* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TERRA PHANTASTICA * * WALKTHROUGH ? * * WRITTEN BY PIERRE BOUROUT * * MR_MAIN@CARAMAIL.COM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THIS WALKTHROUGH IS NOT COMPLETE mostly because I don't speak japanese, so there must be some details that may be wrong or missind. If you want to EMAIL me some stuff about the game I would be glad to add it to this walkthrough. Oh, and this document is copyright 2001 Pierre Bourout and all that stuff. CHARACTERS: DEIRNE (HEROIN) LV-- > Elan recharge 1 10 MP LV06 > FLASHBALL 24 MP LV10 > Elan recharge 2 24 MP AREKUTSUSU 2 (PRINCE) ZUERARU (MALE SOLDIER) LV07 > change class choice 1 > (Knight) > choice 1 > Red knight > choice 2 > choice 2 > (commander) > choice 1 > > choice 2 > ZUNI (FEMALE SOLDIER) LV07 > change class Choice 1 > (knight) choice 2 > (commander) PURATSUTO (MALE MAGICIAN) LV-- > Rainbow 20 MP LV08 > change class Choice 1 war mage > LV08 HIGH STORM 34 MP > Choice 2 war priest > > MARURERNU (PRIEST) LV-- > Elan recharge 1 10 MP LV05 > heal 28 MP LV08 > change class Choice 1 > high priest > > Choice 2 > war priest (lose Elan recharge 1) > LV08 HIGH STORM 34 MP > ZUYASONU (SORCERESS) LV-- > Lightning bolt 22 MP LV10 > meteor 38 MP KOKO (YOUNG SORCERESS) LV-- > Lightning bolt 22 MP LV10 > meteor 38 MP CHIYURNI (MERMAID) LV-- > bubble shot Lv07 > acid rain 29 MP TSUDO (GUY WITH CANONS) TOMURISO (GREEN FROGMAN) LV06 > Class level up GERORISO (BROWN FROGMAN) DORRA (FEMALE DANCER) LV12 > (become a wardancer) RORASO (MALE RANGER) FUERISHIKUSU (SQUIRE) LV10 > change class choice 1 > ranger choice 2 > engineer SERUSHIE (ACROBAT) KARORINU (BLOND FEMALE COMMANDER) KORDEIRIA (FEMALE COMMANDER) ********************************************************************** COMMAND ON MAP: 1 - MOVE 2 - ATTACK 3 - MAGIC 4 - FORMATION CHANGE 5 - EQUIP 6 - ELAN RECHARGE 7 - CHECK (principal characters only) 8 - PASS DURING BATTLE: 1 - ATTACK 2 - CHARGE 3 - MAGIC 4 - FORMATION CHANGE 5 - DEFENSE 6 - ESCAPE SETUP PHASE 1 - TROOP CHANGE 2 - EQUIP 3 - TALK TO TROOPS 4 - RESET SETUPS 5 - CHECK STATUS 6 - QUIT ********************************************************************** WALKTHROUGH: CHAPTER 1 BATTLE 1 If you check the stone barrage, it will collapse and the water will engulf all the ennemies in the gap. If your characters or the boss are in the line of the water, they will be thrown away at the other side of the battlefield. ENNEMIES: 9 CHIEF ORC WITH ORCS > 520 HP / RANGE 1 / 55 EXP GADEISOGU WITH ORCS (BOSS) > 590 HP / RANGE 1 / 55 EXP ALLIES: 2 COMMANDER WITH SOLDIERS > 592 HP / RANGE 1 1 GUARD CAPTAIN > 540 HP / RANGE 1 TOMURISO > 420 HP / RANGE 1 PENTACLES: 1 AT THE MIDDLE OF THE BATTLEFIELD TOMURISO the frog spearman will join you after the battle. After the battle, you will have the choice between two route (north or west). ********************************************************************** NORTH ROUTE : BATTLE 2 During this battle, the battleship in the upper side of the screen will try to shoot your characters, but the damage is moderate. ENNEMIES: GADEISOGU WITH ORCS > 590 HP / RANGE 1 / 55 EXP 9 CHIEF ORC WITH ORCS > 520 HP / RANGE 1 / 55 EXP ALLIES: NONE PENTACLES: 1 AT THE LEFT OF THE BATTLEFIELD 