Vay Level Guide Version: 1.0 By: Rman0099 email: Author's Note: This is the first guide that I have ever written so if anyone sees any mistakes or thinks there is something I should add let me know. But considering the age of the game I doubt too many people will be reading this. I can give you a gaurantee; If you follow these levels and the little startegies and tips included then Vay should be VERY LITTLE trouble at all. I have been known to be a bit of a level freak and my levels are normally considerably higher than most peoples. Table of Contents: I. Version History II. About this Guide III. Character Intro A. Sandor B. Pottle C. Rachel D. PJ E. Lynx F. Kinsey IV. Level Guide (may contain spoilers) A. Start B. Pauth Cave C. Fort Gilan D. Droust Cave E. Magmal F. Kerzalt G. Raxaal Cave H. Mt. Bole I. Danek Base J. Dragon's Lair K. East Dragon Shrine L. Ice Tower M. Water Shrine N. Maytake's Cave O. Penan Castle P. Treefall Village Q. Fire Lake R. Toth Shrine S. Marwick Castle T. Redcliff U. Charnel V. Danek (first visit) W. Danek (second visit) X. Draktyr Y. End: Sadoul/Ardor V. Tips and Hints VI. Conclusion I. Version History: 1.0: Added all character info, my level, and the tips. This should be the first and final version II. About this guide: This being my first guide and all i figured I would keep it nice and simple and make a level guide to an old game that was recently made available to play agian by the wonders of emulation (thank you creators of Gens). This guide will give you a simple breakdown of the areas of the game and MY LEVELS at these areas. I can't stress this enough, THESE ARE MY LEVELS!!! You don't need to be on these levels so don't email me saying that you aren't at this level or that one so is it still possible to get through. I will answer that question now: Yes, It is most likely possible to beat the area at your level. I have been known for being VERY thorough with my levels and the are (in some peoples opinions) outrageous. For example, if anyone has seen the back of the case of Vay you will notice that there is a picture of a party at the last boss with levels as follows: Sandor: 39 PJ: 40 Lynx: 38 Kinsey: 37 If anyone notices Sandor and PJ are at greater than L 41 at Treefall Village and Lynx is at L 38 before I got to Fire Lake in my game and Kinsey was at L 38 soon after I got her. So technically my characters had high enough levels to beat the game when I was only 3/4 complete. This guide will also offer some secrets you may miss your first time through that could be helpful, some good things to do with equipment, general boss strategy, and good places for levels when going through the areas. III. Character Intro: A. Sandor: Description: He is the basic hero of this game and would-be strongest fighter. He will do atacking all of the time and should heal with magic when OUT OF battle. His magic sucks and wont get spells past like level 10. Stats (starts Level 1) Strength..............3 Luck................3 HP................19 Attack......................11 Agility...............3 Wisdom..............3 MP.................5 Defense......................9 Level Note: Sandors attack, luck, and agility will go up by 3 per level. Wisdom by 1, HP by 19, MP by 5, and Defense by 2 per level. Magic: MP ~Lvl Effect Balm 10 1 Will do minor healing, the primary out of battle healing spell throughout the game Flame 5 3 Weak Fire Magic attack (well weak when cast by him) Blaze 10 10 Stronger than flame but still useless from Sandor B. Pottle Description: He is a little annoying elf character used for comic relief. Uses bows and will be useful agianst flying enemies (because of the bow) and as a setup man. By "setup man" I mean that he will attack a monster and weaken it enough that Sandor or Rachel can kill it. Will have magic to rival PJ and just as much MP as her but MORE HP. Sadly he has the same strength as PJ : ( Stats (starts Level 2) will need some leveling Strength..............2 Luck................4 HP.................32 Attack................13 Agility...............6 Wisdom..............8 MP.................14 Defense................8 Level Note: attack by 1, luck by 2, agility will go