____. .___ ._. | | ____ ____ ___________ _______ __| _/__.__.| | | |/ __ \/ _ \\____ \__ \\_ __ \/ __ < | || | /\__| \ ___( <_> ) |_> > __ \| | \/ /_/ |\___ | \| \________|\___ >____/| __(____ /__| \____ |/ ____| __ \/ |__| \/ \/\/ \/ DELUXE EDITION Jeopardy! Deluxe Edition FAQ/Strategy Guide Version 2.1 By Alexander Slutsker (AKA Sasha Slutsker) 1/2/03 Send Question and Comments to: Sasha@thegnn.com Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Version History III. Formatted Questions IV. Unformatted Questions IV. Credits V. Legal Info -------------------------------------------------------- //// I. Introduction \\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to a Jeopardy FAQ! This will very soon cover all the Questions in the game, for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It will have all the questions and answers. All of them. With that said, let's start! -------------------------------------------------------- //// II. Version History \\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1 (??? KB) 1/2/03 - Added to the instructions for Section IV - Put a little notice that told people to read the instructions (the notice is in the middle of Section IV) Version 2.0 (227 KB) 1/1/03 - All questions added Version 1.2 (10 KB) 12/26/02 -Added 2 Categories Version 1.0 (9 KB) 12/21/02 - Started FAQ. -------------------------------------------------------- //// III. Formatted Questions \\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------- Category: North America The Queen Elizabeth Islands belong to this North American Country -Canada You can recall their west-to-east order by using the phrase "super man helps every one" -Great Lakes Encyclopedias include the 7 countries of this region as part of north America -Central America Latin America the world's highest commercially navigable river flows into Coeur D'Alene lake in this state -Idaho Mountains extending from Alaska into Mexico, where they're called the sierra made oriental -Rockies Category: Patriot Songs Song that begins "Father & I went down to camp, along with Captain Good'in" -Yankee Doodle "Hymn" that begins "From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli" -Marine hymn K. L. bates wrote "O beautiful, for spacious skies" after a visit to this Colorado peak -Pike's Peakin Irving Berlin song about soldiers going to Europe during World War I -Over there The George M. Cohan song, it's "the emblem of the land I love" -Grand old flag Category: Poetry Who Stevenson says, "should always say what's true and speak when he is spoken to" -Child Elizabeth Barrett Browning said, "If god choose I shall but love thee better after" -This death Poe wrote that she, "lived with no other thought than to love and be loved by me" -Annabel Lee He first published "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" anonymously in 1859 - -Edward Fitzgerald Sandburg Wrote of this city's "painted women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys" -Chicago Starts Category: Starts with "Me" Seen in august, the Perseids are this type of shower -Meteor Sap-Sucking insect named for a white, sticky, cornmeal-like powder found on it's body -Mealy Bug St. Jerome was critical of those who used the end to justify These -Means Siena college basketball games were once closed to the public due to this disease -Measles An extreme u-bend in a river, or to wander aimlessly idly without fixed direction -Meander Category: The Circus In 1907 Barnum & Bailey's circus was sold to these brothers -Ringling brothers There are 2 main types of these in the circus: Auguste & Whiteface ---- -clowns A Moscow circus act features these animals trained in the art of juggling with the feet -Bears In circus slang, it's any town where the circus plays, & it's usually for more than one night -Stand Type of act that was the specialty of the Wallendas -High wire Category: Transportation The longest rail tunnel in the world opened in 1988 in this Asian land of "bullet" trains -Japan Yes, ships do have telephone numbers, but this part of the number changes as they travel -Area code This sports car company with HQ in Stuttgart sells over half its output in the US -Porsche Pennsylvania city that has more than 1000 bridges, the most of any US city -Pittsburgh Championship Competition for motorless vehicles held each year in Akron, Ohio -soap box derby Category: Architecture If a church's interior is "cruciform," it's shaped like this -Cross Found in gothic architecture, these supports can be "clasping" or "flying" -Buttresses The term for a round hall surmounted by a dome; the US capitol has a famous one -Rotunda From the greek for "one stone," it's a structure of one solid piece, like an obelisk -Monolith The three classical orders of Greek architecture were Doric, Ionic & this -Corinthian Category: Biology The only mammals capable of unassisted flight -Bats The basic cell of the nervous system -Neuron Petruchio might be embarrassed to learn that these are among the smallest of mammals -Shrews The prefix hepat- in hepatitis refers to this organ -Liver Hairy cap, stair-step & granite are varieties of these most primitive green land plants -Mosses Category: Education According to estimate, there are 1,000 of these in US colleges, & 768 of them march -Bands Some experts say kids should spend 10 minutes a day times their grade level on this activity -Homework\Study The only US chair of shiite studies is at this New Jersey Ivy League Institution -Princeton From the Latin for "parish," it's a common term for an elementary school maintained by a parish -Parochial The Wharton school, the 1st college school of business, is part of this University -University of Pennsylvania Category: End with "U" This word meant "taro leaves," but it now refers to a modern Hawaiian feast -Luau A guru of this religion might worship Vishnu -Hindu Dictionaries define this as a bean curd or an oriental soybean cheese - -Tofu A chest of drawers, or a government department -Bureau An African antelope also called a wildebeest -Gnu Category: Magazines Circus Magazine doesn't cover news under the big top but in this industry -Rock Music In titles, this word precedes science, hot Rodding & mechanics -popular Amazing heroes is a magazine covering this industry -Comic books You don't have to be a detective to figure out EQMM is how this magazine refers to itself -Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine In 1972, this writer founded Ms., a magazine published & edited by women -Gloria Steinem Category: Royalty Murdered in a palace intrigue, this Persian king was succeeded by his son, Artaxerxes I -Xerxes the Great This prince consort is the president of World Wildlife Fund International Prince Philip\Duke of Edinburgh The favorite toast of this lusty empress was "god grant us our desires and grant them quickly" -Catherine the Great Her son, Louis XVII probably died of natural causes at 10, but many believed he'd been poisoned -Marie Antoinette This Hohenzollern ruler was the last German emperor & the last king of Prussia -Wilhelm II Category: History In the late 1400s Torquemada was confessor to this Spanish queen before he led the inquisition -Queen Isabella This series of holy wars against the Muslims led to establishment of trade with the Middle East -Crusades When this Mongol Emperor was a little boy, his father, Yesugei, was poisoned by tartars -Genghis Khan\Temujin Hitler's World War II effort to regain antwerp; it's also fought by those who gain too many lbs. -Battle of the Bulge The act of union divided England & Wales in 1563, during his reign -0-- -Henry VIII\Henry the Eighth Category: Libraries In this system a book on the history of art in the u.s. would be found under 709.73 -Dewey Decimal System Dedicated in 1981, his presidential library is located at the University of Michigan -Gerald Ford The Madison memorial bldg. is the largest of the 3 capitol hill buildings housing this library -Library of Congress With over 80 branches & over 11 Million books, this city's is the largest US Public library -New York\NY In 1731 the 1st library to circulate books in what's now the US was founded in this city -Philadelphia Category: Musical Instruments Types of these include bass, snare & kettle -Drums Most pianos have a "damper" one on the right & a "soft" one on the left -Pedals Stephen Foster wrote, "I come from Alabama with" this instrument "on my knee" -Banjo The piccolo is the smallest & highest-pitched member of this group of instruments -Woodwinds Until about 1700, this "slide" instrument was known as the sackbut - Trombone Category: Rabbits It's an enclosure for rabbits, as starsky could tell you -Hutch Despite its name, the Jack Rabbit isn't a true rabbit, it's one of these -Hare This English author created Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny & the Flopsey Bunnies -Beatrix Potter These wild North American rabbits are named for the fur on the underside of their tails -Cottontails Rabbits were introduced to this continent in the 19th century & soon overran it -Australia -------------------------------------------------------- //// IV. Unformatted Questions \\\\\\ -------------------------------------------------------- This section looks REALLY messy. These are all the questions in the game that are not above. How do you use this section effectively? Well, first you press Control + F. Then, you type in a key word of the question. For example, if the question was, "This English author created Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny & the Flopsey Bunnies," then you would type in, "Peter" or "Benjamin." However, DON'T type in the entire question. Every topic (except the first one) will be listed like, "tv reruns/tv reruns." They always have a slash and the topic is repeated. (Except the first, of course.) The answer will most likely come before a number. Such as, "question question question09answer" Also, one final thing. This entire section is in lowercase because lowercase looks better than uppercase. Thank you! START OF QUESTIONS toys - this toy is made of 67 feet of wire twisted into about 92 coils-- that's all 09slinky a six-pointed piece of metal that's picked up between bounces of a rubber ball 09jack the toy company that introduced the plastic frisbee in 1957 01wham-o a.c. gilbert got the idea for this toy while watching a high-tension tower being built 10erector set though it looks like a microwave, the kenner easy-bake oven still uses this to cook the cake 09light bulb tv reruns\tv reruns she was bottled in baghdad some 2,000 years ago by the blue djin 03jeannie\genie on the addams family, this long-haired cousin hung around in the chimney 03cousin itt working for bill davis, giles french acted as nanny to cissy & these twins 08buffy & jody\jody & buffy if you asked phil donahue who's "that girl," he'd give you her name 03marlo thomas\ann marie laugh-in regulars larry hovis & richard dawson were both regulars on this sitcom 02hogan's heroes art\art city in which leonardo da vinci painted "the last supper" 01milan the number of figures represented in da vinci's "last supper" 0113\thirteen tempera refers to water color paints that are mixed with this food item as a binder 05eggs\egg yolks james merritt ives was this man's bookkeeper before he became a partner 04nathaniel currier the headless statue of nike found in the louvre is better known as this 10winged victory of samothrace medicine\medicine this contagious illness, also known as varicella, attacks children, not poultry 01chicken pox though the salk vaccine can help prevent this disease, no drug has been found that will cure it 01polio\infant paralysis labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner part of one of these 05ears after this couple discovered radium in 1898, it was widely used to treat cancer 21curies you can get this disease, also called hydrophobia, by breathing in a cave full of infested bats 01rabies national landmark\national landmarks a national landmark since 1960, it has been educating future army officers since 1802 01west point\u s military academy architect who designed taliesin & used it as his wisconsin summer home until his death in 1959 04frank lloyd wright his landing sight on st. croix became a national landmark over 450 years later 04christopher columbus the old faithful inn in this state has a 7-story lobby made of logs 01wyoming south dakota site of the last major confrontation between indians & u.s. troops 01wounded knee social science\social science early man who was found in the neander valley near dusseldorf in 1856 01neanderthal man 5-letter word meaning "forbidden" from the south pacific, where it also means "sacred" 01taboo ancestral symbols used by many cultures, they're carved into poles by american indians 05totems kind of "procedure" governed by robert's rules of order 01parliamentary 2 words economists use for consumer influence on the production of goods and services 05supply & demand\demand & supply starts with "l"\starts with "l" a dance between the ground and a stick 10limbo this part of a map explains what all those squiggly lines & symbols mean 10legend with one "l" it's a buddhist monk; with 2 it's the largest s. american member of the camel family 09lama\llama a great place to hide away, whether you're a lion or a pirate 09lair the people of this baltic country are known as letts 01latvia zoology\zoology it's estimated chimpanzees spend 50 to 75% of the day in these 05trees the only place in asia where these big cats are still found in the wild is the gir forest in india 05lions each time a rattlesnake does this, it adds another segment to the end of its tail 01sheds its skin\molts the male of this bird is called a cob, the female a pen 10swan grant's, speke's & thomson's are among the different species of these found on african plains 05gazelles\antelopes college sports\college sports kurt thomas, jim hartung & mitch gaylord were all- around ncaa champions in this sport 01gymnastics american indian game whose name means "hooked stick" 01lacrosse from 1964-75 this team coached by john wooden won a record 10 ncaa basketball championships 01ucla hubie brooks bob horner & reggie jackson played college baseball at this school in tempe 01arizona state\asu a crew race in 1852 between these 2 ivy league schools was the 1st collegiate athletic contest 05harvard & yale\yale & harvard first aid\first aid if you accidentally splash acid in your eye, immediately flush it with this 01water leave a person who has fainted lying down, but raise these slightly 19feet\legs term for a break in a bone, whether simple or compound 09fracture applying an ice bag to a sprain in the 1st half hour may reduce the pain & retard this 01swelling the "r" in cpr stands for this 01resuscitation food\food created by brennan's restaurant in new orleans, bananas foster is served for this course 01dessert this name for clear soup comes from the french for "to boil" 01boullion the "red flannel" variety of this is made from corned beef & beets 01hash the steak & kidney variety of this is an old english favorite 01pie\pudding the ingredient that puts the crunch in a baby ruth candy bar 05peanuts knights\knights the truce of god in the early 11th century prohibited fighting on this day of the week 02sunday knights used this heavy club with a spiked or flanged metal head to crush opponents' armor 09mace the era of knights is often called this, after a french word meaning "horse soldiery" 10age of chivalry knights sometimes used this heavy beam to smash down castle walls & gates 09battering ram sancho panza was one of these, a knight's personal valet 09squire tv actors\tv actors & roles telly savalas 1st played this role in a 1973 tv movie "the marcus- nelson murders" 03theo kojak she plays jessica fletcher on "murder, she wrote" 03angela lansbury of meshach, shadrach or abednego, the one who plays anthony on "designing women" 03meshach taylor john goodman has become a new kind of sex symbol playing her hefty husband on tv 03roseanne in his only major tv role, he played inspector steve keller on "the streets of san francisco" 03michael douglas u.s. states\u.s. states the pony express ran from st. joseph, missouri, as far west as this state 01california mount adams & mt. eisenhower are located in the white mountains of this northeastern state 01new hampshire this state, not mississippi or connecticut, has the longest one-word name 01massachusetts burlington, the largest city in this state, has fewer than 50,000 people 01vermont this "mountain state" has the highest average altitude of any state east of the mississippi 01west virginia 20th century\the 20th century u.s. delegates signed this organization's charter on june 26, 1945 10united nations his one & only flight into space lasted 4 hours 55 minutes & consisted of 3 orbits 03john glenn by 1981 this eastern european union led by an electrician had around 10 million members 01solidarity in 1976 mao, who ran china since 1949, & this man, who ran chicago since 1955, both died 04richard daley the top secret study of u.s. involvement in vietnam published by the new york times in 1971 19pentagon papers astro- logy\astrology the 12 divisions of a horoscope are known by this "homey" name 05houses capricorn and these other 2 signs of the zodiac are the only ones with horns 05taurus & aries\aries & taurus it's the 3rd sign of the zodiac, but is symbolized by 2 figures 01gemini those born under the sign of cancer are ruled by this heavenly body & are known as its "children" 10moon the prophecies of this most widely-read astrologer of the renaissance are still read today 04nostradamus europe\europe this annual bavarian festival actually begins in september 01oktoberfest italy's "boot" looks like it's about to kick this island 01sicily formerly a province, provence is a region in this country 01france built about 449 b.c., the temple of hephaestus is the best- preserved temple in this country 01greece the azores were deserted when discovered & claimed by this country in the 15th century 01portugal insects\insects these timber eaters can't digest wood by themselves; organisms in their intestines do it 05termites ants use these appendages to touch, taste & smell 05antennae because it feeds by using its long snout, this cotton destroyer is also called a snout beetle 10boll weevil this substance oozes from a bee's pores & forms tiny flakes on the outside of its abdomen 01beeswax painted lady, great purple haistreak & zebra aren't rock bands but types of these 05butterflies liter- ature\literature the 1st line of "gone with the wind" says that this character "was not beautiful" 03scarlett o'hara part i of this robert louis stevenson novel is entitled "the old buccaneer" 01treasure island the hero of this j.d. salinger novel had a precocious little sister named phoebe 01the catcher in the rye his 1925 novel "an american tragedy" was based on a real-life murder case 04theodore dreiser turgenev's greatest novel, "relatively" speaking 01father & sons\fathers & children opera\opera at the end of verdi's opera, this ethiopian slave girl is buried alive 03aida it was george bizet's last & most famous opera 01carmen it was englebert humperdinck's 1st & most successful opera 01hansel & gretel after the famous overture is over, this 1829 rossini opera goes on & on for nearly 6 hours 01william tell\guillaume tell the word that completes the title of the opera cycle "the ring of the..." 01nibelung 16th c. science\16th century science in 1557 robert recorde introduced this math symbol consisting of two parallel lines 01equals italian p. alpini was the 1st european to describe this plant whose beans are brewed 01coffee bartolomeo eustachio & gabriel fallopius have this type of body part named after them 09tube the man who brought the calendar into sync by dropping 10 days out of 1852 held this post 01pope in an erroneous work, johannes kepler explained why there were exactly 6 of these 05planets college & univ.\colleges & universities this academy's honor code says "a cadet will not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do" 01west point harvard is the best endowed university in the u.s.; this university at austin is 2nd 10university of texas of byu, lsu, or nyu, the one that's state- sponsored 01lsu this new england school is the top defense contractor among educational entities 01mit oxford 1st admitted these people in the late 1800s, but they couldn't earn degrees until 1920 06women geog. records\geographic world records the longest land gorge in the world is this one in arizona 10grand canyon the deepest part of the oceans of the world is the mariana trench in this ocean 10pacific some say it's the world's largest island; all agree it's the smallest continent 01australia this asian lake is the world's deepest 01lake baikal though about 19 miles from the sea, this city in the netherlands is the world's busiest seaport 01rotterdam spelling\spelling a 200th anniversary 09bicentennial this spider was named for taranto, italy 10tarantula the name of this dish is german for "sour cabbage" 01sauerkraut these blood vessels connect your arteries & veins 05capillaries the "picture writing" of ancient egypt 01hieroglyphics u.s. history\u.s. history after he flew to paris, he flew another 22,350 miles to campaign for air mail & more airports 04charles lindbergh the first state university was established at chapel hill in this state 01north carolina the 1st german settlers in america settled in this mid-atlantic colony 01pennsylvania in 1869, the transcontinen- tal railroad ended in this california city 01sacramento this school, the oldest public school in america, opened february 13, 1635, in boston 01boston latin weather\weather a 1989 drought in this country caused dry fields in tuscany & low water levels in venice 01italy hard pellets of ice larger than 5 mm are the only true forms of these 05hailstones they heat the air in their paths to over 45,000 degrees fahrenheit 05lightning bolts 31.85, the highest us barometer reading, was recorded in this state during a 1989 cold wave 01alaska to see one of these, you must stand facing falling rain, with your back to the sun 09rainbow file under a\file under "a" lt. general boris gromov was the last soviet soldier to be withdrawn from here 01afghanistan this unattractive hun was known as the "scourge of god" 04attila the hun to handle the trillions in our budget deficit, this bead calculator would need 13 columns 14abacus lyndon johnson popularized this phrase to describe job programs for women & minorities 01affirmative action under the main heading of astrology, subheadings include these 2 "a" signs 05aries & aquarius\aquarius & aries furn- iture\furniture a low bed designed to roll under a larger bed, it was also called a truckle bed 09trundle bed the roll-top style of this has a convex cover that slides over the work surface 09desk a chesterfield is a large, overstuffed one of these, often having scrolled arms 09sofa\couch\divan\davenport a sideboard is most associated with this room of a house 10dining room the "boston" variety of these moving chairs usually has a curved seat that dips down in front 09rocking chair\rocker gov't. & politics\government & politics he wrote the novel "the canfield decision" after resigning as vp in 1973 03spiro agnew add the number of a state's senators & reps. to know how many members it has in this "college" 10electoral college it takes a 60% majority vote to end one of these talk-a- thons in the u.s. senate 09filibuster the first 3 cabinet departments were state, war & this 01treasury when a president is tried before the senate, this individual presides 17chief justice literary figures\literary figures this character who loved daisy buchanan was born jay gatz 17great gatsby he saw jacob marley's face on his front door when he went home on christmas eve 03ebenezer scrooge jonathan swift character who also visited the islands of glubbdubdrib, laputa & luggnagg 03lemuel gulliver longfellow said john alden didn't propose to priscilla until he heard reports of his death 04miles standish grotesque victor hugo character paraded thru the streets of paris as "the prince of fools" 04quasimodo nebraska\nebraska this long river forms nebraska's eastern boundary 10missouri river on july 12, 1861, this "wild" west gunslinger killed his 1st man at rock creek station 04wild bill hickok closely related to the elephant, this "woolly" prehistoric mammal is the state fossil 10mammoth one of these 160- acre plots in america was claimed by daniel freeman in 1863 near beatrice 09homestead as its nickname indicates, nebraska's main farm crop is this 01corn publish- ing\publishing type of essay in which a newspaper expresses an opinion 14editorial adolph ochs began using the motto "all the news that's fit to print" at this paper in 1896 10new york times gannett introduced this national newspaper in 1982 at a quarter; it's now fifty cents 01usa today if you were "one of the 25 most intriguing people of the year," you'd find yourself in this mag. 01people most of the mail addressed to pleasantville, new york, goes to this magazine 01reader's digest 1980s pop mus.\1980s pop music bobby mcferrin won 3 grammy awards including "song of the year" with this song 01don't worry be happy stevie wonder & michael jackson both had number 1 singles with him in the 1980s 03paul mccartney the title of a 1986 hit by falco asked this composer to "rock me" 03wolfgang amadeus mozart\mozart in the name of this 1985 group of 46 singers, the "usa" stands for "united support of artists" 01usa for africa deniece williams's hit "let's hear it for the boy" was heard in this 1984 kevin bacon film 01footloose college nickname\college nicknames longhorns 01university of texas wolverines 01university of michigan crimson tide 01university of alabama jayhawks 01university of kansas ducks 01university of oregon geog. names\geographic names some say these islands got their name from the spanish word for shallow waters, "bajamar" 19bahamas fertile plains of argentina whose name comes from an indian word for "space" or "flat surface" 19pampas of melanesia, micronesia, or polynesia, the one that means "black islands" 01melanesia the name of this canadian province is the same as that of its capital 01quebec the west indies island called st. christopher is also known by this shorter name 01st. kitts nuclear physics\nuclear physics almost all of an atom's mass is contained within this 10nucleus\core\center if present use continues, the 235 isotope of this element will become scarce during the 1990s 01uranium also called an atomic pile, it produces & controls nuclear energy at the power plant 10reactor energy used in "star trek" torpedos, released when an excited electron drops back down 09photon country in which hahn & strassmann first split the atom 01germany paul revere\paul revere built around 1670, paul revere's house is the oldest building in this city's downtown area 01boston according to the famous poem, the time of revere's ride 01midnight in 1773 paul dressed as an indian in order to participate in this 12boston tea party paul revere rode to call to arms the members of this massachusetts volunteer militia 21minutemen the 2 lanterns in the north church steeple meant the british were coming this way 01by sea starts with "f"\starts with "f" a big wheel at the fair, usually the biggest wheel there 09ferris wheel a long narrow inlet of the sea in norway, have you driven one lately? 