1 AT THE TOP RIGHT OF THE SCREEN, NEAR THE BOSS CHIYURNI the mermaid will join you after the battle ********************************************************************** NORTH ROUTE: BATTLE 3 ENNEMIES: 3 BROWN WRAITH WITH BANSHEES > 435 HP / 36 MP / RANGE 3 / 87 XP (can use bubble shot) 10 BLACK WRAITH WITH BANSHEES > 435 HP / RANGE 3 /60 XP IBIRUTSUEIDO WITH SKELETONS (BOSS) >620 HP /RANGE 1 ALLIES: 2 COMMANDER WITH SOLDIERS > 592 HP / RANGE 1 1 GUARD CAPTAIN > 540 HP / RANGE 1 PENTACLES: 1 AT THE BEGINING OF THE ROAD 1 AT THE END OF THE ROAD SERUSHIE joins after the battle ********************************************************************** CHAPTER 2 BATTLE 4 This battle's goal is not to kill everyone but to reach Arekutsusu and talk to him (this is automatic). Don't try to kill the boss because you can't beat her at this point. Be careful because if the first wraiths are easy to kill, the second wave with the skeletons are very aggressive. ENNEMIES: 7 BLACK WRAITH WITH BANSHEES > 435 HP / RANGE 3 /60 XP 4 BROWN WRAITH WITH BANSHEES > 435 HP / 36 MP / RANGE 3 / 87 XP (can use bubble shot) 3 BROWN WRAITH WITH SKELETONS > 585 HP / 36 MP / RANGE 1 (can use bubble shot) 4 BLACK WRAITH WITH SKELETONS > 585 HP / RANGE 1 RIDEISU WITH SKELETONS > ??? HP / RANGE 1 PENTACLES: 1 AT THE RIGHT SIDE 1 AT THE LEFT SIDE After the battle, you will be asked to choose between 3 choice. I don't know the effect of these, but I think it is related to Deirne's magic. ********************************************************************** CHAPTER 3 BATTLE 5 No boss here, just kill the 3 trolls ENNEMIES: 3 SKELETON KNIGHTS WITH PLANTMEN > 585 HP / RANGE 1 / 84 XP 5 BROWN WRAITHS WITH SPIDERS > 435 HP /36 MP/ RANGE 2 / 107 XP (Can cast bubble shot) 2 BLACK WRAITHS WITH PLANTMAN > 585 HP / RANGE 1 / 75 XP 3 SKELETON KNIGHTS WITH SPIDERS > 435 HP / RANGE 2 / 87 XP 3 TROLL BOSSES WITH SPIDERS > 500 HP, 520 HP, 550 HP / RANGE 2 ALLIES: DORRA WITH MONKEYS (?) > 592 HP / RANGE 1 PENTACLES: 1 AT THE TOP LEFT PART OF THE SCREEN 1 A THE MIDDLE 1 AT THE LEFT PART DORRA will join you just before you reach the second troll. Note: you'll find a sword in the house just before the last troll. ********************************************************************** BATTLE 6 You'll have two goal here: kill GADEISOGU and reach the temple to make the rain fall on the fire.If it takes you too much times, KARORINU and two soldiers will came to help you. ENNEMIES: 8 CHIEF ORC WITH ORCS > 520 HP / RANGE 1 / 55 EXP 1 BROWN WRAITH WITH BANSHEES > 435 HP / 36 MP / RANGE 3 / 87 XP (can use bubble shot) 3 SKELETON KNIGHTS WITH PLANTMEN > 585 HP / RANGE 1 / 84 XP 3 BLUE SPIRITS WITH BANSHEES > 455 HP / 18 MP / RANGE 3 / 107 XP (can use fire shot) GADEISOGU WITH ORCS > 625 HP / RANGE 1 / 100 XP ALLIES: 4 KNIGHTS WITH LIGHT CAVALRY > 485 HP / RANGE 2 MIKAERU WITH SOLDIERS > 650 HP / RANGE 1 PENTACLES: 1 NEAR THE STAIRS 1 NEAR THE TEMPLE ********************************************************************** BATTLE 7 First, check the north house to make the castle appears, and then check it. Kill all ennemies. ENNEMIES: 8 BLUE SPIRITS WITH BANSHEES > 455 HP / 18 MP / RANGE 3 / 107 XP (can use fire shot) PENTACLES: 1 AT THE RIGHT SIDE 1 AT THE