OOO SSS SSS U U !! OO OO SS SS SS SS U U !! O O S S U U !! O O SSS SSS U U !! O O S S U U !! OO OO SS SS SS SS UU UU OOO SSS SSS UUU !! K A R A T E - B U -------------------------------------------- © 1994 Culture Brain - for Super Nintendo -------------------------------------------- ver. 0.8 by Zazà -------------------------------------------- (1) HOW TO PLAY (2) CHARACTERS MOVES (3) CODES (4) WHAT'S NEW (5) SPECIAL THANKS (6) AUTHOR'S NOTES __________________________________________ / \ < 1 - HOW TO PLAY > \__________________________________________/ ============================================== 1 BUTTONS ============================================== Eight direction pad and 8 buttons. ________________________________ UB U UF | Jump backward, Up, or Forward | \ | / | | B - - F | Walk Back/Block Walk Forward | / | \ | | DB D DF | Crouching back is Low Block | |________________________________| Y: Light Punch X: Heavy Punch B: Light Kick A: Heavy Kick Start: Pause Select: not used ============================================== 2 STANDARD MOVES ============================================== Impact Defence b + L\R ============================================== The character defend himself with the body. Meanwhile the fighter still in this position his KI Gauce charging slowly and every opponent's attack increase it more. Unlike the normal block, the fighter lose a few energy versus all opponent's attack. DASH f,f ============================================== With a double tap in opponent's direction the fighter does a frontal dash. BACKHOP b,b ============================================== With a double tap back, the fighter make a fast retreat jump. COUNTER b + A\B\X\Y ============================================== This is a fast move to evade the opponent's attack and counter it. POWER ATTACK charge A\B\X\Y ============================================== Charge any attack button for a while and release it when you're ready to hit. This attack consume the KI gauce until 1/2. CATCH ============================================== When you make a cath, you're invulnerable and you can brake all moves and all status (like impact defence) but you must be near the opponent to did it. ============================================== 3 SPECIAL MOVES ============================================== These are particoular direction and button's combination that used the fighter's personal powers. These are different for all fighter. ============================================== 4 SUPER MOVE ============================================== Like the Special Moves, this is different for all fighters, but to do this one your character must have the bar of KI full. ============================================== 5 GAMEPLAY ============================================== Unlike the classic fighting games, here, there's not the 3 rounds style. In Ossu! Karate-Bu You have only a round and 3 possibility to back in the fight using the KI that you've charged up to rejuvernate your fighter's energy. If your opponent finish you using a Super move, the return in fight cannot be do. (In options menu is possible set 3 rounds ============================================== 5 GAME MENU ============================================== The Japanese Game Menu is this one. ============================================== STORY \ ARCADE \ VS \ TEAM BATTLE \ OPTIONS ============================================== STORY ============================================== Using the Principal Character you fight the various opponent and have some dialogues (all in Japanese, of course!) and good anime- style scenes. Interesting 'cause the character has some evolution of fighting style, but isn't very long as game. ARCADE ============================================== Choose one of 12 fighters and beat'em all. VS ============================================== 1P vs 2P ---------------------------------------------- Make a match versus an human opponent; both can choose one of the 12 fighters. 1p vs CPU ---------------------------------------------- Make a match versus a CPU's controlled opponent. You can choose one of the 12 fighters for your and for the CPU. TEAM BATTLE =============================================== Like the VS but here there's five fighters for side to choose. OPTIONS =============================================== LEVEL ----------------------------------------------- This is the Difficult grade from 1 (easy) to 8 (hard) TIMER ----------------------------------------------- Choose how long you want the fight, 30 seconds, 60, 90 or infinite. ROUND =============================================== Set how many rounds did you want. One or Three. KI GAUCE =============================================== Set how much KI gauce did you want at mach start. 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, MAX. SOUND =============================================== Choose Stereo or Monaural MUSIC =============================================== Jukebox Time! listen all music and sound effect. CONTROLLER =============================================== Set your buttons. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Command list ============================================== (c) = charge (a) = in air (n) = near (catch) * = require KI gauce full __________________________________________ / \ < 2 - CHARACTERS MOVES > \__________________________________________/ _______________________ | | | | | | | This is the Character | A | B | C | D | E | F | selection screen. ___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___ | | | | | | | | | | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| A = Takagi Gishi B = Andou Makoto C = Suenaga Zen D = Ryuutaka \ Torataka E = Tanaka Hiroyuki F = Ryuu-Un G = Chiyo Momo H = Rick Powered I = Sakuma Jyuujirou J = Sotokawa Tetsuya K = Imawara Takashi L = Nakai Touru M = Jin-Rai N = Super Takagi ================================================= Takagi Gishi ================================================= (n) -o + A |Throw (n) -o + X |Headbutt ------------------------------------------------- | / o- + A\B |Powerful Dashing Hammer o o |Punch. ------------------------------------------------- o- | -o + B |Fast series of punches o | ------------------------------------------------- -o | -o + A |Upper Diagonal double palm o | ------------------------------------------------- (c)/ -o + X |Dashing series of punch o | ================================================= * (c)o- / | \ -o + X |DRAGON - Powerful Punch o o o | combination ================================================= ================================================= Andou Makoto ================================================= (n) -o + A |Punching Head ------------------------------------------------- | / o- + A\B |Powerful Drill Punch o o | ------------------------------------------------- -o o- | + X (x 3)|Combination of punch o | ------------------------------------------------- | o + A |Earthquake o | | ================================================= * o- | -o o + X |TIGER - Punch combination o | | and final uppercut ================================================= ================================================= Suenaga Zen ================================================= (n) -o + A |Throw (n) -o + X |Choke ------------------------------------------------- -o | -o + A |Upper Diagonal Hit with o |Bonze's Necklace ------------------------------------------------- (c)o- -o + X\Y |Far Necklace's attack | ================================================= * |\ -o + A |EXPLOSION - Furious ground o o | attack ================================================= ================================================= Ryuutaka \ Torataka ================================================= (n) -o + A |Body Stomp (n) -o + X |Kick Crawl ------------------------------------------------- (c)/ -o + X |Twin's kick series o | ------------------------------------------------- (c) / -o + A |Twin's punch series o | ------------------------------------------------- | / o- + X |Twin's Kick oo | ------------------------------------------------- (c)| o + A |Falling attack o | | ================================================= * -o o- / | \ -o + A |SKULL - Powerful twin's o o o | Energy attack ================================================= * | / o- -o + A |SKULL - Powerful twin's oo | Combination attack ================================================= ================================================= Tanaka Hiroyuki ================================================= (n) -o + A |Back throw ------------------------------------------------- o- | -o + X\Y |Club's hammer o | ------------------------------------------------- -o | o- + X\Y |Club's Spin o | ------------------------------------------------- (c)| o + X |Club's Press o | | ================================================= * | \ -o + A |IMPACT - Powerful Club's o o | hammer ================================================= ================================================= Ryuu-Un ================================================= | \ -o + A\B |Energy's dart o o | ------------------------------------------------- | / o- -o + A |Powerful Energy's dart oo |(only for half screen) ------------------------------------------------- o- | -o o o- + X\Y |Powerful combo of punches o | |and kicks ================================================= * -o \ | / o- -o + A |IDRA - Very Powerful ooo | Energy's dart ================================================= ================================================= Rick Powered ================================================= (n) -o + A |Punch throw (n) -o + X |Grab (n) \ + a |Back throw o | ------------------------------------------------- (n)-o\ | / o- + A |Back slamming throw ooo | ------------------------------------------------- (n)-o\ | / o- + X |Back Breaker ooo | ------------------------------------------------- (c)/ -o + A\B |Shoulder Press o | ================================================= * -o | o- -o + A |BEAR - Multiple vertical o | Punches ================================================= ================================================= Sakuma Jyuujirou ================================================= (n) -o + A |Pipe's attack ------------------------------------------------- (c)/ o + X |Wall jump Kick o / | ------------------------------------------------- o- / | \ -o + X\Y |Wave Kick o o o |(safe from energy ball) ------------------------------------------------- (a)| + A |Flying Frankenstainer o | ================================================= * -o o- | -o + X |WAVE - Multiple vertical o | Kicks ================================================= ================================================= Sotokawa