===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2005,2017 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Daze Before Christmas FAQ December 01, 2017 Daniel (DEngel) Engel dan.engel.2017 [AT] gmail [DOT] com ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Items (D) Walkthrough - (D-01) Santa's Hallway - (D-02) Let It Snow - (D-03) Ice Cave - (D-04) Blue Magic - (D-05) The Evil Snowman - (D-06) Over England - (D-07) Flooded Basement - (D-08) Wood Factory - (D-09) Magic Cave - (D-10) Steel Factory - (D-11) The Timekeeper - (D-12) Over Russia - (D-13) Winter Waters - (D-14) Steel Elevators - (D-15) Gift Wrapping Dept - (D-16) Magic Bubbles - (D-17) The Attic - (D-18) Over Japan - (D-19) North Pole - (D-20) Deep Down - (D-21) Creepy Basement - (D-22) Santa's House - (D-23) Over The USA - (D-24) Mr Weather (E) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The controls for this game are as follows: dpad - Move. A - Not used. B - Jump. X - Not used. Y - Attack. L - Not used. R - Not used. Select - Not used. Start - Pause the game. ############################################################################### (C) ITEMS ############################################################################### o--------o |Presents| o--------o Shoot these to release friends, items or enemies. o------o |Health| o------o These Santa hats grant you some health when you collect one. o---o |1up| o---o Collect one of these Santa faces to get an extra life. o----o |Bell| o----o The bells act as checkpoints, so once you ring one you will start from that point if you lose a life. o------o |Coffee| o------o When you collect this you will become invincible for a short period of time, so use it to attack enemies or get past a tricky spot. o-------o |Powerup| o-------o These items are red with a lightning bolt on them and they change your shots to a fire shot that can melt ice. ############################################################################### (D) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy You will find the walkthrough for the entire game in the sections below. ############################################################################### (D-01) SANTA'S HALLWAY ############################################################################### Head right and shoot the present to free your friend, then walk off the ledge and shoot a present to your left for some health [a hat]. Head right up the stairs as you attack an enemy and open two presents [watch for the bomb], then climb the candy cane above you. Head right and jump the gap, then shoot the present and kill the enemy inside. Climb the nearby candy cane and take the coffee beyond to become invincible briefly, then attack an enemy and open a present while you take two hats. Head back left past the candy cane [bounce off the chair if you need to] and touch the bell to make a checkpoint. Drop to the ground floor and attack an enemy to your left, then bounce off the chair for a 1up. Attack the two presents beyond for a hat and a bomb, then go right and attack two enemies while you free a bomb and a hat from the presents. Finally continue right to the large star by the door to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-02) LET IT SNOW ############################################################################### Attack some enemies as you free a friend a bomb and an enemy from the first three presents. Attack the next present to free one of your friends, then leap into the large hole to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-03) ICE CAVE ############################################################################### Head right and shoot a few enemies, then grab the fire shots and use them to melt the wall and free a reindeer. Head left and shoot a few enemies, then take a hat from the present and jump across the clouds [they disappear after a second, so keep moving] and ledges. Take a hat from the present and melt the wall to free another reindeer, then jump back right across the ledges and clouds. Carefully drop down the ledges and clouds to your right, then kill the enemy in the present and grab the coffee. Attack more enemies and jump right, then attack the present for a bomb. Carefully drop down the clouds [watch for spikes under the lower one] and get the checkpoint from the present, then head left across more clouds and free a friend from the present. Attack more enemies to your left and free another friend, then go left past more clouds and spikes. Attack some enemies and get a hat from the present, then go left across a staircase of clouds. Attack the present for another checkpoint and cross more clouds as you shoot some enemies. There's an enemy in the first present and a friend in the next as you continue shooting your way right. Avoid some falling spikes and head right a bit more to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-04) BLUE MAGIC ############################################################################### Drop down and free your friend, then shoot your way right through a machine. Shoot your way past more enemies as you go through another machine, then get a hat from the present. Shoot right through more enemies and check the present for a checkpoint, then jump on the magic carpet and ride it across the gap. Take the hat from the present and shoot your way to another magic carpet, then ride it across as you free your friend. Use the checkpoint in the next present and ride a flying carpet up, then kill the enemy in the nearby present. Jump on the next flying carpet and ride it to the end of the stage. ############################################################################### (D-05) THE EVIL SNOWMAN ############################################################################### Shoot your way to the hat in the first present, then cross the bridge and shoot a few more enemies. Jump to the icy platform below and shoot the fish, then attack more enemies up ahead and take a 1up from the present. Cross the bridge and use the checkpoint in the present, then ride a platform and shoot another fish. Grab the powerup just ahead and ride the moving platform. Avoid the snowman's snowballs and shoot him in the head about eight times to get rid of him. Shoot the present for a hat, then go right to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-06) OVER ENGLAND ############################################################################### For this stage you get to fly over houses and drop the presents that you've earned so far in previous stages. The idea is to avoid the helicopters and drop the presents in the chimneys with smoke coming out of them. You will hear a different noise when you