Phantasy Star IV - Hunters Guild Mission Guide Written by: Per Granlund, alias "Lutz" Created: Sep 08, 2001 Last Updated: Sep 13, 2003 (Version: Final) Table of Contents: I. Information II. Mission Guide III. Credits & Legal =============================================================================== I. Information =============================================================================== Not much to say about this guide.. It's simply a guide for the extra missions present in this game, that can be obtained through the Hunter's Guild in Aeido. This is the final version of this guide. Don't expect any updates. This guide is copyright me, Per Granlund. Anyone who wants to publish/post this guide on their site or anywhere else, e-mail me first and get permission. =============================================================================== II. Mission List =============================================================================== * Mission One: The Ranch Owner * Mission Two: Tinkerbell's Dog * Mission Three: The Missing Student * Mission Four: Fissure Of Fear * Mission Five: The Stain In Life * Mission Six: The Dying Boy * Mission Seven: Man With A Twist * Mission Eight: Silver Soldier Mission One is available directly when you reach Aideo. Mission Two is available after you get the Land Rover. Mission Three and Four are available after defeating Zio. Mission Five, Six, Seven and Eight are available after obtaining the Hydrofoil. ~ Mission One: The Ranch Owner Reward: 5000 Meseta The sandworm ranch owner in the village Mile has some serious problems. A huge sandworm is causing serious trouble in his ranch. Your job is now to eliminate the sandworm. Just engage in battle with the worm and kill him. Should not be so hard if you just use your strongest attacks. Easy win, easy money. ~ Mission Two: Tinkerbell's Dog Reward: 2000 Meseta A family in Aiedo has lost their dog Rocky. Your job is to take him back. First go talk to the faimily in the eastern section of Aiedo. They will tell you that Rocky likes sweets. Then after that, go to the bakery of Aiedo and buy one shortcake. So now you need to find Rocky... He will either be in Krup, Monsen or Termi, it changes from time to time. When you find him, feed him the cookie and try to catch him. ~ Mission Three: The Missing Student Reward: 3000 Meseta A student in Piata has joined Zio's cult and it's your job to go get her back. First head to the dorms in Piata to get some details first about the mission. Then head to Zio's temple in Kadary. When you find her she seems to be ready to turn back right away but... she hasn't eaten food in days and you will have to go get some food to her first. Head to Termi's souvenir shop and buy some Perolymate. Take it to her and she will be fine and will return to her dorms. ~ Mission Four: Fissure Of Fear Reward: 5000 Meseta A kid in Monsen has gone exploring into a crack in the ground that appeard due the recent earthquakes. Talk to the lady in Monsen and go into the crack... Inside you will find the kid and a Fract Ooze. Just slay the monster and take the kid back. ~ Mission Five: The Stain In Life Reward: 50 000 Meseta Whoaa.. 50 000 Meseta? Better get started right away. Some parents in Uzo (a town located on a small island in the southwest, you may not have been here before...) have got a problem: Their two daughters built a raft and escaped to Aiedo and they havn't been heard of since. You might have seen these girls in before in Aiedo. To get them out you have to bribe the police with... 50 000 Meseta. There goes your reward.. Oh well... It was for a good cause... ~ Mission Six: The Dying Boy Reward: 10 000 Meseta A boy in Termi thinks that he is dying, when he really is not. To get him well firstly go to the gift shop in Termi and buy and Alis-Sword and go to the boy, give it to him. And watch Chaz show off his sword skills! After this he mysteriously gets well! Collect your 10 000 Meseta. ~ Mission Seven: Man With A Twist Reward: 20 000 Meseta Mutant Birds are attacking the town Torinco, destroying the crops. Head there and speak to a man who knows the bords hiding place. It's a cave to the northeast. Go to that cave and inside you'll find King Rappy, the head of the mutant birds. When you try to kill him, that man you talked to earlier (that told you about this hiding place) comes running in and stops you. He seems to be the man creating all these birds, preforming some scientific experiences on these birds and wanted you to clean it up for him. Doesn't matter, money for you anyways. ~ Mission Eight: Silver Soldier Reward: 80 000 Meseta This is the final mission (and the best one) and the one with best reward: 80 000 Meseta. Here is the story..: Some robots have been messing around in Zema and Birth Valley. One of the old men in the town will tell you to head of to the northeast. The, the place you will find is called "Valhal Fort". Inside you can find some really nice stuff like Lacon Items! But the mission is to shut down or destroy the computer that has been causing this disturbance in Zema. Find the computer and just shut it off. That was the last of the optional hunters guild missions. Note: You will have to do this mission _before_ getting the Elysedeon Sword at the Esper Mansion. =============================================================================== III. Credits & Legal =============================================================================== This guide is copyright me, Per Granlund. Anyone who wants to publish/post this guide on their site or anywhere else, e-mail me first and get permission. Phantasy Star IV is © SEGA. This document and its author are in no way affiliated with SEGA or any other company. You can e-mail me any questions/possible additions about this guide, but be sure that the question is not already answered in this guide.