+-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ | * * | : Syonyx presents for your gaming pleasure: * : | * * | : --- VANDAL-HEARTS FAQ/Walkthrough --- : | * | : * Version 1.26 * : | * * | +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ ___________________ ___________ ................... ........... TABLE OF CONTENTS GAME INFO 1. Introduction Title: Vandal Hearts 2. Controls Platform: Sony Playstation 3. Game structure Genre: Strategy-RPG 4. Character classes ESRB Rating: T (Teen) 5. Characters Developer: Konami 6. Strategy tips Publisher: Konami 7. Walkthrough Year of release: 1996 (JP) 7.1 Chapter One 1997 (NA) 7.2 Chapter Two 7.3 Chapter Three 7.4 Chapter Four 7.5 Chapter Five 7.6 Chapter Six 8. Trials of Toroah *** Press ctrl-f and enter the 9. Lists section number to jump to 9.1 Weapons that section *** 9.2 Armor 9.3 Items 9.4 Spells 9.5 Shops 9.6 Bestiary 10. Experience-raising tricks 11. In closing .................... ++++++++++++++++++++ 1. INTRODUCTION ++++++++++++++++++++ Vandal Hearts is a turn-based battle strategy game created by Konami for the Sony Playstation. Through the lead character of Ash Lambert, the player enacts a series of battle scenarios taking place in the world of Ishtaria, developing relationships between characters along the way, and revealing the history and destiny of the land and its people. This walkthrough provides strategies for completing each battle scenario including collecting all treasures and without having any player characters die. These are one way "I" completed the battles. There are other possible ways to finish most of them. I have not given step-by-step instructions in most cases, as that would just be boring. Instead, I give guidelines to help you succeed, while still making the game your own. I have also described the events that surround each scenario, trying as much as I could not to give any spoilers, but you may learn minor things if you read ahead. But then, if you're reading this guide in full before ever having played the game, then I don't think you're doing it right. LEGAL STUFF: This document is copyrighted to Marc Lalonde, 2003. Please feel free to make personal, not-for-profit use of this FAQ. You may not use this document in whole or in part to make economic profit or in the hope of such profit in any way. You may not alter the content in any way except for personal use, and you may not remove or replace indications of authorship if the document or any part thereof will be seen or used publicly in any way. Currently, this FAQ is only authorized for use on gamefaqs.com. Do not post this document on any other site without explicit prior consent from the author. If your site is as easy to navigate, comprehensive, light on advertisements, and pop-up free as Gamefaqs, I might consider letting you post it. Please direct correspondence to [syonyx_faqs at yahoo dot com]. VERSION HISTORY: Version 1.26: February 5, 2006. Added a buried item found by a reader. Version 1.25: March 3, 2004. Fixed some layout issues after feedback from some other respected faq writers. Version 1.21: January 28, 2004. Merely fixed a few typos. Version 1.20: August 9, 2003. Added final few bits of info in lists. Added leveling-up tricks at end of FAQ. Refined a few battle guides. Version 1.10: July 25, 2003. Included a few missing bits of information in the lists. Added one missing buried treasure. Updated strategies for saving the villagers (Ch.2, Sc.1) and the mage towers with perfect status (no towers destroyed) (Ch.3, Sc.2). Added strategy tips section. Version 1.00: July 6, 2003. Complete walkthrough. ......................... +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2. CONTROLS +++++++++++++++++++++++++ In Battle: Directional buttons: Move cursor. O: -Select character; -Select menu options; -Check range of movement (when cursor over enemy, or ally who has already acted that turn); -Open battle menu (when cursor on unoccupied square). X: -Cancel menu option; -Check stats, spells and items (when cursor over enemy or ally); Square: Move cursor to next ally who has not acted that turn, in the order that they joined the party. Triangle: Opens overhead map in battle. R1: Rotate field counterclockwise. L1: Rotate field clockwise. R2: Tilt camera angle up. L2: Tilt camera angle down. In town and field: Directional buttons up/down: Move cursor. O: Select highlighted option. X: Cancel option/go back one menu level. During dialogue: O: Speed up dialogue scrolling (hold), advance to next box. X: Skip dialogue scrolling, advance to next box. ......................... +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. GAME STRUCTURE +++++++++++++++++++++++++ In general, the action flows as following: Town ---> Field ---> Battle Scenario, though you do not always have the option of entering or returning to a town between battles. BATTLE Battles always begin with the player's turn, and with all characters at full strength. Each round, every player character has the chance to move and/or take an action, then every enemy gets to do the same. Move the cursor over the character you want to act, or press square to scroll between them, and select with X. You can move, take an action, examine the space your on, push an object if possible, or end your turn. If you choose to move, when you select the destination, the other options will appear again. Choosing action gives you the option to attack, cast a spell (if you know any) or use an item (if you have any). Doing any of these things ends your turn. If you examine or push, you can still act, including moving if you still have move capability left. When you choose to end your turn, you can select the direction you face in. When you end your turn by attacking, using a spell or item, your finishing direction is determined by the direction of the action you took. When attacking, your target will counterattack if you are within range, if they survive your attack. This only applies to physical attacks. You will counterattack enemy attacks as well. After you have taken all the actions you can or want to, press X on a non- character square to open the battle menu, and select End Turn to let the enemy do their thing and move the fight along. Other battle menu options are: read the battle conditions, check all characters' stats, do an in-battle save, and load a game or re-load the battle from start. At the end of battle, which will be determined by the conditions set at the outset, a finish screen will appear, and you will receive gold for every enemy destroyed, minus gold for every ally lost. TOWN In a town, you can go to a shop to buy and sell weapons, armor, and healing and attack items; to the tavern to speak to the locals, sometimes learning valuable information; and to the dojo, where you can get a few gameplay tips (though they're the same at every dojo, so you only need them once early in the game) or upgrade characters who have reached level 10 or 20. FIELD & TOWN In a town or in the field, your options include examining your characters' stats, moving items between characters and to or from your depot (each character can carry 2 items, along with their weapon, body and head protection), saving or loading a game. ....................... +++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. CHARACTER CLASSES +++++++++++++++++++++++ Legend: ATK=attack power. DEF=physical defense. AGL=probability of blocking. MAG DEF=magic resistance. MOVE=distance can travel in a turn. *** KNIGHT *** ATK: High DEF: High AGL: Average MAG DEF: Average MOVE: Average Other: Strong against archers, vulnerable to airmen. *** ARMOR *** ATK: Very High DEF: Very High AGL: Low MAG DEF: Low MOVE: Low Other: Strong against archers, vulnerable to magic. *** ARCHER *** ATK: Average DEF: Low AGL: Average MAG DEF: Average MOVE: Average Other: Attacks from a distance. Strong against airmen, vulnerable to knights/armor. *** AIRMAN *** ATK: High DEF: High AGL: Average MAG DEF: Average MOVE: Very High Other: Strong against knights, vulnerable to archers. Can't open chests. *** MONK *** ATK: Average DEF: Average AGL: High MAG DEF: High MOVE: High Other: Uses attack and healing magic, usually with high MP cost. *** MAGE *** ATK: Low DEF: Low AGL: High MAG DEF: Very High MOVE: Average Other: Uses attack magic. Strong against armor, vulnerable to physical attacks. *** PRIEST *** ATK: Low DEF: Low AGL: High MAG DEF: Very High MOVE: Average Other: Uses mostly healing magic, some attack magic. Vulnerable to physical attacks. __________________ CLASS ADVANCEMENT: Every character, upon reaching level 10, can opt to keep growing in their current job, or switch over to another related one (except for Ash, who is stuck with a hero complex). Then, at level 20, they can each advance even further within their class. Make these changes at a dojo in any town to produce a varied party, but remember, once a change is made, there's no going back! Lvl 1 Lvl 10 Lvl 20 ============================================================================== Hero --------> Champion ------> Paragon -----> Vanguard (if you complete the Trials of Toroah) Available to Ash. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Soldier -----> Swordsman -----> Duelist: Knight path of advancement \ \_____> Guardsman -----> Dragoon: Armor path of advancement Available to Clint, Grog, Dolan. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Archer ------> Bowman --------> Sniper: Archer path of advancement \ \______> Hawknight -----> Sky Lord: Airman path of advancement Available to Diego, Kira, Amon, Darius. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mage --------> Sorcerer ------> Enchanter: Mage path of advancement \ \________> Monk ----------> Ninja: Monk path of advancement Available to Eleni, Zohar. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Healer ------> Bishop --------> Archbishop: Priest path of advancement \ \______> Monk ----------> Ninja: Monk path of advancement Available to Huxley, Sara. ......................... +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5. CHARACTERS +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ***** ASH LAMBERT ***** Captain in the Ishtarian Domestic Security Force, and branded as the son of a traitor. Believes in justice and respectful of the law. Very loyal to his friends. After his mother died, Clive Beckett befriended him into the DSF. ***** CLINT PICKARD ***** Soldier in the Ishtarian Security Force. Somewhat solitary and closed, he possesses a quiet strength. Respectful of authority, and outspoken against injustice. ***** DIEGO RENAULT ***** Young member of the Ishtarian Domestic Security Force. A little headstrong, he tends to say what is on his mind. ***** ELENI DUNBAR ***** Raised by Magnus since being found as an orphan 15 years ago, with no clues to her origins. A powerful magic user at a young age, she is stubborn when she decides on a course of action. ***** HUXLEY HOBBES ***** Eleni's tutor and a humble old healer. Tries in vain to keep Eleni out of trouble. A bit of a doddering old man, his skill in healing makes him a valuable member of the team. ***** KIRA WULFSTAN ***** A fierce fighter, she appears out of nowhere to aid our heroes. She is sometimes too brash in a battle and may endanger herself unnecessarily. Her motivations seem pure, but what secrets lie in her past? ***** GROG DRINKWATER ***** Once an able sailor, since the loss of his younger brother he spends his days drowning his sorrows in wine. Despite his gruff exterior, he is a good man and an able warrior. He needs only to deal with his loss. ***** DOLAN ***** A captain in Magnus' soldiery, he cares greatly for those under his command. Sensible, he is resigned to doing what he needs to without complaint. ***** AMON ***** A bit pessimistic, but will follow Sara anywhere. A clever lad, he often sees the use of devices before others do. ***** SARA ***** Though not physically powerful figure, she is a spirited and courageous fighter. Does she think of Amon as more than a friend? ***** ZOHAR ABU SA'ID ***** A mysterious man with a mysterious past. He is somewhat known to Sara. A powerful magic-user and keeper of arcane knowledge. A believer in the power of good, his appearance belies his true age. ***** DARIUS ***** The man with no last name, he hails from the same town as Huxley, and really knows how to get his goat. An avid inventor, his creations have created some havoc in the past. We meet him as a political prisoner during an oppressive regime, which means he must be a good guy. Non-player characters: *Clive Beckett* Commander of the Ishtarian Security Force. Realistic about the state of corruption in the government, but honorable and idealistic in his beliefs about freedom and the ability of the people to govern themselves. *Roland Claymore* A Count, he is a member of the overthrown royal class. A peaceful man, he becomes a scapegoat for the assassination of a Council member. *Dolf Crowley* A representative of the Young Revolutionary party in the Shumerian capital. Selected as a mediator after the clash between the Ishtarian Security Force and the Crimson Guard. His motives are suspicious. *Renaldo Castille* Head of the domestic Ishtarian Security Forces, and contender for leadership of the Council, running against Hel Spites. *Magnus Dunbar* National hero and second in command of the Shumerian ministry of defense, after Hel Spites. Sent to investigate rumours of the existence of a powerful item on