-+=Aretha 2, Aretha's Wonderful Adventure (Ariel no Fushigi na Bouken) Walkthrough/FAQ=+- Version: 0.2 Author: Trunkz0r Date: 03/30/03 Size: 51.7k -=|Best Viewed in 800x600|=- -----Table of Contents----- Section 1............................. Introduction -- ar1 Section 2............................. History -- ar2 Section 3............................. Characters -- ar3 Section 4............................. Menus -- ar4 Section 5............................. Walkthrough -- ar5 Section 6............................. Enemies -- ar6 Section 7............................. Item Creation -- ar7 Section 8............................. Credits -- ar8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 1 -- Introduction ar1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ah, Here is another Japanese RPG that was forgotten in the past. Aretha 2 was released just a year later from it's predecessor, on December 2nd, 1994. It debued at a cost of 9900 Yen, which is quite expensive. Aretha 2 has a similar battle system to that of Aretha 1, but an entire different system from the 3rd. This will be my 9th walkthrough that I've worked on. However, I've never yet completed one of these walkthroughs yet, mostly because I get stuck. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 2 -- History ar2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Version 0.2 -- 3/30/03 --Second Version Surprise, Surprise, I actually found time to update this beast. --Some Translations, Thanks to Ritchie :) --Walkthrough is completed --Enemies list is completed Version 0.1 -- 1/26/03 --First Version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 3 -- Characters ar3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aretha: Main character of the game. She's a queen of some castle on a journey to destroy an evil monster. Todd: Lives in the snowy village. Joins Aretha on her journey through the snowy mountains. An avalanche occurs and Todd can't get back home. Dole: Mysterious; Often joins your party and leaves. Kyle: Lives in the castle under the dino king. Joins your party after Dole runs away. Jeluck: Joins you in the village and is a blue-haired thief. Zoppildo: Joins your party after you capture it at the bridge. Minerva: Joins your party after learning of the prince. Arken: King of the castle, joins in order to save Yuno. Yuno: Joins you after saving her from the vampire in the cave. Fang: A mini-dragon who joins you in Death Valley after falling in the pit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 4 -- Menus ar4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Items: Items Menu Heal: Quickly heals your party Skills: Skills Menu Talk: Talk to partner Equip: Equipment Menu Name: Change name(?) Stats: Status Menu Config: Options menu Save: Save Game Load: Load game Items Menu: Restoring: Restoring items. Battle: Battle items. Global: Global items that can be used outside of battle. Equip: Equip item. Key Items Skills Menu: Healing Spells Attack Spells Equip Menu: Equip Status ???? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 5 -- Walkthrough ar5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the scene, you get on a ship to a snowy town. -=|Como Town|=- My Levels: Aretha(1) Items: None Go into the house in the lower right corner of the town and talk to Todd in there. He'll then join your party. Then go north through the exit. -=|Logos Ice Field|=- My Levels: Aretha(1), Todd(3) Items: Potion(1) Enemies: Slimes, Giant Rats Look at the pretty rabbits and foxes :D Keep going north and let Todd beat up the enemies while defending with Aretha. Go into the cave and get the potion out of the chest. Go out of the cave and then keep going south. You'll get to the end of the cliff but decide to turn back. When you get up a little more there is an avalanche. -=|North Forest|=- My Levels: Aretha(2), Todd(3) Items: None Enemies: Spiders, Snakes, Mosquitos Just follow the path to the south until you exit the forest. -=|Kisa Village|=- Just goto the INN and then go into the room on the far left of the INN. Talk to Dole in there and she'll join your party. Exit the town through the south and follow the mountain around until you enter the forest. -=|Biff Logue Forest|=- My Levels: Aretha(3), Todd(4), Dole(3) Items: None Enemies: Spiders, Snakes, Mosquitos, Mad Tree, Grasshopper Follow along the path and then enter the house. Go up to the bed and rest in the bed. This is a good place to level up if you want to level up. The enemies give a good amount of experience. If you're injured, just rest in the bed. I leveled up here until i was level 5. Once you're done just follow the path until you exit the forest. When you're outta the forest, just keep going south and eventually you'll reach the port town. -=|Gura Town|=- I bet you're wondering about now, what are those soul things that I keep getting after beating enemies with them. Well, now is your first chance to use them. They're used to create your armor for your characters. Refer to the item creation section to which armor you want to make. The shop is located in the lower right corner of the area since you can't get passed the guards yet. Talk to the guard on the left side of the bridge and he will give you an item that you have to take to an old woman. Remember the house in the forest? Well that's where the item needs to be taken. Then return to the port town. You can now get passed the bridge. Goto the weapon shop first and buy a new staff and sword for the main character. Then exit the town through the left side of the town. Then just go north to the castle. -=|Seckt Castle|=- My Levels: Aretha(5), Todd(5), Dole(6) Items: Staff(1), Rapier(1), Armor(2) Enemies: Dino King(BOSS) All the guards are dead because of some enemies. You don't have any enemies in here except for a boss. You can't go anywhere in the castle so just keep going up the steps until you reach the Dino King. BOSS: Dino King HP: 150 EXP: 33 PERA: 600 SOUL: None Rather easy boss, but he can hit kind of heavy. Just heal when you get low on health. Use Aretha's 8MP attack magic against him and attack with Todd and Dole. You'll learn that the king has been turned into by a dinosaur. Dole will then leave your party and you'll be joined up by the Kyle. Go back down the stairs and then when you reach the first floor take the door on the right. Grab the chest on the right of the room and then go into the kitchen and grab the chest out of there. Then go back to the main room and go into the basement jail on the right side of the room. There are two chests here containing two sets of armor, armor that is weaker then what you currently have, but useful to sell. Then go back to the port town. -=|Gura Town|=- Buy a new sword for