Phantasy Star IV: Side Quest FAQ by Fox Fire QUICK LEGAL STUFF: I don't own PS4, Sega does. I do, however own the FAQ contents, so ask me before you wanna post this some where. My e-mail is VERSION HISTORY: Version 1.3: Added some more enemy skills, added some combos to the elemental move list (I knew Blizzard existed, but its element puzzled me), and fixed a stupid spelling error I missed. Version 1.2: Found some new enemy abilities. Fixed that translation error with the Photon Eraser (didn't see that "e" in there...). Added some notes about the Silver Tusk. Version 1.1: Fixed a few spelling errors and also included some elemental moves I had forgotten about/didn't know about. Also decided to add elemental weapons in the element list. Version 1.0: FAQ made and put up on GameFAQs! This is a run down of all the side quests of Phantasy Star IV. As a quick warning, I've tried to keep spoilers to a minimum, but there still might be one or two minor ones. Also, I wrote all the weapon/armor names out to make the FAQ look nicer. So, things like "CRMC-KNIFE" become "Ceramic Knife." I've also decided to do a quick rundown of each of the enemies you'll face in the side quests. I've written down special strategies to use against them, and their special attacks, resistances and weakness. If you don't know which skill/tech has which element (and the names are kinda confusing, especially if you don't have the manual), here's a list of elemental attacks: FIRE Techs: Foi, Gifoi, Nafoi Skills: Flaeli, Burst Roc Combos: Shooting Star (Burst Roc + any level Foi, Burst Roc + Flaeli) Fire Storm (Any level Foi + any level Zan, Flaeli + any level Zan, any level Foi + Hewn, Flaeli + Hewn) Weapons: Napalm Shot (weapon for Wren, find in Kuran), Flame Sword (weapon for Chaz, buy in Zosa) GRAVITY Techs: Gra, Gigra, Nagra LIGHT Skill: Efess, St. Fire Combo: Grand Cross (Crosscut + Efess) Weapons: Silver Tusk (weapon for Rika, get from Mysterious Cave side quest), Elsydeon (weapon for Chaz, get after events in Ryrkos) NOTE: Light elemental weapons WILL damage "normal" enemies (animals and machines), unlike the skills. LIGHTNING Skills: Tandle Combos: Conduct Thunder (Any level Wat + Tandle) Weapons: Thunder Claw (weapon for Rika, buy in Zosa) WATER: Techs: Wat, Giwat, Nawat Combos: Blizzard (Any level Wat + any level Zan, any level Wat + Hewn) NOTE: Because of its wind component, Blizzard will still damage enemies with resistances to water. The only time it will not work is when the enemy has FULL resistance to water, like the Snow Slug. Thanks go to SirPobalot for telling me this. WIND Techs: Zan, Gizan, Nazan Skills: Hewn Weapons: Tornado Dagger (weapon for Chaz and Hahn, buy in Zosa) And now without further ado, the side quests! --- 1) THE FALLEN METEOR BECOMES AVAILBLE: Right after you finish the Bio-Plant and have Rika in your party. BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: Tracer - Tan version of the Whistle, and slightly stronger. Resistant: Fire, gravity, light, water. Weakness: Lightning. Whistle Resistant: Fire, gravity, light. Weakness: Lightning. Warren286 - Weakest of the android class. Pretty strong at this stage of the game, though. Special attacks: -Flare Shot - Powerful attack on one ally. Resistant: Fire, light, water. Weakness: Lightning. ITEMS: Ceramic Shield (shield for Alys, Chaz, Gryz, and Rika) 1500 meseta Dimate Ceramic Knife (weapon for Hahn or Chaz) Ceramic Mail (body armor for Alys, Chaz, Gryz, and Rika) BOSSES: None. Your first side quest opens up just after you get Rika. The bridge northwest of Zema will now be fixed, opening the way to Nalya, Aiedo, and the meteor site. To start this side quest, simply enter the crash site. From the entrance, head left, up, left, and up. You'll see a doorway right in front of you. Don't go in there yet; take the path to the right to a room containing a Ceramic Shield and 1500 meseta. Now retrace your steps to that first doorway you saw. No go up and left. You'll pass a treasure box containing a Dimate. Keep going left, then up and enter the elevator. From the elevator, go left and up to a box containing a Ceramic Knife. From this box, first go right, then keep going up until you reach a doorway. Go in the door to find another box containing Ceramic Mail. Go back out the door, then go down, take the first left, go up, left and go in the elevator. In the next room, just go through the doorway. In the room after that, just follow the path to the next doorway. Go straight on through the next hallway to another door. No go up to the terminals to see an event. That's all there is to see here, so just exit the wreckage afterward. 