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BEGINNING :) 1. Intro 2. Legal Junk (includes info for posting this faq on another site) 3. Story II. GAMEPLAY :| 1. About 2. Controls 3. Weapons and Items 4. Characters 5. Walkthrough III. END! :( 1. Credits 2. Goodbye *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I. BEGINNING ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Intro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, I am Crazy Bone X, the author to this FAQ. I would like to thank you for choosing to read/use this FAQ. If you find any mistakes in this FAQ, want to contribute something (another walkthrough section would be nice...), or just want to talk, feel free to E-mail or Instant Message me (via AIM). My AIM screen name is my E-mail address minus the @aol.com. Please notice I am not hiding any information. Everything I know about the game is right here in this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Legal Junk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is copyright 2000 Jeff Campbell. It may not be sold, in any way, including (but not limited to): being put in a magazine, being included with a game purchase, or being put on a cd. It may not be handed out to people. It may however, be told about to someone. If someone purchases this game in your store, you may tell them that this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com This document may only be used for personal, private use. Only one (1) copy may be printed out by a single person. If you are caught breaking this copyright, legal action will be taken immediately. Please use this document as it was designed to: Give a walkthrough of the game at a no cost price. Also, please realize I did not write the story for this game. I simply copied it out of the instruction book. Blackthorne, and all other names afflicted with this game are owned by Interact/Blizzard, the creators of this game. This FAQ may only appear at: GameFAQs www.gamefaqs.com GameSages www.gamesages.com My Site http://crazybonex.cjb.net and www.angelfire.com/games2/myfaqs This FAQ may NOT appear at: MegaGames www.megagames.com GamesDomain www.gamesdomain.co.uk CheatCC www.cheatcc.com I dislike those sites so they cannot use this FAQ, you yourself should not go to those sites because they steal FAQs. If anyone else would like use this FAQ, e-mail me for permission first. Make the subject Webmaster and be sure to include your site URL in the body of the message so I can check it out first. If anyone finds this FAQ on another site (besides the ones I already gave permission to), e-mail me the site URL so I can check it out. It's probably a site I gave permission to already but haven't updated the FAQ yet, but just to be safe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, if you purchased this game at somewhere like Funcoland (maybe along with a $60 copy of FFIII?), chances are (about 99%) you didn't get an instruction booklet along with it. Same goes if you downloaded this game as a ROM. The story is pretty cool, and it doesn't really mention all of the story in-game. Now, you may know Blizzard, the company that made this game. They are known to make kinda weird, but awesome games like DIABLO and STARCRAFT. Well, this game is also kinda weird, but awesome. And wow, I took the time to write down the story for it. Argh! My fingers are sore! I need a scanner! Anyone have an extra one I could have? ...Please? Please read this (unless you have already read it out of the instruction book). I know it is long, but you will not completely understand the game if you don't read it and that would be a shame. HISTORY OF TUUL Tuul had been a peaceful world. That was centuries ago--a time when only one race of people inhabited the planet. Their ruler was a great priest/shaman who, as the legend goes, was blessed with all knowledge. The position was passed down from father to eldest son through hundreds of generations...until twin boys were born to Thoros, the ninety-ninth in the line of priests. The path of succession was dubious--exhaustive tests of intellect revealed that neither boy was superior to the other. One day, the two would-be-rulers and their father ventured out into the desert - now known as the Sands of Sorrow--to determine the next ruler of Tuul. The sons returned three days later, bearing with them two large gems: one light, one dark. Their father was dead, they announced. His body had transformed into the two gems they now held. His wisdom and knowledge were contained in those gems and each of the of the sons had chosen one for their own. The repercussions of this event would forever be felt throughout Tuul: from that day forward, Tuul consisted of two distinct populations. Some chose to follow the son who held the Lightstone; north of the desert, they established a kingdom that would become known as Androth. Others followed the guardian of the Darkstone, settling south of the desert in a region they called Ka'dra'suul. Androth flourished--the people kept the revered Lightstone in a central courtyard surrounded by gardens of exotic flora that flourished under the stones vibrant energy. The Ka'dra'suul chose instead to bury their stone deep in the catacombs beneath the central keep of their great castle. Although the Ka'dra'suul grew in strength and numbers, they suffered physical as well as psychological mutations. The Darkstone had been neglected by its people, and it responded by molding the Ka'dra'suul into a cruel race of beings. Fortunately, the two peoples were separated by the great desert and thus had little contact with one another. Eventually, the Ka'dra'suul's supply of Xandralite--the soft, energy- radiating metal used by both races for heat and light--was nearly exhausted. The vampire Darkstone was effectively draining