Kyle and make a (5)Brown soul armor for Kyle too. You can now enter through the southeast part of the town. Goto the armor shop here and buy a shield, helmet, boots, and a ring for Aretha. Then buy a ring for Todd. Then exit the town through the southeast side of the town. It might be good to buy some antidote items from the item shop before continuing because the enemies there can cause you to be poison and you don't get to any towns very soon, or if you're lucky you'll get an antidote from the Flying Snakes or the Hornets there. Or the andidote spell that costs a whopping 10MP can heal you too. Then go south and enter the mountain near the sign. -=|Jablong Mountain|=- My Levels: Aretha(5), Todd(6), Kyle(6) Items: ? Enemies: Praying Mantis, Dragonflys, Moths, Flying Snake, Hornets Take the left hole of the mountain first, then go south and take the hole on the left for a chest Then return to the main area and take the north hole and then the hole on the right. Then go into the hole on the left since the hole on the right is blocked. Then go south and take the right hole again. Once you get down from the mountain, go south until you reach the shrine. -=|Medinam Tower|=- My Levels: Aretha(8), Todd(8), Kyle(8) Items: MP Potion(1), MD Up(1), Enemies: Goblin Witch, Goblin Fighter, Demon Sword, Demon Chest, Red Rat, Cochroach First go north and then south around the bend and then all the way north and examine the swirly red thing for a MP potion. Then go southwest around the bend, then go all the way north and walk into the blue diamond. Walk all the way around the circle til you reach the end where there is a swirly containing a MD Up potion. Then enter the near blue diamond. Then keep going until you get to the red diamond. Then enter the next red diamond and be ready to fight a boss. BOSS: Fake Dole HP: 650 EXP: 166 PERA: 900 SOUL: (1)Purple Strategy: Her multihit fire spell did about 80 damage to my other characters and about 40 damage to Aretha. So a relatively high magic defense would be good, but not necessary. Use Aretha's 8MP Tornado skill which does a lot of damage, around 150. Use Kyle's 1MP sword skill which does quite a bit of damage too and she should go down quickly. Then enter the blue diamond Go around the left side and grab chest by walking in front of the pillar that is to the right of the chest. -=|Map|=- Chest[] [] <---- walk behind this pillar [] Then enter the blue diamond. After the scene you'll return to the castle, and then Todd collapses after being hit with the magic spell by Dole. Exit the castle and return to the port town. At the port town, goto the item creation shop and create a new staff and a new sword for the characters. Once you're done in the town, go back to the mountain. -=|Jablong Mountain|=- My Levels: (11)Aretha, (11)Kyle Items: None Enemies: Praying Mantis, Dragonflys, Moths, Flying Snake, Hornets Go through the mountain, now that the path that was blocked by a soldier before, you can now go through. Go around the mountain until you get to the bottom of the mountain. Then head to the southeast to the town. -=|Rouxone|=- Goto the inn and rest at the INN. Before resting you will be confronted by a blue haired thief. Go through the scene and then in the morning Jeluck will join your party. Then goto the weapon shop and buy Jeluck a dagger. Then goto the armor shop and buy some armor for Aretha and Kyle. Goto the port and goto into the shop with the anchor. Talk to the guy behind the counter and get a boat trip across the river for 100 PERA. -=|Muritz|=- Goto the east through the bottom exit. Goto the weapon and armor shop and buy a staff for Aretha, boots for Kyle, and 3 rings for the characters. Then exit the town through the southern exit. Go east of the town into the forest. -=|Berkshire Forest|=- My Levels: (11)Aretha, (11)Kyle, (9)Jeluck Items: None Enemies: Red Dragonfly, Ogre, Pig, Red Moth Take the north path til you see the yellow creature on your right and a scene occurs, then go north and take the right spilt. When you come to the next crossroads, go south and follow the west path. When you see the yellow creature again, go back north and then west. Keep going south, and then when the paths spilt again, take the center path and follow it to the east. Keep going along the path, when the path runs out just keep going east until you're blocked and you should see the creature again. Then go back to the crossroads and take the east path again and follow it all the way up and you should see him again chasing a fox. Then goto where he was chasing the fox and you should see him again. Doesn't seem like a very smart creature since he runs into to trees and stuff. Goto where he was running into the trees and you can walk through the trees here. Then follow the path to the west. The creature can't get past the bridge here, so it's a good chance for you to get him. He recreates the log bridge for and joins your party at the same time. Follow the path and exit the forest. Follow along the lake and then enter the mountain in the northeast. -=|Red Thaw Canyon|=- My Levels: (13)Aretha, (13)Kyle, (11)Jeluck, (10)Zoppildo Items: Full Restore, Fairy Shop, Enemies: Goblin Warrior, Armored Ogre, Goblin Centaur, Camel Warrior, Black Dragon Go into hole and follow the wall around. Then go around the mountain and enter the hole there. Grab the item from the chest and then continue southeast and be ready to fight a boss. BOSS: Twin Eagle HP: 1100 EXP: 703 PERA: 1200 SOUL: (1)Green This guy can be pretty tough. He casts a paralyze spell on your entire party and usually casts a fire spell on your party a couple turns after leaving you vulnerable. After you defeat him, take the hole in the south. Then go across the bridge and then Jeluck somehow slips off the bridge and dies. Then go into the cave on the right side. When you get to the treasure chests, one contains a fairy shop, which allows you to buy items in a cave. Then go into the north and exit the mountain. Then you get to go up another mountain yay! sigh... -=|Namuul Mountain|=- My Levels: (14)Aretha, (15)Kyle, (12)Zoppildo Items: Antidote Enemies: Zombie, Red Zombie, Blue Cochroach, Fly, Orange Zombie Grab the antidote and take the south exit. Keep following the mountain and grab the item from the chest. When you get to a large open area, go left and go through the hole and then enter the house. Talk to Minerva in the house and you'll get a key from her to the gate at the top of the mountain. Just follow the mountain upwards until you reach the gate. Go through the scene and then go back to the house. You will then be teleported back to the castle. Then go through the port town in the east and back through the mountain and through the town of