do this successfully, otherwise just fly until the stage ends. ############################################################################### (D-07) FLOODED BASEMENT ############################################################################### Password: TNFRN Grab the coffee and attack a few enemies, then jump a gap and take a hat from the present. Continue right and free your friend, then use the checkpoint in the next present. Use the platform in the wall to clear the gap once it pokes out, then shoot your way right as the water starts to rise. Use the platforms [2 moving, one poking] to clear the gap, then deal with another poking platform. Take the extra life from the present and use the moving platforms, then continue right to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-08) WOOD FACTORY ############################################################################### Ride the platform up and shoot an enemy, then ride the next platform down and avoid the bomb. Free your friend up ahead and use the platform to clear the gap, then take the coffee and jump across two platforms. Use the checkpoint and attack an enemy, then clear the gap with the platform and continue right. Use two platforms to keep going and ride the next one up, then stick to the high road as you jump a few gaps. Cross about four platforms and grab the hat from the present, then go right to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-09) MAGIC CAVE ############################################################################### Free your friend and shoot your way right, then avoid the bomb and continue right. Grab the hat from the present and the coffee, then attack the enemies or run past them until you hit the checkpoint. Avoid the bomb in the next present and shoot your way across some gaps, then jump on the cloud and keep going. Jump over the springboard and more clouds, then use the next checkpoint. Head across more clouds and avoid the bomb, then attack some enemies and jump over another springboard. Attack more enemies and grab the hat in one of the presents, then avoid the enemies in the others and continue right to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-10) STEEL FACTORY ############################################################################### Shoot your way across the gaps as you avoid the bomb, then take the hat and coffee up ahead. Free your friend and keep going until you see a face that punches you when you get close. Time your jump so you land on top of this face, then use the nearby checkpoint and more coffee. Run past the enemies and use the checkpoint in the present, then avoid the bomb and shoot your way over more gaps. Take the hat from the present and use a platform to clear the gap, then head right and avoid the bomb in the next present. Cross a trio of platforms and jump to the upper ledge, then attack the enemy and collect the 1up. Carefully drop off either side and head right to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-11) THE TIMEKEEPER ############################################################################### Head right past the half-pipe to start the battle. This guy basically rolls back and forth in the half-pipe and can be damaged when you can't see his arms and legs. It's pretty easy to jump over him in the half-pipe and get a few hits. Once he leaves the half-pipe he will throw gears at you until you approach him. So it's best to follow him out once he leaves, but jump over him when he dives back in. Once you score about seven hits you win the battle, then you can go right to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-12) OVER RUSSIA ############################################################################### For this stage you get to fly over houses and drop the presents that you've earned so far in previous stages. The idea is to avoid the missiles and drop the presents in the chimneys with smoke coming out of them. You will hear a different noise when you do this successfully, otherwise just fly until the stage ends. ############################################################################### (D-13) WINTER WATERS ############################################################################### Password: SLJFT Shoot a few enemies and free your friend, then jump a gap and ride a platform over the next one. Take the hat and avoid the bomb and enemy, then use the checkpoint nearby. Ride the platform across the gap and avoid a bomb, then free your friend and avoid another bomb up ahead. Use the cloud to clear the gap and attack an enemy in the next present, then use the checkpoint. Cross the series of clouds and avoid a bomb, then go right to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-14) STEEL ELEVATORS ############################################################################### Free your friend and shoot your way across the gaps to the coffee, then ignore the present with the enemy in it and head for the checkpoint. Get the hat and free your friend just ahead, then watch for a hole in a nearby ledge and press up when you reach the pipe. Shoot the enemies and jump the gaps to your left, then grab the wires and jump across the gap. Ignore both presents [they have enemies] and walk through the pipe to reach a checkpoint. Go up the pipe and head left for a hat, then go up one more floor in the pipe. Head right across the gap for a hat, then drop through the gap and fall right. Take the coffee and walk right off the top cloud, then jump the gap and use the next checkpoint. Go up two floors on the next pipe and shoot your way right to the checkpoint, then jump both gaps and hold right to land on a ledge. Use the wires to clear the gap and jump on the hook, then raise it and shoot your way left to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-15) GIFT WRAPPING DEPT ############################################################################### Avoid the bomb up ahead and use the cloud to reach an enemy and a hat. Shoot your way right to a hat as you jump over the boxing glove, then take the higher route and free your friend on the other side. Use the checkpoint up ahead and avoid a bomb, then head right and jump up to more presents. Avoid another bomb and take the hat before grabbing the coffee, then use the platform to land on the higher ledge. Grab the 1up and continue right to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-16) MAGIC BUBBLES ############################################################################### Shoot your way right and avoid a bomb, then stand at the right end of the magic carpet so you don't take damage. Shoot your way right and free a friend, then jump over the springboard and ride a magic