2) THE RANCH OWNER BECOMES AVAILABLE: When you get to Aiedo. BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: After you get the Elsydeon. ENEMIES: None. ITEMS: 5000 meseta BOSSES: Sandworm This is the first job offered at the Hunter's Guild. Even though this is available now, I don't suggest *doing* it right now. The Sandworm boss will have you for lunch at this point in the game, unless you have lots of levels on you. Wait until you get to Termi, and have bought the Psy-armors. Take on this job at the guild, and then warp to Mile. Talk to the rancher guy, and he'll move out of the way. Then walk around the ranch area (be careful so that you don't leave the village instead!) until you encounter the Sandworm. Throw all your best techs or skills at it. If you've already been through the Plate System, Demi's Phononmezer combined with Chaz's Air Slash creates the Silent Wave combo that takes a nice chunk of HP out of the big worm. Gryz should just attack normally, but if he has the War Cry skill, boosting his attack power first is also not a bad idea. Rika should use Double Slash and heal anybody that needs it. Chaz should use Crosscut until he can't do it anymore, and then switch to his Thu tech. Demi should attack normally, but use her Medical Power if everyone's HP are getting too low. If you have Rune, his Giwat tech will shred the Sandworm nicely. If you're still having trouble with the Sandworm, then go do the Plate System side quest first. If you're STILL having trouble, then go into Laeda Tower and snatch Rune. And if the Sandworm is still a problem after that, then finish Laeda Tower first and then go fight it. Once you've killed the Sandworm, talk to the rancher then warp back to Aiedo. Pick up your reward at the guild. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Sandworm boss you fight here is NOT the same as the Sandworm enemies around Termi. The Termi area Sandworms are ungodly powerful, and can't be successfully defeated until near the end of the game! 3. TINKERBELL'S DOG BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you get the Land Rover. BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: None. ITEMS: 1720 meseta (2000 meseta reward minus cost of the Shortcake) BOSSES: None. This is the second job offered at the Hunter's Guild. Right after you get the Land Rover, warp back to Aiedo and enter the guild. Agree to take on the job, then go to Tinkerbell's house, which is between the mall and the fortune teller's house. Talk to everybody in there, then head for the exit. However, don't actually leave to city. Walk past the guards, then go left and creep around the wall. Follow the wall to the northeast section of town and enter the building. Go downstairs and buy a Shortcake. Now warp to Monsen. The dog is in the south part of town, sitting in a corner next to the fence surrounding the big crack. Talk to the dog twice, and you'll automatically warp back to Tinkerbell's house. Now go back to the guild to receive your reward. 4. THE PLATE SYSTEM BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you get the Land Rover BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: Gunner Bit - Weak enemies, but show up in large numbers. Rune's Hewn skill will get rid of them easily. Special attacks: -Rail Gun - Fairly weak attack on one ally. Resistance: Fire, light, water. Weakness: Lightning. Loader - Looks big and bad but doesn't have a lot of HP. You can probably take one down before it even attacks you! A fairly rare enemy. Special attacks: -Laser Cannon - Attack on one ally. Resistance: Fire, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Seeker Special attacks: -Laser Cannon - Attack on one ally. Resistance: Fire, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Slave - Watch out! These guys are tough! Found on the bottom floors of the Plate System. Fortunately, they're pretty uncommon encounters. Resistance: Fire, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Drop: Repair Kit Worker Pod Resistance: Light. Weakness: Lightning. ITEMS: Repair Kit Ceramic Armor (armor for Demi) Titanium Gear (head armor for Demi) Phononmezer (skill for Demi and ONLY Demi. If you try to come back here later with Wren, nothing will happen) Laser Knife (weapon for Chaz) Laser Axe (weapon for Gryz) Laser Barrier (shield for Chaz, Gryz, Rika, and Rune) Stun Shot (weapon for Demi) BOSSES: None. As a quick suggestion, I'd say first go to Termi and purchase the Psy-armors for some of your characters so they'll be prepared for the enemies in the Plate System. I also like to stop in the Laeda tower and snag Rune so he can level up before you have to take on the tower. Besides, his Hewn skill can take out large numbers of Gunner Bits. To start this, warp to Monsen and talk to the guy standing outside the big crack. Watch the event that follows, then exit the town. Now go northeast from Monsen around some mountains to find the Plate System. Enter the building, and go up from the entrance, then right and down. You'll find a box containing a Repair Kit. From the box, go back up, all the way left, then up to find an elevator. Take the elevator to the next floor. On the next floor, go left and up. Now you'll be in a big room with two hallways; one leading left, and one leading right. Go