|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| V-GUNDAM================================================================ FAQ/WALKTHROUGH========================================================= By Zero IX (busylife5@PeoplePC.com)===================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Last updated: 6th of Sept., 2002 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| CONTENTS================================================================ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Disclaimer Introduction V-Gundam 101 Weaponary Enemy Recon Mission Details Miscellaneous Disclaimer |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DISCLAIMER============================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| This is an unofficial FAQ; I am in no way affiliated with Nintendo or Bandai; therefore this document is not to be sold or purchased for profits of any kind. You may freely distribute this complete document by any means; provided the entire document remains intact and unaltered with this notice included; however, you may omit this disclaimer if you are quoting a particular part of this FAQ. This includes, but is not limited to, brief quotations or excepts, or large portions or text. In other words, you may not sell, barter, or trade this FAQ or other goods. You can pass post it on your website, print it and give it away to all your friends, etc. etc. etc., so long you do not change the document in any way, and you include this disclaimer. However, you can quote this FAQ as long as you credit the quotation to me. That also means you can quote a portion- even if it is large-of this FAQ, without having to include this disclaimer, as long as the portion is only about a single topic (and I am credited). Thanks. This document is copyright (c) 2001-2003. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| INTRODUCTION============================================================ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| After playing Gundam Wing: Endless Duel, I decided to go Gundam hunting and see what other Gundam games were out there . . . and I can't say I was too impressed. GWED was awesome, but I found the others somewhat lacking. G-Gundam was yet another Street Fighter imitation that lacked the action and the balance of GWED. Z-Gundam was good, but I found its mix of turn-based strategy and turn-based (!?) first-person shooter-style battles confusing and difficult. SD-Gundam is an excellent, I severly underestimated it before (heh). I have yet to figure out Gundam F91. While each of these are good games in their own right, none of them struck me as GWED had . . . Then I ran across V-Gundam. It turned out to be a pretty fun and pretty original (albeit short) game, and I was hooked. For a while, at least. :) Since there are not any FAQs or Walkthroughs for this game yet, I decided to write this. Please keep in mind that I have no clue as to what's going on here. I know nothing about V-Gundam's plot. At least I now know your Gundam is the Victory Gundam. But if anyone knows anything else about the plot, please email me, ‘cause I’m too lazy to look for myself. :p |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| V-GUNDAM 101============================================================ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| V-Gundam consists of 13 different missions. In each mission, you will battle various mobile suits and Gundams, all of which must be destroyed to complete the mission. Sounds simple, right? Well, it isn't so easy. You see, your enemies don't like being killed, and thus will try to kill you before you can kill them, and since I'm pretty sure you don't like getting killed either, you'll just have to kill them faster. To do this, you'll need weapons, which come pre-equipped, no extra charge. Missions take place either while flying or while grounded. Maneuvering while on the ground is a bit more challenging, but you can crouch under an enemy's shots, and if you smash into an enemy, they'll be knocked on their duff and will be stunned for a few moments (hit them now!). However, the majority of missions take place while flying. You have greater speed and manueverability while flying, though you can't crouch. If you die during a mission, you will return right away; you will not abort the mission. After dying, your energy and ammo will refill. However, when your lives run out, you will get a game over. And you only have four lives . . . Your usual weaponary consists of your beam saber, your beam rifle, your beam shield, and, of course, your vulcans. You can fire vulcans at any time by pressing B, and you can use your beam shield at any time by pressing L. To use your beam saber and beam rifle, however, you have to equip them. Press R to equip either one; press Y to use the weapon you equipped. If you're done with one, press R to un-equip it and choose the other. However, this changes during certain missions where you must use a certain attachment. With this attachment active, you can no longer use your beam shield, your saber has been replaced by the M.B. Rifle, and your vulcans have been replaced with a much, much stronger blast that would make you invincible if it could fire faster. Also, late in the game, your armor will be upgraded causing you to take half the usual amount of damage. You can also hold A to dash in any direction, or, if you're on solid ground, you can fly for a VERY *short* amount of time. Note that dashing into an enemy (after you've picked up some speed) will damage them and knock them back. Still, you will find yourself sluggish, at best. You may want to practice with the controls a bit, it can get confusing. If you don't like the default settings, you can change the them in the Config menu. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| WEAPONARY=============================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| SABER: Your saber is a close-ranged, slow weapon that deals adequate damage. It has a pretty wide hit range, though, which should be used to your advantage. However, it can be awkward to use because of the nasty lag preceeding each slash. Add the fact that you can't slash with it rapidly, and you have a pretty bad weapon. However, it has one saving grace, and it's very noteworthy. Tap twice before pressing Y and you'll dash forward while stabbing with your saber! This WILL come in handy, believe me. However, your saber is, nonetheless, a reliable weapon since everybody else's sabers are as bad or worse than yours! If your's and an enemy's sabers connect, you will push against each other for a little bit before you both pull back. This is one way to counter your opponents, if you have the reflexes necessary. While crouching, you can slash faster, but your range is decreased. RIFLE: Your beam rifle is very different. It fires long-ranged bolts at a fairly fast rate that about as much damage as a single slash from your saber. It can be aimed straight forward or at an angle up or down by pressing X. Capatalize on this for maximum effectiveness. It would be too good to be true, but it has limited ammunition. You only get 35 shots from it! Too bad . . . be sure to make each shot count. On another note, it can’t fire in water, so don’t bother. From Thompson Ferguson: hi i have a trick on v gundam to report. it might just be a glitch in my game, but i find that when my rifle runs out of ammo, if i switch to my sabre and back the rifle is reloaded this works 3 times Whoops, apparently I missed that! Thank you very much! SHIELD: Unlike the other weapons, the beam shield is purely defensive. It does no damage if an enemy touches it, but can block ANYTHING. You can still be hit from behind, though, so watch your back. Attacks that slip underneath or above the shield will also still hit. Crouch and use the shield to minimize the chances of an attack getting to you, if possible. DO NOT underestimate this weapon, it is intergral to staying alive, especially on the later missions. Though you cannot move or attack with your saber or rifle while using the shield, you *can* attack with vulcans! Yes, that's right, you can just put up your shield and fire away at enemies without taking a scratch. This is a cheap but sometimes necessary trick that you should exploit. The only problem with it is the fact that vulcans are very limited . . . VULCANS: These are mid-range, rapid-fire, weak little shots that hardly faze most enemies. While they are the fastest-firing weapons in the game, you've got to hit an enemy with a lot of them to cause any real damage. Their limited range is another big detriment. On the ground, since you are slightly taller than your enemies, vulcans fired while standing go over their heads. Overall, vulcans would be nothing more than a desperate shot in the dark. However, when coupled with the beam shield, vulcans suddenly become very important. GUN ATTACHMENT: This is a very powerful tool. While you cannot use your shield, your saber, or your vulcans with it attached, and you can only use it during some missions, you can easily kill any enemy in the game. It replaces your vulcans. Firing it fires a large blast straight forward that does heavy damage to enemies. It only takes a few shots to kill them! It's long-ranged! And it's unlimited! The only downside is that it cannot fire rapidly at all. The lag between each shot is more than long enough. Without it, this would undoubtedly be the best weapon in the game. M.B. RIFLE: The only other weapon with limited ammo (you only get *5* shots). It’s also the most damaging, but also the hardest to use. Like the rifle, it can be aimed by pressing X. Before you can fire it, you must charge it. Hold Y (when it is equipped, of course) to charge it up. To release its charge, move. You must very close to your enemy to damage them. The longer you charge, the more damage you do. You can actually destroy enemies in one (!) hit with this!! However, the amount of time you have to sit there and charge makes it unreliable. If you are hit while charging, you won’t lose your charge. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ENEMY RECON============================================================= |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ZOLO: You only fight it once, during your first mission. It is no trouble at all to destroy. It walks around randomly, and will frequently fly above you while firing downwards with its rifle. If it gets close to you it will attacks with its saber repeatedly. It has a shield, but rarely uses it. Will make good use of its rifle. However, it pauses when hit, so it can easily be cornered and killed by your rifle or vulcans (your saber is too slow). It won’t even try to counterattack. TOMLIAT: Very annoying. These like to fly around while firing its rifle at you. When you get close to it, it uses its shield to fend off your attacks. It attacks randomly with its beam ax, which it often attacks with repeatedly. It sometimes transforms into a helicopter-like vehicle and flies about launching small missiles (usually two or three at a time). None of their attacks are really dangerous, but they can be difficult to hit because of their erratic movements. MEMEDORZA: This one’s difficult to destroy, but thankfully you only have to fight it once, in the third mission. It will charge and fire a small blast from its shoulder cannon, especially while flying. Its most dangerous weapons are its beam blades, which it fires off two at a time, both doing a good deal of damage. Use your shield. Fires alternately with its rifle and jabs with its souped-up saber, which does more damage than usual. It also likes to fly a lot. When it gets close to you, it goes nuts with its saber, so be careful and keep it away. ZOLOAT: These will be your main enemies for much of the game. It likes to use its rifle, but will try to slash you with its saber if you get close; at midrange, it will release conductors, to which damaging electric currents flow. If you get in the way of the conductors and the currents, you will be hurt. However, they do not move while using their conductors, so it’s a perfect time to nail them with your rifle or saber. They will recall their conductors if hit while using them. It randomly uses its shield to block attacks. CONTIO: This boss is not too hard, but it doesn’t know how to stay dead. You will fight it four times, once at the end of missions 6 and 9, then again at the beginning and end of mission 13. It gets tougher with each battle. It likes to attack with its rifle, which it always fires twice (or more, in later battles) in succession. It will use its saber (which has a very wide-range) when you are near to it. It will also randomly charge for a few seconds then fire a very strong blast, that WILL hurt if it hits you. It also will attempt to ram you at mid-range. Keep your distance and blast him. It will use its shield a lot. It can transform into a plane-like vehicle, which will fire at you and is much harder to hit with your projectiles. During the second, third, and fourth matches, it will create a single Clow, which is a small, claw-like machine, at a time. The Clow will follow it around while charging and firing blasts which will do good damage if they hit you. It can be destroyed, but Contio will simply create another one. The Clows released during the fourth match will try stab you repeatedly if they near you, and will do loads of damage if they connect, so keep away, or you’ll soon find yourself dead. Contio may seem hard, but it can be easily defeated if shield yourself while constantly firing vulcans. It’s cheap but it works. SHY-TARN: You only meet these things during mission 7. They will attack with their rifles, and will always fire twice. It likes to fly close then dash back. It will also try to block randomly with its shield, and will make use of its saber randomly too. Its only special attack is a burst of shots in all three directions simultaneously. Get above it and shoot it to death. Not hard. Clow: See Contio. Gedlav: These pests are trigger-happy maniacs that can fire up a literal stream of shots at you from their pistols. They will try to block with your shots with their shields, and rarely use their sabers. Approach them carefully and they won't pose a problem. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| MISSION DETAILS========================================================= |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Here's the obligatory walkthrough for each mission. Your current mission must be beaten to progress to the next. Along with the area in which the mission takes place, I have included the various enemies you will face there, as well as a few suggested tactics. Note that you cannot save in between missions, you have to beat them all in one sitting . . . MISSION #0, KASARERIA: Zolo Easy easy easy. Your first mission takes place on land. Corner the Zolo, then blast it repeatedly with your rifle. If it runs out, use your vulcans. No challenge at all. MISSION #1, RAVE RIVER: Tomliat x4 Whoa, this mission is light years ahead of the last one in terms of difficulty. It takes place on land, or more precisely, in a river, making it the only mission where you actually find yourself in water. Use the small hills on either side of the area to your best advantage. You will face the Tomliats two at a time. Use your rifle to take as much energy off the first two then use your saber on the rest (the stabbing technique works wonders). If you become very weak, shield yourself while constantly firing with your vulcans. It will take a while, but it is better than the alternative (dying). MISSION #2, D. D.: None There are no enemies, just watch the short cutscene and proceed to . . . MISSION #3, GIBRALTAR: Tomliat x3, Memedorza These missions got hard fast. Again, they will attack you two at a time. Deal with the first two Tomliats (if you are desperate, use your rifle, but it's best to save it), then face Memedorza and the remaining Tomliat. A good trick is to fly to the top of the hill