Phantasy Star FAQ Version 4.0 (Last Updated: 4/16/2000) Written by Aurora_Revolution Copyright 1999-2000 Legal Notice: Information used within this FAQ are free for use, being that it is a RE-INTERPERTATION of the original document. If you are going to usethis FAQ on your personal site, e-mail me at . Please do not distribute this FAQ for any means of profit. This FAQ was created strictly for private exhibition. You are allowed to post this FAQ, as well as portions of it, given you: E- Mail me first to obtain my APPROVAL, keep it in its original form, and give me credit. IMPORTANT NOTE: Obtaining my approval is different than just e-mailing me. You MUST obtain my written permission to have this FAQ on your personal site or anywhere else you want to put it. So far, the only site that has my FAQ is GameFaqs ( Welcome to my first and only F.A.Q. for Phantasy Star for the Sega Master System. In this F.A.Q. you will find walkthroughs, character bios, item lists, and other aspects of Phantasy Star once it is complete. Author's Note: The dungeon walkthroughs may be hard to follow by just reading them. I highly recommend that you play along while you read. It would make the directions a lot easier to comprehend if you are actually playing the game in sync with this guide. Redent Updates: 7/??/99 - F.A.Q. was born and work began 7/16/99 - Added more to walkthrough. Now covers Motavia and Dezoris sections 1/4/00 - Finally updated it once more. Now covers important areas in Dezoris in final half of the game. 1/5/00 - Added the Corona Tower, Aero Prism, and the Laerma Tree walkthroughs. Beginning Baya Malay walkthrough. 1/7/00 - Added Baya Malay Guard Tower and Passageway to Baya Malay info. 1/8/00 - Included walkthroughs for Baya Malay: Finding the Crystal. Working on Miracle Key and reaching the top of Baya Malay. 1/9/00 - Miracle Key walkthrough for Baya Malay now complete. Working on reaching the top of Baya Malay. 1/10/00 - Added walkthrough for Lassic's Sky Castle. Finishing up the Governor's Mansion walkthrough. 2/11/00 - Finished up the walkthrough section and the Items section. Working on Locations. 2/12/00 - Finished up the rest of the FAQ. 4/16/00 - Made a slight correction on the Game info. 9/4/01 - Corrected an error on the Heat Gun's shop locations. Table of Contents: 1) Overview: What is Phantasy Star? 2) Story 3) Characters 4) The Quest: Walkthrough 5) Items 6) Locations 7) Spells 8) Tidbits 9) Box Art Rant What is Phantasy Star? Well unless you've been living under a rock, you should already know what Phantasy Star is, especially since you're looking at this FAQ. Phantasy Star is perhaps Sega's most well-known and successful RPG, spanning 4 major games and 2 Game Gear spin offs. Phantasy Star 1, the focus of this FAQ, was released in Japan in December 20, 1987. A North American release followed a year later in 1988. At the time Phantasy Star was released, it was a technical marvel. From a technical standpoint, Phantasy Star was the first game of its time to utilize a massive 4 megabit cartridge, along with FM sound. It was also the first game to do full 3-D, and smoothly at that. The 3-D effects can be seen throughout ALL of the dungeons and towers throughout the world of Phantasy Star. However, these 3-D dungeons were traded in favor of overhead view when exploring dungeons in Phantasy Stars 2, 3, and 4 for Mega Drive (Sega Genesis). The Story... "The time: Space Century 3240. The Place: The Algol Star System. It began when King Lassic turned evil and let hordes of hideous, magical creatures run amok on three planets. When her brother was killed, Alis vowed to avenge his death and put an end to Lassic forever. Join her in a journey across time and space to worlds where creatures speak...where magic and science combine to take you on the ultimate video quest." (Excerpt taken from back of the box). The Cast... Alis: The main heroine of the story. Her brother, Nero, was killed by Lassic when he attempted to find out the truth. Alis vowed to avenge his death. Alis is a resident in Camineet, a city in Palma under martial law. As a fighter, Alis is capable. Her main weapons are swords, though she can use any weapons except for axes, fangs, and guns. Even at that, Alis's overall attack power is very high. Alis is also capable of having the highest defense of the 4 members of your party, given that her best equipment is equipped. Alis is capable of minimal magic abilities. Alis's magic spells consist of 6 spells, most of them doing no damage. Below are Alis's stats at the HIGHEST level (level 30) HP: 218 MP: 32 Spells: Bye, Chat, Fire, Fly, Heal, Rope Best Equipment: Laconian Shield, Laconian Sword, Diamond Armor Attack: 116 Defense: 230 =============================================================== Myau: A peculiar cat-like creature you meet somewhat early in the game. Myau has a necklace with a special chemical (Alsulin), that Alis needs in order to free Odin from Medusa's curse. Myau, like Alis, is very capable in all areas. Myau, however, is much better in magic than Alis. Myau's magic abilities are surpassed only by that of Noah's. In battle, Myau is also very capable of physical encounters. Myau's attack power is the same as Alis's, though Alis's seems to do SLIGHTLY more damage in battle than Myau. Myau is very quick and seems to dodge attacks more consistently than anyone else. Myau's magic consists of 6 spells. None of Myau's spells do any damage. They are used as boosters, or spells that help the party during exploration or in battle. Myau can be found in a shop in Paseo on Motavia. You must have obtained the Laconian Pot from the blue house in the north-west area of Camineet in order to obtain him. Below are Myau's stats at the HIGHEST level (level 30) HP: 214 MP: 55 Spells: Cure, Exit, Help, Terrify, Trap, Wall Best Equipment: Silver Fang, Thick Fur, Gloves Attack: 116 Defense: 188 =============================================================== Odin: A man of legendary strength and a friend to Alis's brother, Nero. Odin's immense strength allows him to wield some of the games strongest weapons that even Alis can't. Odin can be found in the cave south of the Camineet residential area (Medusa's Cave). Odin has been turned to stone and needs Myau's Alsulin to free him from the curse. Odin lacks any magical powers. However, his strength and expertise in weaponry makes up for that. Odin is unique in the sense that he can wield any weapon, except for the fangs for Myau. Odin can also use guns, which are very useful. Odin can be found in Medusa's Cave, directly south of the wall surrounding the Camineet Residential Area. Navigate through the cave with Myau and use Alsulin when you reach a statue of a man. Below are Odin's stats at the HIGHEST level (level 30) HP: 192 MP: 0 Spells: None Best Equipment: Laconian Axe, Laconian Armor, Mirror Shield Attack: 127 Defense: 194 =============================================================== Noah: A legendary Esper. Noah is one of the few people left gifted in the ability of magic. Being an Esper, Noah's magical powers are unsurpassed by anyone else. Noah is a good friend of the governor of Paseo. Noah is very solitary. She lives in a cave (Naula Cave) in the deserts of Motavia. Noah's spells are by far the most powerful in the game. Her Wind and Thunder Spells hits multiple times and do high damage. However, her spells also cost her immense MP consumption. You must use Noah's spells cautiously. Noah is physically poor in battle, though she does have good defense. Many of her strikes do little damage or miss completely. Noah can be found in Naula Cave, northwest of Paseo. You MUST have obtained the letter from the governor, or she will not join you. Below are Noah's stats at the HIGHEST level (level 30) HP: 195 MP: 83 Spells: Fire, Cure, Exit, Open, Protect, Rise, Tele, Thunder, Wind Best Equipment: Wand, Frad Mantle, Laser Shield Attack: 85 Defense: 193 =============================================================== The Quest... Camineet You start off in Camineet with just Alis. You will notice a small, gray hut to your right. Go into that hut and you will be in your first 3-D dungeon. Walk north until you see a break in the road heading to your LEFT. Go into the break and follow the path to a door. Open the door and open the chest with 50 mesetas. Exit the cave. Now, exit the town and head outside the walls. Do not head out too far. Walk around there and fight the enemies you encounter. If you encounter 2 Scorpions, run immediately. You are not strong enough to fight 2 scorpions. Fight either 1 Scorpion and or a few Swarms. After every battle, go back into Camineet. Enter the first house you see (orange). Inside you will meet Suelo, and she will heal you for free. Simply repeat this process and save up money for better weapons. Make sure Alis gets to at least level 6. Once Alis reaches level 6, go and upgrade her equipment. In my experience, I was able to afford a Ceramic Sword for her. Once you're satisfied with her new equpment, head back out. Now, if you have at least 200 mesetas leftover, head east of Camineet. You will hit a port town called Scion... =============================================================== Scion Once at Scion, head for the Second-Hand shop. You will notice the clerk sells you an item called "Secrets". When you try to purchase it, he will kick you out of his store. Simply walk back in 3 times and try to but the "Secrets". On the third time, he will give in and give you the ROADPASS. After you have done this, you may explore Scion or head back to Camineet. Heading back to Camineet progresses you further in the game. =============================================================== Back at Camineet... Now that you have your Roadpass, you can walk past the guards at the far west exit of the town. This conveyor belt will take you to the Palma Spaceport.... Before you leave, make sure you head into the blue house near the west walkway heading to the spaceport. The man inside will give you a Laconian Pot. You will need this item very soon... =============================================================== The Palman Spaceport... Once you've arrived, head into the first shop on the right in the spaceport. Inside will be a lady that sells Passports. Make sure you buy one for 100 mesetas. If you don't have enough, go back out and fight until you have enough. She will ask you a series of questions before she will hand you the passport. Answer "NO" to both her questions and she will give you a passport. Now that you have your passport, head west a little more until you see 2 guards standing in a narrow walkway. Talk to them and show them your passport. You will be allowed access to the Jet area. Simply walk to the jets and answer "Yes" when the man asks you if you want to go to Motavia... =============================================================== Motavian Spaceport... After your flight, you will end up in Paseo's spaceport. Simply head north and talk to the 2 guards at the walkway. Show them your passport. You should now be on the walkway and heading into Paseo... =============================================================== Paseo... When you get to Paseo, head into one of the domes on your left side. In one of them, a man will ask you if you want to buy a cat for 1 Billion meseta. Hopefully, you have gotten the Laconian Pot like mentioned earlier. If you have, say "No" when he asks you if you want to buy the cat. He will then ask you about the pot. He asks if you would trade your Laconian Pot for the cat. Answer "Yes". Myau is now yours... =============================================================== Myau: The Mystical Cat... Now that you have Myau, you will notice that Myau has a bottle around its neck. Inside that bottle is a liquid called Alsulin. Alsulin is used to turn people back to life after they have been turned to stone. You will notice Myau saying something about a man that has been turned to stone. Myau is talking about Odin. Knowing that, you should now head back to Palma via spaceport. Before you leave Paseo, it is highly recommended you visit the armory shop. In there, you will notice 2 unique items for sale. One is the Diamond Armor and the other is the Thick Fur. Purchase the Thick Fur for Myau for 600 mesetas. If you have at least 15,000 mesetas leftover (you probably don't), then go ahead and purchase the Diamond Armor for Alis. The Diamond Armor is Alis's best armor, giving her a defense of +60. =============================================================== Back at Palma... Head back to Camineet and buy some burgers and a flash, which is required. Exit out to the world map and exit the walls of Camineet. Follow the wall that surrounds the area south and when the wall bends west, follow the bend. Eventually, you'll