up by 3 per level. Wisdom by 4, HP by 16, MP by 7, and Defense by 1 per level. Magic: MP ~Lvl Effect Alakazam 100 20 Escape from dungeon or battle Balm 10 1 Will do minor healing, the primary out of battle healing spell throughout the game Flame 5 2 Weak Fire Magic attack Blaze 10 10 Stronger than flame but still useless Befuddle 30 8 Confuses enemy but useless (who uses these spells anyway?) Freezyr 25 18 Mutes Enemy (waste of MP) Inferno 40 22 Strong Fire spell that will really help throughout the game Malybu 20 14 Multi enemy fire attack (great throughout game) Neuman 40 6 Healing spell, supposedly stronger than Balm Narcosis 20 ?? Puts enemy to sleep but dont bother with it Vilkyss 30 14 Removes all status effects C. Rachel Description: Hands down the strongest fighter in the game. Early on she will tower over Sandor when her levels finally catch up. Its a shame to see her go because of her natural strangth and defense. Stats (starts Level 8) will need some leveling Strength..............32 Luck................8 HP....................144 Attack.................52 Agility...............29 Wisdom..............8 MP....................40 Defense................32 Level Note: attack by 4, luck by 1, agility will go up by 3 per level. Wisdom by 1, HP by 18, MP by 5, and Defense by 3 per level. Magic: MP ~Lvl Effect Balm 10 1 Will do minor healing, the primary out of battle healing spell throughout the game D: Prudence Jurissa ( PJ ) Description: She will be the primary magic user of the group. Watch out for her terrible defense and lower HP. As the game progresses your strategy with her during battle will have to be adjusted. See Hints section for her evolution. NEVER HAVE HER USE HEALING MAGIC NEVER!! Stats (starts Level 16) surprisingly she is at a decent level i guess i was going light early on Strength..............16 Luck................32 HP.................240 Attack...................29 Agility...............50 Wisdom..............72 MP.................112 Defense..................36 Level Note: attack by 1, luck by 2, agility will go up by 3 per level. Wisdom by 4, HP by 15, MP by 7, and Defense by 1 per level. Magic: MP ~Lvl Effect Balm 10 ?? Will do minor healing, the primary out of battle healing spell throughout the game Flame 5 ?? Fire Magic attack (most usefull spell later in game) Blaze 10 ?? Stronger than flame but not worth it Blitz 40 18 All enemy lightning attack (expensive early on) Befuddle 30 ?? Confuses enemy but useless (who uses these spells anyway?) Freezyr 25 ?? Mutes Enemy (waste of MP) Inferno 40 22 Strong Fire spell that will really help throughout the game L-Bolt 30 ?? Single enemy lightning attack VERY VERY Strong (great for bosses) Malybu 20 ?? Multi enemy fire attack (great throughout game) Megablast 50 40 Strongest attack, multi enemy lightning attack (useful ony when in jam,costs too much) Narcosis 20 ?? Puts enemy to sleep but dont bother with it Neuman 40 ?? Sometimes heals more than balm and sometimes not (healing is screwed up) Restore 80 23 Heals all but sucks (plain and simple, also costs too much) Shock 15 ?? Nice little single enemy lightning attack Spellbane 0 30's Steals MP from Enemy but who cares (I never used it) Thyxaal 100 30's Add strength for a single attacker for only one attack Vilkyss 30 ?? Removes all status effects E: Lynx (Prince Leopard) Description: Yet another prince to travel around with. The only difference with this one is that he fights like the sissy prince he is. He will be your primary healer in battle with his spell panacea and can use both strong swords and spears. He is going to have to attack since you need to rely on attacking but by only gaining 2 strength per level he will be a little weaker than I would like. Keep in mind that his spears are usually anti-mecha and there are a lot of mecha enemies (including the final boss) so keep some anti-mecha spears around even though they are a little weaker. Stats (starts Level 21) Wow, bad level and will need serious help at this point. Strength..............42 Luck................21 HP....................357 Attack...................122 Agility...............63 Wisdom..............99 MP....................168 