt Katarina Big Sword, Masquerade, Salve, Spirit Stone, Silk Shirt Accel Sniper Leonid Rapier, Dusk Robe Blood Suck, Gaze (fascination), Undead Domination, Gentle Touch Shonen Victory, Hard Leather, Martial Arts Wear Rollup Strike Tiberius Life Cane, Magician Armor, Leather Armor Life Water, Mystery Water, Thunderclap, Day Break Wood Club, Two-Handed Sword, Leather Armor, Fur Vest, Gauntlet, Leather Boots Blunt Strike, Smash Paul Long Bow, Long Sword, Light Buckler, Tunic, Leather Armor Parry, Shadow Sew, Random Arrow Robin Rapier, Leather Boots, Martial Arts Wear Feint, Matador, Bolt Pierce, Nap, Dancing Leaf, Suction Fat Robin Rapier, Leather Boots, Martial Arts Wear Feint, Matador, Screwdriver Muse Spirit Stone, Silk Shirt, Guard Ring Sharl Long Spear, Leather Boots, Tunic Aiming, Self Burning, Seal Feather, Fire Wall Poet Bat Hammer, Poet's Fiddle, Hairpin, Tunic, Hard Leather, Leather Boots Brain Split Tatyana Foil, Teddy Bear Yan Fan Sorceror Robe Focus, Air throw, Moon Reading Mirror, Glare Light Undine Twister, Lake Armor, Silk Shirt Life Water, Water Pool, Sparkling Mist, Thunderclap Zhi Lin Catalpa, Leather Boots, Martial Arts Wear, Hard Leather Beast Chaser, Sidewinder Herman Viking Axe, Training Cane, Spike Shield, Hard Leather, Fur Vest, Leather Boots Tomahawk, Big Logs Chop, Hyper hammer, Dancing Leaf Fullbright Twister, Hard Leather, Tunic Crack, Earth Heal, Star Fixer Bai Mei Niang Sorceror Robe, Leather Boots Nap, Thorn Binder, Suction, Tornado Nora Bat Hammer, Long Spear, Martial Arts Wear, Hard Leather, Leather Boots Hard hit, Rotation Hit, Double Stab Black Viking Axe, Training Cane, Spike Shield, Hard Leather, Fur Vest, Leather Boots Tomahawk, Big Logs Chop, Hyper hammer, Dancing Leaf Fairy Amen Tomb, Long Bow, Fairy Scarf Boston Lobster Armor Counter Zo Elephant Shirt Snowman Eternal Ice Focus, Counter, Life Water, Mystic Water, Sparkling Mist, Thunderclap ************************ SKILL DATA ************************ Every skill in the game is tagged with certain information that the formulas pull from to determine how they interact with user and target stats. Skills are arranged primarily by which accuracy formula they use. For damage-dealing skills, which Type of skill it is determines which damage formula to pull. Name - Name of the skill. Some skills are dummied out or unnamed and called by other skills. RS3 coding.txt. Hit - The general accuracy of a skill. The higher, the better. Base - The innate power of a skill. Main part of the damage in the damage formula. Hit# - The number of times a skill hits. Usually you can determine how good a skill is just from Base * Hit#. TF - The Technique Factor, which increases damage in different ways in different damage formulas. The higher, the better. WP/JP - The cost of the skill. Subtract 1 from this if the user has a Crown in the skill. Robin and Fat Robin have an innate Crown for Epees, which stacks with the weapon Crown. Undine and Boston have an innate Crown for Earth magic (though Boston can never get Earth Magic), which also stacks with the magic Crown. Type - The class of skill, usually based on weapon they are learned from. This also indicates which damage formula is used for them, unless otherwise indicated. Element - Which attributes the skill is tagged with. Only the one which hits the weakest resistance is used at a time, so more is better. SL=Slash BL=Blunt PC=Pierce SH=Shot HT=Heat CD=Cold EL=Electric ST=Status Triggers - Which defensive actions are triggered in the target by using the skill. The fewer, the better. MS = Magic Shield. This means that defensive barriers null the damage from these skills. Magic Shields include Water Pole, Dancing Leaf, Illusion Sun, Self-burning, the Devil Shield barrier and the Freeze barrier. AV = Avoidance Skills. This means that all effects from these skills are avoided if the target has an appropriate matching avoid skill equipped/learned. CT = Counterattack. The skill has a chance of activating a target's equipped counterattack skills, such as Windmill and Matador. SE = Shield Evade. The skill has a chance of activating a target's shield and evading all damage and effects from the attack. SB = Shield Block.The skill has a chance of activating a target's shield and allowing them to decrease the damage of the skill. Field Effect - When using the skill, the Field Effect will become this element (if another field effect is already in place, it may take multiple castings). Remarks - Notes on unusual skills, such as being locked to certain weapons, special effects such as Slayer properties, added status effects, transforming a weapon, etc. Certain 'tagged' elements are also listed here. These tags make a skill able to be immuned or not by certain equipment/enemies. (Ground, Water, Throw, Gaze, Sonic) **************************** General Weapon Skills (Ally) **************************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Type |Elem.|Trigger |Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Sword |110|8 |1 |3 |0 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Big Sword |100|40 |1 |3 |0 |Gswrd|SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Mace |120|8 |1 |3 |0 |Mace |BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Ice Sword |100|140 |1 |3 |0 |Gswrd|SL CD|MS AV CT SE|Ice Sword-only | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sweep Down |90 |12 |1 |2 |0 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE|Stun | |Double Mist |150|40 |1 |4 |2 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE|1st atk misses | |Rude Sword |110|120 |1 |3 |1 |Sword|SL | | | |Cross Slash |100|80 |2 |4 |4 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE|Undead Slayer | |FlyingWaterCut|100|160 |1 |6 |4 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Backstab |80 |400 |1 |4 |7 |Sword|SL |MS |Instant death | |Dragon Tail |100|200 |2 |7 |6 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Gushing Wind |90 |200 |4 |7 |8 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Summer Rain |100|200 |3 |8 |10|Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE|Preemp. strike | |Sword Flash |130|200 |1 |14|9 |Sword|SL | | | |Golden Dragon |150|600 |2 |12|12|Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Demi Rune |110|100 |2 |3 |1 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE|Scimitar-type-only| |Demi Rune Echo|110|100 |3 |7 |4 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE|Scimitar-type-only| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Rollup Strike |125|60 |1 |4 |1 |Gswrd|SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Smash |90 |200 |1 |6 |4 |Gswrd|SL BL|MS AV CT SE| | |Sweep Draw |110|40 |1 |6 |3 |Gswrd|SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Bull Crush |100|600 |1 |7 |6 |Gswrd|SL BL|MS AV CT SE| | |Reverse Wind |100|200 |2 |9 |7 |Gswrd|SL |MS AV CT SB| | |Dancing Sword |100|400 |3 |11|11|Gswrd|SL |MS AV CT SB|Triple Sword-only,| | | | | | | | | | | transforms | |Harvest Moon |125|400 |1 |14|9 |Gswrd|SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Moulin Rouge |130|80 |1 |7 |4 |Gswrd|SL |MS AV CT SE|Masquerade-only | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |X (DrawSword) |90 |400 |2 |10|0 |Mace |- | | | |X (SwallowSwd)|90 |800 |2 |15|0 |Mace |- | | | |Brain Split |120|20 |1 |3 |1 |Mace |BL |MS AV CT SE|Added Sleep,-3 INT| |Hard hit |100|80 |1 |4 |3 |Mace |BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Rotation Hit |120|120 |2 |4 |4 |Mace |BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Bone Crush |120|20 |1 |5 |4 |Mace |BL |MS AV CT SE|Skeleton Slayer, | | | | | | | | | | | -5 STR | |Stone Cut |120|120 |5 |5 |7 |Mace |BL |MS AV CT SE|Golem Slayer | |Gravity Break |120|20 |1 |8 |6 |Mace |BL ST|MS AV CT SB|-5 Speed | |Shell Split |120|400 |1 |11|11|Mace |BL |MS AV CT SE|Dragon Slayer, | | | | | | | | | | | -50% Heat&PhysRes| |Escape Out |115|60 |1 |5 |5 |Mace |BL |MS AV CT SE|Golden Bat-only, | | | | | | | | | | | Added Invisible | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Awakening |150|40 |1 |4 |0 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT |Masquerade-only, | | | | | | | | | | | transforms | |Stone Stab |110|60 |1 |3 |0 |Spear|BL PC|MS AV CT SB| | |Double Stab |110|80 |2 |4 |2 |Spear|PC |MS AV CT SE| | |Aiming |150|100 |1 |6 |2 |Spear|PC ST|MS |Last attack | |Brain Split |110|20 |1 |5 |2 |Spear|PC |MS AV CT SB|Confusion | |Charge |100|160 |1 |5 |3 |Spear|PC |MS AV CT SE| | |Dragon Hit |110|40 |2 |4 |3 |Spear|PC ST|MS AV SB |Poison | |Spiral Charge |100|100 |1 |10|7 |Spear|PC |MS AV CT SB| | |Double Dragon |100|300 |2 |8 |6 |Spear|PC |MS AV SE |Wind Field Effect | |Beast God Stab|110|40 |3 |9 |6 |Spear|PC |MS AV CT SE|Earth FieldEffect,| | | | | | | | | | |-5 STR,DEX,SPD,CON| |Great Wheel |110|200 |1 |7 |5 |Spear|PC |MS AV SE | | |Triple Thrust |100|360 |3 |10|10|Spear|PC |MS AV CT SE| | |Meteor Thrust |110|600 |1 |14|9 |Spear|PC |MS AV SB |Paralysis | |Swing |110|120 |1 |5 |2 |Spear|PC |MS AV CT SE|AxSpear-type-only,| | | | | | | | | | |Ground, Stun | |X |100|0 |1 |3 |0 |Spear|PC |MS AV CT SE| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Draw Sword |255|1020|15 |15|0 |Sword|- | |Dummied? | |Swallow Sword |255|1020|15 |15|0 |Sword|- | | | |X |255|1020|15 |15|0 |Sword|- | | | ******************************************************************************* ***************************** General Weapon Skills (Enemy) ***************************** * The Skill Type for these are all Martial Arts. * Enemy names are just a quick internet translation because I'm not familiar enough with Mana Sword's names. Feel free to contribute. ******************************************************************************* |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Elem.|Triggers |Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Sword |110|20 |1 |3 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Big Sword |110|80 |1 |3 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Club |120|40 |1 |3 |0 |BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Spear |110|80 |1 |3 |0 |PC |MS AV CT SE| | |Ointment(nail)|130|40 |1 |3 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Talon |120|0 |1 |5 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SB| | |Fang |110|40 |1 |4 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SB| | |Fang crush |100|60 |1 |6 |0 |SL BL|MS AV CT SB| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Angle |125|80 |1 |4 |0 |PC |MS AV CT SE| | |Charge |100|60 |1 |6 |0 |PC |MS AV CT SE| | |Knocking |90 |80 |4 |3 |0 |PC |MS AV CT SE| | |Spike glider |125|40 |1 |4 |1 |SL PC|MS AV CT SB| +8 STR, Speed | |Poison claws |120|20 |1 |3 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE|Poison | |Fang |110|20 |1 |4 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE|Poison | |Poison attack |110|40 |1 |5 |0 |SL BL|MS AV CT SE|Poison | |Death grip |120|20 |1 |5 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE|Paralysis | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Yakigote |150|100 |1 |4 |0 |HT |MS AV SB |Skeleton Slayer,-5 STR | |Beak |120|40 |1 |2 |0 |PC |MS AV CT SE|Darkness | |Blackjack |120|140 |1 |3 |0 |BL |MS AV CT SE|Sleep | |Joe Dagger |120|20 |1 |3 |0 |- |MS AV CT SE|Last action | |NablaUltrafast|100|160 |3 |5 |0 |BL PC|MS AV CT SE| | |Rock |120|60 |1 |5 |0 |BL |MS AV SE | | |Speed |120|40 |1 |4 |0 |BL |MS AV CT SE|Preemp. action | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Cleave |130|20 |1 |2 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE|Stun | |Double Mist |200|20 |1 |4 |0 |SL |MS AV CT |1st atk misses | |Poison Blade |100|0 |1 |5 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE|Poison | |Backstab |80 |140 |1 |4 |6 |SL |MS |Instant death | |DragontailBarb|100|140 |2 |5 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Winding out |130|20 |1 |4 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Smash |95 |160 |1 |5 |0 |SL BL|MS AV CT SE|+8 STR, SPD | |Chop Down |115|20 |1 |5 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Gale Sword |110|60 |1 |4 |0 |PC SH|MS AV SE |Flight Slayer,Wind F.E. | |Relied far |120|80 |1 |2 |0 |SL |MS AV SE | | |Kill wound |120|60 |1 |3 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |3-stage kill |100|100 |3 |3 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |5-stage kill |100|100 |5 |3 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Multi-Way |100|160 |2 |5 