Lode Runner: Extra(PSX) FAQ/Walkthrough version 1.0.0 copyright 2003 by Andrew Schultz schultza@earthlink.net --also valid(and originally played on) sub-game Lode Runner: Extra of the PSX Lode Runner CD --probably works for the Saturn port, too. Please do not reproduce this FAQ for profit without my prior consent. However, if you write a polite e-mail to me referring to me(and this FAQ) by name, then I will probably say OK. But if I ignore you that means no--and I am bad about answering e-mail. Sorry. **AD SPACE** My home page: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/2762 To get a graphical representation of my text maps: http://home.earthlink.net/~schultza/lr/maker2.htm Cut and paste the level text map, then click "text to map" ================================ 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1. ABOUT LODE RUNNER 1-2. ABOUT THIS GAME 1-3. SHORTHAND IN THIS FAQ 2. CONTROLS 2-1. THE GOOD AND THE BAD 2-2. TEH MEGASPO1L3RZZZ!!! 2-3. BASIC STUFF TO TRY 2-4. HOW THE BAD GUYS ACT 3. ITEMS 3-1. THE VERY BASICS 3-2. PICKING UP AND USING ITEMS 3-3. BOMBS 3-4. CAVES/HOLES 3-5. POTS OF GOO 3-6. SNARES 3-7. DRILLS 3-8. SPRAY/GUNS 3-9. PICKAXES 3-10. DARKNESS 3-11. TELEPORTERS 3-12. BIG BOMBS 3-13. COMBINATIONS 4. LEVELS 4-1. LEVEL DIVISIONS 4-2. LEVEL WALKTHROUGHS To search for the level you need help with, do ctrl-F in a Windows browser and then search for #XYZ where XYZ is the level number with leading zeros: 37 becomes 037, 6 becomes 006. 5. HIGH SCORE LISTS 6. VERSIONS 7. CREDITS ================================ 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1. ABOUT LODE RUNNER Lode Runner was created in 1983 by Doug Smith at Broderbund. It was a fairly simple game but managed to pack 150 levels into a one-sided 140KB 5.25" floppy disk(back when floppies were still floppy!) At 1 nibble per square and a 28x16 playing field that amounts to 33600 bytes for the levels alone. The rest of the memory concentrated on a level editor. It was a great game for the Apple and I suspect was a relative cinch to port to the Commodore. In the playing field you could fall, dig holes that eventually filled up(they would trap your enemies for a bit, but you could fall through if nothing was below) and climb up ladders and across ropes. There were various ways to make the enemy AI look silly, and they even fell half as fast as you did. However the game wasn't much of a challenge and many of the later levels were rehashes of earlier ones, maybe throwing in a pretty pattern here and there. It wasn't until Championship Lode Runner a year or two later that the intensive puzzling took off. You could even save your progress, although you could progressively lose guys from your maximum, and I did so after each level. The only downside: no level editor. But the later levels were whoppers and made for an intense puzzle. Level editors become less viable as the game gets more complex and the saving options/abilities go down(read: consoles) but the GameBoy port of Hyper Lode Runner, which had 50 levels at 20x16 resolution(the last 35 included a backroom of similar size) squashed into just 13600 bytes on a 32K cartridge was impressive for the puzzles packed into something so small. The control however was horrid and made some pleasantly challenging puzzles into nightmares. Perhaps some levels even had too much packed in. There has also been a release of Lode Runner: the Legend Returns to PC by Sierra, followed by a PlayStation release from Natsume, with a substantially harder PlayStation sequel called Lode Runner: Extra. Although original PC editions seem to be rare, I have found a web page that contains LRLR for the PC. Well, not quite LRLR. It's actually the online-enabled sequel which does all LRLR does and more. These titles follow the 28x16 resolution of the original but you can do a lot more to manipulate the play field--sometimes alter it permanently for each life. The level-exit door may also be buried down somewhere. There is a PSX combination package of the two Lode Runner titles(~1998,) conglomerated into a Lode Runner title, out that can be gotten for $10-$15 in an online auction as of 2003. 150 levels each. It is your best bet to get the two. Apparently each comes separately on the Sega Saturn too, and I imagine the porting was not too tough, so they would be very similar. PC also has Lode Runner 2, which has some dazzling graphics. It's on eBay for ~$10 as well. The most impressive despite some control flaws, though, may be Lode Runner 3-d. It's an odd trip of circular ramps, gadgets, and wire-type structures with even some beauty along the way especially in the ice world and the tropics. The action isn't fully 3-d given that there are very few actual plains you can walk across. It's not perfect and doesn't have the simple accessibility or extra-quick play of early Lode Runner(especially if it's emulated,) and there are only one or two combination-puzzles per level, which makes for relatively little replay value, but the process of finding what to do is still rewarding overall. I got this for $5 or so and it was well worth it. But any version of Lode Runner mentioned above is great puzzling value for the money. While many other games just have you get quicker, Lode Runner actually manages to present different scenarios and, in later cases, different tools. There are also SNES versions that apparently don't focus on the puzzling so much, and there were NES ports of Championship Lode Runner and Lode Runner that were boxed down to lower resolutions, which probably killed some of the puzzles. Then Bomberman apparently was an offshoot--or had the same sort of main character. The only other game I can think of that is close to the Lode Runner canon is Mr. Driller. The whole digging bit, I guess. 1-2. ABOUT THIS GAME LRLR(see below) came out before this but was eventually put on a disc with this game. They're basically the same game, the innovation with LRE being that everything's just a lot harder. If you found LRLR too tough and are the sort of person that likes solving games, then this one is not for you. There are only 110 levels in this as opposed to 150, but there's far less filler. Some of the levels may seem a bit short but they generally do just revolve around one trick, and only one of them really seems stretched out(96.) There may not be as many timing puzzles as I'd like, but getting bad guys lumped together and running the other way isn't the same panacea as in LRLR. There are many false directions you can go in, times you have to map for hidden gold, or even nastily reclusive next- level doors that quickly quash the thrill of getting all the gold. Apparently there's also a Saturn version for this game, and I imagine the levels are the same, but I can't vouch for controllers and/or bugs and/or Easter eggs. 1-3. SHORTHAND IN THIS FAQ LRLR=Lode Runner: the Legend Returns, the game that preceeded and set the basic gameplay for this effort. LRE=Lode Runner: Extra, i.e. this game. Unfortunately a good deal of Lode Runner instructions can get repetitive and dull so I wanted to write in something for when you get more accustomed to the game. It doesn't start out like this but later on it'll make sense(also I thought of some of this midway through the FAQ.) UL, DR, DL, UR: upper/lower(down) left/right. This may be a general relative direction or part of the screen. Rarer are CL, CU, CD, CR(center up/down/left/right) as absolute directions. When exact locations are needed, 3L means 3 left and U2L means up and two left. ** 4-3-2-1: Dig 4 holes. Drop into the pit you formed. Dig 3 holes. Drop there. Then 2, drop there, then 1. Directions may also be provided; for instance, 4->3 means dig the 3 right holes in the 4-pit you created. 4- <3 or 4<-3 are the other way. Similar logic for other number sequences ** solid vs soft ground: you can dig the second and drill the first, but not vice versa. ** I may refer to 3x4 chambers meaning 3 wide, 4 tall. ** a '2-pit' is 2 wide and I may also refer to a 3-ladder as one that is 3 units tall--where the board is assumed to be a 28x16 selection of icons at level's start. 2-deep pits are 1x2 not 2x1. ** I distinguish between the top rung of the ladder and the top of the ladder. The top of the ladder means you're standing on it. ** I also have to distinguish between digging FROM or ON a square, and digging the square itself. ** as the FAQ goes on I will assume more basic knowledge. For instance, if I say "dig the two leftmost squares" the direction will usually be obvious. ** also, if you are in a 2-pit, and I say "dig left" or "dig right" I assume you know which square to stand on. gas = spray = guns I use variants on the terms below because they're used so frequently, and it's a good idea to learn these techniques quickly: One-up trick: getting at the bottom of a ladder and going up one rung. Lumping: All the bad guys have the same AI and occasionally by hiding in a certain place you can force them to search for you in another--they all go there and get lumped together. The more there are the closer one can start off near you, but often you can take enemies to the far side of the screen. Sometimes the bad guys will lump in front of you if you hide in a cave, or sometimes they will circle, but then you just need a bit of timing. Dig-down: from a ladder, start at the top, dig right, go down one, dig right, etc. Dig-down two right, five times would mean to dig all the holes below. HXX HXX HXX HXX HXX Rope trick: Let's say you're on a ladder one side below a rope and the bad guys are on the other side, and you need to get there. The longer the gap, the better. Get on the rope and when everybody else is on it, drop down. Then circle around. Conglomeration/lumping: sometimes you can get a bad guy to fall on another, which freezes both of them. It happens more by accident, but when it does, you can walk up to them with impunity. 2. CONTROLS 2-1. THE GOOD AND THE BAD You can adjust your controls in the options. I would recommend only using one of R1, R2, L1, or L2 instead of all four(the default) to light a bomb. I've set off a few hair triggers after pausing or with bad guys stuck and the game not officially paused and picking my controller up with just that last bit of a hard level to go. Other than that the control is logical. Beware walking across a ladder. It screws up your timing. You'll lurch a bit going on and off, and if you might fall off the other side, be careful at first. Saving can allow you to rack up some moderately impressive points. Just get all gold chests in a lucrative level, save and reload. This can be repeated often with no loss of life. However, cheating to go back levels doesn't work as you'll get a big X by your score, and oh, it goes down to zero as well. There are also some weird bugs. For instance, if you bomb a square below a ladder then you have to climb up the ladder before falling down it. You may also be able to reach below your ladder without leaving it, but you'll fall off for your next move. You can also pickaxe an area twice and fall in and when the rubble goes away, the square turns solid. The game understands diagonal movement most of the time. If you are going horizontally and push diagonally, you'll use the next ladder you come to. If you are going up/down a ladder and push diagonally, the computer first sees if you can fall off. If not, you'll move immediately to the side right when the ladder ends. On the PC, F6 speeds the game up(to make the easier parts less tedious) and F5 slows the game down(to allow for more exact control in the tougher parts) with F7 resetting the speed(useful when you need to count after you dig.) Your speed changes with the terrain, so be aware of that as well. 2-2. TEH MEGASPO1L3RZZZ!!! Kill off Jake by pushing R1+R2+L1+L2. His death flail is amusing. Hold down the R2 button and now to shift levels push one of the shape buttons. Triangle(up) = forward 15, or one whole set Circle(right) = forward 1 Square(left) = back 1 X(down) = back 15, or one whole set. If you are just scouting ahead a few levels, you can, if you know you're going to die, move forward and backward a level quickly. But the game senses that you cheat and ruins your score, so don't save it. Or at least not in your main slot--saving a higher level may cut out the level skipping inconvenience if you want to poke around later, and given how hard some levels are, no one can be blamed for skipping ahead to avoid being totally blocked. In a similar vein, if you have just one guy left and have cheated up a few levels to scout them but don't want to sit through the "game over" delay screen, restart. You'll be kicked back up to five guys. If you land on 3x+1(x<10) you'll see the skit for that level. Also note that although you keep the number of guys, your score is wiped out. 004: Jake drops a bomb(no, he didn't fart) and drops off a ledge which then explodes. 007: Jake hides in 010: Jake climbs up the ladder, looks both ways, gets goo to the right, goes left, pours goo on bad guys, sits in a chair and whistles as they struggle 013: Jake, right of three snares, places a fourth. The monks come by and get trapped in them. Jake pulls the right one back and lets it swing. The end monks bounce around like one of those cheesy office toys. 016: Jake places traffic construction horses on each side and then drills down. 019: Jake drops and fires a gas gun at the monks. Then he kicks one over and high fives another as they stumble around. 022: Jake buries a bad guy under a cave-in with the help of his pickaxe. 025: Jake stumbles around in the dark(?) 028: Jake goes up a ladder, sees a monk to the left, runs right, sees one to the right, gets in the teleporter and they fall down dazed. He appears above and whistles for them. In the latest Windows version(the-underdogs.org) you have a whole catalogue of options in a pull-down menu that are also referenced by hot-keys. It makes up for the awkward clustered controls which were OK when Lode Runner was just about digging but not when there were new actions. I often have to pause the bad guys standing on a stair while refreshing my memory of what's what. 2-3. BASIC STUFF TO TRY After playing around a bit you'll find some ways to fake out bad guys without digging all over the place. I tried to categorize the major important ones below. I haven't included using any special items--those deserve their separate sections. Bomb feint: absolutely necessary to learn. You need to have a placement of three units away from a bomb, or it will nail you. If you are trying to bomb bad guys then you can get three but a separation of two squares from you to the first bad guy when you release is optimal. Ladder-on-the-other-side wiggle trick: Looping around: Stand at the bottom of one ladder. Underdogging: staying under bad guys but not quite at the bottom of the ladder means they won't recognize you. What they do at the top of the ladder Running over bad guys: you can usually run across two in a row but not three. Fall-fake: when bad guys are on a rope, drop down and then sucker them over. Climb over on the rope once they're close. Dancing on the grave: if you run by just as the bad guy starts to get out, he leaves to the left and then tries to go right, slipping back where he started. 2-4. HOW THE BAD GUYS ACT Rather nastily, usually, especially how they seem to eat you when they catch you(rim shot.) But seriously, they're about half as fast as you, and if they can run at you, they will, or they'll try to unless a wall is in the way. Basically, they look for the level you're on and see if there's any way to get there--whether or not it's in the opposite direction from where they are. They'll often drop off ropes to get there or drop off platforms away from you as well. Given that each monk has the same AI, it's rather easy and necessary to string them along--although the hardcore fans may look for another way to solve a level besides this. If you're hiding they seem to have a fixed path back and forth, from top to bottom. Although hiding immediately can switch the direction they go in. Often they may appear to congregate when they're really just slowly turning around. Digging a hole below another dug square will trap the enemy permanently--UNLESS you got someone to fall in the square above. Doesn't make physical sense, but there you go. Bad guys also don't like to climb out if there's something to the side they're going. For instance, they won't walk into a dug hole UR of where they fell if they see you to the right. They'll just stay there. They'll also stay put if they have no clue where you are. If you fall off a ladder, the enemies will as well. Sometimes when they get to the bottom of their fall they may tangle together and get stuck. You can jump safely onto an enemy as you fall a bit faster than they do. In fact you can run into their top parts while they are falling. Enemies won't destroy you if they jump on you while you are drilling unless you stop. If you dig a bad guy and he coughs up a chest on top, and there's already a square regenerating there, you'll have to dig that gold. [what if bad guy drops in a hole with a gold piece already on it? I think he keeps it as he regenerates.] Digging six squares in front of three bad guys should trap them--four work for two. If you are lucky, you can run across three potted bad guys in a row, but given that they leave holes at random times, this is not recommended except in desperate situations. You can run back and forth over a guy in a hole you dug, and he may try to run both ways before falling back in. It's not always safe to drop on a bad guy. If he takes up only 75% of his icon then you'll fall into him, but otherwise you can walk over him. Still you can't drill while there. Bad guys can't really search you out until they touch the ground. So if three fall into a 2-deep pit then the top one may look like he can walk out, but he won't. 3. ITEMS This is largely copied from my LRLR FAQ, but I feel this is important enough reference, and the game is hard enough, that you may want it here. 3-1. THE VERY BASICS --you can't dig on regular ground under a ladder. You can dig under a door. You can dig while on a rope but not the ground under the rope. You can also dig under any gold piece or bomb. Digging a square concealing a bomb doesn't set it off. You can walk on a ladder anywhere even if it's suspended in midair. Bad guys can't leave gold on ladders. --one odd ladder bug--if there's a gold piece just below the last rung and you go down to get it, you can reach it while still on a run but will fall through next thing you know. --another ladder bug--you have to climb up it and back down sometimes to fall down. --unlike in classic PC Lode Runner, you can, if there's a gold piece to the left or right, drop onto it and pick it up. --if you fall down a trap, then you can still dig on either side. --you are faster by a factor of 1.3 or so going down a ladder than up. --goo seems to slow you down by half. --keys open doors of the same color. Many useless keys appear. You can drop a key after you've opened the door, and you can open a door before you have all the gold in a level. 3-2. PICKING UP AND USING ITEMS This would seem totally straightforward, but note first of all that you can only have four bombs at once. You can also only have one special item at once. So often you will need to drop an item in the level's main area before getting another one that's hidden away. Also you need to be a little pre-emptive if you drop onto an item and want to pick it up. You can, but it's not easy. If you walk right into an item with a drop below, you can pick that up too with careful timing. Also if you fall and use a key on a door, you'll have to fall through the door again to leave the level. 3-3. BOMBS --Bombs appear first on level 4 and take out all diggable ground and people in a radius of two squares. The fuse takes one seconds to go off during which you can run about five squares. --Bombs can also cause chain reactions, even with ones hidden in walls, if you let one off close enough to the other. Where the chain reaction ends, with a cluster of bombs, can affect if you solve the level. --You cannot bomb while on a rope or falling through the air. --bombs take two seconds to explode once lit. You can travel 7-8 squares in that time. That means you can run under a pair of bombs lit in a chain reaction. --bombs, like holes, take ~11 seconds to recharge. --if there is an undiggable square between you and a bomb, it won't affect you. 3-4. CAVES/HOLES --Caves appear first on level 7. You cannot dig below them, but you can dig above them. Bombing doesn't affect them either. --they are not a panacea. Generally there are a few locations on any level that bad guys may head to. Often if you wait a while they'll lump far away, but occasionally bad guys may stay put and block your exit, or other times if there are a bunch of them, they may pile up in front of your hole. 3-5. POTS OF GOO --Pots of goo appear first on level 10. They turn squares sticky and can be used with very little time loss. Using one hits three squares directly to the left or right, unless there's a drop, and then the goo touches the nearest square below. Sticky squares slow you down by about 60% and often spread enemies approaching you out. Dropping goo over a dug monk or the very base does nothing. Goo goes through traps. --Often badly placed goo just gets in your way, and most puzzles center around using the goo immediately to stop bad guys from getting you right away. But it is interesting how it falls. 3-6. SNARES --snares first appear on level 13. They catch bad guys, render them harmless, and make them cough up gold. But they take time to set up, which can be bad in tight quarters. --bad guys can advance two squares as you set up a snare. If they're three away, run away while setting up the snare and you'll break just in time. --you can get caught in your own snare if a bad guy doesn't go in it. Corollary: don't put a snare somewhere you're not sure a bad guy will go. --you can dig beneath a snare or place a snare where an item is and take the item before moving off, and before moving, you can stay by your placed snare without it killing you. --dug-up bad guys, if they get out, can be stuck between two adjacent snares holding monks. Which can be useful or an annoying roadblock. --bombs or gas cause monsters to be released from snares. --as one bad guy gets caught in a snare, the next one behind waits in line. 3-7. DRILLS --Drills first appear on level 16. They wipe out solid undiggable squares forever. This can help you progress to a different part of a level but may cause the trip to be one-way. They may also affect how bad guys react; bad guys immediately 'see' the adjusted plain. --If you drill down, and a bad guy lands on you, it's no problem if you're still drilling. But don't stay put. --if you dig and then drill while on the same square, you create a 2-pit instead of a 1-pit. --look at the map below. If you drill from left to right(fall, get back on ladder and then rope) you can clear the platform away. ~~~~~~ H H****** --it takes one second to drill down one square. --when in doubt, don't drill. It can cause irreparable harm to where you can go. --often you won't want to drill right into a chamber. For instance: v drill here so you can dig yourself out. H**** H*$** H*XX* 3-8. SPRAY/GUNS --gas guns first appear on level 19. --cloud lasts six seconds, bad guys remain loopy(gold light around heads) for two more --Stun gas isn't perfect, even if you can fire it right away. But it takes time to turn and blast the other way in case guys are closing in on both sides. --Occasionally if you catch a bad guy by a ladder, or if two are twisted together, then even though they're in a cloud, they may catch you --you can pump bad guys full of stun gas to keep them at bay indefinitely. --stun gas takes up three squares' worth of space. However, bad guys stay put once you hit them, and you can only take out one bad guy per square. --if you're on a ladder and blast left in hopes of keeping bad guys at bay, beware. Your next blast will be right unless you move around. --several bursts of gas make for a denser cloud but it doesn't seem to stick the bad guys any longer once they're stunned. --bad guys actually fall unharmed through a stun cloud if they don't land on it. --what I call guerilla gassing works as follows: if there are eight or so bad guys in the vicinity, shoot the first three. Run where the third is and shoot again. Repeat until you're past everyone. 3-9. PICKAXES --pickaxes first appear on level 22. --it takes 1 second to use a pickaxe(2 enemy squares) and the rubble stays for 9 seconds. --if there is a ceiling to your left or right, use the pickaxe that way. A pile of rubble will come down and be treated like a regular block for a few seconds before it disappears. Rubble goes through traps, so pickaxes can help detect this. --pickaxes can act as cave-ins to prevent bad guys from approaching, and it can even lump them together. --you can stand on the rubble you made and use the pickaxe again with plenty of time to spare. --you can transport items across the hole your pickaxe filled. 3-10. DARKNESS --darkness first falls on level 25. Fortunately the levels are not too tough to deal with, but it can be hard to find out what to map. --the light radius is three squares in each direction regardless of barriers. --knowledge of how bad guys will react to how you position yourself can make the levels much easier. 3-11. TELEPORTERS --teleporters first appear on level 28. There is usually a one-to-one correspondence between teleporters and the places they go to. However very late on some receptacles may be fake, and two teleporters may lead the same place. --you can fall into a teleporter. --bad guys can enter teleporters. If you enter behind them as you fall, you will have to wait a bit. This can be fatal with someone above you. --in the only sign they are civilized, bad guys wait to enter the teleporter from the side. You don't have to, and this allows you to jump right on top of the bad guys, right away. --it takes one second to flash in and out of a teleporter. 3-12. BIG BOMBS --Big bombs first appear on level 146 and can take out drillable as well as diggable squares. They have the same radius as a bomb. They also do not cause chain reactions as regular bombs do; they just destroy everything around. However, bombs can chain-react into them. --Big bombs also take out teleporters, receptacles(making teleporters useless,) ladders, keys or tools. They do not take out exit doors, though. 3-13. COMBINATIONS Sometimes you may need to use two items in a certain area, or you won't want to leave one item somewhere. Let's say you need to make a long drop to get a drill, but you still need your pickaxe for later. Drop the pickaxe at the top of the stair and drop to get the drill. Some items obviously cancel themselves out: a pickaxe can undo what a drill did, for instance, or goo can make a drill useless. A big bomb in combination with a drill can take out a 2-wide swath of squares and may let you down to an area below beneath several layers of rock instead of getting stuck. I've mentioned how snares can be undone. 4. LEVELS 4-1. LEVEL DIVISIONS ** LEDGER ** [space] = area you can walk/fall through X = square you can dig through/bomb * = square you can only dig or big-bomb H = ladder ~ = rope V = trap door down h = ladder that forms when you've got all the gold S = sticky gooey square that slows you down e = enemy u = you 1 = 1 point treasure(chest) 2 = 2 point treasure(cart) 3 = 3 point treasure(skull) 4 = 4 point treasure(gold pile) . = bomb ^ = hide-out/cave ; = pot of goo | = snare % = drill & = stun gun $ = block containing gold chest # = block containing bomb T/t = to/from teleporters. If there are more than one, they are detailed below the map. R/r = red door, red key G/g = green door, green key Y/y = yellow door, yellow key B = big bomb ` = pickaxe From levels 1-30 the scenery changes and an item is added every three levels, five times as fast as in LRLR. The skits are the same as in LRLR. After these levels, the divisions are rather jagged. 