see a cave. That cave is Medusa's Cave. Odin waits in there cursed in stone. Enter the cave if you think you're ready. Make sure to level up Myau to at least level 5 before entering. =============================================================== Medusa's Cave... Once in the cave, you'll notice it's pitch black. Hopefully, you've bough the flash like mentioned above. If you did, use it. Now, follow these directions leading straight to Odin. Walk north 5 steps or so until you hit a break in the road turning WEST. Head west into the break. Once in the break, you will see another break turning in west. You can turn in an collect the chest of 20 meseta. If you're just wanting to get Odin, ignore that break and head straight. Eventually you'll hit a 2 way hall. Turn LEFT and follow the path. Ignore the break you see. Just keep following the path. Once you turn left and hit a dead end, you should notice a statue of a man. That is Odin. Look through your item list and find Alsulin. Use it.... =============================================================== Odin and the Compass... Once you free Odin, he will tell you that he has a Compass stashed somewhere in this cave. From where you find Odin, turn around and head back around the corner. Now, just walk STRAIGHT. Ignore any breaks you see. Just head straight and you will eventually turn into a RIGHT corner. Turn right and walk straight. You will hit a chest. In that chest is the Compass. Now, to exit the cave, just walk back around the corner and turn LEFT into the first break you see. Then just walk straight until you hit a two way passage. Turn RIGHT and you're out. =============================================================== The Village of Eppi... South of Medusa's Cave you should see a small forest surrounding a village. If you tried to enter this forest before, you will not have been able to cross it. Now that you have the Compass, and Odin might I add, you can walk across the forest into the town. In this town, there's nothing really important, except for one thing. Head for the house in the middle along the top of the village. Inside you will see a old man that tells you about the Dungeon Key. He will ask you if you have heard of a Dungeon Key. Answer "No" to the question and he will tell you that he put it in the Camineet Storage Cave. Simply head back to Camineet and head into the storage dungeon in the north-eastern corner of the town. =============================================================== The Dungeon Key... Once you're back in Camineet, head for the storage dungeon. (It's the cave you went into at the very beginning of the game with the 50 mesetas). Once in, simply head straight. Do not turn into any passages. Just head straight and at the dead end, you will see a chest. Open it and you will receive the Dungeon Key. =============================================================== The Iron Fang Now that you have the Dungeon Key, you can go and get Myau's Iron Fang. The Iron Fang can be found in a cave to the south of Scion, near the end of the peninsula. Before you enter this cave, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have obtained either the flute, or more likely, the Exit spell for Myau. This cave can be very frustrating to find your way around. It should also be noted that this cave is COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You do not have to do this cave or find the Iron Fang at all. If you do, make sure you buy a flash, or better yet, a Magic Lamp from the second hand store in Parolit (the sister town of Camineet), for 1500 mesetas. When you're ready, head into the cave. Once in, follow these directions to get to the Iron Fang. If you don't want to get Myau's Iron Fang, skip this section completely to the one below. When you first enter, you will see a locked door. Using your Dungeon Key, unlock the door. Once in, walk up a little until you see a break in the road leading LEFT. Turn LEFT and you will immediately see a 2 way road. Turn LEFT again. Walk forward a few steps. You should see another break in the road. Turn RIGHT into the break and you will see a 2 way break again. Turn LEFT at the 2 way break and follow the path. Once you have turned RIGHT around the corner, you will see a break in the road heading LEFT. Turn left and follow the path. Turn around one corner turning RIGHT and walk straight. You will hit another corner. Turn RIGHT again. You will now see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and you will see stairs heading down. Head down the stairs. Once down the stairs, you will face a 2 way split. Turn LEFT at the split and walk straight until you see a break turning LEFT. Turn LEFT and head straight 2 steps. You will now see a split turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the split and follow the path. You will hit a door. Simply open it and walk straight. After you go through the door, turn RIGHT when you hit the corner then walk straight. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and head straight until you reach a 2 way split. When you do, turn RIGHT at the split and head straight. You should reach stairs that head down. Go down the stairs. Once down, walk foward one step and turn RIGHT. Follow the path STRAIGHT until you hit a door. Open the door when you reach it. Follow the path after you opened the door until you hit a 2 way split. At the split, turn LEFT and follow the path until you hit another 2way split. Turn LEFT again and then left around the corner and down the stairs. Once down the stairs, walk until you hit a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and follow the path straight, ignoring all the breaks. Turn RIGHT when you hit the corner and walk straight into the dead end. You will fight Skeletons, who have 65 HP. The number of Skeletons you fight vary. If you win, open the chest and you will have the Iron Fang. Use the flute or the Exit spell, or walk out. =============================================================== The Governor's Gift: Naula Cave This cave, unlike the cave above, is required. You must get to the 4th basement floor of this cave. Inside, there is a shortcake shop. If you spoke to one of the people at the Motavian spaceport, they tell you that there is a cakeshop in Palma. This shop is this cave. In order for you to meet the Governor of Motavia and recieve the letter to give to Noah, you must "bribe" his guards with this cake to let you pass. To find this cave, exit the walls surrounding Camineet and head north. Follow the shoreline north all the way until it curves east. Head east once you see the bend and you should see a cave. Enter that cave. Before you head for the cave, make you sure you have either a flash, or better yet, a Magic Lamp. Also, be sure to have at least 1000 spare mesetas. That is how much the shortcake will cost. Once in the cave, follow the directions below to head for the cake shop. Once in, walk up a step and turn left. You will see a locked door. Use your Dungeon Key and open it. Once you open it, walk foward 2 steps and turn into the break turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and head down the stairs. Once down, walk foward and you should see a 2way split. Make a LEFT at the split and walk foward. Ignore the break in the road that turns LEFT. Keep walking foward until you see a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT at this split and follow the path to the stairs. Go down the stairs. Walk foward and you will make a RIGHT turn around a corner. Turn RIGHT and walk forward a few more steps. You will make another RIGHT at another corner. Turn RIGHT around the corner and walk forward 3 steps. You will now be at a 3 way split. Turn LEFT at the 3 way split and follow the path to the stairs. Go down the stairs. Once down, turn RIGHT around the corner and walk foward. When you see a break in the road turning RIGHT, turn RIGHT into it. When you turn into it, you will see a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and follow the path to the cake shop. When you hit a door, you will know you have followed the directions correctly. Open the door and buy the cake. Exit the cave after. =============================================================== Back to the Palman Spaceport Now that you have your shortcake, head back to the Palma Spaceport near Camineet. Rest up and then head to the spaceport. =============================================================== To the Governor... Now that you're back in Motavia, head back to Paseo. Once there, head into the small gray dome you see in the town. That dome leads you to the governor's palace across the lake. Enter the dome. You will be in another dungeon. Follow the directions below to reach the governor. =============================================================== Passageway to Paseo Palace... This cave is very easy and very short. There is only one way you can go. Open the locked door with your Dungeon Key and follow the path. There are no splits or any divergences. When you meet a Robotcop asking if you have a gift for the Governor, say "Yes". You will hand him the shortcake. Proceed ahead and up the stairs. =============================================================== Meeting the Governor... Once you've exited the tunnel, you will arrive at the island where the palace is located. On this island, you will see a house to your right. If you go inside the house, the lady inside will heal you for free. It is recommended that you do. After you've healed up, head into the palace up north. Inside, the governor awaits... =============================================================== The Governor awaits... When you step inside the palace, you will see the Governor sitting on his throne. The governor will talk to you about a friend he has that lives in a cave north-west of Paseo. After a few words, he will give you a letter. This letter is used to get Noah on your team. After giving you the letter, the governor will ask you to rest. The screen will fade black....You will now face your first boss... =============================================================== Boss Fight: Saccubus HP: 255 Skills: Rope Exp: 10 Mesetas: 0 Don't worry too much about this fight. This boss is NOT REQUIRED. In fact, chances are that you'll lose. Your team must be very well leveled in order to beat the boss. Around level 13-14 should do. If your team is on this level, you should have no problems. If not, don't worry about it. You don't have to win. If you do win, you get a measly 10 Exp. =============================================================== The Morning After... Regardless at how the battle with Saccubus ended, you will end up back in the governor's palace alive and well. You will have a brief conversation with him and then he will send you off to find Noah. Once he does, leave the palace and go back into the tunnel to the other side of town. Once there, exit Paseo by following the path leading LEFT. Follow that path LEFT then head UP past the 2 guards and exit the town. Exit the town then head north-west until you hit a cave in a narrow path surrounded by mountains. That is the Naula Cave. Before you leave, make sure you stock up on burgers. Also, make sure you buy a flash. If you have already bought the Magic Lamp, then you don't need to buy the flash ever again. =============================================================== The Naharu Cave: Finding Noah... You will know you are in the right cave if it has a orange-ish color to it. That is the cave you want to be in. If you are, follow these directions to head to Noah... Once in the cave, walk forward a step. You will see a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and follow the path. Make a RIGHT turn at the corner. Walk forward 2 steps and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and you will see a 2 way split. Turn LEFT at this split and follow the path. Walk forward a few steps and you will turn LEFT around a corner. Turn LEFT and walk forward. Eventually, you will see a break in the road heading RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and you will see a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT and follow the path. About 6 steps forward, you will reach another break turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and head down the stairs. Once down the stairs, walk forward and turn LEFT around the corner. You will see a 2 way split. Turn LEFT at the split and follow the path. You will hit a corner. Turn LEFT around the corner and head straight. You will eventually see a break in the road heading LEFT. Ignore that break and walk forward. Eventually, you will see another break turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and you will see a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then turn LEFT at the corner. Walk forward a few steps and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and you will be at a 2 way split. Turn LEFT at the split and follow the path. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and you will see a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then turn LEFT around the corner. Walk forward1 step and make a RIGHT around the corner. You will be at a 2 way split. Turn LEFT and walk forward a few steps. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and you will be at a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and follow the path. You will eventually reach a door. Open the door and you will meet Noah. Hand her the letter that the governor gave you and she will join your team. She will tell you about a town named Gothic and there's a tunnel in the Palman spaceport that leads there. Exit the cave and head back to the Motavian Spaceport near Paseo. =============================================================== Back at the Motavian Spaceport.... From the Naharu Cave, head back south to Paseo and to the spaceport. Get on a jet back to Palma. =============================================================== The Palman Spaceport.... Now that you're back at Palma, leave the jets area past the guards. Instead of heading out of the spaceport, head towards the western path. You will see it leads down to a small orange cap on the ground. That is the underground tunnel Noah was talking about. Head into it. You will now be in another dungeon... =============================================================== The Underground Tunnel... This dungeon is very easy. It only has one break and you don't need to go into it for now. Just simply head straight to the other end. Head up the stairs.... =============================================================== The Town of Gothic... When you arrive, you will notice that Gothic is very poor. The buildings are decaying and the people on the street dress in rags. The townspeople you talk to ask if you can spare a cup of cola. If you do, one of them will tell you that there is a famous doctor that lived in Gothic with his assistant. But now the doctors locked up in the prison to the south of Gothic. Knowing that, make any necessary preparations and head out of Gothic. =============================================================== The Prison: Finding Dr. Luveno... Once out of Gothic, head south. Be very careful however. If you accidentally walk south into a pyramid-like tower, (it's red inside), walk out immediately and head south more. Eventually, if you went the right way, you will encounter a prison-like structure. That is the one you want. You will know its the right one because it is blue-ish gray inside.Enter the prison... Once inside, follow these directions to reach Dr. Luveno. There are no enemies inside. To reach Dr. Luveno, walk forward until you reach a guard. Talk to him, and then walk forward some more. You will see a locked door. Unlock it with your Dungeon Key and walk forward a bit. Turn RIGHT around the corner and you see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore that break and walk forward. You will now see a break to your RIGHT. Ignore that break and walk forward. Take 1 step and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore that break and walk forward 2 steps. You will now see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and open the locked door. He will not help you at first, but keep talking to him and he will eventually help you. He will tell you to meet him back at Gothic. Exit the prison and walk back to Gothic. =============================================================== Dr. Luveno's Assistant... Once back at Gothic, head into the house on the left near the center of the town. You will have a small talk with Dr. Luveno. He will tell you about his assistant, who is in the underground passage leading to Gothic from the Palma Spaceport. Now, you must find his assistant... His assistant is hiding in the underground tunnel that you took from the Palman Spaceport to reach Gothic. Head back into the house on the upper-right hand corner and you will be back in the tunnel. Now that you're in, walk forward a few steps until you see a break in the road (it should be turning RIGHT from where you're facing). Turn into the break and you'll see a door. Open the door and speak with the assistant. He will tell you that he will go up and help Dr. Luveno. Once he does this, head back to Gothic. Go back and talk to Dr. Luveno and he will tell you that work can begin on the spaceship. He will ask for a fee of 1000 meseta. Choose "Yes". If you don't have enough, you will have to save up until you do. You must pay this fee.... =============================================================== To Bortevo... Dr. Luveno told you about a robot he had a long time ago that can operate spaceships. This robot's name is Hapsby. He can be found in Bortevo, under one of the garbage heaps. Knowing that, you should now head off to Bortevo. The walk to Bortevo will be a long one. Make sure you're properly healed then exit Gothic. Once out, head south. Keep heading south until you reach the southern shoreline. Follow that shoreline west until you see it bend northwards. When you do, walk north. Eventually, you will see a giant lava pit. Walk north across the lava pit as quick as possible. Each step you take in the lava will reduce your party's HP. You may even encounter some enemies while you're walking in the lava. Walk north and do not waste any time in the lava. Once out of the lava, you will see there is a small village with a cave near it. That town is Bortevo. For now, ignore the town and head into the cave. This cave will lead you to the other side of the lake you see. Enter the cave.... =============================================================== Bortevo Cave: To Abion Island... Once in the cave, follow the directions to head straight out of the cave to your next destination, Abion Island. Walk FORWARD a few steps and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into this break and walk forward a few more steps. You will eventually see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and walk forward some more. You will see another break in the road a few steps later turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into this break and keep walking forward. You will see breaks to your LEFT and RIGHT. Ignore these breaks and keep walking until you hit a corner turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT on this corner and follow the path straight. Eventually you will see stairs. Head up the stairs and exit the cave. =============================================================== The long walk to Abion...Loar Village Now that you have made it out of the cave, head east and follow the beach line around the other side. You will now have to walk a while in order to reach Abion. On your way there, you will encounter a town called Loar. This town doesn't hold anything important, but be sure to purchase the Silver Fang for Myau. It costs 1800 meseta, but don't leave until you get it. It is Myau's best weapon so get it now. Once all rested up and with the Silver Fang equipped, exit Loar. Once out of Loar, just follow the path up north and to the west until you see another town. That town is Abion... =============================================================== Abion: The Mad Doctor... Once in Abion, rest up, and head to the Armory Shop. In there, you will notice some nice equipment being sold, the Laser Shield for 4800 mesetas in particular. If you have the money, buy one for Alis, Odin, and Noah. Next, head to the First Food Shop. In there, you will see the usually burger and cola, but you will also see a new item, called Polymetryl. You must buy this item. It is a very important item to the story and one of the two main reasons why you came to Abion. It costs 1800 mesetas. If you don't have enough, just go out and fight until you do. Once you have the Polymetryl, and have geared up your party, head to the left side of town. There you will see a gray dome. Enter the dome... =============================================================== To the Mad Doctor's Lab... Once in the dungeon, follow the directions to reach the Mad Doctor's Lab. When you first enter, you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and walk forward. Turn LEFT at the corner and walk forward some more. Turn RIGHT around the next corner then LEFT immediately. Walk forward a few steps and you will see a door. Open the door. Once past the door, walk forward a few steps and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and walk forward. Ignore any other breaks and head forward. Turn LEFT once you hit the corner and head up the stairs. =============================================================== The Fight with Dr. Mad... Once out of the dungeon, prepare your party and then enter the blue house on the island. Inside, you will immediately encounter Dr. Mad. He will ask you to give him the cat. Say "No" when he asks you to give him Myau. If you do, he will kill Myau and you will have to fight him without Myau on your team. This makes it much more difficult. Once you say "No", the fight ensues.... =============================================================== Boss Fight: Dr. Mad HP: 233 Skills: None Exp: 15 Mesetas: 75 This fight should be fairly simple given that you have Myau on your team. The first thing you should do is use WALL. Make Myau cast this spell and the fight is a breeze. Wall will reduce the damage your party will take immensely. If you don't cast Wall, Dr. Mad can kill each member in 1 or 2 hits. Once Wall is set up, have Alis and Odin attack, while Noah casts Wind, or any attack spell. Make Myau attack whenever possible, but make Myau use CURE when needed. After a few rounds, Dr. Mad will go down and he will leave a chest. Open the chest and you will get the Laconian Pot. Exit the house and then head back into the dungeon and make your way back across the island. =============================================================== Hapsby: The Robot Assistant... Now that you have the Polymetryl, and have beaten Dr. Mad, head back to Bortevo (the town near the cave that you went through to get to Abion Island). It's quite along walk back to Bortevo from Abion, but luckily it's straightforward. Once you reach the cave again, go through it again back to the other side (Bortevo side). Now, with Polymetryl in hand, head to the village of Bortevo (near the cave). =============================================================== The Village of Bortevo: Search for Hapsby... Once in Bortevo, head into the house with the blue door. It is one of the first houses. Make sure you save the game right when you get to Bortevo. If you happen to use Polymetryl on the wrong pile of junk, you will have to go back to Abion and get another one. Save before doing anything. Once yousaved, head into the house with the blue door. Inside you will see a pile of junk. Search your item list for Polymetryl and use it. If it is the correct pile of junk, it will dissapear and Hapsby the robot will appear. He will tell you to go back to Gothic. Hapsby is a permanent item in your item list. Head back to Gothic. =============================================================== Back to Gothic... Once back at Gothic, head back to Dr. Luveno's house. He will tell you the ship is ready. Now, head to the WESTERN edge of the town. You will see a man blocking a small exit path. Go up to him and he will now let you through. Once you pass him, keep walking LEFT and you will see your new spaceship. Go into the spaceship and you will see Hapsby waiting for you. Hapsby will as you where do you want to go. You may choose any of the three choices, but to continue on with the story, choose Uzo. =============================================================== The Luveno: Destination Uzo on Motavia... Now that you've gotten off the Luveno, head into the town to your left. There's nothing really much here, except for one clue to a very important item. the flute. Talk to everyone in this town. A man will tell you about a flute. He will tell you that he buried the flute at a dead end with a tree. Knowing this, head back to Gothic... =============================================================== Back at Gothic: Seach for the Flute... Now that you're back at Gothic, head right of the Luveno back into town. Once back in the town, look around. You will see on the East side of town, there will be a path with a single tree at the end. Follow the path and walk to the tree. When you arrive at the tree, go into your Menu screen and choose "Search". You will get the Flute. The Flute is one of the most useful items in the game. It will allow you to escape from a dungeon when you use it. Now that you've got the Flute, walk back to the Luveno and head back to Uzo on Motavia. =============================================================== Back at Uzo on Motavia... When you arrive back at Uzo, save your game. Walk into town and make any neccessary preparations. After your team is ready and well equipped, exit the town and head south. Keep wandering south and look for a cave next to a town surrounded by a small lake. That is the Casba Cave. That is your next destination... =============================================================== The Casba Cave: Search for the Amber Eye... When you find the cave, enter it. Make sure your party is healed. Once in the cave, head straight and follow the path. Turn RIGHT around the corner then another RIGHT at the next corner. Head straight and go down the stairs. Once down the stairs, walk forward and turn LEFT around the corner. Walk forward a little more and then turn LEFT at the next corner. Go down the stairs. Now, on this floor, you have 2 choices. You can either follow a path that will take you straight to Casba Town, or if you feel you're strong enough, follow another to fight the Casba Dragon for the Amber Eye. Either way, you have to do both the Casba Town and Casba Dragons. Below are 2 sections divided for your choice. To Casba Town... Simply walk straight. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore it. Walk forward and turn LEFT around the corner when you reach it. Follow the path. The rest of it is only one way. Eventually, you will reach Casba Town at the end of the path. To fight the Casba Dragon... Walk forward a few steps. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and walk forward. Eventually, you will see a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT at this split. Walk forward a few steps. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and then you will see a 3 way road. Turn RIGHT at the 3 way road and follow the path. At the dead end, you will fight the Casba Dragon... =============================================================== Casba Dragon HP: 210 Skills: None EXP: 88 Mesetas: 178 This isn't a boss fight, but it is required. Just keep attacking the Casba Dragon. Heal when necessary. It's a fairly easy battle. When you win, you will receive the Amber Eye, an item you will need much later. After you have killed the Casba Dragon, head for the town of Casba... =============================================================== At Casba Town... When you make it to the Casba Town, head for the second hand shop. You will see an item called the Landrover. It is expensive, but worth it. If you have enough, buy it. It will make travelling a lot easier. If you haven't fought the Casba Dragon yet, now is the time. Heal up your party and head back into the dungeon. Also, make sure you talk to everyone in this town. You will meet a man that asks you if you have ever heard of a Hovercraft. Answer "Yes" and he will tell you there is one at the Bortevo Junkyard. Once you have bought the Landrover AND obtained the Amber Eye from the Casba Dragon, head back to Uzo to get on the Luveno. =============================================================== Back at Uzo: Destination Bortevo on Palma... Once back at Uzo, head back into your spaceship Luveno and fly back to Gothic. Once back at Gothic, walk back to Bortevo (the town next to the cave that took you to Abion Island). =============================================================== Bortevo: Search for the Hovercraft... Once in Bortevo, head into the very first house on Alis' LEFT. Go into it and you will see a pile of junk. Go into your menu screen and choose "Search". You will find the Hovercraft. Once you have found the hovercraft, head back to Camineet (the very first town). =============================================================== Back at Camineet... Now that you have your Hovercraft and back at Camineet, rest up if needed then head outside. Once out, walk EAST to Scion. Instead of entering the town, walk to the shoreline along the sea near Scion. When you're at the shoreline, go to your menu screen. You'll notice it'll have a beach like scene instead of the normal moutnain and plains background. This means you're close enough to use your Hovercraft. Look through your item list for Hovercraft. Embark it... =============================================================== On the Hovercraft: To the island city of Drasgow... Once in the water, follow the shoreline south of Scion. When you see the cave south of Scion, head directly south. Search around down south and you will see a small island with a town on it. That is Drasgow. Disembark and head into the town. =============================================================== Drasgow: The secret Gasmask shop... Once in Drasgow, head to the southeast corner of town. There you will see a gray dome. Head into it and you will find yourself in a dungeon. Inside this dungeon there is a shop that will sell you a gas mask for 1000 mesetas. Follow the directions below to find it... =============================================================== Inside the dungeon: To the hidden shop... When you are in the dungeon, walk straight. You will see breaks in the path turning RIGHT. Ignore those breaks and keep walking. Eventually you will hit a corner. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk forward. A few steps forward you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and keep walking forward. After a few steps you will see a break in the road tuning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and you will see a two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and then make a RIGHT at the corner. Keep walking forward then turn RIGHT at the corner and you will see a door. Open the door and buy the gas mask for 1000 mesetas. Exit the cave. =============================================================== Heading back to Gothic.... Now that you have your gas mask, head back to Uzo and board the Luveno. Choose to head to Uzo on Motavia.... =============================================================== Back at Uzo on Motavia: Destination Sopia... Once back on Uzo, exit the town and head directly west, following the ant lion direction (the ant lions are the brown balls with mouths on them. If you run into one, you will fight an ant lion). Keep walking until you see the ant lion path bend upward. At this point, walk NORTH and you will eventually hit a lake. Board your hovercraft and head north-east until you hit a shoreline and see green land. (If you hit an island, ignore it for now and keep heading east). Once you see the green land, disembark your hovercraft and walk into it. You will notice there is gaseous clouds all over the green land. If you have gotten the gas mask in Drasgow, the poisonous clouds will do no harm to you. Search around in the green until you see a village. Enter the town... ============================================================== The village of Sopia... When you arrive in Sopia, talk to everyone in the town. One old man will ask you if you can give a small donation to the poor town. Say "Yes". He will then tell you the location of the Mirror Shield, Odin's best shield, and also needed to fight a future boss. Once he tells you where the shield is, head out of Sopia. =============================================================== The lone island: Search for the Mirror Shield... Once out of Sopia, head to the eastern shoreline and embark your hovercraft. Head east into the lake until you see a small island with a single ant lion on it surrounded by a few cacti. Head to the island and then disembark your hovercraft. Once off the hovercraft, walk to the southern end of the ant lion. From there, walk south to the first cactus you reach then go into your menu screen and choose "Search". If you searched the right cactus, you will receive the Mirror Shield. Now that you have the Mirror Shield, head back to Uzo by embarking your hovercraft then heading south until you reach the shoreline, then walk east back to Uzo. At Uzo, embark the Luveno and head back to Palma. =============================================================== Back at Gothic on Palma... Once back at Gothic on Palma, rest up if needed then exit Gothic and head south-west. You will be following a narrow path between mountains. Eventually, you will see a tower at the end of the path. Enter the tower. Make sure Odin has the Mirror Shield equipped... =============================================================== Medusa's Tower... When you first enter Medusa's Tower, it should be red inside. If it is, then you are at the right area. From here, follow the directions below to reach Medusa... From the entrance, walk forward. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and walk forward a few more steps. You will again see another break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore this break and keep walking forward. When you hit the corner, turn LEFT around the corner and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and then another RIGHT around the corner. Keep walking forward. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and follow the path. When you arrive at a 2 way split, turn RIGHT at the split and head up the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk forward and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and head through the door. Once through the door, you will see a 2 way split. Turn LEFT at the split. Walk forward some more and you will see another break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and walk forward. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and walk forward. You will now see another break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and walk forward. You will eventually see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and head up the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk forward and turn RIGHT at the corner. Follow the path and turn RIGHT at the corner again. Keep walking straight and turn LEFT at the corner. Walk forward some more then turn RIGHT at the corner. Walk forward a few steps and you will notice a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and keep walking forward. Turn RIGHT when you hit the corner then walk forward once again. Eventually you will come to a door. Open then door then once again continue walking forward. Turn RIGHT at the corner and you will be at a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then turn LEFT at the corner. You will see a door. Open the door and head up the stairs. Once you go up the stairs, walk forward and turn LEFT at the corner. Keep walking forward and you will reach a door. Open the door and continue to walk forward. Turn LEFT at the corner and walk forward some more. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and you will see a 2 way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and walk forward a few steps. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and you will see a door. Open the door and turn LEFT at the corner. Walk forward a few steps and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and keep walking forward. Turn LEFT at the corner and head up the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk forward then turn LEFT at the corner. Continue to walk forward then you will hit another corner. Turn LEFT at the corner and keep walking forward. Turn LEFT at the corner and walk forward once again. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and keep walking. Turn LEFT at the corner and head up the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk forward and turn LEFT at the corner. Continue to walk forward some more and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and walk forward and turn LEFT once you hit the corner. Walk forward some more and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and head up the stairs. Once up the stairs, you are at the final floor. Walk forward a step and you will see a 2 way split. Turn LEFT at the split and then turn LEFT at the corner. You will see a door. Heal up your characters and save your game. Make sure Odin has the Mirror Shield equipped. Open the door and you will encounter Medusa... =============================================================== Boss Fight: Medusa HP: 200 Skills: None Exp: 15 Mesetas: 75 This should not be a tough fight if Odin has his Mirror Shield equipped. If he doesn't, Medusa's attacks will kill a party member in 1 strike. With the Mirror Shield equipped, you will only take minor to high damage. Fighting her is simple. Have Alis attack, and Myau use Cure if needed. If no one on your party needs healing, have Myau attack. Odin attack as usual and Noah cast Wind. The fight should be over pretty quickly. Once you beat her, she will leave behind a treasure chest. Open the chest and you will receive the Laconian Axe. This is the best weapon for Odin. Equip it immediately. Exit the tower and save your game. Now, head back to Camineet... =============================================================== The Forgotten Island: Search for the Laconian Sword... Now that you have gotten Odin's Laconian Axe, rest back up in Camineet and buy supplies if needed. When you feel your party is ready, head out of Camineet and east to Scion. At Scion, do not enter the town. Instead, go to the shoreline and embark your hovercraft. Once on your hovercraft, go east. Keep going east until you see a small island with a tower in the middle. When you see it, disembark your hovercraft and enter the tower... =============================================================== Inside the Forgotten Tower... You will know if you are in the right tower if you see a slight green- ish tint to the walls. If you do, then follow the directions below to reach the Laconian Sword. Once in the dungeon, take one step and you will be at a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then follow the path. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and keep walking forward. You will hit a corner. Turn LEFT at the corner and follow the path once more. Eventually, you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and then another LEFT at the corner. Follow the path and shortly you will turn LEFT and head up the stairs. From the stairs, you will be at a two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and follow the path. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and then turn RIGHT at the corner. Walk one step forward and turn LEFT at the corner. Continue to walk forward then turn LEFT once more at the corner and follow the path. Head up the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk forward a few steps and turn LEFT at the corner. Walk forward some more and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and walk forward. After a few steps, you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and you will see a two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and follow the path. Eventually, you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and you will be at a three way split. Turn RIGHT at the three way split and head up the stairs. When you get up the stairs, walk forward a few steps then turn RIGHT at the corner. Follow the path straight and you will hit a door. Open the door and continue to follow the path. Turn RIGHT at the corner and follow the path walking forward. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk forward. You will hit another door. Open the door and keep walking forward. Turn RIGHT at the corner once more and keep walking forward. Eventually, you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and follow the path. Turn LEFT at the corner and walk forward a few steps. Turn RIGHT at the next corner and follow the path. You will see another door. Open the door and walk forward. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk forward. Turn RIGHT at the next corner and keep walking forward. You will see yet another door. Open the door and walk forward. Turn RIGHT at the corner yet again and just walk forward a few steps then turn RIGHT at the corner again. Walk forward a few steps more and then turn LEFT at the corner. Keep walking and then turn RIGHT at the next corner. Walk two steps forward then turn RIGHT at the corner and walk forward. You will see a door. Save your game and open the door. Prepare for battle... =============================================================== Red Dragon HP: 175 Skills: None Exp: 65 Mesetas: 193 This fight should be a breeze. Just have Alis attack, Myau use Cure when needed. If no one on your team needs healing, then have Myau attack. Odin attack as usual with his Laconian Axe and Noah cast Wind. In a few rounds, the Red Dragon should die. When you beat the Red Dragon, it will leave behind a chest. Open it and you will find 193 mesetas and the Laconian Sword. Equip it on Alis immediately then exit the dungeon and head back to Gothic to board and Luveno... =============================================================== Back at Gothic: To Dezoris... Once you arrive at Gothic, head back to the Luveno. This time, when Hapsby asks you where do you want to go, pick the third option, Skure on Dezoris. This is your next destination.... =============================================================== Journey through Dezoris... From here on, you can go to wherever in Dezoris. Since Dezoris is broken up into many different areas, as well as transport tunnels, there won't be a walkthrough for each and every tunnel. Most of the tunnels are one way and short. There will be walkthroughs for the major dungeons on Dezoris. =============================================================== The Guaron Morgue... This is one of the major areas in Dezoris. This area is located in the upper west region of Dezoris. The importance of this area is the fact that this is where you find Odin's strongest armor, the Laconian Armor. The morgue is relatively simple and short. The only enemies you will fight here are Zombies. They should not be much challenge by now. Follow the directions below to reach the Laconian Armor. When you first enter, keep walking until you see a door. Open the door and keep walking forward. You will see a break in the road to your RIGHT. Ignore the break and keep walking. You will eventually hit a corner. Turn LEFT at the corner and ignore the break in the road to your LEFT. Keep walking forward and turn LEFT at the corner and then a RIGHT at the next immediate corner. Walk forward 2 steps and you will see a break in the road to your RIGHT. Ignore the break and keep walking forward. Walk forward 2 more steps and you will see another break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore that break also and keep walking forward until you reach a corner. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk forward. You will then see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore that break and keep walking forward. You will then see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and then a LEFT at the corner. After turning at the corner, you will see a door. Have Myau cast TRAP and detect the pit trap. Once detected, open the door and you will see a chest. Cast TRAP on the chest if desired and obtain the Laconian Armor. Equip immediately on Odin and exit the dungeon. =============================================================== The Cave of the Laconian Shield... One of the other major areas in Dezoris, this is where you will fine Alis' best shield, the Laconian Shield. Unlike the other key buildings, such as the morgue, this cave looks like a normal cave from the outside, featuring no special graphics from the world map. You will know if you are in the right cave or not if you meet a Dezorian a few steps in... When you first enter, take a few steps FORWARD and you will meet a Dezorian telling you to turn left at the fork in the road. DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM. If you turn left, you will fall through a series of pit traps and can no escape unless you have the flute. So instead, turn RIGHT at the split in the road. After turning RIGHT, walk forward a few more steps and you will see some stairs. Go DOWN the stairs. From here on, you will have a series of short, one-way passages. Finally, the passages will end at the 11th floor (sub floor since you are going DOWN). At the 11th floor, walk one step then turn LEFT at the corner and walk forward. Make another LEFT at the corner and then walk FORWARD. You will see a split in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore that split and keep walking FORWARD. Keep walking forward and you will hit a corner. Turn LEFT at the corner and walk forward a few more steps then turn LEFT at the next corner. Continue to walk FORWARD and you will see some stairs. Go down the stairs... From here it is a short series of one-way passages. Just follow them until you reach a short corridor with a door. Open the door and walk inside. You will see a treasure chest. Use TRAP on it if you wish and open it. Inside you will find the Laconian Shield. Equip it on Alis immediately, then exit the dungeon and save your game. =============================================================== The Aero Prism... This cave is MANDATORY, unlike the ones above. You must complete this cave and get the Aero Prism in order to finish the game. The Aero Prism cave can be found by digging and zigzagging though some ice. Eventually, you will hit a small cave in the middle of nowhere surrounded by ice. Enter the cave and follow the directions below to obtain the Aero Prism... When you first enter the cave, walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and keep walking forward. You will come to a door. Open the door and keep walking forward. After passing through the door, keep walking FORWARD until you hit a corner. Turn LEFT at the corner and continue to walk FORWARD. Turn LEFT at the next corner and then walk FORWARD some more. You will reach a door. Open the door and walk through it. Turn LEFT at the corner and you will see a 2 way split. Turn LEFT at the split and then follow the path. Eventually, you will reach a dead end. At the dead end you will fight a Titan. Fight the Titan and open the treasure box. Inside will be the Aero Prism. Exit the dungeon and save your game... =============================================================== Titan HP: 190 Skills: None Exp: 32 Mesetas: 138 Relatively simple battle. Just fight like you normally would. Attack and Cure when needed. When the battle is over, open the chest and receive the Aero Prism... =============================================================== The Corona (Gumbius) Tower...Search for the Eclipse Torch... This is the last major area in Dezoris you will need to explore and complete. Like the Aero Prism dungeon, the Corona Tower is MANDATORY. You MUST complete the Corona Tower and obtain the Eclipse Torch. The Corona Tower is located in the northern region of Dezoris. You will know if you are at the Corona Tower if you see a tower (pyramid- like) structure. When you enter, it will be a deep red inside...Follow the directions below to obtain the Eclipse Torch. When you first enter, walk FORWARD and then turn RIGHT at the corner. You will then see a two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and then walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore that break and keep walking FORWARD. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk FORWARD a few steps. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and go UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, you will see a two way split in the road. Turn LEFT at the split and walk FORWARD. You will see a three way split to your LEFT and RIGHT and FORWARD. Ignore the LEFT and RIGHT paths and continue to walk forward. You will see another two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and walk FORWARD. Turn LEFT at the corner and keep walking FORWARD. Shortly you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and head up the stairs. Once up the stairs, you will see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and then you will see another two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and you will see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and walk FORWARD. Eventually, you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and then you will be at another two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and then walk FORWARD. You will eventually see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the split and you will be at another two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and head up the stairs. Once up the stairs, you are at the final floor of the Corona Tower. This is a one way floor. It is just one long, twisted path. Follow the path and you will reach a door at the end. Open the door and walk through it. You will be in a room with a Dezorian asking for the Amber Eye. Trade the Amber Eye with him and he will give you the Eclipse Torch. Exit the dungeon and save your game. =============================================================== Search for the Laerma Tree... Now that you have gotten the Eclipse Torch, you will now need to find the Laerma Tree. You will need to search around for it. The Laerma Tree region is in the central reagion of Dezoris. You will need to use the Ice Digger to reach it. You will know when you have reached the right area when you see a circle of trees with