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Mai plover |120|200 |2 |6 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Split brains |120|60 |1 |3 |0 |BL |MS AV CT SE|Sleep, -3 Sleep | |Hard hit |120|160 |1 |4 |0 |BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Bone Crush |120|80 |1 |5 |0 |BL |MS AV CT SE|Skeleton Slayer,-5 STR | |HammerDrilling|120|80 |5 |6 |0 |BL |MS AV CT SE|Golem Slayer | |Grand Cross |130|0 |1 |5 |0 |SL PC|MS |Ground-type | |Buster swing |110|40 |1 |5 |0 |SL |MS AV CT SE|Stun | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Double Stab |110|60 |2 |4 |0 |PC |MS AV CT SE| | |Aiming |150|80 |1 |3 |0 |- |MS |Last action | |Reduce brain |110|100 |1 |3 |0 |PC |MS AV CT SE|Confusion | |Dragon Hit |110|80 |1 |4 |0 |PC |MS AV SB |Poison | |Giant swing |110|120 |1 |6 |0 |PC |MS SB | | ******************************************************************************* ************************* General Axe Skills (Ally) ************************* **************************************************************************** |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Type |Elem.|Trigger |Remarks | **************************************************************************** |Axe |90 |32 |1 |3 |0 |Ax |SL BL|MS AV CT SE| | |Spear |110|20 |1 |3 |0 |Spear|PC |MS AV CT SE| | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tomahawk |100|60 |1 |3 |1 |Ax |SL BL|MS | | |Skull Crush |90 |60 |1 |3 |3 |Ax |SL BL|MS AV CT SE|Skeleton Slayer,| | | | | | | | | | | -5 STR | |Big Logs Chop|90 |80 |1 |5 |4 |Ax |SL BL|MS AV CT SE|Plant slayer | |Hyper Hammer |90 |160 |1 |4 |4 |Ax |SL BL|MS AV CT SE|Stun | |Accel Turn |90 |40 |1 |7 |5 |Ax |SL BL|MS AV CT SB| +8 Speed | |Blade Roll |120|140 |1 |5 |5 |Ax |SL BL|MS AV CT SE| | |Megahawk |85 |200 |1 |4 |6 |Ax |SL BL|MS SE | | |Dynamic Hit |100|600 |1 |9 |8 |Ax |SL BL|MS AV SE |Plant slayer | |Sky Dive |125|100 |1 |13|9 |Ax |SL BL| | -10 CON | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Gengis Khan |50 |100 |5 |4 |3 |Ax |SL BL|MS AV CT SE|Viking Axe-only | |Orbit Borer |90 |600 |3 |10|11|Ax |SL BL|MS |Hawk Wind-only | **************************************************************************** ************************** General Axe Skills (Enemy) ************************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Type|Elem.|Trigger |Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Ax |100|60 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Tomahawk |115|80 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|SL BL|MS AV | | |Skull crash |100|100 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|SL BL|MS AV CT SE|Skele. Slayer,-5 STR| |Hyper hammer |100|140 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|SL BL|MS AV CT SE|Stun | |Blade Roll |100|60 |1 |6 |0 |M.A.|SL BL|MS SB | | ******************************************************************************* ****************************** General Bow/Epee Skills (Ally) ****************************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Type|Elem.|Trigger |Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Epee |140|4 |1 |3 |0 |Epee|PC |MS AV CT| | |Bow |110|20 |1 |3 |0 |Bow |SH |MS AV SE| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Accel Sniper |155|40 |1 |4 |1 |Epee|PC |MS AV CT|+8 Speed | |Bolt Pierce |155|80 |1 |6 |5 |Epee|PC EL|MS AV |Preemp. strike,+8 SPD | |Screwdriver |140|100 |1 |9 |7 |Epee|PC |MS AV CT|Female Slayer | |Southern Cross|140|200 |5 |6 |7 |Epee|PC |MS AV CT|Undead Slayer | |Fire Cracker |140|200 |1 |8 |10|Epee|PC |MS |Silence,Fire Field Eff| |Final Letter |140|400 |3 |11|9 |Epee|PC |MS AV CT|Instant death | |Shadow Sew |140|0 |1 |3 |0 |Epee|PC |MS AV CT| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Random Arrow |100|40 |1 |3 |2 |Bow |SH |MS AV SE| | |Id Break |130|40 |1 |4 |3 |Bow |ST |MS AV SE|Confuse,-5 INT | |Beast Chaser |150|200 |1 |4 |3 |Bow |SH |MS AV SE|Beast slayer | |Quick Arrow |140|40 |1 |5 |5 |Bow |SH |MS |Preemp. strike | |Plasma Shot |110|400 |1 |10|8 |Bow |SH EL|MS AV SE|Paralysis | |Million Dollar|150|600 |2 |12|10|Bow |SH | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fairy Arrow |120|60 |1 |6 |2 |Bow |SH ST|MS AV SE|FairyBow-only,Stun, | | | | | | | | | | |Confuse,-3 INT,WIL,CHA| |Death Arrow |90 |200 |1 |5 |5 |Bow |SH |MS AV SE|DobiBow-only,Inst.Death ******************************************************************************* ******************************* General Bow/Epee Skills (Enemy) ******************************* ******************************************************************************* |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Type|Elem.|Trigger |Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Epee |130|40 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|PC |MS AV CT | | |Bow |110|60 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV CT SE| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Needle |110|20 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|SL PC|MS AV CT SE| | |Needle (Weak) |110|40 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|PC |MS AV CT SE| | |Needle (strong)|110|80 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|PC |MS AV CT SE| | |Needle (single)|110|0 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE | | |Needle (all) |80 |20 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Stinger (Weak) |110|20 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|PC |MS AV CT SE|Poison | |Stinger(strong)|125|100 |1 |5 |1 |M.A.|PC |MS AV CT SE|Poison | |Stinger(single)|110|40 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE |Poison | |Stinger (all) |90 |20 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE |Poison | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Accel Sniper |150|20 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|PC |MS AV CT | +8 Speed | |Screwdriver |140|160 |1 |6 |0 |M.A.