Tetsuya ================================================= (n) -o + A |Throw (n) -o + X |Headbutt (n) \ + A |Arm's breaker o | (n) \ + X |Suplex o | ------------------------------------------------- (c)o- -o + A\B |Running Suplex ------------------------------------------------- (n)o | o- + A |Turning Throw | o | ------------------------------------------------- (c) / -o + X\Y |Energy Dropkick o | ================================================= * o- | -o + A |SNAKE - Flying Suplex o | ================================================= ================================================= Imawara Takashi ================================================= (n) -o + A |Throw ------------------------------------------------- | \ -o + A |Energy Blade Dart o o | ------------------------------------------------- -o | o + A\B |Energy Blade Upper o | | ------------------------------------------------- (c)| / o- + A |Energy Blade combo oo | ================================================= * | \ -o \ | / o- + A |WOLF - Powerful Energy o o ooo | Blade Dart ================================================= ================================================= Nakai Touru ================================================= (n) -o + A |Throw ------------------------------------------------- (c)o- -o + A\B |Running Cut ------------------------------------------------- (a)| + A |Hawk's Cut o | ------------------------------------------------- (a)| + X |Falling Kick o | ================================================= * (c)o- | -o + X |HAWK - Rolling Cut Attack o | ================================================= ================================================= Jin-Rai ================================================= (n) -o + A |Throw ------------------------------------------------- | / o- + A |Powerful Multyple Punch oo |Attack ------------------------------------------------- | / o- + X |Counter Attack oo | ------------------------------------------------- o- / | \ -o + A\B |Dashing Palm o o o | ================================================= * -o\ | / o- -o + A |THUNDER - Cannon Punch ooo | ================================================= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ================================================= CHIYO MOMO ================================================= (n) -o + A |Slap (n) -o + X |Back Throw ------------------------------------------------- | / o- + X\Y |Running Punch o o | ------------------------------------------------- o- | -o + X |Dash and Fast series of o |punches ------------------------------------------------- (n)-o\ | / o- + A |Back Throw and knee ooo |fall ================================================= * | o + A |Gayser - Powerful Scream o | | and Tears (?) ================================================= ================================================= SUPER TAKAGI ================================================= (n) -o + A |Throw (n) -o + X |Headbutt ------------------------------------------------- | \ -o + A\B |Energy Dart o o | ------------------------------------------------- o- | -o + B |Fast series of punches o | ------------------------------------------------- -o | -o + A |Upper Diagonal double palm o | ================================================= * | / o- -o + A |IDRA - Very Powerful oo | Energy Dart ================================================= * (c)o- / | \ -o + X |IDRA - Powerful Punch o o o | combination ================================================= __________________________________________ / \ < 3 - CODES > \__________________________________________/ ================= SECRET CHARACTERS ================= At the title screen press this button's sequence: L, left, B, A, R An audio effect conferm the code. ================================================= =============== Alternate Color =============== Press Start to choose the fighter ================================================= __________________________________________ / \ < 4 - WHAT'S NEW > \__________________________________________/ 0.8 - added all character's names - added special character Chiyo Momo - added Code section 0.7 - added a super move of the "D" character added a special move of the "F" character added the Secret character's move list 0.6 - added a special move of the "H" character added a special move of the "J" character added the counter move spiegation half document restyling various little addictions various corrections 0.5 - first release __________________________________________ / \ < 5 - SPECIAL THANKS > \__________________________________________/ Thanks to my friend Kazuko for the Character's names translations. (and thanks to her husband for the support ^_^) Thanks to DEATHSCHILD for the Secret Character's Code. __________________________________________ / \ < 6 - AUTHOR'S NOTES > \__________________________________________/ I've made this FAQ because this is a fighting game full of carisma and with a good gameplay and I love the fighting game... I've seen there's not a FAQ on the web of this game and i've made it. I have not read the manga and I don't know the characters but I've appreciate a lot the game's and character's atmosphere. What this FAQ need: 1) Characters info 2) Move's names 3) Moves that I've not found 4) Various... Help me to complete and correct this FAQ. Thanks. Zazà