........................................................................ ** **** ****** ******** ********** ************ ************** **************** ****************** ******************** ___________________________________ *HAMMERLOCK * WRESTLING* *FAQ * GUIDE* By: Fire_Pro_Fan ___________________________________ ******************** ****************** **************** ************** ************ ********** ******** ****** **** ** Version 1.00 ======================================================== ******INTRODUCTION****** ======================================================== The year was 1994, the popularity of Pro Wrestling was at it's commercial peak, Wrestling games were flooding the marketplace and the success of the 16 bit era was larger than ever across the globe. For it's time, Hammerlock Wrestling (or "Tenryu Genchiro no Pro Wrestling Revolution: Wrestle and Romance" in Japan) was a very unique entry into the pro Wrestling genre. Hammerlock Wrestling's most notable feature was the game's 3-way split screen that emphasized on comic book like cut scenes for every move and action inputted. The cut scene animations encompassed a large majority of the screen with impressively detailed and larger than life character sprites leaving a section in the middle for actual gameplay. While some might argue that Hammerlock Wrestling's strongest feature is also it's biggest downfall, without a doubt, Hammerlock Wrestling still stands as one of the more interesting and eye catching Pro Wrestling games from a visual perspective released during the 16 bit era. Now, on with the FAQ! ======================================================== ******THE CONTROLS****** ======================================================== -While standing: Approach opponent: Lockup/Grapple Y: Punch/ Light Strike B: Kick/ Medium Strike A: Dropkick/ Powerful Strike X: Run /: Or (for example A/B means the command can be done using A or B. The same goes for Back/Forward, etc) Up + Back + B/ Up + Forward + B: climb the left or right turnbuckles (not every Wrestler can climb the turnbuckle) -While grappling/locking Up: Back + Y/ Forward + Y: Irish Whip A: Strong Grapple B: Light Grapple Back/Forward + A or B: additional Grapple Attacks -while opponent is laying on the ground: Y: Pick Up opponent B: Pin A: Powerful Stomp/ Submission Hold -While running: Back/Forward: Stop running B: Powerful Strike -While on the turnbuckle: B: Turnbuckle Strike/Stomp -while on the ground: Button mash: escape a submission hold applied by opponent/ attempt to escape a Pinfall -Miscellaneous controls: Back + Y/ Forward + Y: Tag in partner (only in Tag matches) Forward + B/ Back + B: Exit ring (while standing next to ropes on either side of the ring after being thrown/ striking opponent out of the ring) Back + B/ Forward + B: Enter ring from outside ======================================================== ******THE GAMEPLAY****** ======================================================== -Lockups: When both Wrestlers lock arms and attempt to grapple one another. -Grapples: During the "Lockup" animation, both Wrestlers will join hands and bend their knees back and forth. During this animation, a small window of time will be initiated where the first Wrestler to successfully input their command the fastest will win the Lockup and be able to perform their inputted attack. {Note: when in a Lockup, only input your attack ONCE. Button mashing} {during the Lockup will result in losing the Lockup and allow your} {opponent to input their grapple much more easily.} -Submission holds: Grapple techniques that requires button mashing to escape. The amount of damage inflicted in a Submission hold depends on how quickly either Wrestler escapes from the submission. -Turnbuckle attacks: Strike attacks initiated after climbing either the top left or top right turnbuckles also known as "Top Rope Maneuvers". -Strike attacks: Punches, kicks and dropkicks available to each Wrestler. -Stomp attacks: Strike attacks performed on a grounded opponent. Strike attacks cannot be reversed or blocked as long as either Wrestler is laying on the ground. Reversals: A technical counter attack where either Wrestler attempts to perform a specific grapple on an opponent containing a considerable amount of health or energy remaining, a reveral will be initiated. The less energy either Wrestler has, the harder it will be for a Wrestler to perform a reversal. Grogginess: When either Wrestler receives enough damage from strike or grapple attacks, they will rise to their feet unable to move and start swaying back and forth in a groggy like manner. Although temporary, it is possible to get a free shot off of a groggy opponent. It is easy to notice when a Wrestler is groggy because their head will be surrounded by yellow stars while in a groggy state. -Special Moves/Finishing Moves: A Wrestler's special finishing manuever that can be executed in a match under certain conditions or requirements. For