サイバーパンク・アドベンチャー●スナッチャー Cyber punk adventure - Snatcher (imagine a large mass of ASCII characters pretending to be an italicized Snatcher logo) ---------------------------------------------- --------------Table of Contents-------------- ---------------------------------------------- I. Intro II. Cast III. Controls IV. How to Play V. Locations VI. In game questions VII. Other things(and maze) VIII . Phone numbers IX. Changes between SegaCD(us) and PSX(JAP) X. Forbidden Secrets... ooooooohhh (Well, secrets anyway.) XI. Credits and legal ------------------------------------ I. --------------Intro-------------- ------------------------------------ First attempt at FAQ, blah, blah, blah, yes it probably does suck. This was originally intended only to highlight the differences between the SegaCD(US) and PSX(JP) games, but I got carried away and created this mess. On a side note, I dunno what Konami did to the Saturn version, I'll have to seek out a copy of that. Btw, I believe this to be the 4th generation of the game. 1st)MSX 2nd)SuperCD 3rd)SegaCd 4th)PSX/Sat I dunno what programs can view the Shift JIS file format, but at the addy below is a freeware program called JWP, Japanese Word Processor. If you open this in a basic text editor you'll notice that the maze looks all funkdafied since this was written in a non-monospaced font. I happened to use that program to translate 99.999999% of the Kanji, since I actually know under 100 :( But the program and it's extensions own, so that wasn't too much of a problem :) (Well, yes it was. But I did it anyway) ftp://ftp.cc.monash.edu.au/pub/nihongo LAST UPDATED ON: 12/31/00 Ok, this isn't an update. Or I don't think it is anyway. Anyway, if you actually read this prior to my belated update, it was riddled with bad spelling, so I ran a spell check the next day. Then school actually got time consuming since finals were on the way. Now over a month later, I'm remembering to ul the spell checked version, which probably has NO other updates. I outta do some more work on this during my break between semesters, not like I have anything else to do :( ------------------------------------ 11/17/2000 Wrapping up a first write. Seeing as I'm no English major (or in Japanese for that matter) expect errors, I apologize ahead of time, and please shoot to wound, not maim. For starters, here's a different meaning of 'JUNKER'.-------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- J.U.N.K.E.R. Judgement Uninfected Naked Kind & Execute Ranger I can't remember what J.U.N.K.E.R. means in the US version, but I know it's not this. ------------------------------------ II. --------------Cast-------------- ------------------------------------ This is all info ripped straight from the manual. If anything was translated wrong, I wouldn't be surprised. And to make up for this, I'm leaving the info bare since I don't know even near enough to translate the info paragraphs in the manual. I didn't bother including the info of other people who aren't in the manual. This is just a quick list for comparison to the US copy for now. スタッフ = staff --Without further delay, here they are as ordered in the manual: Gillian Seed (ギリアン・シード/girian shiido) Age: 31 Height: 178 Weight: 65kg Blood Type: A Randam Hajile (ランダム・ハジル/randamu hajuru)(Random Hajile in US) Height: 175 Weight: 65kg Blood Type: ? Jamie Seed (ジィミー・シド/jaimi shiido) Age: 29 Height: 170 Weight: ? Blood Type: A Katherine Gibson (カトリーヌ・ギブソン/katoriine gibuson) Age: 14 (18 in the US version) Height: 160 Weight: ? B: 81 W: 58 H: 83 Blood Type: B Jean Jack Gibson (ジャン・ジャック・ギブソン/jaan jakku gibuson) Age: 55 Height: 185 Weight: 78kg Blood Type: O Mika Slayton (ミカ・スライトン/mika suraiton) Age: 23 Height: 167 Weight: ? Blood Type: A Benson Cunningham (ベンソン・カニガム/benson kanihamu) Age: 46 Height: 180 Weight: 75kg Blood Type: B Harry Benson (ハリー・ベンソン/hari benson) Age: 55 Height: 168 Weight: 65kg Blood Type: O Napoleon (ナポレオン/naporeon) Age: ? Height: 155 Weight: 70kg Blood Type: AB Isabella Velvet (イサベラ・ベルベット/isabera berubetto) Age: 24 Height: 175 Weight: ? B: 87 W: 59 H: 88 Blood Type: O Metal Gear Mk. II (メタルギアmk-II) Navigator that is given to Gillian by Harry. Little John (リトル・ジョン) Jean Jack GIbson's Navigator. ----------------------------------------- III. --------------Controls-------------- ----------------------------------------- D-Pad: 1)Moves cursor between options at bottom of screen 2)Moves reticule during shooting sequences 3)moves cursor for text and videophone L1/circle: 1)Selects, and fires during shooting sequences 2)Choose letters/numbers for text and videophone L2/X: 1)Cancel/backup 2)Backspace for text and videophone Select: Draw/Holster gun --------------------------------------------- IV. --------------How to play-------------- --------------------------------------------- Some info about the menu systems, saving and whatever else I toss in here. Menu:----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ These are some of the things you'll see at the bottom and what they mean. 