_____________________________________________ | | | Guide Name - Emerald Dragon Screen Guide | | Game Name - EMERALD DRAGON | | Console - SNES (super famicom) | | Players - 1 | | Type - RPG (role-playing game) | | Made in - Japan | | Language - Japanese | | Guide By - Supernova 232 | | E-Mail - Supernova_232@hotmail.com | --------------------------------------------- Table of Contents + Introduction | + Game Screens | - Field Screen - Battle Screen - Menu Screen | + Shops | + Controls | + Tips and Tricks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I am going to keep this short. This is a screen guide to the japanese game - EMERALD DRAGON. You may be having trouble with this game, and I don't blame you. RPG's are hard as is, but when you are playing one in Japanese - well... it makes it alot harder. I have created this guide for those of you who are new to the game and do not know japanese. Hope you like it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME SCREENS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________ | The Field Screen | ------------------ Not much to say here. The field screen is the screen you walk around on and do most of the strategic parts of the game. You use your controller to walk around (see ‘Controls’ section) and answer questions. I believe the average RPG'er will understand how to use this screen. ___________________ | The Battle Screen | ------------------- ... A basic Battle screen +-----------+ Name of enemy | |==============================================+ |Character I| Energy Bar | | Stats |----------------------------------------------| | | | +-----------+ | | | | | C2 Stats | | | | | | | | +-----------+ Battle Graphics | | | | | C3 Stats | | | | | | | | +-----------+ | | | +------------------------------+ | | C4 Stats | | (1) (2) (3) | | | | | | | | | | (4) (5) (6) | | +-----------+ +------------------------------+ | | |==============================================+ | C5 Stats | | | | | +-----------+ Ok. Lets begin with the basics. (Use reference from the diagram above.) In a battle, you can play with up to 5 people. From my experience, you can only control one of the players (Dragon Kid). The rest are controlled by the CPU. Now, how can you tell when your close to dying? On the left side of the battle screen, you will notice 5 small boxes. Each box consists of a characters status. This can tell you when your close to dying, and what level you are. +-----------------------+ | NAME OF CHARACTER | | | | HP : xxxx/xxxx | | | | LEVEL : xx | +-----------------------+ As you can see on the diagram, the top left corner of the box indicates the name of the character. Below this is the HP marker. Using the HP marker, you can tell how much HP you have. The first number (Infront of the ‘/’) Indicates how much HP you have. The last number (after the’/’) indicates your capacity of HP. The Higher level you are, the more HP you will gain. Then next is the LEVEL. You can get up to level 99. The higher the level the better. You can gain levels by obtaining EXP (Experience). Now to learn about the energy bar. The energy bar tells you how much energy you have. Moving and attacking takes up energy. Notice that as you walk on the battle screen, your energy bar goes down. Once your energy bar is at 0, it is the end of your turn. Battle Graphics: In a battle, you can attack enemies if you have enough energy. To do so, simple walk up to them and bumb into them. This will issue an attack. You can attack up to several times before the end of your turn, depending on how much energy you have. Now for the battle menu. You can use the battle menu by pressing the ‘X’ button. Once the menu is up, it should look something like this: +-----------------------------------------+ | Item (1) ??? (2) Run (3) | | ??? (4) Guard (5) Battle Action (6)| +-----------------------------------------+ Item (1): The item command links to the item screen. Here you can chose what items you want to use. This item can help you out in very tough battles because you can use items such as ‘Potion’ to cure you. ??? (2): This is very strange. It allows you to chose a character, then a crosshair shows up on the character you chose. It doesn’t seem to do anything, though I am not positive Run (3): This command allows you to run from the battle. If a message appears at the top of the screen, it means that you did not escape. ??? (4): This displays a note. I havn’t really gone too far into exploring this one. I don’t believe it does much though Guard (5): This makes you guard. Note that when guarding, you do not get to attack. You simply stay in the same place and do nothing. I believe it makes Physical attacks do less damage. Battle Action (6): You can turn this feature on and off. It controls wether you do an action before attacking, or wether you don’t. Having this OFF makes battles go lots faster, but it kinda looks screwed up when they attack. _________________ | The Menu Screen | ----------------- One of the most complex things in a game can be the menu, Especially if you don’t know what the hell everything is saying. This didn’t stop me though. I continued to work on the menu screen, and I think i’ve got almost everything down pat (except for the Config. Menu). Here is a translated copy of the menu. +-----------------+ | MENU | | | | Status | | Map | | Item | | Equip | | MAP | | Config. | | Record | +-----------------+ STATUS : After chosing the status member, you have a choice of who’s status you want to view. Chose someone, and their picture will pop up with their status. Nothing really to explain here. My copy of Emerald Dragon had all the stuff translated (well... Most of it). If yours isn’t, please Email me. Ill try to figure it out for you MAP : When clicking on ‘MAP’, the screen will change to the world map. It will show where you are with the Dragon kid as the Icon, and where you should be ( the ‘->’ to a city). Also, the characters, I believe, talk about what you have to do next. ITEM : You can use the item menu to use items. To use an item, click on it, and chose the character you want to use it on. On the right side of the name of the item, it will show the amount of that item you have. You can also view weapons and armour to see how strong they are. EQUIP: On this menu, you can equip weapons and armour. When you highlight a weapon or armour, it will display under the characters wether the item will make them stronger, weaker, or the same. This is indicated by the arrows under the characters. To equip a weapon or armour, just chose which item you want to use and then chose the character. The characters old weapon or armour will be put into the item box. MAP #2: This will display the map, and it will show you where you should go. The difference from the other MAP is that the characters do not talk. I guess this is just meant to show you where you are. CONFIG. : I have absolutely NO CLUE what any of these do. Its all Jap and confusing. If you don’t know what anything means, its best not to screw around with it. RECORD : Using this menu, you can save or load a previous game. In this game, you can save anywhere, so its best to use this menu frequently. Also, if you get stuck way out where your not suppost to be, you can use the load command to get back to your last save. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Field: Control Pad = Walk around in all directions A = Continue a long message, Select B = Cancel all commands X = Menu Y = None L = Map #1 R = Map #2 Menu : Control Pad = highlight different commands A = Select command B = Cancel X = None Y = None L+R = None Battle : Control Pad = Move Battle Sprite, Highlight commands A = Select Battle Command B = Cancel X = Battle Menu Y = None L+R = None ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tips and Tricks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * If your having trouble finding a city, use Map#2 (see menu screen for more info) * If you have no clue where to go, use Map# 2 * If you don’t know what to do, talk to everyone in all the cities * Go to the inn frequently * Save your game frequently * Make sure to upgrade armour and weapons frequently * Take time to level your characters up once in a while * GET ITEMS * Don’t rush gameplay. Try to understand what your doing. It may give you clues as to what to do later on in the game. ... To be continued ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 - Ending Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well... That took a long time. The next version should have more tips and tricks. I would just like you to understand the greatness of other RPG’s that arn’t named ‘FINAL FANTASY WHATEVER’. I have just realized that there are so many more good games that arn’t even for the newest game systems. I hope you notice this too. Well... If i sent this guide to you, feel free to put it on. If you want it on your site, just email me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- End of file