31: back to jungle 53: adobe/orange 65: purple-brown earth 75: purple crystal caves(why only two? This is the coolest one.) 77: ice cavern motif 86: back to light brown caves 94: purple pickaxe levels 99: blue ex-darkness levels 105: mechanical motif levels In these later levels you'll see effects usually not shown in the first wave. For instance, teleporters didn't appear until the last part in LRLR, but they appear everywhere in the jungle in LRE. Darkness levels aren't too prevalent, but here's a list: 28, 29, 30, 69, 97. I've also tried to include total points per level in here by way of general information. In particularly tough ones you may want to write down your score and reference it later on levels where it's easy to think you're done but you're not--then you can see what you still need to get. 4-2. LEVEL WALKTHROUGHS Level #001 STEPS xH* xHx*HX$ xHx*HX*HX b xHx*HX*HX*HX$ xHx*HX*HX*HX*HX xHx*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX$ xHx*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX xHx*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX$ Hx*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX HX HX HX HX HX HX HX HX HX$ xHX*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX*HX*Hx*HX+ Sort of like the one in Legend Returns what with neither having any monsters, but just a lot harder to figure where to dig. There's 4-point gold to the left of where you start. Then to the left and right of each ladder top where you can dig, you'll find something. However the worst part of the first time through this level(unless someone has been so kind as to supply a walkthrough) is that to make sure of things you have to dig all the way down the right of each ladder to check for gold at the bottom of it. Then unless you dropped right before digging the final square(thus having crossed the hole before you made it) you have to dig all but one down AGAIN, later. But now that the truth is revealed you do't have to. Except for the rightmost such brick on the bottom that you can dig. Your average level one should induce the profanity of regretted carelessness, not cluelessness. As it is you'll probably feel nervous taking the leap off to the right(get the chest dug to the left first and make sure you've got 21 points,) but whether or not you had faith a door to level 2 will appear at the bottom. Level #002 STONE FLOOR H~~~~~~~~~ H$$$ H $$$ H $$$ HXXH ~~~~~~ H H $$ H HXXH H~~H H H H ~H $H~$ H H HXXH H H H H H H H H HXXH H H H H H H H H H H H H k eHe H uH+ H H H ***XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX*** XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Drudgery is your main problem here, as for most of the gold chests you'll be climbing up to the top and jumping down. To get the key, stick both guys in holes in the upper reaches and then drop down. Be sure to hit the triangle key as soon as you bump into a wall--I've had a sticky incident and let the frustration pile on. The rightmost gold chests can be gotten by going up the second-right ladder and taking the rope/ladder complex that looks to be floating in air. The other eleven are gotten by going to the top and dropping down. You should always be able to create enough time to drop on the chest you want with little risk. If nothing else you can go to the bottom and run back to the top. 13 1-point gold pieces. Level #003 WHICH MONK DO YOU LIKE BEST? ~1~~~~~1~~~~~1~~~~~~1 X11111X HX111111X XXXXXXX HXXXXXXXX ~~~~~ H ~~~~~~ 1 1 H1 1 X11111X HX111111X XXXXXXX HXXXXXXXX ~~~~~ H ~~~~~~ 1 1 H1 1 X11111XH HX111111X XXXXXXXH HXXXXXXXX ~~~~~ H H H g eeeH H e u H ***************XX******** H ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ H G H H H 1 H 1 H 1 H H Above, you can deal with two guys running around, but no more. Fortunately you can take advantage of some quirks to get the monks trapped early. Drop right and go all the way left and climb up the stairs. The three monks on top will ack off left and up and only the bottom one will come at you. Down/up to make him fall when he gets near, and go back right. Up the far right stairs and you should see the three enemies above try to fall into the lower right U. Go left when they stop and dig a hole to get by the monk. Now go to the top of the center stair and get the two gold pieces to the right, then dig the left square of the U and get the gold chests. Let the guys come in and you'll want to try to trap one in the U before digging down. The basic strategy once a bad guy is stuck in a U is to go to one side, stand on the edge and dig, get him stuck, run to the other side, dig the edge square, and fall out when he comes at you. Then he'll be useless. This may take a few iterations to get perfect, and at the bottom you'll have two monks. In that case get the three gold pieces on the right, dig out, dig the two squares you can to get past the monks, sucker the monks in the U left(stay left of them, then go back and try to re-trap a bad guy in each U above. Bad guys hanging on the tip of the U won't be able to see you so take advantage of that. Once they're all stuck, clear the left. It takes a couple of tries, first dropping left off the ropes then dropping right. Remember to get the key on one of your trips. For the final bit you'll probably want to deal with whatever bad guys have gold two at a time, and this time you can get some of them to drop in the left side once you have their gold. A bad guy may be on the ladder right of the bottom u, but dig the right square and run under him when he's at the top of his spastic little climb up and down. You'll make it, and he may even fall left into the U. For the monks in the DR, dig to release them and then dig so they can walk into the U above. Dig holes to mug them for their gold. Drop in there on the second square from the right so you can dig immediately. Level #004 BOMBS OR SKILL? X XXX XXX X XX ~~~ XX X XX X XXX XH HX XX X X h*XX XX HX XH X XX hXX X H XH X X hXXXX X HXHXH e1XX h X XXe1HXHXXXXXX ~~~ h X XXXXXXH XXH 11 h XXX+XXX HXHX XH* X H XXX X XH XHX H** . X XH e XHX22 H X 1XH HX XHXXXXXHXXX H X HXHe HX XXXXX H* H XX H XXXXX1 XX HX H XXVXXX XH 11 X HX H 1 1 1 1 1 HXXXXXXu .HX The two bombs need to be used exactly. The first one, on the ladder just above the two gold carts. Continue climbing, drop at the right part of the rope, and drop in. Now what you want to do is to dig holes so that the closest monk to you regenerates--get inside the structure left of your original ladder and keep digging at the bottom until he appears either in the sub-part with the four broken ladders or in the far left, i.e. anywhere he can't run after you. Take care of the next guy with the ladder-feint trick. He may regenerate in the UR in which case you'll have to do the next part twice. Basically you dig down left on the three holes right of the top ladder, climb to the top, and run left when the bad guy has stepped on the rope. He'll drop, then walk after you and get engulfed as he falls into a hole. You may have to repeat again if he regenerates below, but that is a ladder feint. Eventually there'll only be one guy left, and you'll want to fake him out. Don't dig him or he may regenerate in the bottom, making your task tougher. Faking him out is easy enough--go to the top, jump left, and now when you land dig right so you can circle around for the last gold chest. Now that you've gotten all the gold up here, you can dig to get into the pit with the four ladders. Go to the UR and depending on how many bad guys are in there, you'll want to pick a different strategy. If only one guy is in there, you can just go down the stairs and dig to the left and climb over the left edge, falling for a bomb and gold you couldn't get otherwise. Now this means two guys are patrolling the DL area. They'll probably be on top of the ladder in which case you'll want to drop left from the ladder, get the gold, and head right. If not you can climb up the DL ladder making the guy above fall, then you can circle around to the right. In either case once in the right you'll want to dig left a bunch. Basically dig bad guys until no more can chase you. Then climb up the left ladder, use a bomb at the very top, retreat(be accurate here with movement as you can't fall off--you have to walk) and then re-enter at the explosion. Level #005 BIG BURN H 22* . .1X . . . R H H**X 1H** . . . . H H***e.1H*X**X . 1H***H H ~~.H*X*~~~X . . . 1H*** HH H. .HX. ..1.XH e H*** .H* H H* 1 XH. .1H** . . H* 11H**. ..1.** H*** 11X1H* H***. *.1H* . .****** H**.. 1111 ...*X* . H .. ****H .... . . . . . H. .HXX..XXH.. 1**He1 H. 1H*. .*H . H** ***H1. . H H. . *H. X1H*.y. **H1. H. H*H* ***H*X** H **HH H111**H X. .HXXX. H .. **Hu H****1H . .1 1XH H 1 1 *** Some of this is left to chance, and contoller nuisances even make part of this tougher than it should be, but there are small things that will help you get through the level less painfully--I hope. Climb up the first ladder halfway. When the bad guy comes down the ladder, circle around. Leave the bomb on the UL ladder. It won't set off a chain reaction, and if the monk there got any gold chests the bomb will get rid of them. Get any gold chest and fall to the left. The next place to bomb is the soft square left of the ladder in the next small area. R2U after you set the bomb, drop left, and now you will want to work quickly. Go up the stairs, get the key, and fall left to get the two gold. If a bad guy appears in this bottom part then leave a bomb under him and run away. He may as the chain reactions tend to take them out. You'll need to run at him if he's created, release a bomb, and run away--this is complicated if he appears when you light a bomb on the left wall to get past that. Don't use one if he appears behind after you blasted the wall, though. In fact, ignore him for a bit and just blast ahead. Go left and get the gold and climb up the ladder. There'll be a chest left that you can fall on. Do so after climbing to the top of the ladder which puts any monks to the left up the far left ladder. Drop left(waiting for the guy behind) and scramble up. Leave a bomb at the top(there is time) and then run back down and fall to avoid a monk. Leave a bomb for that monk. Here a bit of chance comes into play. If bad guys keep regenerating on top despite your bombing efforts you've had it--if one is left then just back up and try to run in. Sadly there's nowhere even to dig and nowhere really to fake them out for when you wait to bomb something so you may risk running out of bombs. If the bad guys are gone it's still tricky. Bomb over the left end of the rope with the gold under. Go over to it. Climb a bit up and then down. Don't hold down, though, or you'll jump off the rope. Tap a few times--there's time before the ground below heals. Get another bomb to replace what you lost--it's very possible you will have the maximum bombs at some point but you may not even need to be left with one once you bomb the very top square and fall right. If only one bad guy is over there you can sucker him DL to where you can dig, then loop around, bomb the base of the ladder by the remaining gold(the bomb R2U is handy for that,) L, R, U, R, U to the door and you win. If two or more are there then you may need to go to the top, leave a bomb and run away(watch the chain reaction) before the final looting. Level #006 X . .X. . .X. . . . . .X.X. X . . X . . X . . .H.H. X X . . .X. . .X. . .X. .X.H.H. XXXXX X . . X .XX XXXXX X X . .X.X. . .X. .X.X. .X.H.H. . . X X . . X . X X . X X X XXXX .XXXXX.XXXXX.X. .X. . . . ***********+************. .*eXX u X* . . *X********************X*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .XXXX X . X XXX .XXXXX.X. .X X . .XX XX.X X . X . .X.X. .XXXX.X X X XXX . .X. . .X. X . .X. .X.X. . . X . . X . .XXXX X . X X3. . .X. . .X. With perfect timing you can get down the hole to the left on two bombs, but I prefer to be safe and just leave one bomb for later. It's all you need. Get four bombs to the right. Bomb the left wall. Run right and leave a bomb where it won't set off a chain reaction. I note there's a bomb every other square. Get the bomb on the right. Bomb the left wall, go left, bomb the left wall again. Drop through. This must be done relatively quickly so that the left part of the "EMPTY" below is out of commission. Then run to the right and get the skill. Climb U, L, U, R, U, R, U to get to the top. Wait for the "EMPTY" to reappear and when the UL tine of Y does you can now U/L/U/R the right side. You should have enough time to climb UL a bunch and then UR and UL. Basically you want to wind up at the top stair above the right edge of the crawl space where you started. If you feel you lost a bit of time then once you get one square below it, bomb again. From this square, climb to the top and go left into the wall. Climb down. Bomb above the door, U, R, U. Drop in the hole you made. Level #007 TREASURE MOUNTAIN hhh++hhh h h he ee eh h h h 1111 h h1HHHH1h 1HHH^^HHH1 1HH11HH11HH1 1HHHHHHHHHHHH1 1HHHHHHHHHHHHHH1 1HH1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1 1H1HHHHHHHHHHHHHH1H1 11H1H1H1H1H1H1H1H1HH1H11 HHHHHHHHHHH^^HHuHHHHHHHH XX*************************H 4 4 4 ^ 444 ^ H Best start: run left, dig left, drop, right, enter right cave. Bad guys should go left or up. If you like you can sucker them down to the bottom--wait 'til the last minute to disappear and reappear when they're to the left. The best way to take advantage of your time is to clear one of the three rows of gold in the ladders--1 up from the solid base, 3 up, and 6 up. Later you can clear the right slope. The 1-up requires a few falls but you'll be so far ahead of the bad guys it won't matter and in fact I recommend clearing out the left slope after you've gone all the way left. Also you'll want to bring the bad guys a bit left before digging left and falling and getting back to the cave. Getting the bad guys to release the gold is a different matter and sadly the only thing that seems to work is dragging it out as before. Let them run across the solid tiles, dig and drop left, then enter the right cave below. Fortunately the rest of the level is not too bad. Oh yes--do give them some rope. If you can't get to the right cave, they may congregate around the left. The main problem here is that bad guys who still have gold may jam together and there's no way to get them undone, which is a bit unfair. Maybe you can stand in the corner of the mountain and then climb UR a bit if you are confident in your command of the controls. 4 6's + 1's = total points. Level #008 CLIMB AND FALL ~~~~H 1 H ~~~~~~~ ^2 H* H 1 H******** H *H 2 HXXXXXXH 1 H ******** H 2 H*H H 1 ~~~~~~~H********H H H*H 2^ 1111111H 1H H H******** H 2eH* H H1 ~~~~~~~H******** H *H 2^ 111111H 1 H ******** H ^2eH* H 1 H******** H *H 2 H~~~~~~H H ******** H Y 33 y 3 3 H Not as tricky as it looks. You can pretty much hide in the top; the bad guys will lump to the right. Iead them down the stairs, dropping at the bottom, once they're lumped together, or you can even let them fall of their own accord. Regardless, you'll want to use this pattern to swipe a gold chest once they're climbing back up the far right and then position yourself to fall again. Take out the right side first; the left side allows you to hide somewhat. One of these times, if you're far enough ahead, get the yellow key as well, too. You may wind up getting the DL gold chest next to last, where you can fall left and get the skulls quickly and thus not have to backtrack before getting to the door. If not there should still be time- -but might as well do something while you wait. Also note if you're unable to get all four guys to drop as you stay in the DR, you can use the rope at the top and fall left from it--zooming by anyone who retreats to the UR. Other trips may include a quick raid of the three upper left platforms. Note if you are on the middle ropes and fall left the bad guys will fall. If you fall from the one just above the gold chests you can walk L/U/R and the bad guys will probably fall off, leaving you another chance to drop in for gold. This is a quicker loop than the right ladder. 49 points total. Level #009 HIDE OUT 1~~1~~1 H* * *H1 1 1 1H~~H*11*11*****H 1 *H H*** ~~~~~~e ***XH*H H* H1111111 e X**H 1H 1H 1 1 1 H **h ***X**X*****H 1H** **H ****X **XH X**H ~~~~ ** XH 1 ^ ***X***H 1 1 1 1 1 **X**H H +u ^ 1 ^ 1 ^e 1^ee ^ 1 e H Run right into the second cave--you have the time. Keep making ground one or two caves at a time until the bad guys are behind you when they fall off the rope. This requires an annoying development of patience. Especially waiting for them to lump together--when they do, they may et stuck, which can help you get gold, but it is tough to get rid of them. I'm assuming they aren't stuck. In this case go to the top. Beneath the top ropes, there are some gold pieces. Pick off a couple of them by dropping in and drop to get gold below them, too. You should get two or three times in before too many bad guys pour through. Drop down to the bottom picking up one of the four suspended golds there. Now repeat the process--if you're lucky, the bad guys are lumped together, making reconaissance easier, but if not, do the usual progressive hiding out. The second time around if you're accurate you can clear out the four top golds to drop for and even get the ones below into the deal. Note that when the top gold is gone you can pick up the gold in the line below the other rope at will if you start there. As for the four suspended gold chests just above the bottom, you can drop for one but have to dig for the other three. You can get them one at a time but note that you don't have to go all the way back to the top to do it. I recommend getting the second-right one next then circling around quickly and waiting to dig for the right one when the bad guys get close. Now whichever way the monsters go you can outfox them to get the last one: up, reappear as the last one crosses the rope above and get them to drop. Down, reappear when they're in the corner and dig twice over the far left gold. If you are lucky here the bad guys will have coughed up all their gold. If not you may have to fake them out a bit although there are some places to dig as you goad them upwards. + in DL. Monsters may get stuck. Level #010 FEEL EASY * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X * * HX X e* * + HX XX **1 1** HX1 1XX *XX** H~XHXXe e *H*SSSS*H1 1 1 *H H ******* H~~~H H; 1 1 1 1* H *****H************ H H H H 2;2 H e XHXXXXXSSSSSSSSXXHXXXHH H u H H H H H 1 1; H2 ; 2 ; H ;H2 **************************** L, U, R, U, get goo, fall left when everyone comes over. Floor it right after this. Use the goo behind you. You also want to use the goo right of where the original stuff is once you've dug and made sure the bad guys aren't holding anything; that way, you can go to the right ladder, wait, and circle up and left to get the gold that's over the undiggable area. Go one rung up a bottom ladder to coordinate the bad guys if you need to establish a common point. Once you're on the far right, the first time you can get the four chests in the row from falling off the rope above. The second time you can climb up the second ladder, get the gold, dig left, and take the rope left and ladder up. Fall left from that top rope. You can probably take the three gold pieces in a row just by going up straight because of how the bad guys react, but you'll need to get to the right side and then take the top rope, dropping into the door, although you won't have to lure anyone anywhere. Level #011 HARD FLOOR... e e ++ e e ~ ; ;hh; ; ~ *H* *H******HH******H* *H* 1*H*1*H* 1111HH1111 *H*1*H*1 *H* *H*H****HH****H*H* *H* 1*H*1*H*H* 11HH11 *H*H*1*H*1 *H* *H*H*H******H*H*H* *H* 1*H* *H*H*H*1~~1*H*H*H* *H*1 *H*~ H1H1H1H11H1H1H1H1~*H* 1*H*1*H*H*H*H11H*H*H*H*1*H*1 *H* *H*H*H******H*H*H* *H* 1*H*1*H*H*H11 11H*H*H*1*H*1 *H* *H*H****HH****H*H* *H* 1*H*1*H*H1111HH1111H*H*1*H*1 *H* *H******HH******H* *H* 1 H 1*H111111HH111111H*1 H 1 The second-worst part here is learning to get to the edge, and the worst is to get bad guys running around to give up their gold. Fortunately the rest is pretty easy. You don't need the goo, which in fact will harm your ambitions. Note that you start against one bad guy in the beginning, clearing out the center. He will be on the left. You can pretty much lead him anywhere you want him to go and also watch if he picks up any gold. Then run away from him and go up the left side of the center area. At the top go to the center and wait for the bad guys to come by. Go down. All four should be caught in the center. Head to the bottom and then run up a side and drop to the outside off the bottom of the ropes. Now you can go up the ladder on the edge and drop left and right to get all the gold. Then wait at the bottom of the ladder, climb up, and go around to the other side. If you're worried about a bad guy seeing you when you drop, 1) don't and 2) you can drop when the bad guys are near the top. Now stay at the bottom again and wait. Climb up the stairs and take the outside ladder in the central structure. You'll want to lead the bad guys around so that eventually they walk enough to drop their gold. The square has plenty of paths so you should never get trapped. ++ HH (at end) don't use goo Level #012 DO YOU LIKE NEVA NEVA TRAP? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H 1* 1 * * * * 1 1* H H ** * * 1 * ***** H H 1* * 1 * 1 1 H H ** ****+**** 1**** H H ~~~~ 1 1* 1 * H H 1 * ***** **** 1 1* H H 1 * * **~~~~ 1 1 **** H H *** ** 11 ****** eH He 1 **** *111 1 1 H H *** 11 **** ***** *eH H e11 ***** 1 1 1 1 * H H **** * **** ***** H H e u* H H1 1 1H ;1 H1; 1H ; 1H111 H **************************** The very first thing to do is to run right immediately(and I mean it-- you fall to start the level) and up the second ladder. Then you have to run right just as the bad guy starts climbing up. The next thing to do is to pick and choose where you want to drop. The best first choice is the L near you. Drop L, R, L, R, L. Then go past the hole you can trap yourself in onto the L facing the other way and drop R, L, L(drop right off the rope,) L, L. The next drop will be on the remaining gold chest in the right area. Take the rope left this time for more gold. Now when you drop on the left you can use the goo, preferably as far right as possible, standing on a ladder base and facing left. This will allow the bad guys to chase you when you go to the top right, and it makes going to the left much easier. The trick now is to make sure bad guys don't fall into traps while they still have gold chests. This requires a bit of tedious waiting to see if they cough anything up, as there's really nowhere to dig. On the left there's an L above a rope. Drop on its top and then left onto the rope. Go right for the two gold chests as you should have the time having faked the bad guys out even if they come back left. Drop onto the gold chest below and drop right. Here you want to make sure you aren't at a level where bbad guys will try to follow you by dropping in holes they can't get out of--unless you're sure they have no gold. Remember they always try to drop to your level and where you are on the ladder can affect this. There are a couple of other single gold pieces to pick off in addition to what bad guys leave behind but fortunately climbing on a ladder when below them draws them away from you so if they're on either side of you there's no need to panic. The final gold piece is the one near the top that seems like you can't get it without being trapped. Fortunately the door appears in the pit DR of it. It's a moment of truth as you can't be 100% comfortably sure if you're like me. Level #013 I'M SHORT OF CASH! ~~~~~~ H~~~~~~~~+ ~~~~~~~~ X XH 1XH X $H1 1XXHHX X X XHXX1 e XX HHX e X X XH $X X$X H$ X X XH~~~~~~~~ HX X X~ $H $HHX X XX XH X H$ X X 1 1 XHX1 e1 1XX HX XX XXXXXXXHXX XXXXXX H 11 X XX1XX H H XX11X XXX H H X XX H| H | There are some hidden gold pieces here, so this is somewhat like searching for cash in your couch or something. Trying to get all the gold pieces first leaves another monk to deal with, so you want to pay attention to the order you do things in to reduce the difficulty a bit. Without the hidden gold this wouldn't be much of a challenge, but even with it, there are only so many places to look. It's not so bad. Get the right snare quickly(you start by falling) and go up the ladder, leaving the bad guys to pick the wrong ladder to chase you. Let's get some hidden gold first--there are two as you dig down on the right side of the ladder. They are the second and fifth squares down. Next time drop through the right side and clean that out. It requires two drops--once to the left side and once to the right. There's a ladder left of the main right one. Dig left there. Drop left and you should be able to get the snare. Retreat and use it and get one monk trapped. Then go to the top of the right ladder, dig left, fall left, and so forth until you fall through. Another chest is at the bottom. Now tempt the bad guy over by staying at the bottom of the stair and going up. Then you can go left. Climb down so you're right of the entrapped guy and pull him right as he 'sees' you. You can now clear out the gold you see on the left right away or go into the left U. You'll want to drop in the far left to get the snare, then drop right and immediately dig right. Walk over the bad guy and leave the snare just right--not above as he can avoid it. Then once he's caught, 2-<1 dig to the far right to get the gold below, and then you can work on the final hidden gold. The final bad guy may be pesky, but a good place to stay on the left is the top rung of the ladder--not above the ladder. There's a small structure on the left: XX XX The gold's in the bottom left. Then the second and sixth squares as you dig down left from the left ladder have gold. The exit is above the right ladder. top of rt stair Level #014 RUN, TRAP, RUN, TRAP... e11111~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X*****111 H +* ****111 ~ | 1 eH ** ******H************H e *H * H* 1 1 H *XXXX*H * H*H*********** XX **H|``*``H*H e1 1 1**1 1*H*****H*************H 1 **** *H *H*e 1 1 H e*H1~H1*H*H*********** H*H ***1H**H*H|1 | 1 H**H **H* H************H H*XH 1 1 1 H**H* 1 |e 1 H H**********H* H*H*********** H ** *** H*H | 1 1 u H 1 1 1 1 1 1 H************* You don't fall here, so the level doesn't start right away, but once it does, move quickly. If you're quick you can move left and set up the trap right away. Back right to wait for the first bad guy, go up the stairs and get the second snare, which you'll have to retreat to place. The second ladder up, you can go to the top rung and the bad guy will turn left. That gives you time to set the final snare you'll need although you may have to retreat to do so. But by now you can afford not to be completely incisive. Get the one beyond it. At the top, place the snare to the left and wait at the right ladder. Go down a bit once you catch the first bad guy. Retreat to the base once the final bad guy retreats to his ladder and you can run to get the final snare which you again need to back up to use. Take the ladder to the UR and go left and drop to get the UL gold. Then go down the central squares detouring for two more gold pieces. L, U, outflank the bad guy by jumping over him and loot the inner area to the left getting the snare in the process. Wait at the top rung of the final ladder to goad the bad guy right. Run over him and fall left. Dig right at the far left and set up the snare one left of the far right. Wait right and cross over and 2->1 dig to get to the gold in the part below. Now go up the ladder left of where you fell and drop right when the bad guy, who should be far left, comes close. He'll follow. Make him follow all the way to the top by keeping him close and then jump into where the bad guy is snared. 2<-1 dig to get two more gold chests. The bad guy may have a remaining gold chest. The safest way to get it from him is to drop level with the long platform and let the bad guy run back and forth by edging up and down. Once he runs left and leaves the chest tilt up. Then go to the top of the stair on the other side and if you fall right you should have the time to get the gold. Back up the central stair, then the far right, and across the rope to dig at the far left, and you'll enter the door. Level #015 SET A TRAP! HURRY UP! e **H **H~~~~H u ***HH *H 1 H e*H~ | H*H11111 **1 H ** H*HH******** * H * H*HH 1 H e ~* H*H****H1 **1 H ~H** H**H ***H1 ** 1**H H* 1*H *H ***H ** H **H* H ***H H 1* H1* H~~H **H H + e** H*** H H1 e H *1* H 1** H~~~~H **H111***H* H 1 H ***** 1 H 1H e H *****H | | HH | | H The right is your base of operations, and you'll want to slowly move left to get more snares to make your job easier while watching for some specific dead ends that can trap you to ruin your hard work. Go immediately left after you fall to start the level to get the snare. If you dawdle a bit you can still do it by taking the left of the bunched ladders down. The first trap you get should be used on the guy coming up the far right ladder. He is blocking access to below. Getting rid of one of the left guys won't do much although you will next want to get the couple of snares at the bottom between the ladders and get the bad guys to come over to fall into them. You can get and place both in one trip or just shimmy up the right ladder a moment to deflect bad guys. Next step is to get to the left. At the DR you can climb to the top once the three remaining bad guys are close. They'll start left but turn when you hit the top. Once they're all on the ladder you can climb down to the platform between the two ladders where there are two gold. This is a dead end and with no bad guys to take advantage of that it's a great time to get this gold. After this you can drop left for a trap, set it, and climb back to the top. Go left to get the gold piece that's semi-suspended. The bad guys should be bunched together at the top so you'll want to fall left, right, and left to get the snare. You should just make it back. Set a snare at the top of the stair and back at the top, fall L, L, R, and L. There's a bit more breathing room this time. If the door doesn't appear in the far left, loot the bad guys with the snares or lead the remaining one to the DR and climb around the ladder to move him back and forth until he coughs something up. You know how to get to the top, and then you just fall left to get to the dor, which almost looks encased in the mountain background(cool, huh?) Level #016 DIG DIG DIG... ee HXX**************** u H************** H****** H*********** H1 **H1 **e* ******* H*****H***1*H****** H 1 **H 1 **H 1***H 1**** ***H**** H**** H**** H****** 11*H1 *1*H1 *1*H1 ***H1 **** X* H*****H*****H*****H****** 11*H 1** H 1** H 1** H 1**** *X H*****H*****H*****H****e* 11*H1 ***H1 ***H1 ***H1 **** X*XH***1*H***1*H***1*H****** *X*H**** H**** H**** H****** X**H 1 * H 1 * H 1 * H1 1*** g G************************* Go right and get the drill. You have just enough time. Then dig a couple of holes before you drop left and drill at the far left. Crawling to the right and digging above the ladder doesn't quite work as bad guys regenerate in the UR, and one that you dug seems to get confused and fall back in. The first thing to do here is not to take care of the far left but rather to drill down twice at the right of the ladder. Get the gold chest and drill through the rest of the way. Repeat for the next two ladders as well. On the way back up you can clear each area near the ladders unmolested. When at the far right ladder, let the bad guys come to you, and climb up the stairs. One should follow you up, and one will be just to the left, but it's no problem. Go left at the top and drill and run left. Climb up the second-left stairs. At the top left dig down ONCE and then you can clear out the gold by the left ladder. Drill right of the bottom of the three pairs of gold remaining. Then go to the top of the structure and drill through for the rest. Go right to the ladder, dig left, and drill the two squares below that. Fall left, quickly get the key, and use it to open the door. Level #017 DON'T FORGET TO GET... ~1X .~~~~.XXXX ~.1111. H*1**** XX1 XHXX ****** 1H ** ***1X***X H * *H ~~~~H XX** XXX XXX 1* H * 1HX ** *1 *** XXX 1*1 He1*1H** **** X1X11**X 1* 1 *****H ** X ***XX** X* * *H **** *X1XX X* X ~ 1 H1. % .