Dracula Unleashed Walkthrough (Sega-CD) This guide may not be reproduced partially or totally. This guide has been developed exclusively for the GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com). Index Introduction I. Game Over Scenes II. Generic Scenes III. Walkthrough Introduction It was never my intention to make a 100% Dracula Unleashed guide, and even after several hours playing, I think I still couldn’t access ALL the scenes. Thus, it follows a fairly complete step-by-step to finish the game with the reasons to watch every scene, and even what you should do if you want to watch the scenes of Game Over. I will not give details of the scenes, not to spoil the surprises, but it’s clear that this guide contains SPOILERS and if you don’t want to know anything in advance, stop reading here. Finally, this guide will NOT consider the mechanics of the game, not their commands. That is, I suppose you have already played before and knows the buttons. I. Game Over Scenes If you watch any of these scenes, it's because you failed to do something important during the day and died; Needing to restart the game or load from the point where you saved. Day 1 (12.28.1899) Anywhere (on the street), at 10 PM - Hanged by a madman (This scene happens if you do not get the Blackjack); Anywhere (on the street), at 10 PM - Bitten by Annisette (This scene happens if you do not get the Cross Necklace); Day 2 (12.29.1899) Anywhere (on the street), at 1 AM - Bitten by Bloofer Lady (This scene happens if you do not know Van Helsing); At the Cemetery (6 PM - 7 PM) - Attacked by Bloofer Lady (To avoid this scene, just don’t go there at this time); Day 3 (12.30.1899) Anywhere (on the street), at 10 PM - Attacked by the wolf (This scene happens if Van Helsing die); Day 4 (12.31.1899) Anywhere (on the street), at 8 PM - Bitten by Juliet (This scene happens if you do not kill Juliet); Anywhere (on the street), at 12 AM - Bitten by Annisette (This scene happens if you do not prevent Dracula to turn Annisette); Anywhere (on the street), at 7 AM* - Attacked by Dracula (This scene happens if you do not kill Dracula); *Technically, this scene would be on Day 5. NOTE: The following scene doesn’t cause Game Over, but makes you lose two hours: Anywhere (on the street) - Police takes you for questioning (This scene happens if you stand still, spending time on the clock, in front of a commercial establishment. Ex: Bookstore, Newsstand, etc.); I read in other guides that you could lose time also if your carriage is stopped in a blitz, by the police (there is even a note in the newspaper about this possibility); But I could not find the event that triggers the scene. II. Generic Scenes If you watch any of the following scenes means that you are in the wrong place. They make you lose 5 minutes, but the travel time to the place where you watched and then to the right place, it can take 1 hour or more, then it might be better to load the game from a save point. Note: These scenes happen in any of the 4 days. Annisette: (7 AM - 9 PM) - Housekeeper says Annisette is not; (10 PM - 6 AM) - Housekeeper says Annisette is sleeping; (10 AM) - Housekeeper says Annisette is at the funeral*; (12 PM) - Housekeeper says Annisette is at the funeral*; *This scene happens only on days 3 and 4.   