Metal Combat - Falcon's Revenge Strategy/Boss Guide by Da Kaptin ------------------- 0.0 FOREWORD ------------------- Hi there friend! Watcha say? Welcome to my Strategy and boss guide for Metal Combat! This is now my fourth FAQ. Whoopee! So, anyway, let's get on with the show! Oh yeah, if you want to contact me about something, follow the following rules: 1. Send in legitimate questions, comments, and additions. Anything stupid or already answered will be deleted! 2. Put Metal Combat in the subject line. 3. Please send your message as text, not HTML. 4. E-mail me at: Thanx! Da Kaptin ------------------- 0.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------- 0.0 FOREWORD 0.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 0.2 VERSION HISTORY 1.0 PILOT INFO 1.01 Mike Anderson 1.02 Carol Eugene 1.03 Spika Pilot 1.04 Guido 1.05 Chada 1.06 Dayan 1.07 Orusoh 1.08 Carlos 1.09 Anubis 1.10 Danpe 1.11 Zephyr 1.12 Pamala 2.0 ST INFO 2.01 Spika 2.02 Garam Mk 2 2.03 Siamang 2.04 Wong 2.05 Griffin 2.06 Viscount 2.07 Thanatos 2.18 Arachnus 2.19 Cobra 2.10 Groken 3.0 STRATEGIES/TIPS 3.01 Garam Mk 2 3.02 Siamang 3.03 Wong 3.04 Griffin 3.05 Viscount 3.06 Thanatos 3.07 Arachnus 3.08 Cobra 3.09 Groken 2.13 Virvius I 2.14 Virvuis II 2.15 Giga-Desp I 2.16 Giga-Desp II 4.0 CREDITS ------------------- 0.2 VERSION HISTORY ------------------- v. 1.0 - First public version. Still missing Low, Medium, and High difficulties. ------------------- 1.0 PILOT INFO ------------------- __________________ 1.01 Mike Anderson __________________ Mike is the designer and pilot of the ST Falcon. Earth's new renaissance, which began three years ago, has been directly attibuted to Michael's defeat of Emperor Anubis. Since then, Mike has kept a low profile. However, with the return of Anubis, he has been seen in training near a deserted air base in the southwestern area of North America. Often he as been accompanied by two mysterious strangers, Rola and Carol Eugene. _________________ 1.02 Carol Eugene _________________ Carol is the pilot and presumed owner of the ST Tornado. Her place of birth and the details of her background are currently unknown. She has recently been seen in the company of Michael Anderson and the other mysterious stranger, Rola. ________________ 1.03 Spika Pilot ________________ No one knows who pilots this graceful looking ST. It has never been involved in the Battle Game -- It has been seen only observing. __________ 1.04 Guido __________ After being defeated by Falcon Three years earlier, Guido returned to his training grounds in the Rocky mountains. When Anubis regained control, Guido came out of hiding and quickly seized Neo New York, the seat of North America, where he serves as a Chief of Thanatos. __________ 1.05 Chada __________ Chada, pilot of the ST Siamang, rules the area of Borneo and Oceania from a base in the Indonesian islands. Originally he had hoped to use Antonov's old Russian aircraft carrier as a base, but it was booby trapped and sunk when he tried. As a youth, Chada was wild, small and thin. He sought power and strength by learning to pilot an ST. He traveled the world, fighting all challenges until he met up with Guido, who was training in the Rock Mountains. They became fast friends and swore an oath of brotherhood under a Douglas Fir. __________ 1.06 Dayan __________ Dayan, pilot of the ST Wong, stages his battles as a running fight from behind "The Great Wall" in Mongolia. Originally the head of a tribe of nomadic Mongolians, Dayan learned to pilot an ST in order to protect his people, but he is now the Chief of the Asian region. At first Anubis sent many battlers to dispose of Dayan, but when they were unable to defeat him, Anubis challenged Dayan himself. After soundly thrashing Dayan in battle, Anubis stopped just short of finishing him and made him swear an oath of loyalty, which Dayan secretly desires to break. ___________ 1.07 Orusoh ___________ After the environmental changes began on Earth and the axis slipped, the last great achievement of the old society was to build a space station in the orbit of the new equator. It was dubbed the O.R.S. (Orbital Ring Station) Babel, and is connected to Earth by a great elevator. O.R.S. Babel also connectes to the original Moonbase, Luna, by means of a magnetically guided space ship. It is here where Anubis has placed the most ruthless ST pilot he could find, Orusoh as a guardian. ___________ 1.08 Carlos ___________ When Thanatos held the world in his hands three years earlier, Carlos was Anubis' top General. After being defeated by the ST Falcon, he wandered the Earth trying to find himself. He succeeded only in building