~~ XXXX*HX* ******XX****** HX XX*HX XX * 1 1 XX* XXXX H XX**H~~~ ** ***H**X**** H * 1* *** X*X1. ** H*** 1 1 **1 *X1X****1** H **11***H 1 * XXX***u1***H e ***X H 1 1 ^1 H X . H You need exact play with bombs to win this level. It looks like a bit of a mess, but soon you'll see there's only one way to get chest X or Y and then can work from there. Fortunately you can make the bad guys irrelevant marginally early. But not too early! Run left into the hole. The bad guys will lump together. The technique to master here is getting them to drop so you can get around them. Go to the ladder and climb so the base is to your left. This will get two closely spaced bad guys to fall. Now you'll want to make sure neither bad guy has gold before proceeding with the tough parts. Fortunately there are two squares to dig, and you can climb over and then drill at the far left and retry. The first place to go is to the UL once you're by the bad guys. You'll need to fall left from a rope and now you can place a bomb left of the square that blocks your way right at the top. Go along the top digging right so you get to the next ladder. Go across the top again and fall at the UR. Use the drill to get the two suspended chests. Drop off the rope quickly at the bottom and then dril the left side of the 3-platform. Get the two gold chests and dig right. Now you can sucker the bad guys into the small 2-pit above where you have to bomb to get to the main board. Best part is they are protected from your blasts. Once this is done you will need to take care of the rest. I actually recommend going back UL first to take care of the gold chest that is in the deep pit under the rope. First go to the left of it and drill, then drop for it. This requires two bombs, but that isn't all bad. You can take care of the DL now, but you may want to get the UL gold in the pit first. Drop in there and drill and then drop left. For the DL, first thing to do is go left and drop/drill from the rope. Then drill the next-left square, fall right, drill, and fall right. Once back up drill over the next gold chest, go right, drill twice, dig right, and you can get the next chest safely. Now get on the two squares you can dig. Do so. Drill the right square. Stand on the center square below, dig right and drill, then repeat. You can now get the bomb and the gold--if you had a full complement of bombs you'd miss the bomb and would be unable to solve the level as you'd have to drill for the bomb. Then you couldn't cross. Go to the UL, bomb again, and there should be a remaining bomb in the UR. Get it and just left, drill. This nets three more gold. Be careful wiggling down that ladder. Go off to the right rope, bomb the square at the bottom, and come around to the UL again. Now after the first bombing and second dig, dig below where you just dug. That'll get you two more. Drill to get out. The final trip looks improbably with just one bomb, but again pass through the UL. There's one rope at the top. Drop from it and dig the right two squares. Dig the two left squares on the ledge you created. Drill the left square below, fall, dig the right two squares, get the gold and drill. Dig right and drill. Dig the leftmost square to get out. The door is below the rope. Level #018 THIS ROPE LEADS TO EXIT. WHERE? *** 1111*11 *****1X11******u *1* XXH***XH 1.1 HXH *1/ *H. **H11**H******X***H*1*** h*H***************** *H*1**. h***H 111. X 1 X11111*H*1~ H h ~~H******X********* H** ** *H1 * 1111*~~~111***H*** ** .H* H*X** *1 1******H ~ *******H** ***H*.11 *** *** ** *H *H*H**111* *1* * ** *HX*** HHH****** *H* *1 1~~H*HX** *H*** 1 1 *H* **** H*H* 111XH ~ ~***H*H1 1~~~*H*H* ****H * **1H**** *1 *H*H*1* H* * **1H1111 1XXXX*HXH******H 1*11******H The order you do things is very important here, and this is a tricky level, but fortunately large blocks of it aren't too hard once you know how to start. Left, get drill, drop, get the bomb above the ladder before dropping(it's not easy to see.) Then go up to the top. Drill below the ladder and the right of the chamber below that. When back up place the bomb on top of that ladder and run left after the explosion. Past a 2- ladder you'll see something impeding your progress. Here's how to get rid of it. Dig left, drill below what you dug, right, drill down. Wait for the dug square to regenerate, run across, and dig down twice. Proceed similarly for the next box left of the ladder--dig/drill twice here, right first. Another bomb and gold piece. Now dig below the UL ladder and fall left Dig right of the far left ladder below and get the gold and bomb. Go to the right but don't fall, and on the platform with the soft sqare dig the left. Climb up to the platform with the next bomb. Use it where you find it--next to the wall and you can't run past. Bomb the right wall again and now go across the rope and drop at the far right. Get the gold and dig below the ladder. Most of the rest of the gold should be pretty straightforward. Drill the 1x3 block between the ropes. Drill after falling right from getting the final bomb. Drill right twice of the gold in the deep pit, right of the two ladders. Then drill below the 3-rope to get to the DL. Drill below the ladder up into the soft square. The very DL structure should be demolished as follows. Drill the UR square and the one below it. Go to the top of the two ropes, left and drop to the lower. Drill the UL square and now start digging holes left while going right. Drill once near the ladder, then run left and right quickly. Light a bomb at the top of the ladder into the soft square. Go back up and now place a bomb right against the wall. Drop into the pit created and drill. That'll get the last 3. The walk up is a bit long but not too risky. It'd be interesting if they gave you one more bomb and you had to use it to drill the two squares right of the encased ladder, with the door in the UL. Level #019 WHICH DO YOU LIKE ROPE OR SPRAY. | * H111111H1111* 1 1 1 1 1 H************ *********H H~~~~H~~~~~~~ H H 11111 H *H H 11 ********H****+ H H ** H H1111H~~~~~~~~H ~~~ ~~~~~ H& H111 1111H 111H111111H**********H H H H H H **********H H H H H u H ee 2 2eee H 2 2 H 2 Left, right to the edge, left to the stair and up. You should have time to get the gun. Now you can go back on the right stair and get level with the lowest platform. This will distance you the most from the bad guys. In fact you're so separated they don't have a clue where you are, and you can get the DR chests without being chased as well as the gold at the top right. You can fall to the right side of the top rope to pick off some more. Eventually you'll have to let the bad guys out. Try to let just one out at first--get on their platform and when one is a couple of squares away, go back up. Then you will want to use the gun on him to get the two chests suspended below that you can't drill to. Stay on the other side of the ladder and gas the bad guy when he's next to your ladder. Climb up and run over him and you'll get to the chest before he falls. When this is done go to the top and get the snare. Use it and take the gun back. From here take the rope and drop at its far left, getting two gold beneath, and fall left quickly. The bad guys may get stuck here so be prepared to shuffle around a bit. But fortunately you should be able to pick up any one gold chest if you can lure them to fall to the DL. Then there's more circling around and gassing. There's a final gold piece you need to drop for--from the rope at the top. Bring everyone right and buy time and this should be no problem. Another blast through with the gun should help you find the door on the small ledge. Level #020 HERE AND THERE ~~~ H H ********y S1 1 H**1 1 1 ** SSSSSSH ******** *%1 1 **H H *X*******H H XX XX H 1 1 H H ***H 1H e 1 H *****XX***H~~~ H*X*1 H e 1 1 ** H****1*****H **********H1* 1XH* * * .1 1e*H**1X*H 1 e * ********HX*X* H**********H * &1 1 HX 1 1 H **************************** Not much choice at the start. Left, drop, right, get gun, wait, and blast the monk coming down the ladder. Get the gold above and then bomb right of the ladder, at the bottom. Try to time it so you take out the bad guy near you as well, leaving one enemy to gas. Now the trick is to stand up one rung on the ladder so the bad guys chasing you fall down the ladder to the UL. This leaves you free to clean up a bit. Dig left from the ladder they fell from, drop left, and repeat. Two chests. Now gas the bad guys next time they fall down. This will get their gold chests. Climb over the ladder above to the right and drop right for a chest. Then go one unit down the ladder. The bad guys will fall into the enclosed structure and are trapped! this makes the rest of the level very easy. Here's the walkthrough for posterity. Dig above the suspended gold to get it. Pick up the four gold to the left--the sticky stuff doesn't matter much now although you could have dug right of the ladder and gassed if absolutely necessary. From the big left ladder, take the rope and drop right. Exchange the gun, useless now, for the keyand open the yellow door. Take the UR ladder and fall in. Get the two gold and dig one of the center squares. Go back to the enclosed structure and drill anywhere on top of it for the final gold. Drill again. Get to the door. Level #021 ROUND AND ROUND *****1 ~ ~~****** ******| **X X** H11*11 *11 ~~~H * * H X**H~ *H & H *~~~~~ *H ** *******H H *1111HXXX**H~~~ ***X H1 H * H*X X** 1* ~~~~~H**H * H*X * 1 *X * H ** * H*X 11 * **X * H * *HH ~~ ~ * * *H 1 *HH** H** X*g 1%1* *H* 1H**X H* *1* H*** ~~~~*H* *H*X~~ H* * X*X H ** H* 1H*1H1** *X * H *X* *H* *H***** ** * H *XX* *XH* GH*1 1 1* & u1 H 1*X **1H* XX*****X*****XXXXX**11HXXXX* Get the gun to the left and use it on the monks to the right when they hit the ground. Get the gold past the ladder and go up. Exchange the gun, which is no longer necessary, for the drill. From here on out you'll need to cycle around a few times. Drill the right part of the platform, go right on the rope, and dig down twice. Now you have various counterclockwise circles at your disposal. The first task is to drop the drill below the snare in the UR. Get the snare and place it on the ladder to the left. This will relieve some congestion. Left of the gun, get the two gold and dig below the left one. There are two more you can get before you have to fall. Do so. Drill all the way down to get the entomed gold. Go back where you traded the gun for the drill. Fall down from the rope to the bottom step and drill. Dig right, retreat, dig right and fall left for the two gold chests. Leave a hole behind as you circle around again--except this time, at the top, dig at the farthest left you can go. This will let you on a rope that leads to the left edge. Get the three gold chests immediately available and dig the block to the left of the ladder. If a bad guy is waiting aroundyou can fake him out on the ladder. At any rate you will want to drop down on one of the two gold chests that are together so you may have to dig the bad guy out of the way. Then after getting the two gold in the DL corner there for the taking, drill all the way down below the right one. Circling back requires the same tactic you used before--drop from the second-right square on the rope. Remember to fall and not jump down the steps as the first option buys that precious extra half-second. Dig/retreat/dig. Go to the UL. If a bad guy is stuck there, dig the leftmost hole where you can and dig right twice after going across. That should drop him somewhere else but can use the adjacent ladders to fake him out and try again. Drop for the other suspended gold. Note there's some other gold above the DL door. You'll need to drill once more--drop onto the square above the key, then get it. Circumvent the bad guys and go to the DL. Level #022 TIMING AND LUCK! ~~~~H H H H Xy X H XXXX H Y H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXh e H XXXXXX2 XXX.2XXXXXh e e H . XH u ` H he e |H XXXX**********H***********H | X111 H..X 1 1 1 XH 1 1 1 H* XX******H*XXXXXX*XH ******** H * 1H ** XXXX******H******* H 1 1 1 1 ^ H 1 1X . H Get the pickaxe and use it at the ladder to the right. Climb up the stairs. The bad guys will run away. You'll need to repeat this probably two more times. Once the bad guys are on the ladder with one near the top, climb down to the bottom. If one bad guy comes after you, waste a bomb on him. Go back up to the level where you started and pickaxe right. Again it may take more than once to repel the baddies as much as you want. Up the stairs and then fall left for the bomb and go right. Get the gold and use a bomb, not necessarily in that order. Go off to the left and wait. If a bad guy gets to follow you to the left, no problem. He'll be easy enough to get rid of. Fall and get the snare. Fall right from there, leave the snare two squares right of where you land, and dig where you landed. When everyone comes for you, drop into the cave below. This will repel the bad guys. Peer out when they're on the right stair and now you have the task of moving them around to the left of you. You can waste a couple of bombs here and head to the DR where you'll get another one--detour to capture another bad guy, moving the snare two squares left of the ladder(feint all the way DR and go back up if necessary.) You'll need to place your next bomb in the square one above the three encased gold pieces. Drop into the U to get the key. There are only three bad guys left if you used the snares right and bombs are the best way to dispose of them--you can take out three with one. Or if you want to be risky you can enter the U, get the key, dig right, climb on the first guy to drop in, dig left, and drop left. You just have enough time. If too many guys are still bugging you, drop onto the left side of the U and they'll all know where you are but miss when they try to jump for you. They'll be frozen allowing quick passage left. Early parts of the level are easier if you use a bomb, but this decreases your error margin for using one later. You need two to get through the level and there are five total. Ladder appears to door platform. Level #023 HOW TO USE BOMBS... 1 . 1 1 * % Xee H****************HXHXXXXXee H 1 1 1 H*H u H************H******SSS***** HXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXX H1 *1X1H1 1 ` ******H***.********H******S* XXXXXXHXXX1XXXXXXXXHXXXXXXX* 1 H 1 1 H1 1 1 . ***H***********H*****H*****H XXXHXXXXXXXXXXXH*****H* X1H 1 1H1 1 1X1 1 1H 1 1H*XXXXX *******H*1***********H*X X 1 1 1 H 1 1 H*XXXXXX ******H********H************ 1 1 1 H H1 1 1XXXX + L, U, R to get the drill. Wait to dig until one guy is at the ladder base and do so 2L, R. The point: dig too soon and monks will get eaten and regenerate in the UR just as you dig a hole. Once you dig the hole you don't need the drill any more until the end part. Get the pickaxe and run left, leaving a cave-in that allows you to clear the top two platforms. Now I've found a relatively smooth path through the game after using the pickaxe is to go L, D, R for the gold, L, D as far as you can, L, D, R to the DR that's so tough. Then you can pickaxe guys coming down and then clear out the bottom part and work your way up to the top, saving the stuff you need to bomb for the last, and then get the drill. But this requires a bit of timing and bad guys may wander, so I want to give some general strategy. The bad guys are pretty easy to align and you can always just face one and leave a cave-in in front of him if they start going on different tangents. Then back up and leave another cave-in to get the biggest jump you can. But do try to lead them around as much as possible. Clearing out the DL shouldn't be too tough using this strategy and grabbing one platform at a time. Now the trick is how to get the suspended gold. I recommend the top one first. You can use the pickaxe to block the right side or wherever the bad guys are coming from--not you must use the bomb when on the right side of the gold. Drop down to get a bomb back. The farther right gold is the tougher it is to get but I think it's useful to let bad guys follow you closely up the left and after the third ladder you can use the pickaxe left to trap them on the left side. That is good enough. You can fake out one guy with no problem. You can also stand in the DR part of the upper two platforms and dig left on the three ceilings you can if you want to be thorough, then go up and trap them there. It will give more than enough time to get the very DR, but you may find a shortcut. Remember that since you can't dig you may want to lead the bad guys around so they may cough up gold. There's an extra bomb and if you haven't used it, it may save a bit of running tedium. Now go reclaim the drill. Don't worry about getting trapped as this is a pretty one-way trip. Drill twice to get to the far right ladder, where you can dig left and drop twice. Drill through the final part. Level #024 PITFALL **********************H **X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X1 1X**H ** XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH~~ **H 1 1 e e e e H XH ****H**H* 1 H*****H H H e*H***H1 1H*XX*X*H 1 1HH 1H1 H% X**HH**XXX*H XXXXX*********11XXXH**XXXX*H XXXXXX** H *XXXX*H ******H H*****1XXX*H XX1XXX******H~ eH XX*H H H******** H ***********HH H ` u H XXXX1XXXXXXH H************H 2 ^ H H 2 | 1H A lot of trickery here to move around the bad guys especially without the ability to dig except when they're far away. You'll need to cycle to the UR five times. The idea is to get the far left gold by digging at the UL, then drilling each 3-chamber with 2 gold from left to right(or you'll be cut off.) You don't have to dig the rightmost one, which saves some time. This of course requires you get the drill, no trivial task. It all gets a bit too long near the end but is a more than decent challenge. The hole in the lower left may be a trap if the bad guys decide to congregate there in their blind search. Get the pickaxe and then retreat and go down. Pickaxe left ot the snare after getting the gold and set up the snare. Wait for the rubble to be removed, and then you'll catch one bad guy, making this all marginally less annoying. Then pickaxe right of the snare to synchronize everyone. You can then run U, L, U and to the drill. You can get a lot of gold now. Don't get the stuff left of the 3- chambers but walk to everything else. Then get the gold in the 2-pit and dig down. Next up is the gold in the R 3-chamber and the suspended gold beneath 5 levels. No bad guys should be bugging you if you switched around quickly enough. Here's a map; the numbers/letters(1-9, a-z) show you the order to dig or drill depending on the surface. H*** H321 H*XX* H4567 HH**XX HH8ba9 (need to go up the ladders a bit here) H**XXX H**cdX (from the right) H *XXX H *eXX (drop through) ***!XX ***!XX Next thing to do is to get the three vertically aligned chests near the right edge. Dig below the first and drill below the second. There's another one you can drill to. Get it and then go left. If you did this quickly you should have time to climb up a ladder, R, and U the side.. If not you can probably get to the near ladder, take the rope right, and climb over that way. Now how to fake the bad guys out on a regular basis? First if you're lucky a few will follow you around. This makes your task easier if you wait. You may be able to outrun the bad guys falling right but the rope should be reliable once they get to the bottom. If possible try to get some bad guys to follow you up if you know none of them has a chest--you can maybe stick one in a 3-chamber and some of the rest often drop on top of him. It makes the trip down, pickaxing, and faking easier. The door is below where the leftmost chest was. You should be able to walk over there and fall through one of the traps to get there. Level #025 DARK PUZZLE NO.1 ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ 1 H 1 1 H H H* H 1*1 H* HH V***** H* H 1 u H* 1 H H* H HHH* H HH H 1 1 HH 1 H ****+ H 1 HH H H*** H HH 1 H HH H H Fortunately there are no bad guys to start off here. However, there is one judgement call to make. Go up the ladder to the left first. At the very top, after it curves, you'll see two gold chests you need to drop to get. Do so. Then back at the top inch right and when you can't see the ladder any more, drop down for a platform with two more gold. Go back up. To the right there will be another gold, but save it for last. The door is below it, and the gold chest will help navigation. Instead go further right and you'll see the tip of one block eventually. Fall on it to note you must go left one trip and right the next. In the meantime you'll find the right stairs more convenient, and at the very top, after the curves, you want to drop from the second rope length to the right(where you go R, L, D the ladder and fall for two more gold) and the last one(one gold in the air.) Then get on the divided platform and get the other gold. Now just drop for the final gold chest which you can see below the rope and enter the door--unless you couldn't hold off on the gold chest as I recommended(shame!) Then note that one body width left of the second major dark niche is where you should drop. 12 1-pointers = 12 total points. Level #026 CAN YOU GET ALL COINS? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 1X~~~B & H **** u XXXXXH H 1 1 eee XXXXXH H eee H H ~* ~~H H ~~H**h H ~~~~ 1%1 1 ~*~~~H H HXXXXXX H H X H XXXXXh H* * X H X1 H HXX*1 H XXXXXH H~~X*1 H X1XXXH H 1X1H 1 2 H HX~H* *H X1 1 X XXXXXH *. H XXXHXX + XXXXXH H H 1||| H This is a good level requiring considerable perception. And the first thing you have to do is hold the right button. Then tap down quickly to go down just one rope. Climb UR to the top. I recommend getting the gun and--after a wait to sucker the bad guys to(I presume) the UL--dropping all the way down. From there drop the gun at the ladder base and set the three snares. There are six bad guys in this level so you need all the crowd control you can find. Sometimes after a long wait one bad guy will drop into the pit in the left. You can actually still drill out safely if you push right as you drill down--but you might want to just run over him a lot first and save the chests beneath him for last. Once three are sprung in traps pass the first platform to the left as you climb up but at the second dig the leftmost square. Drop down for the suspended gold. Then run left once you see someone chasing you. You can detour to get two gold at the top of the short ladder, but the next destination is a long ladder with a drill on the left. There's gold over there and gold beneath them thar holes on the rope to the left. You will want to drop from the leftmost part and drill. Then fall right twice. Bad guys may eventually follow you but by then you should be able to go R, U, R to dig them into holes. Beware of dropping off the right ledge; frequently bad guys are in that small area and it's curtains for you. Having used the drill once you can get the spray back pretty easily-- there's nowhere else you need to drill until level's end. You can now drop left off the rope and dig on the platform. From the rope L, D, dig right, U, R, drop, R, U, R, L and fall to get a bomb. It's not necessary but in case you get trapped or are just feeling paranoid or mean you can use it. Dig below where you found the drill(3 squares right of ladder top) and fall to get one gold chest. Now to the UL, i.e. get the far left ladder and climb. As you go right there are two gold chests you see you need to fall on. Now for that final pesky gold. If you can get the drill and head to the UL then just drill on the first solid square you come to after the rope. The big bomb doesn't work as it either nails the rope you need or doesn't hit the square you need to clear away. If you don't have the spray, you could use the big bomb to take out the gold chest you'd have to drill down to and drop on, but in fact once you have all the gold the right stair lets you access the UR, after which you can drop off the middle of the rope to the left of the top. And the big bomb can be used more effectively as I showed you. Don't worry about the bad guys once you got the annoying gold; they're all to the left of you, in the small chamber or by where you found the drill. But you may want to make sure you drop in the right place. You'll need 19 total points here. Level #027 MONK IN A CAGE... e 1 1 H~~~~~ 1 H*******H 1 1 H 2 **** *****H H*****H | ******1 **H XXXXXXXXHXXXX H XXXXXXXXHXXXXX************* 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 ******************H********* ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~H ~~~~~~~ H H % H H *1 1 1*V H***** *1 1 1* H H *XXXXX* ~HXXXXX *XXXXX* H H ******** 1X1X1 ******* H H 1 1 H H u H H + | . H There are four bad guys here, but although you'll have to snare one and fake another out, usually you'll be able to use the pits to incapacitate them. Go right, set a snare quickly, and move back. That will take care of the immediate threat. R, U, L on the rope and fall for the drill once someone comes from the right. You can dig him into a hole, dig a hole out and then drill down to stick him in there. Now all the bad guys are ineffectual for the moment(if not, you can force them to drop in one of the pits as you did to get the drill,) so I recommend going to the far left ladder and dropping right above the pit there. There's a trap to the right. The gold below is the last one you'll want to get. Drilling for it too soon bars access to most of the rest of the level. First thing to do is to drill the top of the platform to the right. Get the leftmost square first, climb onto the rope, get the next-right, and so forth. That will allow you to make three separate digs for the suspended gold below. You've got some trek back but no one is stopping you. Next part is the upper segment. R, all the way L, R, U, leave the drill, drop R, and there's a stair at the end. Proceed with caution to the left once you climb it and when a bad guy follows, leave a trap--the best place to do this is the right edge where you have the most space on the platform. Go to the UL and let the bad guy follow you back right. Climb up and drop off the rope there to get more gold. Goad him to where the drill was and dig a hole to make sure he has nothing. Then take the drill, go back to the top, be sure to get the gold in the very UL, and then dig above the suspended gold to the right. The next part should be fun. Bad guys may have dropped in the right pit, and they may be holding on to gold. You've got a bomb; use it to take a few out, which should let you drop onto the edge and dig successfully for sure. Then dig and drill your way out. If folks are still stuck in here you can just dig a side and then lure them around until they leave their treasure. There's no good place to dig, and they're not smart enough to follow you to the central platform. Last part is to drill over the suspended gold. You'll drop right onto the door for the next level that appears. Level #028 TROUBLESOME ~~X t XX t~~1 1 1XXX t H11X XXXXXXX XXXXXX t XX11H TX 1X X XXXX 1 XXXH XX 1XX1 X XXXT 1X XX XT1XX X XXH~ 1XX X XXXXt1~~ X 111 XX XXX X XX HTX XXXX XXX 11 X XX X XXX t 11XXXX XX t X X 1XX T X t XX X XX TX H X XXX1 XX X 1XX 1H XX X XXX111XX1 X XXX 1H~HXT X t XXXXX X X .T 1 HXXX X XXXX X X t 1hXXX XXXXXXXXX XX Y 11uHXXXX1 T 1XyXT 11 t XX X b XX a XXX e X XXXXXXX XXXXXX j XX GX X X XXXX XXX XX XX X XXXH X XX XC XX X XX XX X XXXXt X XX XXX X XX DX XXXX XXX X XX X XXX i XXXX XX d X X XX A X t XX X XX FX X XXX XX X XX XX X XXX XX X XXX XE X t XXXXX X X I XXX X XXXX X X g XXX XXXXXXXXX XX Y XXXX J XyXB c XX Note: Every upper case letter is a teleportal, and every lower case one is where the teleportal goes, except for the following--F -> b. H -> e. Note two destinations are unused. There are many good ways to get through the level and few places to get trapped. Here's one way. It assumes you get all gold available before moving on unless otherwise stated. Go to A. Dig right of the rope and 2-1 dig to a ledge with three go.d. Then dig to get to the ledge with one gold, drop and 2-1 dig on the next ledge to get to the bottom. Enter B. Dig right and drop, then dig left from the rope, drop, dig left, drop, and enter E. Fall into G and now you can to to A and B as before. Fall left and get back to B, then dig right from the rope and dig right below to get to H and then E. This time fall on the suspended gold and drop to F, which leads to B, then get back to E. From here, dig right, drop, dig left and you'll get one gold. Dig left to drop for a bomb. From the second ladder up, dig down right twice and you'll get three more chests on the way to H. Go to F and from there dig down to D. Fall right and dig left. In this chamber above the key place a bomb at the far left. Then you can get the yellow key. Through J you can go to the rope and dig right, drop, dig right. Falling to the right leads to a quick exit. Level #029 DEBT COLLECTOR hhhhhhhhhhhhh***hhhhhhhhhhhh h~~~~~~~~~~ *%*h h H H ***hh~~~ h H H * * H h H H H *** T H~~~h~~ H H H H t * * H HH H H H H H .***. H HH H H tH H^H tT* *Tt HtHH H *****VV****************VV*** *****VV******* ********VV*** T tT***Tt T H~~~~~~~H* *H~~~~~H H H***H H HH~ ~ ~ H* *H H H H HH HH H HH***H~H H H H H HtHHHT*+*T H^HtH H This level is divided nicely into four blocks, each of which it's possible to clear before moving to the next, but a steadier way is just to get three bad guys in trouble first. The teleports for the bottom work as follows: the one in the corner sends you kitty corner and the others send you to the adjacent block. You may want to watch for the traps at the bottom center of the upper sections, although they can be very useful in some cases. Getting the snares one at a time and also leading the bad guys around from section to section can often give you enough of a leap to leave a snare. A good way to get a head start is in fact to drop down through the traps and leave a snare when you land. Get the snare immediately to the right and then go up the ladder for gold and drop left. Set the snare right of the long ladder. Go up the ladder and fall left when a bad guy gets close. Then go up the short ladder, and you can circle around and drop onto the final gold in this area. You might have to wait for the bad guys to align favorably to get out, but you'll want to hit the right transporter. Going up any ladder usually fools the bad guys so the intimate quarters aren't so bad. As for the UR area: don't clear it all out first. Instead go left on the rope to get the snare and walk left to fall into the trap. One guy should have followed you up--if so you can place the snare as you land and duck behind it. If there are no bad guys around it should be easy to clear the UR. Drop for the two gold of the three on the ends, then drop into the transporter. The UL presents a bit of a challenge. You'll want to go up the stairs immediately if bad guys are near. If they seem to prevent you from going anywhere, go to the DR and then L. You can then run L for a snare and double back. The bad guys will fall through, and you can go wherever you want. You may need a few trips through here, but a good way to start is to drop through the traps in the middle and leave a snare waiting for following monks. If all three have come down then you may be able to go back up and get the snare. This may also require using the ladder next to it, but it'll be worth it. You can then fall and use another snare as before. Once there's only one guy, he can be faked out while you get the rest of the gold. The door may not appear, though, and you have a few things to look for. Did you get the gold from all the bad guys in the snares? Also, you have two bombs, and if you can't loot the snared monks you may want to use onebomb --but only one--to nail the guy running around. Ladders will appear on top. You'll want to get on them and use the bomb at the center and fall into the gap. Get the drill and work your way to the door at the bottom. Level #030 SUMMON MONSTER! eeeee B **************************h + h *********h h********* h h h********h h**********11HH11**********h h ***HH*** h h h h hhh *11HH11* hh hhh h h h h h ***HH*** h h h h h hhh h *11HH11* h h hhh h h h h h ***HH*** h h h h h h h hhh *11HH11* hh hhh h h ***HH*** h h ; u ^ HH h **************************** No clue what the title means. Quickness is required as you go left for the goo. Immediately use it to the left and then run to the central structure. Now you'll need to time your run well and it's important you cover the least squares when you do so. Here's my suggestion: get the gold on the lower left shelf, then the left shelf above that, and so forth. At the top get the gold on the top right, then the right shelf below that, etc. This takes a little less time than clearing the gold platform by platform, which forces you to cross one more ladder on each level. It may take a while to get the bad guys in line but for now you can spend that good deal of time gloating about how you've solved thirty tough levels. The difficulty level goes down for a bit here, but the later levels more than make up for it--with a decided emphasis on challenge over tedium. They should congregate just to the right of you--it may look like one will stand in front of your hole, but as it happens, two congregate on the ladder leaving you free to run left. Once climbing up the ladder watch for when they turn back. Stay where you are when they do. This makes the last bit easier. The bad guys will go into the central structure. Then you can go to the top and get the big bomb. Here you need to be careful. You'll want to place the bomb above the door one square right(run left) or one square left(run right.) If you place it right and run right there's no way down! Level #031 PATRA Now that you've completed the sort of accelerated version of Lode Runner: Legend Returns(5x as fast through the intros) the game decides to branch out and put gadgets in places you wouldn't expect. So you can see teleporters with grass and so forth. The number of levels per background varies greatly but with each new background you get a huge drop in complexity. The first few levels in the thirties are relative layups. H~~~ u ~~ + ~~~~H H XXX h XXX H H XX4XX H h H XX4XX H H XXXXX H h H XXXXX H H XXXXXXHHhHHXXXXXX H H XXX X X X XXX H H XX44XXTXTXX44X H H XXXX XXX XXXX H H XXXXTXXXXXTXXXX H H XXXX X XXXX H H XXXXX X XXXXX H H XXXXX X XXXXX H H XXXXX XXXX H H X X X X H H XXX XXX H H te X X te H A good way to start is with two digs left, a drop, and a dig right. Wait for the guys to go up the ladder a bit and then undercut them. They'll each go into the teleporters eventually. Now you can go inside the butterflu. Take the 3-ladder down on the left. Dig left, down, dig left. Drop in for two gold pieces, and when the bad guys have crossed the ropes, dig right, and enter the transporter. You'll be kicked to the other side. That is how the transporters work; the ones you don't need to dig to kick you to the teleportal on their side, the others kick you to the other side. Now you just need to fake out the bad guys if necessary and mirror your activities on the left. Then the up-stairs will appear in the center. Cute how the butterfly antenna pops up once you solve the level. Level #032 DOWN & WARP u t *************$$************* e ***XX******************X$*** *************$$************* H****XXXXX*******XXXXX*****H HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH HXXXX4XXXXXXXXXXX4XXXXXXXXXH H ee H *$X**********************$X* *****$X***************$X**** + T You can complete this rather comfortably in two trips down; note that taking the teleport back up warps you to the top. Try to keep track of which side you dug on the top and third platforms to move down. I would go with uncovering the chests on the right side first, then the next trip down I'd try for the left. At any rate when not molested you can dig squares to see where the gold pieces you still need are. The one exception is the second platform; for it I recommend dropping down when the bad guy is not under the center. The suspended gold in the big center area with the ladders is a bit tricky too. Note a 3-2-1 dig so you drop over the gold works ok. If you haven't killed the enemy above then it's a bit easier to drag the bad guys one way and go the other. You may have to do this twice in order to get to dig the squares you want, and if bad guys reappear after being dug in a hole, they may get you from both sides. 