Defense..................84 Level Note: attack by 2, luck by 1 (what an unlucky bard), agility will go up by 3 per level. Wisdom by 4, HP by 17, MP by 8, and Defense by 2 per level. Magic: MP ~Lvl Effect Alakazam 100 ?? Teleport you from Dungeon or battle Freezyr 25 ?? Mutes Enemy (waste of MP) Narcosis 20 ?? Puts enemy to sleep but dont bother with it Neuman 40 ?? Sometimes heals more than balm and sometimes not (healing is screwed up) Panacea 150 40 Will heal entire party completely Restore 80 23 Heals all but sucks (plain and simple, also costs too much) Thyxaal 100 30's Add strength for a single attacker for only one attack Vilkyss 30 ?? Removes all status effects F: Kinsey Description: The pirate replacement for the mercenary who leaves (Rachel) and what a sorry replacement she is. Kinsey is SUPPOSED to replace Rachel but never will because she is WAY WEAKER. Kinsey only gains 2 strength per level making her half as atrong as Rachel would be at that level. The only thing that works to her advantage is that she can equip the powerful Odin's Blade (ATK +195). But just think is you double the strength she has and adds the Odin's Blade....Watch out Vay Armor, but alas it doesnt happen and you have another Lynx. I say combine Lynx and Kinsey and you finally have a worthy attacker. She also joins the party way too late and she never gets the chance to be developed in the game and you have to kind of rush her levels all into 3 or 4 areas. But now to her good points. Her defense is through the roof and can epuip the awesome plymetal armor, has high HP, and EXTREMELY high luck (whoopee). But the high luck can make her double attack more often so it almost evens out for her terrible attack. She does have AlaKazam so make her escape from dungeons for you when you are weak. Stats (starts Level 33) Are they NUTS!!! This is way too low; she is almost useless at this point. Strength..............66 Luck...............132 HP...................627 Attack...................155 Agility...............99 Wisdom..............33 MP...................165 Defense..................149 Level Note: attack by 2, luck by 4 (this girl gets lucky), agility will go up by 3 per level. Wisdom by 1, HP by 19, MP by 5, and Defense by 3 per level. Magic: MP ~Lvl Effect Alakazam 100 ?? Teleport you from Dungeon or battle Shock 15 ?? Lightning attack to 1 enemy (no point for her to have this) IV. Level Guide WARNING!!!! This may contain spoilers; not spoilers so much in plot but it tells you when your characters are coming and going so there is not surprises. Also these levels that are written here are the levels that my party was at when I entered the area and all levels I may have gained while in that area are counted toward the next area. A. Start Level Sandor: 1 When you start Sandor is a little wuss so you are gonna want to level him up. A good idea is to start off leveling him one level next to Lorath Castle and then move to the next town and buy some new armor. Then get him up to level 5 whiles NEAR (but not in) Pauth Cave and running back to town if your HP gets low. Then when on 5 venture to the left, around the mountains, and up to the next town and but their BETTER armor. Then fight outside there for even more levels. ****specail note: See hints section for items most likely missed when you FIRST START!! B. Pauth Cave LEVEL Sandor: 8 Pottle: 2 (just thought I'd add him in here to show you what to get him at to prepare for next area) After Pauth you need to make Pottle useful. Take him to Smythe, buy him the best weapons and armor and then level him up a bit outside. Then go to Gilan, activate the sequence, and go into the underground to fight the undead. They will give the best experience for this area but are much harder. Give Pottle the silver knife to make him useful at low levels or give it to Sandor and let him kill. C. Fort Gilan Level Sandor: 12 Pottle: 10 Your gonna need money for axes and filteration masks in the next area so go back to the underground and fight the undead for the best money. D. Droust Cave Level Sandor: 13 Pottle: 11 Rachel: 8 Alright, I entered got Rachel and left to get her equipment since her starting