Rouxane and take a ship to Muritz. -=|Muritz|=- Goto the harbor and talk to the person in the middle and take the ship to Bihar for 300 PERA. -=|Bihar|=- Exit the town through the northeast. Walk around the mountain and enter the forest in the North. -=|Iguacu Forest|=- My Levels: (19)Aretha, (19)Kyle, (17)Zoppildo, (17)Minerva Items: None. Enemies: Blue Dragonfly, Purple Praying Mantis, Gargoyle, Purple Spider, Spike Shroom, Mad Tree Just follow the path around through the woods. This is a somewhat good place to gain a couple levels if you want to. Otherwise just continue through it. Exit the forest and continue east and then enter the village on the edge of the desert. -=|Sousee Village|=- Goto the weapons shop in the town and buy a new staff for Aretha. Also buy a new sword for Kyle and Minerva as well as a mace for Zoppildo. Then take a rest at the end to prepare for the next events. Head north of the village to the tower. -=|Outside Ajuto Tower|=- My Levels: (19)Aretha, (19)Kyle, (17)Zoppildo, (17)Minerva Items: None. Enemies: Green Cactus, Purple Cactus, Blue Cactus, Blue Scorpion, Cobra Go north up to the door and you'll notice there's a barrier around it. Remember the broken statues at the beginning when you entered? Well there are some statues around the tower that are together. Walk up to the statues and press A. There are five or six statues total. When you gather all the statues you can enter the door. -=|Inside Ajuto Tower|=- My Levels: (20)Aretha, (20)Kyle, (18)Zoppildo, (19)Minerva Items: Enemies: Purple Witch, Red Scorpion, Blue Demon Sword, Purple Mimic, Red Cochroach Go northeast while avoiding the trap doors and grab the chest. Then track back and go up the stairs while avoiding the trap doors. ******************************If you fall down one of the trap doors**************************** If you happen to fall in one of the trap doors, go north west and climb up the stairs. Then go east and climb up the stairs ************************************************************************************************ On the next floor go left and grab the chest through the hole in cage. Then go left some more and grab the next chest. While passing to get the chest you'll see the path blocked by four trap doors. Only one doesn't make you fall through but the other do. Notice the last tile has a tan pixel on the corner. This is the tile that doesn't fall. Then go right and go up the steps. Pull the switch and then go through the path that opened. Grab the chest and then go through the secret passage in the wall. Once through the secret passage, pull the switch. Then walk across the tiles with the tan pixel in the corner. On the next floor, go to the right side and walk across the tile with the tan pixel. Then pull the switch and go all the way to the left side and pull that switch. Go through the path that opened and touch the blue diamond to the next floor. Go grab the purple orb and be prepared to fight a boss. BOSS: Chimera HP: 1550 EXP: 1077 PERA: 1500 SOUL: (1)Red Strategy: This guy does about 70 damage a hit with his normal attack. It is best to keep healing with Aretha and Zopplido. If you are already healed, just use one of Aretha's or Zopplido's 8MP spells. Attack with Kyle using his 1MP skill. Use Minerva's first 1MP skill to change her form and then attack with her second 1MP skill. Watch out for his breath attack which has the capacity to do 100 damage to each of your characters. Just keep pummeling him and he should go down. Exit the tower and then go back to Balir and rest at the INN. Then go back through the forest and the then take a ship back to Miritz. At Miritz take a ship back to Rouxane. Then go back through the mountain and then to Seckt Castle. -=|Seckt Castle|=- Goto the room of the prince and then a scene will occur. Then Kyle, Minerva, and Zopplido will leave your party. Goto the prince's room again and talk to the prince. Another scene will occur. Then Dole will come back and join you as well as the dino king, Arken. Then goto the port town of Miritz and talk to the top guy in the harbor you will take you to the town of Millbatos. -=|Millbatos|=- Go to the mansion in the northwest of the town and speak to the man in the northwest room of the town. You'll learn that his daughter, Yuno, was kidnapped for a large ransom of 100000 PERA. Then goto the harbor and talk to the person on the top for a ticket to Shaqra. -=|Shaqra|=- This town is promitted from having boys in the town, so Arken and Dole are separated from your party. Go out of the town through the north exit to the temple. Talk to the woman in the center and she will allow you to go into Yuno's room. Go back to the mansion in the center of the town and go into the room on the end of the hall on the left side. Then search the desk a couple of times. After searching the desk go back to Arken and Dole and you'll goto -=|Molocques Island|=- My Levels: (23)Aretha, (7)Dole, (22)Arken Items: Enemies: Flying Grasshopper, Pig Warrior, Pink Ogre, Pink Spiked Shroom Just follow the path north until you reach up with the people who kidnapped her. A scene will occur and you'll return to receive a gold card from Harold. Another scene will occur then Dole and Aretha will go talk to Yuno and she'll join your party. The gold card allows you to control the boat for yourself now. However, unlike on land, you can get in battles on the boat. These battles can be quite difficult with the characters that are in the party now. -=|Ocean|=- My Levels: (25)Aretha, (12)Dole, (23)Arken, (20)Yuno Items: None Enemies: Green Fishman, Purple Fishman, Frog Shaman Using the ship go south following the coast until you hit the town of San Juan. -=|San Juan|=- Here is a good place to buy some weapons and armor. Yuno already has the best equipment she can get so just buy equipment for Aretha, Dole, and Arken. Once you're done in this town head west and go through the forest. -=|Pao Forest|=- My Levels: (25)Aretha, (13)Dole, (23)Arken, (20)Yuno Items: None Enemies: Medusa Archer, Orange Spiked Shroom, Female Vampire This forest can be rather tough, so it might be a good spot to level up for the next spot ahead which is even tougher. Dole is at a rather low level so it would be good to level him up. Just follow the path around the forest. -=|Negras Swamp|=- My Levels: (26)Aretha, (14)Dole, (25)Arken, (22)Yuno Items: Enemies: Blue Slime, Toad Shaman, Swamp Mosquito, Swamp Dragon Go across the planks towards the northeast until you reach the shrine of the swamp. You'll see the magic stone on the altar. Be prepared to fight a boss after grabbing the stone so heal up. BOSS: Krausa HP: 2500 EXP: 2438 PERA: 5000 SOUL: (1)Brown Strategy: This boss has three main attacks. His breath