Deep Fear File FAQ Copyright 3-5-2007 by Damon Didcott Legalize : This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Deep Fear and all its related trademarks and copyrights are owned by SEGA, I'm just a guy writing down text. Think that's it! Thanks to : SEGA, and all the regulars on the Deep Fear board - Gar_field, blueheat, admiralhowdy and codeblue2 for all their enthusiasm and help! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, this FAQ will let you know where to find all sixteen Files in the game, and also provides the English translation for those of you with a non-English version. I've reproduced them as accurately as possible, even to the point of including in the odd typo and weird bit of grammar! Contents 1. File Order 2. Location of Files 3. File Texts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. File Order File 1: CCD Area, meeting room bookshelf File 2: CCD Area, Clancy's bookshelf in his office File 3: Apartment Area, storage room desk File 4: DN Area, Anna's desk in her room File 5: CCD Area, Dubois' right side bookshelf in his room File 6: MI Area chemical room (poisoned) far counter top [Disc 1 only] File 7: CCD Area left side bookshelf in his room File 8: CCD Area, ERS room couch (after Gena leaves) [Disc 2 only] File 9: MI Area, Gena's desk in her room [Disc 1 only] File 10: Navy Area reading room near communication board B [Disc 2 only] File 11: CCD Area, Clancy's desk in his office File 12: Navy Area, cabinet room shelf opposite DV tape 2 [Disc 2 only] File 13: SF Area, Sharon's desk in her room [Disc 2 only] File 14: Navy Area, pod room computer monitor [Disc 2 only] File 15: Navy Area, soldier's corpse in soldier's quarters [Disc 2 only] File 16: Junk Area resting room, Bob's computer monitor [Disc 1 only] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Location of Files The Files aren’t actually numbered in-game, but there are sixteen slots in your File section so for simplicity I’ve given them numbers according to where they appear. Also, you don’t get the Files in numerical order...some Files you’ll get way before others. Just know that there are sixteen in total, and this list shows you in what order you’ll find them : File 1: CCD Area, meeting room bookshelf File 2: CCD Area, Clancy's bookshelf in his office File 6: MI Area chemical room (poisoned) far counter top [Disc 1 only] File 16: Junk Area resting room, Bob's computer monitor [Disc 1 only] File 3: Apartment Area, storage room desk File 4: DN Area, Anna's desk in her room File 9: MI Area, Gena's desk in her room [Disc 1 only] File 5: CCD Area, Dubois' right side bookshelf in his room File 7: CCD Area left side bookshelf in his room File 11: CCD Area, Clancy's desk in his office File 15: Navy Area, soldier's corpse in soldier's quarters [Disc 2 only] File 12: Navy Area, cabinet room shelf opposite DV tape 2 [Disc 2 only] File 8: CCD Area, ERS room couch (after Gena leaves) [Disc 2 only] File 13: SF Area, Sharon's desk in her room [Disc 2 only] File 10: Navy Area reading room near communication board B [Disc 2 only] File 14: Navy Area, pod room computer monitor [Disc 2 only] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. File Texts ============================================================================= FILE #1 --Freeze & Preservation of Humans-- In 1973, the British Interplanetary Society announced Project Daedalus. This was a design study for sending a probe past Barnard's star, which is about 5.9 Light Years away, in the Constellation of Ophiuchus. In this project, a 54,500-ton spacecraft with huge pulse micro fusion rockets set out on its 43-year trip to Bernard's star. Its cruising speed would reach 13% the speed of light after its fourth year away from our solar system. Nearly half a century is a long way to travel - especially for humans. Not only are food and maintenance important, the biggest problem is age. If a 20-year-old astronaut were to go up, he would be 70 by the time he reaches his destination. There's no guarantee he will live that long. In order to artificially control a living organism's life, researchers are studying "Cold Sleep". This is a means of freezing and preserving life. Originally, this method was thought of for humans who have died so that they may be resurrected in the future. But, in present times, there is no such technology. This is simply a fairy tale for now. There have been reports of success in resurrecting life, though. In 1988, an American scientist was able to bring his pet dog's body temperature down to 10oC, stopping the dog's heart and brain, bringing the dog to a "dead" state. After 7 hours, he then brought the dog back to life by giving it an electric shock. Similar types of experiments have succeeded on chimpanzees as well. However, the maximum time limit for these experiments was 7 hours. This experiment did show the possibility of cold sleep, but when it comes to a matter of decades and not hours, further studies will be needed. Atomic Biology Professor Steve W. O'Brian ============================================================================= FILE #2 --Letter to Captain Dawkins-- Captain Clancy Dawkins US Navy Pacific Fleet After due consideration of all your efforts in previous incidents, and all you have done for the United States of America, you have now been appointed Chief of Command of the Underwater Fuelling Facility Base SSB-01 as of January 1, 1999. January 1, 1999 Virgil K. McBright Chief of Command US Navy Pacific Fleet ============================================================================= FILE #3 --Anna's Letter-- Hey Rescue-guys, There's no way you're gonna get those monsters with the weapons you have! Here's a Weapon Card for you guys. Be careful and good luck! Anna Lawrenson ============================================================================= FILE #4 --Manual for Big Jim IV-- Model name: ADS-JIM Type IV Developer: SHIRAHATA HI Make: 1992 Depth (m): 610 H x W (cm): 210 x 100 Weight (kg): 235 "ADS" stands for Atmospheric Diving System and is a term for deep-sea high-pressure diving suits and armour. JIM type IV was developed by Shirahata Heavy Industries and its most distinctive feature is that the whole suit is plated with compound titanium, making the weight approximately 30% lighter than its predecessors. Also, the thickness of the wall of the suit itself is much thinner. This allows more free and advanced movements of the joints. The left "arm" can be equipped with detachable units (ARU) such as an underwater burner, rock-scraping device, or spear gun. In order to use JIM Type IV, the user must enter a serial number. Not only is this a security system from theft, it prevents accidents caused by certified users. ============================================================================= FILE #5 --The Big Table History-- SSB-01: BIG TABLE July 199X: After the Cold War, the United States started building the SSN-221: SEAFOX. This was a nuclear powered submarine capable of going on long distance journeys. At the same time, talks of an underwater fuelling facility proceeded. By the end of the 20th century, Congress approved the construction of this facility and the BLUE GRADUATION PROJECT started. March 199X: The construction of the US Navy Pacific Fleet operated underwater fuelling facility SSB-01 gets approved by the Pentagon. September 199X: Dubois Amalric, a specialist in marine architecture, is appointed chief designer of the SSB-01. May 199X: Construction begins. April 199X: The main structure is built along the Mariana's Treach off the coast of Guam in the Pacific Ocean. Additional construction followed. Because of its unique form (a platform with 4 "legs"), it later became known as the BIG TABLE. The following are the main areas of the Big Table. NAVY AREA- The US Naval area capable of docking to the Big Table. CCD AREA- The command and control centre of the Big Table. APARTMENT AREA- Housing area for those working on board. ENERGY UNIT AREA- Power generating system area. AIR UNIT AREA- Area controlling the air. Makes and cleans air. JUNK AREA- Waste disposal area. May 199X: With the wave of military budget cuts, the cost of running the base becomes more and more difficult. May 199X: The government decides to rent portions of the base to civilian companies. June 199X: The following companies enter the Big Table. * MI- a world famous medical appliance manufacturer. * DN- a newly risen telecommunications company. * SeaFarm- an underwater environment developer. July 199X: New labour standards are set. 20 hours a day/ max 3 months. September 199X: The ERS (Emergency Rescue Service) is requested to station a team to aid in the event of accidents and emergencies. ============================================================================= FILE #6 --Researcher's Diary-- March 31 The special federally funded closed-area insecticide research project "Break Nest" has again hit a wall. We still haven't been able to find a formula that isn't harmful to humans. We are in the final stages of testing the 2 new drugs (Drug A and Drug B - official names will remain confidential) that MI has developed. However, we are getting experiment results that we never thought we would get. 1. The fumes of the new insecticide are extremely harmful (possibly deadly) to humans. 2. It turns out it is not so effective against insects. This disappointing result is not from miscalculation but from an unexpected chemical reaction. (The mixture ratio of the 2 drugs will remain confidential). We have defined the characteristics of Drug B itself as the fault. Drug B will have to be disposed of. As for Drug A, we have found that it has positive potentials for an insecticide and we will continue our experiments. I will have to discuss with Dr. Wiseberg what our immediate priorities are for the moment. MI Researcher Pedro Causon ============================================================================= FILE #7 --Big Table Emergency Manual-- * If for some reason (accident or malfunction) the Air Unit ceases. - Set and activate the emergency oxygen circulation system manually. The Air System (AS) is a system that filters the Tetramix in selected blocks (rooms and passages) and maintains a level amount of oxygen. Normally, Tetramix is made in the Air Unit Area and is distributed throughout the base. If for any reason this distribution ceases, the life support system of the base will go into Emergency Mode. Once in Emergency Mode, it will be possible to manually control the AS. However, this should only be used as an extreme measure. * If there is a water leak. - Find the source of the leak. Then drain using the AS. The Big Table is equipped with dual air lock doors to improve its watertight integrity. These doors provide a barrier between areas and block from each other making it impossible for water to flow from one area to another. If a source of a leak is found, activate the AS. This will fill the room with air and push the water out. * How to evacuate the Big Table. - Use the AWS or DSRV to evacuate. The AWS is a mini-sub that will be the