right first, then up to snag a Ceramic Armor from the box. From the box, go all thw way down for another box. This one contains Titanium Gear. Now go back up, go all the way to the left, up, then right to find the next elevator. Go down the elevator to the next floor. From the elevator, go down and left, then go all the way down the hall to find another elevator. Take this elevator first. On the next floor, follow the path to a box containing the Phononmezer skill. Demi will install it. Now go back to the elevator and go back up to the previous floor. From the elevator, go back up and take the first right. Go all the way right, down, then left to find the next elevator. Take this elevator down. On the next floor, go right, up, left, and down. Now you'll be in a big room with a few boxes. Take the box in plain sight to get a Laser Knife. From the box, go all the way left to another box containing a Laser Axe. From the second box, go back to the right, then down and right some more to find a third box. This one has a Laser Barrier. Now go all the way left to find the next elevator. Take it to the next floor. On the next floor go all the way to the right to find a Stun Shot in a box. Now go back to the left and go up. Check out the terminals and watch the event. Now exit the building. 5. THE MISSING STUDENT BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you defeat Zio. BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: None. ITEMS: 2960 meseta (3000 meseta reward minus the cost of the Perolymate) BOSSES: None. This is the third job offered at the Hunter's Guild. Apply for the job at the guild, then warp to Termi. Buy a Perolymate cake from the gift store in the north part of town. Now warp to Piata. Go into the dorms, which is the building just southwest of the Academy. Talk to the guy in the hallway. Now warp to Kadary. Go inside Zio's church and talk to the orange haired girl. After the short event, talk to the old man again, then talk to the girl. You'll be warped back to the dorms in Piata. After the conversation here, warp back to Aiedo and collect your reward at the guild. 6. THE FISSURE OF FEAR BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you defeat Zio. BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: Zol Slug - Same enemies you fought in the cave passage to Kadary. They should be easy now. Resistance: Gravity, light, wind. Weakness: Lightning, water. Meta Slug - Two Zol Slugs combined! However, this guy will probably be easy by now. They also give you much more experience than their components. Resistance: Gravity, light, wind. Weakness: Lightning, water. Jr. Ooze - Slightly stronger than the Zol Slug, but still not much to worry about. These are actually the fissioned forms of the Fract-Ooze, as you'll find out way later in the game. Resistance: Gravity, light, wind. Weakness: Fire, lightning, water. ITEMS: 5000 meseta BOSSES: Fract Ooze This is the forth job offer at the Hunter's Guild. I usually go grab Wren and Raja first before going on this mission so they can get some experience. You'll also get some weapons and armor upgrades if you get them first, so it's a pretty good deal. Agree to take on this job at the guild, then warp to Monsen. Go in the house north of the huge crack and talk to the lady inside. When you step out, the sign blocking the entrance to the crack will be removed. Jump down the crack. Now follow the path to your left. There are no treasure boxes down here, so don't bother looking for them. When you come to a fork in the road, go up the north path. You'll soon come upon a big orange slug. Talk to the slug, and it'll attack! Throw all your best skills and techs at it. Have Rika cast Deban at the start of the battle to raise your defenses. Rune's Gifoi and Giwat techs work pretty good against this boss. If you have Raja, leave the healing to him so Rika can use her Double Slash skill. Don't bother using his Saint Fire skill, though; it'll only do 1 HP of damage. This boss shouldn't be too hard; just watch out for it's Cell Spit attack. If it does it, counter it with Rika's Sar tech or Raja's Sar tech or Miracle skill, if you have him. After you kill the slug, there will be an event. Now retrace your steps to where you entered the crack, and take the path that lead to the right. This leads to the exit. Now warp back to Aiedo and collect your reward. 