Gillbaris Island, in the Gadar Sea, 3 months ago. He has not been heard from since. Known for his sense of justice. Eleni's adoptive father. *Kane Spites* Leader of the Crimson Guard, an elite anti-terrorist military force. Blindly supports his father, Hel Spites, founder of the Crimson Guard. Sure of himself and his power, he is ruthless and antagonistic. Will bear a grudge to the end of his days. *Hel Spites* Powerful and influential member of the Council and head of the Department of Defense. *Xeno Calimani* Mysterious mage and former pupil of Zohar. His desire for power led him down the path of evil, and he has grown strong from it. He is a master of time/space magic and summoner of evil creatures. *Orosius* Head of Frontier Village in the Torog Mountains, he only wants to protect his village, its secrets, and his granddaughter Leena. *Leena* Orosius' granddaughter, she has an uncanny mastery of the mystical arts at an incredibly young age. She quickly befriends Eleni and aids the heroes in whatever way she can. *Zoot Gach* Fat thief. Has corrupt connections within the government. *Toroah the Messiah* Ancient holy figure, founder of the lands of Sostegaria and the royal Ashah Dynasty. ......................... +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6. STRATEGY TIPS +++++++++++++++++++++++++ -> Often, the best offense is a good defense. Rather than pressing forward to engage the enemy, setting up a good formation and letting the enemy come to you usually yields greater success and minimizes your losses. -> Really observe the class strengths and weaknesses, both in offense and defense. Armors are weak to magic, airmen are weak to archers, archers and mages are weak to knights and armors, knights are weak to airmen. -> Get to know how much damage a character will likely take from a hit, through experience in recent battles. -> You don't always want to directly attack just because you can. Several factors influence this: Whether it's likely that you'll kill the enemy, because if you don't you'll receive counterattack damage, plus they can attack you again on their turn; whether you can heal them if counterattacked; whether killing an opponent will open up a space for another to come and attack you. Often it's better just to wait for them to attack you and let your counterattack damage them. -> You want to avoid is a situation where multiple enemies can attack you and get killed by your counterattack, so another enemy can move into the same space and attack you again. Enemies can make great barriers against other enemies reaching you. If a group of enemies can all reach you, ideally they can withstand your counterattack, so more than one doesn't reach you in one turn. -> Upgrade everyone's weapons and armor whenever you get the opportunity. This is a better use of your money than buying the expensive items, which you can get by finding them in chests and buried treasure. -> Use attack items soon after finding them, because they will not do much damage several battles later, as the enemies' levels increase. Give them to non-magic characters to use, such as armors, as they will gain great experience from them. -> Maximize the experience you receive. Have magic users use support and healing spells whenever possible, even if it's not strictly necessary. If you can kill an enemy with one blow, but can weaken him further without killing him by using another attack, such as weak magic or an arrow, do so, then kill him, so more than one character gets experience. Also, watch which characters are slower in crossing the level 10 and 20 plateaus. If most of your characters are level 10, but a couple are level 9, give them priority in taking actions for experience, so they can upgrade after the battle. -> The experience you gain will be greater if you take an action on a character with a higher level than you, and low if he has a lower level than you. This is the game's way of stabilizing character growth. -> The enemies will gang up on a single character to kill them if they can. This is more reason to keep your party together and held back. Calculate the number of enemies that can attack any character at risk by looking at their movement range, their type and your character's strength and weakness against them, and the damage likely to be given with each hit, before you leave anyone exposed. ......................... +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7. WALKTHROUGH +++++++++++++++++++++++++ An FMV narration tells the history of Sostegaria, where the adventure takes place. The descendants of Toroah the Messiah, the Ashah Dynasty, fall into corruption over time. A civil rebellion, led by Arris the sage, overthrew the oppressive royal regime, and established an interim Council to govern the land, creating the peoples' republic of Ishtaria. It was hoped that Arris would lead them, but he vanished one day and was never seen again. As a result, a stable democratic government was never established. 15 years later, war again threatens the land, and your adventure begins... =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== CHAPTER I: A PREMONITION OF WAR 7.1 =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== ************************************************** **************** Chapter I, Scenario One: Valley of Thieves **************** ************************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Defeat of Zoot Gach. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE *Chests: None. *Buried: Light Sword (SE corner, fuzzy spot in dirt), Mad Book (NE corner, brown circle in grass). *End of battle: 700G (200G for Zoot, 100G X 5 other enemies). ENEMIES: Zoot Thief Lord, Brigand Lv.1 (3), Hunter Lv.1 (2). First, defeat the brigand behind you, to the south. If you want both buried treasure, send Ash behind the hill to the SE corner, and send Clint and Diego to the west side and circle north. Hopefully, Zoot will follow Ash for a turn or two. Don't attack Zoot, but if he attacks you, hope that he doesn't get killed by counter attacks, because it's scenario over then. If he is sufficiently injured (more than half his max HP), he will retreat and cast Self Healing. Once you have both treasures, kill any remaining henchmen, then Zoot last. Have the characters use herbs, which they each have one of, as needed, except for Ash, who can use his faerie light spell on himself. Move to the capital and visit Security HQ. Look around town, ending with the tavern. When you try to leave the tavern, a man comes in with some important information: a riot has just broken out in the Dover district! Get out there to see what's happening... ********************************************* ****************** Chapter I, Scenario Two: Dover District ******************* ********************************************* BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Party's arrival at the church doors. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: Herb (SE corner), Herb (NW corner). *Buried: Light bow (NW of first chest, green ring in dirt), Mushroom (Behind E house, cracked pavement). *End of battle: 660G (110G X 6 enemies). ENEMIES: War Ghost (4), Hunter Imp (2). Use Diego to shoot the war ghosts from afar. He can kill them with one hit. Once the war ghosts are gone, get the buried treasures and the first chest before lowering the drawbridge. Once you do, the Hunter Imps will advance, so keep your men ready on either side of the archway. Clint and Ash can kill them with one blow. Once they're gone, get the other chest, and move everyone in front of the church doors. After a confrontation with the Crimson Guard that sparks political conflicts, Ash and his team are sent away on a secret mission to investigate General Magnus's disappearance... ********************************************* ****************** Chapter I, Scenario Three: Palace Ruins ******************* ********************************************* BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: Elixir (SW), Herb (NE). *Buried: Fire Gem (S edge by SE corner, brown circle in grass). *End of Battle: 810G (90G X 9 enemies). ENEMIES: Clay Golem (9). Defeat the closest golems, then send one person clockwise around the lake to get at least one golem to chase him, while the other two go counter-clockwise to the near chest and buried treasure. Keep pulling the first one around, without attacking or letting it attack you, while the others clear the rest of the golems. If you have to, use the Mad Book to paralyze a golem so you can get the last of the treasure. To get the second chest, push the crate one block E, then N, and climb onto it from behind to attack the chest. Some surprise allies join the group, whether you want them to or not, and the party continues on toward Gillbaris Island... ******************************************** ******************* Chapter I, Scenario Four: Rhine Bridge ******************* ******************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 1560G (130G X 12 enemies). ENEMIES: Brigand Lv.5 (6), Hunter Lv.5 (2), Hell Bat (4). One row of the bridge will blow up at the start of each Player turn. Anyone standing there at the time will hate you for leaving them there. Check the bats' move distance and position yourself just out of range, except for Diego, so he can counterattack one. In the second round, have Diego kill the second bat, get Huxley to finish off the first if it didn't quite die. Use Eleni's Dark Star on a brigand from afar, and have a knight finish him off. Position the other knight beside the first. Once Kira appears, have her attack the enemies on the bridge from the side until the first wave is taken care of, then have her push the rock and attack the remaining bats. The rest of the party can take care of the last brigands. After camping for the night, the party continue their journey to reach Gillbaris Island. In the port city Minalto, they search for a ship to take us there. It seems pirates are terrorizing the region, and the only man who might sail them where they need to go wants something from them first... ************************************************* **************** Chapter I, Scenario Five: Sand Dunes of Sea ***************** ************************************************* BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of Death Ant Defeat: Death of Ash TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 900G (900G for Death Ant, 0G for Ant Arms). ENEMIES: Death Ant, Ant Arm (inf.) Ant arms give you no experience and no gold, and new ones will appear in the corners of the field each round. However, you should still kill them as they get close, because they paralyze you. One hit from anyone, if it connects, will kill an arm. Go mostly for the head, but watch out, because it can pack a wallop. The best strategy is to hit it with distance attacks and magic so it can't counterattack. Grog now agrees to help your party out. Before you set sail, return to the tavern and talk to the patrons once more. Someone might be grateful for something you've done... **************************************** ********************* Chapter I, Scenario Six: Gadar Sea ********************* **************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Defeat of Hassan. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 2380G (340G for Hassan, 170G X 12 other enemies). ENEMIES: Hassan Madcaptain, Corsair (4), Buccaneer (8). Arrange your party in two groups by either gangplank, but don't leave anyone in line with the plank, or they'll get shot at by the corsairs. Once the enemies fill the gangplanks, on one side try having Eleni spellbind the front one, then put a knight in front of him, so no one can get through. Have Huxley heal or use mystic shield on the knights in harm's way. Continue to kill the bad guys along the gangplank, and leave Hassan for last. Once Grog deals with the pirate menace in his own way, he feels free to join your quest. You journey onward to the mysterious Gillbaris Island... =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== CHAPTER II: ISLAND OF MADNESS 7.2 =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== ****************************************************** ************** Chapter II, Scenario One: Yuzu Village Possessed ************** ****************************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destroy all the EvilStatues. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: Mage Oil (E), Herb (center of field). *Buried: Mushroom (N edge, brown circle in grass), Moon Pie (2 spaces E of first chest at start, crater in dirt). *End of Battle: 1330G (190G X 7 Evil Statues). ENEMIES: Evil Statue Lv.5 (7). You want to destroy all the statues without hurting any of the villagers. First, have Kira move a bit north and shoot the first statue there, and have Diego move south and destroy another. Everyone else should start circling the village counter-clockwise. Huxley will be in front at first. In round two, push the first crate ahead 2 squares to block the villagers' access to the area you're in. This will force them towards Kira's position, as this is the only way for them to get to your party now. Move Kira and everyone else to the area behind the crate you just pushed, with Ash standing on the crate, and wait a couple of turns until all the villagers are near the hill they have to climb to get through the fence where they can get to you. On turn 5, push the crate ahead 1 more space, then have Ash push it E again 1 more space, then N. Now another character can push it the last space N to block the next hole in the fence and continue forcing the villagers to follow your path. Leave the statue over the fence alone for now. Move the party east along the south edge to the back of the field. Always have the members in front go as far forward as possible, leaving the chests and statues for those that come up behind. For the 2 stacked crates, push the first to the side, then push the second one down the ledge and forward, but wait until the last villagers are far enough up the hill at the other end that they can't turn around and get you within a couple of turns. Move your party through the space around turn 11, keeping at bare minimum 6-7 spaces between you and the closest villager at the end of each turn. Before destroying the last statue, get the other chest and the buried treasure on the small raised terrain. The party speaks with the Mayor of Yuzu to try and understand what happened there, but the truth seems too incredible to believe. Do some shopping, visit the Dojo to upgrade who you can, spend some time chatting it up in the pub, and have the party set out to discover the island's secrets for themselves... ******************************************** ******************* Chapter II, Scenario Two: Ygdra Canyon ******************* ******************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies Defeat: Death of Ash or Dolan TREASURE: *Chests: Elixir (NE corner), Mood Ring (SE corner) *Buried: Mad Book (SW corner, crater in dirt), Macroman (NW corner, brown circle in grass *End of Battle: 3150G (210G X 15 enemies). ENEMIES: Guard Dog Lv.6 (5), Mad Soldier Lv.8 (10). Dolan, Sara, and Amon, being chased by monsters, join your party, but need to be saved. Guard dogs can poison you, so have some elixirs or a cure spell handy. Move your main party forward as much as possible, but get the buried treasure in your corner first. The dogs will likely be killed by counterattacks alone. Have the small party retreat, and use the boulder as a shield to help defend them all until the other guys can come and help. To get the chest in the SE corner, push the crate one square E and climb on top of it. To get the last buried treasure, lure the remaining mad soldiers to the bridge. Have Eleni spellbind one, and use an airman or monk to sneak past them to the back corner and collect the Macroman before the last enemy is killed. Dolan explains some of the island's secrets, including the possibility of finding Toroah's Ark, an ancient relic which could prove the legitimacy of the Ashah Dynasty's reigh. However, there is still much he doesn't understand, such as how his fellow soldiers turned into monsters, and what Magnus was really searching for... ********************************************* ****************** Chapter II, Scenario Three: Loris Beach ******************* ********************************************* BATTLE CONDITTIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: Banana (SE corner, center of "+" shaped swamp). *End of Battle: 3600G (240G X 15 enemies). ENEMIES: Blood Ghost Lv.9 (3), Mad Soldier Lv.9 (6), Shooter Imp Lv.9 (3), Dark Golem Lv.9 (3). For the first time, you really get to make use of the different strengths and weaknesses of each class. Use your archer(s) to get the ghosts, and keep your airmen out of range of archers. Magic will work well on the golems. If you end your turn in swamp, you will be automatically poisoned. The same applies to enemies. To start, bring Kira and Clint back toward the main party, going around the golems, so they'll be protected again. From there, destroy the foursome of golems and soldiers with around 4 party members (use piercing ray on the group), and send the bulk of the party south to deal with the menace there. Leave one shooter imp alive until you have the banana. Around the campfire, the party discusses the meaning of Toroah's Ark, while two people struggle to turn their painful pasts into a meaningful future. Return the fruit to the fruit in the pub at Yuna, then advance to the castle ruins, where you hope to uncover more of the mystery of Gillbaris Island and Magnus' disappearance... ********************************************* ****************** Chapter II, Scenario Four: Castle Ruins ******************* ********************************************* BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Move entire party in front of castle doors. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: Mood Ring (N on wall), Mage Oil (S on wall). *Buried: Iron Boot (W arm of fortress wall, maze-like tile pattern). Chain Mail (NE corner beside cross-shaped patch - thanks to an anonymous reader for finding this one). *End of Battle: 4590G (270G X 17 enemies). ENEMIES: Shooter Imp Lv.9 (4), Mad Soldier Lv.11 (6), Evil Statue Lv.11 (2), Blood Ghost Lv.11 (3), Dark Golem Lv.11 (2). Avoid the archers as much as possible by sticking your party members immediately west of the protrusions of the fortress wall, though this will not always offer 100% protection, since the shooters can move to where you're not protected by the wall. You can also hide someone behind the tree on the north side. Use mystic shield where you're unavoidably vulnerable. You might want to move your airmen out over the water to get out of range of archers. Don't rush, let the enemies come to you while you're in a protected position. Try to take out a couple archers using your own archers, and have Eleni use piercing ray on them from beside the wall close to them. Once 2 archers and the mad soldiers are out, it's pretty easy pickings. Use the two examine-able lifts to get characters up to the top alternately from both sides. On top of the wall, push out the boulders and use archers to shoot enemies as they approach. Use the healing circles as you wish; they will also restore MP. You have to get everyone who's still alive to the flat part in front of the castle doors to finish. You now have the choice to go on, or to go back to Yuzu to rest up again before learning Magnus' fate... **************************************************** *************** Chapter II, Scenario Five: Inside Castle Ruins *************** **************************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Death of Magnus. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 4200G (600G for Magnus, 300G X 12 other enemies). ENEMIES: Mad Soldier Lv.12 (4), Blood Ghost Lv.12 (3), Shooter Imp Lv.11 (3), Dark Golem Lv.12 (2), Magnus Darklord. Keep your party together at first, moving the front line ahead no more than 3 spaces, and not moving anyone out to the side further than at start, to keep out of range of the side archers at first. This will draw out the first mad soldiers. Kill them, then send archers with one or two support people out to either side, to draw out the shooters and ghosts. Leave your vulnerable magic users in the back of the main party. If you progress carefully, you won't lose any party members. The middle shooter imp will probably be the last to go, other than Magnus, because he hangs back so much. If you can get Eleni up the side, try to spellbind him to stop him from causing trouble. Once you're down to Magnus, keep your party spread out so his Rainbow Storm can't hit too many at once. Keep your HP up in case he tries a direct attack. Because he can self-heal, you have to do lots of damage in a single turn, so use archers, spellcasters, then physical attacks to defeat him. Magnus tries to reveal the plotter behind recent events, including his bizarre transformation, when his words are cut short. But the mastermind is revealed anyway, using a thin veil of officialdom to justify his actions. Magnus is named a traitor, and his "followers", Eleni and Huxley, are taken away, while Ash's sense of duty allows him to do nothing to stop this travesty of justice, to the dismay of his friends. However, we soon learn that Ash has plans of his own to set things right, and he's not the only one... ********************************************** ****************** Chapter II, Scenario Six: Prison Assault ****************** ********************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Defeat all enemies by the end of 6 turns. Defeat: Enemies remaining after 6 turns, or death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: Mage Gem (SE extreme corner, brown circle in grass), Gold Coin (NE corner, crater in dirt). *End of Battle: 3960G (330G X 12 enemies). ENEMIES: Guard Dog Lv.1 (12). The good news is that the dogs are so weak you can kill them with one hit from anyone. The annoying news is that they run away like cowardly, well, dogs. Spread out and chase them into the far corners, and pick them off one by one. Be sure to get the treasures before you kill the last one, if possible without running out of time. In the dungeon, Magnus reveals the draw of the magic stone, and why he needed to seek it out. The rescuers show up, but on the way out, their enemies corner them. All of the plotters and pawns are revealed, and the bad guys try to use the magic stone to destroy you all. But Magnus holds some cards to the very end, and counters the power of the stone, but the clash of forces has consequences no one could foresee... =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== CHAPTER III: ESCAPE TO TOMORROW 7.3 =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== The plotters use the turn of events to consolidate their power, destroy the governing council of Ishtaria and establish a tyrannical reign over the land. Meanwhile, some of our heroes find themselves in a strange land... ************************************************ ***************** Chapter III, Scenario One: Plain of Sorrow ***************** ************************************************ BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 1850G (370G X 5 enemies). ENEMIES: Sparkie Lv.8 (5). Check the sparkie's movement range each turn, and don't leave yourself vulnerable to their next attack. Have Ash destroy the closest, and keep the others near the center to draw the other sparkies in. They're pretty weak, so even a healer can kill them with a good blow. A mysterious man, Zohar, approaches the party and says things that leave them even more confused about where they are. He also directs them to a town nearby, a town that seems made of a patchwork of time. Go to the tavern to find out more. After that, Zohar reappears upon hearing of the party's mission. After some debate over the logic of Ash's chosen course of action, he joins you and suggests a way to return to the time and place you need... ********************************************************** ************ Chapter III, Scenario Two: Plain of Sorrow Revisited ************ ********************************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: At least 1 tower remaining after 5 complete turns. Defeat: Destruction of all towers, or death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: Variable; 410G for every kill. Probably 9840G total. ENEMIES: Sparkie Lv.8 (6), Sparkie Lv.10 (infinite). If a sparkie hits a mage tower, it will destroy it. Using mystic shield on a tower doesn't help, unfortunately. Any time you kill a sparkie, it will be replaced by a level 10 sparkie. Zohar can spellbind the sparkies with frequent success, but it only lasts 2 turns. If a sparkie can't reach a tower, but can reach you, it will attack you, and hopefully you can kill it with a counterattack. So... The simplest strategy is to surround one tower with your 4 characters and let the sparkies come to you. However, if you want perfect, it's a little trickier. Before the battle, make sure everyone's got the best weaponry and highest levels possible. Advance Zohar into a sorceror at the dojo, so he has access to Phase Shift. Start by killing the sparkies that can reach a tower in one turn. Zohar is the only one who can reach one of them, so send him there. Assign other characters to a tower/corner that they will try and protect. The tricky part is getting rid of the first wave of sparkies while the second is right behind it. Use Phase Shift on one side, it will kill level 8 and 10 sparkies instantly, as will a hit from any character. When more than one sparkie is in range of the same tower, you may need to send two characters to that corner to strike down both of them, then send one back to his own tower. Ultimately, you want to be positioned so that the new sparkies that appear each round in the corners can reach you in the same turn they appear, attack, and be killed by your counterattack. This lets you clear out all 4 each turn and just wait for the next four. If you can get through the first 3 rounds, you're pretty much home free. You succeed in activating the warp, though it is not 100% certain how close it will take you to where you want to go. You return to find some of your other friends trapped by bandits. What has been happening while you were gone? ************************************************* **************** Chapter III, Scenario Three: Terasu Village ***************** ************************************************* BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: Elixir (SW by boulder), Megaherb (NE corner). *Buried: Unicorn (W by Zohar at start, crater in dirt), Gold Coin (N by Zoot at start, brown circle in grass). *End of Battle: 6750G (900G for Zoot, 450G X 13 other