44 points for 11 4-pointers. The gold that's buried is 4 points everywhere. Level #033 LAST LANDING + + H~~~~ ~~~HH H H ~~~ H ~ ~~~H H 4 ~~~ H ~4 H H 44 H ~ H H ~~ H ~ ~~~~~ H H H 4 H H ~~~~~ H~ ~ H H H H H 4 ~~~~~~ 4 H ~~~ 4 H H H~~ ~~ H H ~~~H 4 4 H H~~~ H ~~H H H H h1 h1 4 1h XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Just...don't...fall...to...the...bottom! Well, not until you get the final gold piece above. The only way to complete the level is to fall right onto the only suspended piece without rope beneath it. Then you can dig left and right, get the gold to the right, and go up the stairs with little worry. Getting the chests is not difficult. You can pick them off one by one, and you can just move left/right from one ladder until you're over any one chest until you can drop down. Sometimes you'll need to drop twice, but on the other hand you can maybe pick up two chests on one trip down if you want to save time but as it is possible to move from the edge to the center or back by standing at the top of the ladder and hitting a horizontal button it's only a matter of time until you get everything. Level #034 HOLE H~~~~t. H~~~ut3~~~~~~~~~3~. H. ***H .***e 3 3* *h *****XXX****XXX****XXX**X Xh XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Xh XXXtXXXXXXXXXXtXXXXXXXXXX Xh X. Xee XX XTXXX X Xh XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Xh X X XXXX X TXX h XXXXX XXXX*****XXX******* *h X. eXt .XXX Xt XXh XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXh XXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXX XXh XtXH XX XXTXXXHXXXXTXHXHXXXh X&^H e HX H XXXXHXHX Th XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXHXHX e XX XX XXTXXXTXX XXXX eXBX*** I may be missing a reason why they thought this was difficult--getting out of the structure once in is an interesting challenge and I'll detail that after the walkthrough. Get the two bombs and gold and then drop to the pit with the monk and dig him into oblivion. 3-<2-<1 dig and fall onto the final gold chest(buried) and into the teleportal. You'll be kicked to the top, and you'll need to go R and D. If you're clever you can drop the bad guy in a pit and then go to the 1-ladder left of the far right. Drop the bomb at the bottom, drop through, then leave a bomb next to the big bomb. That will clear the bad guy guarding the door, and you can enter it. Level #035 A K D e ~~~~~~~ H XXXXX * X*H X XXX * X* H X e XX * X* H X X H*XXX* H X X H* *4 e H X 4XX TXH H*XXXXXXXH X |XX *X*H H*X XXXXXH X XXX H e* * H H*X *XXXH XXXX H ** **H H* XXXH H t* 3 *H H* *XH XXXXXX **X*X**H H*XXXXXTXH * *HH* X**X*********** XX3XXHX HH XH . XXXX+ t T XXXXX XHB HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This level has a few blind alleys and a few outright dead ends. The actual solution isn't too complex, though. Dig the right two squares on top of the D, drop and dig left. Drop to the snare. When the bad guys are not moving significantly, drop left and immediately place the snare. As your guy pulls it out, hit the right button on the controller. Then go back left once the bad guy's caught. Go get the other gold and you'll have to dig once to shake off the next bad guy. Drop from the rope at the top. Dig the center, drop, dig the right, drop. Then 2<-1 dig in the left of the big chamber. This allows you to get the bomb and get out. Dig left from the top of the ladder and climb up the A structure. Use the bomb at the top and drop right. Fall into the hole you created. Dig right, fall, dig left twice, get the gold and run out by digging right from the ladder. Now a ladder will have appeared allowing you to climb over the top of the A. Take it to the teleport. This will kick you back right of the door in the DR. Level #036 STEPPING MONKS ~~~~ H~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 * H H *e* 4 Xe *X* HXXXXXH *e * e* e T*XXX* H ***** e*XX B * H X B *X4XXXX* H X*******XX *X***** H *X*XXX H XXXXX HXXXXX X H~~H t H XXXXXXXX**XXX*XH + XX ` 4*HXXXXXXVX H e V** ** H XXXXHXXX * H HHHH H XXXH HXX ******e Hit the controller right as you start the level. Be alert and dig right once you land on the lowest ledge. Dig the far right part of it to get to the main area. The gold pieces present three interesting challenges--mostly on how to get out once you've gotten them. Let's start with the UL. Drop to the ledge with the bomb on it. Get the bomb, dig the three left squares, and drop in. Light the bomb where you got the gold and run right. Boom! Now run left. On the way back right, dig right when you're over the pickaxe. Get the pickaxe and use it when facing the pit that blocks you from the gold. Voila, a walkway! Get the gold and go back left. What's that? You can't dig? Oh well, that's because the green square is a trap. Fall through it. You can just drop onto the UR gold. Digging the square beneath the bomb to the right leads to you getting trapped(the irony here is that green square sadly is not a trap;) instead, use the bomb on the left wall to carve a way out and go to the top left rope. Fall left from it down a few steps into the teleporter that kicks you to where you'll fall into the door. Level #037 SLIP THROUGH * XHH eH*HH*eH*X 1XHH*e*XXHXXXX HH* H*HH* XXHXXXHH*e*XXHXXXX HH*HH*HH* HH HH*e*2XHXX2X HH*HH*H * H HH********X* HH*HH*HH*HH*V*H%HH*BX...... HH*H *HH*H *V*HX************ HH*HH*H *H *H ************ HH*HH*HH*HX X*H 1 HH* H* H*HXXX*HXXXX XHXXXXX HH*HH*HH*HX X*H H***XX* HH*HH*H *HX2X*HXXXX H `* tH*He*HH*HXXX*H X * * X X uH*HH H*H~~~~HXXXXX XXXX*X+ XXXXXXXXXH XXXXXXXX | HXXXXXXXXXH T There are two ways through the first part. The first is shorter but doesn't seem like the intended way. You can just dig left and drop through and skip the next paragraph--provided on the ladder up you manage to fake the bad guys to the left into the middle of the three ladder-pairs in that area. Try a height on the ladder until they turn away. Otherwise--go right. Wait for the bad guy to drop. Go up and right at the top. Climb down the right stair but wait for the bad guys to shift to the left stair before jumping down. Here I've never gotten caught although a bad guy takes a swipe at you. Zigzagging up the stairs is annoying but you're not being followed. Now here you want to avoid the traps beneath the ladder you see after you fall right. You'll need to get the gold above, climb down to the bottom of this ladder, and go left. Now four digs down will get you to the encased gold. Ignore the snare at the bottom and take the rope right. Go up and detour for one chest before you get the drill, and then go to the ladder between the remaining gold. Three digs down on the left get you one gold, and three 2-digs on the right get you to the second. From there, you can dig right and get into the part with the bombs. They're not necessary, but it's neat to have bombs. Drill down anywhere but the far right to begin your exit strategy. Now you'll need to dig right when one square right of the ladder. Drill down after dropping in the hole. Get the pickaxe and use it left. Now you can run back across. A 2-1 dig to land on the square 2U2L of the door leads to the final puzzle. Use the pickaxe to the right, run over the rubble, dig right and drop into the door. Level #038 DRILL ....~~ e XXXX XHXXXXX******H hS* X XHXH HX X XH hXX* X3XHXHXH HX3X4 4XH h XX* X XHXHXH HX X XH h XX* XXXXXXXXXXXXX**X**X***H X ee X 4X4 44 CJ X R XH ~X 4 4 X XH XXX y XH X X XHh% XXXXXXXXXX*****X**X******HX X X~~~~4X 44X4 4 4XHX X3XH X X X XHX X *H X **X*****X*****XHX XS*SSSX4 4X 4 4 X 4 XHX H XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Drop left to get the drill. The first puzzle I want to look at requires digging, though, actually. It's the gold that's in the 1x3 area. 123 H4 H5$ H6 Dig 1 and 2. Drop and dig 4 and 5, but wait for 1 to heal before digging 6. Now circle around and dig 3 to fall safely for the gold. The next gold to get is the piece in the UL. It works similarly. There are in fact two alternate solutions which I find interesting to contrast. 1H $2HXH 3HXH Dig 1. Go left, dig 2, wait three seconds and dig 3. Go back to where you can dig 1. Do so and run in for the gold and back out, digging down left to get to the next part. But if you're willing to avoid the extended maneuver and risk running out of bombs then just dig 2, wait, dig 3, wait for 2 to heal and get the gold. Then on the ladder dig 2 and 3 and light the bomb on the upper rung before falling left into the corner. Now sadly you can't do a while lot else without releasing the bad guys. That's because the DL gold will be isolated if you start drilling at the top right now. So to get by them for the moment dig down left on the ladder right of the bad guys. You'll have to wait for them to leave their original area if you want them to follow. Fall right and run right--you'll fall into a trap. Here you can run right on the rope, fall right, and drill for the first gold. But the important thing is to stay well ahead of the bad guys as you get back to the chamber with the key. Dig down left three times from the ladder. Without the bad guys to bug you, it's easier to drop into the chamber with the skull. Dig the patch right of the skull, fall on the opening, and drill once. Now you can get the skull. Drill to get out. Now fortunately one bad guy will come left and fall in a hole. However, the other follows him and stands over him to block your path. What's a Lode Runner to do? Why, place a bomb two squares left and run away! Boom! What fun! The bad guy may regenerate by the upper key, but it's easier to smoke one punk than two--more worrisome is if he regenerates above the other bad guy. You'll need another bomb to get rid of him. Leave the drill at the top of the stairs and go back in as before. You may want to dig right from the tallest left ladder to save bombs. And you'll also want to try to keep the bad guy trapped if he regenerates in the key chamber. It'll make the rest of the level a matter of drilling and getting gold from left to right. The last part once the monks are taken care of--the looting--is pretty straightforward. First, leave the yellow key in the bottom right so you can get to it once you've gotten the gold, and then Just pick the chests off from left to right. The first roadblock appears when there's gold just left of the top ladder on the right. For that you can use a bomb at the ladder base OR drill just left of the ladder and dig down. Then continue as before. The middle ladder presents a similar dilemma; you can drill left, dig down and drill, or you can use a bomb and drill to get the gold just left. Once you've got all the gold, drill down to the yellow door and dig your way out. Then bring the yellow key up to the top and drop through again so you can unlock the door. Level #039 "AMIDA" ACTION H~~~~~~H H~~~~~~H H 1 1 H~~~~~~~~H 1 1 H H~~~~~~H 1 11 1 H~~~~~~H H 11 H~~~~~~~~H 11 H t H~~~~~~H 1 1 H~~~~~~H t ~~H 1 1 H~~~~~~~~H 1 1 H~~ T H~~~~~~H 1 11 1 H~~~~~~H T H 11 H~~~~~~~~H 11 H H~~~~~~H 1 1 H~~~~~~H H 1 1 H~~~~~~~~H 1 1 H H~~~~~~H 1 11 1 H~~~~~~H H 11 H H 11 H e H e H e+ H e H e **************************** L, U one rung and wait a bit. The bad guys above should go to the top of the ladder. Fall down when both bad guys near you are on the rope. Then work up and left to get to the far left teleporter, where you can get to the rope. Wait as long as you can before entering the teleporter. It will kick you to the right. Now on the far right you probably need only two trips down--drop, go right one, drop, go left one, etc. as necessary. It's on to the center next. Go one rung up the center-right ladder to synchronize everyone. Bring them down and climb up and left. The main tricky thing to do is to get the stuff at the far left. Again you can drop, move right, drop, move left, etc. if you are quick enough. The next trips are easier as you have less distance to cover although there will be two straight drops down. The next step is to fall into the right transporters. You might as well sucker everyone as far right as possible although it makes little difference in the end. Go right and to the top. You should have plenty of time to go right on the rope and begin dropping. Unfortunately here bad guys may follow you left and may in fact get on the far left ladder making the last bit of the level tricky. One solution is to go all the way back left once at the top, perhaps dropping down ropes to buy time if you're surrounded, but the other solution is to make two straight drops to get the final gold. Between them, just go one rung up the left ladder, and the bad guys will move to the center left. You can use the transporter to get to the other side after which it's no problem to reach the door. This level is no walkover, but if you want even more of a challenge, try solving this without the teleporters. You'll need a few more straight drops. Level #040 TIME +e X X * e * * * XXXhXHXHXHXHX *H*H*H*H*H*H* hXHX X HX H*H H*H H*H1 hXHXXHX XXXXX**************H HX HX 1 * * HXXXXXXXXXXXX*******H*H*H* * H4 X 2*H H*H * XXXXXXXHX XXX** H******** HXHX *X*X* XH HXHXHXXXXHXHX * * *H*H*****H HX X HXHX * * *H*H `*H HX XXXXXXXXHX 2*3 H*HX* **H HX HXXVX**X***3****H HXXXXXXXXXXXX* T*** * H H 4 % H*H* H*H*H*H* XXXXtXXXXXXXXXX*H H*H H*H H* Fall down and before you go down the ladder, dig left and get the gold below and climb back up. Pass through the next four ladders, dig diwn twice, lead the monk into the corner, dig and run over him. Then climb the far ladder, and he'll be stuck. Weave throught the other ladders, fall in the far right, and go back to get the next gold chest. Dig right and then fall right. Pick up the gold above the ladder and dig the left of the squares you can. Fall in and take the trap to the left. Now get the dripp and the gold to the left. What to do with the drill? First, drill once to the left and right of the two-ladder you see. Get to the right side, climb the ladder, and drill to get the pickaxe. Get the pickaxe and use it left. Dig to get the one skull. Come back around and use the pickaxe again to get across before walking to the other skull. R, U, R, D, dig and now go back left. Use the pickaxe to create a path across. The ladders that appear allow you back to the UL where the door is. 20 points total. Level #041 AROUND JAPAN XXXt~ uH$XXX$ $ $XXXX$$ XXXXXXXX $$H $H XX XXXX ~ XXX$H H H X XX $ XX$H$$ H$ $X$HH ~ X$$ X$H$$$$H $XXXXH$ XX$$X $H$$$$H$XXXXXXX X $XX H X$$XXXXXXXX VXXX $H ~XXXXXXXX VXXX XH$X XXXXXX VXX XXX XXX XX V X T SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS There are 39 total gold pieces hidden here--for reference, 34 are in the original area. Some are less fun than others but what's sure to be no fun is the end part where you get the last few.You'll have to walk through all that goo. So follow instructions carefully, kiddies! Go to the top of the ladder, dig right, go down, and dig both ways. Fall right then fall left. Dig left from the ladder you fall on to get one gold, then go right and dig right. Wait for the hole left to regenerate and dig at the top of the ladder to the left. At its base, dig left and fall leftthree times. Then climb the ladder and dig right and fall. That wasn't too bad, but the tough part comes up next. From the ladder, dig two squares down left three times, getting the gold before digging. Eventually you'll fall to the one rope. Take a bit of time at the ladder to the right by digging right and left once as low as possible to get those two gold pieces. At the top of the ladder, dig down left four times and then go back up and fall for a nice looting. Now dig both squares on the platform right of the top of the ladder. That's two more gold. Now that you've made it to the top part, you'll want to take care so you only have to run through the goo once. Here's how. Dig left on the rope. Drop and dig right twice. You'll have gotten all the gold, but guess what? The door won't appear until after you fell through. Why did they have to do that? It's the monks that are supposed to be mad, not the players. 39 points total from 39 1-pointers. Level #042 WARPMAN + * XX*H h * XX**H~H hh T 2 H h HX*** 4*** ~~H XXXXHt hh HX 4 .H XXXXH h HX 4 X**H XXXXXH h HX XXXH XXXXXH h HX *H TXXH XXXXXH H************ **XXXXXH H * eeeeee 4XXXXXH H *********** H**4 XXXXH. H Bu H *XX****** H ****** XXXX H HTXXXXXXVXXXX XXXVVVVVVVVVVVVXXXXXXXXVXXXX XXXVVVVVVVVVVVVXXXXXXXXVXXXX To start, get the big bomb and use it just right of the hole blocking your progress. Wait for the bad guys to spill in. There's a pair of traps below where you bomb, so they all fit. Drop into the teleporter. Now this looks easy since you seem to be playing solitaire, but in fact there are many nuances you need to master to get through here. First of all, the order you get the chests is important, and second of all, there are a lot of traps where you don't expect them--right of where you fall after the first teleport and below the encased gold pieces on the left. First thing to do is 3-dig down to the left from the top of the ladder you landed by. You'll uncover a bomb, but keep going. Instead of digging the last layer before the solid ground, though, place one bomb at the end of the cul-de-sac and another two units away. Run up the ladder. Go left at the top until you hit another ladder, then D, R(fall,) R and you should make it with a second or two to spare. Now go back U, L(falling) and climb up the ladder this time. Take the ropes/ladders to the top and then 2-<1 dig to get the gold. Get the bomb and place it above the teleporter. When it explodes, drop in. You're kicked to the right. On the right you need to dig down/right from the top ladder but wait before digging the bottom square until the top reforms. Enter the transporter and then push left. You'll fall onto the final three treasures. Then go up the ladder and fall left. It's another close shave. There's a crooked ladder up to the door--just be sure not to fall. 22 points = 1 2-pointer + 5 4-pointers. Level #043 ROPE WALKER + + HXXXXXXXXXXHHHHHHXXXXXXXXXXH H H XXXXXXXXXXXH HXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX3XH HXX333XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXH HXXXXX333XXX XXXXXXXXXX H H XXXXXXXXXX X XX XH H X333XX333XHXXXXXXHXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXHXXX3XXHX33XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXHXX3XXXHXXX33XXXXX HXXXXXXH XXXX33XXX H ~~~~ H XXXXXXXXXHXHe eHXHXXXXXXXXX HX eeee XH e HX eeee XH (doors in Ul/UR, ladders below, bridge across center 1 below top) I have no idea why this level is so far along in the sequence. It's rather easy. In fact the only way I see to lose is if you complete the left part last. I recommend the upper right. For the left side: 4-3-2-1 digs will get you in the 2x3 chambers and 2x1's will get you out, but first I'd go with a 3->2 dig from the left side of the top gold followed by a 2->1 dig below that will get you out- -and allow you to dig down left on the ladder to get the skulls in the right chamber. For the center: I present a diagram showing the order to dig. HXXXX12H HXXX$3XH HXX$4XXH HXX5XXXH For the lower right: dig over the top two gold, then dig right for the next two. Then use 3-<2-<1 digs to get each suspended gold. For the upper right: dig-down right from the top ladder for an easy one. Then at the far right, dig for the first three treasures and dig the left for the next three. 22 3-pointers = 66 points total. Level #044 SELECTION +tXt Xt TXt TXt tXt+ H X X*X************** X H XXX XtXTTTT TXT tX XXX XeXHHHH HXXHHHHHX X XHHHH HXT HX X*** X XXXXXXHX******X Xt T **** X X HXt HTX X H T eX X X HX HXX **** Ht X XTXt HX HTX Xt T **** **************** *** T T **************************** T T T T T T T T t H H H H H H H H e H H H H H H H H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I really do want to put a warning here--the level takes under thirty seconds if you know what to do and which teleporters to hit--there's no gold to find to activate the doors. However, the guesswork is intriguing and there is more than one solution. Most of the teleport paths eventually lead back to Rome, err, the far right in the bottom, so you have unlimited tries if you are careful. If you are poking around, watch for when the bad guys enter the teleportals back down. You'll want to enter just before them. Teleporter #1 leads to the far right. Teleporter #2 leads to the area in the center of the right edge which kicks you back to the bottom. Teleporter #3 leads you to the right edge next to the teleporter in the 1x3 room. That kicks you back to the bottom as well. Teleporter #4 leads you to the central shaft where you fall into a transporter that sends you back to the bottom. Teleporter #5 leads you to the UR of the central structure. From there the upper teleporter kicks you to the bottom but the lower one puts you in the DR. In the DR, the lower teleport leads you back to the bottom but the upper kicks you to a small room where you can go right to the UR exit. Teleporter #6 leads you to the DL of the central structure. Above it, let's label 6a to 6e from left to right 6a: leads you to a location UL of the current room where you can only go right. But from there you're kicked to the UL exit. 6b: leads you to the UL exit. 6c: leads you to the UL where you fall and are in area #7. 6d: to the 2x3 chamber on the right edge. It kicks you UL to a transporter where you fall to #7's area. 6e: back to the bottom Teleporter #7 leads you to the top. Drop from there; either transporter kicks you to the bottom. Teleporter #8 sends you to the far right. So the solution from all this is that teleporter 6, if you run right for it, leads you to an area where you take the second-left portal to an exit chamber. No points here. Level #045 HERO TARZAN 3~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~3e + H H 3 H 3~~~~~~~~ H ~H H & 3~~~~H~ ~ 3 ~~ H ~~~~~ H H H e 4 H He~~ ~H e ~~~~~~ H ~H e 4 H ~~ 4 3~~3 H 3~ e H ~3 ~~~ e H 3~ 3~~~ ~~~4 H ~~~ ~ 4 3~ H e ~ 3~ ~~4 u H 3 ~~4 e H e H This seems almost impossible without getting the stun gun first. To do so, go up the ladder and head left. Once all the bad guys are on the ladder, drop left. It's tricky timing to get the gun, but that is the major abstract challenge to the level. The rest is just persistent timing. Back yourself up against the left wall and when the first guy gets near, stun him. Run to the right of the cloud and shoot again. Then run to the right of that, and so forth. You'll make it to the ladder, where you'll have plenty of time to calculate your next jump, back into the corner, and repeat. As for where to jump, you'll need a minimum of four more on the left as I count. One for the two on the far left(drop left off the top rope,) one for the three skulls bunched together(drop onto a treasure from the top rope and then fall left from that rope,) dropping onto the rope below the treasure you didn't get the first time around and going two ways from here: dropping onto the right treasure and falling right, or dropping onto the left treasure and falling right. Always back up into the corner even if it's not convenient. The left side takes two times. Fall right from the rope right of the center ladder top and the first time, climb up the ladder, fall right to the edge, and back up left to fall on another treasure before going right. Working your way up is a little more crowded than previously but all monsters should come down--if for some reason this doesn't happen, you can probably blast a way right and proceed as before. The second time you'll want to fall down the stairs and fall left. Level #046 GOLD TREE ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ H XXXXXXXXXXXX H H XXXXXXXXXXXXXX H H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX H H XXXXXXXXX3XXXXXXXX H H XXXXX3XXXXXXXXXXXX H H XeXXXXXXgXXXX3XXeX H H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX H H XXX3XXXXX3XXXXX3XX H H XXXXXXXGXXXXXXXXXX H H XXXXX VSX XXX X H H eXXX SSS e H H SSS H H SSSSS H H u SSSSSSS H XXXXXXXXSSSSSSSSSSSXXXXXXXXX This looks impossible at first but fortunately some traps help you through a bit more easily. The bad guys in the trees assure that you have to stay within certain bounds, and this makes for a very tense level. You also have to make sure you can neutralize the bad guys that chase you. They may upset long digs or more likely when you dig on the edge and drop. However they do regenerate in the bottom over the sticky bits, so before undertaking a huge project you may want to dig them out of the way first. Also note that there is a trap under the exit door, and this is NOT a convenience for you overall. You'll have to inch left across the sticky stuff, tapping X repeatedly, to open it. Then you'll have to go back again to go through it once you've solved the level. On the left side, let's concentrate on the DL gold first. It's not too easy; first shake any bad guys to the left off. At the top, dig the left four squares, drop, and repeat three times. Then dig the right four squares and below that the right two squares. That allows access to one gold piece. A 2-<1 dig from here will drop you into the chamber with the other gold piece. There are three trap doors below. The rest of the left/center is not too bad. You'll need a 6->5->4->3 dig with the rightmost square just left of the top hole in the tree. Then you'll dig the left two squares in that area, then the right two, then a 2->1 dig to the right. This gets you to the final gold piece. Dig left and inch slowly left as you hit X. The door should open. Now dig up bad guys to make sure they are not a threat as you cross over to the right. You may even want to drop there and dig that guy into relative irrelevance. On the right side of the treetop, what you need to do is to dig the three rightmost squares and drop and repeat this until digging would make you fall into the bad guys. Then dig the two squares just right of the skull below. The next part requires faith--drop in, dig left, get the skull, dig right, and drop. Bingo, a trap! Now dig right before you pick up the next gold--the game's not THAT generous. 6 3-pointers = 18 total points. Level #047 A K D 2 X 4TX XXXXXXXH X HXX~~~ H ut X HXX~~ X XXXXXH X XXXHX~~ XXXXXXH %X X X H ~ X***X H X* *X XXXXX ~~~ X4` X H *** *** X XX XXXXXXXXH +** 4t** XX X ~~~~~H ** XXX ** XXXHXXX ** HHH ** eee HXXXXXXXH * H H * HX 4XH *HHXXXHHH* HX XH HHX X 1* HX XXH HX`X *** H HX VX ******* H H H HXe X T ` HXHXHXHXHXHXXX XXXXX Fall left and drill down. Then climb up the stairs and dig down three times. Get the gold and then try to sucker one bad guy over to the middle ladder in the area where they're hanging out. Then use the stairs to access the gold on the right. Drop into it, drill, and go down quickly. U, R, U after you get the chest in the corner. Now you'll want to run over the bad guys and go up when you get to the ladder. Then you want to drop right and run over or around the third enemy. Now it's expedient to get rid of the gold in the D first. Simply drop to the right part of it and 2-<1 from the ladder. There's a trap there so you can avoid the bad guy. Enter the teleportal and you'll be kicked to the A where you can get that gold out of your reach the first time through. You'll have to step on top of bad guys again. This can be tough as it's not clear how they're aligned but I find that stepping on them works much better than using the short ladders to jump past them once they're under you. Next order of business is to get the pickaxe. A 2-1 dig above the pickaxe's chamber followed by a drill should do it. You'll want to go around to the top and pick the square above the hole that's blocking passage. Now the next part is tough; you have to move left and tap the controller down a few times in a row. Fail and you have to restart--it's not fatal, as you can just wait for the bad guys to lump on the right and then dig to get past them. But if you get to the left area, that's another gold piece. Take the transporter, which should complete the level, as you're kicked to the top of the A where it's easy to get to the door falling to the left. Level #048 3 ISLAND 44 ~~~~~~ ***XX***XXXX*X *********H ***** ******XXXX X 4 H *****XX HXX H H**XXXX* ~~~~~H ~~ H H H**XXXX* r XH XX H H**XXXXX* XX4 HXH XXX XX H HXXXX `X* XXX H X X X H HX******* X H X rX H HX***4*** u H XXXXXXX H H******** H*X%X H XX*4 X H H H H * HXXXXX **X*X H HHHHHHHH* HX 4X H XXXHHHXX*HeHXX*XXH HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHXH HX 4 R XXXXXXXXXXXX** *XX XXXXXXX* Left, dig right, get drill, dig, fall into chamber, dig left. Wait and the bad guy will back off a bit. Then fall through and go up the ladder, digging down left. Let the bad guy get stuck; he'll regenerate above the pick where you need to go, but don't worry. You can fake him out. Stand at the base of the 3x3 ladder square and when the bad guy gets near run up and left. You'll have plenty of time to 3->2->1 dig and then you can drill for the gold and go below. From here you'll want to drop the drill and go back around, faking the bad guy out again. That will net you the pickaxe. Leave it to the right, by the hole you'll use it on(right of the start,) and go back left to get the drill. Now, carrying the drill, trade it for the pickaxe, use the pickaxe, and swap again for the drill. Run right onto the ladder, U, L, get the gold and dig left. Twiddle the drill and pickaxe again to get across while holding the drill, and now get the stuff at the UL--first you need to run all the way right, U, L. Going back right, drill down through the two layers of solid ground and then circle around, leaving the drill in the UR. Fall through where you dug and get the key and use the pickaxe to cross, remembering to recoup the red key. Leave it on top of the stairs you'll have to fall down to get to the door and retrieve the drill. Drill over the gold in the UR. After getting it, drop left twice and dig left. Dig right on falling, then go to the edge and dig right. When the bad guy gets out, fall and get the next gold. Get the key, dig right and fall. Go left for the final gold. Open the door to the right. Level #049 EXIT HHHHHHHHHHHTe1 HHHe 1 THH + HHHHHHHHHHHXXXXHHHXXXXXHH1Eh HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXXX T 1 e THHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH XXXXXXXXHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHH HH HHHHHHHHHt HHHTe 1HHHH 1 THH HHHHHHHHHXXHHHXXXXHHHHXXXXHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH T 1 eHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHH XXXXXHHHH HHHHHH e T1HHH HHHHHHHHHT 1 HHHHHHHXXXXHHH HHH HHHXXXXXHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHu 1HHHHHHHHHHT `HHHHXX HHHXXXHHHHHHHHHHXXXXXXHHHHHH This level is annoying to look at, but there's nothing too tough about it. First, note all transporters lead to one destination. You can use this observation by placing yourself next to one and watching bad guys get suckered in. Most specifically, you can head straight right and then go over the teleporter once nobody's there. The next teleporter UR is a good one to hide behind as well. You can probably make forays for more than one gold piece at a time, and the toughest one to get may be in the UL, so save it for last. Basically you should try to stack bad guys behind the teleporter below the square they get zapped to. You can take the stairs UL and make it around the bad guys, then drop onto the platform and dig down for the next gold piece. Then