Holmwood's: (7 AM - 9 PM) - Butler says that Arthur is not; (10 PM - 6 AM) - Locked door; Hades Club: (7 AM - 10 PM) - Butler asks if he can help; (11 PM - 6 AM) - Locked door; Newsstand: (7 AM - 4 PM) - Alexander asks if theres a new edition; (5 PM - 6 AM) - Closed; Telegraph Office: (7 AM - 6 PM) - Alexander asks if theres any telegram for him; (7 PM - 6 AM) - Closed; Harker's Home: (7 AM - 9 PM) - Housekeeper says they are not; (10 PM - 6 AM) - Locked door; Harker’s Office: (7 AM - 7 PM) - Employee says Jonathan is busy; (8 PM - 6 AM) - Closed; Saucy Jack: (7 AM - 9 AM) - Closed; (10 AM - 1 AM) - Rebecca asks if she can help; (2 AM - 6 AM) - Closed; Bookstore: (7 AM - 8 PM) - Alexander complains that the books are out of order; (9 PM - 6 AM) - Closed; Asylum: (7 AM - 9 PM) - Assistant says Dr. Seward is busy; (10 PM - 6 AM) - Assistant says to return the next day; University: (7 AM - 7 PM) - Locked door; (8 PM - 6 AM) - Closed; Cemetery: (7 AM - 5 PM) - Gravedigger asks if you are looking for someone…; (8 PM - 6 AM) - Closed; III. Walkthrough Now let's get down to business: The scenes are not in chronological order, because you have a certain freedom to watch them in the order you prefer; Of course within the available time window. The scenes with a mark (*) are required for the continuity of the game, the others are optional. Day 1 Home: (3 PM - 6 AM) - 1st nightmare; (9 PM - 6 AM) - Read telegram (picks up the Knife); Annisette’s: (7 AM - 2 PM) - Get the Cloth; (3 PM - 10 PM) - Gives the Cross Necklace to Annisette and picks up the Rose (with Cross Necklace)*; (3 PM - 10 PM) - Get the Rose (without the Cross Necklace); Holmwood's: (7 AM - 2 PM) - Get address of Harker's*; (3 PM - 10 PM) - Picks up the Present*; Hades Club: (7 AM - 1 PM) - Devlin doesn’t like Alexander; (2 PM - 10 PM) - Leopold thinks that his wife is still alive; Newsstand: (7 AM - 4 PM) - Get address of Saucy Jack*; Telegraph Office: (7 AM - 6 PM) - Send telegram (with the Father Janus Card)*; Harker's Home: (7 AM - 2 PM) - Get Address of Harker’s Office*; Harker's Office: (7 AM - 7 PM) - Picks up the Cross Necklace (with the Present)*; (7 AM - 7 PM) - Jonathan busy (without the Present); Saucy Jack Pub: (10 AM - 8 PM) - Get address of Bookstore*; (9 PM - 1 AM) - Listen to story about the wolf; Bookstore: (7 AM - 8 PM) - Get address of Asylum*; (12 AM - 6 AM) - Sees the secret door; Asylum: (7 AM - 9 PM) - Picks up the Blackjack*; (10 PM - 2 AM) - Dr. Seward talks about the effects of the moon; Day 2 Home: (9 AM - 6 AM) - 2nd nightmare; (9 PM - 6 AM) - Read telegram; Annisette’s: (7 AM - 6 PM) - Juliet tells of strange dreams; (8 PM - 12 AM) - Picks up the Note*; Holmwood's: (7 AM - 9 PM) - Arthur says that Quincey was killed by gypsies; Hades Club: (7 AM - 6 PM) - Picks up the Coin; (7 PM - 12 AM) - Picks up the Keys (with the Note)*; (7 PM - 12 AM) - Devlin says that you don’t know anything (without the Note); Newsstand: (7 AM - 4 PM) - Get address of Cemetery*; Telegraph Office: (7 AM - 6 PM) - Send telegram (with the Father Janus Card)*; (7 AM - 6 PM) - Send telegram (with the Van Helsing Card)*; Harker's Home: (7 AM - 6 PM) - Mina says to talk at Andrew's funeral (with the Rose)*; (7 AM - 6 PM) - Mina says that the little Quincey will travel (without the Rose); (7 PM - 9 PM) - Picks up the Journal (with the Knife)*; Harker's Office: (12 PM - 4 PM) - Jonathan schedule a meeting (with the Knife)*; (12 PM - 4 PM) - Jonathan says to conform by Quincey’s death (without the Knife); Saucy Jack Pub: (10 AM - 1 AM) - Listen to the music of Bloofer Lady; Bookstore: (7 AM - 8 PM) - Get address of University*; (11 PM - 4 AM) - Picks up the Manuscript*; Asylum: (7 AM - 9 PM) - Picks up the Van Helsing Card*; University: (7 AM - 7 PM) - Prof. Briarcliffe says that the Cloth is old (with the Cloth); (7 AM - 7 PM) - Professor says the Coin is from Transylvania (with the Coin); Anywhere (on the street), at 10 PM - Attacked by Bloofer Lady, but saved by Van