7. THE MYSTERIOUS VALLEY BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you get the Ice Digger. BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: Hungry Mole Special attacks: -Double Slash - Attack on one ally -Needle - Attack on one ally Resistance: Light, water. Weakness: Fire, lightning. Sky Tiara - Can do Supersonic, so try to get rid of them first. Special attacks: -Supersonic: Attack on entire party Resistance: Light, water. Weakness: Fire, Lightning. Tech-Plant - Somewhat rare encounter, but try to get rid of as fast as you can, because they use techs. Special attacks: -Gizan - Wind attack on entire party -Giwat - Water attack on one ally. Resistance: Light, water. Weakness: Fire, Lightning. ITEMS: Trimate Star Dew Silver Tusk (weapon for Rika) BOSSES: None. As with all side quests that are available after you get the Ice Digger, I like to do this quest after you get Kyra so she can gain some levels. Warp to Zosa and go up to the wall of ice northwest of it. Jump in the Ice Digger and dig west and north until you get to a cave. Hop out and go inside the cave. Once inside the cave, follow the path to a staircase, but don't go up them yet; instead, keep going right to a box containing a Trimate. Then go up the stairs and go through the doorway. In the next room, just follow the path to the next doorway. In the third room, just follow the path. Along the way, you'll find a box with Star Dew. In the last part, follow the path up to a door guarded by two musk cats. Talk to them and they'll move out of your way. Now make your way to the musk cats' lair and talk to the chief; he's really hard to miss! He'll give you the Silver Tusk. Now you can exit the valley. NOTE: The Silver Tusk has less attack power than the Laco Claw sold in Jut, but DON'T SELL IT. It's one of the only weapons that has a "holy" attribute, meaning it does more damage to demons. You'll be facing demons very soon, and this weapon is actually more effective against them than two Laco Claws (for example, the Silver Tusk will pierce the defenses of the Dimension Worm in the Air Castle, allowing Rika to do normal damage to them. If she used two Laco Claws, she'd only do 1 HP damage). 8. THE CLIMATE CONTROL BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you get the Ice Digger. BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: Arthropod - Fairly weak. Chaz, Rika, or Wren can sometimes kill them in one hit. Resistance: Light. Weakness: Lightning. Debugger - Like the Loader, not as strong as it looks. Special attacks: -Double Slash - Attack on one ally. -Laser Cannon - Attack on one ally. Resistance: Fire, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning Dragerduel - Can do Micromissle, so try to get rid of them first. Special attacks: -Micro Missile - Attacks entire party Resistance: Light. Weakness: Lightning. Protect Bit - Like the other Bit enemies, is pretty weak, but shows up in large numbers. Special attacks: -Laser Cannon - Attack on one ally. Resistance: Fire, light, water. Weakness: Lightning. Wiredine - Pretty strong, and shows up in large numbers. Resistance: Light. Weakness: Lightning. ITEMS: 2 Repair Kits Pulse Vulcan (weapon for Wren) 5000 meseta Compo-Gear (head armor for Wren) Compo-Armor (body armor for Wren) BOSSES: Gy-Laguiah D-Elm-Lars As with all side quests that are available after you get the Ice Digger, I like to do this quest after you get Kyra so she can gain some levels. Warp to Zosa and go northeast this time. You should find a wall of ice next to a lake of ice. Jump in the Ice Digger and dig northeast to a clearing. Now walk east to find the Climate Control. When you enter, you'll automatically enter your first boss fight. You might remember this guy from the Laeda Tower. But now that you have higher levels, he shouldn't be as hard. Have Wren use his Barrier skill and have Rika use her Deban tech (or Kyra's Warla skill if you have it) to soften the dragon's attacks. Since it also uses physical attacks, using Rika's Saner tech isn't a bad idea, either. Don't have Rune (or Kyra) use any fire attacks (i.e. Flaeli, Foi, Gifoi, Nafoi), as the boss has a resistance to it. Use water attacks (Wat, Giwat, Nawat) instead. The Hewn skill is also pretty effective. If Chaz has Rayblade, definitely use that. Once the boss has been taken care of, I suggest warping back to Zosa and resting, as there's another boss coming up. From the entrance, go up and you'll find an elevator. Don't go in there yet. Northeast of the elevator is a path leading to the right. Go down this path and follow it down to find a Repair Kit. Go back over by the elevator. This time, take the path north of the elevator. Go up, left, then all the way down and grab the Pulse Vulcan. It's not as good as the Napalm Shot you found back in Kuran, but at least it's good selling money. Now go back to the elevator and go down to the next floor. On the next floor, go all the way down, and then go all the way left past another elevator. Then go up, right, and up again to find 5000 meseta. Now go back to that elevator you passed and take that back upstairs. Back upstairs, go left from the elevator and grab the Compo-Gear from the box. Now go back downstairs. From the elevator, go all the way to the right to yet another elevator. Take this one upstairs, then go right to a *another* elevator and go back downstairs. Now go right, up, left, up, now take that narrow path to the right and go up to grab another Repair Kit. Go back down, then go left and up to find the next elevator (don't bother with that path left of the elevator; there's nothing there). On the next floor, just follow the glowing line to the next elevator. On the next floor after that, first go south from the elevator, then left to find a Compo-Armor. Now go back to the elevator, and take the path north of it. Walk up and talk to the robed figure to start the next boss fight. Like the last boss fight, have Wren use Barrier and Rika use Deban (or have Kyra substitute with Warla) to soften the blows. Then throw your best skills and techs at the guy. Hewn works well on him. This guy is actually easier than the last boss, and he shouldn't last long at all. Now watch the event that happens afterward and exit the building. 