attack, poison attack, and normal attack. He usually uses his poison attack which deals about 100 damage a hit and poisons you. The normal attack does about 200 damage. His breath attack is probably his worst attack because it confuses everyone in your party. Dole died right away and I didn't bother reviving him. I used Arken's 3EP skill against him which dealt about 180 damage a hit to him. For Aretha and Yuno I healed about half the time. When their HP was full I used Aretha's 8MP holy bolt spell and Yuno's 13MP spell. If someone died I would use Yuno's 30MP revive spell. After that exit the swamp and go back through the forest and return to San Juan. At San Juan talk to the guy to the left of the armor shop across the bridge. He's walking around the outside of the two houses. He's selling an item called a vane whale for 30000 PERA. This allows you to gain access to the next town. Then exit the town and head directly east until you see a town facing the south. This is the town of Natal. -=|Natal Town|=- This isn't a very large town. Yet, the entire town consists of shops! Each shop has a different weapon for each characters. Buy the most expensive equipment if you can otherwise try and find something around your budget. The only must buy is a bow for Dole. This is a good weapon for him to have. When you're finished in the town, head northeast to Dorabato Mountains. -=|Dorabato Mountains|=- My Levels: (31)Aretha, (22)Dole, (30)Arken, (28)Yuno Items: Enemies: Mountain Moth, Mountain Dwarf, Yellow-Bearded Dragon, Golden-Eyed Spider, Armored Ogre, Red Snakebird, Blue Cobra, Green Slime First take the right path and go all the way through and open the silver chest. Then go back to the entrance and take the top path and go all the way through until you reach the shrine in the back. Be prepared to fight a boss. BOSS: Ma-Jin HP: 2600 EXP: 2000 PERA: 6000 SOUL: (1)Purple Strategy: This boss is mainly based on attacking the entire group with one attack. He has three different types of these attacks and he also has a normal attack. His group attacks do about 150 damage to each character. His normal attack does about 175 to each character. Attack spells don't do any damage to this guy, in fact, they heal him for most of the spells. So first I changed forms with Arken's 1MP spell and then I attacked with his 3MP spell. When his MP ran out I just used his normal attacks which do about 300 damage to him. I healed and defended when everyone was healed with the other three characters. Then grab the magic stone on the altar and make your way back down the mountain and return to Natal Town. Go to the harbor and take your ship back to San Juan. Then follow the coast north and through the straight to the northwest. Once the water is wide open again follow the coast to the south to get back to Muritz. Then head west to Rouxane and go back through the mountain to the castle. Goto the throne room and talk to the guy next to the throne. Then head back to Muritz. At Muritz goto the harbor and talk to the kid that's standing near the top exit. Then go to the house in the northeast house and you'll meet with Akbar. Akbar and Arken will have a duel inwhich Arken is injured in so he leaves the party. Exit the castle, and then Jeluck will then join your party and you also receive a compass. The next part took me FOREVER to figure out, but eventually I figured it out. Get in the ship and then to get to the next area you have to consult with Jeluck. To consult with characters, press Y. Then choose the top character which is Jeluck. This is the only way that you can get to Phantom Island. -=|Phantom Island|=- My Levels: (35)Aretha, (30)Dole, (33)Yuno, (30)Jeluck Items: None Enemies: Crystal, Axe Troll Just head north and go into the shrine. Grab the magic stone and be ready to fight a boss. BOSS: Keiabill HP: 2900 EXP: 2125 PERA: 7000 SOUL: (1)Blue Strategy: Keiabill is a crablike type creature. So that means lightning and fire based attacks do massive amounts of damage to him. Using Dole's 8MP fire spell and Yuno's 8MP lightning spell this guy is no problem. Each spell hits for about 320 damage. Also using Aretha's holy bolt spell does about 160 damage and Jeluck's 1MP double strike attack does about 320 damage to him as well. After the battle, go back across the bridge, but the bridge collapses and you fall into a valley. -=|Valley|=- My Levels: (36)Aretha, (31)Dole, (34)Yuno, (31)Jeluck Items: Blue Rod Enemies: Goblin Swordsman, Purple Bird Just follow along the path until you get to the back where the blue rod is. A scene will occur and then you will be on the new airship, yay! Now that you have the airship, you can head to the fossil valley. To get back on the airship just press the A button when you're on the main world. The Fossil Valley is located northeast of Natal Town. -=|Fossil Valley|=- My Levels: (36)Aretha, (32)Dole, (35)Yuno, (32)Jeluck Items: Enemies: Skull, Skeleton Head north and then when the paths spilt take the right path all the way down while gathering the treasures along the way until you reach the shrine. Be ready to fight the dreaded Dragon Zombie. BOSS: Dragon Zombie HP: 3500 EXP: 2500 PERA: 8000 SOUL: (1)Purple Strategy: This guy doesn't waste any time, he's already waiting for you at the door. He also doesn't waste any time on attacking you either. First off he casts a breath attack which paralyzes all your characters then he uses a normal attack, and to top it off he uses a slash all attack. Sounds like a tough guy right? Well, far from it actually. First of all he's weak to holy. So, get Aretha unparalyzed as quick as possible. Her holy bolt spell does a massive 520 damage to this guy. Dole and Yuno aren't weak against this guy either since their spells do about 250 damage to him. Jeluck's double strike attack also does around 400 damage so this guy is pretty simple. After the battle, go grab the magic stone from the altar and then leave the valley and return to the castle. -=|Seckt Castle|=- My Levels: (39)Aretha, (35)Dole, (38)Yuno, (36)Jeluck Items: None Enemies: Spear Gargoyle, Club Samurai, Red Lamia From the looks of it, it looks like the castle had been attacked. So there are some enemies in the place. Go up to the throne room of the castle and then take a right up to the steps. Go to the center of the next room and go up the stairs and talk to the woman in there. After the scene, Jeluck will then leave your party and Kyle will return to your party. The next area that you have to goto is Death Valley. But before you goto Death Valley, you should buy some equipment for Kyle at Natal Town. Death Valley is located to the south of Seckt Castle. You can't land in forests with the ship so land just south of the port town and