with the bad guys coming at you, enter the teleporter, and now they are all to the left of you, and the door is to the right. Level #050 CONTROL MONSTERS 3 u XXH e XXX e H XXH XX XHXXXXXXXX H 1~ H XY XH XXXXXX XXXH~~1 H XXXXH XXXX H H XXXXX HXXXXXXH 11 H XX& H H~~~ XXXXH XX H 11 H H XXXXXXXX H*********H H 1 H XXXX H XXXX X 11 H e HXXXXXXXXXX hXXXXXXXXXXXXX X H eh X **************************** This level is extremely tough to find the right timing for, and even once you do, there's still the last part to deal with. Once you have the timing, the top part is not so bad. Drop left. When the bad guy's at the top rung of the ladder far below, drop left again and move left on the rope--you should have landed on the bad guy and been able to run over him, but if not, you'll need to restart the level. If this worked, you will have to go down at the ladder--fumbling left takes too much time. Let the bad guy follow you left and up the stairs and dig left ASAP. R, U, L, drop to the rope and when the bad guy's about to run to the square left of you, drop, run over him and get the UL gold. Missing the timing isn't too big here as you can try again. From there you'll want to take the rope right and go down. This will bring the bad guys where you can dig them ad take care of the rest of the gold. At this point, get rid of the bad guys. Go to the top for this and dig holes. When they regenerate, go down the ladder a bit then fall right to the bottom grass. If one of them falls to the left and gets one of the remaining two gold chests, it will cut down a good deal of tedium later. You'll need the gun next, which isn't trivial to get, but it's not so bad. XX4321 XX567X 89XX XbaXX Xc& XX But what do you do at the bottom? You have to goad all four bad guys right. Gas the first three, run forward, gas the last guy, turn around and gas the three again. Run left and now the first guy will be way ahead. Climb to the platform with the key and dig a hole when he's halfway across the screen This will allow him to fall in the hole and get stuck there. You'll have to gas the monks a ton while waiting for him to come down. If you dig, he won't fall to where the final two gold chests(to your right) are. Even so you may have to repeat this process several times just to get the bad guys to pick up the chests. It's really annoying. To get out you'll need to move the key slowly across. First, after the ladders appear(to the right structure and to the very top,) go to the left area with the key. Get it, dig to drop down, and go back up to retrieve the gun. Gas the first bad guy up the stairs and do so until all four are around. Drop through and although you may land on a bad guy, when they try to chase you you can slip right and up to the structure you started on. One dig and you're by the yellow door. If the bad guys split up then you can just fake out the ones that move toward you, gas them when you're at the key, turn around to get the others when they're close, then pick up the key and get out. Level #051 SPLAY FLOWER ~~~~~e ~~~~~ u& ~~~~~ e~~~~~ He XX XXXX XX eH HX1 X1 1X 1XH HXX1 XX XX 1XXH H XX1 X1 1X 1XX H H XX1 XX XX 1XX H H XX1 X1 1X 1XX H H XX1XX XX1XX H He XXXX1 1XXXX eH HXX1 XXXX XXXX 1XXH H XXX1 XXX1 1XXX 1XXX H H XXX1 XXX XXX 1XXX H H XXXXXX1 1XXXXXX H H XXXXXXXXXXXX H H XXXXXXXX H H + H This level looks tougher than it really is, but my plan seems to fall prey to an annoying randomization that can't seem to be worked out. Get the gun and then drop down quickly to either side. This should make one bad guy fall in each of the five forks of the flower. Fall to the bottom, dig a hole, and fall through. Stick around and if the bad guy doesn't regenerate in the middle then you're set to continue. He should regenerate in one of the pits that already contain a bad guy, but that's OK. If he can follow you around, you can outrun him until you've gotten all the chests in the center--then drop him there. First you'll want to clear the center. You'll need to fall down each side to get all the chests, and then at the bottom, before you're about to fall level with the bad guy, you'll want to tap toward him and blast your gun in quick succession. Run onto his square and dig and leave. This is how the entire level is done, and it seems like you don't have enough time to do things, but in fact there's no problem really. Next time, drop down the other side and turn and blast quickly. I'll show how to do the left side with the assumption the right side is the same way, but mirrored. For the top part, if a bad guy is stuck above the one way in the hole, he's actually not relevant--even if he's stuck below, where you'll fall after you complete this, it's no problem. He won't even chase you. But you may want to gas him and step on him just to be sure he doesn't have any treasure. The plan is to dig, fall right, etc. until the bottom when you need to be alert and tap right and gas the bad guy. For the one below it's the same thing. Just be sure if one guy is stuck on the other to get his gold before you gas him. It's entirely possible that after these six excursions the door may not appear. If so, listen for the shuffle noise and watch where the obscured gold appears. Then blast through that area again. Level #052 PUT THE KEY 1X1~~~~~~~ HXXXXXX*1 H ~~~~~ 1 H XXX *****XXXH H XXX H **3**XXXH H 1XXXX HXX XHX*XXXXXXXH HXXXXX*** H XXXH *4 1X1H H XXX 4y H1X XH ***H**XXXH H XX**** XXX XH 3 H H uH X1XH X XH H XXXH X1XH XXXH H ..XH XXXXX X1XH XXXH ****H1XXXH XX X XH X XH X XH1X2XH X***X X XH X%XH X` XH X XH X3 XXXX X XH XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX R XXXH XVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Lots of nasty pitfalls and logical blinds here. Good level. For starters you'll need to clear the entire side right of the two vertically adjacent suspended gold pieces. If you fall to the bottom without doing so, you'll have to restart. Go right to the ladder down. Dig down left twice for two bombs. Then dig down left twice more on the ladder. Wait for the top square to heal and dig down left again, then go to the top and dig the top two, move left and dig--there'll be a wait for the third to regenerate but still enough time to fall for the suspended gold. Now climb to the top. Get the gold there, dig the left square, drop, dig the left square, and now 3-2 dig to get to the chamber with the key and be able to dig out of it. Drop to the next platform. Dig the right two squares and drop in. Dig left, then let off a bomb and flee left. The bomb will allow a hole to the chamber with the skull. Get it. L, U to get two gold and the next part to get the drill is a bit tricky. Be sure you drop the key at the top of the ladder first or you will be inconvenienced. X 1H XX2H XX3H X 4H X%5H X 6H XXXH Dig 1-5 quickly. Wait for 1 to start filling up, then dig 6 and go to the top and dig 1-4. Catch the drill as you fall. Go right of the ladder top and drill Fall right for more gold and then as you go up detour for the gold. Get the two at the top and then drill down twice left of the encased skull. Dig right and you're back where you were. Go around to the top again, and left of the rope, drill down three times. Now after digging right you can go back to get the pickaxe. Drill the right side of the structure and then dig twice below that. You can leave the drill. Use the pickaxe left of the ladder where you got the drill to get the skull across the pit. Then drop the pickaxe for the key, run around to the top, and place the key by the small pit to the left you can't cross. Dig the right edge to get back. Get the pickaxe and use it left of the key. Drop the pickaxe and leave the key on the left of the pit. Get the two gold pieces in the left area--digging far right at the top gets you to where the pickaxe is. Now to take care of the three suspended gold pieces. Dig down six times. Wait for everything to heal--almost--and dig the seventh and eight squares. Go back up top and dig down three times, dig the bottom square, go up and fall left. The door will now be functional. Use the pickaxe to get across and get the key. But--don't--dig--to the door! There's a trap right of it. You need to use that one remaining bomb at the bottom of the ladder. Then you can fall into the door. Level #053 **************************** t X e X e X e X e X e X X + X t * t X t X t * t X t X T X 3 X X X u X *X*X X XXX X 3 3 X X e X 3 * 3 X X X XX X t X * X X X * 3X 3 X X*T*X 3 3X X XX X X X X e X X3 XXXT*X 3 * 3X 3 * t X 3 * 3 * e X X XX X X X X X t X 3 3 X 3 3 X3 X 3 3 X X3 X X X3 X XX X X3 X X * X * X X * X X X *T***T***T***T***T***T***T** **************************** This level looks messy but in fact by the end it gets more annoying than anything. The teleporters at the bottom kick you left and to the top with intermediate transporters actually making for slower progress down, except for the final one which kicks you to a small chamber which leads to the far right again. Sometimes you may have to drop right to get to some gold pieces and reenter a transporter you were in before, but the worst part of the level is waiting for bad guys to cough up and skulls they confiscated. Still it's pretty easy to move now and then to keep away from them until they do surrender the loot. If one is below you just don't jump so that you wind up ahead of him--it's not lethal, but you shouldn't have to react quickly this level. Door in the UL chamber between two transporters. Level #054 BOMB SETTING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******H B*e* *e*B H *H B*e*e*e*e*B HXXXXXXX HXX *H *e* *e* *e* H XXXXX HX *H *. * .* H X B HX *H HX XH HXXXXXXX HX *H H. .H H X B HX XXH XHX XHX H X**** HXXXX*H. .H. .H. .H HXXXX*HXXXHXXXXXHXXXH HXXXX HX X1*H XX . XX HXXX1 HX`X1*H ********** HXXX1*H. . . . . . . HXXX *H** H HX H*H u ********* ******************* +XX No, you don't need to release any bad guys here. Get the bombs on the soft ground and then a big bomb as well. Use a bomb on the only soft square left of the ladder and then go in where the explosion occurred and use a bomb above the gold chests and a big bomb just right of them. Fall down the chute you created to get the gold and go up the far right ladders and drop right. Now after a detour for a big bomb, you can go to the DR where the final gold is and 3-dig down to the right, twice, to get it. Drop left and use the big bomb where you fell. It opens a path to the door. Level #055 e X t X tX t u t XH3 X X ~~~~~~~ XH 3 X X tXXXX H e eT XH~~ X eX 3 H 3 * He 3XXXX X X H * H X TXeXXX H ****H * H XX X X 3 3 H H * H X X * H T H * H X X XXXX H H * H X X**X H~~~ H*X****X X H H * XXXXXX3 X H 3 H * * *XX X H H * XXXXXX X XXX H H X * XTT 3 **************************** You'll need two trips through the general progress of the level(teleporters send you generally UL again,) but it's not particularly hard, although the last gold has some risk in finding it. Dig over the point of the higher, drop on it, drop left and dig right, then dig right again for another gold piece. The teleporter kicks you straight up so drop left to get to the opne behind it. You'll drop to another teleporter from whuch you'll want to drop right twice. Then dig to drop on another skull. Fall to the transporter again and then once your journey's over you'll want to drop left. This is the really tricky part. Wait until the guys are bunched at the top. Go right and dig left. Then fall left and wait at the stair bottom until all three are below the rope. Then push up--they'll go right, leaving you a path to the top gold. You may want to fall right to get back to the perch so that the bad guys bunch and you can fall left to the ladder, dig left, and escape. Then there's another skull to fall on in the DL. To get to the final one you must go up the ladder and fall into the teleporter, then move right and drop. You'll need to pull off the same sort of trick again to get back to the right. From there dig the right edge of the platform to get the gold. Then move all the way back, and sneak in to drop on the door. Level #056 USE MONSTER TRAP! + eeeeeee444 333 ***************************H H H | | | | H HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX H H H 222 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH H H u 111 H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Simple looking level, but there is a huge hitch. Go to the top rung of the second stair and when the bad guys bunch together, get a snare and place it just left of your ladder. Wait at the top and move down after the first guy is caught. Repeat with the next snare. You can't do it with the third, so what you need to do is lump the baddies together, then go right a way and start digging right. Then go back to the ladder and bounce up and down. They'll all get nailed. Then you can run right, place a snare, and get the other snare. You'll probably get all the gold too. Now the problem is how to get out--the bad guys regenerate by the door. DON'T use the final snare but retreat to the bottom. You want to try to dig a bunch of holes so that the bad guys get separated and you can work past them. Seven holes for the four guys should get rid of them. Then the guy behind you, just dig behind every now and then. You'll want the bad guys to come down as far as possible. Each time you run into a plot of bad guys, try to dig so that one is left behind and run over them. If there is only one guy left at the top and all holes are filled in, then you can use the snare to catch him and have free sailing the rest of the way. 30 points = 3 of each type of gold. Level #057 STOREHOUSE XH******HHXXXXXXXXH 2XH33 3 HH ||BB||uXH 2XHXX XX4HH##########HB B3 2XH X X34HHeeeeeeeeeeXX X3 2XH XXX34HH 3X X3 2XH 1114HH HX X3 2XH ###4HH HX X3 2XH 111 4HH HX X3 2XH ### 4HH HX X3 X 2XH 1114HH HX X3 #HXH ###4HH HX X3 #HXH 111 4HH HX X3 #HXH ###H4HH HXSX3 r#HXH H HH1111111111HBBXR XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX First off, the snares are worthless until there's only one guy left, but there are bombs hidden in every square of the platform you're on. Dig and fall to get one. Get a big bomb while you're at it. Once below, just dig a bunch of squares and go up/down the right ladder. Bad guys will die and regenerate. They'll go to one of four places: 1. the main playing area. Dig them again. 2. the big chute on the right. That's where you want them. 3. the blocked off area on the left. Dig them out or use a bomb one square up. There's one lying in almost every soft square not on ground level. 4. the U-shaped thing in the UL. Eventually you'll want to big-bomb them out as follows: with no-one around use a bomb just right of the U's center. This will help release any bad guys who regenerate there in the future. You may have to big-bomb above first to gain access to the right side. Once nine guys pile up in the chute to the right, use a snare on the tenth so you can do what you want. Now I recommend just letting off your current bombs somewhere safe and dropping left off the UL. From the ladder, dig down left four times. That gets you four bombs and avoids chain reactions. Get the red key and leave the bomb at the second-lowest ladder square to escape. There are other treasures to pick up, but they're not especially hard. Once you've gotten them, head to the UR, cross the bridge of monks, and fall down the shaft to the red door. Level #058 GOLD GOLD X 11111111ut XXXXXXXXXVXXXXXX~~XXXXXXXXXX 1111111111111111t XeY1111t1X H**************** *********X HX111T111X 11 X Xe111y111X HXSSSSSSSX *H X1 ********X HX11~1~11 111XH XX11X HXXXeX2Xh1###XH XXXX 111111 HX2XHX2XH####XH ~~~ HXXXXX HXX******#XXXXH111 HX e4 H1111111111111HHXX1111HX11 4 H********************XXXXX14 H1111~11 1 1 111X XXXX1 HXXHX2XH HX HX HXXX XXXX H11HX2XH1~1HX HX HX2X1T111%1 HXXHX2XHX2XHX2HX2HXTXXXXXXXX Another moderate level although money doesn't buy happiness here-- collecting it can be tedious if you slip up a few times. You can get most of the gold in the level before releasing any enemies. The UR and UL chambers and the DR bit with the three 4-pointers are exceptions. The transporter at the bottom, in the 1x2 chamber, sends you to the top. From the rightmost ladder, dig down right three times for some gold. Then drop right from the transporter. There's another run or two of gold to get. If you want some bombs then you can go to the center ladder and drop left. Dig around a bit and you'll get a lot. You'll need them to dig out the first guy--in the DR. First to get the drill, dig down right three times from the ladder there, then do a 2-1 dig. To get rid of the bad guy and the gold, Dig down from the ladder there, wait, dig down, go U, R and dig the far right, then come back and dig the third square. Then dig the three squares to the right. Come back around and fall through. Leave the bomb on top of the bad guy and go left. He'll blow up, and you can go down to the bottom. First thing you want to try to do is to drill to get to the transporter in the goo--drill on one edge of the platform and enter. Later on bad guys can get stuck there--the strategy is the same as below. Now there may be a problem getting to the 1x2 enclosed transporter with so many bad guys floating around. The best way to do this is to go up the center ladder to lump everyone UL and then fall right--they'll go right. Then you can sneak DR and make it there. Later on you may want to undercut them and drill to the goopy area. After that you can probably make bad guys fall in there, rendering them impotent. Once you get there you should, the first time, just drill on the right and dig right as you leave. Second time: drill on the left side of the door and get all the gold. Get the key too. The third time you will probably open the door and get the drill back. The finale in the UL is not too bad. You want to get rid of the bad guy, and to do that, dig down left from the 2-ladder. Also dig right, then fall left and place a bomb and run right. You're out of its range, but the bad guy isn't. Now after getting the 2 2-pointers(dig left, wait, down, dig left, come back around when the top heals) walk over to where the 2-pointer is entombed. From the rope, dig left, drop, dig left, fall left, dig left, and fall left. Then take the teleporter to the top and enter the door after a dig. Level #059 HIDDEN B 2 HXXXHXXXHXXX 2 XXXHHSSXXXX XXX H H XXVXX H,,,,,HX HXXXXXXH HXXXXXHX2 2XXXX XXrXH HXXXHH 2 XXXX X 2 XXXHXXXH XXH XXH XXXH HX2XH 2XXH H HXX H XXXHX XXXH HXXXXHX2 H HXXXX HX HHXXXX XH V X H HXXX HXXXX 2XH 2 2HXSXSX H HX2 HXXXHXXXX XX HXSXSXHHXXXHH H e 2 HSSXH XXH HXXXXH.. SSH HHSS H HXXX XXXXXH eeeHSSSX HSXXHH RuH ***H H***X2 HXXXXXXXXXXXX L for the first gold, UR for a couple more. Get the bombs too. Head for the suspended gold and when the bad guy is near, dig and fall into it. 2R, 2D and he'll go to the left. Fall off a ladder for one semi- suspended gold, then go right to the gold in the pit. There's a trap, so you'll fall through. Now to the UR--dig the right two squares, fall down and dig down right twice. Get the gold there. Eventually you'll have to cross to the left and this is where it gets tricky. The best place to do this is DL of the gold in the 3-pit but the next best(and slightly quicker, but riskier) is where the smooth ground and goo alternate. Either place, you can dig on each side to fend off monsters, but it may also be okay to pick off monsters one at a time and hope they fall in the UR. Using bombs is a bad idea due to the potential mass chain reaction; the goo is the place to do this, on a ladder to flee faster, if at all. Bad guys seem to get stuck in the side by side ladders in the DL so I recommend getting them past there. Go to the top and then the gold in the 3-pit is accessible--before, there was a pit guarding the right. In the left, 2->1 dig to the left of the red key to get it. Now there's gold on the left edge in a pit. Dig right of it then circle around above the gold and dig there. Drop down the ladders and go left. Climb back up and there will be one gold you'll have to fall to get--the one L of the red key. With bad guys stuck on the ladder to the right, you may need to dig right and make a break for the red door. Level #060 @MARU XXXXtXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX t* XXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX * e* 3 3 3u3 **** ***SSSSSSSSSSSS*** * ee*H T 333 ~~~~* t ******H** *******HTTT * B&*Tt HGT . **** * ***VVV*** H** ###*X*H*~~~ * 33 * * H ###*X*H*TTT**V*** e*t3T*tHg3 ###*X*HXXXXX ***********$* ###*X*H333333***~~~H HY XBT ********X 3 Httt H*~~ ****** ~~~~~~H ~ 3H* ***** 3 3 HT He *** *****h**V**V***TT H e y*TT e hX*T*XT**X****XTTTXXXXX 2 = buried Now this is an interesting level. There are many dead end teleports, and the noise from the teleporters will keep you constantly distracted. In the start area, focus on the center and left transporters on the bottom. Take the center one to start off. You'll be kicked to the single rope in the DL with your duty to run right across the bad guy to get to the transports over there. You may have to drop left from the rope to get behind both bad guys after which you can wait for the one just ahead to drop. Run across him. Take the left transporter. Get the key and the skull and open the green door. Go back down, dig right and get the hidden gold. Drop into the right transporter this time. This kicks you back to the single rope. Here you'll want to get behind one bad guy and when on the left, you can run left while he's still being zapped. Get the gold below the top rope and drop to the left of the three transporters. Now go back on the rope and take the transporter above the green door then go left into the next one. Now take the center transporter in the bottom. Go right to get the gold and now fall left(there's a trap right,) get the two gold, and fall left again through the trap. Get the rest of the gold, and now for the final challenge. Dig the two leftmost squares. Do the next part as quickly as possible: place a bomb where you're standing, back up, dig, and run left. One bomb below will go off, and as soon as it does, run right. Five bombs will be lit, but the transporter will save you. All other approaches cause the transporter to be nailed by the big bomb, invalidating its function and leaving you as toast. Once in the transporter, push right and you'll fall in to a transporter and will just have to cross the rope/monk bridge once more. Level #061 BANISHING . ~~~~ 1 HXH 1 ~~~~ HX XX*11 H H 11*XXX XH HXXBXXX***********XXXXBXXH HXXXXXX* *XXXXXXXH H~~~~~~ u ~~~~~~~H H 11 XXXXHXHXXXX 11 H ***e H H e*** *****XXXXXXXXXXX****** * XXXXX XXXXX * ** XXXX4XXXX ** ~~~~~~XXX XXX~~~~ XXXHXXX H XXX H XXXHXXX 2XXHX XXXXH HXXXXX XHXX2 XXHX2XX1 H 1 1 H 1XXX2XHXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Go left, dig right, and get the bad guys stuck before dropping for the gold near the ladder. Follow the same precautions for the stuff to the right. Go UL and dig/fall right three times to get a big bomb. Go R from the UL until you fall. Loot over there and use the big bomb to get out. The bomb in the UR is a bit tougher to get as you can't dig from the ladder, but once you cross, the dig/fall right tactics should work again. Before you go down, you'll want to trap the bad guys or they may be able to drop down to the bottom to annoy you to death(literally.) This is not too bad. Just go to the UR and go up a rung. If this fails, or you feel guilty about not doing real work, go back down and get one of them to come up the ladder. Go across the rope and fall left when he's over the pit. You may even get both. Now the next part involves a(from the right)4-<3-<2 dig. Dig right from here and use the big bomb before jumping down. The gold will be obliterated. The rest won't be too bad. From the right stair, three digs down left get you one gold piece, and here's what to do to the right side: H217 H43$ H65 Dig 1, 2, 3, 4 quickly. When 1 heals, dig 5 and 6 and circle around to dig 7 and fall through. To get to the left side, dig and when the bad guy falls, leave holes behind. Stay at the bottom and he should jump into a pit. Bomb the ladder top and drop right. Go up and left on the rope. Use the second bomb U2L of the right encased gold, retreating U/L. Then mirror what you did for the far right gold. Ladders up will appear back to the top, where the door is across a rope. Level #062 L-PORT HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHtHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH4HHH4HHH4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X XX X X X XX XXX XXX XXX XX X X XX X XX X XX XXX XXX XX X X XX X XX XXXX XX X XXXXX X XXX X X X X XXXtXX X XX XXX X XXXX XXXXXXX X XXX X XX XX XXX X XtX XX X XXX XXXXX X XXX X XX XXX XXX X XXXXX XXX XXX XXX X XX XX X XX XX X XXX X X X XX XX XX XX XXX XXX XXX XX X X X XXX XX X Xy T XrXXTXX X XXXgXTXXXYX Immensely easy as long as you see it(not so easy,) with a funny twist at the end. First note that you need the yellow key to open the door. The red and green are irrelevant. When you're two squares right of the transporter, dig right. Dig right below there, fall, dig left, fall, dig right, fall, dig left. Fall twice, dig the right square, fall, dig left, fall, dig right, fall, dig left, Go left for the key and right to the teleporter back to the top. Now from the right side, dig the 4th- and 3rd-right squares. Get the final gold chest--you couldn't dig if you got it first! Go up and down one stair to fall into the pit. Dig right, fall, dig left, fall, dig right, 2-1 dig, and then dig the left edge, dig the right edge, and fall into the door. Use the key. For posterity, the green teleporter leads to the boxed in chamber, and the red one leads to where you fall to get stuck. Level #063 BOMB AND RUN H***H***H***H~~ ~~~~~~~~ H#1*H#1*H#1*H*1H*. 1 1 1H** H***H***H***H HXXXXXXX***~~ H~~~H~~~H~~~H*1H~H1* H 1 1 1 1 1 * H *...*H.XV XXX$X$X$X$XXH 1XHXX*XXX*H.X e H* H X*XXX*H1X1 H********** H 1H**X*** ***** H 1e1 * H* H~.1* . . * *********H* H 11H1*X#*XX**** * 1 1 H* H* H1*##*XXX*+* *H********* H 1H***1 1XX1*h* *He 1 1 * H* H*XX#X****Xh* *********H* H*1H*X#X***XXXh* ...1 1 H* H* H* *** XXhh* HuH******** H 1H .XX1hX Xh** The first part seems obvious. Get the three bombs and zigzag up, dropping them in front of each bad guy. Well...the third bad guy, actually, you need to lure him down to the DL, climb on the ladder, and run past him. Then if he has a chest(count: your change in score + chests left = 7(he has one) or 8(he doesn't.)) you need to coerce him back up(drop to his right and go up JUST BEFORE.) This takes a bit of extra time, and as you guessed it means you'll need to be exact with bombs, but fortunately the latter isn't too big of a deal. The basic plan for the bombs is to use one to get the gold on the ledge you can't reach(by the bomb.) Use another for each compartment in the UL; bomb the top square of the ladder to the left, move down, and move in. The rest, you can either jump down for, or it is in the compartment on the right that looks pretty one-way. But in the meantime you have four bombs to find and four to use. This is important, because you want to go into the DR without any bombs so that you can accumulate all you need inside there. The main problem with the chests on the left is the time it takes to get them. Fortunately there are many places on the ladder up that you can stand in order to push the bad guys UL. Then you can go up and dig to get by them. You can then take out an upper compartment. Then digging to get the embedded chests is a pain. After all this you can probably drop down the big chute with gold pieces every other square. Your real challenge is to lump all three bad guys on the left to clear the right. You might be able to get away with two--go along the top rope, drop in the area below when the bad guy is near, and dig the left side. If the bad guy falls into the shaft to the right, no problem--a bomb will take him out later. But otherwise you'll need to lump whoever you can in the UL and the others on the other side. Then you can go down, tempt the guys on the right over, and move up in accordance with when they move towards you. Then you can jump right when they're stuck on the ladder. Now for the inside part. Assuming you've used the four bombs, get the gold below the top rope, climb the stair and fall right. Move left on the rope to avoid the trap and drop. Drop left and place one bomb. L, 2U. Then cycle back in for the chest. L, U, fall left. Get the three bombs. 2->1 dig and drop through the hole. From where you stand, you'll need a quick maneuver. Place a bomb, get the bomb to the left, place another bomb on the square right of the first as you run right, and go into the corner. Boom, boom. Drop left and dig left. Place a bomb and run left. Place a bomb at the left edge, run right to get the gold, and then wait for the first chain reaction. Then fall left--you'll be three squares from either bomb. Then you can fall down. If you want, you can check to make sure no bad guys have gold left, since the next part is a one way trip. Otherwise place a bomb 2 right of the ladder base and run up it, come back down, and get the final gold. A ladder right should appear; take it and wait for the hole behind to heal. Dig right and fall right and use the bomb in the right nook. The explosion clears the way to the door. Level #064 HIDDEN BOMB t444444 444444t XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXX XXX 1 22 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX... XXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XX#4444444444444444#XX XX#****************#XX XX##################XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX T T This is one of those levels that make Lode Runner really worthwhile. It looks so simple but then you see it's easy enough to get caught--or run out of bombs. The main thing to note is that you want only one guy chasing you in the U. So when you dig through, you want to kill off one bad guy, not two. What's the best way to do this? Once you land, dig right, back up and dig right again. Run across, leave a hole left, and then dig right three times. 3-2-1 dig into the U area. Now how you use your three bombs is critical. The first one you'll want to use to run at the bad guy and bomb him(3 squares away.) Then you'll want to run to the other side and let off a bomb right away. Don't worry which point of the U he regenerates in; the chain reaction should kill him. Now after the first few bombs have exploded and it's safe to drop, do so and enter the closer of the two transporters. You can't dawdle in the next part as the bomb chain reaction is what will allow you to escape the middle U the second time, and it won't last long. Drop down to the part where you started, dig, then run across the fallen monk and dig behind. 3-2-1 dig--don't worry if he gets trapped as the next trip below is going to be quick. If the bad guy is blocking your way, or if you think he might have a gold piece, bomb him. Then run through the holes that the reaction, which should be nearly over now, created. Take the other transporter to nab the rest of the gold. The doors should appear below; fall into them. Level #065 RUN&RUN! u1*B. e *******###****************** ####B#..#################### * B 4444 ######.********************X ###B####################### 4B4B 4 ######## *****X************* ######## #####.