=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Fighter's History FAQ By: Goh_Billy (billy_kane_32@hotmail.com) Version #: 3.0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sections -------- 1. Legend 2. System 2.1 Basics 2.2 Weak Point 3. Characters 3.1 Ray McDougal 3.2 Liu Feilin 3.3 Kano Ryoko 3.4 Matlok Jade 3.5 Samchay Tomyamgun 3.6 Lee Diendo 3.7 Mizoguchi Makoto 3.8 Jean Pierre 3.9 Marstorius ------------------------------- 3.10 Clown 3.11 Karnov 4. Conclusion 4.1 What's Missing/Needed 4.2 Credits =============================================================================== 1. Legend =============================================================================== ub u uf f - Forward HP - Heavy Punch P - Any Punch \ | / b - Back MP - Medium Punch K - Any Kick b-- --f u - Up LP - Light Punch + - And / | \ d - Down HK - Heavy Kick / - Or db d df MK - Medium Kick , - Then LK - Light Kick qcf - quarter circle forward (d, df, f) qcb - quarter circle back (d, db, b) hcf - half circle forward (b, db, d, df, f) hcb - half circle back (f, df, d, db, b) =============================================================================== 2. System =============================================================================== ************** * 2.1 Basics * ************** Throw f/b + MP/HP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Block High b Block Low db will not block overheads Dizzy Recovery shake joystick and tap P and K rapidly when dizzied Negative Edge allows you to perform an example would be maneuvers by holding performing a qcf + P the attack button maneuver by instead down, performing holding P, qcf, releasing the motion, then P releasing the attack button ****************** * 2.2 Weak Point * ****************** In Fighter's History, a character can only be dizzied once per round. There is a unique way in which a character is dizzied in the game. Every character has their own weak point. This weak point (usually a piece of clothing) will begin to flash once it has been struck a few times. Once it flashes, the next successful strike to that area will cause that item to pop off the character, and in the process, causing the character to become dizzied. Every character's weak zone is listed in the character's movelist next to their color selection as well as here for convenience: Ray: lightning bolt Feilin: breastplate Ryoko: headband Matlok: headgear Samchay: armband Lee: knees Mizoguchi: headband Jean: leg band Marstorius: leg warmers Clown: mask Karnov: ghutrah =============================================================================== 3. Characters =============================================================================== ******************************************************************************* * 3.1 Ray McDougal * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: lightning bolt ------ P - Blue jeans w/ Red lightning bolt K - Gray jeans w/ Blue lightning bolt Throws ------ DDT f/b + MP/HP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Air DDT f/b + MP/HP close in f and b determine where air opponent is thrown Basic Move ---------- N/A Command Move ------------ N/A Special Moves ------------- Big Tornado qcf + P LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast; will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process Dynamite Tackle f, f + P / f, f, P LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long Wheel Kick qcb + K LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - Listen chump, you better learn some better moves than that if you want to challenge me! ~To Feilin - You call that a fight, sweetie? That was barely a warmup. ~To Ryoko - I think you need some more time in the gym, kid. ~To Matlok - Better not try to slam dance with me, pal! ~To Samchay - Next time stop all that kicking and fight like a man! ~To Lee - Kung Fu? Hah! It was like beating up a kindergartner! ~To Mizoguchi - Somebody better get this kamikaze wimp an ambulance! ~To Jean - Hey Frenchie, I think it's time for your nap! ~To Marstorius - You're going to need more than brute force to stop me. Now get outta here before I pound you again! ~To Clown - Hah! Did you expect to beat me with those cheap tricks? You've got to be joking! Ending ------ Karnov: I can't believe. I've been defeated! The same is unbearable... And the winnings, they all belong to you now. Ray: I don't want your money, pal. I fight for the thrill of the competition. The chance to test my strength and my skills against the best of the best. You of all people should be able to understand... Narrator: And without a second look, Ray turned and walked away. Satisfied with his decisive victory against the ruthless Karnov. Ray returned to the States, knowing that someday a new fighter would come to challenge him. ******************************************************************************* * 3.2 Liu Feilin * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: breastplate ------ P - Green top w/ Orange bottoms K - Red top w/ Purple bottoms Throw ----- Mantis Slam f/b + MP/HP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Basic Move ---------- N/A Command Moves ------------- N/A Special Moves ------------- Touroh Zan qcf + P LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast; will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process Diving Touroh Zan b, db, d + P in air LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast; (at the peak of the will collide with other jump) projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process; overhead Hakkaku Soubi Ken Charge d for 2 seconds, LP=short, MP=medium, HP=far u + P ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - Come on boy, put a little effort into it next time! ~To Feilin - You'll never top me my friend! I'm the best around! ~To Ryoko - That's what happens when a kid tries to fight a pro! ~To Matlok - Hey rocker, looks like your rhythm is a little off! ~To Samchay - I wouldn't dare let a sweaty old man like you beat me! ~To Lee - What do you call that kind of fighting... Kung Fool? ~To Mizoguchi - Next time you'll think twice about taking me on, chump! ~To Jean - I can read your moves like a book, wimp! ~To Marstorius - My hairdresser has better moves than you! ~To Clown - Time for a nap, eh clown? Ending ------ Narrator: Feilin returned to Beijing and got a hero's welcome. Her popularity reached international proportions. Then one day... Assistant: Feilin... Telephone for you. Feilin: Who is it? Assistant: Long distance, Hollywood. The guys says he'll pay you a million dollars for you to star in your own life story. Feilin: Another Hollywood weasel... Tell him I'm not interested. ******************************************************************************* * 3.3 Kano Ryoko * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: headband ------ P - Off White costume w/ Red trim K - Dark Orange costume w/ Blue trim Throws ------ Heave Toss f/b + MP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Side Slam f/b + HP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Layback Toss df/db + MP/HP close df throws the opponent in front of Ryoko while db throws the opponent behind Ryoko Submission Hold d, d + P Izuna Drop f/b + MP/HP close in f and b determine where air opponent is thrown Basic Moves ----------- Short Sweep LK must be blocked low; grounds opponent Axe Kick HK close 2 hits Command Move ------------ Double Fist Sweep d + HP must be blocked low Special Moves ------------- Cho Yama Arashi hcf/hcb + MP/HP close unblockable Ippon Seoi hcf/hcb + MP/HP at Ryoko will fly forward to about sweep distance grab the opponent; dash in is unblockable Air Ippon Seoi hcf/hcb + MP/HP in air unblockable next to opponent (the grab will work close to the opponent or at a sweep distance away and at any distance between those two points) Zenten Ukemi Charge b for 2 seconds, can use this to get in close f + P for your special move throws ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - Make fun of Judo will you? Maybe next time you'll show some respect, wimp! ~To Feilin - You're no match for me lady! I can handle all of those two-bit moves! ~To Ryoko - Hah! I think you need some more practice, kiddo! ~To Matlok - You think I'd let a low-life punk take me? Never! ~To Samchay - Back to the old folks home, grandpa. ~To Lee - Did you think your half-baked Kung Fu could beat my Judo? ~To Mizoguchi - Call me when you want to fight seriously, old man! ~To Jean - You're going to need more than good looks to impress me! ~To Marstorius - Brains over brawn, every time! ~To Clown - I knew my Judo would beat a pasty-faced clown like you! Ending ------ Narrator: Grandpa, Grandma... Ryoko's beaten them all! She's become the supreme Judo champ of the world! Ryoko: It's on to Atlanta in 1996! And I won't come home until I've won a suitcase full of gold medals! ******************************************************************************* * 3.4 Matlok Jade * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: headgear ------ P - Green pants w/ Blonde hair K - Blue pants w/ Orange hair Throw ----- Monkey Flip f/b + MP/HP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Basic Move ---------- Hop Kick HK close 2 hits Command Moves ------------- Head Press d + MK in air can perform another air attack after move (but not another Head Press; can guide descent slightly with b/f; overhead Hop Spear d + HP quick low dodge Special Moves ------------- Spinning Wave Charge b for 2 seconds, LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast; f + P will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process Overhead Kick Charge b for 2 seconds, LK=short, MK=medium, HK=far; f + K overhead Road Hurricane Charge d for 2 seconds, u + K ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - You're too slow to be dancing with me, mate! ~To