================================================================================ Breath Of Fire II Complete Shaman Guide Version 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Francisco "Magellan" Innecco ( magellan25_04_88@hotmail.com ) Submitted on the 6th April 2002, finished in late March ================================================================================ (No ASCII art, sorry) ***** *Disclaimer* © This file is copyright Francisco Innecco 2002 You are only allowed to use this file as a Breath Of Fire II Shaman Guide (now don't you do weird things with my guide!). Provided you do that, you are free to distribute as much as you like ***as long as you say that it was created by Magellan***, and NOBODY else. ***** ________________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS 1. Important stuff Stuff you should not miss about the file. 2. Thanks Special thanks. 3. Introduction Brief intro. 4. The Characters Info about the characters 5. The Shamans Info about the shamans. 6. Combinations List of *all* combinations for *all* characters. 7. New Abilities & Described Transformations Descriptions of the new abilities and shapes. ________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Important Stuff This file was designed to no more than 79 characters each line and as it is a text file the adeqcuate software to open it would be Notepad or something similar. It was created based on what the author investigated on the subject while playing the game; and also on the gathering, testing, investigating and evaluating of information from other sources (see the section below). The following is important. I put it again here so you can't miss it. Here it is: ***** *Disclaimer* © This file is copyright Francisco Innecco 2002 You are only allowed to use this file as a Breath Of Fire II Shaman Guide (now don't you do weird things with my guide!). Provided you do that, you are free to distribute as much as you like ***as long as you say that it was created by Magellan***, and NOBODY else. ***** 2. Thanks I'd like to thank the authors of the guides I read on Breath Of Fire II (Ben Siron, Ed the Moogle & HyperJMax) to help me create this guide and the creators of BoF2 for making such a wonderful game. 3. Introduction BoF2 uses a different method of combining characters. Instead of combining the characters themselves as in BoF, it combines the characters with 'Shamans' which you must find around the world throughout the game. 3. The Characters I will be brief about the characters, and not get too detailed about stuff that doesn't have to do with the shamans and their combinations. I took the names from the game itself (from Salvador's sculptures which are inspired by the characters). Some are pretty stupid, I know... Oh, well, never mind that. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ryu* - "A brave man" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Element: None Ryu is the 'Hero' of the game. He can't combine in any way. *= This is the character's default name (in all the other BoFs as well). You can change it, of course. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bow - "A faithful dog" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Element: Holy/Devil Bow is Ryu's childhood friend. He can combine well with the Holy and Devil Shamans. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rand - "Muscleman" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Element: Earth Rand is a farmer who went to the city looking for opportunities. He combines well with the Earth Shaman. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Katt - "A Girl" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Element: Devil Katt is cat-like female dance-fighter who is very strong and cute. She combines very well to the Devil Shaman. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nina - "A Princess with Wings" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Element: Wind Nina is a beautiful winged princess from Windia. She combines well to the Wind Shaman. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sten - "Giggling Man" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Element: Fire Sten is an ex-soldier who is very likely to be carried away when he sees a cute girl. He combines well to the Fire Shaman. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jean - "Prince with Full Lips" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Element: Holy Jean is a frog-like dude and the Prince of the kingdom of the frog-like people, also known as SimaFort. He combines well to the Holy Shaman. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bleu - "A Beautiful Magician" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Element: None Bleu is the legendary magician from BoF. She is a secret character that you can acquire as soon as you can travel the seas (even before you get Spar). She can't combine in any way. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Spar - "A Vegetable" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Element: Water/Earth Spar is a tree-like guy (or is it a woman?). Well, Spar is a tree-like being that can communicate with other trees. He combines well with the Water and Earth Shamans. 4. The Shamans Here's some info on how, when and where to get the Shamans. SANA - Fire Shaman You won't miss this one since getting her is part of the plot. You get her in Capitan after receiving Ray's blessing in TownShip. She stays in TownShip with granny after you burn their house. Bonus: Offense +25% SESO - Water Shaman After beating Nimufu in her tower, go back to the part where there are 5 lifts that lead to different places each. Take the one on the right. It'll lead you to the left passage. Take it, and climb the stairs. There she is! Talk to her once and she'll go to TownShip automatically. Bonus: Wisdom +25% SPOOR - Wind Shaman You won't miss this one since getting her is part of the story too. She is on the top floor of SkyTower, and she is the reason why you go to SkyTower. Talk to her once and she'll go to TownShip automatically. Bonus: Vigor +25% SOLO - Earth Shaman This one is regularly missed. First, after plowing Daisy's field in FarmTown, she will tell you to go pray for a good harvest at Namanda. While you are at it, donate 2.000 GP (20 times) in the Namanda donation box. Then, after destroying Evrai, go to the field in Daisy's house. She'll be waiting for you there. Talk to her once and she will go to TownShip automatically. _______________________________________ / NOTE: \ |Some say you can't cast magic on the | |field while you are plowing it or while| |you are fighting the Paladin because if| |you do, she won't show up. According to| |Ben Siron, this is NOT true. | \_______________________________________/ Bonus: Defense +25% SENY - Holy Shaman This one is missed a lot too. Return to Bando (the small church where you fought Father Manson as the Necroman) after beating Ray (or after destoying Evrai). In the long corridor with the arrow buttons on the floor, enter the room closest to the stairs from which you came (the first one, all the way to the left). Seny will be there. Talk to her once and she'll go to TownShip automatically. Bonus: (Apparently) No Bonus SHIN - Devil Shaman Take the left entrance to Infinity once it is open (this can be done before fighting Habaruku). She'll be there. Talk to her once and she'll go to TownShip automatically. Bonus: Max AP +25% 5. Combinations There are 21 different combinations for each character. A character can combine with up to two Shamans at a time, and no character can bond to two characters at a time. There are four different results of bonding/combining (thanks to Ben Siron for their names): X: Failure It fails to succeed and no bonus is added at all. A: Augmentation It succeeds, but the only benefit is the default bonus to the statistics that each bonded Shaman provides. No change in colors, shape or skills. F: Fusion It succeeds, the benefit is fairly higher than the default bonus to the statistics of each bonded Shaman and there are also some changes -mostly in the colors- in the character. No new skill. T: Transformation It succeeds wonderfully, there is a high benefit in the statistics, the character changes shape to a totally different being, and the combat skill changes. Sometimes the non-combat skill is removed, though. I took the time to try out ALL the character combinations and write them down (quite a lot of work, mind you). So, here they are! NOTE: I invented the names of the transformations. Yeah, some are stupid... So what? ++++++++++ Ryu* ++++++++++ *= This is the character's default name (in all the other BoFs as well). You can change it, of course. 