9. THE WEAPON PLANT BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you get the Ice Digger. BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: Arthropod - Still fairly weak enemies, but now show up with a Wiredine. If one of them is destroyed, the remaining one will combine with the Wiredine to form the Life Deleter! Try to get rid of the Wiredine first. Special attacks: -Combine - Combines with a Wiredine to form the Life Deleter Resistance: Light. Weakness: Lightning. Life Deleter - A Wiredine and an Arthropod combined! Very powerful! These guys are actually worth more EXP and meseta than just a party of two Arthropods and a Wiredine. Special attacks: -Micro Missile - Attack on entire party. -Statisball - Paralyses one organic ally. Does not work on androids. Resistance: Fire, gravity, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Servant - Pretty strong. Can do Motor Cannon, which hits the whole party! Pray they don't sneak up on you! Having both Rune and Kyra use their strongest Gra attacks on them gets rid of them fast! Special attacks: -Motor Cannon - Attacks entire party. Resistance: Fire, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Silvalt - Powerful and hard to hit! Special attacks: -Twin Claw - Attack on one ally. Resistance: Fire, light water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Star Drone - The strongest of the drone class. Have low HP and can be killed in one hit from Chaz, Rika, or Wren. Hewn can get rid of large numbers of them fast. Special attacks: -Flash - Lowers party's dexterity. Resistance: Light. Weakness: Lightning. Sweeper - Watch out for their Lightning attack...Wren is weak against lightning! Special attacks: -Laser Cannon - Attack on one ally. -Lightning - Lightning attack on one ally. Resistance: Fire, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Wiredine - Same enemies you fought in the Climate Control, but now show up with two Arthopods. If one of the Arthropods is destroyed, it will combine with the remaining Arthropod to form the Life Deleter! Get rid of these guys first! Special attacks: -Combine - Combines with one Arthropod to form the Life Deleter. Resistance: Light. Weakness: Lightning. ITEMS: Repair Kit (infinite) Burst Roc (skill for Wren) Plasma Launcher (weapon for Wren) Elastic Gear (head armor for Wren) Elastic Armor (body armor for Wren) BOSSES: None. As with all side quests that are available after you get the Ice Digger, I like to do this quest after you get Kyra so she can gain some levels. Warp to Jut and then go east of the town, then south. You should wind up at another wall of ice. Hop in the Ice Digger, and dig southeast to a clearing. Enter the building here. After the event, follow the yellow line north and go down the elevator. On the next floor, just hop in the elevator to your right. On the floor after that, just follow the yellow line to the next elevator. Now things get tricky! On the next floor, you're going to find lots and lots of conveyor belts, but fortunately they all lead to the same place. For the quickest route, go left from the elevator and go up the narrow path to the north. Now take the conveyor belt to your right. When it drops you off, go up another narrow pathway north of you and check out the terminal you find here. Then go back by the conveyor belts and take the one on your right. After that, take the conveyor to the north and go down the elevator. On this floor, follow the path to a box containing Wren's Burst Roc skill. Yay! Now retrace your steps back to the room with the conveyor belts. Back in the conveyor room, go all the way to your left to find another elevator and go down it. On this floor, just follow the path to another elevator. Now you'll be in a room with two moving platforms. Take the platform on your right, which will lead to another platform. Take that platform to another elevator and go down. Here, follow the path to a Plasma Launcher weapon, then go back upstairs. Use the platforms to go back to where you first entered the platform room, and then take the platform on your left. Now just follow to the path to another elevator and go down. Finally, follow the path to two boxes and a terminal. The boxes contain an Elastic Gear and an Elastic Armor. The terminal contains an endless supply of Repair Kits. That's all there is to see here, so just exit the building. IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember this place if you're running low on Repair Kits. Repair Kits can be crucial in boss fights, since they're the only thing that can revive a fallen android! 