中に入る(なかにいる/naka ni iru/Go inside) 見る (みる/miru/look) 調べる (investigate) 話す (はなす/hanasu/speak) 聞く (きく/kiku/ask;hear;listen)This is ask in this case. 持物(もちます/mochimono/posessions) 外へ出る (soto ni deru/go outside) 見せる (miseru/show) メタルギア使う (metarugia tsukuu/Use Metal Gear) 車を乗りる (Get in/on car) 移動 (move) 証拠品 (evidence) More translations: Just some of the games elements. ナビゲーター(nabigaata/navigator) ブラスタ (burasuta/blaster) スナッチャー(sunattchaa/snatcher) インセクター (insekutaa/insecter) How to save:---------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Yes. 1.「メタルギ使う」There are 2 options in this menu 1a. 「ビデオフォン」bideofono/video phone (for phone calls, used a lot later on) 1b. 「セブする」sebu suru/save game(choose this one, as is now obvious) 2. 「セーブ(1-4)」sebu(x)/save in slot 1-4 3. Prompt about overwriting previous saves 3a.「セーブする」 Save game/overwrite 3b.「セーブしない」Do not save game/don't overwrite It defaults to memory card 1, and I don't remember if all 4 saves are on the memory block. I'll look later if I ever remember. ------------------------------------------ V. --------------Locations-------------- ------------------------------------------ The areas you travel to, and a little more in-depth info. *far from complete* Tricycle destinations:--------------------- ------------------------------------------ When in the Tricycle(Turbo cycle in the US) these are a few of the areas you can go. Not all are listed yet, but I'll eventually do that. 車を降りる (descend; land tricycle;exit) ギリアン家 (Gillian's home/apartment) 工場跡 (construction site/abandoned factory) JUNKER本部/JUNKER HQ/JUNKER honbu-------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the rooms of the Junker HQ. フロント (Front/furonto)7 局長室 (Chief's Office/kyokuchoushitsu) デカ部屋 (Detective's room/deka beya) 廊下 (Hallway) コンピューター室 (Computer Room/konpyuuyaa shitsu) アウファビル (Alpha building?/aufabiru It was Alpha-One in the US version) ガウディ (gaudei, No idea what this means. But it's the Montage builder used in Act 2) メカニッジュ室 (Mechanic's Room/mekanikku shitsu) 射撃場 (Shooting Range/shagekijou; on a funny note/Kanji seems to mean something close to Shoot-Attack-Location/Place) シャンカズ・アイ (Shankaazu ai, No idea. Anyway, this is the actual shooting range, where you can practice on the 3x3 grid.) 駐車場 (I think it's garage, it translates into "Reside in-car-place" or maybe "Place where car resides.") 工場跡 (construction site/abandoned factory)-------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- The Factory, and some translations of most of the stuff you'll find popping up in the menu. 見る: 建物 (building) 空 (sky) あたり (vicinity) 調べる: 建物 (building) あたり (vicinity) 動体反応 (moving body-?, well it's motion detector anyway.) Inside the Building------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Same area, just the inside. 移動: (move) 前進する (forward advance/move forward) 外に出る (go outside) 聴く (listen) 見る/調べる: 足元 (walk back? look behind?) 壁 (wall) 天井 (ceiling, above ceiling, lighting?) あたり パイプ (pipe) リトル・ジョン (Little John) メモリー/チッポ (memory/memory chip) 人 (person) 地面 (ground) 遺体 (corpse/remains) ブラスター (Just a blaster, but this one is Gibson's) 衣服 (clothes) カギ (key) ギブスン (Gibson) 毛髪 (hair, from foreign sample on corpse.) 皮膚組織 (skin construction, from foreign sample on corpse.) 紙切れ (piece of paper) 残存物 (remaining material, must mean the food) 前方 (forward) 土砂 (cave in/collapsed area) 出口 (exit) 時限爆弾 (time bomb) 分折結果理整(No idea, but it took me over an hour just to find the Kanji. Some Kanji are sooo hard to read on the TV.) タイマー音のようなものが聞こえます。