|PC |MS AV CT |Female slayer | |Dart |130|60 |1 |2 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE | | |Random Arrow |90 |60 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE | | |Id Break |135|0 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|SH ST|MS AV SE |Confusion, -5 INT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |5-book Shot |110|120 |2 |4 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE | | |10-book shot |110|120 |3 |5 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE | | |Special Dart |110|120 |5 |5 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE | | |Elf Dart |130|20 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|HT CD|MS AV SE |-2 DEF,STR,DEX,SPD| | | | | | | | | ST | | CON,INT,WIL,CHA | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Random Dart |90 |40 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE | | |Death Arrow |120|80 |1 |5 |0 |M.A.|SH |MS AV SE |Instant death | ******************************************************************************* ********************* Species Slayer Skills ********************* ***************************************************************** |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Type|Elem.|Trig.|Remarks | ***************************************************************** |Snake Shot |140|200 |1 |4 |4 |Epee|PC |MS AV| | |Snake Sword|140|200 |1 |7 |7 |Epee|PC |MS AV|Kris Naga-only| |---------------------------------------------------------------| |Sidewinder |130|120 |1 |6 |5 |Bow |SH | | | |Wave Shot |140|200 |1 |7 |6 |Bow |SH |MS SE|Flight Slayer | ***************************************************************** ********************************** General Martial Arts Skills (Ally) ********************************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Type|Elem.|Triggers |Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Punch(Barehand) |110|0 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE|Boston's Trim | | | | | | | | | | |does 2x Dmg | |Kick |80 |40 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Thumbing |110|20 |1 |2 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE|Darkness | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bolt Kick |110|120 |1 |5 |3 |M.A.|BL EL|MS AV CT SE| | |Instant Power |110|0 |1 |5 |4 |M.A.|BL ST| | | |Evil Breaker |110|0 |1 |6 |6 |M.A.|BL ST| |Undead Slayer, | | | | | | | | | | |-5 INT, WIL, CHA| |S-Dimension |90 |400 |1 |5 |6 |M.A.|BL |MS |Instant death | |Powerup Fist |110|200 |1 |6 |7 |M.A.|BL | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Meteor Kick |70 |100 |1 |7 |8 |M.A.|- |MS CT |Throw,Stun, -10 | | | | | | | | | | SL/BL/PC/SH/HTRes| |Tiger Break |110|0 |1 |9 |12|M.A.|- | | +8 STR, CON | |Dragon Inferno |90 |600 |4 |7 |15|M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |(Backlash effect)|100|0 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE|Use & Stun self | ******************************************************************************* *********************************** General Martial Arts Skills (Enemy) *********************************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Type|Elem.|Triggers |Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Punch |130|0 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Buchikamasu [preemp] |100|40 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV SE |Stun,Preemp |Ramming[ally targeted] |100|0 |1 |5 |1 |M.A.|BL |MS AV SB |Stun | |Ramming[enemy targeted]|100|0 |1 |5 |1 |M.A.|BL |MS AV SB |Stun | |Kick |105|20 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Swipe |120|40 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Big Bang |110|80 |1 |5 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Tentacle [Low] |105|60 |3 |3 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Tentacle [High] |105|80 |5 |4 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Rush |110|40 |1 |3 |3 |M.A.|BL |MS AV SB |Stun | |Thumbing |125|20 |1 |2 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Body blow |120|80 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV SB |Stun | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Buchikamasu |90 |20 |1 |4 |11|M.A.|BL |MS AV SE |Stun | |Tail attack |120|20 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE|Stun | |Bolt kick |110|100 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS AV CT SE| | |Twine [Low] |125|20 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|BL PC|AV CT SB |Paralysis | |Twine [High] |110|100 |1 |4 |0 |M.A.|BL PC|AV CT SB |-4 STR,DEX, | | | | | | | | | |Paralyze | |Dawn King Fist |100|80 |3 |3 |0 |M.A.|BL |- |-5 INT,WIL,CHA,| | | | | | | | | | | Undead Slayer| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |X |100|0 |1 |3 |0 |Sun |BL |MS | | |X |100|0 |1 |3 |0 |M.A.|BL |MS | | ******************************************************************************* ******************* Throw Skills (Ally) ******************* ******************************************************************************* |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Type|El|Trig.|Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Air Throw |120|60 |0 |5 |1 |M.A.|BL| |Stun, Throw-typed | |Niagara Buster|100|600 |0 |10|8 |M.A.|BL|MS CT|-5 CON,Stun,Throw,FishSlayer| |Reverse Throw |120|300 |0 |10|5 |M.A.|BL|MS CT|Throw, Stun, | | | | | | | | | | | -10 SL/BL/PC/SH/HT Res | |Giant Swing |90 |200 |0 |10|3 |M.A.|BL|MS CT|Throw,Added Effects=> #Swings ******************************************************************************* GIANT SWING EXTRA ROTATION EFFECTS| ********************************************************************* |Swings|Added Effect |Added Debuff | |1 |Stun, Stun self |-1 STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA| |2 |Stun, Stun self |-2 STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA| |3 |Stun, Stun self, Paralyze |-3 STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA| |4 |Stun, Stun self, Paralyze |-4 STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA| |5 |Stun, Stun self, Paralyze, ID|-5 STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA| ********************************************************************* ******************** Throw Skills (Enemy) ******************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|WP|Type|Elem|Trig|Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Mighty cyclone|150|300 |0 |10|0 |M.A.|BL | |Throw,Stun,Water Field Eff.| |Body drop |110|80 |0 |5 |0 |M.A.