them of their life-giving fuel. A young warrior then arose among the people. Sarlac was his name and he preached against Androthi to the north, claiming that they enjoyed an unfair share of Tuul's blessed resources and that it was the duty of the Ka'dra'suul to set right this wrong. Sarlac was soon swept into power, ruling a great castle he called his Shadow Keep, and led his people against the Androthi in the north. Unprepared, the Androthi were quickly overrun and enslaved by Sarlac's hordes. They were forced to work their own Xandralite mines under armed guard; the results of their labor was shipped south to Ka'dra'suul, where it was used to feed the Darkstone. KYLE BLACKTHORNE Two MPs dressed in olive drab uniforms strode across the dusty compound, an orderly in fatigues following behind them. They headed for the isolated concrete and steel bunker on the other side of the fenced-in camp where the prisoner was currently held. The larger of the MP's--a sandy-haired, freckle faced sergeant--offered some advice to the newly arrived MP corporal. "The prisoner must be kept under the restraint at all times," the sergeant cautioned them. "Captain Blackthorne is an extremely dangerous man, trained in all forms of armed and unarmed combat. Maximum caution must be excercised at all times." The warning really wasn't neccessary. The corporal already knew all about Blackthorne, despite the fact he'd been in the region only a couple days. Blackthorne had turned mercenary early in his military career after receiving a medical discharge from the Corps. He had since fought in a dozen or more different military actions all over the world. Cold, shrewed, and calculating, Blackthorne was said to be absolutely merciless. He was charged with the war crimes and scheduled to stand courtmartial tomorrow morning. "Some people say Captain Blackthorne is innocent," the corporal told the sergeant as they marched along. "They say he's been sold out--that the charges are false and all part of the peace agreement they're trying to hammer out of Moswali." The Warlord Moswali was the last stumbling block in a peace agreement that the U.N. hoped to negotiate in this small, war-torn East Afriecan country. By most accounts a theif and a cutthroat, Moswali had firm control of the large territories and their populace. Without Moswali's cooperation, establishing a peace treaty that would finally bring stability to his ravanged country was nearly impossible. Moswali had a personal grudge with Blackthorne dating back several years and, along with other concessions, had demanded the captains court-martial. "I'm afraid that's not ture corporal," the segeant reprimanded the corporal. "Blackthorne's guily--no doubt about it. He's a vicous savage. He should consider himself lucky we didn't turn him over to Moswali like he demanded." Moswali had first insisted that Blackthorne be handed over to him for trial at the Warlord's hands: a demand that even the merciless U.N. commanders could not see fit to honor. The deal struck that blackthorne would stand court-martial at the hands of his own troops. His eventual conviction and a long sentence were nearly guaranteed. The corporal said no more. In the mere two days he'd been assigned to his post he'd already decided he didn't like this sergeant. Blackthorne was known as a rebel--a man the sergeant could not tolerate. Finally reaching the small, concrete bunker that served the prisner's holding cell, the party halted. Without preamble, the sergeant beat his hammy fist on the heavy door. "Prisoner! To the door! Hands out!" A narrow opening was cut in the door about waste-height, used to pass food trays back and forth and kept sealed with a padlocked bar. At the nod from the sergeant, the corporal unlocked the bar and stepped back. A pair of hands emerged from the opening, fists clenched, wrists held together. The hands were large, strong, lined with cords and muscle. "Put the handcuffs on him corporal," ordered the Sergeant. Fumbling slightly with unfamiliar restraints, the corporal finally locked them around the extended wrists. Cuffs secured, the sergeant ordered the prisoner to move back to the rear of the cell while the door was unlocked and opened. Carefully,the corporal stepped inside the bunker, baton at ready. Moving toward the doorway, Kyle crouched in the opening, peering across the compound, the unfamiliar sunlight bright and painful to his eyes. The area seemed clear; only a few men were around. On the far side of the camp a helicopter prepared for take-off, the sound of its turning rotors chop-chopping across the camp. Without further hesitation, Blackthorne made his break. Out the door sprinting across the compound, he ignored the shouts behind him. Reaching the helicopter, he took the crewman out with a fist to the jaw that sent the man sprawling on the ground. A second crewman, aboard the craft near the open side door tried to make his move but Blackthorne already had his hands on him. Dragging him out of the chopper to throw him to the tarmac. Leaping aboard, Blackthorne slammed and latched the door then scrambled forward to the cockpit. The craft's pilot, taken by surprise, stared wide-eyed at the intruder. "Captain Blackthorne?" he said, not really believing what he saw. "Out!" ordered Blackthorne. The chopper was amazingly swift and maneuverable in the capable hands of its Captain. Blackthorne looked back in the distance as his enemies fired another rocket. It was a futile attempt and Blackthorne knew it. He and his craft were already out of range. Blackthorne landed the helicopter in an area obscured by brush, safely on the other side of the border. He was amazed at how weak he'd become. He checked himself for wounds but found none. What was wrong? He thought to himself. Slowly, he climbed out of