carpet up. Jump left for a 1up, then ride the same magic carpet once more. Jump over the springboard and avoid the enemy in the present, then ride another magic carpet and take a hat from the middle present. Jump right and ride a magic carpet up, then jump left for a hat. Ride the next magic carpet and shoot your way right, then drop down to the ledge below. Free your friend and avoid a bomb, then go left to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-17) THE ATTIC ############################################################################### Avoid a bomb to your right and climb the rope, then head left for a hat. Climb the rope and avoid the ghost to your right, then jump on the barrel and jump over the enemy with the top-hat. Climb up the rope and jump over the cacti, then clear the gap and take a hat from the present. Jump up the pile of barrels and avoid the ghost, then jump over a top-hat enemy and hit a switch in the air. Use the checkpoint up ahead and go all the way back down to the ground floor, then head right and jump in the fireplace in the pillar. Take the powerup and avoid ghosts as you head right. Grab a hat from the present and free your friend up ahead, then touch the star to go down the chimney. Take a hat from the present and use the barrel to get over the top-hat enemy, then ignore the ghosts and head left to the wall. Drop through the hole and head right to the rope, then drop to the floor below and use the barrel to your left to get past the top-hat enemy. Avoid the ghost and ignore the presents, then use the checkpoint and go back right to the rope. Head right past another top-hat enemy and ignore both presents, then climb down the rope and go left across the gaps until you reach a wall. Get the 1up from the present and drop to the ground floor, then head left for a hat. Shoot your way right and hit the floating switch, then enter the trap door below. Head right to start a battle with a large mouse and lure him onto the conveyor. Quickly jump up the platforms to the switch and hit it so that the weight above falls and hits the mouse on the head. The mouse is now stunned for a moment so drop down and shoot him. After this point you need to go right once more to lure him over and repeat the whole process again. Once you get five hits you can head right to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-18) OVER JAPAN ############################################################################### For this stage you get to fly over houses and drop the presents that you've earned so far in previous stages. The idea is to avoid the kites and rockets while you drop the presents in the chimneys with smoke coming out of them. You will hear a different noise when you do this successfully, otherwise just fly until the stage ends. ############################################################################### (D-19) NORTH POLE ############################################################################### Password: SNJLB Ignore the presents as you shoot your way to a gap, then jump inside to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-20) DEEP DOWN ############################################################################### Free your friend and avoid a bomb as you shoot your way right across some gaps. Take the powerup and go left towards a cloud, then ride it up for a bomb and a hat. Drop down for another hat and go down the stairs, then jump right from the next cloud. Melt the wall and free a reindeer, then fall right for a 1up. Head down the cloud staircase and go right to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-21) CREEPY BASEMENT ############################################################################### Use the poking platforms to clear the gap as you shoot your way right to the checkpoint. Head left and jump up the poking platforms for a hat, then shoot your way past a bomb and an enemy in the next presents. Use the poking platforms to reach another hat and jump another gap, then use more poking platforms for another hat. Avoid a bomb and fall into the next gap [the water starts to rise here], then grab the hat on your left and run right. Shoot as you run and don't stop until you reach the end of the stage. ############################################################################### (D-22) SANTA'S HOUSE ############################################################################### Shoot your way right and take the hat, then climb to the top of the candy cane to your left. Jump the gap and swing across the next one, then drop to the ground floor beyond. Shoot your way to a basket and climb inside, then ride it up as high as it will go. Take the coffee and use the checkpoint, then grab the hat up ahead. Go down the candy cane and head left, then go down another one. Swing across some spikes and jump over some more, then shoot your way left and jump across the candy canes. Shoot the enemies to your right and climb one candy cane, then slide down two more. Swing across the spikes to your left and keep going left to end the stage. ############################################################################### (D-23) OVER THE USA ############################################################################### For this stage you get to fly over houses and drop the presents that you've earned so far in previous stages. The idea is to avoid the helicopters and footballs [which fly in counter-clockwise circles] while you drop the presents in the chimneys with smoke coming out of them. You will hear a different noise when you do this successfully, otherwise just fly until the stage ends. ############################################################################### (D-24) MR WEATHER ############################################################################### Password: KRLHG For this battle there are three small clouds bobbing up and down in front of you. The boss then fires lightning towards you and is immune to your shots. You want to make sure he hits one of the three clouds with his lightning, which starts that cloud glowing. Now you attack that cloud to fire lightning back at the boss. Once you get about ten hits the battle is over and you can watch the ending! ############################################################################### (E) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. For the record I've received about $87 (which works out to a bit more in Canadian lol) last I checked, so I've been getting cases of pop and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address and paypal address for those that want to contribute are both dan.engel.2017 (AT) gmail (DOT) com Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan