////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean Walkthrough Version: 1.0 Created by: Rman Email: rman0099@hotmail.com Copyright: July 2004 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Table of Contents: Section Contains I About this guide II Game Basics III Characters IV Walkthrough V Legal Info and Contributions ======================================================================= I. About this guide This is my second guie; the first being a Vay level guide. People may wonder, why write a guide for a game thats nearly 10 years old and will never be looked at? Well simply because there is no quality guide for this game anywhere! One guide is pretty good but its yet unfinished and since I may want to play this game agian sometime, I would like a reliable guide for it. This guide will contain minimal spoilers and levels for each section of the game. Remember these are MY LEVELS and you dont necessarily need to be at these ones to get by. These levels will garauntee that you complete the game and my be a little high since I'm a freak about levels and I walked around like a twit for hours on end trying to write this guide (so extra fights kind of came my way). I will try to reliablely tell you what items are where in the game but I may have forgotten some. Please, don't email me to tell me that I missed this item or that one. I really don't care about one minor item here and there; my list should give a good enough idea to find 90% of the items. Also, I probably got it but forgot to write it in (I do have a lot to write so one may slip by here or there). This is simply the beta version of the guide so post on the board what you think about how its coming.If you do have questions about the game in some way, please email me. ======================================================================= II. Game Basics Well, this game is a pretty basic game but there are a few things you should know from the start: 1.) This is a Working Designs game which means there are items everywhere!!! In pots, bookshelves, barrels, everywhere! So search. 2.) Working Designs is known for their humor so go out and look for the humor. Also, have fun with the dialogue if you want. Its WD's signature and it will not affect the plot in anyway. 3.) Holding A,B,C, and pressing start gives the game a soft reset. 4.) Start brings up the status menu 5.) B cancles 6.) A and C do the same thing 7.) Probably not the section for this but.....All of the Boss HP is an approximation based on damage I inflicted 8.) Have fun!! ======================================================================= III. Characters Pike: (start 1) Description: This is you typical silent hero. He doesn't say much but he has something to talk for him. In this case his trusty talking sword. He will be a primary attacker and get the stats and weapons for it. Some of his magic attacks are pretty hand as well. Lecture: 02 Refresh: 05 Dispel: 03 Lightning: 18 Life Saver: 23 Time Trap 27 Thunder Cloud: 30 Resurrect 33 Eka: (start 5) Description: She will have a decent attack so feel free to use it like you would Pike. She also has some decent attack magic but will probably end up your primary healer (since she gets plenty of those spells). wind arrow: 05 Recover: 05 Invinigorate: 08 Refresh: 10 Aqua Lance: 13 Barrier: 17 Vortex: 21 Force Blade: 25 Dyna Stream 29 Lifesaver 32 Silence 34 Loes: (start 10) Desctiption: This sassy young preist will join you for a bit and she doesn't use a weapon. Gotta admire the bare knuckle style. Her attack is slightly lacking but using molotov cocktail can make up for it. She can serve the purpose of attacker if her levels are significantly high. Recover: 10 Molitov Cocktail: 10 Refresh: 10 Invinigorate: 15 Life Saver: 18 Barrier: 20 Dispel: 24 Force Blade: 28 Gryzz: (start 12) Descrtiption: This guy is a true powerhouse. Jusy wait till you get him then love him. He will attack probably 90% of the time. His HP, attack, and defense are all extremely high and you will often find that he lives through battles others die during. He is also effective as an emergency healer since he has a breath attack that heals everyone. It heals him quite a bit more than anyone else so its good to use when you are down to items (that way you wont have to waste any on him and it supplements the job done by items to others) Acid Breath: 12 Healing Breath: 16 Fire Breath: 23 Poison Breath 28 Amon: (start 16) Description: Hes the original bird man of alcatraz and he knows it. Quick and with a decent HP and Attack. He will be the first to attack in every situation so use him for emergency healing and stat boosting items