############# 44444 4 ####B#####*****************X ########################### 1 ##4444B .. #####**SS******************* #### #######B###B####B###### # # # # # + Drop the bomb on the right side right away. Wait until you can drop right safely and do so. There will be bombs U2R and U2L of you. Wait for them to explode. Right after they do, run right. Get the big bomb. Go right for more gold and then dig right. Fall and come back left. Dig when you can and get the bomb off to the right. You should be just making it through each time. Dig right and run back left. You may want to wait here to be in the right position(D2R of the latest bomb) before running through. Don't worry about the sticky bit to the left. The bombs underneath won't affect you. To get to the door, take a little time before initially dropping to the bottom(let the current exploding bomb be 4 to the right) and just wait for the bombs ahead to explode. Even if the bad guy below has regenerated, you can fall right instead of next to him, and he'll get trapped. If not you can bomb him with one of the extras(or even the big bomb) you picked up and then outrun him rather easily. Just don't rush ahead too fast; you may run into an explosion. Level #066 A STOPGAP + H XXXXXXXXXH H H***X XXXVXXXXXHXXXXXXXHXXXHXX4XX XXX4XXXXXH H XXXXX XXXXXXXXXH H H HXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX T HXXXH H H XXXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXX X4XHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXXX XXVHXXXXXX44XXXXXXX4XXXXHX4X XXVHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXVX u H H e H H H H This level isn't terribly hard, and it probably focuses more on ways to annoy you than on ultimate challenges that stick you for an hour or so. The first thing to do is go up the stairs and dig left. Go down to distract the enemy on the left and then dig left after a few seconds. Go back over the top once the first square heals. Dig so you can drop onto the gold, then walk right. Don't worry too much about the traps. The two adjacent golds are next. Just 2->1 dig here, maybe potting the bad guy first if you want to be extra cautious. You should have more than enough time, though. The next order of business is to get to the other side. For this you can either get the bad guy to come left and then run right and go up the ladder so he's shaken off. Then a 3-<2-<1 dig starting right of the left of the two golds will pick it up. Digging down right from the ladder three times will get the other gold. Now you need to take the teleporter to dispatch the final part. It's not tough, especially since the monk is clueless about using transporters. For the left side you just dig above the gold and fall in the hole--there's a trap there. Then over on the right, dig as follows: ***1 XX$2X XX3XX The ladder will appear at the top. 28 points for 7 4-pointers. Level #067 BOMBER MANSION X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX u X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHX XX X X X HX XX4444 eXe3 Xe3 X` HX XXXXXX*****XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHX XX X X X X HX XX X eX3333X3333X HX XX*****XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHX X** * X X X HX X*4 X eX3333X X HX X* $$$#**XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHX X****4* X X X HX X*+444*444 X X X HX Note: in the map above, there are many hidden bombs. They will set off some nasty chain reactions. This level requires you to pick up eight bombs total: one to get through the second-right chamber, three to get through the center, and four to get to the final part in the lower left. The problem is that you cannot get them all at once. So the first few bombs you get are strategically critical. You'll want to save the ones right next to the ladder for last. There are bombs in the soft ground on the square left of the ladder, and you'll want to save the bottom three of those for last. In the meantime you will want to be sure to get the bomb on the second-top platform, two squares left of the ladder, which delays part of a chain reaction that would otherwise take the bomb to the right out quickly. Then there are bombs above the pickaxe as well, and you will probably stumble on a few digging down. So you'll first want to get the pickaxe(which also pushes the bad guys right) and four bombs. You'll want to dig down through the columns with gold from right to left and have four bombs stocked before going down into each one. I'll divide the tasks into right, center and left. Right: drop in at the far left square and immediately dig right. Dig down the right edge and when the bad guy is about to get out, drop through. The point here is to leave the bad guy where he is, because if he regenerates in a room with 3-golds you'll need to do two digs to bury him and then stand over him and dig. So if you dig to the bottom and leave a bomb on the right it will start a chain reaction that is stifled after going up a couple of rows. Stay well away for the start. Center: you can pick up a bomb digging above the chamber with the pickaxe. Use the same method to get down, but at the bottom you'll want to bomb right, wait for the bombs in the wall to explode, and place a bomb to the left. After this first explosion you'll want to save time by running left under the bombs--if this fails, then bomb the right wall after the explosions. You'll need to be a bit quick here--after getting the gold you need to bomb your way right and out of here. Three bombs total--bomb once left for the treasure and twice right to get out. Now you need to recoup the three bombs. There's a race to go up the stairs. You'll want to dig left and drop left three times in a row. These bombs aren't isolated forever, as the outside part of the level eventually gets ignited. Fortunately you're faster than the bomb chain reaction. Left: there may be a bunch of bad guys piled below, but none of them are relevant if you dig over the rightmost gold piece, go left and dig the far left. Drop down and bomb the right wall. Dig down. Place the bomb at the left and go right. Wait for the chain reaction and place another bomb. Use the pickaxe over the hole and walk left. Place the last bomb in the middle of the platform to the left and drop left. After the explosions, go right and drop down to the chamber with the door. Level #068 SIMPLICITY SSXSSH B4XXXXXXXXXXXXHXXXXX XXX H XXXXX H XXXX H XXXX44 H 444 H XXXX H XXX H + H H . H H ******SSS*************SSS*** You'll run around a lot and get trapped at the bottom until you realize the key to starting the level right--dig right immediately once you fall. You'll have to wait for the bad guys to catch you--almost-- before falling left. Then you'll want to(if the guy in the pit goes left) tease them before falling through the trap door below the gold or(if he goes right) move quickly to get to the central ladder. When you take the central ladder up, get level with the 3-gold platform. Wait for all three bad guys to climb up the ladder to the left. Now you can operate to get both remaining clumps of gold. The first one you can get by bombing the square between the two sticky spots on top. Run right immediately to get out of the way and drop back in, although if you feel like an expert you can drop the bomb once you get out of the goo for a half-square head start. Realign the bad guys before going up the stairs. Dig the right edge and fall now until you get to the two gold pieces. Then dig the left square on the final lowest platform and you'll enter the door. Level #069 YAJI 444444 hXVHXX HSSSSSS 111111 h h H HXXXXXX HXVh H H 1111 H h HXXXXXXXXH HXXXX H h H~~~~~~~~H1H1111 H hHXXXX H XXHXXXX H hHt H H h hHh222 H H XXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX H~~~~~~H~~~~~~~~~~ H H 3 4 H H XX3~~~4 XXXXXXXH~~~~~~H~~~~X 3 4 XT2222XH 2 XH 3 4 XXXXXXXHV*VVVVVVVV H444..34 Ooh! A darkness level! Fall right, climb up the stairs, fall right, back up and dig right. A bad guy should be coming soon. Climb up the stairs once he falls in and to the top. There's goo to the right. Get it and fall right. Go up the stairs and right. The bad guy should catch up to you by now--wait if he hasn't, dig left and right, and fall right when he's potted. Two platforms of gold are below. Now go down below the second and at the right edge dig left. You can drop through the hole for mega-loot. Place a bomb at the top of the ladder in that section. Take the rope left of the ladder out. L, U, R, and drop when you see gold below. Use the next bomb as before. Now the big problem is to fake the bad guy to the left out. Climb up the ladder and when he's in view climb down to parallel with the lower rope. He'll drop. U, L, and drop two squares from the ladder onto the gold. Best part about this is that the bad guy will fall to the bottom. Go left to the ladder and dig down to the left until you can get the chests. Take the teleporter which before would have kicked you above a trap. Now a ladder fills in an important square. L to the edge, U, R at the top. Level #070 FREE FALL 1 ~~~~~~~~~~ H X u X hH H X X H H XeeeX H 1 H*~ 3 + 3~ *H 1 XXXXHXXXX XXXXHXXXX ~~ H XXX XXX H ~~ H 11 H ~3 3~ H 11 H H HX X X XH H HX HXXX XXXH XH HX HX2X X2XH XH HX XXXXX X X XXXXX XH HXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXH H~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~H One key to solving this level is to notice that it's not QUITE symmetrical. The original fall is important; veer right to get the gold chest and then run right back left as hard as you can. You should just make it onto the rope below. Now, to the real business. Take the rope left and go up the stairs. Dig down to the right three times and then go up to the rope. Drop for the left chest and get back on the ladder. Drop right off the rope for another chest. Then go up the ladder and go right for the skull. Go up the stairs and left for the gold and right for the skull, 2-1 digging down. Now from the lower of the two ladders, dig down right three times. Wait for the first to heal before digging the fourth, then go back up to dig the first, drop right, dig right and fall through. Dig left to the rope, and climb back to the top and run across the rope, falling to the right. (Hmm, you can't climb back.) You can proceed mostly symmetrically now but note where the rope is placed...it wouldn't allow a 2-1 dig as on the other side. The door will pop up under the rope, and a jump from the center will get you in there. 22 total points = 4 3-pointers + 2 2-pointers + 6 1-pointers. Level #071 FREE FALL 2 ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ HXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXh HXXXXX3 XX XX 3XXXXH HXXXXXXX*HXX XXH*XXXXXXXXH HXXXXXXXXH h HXXXXXXXXXH HXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXH H XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX H HXXXX3 XX XX 3XXXXXH HX11XXXX*HXX XXH*XXXXX11XH HX11XXXXXHXX XXHXXXXXX11XH HXXXXXXXXHXX XXHXXXXXXXXXH H11111XXXH HXXXX11111H XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXH Again the side you want to go to is critical, but in this case haste makes waste. Wait a bit and then drop left. You'll want to enter at the very bottom. 3-<2-<1 dig to the bottom and trap the bad guy(you'll have to dig to get by him each time you come around, but he shouldn't get trapped--you want one bad guy per side and only have to dig once to get by.) Then dig into the 2x2 area, dig back down, and go back up to get the other suspended gold. At the top, 2->1 dig and then 3-<2-<1 dig down to get back to the left side--the extra square left you give yourself helps avoid being stuck in the place you avoided on the way down. You can now head to the right. On the right, dig over the gold. Fall into it and 4->3->2->1 dig down and go right to dig right and left--fall left for the skull. Then 3->2- >1 dig to get to the bottom five gold pieces. Dig past the bad guy and then twice into the 2x2 square as before. A ladder will appear in the UR that allows you back up. 24 points = 2 3-pointers + 18 1-pointers. Level #072 SIMPLE RIDDLE XXX %u 1 XH *******H ***** XXXXXH X*1****H *X X H X*XXXXXH 1*X X H H X*X X HXXXXXXXXXX HXXX X*X H H X*X 1 X*****XXXXX*HX H X*X XX * *XXXXX*H H e * 1 XX * *XXXX**H XXX******** XX XXXXXXXH XXXXXXX*XXX 1 XXXXXXXH XXXXXXX*XXX 1 XXXXXXXH XXXXXXX*XXX 1 XX`XX H XXXXXXX*XXX H XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX Get the drill. Drill down three and get the gold, then drill down to the platform. Immediately run left and climb up the stair. Go right and dig left. When the bad guy falls in, it's safe to get the gold. Get back left quickly so you can dig when the bad guy comes down. Then go to the top and drill twice down to the right of the chest. Dig left and fall to the next part. Getting the pickaxe is your next challenge. Actually, part of the challenge is getting back to the top afterwards. Above the pickaxe, dig left five times and then drill down. Then dig left five times, leave the drill on the ladder, and 4-<3->2->1 dig down for the pickaxe. If you don't get it you can't go back, but if you did you can use it left of the ladder to get back to the main area. At the top you can fall left. Get the gold, dig, and get the gold below. Dig right, drop right, use the pickaxe right, go right, dig left and fall. You'll get the final three chests. Go back up the ladder, get the drill, and drop right. The door is five drills down. Level #073 VALUABLE ITEM **************************** ** ***** t*** *+eX*t *** * **e*T4**** *XXX** ***4T* h ** * *** VVVV* *** * u h * **** V*e **** %` h * * ~ ~ X * **** $X h ** * ** e * ** ~XX h X e*`X *V* ***X h X e *~~~ *X#X333 h X *XXXXX* h X******************X $$X h * X *XX h *H******** *SS **HX11HX h**H*T*234t**XtT * %HXXXVX h$$H**X******HSSSSSS*XXX*X` h**H VH$ This is a really messy looking level, but fortunately you don't have to worry about bad guys much. You'll find yourself swapping pickaxe and drill a lot, though. The first thing to get is the pickaxe. Use it left on the left edge. Get the drill, go right, dig left. Drop onto the rope and go left. Dig right and drill. Then dig right twice, using the cave- in as support. Get the bomb to the left and then get the skulls and dig the third- and second-right squares. Drill when on the left edge. Get the gold and dig the two left squares. Drop and drill. Dig the square below, get the gold to the left, and over the ladder, dig right. Release the drill, go down the ladder--there's a trap below--and dig right. Now you can drop right to get the gold and the pick. Dig right for another hidden gold, then fall left from the ladder to get out. Now go left and up the ladder. Drop into the pit, dig right, and now quickly go left, use the pickaxe as you appear in the transporter, and run right into the transporter. Run left and then down the ladder. Go back up the stairs. From here you'll need to use the pickaxe three times to get to the right. Twice over the first pit(stand on the rubble the second time.) Get the drill and then come back as follows--place the drill by the hole and use the pickaxe left to get over the hole. Switch for the drill and leave it on the next solid ground, go back, and get the pickaxe. You have time to go across but if you want to play it safe wait and dig. By the 2-wide pit, use the pickaxe, walk on the rubble, and use it again. Now leave the pickaxe across the rubble, go back and get the drill. Come back across and take the pickaxe. Put it on top of the ladder. Take the drill and use it above the skull. Get the other treasure and dig out. Then come around and one square right of the ladder, drill down twice. Get the pickaxe back and enter the teleporter. As you did in the right, use the pickaxe(left this time) and climb across to get the gold. The teleporter kicks you back as you were. Now drop the pickaxe one rung up on the ladder--note that there's soft ground to the left there, and after you get the drill, place the bomb so that both of those squares explode. Move to the ladder top, then D, L and leave the drill left. Run right to get the pickaxe and come back. The fun's only just begun, though. You still have to get to the UR, which looks well-night impossible. Fortunately you can start by going U, R, drilling down once, dropping the drill, and falling left. Then get the pickaxe. Where you dropped the drill, use the pickaxe right. Fall off the ladder right and drop the pickaxe. Go back and get the drill. Go right and trade for the pickaxe. Dig the ceiling above the pickaxe below. Then go back and get the drill and drill the rightmost square down. Go left and dig right. Wait for the rubble to disappear and get the pickaxe. Now fall right and get on the ladder. Climb up it and dig the rightmost square and use the pickaxe right. The rubble goes all the way down through three traps. Follow it. Use the pickaxe right again to create a bridge to the door. Level #074 1 OR 8 3 .eee 2X ~ t2 ~ t~H~ G VH$XXXHXSXt XXXX X.H.XX 3H.e hX2 XXX.~~~. XXX.2HXX VH$XX$HXXXXXXX T XXXX 2HXXX 3h.e H X2 XXX2 XXX 2 2H2 X VHXXX$HXXX.%.TXXXXH .2 2H2 3H.e h X XX. XH 2 2H2 * VHXXXXHXHXXXXXX XXHXX2 2H2 * 3h.e h H t^ 2XXXXH*XX 2H2 * VHXXXXXXHXXXXXX23X TXXXXH2 * 3H.e 3X XX* X2XXXH2 * check h's VHXXXXXXXXHVXXXXX* SSSSSH2 * [<-trap over teleports] .h.e H3 X2TT2 ~~~~~H2 SHXXXXXXXXHVXXXXXX H2 g .H.e ..&H..u X2X $XXXXH2 T S*************SSSSSSSSSSHX2X First, about the teleports. --Right of the drill goes to the upper right. --the left of the twin teleports goes to the next-top teleport. --the teleport suspended under the rope goes to the left side. Be sure to check the receptacle over there(under the drill) for any enemies around. And when you use it, go immediately right and dig right. --the drill under the concrete, by the hidden ladder, leads to the top center. --the right of the twin teleports goes to (left side?) --the DR teleport goes to (left side?) Painful slowdown here until you clear most of the treasure. It will cause impatience and possibly frivolous loss of life, but at least it doesn't slow you down more than the bad guys. Go left and get the gun and retreat right of the ladder. Blast when the monk is just left of the ladder. The bombs here don't do anything for you and you may have to get rid of them later anyway. Then L, U, and fall right from the top. Gas left when the monks come by. Eventually they'll fall so that everyone's on the bottom two platforms. Climb to the top(zigzag) and you should have time to go to the right, get the chest, dig left, go left, dig right, and get the next chest. Now go to the top of the UL ladder, and when the bad guys are reasonably close(2 platforms away for the leader) you can drop left through the traps for all the skulls. You don't get all the way down, but in any case you'll want to head right with gas gun blazing. You've done all you can on the left now. So let's concentrate on the right--the way to get there is dig the right edge of the top down and go through the gap you made. There are a few cycles you'll need to learn and one pit to avoid--when kicked to the top, you'll first want to get the drill. A 2-1 dig will suffice, but on subsequent trips want to dig right and fall until a dig left leads to the teleporter. I'll assume you get back to the top right to start the rest of the runs here and also that you have the drill for them all. The first thing to do is just to fall left and right off the ladder-- this should finally cure the slowdown! Hurray! [check if you need to dig right] Then I recommend going on the bottom platform to the left. Dig all the squares, then get on the ropes and drop onto the gold piece. Move back left. Next, go left from the top and 2-1 dig to fall on top of another column of chests. Dig the two left after falling left and repeat. Eventually you'll be able to dig down from the ladder. Once there are two diggable squares to the left, dig the left one, fall, dig left and get the gold under them. There's a trap on the right. Again dig after falling left to get to the encased ladder. Dig the two square platform to the right and then the right square under that. Back on the main ladder, dig the two 3-platforms down and you'll have plenty of time to get the gold back there. The next thing to get is the gold on the top. The transporter right of the encased ladder does the trick there. You'll want to 2-dig over the ladder so you can dig down right. You'll have to drill the last square to fall in the transporter, but you'll be on the top island at the end. The little hovel in the upper right presents an interesting dilemma. You should have done all the drilling you needed to do before getting up here. You may also have to let off some bombs here. Fortunately on the long right ladder when you're not around anything else is as good a place as any. There's only one shot to get the green key, and once you do, you have to leave the drill behind since you're falling into the teleporter. First, nick bombs or gold from everything marked @. You can clear out the left four at once, but for the right one you'll need to dig the one left of it, wait a few seconds and dig the two below. Then you can dig and drop through. G H @@ H@@ H@XX H X After this, place the bomb on the third-top rung and quickly move U, R. The first chain reaction will leave you on a UR island. The second will make you drop. Then you need to drill to the bottom, through the green key(take it) and the teleporter. The final part involves going back left. Be sure you get the gun back before you dig yourself over there. Then you can drop to the bottom and sucker the bad guys over as before. There may be problems with them coming from both ways. Fortunately at the bottom you have something drastic to do. Stand right of the ladder by where you started and use the gas. Make it thick for effect, go right, place the bomb at the edge, and run left. Spray the gas as you go back to minimize distractions, and run to the gold. Many bad guys will be toast, and if you can avoid the bombs(you'll need to stand a knight-move away from some so you aren't burnt up too) they should mostly regenerate in the UR, falling into the hole in the DR. This makes things easier. If you want you can dig the rest of the guys down and they should appear in the right eventually. At any rate the bombs will reveal the final four gold pieces to dig up. They will in fact leave an artifact behind once the hole heals, which will help. If no-one's around you can zip to the top one, the left of the middle, and then right of that and below. If some guys are, standard evasion should work, especially with your gun and your outlets to the bottom. Level #075 DUMPING GROUND u ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X .X || H || .. ~H 2 X******H~****SSS**SS**X~H X X H~Xe ..2222222X~H 2 X44~*H H~ SS************H X XXX~4H H~X22 e X~H 2 X4X~XH H~*SS******S*SS ~H X X4XeXH H~Xe ..2222X~H 22 X****H H~ *SS*****SSSS*~H ** H HX222 e X~H +X*******XVXXSSS**S*SSSSS ~H h ~Xe ..22222XH~ H~~~~ ~ XSSSS***SSSSSXH H XXXX ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~H~ H2 3$$H3 H ******* XXXXXXXXXXXXSSSSXX The basic strategy here is to pull one bad guy out of his area and get him to drop into the pit at the bottom. You can do this either by digging him into a hole or by getting the bad guy trapped left of the buried gold--the best way to do this is to lead him around to the trap below the long right ladder, fall through and drop off to the right. Then drop down when he follows through--you may want to dig a hole for him on the left and climb down first. Once he's down, climb up the ladder and he should fall into the pit. You'll need to combine this with trapping bad guys to get the job done, and in fact if too many pile up on each other you may need to use bombs. Fortunately there are a few and bad guys regenerate over the pit. The start of the level is obvious but necessary: fall right, then left, then right, then left. You might as well head right and take care of the buried gold. The big abstract challenge here is to get to the UL and find all the chests. First you'll want to get the bad guy out of there--get the chest on the right, dig right, and now I recommend falling right and backing left so you don't have to worry about falling down too far. You'll have to stay level with the bad guy so he recognizes you're out there, but you can drop him in the pit immediately as described above. Once that's done, you can go to the top of the structure and fall to get the two gold chests on top. Dig diwn from the top rope and from there you will want to fall right and get back on the rope before digging each way. Wait until you dig at the very bottom until the top square heals, then come back around over the top and dig the rightmost square and fall through. The rest of the areas require little more than levelling with the bad guy, digging him out, and leading him on a chase into either the pit(make sure only 3 get trapped) or a snare. Note that the ways you can access the areas differ--the top block, you must dig from the right, and then it alternates left/right each chamber down. Some may take two digs before the bad guy runs over the goo and gets out so be patient. Once he's out of there you can loot at will--even over the five sticky squares, you can get in and out without having to use bombs. All visible treasures except the DL are gone, but the last part involves an easy hidden gold. Make sure all snared monsters are bereft of gold, then go left from the lowest rope. Note that you don't have to use any bad-guy ridge as you can just dig down once you have everything except the DL. The gold is right of the DL rope as you dig. The door is nice and close, too, R and U. skull(?) trapped at the ledge. 3 ptrs buried otherwise. Level #076 ESCAPE&JAM e ~~~~~~ e 44 e4H* **********H ; ***** ^^****H ~~~~ ***** H 4 4^ * H * 44***** ** ^ 4 H ^ H****** H**** H H***** H H H * H H H * 44 H H H * H****************^ H * H ** H; ^ H 44 ********************H e + I don't see any huge difficulties with this level. If you can move quickly to one of the two holes to the left, the bad guysshould start to wander. Then you can drop left for one gold and right for another, each with convenient places to hide. Eventually bad guys should loop around so you can drop right and get what's at the top. From the UL you can climb the ladder, drop onto the lower rope, and drop left once the bad guys are bunched. The last few gold pieces may be the toughest, but all you have to do is use the 3-ladder in the bottom center to push the guys away and then rush for the gold just UL of it and the L gold. Next you'll want to hide L of the ladder. It'll be a while, but the bad guys will eventually decide to go far to the right. If all else fails you can sucker them there I guess but this is low-risk. Then you can nab the gold up the far right ladder. Don't worry if they get to the ladder base; you can just fall right to get past them. These should be the last treasures, making it easy to go to the door in the DR. Level #077 FROM END TO END + HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH + H H HH H H HHH HHHHHHH HH HHHHHHH HHH e H H HH H H e e H HHHH H e HXXXXXX XXXXXXH H 3XXXXXX3 H HH 111111 HH XXX XXXXXHXXXXXXHXXXXX XXX XXX H~~~~~~H XXX XXX H 33 H XXX 33X HXXXXXH 33 HXXXXXH X33 XXX H ~~~~~~ H XXX H 33 H H 33 H H ****** H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX These ice levels are a relatively cool breeze, aren't they? I'm going to pretend the right side doesn't exist, and it really doesn't except as a mirror image of the left. You can go L, U, L, U, L on the rope and drop down to get some skulls. Run left and when right of the ladder dig on each side. Wait for company and then climb up. Now you can dig through to drop onto the other skulls or, if too many bad guys are around, dig right as you go left and take care of the left side. Also note you can dig, and if the random numbers are with you, you will entomb some bad guys in the very top pit. 3-dig to the left, then fall left and 2-1 dig. It's not bad getting out. Run across the center when no-one's around, and to get the suspended gold, make sure no-one's traveling beneath. You can dig left a bit to buy that much more time. Level #078 LEFT & RIGHT X X ~~~~~~ HXXXXXXXXXXXXX ~~~~~H H HH X111111 H H HH XX******XXXXXXH *******HHH XXX XX111111XXH ~~~~~~~~HHHXXXXe XXXXXX H 1 HHXXXXXe VXXXXX H 1 HXXXXXX VXXXXX H 11111& HXXX44X VXXXXX H XXXXXXVH XXXXXX XXXX H H X4 X X4 XX4X H H XXVX H u H VX4 H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I may be missing the challenge here, but the main thing to be aware of is that you need to take care of the left side and then the right--hence the title. The left side isn't too bad. You will want to wait for the bad guy to fall down his ladder, then dig to get him out of the way. Climb up to the rope and fall at the left edge. Get the gun while you're at it. Then sucker the bad guy into the corner, dig once and run past him. At the top of the batch of the stairs, dig right, drop, dig two right, and now a 3->2->1 dig below(no need to dig everything) will get you to the gold. Dig for the next chest and there's a trap beneath there. The bad guy may have to fall from the ladder for you to progress, but you can now cross over to the right. The right side is similarly easy. Drop from the right side of the rope and run right. You will want to use the gas here to nail the bad guys before they get to the leftmost of the diggable squares. There should be plenty of time to retreat for gold and dig. Get the gold in the chamber as you dig 5->4->3->2-<1. That gets one suspended gold. Then get the gold to the left and gas the bad guys and pass them(you'll need to pass the gas, as it were) and go up the stairs back into the chamber. From here you can just dig the leftmost square and drop through for the final gold piece. You'll need another show of ammunition to get to the door. Level #079 MONKS FALL ++ ~ ~ *t hh t* ~ e H *1 H XXXXXXXXt* 1*He H *1VVH H$X TT X 1XHe H *1V1H H$ hh X 1XHTeee H *1V1H HX HH X 1XHeeeu H *1V1H H**********X 1XH e H *1V1H H~~~~~~ 1XH H *1V1H HH 1XH H *1&1H~~~H *********XH H *1X H~~~~~~~~~~~~H H *1 H H ********* H H | **************************** This is another level that doesn't seem to have too much challenge. It's pretty straightforward, but there's a strong possibility you may get frustrated at the end. Run left immediately, and you can get the snare and place it at the top of the long stair UL if you want, but it's not terribly relevant. Your job, from the UL, is to drop right onto the line of gold chests and then go R, U, L, U, and R on the rope falling in order to get the gun. After this you can wait for the bad guys to bunch below. Fall left and gas right. Use the guerilla gassing techniques(at the third guy you gas, blast again) to get past everyone, then go two squares left after you fall. When the first guy lands, blast him and L, U, R(fall,) R, U, R on the rope, U, L(fall) for more gold. L, U, L, U and you're left of the chamber with teleportals. Dig down right three times, then go back up to fall right for the gold. Gas right once all bad guys are on the ground and then you should be able to run up into the left teleporter. The door is 2R, U from there. This would be more interesting if you at least had to fall on the bad guys to get the gun instead of having the cheap out of the traps. 