on the right and take them out with your rifle. After you take care of the Tomliat, fly down close to Memedorza, but just out of range of its saber (which it will futiley stab with repeatedly), nail it with whatever's left of your rifle, then hit it with vulcans until it dies. It will be held at bay by your shots, and won't be able to stab you with its saber. MISSION #4, SPACE DUST: Zoloat Your first flying mission. Painfully easy. Kill the Zoloat with your rifle and call it a day. MISSION #5, HILAND AREA: Zoloat x3 Another flying mission. Slightly annoying. Kill the first couple of Zoloats with your rifle, then use your saber to destroy the last one. Vulcans are useful, don't forget about them. MISSION #6, KEILAS-GUILIE: Zoloat x12, Contio That's correct, you have to destroy *12* Zoloats, but it's not as difficult as you might think. You fight them one at a time, which makes it much easier, and you have the gun attachment! Use the gun attachment to destroy the Zoloats easily, as it only takes a few shots to kill each one. After they are all dead, you drop the gun attachment and face Contio (your energy and ammo will refill when you drop the attachment). Contio isn't hard, just watch out for his charged blasts and peg him with your rifle. MISSION #7, ZANSCARE AREA: Zoloat x10, Shy-Tarn x2 Once again, you begin with the gun attachment. Destroy the Zoloats one by one, same as in the previous missions, then face the Shy-Tarns one by one. Attack them with your rifle, and use the attachment if you have an open shot. Not hard, just watch out for their sudden burst of shots, which they use liberally. MISSION #8, ZANSCARE COLONY: None Again, just watch the cutscene to continue. MISSION #9, BIG CANNON: Zoloat x3, Contio (with Clow) Take out the Zoloats with your saber (you'll have a much easier time if you stab at them a lot) and vulcans, then battle Contio once again. Don't bother with his Clow, attack him with your rifle. His clow will shield him if you are too frontal, so attack from an angle. When your gun runs out, use your saber. Don't underestimate your shield. Contio is somewhat difficult. MISSION #10, MACEDNIA COLONY: Gedlav Ah! You are now upgraded, and will remain so for the remainder of the game. Anyway, this mission is nothing but a breather. Turn the single Gedlav into space dust with your rifle. MISSION #11, NEO CARTEGENA: Zoloat x5, Tomliat x3, Gedlav x3 Thr previous mission was the calm before the storm. This one's HARD. Whip out the rifle immediately, and use it to take the first few out. Make EVERY shot count. When it's spent, use your saber and shield. If worse comes to worse and you are on the brink of death, shield yourself while constantly firing your vulcans. You'll have a hard time surviving this without dying . . . MISSION #12, DEATH VALLEY: Tomliat x2, Gedlav x2 You're back on the ground. Use your rifle on the Tomliats, then shield yourself while firing your vulcans to take out the Gedlavs. MISSION #13, ANGEL HALO: Contio x2 (both with Clows), Gedlav You're back in space for the final mission . . . First, face off against Contio. Destroy him the same way you did last time. Get at an angle and nail him with your rifle. When he is destroyed, blast the Gedlav out of the sky with your remaining rifle shots and your saber. Contio will return upgraded, and begin the game's final battle. To atomize Contio once and for all with ease, fire vulcans while shielding. It will take forever, but it's the surest path to victory. If you are one of those adventurous types, you can try to tackle him with your saber, but it will *NOT* be easy. Congrats, you just beat V-Gundam! |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| MISCELLANEOUS=========================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Just some tips . . . -You can destroy Contio (1st and 3rd fights) easily ny cornering him and slashing continously. -On Hard, Zoloats can rapid fire. -You can double slash by dashing, then slashing rapidly. -Beating the game on hard lets you see the credits. CREDITS: Thompson Ferguson- For telling me how to refill the rifle’s ammo. Thanks a bunch! |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DISCLAIMER============================================================== |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| This is an unofficial FAQ; I am in no way affiliated with Nintendo or Bandai; therefore this document is not to be sold or purchased for profits of any kind. You may freely distribute this complete document by any means; provided the entire document remains intact and unaltered with this notice included; however, you may omit this disclaimer if you are quoting a particular part of this FAQ. This includes, but is not limited to, brief quotations or excepts, or large portions or text. In other words, you may not sell, barter, or trade this FAQ or other goods. You can pass post it on your website, print it and give it away to all your friends, etc. etc. etc., so long you do not change the document in any way, and you include this disclaimer. However, you can quote this FAQ as long as you credit the quotation to me. That also means you can quote a portion- even if it is large-of this FAQ, without having to include this disclaimer, as long as the portion is only about a single topic (and I am credited). Thanks. This document is copyright (c) 2001-2003.