enemies). ENEMIES: Centurion Lv.12 (5), Grenadier Lv.11 (3), Blood Bat Lv.12 (3), Warlock Lv.14, Deacon Lv.14, Zoot Thief Lord. To get the NE chest, just push both boxes from the upper level to make a bridge. The other chest simply requires you to push the boulder to either side. On Ash's side, move the party to behind the bridge posts so the grenadiers can't hit you, and wait for the enemies to cross over to you. On the other side, don't push the boulder down the middle unless you've got several enemies in line; it helps defend your position. If you have to, use a guardsman to block the space beside the boulder and take the hits from the grenadiers, use mystic shield to help him if you can, and heal him afterwards. Try to put someone in front of Clive so he doesn't take all the hits, because he'll run out and take on whoever he can get, the fool. Alternately, leave Clive to go S from the start to meet the bat, and maybe he'll get paralyzed by it. For the rest of the fight, mostly let the enemies come to you, where you're in a protected position, rather than entering the open field where they can take potshots at you. Send Ash's party out if all the enemies seem to be going for the others. Take out the deacon and warlock as soon as you can, because they'll cause the most trouble with healing and distance attack spells, respectfully. Be sure and get all the treasures before killing the last enemy. This might not be easy, since Clive keeps running out to get them. Try to leave Zoot for last, since he can't be killed in one blow, and he can heal himself. Just make sure you can heal the damage he does to you. Notice that Zoot cries out his last name when you kill him. The deacon is another option for leaving for last, though again you have to keep Clive away from him. Clive fills in Ash and the others about what's been happening. A rebellion awaits only a leader to rise up. Ash comes up with a plan to strike Hel's empire at its heart, in the hopes of inspiring the people to action... ******************************************** ******************* Chapter III, Scenario Four: Basil Gate ******************* ******************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: Megaherb (S on wall behind boulder), Mage Gem (NE corner). *Buried: Iron Boot (N on wall near boulder, crack in stone), Tarot (SE corner, just NE of tree, grassy cross in dirt). *End of Battle: 5000G (500G X 10 enemies). ENEMIES: Centurion Lv.14 (4), Grenadier Lv.14 (2), Blood Bat Lv.14 (2), Warlock Lv.14, Deacon Lv.14. Crowd everyone behind the boulder and the wall on the S side at first, and watch the enemies line up for a kick of the boulder. Have one character with good movement, like a monk, go up the S structure, to hit the boulder to the side, hopefully to hit one enemy, then use the healing circle. If you have an archer, keep him towards the N end of the center building, but not beside the N edge, or the enemies will be attracted to that side instead. That way, he can attack the bat that tries to creep up that side. In your second turn, kick the boulder and line everyone up three squares back from the center structure wall, so that the grenadiers that come up either side can't get you in a crossfire. If they do, between them and the warlock, somebody's toast. A couple of characters can try to take care of the enemies that come up the N side of the center structure, and get the treasure on that side. Keep eveybody's health as high as possible until you can get the warlock, because he can do mondo damage from pretty far away. Leave the deacon for last so you can get the treasure. While Ash and the others continue to advance to the imperial prison, we see the enemies plotting. It seems that they still need something to complete their plan for total domination of the lands. And one of their number seems to be making plans of his own, duping an innocent in the process. A mysterious figure is revealed to us for the first time, and is sent to keep an eye on Kira... ********************************************** ****************** Chapter III, Scenario Five: Reed Highway ****************** ********************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Any enemy escapes, or death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: Magic Staff (E end, crater in dirt). *End of Battle: 5500G (1100G for Lando, 550G X 8 other enemies). ENEMIES: Guard Dog Lv.18 (4), Crimson Archer Lv.15 (2), Centurion Lv.15 (2), Lando. Don't move anyone until your fifth turn. Then, move Huxley to the button to lower the drawbridge, then push the crate in front of the skinny path at the last moment to block passage there, forcing enemies to turn back and go through the other way, to where you return Huxley and have him block the path by the tree while you bring help over. Enemies won't attack you, they'll just try to leave. Have a fast member of the main party head toward the buried treasure, while the others take care not to kill the last enemy until the treasure is obtained. This level should be a cakewalk as long as you don't move too early. The party reaches the prison. Meanwhile, Clint meets Darius and comes upon Count Claymore, who reveals the emperor's desire to find the royal ring. An unexpected figure comes to help our heroes escape, but can this person be trusted? Clint finds the other prisoners and tries to make a break for it... ************************************************* **************** Chapter III, Scenario Six: The Great Escape ***************** ************************************************* BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Clint. TREASURE: *Chests: Megaherb (in starting compartment), Spirit Staff (N wall), Megaherb (E wall), Grimhelm (SE corner). *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 6000G (600G X 10 enemies). ENEMIES: Juggernaut Lv.13 (8), Mimic Lv.18 (2). Note: The next battle will be tough, and you can't rest between them, so try to save your healing items in this scenario. Also, when you open the chests with megaherbs, make sure a character with room in their inventory gets it. Check the nearest juggernaut's move range, and set yourself outside his reach. On your second turn, position yourself so any juggernauts won't be able to attack you with their back to a wall, or so that they block the path so you can't get around them on your turn. You can take a couple of hits from them if you need to draw them into position. Save your healing items for the next scenario as much as possible. Once the first 3 juggernauts are gone, take your time to get the chests. Out of the first pair of chests, the west-most one is a mimic. Have Eleni set him free, then hit him with an archer or two, and have Clint finish him off, all in the same turn, so he can't attack you. The button in the center of the battle field opens the SW gate. Let the juggernaut come out to you, and get set up on either side of the block you started behind, so you can circle around and get him whichever way he goes when he comes out of the single-space corridor. Alternately, if Amon is an airman, he can fly over the juggernaut and hit him from the back. The button in the SW corner opens the N gate. While one character activates it and all future buttons, keep the other three together to attack enemies and get chests. Again, draw the juggernaut out, and have people beside the center block to get him whichever way he pursues you. Out of the next pair of chests, the W one is a mimic again. Use the same strategy as before. The S button will open both the NE and S gates. Hopefully, two juggernauts will follow your button-pressing character. Lead them around on a chase, while the rest of the party dispatches the third juggernaut and gets the chests. Activate the last button and draw the last juggernauts up the middle hallway to the SE corner, draw them into the open and kill them. ************************************************ ***************** Chapter III, Scenario Seven: Prison Break! ***************** ************************************************ BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Defeat of Dumas Jailmaster. Defeat: Death of Clint. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: Gold Coin (S, outside wall, conch shell in dirt), Mana Key (W, outside wall, crater in dirt). *End of Battle: 11880G (1320G for Dumas, 660G each other enemy), Zen Robe. ENEMIES: Juggernaut Lv.14 (2), Centurion Lv.13 (2), Centurion Lv.14 (2), Deacon Lv.15 (2), Warlock Lv.15 (2), Blood Bat Lv.16 (3), Grenadier Lv. 12 (3), Dumas Jailmaster. Place Eleni and Amon along the E wall, in the first and third spaces S of the alcove behind you, respectively. Clint should go in front of Eleni. Alternately, if Eleni is a sorcerer, put her in front of Clint's starting square and use phase shift to take out the juggernauts. If you do this, move Amon and Clint W near Eleni to protect her. This will put you in range of a couple grenadiers, though out of range of warlocks. If you stick to the wall, one person will get hit by a grenadier and a warlock, but should survive, with the exception of Darius, who you'll want to put as far N along the wall as possible regardless of what the others do. Heal whoever is hit with an item right away. At the start of the second turn, Ash and friends will arrive. After kicking the boulder, have an archer kill the grenadier if he's in range. Line up Clint's party by the part of the S wall that sticks out one square, then have a healer (you didn't make Sara and Huxley both monks, did you?) use Ultra Healing to make them feel better if necessary. This brings both parties close together so the upper one can support those below. Keep the lower party in a defensive position while the upper party turns the corner on the wall and takes out the set of warlock and deacon, and whoever else is there at the time. Once the lower party is safe, hit the button in the SE corner and send the party W to get the buried treasure. They will need to kill a grenadier, warlock and maybe a deacon along the way, in all likelihood. If you can draw the grenadier onto the wall that drops before you activate the switch, you can kill him easily. To maximize your return, kill all the other enemies and get the buried treasure before killing Dumas. If you're going for Toroah's trials, be sure to get the Mana Key if nothing else. Dumas can kill a strong character in 2 hits, so be prepared. Freedom at last! Friends rejoice and old acquaintances have a surprise meeting. But celebrating their hard-won freedom is not to last, because as Ash announces, the real war is just beginning. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== CHAPTER IV: THE SUCCESSOR 7.4 =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== The fall of the supposedly impregnable prison sparks widespread rebellion against Hel's evil regime. Meanwhile, all of the party has time to catch up, and Eleni learns of her father's ultimate fate. Clive gives an update on the resistance's victories and the new directions that the empire is taking to secure its power. He sends the party to Kerachi to meet an informant, but Diego is hesitant, and Ash fears that his past may have cursed all of his friends. Before you leave town, advance Darius at the dojo, and upgrade all the equipment you can afford at the shop. ***************************************************** ************** Chapter IV, Scenario One: Ambush at Khanos City *************** ***************************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: All living party members arrive at exit (S end). Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: Holy H2O (E on island), Aura Gem (SE by house). *Buried: Gold Axe (NE by lamppost, 3 dots in pavement). *End of Battle: 15840G (1440G X 4 bosses, 720G X 14 other enemies). ENEMIES: Kurtz War Master, Kane Assassin, Dallas Greatarmor, Sabina Valkyrie, Crimson Knight Lv.19 (10), Crimson Hawk Lv.18 (2), Crimson Armor Lv.19 (2). Have someone push the crate one block E so Kurtz and his gang have to go around the other way, then end your turn. Next, slam Dallas and his armors with all the magic you can. You might have to throw in a physical attack to kill Dallas. Once they're gone, set your remaining guys up to take on Kurtz's group, leaving some to deal with the hawks as they come. Take on Kurtz and company with magic to weaken them, then move in for the kill. Once Kane and Sabina's groups are crossing the bridges to the area you started in, set up your group behind the house to make your stand. If you're more in the open than that, Sabina can pick you off from afar. Keep any archers out of range of crimson knights, as they can kill them in one blow. Always let the enemies come to you, and with a bit of care you can kill them all without suffering any losses. Once they're all dead, get the treasures and bring your party to the exit. Kira's assistance to Clint in the prison is uncovered, and she is taken prisoner herself. Dolf then reveals the true extent of his evil plan, and plots to be rid of Ash and his friends once and for all... ************************************************** **************** Chapter IV, Scenario Two: Great Masai Forest **************** ************************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: Aura Gem (mid-S, 5 squares from edge, shell in dirt), Kingfoil (NE corner, crack in soil). *End of Battle: 17160G (780G X 22 enemies). ENEMIES: Bugaboo (12), Wight (10). These enemies are too weak to do much damage, but they have good range of movement, and the bugaboos have a long attack range, since they take the high ground from the start. Send most of the party around clockwise, keeping some to get the enemies that come down behind you. Use the trees for defense where you can, and don't let any airmen of yours get caught in crossfires. They can take out a wight with one hit, though, so position them well. Keep your characters healed and don't be rash in advancing too quickly, and you'll do fine. Get the treasures before killing the last bugaboo. Zohar explains the mysterious connection between himself and Xeno, and the party continues on to the trade city Kerachi, a place Diego has not been keen to go to, to meet someone who may help them find the Royal Ring. However, this person has been known to make shady deals in the past... **************************************************** *************** Chapter IV, Scenario Three: Old Town Warehouse *************** **************************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 13760G (860G X 16 enemies). ENEMIES: Eggworm Lv.13 (4), Skeleton Lv.16 (8), Gold Golem Lv.16 (4). Keep your party together to avoid any isolated members getting ganged up on. Head towards either the NE or SE corner first, using magic as much as possible to take out the group of skeletons and golem. Keep out of range of the other groups as much as you can, leaving strong physical characters to take the brunt of the attack where you have to. You have no choice but to take hits from Eggworms, so just don't let them get you in a crossfire. Use Perfect Guard if you leave an airman in range of more than one worm. Once two groups of skeletons/golems are gone, you can start to go after the eggworms, still leaving a strong defense to handle the other two groups of enemies. This level is a little more challenging than the last, but easy enough if you're careful. The deception is uncovered, but blood proves more valuable than money in the end. For real this time, the Royal Ring is found, and it is on its way back to Shumeria. Ash and friends must hurry to recover it... ************************************************* **************** Chapter IV, Scenario Four: Magic Train Ride ***************** ************************************************* BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Defeat Dallas Greatarmor. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: Ramen (E car, grate in ground). *End of Battle: 16920G (1880G for Dallas, 940G X 16 other enemies). ENEMIES: Crimson Knight Lv.17 (8), Crimson Shooter (4), Crimson Armor Lv.17 (4), Dallas Greatarmor. This one should be pretty simple. Just keep moving forward so you don't lose anyone when the train cars drop off. Cars will fall off after your 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th turns. On your first turn, someone could potentially be killed if he's in the front row and a knight can attack him from the side as well as the front, as the archers on the next car will come forward and attack. Use Perfect Guard or keep him back to avoid this. After this, you shouldn't have any problems. Leave Dallas alive until you get the treasure. The party recovers the ring, but Xeno presents them with a dilemna: give up the ring, or let a friend die... (Return to Trade City Kerachi to talk to the collector in the tavern and advance whichever characters you can at the dojo before continuing). ****************************************** ******************** Chapter IV, Scenario Five: Fort Dain ******************** ****************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destroy all Death Devices within 8 turns. Defeat: Death of Ash or Kira (which happens after 8 turns). TREASURE: *Chests: Leather Mask (NE corner), Life Orb (SW corner). *Buried: Mithril (SE corner, shell in dirt). *End of Battle: 16400G (100G X 8 Death Devices, 1040G X 15 enemies). ENEMIES: Eggworm Lv.19 (2), Gold Golem Lv.20 (3), Skeleton Lv.20 (4), Death Angel Lv.19 (2), Acid Ghost Lv.20 (4), Death Device (8). Send half of the party around either side of the field. Magic users should go toward the golems, and each group should have healing capabilities. The death angels pack some pretty powerful spells, with long ranges. Keep your party healed, and don't let any character get into a position where they can be physically attacked by more than one enemy in one turn, because a spell will finish them off. Remember to destroy the death devices as you pass by them. You have to find the right balance of advancing as far as you can and not exposing yourself too much to get all the treasure and destroy the death devices before the 8 turns are up. Kira returns to the party and tries to make amends for her past. Discussion of what to do now that the Royal Ring is taken leads to the Torog Mountains, in the far north of Ishtaria. Zohar hopes that remnants of the ancient Biruni Empire once found there will provide some much needed answers, and much more needed hope. =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== CHAPTER V: THE LEGACY 7.5 =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== Back in Shumeria, Hel gloats over his now-complete possession of the Flames of Judgment. But Dolf chooses this time to launch his coup and seize the reigns of power. Meanwhile, our heroes dock their ship after sailing to the Torog Mountains, but an unexpected greeting party awaits them... *************************************** ********************* Chapter V, Scenario One: Wart Bay ********************** *************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: Plate armor (NE corner). *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 17140G (1140G X 15 enemies). ENEMIES: Gold Golem Lv.19 (4), Acid Ghost Lv.19 (2), Eggworm Lv.18 (4), Death Angel Lv.18 (2), Skeleton Lv.19 (2), Mimic . To get the NE chest, push the crate N all the way to the edge, then E to one space back from the edge, then N all the way again, W all the way, then N up to the hill. Split your party in two, start pushing the crate up the E side, and try to draw the enemies to you on the W side. Take care not to get stuck in a crossfire, especially on the W side. Armor class characters might be better on the E side, away from the death angels' magic. Take out the enemies cautiously. With all the eggworms and death angels, they can gang up on a character very easily. Once the enemies on the docks are gone, draw the W skeleton down without letting him attack you. Keep him alive until you have the treasure from the chest. You can spellbind him if you need to. The NW chest is a mimic, so open it before you kill the last other enemy. Arriving at the town of Sorbo, Ash decides they should all get some sleep before entering the Torog Mountains. Eleni, however, has a disturbing dream. The next day, the party arrives at the Torog Mountains to find an old enemy waiting for them. But he is called away by another surprise... ********************************************** ****************** Chapter V, Scenario Two: Torog Mountains ****************** ********************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Death of Kurtz. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: Helstone (NE between trees, bear tracks in snow), Mithril (W edge of field, bear tracks in snow). *End of Battle: 21420G (2520G for Kurtz, 1260G X 15 other enemies), Panzer claws. ENEMIES: Kurtz War Master, Crimson Armor Lv.26 (4), Crimson Hawk Lv. 23 (6), Crimson Shooter Lv.21 (2), Crimson Priest Lv.21 (2), Crimson Warlock Lv.21. The button in front of you blows up the bridge, so for heaven's sake don't examine it while you have characters on the bridge. Send the party back E, and take out the armors and the priest there. Now, split your party up to take on the hawks from either side. Watch your knights, since they're vulnerable to airmen attacks. The enemies with Kurtz won't move until you get closer to them or until everyone else is dead, so deal with all the other business before approaching them. Now, you want to keep Kurtz alive while you kill his cronies and get the far buried treasure. This is tricky, since he moves faster than the others and will approach you first. However, he uses Dagger Storm as much as he can, and you don't counterattack that, so stay on the run from him, keep yourself healed, and he'll live long enough. Meanwhile, once the crimson shooters are far enough forward, send an airman up the side to circle around back, get the treasure, and kill the priest. Meanwhile, you can send another airman if you have one, and any monk-class characters up the small bridge to get the shooters and mage from behind. Keep yourself healed and you'll be fine. The party reflects on the meaning of Hel's death. Kira reveals that it was likely Dolf, who she knew was planning a coup, and that this means that now the danger is even greater than before. Discovering a forgotten village within the mountain range, Ash and friends are called upon to undertake a rescue operation when monsters suddenly attack. But the child they have come to rescue harbors a mighty power of unknown origin... ********************************************** ****************** Chapter V, Scenario Three: Tsukue Plains ****************** ********************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 22080G (1380G X 16 enemies). ENEMIES: Gold Golem Lv.22 (6), Skeleton Lv.22 (2), Death Angel Lv.22 (2), Acid Ghost Lv.22 (2), Eggworm Lv.22 (3), Mimic Lv.23. To avoid getting attacked by multiple groups of enemies at once, move the party N along the W edge of the field, passing through the back of the small hill there. The far groups of enemies will ignore you for now, and you can take on the first cluster with relative ease. As soon as you can, have archers take out the death angel, as he'll cause the most damage from afar. The eggworm should be your next target, if you can reach him for physical attacks and keep yourself supported against the remaining enemies' attacks. When the group of golems start coming for you, magic can destroy them before they reach you for the most part. While you're finishing them off, the remaining enemies will start coming for you. Ash confronts the village chief about the secrets he is hiding, and pleads with him to help them in their quest to save the world from destruction. Orosius agrees to help, but the team must first pass a test... (Visit the tavern for a tip from a new patron there before beginning the challenge put before you.) ************************************************** **************** Chapter V, Scenario Four: Smoking Bones Cave **************** ************************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Death of Salamander. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: Dragon Spear (S, behind crates). *Buried: Logos Key (In NE lava lake, *End of Battle: 24320G (3040G for Salamander, 1520G X 14 other enemies), Wyrmfang. ENEMIES: Acid Ghost Lv.23 (3), Eggworm Lv.23 (3), Gold Golem Lv.23 (4), Skeleton Lv.23 (4), Salamander. On the S side, send an archer out to attack the eggworm and acid ghost as you can. Send an airman with him to go get the chest when you feel it's safe to do so, i.e. when the eggworm is near death at least. To the NW, put physical characters in front, and use magic from behind them. One knight or armor can block the pair of skeletons in the middle. To get the chest, push the single crate N twice, then stand on it and push the top two other crates E. You can now stand on the last crate and open the chest. Once you have the chest, fly an airman over to the other side to get the key from the lava lake. Make sure they're strong enough to take a couple hits from the acid ghosts. By now, support from the rest of your party should be coming up the path. The key is in the lake, 3 spaces S and one E from the stalagmite on the N side. Don't kill the salamander until you've cleared out the rest of his cronies, for maximum reward. Ash and company return to the frontier village after successfully completing their test, but the town is not as they left it... ******************************************************** ************* Chapter V, Scenario Five: Frontier Village Assault ************* ******************************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Death of Sabina. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: Mithril (S edge W of house, crack in pavement), Shivbook (SE by house, crack in pavement). *End of Battle: 44820G (3320G X 2 bosses, 1660G X 23 enemies), Rune Bow. ENEMIES: Crimson Armor Lv.29 (5), Crimson Armor Lv.26 (4), Crimson Priest Lv.29, Crimson Priest Lv.25 (2), Crimson Warlock Lv.25 (2), Crimson Shooter Lv.25 (4), Sabina Valkyrie, Crimson Knight Lv.25 (3), Crimson Hawk Lv. 24 (2), Kane Assassin. To start, use magic to destroy the cluster of armors in the NW corner. Use the Wyrmfang you earned in the last battle to help if you can. If you can't kill them all, set yourself up so no one can get hit more than once. The more fun way to do it is to move everyone E through the riverbed, then once you're all clear and the armors have followed into the bed, hit the button to wash them all away. You don't get experience for killing them this way, though. You might not be able to fully kill the 3 rear armors, so stay back out of their range when you cast spells. Once the armors are dealt with to your satisfaction, send the rest of the party through the riverbed to the main area. Keep them next to the E wall, so the crimson archers can't shoot them, except for archers who can hit the priest on that side. In the second turn, use your archers to weaken the nearby enemy archers, and finish them off if you can reach them. Get the buried treasure by the house, and keep away from anywhere close to the button by the dam, while moving some of the party along the back toward the skinny bridge, but moving most through the river bed. You can't push the boulder from the W side, so someone on the E side will have to help you there. Once the other enemies appear, set up defensively, as they use strong physical attacks. They will be able to reach the entrance to the riverbed, so don't leave anyone vulnerable to physical attacks in that spot at the end of the 3rd turn. Once you clear Kane's group, get your party all together and slowly advance E. Try to get the enemy mages soon, because they can attack from a large distance, and keep armors back until you do. If a mage is hiding behind the house on the N, there are some spots where an archer can hit him from over the house. Sabina will keep herself alive by attacking from a distance and healing herself until you can get the buried treasure. Orosius realises his error in blindly refusing to use his power for good, and, though too late for himself, instructs Leena to help the party to reach the one power that can save them now, in Orome Lake... The Vandal Heart! ***************************************** ******************** Chapter V, Scenario Six: Orome Lake ********************* ***************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Arrival of Leena at temple entrance. Defeat: Death of Ash or Leena. TREASURE: *Chests: Wyrmfang (S on island), Gold Axe (N on island). *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 29120G (1820G X 16 enemies). ENEMIES: Guardian (10), Basilisk (6). Leena won't move until the way to the next button is clear of enemies, so just don't let any get behind you and you don't have to worry about her. Once she hits the second button, slam the guardians with magic and move in to finish them off, while the basilisks will require magic and archers to finish off. Have someone get the chest ahead of Leena. Spread out your party and this level should be easy. At the end, just keep using turn over to move Leena along to the finish. If you like, you can place characters so that Leena can't move once all the enemies are eliminated, and have characters take actions on each other to boost their experience (see section 10 at end of FAQ). Coming before Vandal Heart, the party is interrupted by Xeno, who casts a terrible spell to foil their only chance at victory over the Flames of Judgmentand leaves laughing. Yet somehow, Eleni knows that everything will be okay... =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== CHAPTER VI: A FOOL'S EPITAPH 7.6 =====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-=====-====== Armed with Vandal Heart, the team returns to join the main rebel movement, which is now in full force after enduring first Hel's and now Dolf's tyranny for too long. They arrive at Fort Gareth to find a long-time foe waiting for them, full of rage... ******************************************* ******************* Chapter VI, Scenario One: Fort Gareth ******************** ******************************************* BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Death of Kane. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: Necklace (E end, manhole cover in pavement). *End of Battle: 48000G (4000G for Kane, 2000G X 22 other enemies), Caliburn. ENEMIES: Kane Assasin, Crimson Knight Lv.27 (6), Crimson Armor Lv.27 (6), Crimson Shooter Lv.26 (4), Crimson Warlock Lv.26 (3), Crimson Priest Lv.26 (3). Use archers to take out the mage as your first priority. Put your mage next to the wall and use a spell to weaken those above. Put strong physical characters on either side in the way of the knights and armors. Once these guys are gone, circle the turret and take on the next wave. Take your time, you can handle this easily at this point. When you get to the wall, push a boulder into it to break it down. At the end of this turn, Kane will undergo a transformation. You want everyone fully healed at this time, and at the end of every turn thereafter, until Kane runs out of magic. When approaching the E end, send an airman around back to get the buried treasure, while the rest of the gang takes on Kane. Continuing on to hook up with Clive's rebel forces, Ash faces an intense personal struggle, which may put the entire mission in jeopardy... ******************************************** ******************* Chapter VI, Scenario Two: Cobalt Beach ******************* ******************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: Ragnarok (NE corner), Life Orb (SW corner), Holy H2O (center of field). *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 33000G (2200G X 15 enemies). ENEMIES: Blood Bat Lv.28 (4), Centurion Lv.28 (7), Grenadier Lv.28 (4). Again, this should be pretty easy. Have archers take out the bats, possibly shooting sideways from the middle in the first turn. Move the party up and push the boulders to weaken the enemies, then move in and take them out. Send an airman up the N side to get the chest, and get the other chests too before you kill the last grenadier. Ash's suffering continues as the voices of his past haunt him. Vandal Heart takes advantage of his doubt to vie for his soul. Clive comes along, and after Ash attacks him in his blind fury, reveals to him the truth about his father, long denounced as a traitor. Back in town, Eleni confronts a calmer Ash and prompts him to do what he knows is right. A soulful tune binds the pair closer together. Onward the party travels to the Shumerian Capital to confront the imperial forces, but discovers that someone, or something, is already doing that job for them... *************************************************** *************** Chapter VI, Scenario Three: Shumerian Capital **************** *************************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Death of Xeno. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: Mojo Robe (Between lampposts at start, manhole cover), Gold Axe (SE by lamppost, manhole cover). *End of Battle: 43200G (4800G for Xeno, 2400G X 16 other enemies), Runewand. ENEMIES: Xeno, Mega Guard (2), Mega Cannon Lv.29 (2), Bahamut Lv.29 (4), Hellknight Lv.29 (4), Dark Mage Lv.29 (4). Use archers to take out the closest bahamut and set your party up in the SW behind the house. Let the enemies come to you. Have your archers handy to take out mages as they get closer. On the next turn, use wide-field magic and items to weaken all the enemies around, and step out a bit to finish them off where necessary and safe to do so. Keep armors back out of range of the dark mages, because they hurt. Stay back and let the enemies come to you while you're in a defensive position. It'll be tough, but it is possible to do this level without losing anyone. Take out mages as soon as you can or they'll gang up on you, use Perfect Guard if anyone's vulnerable to multiple attacks, and keep back by the lampposts all the time. When Xeno and his guards start coming for you, send an airman around the other side to get the buried treasure. Ash decides whether or not the party is ready to tackle Dolf. Revisit the town if you want to restock on items and equipment. Otherwise, onward to the fateful battle... *********************************************** ***************** Chapter VI, Scenario Four: Final Showdown ****************** *********************************************** BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Death of Dolf. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chests: None. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: You won't need any more gold. ENEMIES: Dolf Doomlord, Mega Guard (3), Bahamut Lv.30 (3), Hellknight Lv.30 (3), Mega Cannon Lv.30 (3), Dark Mage Lv.30 (2). Send archers to the sides to get the bahamuts, and give them some physical backup to handle the guards, though the guards could go for anyone. Set up the rest to wait for the knights coming down the stairs. In the second round, use magic to harm the guards and anyone else around. Get set up and wait for the enemy to come to you. If you go up the stairs you're extremely vulnerable. Dolf won't move until everyone else is gone, so take your time. Dolf packs quite a punch, so give him space. Once you defeat him... Enjoy the ending. If you completed the Trials of Toroah (see below) you get an extra congratulatory screen at the end of the credits. ......................... +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8. TRIALS OF TOROAH +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Each of the 6 Trials requires a key. See below for instructions on how to get the keys. Once you have a key, have Ash equip it as one of his items, go to a dojo, then try to leave the dojo. Select "Transform" and away you go. Each Trial includes a chest containing the Prism for that Trial. Be sure to get the Prisms before killing all the enemies and ending the battle. You receive no experience for attacking enemies, and little gold at the end of the battles. You can, however, get experience by healing your party members and by applying positive status effects to them. Enemies will always all be at the same level as Ash. Generally, though, it doesn't make the Trials significantly easier or harder if you keep Ash's level low. If you wait until your party reaches higher levels before doing the earlier trials, however, they become absurdly easy, since the enemies' special abilities don't gain appreciably in strength as their levels grow. Once you complete all the trials, including collecting all the Prisms, visit a dojo, and Ash can now advance to Vandalier class! He can now use every spell in the game, including enemy and item spells. He also gets a Reforged Vandal Heart, a Vandal Helm and Vandal Armor, and now looks like he's wearing a chicken suit. ------------------------------------------ *************** Nova Trial *************** ------------------------------------------ ACCESS: Get the nova key from a woman in the tavern at Minalto after defeating the Death Ant (Ch. 1, Sc. 5). She will be stoked to go tanning in the desert again that she'll give you the Nova Key outright. BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chest: Nova Prism. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 140G (10G X 14 enemies). ENEMIES: Sparkie (2), Hunter Imp (4), Clay Golem (2), Buccaneer (4), War Ghost (2). Split the party in two and go up either side of the hill. Get the chest when you reach the top. Your archers can attack their flyers by the 3rd turn. Reach the top of the hill first, and you can pummel the enemies with spells and arrows with abandon. Keep your characters next to the walls of the hill to keep them safe from enemy archers. ----------------------------------------------- *************** Earth/Ice Trial *************** ----------------------------------------------- ACCESS: Get the banana from the poison bog at Loris Beach (Ch. 2, Sc. 3), then go back to Yuna village and return it to its owner in the pub. He gives you the Earth Key in reward. This guy must really like bananas. BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chest: Ice Prism. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: (10G X enemies). ENEMIES: Hunter (3), Hunter Imp (3), Shooter Imp (3), Corsair (3), Grenadier (2), Crimson Archer (2). Because of all the archers, you may want to keep any airmen back. Advance slowly and take out the enemies as they come, keeping characters who can take physical attacks in front to bear the brunt of the assault. Keep healers within reach. The enemies' strength will increase the further you advance. ------------------------------------------ *************** Mana Trial *************** ------------------------------------------ ACCESS: Get the Mana Key from outside the W wall of the prison in Ch. 3, Sc. 7, before you kill Dumas. BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chest: Mana Prism. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 200G (10G X 20 enemies). ENEMIES: Brigand, Mimic (19). Spellbind the brigand and leave him for last, so you don't end up having no enemies on screen, ending the scenario before you get the Prism. All the chests are mimics except for the one in the SE corner, which holds the Mana Prism. Open the mimics with a direct attack, then use another direct attack or distance attacks to finish them off. Easy enough. ------------------------------------------- *************** Chaos Trial *************** ------------------------------------------- ACCESS: After collecting all 3 collector's treasures (Macroman, Tarot & Ramen, in Ch.2 Sc.2, Ch.3 Sc.4, and Ch.4 Sc.4 respectively), return to Trade City Kerachi and talk to the collector in the tavern. He will be so impressed with your collection that he gives you the Chaos Key. BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chest: Chaos Prism. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 180G (10G X 18 enemies). ENEMIES: Gold Golem (8), Clay Golem (3), Dark Golem (7). This one's a little trickier. You have to use all 3 crates to get to the chest with the Prism, and you have to arrange them without killing all the enemies. The first chest has to go to the spot along the S wall of the ground-level area with the most golems, where the wall juts out to the W one block. Place the crate in front of this spot to climb to the next level, then push it one space S, then get behind it and push it W, under the bridge and up the other side to where it's lined up with the chest. So, kill the golems on the ground level, send a fair number of characters up to the next level, and try to spellbind at least one of the golems (the dark golems might be easier to paralyze). Get as many as you can, but don't paralyze them in the path you need for the crates, and remember that they'll recover in a few turns. On the second level, push the crate once N, and climb up to the third level. Try to paralyze the dark golem there. Now that you have characters on all 3 levels, push the first crate into place, then push the crate on the second level straight N to fall onto the first, and push the crate on the third level through the archway, then N over the other 2 crates. You can now cross to the chest. Kill the remaining golems once you have the prism. ------------------------------------------- *************** Logos Trial *************** ------------------------------------------- ACCESS: After saving Leena in Ch.5, Sc.3, go to the tavern in Frontier Village before advancing to Smoking Bones Cave, to get a hint of where to find it. In Smoking Bones Cave (Ch.5, Sc.4), you need an airman to get the Logos Key from the middle of the smallest lava lake, in the NE, by examining the spot 3 spaces S and 1 space E of the nearest stalagmite on the N shore. BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chest: Logos Prism. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 270G (10G X 27 enemies). ENEMIES: Basilisk (5), Dark Mage (2), Salamander (7), Guardian (13). This one takes a while, so be patient. Get the chest first thing and then keep circling clockwise and take out enemies as they come. Keep your characters next to the wall if you don't want them to get hit by basilisks. You can use magic to attack enemies higher up when they're more or less lined up with you. Dark mages are tricky to get, because they tend to run away and throw spells at you from afar. Just keep yourself healed, use magic and archers on them when you can. -------------------------------------------- *************** Heaven Trial *************** -------------------------------------------- ACCESS: At the start of Chapter 6, in Glasgow city, go to the tavern and talk to the weird man. If you have all 5 prisms from the 5 previous trials, he will recognize your greatness and give you the Key of Heaven. BATTLE CONDITIONS: Victory: Destruction of all enemies. Defeat: Death of Ash. TREASURE: *Chest: Heaven Prism. *Buried: None. *End of Battle: 270G (10G X 27 enemies). ENEMIES: Zoot Thief Lord (4), Dumas Jailmaster (4), Lando Hitman (2), Kurtz War Master (4), Dallas Greatarmor (3), Sabina Valkyrie (4), Dark Mage (4), Evil Statue (2). I won't spoil the last one for you. Just observe the strategies you've learned so far, and leave one evil statue intact until you get the chest behind it. ......................... +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9. LISTS +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ################### # 9.1 Weapon List # ################### ================================================================= Weapon name Useable by | ATK | Price | Found in Ch.,Sc. | ================================================================= Short sword Knight class | +2 | 60G | | Light sword | +4 | 120G | 1,1 | Iron sword | +10 | 500G | | Great sword | +18 | 2000G | | Master sword | +26 | 7400G | | Caliburn | +28 | found | 6,1 | Vandal Heart | +40 | found | after 5,6 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hunter bow Archer class | +2 | 50G | | Light bow | +3 | 110G | 1,2 | Iron bow | +8 | 450G | | Steel bow | +15 | 1800G | | Great bow | +22 | 6660G | | Rune bow | +25 | found | 5,5 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Staff Mage class | +1 | 40G | | Light staff Healer class | +2 | 100G | | Iron staff | +5 | 400G | | Magic staff | +9 | 1600G | 3,5 | Spirit staff | +10 | found | 3,6 | Arkstaff | +13 | 5900G | | Runewand | +14 | found | 6,3 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gold axe (sell for 4000G) | +0 | found | 4,1;5,6;6,3 | Iron axe Armor class | +12 | 550G | | Battleaxe | +22 | 2200G | | Great axe | +27 | 8140G | | Ragnarok | +39 | found | 6,2 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Iron spear Airman class | +5 | 500G | | Steel lance | +9 | 2000G | | Halberd | +13 | 7400G | | Dragon spear | +14 | found | 5,4 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Iron claws Monk class | +9 | 450G | | Steel claws | +17 | 1800G | | Panzer claws | +20 | found | 5,2 | Death claws | +24 | 6660G | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Reforged Ash as | ? | earned| See "Trials" | Vandal Heart Vandalier | | | section above | ================================================================= ################## # 9.2 Armor List # ################## =================================================================== Armor name | Useable by | DEF | Price | Found in Ch.,Sc. | =================================================================== Leather armor | Knight, armor, | +4 | 50G | | Padded leather | archer, airman | +7 | 110G | | Chain mail | | +17 | 450G | | Scale armor | | +26 | 1800G | | Plate armor | | +32 | found | 5,1 | Kevlar armor | | +39 | 6660G | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cape | Healer, monk, | +2 | 40G | | Wool robe | mage | +4 | 70G | | Master's robe | | +10 | 350G | | Mystic robe | | +18 | 1400G | | Zen robe | | +20 | found | 3,7 | Mojo robe | | +26 | 5180G | 6,3 | ------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather helm | Knight, armor | +2 | 40G | | Light helm | | +3 | 80G | | Iron helm | | +7 | 350G | | Steel mask | | +12 | 1400G | | Grimhelm | | +15 | found | 3,6 | Dragon helm | | +18 | 5180G | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandanna | Healer, mage, | +1 | 30G | | Light band | airman, archer,| +2 | 60G | | Iron cap | monk | +5 | 250G | | Steel band | | +9 | 1000G | | Leather mask | | +11 | found | 4,5 | Rune crown | | +13 | 3700G | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- Vandal armor | Ash as | ? | earned | See "Trials" | Vandal helm | Vandalier | ? | earned | section above | =================================================================== ################# # 9.3 Item List # ################# ============================================================================ Item name Effect | Rng | Fld | Price | Found in Ch.,Sc. | ============================================================================ Herb Heal some HP | 1 | 0 | 200G| 1,2;2,1 | Megaherb Heal more HP | 1 | 0 | 800G| 3,3;3,4;3,6 | Elixir Cure Status | 1 | 0 | 100G| 1,3;2,2;3,3 | Mage Oil Restore 4 MP | 1 | 0 | 400G| 2,1;2,4 | Mage Gem Restore 10 MP | 1 | 0 | 1500G| 2,6;3,4 | Life Orb Heal all HP and MP | 1 | 0 | 9000G| 4,5;6,2 | Holy H2O Heal all allies' HP | inf.| inf.| 9800G| 4,1 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mad Book Casts Spellbind | 5 | 0 | | 1,1;2,2 | Mushroom Casts Poison Cloud | 5 | 2 | | 1,2;2,1 | Fire Gem Burn enemies in field | 3 | 1 | 2000G| 1,3 | Moon Pie Casts Self Healing | 0 | 0 | | 2,1 | Mood Ring Crushes foes in rings | 2 | 1 | 4000G| 2,2;2,4 | Iron Boot Casts Perfect Guard | 4 | 0 | | 2,4;3,4 | Aura Gem Mega light attack | 5 | 3 | 8000G| 4,1;4,2 | Unicorn Casts Rainbow Storm | 4 | 2 | | 3,3 | Kingfoil Casts Healing Circle | 0 | 1 | | 4,2 | Helstone Casts Thunder Ball | 5 | 2 | | 5,2 | Wyrmfang Huge rings of fire | 0 | 8 | | 5,4;5,6 | Shiv Book Casts Dagger Storm | 0 | 1 | | 5,5 | Necklace Casts Dark Hurricane | 6 | 1 | | 6,1 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macroman Collector's treasure | X | X | found | 2,2 | Tarot Collector's treasure | X | X | found | 3,4 | Ramen Collector's treasure | X | X | found | 4,4 | Gold coin Sell for 1000G | X | X | found | 2,6;3,3;3,7 | Mithril Sell for 5000G | X | X | found | 4,5;5,2;5,5 | Banana Trade for Earth Key | X | X | found | 2,3 | Nova Key Opens first Trial of | X | X | found | See "Trials" | Toroah | | | | section above | Earth Key Opens second Trial of | X | X | found | See "Trials" | Toroah | | | | section above | Mana Key Opens third Trial of | X | X | found | 3,7 | Toroah | | | | | Chaos Key Opens fourth Trial of | X | X | found | See "Trials" | Toroah | | | | section above | Logos Key Opens fifth Trial of | X | X | found | 5,4 | Toroah | | | | | Heaven Key Opens last Trial of | X | X | found | See "Trials" | Toroah | | | | section above | Nova Prism Contains Toroah's soul| X | X | found | Nova Trial | Ice Prism Contains Toroah's soul| X | X | found | Earth/Ice Trial | Mana Prism Contains Toroah's soul| X | X | found | Mana Trial | Chaos Prism Contains Toroah's soul| X | X | found | Chaos Trial | Logos Prism Contains Toroah's soul| X | X | found | Logos Trial | ============================================================================ ################## # 9.4 Spell List # ################## ============================================================================== Spell name Useable by |MP Cost| Learned | Effect | Rng | Fld | ============================================================================== Faerie Light Ash | 2 | Start | Heal self | 0 | 0 | Ice Storm | 4 | Lv. 8 | Freeze nearby foe | 1 | 0 | Rolling Fire (Champion) | 8 | Lv. 14 | Burn group of foes | 2 | 1 | Faerie Star | 5 | Lv. 18 | Heal self or others| 2 | 0 | Delta Mirage (Paragon) | 7 | Lv. 23 | Warp attack foe | 0 | 1 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Healing Healers | 3 | Start | Heal some HP | 4 | 0 | Mystic Shield | 3 | Lv. 8 | DEF up for 1 turn | 4 | 0 | Cure (Bishop) | 2 | Lv. 10 | Restore status | 4 | 0 | Healing Plus | 4 | Lv. 12 | Heal in small field| 4 | 1 | Bless Weapon | 3 | Lv. 13 | ATK up for 1 turn | 4 | 0 | Holy Lightning | 7 | Lv. 16 | Zap one enemy | 4 | 0 | Ultra Healing | 5 | Lv. 18 | Heal in big field | 5 | 2 | Magic Charge (Arch- | 10 | Lv. 20 | Pass 10MP to ally | 4 | 0 | Holy pressure bishop) | 7 | Lv. 22 | Crush in diamond | 5 | 1 | Supreme Healing | 30 | Lv. 25 | Heal all fully | inf.| inf.| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Star Mages | 2 | Start | Damage 1 enemy | 4 | 0 | Spellbind | | Lv. 8 | Paralyze foe | 5 | 0 | Piercing Ray (Sorceror) | 4 | Lv. 10 | Attack with light | 4 | 1 | Envenom | 3 | Lv. 12 | Poisons one enemy | 5 | 0 | Phase Shift | 12 | Lv. 14 | Reality warp attack| 0 | 7 | Roman Fire | 6 | Lv. 16 | Exploding fireworks| 5 | 2 | Poison Cloud | 4 | Lv. 19 | Poisons in field | 5 | 2 | Spread Force (Enchanter)| 7 | Lv. 21 | Blasts around self | 0 | 3 | Avalanche | 9 | Lv. 23 | Drops huge rock | 6 | 0 | Salamander | 14 | Lv. 25 | Fire dragon attack | 0 | 10 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stone Shower Monk | 10 | Lv. 11 | Nearby rock attack | 0 | 1 | Cure Wide | 4 | Lv. 15 | Cures around self | 0 | 1 | Healing Circle | 6 | Lv. 17 | Heals around self | 0 | 1 | Perfect Guard | 15 | Lv. 19 | Block 1 attack | 4 | 0 | Thunder Flash (Ninja) | 12 | Lv. 21 | Light zap attack | 0 | 2 | Healing Wave | 10 | Lv. 23 | Wider healing | 0 | 2 | Mystic Energy | 15 | Lv. 25 | Increase ATK & DEF | 4 | 0 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Self Healing Zoot, | 2 | | Heal self | 0 | 0 | Magnus | | | | | | Dagger Storm Kurtz | 5 | | Rain of knives | 0 | 1 | Dark Fire Xeno | 15 | | Darkness sphere | 5 | 2 | Dark Hurricane Dark Mage | 8 | | Twister attack | 6 | 1 | Dynamo Hum Dolf | 20 | | Electric shock wave| 0 | 2 | Evil Stream Dark Mage | 8 | | Death energy attack| 9 | 0 | Explosion Xeno | 15 | | Blow enemy apart | 6 | 0 | Extra Healing Dallas, | 5 | | Heal in small area | 5 | 1 | Crmsn Priest | | | | | Harmful Wave Death Angel| 5 | | Energy ring attack | 8 | 0 | Healing Circle Kane | 5 | | Same as yours | 0 | 1 | Hyper Healing Sabina | 8 | | Heal in large area | 5 | 2 | Magic Arrow CrmsnWarlock 5 | | Shoot many arrows | 5 | 1 | Piercing Light Evil Statue| 3 | | Attack with light | 4 | 0 | Plasma Wave Kane | 15 | | Massive light storm| inf.| inf.