stuff sucks. I also leveled her up a bit then went BACK IN. You may want to level up inside the cave leaving to heal in the town. E. Magmal Level Sandor: 15 Pottle: 14 Rachel: 12 Before you enter the Hapies outside give you great experience when in pairs so get your levels up a bit out here first. Just wait until the last set gets up and you'll be fully healed. You really shouldn't take much damage from them though since Pottle should be able to take one out alone and with Rachel and Sandor ganging the other they fall in 1 round and you dont get hurt. F. Kerzalt Level Sandor: 16 Pottle: 15 Ranchel: 14 PJ: 16 Wow, I'm surprised. PJ starts at a good level but its not good enough for the Wind Elemental fight. This fight is tough at most levels. To fight this enemy you need a lot of leveling when in Mt. Bole. I always fight until Pottle and PJ both have Inferno and then go to Raxaal. This makes Raxaal Cave a cake walk. G. Raxaal Cave Level Sandor: 22 Pottle: 22 Rachel: 20 PJ: 22 Well, going through here is good for a level or so and if you feel spunky go fight in Mt. Bole some more for a few more levels. This will help with the upcoming fight. For that you need luck, skill, and lots of supplies. H. Mt. Bole Level Sandor: 23 Pottle: 23 Rachel: 21 PJ: 23 Well have fun with the elemental, I hope your ready. I. Danek Base Level Sandor: 24 Pottle: 24 Rachel: 23 PJ: 24 I didn't really level up much here. Just make sure you bought all of the best stuff from the previous town from both weapon and armor shops (yes there are 2 of each, one on either side). Against the boss in here just have PJ use shock since he is mechanical, shock does only 20 less damage then L-Bolt here, and costs less so you wont run out of MP. It shouldn't be a hard area. J. Dragon's Lair Level Sandor: 27 Pottle: 27 Rachel: 26 PJ: 27 Outside the Dragon's Lair is an area with some really good experience and decent money. Take this time to get up a bit. Some of the battles can give you over 1000 EXP so take advantage. K. East Dragon Shrine Level Sandor: 28 Pottle: 28 Rachel: 27 PJ: 28 Not much to do here. Just go to the next area. L. Ice Tower Level Sandor: 29 Pottle: 29 Rachel: 28 PJ: 29 You can fight in here to get some levels go for it. They have some decent EXP in here and some of the fights can give you over 1000 EXP. The Flame Edge is a MUST here and make sure you find the Plymetal armor in here. Its the second strongest armor in the game (second only to the Var Armor). M. Water Shrine Level Sandor: 30 Pottle: 30 Rachel: 29 PJ: 30 Well this ought to be the easiest area and and boss fight ever. Just after you kill the boss take all of Pottle's equipment from him, trust me. Don't worry though because there are no fights on the way out. At this point if you have been keeping pace with me on levels you should have lots of money. I know I had at least 120,000 at this time. Make sure you buy a set of Plymetal Armor when you get to Hogshead and save it!!! Never sell it, it will come in handy. The reason to buy it now is because you have PLENTY of money now and later you will be really strapped for cash . All of the prices for weapons goes up in the game but the money recieved from battle never goes up. N. Maytake's Cave Level Sandor: 35 Rachel: 34 PJ: 35 Lynx 27 These levels are on the SECOND trip to Maytake's Cave when you have Lynx with you. Right when you get Lynx he is terrible. He is weaker than or just as strong as PJ with the bow and be has a defense of about the same. Lovely!!! A new character and he stinks. Well, level him up outside of town and head to Maytake's. O. Penan Castle Level Sandor: 35 Rachel: 35 PJ: 35 Lynx 28 Just go through and don't get killed in the sewers. The dragon at the end should be easy, just use L-Bolt. P. Treefall Village Level Sandor: 41 Rachel: 41 PJ: 41 Lynx 36 OK, here is the deal. DON'T GO TO TREEFALL!!! This may sound stupid but the boss has 2 ultra-gargoyles and if you arent ready for them they will wipe you out. The both use Inferno and have 5700 HP (the most HP for any boss yet and there is 2 of them). So the trick is to first go PAST Treefall and up to the big tree. It will enter you into another area, go around that