|BL | |Throw-typed, Stun | ******************************************************************************* **************************** Evade-Ignoring Weapon Skills **************************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |WP |WP Mod|Base|Hit#|TF|Type|Elem. |Triggers|Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Final Strike (ax) |All|24 |0 |1 |10|Ax |HT CD EL|MS |WeaponBreak| |Final Strike (swd)|All|24 |0 |1 |10|Swrd|HT CD EL|MS |WeaponBreak| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Blade Net |3 |0 |160 |1 |5 |Swrd|SL |MS AV SE| | |Scare Voice |4 |0 |80 |1 |2 |Swrd|ST |SB |Confu,Sonic| |Seven Star Sword |7 |0 |800 |3 |12|Swrd|HT CD EL| |Star Stream| | | | | | | | | | | +8 STR,Spd| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Misty Ice Sword |9 |8 |100 |1 |11|Swrd|SL CD | | | |Stone Cut |1 |115 |120 |1 |5 |Mace|BL |MS AV CT SE|BeastSlayer| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Were Buster |1 |140 |100 |1 |5 |Epee|PC |MS AV CT|BeastSlayer| |3rd-eye Rdm Arrow |18 |10 |20 |1 |8 |Bow |SH | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Final Strike |1 |0 |160 |1 |6 |M.A.|HT CD EL|MS |WeaponBreak| | (enemy version) | | | | | | | | | | ******************************************************************************* ******************************* Multiple-Formula-Calling Skills ******************************* ******************************************************************************* |Name |Called|TF|WP|Type |Elem.|Triggers |Remarks | | |Skill#| | | | | | | ******************************************************************************* |SplitBodySword|12 |1 |4 |Sword|SL |MS AV SE | | |Holo Sword |1 |1 |7 |Sword|SL |MS AV CT SE| | |Deadly Spin |38 |2 |10|Ax |SL BL|MS AV | | |Yo-yo |3 |1 |5 |Ax |SL BL|MS AV SE |Hand Axe/Francesca-only | |Round Slicer |6F |1 |7 |Spear|PC |MS AV |Dragon Spear-only | |Tri-shooter |6 |3 |1 |Spear|PC |AV SE |Partisan/B.Lancer/Lucerne| |ContinuousShot|7 |2 |7 |Bow |SH |MS AV SE | | ******************************************************************************* |Called Skills| *********************************************** |ID|Name |Hit|Base|Hit#|TF|Type |Elem. | *********************************************** |12|Great Sword|110|120 |1 |3 |Gsword|SL | |1 |Sword |110|8 |1 |3 |Sword |SL | |38|Tomahawk |100|60 |1 |3 |Ax |SL BL | |3 |Axe |90 |32 |1 |3 |Ax |SL BL | |6F|Stone Stab |110|60 |1 |3 |Spear |BL PC | |6 |Spear |110|20 |1 |3 |Spear |PC | |7 |Bow |110|20 |1 |3 |Bow |SH | *********************************************** ******************** Damage Spells (Ally) ******************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |Base|Hit|TF|JP|Type |Elem.|Trigger|Field |Remarks | | | | # | | | | | |Effect| | ******************************************************************************* |Flash Arrow |100 |1 |3 |4 |Bow |SH ST|MS SE |- |Darkness | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Thorn Bind |80 |0 |3 |4 |Wind |PC |MS |Wind |Stun, Ground-typed | |Tornado |300 |0 |8 |8 |Wind |PC ST|MS |Wind |Flight Slayer | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Air Slash |60 |0 |3 |1 |Fire |SL |MS |Fire |Flight Slayer | |Bird Song |4 |0 |1 |3 |Fire |ST | |Fire |Preemp.,Silence,Sonic| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Stone Bullet |40 |0 |3 |1 |Earth|BL |MS SB |Earth | | |Crack |100 |0 |6 |4 |Earth|PC | |Earth |Stun, Ground-typed | |Super Gravity|1000|0 |10|9 |Earth|BL ST|MS SB |Earth | -5 Speed | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Squall |20 |0 |2 |1 |Water|ST |SE |Water |Salamander Slayer, | | | | | | | | | | | Water-typed | |Thunderclap |180 |0 |7 |7 |Water|EL |MS SE |Water |Silence | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sunshine |40 |0 |2 |1 |Sun |HT ST|MS SE |Sun |Undead Slayer | |Heat Wave |100 |0 |4 |4 |Sun |HT |MS SB |Sun | -5 Speed | |Star Fixer |220 |0 |7 |5 |Sun |HT |MS SB |Sun |Paralysis | |Solar Wind |400 |0 |7 |9 |Sun |HT CD EL|MS |Sun |Confusion | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Shadow Bolt |40 |0 |3 |1 |Moon |ST |MS SE |Moon |Silence | |Soul Freeze |180 |0 |5 |6 |Moon |CD |MS |Moon |Paralysis | ******************************************************************************* ********************* Damage Spells (enemy) ********************* *All enemy spells cost 0 JP ******************************************************************************* |Name |Base|Hit|TF|Type |Elem.|Triggers|Field |Remarks | | | | # | | | | |Effect| | ******************************************************************************* |Blade Net |100 |1 |4 |M.A. |SL |MS AV SB|- |Paralysis | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ink |52 |1 |2 |Water|ST |MS SE |Water |Darkness | |Pollen |20 |1 |3 |Sun |SH ST|MS SE |- | | |Pollen (dark) |80 |1 |2 |Sun |SH ST|MS SE |- |Darkness | |Pollen(single) |60 |1 |2 |Sun |SH ST|MS SE |- |Confusion | |Pollen(all) |20 |1 |2 |Sun |SH ST|MS SE |- |Confusion | |Radiation |20 |1 |4 |Moon |SH ST|MS SE |- | | |Spores(Single) |80 |1 |3 |Moon |SH ST|MS SE |- |Poison | |Spores (All) |60 |1 |3 |Moon |SH ST|MS SE |- |Poison | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Digestive juice |0 |1 |4 |Water|- |MS SE |- |Water-typed | |Lysates |40 |1 |3 |Water|ST |MS SE |- |Water-typed | |Venom |40 |1 |4 |Water|ST |MS SE |- |Poison,Water-typed| |Ultrasound(single)|60 |1 |4 |Moon |ST |MS SE |- |Sonic-typed | |Ultrasonic(all) |80 |1 |3 |Moon |ST |MS SE |- |Sonic-typed | |Siren |0 |1 |3 |Moon |ST |MS SE |- |Silence,Sonic-type| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Thorn Bind |40 |1 |2 |Wind |PC |MS |Wind |Stun, Ground-typed| |Tornado |80 |1 |5 |Wind |ST |MS SB |Wind |Stun,Flight Slayer| |Air Slash |40 |1 |3 |Fire |SL |MS |Fire |Flight Slayer | |Bird Song |40 |1 |1 |Fire |ST |SB |Fire |Preemp.act,Silence| | | | | | | | | | Sonic-typed | |Stone Bullet |60 |1 |3 |Earth|BL |MS |Earth | | |Crack |40 |1 |5 |Earth|PC | |Earth |Stun, Ground-typed| |Super Gravity |100 |1 |8 |Earth|ST |MS SB |Earth | -5 Speed | |Squall |0 |1 |2 |Water|ST |SE |Water |Salamander Slayer,| | | | | | | | | | Water-typed | |Thunderclap |0 |1 |6 |Water|EL |MS SE |Water |Silence | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sunshine |20 |0 |2 |Sun |HT |MS SE |Sun |Undead Slayer | |Heat Wave |0 |0 |3 |Sun |HT |MS SB |Sun | -5 Speed | |Star Fixer |80 |1 |4 |Sun |HT |MS SB |Sun |Paralysis | |Solar Wind |80 |1 |6 |Sun |- |MS |Sun |Confu,FlightSlayer| |Shadow Bolt |20 |1 |3 |Moon |ST |MS SE |Moon |Silence | |Soul Freeze |60 |0 |4 |Moon |CD |MS |Moon |Paralysis | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Abyss Wind |220 |0 |0 |Moon |- | |Abyss |Last action | |Sand of Mars |80 |1 |4 |Fire |HT |MS SE |Fire | | |Dummy (Mail) |300 |1 |1 |Water|CD ST| |Abyss |Attack portion of | | | | | | | | | | the Devil mail | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Ground riser (atk)|40 |0 |4 |Wind |BL SH|MS |- |Last action | |Destruct |0 |1 |5 |Fire |- | |- | | |Light Ball |120 |1 |2 |Sun |ST |MS |- |Darkness | |Fireball |60 |1 |3 |Fire |HT |MS SE |- | | |Thunderball |60 |0 |3 |Water|EL |MS SE |- | | |Thunderbolt |120 |0 |3 |Water|EL |MS SE |- | | ******************************************************************************* ********* Wind Dart ********* ************************************************************* |Name |Base|Hit|TF|Hit # |JP|Type|El|Trig.|Field | | | | # | |Inc LV| | | | |Effect| ************************************************************* |Wind Dart(ally) |60 |0 |3 |5 |1 |Wind|PC|MS SB|Wind | |Wind Dart(enemy)|20 |1 |3 |5 |0 |Wind|SH|MS |Wind | ************************************************************* **************** HP Absorb Skills **************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |Base|Hit|TF|JP|Type|Elem.|Trig.|Field |Remarks | | | | # | | | | | |Effect| | ******************************************************************************* |Suction |80 |0 |4 |5 |Wind|SH |SB |Wind | | |Blood Suck |80 |0 |2 |0 |M.A.|- | |Abyss |Leonid-only tech | Enemy Skills:****************************************************************** |Swallow |400 |1 |6 |0 |M.A.|ST | |- | | |Bloodsuck (Red)|20 |1 |5 |0 |Moon|ST |MS SE|- |-2 DEF,STR,DEX,SPD,CON| | | | | | | | | | | INT,WIL,CHA | |Absorb Strength|80 |1 |6 |0 |Moon|CD ST|MS SE|- |-2 DEF,STR,DEX,SPD,CON| | | | | | | | | | | INT,WIL,CHA | |Bloodsuck(Pink)|40 |1 |4 |0 |Moon|CD ST|MS SE|- |Poison | |Suction |80 |1 |4 |0 |Wind|ST |SB |Wind | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mega Suction |20 |1 |3 |0 |Wind|CD ST|MS SE|- |-2 DEF,STR,DEX,SPD,CON| | | | | | | | | | | INT,WIL,CHA, | | | | | | | | | | | HP healed=Dmg dealt | ******************************************************************************* ***************************** LP Damage/HP Absorbing Skills ***************************** ***************************************************************** |Name |Effect |Hit|JP|Type|El|Trig.|Field|Remarks | ***************************************************************** |Gentle Touch|100LP Dmg|35 |12|M.A.|ST|MS SB|Abyss|Misses Undead| Enemy Skills:**************************************************** |Life Break |1 LP Dmg |100|0 |M.A.|ST|MS |- |Misses Undead| |Life Steal |1 LP Dmg |75 |0 |Sun |ST|MS SB|Abyss|Misses Undead| ***************************************************************** * When LP is damaged, the skill user absorbs 999HP healing * These attacks miss if the target is immune to instant death * The Hit value of these skills do not appear to actually factor into their accuracy, which is entirely dependant on the target's status resistance and WIL stat. ************************** LV-dependent Debuff Skills ************************** **************************************************************************** |Name |Hit|IncLV|Tgt Stat|JP|Type |Elem|Triggers|Field|Remarks | **************************************************************************** |Spider Net |65 |5 |SPD |1 |Sword|ST |MS AV SE|- |SpiderSword| |Sparkling Mist|60 |3 |DEX |1 |Water|ST |MS |Water| | Enemy Spells:*************************************************************** |Spider Net |90 |4 |SPD |0 |Sun |ST |MS SE |- | | |Sparkling Mist|60 |4 |DEX |0 |Water|ST |MS SB |Water| | **************************************************************************** * Corresponding TgtStat is subtractively reduced by [SkillLV/IncLV] ********************* Buffing Skills (ally) ********************* ******************************************************************************* |Name |Stat increase |JP|Elem.|Field|Type|Remarks | | | | | |Eff. | | | ******************************************************************************* |War Cry |STR,CON+7+(BluntLV/5) |1 |SL BL| |Ax | | |Bless |STR+8+(BluntLV/10) |1 |ST | |Mace|Staff Glory| |Enhance Spell |INT+8+(BluntLV/10) |1 |ST | |Mace|Rune Cane | |Everyone's Song|INT,CON,SPD,WIL+1+(MALV/10) |0 |- | |M.A.|Poet Fiddle| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hard Fire |SPD+5+(FireLV/4) |2 |ST |Fire |Fire| | |Berserk |STR,CON+8+(EarthLV/5) |3 |ST |Earth|Eart| | |Stoneskin |DEF+10+(EarthLV/8) |3 |ST |Earth|Eart| | |Moon Glow |SPD,WIL+4+(MoonLV/4) |2 |ST |Moon |Moon| | |Victory Song |STR,INT,CON,SPD+1+(PiercLV/5)|3 |- | |Sper|H.KingSpear| ******************************************************************************* * All Buffs (except Stoneskin) decrease every turn after the first by "Current additional stat boost"/4, rounded up * Example : Accel Turn increases Spd by 9, on turn 2, the bonus is now 9-(9/4)=6. Turn 3, the bonus is 4. Buffs can stack! If you cast Accel Turn again on Turn 3, the Spd bonus is 4+9=13. However, by turn 2, the decrease is more noticable 13-(13/4)=9 (lost 4 points of bonus Spd). ********************** Buffing Skills (enemy) ********************** * All enemy buffing skills cost 0 JP *************************************************** |Name |Stat increase |Elem|Field|Type | *************************************************** |Power Save|STR,CON+4+(MALV/5) |ST | |M.A. | |Hard Fire |SPD+5+(FireLV/4) |ST |Fire |Fire | |Berserk |STR,CON+8+(EarthLV/5)|ST | |Earth| |Stoneskin |DEF+20+(EarthLV/8) |ST |Earth|Earth| |Moon Glow |SPD,WIL+4+(MoonLV/4) |ST |Moon |Moon | *************************************************** * All Buffs (except Stoneskin) decrease every turn after the first by "Current additional stat boost"/4, rounded up * Example : Accel Turn increases Spd by 9, on turn 2, the bonus is now 9-(9/4)=6. Turn 3, the bonus is 4. Buffs can stack! If you cast Accel Turn again on Turn 3, the