one lone tree in the middle. When you walk up to the tree in the middle, the screen will change to your menu screen with a picture of a single, snow covered tree. Open up your Item list and use the Eclipse Torch. The Laerma Tree will give you a Laerma Nut, which you put in your Laconian Pot. Once you have obtained the Laerma Nut, head back to the nearest town and save your game. You can now leave Dezoris if you choose to...Head back to Camineet on Palma, where the game began... =============================================================== Final preparations.... Before leaving Dezoris, I recommend you make sure your party is fully equipped. By now, your party should be fully equipped with the best equipment possible...if not the best already. Below is a guide of what your characters should be equipped with heading into the final stretch of the game... Alis: Laconian Sword, Diamond Armor, Laconian Shield. Odin: Laconian Axe, Laconian Armor, Mirror Shield Myau: Silver Fang, Thick Fur, Gloves Noah: Wand, Frad Mantle, Laser Shield If not, I recommend that you purchase/find those items. If you have them already, you should be adequately prepared for the final stretch of the game. =============================================================== Back at Palma... Preparing for The Tower of Baya Malay... When you have arrived back in Camineet on Palma (where the game began), you are now at the final leg of the game. Before you venture back out, make sure your characters are on at LEAST level 22, FULLY equipped with the best equipment there is, and most importantly, sell off all useless items (flashes, magic hats, old equipment, etc) and stock up on Burgers and at LEAST 2 transfers. Preparing for Baya Malay is no joke. This is by FAR the hardest and LONGEST tower you will ever face in this game. The tower of Baya Malay is a whopping 25 stories long, with staircases that lead you up and down, both of which you have to take. To make matters worse, you have to take at LEAST 2 different ways, with a 3rd optional. The two MANDATORY journeys through this tower take you to two completely different directions and areas. One is to obtain the Crystal, which is MANDATORY. The second mandatory journey is to reach the top. Finding the Crystal should be your first priority, as it is very crucial in one of your final battles. You should make sure you have the Crystal before even attempting to reach the top of Baya Malay. The third journey you can take in the Tower of Baya Malay is OPTIONAL, but HIGHLY recommended. The optional journey will grant you the Miracle Key. This item allows you to open those magically sealed doors for free...and the Miracle Key is a permanent item. If you feel you're ready to take on Baya Malay, then proceed below for directions on how to reach Baya Malay. If not, level up your characters and upgrade their equipment if needed. =============================================================== The Journey to Baya Malay...The Guard Tower... Exit out of Camineet and head for Scion. From Scion, head north until you see a tower surrounded by walls. Head into the tower. This is the gateway to the Baya Malay Tower. This tower is easy. There are no enemies inside except for a Robot Cop you fight at the end. Make sure Noah has the OPEN spell before entering...or you will not be able to get past the enterance. If Noah has the OPEN spell, follow the directions below to reach the end. This dungeon is simple. When you enter, use Noah's OPEN spell on the magically sealed door. Walk through the door and then walk forward. Continue to walk FORWARD all the way, turning at the corners and ignoring ALL the breaks. Eventually, at the end, you will reach a Robot Cop. He will ask you if you have your Roadpass. Answer NO and you will engage in a battle. Beat the Robot Cop and then walk FORWARD to the exit. =============================================================== Robot Cop HP: 110 Skills: None Exp: 25 Mesetas: 110 This fight should be relatively simple. Just attack with everyone (don't use spells with Noah, you need to save your MP), and heal when needed. The battle should be over in a few rounds. After killing the Robot Cop, head for the exit ahead... =============================================================== On the way to Baya Malay... Once out of the Guard Tower, follow the path EAST along the shore and then follow it as it curves NORTH. Eventually, you will see a small cave with a lava field. Enter the cave and follow the directions below. Once in the cave, walk FORWARD and then you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. You will then see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then LEFT at the corner. Walk FORWARD and head for the exit. =============================================================== The Tower of Baya Malay... After exiting the cave, walk south. You will see a huge cross-shaped hill with a tower sitting on top in the middle...That tower is the Tower of Baya Malay, your greatest challenge in the game. This tower is a huge 25 stories tall. To make matters worse, you can't climb all the stairs leading up to reach the must use stairs that lead up AND down in the right combination to reach the top. Since Baya Malay has 3 objectives, with one being OPTIONAL, I will walk through the directions for each of the 3 objectives, in the order I suggest you take. Granted either way you choose, finding the Crystal is MANDATORY. The other two quests are the Miracle Key, and reaching the top. The Miracle Key task is optional. To find the Crystal...(MANDATORY) From the entrance, walk FORWARD and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and walk FORWARD some more. You will see another break turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and then walk FORWARD. You will be at a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then you will see a dead end and a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and then you will be at another two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then walk forward. Turn RIGHT at the corner and then continue walking FORWARD. Turn RIGHT at the corner and then another RIGHT at the next corner. Head UP the stairs... The next floor is a short one-way passage. Follow the passage and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, you will be at another one-way passage. Follow the passage. You will hit a treasure box in the middle of the road near the next staircase. DO NOT OPEN the treasure chest. Ignore it and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, you will be at another short, one-way passage. Follow the passage until you see a door. Open the door and walk inside. There you will see an old man named Damor the Soothsayer. He will ask you a series of questions....answer YES to all the questions until he asks you if you believe everything he has said. Answer NO to that and then he will ask you if you are calling him a liar. Answer NO to that also and then he will give you the Crystal. Exit the dungeon and save your game. Head back to town and rest and stock up on supplies if needed. To find the Miracle Key...(OPTIONAL) This is the OPTIONAL journey you can take in the Tower of Baya Malay. Taking this journey will grant you the use of the Miracle Key, which opens ANY door, even the ones sealed by magic, for free, without having to use Noah's OPEN spell. While this journey is completely OPTIONAL, it is HIGHLY recommended you take this journey. Doing so will save you valuable MP every time you open a door sealed by magic. If you choose to do so, follow the directions below to obtain the Miracle Key. If you decide NOT to search for the Miracle Key, skip this section and go down below for the directions on how to reach the top of Baya Malay... From the entrance, walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and keep walking FORWARD. You will see another break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break keep walking FORWARD. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and you will see a dead end and a break in the road. Turn LEFT into the break and you will be at another dead end with a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and follow the path to the stairs. Head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and then turn RIGHT at the corner. Continue to walk forward and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and keep walking FORWARD. You will see another break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and keep walking FORWARD. Turn RIGHT at the corner and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and then turn LEFT at the corner. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and walk FORWARD. You will see a dead end with a treasure chest and a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the chest and turn RIGHT into the break. You will see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then LEFT at the corner. Keep walking FORWARD and then make another LEFT at the corner. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and walk FORWARD. You will see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then walk FORWARD. You will see a dead end with a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the beak and head DOWN the stairs. Once down the stairs, walk FORWARD and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and then turn RIGHT at the corner. Continue to walk FORWARD. You will reach a dead end with a treasure chest and a break in the road turning RIGHT. Use TRAP on the chest and you will receive the Miracle Key. Exit the dungeon and save your game. Head back to town and rest and stock up on supplies if needed. To the top of Baya Malay...(MANDATORY) Assuming that you have gotten the Crystal, you should now go ahead and reach the top. Follow the directions below to reach the top of Baya Malay... From the entrance, walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and keep walking FORWARD. You will see another break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break keep walking FORWARD. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and you will see a dead end and a break in the road. Turn LEFT into the break and you will be at another dead end with a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and follow the path to the stairs. Head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and then turn RIGHT at the corner. Continue to walk forward and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and keep walking FORWARD. You will see another break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and keep walking FORWARD. Turn RIGHT at the corner and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and then turn LEFT at the corner. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and walk FORWARD. You will see a dead end with a treasure chest and a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the chest and turn RIGHT into the break. You will see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then LEFT at the corner. Keep walking FORWARD and then make another LEFT at the corner. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and walk FORWARD. You will see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then walk FORWARD. You will see a dead end with a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the beak and head DOWN the stairs. Once down the stairs, walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and walk FORWARD until you reach the corner. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk FORWARD. You will see a three way split. Walk FORWARD at the split and then make follow the path to the stairs. Head DOWN the stairs. Once down the stairs, follow the path until you reach a two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT at into the break and head DOWN the stairs. Once down the stairs, turn RIGHT at the corner and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and walk FORWARD. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk FORWARD. You will see a two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and then follow the path to the stairs. Head DOWN the stairs. Once down the stairs, follow the path to the next staircase. Head DOWN the stairs. Once down the stairs, walk FORWARD and turn LEFT at the corner. Walk FORWARD some more and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and then RIGHT at the corner. Turn LEFT at the next corner and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and open the door. Once through the door, follow the path until you see a dead end with a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and turn LEFT at the corner. Walk FORWARD and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and you will be at a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and walk FORWARD. Turn LEFT at the corner and walk FORWARD. Turn LEFT at the next corner and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and you will be at a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and walk FORWARD and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and turn RIGHT at the corner. Walk FORWARD and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, turn RIGHT at the corner and walk FORWARD. You will be at a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and walk FORWARD. You will be at another two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then LEFT at the corner. Make an immediate RIGHT at the next corner and walk FORWARD. Turn LEFT at the next corner and then follow the path to the stairs. Head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and walk FORWARD. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and walk FORWARD. You will see a two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, it is VERY IMPORTANT YOU WALK STEP BY STEP. Walk FOUR STEPS FORWARD and turn LEFT at the corner. Have Myau use TRAP immediately. Failing to do so will cause you do fall through a pit trap. Once the pit trap has been detected, follow the path through a series of doors to the stairs. Head UP the stairs. You are now at the top of the Tower of Baya Malay... =============================================================== At the top of Baya Malay... Once you head up the final staircase, you will see a clear blue sky with clouds, mountains, and trees in the background. Heal up your party if needed then open your ITEMS menu and use the PRISM. You will see the sky change colors and a floating castle will appear and the music will change. After that happens, open your ITEMS menu again and use the NUTS on Myau. You will be treated to a cinema and Myau will fly to the Air Castle... =============================================================== On the way to the Sky Castle... On your way to the Sky Castle, you will encounter a boss. You will fight the Gold Dragon... =============================================================== Gold Dragon HP: 170 Skills: Heal Exp: 100 Mesetas: 0 Fight the Gold Dragon like you would a regular enemy. Make sure to conserve as much MP as possible. Use Burgers to heal your party. Use CURE or any spells only in emergencies. Once defeated, you will continue to head to the Sky Castle... =============================================================== The Sky Castle...The Search for Lassic... Once at the Sky Castle, it will look like a small town. Do not go into any of the houses. Instead, just follow the path to the mansion. Once there, save your game and head into the Sky Castle dungeon... =============================================================== Sky Castle Dungeon... From the entrance, walk FORWARD and you will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Ignore the break and keep walking FORWARD. When you reach the corner, turn LEFT at the corner and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into break and head DOWN the stairs. Once down the stairs, walk FORWARD and then turn RIGHT at the corner. Walk FORWARD and you will be at a two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and walk FORWARD. Turn LEFT at the corner and walk FORWARD. You will see a break in the road turning LEFT. Turn LEFT into the break and head DOWN the stairs. Once down the stairs, walk FORWARD until you are at a two way split. Turn LEFT at the split and follow the path to the stairs. Once you reach the stairs, go DOWN the stairs. Once down the stairs, follow the path. You will eventually reach a door. Open the door and walk through it. You will be faced by an enemy that claims to be Lassic. Fight the enemy and kill it to continue on. =============================================================== Shadow HP: 165 Skills: None Exp: 60 Mesetas: 0 This should be a relatively easy fight. Just attack like normal. Make sure you conserve as much MP as possible. After the fight is over, continue with the rest of the walkthrough below... =============================================================== Once the battle is over, continue following the path to the stairs. Head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and you will see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and follow the path to the stairs. Head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, follow the path until you see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and you will see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and then turn RIGHT at the corner. Walk FORWARD and you will see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Turn RIGHT into the break and head UP the stairs. Once up the stairs, walk FORWARD and then you will see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and walk FORWARD. You will eventually see a break in the road turning RIGHT. Ignore the break and keep walking FORWARD. You will eventually reach a corner. Turn RIGHT at the corner and you will see a door. At this point, SAVE YOUR GAME. Make sure everyone is healed up. Equip Odin with a LASER GUN. Open the door and prepare to fight Lassic. =============================================================== Lassic HP: 238 Skills: None Exp: 0 Mesetas: 0 This fight will be a rather challenging one. If you DIDN'T get the Crystal at Baya Malay before, you will not stand a chance. His lightning attack (regular attack, not magic), will hit everyone in your party all the time. If you don't have the Crystal, it only takes one hit for each party member to die. If you have the Crystal, it will take slightly more for Lassic to kill your party. When you enter the fight, make sure Odin has the LASER GUN equipped. This is VERY important as many regular attacks will miss Lassic. In this fight, you basically want Alis to either attack with Fire or Heal, but make sure you save at least 8 MP for Alis if you didn't buy any Transfers. Myau should use HELP on Noah and Cure when needed. Odin should always attack or use Burgers if needed. Noah should use Wind the whole time and possibly a Protect (PROT) if you feel your party is taking too much damage. Eventually, Lassic will die. After the battle, you will be told to head to the Governor's Mansion in Paseo on Motavia. Exit the dungeon and walk back to where Myau landed on the Sky Castle (enterance). Use the NUTS on Myau and Myau will fly you back to Palma. If Myau did not survive the battle, and you are unable to revive him, have Alis use FLY (hence you saved the 8 MP), or a TRANSFER if you bought one. Once back at Palma, go to town and rest up and save your game... =============================================================== To the Governor...Back to Motavia... Once back at Palma after defeating Lassic, refresh yourself up and stock up on burgers, or whatever you feel you may need. After you feel ready and prepared, head back to the Luveno on Gothic and head for Motavia. =============================================================== At Motavia: To the Governor's Mansion... Once back at Motavia, exit the town where the Luveno lands and head SOUTH. Using your Landrover will make the trip south to Paseo much easier. Once at Paseo, head into the Governor's Mansion. Once there, you will see that the Governor is gone. Your party will have a brief dialogue and then you will fall through a pit trap. After falling through the pit trap, you will find yourself in the final dungeon in the game. Follow the directions below to reach the final boss. =============================================================== The Governor's Mansion: Final Dungeon... Once fallen through the pit trap, follow the path to the end. You will see a dead end. Walk to the dead end and you will fall through a pit trap. After you have fallen through the pit trap, follow the one way path to the end. You will reach another dead end. Walk to the dead end and you will fall through another pit trap. After you have fallen through the pit trap, walk FORWARD and you will see a two way split. Turn RIGHT at the split and walk FORWARD. Turn RIGHT at the corner and walk FORWARD. You will reach another corner. Turn RIGHT at the corner. Once you turned RIGHT at the corner, WALK and COUNT 3 steps and turn LEFT into the wall. You will see a magical door. Save your game. Heal up your party to max and then enter. You will now face the final boss of the game. =============================================================== Darkfalz HP: 400 Skills: None Exp: 0 Mesetas: 0 Darkfalz will be your final opponent in the game. It shouldn't be too hard of a fight if you are on a high enough level (at least level 24). Basically, what you should do is have Alis attack or use her FIRE spell if her attacks are consistently missing. Myau use HELP on Odin while Odin attacks and have Noah use WIND. Also, have Alis or Myau HEAL or CURE when needed. Eventually, Darkfalz will fall and you will have beaten the game...Congratulations. =============================================================== Information Guide From here on, there will be various information on specific aspects of Phantasy Star, ranging from games, to the items and miscellaneous things. The Items... Below are the items found in the game. Each item is categorized on it's item TYPE. =============================================================== Swords... Short Sword Equippable on: Alis, Noah Attack Power: 8 Cost: Defeault Weapon Where to buy: Default Weapon Notes: Default Weapon Iron Sword Equippable on: Alis Attack Power: 12 Cost: 75 Mesetas Where to buy: Parolit (Palma) Notes: None Titan Sword Equippable on: Alis, Odin Attack Power: 21 Cost: 380 Mesetas Where to buy: Parolit (Palma) Notes: None Ceramic Sword Equippable on: Alis, Odin Attack Power: 31 Cost: 1120 Mesetas Where to buy: Parolit (Palma) Notes: None Light Saber Equippable on: Alis, Odin Attack Power: 46 Cost: 2980 Mesetas Where to buy: Uzo (Motavia) Notes: Strongest weapon you can get from weapon shops. Laconian Sword Equippable on: Alis Attack Power: 60 Cost: 0 Where to buy: Must be obtained at the Forgotten Island dungeon in Palma. Notes: Strongest sword and weapon for Alis. =============================================================== Axes... Iron Axe Equippable on: Odin Attack Power: Default Weapon Cost: 64 Mesetas Where to buy: Eppi (Palma) Notes: None Laconian Axe Equippable on: Odin Attack Power: 120 Cost: 0 Where to buy: Must be obtained at Medusa's Tower in Palma. Notes: Strongest axe and weapon for Alis. =============================================================== Guns... Needle Gun Equippable on: Odin Attack Power: 5 damage to each enemy Cost: 400 Mesetas Where to buy: Eppi (Palma) Notes: Attacks each enemy for 5 HP. Heat Gun Equippable on: Odin Attack Power: 10 damage to each enemy Cost: 1540 Mesetas Where to buy: Loar (Palma) Notes: Attacks each enemy for 10 HP Laser Gun Equippable on: Odin Attack Power: 20 damage to each enemy Where to buy: Skure (Dezoris) Cost: 1540 Mesetas Notes: Attacks each enemy for 20 HP =============================================================== Fangs... Iron Fang Equippable on: Myau Attack Power: 20 Where to buy: Dungeon south of Scion (Palma) Cost: 0 Notes: None Silver Fang Equippable on: Myau Attack Power: 60 Where to buy: Loar (Palma) Cost: 1620 Mesetas Notes: Strongest fang and weapon for Myau. =============================================================== Canes... Wood Cane Equippable on: Noah Attack Power: 3, Default Weapon Where to buy: Abion (Palma) Cost: 25 Mesetas Notes: None Wand Equippable on: Noah Attack Power: 45 Where to buy: Skure (Dezoris) Cost: 1200 Mesetas Notes: Strongest cane and weapon for Noah. Can be used in battle and will have the effect of BYE spell. =============================================================== Armor... Leather Armor Equippable on: Alis Defense Power: 10 Where to buy: Default Armor Cost: 28 Mesetas Notes: None Light Suit Equippable on: Alis Defense Power: 15 Where to buy: Scion (Palma) Cost: 290 Mesetas Notes: None Iron Armor Equippable on: Odin Defense Power: 25 Where to buy: Default Armor Cost: 84 Mesetas Notes: None Zirconian Armor Equippable on: Alis Defense Power: 30 Where to buy: Paseo (Motavia) Cost: 1000 Mesetas Notes: None Diamond Armor Equippable on: Alis Defense Power: 60 Where to buy: Paseo (Motavia) Cost: 15000 Mesetas Notes: Strongest armor for Alis. Best armor you can buy. Laconian Armor Equippable on: Odin Defense Power: 80 Where to buy: Must be found in the Guaron Morgue (Dezoris) Cost: 0 Notes: Strongest armor for Odin and in the game. =============================================================== Fur... Thick Fur Equippable on: Myau Defense Power: 30 Where to buy: Paseo (Motavia) Cost: 630 Notes: Strongest and only armor for