the chopper. It took all his strength just to open the door and step outside. Once outside, he immediatly fell to his knees. ALL WENT BLACK. Running, running, running. The dream was the same one Blackthorne had experienced over and over since childhood. Kyle Blackthorne--a small boy--running in terror as fast as he could, racing through dark halls made of stone, vaulted ceilings rising overhead, walls decorated with hanging skulls and tapestries. Light poured from countless chandeliers, their hundreds of candles casting but feeble, yellow light--a light that seemed swallowed up by the great inky blackness surrounding all. In this dream he heard a voice--the same familiar voice he knew he could trust. "This way Kyle. Hurry! Follow me!" The voice sounded nearby and distant at the same time. In the dream he sought the source of the voice but he never saw the face. Always, though, he chased after it, obeying its commands knowing that his life depended on following its instructions. And again he found himself overlooking a large chamer where a man--tall grey-haired, dressed in a plendid robe--faced off against a giant, shadowy form. As Kyle watche, the two spoke for a moment, then the giant form stepped from out from out of the shadows--a huge man with powerful arms and shoulders. Laughing evilly, the stranger drew forth a great sword and, raising it over his head, struck the older man down. Kyle, paralyzed by the scene unfloding before his eyes, stood dumbstruck. But powerful hands took hold of his small shoulders and, without warning, lifted him off his feet and hurled him into the vast reaches of the darkness and could, tears pouring down his face as he thought of the man struck down in the chamber. He knew it was his father... Blackthorne awoke to find himself laying face down in the sand. His head throbbed and he was disoriented. Slowly coming to his senses, he realized he'd had the dream again--one of the many odd dreams that had haunted him all his life. He pulled himself to his feet and assessed his situation. It was getting dark. How long had he been unconscious? How much fround had he UN forces gained on him? He knew there was no chance that they would abandon their search for him. He had to find his friends and fast. Scrambling up to a nearby ridge, he saw the highway below that his allies had frequently used. Maybe they still did. He went back to the helicopter to grabs ome gear along with a rifle he found under the seat. He must get to safety, Blackthorne thought to himself as he began the steep descent to the road below. The Androthi depended upon him, he told himself. HE must free his people fromt he cruel Ka'dra'suul. With a sudden shock he realized he was reliving another of the mysterious dreams that plagued him, but now it was becomming more real, more urgent than his current predicament. He picked up his pace and triedto shake the strange thoughts that plagued him. No matter how hard he tried, he could not. He saw himself standing in some sort of cave or mine. Others were around--men working by dim light, sweating and trolling, mining strange mineral from the walls of the cave. Others, the not actively at work, were chained to walls of the cave. To his horror Blackthorne saw that some of the cantves were no more than corpses and skeletons. Long ago picked clean of their flesh, they were against the walls in upright positions. Kyle pitied these people. Somehow he knew they were called the Androthi. And again came that mysterious voice, ringing in his ears: "Kyle. Come to me. Your people have fallen slaves to the Warlord Sarlac and the evil power of the Darkstone. You must free them. You are their only hope. You must seek me out so that I may teach you the secrets of the Lightstone. My name is Galadril. You know me. Find me." The Androthi prisoners welcomed him as a friend. Their language was foreign yet familiar to his ears. They begged for help and he promised it to them, not knowing exactly what that would mean. They ran though in terror. Something wwas coming. "Ka'dra'suul!" they shouted as they fled. Something hulked into view. Blue-skinned, with long, curving tusks, it had obviously once been a man but was not something else. The thing grinned at Kyle and then cracked its evil-looking black whip. Blackthorne was still remembering that evil face when the sound opf a rapidly-approaching helicopter reminded him of his present situation. They'd caught up to him. "You had better get a hold of yourself Blackthorne," he told himself, ducking into a narrow crevice, trying to keep out of sight. His head continued to ache but he knew if he didn't keep his mind on the problems facing him he'd have worse to worry about. He crouched in the eroded gully and watched as the U.N. camp's chopper passed slowly overhead. If they spotted him and radiod back his position, he would never escape. Apparently failing to spot Blackthorne through the darkness, the helicopter passed over him without slowing. He breathed a sigh of relief. "The Golatrix complex," he told himself. "I must reach it." Again he was shocked to find his memories confused. He was a living dream--a dream from long ago. He tried to concentrate on what lay before him but still the other thoughts kept intruding, insisting that his precarious trek through the desert was dwarfed in significance by the unusual thoughts that raced through his head. He was crossing a vast desert in search of the Golatrix Complex. Sweltering from the heat, he trudged on. He felt the presence of someone or something but he saw nothing. Enemies lurked everywhere beyond the sand dunes and windswept hills surrounding him. Ka'dra'suul was their name. Once human, they were now twisted and degenerate, their lives and souls warped by Sarlac. Enslavers of the Androthi, Blackthorne hated