"SUPER ROBOT WARS F" MENU TRANSLATION 1.0 by EY (earnesty@msn.com) Nov 9th 97. Super Robot Wars is a series of strategy games based on many famous robots anime. "F" is the latest in the series, and is the only SRW that includes the hit "Evangelion" characters. I hope this document can help anyone that is interested in Super Robot Wars F, but is worried about not knowing enough Japanese to enjoy it. You'll still need to do some "pattern recognition", but what is presented here should be more than enough to get you going. I whole-heartedly recommend this game to anyone that love anime, especially if you have seen any of the robots presented in SRWF on tapes/TV before. Listening to all the characters' voices and background music unique to the show while seeing them attacking using the familiar weapons is way more fun than I expected. The game is also very good for those who are learning Japanese, since all the speech are subtitled in Japanese. OK, lets start! -=[ CONTENTS ]=- -[ 1. Title Screen -[ 2. Starting a New Game -[ 3. Changing the Main Character's Attributes -[ 4. General Gameflow -[ 5. Unit Command Menu -[ 6. Game Menu -[ 7. Terrain Info -[ 8. Attack & Counter-attack -[ 9. Unit Properties Screen -[ 10. Weapons Screen -[ 11. Pilot Ability Screen -[ 12. Special Evangelion Info -[ 13. Intermission Screen -[ 14. Important Info -[ 15. Acknowledgments & Copyright -=[ 1. TITLE SCREEN ]=- From Left to Right: - START Start a new game. - LOAD Load the last game you saved during the "INTERMISSION" screen. The top one in the menu means "Main System RAM", the second one "Cartridge RAM". - CONTINUE Load the last game you saved while in a map. - OPTION > SOUND : Stero/Mono > SOUND SELECT > CHARACTERS INFO : Number increases as you encounter more characters along the way. > ROBOTS GALLERY : Number increases as you encounter more robots along the way. > DEMO SELECT : List increases as you see more videos in the game > KARAOKE : Karaoke mode! Main theme songs from various shows. Notice there are 2 pages. ** NOTE! ** There is a warning sheet inside the menu that says you should NOT select Option if you have never saved a game (because of a known bug). -=[ 2. STARTING A NEW GAME ]=- After the prologue scroll across the screen, you will go to the main character selection screen. There are 3 menu items, from top to bottom: - LETS GO WITH THIS Starts the game with the character currently selected. - SELECT ANOTHER CHARACTER Pick another character. 8 in total. Use L/R buttons to switch characters. - CHANGE MAIN CHARACTER'S DATA Allows you to change many attributes of the main character, see next section. ** NOTE! ** In SRWF there are two paths you can follow, and many scenarios are different depending on which path you choose (re-playability!). Also, all the characters have different personalities, which can affect what they say in the game and how the other people reacts to them. The two path types are "Real Robot" (e.g. Gundam) and "Super Robot" (e.g. Gettarobot). If you can't read any Japanese, see the next session for info on how to make sure your character is of the type you prefer. -=[ 3. CHANGING THE MAIN CHARACTER'S ATTRIBUTES ]=- 7 menu items in total, from left to right: - FACE Let you select a different look for your character. Top 8 are male, bottom 8 are female. - NAME Let you change the name of the character (e.g. having an English name instead :-) ). First part is your first name, then after the "=" sign is supposed to be your last name. The last part is what'd you like people to call you normally. A/C button to select a letter, B to delete the last letter, the 2 kanji next to the right arrow at the bottom is "space". After you finish typing in your name, select the bottom-right kanji (the one next to "space") to confirm your changes and go back. - BIRTHDAY Change character's birthday (month then date) - BLOODTYPE Change character's blood type - PERSONALITY 4 to choose from. There are slight differences for each sex so 8 types in total. Without going into the details, the four are (from top to bottom): [ Serious, earnest, warm-blooded ] [ Sharp but into the opposite sex ] [ A bit strange ] [ Cool but nihilistic. Hate/distrust opposite sex ] - TYPE This select what type of machine the main character will control. Top one is "Real Robot Type", i.e. Gundam-style. Bottom one is "Super Robot Type", like Mazinger Z, Gettarobot. As mentioned before, the story and many scenarios will be different basing on what type you pick here. - CONFIRM Confirm your changes. -=[ 4. GENERAL GAMEFLOW ]=- SRWF is divided into many scenarios, connected together to in a story format. Each time the scenario started with a story section, where dialogs occurred between many different characters in the game. Then the scenario map shows up. Often before a battle, the units selection screen will come up. See Pg 19 of the menu: The top-left box (in the top row) is the current page