Helsing; Day 3 Home: (11 AM - 6 AM) - 3rd nightmare; (9 PM) - Read telegram (picks up the Cloth); Annisette’s: (7 AM - 7 PM) - Juliet is shocked with the Cross Necklace; (8 PM - 6 AM) - Sleeps while guarding (4th nightmare); Holmwood's: (11 AM - 5 PM) - Reception after funeral; Hades Club: (7 AM - 10 PM) - Leopold says the Cloth is from his wife (with the Cloth); (7 AM - 10 PM) - Leopold acts strange (without the Cloth); Newsstand: (7 AM - 4 PM) - News about Cemetery; Telegraph Office: (7 AM - 6 PM) - Send telegram (with the Father Janus Card); Harker's Home: (7 AM - 9 AM) - Jonathan says that fear Dracula (with the Journal); (7 AM - 9 AM) - Hear that they miss little Quincey (without the Journal); (6 PM - 9 PM) - Inspires the group (with the Manuscript / after University)*; (6 PM - 9 PM) - Group disbands (without the Manuscript); (6 PM - 9 PM) - Group disbands (if Van Helsing dies); Saucy Jack Pub: (11 AM - 5 PM) - Must take the Manuscript to study (with the Manuscript)*; (11 AM - 5 PM) - Cheer up Van Helsing (without the Manuscript); Bookstore: (7 AM - 8 PM) - Alfred threats Alexander; Asylum: (11 AM - 1 PM) - Saves Van Helsing (with the Blackjack)*; (11 AM - 1 PM) - Van Helsing dies; University: (7 AM - 7 PM) - Professor will analyze the Manuscript (with the Manuscript)*; Cemetery: (10 AM) - Reverend Jenkins will help you (If give the Rose to Mina)*; (10 AM) - Andrew’s funeral (If not give the Rose to Mina); Anywhere (on the street), at 8 PM - Attacked by wolf, saved by Van Helsing; Day 4 Home: (7 AM - 6 AM) - Read telegram from Dr. Seward (picks up the Tube); (7 AM - 6 AM) - Read telegram from Prof. Briarcliffe; (9 AM - 6 AM) - Read telegram from Father Janus; Annisette’s: (1 PM - 5 PM) - They decide to "kill" Juliet*; (6 PM - 8 PM) - Annisette bitten by Dracula; (9 PM - 11 PM) - Prevents Dracula to turn Annisette*; (12 AM - 6 AM) - Annisette kidnapped by Devlin; Holmwood's: (12 PM - 6 PM) - Regina talks about coachman's funeral, but no one shows; (9 PM - 2 AM) - Search Arthur; (3 AM - 6 AM) - Jonathan dies (If you don’t kill Dracula); Hades Club: (7 AM - 11 AM) - Devlin hurry to bury Juliet; (2 PM - 6 PM) - Find secret chamber*; (12 AM - 6 AM) - Kill Dracula (with the Cross)*; (12 AM - 6 AM) - Alexander dies (without the Cross); (12 AM - 6 AM) - Annisette dies (If you don’t kill Dracula); Newsstand: (7 AM - 4 PM) - News about the Slasher; Harker's Home: (7 AM - 8 PM) - Picks up the Cross (If you spoke with Rev. Jenkins)*; (4 PM - 8 PM) - Mina has visions of Dracula; (9 PM - 12 AM) - Van Helsing suffers heart attack; (4 AM - 6 AM) - Van Helsing and Mina die (If you don’t kill Dracula); Harker's Office: (7 AM - 11 AM) - Message about the fire in the Asylum; (2 PM - 12 AM) - Hear the follies of Renfield (with the Tube); Saucy Jack Pub: (10 AM - 2 PM) - Arthur schedule a meeting; (3 PM - 1 AM) - Picks up the Napkin; Bookstore: (7 AM - 9 PM) - Alfred tries to kill you (lose several hours); Asylum: (7 AM - 7 PM) - Picks up the Stake*; (1 AM - 6 AM) - Dr. Seward dies (If you don’t kill Dracula); University: (7 AM - 7 PM) - Get another Key (I couldn’t figure out what it is for); Cemetery: (12 PM) - Juliet’s funeral; (5 PM - 7 PM) - Kill Juliet (with the Stake)*; Epilogue: Shows Alexander, Annisette, Van Helsing, Mina, Jonathan and Dr. Seward leaving the cemetery (If you don’t let anyone die); Shows Alexander, Annisette, Van Helsing, Mina and Jonathan leaving the cemetery (If you let Dr. Seward die); Shows Alexander, Annisette, Van Helsing and Mina leaving the cemetery (If you let Jonathan and Dr. Seward die); Shows Alexander and Annisette leaving the cemetery (If you let all die);