1. Sana: X 2. Sana-Seso: X 3. Sana-Spoo: X 4. Sana-Solo: X 5. Sana-Seny: X 6. Sana-Shin: X 7. Seso: X 8. Seso-Spoo: X 9. Seso-Solo: X 10. Seso-Seny: X 11. Seso-Shin: X 12. Spoo: X 13. Spoo-Solo: X 14. Spoo-Seny: X 15. Spoo-Shin: X 16. Solo: X 17. Solo-Seny: X 18. Solo-Shin: X 19. Seny: X 20. Seny-Shin: X 21. Shin: X Bondings for Ryu: No bondings for Ryu. Too bad... ++++++++++ Bow ++++++++++ 1. Sana: A 2. Sana-Seso: X 3. Sana-Spoo: X 4. Sana-Solo: X 5. Sana-Seny: X 6. Sana-Shin: X 7. Seso: A 8. Seso-Spoo: X 9. Seso-Solo: X 10. Seso-Seny: X 11. Seso-Shin: X 12. Spoo: A 13. Spoo-Solo: X 14. Spoo-Seny: X 15. Spoo-Shin: X 16. Solo: A 17. Solo-Seny: X 18. Solo-Shin: X 19. Seny: A 20. Seny-Shin: T 21. Shin: X Bondings for Bow: 1) Augmentation: Offense +25% 7) Augmentation: Wisdom +25% 12) Augmentation: Vigor +25% 16) Augmentation: Defense +25% 19) Augmentation: (Apparently) No Bonus 20) Transformation: "Iron Wolf": Combat Ability 'Shot' changed to 'Spry', hunts much quicker, Max AP +40%, Wisdom +40%, Offense +30%, Defense +25%, Vigor +30%. ++++++++++ Rand ++++++++++ 1. Sana: A 2. Sana-Seso: X 3. Sana-Spoo: A 4. Sana-Solo: T 5. Sana-Seny: A 6. Sana-Shin: X 7. Seso: A 8. Seso-Spoo: A 9. Seso-Solo: T 10. Seso-Seny: A 11. Seso-Shin: X 12. Spoo: A 13. Spoo-Solo: X 14. Spoo-Seny: A 15. Spoo-Shin: X 16. Solo: F 17. Solo-Seny: T 18. Solo-Shin: X 19. Seny: A 20. Seny-Shin: X 21. Shin: X Bondings for Rand: 1) Augmentation: Offense +25% 3) Augmentation: Offense +25%, Vigor +25% 4) Transformation: "Spike-Shelled Armadillo": Loses ability to roll, Max AP +30%, Wisdom +30%, Offense +32,5%, Defense +30%, Vigor +55% 5) Augmentation: Offense +25%, (apparently) No Bonus 7) Augmentation: Wisdom +25% 8) Augmentation: Wisdom +25%, Vigor +25% 9) Transformation: "Spike-Shelled Armadillo": Loses ability to roll, Max AP +35%, Wisdom +40%, Offense +25%, Defense +30%, Vigor +55% 10) Augmentation: Wisdom +25%, (apparently) No Bonus 12) Augmentation: Vigor +25% 14) Augmentation: Vigor +25%, (apparently) No Bonus 16) Fusion: Defense +40% 17) Transformation: "Spike-Shelled Armadillo": Loses ability to roll, Max AP +30%, Wisdom +30%, Offense +25%, Defense +30%, Vigor +45% 19) Augmentation: (Apparently) No Bonus ++++++++++ Katt ++++++++++ 1. Sana: X 2. Sana-Seso: X 3. Sana-Spoo: X 4. Sana-Solo: X 5. Sana-Seny: X 6. Sana-Shin: T 7. Seso: X 8. Seso-Spoo: X 9. Seso-Solo: X 10. Seso-Seny: X 11. Seso-Shin: T 12. Spoo: X 13. Spoo-Solo: X 14. Spoo-Seny: X 15. Spoo-Shin: T 16. Solo: X 17. Solo-Seny: X 18. Solo-Shin: X 19. Seny: X 20. Seny-Shin: X 21. Shin: T Bondings for Katt: 6) Transformation: "Cat Woman": Combat Ability "Dare" changed to "Keep", loses ability to swing staff, Max AP +47,5%, Wisdom +30%, Offense +45%, Defense +15%, Vigor +50% 11) Transformation: "Cat Woman": Combat Ability "Dare" changed to "Keep", loses ability to swing staff, Max AP +57,5%, Wisdom +40%, Offense +37,5%, Defense +10%, Vigor +50% 15) Transformation: "Cat Woman": Combat Ability "Dare" changed to "Keep", loses ability to swing staff, Max AP +47,5%, Wisdom +27,5%, Offense +37,5%, Defense +15%, Vigor +62,5% 21) Transformation: "Cat Woman": Combat Ability "Dare" changed to "Keep", loses ability to swing staff, Max AP +47,5%, Wisdom +27,5%, Offense +37,5%, Defense +10%, Vigor +50% ++++++++++ Nina ++++++++++ 1. Sana: A 2. Sana-Seso: X 3. Sana-Spoo: F 4. Sana-Solo: A 5. Sana-Seny: A 6. Sana-Shin: A 7. Seso: A 8. Seso-Spoo: F 9. Seso-Solo: A 10. Seso-Seny: A 11. Seso-Shin: A 12. Spoo: F 13. Spoo-Solo: X 14. Spoo-Seny: T 15. Spoo-Shin: X 16. Solo: A 17. Solo-Seny: A 18. Solo-Shin: A 19. Seny: A 20. Seny-Shin: X 21. Shin: A Bondings for Nina: 1) Augmentation: Offense +25% 3) Fusion: Offense +12,5%, Vigor +52,5% 4) Augmentation: Offense +25%, Defense +25% 5) Augmentation: Offense +25%, (apparently) No Bonus 6) Augmentation: Offense +25%, Max AP +25% 7) Augmentation: Wisdom +25% 8) Fusion: Wisdom +22,5%, Vigor +52,5% 9) Augmentation: Wisdom +25%, Defense +25% 10) Augmentation: Wisdom +25%, (apparently) No Bonus 11) Augmentation: Wisdom +25%, Max AP +25% 12) Fusion: Vigor +52,5% 14) Transformation: "Angelical Princess": Combat Ability "Will" changed to "Bnsh", Max AP +50%, Wisdom +22,5%, Offense +15%, Defense +12,5%, Vigor +30% 16) Augmentation: Defense +25% 17) Augmentation: Defense +25%, (apparently) No Bonus 18) Augmentation: Defense +25%, Max AP +25% 19) Augmentation: (Apparently) No Bonus 21) Augmentation: Max AP +25% ++++++++++ Sten ++++++++++ 1. Sana: F 2. Sana-Seso: X 3. Sana-Spoo: T 4. Sana-Solo: F 5. Sana-Seny: F 6. Sana-Shin: X 7. Seso: A 8. Seso-Spoo: A 9. Seso-Solo: A 10. Seso-Seny: A 11. Seso-Shin: X 12. Spoo: A 13. Spoo-Solo: X 14. Spoo-Seny: A 15. Spoo-Shin: X 16. Solo: A 17. Solo-Seny: A 18. Solo-Shin: X 19. Seny: A 20. Seny-Shin: X 21. Shin: X Bondings for Sten: 1) Fusion: Offense +32,5% 3) Transformation: "Djinni Efreet": Combat Ability "Rip" changed to "Sweh", loses ability to stretch arms, Max AP +50%, Wisdom +30%, Offense +45%, Defense +12,5%, Vigor +55%. 4) Fusion: Offense +32,5%, Defense +20% 5) Fusion: Offense +32,5%, (apparently) No Bonus 7) Augmentation: Wisdom +25% 8) Augmentation: Wisdom +25%, Vigor +25% 9) Augmentation: Wisdom +25%, Defense +25% 10) Augmentation: Wisdom +25%, (apparently) No Bonus 12) Augmentation: Vigor +25% 14) Augmentation: Vigor+25%, (apparently) No Bonus 16) Augmentation: Defense +25% 17) Augmentation: Defense +25%, (apparently) No Bonus 19) Augmentation: (Apparently) No Bonus ++++++++++ Jean ++++++++++ 1. Sana: X 2. Sana-Seso: X 3. Sana-Spoo: X 4. Sana-Solo: X 5. Sana-Seny: X 6. Sana-Shin: X 7. Seso: A 8. Seso-Spoo: A 9. Seso-Solo: X 10. Seso-Seny: T 11. Seso-Shin: X 12. Spoo: A 13. Spoo-Solo: X 14. Spoo-Seny: T 15. Spoo-Shin: X 16. Solo: X 17. Solo-Seny: X 18. Solo-Shin: X 19. Seny: T 20. Seny-Shin: X 21. Shin: X Bondings for Jean: 7) Augmentation: Wisdom +25% 8) Augmentation: Wisdom +25%, Vigor +25% 10) Transformation: "Super Frogman": Combat Ability "Jab" changed to "Chop", Max AP +40%, Wisdom +60%, Offense +30%, Defense +15%, Vigor +50% 12) Augmentation: Vigor +25% 14) Transformation: "Super Frogman": Combat Ability "Jab" changed to "Chop", Max AP +30%, Wisdom +50%, Offense +30%, Defense +20%, Vigor +70% 19) Transformation: "Super Frogman": Combat Ability "Jab" changed to "Chop", Max AP +30%, Wisdom +50%, Offense +30%, Defense +20%, Vigor +50% ++++++++++ Bleu ++++++++++ 1. Sana: X 2. Sana-Seso: X 3. Sana-Spoo: X 4. Sana-Solo: X 5. Sana-Seny: X 6. Sana-Shin: X 7. Seso: X 8. Seso-Spoo: X 9. Seso-Solo: X 10. Seso-Seny: X 11. Seso-Shin: X 12. Spoo: X 13. Spoo-Solo: X 14. Spoo-Seny: X 15. Spoo-Shin: X 16. Solo: X 17. Solo-Seny: X 18. Solo-Shin: X 19. Seny: X 20. Seny-Shin: X 21. Shin: X Bondings for Bleu: No bondings for Bleu. This sucks! ++++++++++ Spar ++++++++++ 1. Sana: X 2. Sana-Seso: X 3. Sana-Spoo: X 4. Sana-Solo: X 5. Sana-Seny: X 6. Sana-Shin: T 7. Seso: T 8. Seso-Spoo: T 9. Seso-Solo: T 10. Seso-Seny: T 11. Seso-Shin: T 12. Spoo: X 13. Spoo-Solo: X 14. Spoo-Seny: X 15. Spoo-Shin: F 16. Solo: T 17. Solo-Seny: T 18. Solo-Shin: X 19. Seny: X 20. Seny-Shin: X 21. Shin: F Bondings for Spar: 6) Transformation: "Tree Dragon": Combat Ability "Ntre" is more effective, Max AP +45%, Wisdom +12,5%, Offense +37,5%, Defense +10%, Vigor +42,5% 7) Transformation: "Fungus Sprite": Combat Ability "Ntre" changed to "Spor", Max AP +30%, Wisdom +12,5%, Offense +17,5%, Defense +10%, Vigor +32,5% 8) Transformation: "Fungus Sprite": Combat Ability "Ntre" changed to "Spor", Max AP +30%, Wisdom +12,5%, Offense +17,5%, Defense +10%, Vigor +47,5% 9) Transformation: "Life Seed": Combat Ability "Ntre" changed to "Bud", Max AP +30%, Wisdom +12,5%, Offense +17,5%, Defense +22,5%, Vigor +55% 10) Transformation: "Fungus Sprite": Combat Ability "Ntre" changed to "Spor", Max AP +30%, Wisdom +12,5%, Offense +17,5%, Defense +12,5%, Vigor +37,5% 11) Transformation: "Fungus Sprite": Combat Ability "Ntre" changed to "Spor", Max AP +55%, Wisdom +12,5%, Offense +17,5%, Defense +10%, Vigor +32,5% 15) Fusion: Max AP +50%, Vigor +27,5% 16) Transformation: "Life Seed": Combat Ability "Ntre" changed to "Bud", Max AP +20%, Wisdom +12,5%, Offense +17,5%, Defense +22,5%, Vigor +60% 17) Transformation: "Life Seed": Combat Ability "Ntre" changed to "Bud", Max AP +20%, Wisdom +12,5%, Offense +17,5%, Defense +22,5%, Vigor +60% 21) Fusion: Max AP +50% ***THOSE ARE ALL THE POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS*** 6. New Abilities & Described Transformations Here is a more detailed description of the special features of each transformation. RYU None BOW: "The Iron Wolf" Looks like a HUGE robot with a cannon-like right arm. Has decorations of red and blue colors. His new ability "Spry" hits all enemies. Kind of a much better version of Jean's "Jab". He can hunt MUCH quicker now. RAND: "Spike-Shelled Armadillo" Looks like a small armadillo, with a green body and a pink shell that has a spike on top of it. His ability "Wake" is preserved, although he can no longer roll into a ball. KATT: "Cat Woman" Looks like a blue cat-like girl with blonde hair and tail (looks even cuter than before!). Her new ability "Keep" charges up for a turn, and on the next one Katt gives an enemy a destructive blow that always hits critically and can do from 200-800 damage! The strongest physical attack! Katt loses her ability to swing her staff, though. NINA: "Angelical Princess" Looks like an angel: has purple hair, wears a crown and much better clothes (fancier too), has much bigger wings and looks much prettier as well. Her new ability "Bnsh" forces all enemies to run away in fear and you gain no experience – it has no effect on bosses. STEN: "Djinni Efreet" Looks like a red djinni, has a blazing fire in his head, no legs and wears some fancy jewelry. Has a MUCH meaner face. His new ability combat ability "Sweh" changes the group of enemies you've encountered to another group of that area (for instance, if you are in the are near HomeTown and encounter 2 E.Sludges, you can use this ability to encounter 2 E.Sludges and a Hunchback, or 2 Gongheads – it's random). However, Stan can't stretch his arms anymore. JEAN "Super Frogman" Looks a lot thinner and quite robotic, also has a cool broad sword and still has the frog head. His new combat ability "Chop" charges up for a turn, and on the next it swings his sword causing *999 damage to ALL enemies*! It may miss, though, although that isn't very likely to happen. BLEU None SPAR "Tree Dragon" Looks like a 'plant dragon', with weeds instead of legs. Its ability "Ntre" is more effective now. "Fungus Sprite" Looks like a pink-haired that has blue clothing and a blue mushroom with yellow dots as a hat which it uses to attack. Its new ability "Spore" attemps to cause all the enemis to sleep, though it may sometimes miss, or even cause the sleepiness in all the party memebers. "Life Seed" Looks like a pink little seed with a small leaf at the top. Its new ability "Bud" can make him attack constantly after charging up for a turn causing more damage. ________________________________________________________________________________ ***** *Disclaimer* © This file is copyright Francisco Innecco 2002 You are only allowed to use this file as a Breath Of Fire II Shaman Guide (now don't you do weird things with my guide!). Provided you do that, you are free to distribute as much as you like ***as long as you say that it was created by Magellan***, and NOBODY else. ***** That concludes the Breath Of Fire II Shaman guide. ________________________________________________________________________________ For any questions, doubts, comments, or whatever email me at: magellan25_04_88@hotmail.com. Be sure to put something coherent regarding Breath Of Fire II as the topic. ________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading! ________________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Breath Of Fire II Complete Shaman Guide - Version 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Francisco "Magellan" Innecco ( magellan25_04_88@hotmail.com ) Submitted on the 6th April 2002, finished in late March ================================================================================ ------->End of File<-------