10. STAIN IN LIFE BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you get the Hydrofoil BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: None. ITEMS: None (bail and reward money cancel each other out!) BOSSES: None. Finally, after all that drama with the Garuberk Tower, the Hunter's Guild finally reopens! This is the fifth job offer. Accept this job at the guild. Now you have to find Uzo. The best way to get to Uzo is to warp to Molcum, then go south all the way to the southern tip of the peninsula. Then hop in the Hydrofoil and go west. You'll soon run across the island that Uzo is on. Go into town, then head into the house east of the item shop. Talk to the two people inside, then warp back to Aiedo. Now go into the prison in the northeast corner of town. Talk to the two girls in the cell, then talk to the guard twice. Cough up the money, then talk to the girls again. You'll be automatically warped back to Uzo. After the quick event, warp back to Aiedo and get your money back at the guild. Well, at least you got those girls home... 11. THE DYING BOY BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you get the Hydrofoil BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: None. ITEMS: 9500 meseta (10000 meseta reward minus cost of Alis Sword). BOSSES: None. This is the sixth job offer at the guild. After you accept this job, you'll have to find Torinco. First, warp to Termi, which is on the way anyway. Go into Termi and buy an Alis Sword at the gift shop. Now leave Termi and go over by the Laeda Tower. Go south of the tower until you reach the coast, then hop in the Hydrofoil and go south then west some. You should run smack into Torinco. In Torinco, go to the house on the highest terrace. Talk to the guy, then talk to the kid. After the short event, talk to the guy again. Now warp back to Aiedo and collect your reward. 12. MAN WITH A TWIST BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you get the Hydrofoil BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: Blue Rappy: These guys are slightly stronger than the yellow ones, but still pretty easy. Special attacks: -Lovely Eyes: Attack on one ally. Resistance: Light. Weakness: Fire. Rappy: Awww! Aren't they cute? These chickens-with-antennae are easy enemies. Do you remember the Chirper from PS III? Special attacks: -Round Eyes: Attack on one ally. Resistance: Light. Weakness: Fire. ITEMS: None (Grr!). BOSSES: King Rappy This is the seventh job offered at the Hunter's Guild. Accept this mission, then warp back to Torinco. Go into the house on the third terrace, then talk to the guy inside. Now leave the town, and head northeast to a cave. Go inside the cave, the go up and follow the right path. When you get to the next fork, just keep going north. Follow it all the way to where the King Rappy is. Talk to the big bird to start the boss fight. He may look like a big chicken, but don't underestimate this guy. This big turkey has a powerful attack called Earthquake that hits the whole party. He's also immune to Rune's Efess attack, and therefore immune to the Grand Cross combo! Fortunately, he's weak against fire. Have Rika cast Deban to soften the boss bird's blows, then have Rune and Wren team up with their strongest Shooting Star (Nafoi + Burst Roc). Chaz should use Rayblade, then switch to Crosscut if he runs out. Rika's on healing duty if the party gets hurt, but if not, she should deal out some Double Slashes. The battle shouldn't last too long. After the fight, the bird will leave in a huff. Watch the surprising event afterwards. Warp back to Aiedo, though when you go into the guild, you'll find out you reward's been pulled. ARGH! 13. THE SILVER SOLDIER BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you get the Hydrofoil BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: After you get the Elsydeon. ENEMIES: Browren486 - The strongest of the android class. Has an instant death attack that only affects Wren. Special attacks: -Barrier - Puts up a barrier that raises magic defense an all enemies. -Flare Shot - Attack on one ally. -Spark - Kills one mechanical ally. Does not work on organics. Resistance: Fire, light, water. Weakness: Lightning. Drop: Repair Kit. Dominator - The strongest of the Loader class, and is actually as strong as it looks. Can use Demi's Phononmezer skill! Special attacks: -Double Slash - Attack on one ally. -Phononmezer - Attack on entire party. Resistance: Fire, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Goldine - Strongest of the Blauzen class. Like the other floating 'bots of its kind, this guy's hard to hit. Special attack: -Twin Claw - Attack