walk around through the forests to Death Valley. -=|Death Valley|=- My Levels: (40)Aretha, (36)Dole, (38)Yuno, (33)Kyle Items: None. Enemies: Death Lizard, Death Centaur, Death Wyvern, Red Skull, Purple Scorpion Go north until you reach the bridge. Then cross the bridge and head south until you reach a hole. Be ready to fight a boss. BOSS: Verokina HP: 5000 EXP: 3000 PERA: 9000 SOUL: (1)Purple Strategy: Finally, the showdown between you and the vampire. He's not so difficult, he only has two main attacks. He has three attacks though. The only real damaging attack that he has is the attack that steals all of your MP and EP away which can be quite devastating. It's all random when he does it so hopefully he does it towards the end of the battle or not at all. In the meantime just pummel him with holy bolt and the other two 8MP spells. For Kyle you should attack using his 1MP skill or just his main attack. If he happens to take your MP rather early, use an attack increase item which help a lot. Verokina's other two attacks are just a normal attack and an attack which will put you to sleep. After the battle, the ground spilts and Aretha and Kyle fall through and Dole jumps down to help. Yuno leaves the party and stays with Arken. -=|Underground|=- My Levels: (41)Aretha, (37)Dole, (35)Kyle Items: Enemies: Purple Skeleton, Green-Bearded Dragon, Pink-haired Purple Bird, Red Armored Ogre First take the right cave hole and go all the way down and gather all the treasure chests. Then go through the hole that's in that cave and a scene will occur. The little red dragon, Fang, will then join your party. Go all the way south and take that exit. Then take the left hole and go all the way down while gathering the treasures along the way. Then walk up to the rock and keep searching the rock until Fang ties the rope up to the rock. After the next scene, Fang will the leave the party. Exit the valley and then goto the castle and speak with the person in the throne room. After that, exit the castle and get on your ship. Then consult with Kyle, which is the middle person. You'll then goto the Magic Weapon's castle. -=|Magic Weapon|=- My Levels: (43)Aretha, (40)Dole, (38)Kyle Items: Enemies: Flying Goblin Go through the door in the north and then make your way around the trippy scenery. You'll lose Kyle and Dole in the fall, but then Minerva and Yuno come to help you. Keep going towards the northeast direction until you reach the green block which takes you to the second floor. On the second floor go all the way north and then keep going east until you meet up with Arken. Then go south along that edge until you reach the bottom in which then go west and then north until you get to the green block. On the next floor go south and then west and then north until you reach the spilt. At the spilt take the left path and then keep going northwest. Be prepared to fight a boss when you get near the next green block. BOSS: Dark Knight Thorn HP: 4500 EXP: 4000 PERA: 10000 SOUL: None. Strategy: There isn't really a strategy to this guy. Just use Minerva and Arken's form changes and you should be alright. He will probably destroy Aretha and Yuno, but don't worry about them just pummel him using Minerva's and Arken's 1MP skills. After the battle, Yuno and Arken leave the party. Go on the green block and Kyle will join you on the next floor. Go to the west side of the floor and on the next floor, Dole will join your party. Make your way around the floor and up to the next green block which is located in the north. You'll then meet up with Fake Dole, You'll then have to fight the Magic Weapon. BOSS: Magic Weapon HP: 4600 EXP: 5000 PERA: 13000 SOUL: (1)Purple Strategy: This guy is much easier than the dark knight is. He doesn't have as high of a hit rate and he attacks slow. Just use Minerva's change form and then use Minerva's and Kyle's 1MP attacks. You can also use Aretha's holy bolt attack which does about 100 damage. Dole doesn't really cause very much damage. Minerva will leave your party. Then go through the green block and you'll reappear in the Bein Forest. -=|Bein Forest/Town|=- My Levels: (46)Aretha, (45)Dole, (45)Kyle, (45)Zopplido Items: Magic Stone Fragment Enemies: Red Tree, Green Metal Warrior, Green Wyvern, White Snakebird Zopplido will then join your party. Go through the forest to the south and then go into Bein Town. Go into the house and talk to Roche, he's located in the house in the southwest corner of the town. He will then give you the magic stone fragment. Also buy some weapons and armor in this town. When you're ready, head back into the forest towards the northeast direction. -=|Magic Weapon's Castle|=- My Levels: (48)Aretha, (47)Dole, (47)Kyle, (47)Zopplido Items: Enemies: Purple Metal Warrior, Purple Dark Warrior, Red Dark Priest, Red Small Ship, Large Diamond, Purple Witch Go into the shrine and grab the treasure chests in the east and then head north and be ready to fight a boss. BOSS: Empuze HP: 5000 EXP: 6000 PERA: 15000 SOUL: (1)Purple Strategy: She doesn't really do that much damage to you, but she can be difficult because she likes to heal herself and also take your MP away. Just keep pummeling her and she should eventually go down. After the battle, Zopplido leaves the party, and Arken joins the party. You can go ahead if you want to, but it's best to go back into town and stock up on items, buy some equipment for Arken, and rest at the INN. Some other good items to get would be at the shop that has the hammer symbol on it. Buying ATC B's and MP restorers would be helpful against this next boss. -=|Barmets' Shrine|=- My Levels: (50)Aretha, (49)Dole, (49)Kyle, (47)Arken Items: None. Enemies: Fire Lizard, Yellow Samurai, Blue Skull, Red Wyvern, Purple Spear Gargoyle Go north through the door and head in the northeast direction and through the shrine door. Be prepared to fight against the final boss, Barmets. FINAL BOSS: Barmets HP: 5800 EXP: 0 PERA: 0 SOUL: None. Strategy: This guy is probably the hardest boss in the game, and he should be. He steals all your MP away, does 2100 damage in one hit with his normal attack, can reduce all your HP to 1 and restore his HP with the HP he stole. Just try and keep healed while using Arken's change form skill and Arken's 3MP skill along with Kyle's 1MP skill. Now watch the short-cut scene and enjoy the feeling from beating the game :) -=|THE END|=- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 6 -- Enemies ar6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemy: Slime HP: 20 EXP: 1 PERA: 6 SOUL: (1)Purple Enemy: Giant Rat HP: 20 EXP: 1 PERA: 15 SOUL: (1)Brown Enemy: Spider HP: 20 EXP: 4 PERA: 15 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Snake HP: 25 EXP: 3 PERA: 15 