09fjord a fancy name for it would be the violinist crab 10fiddler crab canadian john macrae wrote a poem about this american cemetery in belgium 01flanders field hamlet moaned, "o! that this too too solid" stuff "would melt" 01flesh animals\animals the bush species of this is the largest land mammal in the world 10elephant in the names of cat breeds, this color follows "british" & "russian" 01blue of teeth, nails or beaks, the one turtles don't have 05teeth a 7-letter word for a dog of mixed or indeterminate ancestry 09mongrel 2 species of these snakes native to india are the indian & the king 05cobras dict. abbrev.\dictionary abbreviations it's the fruity abbreviation for figure or figurative 01fig "mt." doesn't mean "not full," it stands for one of these topographical features 09mountain "bot." doesn't mean you paid for it; it stands for this science 01botany "intrans." isn't the abbreviation for intransigent but for this verb form 01intransitive when capitalized, the letters "ie" can refer to this family of languages 01indo-european middle ages\the middle ages the catholic clergy was supported by these payments, 1/10th of the parishioners' incomes 09tithe germany formed the core of this medieval "empire" 10holy roman empire from "hanse," meaning guild, this german trade league was formed in the 13th century 12hanseatic league order of religious knights named for the biblical "temple" in jerusalem 21knights templar this style of architecture, named for a barbaric tribe, was later felt barbarous by italians 01gothic movies\movies city in which bogart told bergman, "we'll always have paris" 01casablanca "just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water," along came this 1978 movie 01jaws ii in 1975, "the towering inferno" won a cinematography oscar & this disaster film won for sound 01earthquake oddly, he was nominated for both "best actor" & "best supporting actor" for "going my way" 04barry fitzgerald louise fletcher got an oscar as this wretched character in "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" 03nurse ratched south america\south america icy mountain streams in peru are the source of the amazon, which flows into this ocean 10atlantic when juan peron returned to the presidency of this country in 1973, his wife was elected vp 01argentina if you're watching a music video in montevideo, you're in this country's capital 01uruguay country whose capital lies closest to the line of zero degrees latitude 01ecuador the braganzas were a royal family that ruled in portugal & this south american country 01brazil u.s. states\u.s. states if this state were an independent country, it would be the sixth richest in the world 01california new hampshire was the 1st u.s. state to finance education by this method, adopted in 1963 09lottery this state's adirondack park is the largest wilderness area east of the mississippi 01new york\ny jimmy swaggart usually preached via tv from this, his home state 01louisiana the geographic center of the lower 48 is just outside the town of lebanon in this state 01kansas animals\animals pet owners may buy dogs & cats a special collar to protect them from fleas & these arachnids 05ticks this animal's color changes come from changing light, emotion & temperature, not background 10chameleon bookworms & pinworms are classified as these, from the greek "nema," meaning thread 05nematodes when they're adolescents, these salamanders are called efts 05newts the "horned toad" isn't really a toad, it's one of these 09lizard fabrics\fabrics from a flaxen fabric, it's a term for bed sheets, though most are no longer made of it 01linen a sail fabric, or something for a boxer to fall back on 01canvas rayon got its name from "ray," for its sheen & "on," for this natural material it resembles 01cotton neoprene is a synthetic form of this 01rubber light fabric named for the cobwebs that appear around the end of the summer when goose is eaten 01gossamer famous quotes\famous quotes it was at bull run that gen. bernard bee said this man was "standing like a stone wall" 04stonewall jackson the historian suetonius said this man's famous question, "et tu, brute?" was spoken in greek 04julius caesar edmond rostand's quote, "a great nose indicates a great man," is from this play 01cyrano de bergerac the author who wrote, "that's some catch, that catch-22" 03joseph heller way before bunker hill, frederick the great said, "no firing until you see the whites" of these 05their eyes novels\novels she is aleksei vronsky's lover & aleksei karenin's wife 03anna karenina the avuncular title character of this 1852 american novel dies after a brutal beating 03uncle tom some of the characters he introduced in "dubliners" reappeared in "ulysses" 04james joyce his mad creole wife, bertha, dies in a fall, leaving him free to marry jane eyre 03edward rochester john galsworthy's most famous work was the saga of this fictional family 21forsytes u.s. history\u.s. history stephen austin was secretary of state when this u.s. state was a republic 01texas less than a year before we entered world war ii, he had an all-military inaugural parade 04franklin roosevelt\fdr his expedition found gold in the black hills, setting off a gold rush & the sioux wars 04george armstrong custer his owner took him to illinois & caused the supreme court to say blacks weren't citizens 04dred scott born on roanoke island, she was the 1st child of english parents born in america 04virginia dare word origins\word origins flower named for king george iii's royal gardner, william forsythe 10forsythia a city in western wisconsin named for the indian game played there in the 19th century 01la crosse this word for a long journey is named for a homeric hero who took quite a long journey himself 14odyssey the word "sorority came from a latin word meaning this 01sister a shallow covered dish used to grow microorganisms for research, named for its inventor 09petri dish books & authors\books & authors after escaping from the chateau d'if, this dumas hero punishes his enemies one by one 03edmond dantes\count of monte cristo the adventures of toad, rat & mole were featured in this 1908 k. grahame children's classic 01the wind in the willows in this book, christian journeys from the city of destruction to the celestial city 01the pilgrim's progress before noah webster, many people used his 1755 "dictionary of the english language" 04samuel johnson scottish author whose "the guns of navarone" & "ice station zebra" have been made into movies 03alistair maclean europe history\european history he was emperor of rome when a great fire destroyed much of the city in 64 a.d. 04nero the edict of nantes gave religious freedom to these frenchmen 21huguenots\protestants between 1661-72 this french king established academies of dance & music 04louis xiv\louis the fourteenth after ww i, germany's new republic was named for this city where its constitution was drawn up 01weimar in 1887 she celebrated her golden jubilee, marking 50 years on the throne 04queen victoria famous educator\famous educators he taught alexander the great & founded the lyceum 04aristotle milton, this president's brother, was president of kansas state, penn state & johns hopkins 04dwight eisenhower\ike for 47 years this mass. educator remained helen keller's teacher & companion 04anne sullivan macy canadian communications professor famous for his maxim, "the medium is the message" 04marshall mcluhan "rebecca of sunnybrook farm" author & founder of california kindergarten training school 04kate wiggin number, please\number, please in most schools it's a perfect grade point average 014.0\four number of strings on a standard spanish guitar 016\six though most retire later, you can join the american association of retired persons at this age 0150\fifty democrats opposed the whig campaign slogan "who is james polk?" with these numbers "or fight" 0154-40\fifty four forty of the 3 "estates" the 1 designating the clergy in france & the lords spiritual in england 10first\1st signs & symbols\signs & symbols a large "x" separating 2 "r"s in a circular road sign indicates this 09railroad crossing\train from the latin "dictus," meaning said, it's a pair of marks placed under words for repetition 05ditto marks on calculators the key with this function is shown by a diagonal line between 2 small circles 01percent arms crossed over the chest means this in sign language 01i love you the universal symbol for ease of access for the disabled is this piece of equipment 09wheelchair westerns\westerns the author of "true grit" had this star of the movie in mind when he wrote the book 04john wayne the 1881 gun battle here took less than 1 minute in real life but over 5 minutes on screen in 1957 10ok corral william boyd played this character in 66 films 04hopalong cassidy 1992 blockbuster western starring clint eastwood 01unforgiven he made nearly 60 western films, including "wagon master" & "the searchers" 04john ford odds & ends\odds & ends of ac, bc, or dc, the current you get from a battery 01dc if one of these mammals sprays you, you can neutralize its distinctive odor with tomato juice 09skunk to restore the aroma of your closet's cedar blocks, rub the wood surfaces with a sheet of this 01sandpaper varieties of this include the sugar & swiss chard 10beet\beta drying lavender & placing it inside your garments can protect against these 05clothes moths quest. songs\questionable songs connie francis song that also asks "whose heart is aching for breaking each vow?" 01who's sorry now question in song "jeepers creepers" asks "where'd you get" these 05those peepers 1962 song which asks "do i stand a chance with you?" after asking "is it mary or sue?" 01what's your name the 1st verse of the song "i only have eyes for you" opens by asking if these are "out tonight" 19stars in "stop the world-- i want to get off," anthony newley asked "what kind of" this he was 09fool royalty\royalty this empress was suspected of plotting the murder of her husband, czar peter iii 04catherine the great an 1877 parade in delhi celebrated queen victoria being given this title 01empress of india this scandinavian country has had 10 kings named christian 01denmark in 1963 the king of sikkim, a tiny country in the himalayas, married a woman from this country 10us\united states the chakri dynasty has reigned in this southeast asian country since 1782 01thailand star trek\star trek this character's dress uniform includes a kilt 03scotty when kirk went back to 1930s earth, he fell in love with a woman played by this "dynasty" star 03joan collins make no bones about it, he plays "bones," dr. mccoy 03deforest kelley this villainous race that even tribbles disliked was 1st seen in "errand of mercy" 20klingons it's the lowest setting on the hand phaser 01stun trans- port\transportation since sept. 1, 1985, all new cars must have a 3rd brake light installed here 10rear window\back window nyc now has 15 routes for these, as well as the one between staten island & manhattan 05ferries of north, south, east, or west, the direction of travel that causes the most severe jet lag 01east this auto company advertises that its cars are "built for the human race" 01nissan in california you can find replicas of mission bells marking the route of this "royal highway" 10camino real vocab- ulary\vocabulary in roman times it was a ceremony that ranked below a triumph; today actors may get a standing one 14ovation a horn of plenty, its name is from latin for "horn of plenty" 09cornucopia a pedagogue does this for a living, a job common to many jeopardy! contestants 01teach a monkey that looks like it's wearing a hood, or a monk who does wear one 09capuchin named after a lord, it's a loose coat with slanted shoulder seams extending to the neckline 09raglan birds\birds as you might expect, the stilt was named for these long, slender features 05legs these avian messengers are sometimes called "homers" for short 05homing pigeons in "the sound of music," "wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings" are "a few of" these 05my favorite things mimus polyglottos is the scientific name of this bird, noted for mimicking others 10mockingbird almost all species of pheasants are native to this continent 01asia familiar phrases\familiar phrases from 1913-45 arthur "pop" momand drew a comic strip called "keeping up with" them 21joneses "bite on" this, "old man, and don't let them think you're afraid" 10bullet dove hunters tying live birds to backless chairs for lures gave us this expression 09stool pigeon author of the familiar phrase, "you're a better man than i am, gunga din" 04rudyard kipling comedian fred allen, not the indians, 1st concluded that the low man on this was the least 09totem pole int'l. trivia\international trivia some of these african "little people" get their protein from eating winged termites 20pygmies\baka the current official name of the mounties 01royal canadian mounted police the color of bermuda's buses & beaches 01pink this bahamian capital took its name from the family name of england's king william iii 01nassau these pacific islands, known for their odd wildlife, are also called the archipelago de colon 19galapagos islands june\june the 1st of these opened in camden, nj in june 1933, with a 40 x 50 foot screen & parking for 400 cars 09drive-in theater she was the only woman on a flight that left newfoundland on june 17, 1928, & landed in wales 04amelia earhart the book "what happened when" says he began exploring kentucky on june 7, 1769 04daniel boone on june 18, 1983, sally ride rode this shuttle into space 12challenger in june 1959 president eisenhower & queen elizabeth met in st. lambert quebec to dedicate this 10st lawrence seaway toys & games\toys & games one is coiled within a yo-yo or wrapped around a top 09string the top of this mattel toy springs open when the weasel pops 09jack in the box the b & o, the pennsylvania, the short line & the reading are railroads in this game 01monopoly at the start of a checkers game, this many black squares are empty of pieces 018\eight tenpins is a form of this game 01bowling u.s. geog.\u.s. geography alaska is the only u.s. state to border this ocean 10arctic ocean the james river is the largest waterway entirely within this state 01virginia this florida city, once home to ernest hemingway, is the southernmost in the continental us 01key west the number of u.s. states that border mexico 014\four this 107-mile- long lake helps separate new england from new york 01lake champlain american cities\american cities called the "winter baseball capital of the u.s.," this city lies across the bay from tampa, fl 01st petersburg over 60% of the world's general aviation aircraft are built in this city, kansas's largest 01wichita from 1950-64 the population of this alabama city "skyrocketed" from 16,000 to over 123,000 01huntsville a statue of samuel clemens stands in riverview park in this city on the mississippi river 01hannibal missouri an air force base named for the wright bros. & test pilot frank patterson is in this ohio city 01dayton anagrams\anagrams melon is an anagram of this other fruit 10lemon carole is one of these, but she doesn't work at delphi 14oracle a knight should keep his clean 09lance i'd walk a mile for the juice of this fruit 09lime when we see a good production of one of his tragedies, "we all make his praise" 03william shakespeare birds\birds birds are plumose, meaning they have these 05feathers birds lost these early in their evolution, perhaps due to development of a movable upper jaw 05teeth associated with love since ancient greece, it has since become a symbol of peace 10dove the only known bird with nostrils in the tip of its bill is this new zealand variety 10kiwi barn owls are distinguished from typical owls by their faces, which have this amorous shape 09heart ice skating\ice skating alicia starbuck is better known by this nickname 01jojo starbuck to stop ankle wobbling, this part of the skate should be slightly off- center, not in the middle 10blade tai's partner, he was forced to withdraw from the 1980 olympics because of a groin injury 03randy gardner the russian split isn't a dessert, it's the most dramatic of these 09jump it's the "academic" term for compulsory figures 05school figures people\people he was the 1st u.s. president born in the 20th century 04john f. kennedy\jfk russians musa manarov & vladimir titov spent a record one year here 01in space it's believed he ordered the bombing of a uso on the 2nd anniversary of the u.s. bombing of libya 03muammar qadhafi for a year after her death in 1952, all newly issued argentine stamps had her picture 04eva peron\evita this late welsh actor won a scholarship to oxford before winning liz's hand 04richard burton sheep\sheep the east frisian breed isn't raised for its wool but for this 01its milk wild sheep named after this venetian explorer live at very high elevations in central asia 04marco polo in this 1936 chaplin film, a bunch of sheep seem to be turning into a bunch of folks going to work 01modern times sarah josepha hale wrote about a little lamb that followed mary to this place 01school take the wool off a sheep, or pull the wool over someone's eyes & steal him blind 01fleece actors & roles\actors & roles this may sound "fishy" but he won an oscar for "a fish called wanda" 03kevin kline in "the bride of frankenstein" elsa lanchester played both the bride & this author 04mary shelley in 1980 jane seymour played mozart's wife on broadway in this play 01amadeus in a 1976 miniseries, mackenzie phillips & jane alexander both played this first lady 04eleanor roosevelt when john gielgud played hamlet in 1936, this "birth of a nation" star was his ophelia 04lillian gish american authors\american authors after he wrote "omoo" & "the whale," he published a book of civil war poems, "battle- pieces" 04herman melville "mitla pass," by this author of "exodus," is a story of the 1956 sinai war 03leon uris he wrote 4 volumes of short stories, including "tales of the jazz age" & "all the sad young men" 04f. scott fitzgerald "the education of" this man is an autobiography of a grandson & great- grandson of presidents 03henry adams author of "the ambassadors," he's also known for literary criticism like "the art of fiction" 04henry james jr. art\art as seen in her style, american artist mary cassatt studied with impressionists in this city 01paris around 1535 michelangelo began "the last judgment," a fresco on the wall of this room 10sistine chapel american folk artist whose 1st paintings were copies of currier & ives prints 04grandma moses it's the art of carving whalebone 01scrimshaw noted surrealist rene magritte was from this low country 01belgium starts with "o"\starts with "o" with oklahoma, the other two states whose names begin with "o" 05ohio & oregon\oregon & ohio lacking a keenness in comprehension, or an angle that has more than 90 degrees but less than 180 01obtuse in the 1800s this empire became known as "the sick man of europe" because of its weakening power 12ottoman empire small children should be kept away from this shrub with red or white blossoms-- it's poisonous 10oleander in printing, it's a dagger sign; in new york & london, it's cleopatra's needle 14obelisk the movies\the movies bette midler made her film debut as a ship passenger in this 1965 michener island saga 01hawaii this oscar- winning 1959 film is partially set in the valley of the lepers 01ben-hur he went to oxford on an organ scholarship long before he starred in "10" 03dudley moore elizabeth taylor sang "send in the clowns" in this movie musical, & we're not clowning 01a little night music this german silent film about a vampire was remade with klaus kinski in 1979 01nosferatu women in hist.\women in history for her service in this war, pennsylvania awarded molly pitcher a $40 a year pension 12revolutionary war legend says xilingshi, the wife of the chinese emperor huang-ti, discovered this fiber 01silk though a lawyer herself she fought against equal rights for working women & founded "stop era" 03phyllis schlafly you've heard of a nine-day wonder; well, she was nicknamed the "nine days' queen" 04lady jane grey\dudley visiting her birthplace at 10 east oglethorpe in savannah, ga, won't get you a merit badge 04juliet low food\food some people coddle this before putting it in a caesar salad, but others like it raw 01egg some folks call it sparrowgrass 01asparagus it can be osetra, sevruga, or beluga 01caviar\sturgeon guinness says the longest of these ever made contained 20,000 bananas & 3 1/2 tons of ice cream 11banana split to make beef wellington, thinly coat the beef with pate de foie gras & wrap it in this 01pastry\dough man in space\man in space the 6 lunar landings put a total of this many men on the moon 0112\twelve in february 1962 he told congress his flight "proved man can operate intelligently in space" 03john glenn the 1st u.s. space program to feature a space walk 02gemini four in january 1989 the soviet probe phobos ii went into orbit around this planet 01mars this country modified a runway on easter island for emergency use by u.s. space shuttles 01chile nursery rhymes\nursery rhymes "they all ran after the farmer's wife" 21three blind mice\3 blind mice "a man of words & not of deeds is like a garden full of" these 01weeds "oh, dear, what can the matter be? johnny's so long at" this 01fair this shepherd fell asleep on the job 04little boy blue it's who simple simon asked, "let me taste your ware" 17pieman presi- dents\presidents in 1950 he became the 1st supreme commander of nato forces in europe 04dwight eisenhower\ike hoover's request to tap martin luther king's phones was approved during his administration 04john f. kennedy\jfk the only president born in california, but califoria doesn't have him to kick around any more 03richard nixon when reagan retired to california, he urged repeal of this constitutional amendment 1022nd\twenty second on april 5, 1933, fdr issued an executive order banning hoarding of this metal 01gold rules\rules it has been stated as "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" 10golden rule this 4-word rule tells us how to adjust our clocks to begin & end daylight saving time 01spring forward fall back\fall spring john douglas, sponsor of a code of pugilistic fair play in 1867, is better known by this title 10marquess of queensberry in 1742 he published a set of rules for whist that led to publication of rules for other games 04edmond hoyle in 1876 a u.s. army engineer wrote this popular book on parliamentary procedure 01robert's rules of order start & end "e"\starts & ends with "e" a city in oregon, or the first names of playwrights o'neill and ionesco 01eugene it means huge & clumsy, though the animal whose name it comes from is graceful for its size 01elephantine it used to mean an "escape;" now it's a reckless adventure or wild prank 01escapade brand of outboard motor named for the man who invented the first commercially successful one 01evinrude when you and your girlfriend run away to get married without your parents' permission 01elope 1901\1901 the 1st official championship of this new baseball league was won by the chicago white sox 10american league wilhelm maybach, technical director at germany's daimler works, built the 1st of these cars 09mercedes-benz with $5,000 he set up a factory above a boston fish market to make safety razors 04king gillette jean h. dunant, founder of this group, was a co-winner of the nobel peace prize 10international red cross he proved that yellow fever is caused by a virus & spread by mosquitoes 04dr. walter reed dogs\dogs many puppies of this black & white spotted breed are born deaf 05dalmatians the cattle dogs that followed this empire's legions evolved into the rottweiler 12roman empire beagles & harriers were bred to chase & flush out these mammals 05rabbits\hares you have them all over your body, but a dog has them only in the pads of its feet & its nose 05sweat glands the name for this type of dog is from old french for "spaniard" 09spaniel famous women\famous women in the 1930s maureen connolly & althea gibson dominated the women's division of this sport 01tennis in 1966 this future dutch queen created a furor by marrying a german veteran of world war ii 03queen beatrix this famous nurse was born in 1820 in an italian city-- hence her first name 04florence nightingale she was a missionary in china before becoming a flamboyant evangelist of the roaring '20s 04aimee semple mcpherson in 1976 marine biologist dixy lee ray was elected governor of this state 01washington left- overs\leftovers the only one of "the 5 civilized tribes" whose name doesn't begin with c, many of them live in fl. 20seminoles a birthstone for may, it would make the wizard of oz feel at home 10emerald thinking of gravy train, perhaps, it's what pavlov's dogs would do at the sound of a bell 01salivate architectural branch of this science deals with good conditions for hearing speech & music 01acoustics this great english romantic poet drowned in a boating accident in 1822 04percy bysshe shelley myth- ology\mythology his favorite residence was the woods & mountains of arcadia where he played his pipes 04pan these sylvan deities were part man & part goat & served bacchus 21satyrs\fauns classified between human & god, the dryads were these female spirits of the woods 05nymphs artemis, the goddess of wildlife, was the twin sister of this son of zeus 04apollo its mast was from the forest of dodona, where the trees had the power of prediction 10argo new england\new england it's the largest city in new england 01boston newport was a co-capital of this state from 1854- 1900 01rhode island it's the only new england state without a seacoast on the atlantic ocean 01vermont on landing near cape cod in april, 1614, this founder of virginia gave new england its name 04captain john smith when the british tried to take back connecticut's charter, it was hidden in this type of tree 14oak 4-letter words\4-letter words difficult part of the camel to get "over" 10hump to incite, or to move a spoon about inside your coffee cup 01stir if you add a double "e" to the name of this animal, you'll have a type of beard 09goat from the latin for "hair," they're the loops of yarn that form the surface of your carpet 01pile meaning "to get the lay of the land," it's what a crook does to a joint before robbing it 01case forests\forests this forest near nottingham, england is famous as the home of robin hood 01sherwood forest about 90% of all us forest fires are caused by humans; most of the rest are caused by this 01lightning about 1/3 of this continent is rain forest 01south america the us forest service was established in 1905 as part of this cabinet department 01agriculture term for the boundary on mountains beyond which trees do not grow 10timber line\tree line historic names\historic names nicknamed the "angel of the battlefield," her actual first name was clarissa 