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Heh, whoops, previous versions of the Dog List were riddled with mistakes... .... ....:::::: : ::: :::::;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;|||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||| !!!!NOTE: to get dogs, use the B+C weapon.!!!! .... ....:::::: : ::: :::::;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;|||||||| ||||| |||||||||||||| Saturn Mode Dog list (30 of 30): Turning on LookHitArea will show where the dogs are. Dogs marked with an * are in the arcade mode. Practice>> 0) Target the pink bullet at the bottom of the screen.* only STAGE 3A>> 1) Bottom-right of the screen before the first wave of enemies.* STAGE 3B>> 2) Inside the blue/red drone circle.* STAGE 3C>> 3) Use the lock-on in the zig-zag path before the line of drones.* 4) To the left of the blue mousetrap-like enemy.* 5) Use the lock-on when you see the laser tank after the red turrets.* STAGE 3D>> 6) Before the boss appears, lock-on the portal.* STAGE 3E>> 7) At the 3E boss, target the claw on the right(Gai's there in Saturn Mode. STAGE 2A>> 8) Bottom of the screen when the grid pops up.* STAGE 2B>> 9) Destroy the right side of the big group and target the right of the screen. STAGE 2C>> 10) While Buster is talking, middle of the screen. 11) After getting out of the barrier and killing all the ships that shoot red bullets target the middle of the screen while the barrier is shifting around. STAGE 2D>> 12) Before the boss arrives, target the middle of the screen. STAGE 2E>> 13) Target the big block on the left(do this fast) 14) area around missile launchers(kill the launchers fast) 15) bottom left part of the midboss STAGE 4A>> 16) use the lock-on when you see the box-like enemy that shoots blue drones.* 17) left side when you FIRST see the tank with the laser cannon.* 18) after the block conveyer, go to the right quickly and lock-on.* STAGE 4B>> 19) middle of the electric "X" 20) after dog #18, go right & lock-on. 21) middle of electric "(X)", do it fast.* 22) middle of missile/laser ship circle. STAGE 4C>> 23) top left of big spread-shot ships(move fast cuz the dog moves) 24) middle of blue ship circle STAGE 4D>> 25) before Penta appears, top of the screen. STAGE 4E>> 26) middle of the trash rectangle /w turrets(the crab). 27) left side of first block(block-holding crab area). 28) left side of midboss when you FIRST see him STAGE 5A>> 29) After the huge wave of drones, lock-on to the top part of the building. STAGE 6A>> 30) Target the top of the screen after Xiga's death. STAGE 1X>> none Thanks to for the 30th dog. When you get all 30 dogs you get..... NOTHING! WOO HOO! Check out the Radiant Silvergun FAQ! Is it possible to get TopBreeder Ranking in Arcade Mode? Do the colors of the dogs really matter? [( quiz )].......:::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Just for fun... 0.1 : Do you think Einhander is a good shooter? 1.. yes 2.. no 0.2 : Do you always set the difficulty on the easiest level? 1.. yes 2.. no 0.3 : Which is better? Thunderforce 5 or Raystorm? 1.. Thunderforce5 2.. Raystorm 0.4 : Which system has better shooters? The Playstation or the Saturn(import)? 1.. Playstation 2.. Saturn(import) 0.5 : Have you tried getting your name on the high score list? 1.. Yes 2.. No Answer Key --------------------------------------------------------------- 0.1 : 1 = 0 points 2 = 1 point 0.2 : 1 = 0 points 2 = 1 point 0.3 : 1 = 1 point 2 = 0 points 0.4 : 1 = 0 points 2 = 1 point 0.5 : 1 = 1 point 2 = 0 points RANKING 0 pts. = YOU SMELL! Go play with your Playstation! If you think Einhander is intense then you are the reason the Saturn is dead. 1 pt. = uh... Do you think Ally Mcbeal is a good show? 2 pts. = Try harder 3 pts. = Decent Shooter Player 4 pts. = Almost there... but not quite 5 pts. = YESH! You're better than a lot of people out there! Be proud.