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Mousquito HP: 25 EXP: 6 PERA: 15 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Mad Tree HP: 30 EXP: 6 PERA: 21 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Spear Grasshopper HP: 30 EXP: 8 PERA: 30 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Scythe Grasshopper (similar to the spear, except does more damage) HP: 30 EXP: 8 PERA: 30 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Praying Mantis HP: 45 EXP: 14 PERA: 45 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Dragonfly HP: 45 EXP: 14 PERA: 33 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Moth HP: 45 EXP: 17 PERA: 45 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Flying Snake HP: 45 EXP: 10 PERA: 30 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Hornet HP: 50 EXP: 12 PERA: 32 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Goblin Witch HP: 60 EXP: 25 PERA: 60 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Goblin Fighter HP: 60 EXP: 25 PERA: 60 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Demon Sword HP: 60 EXP: 26 PERA: 59 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Demon Chest HP: 60 EXP: 26 PERA: 60 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Red Rat HP: 55 EXP: 24 PERA: 60 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Cochroach HP: 60 EXP: 24 PERA: 60 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Red Dragonfly HP: 65 EXP: 30 PERA: 73 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Ogre HP: 65 EXP: 26 PERA: 58 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Pig HP: 60 EXP: 27 PERA: 60 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Red Moth HP: 55 EXP: 24 PERA: 60 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Goblin Warrior HP: 60 EXP: 25 PERA: 75 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Armored Ogre HP: 70 EXP: 22 PERA: 62 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Goblin Centaur HP: 60 EXP: 25 PERA: 60 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Camel Warrior HP: 60 EXP: 20 PERA: 50 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Black Dragon HP: ?? EXP: ?? PERA: ?? Soul: ?? Enemy: Zombie HP: 65 EXP: 43 PERA: 90 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Red Zombie HP: 65 EXP: 43 PERA: 90 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Blue Cochroach HP: 65 EXP: 36 PERA: 80 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Fly HP: 55 EXP: 36 PERA: 80 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Orange Zombie HP: 60 EXP: 32 PERA: 72 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Blue Dragonfly HP: 75 EXP: 36 PERA: 72 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Purple Praying Manthis HP: 80 EXP: 37 PERA: 72 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Purple Spider HP: 70 EXP: 36 PERA: 72 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Spike Shroom HP: 70 EXP: 36 PERA: 104 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Mad Tree HP: 75 EXP: 32 PERA: 95 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Gargoyle HP: 70 EXP: 32 PERA: 95 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Green Cactus HP: 80 EXP: 12 PERA: 43 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Purple Cactus HP: 80 EXP: 13 PERA: 44 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Blue Cactus HP: 80 EXP: 12 PERA: 43 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Cobra HP: 80 EXP: 40 PERA: 95 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Blue Scorpion HP: 80 EXP: 40 PERA: 95 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Purple Witch HP: 90 EXP: 63 PERA: 187 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Purple Mimic HP: 85 EXP: 63 PERA: 187 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Blue Demon Sword HP: 110 EXP: 63 PERA: 187 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Red Scorpion HP: 100 EXP: 40 PERA: 95 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Red Cochroach HP: 90 EXP: 40 PERA: 95 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Pig Warrior HP: 80 EXP: 140 PERA: 200 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Pink Ogre HP: 100 EXP: 140 PERA: 200 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Pink Spiked Shroom HP: 90 EXP: 140 PERA: 200 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Flying Grasshopper HP: 90 EXP: 125 PERA: 200 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Green Fishman HP: 200 EXP: 47 PERA: 400 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Purple Fishman HP: 150 EXP: 45 PERA: 350 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Frog Shaman HP: 90 EXP: 65 PERA: 250 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Blue Crayfish HP: 90 EXP: 45 PERA: 300 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Blue Slime HP: 95 EXP: 70 PERA: 300 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Toad Shaman HP: 90 EXP: 65 PERA: 275 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Red Crayfish HP: 90 EXP: 65 PERA: 250 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Yellow Dragon HP: 230 EXP: 90 PERA: 275 Soul: (1)Yellow Enemy: Swamp Mosquito HP: 90 EXP: 65 PERA: 300 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Swamp Dragon HP: 150 EXP: 80 PERA: 350 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Medusa Archer HP: 155 EXP: 80 PERA: 250 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Female Vampire HP: 100 EXP: 80 PERA: 200 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Orange Spiked Shroom HP: 90 EXP: 85 PERA: 255 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Mountain Moth HP: 120 EXP: 133 PERA: 400 Soul: (1)Yellow Enemy: Blue Cobra HP: 110 EXP: 133 PERA: 400 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Green Slime HP: 100 EXP: 133 PERA: 400 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Mountain Dwarf HP: 150 EXP: 90 PERA: 350 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Yellow-Bearded Dragon HP: 250 EXP: 110 PERA: 500 Soul: (1)Yellow Enemy: Red Snakebird HP: 120 EXP: 90 PERA: 350 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Armored Ogre HP: 120 EXP: 90 PERA: 350 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Golden-Eyed Spider HP: 150 EXP: 90 PERA: 400 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Crystal HP: 200 EXP: 177 PERA: 472 Soul: (1)Yellow Enemy: Axe Troll HP: 160 EXP: 226 PERA: 679 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Goblin Swordsman HP: 160 EXP: 225 PERA: 650 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Purple Bird HP: 170 EXP: 220 PERA: 600 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Skull HP: 200 EXP: 240 PERA: 120 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Skeleton