04clara barton though the borgias became infamous in italy, first they were from valencia in this country 01spain carthaginian general who took poison to avoid surrender around 183 bc 04hannibal he was the 1st person who ever heard his own name spoken through a telephone 04thomas watson this ruling family 1st seized power in monaco in 1297 20grimaldis shake- speare\shakespeare marc antony said, "i come to bury" this man, "not to praise him" 04julius caesar in a shakespeare poem, adonis rejects this goddess of love 03venus in "king lear" she poisons her sister regan 03goneril despised title king whose mother is elinor of aquitaine 03king john of richard ii, richard iii, or othello, the one who was the son of the black prince 04richard iii\third tools\tools before cars came with electric starters, you started the engine by turning one of these tools 09crank add "down" to this cultivating tool & you'll have a country dance party 09hoe used as a lever, it got its name because its forked end resembles a black bird's foot 09crowbar a small broom, or a small kitchen tool for whipping eggs 09whisk the biggest one of these swingline products can dispense 10,000 pieces of wire without refill 09stapler travel & tourism\travel & tourism you can ride through this midwestern state's "dells" in an amphibious vehicle called a "duck" 01wisconsin if you go to india, you'll see women wearing a black or red dot called a kumkum on this body part 10forehead you'll have to spend all your zlotys in this country since it's illegal to take them out 01poland spain owns & operates aviaco, its local airline, & this, its major international one 01iberia rome has sealed off 25 acres for pedestrian traffic in the district named for this fountain 01trevi fountain address\addresses this animated family lived at 201 cobblestone way in bedrock 21flintstones at night you can spot this stadium at 1060 w. addison st. in chicago-- it's now lighted 01wrigley field whether traveling by land or sea, don't miss this spot at 193 salem st. in boston 01old north church\christ church president hoover was among those dedicating this nyc bldg. at 350 fifth ave. on may 1, 1931 10empire state building in 1948 the trumans moved temporarily from 1600 pennsylvania avenue to this mansion at 1651 01blair house american politics\american politics in politics it was this man, not sylvester stallone, who was known as "rocky" 04nelson rockefeller in the 1968 election, he picked up 46 electoral votes as an american independent 04george wallace\lemay president whose "doctrine" provided aid for greece & turkey to combat communism 04harry s truman on february 2, 1989, the senate confirmed this ex-n.y. congressman as hud secretary 03jack kemp democratic vp & president who ran again in 1848 for the top job, this time on the free soil ticket 04martin van buren ballet\ballet frederick ashton played one of the ugly stepsisters in this ballet he choreographed 01cinderella susan jaffe performed part of this "expiring bird" ballet at george bush's inaugural gala 01swan lake\dying swan "the moor's pavane" is a ballet of love, death & betrayal based on this play 01othello in the ballet "sylvia," this goddess of the hunt mortally wounds the villain with an arrow 03diana\artemis a pas poisson is a movement in which a dancer bends her body like one of these creatures 09fish famous quotes\famous quotes at lincoln's deathbed, edwin stanton said, "now he belongs to" these 19ages profession of bob fitzsimmons, who said, "the bigger they come, the harder they fall" 09boxer nelson said, "england expects that every man will do" this & died thanking god he did his 01his duty completes john acton's line, "power tends to..." 01corrupt napoleon said it's one step away from the sublime 10ridiculous famous georges\famous georges he was the 1st actor to refuse an oscar 03george c. scott famous filmmaker who admits "american graffiti" was based on his coming of age in modesto, ca 03george lucas 2 days before leaving office ronald reagan was given this man's sweater as a parting gift 04george gipp he was a fencing instructor long before he joined "the a team" 03george peppard "lonesome" comic who beat walt disney for the 1954 "outstanding new personality" emmy 03george gobel medicine\medicine laryngitis is an inflammation of this part of the throat 10larynx\voice box about half of all pregnant women suffer from this burning pain in the chest & upper abdomen 01heartburn\indigestion the outer surface of each of these organs is covered by a thin membrane called a renal capsule 19kidneys an inactive substance used as a control for an experiment or given just to humor a patient 09placebo type of steroid banned by the i.o.c., it promotes tissue growth by creating protein 01anabolic 1976\1976 sarah caldwell became the 1st woman to conduct at this new york city opera house 10metropolitan reclusive billionaire who died on april 5 on a chartered jet bound for houston, tx 04howard hughes she became the 1st female anchor on network news & the top-paid newscaster up to that time 03barbara walters head of the unification church, he presided over a "god bless america" rally on september 18 03reverend sun myung moon 2 of these jets, 1 from paris & 1 from london, arrived in the u.s. for the 1st time on may 24 05concordes\ssts asia\asia the mythical beast pictured on the flag of bhutan 09dragon the "stan" in pakistan & afghanistan is a persian suffix meaning this 01land of he was india's prime minister immediately following its independence from britain 04jawaharlal nehru the predominant religion of laos, though the communist government discourages it 01buddhism nepal, with 1 of the lowest per capita gnps in asia, has 90% of its work force engaged in this 01farming\agriculture famous men\famous men appropriately, richard belzer co-wrote a book on how to be a stand-up one of these 09comic\comedian he swashbuckled through 3 marriages: to lili damita, nora eddington & patrice wymore 04errol flynn an early merchandising giant, he started his 1st store at kemmerer, wyoming 04j.c. penney in 1843, 2 sisters, sarah & adelaide yates, married these twins made famous by p.t. barnum 08chang & eng\siamese twins\eng & chang this author of "kane & abel" was only 29 when elected to parliament 03jeffrey archer furn- iture\furniture some cheaper woods are stained black to resemble this rare & expensive furniture wood 01ebony in chinese decor, a ping is this ornamental device used for privacy 09screen a big, comfy, upholstered chair of any period, its name is far from difficult 14easy chair the ancient egyptians came up with what's now called the camp stool, a chair that can do this 01fold up with his 1925 | wassily chair, | Remember to Marcel Breuer | read the of the Bauhaus | instructions school | at the start introduced | of this steel in this | section form 01tubular pot- | pourri\potpourri it's a flute without keys that's played in military bands 09fife the machine that grinds grain, or the building in which it's contained 09mill in greece, 100 lepta equal 1 of these 09drachma the marimba, from this continent, later became a popular folk instrument in central america 01africa peas can improve soil by taking this gaseous element from the air & binding it to their roots 01nitrogen women athletes\women athletes jeanne maiden of solon, ohio, set a women's record by rolling 11 perfect games in this sport 01bowling beth heiden won a bronze medal in this sport in 1980, which must have made her brother eric proud 01speed skating though she became a star in this sport, cathy rigby mccoy never won an olympic medal 01gymnastics her hearing was permanently impaired after she swam the english channel in 1926 04gertrude ederle a 1988 & 1992 olympic gold medalist in the heptathlon, she's flo-jo's sister-in-law 03jackie joyner-kersee kid stuff\kid stuff according to the nursery rhyme, "ding dong dell, pussy's in" this 10well "fee-fi-fo- fum," he smelled "the blood of an englishman" 22giant\ogre several men tried to wake her, but they got caught in all those thorns & died a miserable death 04sleeping beauty\briar rose in hans christian andersen's story, this icy monarch has a frozen lake inside her castle 17snow queen when alice met this large blue animal, he was sitting on a mushroom smoking a hookah 17caterpillar odds & ends\odds & ends some positions on a diagram of one of these may be marked "p," "ss," "2b" & "cf" 09baseball field ernesto, not carmen, is the first name of this man associated with the police warning 03miranda koala springs sparkling mineral water juice is produced in this country 01australia it's the alkali most commonly combined with a fatty substance to make soap 01lye\caustic soda\sodium hydroxide anthony suau of the denver post won a 1984 pulitzer for photos of mass starvation in this nation 01ethiopia song lyrics\song lyrics "there is heaven right here on earth with those beautiful queens, way down yonder" there 01in new orleans she's urged to "wait till the sun shines" 03nellie line that follows "a beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walkin' in" one of these 09winter wonderland "just an old sweet song keeps" this state "on my mind" 01georgia it's who hank williams asked, "how's about savin' all your time for me?" 03hey good lookin' state capitals\state capitals andrew johnson was born in this capital of north carolina 01raleigh world book bills it as "the gateway to southwest washington" 01olympia no pun intended: this western capital is a homophone for a bashful miss sothern 01cheyenne new england capital named for the city that's home to france's oldest botanical garden 01montpelier while we have 4 states whose names begin with "i," this is the only state capital that does 01indianapolis water\water the name for these wells comes from artois, a region in france where they were once drilled 01artesian the largest water treatment plant in the u.s. is on lake michigan in this city 01chicago the most common disinfectant used in backyard swimming pools 01chlorine an abnormal fear of water, or another name for rabies 01hydrophobia it's also called "deuterium oxide" & is used as a coolant in nuclear reactors 01heavy water world history\world history a member of columbus's 2nd expedition, he went on to discover florida 04juan ponce de leon a descendant of the moguls, babur began the mogul dynasty in what's now this country 01india in 1670 this fur trading corporation was chartered by charles ii to operate in canada 12hudson's bay co he won the nobel prize in 1950 for his work as u.n. mediator between israel & the arabs 04dr ralph bunche in 1957, morocco's muhammad v changed his title from this to king 02sultan "pot" pourri\"pot"pourri one dictionary politely defines it as "a protruding abdominal region" 09potbelly on "jeopardy!" this category is similar to "potpourri" or "hodgepodge" 01potluck a mixture of meat & veggies in a pastry crust, baked in a deep dish 09potpie another name for potassium chloride, used mainly to make fertilizer 01potash a book below literary standards produced quickly just to make a profit 09potboiler biology\biology type of creature that comes with a body part known as an air bladder 09fish all reptiles, except crocodiles, go through a periodic process of ecdysis, which is this 01shedding skin an amoeba uses this method of reproduction, splitting itself into 2 equal parts 01binary fission\mitosis it is a threadlike structure made of dna & contains various genes 09chromosome term for a cell such as an erythrocyte that moves about in a fluid rather than fixed in tissue 09corpuscle finland\finland world book says most finns visit 1 of these at least once a week for cleansing & relaxation 09sauna the earliest known inhabitants of finland, they didn't live in luxury 21lapps in 1812 the ruler of this country made helsinki finland's capital 01russia finland has 2 official languages, finnish & this one from its neighbor 01swedish in world affairs, finlandization means to convert to this type of foreign policy 01neutrality money\money term for paper currency issued for temporary use in an emergency 01scrip it's the term used for money that must be accepted for all debts, public & private 01legal tender u.s. paper currency has fibers of these 2 colors running through it 05red & blue\blue & red a gold piece of this denomination was called a double eagle 01twenty dollars\20 dollars landmark pictured on the back of a $5 bill 10lincoln memorial people\people she was the grand marshal of the 50th & 100th tournament of roses parades 03shirley temple black born in martinez, ca, this yankee clipper was a californian long before he married marilyn 03joe dimaggio after leaving eastern, this former astronaut bought an aerobatic plane he flies for fun 03frank borman when this "rear window" actor graduated from princeton, josh logan gave him his 1st acting job 03jimmy stewart founder of the california missions beatified in september 1988 despite indian protests 04junipero serra shake- speare\shakespearean trivia his last words were "lay on, macduff, and damned be him that first cries 'hold, enough'" 04macbeth one of his most famous lines is "but soft! what light through yonder window breaks?" 03romeo hamlet said of him, he "was a man, take him for all in all, i shall not look upon his like again" 04his father in the title of the play, pericles was prince of this phoenician city 01tyre this play features spirits named iris, ceres, juno & ariel 01the tempest "ick"y words\"ick"y words word that describes some cats, but especially morris 01finicky it's what holds up your bike when you're not on it 10kickstand some city people favor this bright oilskin raincoat sometimes worn with matching sou'wester 09slicker it's a target in both croquet & cricket 09wicket eat a banana & ice cream concoction quickly & you've done it this way 01lickety-split h'wood quotes\hollywood quotes creator of "blazing saddles" who said, "i stare at life through fields of mayonnaise" 03mel brooks master of suspense whose credo was "always make the audience suffer as much as possible" 04alfred hitchcock epic director who claimed, "give me any couple of pages of the bible & i'll give you a picture" 04cecil b. demille she said, "every man i knew had fallen in love with gilda & wakened with me" 04rita hayworth "algiers" actress who said, "any girl can look glamorous... stand still & look stupid" 03hedy lamarr hail to chief\hail to the chief as a member of congress, he served on the house un-american activities committee 03richard nixon jefferson, madison, monroe, j.q. adams, van buren & buchanan all held this cabinet post 01secretary of state he declared may 25, 1865, a national mourning day, but changed it to june 1 due to ascension day 04andrew johnson first name shared by our 14th & 32nd presidents, both democrats 01franklin he succeeded w.h. harrison & later was a member of the provisional confederate congress 04john tyler hats\hats this circular "french" cap came back into style when faye dunaway wore one in "bonnie & clyde" 09beret your h.s. graduation wouldn't be complete without this square, flat hat with a tassel 09mortarboard a member of the pba, or what the british normally call a derby 09bowler this red felt hat had been the national headdress of turkey until it was banned in 1925 10fez\tarboosh this round woolen cap was named after the title hero of a robert burns poem 09tam o'shanter nick- names\nicknames this daredevil's real 1st name is robert; "evel," an alteration of evil, is a nickname 03evel knievel nickname of nyc gangster jack diamond, a man it took 4 separate hits to kill 01legs diamond nickname of john birks gillespie 02dizzy to tell the tooth, dentist edgar rudolph parker made this nickname his legal name 02painless parker jessica rabbit's hairstyle mimicked the style of this "peekaboo" girl 04veronica lake weights & meas.\weights & measures the ny times usually has 6 of these across a page, the times of london 8 05columns number of drams in an ounce, it's the same as the number of ounces in a pound 0116\sixteen this unit of speed equals one nautical mile per hour 09knot a measuring device called an audimeter is attached to these in selected u.s. homes 05tvs give someone 2.54 centimeters & he'll have exactly this many inches 011\one art\art world book says his unfinished portrait of washington is probably the best known american one 04gilbert stuart this dc museum was begun in 1937 with a donation from former treas. secretary paul mellon 10national gallery of art 19th century art style of courbet & corot that stressed things as they actually were 01realism in 1933 rockefeller ctr destroyed this mexican artist's mural because a figure was like lenin 04diego rivera this spanish baroque artist included himself in the background of "the maids of honor" 04diego velazquez auto- biogs\autobiographies this co-star of the "road" movies called her book "my side of the road" 03dorothy lamour oscar winner who wrote about his famous siblings in "we barrymores" 04lionel barrymore he called his book "of minnie the moocher & me" 04cab calloway she called her autobiography "three phases of eve," not "our miss eve" 04eve arden character actor whose autobiography is "iron eyes" 03iron eyes cody history\history in 1493 he became the 1st european to reach antigua, which he named for a church in spain 04christopher columbus in 1838 this mexican general regained popular favor after losing a leg in the pastry war 04santa anna the kushan empire was in asia, but the ancient kingdom of kush was on this continent 01africa after this man went insane in 1811, his son was declared regent of england 04george iii\george the third in 1959 this japanese crown prince broke tradition by marrying a commoner 03akihito massa- chusetts\massachusetts tourists visit this town to see the home of nathaniel hawthorne & the "witch house" 01salem majestic mt. greylock, the highest point in the state, is in these "hills" 19berkshires massachusetts produces more of this thanksgiving edible than any other state 05cranberries this industry began to decline in the 1860s when the use of kerosene became widespread 02whaling the largest & most important islands in the state are martha's vineyard & this other resort 01nantucket vice- pres.\vice-presidents serving for 8 years, he was our very 1st vice president 04john adams "tippecanoe's" vp, he was the 1st to succeed to the presidency after the death of the incumbent 04john tyler until 1933, vps normally took their oaths in this chamber; now they usually join the president 10senate during the 1970s we had a total of this many vice- presidents 014\four the life of this man, our 1st vice president from new york, ended in a staten island hotel 04aaron burr world religion\world religion most of the world's zoroastrians, jains & sikhs live in this country 01india the name for this many- storied buddhist tower comes from the portuguese 09pagoda the 3 wise men were called "magi;" 1 wise man would be called this 09magus observed by christians on the 7th sunday after easter, it's greek for the jewish "shavuot" 01pentecost before he disappeared in lebanon, this man had been called the anglican church's kissinger" 03terry waite "last" movies\"last" movies daniel day lewis starred in this film based on james fenimore cooper's novel 10last of the mohicans in this film jack nicholson & otis young try to show randy quaid a good time on his way to the brig 10last detail spencer tracy was an old pol in his final campaign in this film based on boston mayor curley 10last hurrah in a neil simon play & movie, alan arkin was "the last of" this kind of "lovers" 01red hot the filmed story of the farewell concert of the group called the band 10last waltz dance history\dance history in the 11th & 14th centuries it was the macabre place where a "danse macabre" was performed 09cemetery\graveyard the record for one of these is held by a couple who danced from august 29, 1930 to april 1, 1931 09dance marathon 6 of her german students, the "isadorables," toured the u.s. around world war i 04isadora duncan courtly, elegant dance abandoned when the waltz hit european dance halls about 1769 10minuet latin chain dance introduced in the 1930s that goes like this: 1-2-3 kick, 1-2-3 kick..." 10conga france\france about 75% of france's population are members of this religion 01roman catholic they were 1st held in chamonix, france, in 1924 with just 293 participants 19winter olympics only frenchmen are forbidden to enlist in this famous fighting force 10french foreign legion the french buy bread at the "boulangerie" & fancy cakes & pastries in a shop called this 09patisserie vercingetorix was the last chieftain in gaul to be defeated by this conqueror in 52 b.c. 04julius caesar rocks & minerals\rocks & minerals cinnabar is the ore of this most common metal that is liquid at room temperature 01mercury the star of africa, cut from the world's largest diamond, is now part of this set 19crown jewels of england rock crystal is the clear form of this mineral 01quartz a rock that's "gneiss" falls into this class 01metamorphic over 70 varieties of semiprecious & gem stones can be found in this, the "gem state" 01idaho u.s. cities\u.s. cities this city opened a subway station at hartsfield international airport 01atlanta built in 1742, faneuil hall was & still is a famous meeting place in this city 01boston in 1867 lancaster, nebraska, was made state capital & changed its name to this 01lincoln a great lakes port in new york state, it's the world's leading flour milling center 01buffalo in 1847 the settlement of yerba buena changed its name to this & in 1848 thousands of people came 01san francisco wars\wars the war between britain & this country over the falklands ran from april to june of 1982 01argentina not knowing this war was over, troops fought the battle of new orleans 10war of 1812 seeking to end the war, eisenhower, as promised, went here after he was elected 01korea the berlin blockade of 1948-49 was part of this "war" 10cold war this war, which began in 1618, didn't end until 1648 1230 years war\thirty years war "l.a."\"l.a." name describing the western hemisphere area where romance languages are spoken 01latin america type of education broadly based on humanities with little emphasis on job training 01liberal arts rock 'n' roller who sang "tears on my pillow" with the imperials 03little anthony equipment & goods that can be sold quickly for cash 05liquid assets found in sour milk, it's used in adhesives, preservatives & pharma- ceuticals 01lactic acid archi- tects\architects i.m. pei, who was born in this country, became a u.s. citizen in 1954 01china architect chris carradine is the only carradine brother who doesn't pursue this craft 01acting refusing to live in a "used" palace, he had albert speer design a new one 04adolf hitler this u.s. president's designs were inspired by 16th century italian architect a. palladio 04thomas jefferson last name of 17th century british architect inigo, who designed sets & costumes as well 02jones gov't. & politics\government & politics in 1860 this party split; 1 wing nominated john breckinridge, the other stephen douglas 21democratic party after losing the 1952 election with sparkman as vp, he tried again in 1956 with kefauver 04adlai stevenson in 1980 carter refused to debate reagan if this independent candidate participated 03john anderson created as a separate department in 1979, its 1st secretary was shirley hufstedler 10dept of education imprisoned for an anti-war speech in 1919, this socialist ran a 1920 pres. campaign from jail 04eugene v. debs musical theatre\musical theatre yes, toto, in 1903 this was a broadway musical, complete with cyclone 10wizard of oz the "fiddler on the roof" is fiddling on a roof in this country 01russia country that's the setting of "the king and i" 01siam\thailand the title song of stephen sondheim's flop 1964 musical averred "anyone can" do this 01whistle this 1966 musical based on jean de hartog's "the fourposter" requires only 2 performers & a bed 01i do i do the '50s\the '50s in the 1950s, "hi-fi," which was short for this, became the rage 01high fidelity when this series debuted in 1959, jay north, the boy playing the lead, was 7 02dennis the menace in march 1953 the boston braves got the ok to move to this city 01milwaukee 6 years after ousting pres. socarras, fulgencio batista was ousted by this guerrilla leader 03fidel castro phoebe b. beebe was billed as the sister of this "today" show chimp 04j. fred muggs world geog.