U L T I M A T E M O R T A L K O M B A T 3 Smoke FAQ/Move List For Arcade, Genesis, SNES, Sega Saturn, Xbox 360 and PS3 Version 1.00 By Adam Cooper Email: adam3k3[at]gmail[dot]com Website: http://adamcooper.me This FAQ is Copyright (c) 2013 Adam Cooper Last Revision August 7th, 2013 =============================================================================== Table of Contents 1. About this Guide......................................[100] 1-1. Availability...................................[110] 2-1. Copyright and License..........................[120] 3-1. Searching the Guide............................[130] 4-1. Version History................................[140] 2. Introduction..........................................[200] 3. The Basics............................................[300] 4. Smoke.................................................[400] 1-4. Moves..........................................[410] 2-4. Combos.........................................[420] 3-4. Fatalities.....................................[430] 5. Human Smoke.......................................[500] 1-5. Moves..........................................[510] 2-5. Combos.........................................[520] 3-5. Fatalities.....................................[530] 6. FAQs..................................................[600] 7. Closing...............................................[700] 1-7. Contacts.......................................[710] 2-7. Special Thanks.................................[720] ========================= 100: About this Guide \ =============================================================================== _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 110: Availability --------------------------------------------------------' The Latest version of this FAQ and all of my work is always available on my website [1], GameFaqs [2] and IGN [3]. [1] http://adam3k3.tumblr.com/faqs [2] http://www.gamefaqs.com/users/Adam3k3/contributions/faqs [3] http://www.ign.com/blogs/adam3k3 _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 120: Copyright and License -----------------------------------------------' This FAQ is Copyright (c) 2013 Adam Cooper, and released under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial, No Derivatives License. This License enables you to distribute this FAQ provided it remains in its full form, unchanged and full credit is given. Publishing it under your name on websites or otherwise is prohibiting. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work along with the notice in the availability section. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. [3] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 130: Searching the Guide -------------------------------------------------' Press "CTRL+F" to Search the FAQ. Copy, paste the code to the desired section from the tables of content into the search bar and click Find. _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 140: Version History -----------------------------------------------------' Version 1.00 August 7th, 2013 Finished the FAQ. Every move that I know of is here, if you have something to add, drop me an email. ========================= 200: Introduction \ =============================================================================== This FAQ will cover both Cyber and Human Smoke. All the basic moves and combos as well as my own strategies are listed. If you have anything to add, please contact me. ========================= 300: The Basics \ =============================================================================== Playing as Human Smoke: At the character select screen, hold left + HP + HK + R + BLK. Keep holding the buttons until the start of round one. If done correctly, Smoke will explode into his human form. For player 2, hold the same buttons with right instead of left. Controls Here are all default commands and there explanations: Command Short-Cut Low Punch LP High Punch HP Low Kick LK High Kick HK Block BLK Run R Up U Down D Left L Right R + Press two buttons at once. ========================= 400: Smoke \ =============================================================================== Smoke, unit LK-7T2, is the third prototype cyber-ninja built by the Lin Kuei. He tried to escape the automation process with Sub-Zero but was captured. His memories were stripped away, leaving behind an emotionless killer. However, Sub-Zero believes that within this machine is a human soul trying to escape. _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 410: Moves ---------------------------------------------------------------' Smokeycut F, F, LK (Can be done in air) Spear B, B, LP Invisibilty U, U, R Air Throw BLK in air Here are the explanations and strategies on each move: Smokeycut F, F, LK (Can be done in air) This move is useful when your opponent is in the air or far away doing his special. Follow up with an uppercut or another move for maximum results. Spear B, B, LP Spear can be used close up and from a distains. Another good timing is when your opponent is jumping away or after a few close up punches. Can also be used after Smokeycut. Invisibilty U, U, R Makes you invisible. Not recommended unless you want to impress which can cost you. Air Throw BLK in air Great move when the time is right. Catch your opponent in air for a surprise attack. Don’t try too hard and use when necessary. _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 