tree, and out to the world map agian. Then head north-west to the town of Marl. Spend the night and heal but DONT BUY ANYTHING. Next go north some more and cross the bridge. There are going to be some tough fights here but either run or just use Malybu or Inferno to take care of them. Then go East to the town of Penzance. Here is where you buy the weapons. Get a Laser Spear for Lynx and a Wisdom Staff for PJ. With these Lynx finally has a useful attack and PJ's magic now is AWESOME!!! Then fight near Marl or go into Treefall to fight the soldiers for big EXP. Once you have leveled a bit go show those idiots who's boss. ****Boss tip: Since these gus CAN give you trouble if not handled right I'll help you out. First take out Commander Rosale because she will heal the UG's. I used a megaspark from PJ and then attacked her and she fell in the first round. Then the trick is to pick on the UG's one at a time. Have PJ use Flame (yes flame, with the wisdom staff equipped it does a lot of damage and is the most economical). and eveyone else attack the one PJ is. Each UG should fall in 3 to 4 rounds each. Q. Fire Lake Level Sandor: 46 Rachel: 46 PJ: 46 Lynx 42 OK, before entering Fire Lake you are gonna need a few things. First, get Ice Sickles for both Lynx and Sandor. Also get Sandor a Wind Sword because you'll need the attack boost in the Root Route. Buy Rachel all new stuff and get goin. The only prob I ran into here is that I spent too much money before I got here and didn't have the money for all this stuff. So just fight some more until you have it all. The Ice Sickles are the most important because the boss and enemies in Fire Lake are fire elements. The Ice Sickles will do moer damage then your strongest weapons. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY DONT SELL THE GOOD STUFF YOU JUST BOUGHT IN PENZANCE!!! You'll need that stuff for everything after Fire Lake. For the money just fight outside of Treefall and hope you get into fights with the Danek Soldiers (they have the best money). ******2 Important Things: 1.) Make sure you find the Lifestone in Fire Lake becasue there is only one of them in the game. Its in the Top right corner. 2.) After the fight with Igneus take all of Rachel's equipment off and then use an exit stone so that she doesnt get beat up. And plus it was a pain in the butt to get down there so I doubt you want to fight your way out again all beat up. Its not worth it!! Especially if you have my levels R. Toth Shrine Level Sandor: 47 PJ: 47 Lynx 43 Not much trouble here and not boss fight so stroll through and use your magic. Decent experience so take you time if you want. Have PJ use flame on the enemies and things should be easy. And to spoil the surprise you will get the vay armor down here so make sure you equip the Vay Sword right afrer you get it. Its the strongest in the game by HUNDREDS and its not even powered up!!! S. Marwick Castle Level Sandor: 49 PJ: 49 Lynx 45 I say you do this place in 2 stages. The first stage is the initial assault to get the items in the hidden room to the north on the second floor. After that leave and heal up since it may take a bit to get these items, get in a whole lot of fights, and it would be easier to just use magic then replenish it. After that its phase 2 and you just go in and kill em, The boss is EASY!!! Just one megabolt and attack and its over in 1 round maybe 2 if they are luck. : ) T. Redcliff Level Sandor: 50 PJ: 50 Lynx 47 Another area with no boss so just feel free to use magic. There is some decent experience to be had in this area and it should be pretty easy considering you have the Lase Spear and the enemies are mostly mecha ones. U. Charnel Level Sandor: 53 PJ: 53 Lynx 50 Kinsey 38 OK, before you go here do what I did and get Kinsey up in Levels. What was Working Designs thinking when they gave you Kinsey at level 33? Who is actually at 33 at this point!!! Just remember that around the area of Hectare there are Fleebags and IF you manage to kill one of these buggers you get 30,000 EXP in one shot!!! But dont worry about the ship Charnel, the enemies are easy and the boss is mecha so L-Bolt and attack with Lynx and its over