\world geography jamaica lies directly south of this island 01cuba the capital of this canadian province is the only walled city north of the rio grande 01quebec in dutch, this city's name means "the count's hedge" 01the hague waters from this sea fill the canals of venice 10adriatic bermuda lies some 570 miles east of this u.s. state, the nearest point of land 01north carolina cosmet- ics\cosmetics false eyelashes often come packaged with this, which you use to apply them 01glue\adhesive the shiseido company's headquarters are in the ginza district in this city 01tokyo bb, this designer's initials, are on his body shampoo, body finish, body creme & body mousse 03bill blass this type of make-up sounds like an aunt jemima treat, but apply it with a sponge, not a spatula 01pancake this "angel"ic beauty is the celebrity spokesman for max factor 03jaclyn smith famous pairs\famous pairs when partners burt & irving founded this ice cream chain in 1948, they had fewer than 31 flavors 01baskin-robbins he shared top billing on his tv cartoon show with the road runner 03bugs bunny with bill todman, he produced tv game shows such as "i've got a secret" & "what's my line" 03mark goodson last name of tax specialists henry & richard 01bloch in the early 1960s roger maris & this other new york yankee were known as the "m & m boys" 03mickey mantle geog- raphy\geography it's the largest of the scandinavian countries 01sweden of the erie, suez or panama canals, the longest 10erie the 2 great lakes that border new york 05erie & ontario\ontario & erie the 2 canadian provinces that border new york 05ontario & quebec\quebec & ontario the u.s. still maintains a naval base on this cuban bay that's sometimes called "gitmo" 01guantanamo gone fishin'\gone fishin' splashing & wearing clothes that reflect light may provoke sharks to do this 01attack\bite freshwater eels are catadromous, which means they migrate to the sea to do this 01spawn\breed\lay eggs j. cousteau thinks the fish that swallowed this bible figure may have been a giant grouper 04jonah they come in striped, spotted, largemouth & smallmouth varieties 05bass these food fish were so named because they were 1st caught near an italian island 05sardines medieval people\medieval people it's believed that in 1455 johann fust foreclosed on & took over this man's printing operation 04johann gutenberg spanish warrior, knight errant & star of his own epic, rodrigo diaz de vivar was known as this 04el cid ethelred the unready managed to lose most of england to king sweyn forkbeard of this country 01denmark known as friar roger, this english scientist & philosopher foresaw the airplane 04roger bacon these medieval musicians were originally servants or ministers to the royal court 08minstrels quotes\quotes "i was on my way to being a millionaire... i gave my wealth to the revolution," says this plo boss 03yasir arafat in "maxims for revolution- ists" shaw wrote, "he who can, does, he who cannot," does this 01teaches "now i lay me down to" this; "i pray the lord my soul to keep" 01sleep "an optimist is a guy that has never had much experience," wrote don marquis in this book 01archy & mehitabel\maxims of archy in "the house of the 7 gables" he wrote, "life is made up of marble and mud" 04nathaniel hawthorne "free- dom"\"freedom" racially integrated groups who, in the early 60s, took bus trips to challenge segregation 21freedom riders denzel washington starred in this 1987 film about south african activist steven biko 01cry freedom in "america," it's the line that rhymes with "of thee i sing" 01let freedom ring on the flip side of this 45 record is a john lennon- elton john duet of "i saw her standing there" 01philadelphia freedom to discourage secrecy in government, in 1966 congress passed the foia, which is this 10freedom of information act fiction\fiction swashbuckler who continued his daring adventures in a sequel, "the elusive pimpernel" 22scarlet pimpernel\blakeney troublemaker whose half brother sid "was a quiet boy, and had no... troublesome ways" 04tom sawyer this dandified detective was once "one of the most celebrated members of the belgian police" 04hercule poirot the 1st chapter of this h.g. wells novel is "the strange man's arrival" 10invisible man most of the short stories in his book "in our time" feature nick adams as the central character 04ernest hemingway ireland\ireland we don't mean to bog you down with facts, but this fuel still covers over 10% of the island 01peat in the 9th century these invaders founded the cities of cork, limerick & waterford 21vikings\danes the orange in the flag represents the protestants of this northern province 01ulster rebuilt in the 1840s by guiness, this national cathedral was originally a danish church 01st patrick's the nationalist party in ireland, its name is irish for "we ourselves" 01sinn fein leading men\leading men when asked why he was billed above kate hepburn, he said, "this is a movie, not a lifeboat" 04spencer tracy tom burlinson refused "the man from snowy river" sequel as he's allergic to these animals 05horses rear admiral's son who played military roles in "mash," "great santini" & "apocalypse now" 03robert duvall bursting with familial pride, charlie sheen called this man "the best actor in the business" 03martin sheen this tv "rifleman"s real first name is kevin, not charles 03chuck connors mexico\mexico over half of this country's trade is with mexico 01the u.s. in the 16th century he founded villa rica de veracruz, the site of present-day veracruz 04hernan cortez the 140-mile wide isthmus of tehuantepec separates the gulf of mexico from this body of water 10pacific ocean belize and this other central american country border mexico 01guatemala honored as the father of independence, he was captured by the spanish, defrocked & executed 04father miguel hidalgo pres. trivia\presidential trivia in late 1988 this 1st lady said of her husband, "i don't think his staff served him well" 03nancy reagan the kennedy clan often played touch football at the family compound in this cape cod town 01hyannisport depression- era president who received 89 honorary degrees, more than any other president 04herbert hoover when he wanted to enlarge the supreme court, his opponents called it "packing the court" 04franklin roosevelt\fdr he was the 2nd president from ohio to be assassinated 04william mckinley 18th c. america\18th century america in december 1783 gen. washington resigned his commission before congress in this md. cap. 01annapolis the 1st of the 4 coercive or intolerable acts were passed in 1774 as punishment for this 12boston tea party the 1st census of the united states was held in this year 021790 in july 1701 this city had only one cadillac-- antoine, its founder 01detroit on september 22, 1776, he lost his "one life" with regret 04nathan hale dict. abbrev.\dictionary abbreviations "naut." isn't the abbreviation for naughty but for this 01nautical "sing." isn't a command to vocalize, it's short for this grammatical term 01singular a "conj." isn't a conjurer, it's one of these 09conjunction\conjugation etymologically speaking, "skt." isn't short for skirt or skittles but for this 01sanskrit while "ft." means foot or feet, "fut." is an abbreviation for this 01future furn- iture\furniture made to hold linens, one can be called bridal, hope or sweetheart 09chest it's a hassock or stool, as miss muffett could tell you 09tuffet shojis are translucent screens which originated in this country 01japan french for "chewed paper," this molded paper pulp was used to make victorian furniture 01papier mache the style named for this 18th cent. english queen featured shell carvings & cabriole legs 04queen anne gems & jewelry\gems & jewelry most gem quality opals are now mined in the outback of this country 01australia the chinese call this gemstone "jewel of heaven" & use it as a charm against misfortune 01jade blue corundum is better known as this 09sapphire wedgwood designs these jewelry pieces using a white paste relief on a colored background 05cameos in 1900 the world's most famous jewelry store was this parisian one founded by alfred & louis 01cartier myst- eries\mysteries the 1926 novel "the murder of roger ackroyd" made this mystery author world famous 04agatha christie british lord who dealt with "the unpleasantness at the bellona club" 04lord peter wimsey this creator of the continental op spent 8 years as a pinkerton detective 04dashiell hammett "friday" this detective "slept late," & "saturday" he "went hungry" 03the rabbi\david small detective hero of 21 "colorful" stories by john d. macdonald 03travis mcgee reptiles\reptiles the only u.s. state to which both alligators & crocodiles are native 01florida a primary purpose of a reptile's skin is to keep it from dessicating, or losing this 01water the glass snake is not really a snake but a legless type of this reptile 09lizard for snakes, the record for speed, not dancing, is said to be held by this deadly african snake 10mamba it's the branch of zoology that studies reptiles 01herpetology "dd"\"dd" a command to dobbin to speed up 01giddyup noon 01midday one who follows the latest diets, clothing styles, etc. 09faddist king adbul aziz int'l., 1 of the world's largest airports, serves this city 01jidda in the song, "my heart belongs to" this person 03daddy "right" songs\"right" songs the rooftop singers' 1963 no. 1 hit said to do this before you "sit right down" 01walk right in according to this 1973 carly simon song, "lovin' you" is this 10right thing to do this song from "can-can" begins "it's the wrong time and the wrong place" 01it's all right with me nocturnally speaking, this 1977 song was jennifer warnes's 1st top 10 hit 01right time of the night in "south pacific," how nellie forbush said she'd "wash that man" 01right outa my hair business & ind.\business & industry french company that's no. 1 in sales of sparkling mineral water in the u.s. 01perrier in 1988 the faa gave this co. $3.5 billion to improve the air traffic control computer syst. 01ibm companies in this industry suffered the biggest losses from 1992's hurricane andrew 01insurance pharmacist benjamin green started this co. in 1944 after cocoa butter tanned his bald head 01coppertone ultralock & elna lock are makes of sergers, which are used in conjunction with these machines 05sewing machines europe\europe nation whose flag is made up of the crosses of st. george, st. andrew & st. patrick 01the united kingdom in 1967 the citizens of this 2.3 sq. mile territory voted against its being returned to spain 01gibraltar collective name for the netherlands, belgium & luxembourg 10low countries\benelux you can go from one part of this city to the other by crossing the ponte vecchio over the arno 01florence the 1918 breakup of this dual monarchy ended the hapsburg family's empire 01austria-hungary left- overs\leftovers some say the art of topiary gardening was invented in this empire by a friend of augustus 02rome the 40-day display of dukakis's wax figure was the shortest in this london museum's history 01madame tussauds embroidery stitches will be more regular if the fabric is held taut in one of these 09hoop\frame this woodwind instrument has been described as "a clarinet with a cold in its chest" 09bassoon first name of mr. bartlett whose "familiar quotations" is a standard reference work 01john tv trivia\tv trivia tv show about these little blue creatures won a humanitas prize for "enriching human values" 19smurfs alice took messages for mike, carol, cindy, greg, & the rest of this household 21brady bunch accordionist who had the longest- running prime time music series in the u.s. 04lawrence welk she became the 1st woman to win an emmy for hosting a game show for her "just men!" series in 1983 04betty white like "ironside" & "mcmillan & wife," "full house" is set in this city 01san francisco books & authors\books & authors he wrote a novel called "the great american novel" a few years after "portnoy's complaint" 03philip roth this author of "brave new world" was the great-nephew of the poet matthew arnold 04aldous huxley for a time in his youth, truman capote lived next to this author of "to kill a mockingbird" 04harper lee he served as a u.s. consul in germany & scotland after he wrote "the luck of roaring camp" 04bret harte the french gave this author of "ethan frome" the legion of honor award for wwi aid to the allies 04edith wharton europe history\european history as chancellor of germany from 1871-90, he forged an empire 04otto von bismarck in the mid- 16th century, this country's king banned the use of turkish baths by the moors 01spain when henry ii tried to take control of the church in england, this archbishop fought him 04thomas a becket luther was protesting the sale of these in germany as zwingli was doing the same in switzerland 05indulgences he preceded & followed clement atlee as britain's prime minister 04winston churchill food\food this company's "special request" soups contain 1/3 less salt than its regular soups 01campbells thick cream that contains at least 36% milk fat is known by this "weighty" term 01heavy cream this nut confection is also called "marchpane" 01marzipan though its name says it's russian, the charlotte russe was created in this country 01france you need to add this to white sauce if you want to make mornay sauce 01cheese\gruyere\parmesan jewelry\jewelry some of these animals are placed in wire cages to protect them while they're making pearls 05oysters 19th century black mourning jewelry was made from a glassy form of this fossil fuel 01coal at 563 carats, "the star of" this country is the largest fine blue star sapphire in the world 01india this popular diamond setting was introduced by louis comfort's father in 1870 12tiffany setting named for a russian czar, it's one of the birth stones worn by people born in june 01alexandrite usa\usa hawaii's bishop museum was founded as a memorial to the last direct descendant of this king 04kamehameha petersen house, where lincoln died, is across the street from this other famous building 01ford's theatre usa today reports they are the usa's fastest- growing ethnic group 20hispanics\latin this northeast state is the only state whose name is a homophone of a common word 01maine this southeast state is fringed by a long chain of sandbars called the outer banks 01north carolina words\words when this is cast on election day, you express your wish or vow, the original latin meaning 09vote the name of this snake comes from the portuguese for "hooded snake" 10cobra this practice of giving important jobs to relatives came from a latin word meaning "nephew" 01nepotism because scenes of tales were painted on the levels of buildings, the levels were called this 05stories something out of place is called this, from the greek for "time" and "backwards" 14anachronism caves\caves sea cave on the isle of capri famous for its sapphire- colored light 10blue grotto it's located under stately wayne manor 10batcave this extinct animal can be found today in the title of a jean auel book 10cave bear the largest subterranean chamber in the u.s. is the "big room" in this system 01carlsbad caverns france's lascaux cave isn't noted for its size or unique formations, but for these 05cave paintings\art\drawings famous folks\famous folks his real name was eric hilliard nelson; hilliard was his mother's stage name 04rick nelson most of the songs she sang on her "broadway" album were written by stephen sondheim 03barbra streisand jacqueline kennedy onassis was an editor of this singer's autobiography, "moonwalk" 03michael jackson star of "witness" & "top gun" who now owns a restaurant in key west, florida 03kelly mcgillis stedman graham is her steady boyfriend 03oprah winfrey\winfrey football\football in the 1920s, grantland rice called this college's backfield "the four horsemen" 01notre dame the embraceable ewes are the cheerleading squad of this nfl team 20los angeles rams the first 2 super bowls were won by this midwest team 20green bay packers in college play the ball is placed on this yard line for the point after touchdown attempt 103 yard line\three this ohio state coach was fired for hitting a clemson player in the 1978 gator bowl 04woody hayes hodge- podge\hodgepodge egyptians not only made paper from this plant, they made ropes, mats & sandals, too 01papyrus u.s. coin on which you'd find a torch & sprigs of oak & laurel 10dime largest of the 9 cartilages in the larynx, it's technically called a thyroid cartilage 10adam's apple french for "blue ribbon," it usually refers to a chef of great expertise 01cordon bleu in a famous work by bach, this name precedes "joy of man's desiring" 01jesu new hampsh'r\new hampshire sgt. preston of the yukon would feel at home at the derby in laconia devoted to races of these 05dog sleds the state's white mountains are part of this larger chain 19appalachians a tall white species of this tree once used to make indian canoes is new hampshire's state tree 10white birch it's the four- word ultimatum that serves as the state's motto 01live free or die from 1641-79 new hampshire was ruled by this colony 01massachusetts weather\weather a recent study indicates 22-40% of lightning flashes without this being heard 01thunder a slippery mixture of falling rain & snow 01sleet this term for a tropical cyclone is the far east equivalent of a "hurricane" 09typhoon\baguio arizona "black blizzards" created by a mix of high wet winds from the tropics & dry ground air 05dust storms\sand storms the national weather svce. defines this as a considerable snowfall with winds over 35 mph 09blizzard 19th c. america\19th century america in the mid- 1890s this publisher hired away the sunday staff of pulitzer's new york paper 04william randolph hearst on september 19, 1865, he received a patent for his sleeping car 04george pullman this poem by katherine lee bates was 1st published on july 4, 1895; the music came later 01america the beautiful can you beat that? in 1850 congress outlawed this form of punishment in the navy 01flogging alexander hamilton was important in this man's losing the 1804 race for governor of new york 04aaron burr sauces\sauces seen a condiment as well as a sauce, the fancy grade consists of no less than 33% tomato solids 01ketchup\catsup basic italian spaghetti sauce whose name means "in sailor's style" 01marinara a variety of very hot chili pepper, or a brand of very hot sauce sold in small dropper bottles 01tabasco sauce brown sugar, corn syrup, cream & butter create this sauce often served on sundaes 01butterscotch\caramel the color of & other name for bechamel sauce 01white sauce starts & ends "h"\starts & ends with "h" in a chorus of "the messiah," the sopranos sing this word 39 times 01hallelujah sound you might hear from mr. ed after one of wilbur's corny jokes 09horselaugh turkish candy made with sesame seeds & honey 01halvah a 3-d image produced by a laser 09holograph last name of the composer who wrote the music to "the way we were" 03hamlisch the u.k.\the u.k. ben nevis, tallest mtn. in the u.k., is located in this appropriately named part of scotland 19highlands london's largest & europe's busiest airport 01heathrow james vi of scotland was known by this name & number when he became king of england as well 04james i\james first this epic of the hero who grendel & his monster mom is the 1st major english poem 01beowulf among modern celtic languages, this, not gaelic, is the 1 most often spoken in the u.k. 01welsh theater\theater she co-starred with woody allen in both the stage & film versions of "play it again, sam" 03diane keaton this beatle known for his sketches inspired a sketch for "oh! calcutta!" 04john lennon the title of this lorraine hansberry play comes from a poem by langston hughes 01a raisin in the sun david carradine was the first to star in a "follies" about this american humorist 04will rogers in "polly," the sequel to this john gay work, macheath becomes a pirate 10beggar's opera theater history\theater history this norwegian was an apothecary's apprentice before becoming "the father of modern drama" 04henrik ibsen the original commedia dell'arte performers wore masks & spoke this language 01italian many ancient greek plays featured a chorus of these mythical goat-men 05satyrs developed in the 17th century, this form of theater has men called "onnagata" in female roles 01kabuki "the spanish tragedy," a popular play of the 16th century, was written in this language 01english 1966\1966 some called this new health care plan for the elderly a step toward socialized medicine 01medicare on july 17, jim ryun set a new record by running this race in 3 minutes, 51.3 seconds 09mile one of the fashion fads of the year was the disposable dress, made of this 01paper\mylar bill cosby took home an emmy for his role as alexander scott in this series 01i spy arthur schlesinger's history of the kennedy administration that won a pulitzer in 1966 02a thousand days comic books\comic books in 1941, "the 3 musketeers" became the 1st book to be transformed into a comic in this series 01classic comics with rodents as the lead characters, "miami vice" became this title for the comics 01miami mice a marvel comic chronicles his adventures on both earth & melmac 03alf in the titles of their current comics, spiderman is "amazing" & the hulk is this 01incredible archie's girlfriend, who has her own comic in which she jet-sets around the world 03veronica lodge golf\golf also known as "supermex," he once wore top hat & tails to play in a tournament 03lee trevino born in latrobe, pa, this popular pro did his military service in the coast guard 03arnold palmer it is generally agreed that golf originated in this country 01scotland in 1978 she won $190,000 and was chosen player of the year & rookie of the year 03nancy lopez if you've ever wondered, his nickname comes from his initials, f.u.z. 03fuzzy zoeller men's names\men's names first name of 5 presidents, 6 signers of the dec. of independence & 10 men on the mayflower 01john the greek word for sovereign or tyrant gave us this first name of a "power"ful actor 01tyrone palindromic name that's also a verb meaning to move up & down, like a cork in water 01bob the 2 men's names that precede "mounds" & "and mary" 05peter & paul\paul & peter meaning "he gave" in hebrew, it's the name of a patriot who gave his life for his country 01nathan hale musical instr.\musical instruments the saxophone belongs to this family, not the brass 19woodwinds phil collins once said, "whatever else i am, i'm" one of these "first" 09drummer a popular kids' song written back in 1945 is about a tuba named this 01tubby it's the national instrument of spain 10guitar the common scottish highland bagpipes have this many drone pipes 013\three philo- sophy\philosophy to both a philosopher & a fish, it's a group or movement to which he belongs 09school plato considered him his brightest student & called him the "mind of the school" 04aristotle because they met on athens' stoa poikile, the painted porch, zeno's students were called this 05stoics we're pretty sure pyrrho of elis began this school of philosophy, but you can never be certain 01scepticism leibniz's optimistic view of the world was ridiculed by voltaire in this work 01candide design\design oak park, a chicago suburb, has been called a museum of his prairie school of architecture 04frank lloyd wright the romans used colored stone or glass backed by gold foil to make these intricate art works 05mosaics after the great fire of london, he oversaw rebuilding of 51 churches in addition to st. paul's 04christopher wren these fantastic figures, human & animal, were so named because they were 1st found in a grotto 05grotesques mies van der rohe designed a famous chair that shares its name with this spanish city 01barcelona movie trivia\movie trivia hollywood insider movie in which tim robbins played a murderous studio executive 01the player when gene kelly broke an ankle, this star came out of retirement to play in "easter parade" 04fred astaire in "beaches," 46-year-old lainie kazan played the mother of this 43-year-old 03bette midler this film ran for 31 weeks in paris with the title "blanche neige et les sept nains" 01snow white & the seven dwarfs "hercules" & "hercules unchained" starring this muscleman are available uncut on home video 04steve reeves number, please\number, please on tv's "get smart," this was the number of the agent who gave birth to twins 0499\ninety-nine newsmagazine seen friday nights on abc, or an ophthalmol- ogist's term for normal vision 0120-20\twenty twenty wwi doughboys said this many "frenchmen can't be wrong," even though there weren't that many 0150 million\fifty million number of "lords a-leaping" in the song "the twelve days of christmas" 0110\ten in italian art & literature, "quattrocento" refers to the style of this century 1015th\1400s sports\sports while a golden gloves winner is a boxer, a gold glove winner plays this sport 01baseball hooker & scrumhalf are positions in this british sport that resembles football 01rugby you won't find frank zamboni in the hockey hall of fame, but you can see a zamboni resurface this 01ice named for a female tennis champ, this thoroughbred was racing's lead money winner in 1974 04chris evert italian klaus dibiasi won olympic gold medals in the summers of '68, '72 & '76 in this sport 01platform diving the old west\the old west shot for hides, 3,500 tons of their bones were hauled by the santa fe railroad in 1874 05buffalo\bison in the old west, if an outlaw died of "hemp fever," he went this way 01hanging in 1891 this was found in poverty gulch, colorado, by robert womack, a cowboy who died poor 01gold settlers bound for california who made the mistake of taking the "hastings cut- off" in 1826 21donner party during 1871, texans drove about 600,000 cattle north to abilene kansas on this route 12chisholm trail world lit.\world literature called the greatest of all latin poets, he's most noted for the "aeneid" 04virgil lady sei shonagon wrote "pillow book," gossipy stories considered a classic in this country 01japan "the ghost of christmas present" appears in this dickens novel 01a christmas carol playwrights born there include dion boucicault, lady gregory, john synge & samuel beckett 01ireland\uk\britain this british author's book "ashenden" is an account of his spying exploits in world war i 04somerset maugham artists\artists in return for film rights, japanese tv financed a 12-year work cleaning his vatican frescoes 04michelangelo though he died in france, van gogh was born in this country 01the netherlands\holland harper's weekly hired winslow homer to provide illustrations of this war for its readers 12civil war when his "false start" sold in nov. 1988 for $17 million, it set a record for a living artist 03jasper johns edward hicks's best-known work, it shows the prophecy in isaiah 11:6 about animals together 10peaceable kingdom italy\italy this city actually has several leaning towers 01pisa members of parliament frequently vote with this type of ballot never used in the u.s. congress 01secret one of italy's traditional exports is this rock used often in churches & public buildings 01marble\limestone tiny mountaintop republic located completely within italy 01san marino turin and these 2 other northern cities form northwest italy's industrial triangle 05milan & genoa\genoa & milan name the poet\name that poet "by the shores of gitche gumee, by the shining big sea water, stood the wigwam of nokomis" 04henry wadsworth longfellow "something there is that doesn't love a wall" 04robert frost "when i consider how my light is spent, ere half my days, in this dark world and wide..." 04john milton "that's my last duchess painted on the wall" 04robert browning "ay, tear her tattered ensign down! long has it waved on high..." 04oliver wendell holmes state flags\state flags it's the only u.s. state to feature a picture of a president on its flag 01washington an osage warrior's shield, an olive branch & a peace pipe appear on this state's flag 01oklahoma it's the only state whose flag bears the word "republic" 01california the coats of arms of the calvert & crossland families adorn this state's flag 01maryland oregon's flag has its state seal on one side & this animal on the other 09beaver u.s. gov't.\u.s. government this state has the most electoral votes 01california though some presidents never received advanced degrees, they all passed this "college" 10electoral college in 1967 the coast guard transferred from the treasury dept. to this new cabinet department 01transportation the statue of liberty & lincoln memorial are administered by this branch of the interior dept. 10national park service when nominated to the supreme court in 1987, r. bork & d. ginsburg were serving on this court 10us court of appeals vitamins & mins.