------------------------------- PAR CODE GUIDE BRANDISH 2 EXPERT BRANDISH 2 THE PLANET BUSTER SNES ------------------------------- VERSION 2 BY IVAN FERREL 28/01/2003 ivanferrel@hotmail.com -------- Contents -------- 1 Disclaimer 2 PAR Codes 3 Legal stuff 4 Thanks ------------ 1 Disclaimer ------------ I'm not responsible for what happens if any use the codes and cause damage to your game of course if used the way describe here nothing bad happens ----------- 2 PAR Codes ----------- Notes: *The names I give to the swords,knuckles,shields,etc are provisional,because I don't know Japanese. *All Potions and Keys,are the true names. *For the rings replace the 7f for 63,also if you want to recharge a item switch to the second position. *Switch the item in the second position and the item will change *If you put 7f the item becomes infinite *You need to put the 7f in the codes,if you don't put these the items are useless. *The digits I don't put in the guide is because don't have anything. -Character PAR codes: 7e0246 e7=999 Hp 7e0247 03=999 Hp 7e0248 e7=Total Hp 999 7e0249 03=Total Hp 999 7e024a e7=999 Mp 7e024b 03=999 Mp 7e024c e7=Total Mp 999 7e024d 03=Total Mp 999 7e024e ff=255 Attack 7e024f 63=99% Attack (1 Hit Level Up) 7e0250 e7=999 Total Defence 7e0251 03=999 Total Defence 7e0252 ff=255 Magic 7e0253 63=99% Magic (1 Hit Level Up) 7e0254 ff=Magic Defence 7e0255 63=99% Magic Defence (1 Hit Level Up) 7e0256 63=Level 7e0257 63=99% Level (1 Hit Level Up) 7e1c60 3f=Money 7e1c61 42=Money 7e1c62 0f=Money -Example: 1.- Use this code to have the warp magic in the 1st Slot: 7e1b7e 31=warp magic 7e1b7f 7f=So the item is useful,and infinite; 2.-Now move the second slot item to another position,and the item will change(even if you don't have any item). -PAR ITEM codes: 7e1b7e XX=Change digit from the table,so you can have any item in the game. 7e1b7f 7f=So the item is useful,and infinite. Digits: 00=Nothing 01=Sword 4-05 02=Sword 8-05 03=Sword 14-08 04=Sword 20-05 05=Sword 28-08 06=Sword 38-10 07=Sword 50-08 08=Sword 20-18 09=Sword 65-15 0A=Sword 82-20 0B=Sword 100-05 0C=Sword 120-30 0D=Sword 130-50 0E=Knuckles 3-01 0F=Knuckles 10-02 10=Claws 40-05 11=Claws 90-08 12=Axe 20-04 13=Axe 75-10 14=Axe 25-25 15=Hammer 15-02 16=Hammer 70-15 17=Hammer 20-20 18=Armor 0-05 19=Armor 0-10 1A=Armor 1-18 1B=Armor 3-25 1C=Armor 4-45 1D=Armor 0-60 1E=Armor 10-80 1F=Armor 0-90 20=Sol Armor 20-100 21=Shield 0-02 22=Shield 0-07 23=Shield 3-12 24=Shield 0-20 25=Shield 5-32 26=Shield 0-40 27=Shield 0-55 28=Shield 10-75 29=Shield 0-80 2A=Shield 0-90 2B=Fire Magic 2C=Thunder Magic 2D=Ice Magic 2E=Shield Magic 2F=Strenght Magic 30=Heal Magic 31=Warp Magic 34=Super Thunder Magic 35=Super Fire Magic 36=Sword 150-00 37=Fire Ring 38=Thunder Ring 39=Ice Ring 3B=Shield Ring 3D=Super Thunder Ring 3E=Super Fire Ring 40=Revive Ring 42=Invisibility Potion 43=Heal Potion 44=S potion (Water) 45=Steal Balls 46=Pendant A 48=Blue Book 4A=Blue Torch 4B=Pole whit a wistle 4C=Dimensional Box A 4d=Dimensional Box B 4e=Dimensional Box C 4f=Gold Bar 50=Broken Gold Bar 52=Pendant B 53=Sol Simbol 54=Eye Simbol 55=Hammer 56=Crystal 57=Stone Tablet 58=Gold Ring 59=Rod 5a=Statue 5c=H.Potion 5d=H.Poison 5e=M.Potion 5f=M.Poison 60=Master Keys 61=Skull Key 62=Green Key 63=Yellow Key 64=Key of Ruby 65=Sapphire Key 66=Dragon Key 67=Key of Amber 68=Key of Garnet 69=Gold Key 6a=Twisted Key 6b=Crescent Key 6c=Emerald Key 6d=Blue Eyes 6e=Key of Bone 6f=Ebony Key 70=Amethyst Key 71=Coral Key 72=Altet Key 73=Gogond Key 74=Elmef Key 75=Verge Key 76=Goddes Key 77=New Moon Key 78=Key of Pluto 79=Key of Comet 7a=Key of Jade 7b=Elevator Key ------------- 3 LEGAL STUFF ------------- Brandish 2 The planet buster and Brandish 2 Expert is property of Nihon falcom This PAR Code guide is (c) IVAN FERREL -------- 4 Thanks -------- Gamefaqs the best site for game information ZSNES team for the emulator Nihon Falcom for the game JAX and Ripthor for the solution of the puzzles (I think we are the only in this planet who play the game) Myself for making the PAR codes IVAN FERREL