up an intense hatred for the ST piloted by two people, which he considers an abomination. When Anubis returned, he found Carlos' position. Carlos has accepted knowing that ST Falcon will most likely return as well and when it comes, he will get revenge... ___________ 1.09 Anubis ___________ Three years earlier after his original defeat, everyone thought that Anubis and his ST Thanatos had been destroyed forever. Somehow, he has returned and quickly reestablished himself as the world's Emperor once again. This time, it only has taken him three days to conquer the world, and has divided into three areas for his new Chiefs. Each of them is assigned to control politics and laws for his area. He assigned Orusoh to be his General and guardian of the O.R.S. Babel and has appointed Carlos his personal bodyguard at Moonbase Luna. __________ 1.10 Danpe __________ A general of the Eltorian invasion army, Danpe has stationed himself to observe the actions of Thanatos from his post on Jupiter. From there he reports back to the central command. With a passion for fighting, he awaits his opportunity to strike. ___________ 1.11 Zephyr ___________ Stationed at Saturn, Zephyr is the pilot of the huge ST Cobra and Eltoria's sole authority for ST research and development. Zephyr has personally designed all of teh Eltorian STs. Although ordinarily quite timid, he has a tendency to show off his intelligence and look down on others. His wife Pamela, whom he calls Momma, is stationed on Uranus and hen-pecks her husband. ___________ 1.12 Pamela ___________ Chief Commander of the Eltorian invasion and wife to General Zephyr, Pamela is highly aggressive and believes that she is the most beautiful creature in the universe. With a distaste for her army uniform, she wears her own clothes including an extravagant fur coat and lots of jewelry and gold. ------------------- 2.0 ST INFO ------------------- __________ 2.01 Spika __________ As this ST has never been known to battle, its intentions are quite unknown. _______________ 2.02 Garam Mk 2 _______________ When Guido redesigned his ST Garam as Garam Mk 2, he retained most of the original design. This time, however, he has chosen the next generation of systems in order to make Garam bigger, better, stronger and faster than before. Be especially wary of his Rocket Punch, which now carries an internal guidance system and improved destructive power. ____________ 2.03 Siamang ____________ The ST Siamang is not particularly strong, but it moves fast and is hard to track. Using speed to his advantage, Chada attempts to make enemy pilots feel foolish so as to cloud their judgement. The ST Siamang uses a particle emission engine specially designed for him by the Alfred Research Center in the ancient city of Kyoto. _________ 2.04 Wong _________ The ST Wong is equipped with an anti-gravity device developed by the Alfred Research Center, the foremost authority on anti-gravity. This allows him to attack his enemies accurately no matter how much damage he has sustained. Dayan does not hesitate to take advantage of the obstacle that "The Great Wall" presents to the battle ground, climbing up and down the hills and running through the vallies to make excellent use of the maneuverability that his anti-gravity engine provides. ____________ 2.05 Griffin ____________ The ST Griffin, by means of its Alfred anti-gravity engine, has the ability to enter space, dropping in and out of the atmosphere at will. Orusoh, who has no regard for his enemies, takes advantage of this ability and actually fights his battles by dropping into the atmosphere. His theory is that anyone who challenges him is foolish, and that if he doesn't destroy them quickly, the heat of re-entry will. _____________ 2.06 Viscount _____________ When Carlos rejoined Anubis, he was given complete access to all Xeno- Tech knowledge and materials. After consultation with Zephyr himself, Carlos designed and rebuilt a much more improved version of Baron, calling it Viscount. Improvements Include built-in hyper bazooka in his right hand. This bazooka is designed to have more destructive power than Falcon's. He still carries a shield in his left hand and has improved all of the weak points Falcon attacked before. _____________ 2.07 Thanatos _____________ With the advantage of his synaptic connections directly to the ST Thanatos, Anubis has only to think a command and Thanatos responds. Anubis also has a special power that allows him to take the battle into another dimension filled with a hypnotic show of swirling colors and dancing skulls. _____________ 2.08 Arachnus _____________ Equipped with a Xeno-Tech HFE (Hydrogen Fusion Engine), the ST Arachnus has truly amazing potential. Its armor and weaponry were designed by Zephyr on the spec provided by Danpe. Little more than this is known. __________ 2.09 Cobra __________ The Huge ST Cobra has a shield on his left hand that can absorb any energy source, even the energy fired from Falcon's bazooka. Cobra's right hand is a psycho gun that uses the energy absorbed with his left hand to shoot an extremely strong shot. ___________ 2.10 Groken ___________ Pamela's ST Groken was designed especially for her, and is of mammoth proportions. It's squid shape is made specifically to function underwater. Groken can fire devastatingly effective shots from the cannons all over her body. ------------------- 3.0 STRATEGIES/TIPS ------------------- _______________ 3.01 Garam Mk 2 _______________ "Guido! Once again the first of our foes!" If you played Battleclash, the first game in this series, you'd understand that. Anyway, no matter who you're fighting with, you're in for a very easy fight. Let's get into the tips: Falcon Tips: Um... Just fire fully charged shots at his frickin' huge chest. That's actually all you have to do. Garam's pattern is easy to figure out. When he raises his arms in the air, it's time to charge up. After you hit him, he jumps into the air, exposing his weakness: his stomach. Don't even bother about hitting that stomach. Don't do anything but aim for the chest. After he lands, he'll probably start firing regular shots. Take these out with machinegun fire. You should be able to beat him in less than a minute. Tornado Tips: Aw, heck! This is just too easy. Charge as much as you can and fire a hyper shot right into his chest. The hyper shot should explode in a bomb-like fashion, causing even more damage. This fight should take no more than 25 seconds. ____________ 3.02 Siamang ____________ Now, here's an opponent that could prove pretty difficult. That is, if you don't know what you're doing. Falcon Tips: Whatever you do, don't stop firing at his tail. Why? Because Siamang's tail is his weakness. Now, When this fight starts, don't worry about charging, because Siamang will begin firing normal shots four at a time. When this stops, charge up. He'll charge up his tail cannon. When he fires, aim directly at his tail. He won't move anywhere, thereby allowing your shot to land a crushing blow to his tail. After you hit him, charge up again. Shoot his tail again when it starts blinking. Keep following this basic plan of action and Siamang will be down really quickly. Only about 30 seconds for this fight. Tornado Tips: Once again, another easy fight. Follow the tips for Falcon, except tack on Hyper shots. This should be a really easy fight. If you're good, you can beat Siamang in about 10 or 11 seconds. (Yeah, it's that easy.) _________ 3.03 Wong _________ The STs seem to be getting harder by the stage, huh! Wong is an extremely difficult opponent, given the fact that he has so much ammo at his dispersal. He's also really fast, and he has an anti-grav engine which, coupled with his rather large shields and the fact that you're fighting along the Great Wall, makes him a very difficult target to hit. If you don't know what you're doing, this match can last into three minutes. That's where I come in. See, you can destroy Wong in less than five seconds... If you know what to do. Falcon Tips: This will most definately be a challenging match, since it is pretty difficult to hit Wong in his vital spots. But, anyway, it still isn't that difficult. Here's what you do. As the fight begins, Wong will start flying off to the right. Charge up during this time. If you're a good shot, you can hit that thin joint that Wong's shield sits on. However, if your not, you can just hold your fire until he turns to face you. As soon as he turns to you, take aim at his head and fire. He'll fire at you, but your fully charged shot will take out his shots and cause considerable damage to his head, one of Wong's vital spots. Should you have enough time, you should fire on his head again, destroying it. His head is one of his strongest weapons. With the head destroyed, this battle should be simple. The last time I fought Wong, I beat him in only about a minute ten. I don't remember my fastest time against Wong with Falcon. Tornado Tips: Ah... Probably the easiest fight Tornado has, except for Siamang. But, for this to be a really fast fight, you have to be a really good shot. Anyway, what you should do first is figure out how much time you'll have to charge up a shot. If I remember correctly, you can charge up a pretty large shot. Anyway, after you charge up, fire a hyper shot right into Tornado's elbow joint. If your shot is charged enough, your shot will take out not only the elbow joint, but also Wong's head. In fact, it is possible to kill Wong with ONE SHOT! (I have done it about five times before.) Anyway, if you aren't that good of a shot, just keep firing hyper shots into Wong's chest. He'll go down after a while. ____________ 3.04 Griffin ____________ Another really easy fight here. Griffen, while very fast, is also very predictable and very easy to hit, since he has to stop to fire. Anyway, this fight is not difficult at all. Falcon Tips: Here's all you have to do. Once the fight begins, Griffin will fall below you, where you can't see him. While he is down there, charge up a full-power shot. After you do that, he'll come back up. After a few seconds, he'll stop to fire at you. Here's your chance. He fires standing straight up. All you have to do is aim for the top of his body, particularly one of the two horns jutting out of his head. These are his only vital spots. Taking these two out takes off about half his life. The rest of the fight is easy. Just fire at him when he fires at you. Tornado Tips: This fight is pretty easy. Tornado should do the exact same thing Falcon does, except, when Griffin fires, you should fire a hyper shot near the top of Griffin's head. This shot should have the effect of a bomb, thusly taking out both his horns. After that, just keep lamblasting him. Oh, yeah, one funny thing... You know how Carol tells you his wings are indestructable? Well guess what! They can be destroyed, if you fire a fully-powered hyper shot close to the joints. I must say I was quite surprised when I found that out. _____________ 3.05 Viscount _____________ Viscount can be one of the toughest enemies on the game. His bazooka is EXTREMELY powerful, his shield is frickin' huge, and he never goes down without a tough fight. Look out for one of the most fun fights on the game. Falcon Tips: Simple really. When Viscount fires at you, shoot a charged shot at his shoulder joint. The shot, if it's fully charged, should take out Viscount's shot and deal some pretty good damage. After his first shot, charge up to full power and take out the leg closest to the left side of the screen. (Oh, by the way, his legs are his weak point.) Then just keep firing into his chest. After at least three fully charged shots, take out Viscount's other leg. This should leave Viscount with little energy left and only half a body. However, don't count him out yet. Even though he loses his bazooka and shield, he can still fire shots from his hands. These shots also come off extremely quick, so time your shots to hit him and take out those shots as well. Do that, and you should win. Tornado Tips: Nothing different here. Just follow the Falcon tips. _____________ 3.06 Thanatos _____________ Ok. You've finally made it. The grand master of the battle game awaits you on Mars. Just think of how difficult this fight will be... Or won't be. Anubis, though he is the controller of Earth, has a very predictable ST pattern. So, anyway, let's get into it, shall we? Falcon Tips: What can I say? Just fire charged shots into his chest. He has no weak points, so don't even bother trying to find any. It's also very easy to tell when he's going to try to fire a charged shot. He'll either pull an arm back or do a flying head stand. If you see that, charge up and wait for him to fire. When he does, time your shot to destroy his shot and hit him. Any other motions have either very obvious attack signals or are rapid shots. An easy fight, just like I said. Tornado Tips: Same as Falcon. _____________ 3.07 Arachnus _____________ OK. This is all you have to do for this fight... DON'T DESTROY ARACHNUS' STOMACH! To do so would be both extremly stupid and lethal. Anyway, let's get into the tips: Falcon Tips: Just fire charged shots on Arachnus' bottom. That's basically all you have to do. Tornado Tips: This is a more difficult fight. Don't fire any high-level hyper shots, since they'll hit his stomach, thus destroying both it and you. Other than that, do the same thing as Falcon. __________ 3.08 Cobra __________ No need for a breakdown here. This is all you have to do. Start this fight by just charging up. At a certain time, Cobra will absorb the energy right out of your gun. When that happens, there will be a little swirly effect. When that stops, hit that dot right in the middle of Cobra's shield. This will destroy his shield, making Cobra a much larger version of Garam. So, in short, destroy Cobra's shield, then destroy Cobra. ___________ 3.09 Groken ___________ Another fight with no for a breakdown. Here's all you have