\vitamins & minerals a deficiency of this b vitamin, also known as nicotinic acid, causes pellagra 01niacin although a some of this in food & water can reduce cavities, an excess can mottle teeth 01fluoride doctors advise a restricted intake of this to help reduce blood pressure 01sodium\salt the blood level of this mineral, necessary for bone growth, is regulated by the parathyroid 01calcium you need this "sunshine vitamin" to promote the absorption of calcium 01vitamin d astro- nomy\astronomy an early system classified stars as giants or these, of which our sun is one 05dwarfs isaac newton built the 1st telescope of this type 01reflecting telescope the average distance between the earth & this is 239,000 miles, not too far 10moon it's defined as all space & everything contained in it 10universe\cosmos the crab nebula is the remnant of one of these witnessed by chinese astronomers in 1054 09supernova celeb. marriage\celebrity marriages this oscar winner married 2 actresses: dixie lee & kathryn grant 04bing crosby this olympic gold medalist was once married to the late dean-paul martin 03dorothy hamill bruce willis is married to this star of "a few good men" & "indecent proposal" 03demi moore in 1981, david & elizabeth emanuel became world famous as designers of her wedding gown 03princess diana\princess of wales she was the widow of florenz ziegfeld when she played a witch in "the wizard of oz" 04billie burke grammar\grammar it's also called the interrogation mark 10question mark the shortest personal pronoun in the english language 01i it's the preposition in the following: alex walked under the ladder 01under this punctuation mark is most frequently used after the salutation in a business letter 10colon it has more uses than any other punctuation mark 10comma pot luck\pot luck edwin armstrong invented this, now the most popular radio band in the u.s. 01fm this royal child was born at 18 minutes past 8 pm on the 8th day of the 8th month of 1988 03princess beatrice of york this english suffix that follows sud, shrews & glaston means "castle" 01bury the bible says it contained aaron's rod & a pot of manna as well as the ten commandments 10ark of the covenant this 44- carat blue diamond was presented to the smithsonian in 1958 by harry winston 10hope diamond the foot\the foot your foot touches the ground only at the heel & the ball, unless this is "fallen" 10arch named for a greek warrior, it runs from the heel bone to the calf muscle 10achilles tendon describing humans, it's from the latin for "two-footed" 01bipedal a wedge- shaped bone in the foot, it's also the term for ancient wedge-shaped writing 01cuneiform like your thumb, an ape's big toe is this, meaning it can be moved toward the other digits 01opposable world history\world history fdr called december 7, 1941, "a date which will" do this 01live in infamy following his service in the american revolution, thaddeus kosciusko led a revolution here 01poland 1988 was the 400th anniversary of the defeat of this famous fleet 12spanish armada after these wars ended in 1485, the royal houses of york & lancaster were united 18wars of the roses after teaching french at a connecticut girls' school, he served as premier of france in ww i 04georges clemenceau airport desig.\airport designations atl 01atlanta\hartsfield sfo 01san francisco lga 01la guardia\new york phx 01phoenix\sky harbor dtw 01detroit animals\animals the mysterious ogopogo is canada's equivalent to this legendary scottish creature 10loch ness monster\nessie in 1988 the humane society of the u.s. introduced "you should be ashamed to wear" this 01fur types of this fish include dog, humpback & chinook 01pacific salmon endangered asian mammal chosen as the symbol of the world wildlife fund over 25 years ago 10panda like some cats, great horned owls have this color eyes 01yellow famous alices\famous alices this tv alice lived in brooklyn with her bus driver husband, ralph 03alice kramden vincent furnier 03alice cooper according to arlo guthrie, "you can get anything you want" here 01alice's restaurant her middle initial, b, stood for babette 04alice b. toklas born alice jean leppert, this blonde actress was fox's top musical star until betty grable 04alice faye fiction\fiction the hero of this sir walter scott saga is the son of cedric the saxon 01ivanhoe much of his "east of eden" is set in the salinas valley, just east of monterey bay, ca 04john steinbeck one of nikolai gogol's 1st works was this historical novel of a cossack & his sons, ostap & andri 01taras bulba his "mosses from an old manse" is called 1 of the finest collections of stories in american lit. 04nathaniel hawthorne wm. saroyan wrote "the human comedy" & this 19th c. frenchman wrote "la comedie humaine" 04honore de balzac musicals\musicals irving caesar wrote lyrics for 1927's "yes, yes yvette" & this 1925 predecessor 01no no nanette ads hyping this "musical sensation" said "don't miz out" 01les miserables "winnie," a musical about him, featured a tank & a live bulldog 04winston churchill he won a tony for co-writing "redhead" long before he wrote "the other side of midnight" 03sidney sheldon this garry trudeau comic strip inspired a 1983 musical featuring duke & zonker 01doonesbury state holidays\state holidays alabama, florida, mississipi & s. carolina observe lee's birthday in january & his in june 03jefferson davis every year on august 16, this state observes the anniversary of the battle of bennington 01vermont this state celebrates seward's day-- with good reason 01alaska the state that celebrates andrew jackson's birthday, march 15 01tennessee californians celebrate it on luther burbank's birthday; in nebraska it's on julius morton's 01arbor day "in" crowd\the "in" crowd it's burned during religious ceremonies to produce a pleasant fragrance 01incense on a dye classification chart, it's listed under "vat blue 35" 01indigo it's the longest word in the pledge of allegiance 01indivisible medical specialty that covers the "insides" of the body 14internist paul muni & ed begley starred as opposing lawyers in this 1955 play based on the scopes trial 01inherit the wind approx. weights\approximate weights & measures size for unusually large eggs or elephants 01jumbo an amount held between the thumb & index finger, one can be "of salt" or "of snuff" 09pinch amount of "dollars" clint eastwood worked for, in the title of his 1st spaghetti western 09fistful amount of brylcreem that'll "do ya" 09little dab in the title of a 1957 jerry lee lewis hit, there was this much "shakin' going on" 09whole lot pres. trivia\presidential trivia both the adamses & the roosevelts attended this ivy league school 01harvard this president's family name was originally pollock or pollok 04james k. polk 15 presidents were members of this fraternal organization 20freemasons she played ronald reagan's fiancee in her last film, "hellcats of the navy" 03nancy davis reagan he was our country's 1st blue-eyed president 04george washington quotes\quotes isabella beeton wrote, "a place for everything and..." this 01everything in its place "boston, the home of the bean & cod, where the lowells talk to the cabots & the cabots talk" to him 03god "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent," wrote this first lady in 1937 04eleanor roosevelt plato records his last words as "crito, i owe a cock to asclepius; will you pay the debt?" 04socrates "stick close to your desks and never go to sea, & you all may be rulers of" this, wrote wm. gilbert 10queen's navee singers\singers loretta lynn's album "i remember patsy" was a tribute to this singer, her dear friend 04patsy cline "good golly miss molly," he once claimed his music "makes the blind see" & "the deaf hear" 03little richard\penniman his home is a pink-trimmed mansion in new orleans, but we don't know if he walks to it 03fats domino she said, "i would much rather have stood by 1 man for a lifetime than 4 for a short time" 03tammy wynette with a masters in psychology, he might use "we're in this love together" to counsel couples 03al jarreau trans- port\transportation draft animals include the clydesdale horse, the indian elephant & this siberian dog 10husky\samoyed meaning "tied wood," this boat first consisted of a platform lashed across 2 canoes or logs 09catamaran the name of this long runnerless sled comes from the micmac indians of canada 09toboggan it's someone who takes a leisurely walk, or the type of baby carriage he might be pushing 09stroller\perambulator a single track system on which one or more train cars may travel 09monorail 10-let. words\10-letter words metric unit of length equal to .3937 inches 09centimeter "madam, i'm adam" is an example of one 09palindrome in a fixed position, unmoving, like some weather fronts 01stationary a ten-letter body part you can file, buff & paint 09fingernail roots of this plant, "deadly nightshade," are made into medicine to treat asthma & colic 01belladonna fict. char.\fictional characters the spitz is buck's arch rival, & buck eventually kills him in this jack london novel 10call of the wild when he lived in lilliput, the natives gave him meat & drink enough for 1,728 of their own people 04lemuel gulliver jake barnes is the hero in love with lady brett ashley in this hemingway tale 10sun also rises tom jones was raised by mr. allworthy, who was actually this relative of tom's 01uncle elizabeth bennet, heroine of this novel, was her father's favorite among 5 daughters 01pride & prejudice kansas\kansas the 1st drought- resistant variety of this grain was brought to kansas in the 1870s 01wheat you can see a re-creation of historic front street & boot hill in this former wild west town 01dodge city kansas leads the nation in the production of this lighter-than- air gas 01helium kansas is rectangular in shape except for the n.e. corner where this river forms the boundary 10missouri the case of oliver brown v. this city's board of education in 1954 outlawed school segregation 01topeka movies\movies lucy had a ball as this musicalized "auntie" 04mame near the start of this film, sydney greenstreet says he'd like to buy rick's cafe americain 01casablanca this film that won liz taylor an oscar got its title from a telephone exchange 01butterfield 8\butterfield eight this 1945 film begins with gunshots & a dying man's last word: "mildred" 01mildred pierce lerner & loewe wrote the score for this "regal" movie musical about a boy from outer space 10little prince organi- zations\organizations this senior citizens' group founded by maggie kuhn in 1970 was likened to black militants 20gray panthers "show a kid how america works" is the slogan of this young people's business organization 01junior achievement members of the american budgerigar society are fanciers of this type of animal 05parakeets\birds organization of mens' clubs founded in detroit in 1915 & not named after a kind of deer 20kiwanis based at rebel field in harlingen, texas, this group restores & flies vintage ww i aircraft 10confederate air force women in hist.\women in history first names of the two first ladies who married men named george 05martha & barbara\barbara & martha tradition says priscilla mullins came to america on this ship 12mayflower a day before her husband's funeral, she led 40,000 in support of striking sanitation workers 03coretta scott king in 1948 she discovered a 25 million- year-old skull in africa 04mary leakey in 1950 the pope sanctioned her missionaries of charity order in india 03mother teresa b'way lyrics\broadway lyrics "west side story" in which "i feel charming, oh so charming, it's alarming how charming i feel" 01i feel pretty "gray skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy" one of these 09face if you know this song from "gypsy," you know "everything's coming up" these 05roses "by order summer lingers through" this month "in camelot" 01september song from "fiddler on the roof" that asks, "is this the little girl i carried?" 01sunrise, sunset french revol.\the french revolution the "reign of" this ended with the death of robespierre 01terror written during the revolution in 1792 & then banned, it later became the national anthem 10marseillaise this famous quote is from a work by the philosopher rousseau, not marie antoinette 01let them eat cake where the third estate swore they wouldn't disband until they had a constitution 11tennis court called the "society of friends of the constitution," it was more commonly known as this "club" 21jacobins hodge- podge\hodgepodge hairy adjective describing sheep & mammoths 01woolly susan b. anthony was raised in this religion 01quaker\friends the science of calculating the position of a ship & directing its course 01navigation new york city landmark that was bombed in 1993 10world trade center named for an english chemist who had it & studied it, daltonism is better known as this 01color blindness national parks\national parks the painted desert is part of this park known for indian ruins & rock-hard wood 10petrified forest talk about bad ideas-- a 19th century doctor set up a tb hospital in this kentucky cavern 01mammoth cave colorful lava walls tower 2,000 feet above this deep blue lake in oregon 01crater lake a florida national park protects much of this "river of grass" 10everglades mt. mckinley, highest mountain in north america, is located in this alaska park 01denali prisons\prisons 42 people were killed during a 5-day siege at this western new york prison in 1971 01attica this federal penitentiary, 1 of only 6, is located on the missouri river in kansas 01leavenworth in a 1953 film, william holden escaped from this nazi prison camp 02stalag 17\stalag seventeen while marquette has a university named for him, this partner got stuck with an illinois prison 04louis joliet slang for a two-masted sailing ship, or the prison on it 01brig tv\tv futuristic hanna-barbera cartoon series that featured a robot maid named rosie 12jetsons al bundy is a salesman of these items on "married... with children" 05shoes although colt seavers of "the fall guy" did this for a living, he also chased bail jumpers 01stuntwork he sits across the aisle from gene siskel 03roger ebert this former producer of "abc's wide world of sports" got his 1st emmy nomination in 1966 03roone arledge archae- ology\archaeology volcanic debris & ash up to 23 ft. deep helped preserve this city, 1st refound in the 16th c. 01pompeii in examining mummies, archaeologists found that many egyptians had this joint disease 01arthritis using dendrochrono- logy, an archaeologist can "date" objects made of wood by studing these 05tree rings an old human skull & the jawbone of a modern orangutan were used to create this hoax of a "man" 04piltdown man it was written in 196 b.c. in hieroglyphics, demotic egyptian & greek 10rosetta stone capital cities\capital cities the thai name for this capital is krung thep, which means "city of angels" 01bangkok name of the 1st capital of new york state, or the present capital of jamaica 01kingston 16th c. jewish refugees from portugal & spain helped make it the world diamond cutting capital 01amsterdam the witches' market in this bolivian capital has been called a "glorious adventure" for kids 01la paz the capital of nova scotia was named after george montagu dunk, the 2nd earl of this 01halifax pot- pourri\potpourri to kowtow to the emperor, your head should touch the floor this many times after each kneeling 013\three as a major leaguer, he won more games than any other but he lost even more than he won 04connie mack according to the camp song, "it was sad when" this "great ship went down" 12titanic the 1st europeans to arrive in minnesota were explorers from this country 01france this florida lake is the 2nd largest body of fresh water wholly in the u.s. 01lake okeechobee psych- ology\psychology he was in analysis in "annie hall" & has been in real life for more than 30 years 03woody allen to become a psychiatrist, you must hold this degree 01md\do burrhus frederic are the first & middle names of this author of "walden two" 04b.f. skinner this swiss psychologist differentiated "extroverts" & "introverts" 04carl jung freud 1st wrote of this complex in "the interpretation of dreams" published in 1899 10oedipus complex starts with "c"\starts with "c" this adjective can precede lantern, red & restaurant syndrome 01chinese pepperidge farm named different varieties of these for milan, brussels & orleans 05cookies secluded, especially in a monastery or a convent 01cloistered referring to a person it means lenient or merciful; referring to weather it means mild 01clement fruit that's cooked in syrup, or a long-stemmed dish for candy or nuts 09compote u.s. cities\u.s. cities this capital of south carolina was built to placate those who felt charleston was too far south 01columbia the cost of its office space is only 1/3 that of tokyo, but it's still the highest in the u.s. 01new york\nyc the boeing red barn, where the company started, forms the core of this city's museum of flight 01seattle this city's polluted cuyahoga river caught fire in 1969, but it has been cleaned up since then 01cleveland missouri town of 11,000 where you find westminster college & a winston churchill memorial 01fulton fine china\fine china yes, "deer," this 1942 disney film inspired a set of plates featuring little animals 01bambi flora danica china was originally made as a gift for this country's empress catherine ii 01russia the 1st bone china, which really is made from bones, was made in this country circa 1800 01england\britain you can buy copies of the china this architect designed for tokyo's imperial hotel 04frank lloyd wright don't "weep" for thomas minton, the 18th c. potter who made this woody pattern still used today 01willow fine china\fine china this american china co. was founded in 1889 in trenton, nj, & has made many white house services 01lenox the 2-color combination most associated with the famous ming dynasty china 05blue & white\white & blue founded by an american, haviland is the best-known firm making porcelain in this french town 01limoges unglazed "biscuit" china is commonly referred to by this shorter name 01bisque belleek porcelain was named for a town in this country, where it was 1st made 01ireland historic films\historical films british actor michael jayston played czar nicholas ii in this 1971 epic 01nicholas & alexandra in the 1939 film "juarez," paul muni played juarez & brian aherne played this archduke 04maximilian "55 days at peking" portrayed this turn-of-the- century insurrection 12boxer rebellion alec guinness executed the role of this executed king in the 1970 film "cromwell" 04charles ii\charles the second george arliss played this prime minister on broadway, in a silent film & in a 1929 film 04benjamin disraeli islands\islands st. george's channel, the north channel & this sea separate ireland from great britain 10irish sea canada's smallest province 01prince edward island abel tasman, who discovered this island, called it van diemen's land 01tasmania large mediterranean island governed as part of france 01corsica an undersea volcano created the new island of surtsey for this north atlantic country 01iceland people\people pia zadora & her husband are the proud owners of this estate, once the home of mary pickford 01pickfair in 1988 a burbank street was renamed bob hope drive in honor of bob's 50 years with this network 01nbc the youngest marx brother & the last, by his nickname, alphabetically 04zeppo\herbert this great georgia-born singer was blinded at age 6 by what was later diagnosed as glaucoma 03ray charles in 1986 this late jockey became the oldest man to win the kentucky derby 04willie shoemaker spirit. songs\spiritual songs "oh lord, i want to be in that number," when these "go marching in" 19saints a spiritual asks this to "swing low" when it's "comin' for to carry me home" 01sweet chariot julia ward howe wrote the "battle hymn" of this 10republic "on the wings of" this "he sends his pure sweet love" 09snow white dove joshua "fit the battle" here and "the walls came tumblin' down" 01jericho archi- tecture\architecture luxor & karnak are sites of some of the greatest architecture this country produced 01egypt in gothic cathedrals the main facade faces this way to catch the light of the setting sun 01west since the 6th century, man has used this building material made of sand, stone, cement & water 01concrete style of medieval architecture based on ancient roman plans & designs 01romanesque 17th c. mogul shah jahan hired architects from india, central asia & persia to design this 10taj mahal cattle\cattle it's defined as meat from calves less than 3 months old 01veal polled cattle naturally lack these 05horns term for a young cow that hasn't given birth yet 09heifer this state leads all others in the number of beef cattle 01texas uruguay & this other s. am. country have per capita beef consumption higher than the u.s. 01argentina literary terms\literary terms a figure of speech, similar to a simile but not using "like" or "as" 09metaphor it's part of a book containing a listing of terms used in it & their meanings 09glossary term for words whose pronunciations suggest their meanings 01onomatopoeia technique named by william james which shows thoughts moving through a character's mind 01stream of concsiousness "blushing crow" for "crushing blow" is one of these, named for a english clergyman 09spoonerism odds & ends\odds & ends before it said dewey won pres. truman called this daily 1 of "the 2 worst papers in the country" 10chicago tribune if your itinerary includes tibet, you may want to hire these native mountain guides 20sherpas consisting of 150 poems, it's the longest book in the bible 01psalms national statuary hall is located in this washington, dc building 10capitol of allegro, andante or lento, the one which means the fastest tempo 01allegro the 1970s\the 1970s musical "king" who died at age 42 on august 16, 1977 04elvis\presley a killing frost in brazil in 1975 helped drive the retail price of this to $5 a pound in 1977 01coffee 27 years after her conviction for treason during wwii she was pardoned by gerald ford 03tokyo rose\d'aquino for a mere $236, travelers could fly round trip from new york to london on his airline 03sir freddie laker canadian whose 1st no. 1 hit in the u.s. was "you needed me," in 1978 03anne murray quotes\quotes w.c. fields said, "start every day off with" one of these "and get it over with" 09smile this organ "of animals is the foundation of their life," wm. harvey claimed in 1628 10heart in 1940, during one of his fireside chats, fdr said, "we must be the great arsenal of" this 01democracy "man has injured every animal he has touched," wrote this great california naturalist 04john muir ends the biblical quote, "to every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose..." 01under the heaven 5-letter words\5-letter words last name of j.l., who arrived in chicago in 1903, rented a horse & wagon & began selling cheese 01kraft it can refer to beasts of burden, a bank check, a wind current, or military conscription 01draft the name of this black detective, played by r. roundtree, describes what he did to his enemies 01shaft this word is commonly associated with dermatological surgery & corrupt politicians 01graft deceitfulness, or a trade requiring special skill 01craft clothing\clothing some dictionaries say the name of this short coat came from the french for "jacob" 09jacket from old english "broc," or leg coverings, you might be too big for yours 05britches simian slang for a tuxedo 09monkey suit himalayan goat whose fine, downy wool is turned into luxurious sweaters 10cashmere goat it's an extension of the collar folded over against the breast 09lapel first ladies\first ladies she was so popular in 1976 that some campaign buttons read "elect betty's husband" 03betty ford her husband dedicated his book "six crises" to her, saying "she also ran" 03pat nixon an army wife for over 30 years, she considered the gettysburg house her 1st real home 04mamie eisenhower her loyalty to the government was questioned because she was a southerner 04mary todd lincoln eleanor roosevelt's actual first name 02anna history\history baptized on his deathbed in 337 a.d., he was the 1st roman emperor to become a christian 04constantine in 1776 he wrote, "these are the times that try men's souls" 04thomas paine the largest city in the confederacy, this port fell to union forces in april, 1862 01new orleans in the 1890s gold was found at coolgardie & kalgoorlie in this country 01australia in 1622 this chief's brother led a massacre that killed 1/3 of the va. colonists 04powhatan pot- pourri\potpourri it's the state dog of virginia-- tallyho! 