number, the third box is how many more units you can select, fourth one is the strength of the pilot, the last box shows whether the list is sorted by pilots' levels or HP (Use L button to toggle the two). In the unit list, press A/C to select/unselect a unit. After you finished picking the units, press B and select the second item in the menu to start the battle. All the combats occurred on the map. After you win the scenario, there will be some aftermath dialogs, and then you will be at the Intermission Screen. Here you can save the game, modify and upgrade your units, change pilots, etc. -=[ 5. UNIT COMMAND MENU ]=- While on the map, pressing A/C on a unit will pop-up the command menu. The menu items differ depending on the unit and the situation. The top table on Page 18 of the manual list all the commands kanji that can show up in the game. From top to bottom: - MOVE - PSYCHIC Let you use whatever special power or magic the pilot is capable of. - PROPERTIES Show unit's statistics screens. - WAIT Select this when you finished with this unit action. * ATTACK * TRANSFORM * LAUNCH Launch units from ships. * PERSUADE Persuade enemy. * ON GROUND/ SKY / UNDERGROUND / IN WATER Select unit's altitude position. * SEPARATE (For units that can separate) * COMBINE (For units that can be combine to form another unit) * PARTS Use the parts that have been assigned to the unit. * REPAIR Repair another unit (HP). * SUPPLY Re-supply another unit (EN). * DISCONNECT Disconnect the power cable (Evagelions specific). -=[ 6. GAME MENU ]=- Pressing A/C on a square that doesn't have an unit on it will pop-up the game menu. The top-right box list the current turn number, and the amount of money you have acquired. The menu itself, from top: - END TURN In the confirmation dialog, the top one means yes, bottom one no. - UNITS LIST Those that has finished their action has a little E to the left. - COUNTER-ATTACK COMMAND You can select whether your units will counter-attack on its own. The default is "manual", so you have a chance to select how the units react. (recommended) - MISSION OBJECTIVES - SEARCH FOR PSYCHIC COMMANDS List all the psychic/magic power available in your team. Selecting one will list who has the particular psychic power. Red means the person has already finished his/her action for the turn. - SYSTEM Let you select whether to show squares or not, stereo/mono sound, voices on/off, random music or unit specific music. On the right are button assignments: Confirm, Cancel, Quick-Map-Scroll, Whole-Map, Unit-List, Restore Defaults. - SAVE Save the game. Afterwards you will be asked if you want to continue the game, selecting no will end the game and bring you to a cool screen where the characters will talk about "See you next time". Next time when you want to continue the game, select "Continue" at the main title screen. -=[ 7. TERRAIN INFO ]=- Pressing B on a square will pop-up the terrain information. The top right % is defense modifier (usually up), the next one down is attack modifier (usually down). Plus, some tiles can increase a unit HP & EN. If so, these will show up at the bottom row of the window. -=[ 8. ATTACKING & COUNTER-ATTACK ]=- After you select ATTACK, the weapons menu will pop-up. You can select any weapons that are in white to continue attacking an enemy unit. After selecting an enemy unit to attack, the stats for both the attacker and defender pop-up. The percentage is the accuracy of the attack. 100% means a sure hit, -- means the unit cannot counterattack from that range. When another units attack one of yours, the normal attack stats come up, plus a menu for you to select what type of action you want to do. Form top to bottom: - BEGIN ACTION - SELECT WEAPONS (Tip: B is a shortcut key to go to the weapon screen) - EVADE Decrease attacker accuracy % by half. - DEFEND Decrease the damage of the attack by half. -=[ 9. UNIT PROPERTIES SCREEN ]=- You can see a unit's statistic by selecting PROPERTIES at the unit command menu. Please see Pg 36 for these translation. Red text starting from top, counter-clockwise: - SIZE (the bigger it is, the easier to hit) - UNIT NAME - PARTS EQUIPPED - HP - EN - SPECIAL UNIT ABILITIES Units may have one or more special abilities. These are listed in the top-right table on Pg 37: > Beam Coat : Can nullify weak beam attacks. > I-Field : Can nullify normal-level beam attacks. > All Barrier : Can nullify strong beam attacks. > "BUN-SHIN" : Create illusion to dodge enemy attacks. Success rate is 1/2, pilot strength must be 130 or above. > HP-recovery : Unit can heal itself for a certain amount of HP each turn. > Transform / Combine / Separate : Can do the stated action - SHIELD YES/NO: The last kanji in this field indicates if the unit has a shield or not. Pg 37, red-text clockwise starting from top: - REPAIR COST The amount you need to pay if the unit is destroyed. - TYPE Terrain type that the unit can function. Within