Feilin - Shall we go one more round, ma'am! ~To Ryoko - Over so soon? And I was just getting warmed up! ~To Matlok - I dig your style, man, but you gotta have more soul! ~To Samchay - About time for you to get on that plane back home, eh squire? ~To Lee - I've seen better Kung Fu at the movies! ~To Mizoguchi - You'll never be a real fighter by eating raw fish! ~To Jean - Your fancy moves are nothing compared to my legwork! ~To Marstorius - You'd look better with a mohawk. Next time I'll be sure to give you one! ~To Clown - It was a lovely duet, but I knew I'd be the last one standing! Ending ------ Matlok: O.K. pops, I stomped you fair and square! Now hand over the goodies! Narrator: Among the prize winnings was a legendary guitar, said to hold wondrous powers. Matlok: Hah! With this, my Rock'n Roll dream will finally come true. No more cheap second billings for me! Narrator: And with that, Matlok set out on a new path of cool tunes, gold records, and a never-ending series of righteous parties! ******************************************************************************* * 3.5 Samchay Tomyamgun * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: armband ------ P - Green costume w/ Red trim K - Orange costume w/ Blue trim Throws ------ Head Crush f/b + MP/HP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Deadly Knees f/b + MK/HK close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Basic Move ---------- Rising Snap HK close 2 hits Command Move ------------ N/A Special Moves ------------- Maddron Jusarop qcf + P LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast; will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process Ti Kaukoun qcf + K LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long Pap Soukau LP+LK / MP+MK / HP+HK LP+LK=short, MP+MK=medium, HP+HK=long ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - Get out of town, yankee! ~To Feilin - I have no time to be fighting such unworthy opponents! ~To Ryoko - I think it is past your bedtime, little girl. ~To Matlok - Challenge me again and I will teach you the true meaning of the word "respect." ~To Samchay - The gods of battle are clearly on my side! ~To Lee - It pleases me to give you such a punishing defeat! ~To Mizoguchi - A shameful loss for you. Return in disgrace you pitiful thing! ~To Jean - Did you believe your childlike moves could overcome my superior skills? ~To Marstorius - There is no escaping the authority of the Ti-Kau-Koon! ~To Clown - The honor of this victory will be with me forever! Ending ------ Samchay's Sister: Wait, Samchay. Stop! Samchay: Sister! What are you doing here? Samchay's Sister: Samchay, stop this violence. You know this is not the right path. The only true path is the way of non-violence... Please return home, and we shall all live in peace, like we used to before your quest for power and fame. Samchay: Sister, I can see now what a meaningless search it has been. It is time for a new life to begin. We must hurry, our destiny awaits! ******************************************************************************* * 3.6 Lee Diendo * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: knees ------ P - Purple costume K - Orange costume Throw ----- Fireman's Carry f/b + MP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Energy Thrust f/b + HP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown; sends opponent clear across the screen Basic Move ---------- N/A Command Move ------------ N/A Special Moves ------------- Zesshou Hou qcf + P LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long Choshin Kou f + MP Zesshou Hou must touch the opponent for this follow up to be possible Senkyuu Tai qcf + K LK=short, MK=medium, HK=far ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - Rise again and I'll unleash the full fury of my Kung Fu! ~To Feilin - Your fighting moves are nothing more than feeble gestures. ~To Ryoko - Even the strongest Judo champion will fall in shame before me! ~To Matlok - Your silly moves are embarrassing. It was like fighting a sick dog! ~To Samchay - Now you know the meaning of the word fear! ~To Lee - A glorious victory for me. I suggest you practice before challenging me again! ~To Mizoguchi - Kung Fu will always defeat your weak moves! ~To Jean - Your technique does not impress me. Come back next year weakling! ~To Marstorius - You are like a rotting side of beef. Go home before I make sausage out of you! ~To Clown - You belong in a circus, not in the fighter's ring! Ending ------ Lee: At long last, my father's death shall be avenged! Lee's Master: Ten Dok, stop this display of brutality! Do not forget the words of your father, "The fist raised in anger will never be the fist of a true champion..." Lee: Master... Narrator: Several years later... Realizing his father's words were true, Ten Dok gave up his championship title, and returned to his village. Now he trains for a different reason. To