31 points total = 23 1-pointers + 2 4-pointers(buried.) Level #080 KEEP AN EYE ~~~ e h ~~~~~~~~~~+2XXXXXXXXX**H h SSS XX4XXX H h X44X ***H H~~ *X***H**** XXX H H 4 H XX XX*H H XX3XVX****X e H H XXXX ***V*X*X*XH4 H u ~~~ H 4 HSSXXXXXXXX ~~ 2 *X*X*H HXXXXXXXXXXX 2 2 H HXX XXXXXXXXX 4 ***X*X*H HXXeXXXXXXXXXX44X H HXX X X3X3XXXXXVX *****X*X*H H H XXXXXXXXXXXX*******XXXXXXXXX (map looks wrong) The toughest part of this level, for me, was seeing the rope at the top, which blended in really well with the background and the top of the screen. The other trap was that, when I tried to dig right away for the suspended gold right below, a bad guy dropped through a trap and right into the middle of my digging sequence. (try 3-digging twice then -<3-<2-<1) Running right, falling for the suspended gold, and running right through the trap and then up the stairs a bit to fake the bad guys left is a good efficient start to the level. Then you can climb up to the top and fall a couple of times for both gold pieces right of the curvy ladder. Then go to the top. 2->1 dig to the square left of the treasure, then dig right, drop, and 2->1 dig. Climb back up to the top. Drop left and then right. This will net you the two suspended two-pointers via the trap door to the right. Now go back to the top and drop left. On this platform, take the ladder and dig the only square left you can. Drop to the left edge. Dig right, drop right, dig right and drop through. Then fall right to the DR, digging right as you go. With enough digging you should dislocate the bad guys enough to go left. Once on the left ladder, get parallel with the top of the hole to the right. This gives all the time needed for the final part of the level--the suspended gold. Simple 4->3->2->1 digs should work here, and just remember to restabilize the enemies after the first drop down. The ladder should extend after you get the second gold. Take it all the way and then just go right. Level #081 FREEZED(sic) FISH ~~~~~~~~~~ e ~~~~~ 1 XXXXXXXXXX H HXX XXXX XXX H HXXX XXX 1 XXXH XX H H X1XX1XX X1XH XX H HXX XXX XXXH XXH HX ~~~~~~~~~ H XH HX1 HXXXXXXXXXXXXX H HXX XXX H XXH H X1XX1XX H XX H H XXX XXX H XX H H XX1 XXXX XXX H H 1XXXXXXXXXXX H H H He eH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH While the picture is cute, the level isn't incredibly tough. Dig right, fall, and dig left for the first chest. Then pick up the gold to the left and drop onto the 3-platform. You'll be seeing a bit of this; first, dig right and drop right until above a chest and dig left. The next time you can dig the center square, and the third time you dig left until you can dig right and drop to another gold chest. Between these attempts you'll want to get to the top as well. Digging the leftmost square and the one below it helps you fall on one chest. The next time dig above the fish's eye, the right square on the top, and the square below that. That should do it. Level #082 MAZE u X Xa X b c d XX X X X XXX X XX X XX4X XXX X e X~ 4X X X 4X XXX X X X X X XXXXX X X XXX 4 X X X X X XXX X X XXX X X X X X 4X XXXXX XXX X X X4 X X X X X4 XXX X X XXXXX X X X XXXXXXX 4X X X X X X X XXXXX XXXXX4X X X X XXXXXXX X X X4 XXX X4XX X X4 X X XXX 4 X4 X XXXX XX X X XXXXX X XXXXXX X 4 X XXX X4X4 X XXX XX XXXXXX XXX X XXX XX X XX~ XA X ~X X X4 DX~ X XXXX4XXXXXX BXCXXXXXXXXEXX4 Drop right. From the rope, go right for the gold, go back to the rope, dig right, drop, dig left. Dig the leftmost square and drop right and go left to the transporter. From a, drop right, dig and get the gold piece below, then dig to get the gold piece below that. Drop right and dig. You should be on a platform with gold in a hole at the left end. Dig the left end and go right, digging each square to the left. On the rope, fall left and get the gold and go back right. From b, fall right, left, and right. Dig right to fall on one gold and dig the rightmost square. Dig over the gold to fall into transporter B(left one.) The next time down dig over the right transporter, C. From c, dig right, fall right, dig left, fall, and dig left over the gold. Dig left again and teleport back to c. Drop down to by the gold in the pit but dig the right edge of the platform, drop in, dig left, and drop down, clearing the gold. Enter transporter D. From d, drop right and get the gold on that platform. Dig the right square and drop for another gold. Drop right. Dig the right square, drop right, dig left, drop left, and dig right twice. Fall right to get the gold and get to e. Then fall left from e for the final gold. Enter E to get kicked to the top. Level #083 Y'S SPECIAL e u tX 3 1~ e t X******* 4 ********X 1 X***** *****X H***H 4 4 H**H HXX H ******SSSSS***** H HXX H 4 4 H HXX .H*********************H HX+ .H 4 4 H HXX .H ****************H H .H**$ ~ 4**H .H H****** ******H H .H*****X ~~~~~~~~~ X*****H & **X~~~~~~ ~~~~~~X*** e e e e e ***T****T****T****T****T**** 3rd and 5th transporters lead to the UL which is lethal. The others lead to the UR. To finish this level just go in one of the safe transporters(try the far left,) dig and fall right, and then dig 2-right down the ladder so you can fall into the door. Level #084 BLIZZARD!! **************************** * .X. .X. .X. .X. .X. . * * ... *******************XX* * ... *. .X. .X. .X. .X. . * * ... *X******************** *+ X *. .X. .X. .X. .X. . * *****h*XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX* ~~~~~H~~~~~~H~~~~~~~H~X.u ~~2 H H H ****** ~~2 H e H H ~~2H XXXXXXXXXXX H~~~~~~ ~~H XXXXXXXXXXX H H XXXXXXXXXXX H XXXX H XXXXXXXXXXX H XXXXXX e H X.22222222X HeX.2222 XXXXXXX***XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This level is somewhat time-critical, but you don't have to be too sharp moving around to get through it. The bomb pattern works in a zigzag, which is restricted by those solid blocks. The first thing to do is to bomb the left wall quickly. Then get on the rope, drop, and go right. Dig the right square of the platform below, drop right, dig and loot. Use the bomb on the left wall. That will also kill off the nosey enemy. Climb up the stairs and drop down. If you can't 4-3-2-1 dig right away due to bad guy interference(the four digs in time are all you really need--you can move to the outside as you dig and avoid anyone who drops in) then you can dig past the bad guys and go to the left. Drop onto one gold chest and drop left and after dropping down you should have shaken off the bad guys. Once inside the structure, again bomb the left wall. You may have to dig a couple of holes and pass by that way, but once you do, the ladder to the top will appear. If you need to waste time before the bombs on top blow away the block impeding progress to the door, drop on the big platform with the ladder in the center and watch the bad guys follow. Dig holes for them if you want. Remember not to get too anxious as you go for the door--you've got time. Level #085 BOMBER!! B.....B.....u.. * 2 **#* # 2 * ..2......B *B#X#* B.......B... 2. * 2 *##XB# 2 *B .2....B *X#X#* B..... 2. * 2 *##XB* 2 *B .2.........B *X#X#* 2B. * ###XB* eeeee + The only real trick to this level is that you need to bomb one edge, drop or dig, and bomb the other one below, and repeat as quickly as possible. On the final ledge you need to bomb(don't bomb the very bottom one) you'll want to go to the right edge, then go one left, dig and drop as the bombs will be fast and furious around you. However, on the bottom ledge, you can wait a bit if you're on the very left. When the big bomb is lit, then you can jump off. Run two squares at the bad guys, let off a bomb and run back right. The bombs above should finish soon, and if you hang out one right of the final bomb at the bottom, that is where the door will appear shortly after the drop. You don't want to give the bad guys much time to chase you as you'll have to use a bomb, and they'll drop randomly on you. Level #086 BUNNY'S PUZZLE t H~1 1 XXXXXH XXXXX H XVXH XXX XH XXXXXXX H V H X HX XH XXX XX X H V H X HXX1XHXXX X X H XVXH X1HXHXXHXX X XX H XTXH XXXXHX HX X +X H X XH~~~~~HX HX XXXX HXX XX XXXHXX XX HXXXXX XX H XX HX X XX 1 H XX~~~t HX X XX X H X X X HX111X XX H X XXXXX H XXX XXe H eXX XXTXX ******** XX uH XX XXX XXX XXXXXX X Is this a tip of the hat to the old Broderbunny, mascot of Broderbund who produced the original Lode Runner? Well, it's a pretty good level, in any case. Makes you proud when you beat it, mad when you don't. Unfortunately you can't dig a bad guy in a hole to start out, or it would be much easier. Head straight to the top--there's nowhere else, really. Then when the bad guys get close, dig a couple of holes and head left to the edge. When one is two squares away, drop left and dig a hole. As he teeters on the edge, jump in the hole. Your timing may not be right here, so I'll detour a little to tell you what to do if it doesn't work. The bad guys will beseige you in the left bunny-ear. At the top, dig down right twice. Fall right and dig down right three times. Now go up the stairs, fall right, and dig right twice. Then go back up to the top again. If however you are successful you will want to do the same thing-- until the digging part. Then just drop right and dig and go right and down. The bad guy to the left will fall on the Broderbunny's face(but not his own. You can still laugh at his predicament, though.) Climb down the stairs and wait in the left. Dig right when the bad guy nears--any earlier and you risk him regenerating at the top, which is needlessly risky. When he falls in, R, U, L and dig back into the bunny's ear. Here you want to dig down as before and climb up the ladder and fall right and dig right. Now back up, dig right and fall to get the gold. Stay at the bottom left again. Dig when the bad guy's near. R, U, L, fall left. The last part is annoying if you step into the trap. More damage control for that--you'll be zapped to the heart. Go left, then dig right and fall right twice. Now dig the leftmost two squares, drop, and repeat until the guy can run at you. Just after you drop to that area, immediately dig left. Then L, U, L, and approach the left side with added wisdom. Go to the top, get the gold, then back down the ladder. Dig down left four times. Drop left and dig left. Clear the gold and dig the left square. Go to the top of the ladder and go right into the trap. See above for how to get through the heart, but instead of facing the bad guy, dig the rightmost square, drop there, dig left and drop through there to the platform with the door. Level #087 DIG NOTE: for below, the teleporters are labeled A, B, C etc. and destinations are a, b, c, etc. C, D -> b u% f b ***S*SSSSSS***************** *****a ******************T* ***************S**S**** * SS**************S*********** * **S** ******** **********e *************SS************* **************************** ******** 4*S***S************ ** 4*********** * 4******* **S************************* ***S******t4C*************** ********SS****************** ******** S***S********D**** ** 4A***B***+ ** ***E4**F* **************************** It's lots of fun to carve up this level. The teleports may be confusing, and the sticky squares get in the way of drilling, but the one thing to note is that to get to a gold chest you don't need to dig over it. You just need to dig one square to the left or right. Get the drill and dig just right of where you got it. Once you've formed a 2x1 chamber, go left and drill down all the way, interrupting only to get the gold midway down. At the bottom, get the gold and teleport. You'll be kicked up a bit. Go to the right edge and dig down through one chamber and then get the gold when you open up the next one. At the right, keep drilling to get to another chamber with gold and a teleport. You've got no choice so take it. Now in the upper right you'll want to go left a bit and drill down. It's tough to judge where without concrete coordinates, but it's two squares left of the left edge of the L just below. If you did it right you'll wind up to the right of a chamber with gold in it. Get the gold and return to where you were to dig to the bottom and find another teleport. Not much to do but drill and then go left when you can. This'll put you back in the top. Just left of the big goo patch, drill twice and then drop right. Drill some more until you're in a chamber where you can fall into a teleport. This teleport will kick you to the upper right. Now you'll want to enter the L chamber(two drills down) and in the second-left square you'll want to drill down until you're right of the final gold. Get it. Two teleports put you on he top. Now what you need to do is to go right until you're horizontally between the two squares of goo just below. Stand on the right of the two such squares. Drill down until you form a 2x1 chamber. Move left and drill down. When you can move left, do so, and drill some more until you get to the chamber with the door. After this level the challenge gets very intense for the next few levels. It drops off a bit for the finale, but the timing required ahead can be very bothersome. Level #088 ON HEAD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hu e eXH h2 +eee X*************XH hXeeeS SX2HX XH hX X X 2HXX2 ~~XHXH hX X X 2HX ***H ~~ 2XHXH hX X X 2HX XXXX ~ 2XHXH hX X X 2HX X X~ 2XHXH hX 2 X 2HX Xe22X XHXH hX X X 2HX *********HXH hX X X 2H HXH hX X X 2HXXXSSSXXSSSXXXH hX X 2~ H 2| H hXVVVXVVVX X*V************XH h e SSSSSSXXXXXSSSSSSXXXXXXXXXXX You'll have to go hard right here, then once you've passed the second set of bad guys, you'll want to dig right while on the rope. Now I like to climb up the stairs and dig two squares right. That nets the snare. After that you can go R, U, L, and drop through the treasure. Move left and dig and R, U, L, and place the snare. The rest requires a knowledge of timing. I recommend getting the UL before the gold in there with the enemy to avoid distraction. All you have to think about before you want to release the enemy is the order you dig the bricks left of the ladder, so let's use a diagram. ~1H $2H $3H $4H 5H Let's also start easy; getting the gold just left. Dig 1, 2, and 3. Wait for 1 to heal, dig 5, and then U to the top, fall L, and D. Getting the far left gold requires a bit more accuracy. Dig 1, 2 and 3. When 1 heals, dig 4. Then go up and dig 1, go down and dig 5, and run up the ladder and run left where 1 was. Use the stair to get up; if you have a delay doing this, as happens with PSX controls and stairs, retreat immediately. You don't have much of a time window. However once you get the gold, you can just fall back right to safety. You can use the crude method(1-2-3-4, wait, 5, fall over) to get to the enemy--fall left off the rope and tap down and dig down. Then run right and hide down if the bad guy gets too close. I also recommend going left at the bottom, digging right at the ladder, then running back left, leaving holes behind. The bad guy will appear outside the structure, and you can complete the rest unmolested. I prefer using the 1-2-3-4-1-5 digging method to approach the entombed gold because the ropes can be tough to drop down. But once you've got them, R, D, dig left, drop, R, U, L and you have several squares' safety cushion from the bad guys as you drop into the door on the W's middle prong. Level #089 TAR TRAP B e1 1~~~1 1u XXH HXXX1 1XXXH **H H1 1 1 1H **H H******XXXXXXXXXXXXXX **************XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX 1 XX1 .. ********H~~~ XXXXXXXXXXXXH X; H XX*************XXXXXXXXXXXXX hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HX + XH HX111111111111111111111111XH H**************************H H e H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX This is a really nasty level. It's tough to get the bad guy to come down to the level below where you'll need him, with the ladder and rope suspended. The original do-se-do to get the chests isn't bad; one dig and you should get around the bad guy after first getting the gold on your side. At first I thought you could just make a hole with the big bomb, drop once into it, bomb the far left below, dig a hole and go left. This seems logical, but the bad guy won't get out. The accurate way is to stand at the bottom of the left ladder, climb when the bad guy's near, and go left to get the bomb. Dig right to trap the bad guy, fall right and place the bomb over the 1-ladder. U, 2R and the bad guy will fall in. On the right, 2-1 dig and get the two bombs. Fall through. If the bad guy has picked up the chest to the left then you may have a problem. In any case, you want to pick up the pot of goo and leave a bomb two squares right of the vulnerable wall at the edge of the solid bricks. Run right, right to goop it all, U, L, and the bad guy should almost be underneath. You may have to wait a half-second before he's over, but the plan is to jump down on top of him in order to get to the rope to the left. Once there, get the chest and place the bomb right there. Fall right onto the rope and then come back. The path to the next gold is free. Fall and dig left to get to the bottom. From here, goad the bad guy to one side. If you want, dig him out, wait for him to get to the edge, and go down. You can keep digging until he goes to the upper regions. Now dig down twice from a ladder on one side and run in. When you've gotten to the center(below the rightmost solid square in the middle section from the right, one square left for the left) you should retreat. Then(if he's there) drag the bad guy the other way and dig the other way. If he's still holding a gold piece, then get him out, or if one is still in the area, move the bad guy away from it and try once more. Level #090 TRAP & TRAP XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Tt44 | ee | 44tT **************************** Tt44 | ee | 44tT **************************** Tt44 | ee | 44tT **************************** Tt44 | ee | 44tT **************************** Tt44 u+ 44tT **************************** Teleportals left kick you up a level to the right side. Teleportals right kick you down a level to the left side. This cycles vertically so the very top is seen as below the very bottom. A simple looking level, and there really isn't much to do. It just has to be done right, several times. Timing placing and getting a snare on the same square is critical. Go right to the teleporter to start, get the snare, and back out. Go left along the bottom and get kicked to the next level. Run to the snare, place your snare. Get the new snare, retreat two squares, and place that snare. Back up. Two down, six to go. The others are dealt with in the same way. There'll be a snare to the left. Get it and run through the teleportal. Then place it on top of the other snare, which you pick up. Back up and place the other snare. The top doesn't require the same precise timing as you've already pushed the bad guys left, and in fact you can avoid them by retreating right, but it's a shorter path to keep going left. 80 points for 20 4-pointers. Level #091 RUN A WAY! (sic) * * * H* eee *XXXXXXXXXXXXX*H u*H***XX**Xe* *H *H * ** *H * H * * *H * H~~~~ * *e e *H * H* **XXXXXXXXXXX**H * H * * p ********H * H * **X************H * H * *e ** *H * H * *e 444h***** *H * H * ****X******** *H * H * * y X *H * H * * *h *** ***H * H * *Y*HV******* **H H e* H They can get away with misspelling, but if you should make a small slip...pfft. The first thing to do is head immediately R and then go U/R up the stairs. A turn U/L then back U/R. You don't have to be too quick on the stairs. By now you should be able to progress safely enough by moving up only when you see you're on the ladder; for goodness' sakes don't try too hard to move horizontally. At the top of the ladder wait for the bad guys to go right. Drop right and dig the two squares you can. Run over the entombed bad guys and dig the remaining square(next to the enemy at the far right) and drop down, flooring the controller right. A bad guy will appear in the nok at the bottom of the right structure. You'll just make it past him. At the top right, dig to enter the structure, climb across the fallen bad guy, then dig left/right to trap everyone. Dig the leftmost square you can, go left, dig right. Get the pick and use it on the square right of the bad guy in the pit. If you try to use it over him the random factor in when he gets up may allow him to tackle you. Once that bad guy is dispatched, dig the hole and then use the pickaxe on the ceiling above. Begin a six-second count and during that time, be sure you're facing left. After the count, use the pickaxe again. One bad guy will be buried. Run right and dig left. Use the pickaxe immediately to get rid of one bad guy. Get the other gold and climb the ladder created as you got the gold. Run left when the next bad guy's below and dig right. Get the ceiling with the pickaxe again and now you're clear...almost. You'll have to be careful here. There's a trap beneath you. Then there's another one after that. I missed both of these, which caused me considerable despair as I fell to the bottom, defenseless against the bad guys on the right ladder. You too may waltz through confident there's nothing left to do. But you'll still have this guide to show you the right way--BOTH times. 1. re-dig the hole where you caught the bad guys. Use the pickaxe on the ceiling above. Now you can walk on the ladder. 2. Get the yellow key and when facing left use the pickaxe. There's more than enough time to drop and use the key and get in the door. If you fall through only the first two apply. Level #092 UNDERGROUND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + u2 2 2 XHVHVh ** ******* ~2HVHVh ~~ HX 2 ~VHVHVh 2 **2 HX H ~VHVHVh *22 *2 HX H H ~VHVHVh **2 *2 HX H H H3~VHVHVh *2 2 HX H H ~VHVHVh 4 ****2 HX H H H 3VHVHVh XXXH * HX H H H ~VHVH2h 3XH HX H H H ~VHVHXh 3XH XH HX H H H ~VHVHXh 3XH~ XH~HX~H ~ H ~ ~ HVHXh XXXX XXXX XX * * * * **XH~h e e e e e e h SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS There are four points to be aware of in this level: 1. to start, you have to drop from the left part of the rope below to get the gold down that shaft. 2. you can use the ladder at the bottom of the sort of checkerboard in the center to go up and right. The bad guy will follow you down, and you can circle around him. 3. the far right gold should be saved until last. Otherwise the bad guys in the goo may climb up the right ladder and guard it vigorously. 4. the DL part really is very hard and requires clinical timing. Given all these, and given that 1-3 are relatively easy even if arduous, let's start with #4. Practice it until you get it right. In my opinion, this is the toughest maneuver in the game, so don't feel bad if the solution seems esoteric or you can't make the right move at first. XX1H $2H $3H aH $4H~ bH XXXX XXXX First thing to do is to dig a, then wait nine seconds and dig b. You want to time things so you can dig b, move up, and dig a right away. This may require a few cycles. Let's say you dig b and then move up and have to wait two seconds to dig a. Then wait for b to show up, wait two seconds, then move up to dig a--hopefully this will be fluid, but if not, do the waiting game again after b re-appears. Once you're able to dig b and then a immediately, fall left after digging a. Climb up and dig 1 and drop and dig 2. Fall right and go back to the ladder. Dig b and then a. Drop back in. Dig 3 and then 1, then go down and fall right. This is very tricky, and if you get stuck you're probably toast. The third trip around, only dig b. Go down the ladder, left, and dig 4, go up, dig 2 and go down the stairs(falling may trap you,) left, down, right. It also appears there should be a solution with a standard dig-down and waiting to dig 1-2-3-4 via 1-2, 3-1, 4-2 but the computer doesn't let you dig 4. Level #093 VOLCANIC ERUPTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ H R. H H XXX H H XXX H H XXX u H H 1**H**eee H H 1*X$H$X*ee H H 1*XXXHXXX* H H e1*X$XXH$X$X*e H H e**X 2HXHX 2H$** H H e*X2222HXHX22H$XX* H H *X$****HXHXXXHXXXX* H H *XH H$H#XXH * H H *X$H****XVXHXXXHXXHX2X* H H**X2 H****#X$H$#XH#*.XHXX*H *X22h*H H H2*HXrXXX* This is another level that's very nasty but for slightly different reasons. First of all you need to hold the controller right to make it(just) over the raft of bad guys below you that you drop through and to the ladder. The start seems physically illogical and may throw people off, but as there's only one way to go I guess it isn't too terribly unfair. Climb up the ladder and go left. Fall onto the basin with the door and nudge left--once the leading bad guy to the left is close, drop left for the four gold pieces. Go around back to the top platform and dig right twice. Place the bomb and fall right so you're out of the bomb's reach. Fall left and dig right to access the stairs. From here you need to note that letting off a bomb at the top of each ladder will reveal the hidden gold. But there's a trick--the bombs aren't easy to find. 1. from the main ladder base, L, U, R, dig left, D, dig left. 2. from the base again, R, U all the way, and 2-dig left down until the next last. Dig the far left there. 3. from the base, R, U, dig down right to get one bomb. 4. get the only visible bomb in the DR as follows. Dig the top of the three blocks the ladders are laced around. Go down, waste seven seconds, dig and go back up. If it takes over than two seconds when the hole refills, try a longer count. Otherwise, drop down two, stay on the right, wait six seconds, and dig left before climbing back up, digging the two squares behind as you heal. Drop down to get the red key and bomb. For the side ladders, you should have no problems. But special care is needed with the top one. After the bomb explodes, you'll want to dig left and right and pick up any treasure, go down, and repeat. There should be gold and a bomb near the very bottom. Now make sure you've got the rest of the gold and fall into the DL. A ladder should appear allowing you back out. Go back to the top of the central ladder and use the bomb. When the bad guys are on the UL rope, fall left and they'll drop to get you, which affords enough time to get to the red door and use the key. Level #094 NORI u ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e H XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXH 4 X e + ~ H XXXX SSSSS h H 2X eXe eSh SSSSH XXXXXX X Xh H 1 1X XSSSS h 1* H XXXXXXXX X h SSSSSSSH 4 4 4XX X h H XXXXXXXXXX h *1 H 3 2 3 XX SSSSSSSSSH XXXXXXXXXXXX H 1 2 1 2 XX H XXXXXXXXXXVXXXXHXXXXXXXXXXXH XXXXXXXXXX~~~~~H~~~~~~~~~~~H After all that, your reward so to speak is a shockingly easy level that I must say isn't terribly aesthetically pleasing. Dig right and get the treasure in each chamber before digging down again. When at the bottom, steer clear of the right edge. It's a trap down. The bad guys should congregate by the right wall--then you can fall down and wait for them to come over. Take the ladder and then dig left six times to ward them off as you go up the right stairs and get the first gold in the goo. They'll all regenerate to the left of you, so don't worry about that. After you have the gold, R, U, L and fall off the edge for the final gold as soon as no guys are on the ledge below that. You'll have a straight path to the door. Level #095 KEEP A EXISTENCE y e *H ****H***** ******XH H XY 4 XH H XX*** **H H ****** H 4 |* H ****X H*****H*******4 H***XX HX HXX H H*****H** 4| H | 4 H H **** * ** H H e XXX XXX H H **************************** Three snares, three bad guys. But you'd do well only to use two of them. The third bad guy belongs in that hole, so you can cross over him and get the gold. It's not tough to get started here. L, U/R, and D at the big ladder to get the snare. You'll want to wait for one bad guy to come down after you. Then a bad guy should be to the left--drop left and use the snare. If he's not then you have even more time to place the snare. You should next be able to fake out two bad guys to get the snare on the left. Just manipulate the far left ladder to glue them together, then outrun them to the top of the center ladder. Fall left, UL, and fall left again. Don't worry about the key; get it the next time around when only one bad guy is chasing you. You should have plenty of time to fall left and bag the second guy. Now for the tough part--the gold you can't reach without help. Then come around for the key and head up the central stair again. Stand on the right edge and when a bad guy runs for you, fall right, dig the left square, quickly get the gold and drop in the hole. The monk will try to go right to follow you. This allows you to follow his path to get the final gold. 16 points for 4 4-pointers. Level #096 Y'S SPIRAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He XXHe ..^.. XH1 XH*********************HXH1 XHXHe ^ HXHXH1 XHXH*****************HXHXH1 XHXHXH^e HXHXHXH1 XHXHXH*************HXHXHXH1 XHXHXHXge ||| ||^HXHXHXHXH1 XHXHXHX**********HXHXHXHXH1 XHXHXH HXHXHXHXH1 XHXHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHXHXHXH1 XHXH ^ HXHXHXH1 XHX*****************XHXHXH1 XH ^ HXHXH1 XH********************XHXH1 GXH ^ ^ HXH1 This level seems interminable, but fortunately bombs can help you out a good deal here. The rough plan is to get to the center, then get each snare and spiral out further each time, finally using the key so that when you dig the UL square you fall into the door. This takes time--lots of it--but fortunately the bombs cut down on that some. Use them on the side walls to go outside the spiral more quickly--the further out, the better. Faking out bad guys should not be too tough. Basically you'll want to get in a hole and note they go off to the left every time you do, meaning that finding a hole on the bottom will help your progress immensely. Also if you can pot the nearest bad guy on the right hand side(climb up the RH ladder as he just trails,) so much the better. He won't obstruct you as you go out. Therefore you may need to back up in the spiral at first--it's much more efficient to save the bombs 'til later. Once you get a snare, you can probably walk to nail the first two, but later on you'll want to use a bomb or two to get out quickly, place the snare at the base of the temporary new platform created, and get back inside for the next snare. Figuring how to solve this level efficiently is more of an interesting puzzle than figuring how to solve it, period. 15 points for 15 1-pointers. Level #097 A STOPLIGHT ~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~ HX ~ XXH HXX 444 +3 444~ XXXH HXXX 4XXX XXX4~ XXXXH HXXXX 4XXXXX XXXXX4~XXXXXH HXXX33XXXXXX 3 XXXXXX33X H H****VXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXVXXXXXH HXXXX1XXXXXXX1XXXXXXX1XXXXXH HXXX 1 XXXXX 1 XXXXX 1 XXXXH HXX ~ XXX ~1 XXX ~~ XXXH HX X X 3XXH HX222122XXX XXX3 H HXXXX1XXXXXXX1XXXXXX XXXXX H H X eX eXee XX H HX3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 3 H H H H This is a darkness level, but it's actually very mild. There's one enemy running around where you can't see him right away. You may want to lure him up the left ladder all the way and dig right twice ASAP so he's history. But first, to finish most conveniently, drop right, left, fall through the trap, drop right, drop left. Dig right to trap the enemy and dig the rightmost square. Fall out when the bad guy's close. The rest requires a bit of thought on digging, but not too much. 3-dig left from the compartment by the far right ladder until you can fall on the one skull. Get the skull on top of the 1-ladder. The next part is on both sides, which are mirror images so the same methods apply. Fall onto the 3-platform with the three treasures. Then fall to the right and drop through the trap. Go back up the ladder and dig the leftmost square and drop. Continue and you'll get that skull that eluded you before. The door is just under where you started. Take either top rope to get there. Level #098 DRAGON SLAYER * H ~~~ e e ~~~~ * *HH .HHHHHHHHH. H *1* HH HHH HHH. HH H XXXXHH H H. HH. H ~~H XX2XXH .H HH. HH.H 1 H H XXXXXuHH~~HH. HHH X H HH XX XXX HH HH X H H H XXXXXXX H ~H XX H H H XXXXXXXXH~H~~ H XX H H H X XXXX4XXH H H XX H H H H~XXXXX1XH H XX H H H H XXXXXXXXXH XXX H H H~ XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX H HH XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX H H 11XXXXX XXX X XXXXX H + XXXXXXXX 2XXXXXXX H You need five bombs to get through the bottom, so try to save one of the lower center bombs for later during your first run through, so time won't be an issue when bombing the lower part. And you need two bombs on the left part of the structure--so you can afford to waste bombs here if you mess up clearing the two adjacent encased bombs. The first order of business is to fake out your pursuers enough so that you can dig right of the pit below and 2-1 dig out to get the gold on the left. It doesn't hurt to draw enemies as far left as you can and run right and fall--preferably right on the square where you can start digging, right of the ladder with ropes to each side. Although you might first want to go to the top between them, then drop down and run across the rope to the left. You don't want to dig enemies up, as they have a nasty habit of reappearing in or by the pit. Once you've got the gold, go to the UR and fall left. You'll now need to start bombing around a lot. If any guys regenerate in the DL make sure they run all the way right before you climb. Now to use the rest of your ammo. One bomb is used three squares right of the 4-treasure. U, 2R, U, L(avoid the bomb if possible or failing that avoid the one above,) U, L, drop, 2-1 dig and drop for the next gold piece. To the finale: from the top ladder, dig left and leave a bomb on the new platform. Circle around and drop to get the gold chest. Then before you drop into the pit to the right, leave another bomb. You can then fall left, dropping to get the gold chests. Run left to the door. Level #099 HELP! Xe 3~~ u e e~~~~ + XH** XXH**XXXH** **xxxHX XHXX XXHXXXXXHXX XXXXXHX XHXX 3XXHXX3 HXX XX XXHX XHXX*X#XHXXX#XHXX XX.XXHX XHXXXXXXHXXXXXHXX XXXXXHX XHXX XXHXX3 HXX3 XXXXXHX XHXX XXHXX*#XHXX*#X XX HX XHXX XXHXXXXXHXXXXX XX HX H H H3 H3 ***H*SS*********#*** ******* XXXHXXXXXXX XX XXXX XXXHXXXX X XX X H HXXH X4XX ***XX****XX******XXXXX****** The tricky thing here is to spot the squares with hidden gold. Fortunately you can dispatch bad guys pretty easily--let them follow you down, dig each once, and then go over the hill maybe digging one guy in the way, and they're stumped. The visible gold falls quickly if you go down, let the bad guys approach, and circle U, R. Then a few 2-digs down will pick up a bomb. You can go up top and get bad guys to come over, run past, and drop into the L. From there you can 2-1 dig for one skull and dig the only square you can for another. Next you can place the bomb up against the right wall to gain access to the gold; if bad guys are hanging around, get them out of the way first. No matter how many are stacked up against the hill, you can outsmart them with a quick dig, down, wait(or go right and dig if one is falling to meet you) and go back up to trap one at a time. The rest of the level consists of letting them close, digging if necessary, and hiding out when you're on a different ladder. 