EASTER EGGS IN SEGA SATURN QUAKE ================================ Details on some "Easter eggs" in Quake for the Sega Saturn: Outhouse sounds The Yuill Fish Dank & Scuz Comic (Other Easter eggs in this game can be revealed by special cheat codes. Access the Quake 1 cheat codes FAQ at http://Ledmeister.com/quakecht.htm for details.) OUTHOUSE SOUND EFFECTS ---------------------- Power-up or reset the game, or select QUIT from the Main menu, to begin the game's long introductory sequence. When the "Lobotomy outhouse" screen appears, wait until the light comes on in the outhouse, then hold down the right shoulder/trigger button and tap the other buttons (ABCXYZ) to play sound effects. THE YUILL FISH -------------- This Easter egg is based on, and similar to, the "Dopefish" secret in PC Quake. Enter map E2L3, "CRYPT OF DECAY". Unlock the gold-keyed door, and follow the winding path to a lifting platform. At the top is a short corridor with a 90-degree bend, and spike-shooting ports along the walls. At the end of this corridor is a dropoff, high above water. Activate the nearby switch, and a narrow bridge will rise up to the edge of the dropoff. Step out onto this bridge, and turn to face left. Across a gap is a very narrow ledge running along the wall ahead of you. To the left, the ledge leads to a platform that holds a Quad Damage power-up; To the right, the ledge continues around a corner. From the bridge you're standing on, you can jump onto that ledge. Jump towards the part of the ledge that is closest to the platform where the Quad Damage is, since the ledge is somewhat wider there. As you land on the ledge, hug the wall (push yourself into it to avoid falling off the ledge), and slide along the ledge away from the platform. Continue to follow the narrow ledge around the corner and over to an opening in the wall. This opening is one end of a short tunnel, and at the other end is another dropoff into water: "The Well of Wishes". Drop into the water and swim down to the bottom of the well. You'll enter into one end of a liver-shaped underwater room, where you can acquire a couple of useful power-ups. As you move into this room, a message appears on the game screen: "THE YUILL FISH LIVES!". Along one side of this room is a wide blue wall design, and at the center is the face of John Yuill ("YuillSoftener") who worked with Lobotomy Software, the company that developed the Saturn version of Quake. At the far end of the room is a wall panel that will open automatically as you approach. Go through and swim up to find your way out, and up onto a platform. Look left for a brown metal wall panel. Shoot or strike it, and it will open, allowing you back into the main part of the level. DANK & SCUZ COMIC ----------------- Enter map E4L3, "THE ELDER GOD SHRINE". Look for a pair of stained-glass windows along the wall just outside the locked silver-keyed door. Step into and through either window, and you'll enter into a secret chamber. Against the back wall of this chamber is a rectangular slab, or monolith. On its front is a bright, crudely drawn "comic book" cover image, with the title "DANK and SCUZ". Step up to this monolith and it will sink into the floor. A message appears on the game screen: "DANK AND SKUZ COMIC ACTIVATED!". Leave the chamber and finish playing the rest of the level as usual. Step into the exit, and the normal tally screen appears. Press the Start button to bring up the Main menu. Near the bottom of this menu is a new item: "DANK AND SCUZ". Save your game now if desired (the comic's activation status is also preserved in savegame files), and then select the DANK AND SCUZ item to begin a narrated slideshow of the comic. The slideshow running time is about 5:35. When it ends, the next level of the game is loaded. The DANK AND SCUZ item will appear on the Main menu at the end of each level for the duration of the current game. Starting new games, reloading games that were saved without the comic option activated, or resetting/powering-down the Saturn will disable the comic option. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1997-2008 www.Ledmeister.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------