モニターのボリュを(Kanji that I just can't read)大してください I can hear ticking noises. Turn up the volume on your TV. TVモニターのボリュームをあげてみて下さい Your TV's volume is to low. This is most of the text where Metal Gear talks about the volume of the TV. I thought it was originally some tacky addition to the Sega CD that most localize games suffer. But, here's Metal saying otherwise. I'm sure neither of these are translated beyond remotely similar. But I'm not keen enough to do a better job. People in Outer Heaven:----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Between the Sega CD and PSX version, some of the cameos in Outer Heaven have changed. pawabuko (パワブコ) No idea goemon (ゴエモン) Goemon - Mystical Ninja raito to pasuteru (ライト と パステル) (Raito and Pasuteru) No Idea dorakyura (ドラキュラ) Dracula - Castlevania shimon (シモン) No idea dezainman suupaaa dezainaa No idea. masutaa (マスター) - Master/Manager dansaa (ダンサー) - Dancer, Isabella --------------------------------------------------- VI. ---------------In game questions-------------- --------------------------------------------------- Answers to questions: Through the game, there's are several sequences where you're asked to input text or some numbers. Here's run down of what they are and the answers. They seem oddly numbered, but that's the order they're asked, and I oddly grouped them by who asks them. NOTE: These are all spoilers, that don't give hints, just the question and the answer, straight, no ice. Katrina's(カトリヌ/katorine) questions: -1-4 are given when you first go to Gibson's house. 1. What is Gibson's(her father's) age? 55 2. What's my bust? 81 3. What's my waist? 58 4. What's my hip? 83 -When she breaks into your place in Act 2 7. Hospital name? kuiin (クイーン)(Phonetically close to Queen, the US versions answer.) Napoleon(ナポレオン) The answers to these are on the computer in the Computer Room back at Junker HQ. 5. "The Revolution is..."? Ended(オネッタ/onetta?)[Not sure how to spell this one yet] 6. "The 100 day..."? War(テンカ/tenka) Napoleon is the one who can translate the slip of paper you find at Queen's hospital. 8. Barium, Nitrogen, Sodium, Nitrogen: BE N So N (ベンソン/Benson)(Same as US) Note: All Kanji in the word puzzles use the On(Chinese) reading, and therefore are written in katakana ------------------------------------------------- VII. -------------Phone Numbers-------------- ------------------------------------------------- The usual list of Numbers. I'll probably leave this bare, or rip them off of another FAQ, and give that author credit, the actors say a few of the numbers way to fast for me to understand, the rest are all hidden, but already found. --All, but Konami's and Quiz#2's numbers were ripped from CHoffman's FAQ. 'ripped' is a strong word though, since I couldn't just played the US version and written them down, but I was lazy. 39-1009 Jamie at Work 39-5644 Napoleon 55-6666 Quiz #2 (I'm pretty sure this is bonus material for the remake) 177 (I wrote down the number, but does it do anything? If not, then I'll remove it later.)) 30-1234 Konami(On Billboard in Alton Plaza) ---------------------------------------------- VIII. --------------Other things-------------- ---------------------------------------------- Spoilers and such, don't read if you don't want the game ruined. Though the game's about 12 years old, and chances of you not playing it are rare. I wonder if anyone will actually read this in fact!!! If you, the reader exist, I am shocked, and happy. Maze after the Explosion at Queens Hospital.------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- カボーマ!! (kaboom!!) Random nukes himself, and you dive into an air-duct. Time to check your surroundings and bail this hovel. No longer do you talk to metal for 4 minutes and get attacked by Insectors. Now you get to wander around in a mini-maze. Too bad I didn't take better notes on how it worked, but this is some of what's there. button - wall (Insectors) . | Skull - Spider . | dead end (seem to move up, or wall closes behind and opens in front) . | ? _ | _ ? Exit People in Outer Heaven:----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Between the Sega CD and PSX version, some of the cameos in Outer Heaven have changed. pawabuko (パワブコ) No idea goemon (ゴエモン) Goemon - Mystical Ninja raito to pasuteru (ライト と パステル) (Raito and Pasuteru) No Idea dorakyura (ドラキュラ) Dracula - Castlevania shimon (シモン) No idea dezainman suupaaa dezainaa No idea. masutaa (マスター) - Master/Manager dansaa (ダンサー) - Dancer, Isabeera ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IX. --------------Changes between SegaCD(us) and PSX(JAP)-------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section is all spoilers, and it's numbered in what I'm hoping is the progression through the game. There might be some discrepancies. It's probably not fair to compare versions from different countries, since most of the time the US version is sliced to ribbons. But here's a rare occasion where it's the opposite. --This is a list of changes I noticed between the US Sega CD version and the Japanese PSX copy. *a new note: I'm not in the mood right now to reorder the thing, so if there's anything else to add it'll be out of order. 