easiest to access. However, there is a limit to the numbers of AWS at the Big Table. If there are not enough AWS, use the DSRV. This is a deep sea submarine capable of carrying a couple dozen people. As an additional option, you may temporarily evacuate to the Navy Area. In this case, you will need clearance from the Chief of Command of the Pacific Fleet. ============================================================================= FILE #8 --Gena's Letter-- Dear John, Anthony's missing. I'm going to go find him. I'll be back soon. Don't worry. Gena ============================================================================= FILE #9 --Gena's Memo-- * It seems it parasites only on mammals. Duplicates itself. * Signs - very much like the common cold. Infects the brain at a very fast place. Can be found by blood tests. * Multiplies at an explosive speed. Spreads from host to host. * If exposed to the other world, an estimated 264 hours (11 days) is all it would take to wipe out the mammals on the planet. * Should I contact Captain Clancy and have him stop the DEEP BLUE PROJECT right away? * Does not parasite on subjects that are infected by other viruses (example : influenza virus). * Weakens dramatically when exposed to oxygen. (Possible weakness?) ============================================================================= FILE #10 --The Deep Blue Project 1/2-- TOP SECRET EYES ONLY E No. 5063 Caution: The following has been classified Top Secret. Viewer must have authorisation from Captain Clancy Dawkins. Those who fail to have permission will be punished in a Military Court. In addition, any unauthorised reports of the content of this report to anyone outside the need to know including military personnel will also be punished. Clancy Dawkins. "Report on Space Pod Crew" On January 5th, a space pod was recovered near the Mariana's Trench in the Pacific Ocean. It is thought to be that of the Mercury Project from 40 years ago. NASA's official comment said that this space pod suddenly lost control after orbiting the earth half way and was remotely destroyed. It was recorded that a chimpanzee named Anthony was on board this space pod. In the recovered space pod, there was a chimpanzee on board in a near-death hibernation state. In my opinion, something happened to the chimpanzee making the body's metabolism slow. This could be the cause of this strange hibernation state. February 14th Dr. Gena Wiseberg "Report of the Parasite Cell" After 2 weeks of extensive tests, we have a clue to what kept Anthony alive. It seems to be the work of primitive parasite-like bacteria we found in Anthony's blood and tissues. Once this bacterium parasites on to a normal cell, it multiplies itself at an incredible speed until the original cells are completely destroyed. By simple calculation, if this bacterium were to parasite on to a human being, it will take over the entire body of the infected within a couple of hours. This infestation is especially fast in the brain. It takes less than an hour for the bacteria to take over the whole brain. I've named this bacteria PC (Parasite Cell). PC is not a virus. It is a completely new organism not found on this planet. All I can say for now is that it is much like the primitive parasites found on Earth. March 3rd Dr. Gena Wiseberg ============================================================================= FILE #11 --The EEC (Emergency Evacuation Committee)-- MI and DN (the 2 leading major investors of the Big Table) have been asking about EEC (Emergency Evacuation Committee) for quite some time now and whether or not it will indeed function. However due to the limited budget we have, the EEC plan has been officially postponed. Therefore, the following have been assigned as temporary measures. 1) The Cruiser Eldridge of the US Navy Pacific Fleet will be the official relief ship if any emergency should occur. 2) Staff from the ERS will be onboard the Big Table at all times. -The ERS- The ERS, or Emergency Rescue Service, is a civilian rescue squad founded by former US Army Green Beret Lieutenant Colonel Gabe Riley. Its members consist mainly of former military personnel. Unlike public operated rescue squads, the ERS specialises in special scene rescues. For instance, they are recognised worldwide for their involvement in a plane crash rescue in high altitude mountains in 1985 and an oil refinery plant explosion rescue in 1997. The ERS has 32 stations in the US all with rescue and first aid specialists. They are called in for all types of situations - civilian as well as federal. ============================================================================= FILE #12 --Mercury Project Brief-- On Oct 14, 1957, the Soviet Union succeeded in launching the first man-made satellite "Sputnik 1". Americans were astounded by this event. This later became known as the "Sputnik Shock". In August of 1958, the Eisenhower Administration established a new space investigation organisation and named it NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). THE MERCURY PROJECT The Mercury Project had 3 main purposes : 1) To have a manned space pod in the Earth's orbit. 2) To bring the pod and its crew safely back to Earth. 