HP: 150 EXP: 245 PERA: 740 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Spear Gargoyle HP: 250 EXP: 400 PERA: 600 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Club Samurai HP: 225 EXP: 350 PERA: 550 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Red Lamia HP: 225 EXP: 360 PERA: 600 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Death Lizard HP: 310 EXP: 320 PERA: 700 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Death Centaur HP: 250 EXP: 300 PERA: 750 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Red Skull HP: 225 EXP: 320 PERA: 715 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Death Wyvern HP: 240 EXP: 300 PERA: 725 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Purple Scorpion HP: 245 EXP: 325 PERA: 600 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Purple Skeleton HP: 240 EXP: 300 PERA: 650 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Green-Bearded Dragon HP: 300 EXP: 350 PERA: 650 Soul: (1)Yellow Enemy: Pink-haired Purple Bird HP: 200 EXP: 300 PERA: 450 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Red Armored Ogre HP: 190 EXP: 325 PERA: 600 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Flying Goblin HP: 200 EXP: 500 PERA: 825 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Small Ship HP: 200 EXP: 550 PERA: 850 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Blue Medusa HP: 220 EXP: 600 PERA: 875 Soul: (1)Blue Enemy: Dark Priest HP: 190 EXP: 550 PERA: 875 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Dark Knight HP: 230 EXP: 550 PERA: 850 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Green Metal Warrior HP: 300 EXP: 700 PERA: 1050 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: Red Tree HP: 250 EXP: 650 PERA: 1000 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Green Wyvern HP: 230 EXP: 750 PERA: 950 Soul: (1)Green Enemy: White Snakebird HP: 230 EXP: 650 PERA: 1000 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Purple Metal Warrior HP: 350 EXP: 500 PERA: 800 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Red Small Ship HP: 190 EXP: 450 PERA: 900 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Purple Dark Warrior HP: 250 EXP: 500 PERA: 1000 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Red Dark Priest HP: 200 EXP: 500 PERA: 1000 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Large Diamond HP: 230 EXP: 550 PERA: 850 Soul: (1)Brown Enemy: Purple Witch HP: 250 EXP: 450 PERA: 900 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Yellow Club Samurai HP: 325 EXP: 600 PERA: 1700 Soul: (1)Yellow Enemy: Purple Spear Gargoyle HP: 300 EXP: 550 PERA: 1200 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Blue Skull HP: 300 EXP: 550 PERA: 1200 Soul: (1)Purple Enemy: Red Wyvern HP: 250 EXP: 550 PERA: 1200 Soul: (1)Red Enemy: Fire Lizard HP: 250 EXP: 450 PERA: 900 Soul: (1)Red ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 7 -- Item Creation ar7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one of the unique features of this game. Not many games have been this complex at the time that this game was made. The most type number of souls is 3 and the total amount of runes that you can select at the time is 5. Also, the dominant color determines what item is going to be created. Like if you had 3 Brown souls and 2 green souls it would create an armor. But, if you had 3 green souls and 2 brown souls it would create a helmet. If you had 1 brown and 1 green soul, it would create an armor because brown is dominiant over green. Dominance: Red over Brown Brown over Green Green over Purple Red (3 or less and 5) -- Spear Red (4) -- Sword Red (2) and Purple (1) and Green/Brown -- Sword Red (2) and Purple/Green/Brown (2) and Green/Purple/Brown -- Spear Brown -- Armor Green -- Helmet Purple (3 or less and 5) -- Bow Purple (4) -- Staff A = Aretha Wa = Todd Wi = Dole Sd = Kyle Zo = Zoppilo Mi = Minerva Recipe: 1(Brown) ATC: FS: DEF: 7 MS: MD: 0 FE: 0 AGL: -1 ME: -1 Who can use: A Wa Wi Sd Recipe: 2(Brown) ATC: FS: DEF: 9 MS: MD: -1 FE: -1 AGL: 1 ME: -2 Who can use: A Wa Wi Sd Recipe: 3(Brown) ATC: FS: DEF: 7 MS: MD: 0 FE: -1 AGL: 1 ME: 0 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 4(Brown) ATC: FS: DEF: 11 MS: MD: -2 FE: -3 AGL: 1 ME: -2 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 5(Brown) ATC: FS: DEF: 11 MS: MD: 1 FE: -1 AGL: 1 ME: 0 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 1(Brown) 1(Purple) ATC: FS: DEF: 7 MS: MD: 0 FE: 0 AGL: 1 ME: -1 Who can use: A Wa Wi Sd Recipe: 2(Brown) 1(Purple) ATC: FS: DEF: 9 MS: MD: -1 FE: -2 AGL: 1 ME: -1 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 3(Brown) 1(Purple) ATC: FS: DEF: 7 MS: MD: 0 FE: -1 AGL: 1 ME: 0 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 4(Brown) 1(Purple) ATC: FS: DEF: 15 MS: MD: -1 FE: -3 AGL: 1 ME: -2 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 1(Brown) 1(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: 5 MS: MD: 1 FE: 1 AGL: 1 ME: 0 Who can use: A Wa Wi Sd Recipe: 2(Brown) 1(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: 5 MS: MD: 0 FE: -1 AGL: 1 ME: 0 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 2(Brown) 2(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: 5 MS: MD: 1 FE: 0 AGL: 1 ME: 1 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 3(Brown) 1(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: 5 MS: MD: 1 FE: 0 AGL: 1 ME: 1 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 3(Brown) 2(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: 7 MS: MD: 3 FE: 1 AGL: 1 ME: 2 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 4(Brown) 1(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: 13 MS: MD: 0 FE: -2 AGL: 1 ME: -1 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 1(Brown) 1(Red) ATC: 12 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 1(Brown) 1(Green) 1(Purple) ATC: FS: DEF: 5 MS: MD: 1 FE: 0 AGL: 1 ME: 1 Who can use: A Recipe: 2(Brown) 1(Green) 1(Purple) ATC: FS: DEF: 7 MS: MD: 0 FE: -1 AGL: 1 ME: 0 Who can use: A Recipe: 2(Brown) 2(Green) 1(Purple) ATC: FS: DEF: 9 MS: MD: 2 FE: 0 AGL: 1 ME: 1 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 2(Brown) 2(Purple) 1(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: 11 MS: MD: 1 FE: -1 AGL: 1 ME: 0 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 3(Brown) 1(Purple) 1(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: 9 MS: MD: 2 FE: 0 AGL: 1 ME: 1 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 3(Brown) 1(Purple) 1(Red) ATC: FS: DEF: 12 MS: MD: 1 FE: -2 AGL: 1 ME: -1 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 3(Brown) 1(Red) 1(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: 10 MS: MD: 2 FE: -1 AGL: 1 ME: 0 