| Rainbow Storm Magnus | 7 | | Light storm | 4 | 2 | Rainbow Stroke Warlock | 5 | | Single light attack| 6 | 0 | Rolling ThunderCrmsnWarlock | | Lightning attack | 8 | 0 | Thunder Ball Death Angel| 5 | | Lightning attack | 5 | 2 | ============================================================================== ################# # 9.5 Shop List # ################# =============================================================== Location Weapon | Armor | Item =============================================================== Shumerian Capital Short sword | Leather Helm | Herb | Light sword | Light Helm | Elixir | Hunter bow | Bandanna | Mage Gem | Light bow | Light Band | Fire Gem | Staff | Leather | | Light staff | Padded Leather | | | Cape | | | Wool Robe | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Minalto Short sword | Leather Helm | Herb | Light sword | Light Helm | Elixir | Hunter bow | Bandanna | Mage Gem | Light bow | Light Band | Fire Gem | Staff | Leather | | Light staff | Padded Leather | | | Cape | | | Wool Robe | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Yuzu Village Light sword | Light helm | Herb | Iron sword | Iron helm | Mage Oil | Light bow | Light band | Elixir | Iron bow | Iron cap | Mood Ring | Light staff | Padded leather | | Iron staff | Chain mail | | Iron axe | Wool robe | | Iron spear | Master's robe | | Iron claws | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Remote City Light sword | Light helm | Herb | Iron sword | Iron helm | Mage Oil | Light bow | Light band | Elixir | Iron bow | Iron cap | Aura Gem | Light staff | Padded leather | | Iron staff | Chain mail | | Iron axe | Wool robe | | Iron spear | Master's robe | | Iron claws | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Terasu Village Light sword | Light helm | Herb | Iron sword | Iron helm | Megaherb | Light bow | Light band | Mage Oil | Iron bow | Iron cap | Mage Gem | Light staff | Padded leather | Elixir | Iron staff | Chain mail | Aura Gem | Iron axe | Wool robe | | Iron spear | Master's robe | | Iron claws | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Khanos City Iron sword | Iron helm | Herb | Great sword | Steel mask | Megaherb | Iron bow | Iron cap | Mage Oil | Steel bow | Steel band | Mage Gem | Iron staff | Chain mail | Elixir | Magic staff | Scale armor | Aura Gem | Iron axe | Master's robe | | Battleaxe | Mystic robe | | Iron spear | | | Steel lance | | | Iron claws | | | Steel claws | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Trade City Kerachi Iron sword | Iron helm | Megaherb | Great sword | Steel mask | Mage Gem | Iron bow | Iron cap | Elixir | Steel bow | Steel band | Life Orb | Iron staff | Chain mail | Aura Gem | Magic staff | Scale armor | | Iron axe | Master's robe | | Battleaxe | Mystic robe | | Iron spear | | | Steel lance | | | Iron claws | | | Steel claws | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Pioneer Town Sorbo Iron sword | Iron helm | Megaherb | Great sword | Steel mask | Mage Gem | Iron bow | Iron cap | Elixir | Steel bow | Steel band | Life Orb | Iron staff | Chain mail | | Magic staff | Scale armor | | Iron axe | Master's robe | | Battleaxe | Mystic robe | | Iron spear | | | Steel lance | | | Iron claws | | | Steel claws | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Frontier Village Iron sword | Iron helm | Megaherb | Great sword | Steel mask | Mage Gem | Iron bow | Iron cap | Elixir | Steel bow | Steel band | Life Orb | Iron staff | Chain mail | | Magic staff | Scale armor | | Iron axe | Master's robe | | Battleaxe | Mystic robe | | Iron spear | | | Steel lance | | | Iron claws | | | Steel claws | | | --------------------------------------------------------------- Glasgow City Great sword | Steel mask | Megaherb | Master sword| Dragon helm | Mage Gem | Steel bow | Steel band | Elixir | Great bow | Rune crown | Holy H2O | Magic staff | Scale armor | Life Orb | Arkstaff | Kevlar armor | | Battleaxe | Mystic robe | | Great axe | Mojo robe | | Steel lance | | | Halberd | | | Steel claws | | | Death claws | | | =============================================================== ################### # 9.6 Enemy List # ################### ============================================================================== Name Lvl | Class | HP | MP | ATK | DEF | AGL | Spells |Ch.,Sc.| ============================================================================== Acid Ghost |19 | Flyer |150 | | 97 | 76 | 73 | | 5,1 | |20 | |157 | | 102 | 80 | 77 | | 4,5 | |22 | |172 | | 111 | 87 | 84 | | 5,3 | |23 | |180 | | 116 | 91 | 87 | | 5,4 | Ant Arm | 1 | Monk | 13 | | 9 | 8 | 11 | | 1,5 | Bahamut |29 | Flyer |225 | | 144 | 113 | 108 | | 6,3 | |30 | |232 | | 149 | 117 | 112 | | 6,4 | Basilisk |24 | Archer |157 | | 86 | 69 | 82 | | 5,6 | Blood Bat |12 | Flyer | 97 | | 65 | 51 | 49 | | 3,3 | |14 | |112 | | 74 | 58 | 56 | | 3,4 | |16 | |127 | | 83 | 65 | 63 | | 3,7 | |28 | |217 | | 139 | 109 | 105 | | 6,2 | Blood Ghost | 9 | Flyer | 75 | | 51 | 40 | 38 | | 2,3 | |11 | | 90 | | 60 | 47 | 45 | | 2,4 | |12 | | 97 | | 65 | 51 | 49 | | 2,5 | Brigand | 1 | Knight | 14 | | 11 | 10 | 10 | | 1,1 | | 5 | | 42 | | 26 | 23 | 23 | | 1,4 | Buccaneer | 6 | Knight | 49 | | 30 | 26 | 26 | | 1,6 | Bugaboo |10 | Archer | 69 | | 39 | 31 | 37 | | 4,2 | Centurion |12 | Knight | 91 | | 53 | 46 | 46 | | 3,3 | |13 | | 98 | | 57 | 49 | 49 | | 3,7 | |14 | |105 | | 61 | 53 | 53 | |3,4;3,7| |15 | |112 | | 65 | 56 | 56 | | 3,5 | |28 | |203 | | 114 | 99 | 99 | | 6,2 | Clay Golem | 6 | Armor | 56 | | 34 | 37 | 20 | | 1,3 | Corsair | 6 | Archer | 44 | | 26 | 21 | 25 | | 1,6 | Crimsn Archr|15 | Archer |100 | | 56 | 45 | 53 | | 3,5 | Crimsn Armor|18 | Armor |152 | | 86 | 93 | 50 | | 4,4 | |19 | |160 | | 90 | 97 | 52 | | 4,1 | |26 | |216 | | 121 | 130 | 70 | |5,2;5,5| |27 | |224 | | 125 | 135 | 72 | | 6,1 | |29 | |240 | | 134 | 144 | 77 | | 5,5 | Crimsn Hawk |18 | Flyer |142 | | 93 | 73 | 70 | | 4,1 | |23 | |180 | | 116 | 91 | 87 | | 5,2 | |24 | |187 | | 121 | 95 | 91 | | 5,5 | Crimsn Knigt|17 | Knight |126 | | 72 | 63 | 63 | | 4,4 | |19 | |140 | | 80 | 69 | 69 | | 4,1 | |25 | |182 | | 103 | 89 | 89 | | 5,5 | |27 | |196 | | 111 | 96 | 96 | | 6,1 | Crmsn Priest|21 | Priest |110 | 20 | 57 | 46 | 93 | Extra Healing | 5,2 | |25 | |130 | 20 | 67 | 54 | 110 | | 5,5 | |26 | |135 | 20 | 70 | 56 | 114 | | 6,1 | |29 | |150 | 20 | 77 | 62 | 126 | | 5,5 | Crmsn Shootr|17 | Archer |113 | | 63 | 50 | 60 | | 4,4 | |21 | |138 | | 76 | 61 | 72 | | 5,2 | |25 | |163 | | 89 | 71 | 85 | | 5,5 | |26 | |170 | | 93 | 74 | 88 | | 6,1 | CrmsnWarlock|21 | Mage |121 | 20 | 49 | 42 | 92 | Magic Arrow, | 5,2 | |25 | |143 | 20 | 58 | 49 | 108 |Rolling Thunder| 5,5 | |26 | |148 | 20 | 60 | 51 | 112 | | 6,1 | Dallas |21 | Armor |176 | 15 | 99 |107 | 57 | Extra Healing |4,1;4,4| Dark Golem | 9 | Armor | 80 | | 47 | 51 | 27 | | 2,3 | |11 | | 96 | | 56 | 60 | 32 | | 2,4 | |12 | |104 | | 60 | 65 | 35 | | 2,5 | Dark Mage |29 | Mage |165 | 40 | 66 | 56 | 124 |Dark Hurricane,| 6,3 | |30 | |170 | 40 | 69 | 58 | 128 | Evil Stream | 6,4 | Deacon |14 | Priest | 75 | 18 | 40 | 32 | 65 | Healing |3,3;3,4| |15 | | 80 | 18 | 42 | 34 | 69 | | 3,7 | Death Angel |18 | Mage |104 | 25 | 43 | 36 | 80 | Thunder Ball, | 5,1 | |19 | |110 | 25 | 45 | 38 | 84 | Harmful Wave | 4,5 | |22 | |126 | 25 | 51 | 43 | 96 | | 5,3 | Death Ant |10 | Armor | 88 | | 51 | 55 | 30 | | 1,5 | Death Device| 1 | None | 14 | | 0 | 5 | 0 | | 4,5 | Dolf |32 | Angel |165 | 99 | 85 | 68 | 138 | Dynamo Hum | 6,4 | |34 | Armor |280 | 30 | 155 | 167 | 90 | Healing Circle| 6,4 | Dumas |18 | Armor |152 | 6 | 86 | 93 | 50 | Self Healing | 3,7 | Eggworm |13 | Archer | 88 | | 49 | 39 | 47 | | 4,3 | |18 | |119 | | 66 | 53 | 63 | | 5,1 | |19 | |126 | | 69 | 55 | 66 | | 4,5 | |22 | |144 | | 79 | 63 | 75 | | 5,3 | |23 | |151 | | 83 | 66 | 79 | | 5,4 | Evil Statue | 5 | Mage | 33 | 12 | 15 | 12 | 28 | Piercing Light| 2,1 | |11 | | 66 | 12 | 28 | 23 | 52 | | 2,4 | Gold Golem |19 | Armor |160 | | 90 | 97 | 52 | | 5,1 | |20 | |168 | | 95 | 102 | 55 | | 4,5 | |22 | |184 | | 103 | 111 | 60 | | 5,3 | |23 | |192 | | 108 | 116 | 62 | | 5,4 | Grenadier |11 | Archer | 75 | | 43 | 34 | 41 | | 3,3 | |12 | | 81 | | 46 | 37 | 44 | | 3,7 | |14 | | 94 | | 53 | 42 | 50 | | 3,4 | |28 | |182 | | 99 | 79 | 94 | | 6,2 | Guard Dog | 1 | Monk | 13 | | 9 | 8 | 11 | | 2,6 | | 6 | | 45 | | 24 | 22 | 30 | | 2,2 | |18 | |123 | | 60 | 56 | 76 | | 3,5 | Guardian |25 | Armor |208 | | 116 | 125 | 67 | | 5,6 | Hassan | 8 | Armor | 72 | 9 | 43 | 46 | 25 | Healing | 1,6 | Hell Bat | 5 | Flyer | 45 | | 32 | 25 | 24 | | 1,4 | Hellknight |29 | Knight |210 | | 118 | 103 | 103 | | 6,3 | |30 | |217 | | 122 | 106 | 106 | | 6,4 | Hunter | 1 | Archer | 12 | | 10 | 8 | 9 | | 1,1 | | 5 | | 37 | | 23 | 18 | 22 | | 1,4 | Hunter Imp | 3 | Archer | 25 | | 16 | 13 | 15 | | 1,2 | Juggernaut |13 | Armor |112 | | 64 | 69 | 37 | | 3,6 | |14 | |120 | | 69 | 74 | 40 | | 3,7 | Kane |22 | Knight |161 | 20 | 91 | 79 | 79 | Healing Circle| 4,1 | |29 | |210 | 20 | 118 | 103 | 103 | |5,5;6,1| |30 | |217 | 25 | 122 | 106 | 106 | Plasma Wave | 6,1 | Kurtz |21 | Monk |143 | 30 | 69 | 65 | 88 | Dagger Storm | 4,1 | |23 | |156 | 30 | 75 | 70 | 95 | | 5,2 | Lando |19 | Archer |126 | 4 | 69 | 55 | 66 | Self Healing | 3,5 | Mad Soldier | 8 | Knight | 63 | | 38 | 33 | 33 | | 2,2 | | 9 | | 70 | | 42 | 36 | 36 | | 2,3 | |11 | | 84 | | 49 | 43 | 43 | | 2,4 | |12 | | 91 | | 53 | 46 | 46 | | 2,5 | Magnus |15 | Armor |128 | 18 | 73 | 79 | 42 | Self Healing, | 2,5 | | | | | | | | | Rainbow Storm| | Mega Cannon |28 | Archer |182 | | 99 | 79 | 94 | | 6,3 | |29 | |189 | | 103 | 82 | 97 | | 6,4 | Mega Guard |30 | Armor |248 | | 138 | 149 | 80 | | 6,3 | Mimic |18 | Monk |123 | | 60 | 56 | 76 | | 3,6 | |21 | |143 | | 69 | 65 | 88 | | 5,1 | |23 | |156 | | 75 | 70 | 95 | | 5,3 | Sabina |18 | Archer |119 | 24 | 66 | 53 | 63 | Hyper healing | 4,1 | |28 | |182 | 24 | 99 | 79 | 94 | | 5,5 | Salamander |26 | Flyer |202 | | 130 | 102 | 98 | | 5,4 | Skeleton |16 | Knight |118 | | 68 | 59 | 59 | | 4,3 | |19 | |140 | | 80 | 69 | 69 | | 5,1 | |20 | |147 | | 84 | 73 | 73 | | 4,5 | |22 | |161 | | 91 | 79 | 79 | | 5,3 | |23 | |168 | | 95 | 83 | 83 | | 5,4 | Shooter Imp | 9 | Archer | 63 | | 36 | 29 | 34 | |2,3;2,4| |11 | | 75 | | 43 | 34 | 41 | | 2,5 | Sparkie | 8 | Flyer | 67 | | 46 | 36 | 35 | |3,1;3,2| |10 | | 82 | | 55 | 43 | 42 | | 3,2 | War Ghost | 2 | Flyer | 22 | | 18 | 14 | 1 | | 1,2 | Warlock |14 | Mage | 82 | 20 | 34 | 29 | 64 | Rainbow Stroke|3,3;3,4| |15 | | 88 | 20 | 36 | 31 | 68 | | 3,7 | Wight |11 | Knight | 84 | | 49 | 43 | 43 | | 4,2 | Xeno |34 | Mage |192 | 45 | 77 | 65 | 144 | Dark Fire, | 6,3 | | | | | | | | | Explosion | | Zoot | 1 | Knight | 14 | 2 | 11 | 10 | 10 | Self Healing | 1,1 | |17 | |126 | 4 | 72 | 63 | 63 | | 3,3 | ============================================================================== ................................ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10. EXPERIENCE-RAISING TRICKS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The experience system is designed to equalize character development and maintain a somewhat steady difficulty level throughout the game. Basically, when a character takes action on an enemy or ally with a higher level, they gain a lot of experience, thus rapidly increasing their own level to match the target's. Conversely, when the target has a lower level, the acting character gains little experience, to restrain them from rocketing to high levels prematurely. This is more a rule of thumb than an absolute law, as some levels contain enemies with very low levels, such as Ch.2 Sc.6, where the guard dogs are all level 1, but you still gain appreciable experience for slaying them, and some have higher-level enemies that don't gain you a whole lot of experience (like Ch.4 Sc.1, the ambush by the crimson guard in Khanos city). It would be more appropriate to say that the battles have a certain level that they expect you to be at for, and the experience you gain in that battle reflects this. You can, however, overcome this limiting system by taking actions on your own party members, following the higher- or lower-level rule. One way to do this is to have magic-using characters use a supportive spell whether or not it helps the battle. For example, have a healer or monk use mystic shield whenever they don't have anything else important to do. This can be taken to the extreme, though it requires some planning and takes a long, long time to see significant progress. On the other hand, it will allow at least some of your characters to reach the maximum level of 49 if you stick at it, something that you would never achieve playing through the game normally. There are two tricks to level up in this way: 1) First, stock all your characters with mage oils, or mage gems if they have appeared in the game yet. Enter a battle where killing the enemies doesn't finish the battle. Ch. 2 Sc. 4 is a good example. Have Sara and Huxley repeatedly cast mystic shield on other characters every turn once you clear the enemies. Stand on the healing circles to rejuvenate their MP at the same time. Once their levels have increased as much as you want, which can take quite a while, have each of the other characters use a mage oil on them, and watch the jumps in experience they receive in return. 2) Deny Winarto contributed this other way, which I thought was rather original. You have to have both Sara and Huxley choose healer class for their advancement. Once they both reach level 20, they will learn Magic Charge. They can then pass 10 MP between them by alternately casting this spell on one another indefinitely, once one of them has used up some MP. There are many levels where this can be done. Basically, whenever you have time after killing the last enemy, or the last enemy won't attack you in a way that makes you counterattack (e.g. when an archer or priest is the last enemy), or you generally have some time to kill with the supportive characters while you tie up loose ends, Sara and Huxley can play tag in this way. Deny reports that he was able to get them up to level 49 in chapter five by this method. Of course, once their levels are increased, having other characters act on them (e.g. let them get hurt, then use healing items on them) will boost the other characters' experience as well. ......................... +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11. IN CLOSING +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you for making use of this FAQ. If you would like to add something I missed or have general comments, please e-mail me at: syonyx_faqs at yahoo dot com. Any contributions (information, tips) included in later versions will of course be fully credited. Syonyx 2003/2004.