at the start of battle. I like to have him use a magic sheild at the begining of boss battles so that everyone has a defense boost before the first attack (Important for Kia). Techniques: Eagle Dance: Start Kia: (start 20) Description: The primary magic user of the group. Cute, weak, low HP, low attack, but extrememly high MP. Her spells are devestating and can wipe out entire enemy parties. Have fun with her spells!! :-) Teleport Start Flame Petal Start Shadow Mist Start Lecture Start Malitov Cocktail 22 Binder 24 Time Trap 26 Burst Flare 27 ======================================================================= Walkthtough: Welcome to the first FULL and reliable Albert Odyssey walkthrough. I know this is the section you are all here to see so I'll shut up and get to the guide...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Harpy village: (Pike: 1) Items: Protect Ring, 112G, (mints and other items I forgot to write down) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- At the start of the game your sword has to wake you up and then you're off to find Folte. Walk around the whole village and talk to everyone. Also, Search all pots in the village. There is one item of note here. A protect ring on the third floor of the village in a pot. After talking to everyone just go back home and Folte will be there. You'll now have to get some water so go down to the ground level and go to the area where the gaurds are standing. Go up to the well and a few scenes go by (try to be a tough guy and see what happens). When you get control its time to leave the village. Leave the village and head north to the river. Follow it west to a broken down town. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Old Village: (Pike: 5) Items: Mint ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is your old home town burnt down. You'll see someone here who looks strong. Go through the scenes then head north and cross the bridge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bridge: (Pike: 5) Items: None ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here you'll meet Lulu. Save her from the wusses and then proceed North and you'll notice a giant rock. You cant get by it so walk west until to run into a cave. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cave: (Pike: 6) Items: None ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pretty much walk around and fight at the magic pool to get stronger. Follow the path until you go to a new screne. This is a very straight forward area with nothing in it. When get to the skeletons go straight up middle and go to wooden door. Trust me there is nothing on either side pathes except a waste of your time. Through the door you'll fight some Goblins. At this point Pike was on lv 9 and each were a 1 hit kill. After fight rob her pot for a life root. You saved her you deserve it. Just leave, bottom and top route take you to the same place so do whatever. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gigarl: (Pike: 9) Items: Plenty but I didn't write them down, sorry :-( I actually didn't start recording this until Chestoria ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Inn: 10G Item Price ----------- ----------- Items: Mint 8 Calm Herb 6 Weapons: Short Sword 22 Long Sword 36 Darts 44 Cotton Armor 18 Singer's Dress 46 Large Sheild 13 First things first. Loot all the pots in town and upgrade your equipment. Get a long sword and large sheild. Equip them of course. Poor Cirrus not long into the game and kicked to the curb already. Now talk to people and head to the bar. If you try to leave first, Cirrus reminds you that hooch loosens lips. At the bar talk to people and go by the stage. This starts a little dance sequence. Wait then leave the bar. A sequence will ensue and pick whatever answers you want (pick the ones that are funniest since they dont matter one way or another). Soon you'll have to fight Belnard. Boss Fight: Belnard Its not much of a bossfight since you get no exp and his magic is sealed (maybe) but just attack with Pike and have Eka use wind arrow and it will be done in a few rounds. He runs like a scared little girl and you continue with the dialogue. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Eka's House: (Pike: 9) Items: ??? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Just go along with her and try to be nice. She seems to like you. And when you get the chance....Loot the place :-D ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chestoria: (Pike: 10, Eka: 6) Items: Force Ring, 36 G, Regular clothes, 12 G, Magic Tomato x2, Grizzle Fang x2, Mint, Bola, Gag, Amulet, Dress Clothes, 10 G, Warp Wing, Mink Tonic, ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Inn: 16 G Item Price ----------- ----------- Items: Mint 8 Calm Herb 6 Gag 16 Weapons: Scimitar 46 Darts 44 Leather Armor 48 Singer's Dress 46 Large Sheild 13 This is visit yeilds nothing to the story. Nothing happens here now so raid all of the pots in town and buy new equipment for Pike (Eka's stuff is the same). This is a good place to rest and save while powering up Eka. Before doing the level thing go north into the castle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chestoria Castle: Items: Ration kit, 12G, Magic Sheild, Star Pin, Gale Boots, Power Potato ----------------------------------------------------------------------- New area means more looting. You can get some decent stuff and demand an audience with the queen. She yells at you then leave for the powering up. Fight outside this town until Eka is at about level 9. Then rest and save cause your going on a level journey. This is optional, you dont have to keep fighting but I am a freak so I do. If you dont want to get strong skip this section. Ok, so you are nuts like me and you want to be a demi god. Travel southwest from here and go down in the forest pass. Down here you will fight Mushroom guys and other people who will give you twice the exp that you would have gotten earlier. Heres a tip, if youre in a fight with a reptilicus, dont mistake Bastards Crest for a spawn tech. It isn't, its more of a revive. No matter how many of them he revives you kill wont give you any more exp. So dont treat it like the little exp trick in FF4 in the monsters cave. I stop when Eka is at level 12; since from there up levels begin to cost a little more than I want to wait. Feel free to fight more, the game will only be easier for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Chestoria: (Pike: 13, Eka: 12) Items: You got them all last time!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rest and save then go back south farther and cross the bridge on the left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Solace: (Pike: 14, Eka: 13) items: Magic Sheild, Spearamint, Grizzle Fang ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Inn 16 G Items Price Weapons Price Mint 8 Cutlass 54 Calm Herb 6 Wolf's Nail 50 Gag 16 Hard Leather 62 Grizzle Fang 10 Large Sheild 13 Bansee Tear 12 Turtle Shell 40 Magic Sheild 70 Dont get too aquainted since youre not staying. It's time for more levls. Now you may ask why did we level before only to level up more now? Well thats to survive this new trip since this is VERY DANGEROUS AND RISKY!! The new enemies are a bit stronger now and you need the new levels. Buy new equipment and weapons, rest, save, and head south around the giant castle. Then all the way down, go over the bridge, and then go into the town of Gadel. Gadel will have better equipment and stronger enemies around it so be careful and buy new stuff. Now you may wonder, why buy stuff in Solace if youre gonna get new stuff. Well, because without the upgrade you'll die on the way down. The fights are hard as you get close to Gadel so BE CAREFUL!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gadel: (Pike: 14, Eka: 13) items: 63G, 72, 42, Life Root, Silver Candlestick, ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Inn 20 G Items Price Weapons Price Mint 8 Broad Sword 66 Calm Herb 6 Ninja Stars 63 Spearamint 40 Eagle Dagger 90 Grizzle Fang 10 Ring Mail 70 Bansee Tear 12 Sacred Robe 68 Warp Wing 20 Kite Sheild 44 Rations Kit 65 Turtle Shell 40 Here you just want to buy new equipment, heal, and SAVE. You need to save since you are going to do something dangerous. Right outside the town is where you are going to fight and get levels since they dish out 50 exp per fight. The only problem is that they put a hurtin on you. Every battle have Pike attack and Eka use aqua lance. Both should be able to take 1 person out. Also, after every battle use Recover to heal. When your MP gets low, go back to town and rest up, save, and come back out for more. Do this until you gain about 4-5 levels and you are good to go. Before Leaving Gadel, make sure to buy 1 extra sacred robe. You'll be getting another character shortly who will use it. Also, buy an Eagle Dagger for a character that you will get a bit later since this is better than the item he starts with. Head back to Solace and continue on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Solace Agian: (Pike: 18, Eka: 17) Missed Items near shrine: 32G, Silver Candlestick ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Once there go straight to the shrine to advance the story. A bunch of