2-1 digs in each bottom fork of E nets a hidden gold, and some 2-digging down in H gets another. Door in the UR; again, use the ladder base to bring monks toward you before running up. Level #100 + hX*h *eee*e*e**e*e*eee**h*XH hX*h ***X.X.X..X.X.*** *h*XH HX*h %~ ********H **h*XH HX*h * *** ***H h*XH HX*h XX HXXXXXX XXHh*XH XX*h HXXX . *** Hh*XH B*h HXX XXXXH XXXXh*XH . h H XXX ***H h*XH HX*h XXXX HXX XXXXHh*XH HX*h ~~~ HXXX3 XXX~~~~~Hh*XH HX*hX X *3 3 * h*XH HX** XXX **** h*XH Hh** . ** ** B **XH Hh****X***** **********XH h*h X .. X XH This level looks harder and more confusing than it really is. Take the pickaxe and use it on the ceiling to the right, where the dirt will fall to the bottom. Then fall right and start running up the structure--it zigzags around a bit. You'll get two bombs on the way before you reach the dead end by the bad guys. Let a bomb off and retreat, then follow the bombs at 3-pace range before crossing. Get the drill once on the other side. There are many dead ends here but the first thing to do is clear; dig down on top of the central of the skulls. 9 points total for 3 3-pointers. Level #101 IMPORTANT BIG BOMBER + t* ***** **********X********X******H *********X********X*******H ********X********X********H ** **HB ** ** H B22222222222**B222222222** H XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX#XX H * * * * uH H*1*H*1*H*1*H*1*H*********** H*1*H*1*H*1*H*1*H*******X*** H*1*H*1*H*1*H*1*H*******XV** H*1 H*1 H*1 H*1 H***** *T 20 2-ptrs + 20 1-ptrs + 3 3-ptrs + 3 4-ptrs = 61 total points. Very straightforward level here until the end, where you have to do a bit of guesswork. Get the big bomb. Note there are two streaks of soft ground. Get the treasure to the left and place the bomb two squares left of the left soft square on the top. Run right. Then dig the soft squares and fall in the pits. Run left once you drop into the rectangular chamber, digging right when you hit the edge. Get the big bomb, of course. Then run to the right, wait, and dig left late enough so the bad guy doesn't get stuck in the hole; he can regenerate in the DL which presents an insurmountable obstacle for you. Run across him and dig your way out in the far left once he runs at you again. U, R, fall, R, and repeat until you're back where you started. Now repeat this similar process for the right chamber; however, you'll want to dig the far right square to leave, as a hidden bomb is under there. It's not critical to avoid killing the bad guy, but it makes the level that much smoother. What to do with the last bomb? You can't dig to make a hole you can stand in, but fortunately if you place it below the right edge of the structure, the one soft square below is a trap. Then you can use the bomb once you land and after you've stepped out of the way, enter the teleporter. It'll kick you to the top where the door waits. Level #102 QUICK START 2~~ 2 22* e~~ HH *H *H H*H1 *H *XHH2*H *H *H *HH *H1 *H 2*H *H *H *H *H1 *H1 *H XH *H 2 *H *He *H1 *H1 *H *H * H *H *H *H1 *H1 *H XH XH *H *H *H1 *H1 *H *H HH *H *H *H1 *H1 *H XH4 HXH *H *H *H1 *H1 *H H4 H XH *H *H *H1 *H1 HH H XH XH HH *H *H1 *H H*HH 3XH XH H*H *H *H1 *HH *H u XH XHH *H *H *H *H *4 XH XH2 *H *H H *H + H eXH *H2e*H H*H 2*H2 SSSXXXXSSSXSSSSSSSSSXXXSXXSS Go immediately right after falling and dig. Then go up the stairs and dig left but go to the top of the ladder before dropping. This will buy time so you can safely go back right and dig. Once this is done the rest of the level is pretty easy. You can climb up the straight ladder this time and to the top. Wait a bit, run/fall right across the bad guy and you should get to the gold below. Wait at the bottom, dig and go uver him, up, and DR to get to the chest that's on the goo(can't dig there, so you have to pin the bad guy behind the wall.) Go to the UL corner then right and drop all the way down right. An enemy will be there but you should run over him. You can get the chest at the bottom DR and then climb up, and you should be able to fake the bad guy out if you're both at the bottom, but you can always go up a way to take the chests then cut back down to make your lead insurmountable. The next diagonal which leads to the DR--fall all the way. Climb up go UL. If the bad guy follows you, it should not make a difference--your plan is to go to the top and get the chests and then drop right to the bottom getting the semi-suspended one. The monk will fall to the right to chase you once you're at the bottom, and now you can take the right ladder up further. Pick off the gold below the rope and then wait for the bad guy to come up. Dig a hole and go right, falling down the long chute. Once the bad guy falls to follow you, go left and UL, U, DR and fall into the door. Level #103 FALLING ON THE HEAD t t t tt t t t e e e ee e e e 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4+4+ +4+ +44+ +4+ +4+4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 T 44 T 4 4 4 4 T 44 T 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 Tu TT T teleporter(below) to teleporter(above:) 1st->7th 2nd->8th 3rd->5th 4th->6th 5th->3rd 6th->4th 7th->1st 8th->2nd Rule of thumb: transporter always kicks you to the other side, and there are always loops of two falls via the path of least resistance. The big problem you have here is that you need to get to the central teleporters. Once you do, the rest is very low-risk. How to get to work? Go left immediately into transporter 1. Drop on the fallen bad guys and then head right into transporter. Then go right to #7. This clears the first two drops of gold pieces. If you leave one guy behind no big deal. Eventually you will be able to walk over 2 guys at once even if you muddle around bouncing between the transporters but the important thing to do is to go back and forth until you can walk over bad guys and reach the center. Eventually they'll "see" you there and all run in. If you want to speed up the process, step off the teleporter drops for a bit so monks will run at you. Once you're in the main transporter cycle, you may want to step out from the center transporter to goad the rest of the enemies in. This makes clearing the sides less stressful. The center shouldn't be much problem--eventually when you fall in the center you'll land on an enemy, and then you can switch to the other teleport and clean up what's there. Each center teleport is part of a different back-and-forth with separate falls, so you can clean everything in the center that way. The edge is another matter. When on one of the short drops, eventually you'll land on top of a monk, and when you do, move to the door. This will send you down the side. You'll have to hit each transporter that doesn't have monks falling into it. Finally to get to a door you'll need to enter a transporter from the side(try a center one) just after a bad guy enters, and then you can drop either way to get one of those doors. A whopping 304 points here for 76 4-pointers, the most by far of any level. Level #104 HARD TIME +*XXB X ~ *** B X4***u H****X**** XHX X*H*X*r*XXX *H*X 4 X. ~ HXXXXXH*X*** XX 4 ***X**** *H**XXXH .**BXX **H *X4X X ~ H11XXXH*****X*X 4H.*V*HSS SS*XXXXH . ~* ` H.X XH XXXXX XH*** **X* 4H.X XH ~XBXBXXXH X4B4 H**V*SSS SH*************H H*** *H* 4^. X .^4 XH H4 *********H*H***H*H***H*H H *B * * %*H*H.^4HXH4^.HXH H4XXX * * H**H************** H H***H **B4*. * $** H4************H****H**H*H*H H *4*H *S*H*H$H*H. buried = 4 points First, note there's no margin for error with bomb usage. There's also a necessary order to completing the level that is only clear with trial and error. But you have an incredible variety of puzzles and don't even need teleports thrown in. Not much choice to start, is there? Dig right twice, drop, dig left, drop, dig left, drop, get bomb, dig right, set bomb off, drop right and get the pickaxe as you go right. Dig left and use the pickaxe over the bad guy once he falls in. Now proceeding to the right, get the two bombs and then after getting the big one dig left. Place the big bomb on top of the ladder and drop down. Now you can 3-dig down to get the bombs to the left--not strictly necessary now, but you might as well. Then 2->1 dig so that you form a 2-chamber below. Dig left, place a bomb, and go to pick up the big bomb. After the explosion, R, U, R and now you can dig above the big bomb and get the gold. The lower right enclosure requires a lot of timed movement, but there's a huge buffer. First, place a bomb on the second-highest ladder rung. Go U, L quickly and re-enter. Place one big bomb in the room you can now access(I prefer the spot left of the opening where you got the gold,) then get the other big bomb and bring it inside. Get the remaining gold and bombs. Making sure no big bomb is in the radius, bomb the left side and once again bring one big bomb to the left and take the other one. Get the bombs and gold. Now to set off an impressive chain reaction. Place one big bomb at the right ladder base. Run three left and finally use the first of your big bombs. Then go right and pick up and use the other. 2U, L and the blast will knock you a few squares lower. Get the other big bomb and the gold. Now use a bomb on the soft square in the DR, back up, get the hidden gold, and use a bomb on top of the ladder to the right of that. Place a big bomb in the far left. Now you can access the central ladders and get the big bomb at the top there. Place a small bomb where it was, then go across the rope and up. Place another bomb, D, U, R, U, detour L for a bomb, to the top, L. Place a third bomb. Enter and now wait for the wall behind to heal. Drop(don't light) your big bomb by that wall so it is out of the way of your next blast, but get the big bomb by the left wall and light your final bomb. Place the big bomb, not at the left edge of the expanded chamber, but one square away. This will allow a stair passage to the top. Dig down until you fall through traps. Place a big bomb one right of the left edge. For the final part you'll have to avoid the bad guy you thought you wiped out in the UR. After dropping down and getting the big bomb, go to the ladder on the left and fall for the gold. There's some more gold to get and fall for above, and once done with that you'll want to get the three bombs too. Then you'll fall back to the platform with the bad guy. This time drop to the DL and when the monk falls, U, R and head to the drill. Drop the bomb just before you get the drill and when the monk is close, drill down. You can sneak right to get the gold and then out and you'll just miss the falling monk. From there, circle around to get the big bomb, letting the monk follow you closely. Use the bomb where you fall. That will blow away the wall but not the ladder. Then you can go up the center stair and use three bombs as before to get to the top, where you can use the ladders to get to the UL door. Level #105 U2IIE2 t 1 1 e T 1 H H XHXVXXXHXXXXHXXXXXH H H H tH H H H H H H ***********XHSSSSSXXXXXXX* 1 e t *X************** XHXXXXXH * t*2 H 1 1 H H*tT1t T1t T1 X* TH H H H1H*XXXX XXX XXXX* ***********XXXX XXX XXXX* 1 1e *TX XX T* XXXXH***H *XXHXXXXXH***XX*+ 1 H H *XXH1 . H * XXXXH***H *1 HXXXXVXXXH * e H H *$XHXXXXVXXXHX$* XXXXXT1 H * tH 11 H e*e This level is for all purposes divided into four parts, in order: DL, center left(CL,) DR, and upper. It's impossible to move back to the main area of earlier levels as well. Try not to entomb a bad guy--it's possible to slip by one on the top, but not two. The DL is straightforward enough. Dig right and wait for the bad guy to fall in. Then go past him--maybe leave a dig just behind after waiting a second--and clean up the rest, pausing at the top to trap him again. You may also want to move down sharply from the top to enter the teleporter because otherwise the bad guys on the right may close in. You can use the runaround without digging for the second part, although you will probably want to dig the bad guy before healeaves to make sure he has treasure. The ladders allow you to jump over your pursuers or send them in the wrong direction here. In the third part, hold right at the very start as the bad guy is down quickly. Then watch for the trap in the middle. Sucker a bad guy to one side, walk over him and then dig for the hidden gold at the edge in the middle platform. It's easy to flip him around with the trap now and you'll want to bomb a way to the right transporter. Once in it you can jump across the top through the teleportal hoops for a few more small freebies. Note: the transporter left of the main area leads to the upper right, a long fall, and that monk in the DR. Up at the top, the fourth and final part, get the UL chest and wait for the bad guy to come. Get him up the stairs and fall right--that's a clear path. Once the gold is cleared, drop off the ledge to the right. You'll get the final gold, and if you got all the gold, a door will appear between you and the monk you're about to fall on. The teleporter you passed by is, incidentally, a ghost teleportal. Level #106 TOWARD MACHINE I'm going to use two maps here to show how the level is divided by where you can go. ** LEVEL MAP ** + t **************************** X t X X Xu XX XX XX XXT T X333333TXT 44X1234 TX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX T X X tX X tX X X tX 2X X X Xt XT444XT33 X T XT Xe TXe XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X t X X X X tXt XTX XtX XTX X X etX TX3 TX et XT XT XX ** AREA TELEPORTAL MAP ** **************************** X X X X 5 XX 2 XX 3 XX 4 XX 1 X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 6 X X X X X X X 7 X 8 X 9 X 10 X 11 X X X X X X X12 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X 14X X X 18X X 21 X X 15 X X 17 X X 19 X X 13 X X 16X X X 20XX 1: teleport to 12(death)/dig to 6 2: teleport to 12(death)/dig to 1, 7, 8 3: teleport to 8/dig to 9, 10 4: teleport to 17(death)/dig to 3, 10, 11 5: teleport to 12(death)/dig to 4 6: teleport to the top(death without all gold, do this last) 7: teleport to 12(death)/dig to 14 8: teleport to 13(death)/dig to 15 9: teleport to 12(death)/dig to 17 10: teleport to 4/dig to 18 11: teleport to 21(death if bad guy follows) 12: death 13: death 14: teleport to 16 15: teleport to 14 16: teleport to 10 17: death 18: teleport to 7 19: teleport to 19(not death, but you have to restart) 20: teleport to 2 21: no teleport/dig to 20 I've included this information so you can still work it out for yourself if you'd like. --Dig to get to 4(L square) --Dig to get to 10(L square) --Enter the transporter back to 4 --Dig to get to 3(R square at top) --transporter to 8 --dig to 15 --transporter to 14 --transporter to 16 --get gold, transporter to 10 --transporter to 4 --dig to 11, drop above portal so you're zapped through without bad guy catching up(to 20) --drop, dig L to 21 --get gold, dig to 7 --get gold, those three bad guys look menacing. But don't worry. A bomb will turn up. The rest, which you've mostly done, is shorthand. --dig to 14. 16. 10. 4. Dig to 11, 20, dig to 21, dig to 1, dig to 6 Now when the leader of the bad guys is two squares away, drop the bomb. You can now run past to the next level. Level #107 HIDDEN G t G t XXXXXH ~ h*h ~ HX 333 XH h***h HX HX4 SSSS*** ************ ******* ~ ~ H****H HXHX4XHXH H$$$$$ <-where's ladder/you/enemy? H * XHX4X4X4XHHX H$$$$$ HXXXXg* ************ *H$$$$$ ***SS* ~~ ; 4 ~~ ****** 222 ~ ****VSSSS* 22 * XH & 4 4 H* ** ******* *****V*SSSS* ******* ~~~~~ 4444 ~ $$H H$$$$H 4$HX HXXXXXXXXH ` 4$HX HXTXXXXXXXXXXXXTSSSSSXX In this level, the teleports cross you over to the top at the other side, so you can run through as many times as you want. I'll section this level off into left, center and right, proceeding from top to bottom areas within. Left, top: this is tricky because a bad guy in the DR can run into the teleporter and muck your plans up a bit. If you see him there, you may want to dig and wait first to respawn him somewhere harmless or even get the gun for when you run out the sticky stuff. Once he's out of the way you can dig left from the ladder, go down, wait eight seconds, dig left, U, L and dig the far left. Go right. Left, 2nd-top: you don't need to go through this until you're almost done. Four right digs from the bottom of the stairs should work, and you'll get the key and get out easily. Left, 3rd-top: you need the pickaxe forthis. It should be easy to fake out one of the bad guys, drop right from the rope, and get the pickaxe. Even if the other follows, you can dig him and run left. With the pickaxe, use it left and climb on the rubble three times. Left, bottom: Dig left down twice, then wait for the top to heal, and dig the bottom square. U, L, dig left, drop. Center, top: you have to approach this from both sides. HXHX4 XHX4X4 Stand above the stair over the gold. Dig both ways(right first,) wait four seconds, drop and dig both ways. When the top right heals, run over it to fall for the two gold and go left. For the right, you just need to dig down right from the ladder above the gold. Center, lower: you must approach from the right. Go left for the top gold and if you can go back right and drop once just off the edge, do so. If not just come back to drop off the rope to the lower ledge the next time. The goo and the gun on the left aren't too useful. You can probably dig the bad guys a bunch to clear the area, then you can just dig all the top platform for treasures beneath. Right, top: Dig right from the first ladder and down right twice from the second. You've got all kinds of time for this. Right, center: This requires five digs right, a drop, and two repeat performances. If any bad guys are on your trail, you may have to delay this a bit. Right, bottom: pickaxe right over the pit, right, pickaxe, get gold, and go left. The encased gold is worth 1 point in the left and right but 4 in the center. Level #108 TREMENDOUS ~~ TX*H XXX*H~~~~~~|*~~~~~~ 11 HX* H2 t*He111 t*XH1111H t HX**1HXXH**HXXXXX**XHt t H XXX*1 ** 1H*TH e 1**XH H ***1H T*HXX********** H T TH Tt 1H H*H |XXX1#X#X#B~H~~~~H ***********X**X****** H1111H .XXXXXXXXXX*g~~~ t** Heeee* ************H ********** 4 *.1.*H~~111**XXXXXXXX 1 1~~H****T HXXX********** 1HXXX H~~.********* 11~~~| HX1 1 %t T* 1B**t1*XHT1X HXXXXXXX* *~~~******XX H~HS H 1u T * *111****X*X*X*HXXS H1XXXXXX*1XXX* T**X*1X*XHX*G Rough teleporting map: +----+----+----+ 1a->3(later, drill/dig to 1b) |1a/b| 2 | 3 | 1b left->1a right->1b +----+----+----+ 2 ->6 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 3 rt->2 left->5 | 5 u->1b d->4(later, drop to 4) +----+----+----+ 4 rt->2 left->3 | 6 ->1a 5->4 +>1b ^ v main cycles: 4->3->2->6->1a->3 | ^ +-----+ This level requires a huge organizational effort to get through. The first thing to do is get the drill and dig left. Then get the bomb and fall into the teleporter. You'll be kicked to 2, a room with two bad guys. Your first task is to use snares on both of them. Dig a couple of holes for them, run across and then dig behind. You can leave a snare at the ladder top and drop after the first bad guy gets caught. Getting the next snare is a bit trickier but if you just go two left of the receptacle, dig on each side, and drop right to get the next snare. Dig right at the ladder, place the snare and go up. Both bad guys are now tied up. Teleport to 6 and get all the gold you can there. Then you can get the two gold in 1a. Take the next teleporter to 3. Here you can clear out all but one gold chest on the first trip. Just go to the DR corner, wait, and then U, L and drop to get the leftmost gold pieces. The upper chest to the right is are easier to get by the same method. You can get the lower ones dropping after getting the UL. Finally you'll want to drop into the left transporter first. This leads to the right side of 5. Dig the right square on the ledge below, fall in and drill. Drop down and then drop left. Get the three gold and drill the right square. Take the transporter to 4. You've now completed one cycle and can be a bit more mobile without the drill. Now you can dig to drop to the transporter and in 2 fall onto the final gold you haven't gotten there. You'll go past some familiar rooms as you run through the transporter cycle, but once you get to 1a, instead of taking the transporter, you'll want to dig the two squares below and drill the right one. This leads to another chamber, 1b, where you can pick off some gold and also use your first bomb. Place it where the snare is and go up the near ladder. Then drop into the gap it created and drill down until there's a platform on the left. Get the two bombs and the gold. Then drill the far left to get back to the DL again. Now you want to use a couple of snares on the bad guys in 3. Leave the drill in 4. 4->3->2->6(get snare)->1a->3, drop and place the snare one left of the right ladder. Then get the drill in 4 and 4->3->2->6->1a- >1b(get snare--you want to leave the drill here)->1a->3, and here you may want to go between the two teleporters at the top and place the snare where you drop. Next order of business is to get the other big bomb. Go one right of the UL of 3 and drop when the bad guys are near. Quickly L, R onto the rope, and drop down. You will have just enough time to run across the bottom. Repeat the process to get into the nook, but this time, bomb. Repeat a third time to follow the chain reaction that leads to the gold piece to the left. Fall into 5, which drops you to 4. ** START IMPORTANT NOTE ** You're almost there, but now that you've done all this hard work, don't let it go to waste. Be sure to bring the green key down to 6, via 4->3->5->4->3->2->6->1a->3->5(here, bomb the left ledge below the rope before falling right for one more gold)->4. Place it at the top of the ladder in the center there. Take a similar route to bring the big bomb down to the DR and place it there. Your final trip will be one-way, so you need to have everything there. Recoup the drill. You'll need to burn some bridges now. ** END IMPORTANT NOTE ** The first order of business after the general transportation is to get to 1b. The drill should be there. Use the bomb one square right of the edge and run to get the drill. Get the bomb and drill over the gold piece. You can teleport to 6 now, but you can't get out. I actually completely missed this and drilled down, which is fun enough that I'll show it below for people who like alternate solutions. ** TANGENT AHEAD ** Go to the up-center area. From the UR of here, drill down to provide an easy way back from using the right transporter. Then get in the right transporter, drill down, leave a bomb when you hit the soft ground, and fall right and reenter. When you drop down, you can drill some more. The bad guys shouldn't follow, but if one was consumed by the bomb and tries to drop on you, don't worry. The bomb created a hole for him to get stuck in. Go all the way down until you're left of a transporter. ** END OF TANGENT ** Once you've drilled/teleported to the DR room, there's one more puzzle--and you have to do it right the first time through. proceed as follows. Dig the right edge and drop. One left of the ladder, dig left and drill. R, U, L, drop and drill. Go to the center square, dig on each side, and drill. Now you can get the gold. Swap for the bomb. Use the bomb at the base of the stairs. Run up to get the green key. D, R to get to the door and use it. Level #109 USE ITEM H~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ H XXX XXXXXXXXXH *XX XXXXXXXH X3X XXXXXXXXXH XX* 4 H~~H V XXXXXXXXXH *XX SH H 1 XXXXXXXXXH XXX H*******H XXXXXXH hyY Heee.X4*HXXXXXXH XXXXXXH h** ******V*HX&B%`XH XXX4XXH h 1 H*XXXX*H XXXX H h** e ********e 1*H h 2 XXXXXXXXXX*X***HSXXXXXHXSh** ~ e H *X2X*H h*e XXH*H# *XXXXXXXH *XX2*H* h** 1XH* #H* XH **$******** XH*H#3*3 XH *********SSSSSSHXXXXXXXXXXX2 This is a clever sort of reprise, ostensibly requiring use of all four tools. Only problem: you don't need the gas as the pickaxe is just as effective holding the bad guys at bay when you release them. Others are more efficient. So dig down two squares while on the ladder right of the structure that houses the trapped single bad guy and the items. You can remove three(all except the gun) in one trip pretty easily. Use the bomb first- -at the edge of the platform in the DR. The pickaxe next--use it above the fellow trapped in the pit, climb on him and use the pickaxe again to get the gold. Leave the pickaxe at the ladder base to the right as it works well there later. The drill is your main tool for this level. Let's first use it in the DR. Across the goo is a small complex with two golds buried. Dig the two squares left of the goo, drop, dig right and drill. Get the gold. Dig two right and drill and get another gold. Dig to get the hidden gold. Now look at the huge complex on the top. Dig 5 to the left all the way down until you are near the gold piece. Then you want to dig as follows: 12345H 67XXXH X8$XXH X9 H Go back up to the top and dig over the buried gold--there's a trap below it that leads you to another gold. Now for the DL. The very DL shouldn't be too hard. You've probably seen it in other more complex forms. Dig 1 and 2, and when 1 heals, dig 3. Then U, L, dig 4. 41 2 $3 There's another timing puzzle you've seen on level 93 to the right. 1H H2 3H Dig 1, wait 7-8 seconds, dig 2 from the right, and if 1 comes up within 2 seconds dig it, else wait a bit longer to re-dig. Then drop down to 3 and dig it from the left after 6 seconds. Go back up, digging after you've crossed a block, then fall in and climb back up. There are three drillable squares to the right, and you'll want to go through them. Go to the right edge of the goo and now tap left so you get a head start when you release the bomb and go hard left. Plenty of time to get back right from here. The bad guys guarding the suspended gold now look tough, but there's an easy way to dispose of them. Drill so you land on the right edge of the upper compartment they're in. Let them come close, drill again, head right to the wall, drill down, and change the drill for the pickaxe. Use the pickaxe left--it's gotten all the bad guys out of the area--and get the drill back. Now go to the top and start digging. Bad guys re-form in the DR once you've got them in a hole, which makes them irrelevant. You can drop through unmolested and get the suspended gold. For the final part, go to the UR. You will have to alternate digging two right and drilling with digging two left and drilling on each level. Eventually you can dig to the door level. Switch the drill for the key to unlock the door, then swap back. Drill below the door, not the key, to get the final gold. The bad guys are incapacitated so just climb back up to the platform, where you enter the door before you have a chance to fall. Level #110 GODAI t t t t u e e e e XXh XXXXhhXXXXhhXXXh XX XXXXX XXXXh XX X X X XXhhXXh 4 X XXX X X X XX XXXhhX X+ XX X X X X XXXX 4 XX44XX X X X XX X X X XXXX X44XX X XX X X X XXXXX XX44XX XXXX X XXXXX X44X X XX X X T T T T SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS This level is so much more pleasant if you do it in the following order: O, D, A, I, G. You do need a bit of foreknowledge here of where the door is to end without getting in too much of a muddle. What you must note is that you need to enter a transporter from the side just after a bad guy falls in it to be on top of him. Then you usually need to fall to the right(hold right after enterting the transporter) and dig a bit for the gold. The formula for getting to the side is just to wait a bit until you catch up to your enemy and can drop left. Then the next time down you can walk in right after him. For O, dig the rightmost, drop, dig left. For D, dig the rightmost, drop, dig left. For A, dig the rightmost and drop twice. Then dig left. You'll fall a way, then dig right and fall. For I, you may be able to do this in one go, but otherwise you may want to approach from the side twice and then just go right when a chest is there. If you miss being able to go right, then just bounce off to the side and try again. Now that you're by the G you need to take some special precautions as having to perform the trek there and back again would be tedious. The ladders that pop up give monks access to you and a very good shot at killing you. Get just on top of the monk at the top as before. Drop left and into the G where there are two gold chests. But now wait until the monk regenerates at the top before getting the second gold. Go back left, dig right and when the monk is about to drop, fall through where you dug. You can wait for any monks near the G to drop from the ladders before entering the transporter, then go to the top of the G, dig left, drop, dig left, drop, dig right and fall onto the bad guy. Now you can walk back left. 40 total points = 10 4 pointers Hooray! The end. Ending spoiler is below. No matter if you skip a bunch of levels or go through the right way, you still get the same scene. Jake slips into a huge computer control room. He snoops around and slips on a monk costume. Then he looks around some more and pulls a big plug in the wall, running out the right door. No special messages or anything. 5. HIGH SCORE LISTS Original high score list(for laughs) 1 greyfax 00300 015 2 hoeltergeist 00299 015 3 sunset bunny 00298 015 4 scheherazade 00211 012 5 erich z 00194 011 6 wormwood 00193 008 7 ishmael 00101 007 8 arthur dent 00002 001 1 sooozie 00201 7 2 taliesin 00200 7 3 galadriel 00198 6 4 sparrowhawk 00167 5 5 cal 00165 5 6 capt. stormfield 00143 4 7 gilgamesh 00137 4 8 randolph carter 00121 3 Identical to LRLR, so see that FAQ for a who's who. End of FAQ proper ================================ 6. VERSIONS 03/03/03: submitted version 1.0.0 to GameFAQs.com. It's a stronger one than I'd hoped for when I made this release date, with most level details and maps nailed down. I'm wrestling with how much of the control is a duplicate of my LRLR FAQ, but it's only a few extra K to download. 7. CREDITS The usual reviewers' gang at GameFAQs: bloomer, daremo, falsehead, MaxH, RetroFreak, Snow Dragon, ursil(whose review helped too,) VGRevolution and others I know I forgot. I should write a shell outline to take care of this as it is getting a bit long. half.com and whoever sold me this game from half.com--after buying so many they all blend together. Doug Smith for being a student at Washington, writing a game called Miner, and etc. ... Whoever's book/website it was that taught me JavaScript so I could draw up certain maps with point and click. Jack's Pizza for de-frozen store-bought nourishment and sustenance(pepperoni/mushroom, bacon cheeseburger, and Fiesta. They're good--I swear!