quick. ****Note: Remember this area as one full of fleebags and come back here whenever you need levels (like right before Draktyr or before the 2nd visit to Danek). When you are a little stronger you should have no problem killing them (it is really easy after getting the Vay Armor). Just have Sandor attack, PJ use Thyxaal on Lynx, Lynx attack (he should do well over 6000 damage) and have Kinsey attack. If your strong enough they will die. And if you wonder why not cast Thyxaal on Sandor and make it easy, don't try it. Sandor attacks BEFORE PJ (at least in mine he did) and most likely after one round a fleebag will run and your chance was blown. V. Danek (first visit) Level Sandor: 54 PJ: 54 Lynx 51 Kinsey 39 Alright I split this into 2 different segments because it makes this area much easier. The first trip should be used for levels, money, getting Odin's Blades, and all of the items. But I suggest that you DON't PUSH IT. These enemies are HARD and will kill you if you are low on HP and MP. Just break it up into as many raiding trips as you need and always use Kinsey's Alakazam to leave (it lets you explore farther without worrying about saving energy for the trip out), Just make sure you have the money to get the Goddess Cane for PJ and have enough of PJ's MP for the trip back to town from Danek (the trip back can be dangerous if you fall up agianst the wrong set of enemies). W. Danek (second visit) Level Sandor: 66 PJ: 66 Lynx 64 Kinsey 57 OK, this is a business trip. Go in, get the Vay armor and get our or go to the Red Dragon and save before going to Draktyr. Just make sure you have plenty of Sirufa's Kisses from Fred and other healing items. Ardor will be a difficult battle. X. Draktyr Level Sandor: 66 PJ: 66 Lynx 64 Kinsey 57 Draktyr has some enemies that will kill you if your not careful. There is a really good place for levels here. As you journey through you will encounter an area where there are 2 circles for HP and MP resoration. Fight here to your hearts content and get strong. Now in Dractyr there are 2 annoyances. 1 is the room with 27 doors and only 1 door moving you along. The other is a series of annoying teleporters. Because I'm nice and I dont want you to die, I am gonna help you out now: 1.) Doors: The right door is the one 3 doors down to the right of the one you come in and in the top row. Top Row, 3 over. 2.) Teleporters. A no nonsense, no BS way through but you may miss chests but too bad if you dont have a map like me. Here you go: Up, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right into the far Right pod, Down and Left pod, Right, and Down. Whenever in trouble around here just use Blitz, Malybu, or even Megablast (in an emergency) and you should be fine. Remember, right before Ardor there is a place that heals all of your characters (awww, isn't Working Designs nice?). Good Luck, I'm sure you'll be fine. Y. End: Sadoul/Ardor Level Sandor: 54 PJ: 54 Lynx 51 Kinsey 39 This is the end and you are right in front of Ardor/Sadoul. These are my levels and because I'm nice I'll give you a sure-fire strategy to beat him. Strategy: Sandor: FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. Only make him heal if he will use a Goddess Love or Sirufa's Kiss that heals all the members completely. Keep the healing at a minimum since with the armor he is like a god. In my game he was doing close to 300 dmage per attack. PJ: None of PJ's attack magic stands out as being great in this fight. If you must make her use her attack magic then have her use flame to conserve MP. But the real strategy is to have her NEVER HEAL unless its to use a stardust on herself to fill her magic. What she should do is cast Thyxaal on Sandor every round. This allows Sandor to do (at least for me) almost 1600 damage per attack. This was easy for me since she had something like 460 MP and I only had to restore MP after 4 rounds (so I never ran out of stardusts). Lynx: Attack with Beam Lance and use Panacea to heal or possibly an item if necessary Kinsey: Attack until someone is hurt and then heal with items. She should be the primary healer since she does the least damage in this fight. For me this fight only lasted about 2 or 3 minutes. I used 3 Sirufa's Kisses, 3 Stardusts, Panacea once, and 1 Phoenix Heart. Keep the Phoenix Hearts for Sandor since normal healing items only have about 1/3 the effect. Watch PJ and use Strange Brews and Herbal Extracts on her when she is hit with Ardor's attack. This thing deals over 600 damage to her and if your not at my level then I would say it could do close to 800. Ardor/Sadoul Rundown: 1.) Has a crippling physical attack that beats up everyone except Sandor. 