scenes go by and when you finally get control in the bedroom, leave the shrine and head to the center of town. Some scenes will ensue agian and after that you will be in the castle with the cutie priest Leos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Valerians Castle: (Pike: 18, Eka: 17, Leos: 10) Items: See Below ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1F: (Items: 13G, Power Potatoe, Banshee Tear) Upon entering examine the pots to your direct right. Also dont forget to equip leos with the robe since she is quite a few levels behind. Its just an annoyance to have leos so weak but thats how the game likes it. Before going in the blue door go to the left and check things out. I forgot to do this and went in the blue door first and got stuck. The blue door only lets you go in so if you dont explore to the left then you lost it forever. I believe it was a force ring which will help Leos's crappy attack. When you enter the door straight ahead go to the right and open the chest. Wander around but if you go in the blue door you'll only find Valerians empty coffin. Go in any of the brown doors and get the items. After searching head up a set of stairs. 2F: (Items: 18G, Black Rosary, Mint, Spearamint, Rations Kit, Hells Chime) Go around and collect all of the items in all of the rooms and then head up 1 more flight. 3F: (Items: None) All thats here is a save, a magic spring, and a way to go back to 1F to get a magic sheild. Get the sheild then off to 4F and your doom. 4F: (Items: None) Ok here is your boss battle. Now if your like me your on lvl 19 with Eka. On lvl 21 she gets a new kickass spell vortex. So if you are hooked on crack and you feel the need to overdue it, please be my guest and get the spell before the fight. Honestly, even I'm not that obessive and things should be easy enough as it is. But if you want it then get it. Boss Fight: Valerian HP: 1200 EXP: 288 Gold: 40 Strategy: Here's how you get by. It shouldn't be a hard fight but I'll help you out anyway: 1.) Have Pike attack every round no matter what. 2.) Eka can use Aqua lance or just attack (either is about the same) and heal when necessary. 3.) Leos should use Molitov Cocktail since its stronger than her attack and a low budget spell. Keep her HP up since she is weak and let her do the majority of the healing. After you whoop up on Valerian, you'll end up back in Solace. Follow the scenes and then head out of town. You'll see a dying man at the exit and he'll tell you the next part of the story. Now leave town and head south. Go back to Gadel and upgrade Leos's equipment. After this head back towards the bridge then south. Enter the cave and you'll be at the Dragonman Village. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragonman Cave: (Pike 21, Eka: 21, Leos: 17) items: Mystic Forge x2, Dragon Horn, Protect Ring, 16 G, Spearamint, Mint, Banshee Tear, Mint, Power Potato, Mink Tonic, Spearamint, Warp Wing ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you enter you'll be greeted by a couple of dragonmen. When one falls ill you have control. Check everything for items then head to the Cheif's room. After that watch Leos mix dirt and stuff from the ground to make a cure. Upon leaving with a new friend you'll run into Rachessa. Beat her up and go to Gadel. Boss Fight: Rachessa HP: 1600 EXP: 322 Gold: 0 To me its a bit hard to call this a boss fight since it just doesn't feel like one but it is. I had no problems and she did minimal damage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gadel: (Pike: 22, Eka: 21, Leos: 18, Gryzz: 14) Items: Looted already ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now you are finally in Gadel at a time when you are actually supposed to be there. Walk around, go in the bar and ask for some drinks to see eka yell, and then head straight up. A scene will ensue and you'll be in the castle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gadel Castle: Same Items: 100G, Splint Mail, Eerie Ring ----------------------------------------------------------------------- He said explore so explore. You'll find some good stuff around here so explore away then head to the throne room. Eventually you'll run into a room with Guy in it. A lot of talking will happen and then you are left to chase after him. Head to the Throne room and go through the sequences. Now your off to help out. Break Point: At this point you have a choice. On one hand you could just go to Balan's Fort and help out or you could take a trip and get some kick a$$ weapons and armor that will make everything easier. Its your call. If you DON'T want to take the trip then skip the next