LEFT SIDE After the battle, you must choose between two routes: EAST OR SOUTH ********************************************************************** SOUTH ROUTE: BATTLE 8 ENNEMIES: 3 KNIGHTS WITH LIGHT CAVALRY > 485 HP / RANGE 2 5 KNIGHTS WITH ARCHERS > 435 HP / RANGE 3 / 119 XP 2 RED MAGE WITH ARCHERS > 445 HP / 40 MP / RANGE 3 (can use wind blast) 1 RED MAGE WITH SOLDIERS > 595 HP / 40 MP / RANGE 1 (can use wind blast) 1 RED COMMANDER WITH SOLDIERS > 592 HP / RANGE 1 / 120 XP ZURYASO WITH HEAVY SOLDIERS > 700 HP / RANGE 1 PENTACLES: 2 NEAR THE ENTRY KOKO will join you after the battle ********************************************************************** SOUTH ROUTE: BATTLE 9 The ennemies here are very powerful so be careful. If you check the crows at the top left side of the screen, ZUYASONU will join you immediatly (and believe me, you will need her magic). ENNEMIES: 5 RED COMMANDERS WITH SOLDIERS > 592 HP / RANGE 1 / 120 XP 3 RED COMMANDERS WITH ARCHERS > 442 HP / RANGE 3 / 107 XP 5 GREY COMMANDERS WITH SOLDIERS > 620 HP / RANGE 1 1 GREY COMMANDER WITH ARCHERS > 470 HP / RANGE 3 / 138 XP 2 RED MAGES WITH ARCHERS > 445 HP / 40 MP / RANGE 3 / (can use wind blast) ZURYASO WITH HEAVY SOLDIERS > 700 HP / RANGE 1 ALLIES: KARORINU WITH SOLDIERS > 700 HP / RANGE 1 2 COMMANDERS WITH SOLDIERS > 592 HP / RANGE 1 PENTACLES: 1 NEAR THE BOSS (in the ennemy fireline) 1 IN THE MIDDLE If she hasn't do it already, ZUYASONU will join you. ********************************************************************** CHAPTER 4 At the beginning of the chapter, you have the choice between two routes North or East. EAST ROUTE: BATTLE 10 This battle need some strategy, because all the ennemies are regrouped around the boss. The best way to kill this bitch is too split your group in two with the spellcasters on the right side, and the other characters will act as a decoy. When the ennemies attack the "bait" gather your spellcasters as fast as possible near the boss and kick her butt with your magic. ENNEMIES: 2 GREY COMMANDER WITH ARCHERS > 470 HP / RANGE 3 / 138 XP 3 GREY COMMANDERS WITH ASSASSINS > 620 HP / RANGE 1 / 168 XP 6 RED COMMANDERS WITH ASSASSINS > 592 HP / RANGE 1 / 150 XP 1 GREY COMMANDER WITH OCTOPUS > 670 HP / RANGE 1 / 158 XP 3 GREEN MAGE WITH ARCHERS > 520 HP / 34 MP / RANGE 3 (can use high storm) BARBARA WITH OCTOPUS > 780 HP / 80 MP / RANGE 1 (can use rainbow) ALLIES: NONE PENTACLES: 1 at the top 1 at the left side GERORISO will join you after the battle. FUERISHIKUSU will join you too. They don't have any troops, so you cannot use them right away. ********************************************************************** EAST ROUTE: BATTLE 11 ENNEMIES: 2 GREY COMMANDER WITH ARCHERS > 470 HP / RANGE 3 / 138 XP 2 RED MAGES WITH ARCHERS > 445 HP / 40 MP / RANGE 3 / 82 XP (can use wind blast) 6 RED COMMANDER WITH ARCHERS > 442 HP / RANGE 3 / 110 XP 1 KNIGHT WITH ARCHERS > 480 HP / RANGE 3 / 119 XP 4 KNIGHTS WITH WORMS > 580 HP / RANGE 1 / 119 XP 1 RED COMMANDER WITH WORMS > 550 HP / RANGE 1 / 119 XP OLD SHAMAN WITH WORMS > 550 HP /120 MP / RANGE 1 (can use rainbow) ALLIES: 2 KNIGHTS WITH LIGHT CAVALRY > 485 HP / RANGE 2 1 COMMANDER WITH ARCHERS > 442 HP / RANGE 3 MIKAERU WITH SOLDIERS > 680 HP / RANGE 1 PENTACLES: 1 ON THE THIRD PLATFORM 1 AT THE END, NEAR THE GROUP OF KNIGHTS ********************************************************************** CHAPTER 5 During the war concil, someone will ask you a question, I don't know if the answer you choose is important or not. On the map, you must choose three characters to accompany you to the next town. Choose carefully because in the next battle you will only have these 3 characters (+ Deirn and Arekutsusu). You must now choose between route NORTH or SOUTH (easier) SOUTH ROUTE: BATTLE 12 You will only have the 3 characters you choosed and Deirn and Arekutsusu. Almost all the ennemies in this level are archers, so with strong troops like lancers and cavalry, you will wipe them out easily. At the beginning of turn 6, the rest of your team will enter the battle. ENNEMIES: 3 BROWN SPIRIT WITH FROG ARCHERS > 490 HP / 20 MP / RANGE 3 / 147 XP (can use earthwave) 8 SKELETON KNIGHTS WITH FROG ARCHERS > 462 HP / RANGE 3 / 129 XP 3 SKELETON KNIGHTS WITH PLANTMEN > 592 HP / RANGE 1 IBIRUTSUEIDO WITH SEA DRAGONS > 650 HP / RANGE 1 ALLIES: NONE PENTACLES: SAME AS BATTLE 6 After the battle, RORASO will join you but SERUSHIE will quit you. ********************************************************************** BATTLE 13 There is no boss here, just kill everyone. Be careful, IBIRUTSUEIDO will attack you when you reach HETSUARRU. ENNEMIES: 2 BROWN SPIRIT WITH CATAPULTS > 320 HP / 20 MP / RANGE 6 / 187 XP (can use earthwave) 2 BROWN SPIRITS WITH BLACK WRAITHS > 470 HP / 20 MP / RANGE 3 / 142 XP (can use earthwave) 3 BLUE SPIRITS WITH FROG ARCHERS > 475 HP / 18 MP / RANGE 3 / 102 XP (can use bubble shot) SKELETON KNIGHTS WITH FROG SPEARMEN> 462 HP / RANGE 1 / 134 XP SKELETON KNIGHTS WITH SEAHORSES > 542 HP / RANGE 1 IBIRUTSUEIDO WITH SEAHORSES > 650 HP / RANGE 1 / 195 XP HETSUARRU WITH SPIDERS > 580 HP / RANGE 2 / 185 XP ALLIES: 2 COMMANDERS WITH SOLDIERS > 650 HP / RANGE 1 2 KNIGHTS WITH HEAVY CAVALRY > 580 HP / RANGE 1 ZURYASO WITH HEAVY SOLDIERS > 750 HP / RANGE 1 KORDEIRIA WITH LIGHT CAVALRY > 502 HP / RANGE 2 PENTACLES: 2 IN FRONT OF HETSUARRU ********************************************************************** CHAPTER 6 Once again, a question will be asked, and once again, I don't know if it is important or not. BATTLE 14 In this battle, DON'T move DEIRN in front of the water before you kill all ennemies in front of it. When you have finished killing everybody, move her in front of it and she will change it into ice. Because of this, another wave of ennemies will appear and they can easily outnumber you. Also remember that the boss is the war priest and not BARBARA. If you kill her, the battle will not end but most soldiers will withdraw. ENNEMIES: 4 RED COMMANDERS WITH OCTOPUS > 642 HP / RANGE 1 / 140 XP 6 RED COMMANDERS WITH FROG SPEARMEN > 462 HP / RANGE 1 1 GREEN MAGES WITH OCTOPUS > 700 HP / 76 MP / RANGE 1 / 176 XP (can use meteor) 2 GREEN MAGES WITH ARCHERS > 520 HP / 76 MP / RANGE 3 (can use meteor) 1 RED COMMANDER WITH ASSASSINS > 592 HP / RANGE 1 1 GREY COMMANDER WITH ASSASSINS > 620 HP / RANGE 1 BARBARA WITH ASSASSINS > 750 HP / 102 MP / RANGE 1 (can use meteor) WAR PRIEST WITH ASSASSINS > 650 HP / 190 MP / RANGE 1 (can use meteor) ALLIES: 2 