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 2(Brown) 1(Red) ATC: FS: DEF: 10 MS: MD: -1 FE: -3 AGL: 1 ME: -2 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 3(Brown) 1(Red) ATC: FS: DEF: 13 MS: MD: 1 FE: -3 AGL: 1 ME: -2 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 3(Brown) 2(Red) ATC: FS: DEF: 8 MS: MD: 0 FE: -2 AGL: 1 ME: -1 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 4(Brown) 1(Red) ATC: FS: DEF: 16 MS: MD: -1 FE: -4 AGL: 1 ME: -3 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 1(Red) ATC: 13 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) ATC: 15 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 0 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 3(Red) ATC: 17 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 4(Red) ATC: 46 FS: 7 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 2 ME: Who can use: Sd Recipe: 5(Red) ATC: 21 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 1(Red) 1(Green) ATC: 13 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 1(Red) 1(Purple) ATC: 13 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 1(Red) 1(Purple) 1(Brown) ATC: 12 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 1(Red) 1(Purple) 1(Green) ATC: 13 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 1(Red) 1(Green) 1(Brown) ATC: 12 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 1(Purple) ATC: 15 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 0 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 1(Green) ATC: 15 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 0 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 1(Brown) ATC: 14 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 0 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Purple) ATC: 42 FS: 8 DEF: MS: 3 MD: FE: AGL: 2 ME: Who can use: Sd Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Green) ATC: 42 FS: 8 DEF: MS: 5 MD: FE: AGL: 2 ME: Who can use: Sd Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Brown) ATC: 40 FS: 8 DEF: MS: 3 MD: FE: AGL: 2 ME: Who can use: Sd Recipe: 2(Red) 1(Purple) 1(Green) ATC: 42 FS: 8 DEF: MS: 4 MD: FE: AGL: 2 ME: Who can use: Sd Recipe: 2(Red) 1(Purple) 1(Brown) ATC: 41 FS: 8 DEF: MS: 3 MD: FE: AGL: 2 ME: Who can use: Sd Recipe: 2(Red) 1(Green) 1(Brown) ATC: 41 FS: 8 DEF: MS: 4 MD: FE: AGL: 2 ME: Who can use: Sd Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Purple) 1(Green) ATC: 15 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Purple) 1(Brown) ATC: 14 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 3 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Green) 1(Purple) ATC: 15 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Green) 1(Brown) ATC: 14 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Green) 1(Purple) ATC: 15 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Green) 1(Brown) ATC: 14 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Brown) 1(Purple) ATC: 13 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 0 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Red) 2(Brown) 1(Green) ATC: 13 FS: 1 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 3(Red) 2(Green) ATC: 17 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 3 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 3(Red) 2(Purple) ATC: 17 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 3(Red) 2(Brown) ATC: 15 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 3(Red) 1(Purple) 1(Green) ATC: 17 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 3(Red) 1(Purple) 1(Brown) ATC: 16 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 3(Red) 1(Green) 1(Brown) ATC: 16 FS: 2 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 4(Red) 1(Brown) ATC: 18 FS: 0 DEF: MS: -1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 4(Red) 1(Purple) ATC: 19 FS: 0 DEF: MS: -1 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 4(Red) 1(Green) ATC: 10 FS: 0 DEF: MS: 0 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Green) 1(Brown) ATC: FS: DEF: -1 MS: MD: 6 FE: 1 AGL: 0 ME: 2 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 1(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: -1 MS: MD: 6 FE: 1 AGL: 0 ME: 2 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 2(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: -3 MS: MD: 7 FE: 2 AGL: 0 ME: 3 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 3(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: -1 MS: MD: 6 FE: 1 AGL: 0 ME: 2 Who can use: Wa Sd Recipe: 3(Green) 1(Brown) ATC: FS: DEF: 2 MS: MD: 23 FE: 1 AGL: 0 ME: 0 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 3(Green) 2(Brown) ATC: FS: DEF: 4 MS: MD: 22 FE: 0 AGL: 0 ME: -1 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 4(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: -4 MS: MD: 26 FE: 4 AGL: 0 ME: 3 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 4(Green) 1(Brown) ATC: FS: DEF: -2 MS: MD: 25 FE: 3 AGL: 0 ME: 2 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 5(Green) ATC: FS: DEF: 0 MS: MD: 24 FE: 2 AGL: 0 ME: 1 Who can use: A Wi Recipe: 1(Purple) ATC: 8 FS: 4 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 0 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Purple) ATC: 8 FS: 4 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 0 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Purple) 1(Red) ATC: 10 FS: 3 DEF: MS: 1 MD: FE: AGL: 0 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Purple) 1(Green) ATC: 8 FS: 4 DEF: MS: 3 MD: FE: AGL: 0 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Purple) 1(Brown) ATC: 7 FS: 4 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 0 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 2(Purple) 1(Red) 1(Green) ATC: 18 FS: 7 DEF: MS: 4 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: A Recipe: 2(Purple) 1(Red) 1(Brown) ATC: 17 FS: 7 DEF: MS: 3 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: A Recipe: 2(Purple) 1(Brown) 1(Green) ATC: 15 FS: 8 DEF: MS: 5 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: A Recipe: 3(Purple) ATC: 8 FS: 4 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 0 ME: Who can use: Recipe: 4(Purple) ATC: 16 FS: 4 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 1 ME: Who can use: A Recipe: 5(Purple) ATC: 8 FS: 4 DEF: MS: 2 MD: FE: AGL: 0 ME: Who can use: A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits ---- ar8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to: Me: For taking the time to writing this walkthrough. Ritchie: For giving the translations and helping me get through this game. CJayC: For hosting my walkthrough and his great site. If you would like to post my walkthrough on your page in it's original form, e-mail me at timber@wctc.net Copyright Trunkz0r 2002-2003