the white text listed to some kanji description. Land / Air / Air&Land / Sea&Land / Sea&Land&Air / Land&Underground. - MOVEMENT POINTS - HANDLING The higher this is, the better is its attack accuracy and evade success rate. - ARMOR - LIMIT The limit of the unit's ability. If a pilot has any ability higher than this number, it will only perform at this number instead of the higher one. - TERRAIN List how suitable the unit is for different terrain. A is best, all the way down to E. The four terrain, from top to bottom are: Air, Land, Sea, Space. -=[ 10. WEAPONS SCREEN ]=- Pg 38, red text, counter-clockwise from left: - WEAPON NAMES [+] sign means it is a long-ranged weapon Punch means it is a hand-to-hand weapon (B) means it is a beam weapon (P) means you can use this weapon after moving the unit MAP means it is one that is used directly on the map - AMMO Current Ammo Level / Maximum Ammo Level - STRENGTH REQUIRED The pilot's strength must be above this number in order to use it. The current pilot strength is in the brackets. - EN USAGE The amount of energy (EN) that this weapon/attack will consume. - WEAPON STRENGTH Pg 39, red text from top left clockwise: - RANGE - ACCURACY MODIFIER - TERRAIN SUITABILITY From A to C, A being the best. - means it can't be used at that terrain. The four boxes are: Air, Land, Sea, Space. - SPECIAL PILOT ABILITIES REQUIREMENTS - CRITICAL MODIFIER This affect the chances of the attack resulting as a critical hit. -=[ 11. PILOT ABILITY SCREEN ]=- Pg 40, red text, counter-clockwise from left: - PILOT NAME - HAND-TO-HAND ABILITY - RANGED WEAPONS ABILITY - PSYCHIC POWER POINTS Current Psychic Power Points left / Maximum Points - PSYCHIC COMMANDS Mind/psychic command that the pilot can perform (Increases as pilot's level increases). Pg 50-51 list the commands kanji: Pg 50 > DETECT : Reveal enemy status. > SACRIFICE : Take the damage for another unit (one time only). > WORK HARD : Gain double the amount of experience points (one time only). > CONCENTRATE : ACCURACY and EVASIVE ABILITY increase by 30% in that turn. > FLASH MOVEMENT : Evasive % becomes 100% (one time only). > SELF-DESTRUCT : Self-destruct, causing damage to all nearby units. > SURE-HIT : Attack accuracy becomes 100% (1 turn). > WILLPOWER : Increase unit's own HP by 30%. > EXHAUSTION : Cause a unit's STRENGTH to go down by 10 points. > TRUST : Increase selected unit HP by 30%. > WARM-BLOOD : If the attack hit, it will always be a critical hit. > INVISIBILITY : For 1 turn, the unit won't take any damages. Pg 51 > IRON WALL : Unit's ARMOR level doubles for a turn. > LUCK : Doubles the amount of money you get (one time only). > THE WILLPOWER : Increase unit's own HP all the way back to 100%. > SPIRIT : STRENGTH +10. > SOUL : Triples damage if hit (one time only). > ENCOURAGE : Increase selected unit STRENGTH by 10. > DISTURBANCE : For 1 turn, decrease enemy hit accuracy by half. > PULL PUNCHES : When killing units that are not as good, leave 10 HP > MOVE AGAIN : Let the next-to-you unit that has finisihed moving move again. > FRIENDSHIP : All friendly units HP restore by half. > LOVE : All friendly units HP restore to full. > RESURRECT : Resurrect 1 unit. - ACCURACY This affect accuracy when attacking enemies. The number after "+" is the unit's HANDLING pts. Pg 41, red text, clockwise from top-left: - EVASIVE ABILITY How good the pilot is at dodging/evading enemy attacks. The number after "+" is the unit's HANDLING pts. - LEVEL Current pilot's level. - STRENGTH/MORALE Current pilot's strength. The higher the number is, the better the pilot is in attacking/defending. Number increases after taking part in battles, decreases after repair operations. - NEXT Amount of experience points required to reach the next level. - REFLEX Pilot's reflex ability. Higher the number, better accuracy & dogding. If this number is more than 200, the unit can move 2 times in a turn. - SKILL The higher the pilot's skill is, the higher the chances in critical hits. This also affect the Psychic command "PULL PUNCHES". - TERRAIN How good the pilot is at different terrain. A is best. From top to bottom: Air, Land, Sea, Space. - SPECIAL ABILITIES Special abilities that the pilot has. These are listed in the table on pg 42: < NewType > : Taken from Gundam, these pilots can utilize any NewType specific weapons. < Reinforced Human >: Again taken from Gundam, these are man-made NewType, and have the same abilities. < Saint Warriors > : They can do some special slash attacks. < Shield Defense > : If these pilots are on units that have shields, depending on their levels, they may be able to use the shields to half the damage. < "KiriHarai" > : If these pilots are on units that are equipped with light-sabers, depending on their levels, they may be able to cut through any shells projected at them, nullifying the attack. This does not apply to any beam or magic attacks. < Base Strength > : When the