to do: At the beginning of this fight, fire a fully charged shot or a red-charged hyper shot the blinking top of each of Groken's 'arms.' These arms will sink into Groken's body. After a little bit, they will come out, making a small circle around one side of Groken's body. Just time your shot so that you hit the arm right when it passes over that big orange-and-red spot on Groken's body. When that's done, two small tentacles will pop out of Groken. Shoot these at will. After a little while, you will see that dot on Groken's body begin to charge. You should do the same. Right before it begins to fire, you should shoot it. It will cause the top of Groken's body to explode, exposing its pilot, Pamela. All she can do at that point is fire rapid spread shots from the bottom of her 'platform'. Finish her! ______________ 3.10 Virvius I ______________ Again, no need for a breakdown. Follow the instructions for Thanatos. There are actually only two differences between the two. First, Virvius can move in all directions, while Thanatos could only move left and right. Secondly, Virvius has the ability to create one or two images of himself. These images can't be hurt, but that can fire on you. This is what you should do when he does this: If you're Falcon, fire a level 1 shot at each image. Once it hits, Virvius will come back to himself. If you're Tornado, do the same thing, just use your Super Turbo shot. The end. _______________ 3.11 Virvuis II _______________ Now, this is the most difficult enemy on the game, unless you have the right weapons. Even so, you should be able to defeat Virvius II without too much hassle. Now, you should go into the battle with five regular bombs. Now, if you have them, you should equip the Plama bomb and the Wide bomb. You shouldn't use them on any other enemy except Virius II, since he is the only boss, other than Giga-Desp II, that would be hit by all of this bomb. Anyway, if you don't have either of those, you should equip a shield. If you don't have a shield then, oh well. Now, at the start of this fight here's what you should do: If you have the Plasma bomb, select this at the start of the fight. Let it charge and fire it. Use the Wide bomb after that. Then, if any of Virvius' other mouths are there, fire your regular bombs. If they're not, just blast Virvius, he's been degraded to nothing. If you didn't have any of these, do this: Fire off all your bombs right from the start. Aim them to hit right on top of Virvius' main mouth. Your bombs should take out at least the bottom two mouthes. After that, block with rapid shots and fire into a mouth when possible. You win. Whoopie! ________________ 3.12 Giga-Desp I ________________ Typhoon, the so-called prince of Eltoria, has awefully weak STs. They are too extremely easy to mutilate. In fact, neither of them need any breakdown. This is all you have to do to beat him... Fire off the lightning bomb first. Then fire your bomb. If you time it correctly, you can take out most of those orbs that circle him. But, anyway, destroy as many as you can. (If you're fighting with Tornado, you can try to fire off a hyper shot that has a bomb-like effect. I'm not sure if you can even do that, anyway.) After you do that, just keep firing turbo shots. No charge shots will damage him, anyway. Now, when the music changes, charge up to full power. Giga-Desp will open his mouth, revealing his eye. Fire your charged shot right into his eye before he fires on you. (Oh, by the way, you would want to take a shield along with you for this fight, if you have one. If you can't charge your shot in time, activate the shield. It will block that 'indestructable' shot.) The end. Next fight... _________________ 3.13 Giga-Desp II _________________ OK. This could be the hardest fight of the game. Unfortunately, Typhoon is such an extremely easy enemy. Both STs he pilots (that is, if you can call them STs) are extremely simple. Anyway, this is all you have to do... Fire rapid shots the entire match. You can save Rola if you don't fire on her, which is really easy. However, if you want this to be a really easy fight, kill Rola and keep shooting the area she was covering. This gives you a different ending though. And besides, even that doesn't make this a much easier battle, since, if it were any easier, this would be the stupidest boss in gaming history. So, to sum it all up, just fire rapid shots and enjoy the ending. ------------------- 4.0 CREDITS ------------------- Many thanks to... Nintendo, for making such a great game. cJayc, for posting this bad boy. Myself, for writing this thing. My mother, for buying my first Super Scope and this series.