on one ally. -Statisball - Paralyses one organic ally. Does not work on androids. Resistance: Fire, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Jurafaduel - The strongest of the Balduel class. Beware of Micro Missile! Special attacks: -Flame Launch - Fire attack on one ally. -Micro Missile - Attack on entire party. Resistance: Light, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Life Deleter - These are the same guys you may have accidentally met in the Weapons Plant. They come fully combined now! They shouldn't be has hard, though. You still might want to be wary of their Micro Missile attack! Special attacks: -Statisball - Paralyses one organic ally. Does not work on androids. -Micro Missile - Attack on entire party. Resistance: Fire, gravity, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Servant - These guys attack you when you go to Zema. They're the same enemies you faced in the Weapons Plant on Dezolis, and they'll probably be easy by now. Special attacks: -Motor Cannon - Attacks entire party. Resistance: Fire, light, water, wind. Weakness: Lightning. Vopal Sphere - The strongest of the floating bomb class. Take these guys out immediately! They have an instant-death attack! You also won't get any EXP or meseta if they explode. If you want to save Rune's Tandle shots for the boss, Nagra takes them out nicely... Special attack: -Cyanic Bomb - Kills one organic ally by destroying itself. Does not work on androids. Resistance: Light, water. Weakness: Lightning. ITEMS: Repair Kit Photon Eraser (Wren's best weapon) Laco-Gear (head armor for Wren) Laco-Armor (body armor for Wren) Positron Bolt (Wren's best skill) 80000 meseta BOSSES: Dominator x3 This is the last job offer at the Hunter's Guild, and it's also the most important one. This one will net you the best weapon for Wren as well as his most powerful skill. Do this one as soon as you can, because this one will become unavailable later and you won't get any of these! Take on this job at the guild hall, and then warp to Zema. As soon as you set foot inside the town, you'll be attacked by three Servants. Just use Tandle on 'em to get 'em outta your way. Now go to the house to the right of the entrance to Birth Valley. Talk to the old man. Rest up before you go. Now you have to find the place where the machines are coming from. To find this place, warp to Nalya and walk over by the fallen meteor. Then jump in the Hydrofoil and go straight east. You'll soon find a mysterious mechanical plant all by itself. Go inside. TIP: All of the enemies here are mechanical and therefore weak against lightning. However, since there's a boss ahead, you may want to save Rune's Tandle for that boss fight. After the short event, go up, then go right and follow the path to a Repair Kit. Now retrace your steps and take the left path. Follow it all the way to an elevator, but don't go in that elevator just yet. Take the path right of the elevator to find the Photon Eraser, Wren's best weapon! Now go back to that elevator and take it downstairs. From the elevator on the next floor, go all the way down to a box containing the Laco-Gear. Now go back to the elevator and go all the way north. Now take the west path and follow it all the way to the Laco-Armor. Now go all the way back to the fork in the road and go east. Follow it all the way to the next elevator and go down. Now you'll be in a room with a bunch of conveyor belts and moving platforms! Go left of the moving platform to find a computer terminal. Check the terminal, then go back to the right and take the conveyor belts to an elevator on your right. Go down this elevator. On the next floor, just go down the hallway to find a box with Wren's Positron Bolt skill in it. Go no back upstairs. Back in the conveyor room, take the conveyor belt going north. Now go all the way to the left and take the conveyor belt down. You should see an elevator to your left. Take this elevator down. On the next floor, follow the hallways to a room with a bunch of terminals. Check out the terminals to start an event. After the event, the boss fight will start! You'll face three Dominators. Since they're all mechanical, they're weak against lightning, so use Tandle against them. Don't use Efess or Grand Cross, as they're immune to it. Have Rika cast Deban and Wren use Barrier first to weaken their attacks. It also wouldn't hurt to have Wren try out that new Positron Bolt he just got. Then just use your best Skills on them. If Rune runs out of Tandle, switch to Legeon. Watch the next event, then leave the building. Head back to the guild to get your reward. 