them and they feared him. The Golatrix Complex--his goal--was a far-flung military outpost built long ago by the androthi but now abandoned. He did not know why he had to reach this place, only that he must desperately attain his goal. Something he needed-something important to the task at hand--lay inside, and he must retrieve, Here, there was no voice to guide him. He was on his own. A shot rang out, a distant rifle firing fromt the other side of the highway. The slug kicked up dirt in front of Blackthorne as it buried itself in the ground near his feet. A sniper! Blackthorne threw himself on the ground, rolling and scrambling until he got himself behind a low line of rocks just barely high enough to afford him cover. Was this sniper a friendly force unable to recognize him in the darkness? He quickly ruled out that possibility. He was sure that the sniper was one of Moswali's men probably assigned specifically to hunt down and capture Blackthorne, dead or alive. Pinned flat to the ground, his slightest movement was answered by the crack of a rifle and a slug ricocheting off rocks shielding him. The only thing he knew for sure was that the sniper was holed in a narrow crevice on a mountain across the highway. Entrenched high above him, the sniper could keep Blackthorne pinned down indefinitely. He pulled out the rifle and attached the infrared scope. The sniper's shots continued to ricochet dangerously close to his position. The enemy appeared as a shadowy figure through the rifles sight. Blackthorne fired two quick shots. He continued to watch through the sight as the sniper stumbled and fell forward on the mountain. He wasn't the first to fall victem to Blackthorne's sharpshooting prowess and he wouldn't be the last. Blackthorne hopper to his feet. There was little time left. There was no way of knowing if the Warlord's sniper was in radio contact with Moswali's camp but the gunfire and air traffic over the hills would go unnoticed. He was only a few hundred feet from the highway now. "I must find Onehand," Blackthorne told himself. "The Seer dwelling deep within the Karellian Swamps." Blackthorne again found himself slipping into one of his eerie visions. He was plodding through the swamp filled with dark, evil-smelling water, surrounded by strangely twisted tress. No birds sang but skitterings and shufflings could be heard among the rushes and briars on the banks. The degenerate Ka'dra;suul lurked here, in the great Karnellian swamp. Blackthorne was seeking the refuge of a woman known only as the Seer Onehand. It was Onehand who kept the secret Blackthorne needed to defeat the great evil that lay beyond the swamp. Other things lurked here as well--things far worse than Ka'dra'suul. The great evil plagueing this world had also unleashed creatures from other worlds--other dimensions--to stalk his desolate land. These creatures were barely mortal and impervious to Blackthorne's weapons. He was wary of them--and their stealthy approach. He never could recall if he'd found who he'd been searching for. The name Onehand remained a haunting enigma. He tried to shake the feelings off, telling himself again and again that they were only the fragments of half-remembered dreams--but inexplicably he knew there was more to it than that. "Kyle!" A voice spoke to him in his head--the voice familiar to him from his dreams. He ignored it, running on. He finally reached the side of a highway and could see what looked like a jeep heading toward him. It was about a mile away. "Kyle! It is time!" The voice came to him again. The vehicle closed quickly. Prepare yourself Kyle!" the voice commanded. "The time draws near." Blackthorne clutched at his head, trying to drive the voice out. He sat by the roadway. Was he going mad? He had to block out the voice. The jeep thundered past him. Blackthorne held out his hand to stop the vehicle but they didn't see him. Perhaps they couldn't see him. He recognized the occupeants of the jeep as faces he had long fought alongside only a short time ago. "Now!" vibrated the voice inside his head. Kyle Blackthorne suddenly found himself surrounded by cold and darkness, hurtling through the vastness of space as stars whirled by at dizzying speeds. "Your time has arrived," came the voice again, this time neare, and more familiar. "You are of age and well trained. IT is time to fulfill your destiny." "Galadril?" asked Blackthorne. "It is I," answered the voice. "Your mentor and tutor from years gone by." "I remember," said Blackthorne. "You were the favorite of my father, King Vlaros." "And his advisor and sorcerer" added the voice. "Your memories are returning, I see." Blackthorne agreed. "I remember the murder of my father. I dreamt of it many times. He was slain by a man who stepped from the shadows," he said turning slightly grim. "Yes, the evil lord Sarlac," said the voice that was Galadril. "He still reigns, Kyle, and our world is worse for it. IF not stopped soon he shall be the end of us all. The world of Tuul--your world--needs you desperatly. Too many years have the Androthis lived under the yoke of Sarlac and his people, the twisted Ka'dra'suul. Sarlac possesses the Darkstone and if allowed to continue his evil ways will eventually destroy our world and all that is good in it. You must use the power of the Lightstone to bring an end to his reign. To protect you, your father and I sent you to Earth. After Sarlac discovered the Darkstone and began his rise to power, the Seer Onehand predicted that Sarlac could not be stopped--that his destiny was to rule Tuul in twenty years. At the end of that time this destiny could not be changed, but only through the power of the Lightstone wielded the proper heir to the throne. Hence we sent you to Earth, far from the treacherous eyes of Sarlac. To further