regain the throne in the name of honor, not vengeance. ******************************************************************************* * 3.7 Mizoguchi Makoto * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: headband ------ P - Black pants w/ Red trim K - Green pants w/ Blue trim Throws ------ Neckringer Slam f/b + MP/HP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Shuffle Kick f/b + MK/HK close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Basic Moves ----------- Axe Kick HK close 2 hits Air Falling Axe u, HK 2 hits; overhead Command Move ------------ N/A Special Moves ------------- Tiger Bazooka qcf + P LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast; will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process Koryuu Sai b, db, d + P LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long Ren Zoku Keri qcf + K LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long; mashing K with the qcf motion is a good way to make sure all the follow ups come out Single Follow K Swipe qcf + K Single Follow K Finish qcf + K ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - Return to the gutter, you honorless insect! ~To Feilin - Your scene is finished, actress. Time for you to go home! ~To Ryoko - I was easy on you this time little girl. Next time you won't be so lucky! ~To Matlok - Now you know what "fighting spirit" is. Remember it well. ~To Samchay - I knew my power would destroy your will to fight! ~To Lee - Your Kung Fu is worthless against me! ~To Mizoguchi - With a little more practice you might improve. But I doubt it! ~To Jean - I could never lose to a weakling like you! ~To Marstorius - You are nothing but an ox. Go on back to the barn! ~To Clown - Clowns belong in the circus, not in the fighter's ring! Ending ------ Narrator: One month later, Mizoguchi was accepted into the top university, where he vowed to devote his life to parties and occasional studying. But a shadowy figure soon caught up with him. Man: You there, are you the famous warrior Makoto Mizoguchi? Mizoguchi: Yes, b-but who are you? Man: I was witness to your victory over Karnov, and I come to request your presence in the fighter's ring to face an even more awesome challenger... Come, we must leave at once... Mizoguchi: You gotta be kidding! Hey, get me outta here! Gimme a break. Help! Help! Aaaagh! ******************************************************************************* * 3.8 Jean Pierre * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: leg band ------ P - Green costume K - Purple costume Throws ------ Frankensteiner f/b + MK/HK close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Flying Mayor f/b + MP/HP close in f and b determine where air opponent is thrown Basic Move ---------- Back Flip HK close if move touches the opponent, Jean hops backwards away from the opponent Command Move ------------ Slide df + HK must be blocked low Special Moves ------------- Needle Shower tap P rapidly can use b/f to guide move VERY slightly Ball Rose Charge b for 2 seconds, LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast; f + P will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process Chojaku Needle Shower LP+MP+HP+LK+MK+HK, then this basically allows the tap P rapidly to player to start the Needle continue maneuver Shower without the use of tapping rapidly; can use b/f to guide move VERY slightly ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - Your moves might work against other chumps, but not against me. ~To Feilin - Bravo... An excellent performance, dancer. But a defeat nonetheless. ~To Ryoko - Go home child and change out of those disgusting, sweaty clothes! ~To Matlok - Your moves are a nauseating display of vulgarity! ~To Samchay - You really should try to enjoy life more! ~To Lee - I think that black belt must be restricting your circulation! ~To Mizoguchi - You simply must learn some manners, slob. ~To Jean - At last, a worthy opponent. A shame I had to trounce you! ~To Marstorius - It will take weeks to rid my clothes of your stench! ~To Clown - Nothing else hidden up your sleeve? What a pity. Ending ------ Narrator: Jean Pierre returned to France, and resumed training. He was soon winning tournaments one after the other. Every day brought him closer to his goal of an Olympic gold medal. 