14. THE TOWER OF ANGER BECOMES AVAILABLE: After you get the Elsydeon. BECOMES UNAVAILABLE: Never. ENEMIES: NOTE: All enemies here are "demons," meaning that they're weak against holy weapons, like the Silver Tusk and Elsydeon. Also, the Elsydeon has a chance of killing any of them instantly. Blade Right - Watch out! These guys now show up with Haken Lefts, and can combine with one of them to form Twinarms! If there is only one of these in the enemy party, try to kill it first. Special attacks: -Combine - Combines with one Haken Left to form Twinarms. -Fire Breath - Fire attack on one ally. Resistance: Fire, lightning. Weakness: Light, water. Blood Saber - Strongest of the saber enemies. If you use a tech or a skill on them, they might retaliate with Air Slash. Try to get rid of them fast, because they have an instant death attack. Special attacks: -Air Slash - Wind attack on entire party. Used in retaliation if they are wounded, or if a tech or skill is used on them. -Deban - Raises the defense power of all enemies. Used in retaliation when hit by a physical attack. -Shift - Raises the attack power of one enemy. -Vol - Kills one organic ally. Does not work on androids. Resistance: Lightning. Weakness: Light. Crimson Heads - Sometimes their regular attack will poison a character. Special attacks: -Ray Breath - Attack on one ally. Resistace: None. Weakness: Light. Dark Witch - Strongest of the Tech User class. Try to get rid of them first, because they can heal other enemies. Special attacks: -Gifoi - Fire attack on one ally. -Gisar - Heals all enemies. -Gizan - Wind attack on entire party. Resistance: Fire, light, wind, water, gravity. Weakness: None. Death Bearer Special attacks: -Seals - Stops party from using techs. -Shift - Raises attack power of one enemy. Resistance: Fire, lightning, water. Weakness: Light. Haken Left - Watch out! These guys now show up with Blade Rights, and can combine with one of them to form Twinarms! If there is only one of these in the enemy party, try to kill it first. Special attacks: -Acid Breath - Attack on one ally. -Combine - Combines with one Blade Right to form Twinarms. Resistance: Lightning. Weakness: Light. Illusionist - It's best to get rid of them quick, as they have attacks that hit the whole party. Special attacks: -Corrosion - Attack on entire party. -Deathspell - Kills one organic ally. Does not work on androids. -Hewn - Wind attack on entire party. -Mindblast - Attempts to put all organic allies to sleep. Does not work on androids. -Tandle - Lightning attack on entire party. Resistance: Fire, water. Weakness: Light. Twinarms - You will get this enemy if a) you encounter two Haken Lefts and a Blade Right and kill one of the Haken Lefts or b) you encounter two Blade Rights and one Haken Left and kill one of the Blade Rights. This is a combined Haken Left and Blade Right. It can be tough, but it doesn't have very good defense. Note that you'll get more EXP from fighting these guys than their components, but less meseta. Special attacks: -Blade Shine - Attack on entire party. -Haken Bolt - Attack on one ally. Resistance: Lightning. Weakness: Light. ITEMS: Sol-Dew Guard Armor (best armor for Chaz and Rika) Megid (tech for Chaz) BOSSES: Strange Girl That I Won't Name Because That Would Be a Big Spoiler. Re Faze (if you say "yes") This is the last side quest in the game! Before you go on this quest, I suggest picking a fifth member so that they can level up before you go into the final dungeon. After the events on Motavia, hop back on the Landale and go back to Rykros. Once of Rykros, leave the Silence Tower, and go southeast to the Courage Tower. Now go straight west through a narrow valley. You'll soon come to a green tower. Go inside, and after the quick event, go up, left, then down to find a Sol-Dew. You'll see a staircase nearby, but don't go up the stairs yet. Instead, go back up, go all the way right, and then go down to another set of stairs. Go up those. On the next floor, go up into the northeast corner of the room to find a Guard Mail. Now go back downstairs, and go back to that staircase by the Sol-Dew box. On the next floor, just follow the path to the next staircase and go up. On the third floor, you find...a very interesting scenario! Go up to the girl to initiate the boss fight. She's very easy...just keep attacking her and she'll croak in a few turns. After that, Re Faze will jump out and make you an offer. WHATEVER YOU DO, JUST SAY NO. If you take up on his offer, he will attack you and kill you instantly. Say no, and you'll receive the Megid technique. Now exit the building. IMPORTANT NOTE: According to the info I got from Phantasy Star Curiosities, there is no way to beat Re Faze without cheating. And even if you do cheat, you will only get 1 EXP and 1 meseta out of him, and you will NEVER get the Megid tech! The moral of the story is, make like Nancy Reagan and Just Say No. --- CREDITS I'd like to thank: Sega for making this game. GameFAQs for making a place for me to put this. Phantasy Star Curiosities ( for the info on beating Re Faze and trying to get Phononmezer with Wren. SirPobalot at the GameFAQs PS4 board for clearing up the mystery about the Blizzard combo. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or know of something that's not on here, contact me at