420: Combos --------------------------------------------------------------' 3 Hit Combo HP, HP, LP 3 Hit Combo HK, HK, LP 3 Hit Combo HP, HP, HK 5 Hit Combo HP, HP, LK, HK, LP Strategies on using each combo: Best used after a spear right after Smokeycut. Or simply run toward your opponent and combo him. Remember to keep combing your opponent even if his blocking as he may release the block at some point. _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 430: Fatalities ----------------------------------------------------------' Fatalities are the hart of Mortal Kombat. After defeating your opponent for two rounds, you will have a chance to finish off your opponent. She/he will stay dizzied for a short while; this is the time to carefully preform the finishing move. In order for your move to work, you will have to be in a certain position as per each finishing move. Explanations below: Close Stand close to your opponent, don't leave any space in between. Sweep About 4-6 steps away from your opponent. Far Stand far away from your opponent. Mercy To perform it you will need lose one round. at the finish him scene hold R, D, D, let go of R. This will Enable your opponent to fight again with one hit left on his/her health. *brutality only available on Genesis and SNES versions. Fatality: U, U, F, D (Far) Fatality 2: Hold (BLK+R) D, D, F, U (Sweep) Animality: D, F, F, B Friendship: R, R, R, HK Babality: D, D, B, B, HK Stage Fatality: F, F, D, LK (Close) Brutality: HP, LK, LK, HK, BLK, BLK, LP, LP, HP, HP, BLK, BLH *To perform Friendships and babalitys you should not block during the wining round. Ending Smoke was once a friend and ally of Sub-Zero when they both tried to escape from being turned into machines by their ninja clan. But Smoke is captured and transformed into a cyborg with a mission to kill his own partner. But Smoke soon finds himself being pursued by Shao Kahn's minions. He learns he still has a soul and his true mission is the destruction of the Outworld invaders. He defeats Kahn and saves the world, but is forever trapped in his artificial body ========================= 500: Human Smoke \ =============================================================================== In his human form, Smoke was a lethal assassin working for the Lin Kuei. But when they decided to automate their ninjas, Smoke is caught in the middle. He became a cyborg assassin, whose human form would exist as a memory forever more. _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 510: Moves ---------------------------------------------------------------' Controls mostly like scorpion yet has his own personality and feel. Spear B, B, LP Teleport Punch D, B, HP Air Throw BLK in air Spear B, B, LP Use the spear when your opponent is jumping toward you or backwards. Another good timing is when you just landed a teleport punch. Teleport Punch D, B, HP Teleport punch is a good move to escape when cornered. You can also use it in the air when your opponent is jumping for a surprise attack. If you're fast enough you can even spear your opponent after the doing it in the air. Air Throw BLK in air Same as normal smoke. _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 520: Combos --------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Hit Combo HK, HK, LK, BLK + HK 2 Hit Combo LK, LP 4 Hit Combo HP, HP, HK, BLK + HK _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 530: Fatalities ----------------------------------------------------------' Fatality: R, BLK, R, R, HK (Close) Stage Fatality: F, U, U, LP Babality: D, B, B, F, HP Brutality: HP, LK, LK, HK, BLK, BLK, LP, LP, HP, HP, BLK Ending Winning the tournament enables Smoke to escape his artificial body. He then devotes his life to study the fighting skills of his counter part ninjas: Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Reptile. Withouth Warning Smoke once again vanishes... He retreats into the hidden forest to continue his study, and will remain there until he has perfected the skills of the remaining ninjas and can compete in Mortal Kombat 4. ========================= 600: FAQS \ =============================================================================== Q: How do I perform Brutalities? A: Brutalities are only available on Genesis and SNES versions. ========================= 700: Closing \ =============================================================================== _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 710: Contacts ------------------------------------------------------------' I may be contacted any time via my email, Twitter or Blog. Just make sure to properly mention the subject. I welcome questions, contributions, corrections, requests or anything else. E-mail: adam3k3[at]gmail[dot]com Twitter: @Adam3k3 Website: http://adamcooper.me _______________________________________________________________________________ '-- 720: Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------' . http://www.mortalkombatonline.com - Got some info . All listed websites for accepting my FAQs. . You for reading this FAQ. FAQ Created by ___ __ _____ __ _____ / | ____/ /___ _____ ___ |__ // /_|__ / / /| |/ __ / __ `/ __ `__ \ /_ (/ //_//_ \ / ___ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / /__/ / , \___/ / /_/ |_\__,_/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/____/_/|_/_____/ _______________________________________________________________________________ -End of Document-