1996. Atlanta. USA. Opening ceremonies. Ryoko: Non! ******************************************************************************* * 3.9 Marstorius * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: leg warmers ------ P - Brown top w/ White bottom K - Black top w/ Green bottom Throws ------ German Suplex f/b + MP/HP close f and b determine where opponent is thrown Turn Slam df/db + MP/HP close df throws the opponent in front of Marstorius while db throws the opponent behind Marstorius Basic Move ---------- Single Foot Dropkick HK close slow starting; low dodge Command Move ------------ Single Foot Dropkick d + HK close slow starting; low dodge Special Moves ------------- Dash Lariat Charge b for 2 seconds, LP=short, MP=medium, HP=long f + P Moonsault Press Charge d for 2 seconds, overhead u + P Double German hcf/hcb + MP/HP from unblockable; the range of close to a sweep the grab is quite large, distance away as it can grab from a sweep distance away Heel Kick Charge b for 2 seconds, LK=short, MK=medium, HK=long f + K ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - Did you expect those clumsy tricks to work? Don't insult me! ~To Feilin - You'll never be anything without a little muscle! ~To Ryoko - I know it ain't nice to pick on kids, but... ~To Matlok - Too much loud music is rottin' your brain, punk! ~To Samchay - It was as easy as swattin' a fly! ~To Lee - I don't know why I wasted my time on a pipsqueak like you! ~To Mizoguchi - Take your Tiger Bazooka somewhere else, pal! It doesn't impress me! ~To Jean - Might! Might makes right! ~To Marstorius - Now that was a decent fight. Too bad I had to bust his pretty face! ~To Clown - Just touching you with my fist made me wretch! Aargh! Ending ------ Marstorius: Yes! At last I have become the world's greatest warrior. I have proved the superiority of professional wrestling! Ha ha ha! Narrator: Several years later. Marstorius: I am still the greatest. If you think you can beat me you are sadly mistaken my friend... Bear: Groarrrrr! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* * 3.10 Clown * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: mask ------ P/K - Purple w/ Red trim Throw ----- N/A Basic Move ---------- Happy Twirl K low dodge Command Move ------------ N/A Special Moves ------------- Pick A Card qcf + P LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast; will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process Homing Head Stamp f/b + K slight homing ability; overhead Spin Attack f/b + P LP=slow, MP=medium, HP=fast Spin Drop d + P LP=short, MP=medium, HP=far; overhead ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - You got style kid, but you're still a bit on the wimpy side! ~To Feilin - A terrifying woman indeed. But still no match for me. Ha ha ha! ~To Ryoko - Give it up kid! You'll never beat me! ~To Matlok - I never did like that loud music! Get out of here, Spike! ~To Samchay - Try relaxing a little more. Take a vacation! Heh, heh, heh! ~To Lee - Quick and strong, but still a worm compared to me! ~To Mizoguchi - Such a loud man. I do hope you calm down before we meet again! ~To Jean - Looks aren't everything, pretty boy. You've got to show a little strength, too! ~To Marstorius - I hate these macho types. Get outta here! ~To Clown - Live by the fist, die by the fist. This is fate. Ending ------ N/A (shows Ray's ending) ******************************************************************************* * 3.11 Karnov * ******************************************************************************* Colors Weak Point: ghutrah ------ P/K - Red pants Throw ----- N/A Basic Move ---------- N/A Command Move ------------ Head Slide d + K must be blocked low Special Moves ------------- Fireball f/b + P LP=short bounce, MP=medium bounce, HP=far bounce; will collide with other projectiles as both will be "destroyed" in the process Fire Breath qcf + P LP=quick, MP=medium, HP=longest lasting; absorbs projectiles Low Fire Breath qcf + K LK=quick, MK=medium, HK=longest lasting; absorbs projectiles Balloon Attack HP in air Karnov is invulnerable (except to air throws) during his inflation; the attack happens after the inflation, which is an overhead Super 100 Kick f/b + K ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Win Quotes ---------- ~To Ray - Live by the fist, die by the fist. This is fate. ~To Feilin - An important lesson: Life is short. ~To Ryoko - "Spare the rod and spoil the child". That's what I always say. ~To Matlok - There's one more English delinquency problem solved! ~To Samchay - I normally don't like to pick on the elderly. ~To Lee - Such a violent youth... Good thing I stopped him before someone got hurt. ~To Mizoguchi - I'll have this one stuffed and mounted. He'll make such an interesting trophy! ~To Jean - The rose was a nice touch, but all that jumping! It was a shame I had to break him into such tiny bits. ~To Marstorius - Too much pasta! Definitely not good for your heart! ~To Clown - I can't believe. I've been defeated! The shame is unbearable... And the winnings, they all belong to you now. Ending ------ N/A (shows Ray's ending) =============================================================================== 4. Conclusion =============================================================================== 4.1 What's Missing/Needed -Cleanup and corrections -If you have anything to add, any corrections I need to make, please email me at billy_kane_32@hotmail.com. Credit will be given for your contribution. 4.2 Credits -Data East -Gamefaqs -And me for writing this faq