Spd bonus is 4+9=13. However, by turn 2, the decrease is more noticable 13-(13/4)=9 (lost 4 points of bonus Spd). ************************************ Additional Buffing Effects on Skills ************************************ **************************** |Name |Stat increase| |Star Burst |STR,SPD+8 | |Accel Turn |SPD+8 | |Accel Sniper|SPD+8 | |Bolt Pierce |SPD+8 | |Tiger Break |STR,CON+8 | Enemy skills:*************** |Spike glider|STR,SPD+8 | |Smash |SPD+8 | |Accel Sniper|SPD+8 | **************************** * All Buffs (except Stoneskin) decrease every turn after the first by "Current additional stat boost"/4, rounded up * Example : Accel Turn increases Spd by 9, on turn 2, the bonus is now 9-(9/4)=6. Turn 3, the bonus is 4. Buffs can stack! If you cast Accel Turn again on Turn 3, the Spd bonus is 4+9=13. However, by turn 2, the decrease is more noticable 13-(13/4)=9 (lost 4 points of bonus Spd). ****************************************** Additional Debuff Effects on Skills (ally) ****************************************** **************************************************** |Name |Stat decrease |Remarks | **************************************************** |Skull Crush |STR-5 |Skeleton Slayer | |Sky Drive |CON-10 | | |Brain Split |INT-3 |Added Sleep | |Bone Crush |STR-5 |Skeleton Slayer | |Gravity Break|SPD-5 | | |Shell Split |DEF-50% |Dragon Slayer | |--------------------------------------------------| |GodBeast Stab|STR,DEX,SPD,CON-5| | |Id Break |INT-5 |Added Confusion | |Fairy Arrow |INT,WIL,CHA-3 |Confusion, Silence| |--------------------------------------------------| |Giant Swing |STR,DEX,SPD,CON, |Stun,Stun self, | | | INT,WIL,CHA-1 | paralysis, | | | (up to -5) | instant death | |--------------------------------------------------| |NiagaraBuster|CON-5 |Stun, Fish Slayer | |Reverse Throw|DEF-10 |Added Stun | |Evil Breaker |INT,WIL,CHA-5 |Undead Slayer | |Meteor Kick |DEF-10 |Added Stun | |--------------------------------------------------| |Super Gravity|SPD-5 | | |Heat Wave |SPD-5 | | **************************************************** ******************************************* Additional Debuff Effects on Skills (enemy) ******************************************* ******************************************************************* |Name |Stat decrease |Remarks | ******************************************************************* |Elf shot |STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA,DEF-2| | |Rat Fever |DEF-50% |Dragon Slayer | |Yakigote |STR-5 |Skeleton Slayer| |Ultra Vibration|STR,DEX-4 |Added Paralysis| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |Skull crush |STR-5 |Skeleton Slayer| |Brain Split |INT-3 |Added Sleep | |Bone Crush |STR-5 |Skeleton Slayer| |Id Break |INT-5 |Added Confusion| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |Elf Dart |STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA,DEF-2| | |Twine (strong) |STR,DEX-4 |Added Paralysis| |Bloodsuck |STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA,DEF-2| | |Absorb strength|STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA,DEF-2| | |Mega Suction |STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA,DEF-2| | |Beetlejuice |STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA,DEF-2| | |Dawn King Fist |INT,WIL,CHA-5 |Undead Slayer | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |Flame (single) |SPD-5 | | |Flame (all) |SPD-5 | | |Cold (single) |STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA,DEF-2| | |Cold (all) |STR,DEX,SPD,CON,INT,WIL,CHA,DEF-2| | |Hot gas(single)|SPD-5 | | |Hot gas (all) |SPD-5 | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |Super Gravity |SPD-5 | | |Heat Wave |SPD-5 | | ******************************************************************* *************************** Status Effect Skills (ally) *************************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |Effect |Hit|JP|El|Triggers |Type|Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Ice Stare |Paralyze|90 |3 |ST|MS AV SE |Swrd|EvilEye,Gaze,Hits mental imm| |Blunt Strike|Paralyze|40 |0 |SL|MS AV CT SE|Gswd|Hits paralyze immunity | |Feint |Stun |60 |0 |ST|- |Epee|Hits stun immunity | |Imprison |Paralyze|40 |1 |ST|AV CT |Epee|Hits paralyze immunity | |Shadow Sew |Paralyze|50 |1 |ST|MS AV SE |Bow |Hits paralyze immunity | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Nap |Sleep |50 |3 |ST|MS SB |Wind|Hits sleep imm., Wind F.Eff.| |BeguileStare|Charm |65 |3 |ST|MS AV SE |Swrd|EvilEye,Gaze,Hits mental imm| |Mindstare |Mixed |55 |2 |ST|AV CT |Epee|Hits mental immunity | |Provoke Shot|Berserk |60 |2 |ST|MS SE |Bow |Hits mental immunity | ******************************************************************************* **************************** Status Effect Skills (enemy) **************************** ******************************************************************************* |Name |Effect |Hit|El|Triggers |Field|Type|Remarks | | | | | | | Eff.| | | ******************************************************************************* |Blunt Strike |Paralyze|80 |SL|MS AV CT SE|- |M.A.|Hits Paralyze imm. | |Feint |Stun |90 |ST| |- |M.A.|Hits Stun immunity | |Imprison |Paralyze|55 |ST|AV CT |- |M.A.|Hits Paralyze imm. | |Shadow Sew |Paralyze|75 |ST|MS AV SE |- |M.A.|Hits Paralyze imm. | |Fool cat |Stun |90 |ST| |- |M.A.|Hits Stun immunity | |Step |Stun |50 |ST|MS |- |M.A.|Hits Stun immunity | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Hypnosis(singl)|Sleep |70 |ST|SE |- |Moon|Hits Sleep immunity | |Hypnosis (all) |Sleep |35 |ST|SE |- |Moon|Hits Sleep immunity | |Lullaby |Sleep |50 |ST|SE |- |Moon|Hits Sleep imm., Sonic| |Night Call |Sleep |30 |ST| |Moon |Moon|Hits Sleep immunity | |Deathsickle |I.Death |60 |ST|MS SB |Abyss|M.A.|Hits instant death imm| |Ectoplasm net |I.Death |35 |ST|MS |Abyss|Sun |Hits instant death imm| |Gaze (Paralyze)|Paralyze|75 |ST|MS SE |- |Sun |Hits Paralyze imm,Gaze| |Gaze (Petrify) |Stone |55 |ST|MS SE |- |Sun |Hits ID imm.,Gaze-type| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Nap |Sleep |40 |ST|MS SB |Wind |Wind|Hits Sleep immunity | |Nightmare |Nightmare50 |- | |Abyss|Moon|Hits Sleep immunity | |Mindstare |Mixed |45 |ST|AV CT |- |M.A.