section in stars. ********************************************************************** So you are like me and you want it all on a silver platter. Head all the way south past the trees and head west. Go over the bridge and north into the center of the tree area. Yes it looks like a dead end but its really a town. I prefer on little excursions such as these not to talk to anyone but those I will buy from so just go to the left most house, up one floor, and the all the way to the far right one which has a weapons shop. Buy new armor and weapons for everyone but don't buy Gryzz weapons. Hold on that for a minute. Now go back to the ground floor and exit the town NORTH this time. Head farther north to a town by a dock. In there the weapons shop will be on the far right. Go in and upgrade the last bits you need to. If you notice I do not include the town names and lists since they will be included later. You cheaters are on your own with that stuff ^_^ At this point head back south and fight around the first town for a bit and buff up. Then head back to Gadel, rest, save, and head to help out with Balan. One thing to do on the way back to Gadel is stop off at a little cave. On the way back from Weran, after crossing the bridge, head all the way to the right towards the coast. Once you get there head North, up the coast, to a little cave in the mountains. It will be empty but you will be able to get a Magic Sheild, 2 mints, and 13g. *********************************************************************** To get to Balan's Fort from Gadel, head south until the first break in the trees on your left. Head In there all the way west until you see a long strip that allows you to go north. His fort is tucked back in there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Balan's Fort: (Pike: 24, Eks: 24, Leos: 21, Gryzz: 18) Items: 194 G, Mink Tonic x4, Spearamint x3, Life Root x3, Magic Tomatoe x4, Grizzle Fang, Magic Shield x4, Miracle Mango, Mystic Forge, Power Potato x3, Amulet, Bastard Sword, Holy Symbol, Peppermint ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So you start out watching Guy tell a "yo momma" joke to Balan and then you're off to save the people in the castle. This place is actually very straight forward and you basically just wind around everywhere going from place to place. But here is where to go. After the firts fight, wind around until you end up in a room, go in the door and save the people there. Go upstairs and outside to wind around and in another door. Head down, save the people, go outside and go to the door closest on your left. In there will be more people but it seems Kris got there first. Tell her she is PMS'in and be on your way. From here you have a choice. Go straight up and in a door or take the path to the right and wind around to another door. You need to go to both places to I say go to the right first even though its the longer way (there is a very good reason, trust me). Once you finally wound your way to the door go in, go upstairs and save the people. Sorry to sound like a broken record but thats how this place goes. Head out the door and you'll be on the top floor of the Fort. Head to the left until you see another entrance. Don't go in there yet. Instead head south all the way down the skinny walkway. Down there is a pot containing a magic tomatoe (ha, you almost missed that). Then head north agian and in the entrance. Go downstairs and you'll see Seta who will heal your wonds for you. Let her heal you and head back upstairs to the top floor (but not before getting the chests in the other room). Here you'll be instructed to head to the right and up to that big blue door you passed earlier. On a side note, if you took the path to go stright up instead of winding you would have ended up in the room with Seta. Then you would have been healed but still would have had to walk around a lot more to save the people on the right hand side. Thus making your HP a bit depleted for the upcoming boss fight. Go to the blue door and follow the sequence. When you have control take the treasure in the room before leaving. Head out and watch the sequences until you have to fight with Balan. Boss Fight: Balan HP: Variable EXP: 600 Gold: 0 This is a 2 stage fight so here they are: 1.) You fight Balan for a couple of rounds until things finally end and Pike is laying on the ground exhausted. Like I belive this when Balan didn't even touch me but I'll go along. 