200-300 Damage to Sandor, 300-500 to Kinsey, 400-600 to Lynx, and 600-800 to PJ. This is dependant on character level and the minimum is approx. what he did to my characters. 2.) Uses Megablast to set up his physical attack. This does approx 100-140 damage to all and can really mess you up if your not careful. He'll use this to lower the people down and then pick you off with his physical attack if your not ready for it. The only good thing is that he uses this attack probably 70-80 percent of the time (thats why your need Sirufa's Kisses). 3.) He has just over 26,000 HP. This is the only thing that drags the battle out, but what do you expect for a man who is over 1,000 years old. ****As a special note, dont fear dying once if you run out of all magic for PJ and Lynx and cant replenish it. Just die and the Lifestone will bring your entire party back with full HP and MP. So take a dive if you have to, just have everyone attack and dont heal until you die. ****Note 2: If your really getting beat with your weaker characters then save the Phoenix Hearts for Sandor and let everyone else just die. Most likely Sandor is the one taking the least amount of damage and probably doing the most. So let everyone else die and have him use Phoenix Hearts on himself to heal when he is low. V. Tips/Hints A. In the beginning of the game you see Sandor walk out of a secret room in the back of the throne room. When you get control of him walk to that room and run agianst the right side until you go through the wall and find a Long Sword, Pheonix Heart, and 1500 G. B. In the Jeffle tavern search the right wall and go through it to find some more items. C. Buy Plymetal armor early in Hogshead when you have money and when you get Kinsey give it to her. Its the strongest armor so make sure she has it. D. This I call the PJ evolution: 1.) At first make sure she has a bow with her at all times. Early on the enemies are weak enough that she can do decent damage and is a good set up person. Then right before a boss put a staff on her to give her the Wisdom boost and make her magic unstoppable. 2.) Later in the game forget about the bows. There is a definate point when PJ no longer should have a bow. That point is when you get her the Wisdom Staff and you are DONE Fire Lake. In Fire Lake you definately need the bow because the low damage everyone else is doing makes her useful. After that just have her use flame and she will do 100-400 damage regularly. Then right before the end level her up and she will have no prob. Considering that flame only takes 5 MP you may not even need to level up in some cases. E. Dont sell your Phoenix Hearts. I know early on and later on when you need money the 5000 G is tempting but the do help agianst Sadoul. F. Make sure everyone has filteration masks when at Sirufa or those people without it will die. G. In Vaygess there is a chest on the right that is coupled by another and it is a gold vortex. This chest will steal all of your gold so dont open them. H. Also in Vaygess there is a chest in the back of the bar with a ton of money so get it and it will help with Lynx's bar tab. I. Always carry a lot of herbal extracts. They are the best healing items to use before you get to bosses. VI. Conclusion Well thats it for my guide. It may or may not be helpful to people but I think that it should be helpful. Just follow the levels and strategies and you should be able to get through pretty easily. If there is anything wlse you think that i could help with shoot me an email with the the subject as "gametite: help". Good luck with Vay and most of all have fun. Legal Junk: 1.) Copyright (C) 2002 by rman0099 2.) Do not distripubtion without consent