COMMANDERS WITH SOLDIERS > 592 HP / RANGE 1 2 COMMANDERS WITH CATAPULTS > 292 HP / RANGE 6 GUARD CAPTAIN WITH HEAVY CAVALRY > 575 HP / RANGE 1 PENTACLES: SAME AS BATTLE 1 ********************************************************************** CHAPTER 7 There is nothing in this chapter exept some chat between the characters. (note that now you can use the war elephants) ********************************************************************** CHAPTER 8 At the end of the war concil you will be asked to choose between three answers, It seems it is related in some way to the golems. NOTE:At this point of the game, if you're not a half-god, you will never survive. Your objectives now are to destoy the bosses of each level as fast as possible, avoiding all ennemies. Because there are LOTS of ennemies in each levels, it is impossible to kill them all so I didn't bother to write their stats . BATTLE 15 RAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! This battle is a pain in the ass! to reach the other side of the river, you must cross one of the two bridges, but if you do so, they will explode and your characters will be projected in the middle of the ennemy camp, with praticaly no ELAN. If it takes you too long to cross them, they will also explode. The best way to win this battle is to gather all your characters in front of the bridge during the first round, and then choose the three characters who will fight the boss. When the third character will cross the bridge, it will explode, leaving you three characters alone (you can add the two witches to the attack force because they can fly). Try to kill MIKAERU in two or three turn or you're dead. I used these characters to fight MIKAERU: DEIRN with heavy cavalry (use flashball spell) MARURERNU with watermelon thrower (use highstorm spell) RORASU with war elephant (use him to clear a path to MIKAERU) and the two witches of course. ********************************************************************** BATTLE 16 The last battle was easy compared to this one! Before you begin, you must choose three characters to talk to MIKAERU, but this one wants to fight and, well...Your five characters against more than twenty opponents... I think you can imagine the difficulty. Don't move all your characters in the middle of the room or it's finished, so just wait for the backups. The rest of your army will arrive at the beginning turn 4. When you're ready, destroy everything in your way and try to economize your magic for the boss. After the first wave of ennemies, try to kill only the ennemies who block the access to MIKAERU, or you will be to weak to kill him. ********************************************************************** BATTLE 17 The last battle against MIKAERU!!!! but it is also the hardest by far. A good way to get rid of him is to contourn the ennemies with the two witches and to attack the boss from the back with their magics, but... if you miss you can be sure that they will die the next turn. If you want to do so, try to kill the pegasus knights before reaching MIKEAERU, because they will block you. Don't stand in front of the gargoyles (red floor) or they will blow fire on you. **********************************************************************