2.) Now Cirrus is in on the whole thing and you get a chance to whoop on him. Just attack him until he falls in a few rounds. For me it was 2. Wow, and to think Guy actually had trouble with him!! Go through all the nice little sequences and deal with Belnard. You finally end up in the throne room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gadel Castle Items: 121 G, Bastard Sword, Ivory Stamp, Willow Leaf, Star Pin, Knight Bracelet, Holy Symbol ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be getting praised by the King for your good deeds and he will offer a reward. Now, if you're anything like me you ask for everything he's got and now you get free range of the castle treasurey, you greedy animal. Go get your reward and leave the town. Its time to head to Weran so go all the way south and west over the bridge. Back up an into the town for the "first time." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Weran Village: (Pike: 25, Eka: 25, Leos: 22, Gryzz: 20) Items: Rations Kit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Inn Free (in Mayors House) Items Price Weapons Price Mint 8 Falchion 92 Calm Herb 6 Franciska 82 Grizzle Fang 10 Kotetsu 83 Bansee Tear 12 Splint Mail 88 Gag 16 Banded Mail 114 Round Mail 62 Buckler 60 Does this town look familiar? No? Ok then its just me who thinks that they just ripped off Harpy village for this place. Walk around and talk to everyone only to find out that the beast men are acting unusually weird. Besides the normal drooling and cniffing crotches they are now asking for omlettes as well!! Anyway, if this is the first visit buy new equipment except for swords for Gryzz, the next town has better. Go to the top and run into a cocky birdman (Amon). Since there is nothing left to do here head north out of the villafe and go to Tomari. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tomari: (Same Levels) Items: Mint, Magic Sheild ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Inn Free (in Mayors House) Items Price Weapons Price Mint 8 Falchion 92 Calm Herb 6 Grenades 86 Life Root 270 Shura 90 Eagle Dagger 90 Sacred Robe 68 Round Mail 62 Buckler 60 Stop by the weapons shop and buy anything new that you need. Talk to everyone and find out that the birdmen are causing trouble here!! What a coincidence, 2 towns with pranksters from the opposing sides. I doubt anything fishy is goin on here. Go into the mayors house and he'll get mad and daydream about sinking his teeh into chicken meat. When you leave his house you'll notice a strange dude. Follow him behind the weapon shop and watch him tansform. Head back to Weran where he is now a birdman. Ambush him and here is a mini boss battle. Boss Fight: Necromancer HP: 750 EXP: 300 Gold: 116 If you have trouble beating him you have a serious malfunction. Just attack and move on. Now that you're back in Weran, there will be a discussion and Amon will decide to come with you. He is only at level 16, but that is ok for now. Equip him with the Eagle Dagger I told you to buy earlier and buy him all the same stuff that Pike has. Now head up to Tomari and get on the boat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mountain Pass: (Pike: 26, Eka: 25, Leos: 22, Gryzz: 20, Amon: 17) Items: Rations Kit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, this place has nothimg and is simplistic. Follow the pathes until you see a save stone. Head to the left of it to find the only item in the place. Go back and save. Continue around until you see some dead dragons. A few scenes will ensue and Estan will use quite a bit of power to eliminate all the dragons riders except 1. Belnard. Here comes the fun. Boss Fight: Belnard HP: 2500 EXP: 432 Gold: 50 This shouldn't be much trouble, but start off with Amon using a magic sheild. This is primarily to boost his defense for that low HP he has right now. Have Eka use force blade on Pike or Gryzz. Now just have everyone attack for the rest of the rounds. Magic doesn't do too much so attacking is the best option. Also, heal whenever necessary. Basically Belnard will have 3 unimpressive attacks: 1.) Punch 2.) Lightning 3.) Quickster*** ***When quickster is used have Pike use dispel to eliminate the effects so he isn't attacking 2+ times a round. So, now you're out in the wide wide world and you have to find your way to town. As always with me there is a side quest to do but this one will pay off with comedy. But if you don't want to do it then skip past the starred saction. *********************************************************************** Side Quest: First head west and slightly south to Raoria's Castle. You'll know is because its the castle with the giant purple dome around it. Go in there and when asked what to do, say that "its just and illusion". I wont ruin the fun by telling you what happens, but needless to say, Eka always