3) To investigate what sort of effects this new flight environment has on humans. However, in order to successfully carry out this plan, researchers had to study the natures of extreme acceleration and deceleration, space radiation, extreme temperatures and sound, weightlessness, claustrophobia, and much more. Before actually launching humans into space, NASA used hamsters, pigs, chimpanzees, dogs, and other animals as "tests". These tests are thought to have been continued until the Mercury Project ended. Mark Langley ============================================================================= FILE #13 --Sharon's Diary-- March 27 Life's so boring now. My work with my camera isn't heading anywhere. There's nowhere to go to have fun! I should have never come here. I still have 2 months to go. Oh, I recall Mooky saying something about a new ERS chief. I hope he's good looking... March 28 I think this is what they call love at first sight! John Mayor - the new ERS Chief! I just love his eyes. I just couldn't help staring into them and forgot to introduce myself. How stupid of me! Mr. Mayor, do you have a girlfriend? What type of girl do you like? I have so many questions I want to ask you! March 29 When I tried to talk to Mr. Mayor, he told me to call him John today. I'm so happy. John! John! John! John! John! John! And I also took many pictures of him at rescue practise. How time flies when you're in love! March 30 Today, we had a fire drill. We all had to follow Mr. Dubois' manual but it was a mess. John seemed to be very busy. I couldn't talk to him at all. Andrew didn't seem to be doing well. I had to stay with him and the rest of the dolphins all night. March 31 John seemed to be too busy today as well. He was running around the Big Table. I wonder when I'll be able to talk to him next? Mooky came by a while back and I told him how I felt. He promised me that he'd set up an April Fool's joke so that we get a chance to talk. How sweet of him! I'm supposed to be drowning and Mooky's gonna call John. Hopefully John will give me mouth-to-mouth! I'm so nervous! I hope he doesn't get mad. ============================================================================= FILE #14 --The Deep Blue Project 2/2-- TOP SECRET EYES ONLY E No. 5085 Caution: The following has been classified Top Secret. Viewer must have authorisation from Captain Clancy Dawkins. Those who fail to have permission will be punished in a Military Court. In addition, any unauthorised reports of the content of this report to anyone outside the need to know including military personnel will also be punished. Clancy Dawkins. "Anthony's Bodily Data" New founding on the parasite cell (PC) found inside Anthony. This PC is extremely similar to the VMH-117 bacteria, which can be found all over the world. This bacteria leeches on primates as its final host. The bacteria itself is not harmful. However, it is known that it is easily affected by strong radiation. There is a possibility that space radiation caused this mysterious change from one from to another. The amount of gamma, infrared and ultraviolet radiation in outer space is 10 to 100 times more powerful than on Earth. Add to this the 40 years Anthony was floating in space... These extreme conditions may well have been more than enough for the bacteria to mutate into some incredible parasite cell. It is known that this PC accounts from the huge "changes" in its host. This PC has the ability to slow the host's metabolism and is able to expand the life span. It is somewhat like hibernation. If we are able to cultivate this power, and the Deep Blue Project succeeds, we may have a new technology of suspended animation enabling inter-planetary travel. People suffering from incurable diseases may be put into a hibernating state until a cure is found. The possibilities are endless. But, there is one large defect in the PC. The PC starts to duplicate itself inside the host's body and devours the original cells. This results in the mutation of the host internally and externally. I believe that further studies of the cell's DNA will give us clues on this astounding new discovery. In the past, there have been reports on possible lack of calcium and muscle weakening caused by life in space. Now, I feel we are facing a new problem - life in space not only is a problem for man, but also a problem for all the bacteria, viruses and parasites living inside of man. March 21 Gena Wiseberg ============================================================================= FILE #15 --A Soldier's Letter-- Dearest Kate, I'm sorry but the honeymoon will have to wait for a while. The cargo SEAFOX brought over is Top Secret and it's my duty to guard it. It's so stupid. Who would have come all the way down here to the bottom of the ocean to steal something like this? It's always the new guy who gets jobs like this. It's not fair. You know I should have been long gone from this underwater prison by now but I hope you understand. I'm dying to see you! Bye. P.S. When I get back to the top, let's go to some exotic beach and have tequila sunrises in the sun! ============================================================================= FILE #16 --E-Mail from Pedro-- Hi Bob, Let's have another poker game tonight. I couldn't get much sleep after last night's game. By the way, that insecticide doesn't work. I guess it's a start from scratch... I guess that'll keep me locked up down here for a while. I just remembered that the mixing ratio of the 2 substances for making the insecticide is the same as your birthday! No wonder it's bad! You're probably wondering how I know your birthday. I know you have a picture on your desk with the date written on it. Well, I'll see you tonight, if you're not too chicken that is! The Brazilian Stallion Pedro Causon =============================================================================