unit HP becomes low, the chances of critical hit will be increased by 50%. ** NOTE! ** If any of the pilot's statistics at the middle is red, it means that number is bigger than the unit's LIMIT, and thus the LIMIT will be used for any combat calculation instead of the higher number (You can increase an unit's LIMIT during Intermission). -=[ 12. SPECIAL EVANGELIONS INFO ]=- Evangelions have a cable that connect between them and the power source (either a building or the battle ship). While this cable is in place, their EN will be recharged to full every turn. The cable can only be up to 10 squares long. You can decide to DISCONNECT the cable by choosing that item in the unit's command menu. Once the cable is disconnected, the Evas can only operate for 3 turns. You can go back to the original building or battle ship to reconnect the cable between the time-limit runs out. If you don't reconnect before the time-limit runs out the Evas will stop all activities. Also, Eva pilots has a special "synchronization" percentage on their properties screen. This number will affect their attack abilities. It also need to be above a certain percentage for them to be able to control the Evas. This number will goes up as the pilot's level increases, and can also be affected by events. -=[ 13. INTERMISSION SCREEN ]=- The box at the right list the number of turns so far, and how much money you currently have. The menu items, from top to bottom: - SAVE DATA Save current game. Top one mean save to "Main System RAM", bottom one "Cartridge RAM". - UNIT MODIFICATION Modify units' attributes. Select a unit from the list, then use up or down to highlight one of the following 5 items to upgrade: > HP > EN > HANDLING > ARMOR > LIMIT See previous section on unit attributes for explanations. Notice there are two numbers on top of the list, the top one is your current wealth, the bottom one is how much the selected upgrade will cost. (Tip: You can use the L/R button to show the previous/next unit in the list.) - WEAPONS MODIFICATION Improve units' weapons. Select the desired unit from the list, highlight the weapon and press A. A confirmation dialog will pop-up. The numbers on the left are the damage levels. Those on the right are your current wealth and cost of the upgrade. - UNIT PROPERTIES View units' statistics. L/R to view previous/next unit. - PILOT PROPERTIES View pilots statistics. L/R to view previous/next pilot. (Tip: look for red numbers. If they exist, make sure you improve the unit's LIMIT attribute) - CHANGE PILOT If a small dialog pop-up first, the top one is "Pilot", the bottom one is "Elf". Select the pilot from a list, then another list will pop-up showing what units can this pilot control. Pressing A at one of them will pop up the units' properties, and a confirmation dialog. The three rows of number on the left of the confirmation dialogs are: > LIMIT > EVASIVE ABILITY, the one in bracket is the current pilot number > ACCURACY, the one in bracket is the current pilot number - UPGRADE PARTS You often obtain power-ups from special enemy units you defeated. At this screen, the top left box should how many slots the unit has, and what it is currently equipped. The bottom left box show stats changes as you highlight different parts. The attributes are: > HP > EN > MOVEMENT POINTS > HANDLING > ARMOR > LIMIT The box on the right is the list of items. The total number of a particular item is in the bracket. The number in front of the bracket is how many is current in used (equipped on units). The first item in the list means "un-equipped". (Tip: The item that starts with HP2000 in the description is a repair kit (HP+2000). The one that has 50 in the first line is an energy recharge tank (EN+50). Both of these don't show any stats differences in the bottom left of course. To use these, select PARTS from the Unit Command Menu while on the map.) - GO TO NEXT MAP Starts the next scenario. -=[ 14. IMPORTANT INFO ]=- After you finished SRWF, don't delete the save game file! You will be able to continue the game in "Super Robot Wars F Final", which is expected to be on sale early 98. -=[ 15. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS & COPYRIGHT ]=- * Thanks Banpresto for producing Super Robot Wars F! * Thanks for all the companies, artists, designers that produced the original anime SRWF based on. * Thanks for everyone on the Internet that have helped me out. * Advanced thanks for anyone that will send correction & comments or even encouragement about this to me (earnesty@msn.com). BTW, no flame please. This document is meant to be electronically distributed, as long as you do not change its contents. This cannot be sold for profit or used to obtain prizes from magazines or contests. You are welcome to put this document up at your website as long as I am credited for the work. If you do so, I would really appreciate it if you notify me through email. Have fun!!