safeguard you, your memories were hidden from you. But it appears that some have escaped over the years." "The dreams..." said Kyle. "Yes. The dreams were your old memories escaping their magical bounds. But only some of them. Others were prophecies of things to come--of your destiny." "What am I to do?" "Seek me out, young Kyle. You will soon return to that place from which you were sent, the Xandralite mines of Androth, now a prison camp run by the evil Ka'dra'suul. I can not meet you there for reasons you will soon learn. I wait beyond the mines. Seek me out..." "How can Sarlac be stopper?" Blackthorne asked the voice. "With the power of the Lightstone," answered Galadril. "You must use it against Sarlac..." The voice faded away. The fate of Kyle Blackthorne now lies in your hands. Your mission is to guide the resourceful warrior through the perilous regions of Tuul and find Sarlac. Use Blackthorne's mercenary abilities, along with the weapons and items you will aquire, to assist you in your quest. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ II. GAMEPLAY ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. About ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the section that has all the information on almost everything in the game. If you have any problems that aren't covered here, E-mail me and I will try to help you out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ START Starts and pauses the game. Also allows you to "Continue" or "Give up" when these options appear in game play. SELECT Brings down the item bar and cycles through your inventory. This can be accessed at any time during the game. L and R These buttons (located at the top of the controller) enable you to cycle through your items without having to pull down the item bar. THE CONTROL PAD Left or Right moves Blackthorne in that direction. Up 1. When standing in the clear, this button "hides" Blackthorne in the shadows. 2. Enables him to jump up onto a ledge and pull himself up (the gun must be put away before doing this) - use this button for climbing ladders as well. 3. Allows you to walk through passage ways (gun must be put away to do this). 4. Inserts a key in the appropriate lock, assuming you have one in your inventory. Down 1. Crouches. This is primarily used to pick up items. 2. Allows you to climb down a ladder or ledge. The action buttons (A, B, X and Y) have different functions depending on whether or not Blackthorne holds his gun. Gun not drawn A Pulls the gun from its holster B Jumps forward (Broad jump) X Uses the selected item from your inventory (the current item appears in the upper left of the screen) Y Holding down a direction on the control pad and tapping this button enables Blackthorne to run (jumping while on the run covers more distance than a Broad jump) Gun Drawn A Puts the gun away B Fires the gun X Uses the selected item from your inventory (the next available item appears at the upper left of the screen) Y Fires backward "without looking" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Weapons and Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The shotgun is Blackthorne's primary weapon. Over the course of the game, Androthi allies will help you to upgrade the weapon's effectiveness. In addition to the shotgun, the following weapons and items can be acquired during your journey: HOVER BOMBS After this bomb is thrown, it "rolls" toward the target and detonates. Note from me: This bomb is great for taking out Whar'orks. FIRE BOMBS This bomb features a "somersault" explosion that can damage multiple enemies at one time. Note from me: This bomb is great at killing Eekers. REMOTE WASPS When deployed, you can steer this bomb with the Control Pad and detonate it by pressing X (ideal for destroying computer terminals). HEALTH POTIONS You will be able to improve your health by finding and drinking these potions. Be sure to explore the level thoroughly--some of the potions are well hidden. LEVITATORS This is used to reach elevated areas that Blackthorne cannot usually reach. To use the Levitator: press X to drop it, then stand directly over it and push up to levitate. BRIDGE KEY Insert this key in the lock by pressing up to create an odd green bridge. IRON KEY This key is used to "unlock" the blue force fields Blackthorne encounters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KING VLAROS The old ruler of Tuul and Kyle's Father GALADRIL Tuul's resident sorcerer and King Vlaros's best friend THE SEER ONEHAND A female forest druid who leads the Androthi in their struggle against the Ka'dra'suul in the forests. Note from me: She only has one hand, hence the name. THOROS The originator of the Stones of light and dark. His shrine lies in the wastelands where it is foretold the stones came into being. SARLAC The ultimate bad guy--once a sorcerer like Galadril, the powers of the Darkstone have turned him and his minions into gruesome monsters. Sarlac wields the power of the Darkstone against the Androthi. ANDROTHI These are the good guys who will often provide you with useful information and items. ANDROMEDOGS Fearing that Sarlac would inevitably win, some of the Androthi joined up with Sarlac to avoid destruction. These outcast traitors are hated by the Androthi. GRAG'OHR ("GRAGGS") Blackthorne's most common enemy (the goblin creatures), they appear throughout the game with varying degrees of difficulty (told by their body's color). WHAR'ORK These ominous looking blue creatures lurk in the depths of the Xandralite mines, never hesitating to crack their whips at the enslaved Androthi. ROCK BEASTS The once tame desert dwellers are now bent by Sarlac's influence to destroy the Androthi with their unique "rock and roll" attack. EEKERS Tentacle-like plants that devour unsuspecting victems--they emit a shrill sound when in distress. SPIDER MINES These walking explosives are pesky creatures that test Blackthorne throughout his journey, never hesitating to blow up Kamikaze style. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the walkthrough to the game. I have only written the walkthrough to the first levels of the game (the mines). I think in each update I will add another level or two; these things take a while to write! Anyway, the passwords to the levels are here, right after each title of the level. Oh, and if you don't understand a part of the walkthrough, please e-mail me and I will explain it more to you, and will update the walkthrough with your name in the credits section. PRACTICE (there is no password on this level) First, walk up right and an Androthi will tell you how to talk to someone. Talk to the other two Androthis and then holster your weapon (A button) and walk towards the ledge; push up to jump up there. Once up, go right and you will enter a new room. Talk to the Androthi and he will tell you how to jump. Go to the edge of the land and jump over to the other side. Continue right and in to the new room. Hop down and talk to the Androthi. He will tell you how to run. Doing so now would be a good idea, try to find out when to run and when to walk. This will really help you in the real game because it's very essential in some rooms. Talk to the green Androthi and he will tell you how to do a running jump. It will take some practice so you should talk a couple minutes to do so now. Once you got it mastered, head to the next room where you get a bomb. Yes, you get a bomb. It's a HOVER BOMB and to get it you talk to the green Androthi. Once you have the bomb face towards the door and push X. It should blow up and allow you to talk to the guy on the other side of it. Oh, and for future reference, the SELECT button chooses items. Remember that one! Your first Gragg killing. Well. draw your weapon before you go in this room. If you didn't, run back left and draw it. To hide, press UP on the d-pad; nobody can shoot you this way. So the main thing in shooting is hiding, waiting for the Gragg to shoot and then when it's about to hide again shoot him and he will die. Kill both of the Graggs this way and then proceed to the next room. Talk to the two Androthis and then go on to the elevator. Press UP and you are out of the practice level. By now you should have mastered jumping and running. You will soon master combat skills with those evil Graggs. LEVEL 1 (there is no password on this level) Your characters name is Kyle Blackthorne. Well I call him Blackthorne for short. Ok, holster your weapon and jump to the right. Pull your self up on the ledge. Climb the ladder and it's off to the next room. The Androthis in this room are of no use to you. Blow them away and then go to the next room at the right. You don't have to blow them away, but it's really fun! What the hell is "UNNNNG"? Anyway, pull Blackthorne up on the ledge and talk to the worthless Androthi. Get the two bombs and make sure your facing the grey door. Throw the HOVER BOMB and draw your weapon, then proceed to the next room. Quickly blow that Gragg away before he notices you! Hop over the gap and pick up the item he drops. Once you get the bomb, climb up the ladder and it's off to the next room. Face the door and use one of your bombs. Get that item right next to the exit of this room and exit. It's your choice whether or not to blow up the door. The guy in there gives you a POTION that restores a decent amount of life. Head up the ladder once you've done what you decided and push UP in front of the door thing to get to the next room. The easiest way to kill that Gragg is to wait until he goes to the opposite side of the room. Once he's there, just walk off the ledge and shoot him. Pick up his bomb and blow up the door. I think you know what to do now. As soon as you get in this room blow that Gragg away. Now do a running jump across that big gap and make sure you don't fall. If you do happen to fall, you can use that potion if you want. Just don't die on me! Head right in to the new room. Easy room, just pull up on the ledge and blow up the door. Press up on the elevator and viola you got pass your first level. Scribble down the password and prepare for a tougher challenge. LEVEL 2 PASSWORD: FBWC Talk to the Androthi and listen to what he has to say. Don't blow him away because he will probably die anyway. Wasting unlimited ammo is just stupid. Head right and be sure to have your weapon out. Wow, a Red Gragg! Now, unlike Green Graggs this guy is tough. He throws bombs and takes two bullets to kill. Anyway, press hide and dodge the bomb he throws. Once it's passed you shoot him and repeat the process. Once he's dead, pick up the bomb he drops and go to the next room. Head down and blow up the door with your HOVER BOMB. Be careful you don't miss it because that sucks to waste a bomb. Go right with your gun un-equipped. This room is pretty tough. Hop up on the ledge and don't pull your self up. While hanging there, wait for him to turn left then pull your self up and hide. When he hides, un-hide and draw your gun then hide again while he tries to shoot you. Quickly shoot him before he punches you and pick up his bomb. Go right and talk to the Androthi. He tells you to look at waterfalls for hidden doors. Quite an odd fellow he is. Pick up the potion and go back left and down the elevator. And down the elevator. And down the elevator. When you finally reach the bottom of the shaft go left and make sure your weapon is out. Wow, another Red Gragg! Take him out like before and get his bomb he drops. Walk left and go in to that door thing. Go up the ledges and in to the next room. This room has an Whar'ork (that's my name for him anyway). He is strong