1. Slight pallet changes with some characters. 2. Some Backgrounds have small changes, a few are completely changed. 3. Harry's office now has Marilyn Monroe, Not Madonna. 4. Metal Gear Mk.II is 3D-Modeled in first appearance. 5. Possibly Less blood in game even in scenes that don't seem edited. 6. Gibson's corpse is shown for a few seconds, then an black and white overlay blurs him, it also pans so his head is not in frame. 7. Changes to a few people in the bar, some characters are swapped with other Konami games. 8. Manager/Master has new mask. 9. Added shooting sequences with Insectors scattered about. 10. Dog falls backwards, disemboweled I , but intestine are hidden. There's a small amount of blood under the dog. 11. Katrina's chest and nipples are removed. 12. There is a Mosaic over the maggot infested skull. When it first loads, you can see it in all it's glory, the mosaic takes effect after 1-2 seconds. 13. Blood isn't splattered on Random and Gillian's faces when they're both wounded in Queen's Hospital. 14. The Air-duct escape from the hospital is now a mini maze/puzzle. 15. Madnar/Modnar's face is different in Cathedral. 16. Dialogue with Katrina, Jamie and Mika at the end is removed, shortened sequence 17. Metal Gear Mk.2, SegaCD on SegaCD, and PS on PS. 18. New Art in Ending, same song. 19. Music seems to different in some places (haven't bothered to verify yet) 20. Masks are different. Now choices between a blank face and a mummy. The Moai is gone. 21. When you called the hidden numbers in the Sega CD version it would say "Video not available" and have text. In the PSX version, there's pictures of what I'm assuming to be the actual Konami employees who are speaking. 22. The security bot battle immediately followed by the Snatcher shoot-out is moved. You face these damn things before you enter the store room with all the offline snatchers. 23. Last I played, I don't remember being able to accidently shoot Jamie and insta-gameover, it's not the most welcome factor in the game. But, on the Sega CD version it's essentially the last sequence before the ending starts, and a really cool game play twist. 24. A while back I read about censorship concerning the dogs intestine twitching, I'm not sure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Forbidden Secrets... ooooooohhh (Well, secrets anyway.) -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Special Options menu. Go to the options menu, hit start to pause the game and input: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, O. --------------Probably Stolen from GameSages, but I can't remember. --The now useless magic chime In the Computer room, log onto Guide/Jordan and so a search for コナミ(Konami), there's a little jingle and *poof*, it's still censored. I've no idea what this does, but maybe it's what unlocked the Konami quiz, after all, it did magically appear in Metal's number listing. Though it might be there anyway, since it's the 4th generation of the game Note: Later on I'll attempt to translate the menu system for the Comp. room so you know how to input it if blind guessing isn't working. --------------Don't know where this originated from, but yay; for the SegaCD. ---------------------------------------------- XI. -------------Credits and legal------------ ---------------------------------------------- I think I need this section. --Snatcher is copyrighted to Konami, all branches who released it. --Hideo Kojima, visionary genius. And evil mastermind at the same time, have you seen how many Kanji there are in Policenauts? Some games will use lots, but have a moderate amount of hirigana/katakana, though it's nice enough to have itty-bitty text over them, it's still insane. --This document Copyright 2000 Morris Raab, me. andrigaar@home.com --If you missed, my e-mail is andrigaar@home.com --If you missed my name, then back up a few lines --If there's any part you want to use, just e-mail me and tell me why. Chances are slim to nil that I'll decline you, but I'd still like to know if anyone's actually using this. --CHoffman and his FAQ for the Sega CD version. Yay for it's help when I was busy playing that better version. --And boo to whoever decided the violence was to severe for Japanese society. --PSX, Sat/Saturn, MSX, SegaCD, SuperCD, and all those other copyrighted names are copyrighted to their original owners