more info on a specific Wrestler's Special/Finishing moves, check out "THE WRESTLERS" section of this FAQ. ========================================================= ******THE RULES****** ========================================================== -Pinfalls: When either Wrestler attempts to perform a pin on a downed opponent. A Wrestler can attempt to escape a pinfall if: they have enough health remaining, are pinned near the ropes/turbuckles (which results in a rope break) or a team member breaks up the pinfall. -GIVE UP: When a submission hold is applied to either Wrestler containing little to no health remaining in their lifebar. If the submission hold is applied while either Wrestler is touching the Ropes or turnbuckles , the submission will be broken up with a rope break. -ROPE BREAK: When either Wrestler is pinned or put into a submission hold near the ring's ropes or turnbuckle, the submission or pin will be broken up up resulting in a rope break. -TIME UP: During a match, if the time limit is reached, the match will result in a "TIME UP" or draw game where both Wrestlers lose the match regardless of how much health either Wrestler has remaining. -DRAW GAME: Where both Wrestlers lose the match after being counted out outside of the ring or by not finishing a match before the time limit expires. -RING OUT: When either Wrestler remains outside the ring for a 20 count, the match the match will end with a "Ring out" resulting in an automatic loss for the Wrestler remaining outside the ring. If both Wrestlers remain outside the ring for a 20 count, the match will end as a "DRAW" where neither Wrestler wins the match under the condition of a "Double Ring out". ========================================================= ******THE MODES****** ========================================================== Title Screen: -START: Choosing this option brings the player to the "GAME MODE SELECT" screen. -PASSWORD: Enter a Password acquired through "TOP RANKING MATCH" mode. GAME MODE SELECT screen: -EXHIBITION MATCH: The standard versus mode of the game. -SINGLE: A one round, 1 on 1 singles match. -1P COM: The 1st player versus a Computer opponent in a singles match -1P 2P: The 1st player versus the 2nd player in a singles match -TAG: A one round, 2 on 2 tag team match. -1P1P COMCOM: The 1st player controls a tag team versus a tag team of two computer controlled opponents -1P1P 2P2P: The 1st player controls a tag team versus a tag team controlled by the second player -1P2P COMCOM: The 1st player and 2nd player on the same team versus a tag team of two computer controlled opponents -1P2P 3P4P: The 1st player and 2nd player on the same team versus a tag team controlled by the 3rd and 4th player (with the use of a Multitap). -5-10-20-30-40-45-60 min: select the amount of time per match. -LEVEL: choose the Computer's level of difficulty. -CHAMPION LEAGUE MATCH: The league type mode where the Wrestler with the most wins in the league wins. Unlike Tournament mode, no Wrestler can be eliminated. -SINGLE: Play through Champion League in a 1 on 1 singles type match setting. -PLAYER -1 2 3 4 5 6: : Choose how many human players will participate in the League mode. -TAG: Play through CHAMPION LEAGUE MATCH mode in a 2 on 2 tag team match setting. -PLAYERTAG -1 2 3 4 5 6: choose how many human tag teams will participate in the League mode. {note: if only one controller is plugged in} {AND more than one PLAYERTAG team is selected} {the only option available will be 1P1P TAG.} -5-10-20-30-40-45-60 min: select the amount of time per match. -LEVEL: choose the Computer's level of difficulty. -TOURNAMENT MATCH: An 8 man tournament mode where up to 8 Wrestlers can be chosen. There is no time limit in this mode. -PLAYER -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8: Choose how many human players will participate in the Tournament mode. -LEVEL: choose the Computer's level of difficulty. -TOP RANKING MATCH: Face off against the entire roster in either the singles or tag team division to become World Champion. This is the only mode that features a proper ending. -SINGLE: Play through TOP RANKING MATCH mode in a 1 on 1 singles type match setting. -TAG: Play through CHAMPION LEAGUE MATCH mode in a 2 on 2 tag team match setting. -1P1P TAG: The first player controls a tag team against a series of tag teams controlled by the computer 1P2P TAG: The first and second player controls a tag team against a series of tag teams controlled by the computer. -LEVEL: choose the Computer's level of difficulty. ======================================================== ******THE WRESTLERS****** ======================================================== In order of appearance on the character selection screen. ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Sam Warhammer Real name: Hulk Hogan Height: 6 ft 7 (2.01 m) Weight: 264 lb (120 kg) Born: August 11, 1953 From: Augusta, Georgia, U.S.A. Special Moves: Axe Hammer: B (While running) : Piledriver: Down + B (While grappling opponent) ------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Ivan Destra Real name: Lex Luger Height: 6 ft 4 (1.93 m) Weight: 254 (115 kg) Born: June 2, 1958 From: Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. Special Moves: Headbutt: A (while in close range) Powerbomb: Down + B Reverse Piledriver: Back+ A/Forward + A (While grappling opponent) ------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Mondo Fundi Real name: Yokozuna Height: 6 ft 5 (1.95 m) Weight: 352 lb (160 kg) Born: October 2, 1966 From: San Francisco, California, United States Special Moves: Sumo Palm: A (while in close range) Power Slam: Back+ B/Forward + B (while grappling opponent) Sit: A (while in close range) Banzai Drop: A (while on the turnbuckle) ------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Baron Kaiser Real name: Stan Hansen Height: 6 ft 5 (1.98 m) Weight: 305 lb (138 kg) Born: August 29, 1949 From: Knox City, Texas, U.S.A. Special Moves: Western Lariat: B (while running) Short Range Lariat: A (while grappling opponent) Release Powerbomb: Back + A/Forward + A (while grappling opponent) ------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Great Max Real name: Great Muta Height: 6 ft 2 (1.88 m) Weight: 246 lb (111 kg) Born: December 23, 1962 From: Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan Special Moves: Moonsault Body Press: B (while on Turnbuckle) Spinkick: A (while in close range) Fork Stab: A (while grappling opponent) ------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Sid Bieniek Real name: Abdullah The Butcher Height: 6 ft 1 (1.84 m) Weight: 308 lb (140 kg) Born: January 11, 1941 From: Windsor, Ontario, Canada Special Moves: Spinning Backfist: A (while in close range) Butcher's Blade: A (while opponent is laying on the ground) Sleeper Hold: A (while grappling opponent) ------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Oga Prime Real name: Genichiro Tenryu Height: 6 ft 2 (1.89 m) Weight: 264 lb (119 kg) Born: February 2, 1950 From: Katsuyama, Fukui Prefecture, Japan Special Moves: Lariat: B (while running) Release Powerbomb: Back + A/Forward + A (while grappling opponent) Powerbomb Pin: Down + A (while grappling opponent) ------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Alpha Bozak Real name: Road Warrior Hawk Height: 6 ft 4 (1.93 m) Weight: 273 lbs (123 kg) Born: September 12, 1957 From: Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Special Moves: Flying Lariat: X (while running) Powerslam: A (while grappling opponent) DDT: Back + B/Forward + B (while grappling opponent) ------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Selvis Takito Real name: Shinya Hashimoto Height: 6 ft o (1.83 m) Weight: 238 lb (134 kg) Born: July 3, 1965 From: Toki, Japan Special Moves: Wheel Kick: B (while running) Standing Wheel Kick: A (while in close range) Sit: A (while opponent is laying on the ground) ------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Spud Marmoset Real name: Mitsuharu Misawa Height: 6 ft 1 (1.85 m) Weight: 298 lb (135 kg) Born: June 18, 1962 From: Yubari, Hokkaido, Japan Special Moves: Emerald Flowsion: Back + A/Forward + A (while grappling opponent) Flying Lariat: B (while running) Elbow Strike: A (while grappling) Moonsault Body Press: A (whle on the turnbuckle) ------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Ace Wagata Real name: Jumbo Tsuruta Height: 6 ft 6 (1.98 m) Weight: 273 lb (123 kg) Born: March 25, 1951 From: Makioka, Yamanashi, Japan Special Moves: Jumping Knee Strike: X (while running) Backdrop Suplex Hold: Back + A/Forward + A (while grappling) Sleeper Hold: A (while grappling opponent) ------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Moe Fudo Real name: Keiji Muto Height: 6 ft 2 (1.88 m) Weight: 242 lb (110kg) Born: December 23, 1962 From: Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan Special Moves: Moonsault Body Press: B (while on Turnbuckle) Back Brain Kick: A (while in close range) German Suplex Hold: Back + A/ Forward + A (while grappling opponent) ======================================================== ******SECRETS, TIPS, AND TRICKS****** ======================================================== Stun technique: Choosing any character perform a Kick (B button) while in close range with an opponent. Once your Wrestler's kick connects successfully, the opponent will then be temporarily stunned for a second. While the opponent is stunned, they are unable to move but are still responsive to offensive attacks. Follow up the stun with another kick (B button). If timed correctly (tip: use the crowd's reactions to time your kicks correctly), your Wrestler will be able to constantly kick your opponent over and over again depleting their health quickly and giving you a major advantage during the match. Note: this trick DOES NOT work against Mondo Fundi, Sid Bieniek and Selvis Takito. Stun technique (for use against Mondo Fundi, Selvis