and will whip you pretty hard. He also on dies from a bomb (hint hint). When you kill that bastard, pick up the BRIDGE KEY he drops. Talk to the red Androthi and he gives you a bomb. Go down the ladder and jump the small gap that leads to the next room. Make sure you don't do a running jump because you might plunge to your death in the next room! No, even the almighty Blackthorne cannot be Super Mario and jump that huge gap. Use the BRIDGE KEY on the bridge key thing by push UP when you are in front of it and have your BRIDGE KEY selected as an item. It will make a cool green bridge allowing you to get in to the next room. Run pass this room in to the next one. Run passed the next room and up in to the next one. Finally, jump up the ledge in to the next room. And go up the ladder and in to yet another room (lousy Blizzard programers!). Get the bomb from the A. and head to the next room. Head up the ledge and in to the next room. Use your HOVER BOMB on the door and talk to the A. Head up those skinny wooden ledges and in to another room. Tee hee, evil Androthi man, he slipped something in to that Green Gragg's rations and knocked his ass out. Pick up the bomb and use it on that door. Make sure that Androthi isn't in the way or it won't blow up the door! Go right and in to the next room. Yet another Red Gragg! Kill him and get the POTION and the HOVER BOMB. Go up the elevator and go left in to the next room. Blow up that door and hide! Draw your weapon and kill that Red Gragg. Pick up his bomb he drops and up the ladder. Throw a bomb at the generator and go left. Then go up one ledge, go right and go up the ledge. Then jump left and draw your big bad un-limited ammunition gun. Blow that Graggs brains out and head up the elevator. I told you this level would be hard! Too bad the next one is even harder! LEVEL 3 PASSWORD: QP7R Go left. Another Androthi tells you about water falls. Now, you see that grey bar on the ground? That triggers a machine gun and it will shoot you full of lead... that is if you step on it. Anyway, if you want to kill that Androthi guy without having to actually do it yourself, just push DOWN and somer-sault over it. You can also jump these bars, but it's slightly entertaining to watch those guys die. Somer-sault left and go in to the next room. Ha! You sure taught that machine gun a thing or two didn't you? Go to the edge of the ledge (a rhyme of mine, heheh) and press DOWN and then DOWN again. You go to the bottom of the pit and get the POTION. Climb up on the left side and go left in to the next room. Talk to the red Androthi, the one that's chained up. He mentions a levitator, could this get you up to that door above? I guess you'll have to find out! Head left with your gun out. Kill that Red Gragg and take the key he drops. Be sure to jump that elevator gap or you die! Go left and choose the key as your item. Press up at the key opener thing and go in to that black door thing. Talk to the red Androthi and he gives you a POTION. Pick up the item at the right and it's a HOVER BOMB. Finally, push the elevator call switch and leave the room. Push up at the key hole and get your key back. Then go right and on to the elevator. Push down and ignore where you stop first, but note the location. When you are all the way down go right in to the next room, with your gun drawn. Blast that Gragg to hell and get his bomb. Then go left and un-draw your gun. Jump up the ledge and hop over that gap. The red Androthi tells you that bridge keys can be re-used and that's exactly why you got it back. Aren't you glad your using this FAQ? Head right in to the next room. Hop over the grey bar. Jump up and climb the ladder and hop up the ledge to the left. Go up and then go left in to another room, with your gun out. Blast the Green Graggs, and then head up into the next room. Be sure to pick up what the Graggs drop though! Head up the ladder and prepare for the hardest part of the game so far. When you first enter this room you see an Whar'ork, a new Purple Gragg, a blue Androthi, and a weird brown thing that flies! Quickly run left and to another room. In the other room, hang on the ledge and wait for the Whar'ork to turn right. When he does, throw a bomb at him and he passes out! talking to the Androthi in the top left corner informs you machine guns can be destroyed. Head left and be ready to fight! Well, not really fight. You will have to be healthy enough to take a hit from a bomb. So just go in the room and hide. The odd brown thing blows you up, but you don't die. I'm not sorry to say the Purple Gragg dies though! Pick up the two items he drops and you discover those brown things are REMOTE WASPS. Kill the Whar'ork and then go down the ladder. Easy does it going down those ledges. Now go left! Then do another easy does it down the ledge and be sure to go down the ladder. When you are at the bottom section of this room, run right over that grey bar as fast as you can! Then go up a ledge, then jump and walk down and go right until you reach the room with a Whar'ork. Throw a bomb at the Whar'ork. Then comes the crucial part, you must aim a wasp bomb to the generator above. When the bomb is right in front of the generator push X and blow the generator up. Then go left and up the elevator. Then where you supposedly noted that elevator place, go there. Level is almost done! Kill the two Red Graggs and get what they drop. Then go right and use your BRIDGE KEY on that holder thing, and blow up the door above the ledge. In the next room, kill the Red Gragg. Then go back to the other room and go left on that ledge as far as you can. Run right and jump right before the ledge ends and don't die! Go in that door thing and in to the next room. Pick up the two bombs and the almighty LEVITATOR! Then go back out and jump that huge