Myau in the game. =============================================================== Mantles... White Mantle Equippable on: Noah Defense Power: 15 Where to buy: Default Armor Cost: 78 Mesetas Notes: None Frad Mantle Equippable on: Noah Defense Power: 40 Where to buy: Must beat Tarzimal (Tajima), in his cave (Motavia). Cost: 0 Notes: Strongest armor for Noah. =============================================================== Shields... Leather Shield Equippable on: Alis Defense Power: 7 Where to buy: Camineet (Palma) Cost: 30 Mesetas Notes: None Bronze Shield Equippable on: Odin Defense Power: 13 Where to buy: Eppi (Palma) Cost: 310 Mesetas Notes: None Iron Shield Equippable on: Odin Defense Power: 18 Where to buy: Camineet (Palma) Cost: 520 Mesetas Notes: None Ceramic Shield Equippable on: Alis, Odin Defense Power: 23 Where to buy: Camineet (Palma), Uzo (Motavia) Cost: 1400 Mesetas Notes: None Laser Shield Equippable on: Alis, Noah, Odin Defense Power: 37 Where to buy: Abion (Palma) Cost: 4800 Mesetas Notes: Best shield you can buy. Only shield Noah can equip. Mirror Shield Equippable on: Odin Defense Power: 40 Where to buy: Must be found on the small island in Motavia. Cost: 0 Notes: Strongest shield for Odin. Must be equipped when fighting Medusa. Laconian Shield Equippable on: Alis Defense Power: 80 Where to buy: Must be found in a cave in Dezoris. Cost: 0 Notes: Best and strongest shield for Alis in the game. =============================================================== Gloves... Gloves Equippable on: Myau Defense Power: 40 Where to buy: Skure (Dezoris) Cost: 3300 Notes: Only shield-like armor for Myau. =============================================================== Teleportation Items... Transfer Item effect: Returns you to the last church you visited or to Alis' home on Camineet (Palma), if no churches were visited. Cost: 48 Mesetas Escaper Item effect: Helps you run from battle, same as Alis' BYE spell. Cost: 10 Mesetas Flute Item effect: Warps you out of a dungeon. Can also be used in battle to put enemie's to sleep (Not guaranteed). Cost: Must be found in Gothic. =============================================================== Healing Items... Cola Item effect: Restores 10 HP for one character. Cost: 10 Mesetas Where to buy: Camineet (Palma), Parolit (Palma), Scion (Palma), Spaceport (Palma), Abiom (Palma), Uzo (Motavia), Skure (Dezoris), find it in chests, win from N. Farmers and Barbarians. Burger Item effect: Restores 40 HP for one character. Cost: 40 Mesetas Where to buy: Camineet (Palma), Parolit (Palma), Scion (Palma), Spaceport (Palma), Abiom (Palma), Uzo (Motavia), Skure (Dezoris), find it in chests. =============================================================== Keys... Dungeon Key Item effect: Allows you to open locked doors in dungeons. Cost: 0 Where to buy: Must be found in the Storage dungeon in Camineet (Palma). Miracle Key Item effect: Allows you to open any door in dungeons. Cost: 0 Where to buy: Must be found in the Tower of Baya Malay. =============================================================== Communication Items... Magic Hat Item effect: Allows you to chat with enemies. Same effect as Alis' CHAT spell. Cost: 20 Mesetas Where to buy: Abion (Palma), Skure (Dezoris), can be found in dungeons. Sphere Item effect: Allows you to chat with enemies. Same effect as Noah's TELE spell. Cost: 30 Mesetas Where to buy: Casba (Motavia), Skure (Dezoris), can be found in dungeons. =============================================================== Navigation Items... Flash Item effect: Allows you to see in dungeons. Cost: 10 Mesetas Where to buy: Camineet (Palma), Parolit (Palma), Gothic (Palma), Abion (Palma), Paseo (Motavia), Casba (Motavia), Scion (Dezoris), can be found in dungeons. Magic Lamp Item effect: Allows you to see in dungeons (unlimited use) Cost: 10 Mesetas Where to buy: Parolit (Palma), Gothic (Palma), Abion (Palma) Compass Item effect: Allows you to navigate the forest of Eppi. Cost: 0 Where to buy: Must be found in Medusa's Cave after getting Odin. =============================================================== Identification Items... Roadpass Item effect: Allows you to pass through to the Spaceport and Parolit using the conveyor belts. Cost: 200 Mesetas Where to buy: Scion (Palma) Passport Item effect: Allows you to use the shuttles in the Palman Spaceport. Cost: 100 Mesetas Where to buy: Spaceport (Palma), Paseo (Motavia) =============================================================== Traded Items... Laconian Pot Item effect: Stores Laerma Nuts Cost: 0 Where to buy: Obtained from Nekise at his house in Camineet (Palma) Amber Eye Item effect: Traded for the Eclipse Torch. Cost: 0 Where to buy: Must be won from the Casba Dragon in the Casba Cave (Motavia). =============================================================== Protection Items... Gas Mask Item effect: Protects you from the poisonous gases of Sopia. Cost: 1000 Mesetas Where to buy: Bought in the dungeon shop in Drasgow (Palma). Crystal Item effect: Protects you from Lassic's attacks. Must be obtained. Cost: 0 Where to buy: Obtained from Damor the Soothsayer in the Tower of Baya Malay. =============================================================== Transportation Items... Hapsby Item effect: Pilots the Luveno for you. Cost: 0 Where to buy: Found in a junk heap in Bortevo (Palma). Ice Digger Item effect: Allows you to dig through some of the ice in Dezoris. Cost: 12000 Mesetas Where to buy: Twintown (Dezoris) Landrover Item effect: Allows you to travel faster on land. Avoids battle with the Ant Lions in Motavia. Cost: 5200 Mesetas Where to buy: Casba (Motavia) Hovercraft Item effect: Allows you to sail across water. Cost: 0 Where to buy: Found in a junk heap in Bortevo (Palma) Luveno Item effect: Allows you to travel to the 3 planets. Cost: 0 Where to buy: Must find Doctor Luveno in the Palman Prison, find his assistant in the Gothic Passageway, pay the 5000 mesetas fee, visit Doctor Luveno numerous times, buy Polymetry from Abion (Palma), find Hapsby. =============================================================== Locations... Below are the different locations in the game, as well as the planet they are on. =============================================================== Palma Towns: Abion, Bortevo, Camineet, Drasgow, Eppi, Gothic, Loar, Parolit, Scion, Spaceport Dungeons: Baya Malay Passageway, Bortevo Passageway, Camineet Storage Shed, Drasgow Dungeon Shop, Gothic Passageway, Iron Fang Cave, Mad Doctor tunnel (Abion), Medusa's Cave Towers: Baya Malay Guard tower, Forgotten Island Tower, Gothic Prison, Lassic's Air Castle, Medusa's Tower, Tower of Baya Malay Other: None Motavia Towns: Casba, Paseo, Sopia, Uzo Dungeons: Casba Cave, Governor's Passage way, Governor's Mansion, Maharu Cave, Tarzimal Cave Towers: None Other: Mirror Shield Island Dezoris Towns: Skure, Twintown Dungeons: Aero Prism Dungeon, Dezoris Transport tunnels (6), Laconian Shield Dungeon Towers: Gumbius Tower Other: Laerma Tree Forest =============================================================== Spells... Below are the list of spells that are used throughout Phantasy Star. Each spell will be divided up by the character it belongs to. They will also be rated on usefulness, 5 stars being the best, 1 star being the worst. =============================================================== Alis' Spells... Bye Spell effect: Allows you to escape from battles MP cost: 2 Level learned: 5 Usefulness: *** Chat Spell effect: Allows you to chat with certain enemies MP cost: 2 Level learned: 6 Usefulness: * Fire Spell effect: Attacks enemies with 3 fireballs MP cost: 4 Level learned: 12 Usefulness: ** Fly Spell effect: Warps you back to the last church you visited MP cost: 8 Level learned: 16 Usefulness: ***** Heal Spell effect: Restores some HP to a single character MP cost: 2 Level learned: 4 Usefulness: *** Rope Spell effect: Disables enemy's attack MP cost: 4 Level learned: 14 Usefulness: ** Myau's Spells... Cure Spell effect: Large HP restore to a single character MP cost: 6 Level learned: 6 Usefulness: ***** Exit Spell effect: Warps you out of a dungeon/tower MP cost: 4 Level learned: 17 Usefulness: ** Help Spell effect: Boost's a character's attack MP cost: 10 Level learned: 20 Usefulness: *** Terrify Spell effect: Weakens enemy's attack MP cost: 4 Level learned: 9 Usefulness: * Trap Spell effect: Disarms pit traps and trapped chests MP cost: 2 Level learned: 15 Usefulness: ***** Wall Spell effect: Protects party from physical attacks MP cost: 10 Level learned: 12 Usefulness: *** Noah's Spells... Cure Spell effect: Large HP restore to a single character MP cost: 6 Level learned: 1 Usefulness: ***** Exit Spell effect: Warps you out of a dungeon/tower MP cost: 4 Level learned: 6 Usefulness: ** Fire Spell effect: Attacks enemies with 3 fireballs MP cost: 4 Level learned: 12 Usefulness: ** Open Spell effect: Opens magically sealed doors MP cost: 4 Level learned: 17 Usefulness: ** Protect Spell effect: Protects party from magical attacks MP cost: 10 Level learned: 14 Usefulness: ** Rise Spell effect: Resurrects fallen allies MP cost: 12 Level learned: 20 Usefulness: *** Tele Spell effect: Allows you to talk with some enemies MP cost: 4 Level learned: 8 Usefulness: * Thunder Spell effect: Attacks enemies with 2 heavy thunderbolts MP cost: 16 Level learned: 18 Usefulness: *** Wind Spell effect: Attacks enemies with 3 tornadoes MP cost: 12 Level learned: 12 Usefulness: **** =============================================================== Tidbits... Here are some miscellaneous factoids on Phantasy Star. They don't really serve any purpose other than they are not commonly known. The power of the Wand... When you are in Dezoris, you can buy Noah's best weapon, the Wand. If you have enough money for it, try buying 2. Equip one to Noah and the other in your item list. If used in battle, it will have the same effect as the BYE spell. This comes in handy especially during the Tower of Baya Malay when you need to conserve your HP and MP. Fighting Medusa without the Mirror Shield... It is possible, though difficult, to beat Medusa without getting the Mirror Shield first. Doing so will grant you the Laconian Axe way before you are supposed to get it. If you survived your way to the top of Medusa's Tower, save your game. Head into the door to fight Medusa. Have Alis cast ROPE on her every round. Have the rest of your party attack with whatever they have. Have Myau use Cure or healing items when needed. If successful, Medusa will die and you will have Odin's best weapon, as well as the strongest weapon in the game way before it's due. =============================================================== Box Art Rant... This section has NOTHING helpful for the game, but rather a section I created for myself to tell the world how ugly I think the box for Phantasy Star is. Not only is it ugly, it is also inaccurate. Some of the rants I have are listed below. - Since when does Noah have brown hair? Since when did he look like a guy? Noah also looks pretty combative in the picture, and to everyone that's played this game, you know Noah is the last person you would want to send into combat (if it wasn't for his magic). - I take it that that brown bat in the picture is supposed to be a Vampire? Sure doesn't look like it. - Take a look at that Magician. Since when did it have a sword? Good thing it doesn't in the game... - Odin carrying that TINY skeleton...looks utterly ridiculous. - Myau just looks plain ugly. In my honest opinion, I think the box art for this game doesn't do the game justice. It looks very bland and inaccurate to boot. When the game first came out it cost a steep 70 dollars back in 1988. If I had seen the box art before seeing the commercial and game in action, I would have ran from Phantasy Star like the plague. Just my two cents. =============================================================== Special thanks: I would like to thank: ( for hosting my f.a.q. Without them, my f.a.q. would have nowhere to show itself to the world. =) My friend, Justus (Captain_America3)...For sticking it out with me as I go through my ups and downs. =) P.S...Check out his f.a.q's for Dark Savior, Guy for Street Fighter Alpha 3, and Shining Force f.a.q.'s (shameless plug) ***Just don't let him catch you reading them Chun-Li f.a.q.'s =P*** Ex_Cyber, for the Megabyte/Megabit correction. Sega for making this great game...although they need to make more of it. =) The reader's of this f.a.q. They're the ones who make it worthwhile. And keep e-mailing me...I like answering questions =) And of For sitting on my butt and writing this. =) If any of you reading this have anything to add to this FAQ, feel free to e-mail me at Any information you give me that I post on my FAQ will be given full credit for.