|Hits mental imm. | |Gaze(fascinate)|Charm |60 |ST|MS SE |- |Sun |Hits mental imm., Gaze| |Poison fog |Poison |60 |ST|MS |Abyss|M.A.|Hits poison imm. | |Evil Whisper |Charm |75 |- | |Abyss|Moon|Hits mental imm. | |Triple Attack |Poison |50 |ST|MS |- |M.A.|Hits poison imm. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Insanity |Confuse,|75 |- | |Abyss|Moon|Hits mental imm. | | |Berserk,| | | | | | | | | Charm | | | | | | | ******************************************************************************* ******************************************* Instant Death Accuracy Status Skills (ally) ******************************************* ******************************************************************************* |Name |Effect |Hit|JP|Elem|Triggers |Field|Type|Remarks | ******************************************************************************* |Dimension Chop|I.Death|20 |6 |ST | |- |Ax |Hits I.death imm. | |Midas Hand |Stone |25 |4 |ST |MS AV CT SE|- |Mace|Hits stone imm. | |Leg Sweep |Stun |30 |0 |PC |MS AV CT SE|- |Sper|Ground,Hits Stun imm |Shadow Kill |I.Death|25 |4 |SH |MS AV SE |- |Bow |Hits I.death imm. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Gold Touch |Stone |25 |6 |ST |MS AV |Earth|Erth|Hits stone imm. | |Day Break |I.Death|20 |7 |ST |MS |Sun |Sun |Hits I.death imm. | ******************************************************************************* ******************************************** Instant Death Accuracy Status Skills (enemy) ******************************************** ****************************************************************************** |Name |Effect |Hit|El|Triggers |Field|Type |Remarks | ****************************************************************************** |Leg Sweep |Stun |45 |PC|MS AV CT SE|- |M.A. |Ground, Hits Stun imm. | |Gold Touch |Stone |25 |ST|MS AV |Earth|Earth|Hits stone imm. | |Day Break |I.Death|25 |ST|MS |Sun |Sun |Hits instant death imm.| |Dummy (Mail) |I.Death|10 |ST|- |Water|Water|Water-typed | |Terror Voice |Confuse|25 |ST|MS SE |- |Sun |Sonic, Hits mental imm.| |Triple Attack|Berserk|20 |ST|MS |- |M.A. |Hits mental imm. | ****************************************************************************** ************************ Percentage Damage Skills ************************ ************************************************************************* |Name |Hit|JP|Type|Elem.|Trigger |Field|Remarks | ************************************************************************* |Dimension Cut|60 |3 |Swrd|ST |MS AV |- |Sonic-typed | | | | | | | | |[mHP/8]*2 | |Aero Beat |40 |3 |Mace|ST |MS |Wind |Sonic-typed | | | | | | | | |[mHP/8]*3 | |Moon Mirror |70 |2 |Moon|ST |MS SB |Moon |Sonic-typed | | | | | | | | |[mHP/8]*2 | |Enemy Skills:*********************************************************** |Elf shot |85 |0 |M.A.|- |AV SE |- |-2 DEF,STR,DEX,SPD,CON, | | | | | | | | | INT, WIL,CHA, [mHP/8]*3| |Rat Fever |80 |0 |M.A.|SL ST|MS AV SE|- |Dragon Slayer | | | | | | | | |Half PhysDEFs,HeatRes | | | | | | | | |[mHP/8]*4 | |Moon Mirror |70 |0 |Moon|ST |MS SB |Moon |Sonic-typed | | | | | | | | |[mHP/8]*4 | ************************************************************************* *********************** Charm-Inflicting Skills *********************** * Dead Moss also uses this accuracy formula, but inflicts Instant Death instead of Charm ************************************************************************** |Name |Hit|JP|Type|El|Trig.|Field|Remarks | ************************************************************************** |Resonance Weep |60 |1 |Bow |ST| |- |Sonic-typed, Hits mental imm.| |Glare light |75 |3 |Moon|ST|MS |Moon |Hits mental imm. | |Gaze(fascinate)|40 |4 |M.A.|ST| |Abyss|Gaze-typed, Hits mental imm. | Enemy Skills:************************************************************* |Dead moss |100|0 |Erth|- | |- |Hits instant death imm. | |Pheromone |40 |0 |Sun |ST|MS SE|- |Hits mental imm. | |Glare light |75 |0 |Moon|ST|MS |Moon |Hits mental imm. | |Temptation |20 |0 |Moon|ST|MS |- |Hits mental imm. | |Temptation |25 |0 |Moon|ST|MS |- |Hits mental imm. | ************************************************************************** ****************** HP Recovery Spells ****************** *************************************************************** |Name |TF|JP|Type |El|Field|Remarks | *************************************************************** |Power Heal |2 |0 |Mace |ST|- |Life Staff-only | |ShatterStaff|8 |1 |Mace |ST|- |Rune Cane-only,Weapon Break| | | | | | | |Life Staff-only | |Focus |3 |0 |M.A. |ST|- | | |Earth Heal |4 |4 |Earth|ST|Earth|Recovers sleep at LV15+ | | | | | | | |Recovers paralysis at LV30+| |Life Water |2 |1 |Water|ST|Water|Recovers sleep at LV15+ | | | | | | | |Recovers paralysis at LV30+| |Moonshine |6 |5 |Moon |ST|Moon |Recovers dark at LV20+ | Enemy Skills:************************************************** |Earth Heal |4 |0 |Earth|ST|Earth| | |Life Water |2 |0 |Water|ST|Water| | |Moonshine |4 |0 |Moon |ST|Moon | | *************************************************************** ********************** Status Recovery Spells ********************** * Nurse Heal and Revival Light both also act as normal HP Recovery spells ******************************************************************************* |Name |TF|JP|Type |El|Field|Statuses healed | ******************************************************************************* |Nurse Heal |1 |2 |Epee |ST|- |Death Stone Dark Paral Sleep Mental Poison| |Mystic Water |0 |3 |Water|ST|Water|Dark Paralysis Sleep Mental Poison | |Revival Light|5 |7 |Sun |ST|Sun |Death Dark Paralysis Sleep Mental Poison | Enemy Spells:****************************************************************** |Mystic Water |0 |0 |Water|ST|Water|Dark Paralysis Sleep Mental Poison | |Revival Light|2 |0 |Sun |ST|Sun |Death Dark Paralysis Sleep Mental Poison | ******************************************************************************* **************** THANKS **************** Korotan; of Korotan's Room ( http://korotan.xrea.jp/rs_index.htm ) Without his site, I wouldn't have known where to start. Snow Wanderer; an invaluable resource on general Romancing SaGa 3 info Squaresoft; because they were awesome enough to make the game