10foxhound it has been said that this neutral country doesn't have an army, it is an army 01switzerland this fuzzy green fruit is also known as the chinese gooseberry 10kiwi word acknowledging a witty remark that strikes home, or a hit in fencing 01touche in a nursery rhyme, these body parts are described as "30 white horses upon a red hill" 05teeth and gums u.s. states\u.s. states green bay, in this state, is the smallest city to hold an nfl franchise 01wisconsin state that was the birthplace of both abe lincoln & jefferson davis 01kentucky largest of the 6 new england states, it's the most sparsely pop. state east of the mississippi 01maine when the 1st mormon pioneers came to utah, it was part of this country 01mexico state named by spaniards for an imaginary isle in the novel "las sergas de esplandian" 01california authors\authors as a teenager, she cut her hair, dressed in boyish clothes & called herself william cather 04willa cather playwright oliver goldsmith may have written some of the rhymes attributed to this old woman 04mother goose washington irving completed a 5-volume biography of this president shortly before his death 04george washington though he was born in prague, franz kafka wrote his novels in this language 01german lord byron is a national hero here, where he died while helping them plan a war against turkey 01greece british royalty\british royalty when george vi became king of england, she was 2nd in line to the throne 03princess margaret settled in the mid-1700s, charlotte, nc, was named for the german wife of this king of england 04george iii\george the third this prince, a skilled organist, composed an anthem sung at his wife's jubilee 04prince albert controversial last yorkist king, he died on the field of battle august 22, 1485 04richard iii\richard the third this tragic queen's 3rd husband was james hepburn, & kate hepburn played her in a 1936 film 04mary stuart\mary queen of scots double talk\double talk a really dumb person, or the toy tommy smothers plays with on his "comedy hour" 09yo-yo in a certain coleridge poem, it precedes "everywhere, nor any drop to drink" 01water water it's the capital of american samoa 01pago pago a disease of the peripheral nerves caused by a vitamin b1 deficiency 01beri-beri the only number one hit for the mamas & the papas 01monday monday pot luck\pot luck before there was plastic, this badminton playing piece was made with a cork and feathers 09shuttlecock in the u.s., no company can now sell a 3-wheeled atv, which stands for this 01all terrain vehicle dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, in this period named for creta, latin for "chalk" 10cretaceous period in a famous fable, the ant is portrayed as hardworking while this insect just has a good time 10grasshopper highest price paid for any chinese ceramic work of art was for a 15th c. vase from this dynasty 10ming dynasty sports\sports at the highland games, all scots who want to toss the caber or the weight must wear this 09kilt persia may have been the birthplace of this equestrian sport 01polo though hartford isn't a seaport, its pro hockey team is called this 20whalers not only a neighborhood tough, but also a term for a face-off in a field hockey game 10bully sizzling the pits, lollipop & digging lips are terms in this sport, on the court or on the beach 01volleyball trans- port\transportation from the old norse word for a roof beam, it's a craft made of beams lashed together 09raft a london cab drove for 70 days from london to this australian city famed for an opera house 01sydney like the wrights, the dodge brothers began their career in transportation making these 05bicycles\bikes the events at the '92 summer olympics ran from a to y, archery to this 01yachting karl doenitz devised the "wolf pack" attack formation used by these in world war ii 05submarines\uboats american history\american history in 1915 he chartered a "peace ship" & built his millionth car 04henry ford congress made this a holiday in 1894, as the gov't. was trying to break the pullman strike 01labor day on july 26, 1775, congress established this service & put ben franklin in charge 10postal system this president "froze" wages, prices & rents on august 15, 1971 04richard nixon j. adams & t. jefferson both died on july 4th on this anniversary of our independence 1050th\fiftieth food\food this bottled bean extract must contain at least 35% alcohol 01vanilla served by the indians at the first thanksgiving, this food exploded when cooked 01popcorn an important product of hawaii that luther burbank called "the perfect nut" 10macadamia also called the "butter bean," it was 1st cultivated by peruvian indians 10lima bean this twice- baked, hard toasted bread is a long- lasting treat for tots 01zwieback\rusk middle east\the middle east war broke out on 9/22/80 when fighter bombers from this nation attacked 10 iranian airfields 01iraq the building of aswan high dam in the 1960s was financed by loans from this country 10ussr\soviet union of all the arab countries this one has the highest percentage of christians, about 40% 01lebanon this country's national airline is alia 01jordan in 1941 syria gained its independence from this european country 01france myth- ology\mythology at the end of their story, psyche & this cute roman love god lived happily ever after 03cupid in his infancy this symbol of strength strangled 2 serpents sent by hera 03hercules this sophocles heroine was walled up in a cave as punishment for burying her brother's body 03antigone menelaus, husband of helen of troy, was king of this greek city-state 01sparta castor & pollux were mothered by leda & fathered by jupiter disguised as this bird 09swan singers & roles\singers & roles the beatle who wrote & starred in "give my regards to broad street" 03paul\mccartney michael jackson's 1st feature film was this musical 01the wiz country singer who played buck, a country singer, in "honeysuckle rose" 03willie nelson frank sinatra won an oscar for his role as maggio in this 1953 oscar-winning film 01from here to eternity judy garland played esther in "a star is born" in 1954; she played the role in the 1976 remake 03barbra streisand weather\weather the national hurricane center is based in this florida city 01miami\coral gables in 1921, silver lake, colorado, saw 76 inches of this fall in a 24-hour period, a world record 01snow this, a layer of warm air over a layer of cool, allows pollutants to build up over a city 01inversion nearly all weather occurs in this, the lowest layer of the atmosphere 10troposphere the national weather service is a part of this cabinet department 01commerce 1970\1970 his court- martial, relating to the events in my lai, began on november 12, 1970 03lieutenant william calley length that replaced the "mini" as skirt lengths dropped to mid-calf around 1970 10midi after a 5-year strike, the union led by this man signed contracts with most table grape growers 03cesar chavez millions of americans 1st observed this anti-pollution day on april 22, 1970 01earth day for her involvement in the "soledad brothers" case, she made the fbi's 10 most wanted list 03angela davis 70s/80s music\music of the 70s & 80s nickname of robert bell, who, with "the gang," had hits like "jungle boogie" & "celebration" 01kool his "graceland" album won a grammy in 1987; his "graceland" single won one in 1988 03paul simon according to this creedence clearwater revival song, "people on the river are happy to give" 01proud mary willie nelson & diana ross both had top 20 singles with this man in 1984 03julio iglesias their 1982 debut single, "who can it be now" & debut album "business as usual," both made no. 1 06men at work alaska\alaska the forget- me-not isn't the state's motto, it's this 10state flower alaska celebrated its centennial in 1967, 100 years after it was purchased from this country 01russia the maritime indians had no writing & used these posts to keep records 05totem poles this alaskan variety of grizzly bear is one of the world's largest carnivores 10kodiak bear\alaska brown in the early 19th c. this was alaska's main export, but now it's a small percent of the economy 01fur celeb. spelling\celebrity spelling colorful last name of colorful "cabaret" star joel 01grey shirley maclaine's brother uses this last name 01beatty this smith was in "charlie's angels" & "rage of angels" 03jaclyn smith daughter of director john huston, she's a noted actress herself 03anjelica huston a weaver by name, not trade, she took her first name from a character in "the great gatsby" 03sigourney weaver maps\maps this continental name 1st appeared on a map in 1507 01america while the term "map" refers particularly to land areas, this term refers to marine maps 01chart until the 1500s maps were based on writings of this greek geographer & astronomer 04ptolemy these types of fronts are indicated by triangles on weather maps 05cold fronts the vertical & horizontal lines of a map's grid cross at points called these 05coordinates trivia\trivia the tropical version of this mattel boyfriend wears flowered trunks & comes with his own lei 03ken during the renaissance these criminals were known as corsairs 05pirates this 1st black heavyweight champion of the world was often billed as "little arthur" 04jack johnson this car company's crewe plant & mulliner park works admit the public by appointment 01rolls royce rulers of ancient china read books made from strips of this plant 01bamboo anagrams\anagrams dawn stole this, a magician's accessory 09wand we thought vera gave a dreadful performance, but a critic gave her this kind of review anyway 09rave elsa has a pet one 09seal don't blame her for burning the toast 03melba\mabel\mable of agate, coral or topaz, the one that anagrams to a popular girl's name 01coral counties\counties mackinac, saginaw & kalamazoo are in this state 01michigan of norfolk, suffolk, essex or wessex counties, the one massachusetts doesn't have 01wessex a total of 23 u.s. counties are named for this pennsylvanian 04benjamin franklin las vegas, nevada, is located in this county named for a u.s. senator from montana 01clark county louisiana & this other more northerly state are the only 2 in the u.s. not divided into counties 01alaska human body\the human body scientists working independently discovered this blood factor in both 1939 & 1940 10rh factor as a verb, this part of your body means to give someone a weapon 01arm they're able to stand on end due to small erector muscles 05hairs though it stores blood & makes monocytes, this organ is nonessential & can be removed 10spleen term for the tiny gap between neurons that nerve impulses have to jump 09synapse kings\kings the king of beasts 10lion the king of the keelboatmen 03mike fink the king of swing 04benny goodman the king of sweden 03carl xvi gustaf the king of torts 03melvin belli poets\poets besides writing seafaring sagas, this new yorker was a "whale" of a poet 04herman melville the brownings spent most of their married life in this country, & both of them died there 01italy he wrote, "oh, east is east & west is west, & never the twain shall meet" 04rudyard kipling joyce kilmer's most famous poem says, "only god can" do this 01make a tree this popular american poet read his poem "the gift outright" at jfk's inauguration 04robert frost world lit.\world literature h.g. wells's martian mayhem 10war of the worlds though only a short story, his "the snows of kilimanjaro" was made into a full-length movie 04ernest hemingway welsh poet noted for his volume of short stories, "portrait of the artist as a young dog" 04dylan thomas dumas's coughing courtesan marguerite gautier 03camille\lady of camellias in 1929 this race driver- writer penned the wwi pacifist novel "all quiet on the western front" 04erich maria remarque break- fast\breakfast blintzes are thin, rolled ones, often filled with cheese 05pancakes\crepes the appliance used to cook these makes a grid pattern on the batter as it bakes 05waffles this product is made from milk cultured by bacteria; george bush eats it for breakfast 01yogurt many of the casings for these are made from sheep intestines 05sausages the basic ingredients in scrapple are pork scraps & this kind of mush 01cornmeal green- land\greenland this covers 4/5 of the land and is an average of 1 mile thick 01ice land on the north side of the island is named for this polar explorer who fathered a child there 04robert f. peary around 985 ad this viking brought a group of settlers to the island 04eric the red a 1951 treaty gave this alliance a major role in the defense of greenland 01nato in 1576 greenland was "rediscovered" by martin frobisher who was out looking for this 10northwest passage kiddie lit.\kiddie literature in the grimm fairy tale, a dozen princesses dance these to pieces during the night 05shoes this country is the setting for "the jungle book" 01india he published "a child's garden of verses" 3 years before he left for the south seas 04robert louis stevenson poor, mistreated black beauty was forced to pull cabs in this european capital 01london this aquatic heroine died because she wouldn't kill the prince to save her own life 22little mermaid language\language the english translation of the esperanto words "blua birdo" 01bluebird it's "matar" in sanskrit, "meter" in greek & "mutter" in german 01mother term for a language that is no longer spoken 01dead english & afrikaans are the two official languages of this country 01south africa a diaeresis, a diacritical mark of 2 dots over a vowel, is better known by this german term 14umlaut science & nature\science & nature the part of your body strengthened by fluoride added to the water supply 01tooth enamel\teeth it's the lack of one of these that makes a jellyfish an invertebrate 09backbone\spine the function of this pigment in plants is to absorb light & change it into chemical energy 01chlorophyll these build up on cave floors from the calcite left by dripping rainwater 05stalagmites a unit of pressure, it's also the term for the envelope of gasses surrounding the earth 14atmosphere sports\sports though no rule specifies it, every regulation ball for this sport has 108 double stitches 01baseball seating over 205,000 fans, the world's largest soccer stadium is in this south american land 01brazil this man, not babe ruth, has hit the most home runs in yankee stadium 03mickey mantle last names of basketball coaches dale, hubie & larry 01brown baseball expansion team in miami named after a popular billfish 20marlins birds\birds the carolina parakeet, now extinct, was the only parakeet native to this country 10us male pheasants are called cocks & female pheasants are known by this term 05hens nearly all parrots can use this body part as a third foot when climbing 10beak\bill from the latin for "ankle," it's the claw of a predatory bird 09talon the feathers of most adult swan species are this color 01white by the numbers\by the numbers avenue that's synonymous with new york city's garment district 01seventh ave\7th ave members of this religious denomination sometimes call themselves by the initials sda 207th day adventists\seventh day advent in this movie, marilyn monroe provokes this condition in tom ewell when his wife's on vacation 107 year itch\seven year itch abbie hoffman, rennie davis, jerry rubin, lee weiner, john froines, tom hayden & d. dellinger 21chicago 7\chicago seven dangle your tootsies while surfing 01hang ten\hang five dec. of indep.\declaration of independence life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are called this type of right 01inalienable jefferson included a section condemning this practice, but congress red-penciled it 01slavery like the constitution, the beginning of the declaration is usually called this 10preamble he's the "he" referred to over & over again in the declaration 04george iii\george the third the 1st signer who went on to become president 04john adams non- fiction\non-fiction he wrote "omit needless words. vigorous writing is concise," in "the elements of style" 04william strunk\white studs terkel was awarded the 1985 pulitzer prize for his "the good war: an oral history" of this 01world war one\wwi you'll find method acting in his books, & on some copies the insignia of the moscow arts theater 04constantin stanislavski truman capote's account of the 1959 murder of a kansas farm family 01in cold blood tracy kidder's 1982 best- seller "the soul of a new machine" was about this type of machine 09computer trans- port\transportation chauncey dunn set the guinness altitude record, 53,000 feet, for 1 of these with an open basket 09hot air balloon many eskimos now use this motorized sled instead of the traditional dog team 09snowmobile coaster brakes on a bike are operated with the pedals; caliper brakes are operated from here 10handlebars december 11, 1972, was the last time anyone landed there 10moon recalling older times, the "golden eagle" is the only ferry of this type on the mississippi 09paddlewheel\stern wheeler tv nos- talgia\tv nostalgia the facts are the theme song for this police series peaked at number 3 in 1953, "dum-de dum-dum" 01dragnet it completes the title, "i'm dickens..." 01he's fenster she won the "miss u.s. television" contest in 1950, 5 years before marrying ernie kovacs 03edie adams the intro to this vince edwards medical drama began "man, woman, birth, death, infinity" 02ben casey western superstar who declined the lead role in "gunsmoke" but introduced the 1st episode 04john wayne composer\composers he was born in brooklyn in 1898, & his family's original name was gershovitz 04george gershwin he composed the score for the ballet "ghost town," but he's more famous for "oklahoma!" 04richard rodgers this ragtime composer wrote 2 operas, "a guest of honor" & "treemonisha" 04scott joplin he wrote a cantata about charles lindbergh with his famous collaborator, bertolt brecht 04kurt weill this british composer, a former child prodigy, wrote a 1951 opera based on "billy budd" 04benjamin britten history\history this extremely strange & cruel roman emperor was succeeded by his uncle claudius 04caligula mary i had archbishop thomas cranmer burned at the stake in this university town in 1556 01oxford a pewter dinner plate dated 1616 is the 1st documented evidence of explorers on this continent 01australia his brother, aleksandr ulyanov, inspired him to become a revolutionary 04lenin this alabama seamstress's name became a household word in 1955 03rosa parks hodge- podge\hodgepodge in 1902 a.f. callahan patented the 1st envelope with this feature, if you see what i mean 09window\outlook known as the "robin hood of scotland," this outlaw's real name was robert macgregor 04rob roy the color found in only 18% of european national flags but in 82% of african ones 01green in spain, xmas gifts are often not given on january 6, three kings day, also known as this 01epiphany from greek for "numbness," this condition shows sudden attacks of deep sleep 01narcolepsy in the dict.\in the dictionary the word that precedes "earth," "goose" & "superior" 01mother entry with 3 definitions: a german statesman, a city in north dakota & a jelly donut 01bismarck male given name that's alphabetically 1st in webster's 3rd unabridged dictionary 01aaron amusement park ride listed between "tumblebug" & "turban" in the 1984 world book dictionary 01tunnel of love the 2 months that are also listed as verbs in the dictionary 05march & may\may & march louis- iana\louisiana louisiana is the only state that calls its counties by this name also used by church units 09parish common name for new orleans's le vieux carre historic district, a national landmark 10french quarter louisiana creoles adopted a choctaw word to give us this term for marshy river tributaries 05bayous the cajuns migrated to louisiana from here 01nova scotia\acadia\canada state bird of louisiana, john grisham wrote about it, "brief"ly 10pelican unreal estate\unreal estate according to some legends, king arthur held court in caerleon as well as at this place 01camelot the house this twosome found wasn't gingerbread but "made of bread and roofed with cake" 06hansel & gretel the realm of this greek god of the underworld is sometimes used as a synonym for hell 01hades middle earth was the setting of his "the lord of the rings" 04j.r.r. tolkien b.f. skinner's utopian community, loosely based on a henry david thoreau work 01walden two\walden 2\walden ii "g" whiz\"g" whiz it can be a type of engineless aircraft or a porch swing 09glider in enid bagnold's most famous novel, velvet won this race 10grand national if you were born in january, you may know this is the only birthstone that fits this category 10garnet shakespeare's father made these accessories for a living 05gloves besides being goddesses, aglaia, euphrosyne & thalia are these 05graces biogs.\biographies katherine ellison's book about her is subtitled "steel butterfly of the philippines" 03imelda marcos this great jazz trumpeter is the subject of "milestones 1" and "milestones 2" 03miles davis the 1988 book "paul & joanne" was about paul newman and this woman 03joanne woodward as you might expect, she was the subject of "as time goes by" 04ingrid bergman one biography of oscar hammerstein & this partner is called "the sound of their music" 04richard rodgers body of water\bodies of water lake nicaragua forms part of nicaragua's border with this "rich coast" 01costa rica the madeira, a tributary of this south american river, is more than 2,000 miles long 10amazon louisiana's atchafalaya river flows into atchafalaya bay in this body of water 10gulf of mexico in 1963 the supreme court upheld arizona's claim to a major share of the water of this river 10colorado tanzania, uganda & kenya all border on this, africa's largest lake 01lake victoria fashion\fashion on may 15, 1940, the 1st stockings made of this went on sale 01nylon turn of the century women wore soft felt ones called trilbys named for svengali's songstress 05hats a "mother hubbard" is a full, loose one you might wear to fetch your poor dog a bone 09dress\gown by the 1920s balenciaga was the leading couturier in this country, his homeland 01spain before he struck out on his own, pierre cardin helped this designer create his "new look" 04christian dior gover- nors\governors he was forbidden to succeed himself, so wife lurleen was elected alabama gov. in 1966 04george wallace father & son who served as california governors, 1 before ronald reagan & the other after 20browns 4 years after being the 1st to sign the dec. of indep. he was elected governor of massachusetts 04john hancock after stepping down as gov. of maine in 1959, this democrat served 21 years in the u.s. senate 04edmund muskie the 2 sons of john d. rockefeller jr. who became governors 08nelson & winthrop\winthrop & nelson tv chars.\tv characters 2 of the best-known characters on her cbs show were eunice higgins & mrs. wiggins 03carol burnett '50s tv family who lived in nyc for 3 seasons, la for 1, & finally ended up in connecticut 21ricardos on "soap" he was butler to the tate family, & on his own show he did the same for gov. gene gatling 03benson\guillaume every show began with a murder that was neatly solved by this sloppy detective 03columbo when "making the grade" failed in 1982, george wendt went on to play norm in this series 01cheers ancient greece\ancient greece when solon ruled this city, he eased the power of aristocrats & freed those enslaved by debt 01athens this general of alexander the great started a greek dynasty in egypt after alexander died 04ptolemy this was the 1 & only event in the 1st 13 olympic games 09foot race this poet came to be viewed as the founder of greek history, drama, poetry & science 04homer "father of medicine," his treatments included fresh air, proper diet & change in climate 04hippocrates bays\bays prudhoe bay on this state's north coast has grown rapidly since oil was found in 1968 01alaska james bay is a bay within this large canadian bay 01hudson bay "the city by the bay" is by this bay 01san francisco bay the waters in this lake's green bay often appear blue 01lake michigan nova scotia & new brunswick border this bay known for having the world's highest tides 10bay of fundy famous quotes\famous quotes in "imitation of christ" thomas a kempis said, "man proposes but god" does this 01disposes bartlett's lists "tennis anyone?" just before "here's looking at you, kid," under this actor 04humphrey bogart in 1651 george herbert wrote this "is the best revenge" 01living well st. jerome said in a letter, "no athlete is crowned but in the sweat of" this 01his brow in "the picture of dorian gray," this author claimed "all art is quite useless" 04oscar wilde myths & legends\myths & legends the phrase "beware of greeks bearing gifts" comes from this "gift" given to the trojans 12wooden horse\trojan horse the dragon who guarded this was lulled to sleep by medea, who loved jason 10golden fleece an ocean liner named for this greek god of the sea capsized in a 1972 "adventure" film 01poseidon chiron was the greatest of these creatures who were half man, half horse 05centaurs\ixionidae after ulysses's men made pigs of themselves, this witch- goddess turned them to swine 04circe name's the same\name's the same author of the "book of the sword" in 1884, or welsh-born actor whose last film was "1984" 04richard burton a dependent country in the tropics, or a store chain selling clothes to to wear in the tropics 01banana republic actor who was opposite many lovelies in silent films, or actor who has worked solo-- han solo 03harrison ford a 1959 top 1o hit by the crests, or a 1984 film starring molly ringwald 0116 candles\sixteen candles english poet who wrote "love is enough," or founder of a theatrical agency named for himself 03william morris super- stitions\superstitions number that's been called "the devil's dozen" 0113\thirteen flower traditionally plucked while saying, "he loves me, he loves me not" 10daisy february's purple birth stone that was thought to cure toothaches & keep away hail & locusts 10amethyst legend has it that eve took one of these hard-to-find good luck charms from the garden of eden 094-leaf clover\four- leaf clover a superstitious person will hang one of these with the points upward so the luck won't run out 09horseshoe beach boys\the beach boys sport mentioned in the titles of their 1st three top ten hits 01surfing lead singer al jardine asked for this girl's "help" to get his old girl out of his head 03rhonda when brian wilson stopped touring in 1964, he was replaced by this "rhinestone cowboy" 03glen campbell with this 1988 hit, they had their 1st no. 1 in over 20 years 01kokomo 2 of their top hits had titles that were 1 word repeated three times-- dance, dance, dance & this 01fun fun fun fiction. char.