Takito and Sid Bieniek): perform a Kick (B button) while in close range with an opponent. Once your Wrestler's kick connects successfully, the opponent will then be temporarily stunned for a second. While the opponent is stunned, they are unable to move but are still responsive to offensive attacks. Follow up the stun with another kick (B button) IMMEDIATELY and continue tapping the B (kick) button. If timed correctly (tip: use the crowd's reactions to time your kicks correctly), your Wrestler will be able to constantly kick your opponent over and over again depleting their health quickly and giving you a major advantage during the match. Strategy of choice: My strategy of choice in Hammerlock Wrestling/Pro Wrestling Revolution is to initiate the "stun technique" on an opponent, kick/strike them until they collapse, perform a stomp attack (while they are laying on the ground) then wait until they rise to their feet in a groggy state to follow up with a running special (Kaiser or Warhammer's Lariat, ideally) to knock them down once again. I then like to finish this combo off with either a submission hold or another ground stomp for maximum damage and a killer advantage over my competition. Top Ranking Title Match Passwords: To play the final match in Top Ranking Match mode, enter any one of the following passwords: Sam Warhammer QPHDPP Spud Marmoset QVPDPP Ace Wagata QGVDQP Moe Fudo QBSDPP Ivan Destra QJGDPP Mondo Fundi QDCDPP Baron Kaiser QLZDPP Great Max QSLDPP Sid Bieniek QQBDQP Oga Prime QCWDQP Alpha Bozak QXXDPP Selvis Takito QHKDQP ======================================================== ******FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS****** ======================================================== Q: Are there any secret characters that can be unlocked in the game? A: No. Like most Wrestling games of the time, every character is already unlocked and ready to fight with. Q: Are there any unlockables in the game? A: No. Q: I was playing a game called that features Genichiro Tenryu and it's exactly the same as this game. What's up with that? A: Hammerlock Wrestling is the American port of "Tenryu Genchiro no Pro Wrestling Revolution: Wrestle and Romance". The creators of Hammerlock Wrestling just decided to go with a different name to avoid paying Tenryu an extra paycheck for two separate games. Q: Why does every Wrestler like Hulk Hogan have a weird name in this game? A: This is a common practice in Japanese Wrestling games. These weird names and altered looks are aliases put into place so the developers of Hammerlock (and in extension, "Tenryu Genchiro no Pro Wrestling Revolution" would avoid being sued by the actual, real life Wrestlers each character is based off of. Q: Why is there a Password feature in this game but no passwords? A: You have to lose a match in "TOP RANKING MATCH" mode to receive a Passowrd to use in the Password section. Q: Why did you write a FAQ for this game? A: There was no FAQ for this game, so, I wrote one hoping to clear up any confusion and provide enough information, tips and tricks for players to get the most out of Hammerlock Wrestling. Q: Why is there no background music in this version of the game? I have a few theories: A) Jaleco didn't want to pay the original composer royalties for this port B) Jaleco wanted Hammerlock Version to appear more similar to the more popular American Wrestling games released at the time that did not feature background music or stage themes. Personally, I quite enjoyed the music in the Japanese version. Q: Is there a way to turn off the split screen mode? A: Unfortunately not. But, this is part of the game's charm. Q: What the heck is up with the ending in Top Ranking Match mode? A: I think the english port was rushed (along with the omission of stage themes) thus resulting in a very uninspired and comical ending. What's even more baffling is the Japanese port contains a much superior ending written in ENGLISH! ======================================================== ******SPECIAL THANKS****** ======================================================== I would personally like to thank: {Nintendo} for creating the SNES and Super Famicom video game consoles. JALECO/W.A.R.: For releasing this visually interesting Wrestling game. {Human Entertainment} for introducing me to the exciting world of Puroresu video games and creating the finest wrestling game series possible ...the Fire Pro Wrestling series. {GameFAQS} for creating and continuing to host the greatest FAQ website of all time. {TheSuicidalDragon} for their informative "Top 10" video series on Youtube. {Purogeek} for inspiring me to write and contribute my own FAQ. And ...{you}! Thank you for reading my FAQ! _____________________________________________________________________ Questions, comments, or corrections email me at: justin-seven@hotmail.com Feel free to use any part of this FAQ at will. ........................................................................