gap. Grad your key and then go all the way left to the elevator. Then go up and right and use your LEVITATOR right under the ledge. Go up and go in the door. Use your key on the key thing. Go right and go down the ladder. Talk to the red Androthi and get a POTION from him. Them climb down the two ledges and go to the new room. Go down the ladder and kill that Androthi if you're bored. Now blow up the door and go left. Kill the Red Gragg and blow up the brick door. Continue left and kill the Whar'ork and go in the door thing in to another room. Go right and up the elevator you finish another level! The next one sucks! LEVEL 4 PASSWORD: WJTV Quickly hide in the shadows when you first enter this level. Then take out the Red Gragg , pick up the bomb he drops, and go left to the next room. Be ready to throw that bomb! Right, now kill the Whar'ork and pick up his key. Then you are informed about this Androthi's brothers are hiding. Maybe we will find them later? Go up the ledges on the right side and then do a running-jump over the gap leading to the next room. Walk off the ledge and have your gun drawn. Wait until the spider thing leaves you alone and then kill the Red Gragg when it's on the left side of the room. Go left and use your BRIDGE KEY on the bridge. Go left then up the ledge and in to another room. Hang down the ledges on the right and go in to the secret water fall door on the bottom. Then go right and up and then right again. Roll right over that gun trigger and in to another room. In the other room, blow up the door and get the POTION and the BRIDGE KEY. Go back up and left until you get back to the water fall passage room. Do a running-jump over the big gap and go left. Dodge the two spiders and go down the ladder and kill the Red Gragg. Pick up the HOVER BOMB he drops, go back up the ladder, and then go left in to the new room. Take out the Red Gragg and then hang down the ledge and use the LEVITATOR to go down. Throw the bomb you got at the Whar'ork and go pick up the Red Gragg's bomb. Use your key on the bridge and go right. Dodge the spiders and go right again. Then jump the gap and go right some more. Get the BRIDGE KEY and continue right, remembering to doge that spider. Jump up and go right again! Jump that gap and then go down. Go right and use your LEVITATOR exactly under the ledge and pull yourself up. Shoot the UNNNNG guy (optional) and go in the door below. Talk to the blue A. and guess what you get? A NEW GUN! I will call the gun GUN #2 so just remember that. This gun is a lot better than the other one! Try it out on the green Androthi heh. Now, go left and jump the gap. Then go down the ledge and down the other ledge. Then pop that Red Gragg in one turn! Now go left. Pop that Red Gragg in one turn. Make sure you make that huge gap or you die! Go left some more and in to a new room. Jump that gap (it is very hard, do a running-jump) and then climb the ladder to kill the Whar'ork with your bomb. Then do a running-jump left on to a new room. Kill the red guy and use your BRIDGE KEY on the bridge. Run over to the dead Gragg and get the IRON KEY. Then run right and get the BRIDGE KEY back. Go more right in to the old/new room. Go back up the ladder and make that seemingly huge gap with ease. Then go back right and up the ledges. Jump right and go right some more. Then go down the ledge and use your key. Kill the Red Gragg and go in to the room on the right. Quickly kill the Purple Gragg and get wasps he drops. Then use your key on the bridge and enter the "secret" passage. Kill the Red Gragg and go right (I know it doesn't look like it leads to another room) and then go down the elevator. Dodge the spider and go left. Go up the first ledge, go right, and then take out the Red Gragg. Pick up his bomb and continue right. Go up two ledges and go left. Kill the Whar'ork and Jump across to get yet another IRON KEY. Go back right and go to the elevator. Go up and then go left. Go back in the door and go right. Get your BRIDGE KEY and then go right again. Use your IRON KEY on the opener thing and use a WASP BOMB to kill the generator. Go back left and up. Then go right and talk to GALADRIL. He tells you he sent you to Earth and brought you back. He then says you must find SEER, ONEHAND and if you fail, your quest will be lost. He says he will help you with speed, which is actually more life! Cool, level is done, now watch the movie. LEVEL 5 and beyond Soon to come, but I will give you the passwords to the levels: Tree 1 RRYB Tree 2 ZS9P Tree 3 XJSN Tree 4 CGDM Sand 1 TJ1F Sand 2 GSG3 Sand 3 BMHS Sand 4 Y4DJ Castle 1 HCKD Castle 2 NRLF Castle 3 J6BZ Castle 4 MJXG Castle 5 K3CH *Please note that these are from www.gamesages.com, an excellent site for codes of all kinds.* *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ III.END! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To all the people who contributed to this FAQ in one way or another. CjayC- He made GameFAQs. I love this man (well, not really). Nemesis- He partially made the ASCII art for this FAQ (thanks to the help of CjayC wunnerful ASCII art trick). Vegita- He is a very nice guy and has helped me out whenever he could (did I mention he is making me put this in? No, just kidding.) He also has very funny game reviews. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Goodbye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, it's time for me to go. ::quickly thinks of something to entertain you:: Ok... This FAQ is/has: 40339 characters in it (letters, numbers, spaces, etc) 8514 words 1106 lines of text 830 sentences 349 paragraphs 19 pages 5 character average word length 10 words averaged a sentence 45 maximum words in a sentence 1 author who would like to thank you very much for reading this entire FAQ Bye Bye! [-End of Document-]