\fictional characters flopsy appears in "peter rabbit" & topsy in this 1852 novel 01uncle tom's cabin this name has been associated with both robinson crusoe & bill gannon 01friday the name beaumarchais bestowed on the barber of seville 01figaro it was jack dawkins's nickname in "oliver twist" 10artful dodger george du maurier's novel "trilby" had this hypnotist whose name now means evil manipulator 01svengali in the news\in the news surrealist painter who also designed jewelry & theater sets, & who died in january, 1989 04salvador dali he was h. ross perot's running mate 03james stockdale the monarch who now sits on the chrysanthemum throne 03emperor akihito in december, 1988, an executive proclamation extended u.s. waters to this many miles 0112\twelve after lengthy hearings, he was appointed as the second black u.s. supreme court justice 04clarence thomas penn- sylvania\pennsylvania in the 19th century, towns like york & gettysburg were stations on this "railroad" 12underground railroad shunning modern means of transport, pennsylvania dutch people drive wagons pulled by these 05horses south williamsport hosts the world series of this group every august 10little league in 1692 this royal couple removed william penn as governor of pennsylvania 08william & mary pennsylvania produces almost all of america's supply of this kind of coal 01anthracite\hard science\science fatty acid salt made from boiling fats or oils with an alkali, often resisted by dirty children 01soap this unit of animal power was 1st used by james watt 01horsepower of alpha, beta or gamma rays, these penetrate the farthest 05gamma rays these are the main cause of naturally occuring infrasonic waves on earth 05earthquakes science took a leap forward when physicist max planck developed this theory about light 01quantum theory\photon women in sports\women in sports 7'2" iuliana semenova is the tallest woman in this sport (& probably in any other) 01basketball from 1961-79 she won 20 championships at wimbledon, the all-time record for any tennis player 03billie jean king she won olympic gold medals in 1928, 1932 & 1936 before she began skating for 20th cent. fox 04sonja henie in 1976 nadia comaneci supplanted this soviet athlete as golden girl of olympic gymnastics 03olga korbut she was the 1st swimmer to swim back & forth across lake ontario-- a naiad indeed 03diana nyad 11-let. words\11-letter words if they don't spend it first mom & dad will leave you this in their wills 14inheritance white flowered vegetable head related to broccoli, or description of an ear a boxer might have 01cauliflower join a couple of metropolises & you'll have one of these urban complexes like "boswash" 09megalopolis high density lipoproteins are considered "good" forms of this 01cholesterol an episode that ends in great suspense like the season finale of a tv series 09cliffhanger american poets\american poets this family of american poets has given us james russell, amy & robert 20lowells the poet of the beat generation who, at 63, "howl"s with respectability 03allen ginsberg when this new england poet grew ill on a trip to the ussr, khrushchev visited his bedside 04robert frost in "the wasteland," he claimed "april is the cruelest month" 04t.s. eliot poet of illinois & the prairie west who spent his last 22 years in north carolina 04carl sandburg educ- ation\education veterans were 1st granted funds to continue their education under this 1944 bill 10gi bill u.s. educator who advised teddy roosevelt & taft on racial problems & politics 04booker t. washington at most u.s. high school graduations, this 2nd ranking student gives the welcoming address 17salutatorian the highest possible score on the math or verbal section of the scholastic aptitude test 01800\eight hundred the language spoken at the 1st u.s. kindergarten, opened in 1856 in watertown wisconsin 01german final rests\final resting places george armstrong custer is buried at this school where he graduated last in his class 01west point his atlanta tomb is guarded by an eternal flame 04martin luther king jr he was buried on st. helena in 1821, but his body was moved to paris in 1840 04napoleon his officers buried his remains at sea after he was slain at kealakekua bay in 1779 04captain james cook after he became king of england, he had a tomb built for mary queen of scots in westminster abbey 04james i furn- iture\furniture since ancient times these furniture supports have been carved to look like animal paws 05feet\legs an elaborate gentleman's dressing table was named for this 19th century dandy 04beau brummel in the 1920s this furniture style was known as "style moderne" or "art moderne" 01art deco "pastry" name for a circular table whose rim looks like the crimped edge of a dessert 09piecrust table sometimes carved to resemble an urn, it's an ornament at the top of a bedpost 09finial westerns\westerns last name of brothers stacy & james, who played the james brothers in "the long riders" 01keach "how the west was won" was the 1st western film produced in this 3-camera wide-screen process 01cinerama in the last scene, he rides off into the sunset while little joey starrett cries, "come back!" 03shane the only cast member besides james arness to stay with "gunsmoke" for its full 20-year run 03millburn stone\doc adams mel brooks directed gene wilder & madeline kahn in this 1974 western spoof 01blazing saddles inven- tors\inventors & inventions alexander graham bell's tries to make this listening device led to the invention of the phone 09hearing aid thomas edison's longest- lasting light bulb filament was made from this giant grass 01bamboo the book "small inventions" says the romans invented them & called them "hipposandals" 05horseshoes in 1842 dr. crawford long was the 1st to use this as an anesthetic device 01ether from 1854 until his death in 1867, he got royalties on every sewing machine sold in the u.s. 04elias howe man\man unlike any other animal, a human's is s-curved to help make an upright position possible 09spine\backbone humans are diphyodont, meaning when the 1st set of these fall out, they are replaced 05teeth the clear, yellowish fluid portion of blood in which cells are suspended 01plasma total number of femurs in the normal human body 012\two man is classified within this order of mammals 05primates miscel- laneous\miscellaneous socks whose pattern is derived from the tartan of the campbell clan of western scotland 05argyles though found in a new mexico forest, mail to this bear's own zip, 20252, go to washington dc 03smokey the bear this singer's only no. 1 hit, "american pie," was so long it had to be divided in half to fit on a 45 03don mclean in texas & oklahoma, "roundups" are held to get rid of these snakes 05rattlesnakes it extends 50.71 miles, from limon bay on the atlantic to the pacific ocean 10panama canal music\music richard strauss conducted the premiere of this englebert humperdinck work about 2 kids 01hansel & gretel rural name shared by a vaughn williams symphony & beethoven's 6th 10pastoral symphony rimsky- korsakov wrote a short piece about these 2 "amadeus" characters 08mozart & salieri\salieri & mozart henry purcell, court composer for james ii & william iii, is buried in this church 01westminster abbey this vienna- born composer was best known for his collaboration with alan jay lerner 04frederick loewe pot- pourri\potpourri one could be toy, springer or cocker 09spaniel facts on file calls this odd-shaped single-cell organism the best known of the protozoa 10amoeba nestle introduced top-selling rice-filled candy bar to the u.s. in 1937 10nestle crunch bar thanksgiving falls on the day of the week named for this norse god 04thor name of the ceremony in which one is made a knight 01investiture\dubbing tv trivia\tv trivia in 1986 this foreign network, nicknamed "auntie beeb," celebrated its 50th anniversary 10bbc this canine was jeff miller's, timmy martin's, & corey stuart's best friend, in that order 03lassie on "petticoat junction," billie, bobbie & betty bradley all had this middle name 01jo on "the mary tyler moore show," this character's dermatologist husband was never seen 04phyllis lindstrom nick adams starred in this 1959 series about an ex- confederate soldier 12rebel cartoons\cartoons 1945's "the friendly ghost" marked the 1st in a long series of cartoons featuring him 03casper they were drawn identically, & the same man, dayton allen, did the voices for these magpies 06heckle & jeckle jack klugman could tell you this is mr. magoo's first name 01quincy beany & cecil fought dishonest john, & dudley do-right faced this villain 03snidely whiplash peter sellers played this character in films, & marvin miller was his cartoon voice 03inspector clouseau liter- ature\literature this native of bengal served with the imperial police & wrote about a police state in "1984" 04george orwell\blair the 1st line of this story is "the 'red death' has long devastated the country" 10masque of the red death in this work, the wife of bath is a gap-toothed loose-tongued woman in scarlet stockings 10canterbury tales this edna ferber novel is partially set on the cotton blossom floating palace theatre 01show boat his poems include "the banks o' doon," "a man's a man for a' that" & "highland mary" 04robert burns quotes\quotes pithy p.m. who said of viscount montgomery, "in defeat, unbeatable; in victory, unbearable" 04winston churchill he said, "i know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death" 04patrick henry he stated in one of his lectures, "where id was, there ego shall be" 04sigmund freud "we need religion for religion's sake, morality for morality's sake, and" this 01art for art's sake "oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear" is under this playwright in bartlett's quotations 03bertolt brecht starts with "j"\starts with "j" you can do it to your memory, or down a street 01jog a common saying describes these birds as "naked;" no wonder they're blue 09jaybird the knesset meets in this city 01jerusalem judo was developed from this japanese method of unarmed combat 01jujitsu meaning "merry festival," it's called the fastest ball game in the world 01jai-alai the 1910s\the 1910s a 1918 british act of parliament allowed women 30 & over to do this 01vote this organization of u.s. veterans was chartered in 1919 10american legion so far, this norwegian's claim of reaching the south pole in 1911 hasn't been disproven 04roald amundsen 1st name of gustav krupp von bohlen und halbach's wife; a really big gun was named after her 01bertha this smallest balkan country proclaimed its independence november 28, 1912 01albania u.s. cities\u.s. cities o. henry called it "little old noisyville- on-the- subway" 01new york\nyc home of the heat, the marlins, and one of the newest nhl franchises 01miami the 1st u.s. mint was set up in this city, which was the u.s. capital at the time 01philadelphia since the name "nashborough" was too terribly british, the city fathers decided on this name 01nashville this ohio city is named for the fact that it lies midway between dayton & cincinnati 01middletown "t" on the map\"t" on the map irish town approximately 7,500 miles from l.a.-- that's a long, long way indeed 01tipperary french explorer bougainville called this south sea isle "new cythere," "new isle of love" 01tahiti city in michigan, new york & asia minor 01troy abingdon, windsor, gravesend & southend-on- sea are on this european river 10thames alpine region that has long been a bone of contention between italy & austria 10tyrol american authors\american authors this author of "breakfast at tiffany's" wanted marilyn monroe to play holly golightly 04truman capote at the start of wwii, this author of "the rise & fall of the third reich" was a cbs correspondent 03william shirer he wrote "cadillac jack" & "lonesome dove" after "terms of endearment" 03larry mcmurtry this poet who wrote "old ironsides" was also dean of the harvard medical school 04oliver wendell holmes mississippi authoress who wrote "why i live at the p.o.," a comic tale of feuding sisters 03eudora welty artists\artists most game show contestants, asked to name a famous painter, would name this 17th c. dutchman 04rembrandt van rijn this great spanish cubist once wrote a play called "desire caught by the tail" 04pablo picasso painter emanuel leutze may have used the rhine as a model for this river washington crossed 10delaware this family of artists included hans the elder, ambrosius, sigmund & hans the younger 21holbeins 17th century painter jan van goyen was one of this country's most gifted landscape artists 10netherlands\holland fiction\fiction "sweet thursday" was his sequel to "cannery row" 04john steinbeck r. l. stevenson's unfinished masterpiece, "weir of hermiston," was set in this country 01scotland this book is so long, some people quit reading it before pierre marries natasha 01war & peace anna sewell's only book, it was published just months before her death 01black beauty his novel "the third man" was originally written as a screenplay 03graham greene shopping\shopping davison newman of london sells tea named for this city's harbor, where it was dumped at a party 01boston the initials of the founder of this toy store stand for frederick august otto 01fao schwarz dallas-based store that was the 1st to stage weekly fashion shows 01neiman-marcus the duty-free shop at this irish airport is 1 of the most famous in europe 01shannon these stores based in san francisco claim they've been "serving serious cooks since 1956" 01williams-sonoma vocab- ulary\vocabulary "vamp" is short for this word 01vampire this word can mean liquid oxygen or smoked salmon 01lox the name of this couch-like conveyance is a synonym for rubbish 01litter something that is "marmoreal" resembles this rock used in sculpture 01marble you might find koalas covering this tree whose name comes from the greek "to cover," kalyptein 01eucalyptus abbrev. & acron.\abbreviations & acronyms walt disney intended it to be an "experimental prototype community of tomorrow" 01epcot if you use a computer, you probably know about dos, which stands for this 01disk operating system the "r" in the name of the british rspca stands for this 01royal jimmy stewart knows, from a 1955 film he did, that "sac" stands for this 10strategic air command most college applicants take either the sat, the scholastic aptitude test, or the act, this 10american college test flowers\flowers twining flower that opens in the a.m., or the title of a 1933 film starring katherine hepburn 01morning glory a tall, graceful summer flower, or a pbs show hosted by carl sagan 01cosmos literally "flower of the lily," it's seen in heraldry as well as in the garden 09fleur de lis methods of doing this to flowers include hanging them upside down & putting them in silica gel 01drying a weed with lacy white flowers, named for an english monarch 01queen anne's lace opera\opera handel's opera "guilio cesare" depicts caesar's romance with her 03cleopatra this title character isn't a filet, she's lothario's long-lost daughter 03mignon verdi's title character "nabucco" is based on this biblical personage 03nebuchadnezzar though it deals with marital infidelity, this popular opera's name means "rustic chivalry" 01cavalleria rusticana this opera is known for the famous "mad scene" of lucy ashton 01lucia di lammermoor presid. relative\presidential relatives this man, jfk's brother, gave caroline away at her 1986 wedding 03ted kennedy\edward "father of the constitution" whose 2nd cousin zachary taylor became president too 04james madison last name of presidential children george, jeb, neil, marvin & dorothy 01bush president who had a brother whose given names were sam houston 04lbj\johnson john tyler & his father, who was also named john, both served as governor of this state 01virginia u.s. history\u.s. history british king & his queen elizabeth who were the 1st british monarchs to visit the u.s. 04george vi\george the sixth on july 4, 1917, an american colonel spoke these words at lafayette's tomb in paris 01lafayette we are here in the south the battles of bull run were known as the battles of this 01manassas on april 23, 1968, students began to take over buildings on the campus of this ivy league u. 01columbia this, pennsylvania's nickname, comes from its place in the center of the original 13 colonies 10keystone state world religion\world religion moveable christian feast that can take place between march 22 & april 25 01easter the jewish feast of purim marks this queen's saving of the jews in the persian empire 04esther according to mormon teaching, it's the name of the angel who appeared to joseph smith 01moroni in catholicism "immaculate conception" refers to her being born without original sin 04virgin mary the moslem calendar starts from the year of this, mohammed's flight from mecca 10hegira american indians\american indians iroquois villages were often surrounded by these water barriers 05moats during the revolutionary war, the cherokee fought on this side 21british\english the bureau of indian affairs has been an arm of this government department since 1849 01interior the birth of her son, baptiste, was recorded by meriwether lewis on february 11, 1805 04sacajawea a city near detroit is named for this ottawa chief who united the great lakes tribes in 1763 04pontiac cities\cities city that's home to beatrice, sears roebuck & the william wrigley jr. company 01chicago this french resort city is pronounced like your brother's daughter 01nice the cn tower, the world's tallest freestanding structure, is located in this canadian city 01toronto this independent city-state, a former british colony, is smaller than new york city 01singapore designed by u.s. architect walter griffin in 1911, it is australia's largest inland city 01canberra dr. seuss\dr. seuss the good- hearted elephant who heard a "who" and hatched an egg 03horton 1957 book with a rhymed title that spawned "beginner books," now a random house division 01the cat in the hat famous for his 500 hats, he saved a kingdom from gooey, green, destructive oobleck 03bartholomew cubbins dr. seuss created this oscar-winning cartoon character who made sounds like "boing" 03gerald mcboing-boing the audience quoted from this book about sam-i-am when dr. seuss received an honorary degree 01green eggs & ham march\march it's often said that march comes in like a lion & goes out like this animal 09lamb on march 27, 1964, north america's most intense recorded earthquake, an 8.4, hit this state 01alaska march 19 is the traditional day the swallows return to this california mission 01san juan capistrano according to the julian calendar, caesar died on this day in 44 b.c. 01march 15\ides of march this was inauguration day in the us until the 20th amendment changed it to january 20 01march 4 multiple meanings\multiple meanings times off from work, or falling objects in the fall 05leaves a narrow strip of land that juts into water, or the rod stuck through meat to be broiled 09spit the banner that sets apart one beauty queen from another, or the frame a window pane is set in 09sash as an adjective it means fast of foot; as a noun, a group of taxicabs or warships 01fleet a metal pan for holding charcoal, or someone who works in brass 01brazier tv actor & role\tv actors & roles folksy actor who has played andy thompson, andy sawyer & andy matlock-- as well as ben matlock 03andy griffith emmy-winning actress who played miss jane pittman, m. l. king's wife & kunta kinte's mother 03cicely tyson her best-known characters are man-hungry sue ann nivens & just-plain- batty rose nylund 03betty white "dallas" star who now stars on "step by step" 03patrick duffy sara gilbert, melissa gilbert's little sister, plays this woman's daughter on tv 03roseanne\arnold\barr broadway songs\broadway songs in "south pacific," you'll hear this island "call you: come away, come away" 01bali hai in "my fair lady," freddie felt this high when walking "on the street where you live" 01several stories high in "september song," this month, not october, follows september 01november anthony newley sang, "why can't i fall in love like any other man" to know the kind of this he was 09fool the "music man" instrument "having his big fat say" in "76 trombones" 01each bassoon colonial america\colonial america though he was a real military leader, longfellow's poem about his "courtship" is fictitious 04miles standish the rich could afford to buy this sweetener but ordinary folks were stuck with molasses & honey 01sugar it was a wooden framework used to expose people to ridicule 11pillory\stocks this pawtuxet indian who befriended the pilgrims was also known as tisquantum 04squanto puritan anne bradstreet & phyllis wheatley, a black slave, became famous by writing these 05poems dogs\dogs though the city is now known as beijing, this dog isn't called a beijingese 10pekingese a small dog with a short nose, or a short nose on a person 09pug dark-tongued doggie whose name is a synonym for "food" 09chow originally from canada's newfoundland province, this dog is now a real "go-getter" 10labrador retriever it's also called "the barkless dog of africa" 10basenji language\languages in 1974 it became the only official language of canada's quebec province 01french though polish is a slavic language, it uses this alphabet 10roman\western\latin at his 1969 investment at caernarvon castle, prince charles spoke these two languages 05english & welsh\welsh & english it's the official language of sierra leone, liberia & papua new guinea 01english most people of this small european nation speak letzeburgisch, a german dialect 01luxembourg publish- ing\publishing special report is a series of magazines designed for waiting rooms of those in this field 01medicine\doctor believing folks liked pictures more than print, gardner cowles jr. started this magazine 01look john fairchild is the publisher of this largest trade paper of the garment industry 01women's wear daily the 1st chinese issue of this french fashion magazine debuted in 1988 01elle this national weekly paper calls itself "america's family publication" 01grit the earth\the earth a peneplain is a once hilly or mountainous area that has almost been leveled by this process 01erosion nickname for the circum- pacific belt where 3/4 of all the world's earthquakes occur 10ring of fire vatnajokull, the largest glacier on this island, is europe's largest glacier 01iceland this class of rocks is formed by the solidification of molten rock 01igneous deposits of lime shells of protozoans are the main ingredient of this sedimentary rock 01chalk\limestone 3-letter words\3-letter words according to the cliche, "that's just" this part "of the iceberg" 10tip it can precede cord, current, off & saw 01rip swindle, cheat or defraud 01gip a dot on a die 09pip slang for impudent talk, your parents didn't want you to give them any 01lip foster lyrics\stephen foster lyrics "all up & down the whole creation, sadly i roam, still longing for" these people "at home" 20old folks the camptown racetrack was this many "miles long, oh! doo-dah- day!" 015\five "it rained all night, the day i left, the weather it was dry; the sun so hot i" did this 01froze to death according to this song's lyrics, she was "borne, like a vapor on the summer air" 04jeanie this "queen of my song" was asked to "wake unto me, starlight & dewdrops are waiting for thee" 04beautiful dreamer legal lingo\legal lingo according to world book, relationships between landlords & these go back to the feudal system 06tenants\lessees an accusation of a wrong, or an action of the light brigade 09charge evidence you committed the crime is called this, from the latin for "crime" 01incriminating colorful term used to describe state laws regulating the sale of securities 05blue sky laws violation of trademark rights is called this 01infringement people\people she was crowned queen of england just 4 days after edmund hillary conquered mount everest 03elizabeth ii in 1978 the duchess of alba, one of the wealthiest women in this country, married an ex-priest 01spain this man, elvis's manager, was born in holland & his real name is andreas van kuijk 03colonel tom parker when he auctioned off his wacky wardrobe, his pinball wizard boots sold for over $20,000 03elton john this star of 1940s aquatic movie musicals made her own line of swimwear 03esther williams perfume\perfume the bottle for niki de saint phalle's perfume has 2 of these animals entwined on it 05snakes\serpents castor, an ingredient in perfume, comes from this "busy" animal 10beaver this 4-letter word can refer to an opera singer or her emanuel ungaro perfume 01diva this country known for pretty majas makes maja perfume 01spain ambergris, used as a fixative in perfumes, comes from the intestines of these whales 05sperm whales presi- dents\presidents the only president who fought in the french & indian war 04george washington a man of few words, he had 2 nicknames; 1 was "red" & the other wasn't 04calvin coolidge the berlin wall was erected during his administration 04jfk\john f. kennedy extensive repairs were needed on the white house in 1902 so his family moved to jackson place 04theodore roosevelt when he died in 1924, he became our only president buried in washington, d.c. 04woodrow wilson actress & role\actresses & roles this little girl played "the little colonel," "little miss broadway" & "little miss marker" 03shirley temple\black this gabor sister did the voice of dutchess the cat in walt disney's "the aristocats" 03eva gabor geraldine page's last broadway role was the happy medium in this noel coward play 01blithe spirit comedienne who got an oscar nod for playing a choir singer in her 1st film, "nashville" 03lily tomlin this cuban- american actress starred on broadway in "they're playing our song" 03lucie arnaz holland\holland in holland he's known as "sinter-klaas" 03santa claus\st nick\father christmas the holland herald is this airline's in-flight magazine 01klm royal dutch airlines at klompenboer in amsterdam you can watch these being made 05wooden shoes the hat colors of porters of this food at the alkmaar market indicate the guild they work for 01cheese aruba separated from this island group in 1986 & will be fully independent in 1996 19netherlands antilles lyrics\lyrics according to the song, it's "that toddling town" 01chicago last line of this rodgers & hart song is "each day is valentine's day" 01my funny valentine "just an old sweet song keeps" this state "on my mind" 01georgia "when i dream about the moonlight on" this river, "then i long for my indiana home" 10wabash the song "all of me" says, "take my lips, i want to lose them, take" these, "i'll never use them" 05my arms mother goose\mother goose this holiday "comes but once a year, and when it comes it brings good cheer" 01christmas\xmas georgie porgie made the girls cry by doing this to them 01kissing them it follows "there was an old woman lived under a hill, and if she's not gone..." 01she lives there still in "hickory dickory dock," it's what the clock struck right after the mouse ran up it 011\one she's told to "draw the latch, set by the fire & spin: take a cup and drink it up" 03crosspatch starts with "b"\starts with "b" a little mistake, or yogi bear's little buddy 01boo boo an insect who in your four- poster, or what a private eye might slip under your mattress 09bedbug a russian grandmother, or her kerchief 09babushka a south american country that borders brazil 01bolivia a french term for a small bundle of flowers, often tied together 09bouquet u.s. history\u.s. history it's the present-day successor to the old federal radio commission 10fcc number of the continental congress which adopted the declaration of independence 12second\2nd a cartoon by thomas nast in an 1874 harper's weekly was the 1st to use an elephant for this party 20republican party\gop the liberty bell cracked july 8, 1835, while tolling this chief justice's death 04john marshall in 1860 erasmus beadle began to publish a series of novels that sold for this price 01ten cents\dime boy oh "boy"\boy oh "boy" former lead singer of culture club, he rejuvenated his career with "the crying game" 03boy george this organization for training boys and young men was founded in england in 1908 10boy scouts this term, meaning to refrain from buying from, comes from the name of an irish land agent 01boycott a prickly bramble hybridized from the loganberry, blackberry & raspberry 10boysenberry a nursery rhyme tells him, "come blow your horn" 03little boy blue medicine\medicine in the 1890s wm. halstead introduced the wearing of these sterile surgical accessories 05rubber gloves q.i.d. on a prescription is a latin abbreviation for "quater in die," take this many times a day 014\four people hooked to a beeping machine learn to control their blood pressure using this process 01biofeedback encyclopedia americana says an infant has about 350 of these, but a typical adult has only 206 05bones a podiatrist treats these body parts 05feet new yorkers\new yorkers though he lived in many states, his body "lies a- mouldering in the grave" south of lake placid 04john brown this wealthy oil magnate was born in 1839 just outside the village of richford 04john d. rockefeller he wrote "the bells" & "annabel lee" at his farmhouse in the bronx 04edgar allan poe brooklynite jennie jerome was the mother of this famous statesman 04winston churchill this 19th c. politician was born at 1 cherry street, manhattan, & died in the ludlow street jail 04william marcy "boss" tweed real estate\real estate terms good ones are associated with both boy scouts & honest sellers of property 05deeds the local government official who determines the value of a property for tax purposes 17assessor before giving a mortgage, a lender has this person determine the market value of the property 17appraiser an area legallly designated for specific use, such as business, residential or industrial 09zone an agreement with a real estate broker to market one's property 09listing shake- speare\shakespeare this comedy features a woman named hero & a hero named benedick, but it isn't "much" 01much ado about nothing characters in this play include a prophetess, a trojan priest & a son of king priam 01troilus & cressida make no mistake: this play about twins was "musicalized" as "the boys from syracuse" 10comedy of errors this play is set partially in corioli, as you can tell from the title 01coriolanus he was banished from verona for killing tybalt 04romeo world religion\world religion in hebrew this word literally means "fit," as in "fit to be eaten" 01kosher the holy day of the week in the seventh-day adventist church 01saturday biblical event commemorated by the taking of communion in christian ceremonies 10last supper european mercenaries of the 15th to 19th century, they now exist only to protect the pope 20swiss guards every good moslem is expected to make one of these pilgrimages to mecca once in his life 09hajj american lit.\american literature in 1605 cervantes wrote about don quixote, & in 1969 mario puzo wrote about this don 03don vito corleone\the godfather katherine anne porter got this title & plot device from a 1494 sebastian brant work 01ship of fools american novelist & short story writer who created yoknapatawpha county 04william faulkner title hero of nathanael west's 1933 tale who ends up murdered by one of his correspondents 03miss lonelyhearts while working at the u.s. embassy in madrid, this knickerbocker knocked out a columbus bio 04washington irving austria\austria mozart was born in this city whose name means "castle of salt" 01salzburg the winter olympics have been held in this scenic city twice, in 1964 & 1976 01innsbruck traditional austrian costume of a blouse, a lace-up bodice & a full skirt with apron 09dirndl these birds return annually to roost in their chimney nests in the city of rust 05white storks in 1914 this hapsburg emperor declared war on serbia, thus starting world war i 04franz joseph ballet\ballet a "pas de chat" is a leap that resembles the movement of this animal 09cat george balanchine choreographed this ballet based on the story of a child who returned home 10prodigal son russian dancer, choreographer & star of the 1912 premiere of "the afternoon of a faun" 04vaslav nijinsky the group of dancers in a ballet troupe who perform as an ensemble 10corps de ballet\ballet corps tchaikovsky wrote the music to 3 ballets: "the sleeping beauty," "the nutcracker," & this 01swan lake elec- tricity\electricity his experiments in electricity led him to invent the lightning rod 04benjamin franklin world book defines it as "electrons or ions that are not moving" 01static electricity wrap a wire around an iron bar, send a current through the wire & you've made one of these 09magnet george westinghouse promoted the use of this type of current that we use today 01ac\alternating current galvani thought this dead animal released electricity when touched to metal & its legs kicked 09frog mary had a lamb\mary had a little lamb according to the poem, it was against the rules for the lamb to go here 02school in the 1830s lowell mason set the poem to this 01music his recitation of the poem in 1877 didn't amaze people until he played it back 04thomas edison "mary" is said to be mary sawyer from either sterling or sudbury in this state 01massachusetts she wrote the poem, or at least its last 3 verses 04sarah josepha hale starts with "v"\starts with "v" thackeray told tales of becky sharp & amelia sedley in this "novel without a hero" 01vanity fair in this 1958 hitchcock film james stewart played a former police detective afraid of heights 01vertigo either of two lower chambers of the heart that pump blood into the arteries 09ventricle hindus believe this god descended from heaven in several forms, including krishna 03vishnu expressed as a number, it's the capacity of an atom to combine with other atoms 01valence art\art michelangelo spent 3 years, 1501-1504, sculpting this goliath-sized statue 01david by their styles monet is considered one of these, and cezanne a post one 14impressionist for a fresco, before you apply the paint you have to put this on the wall 01plaster his painting career began in 1880 & ended 10 years later in auvers 04vincent van gogh this baroque flemish artist's name has become an adjective to describe his style 04peter paul rubens by the numbers\by the numbers 0000 hours and this other number designate midnight in military time 012400 hours kurt vonnegut uses some of his own experience in the firebombing of dresden in this book 01slaughterhouse five\slaughterhouse 5 term for someone who is unfit for service in the u.s. military 014f\four f a catnap 0140 winks\forty winks according to the ray bradbury novel filmed by francois truffaut, paper burns at this temp. 01fahrenheit 451 drama\drama the last line of this shaw play is "hail, caesar!" 01caesar & cleopatra arthur miller play, set in the 17th century, & originally titled "those familiar spirits" 01the crucible southerner who wrote "clothes for a summer hotel," a play about zelda fitzgerald 04tennessee williams playwright- actor whose unhappy marriage may have led him to write "the misanthrope" 04moliere\poquelin sidney poitier co-starred in this 1959 drama, the 1st by a black woman produced on broadway 01a raisin in the sun mystery east\the mysterious east until he said he wasn't, japanese emperors were considered divine 04hirohito being a free port makes kowloon, in this crown colony, a busy place 01hong kong the trading trail between the mideast & the far east was named this, after a fabric 10silk road these people refer to themselves as the han 20chinese while america is called "the land of the free," this nation's name means just that 01thailand pot- pourri\potpourri queen anne's lace is the ancestor of this orange vegetable & has roots resembling it 10carrot the primary source of this food is the apis mellifera 01honey "jennifer" derives from the celtic form of this queen's name 01guinevere this publication says it's "no more a magazine about nyc than time is a magazine about watches" 10new yorker luxurious legwear, or a 1957 movie musical starting fred astaire, who didn't wear them 05silk stockings the old west\the old west his indian name was tashunka-uito, which can be translated as "his mount is insane" 04crazy horse this outlaw's sister said he left s. america & returned to washington state, dying in 1937 04butch cassidy\parker some say this kentucky-born judge's original name was boone & that he & daniel were relatives 04judge roy bean to help others reach the promised land, this church set up a perpetual emigration fund in 1849 20mormon church legend says this "bandit queen" married 1 of her outlaw husbands on horseback 04belle starr\shirley "d" in lit.\"d" in literature in titles, this word precedes "in venice," "of a salesman," & "comes for the archbishop" 01death some say this classic cervantes novel is a veiled attack on the catholic church 01don quixote this dickens title character is the stepson of the unspeakably cruel mr. murdstone 03david copperfield we doubt if moll flanders would have relished reading his "journal of the plague year" 04daniel defoe he never finished his novel "netochka nezvanova" because he was sent to siberia 04fyodor dostoyevsky class. music\classical music berlioz neglected his medical study in this capital to spend his nights at the opera 01paris leopold mozart, who was this relative of wolfgang, was a famous composer, too 01his father 1940 disney film with the music of bach, beethoven, stravinsky, schubert & mussorgsky 01fantasia this master composer of ballets was the leading russian composer of the late 19th century 04peter ilyich tchaikovsky prokofiev's piece about a little homo sapiens and a canis lupis 01peter & the wolf movie trivia\movie trivia jimmy cagney's sister jeanne played george m. cohan's sister josie in this movie classic 01yankee doodle dandy dwight frye played fritz the dwarf in "frankenstein" & renfield in this horror classic 01dracula choreographer twyla tharp collaborated with this ballet star on "white nights" 03mikhail baryshnikov his last film was "nothing in common" 04jackie gleason her niece katherine houghton played her daughter in "guess who's coming to dinner" 03katharine hepburn royalty\royalty granddaughter of george iii, she became queen after the death of her uncle, william iv 04queen victoria cyrus, who conquered the medes, founded the achaemenid empire of this country 02persia the viking rurik is considered the founder of this land his descendants ruled until 1598 01russia after divorcing her 1st husband, livia drusilla married this man, the 1st emperor of rome 04augustus caesar\octavian in 1889 pedro i called it quits & this s. american country moved toward being a republic 01brazil spies\spies a 1980 charles higham book claims this swashbuckling actor was a spy for the gestapo 04errol flynn according to the book of numbers, he sent 12 men to spy out the land of canaan 04moses this american spy was exchanged for rudolf abel on february 10, 1962 04francis gary powers he wrote an autobiography explaining how he "led three lives" 04herbert philbrick in 1948 this editor of time magazine identified himself and alger hiss as soviet agents 04whittaker chambers word play\word play subtract 1 letter from "insane" to get this word which means silly or empty 01inane wally & the beaver, or the axlike knives they'd use to cut meat 05cleavers the two states whose names have 3 vowels and only 1 consonant 05iowa & ohio\ohio & iowa body part that's 1st alphabetically in most dictionaries, though it's near your middle 10abdomen a dylan thomas play, or where you might find "milkwort" in webster's 3rd int'l. dictionary 01under milkwood abbrev.\abbreviations trinitro- toluene is better known by this abbreviation 01tnt the correct spelling of the short official name of the u.s. junior chamber of commerce 01jaycees the ceo of a company is its chief executive officer; the cfo is this 01chief financial officer in lower case a metric unit of weight; in upper case it's for "knight of the order of the garter" 01kg the more familiar name for "common business- oriented language" used to program computers 01cobol artists\artists picasso painted lots of gloomy paintings from 1901-1904, mostly in shades of this color 01blue combining her love of flowers & the desert, she painted "mule's skull with pink poinsettias" 04georgia o'keefe this artist, who lived in arlington, vermont, put himself in about 25 of his own works 04norman rockwell renoir was born in this french city known for its porcelain, & at 13 he was a porcelain decorator 01limoges last name of the american artist who had artistic sons named titian, raphaelle, & rembrandt 01peale boston\boston puritan women didn't cook on sunday but baked these the night before, hence boston's nickname 05baked beans this president's grandfather served 2 terms as boston's mayor in the early 1900s 04john f. kennedy\jfk from the name of the highest hindu caste, it can refer to powerful, wealthy boston families 01brahmin an elegant section of boston, or a short-lived tv show about a family who lived there 01beacon hill you'll see colonial cemeteries, churches & various houses if you take this historic "trail" 10freeedom trail songs\songs elvis could have told you this is where "the desk clerk's dressed in black" 01heartbreak hotel cole porter wrote, "why oh why do i love" this city? "because my love is near" 01paris in "paint your wagon," julio complains, "i talk to the trees, but they don't" do this 01listen to me on his 1988 album "even worse," this pop parodist sang "stuck in a closet (with vanna white)" 03weird al\yankovic a song in "porgy and bess" is titled "there's a boat dat's leavin' soon for" this city 01new york\nyc women in hist.\women in history chiang ch'ing got into a lot of trouble in the late 1970s for hanging out with this "gang" 10gang of four\gang 4 3 days before her execution as a spy, she wrote to pres. eisenhower asking for clemency 04ethel rosenberg in 1969 this 21-year-old mp from northern ireland was convicted of inciting to riot 03bernadette devlin this queen of egypt had 6 daughters, 2 of whom later became queen 04nefertiti named to this post by fdr, frances perkins was the 1st woman to hold a position in the cabinet 01secretary of labor world geog.\world geography even without its ice, this continent would have the highest average elevation 01antarctica ancient egyptians never lived in this city near the nile delta; moslems founded it in 969 a.d. 01cairo though on the tropic of capricorn, this, brazil's largest city, is cool because of altitude 01sao paulo principality that calls itself cyrmu, it juts westward from england into the irish sea 01wales though canada's newfoundland province is named for this island, most of it is on the peninsula 01labrador "p"s & "q"s\"p"s & "q"s 2 bits of a piece of eight 09quarter it's often called atlanta's most famous street 01peachtree street for hundreds of years it was the only effective remedy for malaria 01quinine a nasty little lobster might grab you with one of these 09pincer it can be the highest point on a mountain or the highest point on a roof 10pinnacle\peak 1982\1982 after 11 months of internment by the polish gov't., this solidarity leader went home in nov. 03lech walensa by the time he died in 1982, he'd been the top soviet leader longer than anyone except stalin 04leonid brezhnev richard attenborough won the "best director" oscar for this "best picture" of 1982 01gandhi central high school in this city was made a national landmark in memory of events there in 1957 01little rock on july 1 in madison square garden, 2,075 couples were wed in a ceremony led by this clergyman 03reverend sun myung moon business & ind.\business & industry texas-based department store that publishes a catalogue of luxury gifts at christmas 01neiman-marcus in 1917 andrew pansini opened the 1st one of these in l.a. at 4th & olive & charged 5 cents a day 09parking lot former miss america now selling chicken products under the "chicken by george" label 03phyllis george brown he's given america many cups of tea but was unable to win the america's cup in 5 attempts 04sir thomas lipton in 1977 the new york times started this rival to people magazine 01us liter- ature\literature t.s. eliot, not an aged marsupial, wrote "old possum's book of" these "practical" creatures 05cats aldous huxley got its title from "the tempest" & set it in the year 632 af (after ford) 01brave new world of c.s. forester, e.m. forster, or s.c. foster, the one who wrote "the african queen" 04c.s. forester "across spoon river" was the title of his 1936 autobiography 04edgar lee masters this heroine of "vanity fair" is a scheming social climber unlike her virtuous friend amelia 03becky sharp relig. leaders\religious leaders he's the bishop of rome 17pope about 610 a.d. the angel gabriel appeared to him while he was praying on mount hira 04mohammed the number of theses, or proposals, that martin luther nailed to the door of castle church 0195\ninety five briefly a baptist & later a non- denominational christian, he founded rhode island 04roger williams roman catholic saint who wrote "the city of god" 03st augustine of hippo turtles\turtles this may sound fishy, but the exposed body parts of most turtles are covered with these 05scales the upper part of this turtle feature is called the carapace 10shell as you can tell by their name, these turtles have strong jaws & may bite fiercely if disturbed 05snapping turtles dr. seuss said this fictional turtle he created was a caricature of adolf hitler 03yertle the turtle turtles belong to this class of animals 01reptile egypt. myth.\egyptian mythology many copies of this book have been found in egyptian tombs but not one of them is complete 10book of the dead the creator god of this city was ptah, not elvis 01memphis this sun god, the main god of ancient egypt, became the official deity of the pharaohs 04ra\re a statue of this doglike mammal representing the god anubis guarded king tut's tomb 11jackal horus, the life giver, was sometimes depicted holding this crosslike symbol of life 10ankh first families\first family trivia before the 1988 election, she joked that if george lost she'd get a facelift & dye her hair red 03barbara bush frederick dent, ellen marshall, jesse root & ulysses simpson were his children 04ulysses grant first lady who was born claudia alta taylor 03lady bird johnson his wife, rachel, lived to see him elected but died before he was inaugurated 04andrew jackson the 1st white house wedding took place in 1812, & this first lady's sister lucy was the bride 04dolley madison musicals\musicals this hit show was based on margaret landon's book "anna & the king of siam" 10king & i set in south america, this play opened in ny in 1979 with patti lupone in the title role 01evita title character who starts out as a poor girl from missouri & ends up a passenger on the titanic 03the unsinkable molly brown name of the character who says he's a graduate of gary conservatory, class of 1905 03professor harold hill "applause" was the broadway musical version of this oscar- winning bette davis film 01all about eve ref. books\reference books the word for this type of book came from the greek for "circle of learning" 01encyclopedia the new york times & ap have this type of reference book so that grammar & usage are consistent 09style book the oldest firm of its kind in the u.s., this company issued its first map in 1872 01rand mcnally all doctors in the u.s. get a free copy of the pdr, this book of pharmaceutical information 10physicians desk reference published annually since j. pulitzer revived it in 1886, it says it "does not decide wagers" 10world almanac shake- speare\shakespeare trivia in "romeo & juliet," escalius is the prince of this city 01verona "king john" & "king henry v" are both set in these two countries 05england & france\france & england "the merry wives of" this place are mistress ford & mistress page 01windsor this tragic title character is the son-in-law of a senator named brabantio 03othello this play features pirates, lords, a prince of tyre & a 1-man chorus named gower 01pericles prince of tyre u.s. rivers\u.s. rivers this river forms most of the border between washington & oregon 10columbia river the name of this alaskan river might be abbreviated cu 10copper river from its source in montana to its mouth near st. louis, this river crosses 7 states 10missouri river harpers ferry, wv, was founded in the 1740s by harper, who set up a ferry across this river 10potomac though it flows for 310 miles through mid-nebraska, this river is too shallow for navigation 10platte river books & authors\books & authors "the mystery of marie roget" is poe's sequel to his story about "the murders in" this place 10rue morgue he wrote "the life & death of mr. badham," but he's more famous for "the pilgrim's progress" 04john bunyan with success of new nancy drew & hardy boys books, these laura lee hope kids were brought back 20bobbsey twins her 1st novel was "adam bede" 04george eliot\evans the full title of his 1947 book was "tales of the south pacific" 03james michener disc jockeys\disc jockeys in july, 1954, memphis dj dewey phillips became the 1st to air a record by this future superstar 04elvis\presley detroit dj russ gibb & his fans discovered musical "clues" to this beatle's "death" in '69 03paul\mccartney dr. johnny fever & venus flytrap were resident djs in this cbs sitcom "in cincinnati" 02wkrp cleveland dj alan freed popularized this music term, which had been known for years 01rock & roll "good morning," in 1965 adrian cronauer was a morning drive time disc jockey here 01saigon vietnam famous french\famous frenchmen his coming to power ended the french revolution 04napoleon bonaparte robespierre met the same fate just 18 months after demanding that this king be guillotined 04louis xvi\louis the sixteenth\louis 16 a 19th century french writer & statesman, or a thick slice of beef filet with bearnaise sauce 01chateaubriand film director who acted in "close encounters of the third kind" 04francois truffaut in his 1835 book he said, "i know of no country where the love of money has taken stronger hold" 04alexis de tocqueville medicine\medicine symptoms of this severe headache are a sharp pain in your temple, blurry vision & nausea 09migraine if you've had a myocardial infarction, you've had one of these-- so eat right & exercise 09heart attack surgery is no longer common for this inflammation of lymphoid tissue in the throat 01tonsillitis too much alcohol or rich food doesn't cause this joint inflammation, but it may start attacks 01gout it's defined as a wound or shock caused by a sudden physical injury 01trauma u.s. states\u.s. states state with an entire museum devoted to barbed wire, but as far as we know there's no toto museum 01kansas this state was the setting for edna ferber's 1958 novel "ice palace" 01alaska south carolina's flag has a blue field with this state tree in the center 10palmetto this southeast state's official seal depicts an indian girl strewing flowers 01florida this state's black warrior national forest was renamed in honor of tallulah bankhead's dad 01alabama zoology\zoology another name for the frigate bird, or a "portuguese" jellyfish 09man-o-war all lions are cats, & all sea lions are these 05seals 2 types of these furry creatures are the corsac & the kit 05foxes for lunch they may seize a drinking antelope by its snout & pull it under the water 05alligators\crocodiles the eggs of a fish in the ovary, or a big deer 01roe "l" words\"l" words it can be a collection of magazines, pamphlets & books, or the place where they're kept 09library in irish folklore, these little elves are cobblers who hold hidden treasure 05leprechauns the greek glycyrrhiza, meaning "sweet root," gave us this name for the plant & candy flavor 01licorice at the 1988 gop convention george bush spoke of "a thousand points of" this 01light a thick waterproof wool used for making coats, or a color of green 01loden birds\birds the plastic variety of this big pink bird is often found on front lawns in suburbia 10flamingo in greek myth hera took the 100 eyes of argus the watchman & set them into this bird's tail 10peacock these comical flightless birds live in colonies called "rookeries" 05penguins the sapsucker is the only bird of this family that gets nourishment from the trees themselves 10woodpecker houses built for these "purple" birds usually look like little apartment buildings 10purple martin connec- ticut\connecticut called "the collegiate school," it was founded in 1701 to counteract harvard's liberalism 01yale this large island lies across the water from most of connecticut's shoreline 01long island the city of bridgeport holds an annual festival honoring this famous showman & former mayor 04p.t. barnum the oldest u.s. newspaper continuously published under the same name is this city's courant 01hartford yankee peddlers sold pieces of wood that looked like this spice, hence the state nickname 01nutmeg dance\dance this 1977 film set in brooklyn capitalized on the disco craze of the late '70s 01saturday night fever "the kids in bristol are sharp as a pistol when they do" this dance 10bristol stomp a ballet co. might have to pull strings to stage "petrouchka" since petrouchka is one of these 09puppet\marionette this red- haired dancer, once frank sinatra's fiancee, was tv's "mona mccluskey" 03juliet prowse found by gene kelly, this french leading lady danced with fred astaire in "daddy long legs" 03leslie caron holly- wood\hollywood the chateau marmont hotel made the news when this comic-actor died there in 1982 04john belushi he was a hollywood tycoon before becoming an ambassador & father of a president 04joseph p. kennedy janet gaynor, gloria swanson & louise dresser were the 1st people nominated for these oscars 01best actress george raft is entombed at forest lawn next to this man who played chico in "chico & the man" 04freddie prinze watching kids arguing over pieces of wood inspired him to produce the "our gang" comedies 04hal roach religion\religion abraham, moses & jesus are considered prophets in this holy book of islam 10koran the name for this heavenly being comes from the greek word for "messenger" 01angel roman catholics are married at this kind of mass 01nuptial ceremony whose name means "daughter of the commandment" in hebrew 01bat mitzvah\bas mitzvah u.s. based religion whose founder called it "the scientific system of divine healing" 01christian science clothing\clothing from the french for genoa, these cotton work pants were worn by sailors in that port city 05jeans many south american women wear a shawl called this, not to be confused with nixon's pal bebe 09rebozo egyptians believed their gods brought this flaxen fabric with them to wear on earth 01linen it's an ornamental shoulder strap used on military uniforms as well as coats & jackets 14epaulet these riding breeches that billow out at the sides take their name from a former indian state 05jodhpurs econ- omics\economics the 1957 treaty of rome established the "european common" this 01market gresham's law states that "bad" types of this "drive out good" 01money nickname of the 1968 act that said banks have to clearly state the interest rates on loans 10truth in lending act branch of study that covers broad economic bases like national income & money supply 01macroeconomics a 1776 work by this man has been called "the handbook of the industrial revolution" 04adam smith fashion\fashion these calf- length women's pants of the 1950s were named for their original use-- cycling 05pedal pushers women's wear daily coined the name for these very brief, tight- fitting shorts in 1970 05hot pants since this family once had a saddlery in italy, equestrian designs mark its accessories 01gucci this overcoat with a removable cape got its name from a city in scotland 14inverness in the 1960s this former head designer for dior introduced the pant suit to high fashion 03yves st laurent pioneer life\pioneer life between 1775 & 1800 more than 200,000 pioneers went through this "gap" in the appalachians 10cumberland gap american express company was the eastern predecessor of this mail & stagecoach firm 01wells fargo & co most of the cooking was done in this "oven," a thick, 3-legged skilled with a lid 09dutch oven on the treeless prairies, the typical home was made of this material 01sod in 1846 the mormons left nauvoo in this midwestern state & began their trek to utah 01illinois the senses\the senses an organ of touch for cats, for mr. claus they're just "as white as snow" 05whiskers sorry, charlie, star-kist wants tuna that tastes this way 01good you may have guessed that intution is called this, numerically speaking 10sixth sense\6th sense oyez! oyez! oyez! "oyez" is simply anglo-french for this courtroom phrase 01hear ye irish wolfhounds were bred to hunt by this sense 01sight world country\countries of the world this tiny country, the world's oldest republic, was founded by a stonecutter named marinus 01san marino great bear lake is the largest lake entirely within this country 01canada madagascar, mauritius & the seychelles are all island countries located in this ocean 10indian ocean before becoming president, wm. taft was governor of this island country, now independent 10philippines the khyber pass, only 15 yards wide in places, is the major link between pakistan & this nation 01afghanistan musical numbers\musical numbers number of strings on a mandolin, it's 2 more than on a guitar 018\eight in musical notation there are this many horizontal lines on a staff 015\five minimum number of notes in a chord 013\three number of flags on the stem of a sixteenth note 012\two number of different letters of the alphabet we use to denote notes 017\seven napoleon\napoleon island on which carlo & letizia bonaparte changed son napoleon's nappies 01corsica though the cause of death is uncertain, we do know napoleon died on this island 01st helena napoleon kept louis xviii out of power this many days 01100\one hundred napoleon assembled the "grande armee" in boulogne, threatening to invade this country 01england\britain even though napoleon divorced her, josephine got to keep this rank -Empress END OF QUESTIONS -------------------------------------------------------- //// V. 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