knows the right thing to say. Now that you had a good laugh head south of Radoria's Castle and fight a bit. Amon only has 300+ HP and that is totally unacceptable. So pump him up to 500 HP, then head to the center of the desert to find Bugdoniel. Trust me, its in there, just a little hard to find though. It is wise to do the leveling first since once you enter Bugdoneil you won't be able to leave at all and will be stuck in a sequence until you are in Radoria's Castle. I think it really is best to have a few extra levels under Amon's belt before going there. *********************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugdoneil: (Pike: 28, Eka: 28, Leos: 26, Gryzz: 25, Amon: 22) Items: NONE!!!! (But what do you expect from a bunch of desert folk) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Inn: Free Items Price Weapons Price Mint 8 Great Sword 116 Spearamint 40 Grenades 86 Grizzle Fang 10 Copper Raccoon 120 Banshee Tear 12 Long Spear 108 Life Root 270 Half Coat 110 Warp Wing 20 Buckler 60 Rations Kit 65 When ou enter, You'll be greeted by Decimus. Pick the second option so you can check out the town before going to his tent. Basically the only things to do here are buy weapons and talk to the item store chick. I think the animator in this case was a little perverted since he made her with oversized breasts. Just wait there for a second and she bounces on here knees and the obseceneness ensues endlessly for as long as you stay there. But the one thing you can't do is leave. If you try, Leos will complain about not feeling well. So I hope you followed my side quest if you wanted to level up Amon before Radoria's Castle. When you're done head to the tent with the knights on the outside. In here Guy, Veleran, and Ceramis will go over the plans. When the option is given pick to fall asleep (the effects are too funny to pass up). Once your done here Ceramis will give you 700 G and tell you to get some rest. On the way to the inn stop off at the item shop to spend ALL of your money. Trust me and go it. Buy all the things you can especially things like life roots and what not that are too expensive to buy in bulk otherwise. Seriously, do it, because your about to involentarily lose all of your money so you might as well spend it. Go to the in and they let you stay for free. In the morning you find out that Leos is sick and you can't go with Ceramis. That is when LuLu shows up and offers some medicine for ALL OF YOUR MONEY!!! That theiving skank wants it all and you have to pay. Well thats where my plan earlier pays off and she gets nothing.... Literally. I had 0 G at the time, which is actually a shame since I had 5000+ G at the time. Once this happens you end up at Radoria's Castle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Radoria's Castle: (Same levels as above) Items: Star Pin, Magic Tomatoe, Peppermint, Power Potato, Overlords Ring, Mondo's Katana, Mink Tonic, Peppernimt, Amazon Cloth, Flame Saber, Chain Mail, Javelin, Dragon Horn ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Going in you'll see tons of people all ready to storm the castle. Once it lifts off pretty much all of them begin to fall to their doom along with Pike. Amon comes to the rescue and saves Pike from the pitiful death that fall upon all of the nameless charcters raining from the heavens. Walk in with Guy and watch him bring out the whoopin stick to take down the dragon things. Each of the 3 is able to take 1 out in 1 hit. They must be strong. When you go inside you'll be somehow seperated and then closed off in a room to fight one of the things Guy killed single handedly. Have fun with this. Boss Fight: Iron Dragon HP: 1000 EXP: 403 Gold: 40 He's got some strength to him and takes out a nice chunk of HP per hit. Keep people healed if need be and use the strongest stuff you have. He will fall but expect to get hurt. He even put a dent in some of my characters HP; taking almost half of Eka's HP in each hit. So now that you are finished with the Dragon, you can move north into the next room. I here you'll see stairs on your left and right with a door in the middle. Go straight ahead into that door and you'll see and recovery spring and save crystal. Do what you must then leave the room and head to the right. Go in the door to the right of the stairs. In here there is a star pin. Take that and leave. There really isn't anything else to the rooms to the right but if you want to check them out anyway do it. In the room there will be 2 switches but done push them; they really mess things up later. So ignore that room and go out into the main room. Head to the left and into the door to the left of the left stairs. Head up 5 sets of stairs until you reach the room with the swith on the opposite side of the stairs. Push it (they don't make blinking red buttons for nothing). Head back down to the main room. Heal up and the spring if you must and then head up the main stairs and into the big door. In this room there will be 2 rooms on your left. Go in both and get the treasure. Come back and then head to the right up up the path. When you reach the 3 way split, go left and into the room for a Magic tomatoe and 48G. Come back out to the split and head up. Take the door on your right since the other one is an empty room. From there, go in the door in front of you and then head up the stair ways into a short hallway with only doors on your left and right. Go in the door to your Right. Head down this room and enter the door at the bottom (past the blue door). Push the swith on the wall of this room and then go back and enter the blue door you passed. This will yeild a nice few nice items. Now go back to the short hallway. Its time to enter the room to the far left. Head south and ignore the room to the right at the first junction (nothing there). Continue down and enter the first door for some new armor (Chain mail). Leave and continue right and up into the door. Go up, around, and into the door on the left at the bottom of the screen. In here you'll find a recovery spring and save crystal. At this point you must know that something important is about to happen. Maybe a boss fight with Radoria? Nah, guy took care of him right? Well only one way to find out....But before you do here are a couple of things to think about. First, you got some amazon clothes back there. Put those on Eka if you didn't already. After this Leos leaves (FOREVER) and you don't want some good armor to go to waste. Also, you got some chain mail as well. I would suggest to put that on Amon since his Level, HP, and defense are all lower than Pike's and most likely his defense will remain lower even with the armor. So help him out agianst Radoria. So you go into the room and see every foating in vats of blue goo. Wow, talk about great heroes huh? The computer takes over for a bit and you see Estan give his life so that Cirrus can be the Holy Sword agian. Now its your turn to try to succeed where Guy (who is probably 100 times stonger than you) failed miserabley. Boss Fight: Radoria HP: 4900 EXP: 1150 Gold: 0 (that cheap punk!!! I can't beleive the immortal emporer was broke) (Levels: Pike: 31, Eka: 31, Leos: 30, Gryzz: 29, Amon: 27) Well since this is a bit of an important battle I figured I would give you an idea of what I was working with when I got here. He might be hard for you and then agian he might not be. Follow theses steps and you'll be fine: 1.) Have Amon use a Magic sheild in the first round then attack afterwards 2.) Have Leos use Force blade on Gryzz, Pike, or Amon (all 3 will need it). Have her heal characters when wounded and use dispel on Radoria if he uses quickster. 3.) Have Eka use Force blade on one of the top 3 and then attack after. Attack does a little more than Dyna stream so i stuck with that. Also, have her heal characters when they get hurt. 4.) Have Pike mainly attack but have him use dispel or time trap on Radoria if he uses quickster. If possible have him use time trap anyway to slow him down. 5.) Gryzz will be on all out assault on Radoria. But if Radoria uses that nasty little spell that hits everyone, have him use healing breath (since he attacks after Radoria). As for Radoria's attacks. He will try to use quickster to get the upper hand on you but don't let him. Dispel and time trap him. Keep him slow. He will primarily use (at least on me he did) a attack that sends 3 crystals at 1 character. This will do 200+ damage and even more if you are weaker than I was. He also has an attack that will hit every character for 200-300+ damage. He didn't give me much trouble and you shouldn't have to worry about using time trap unless you really need to slow him down. But that doesn't mean don't use dispel to wipe out quickster. DO THAT ASAP or he will wipe you out by attack 3 times per round. So now you are mister hero, saved the world, your party broke up and you get to go home to that MILF that is Laia. Life is good........... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Intermission ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There you are with your hot little honey cooking you dinner with your mommy. Awww, what a touching scene. And, Oh, whats this? A knock on the door? Be nice and answer is so you can be knocked out by a rushing psycho. Enter Kia. She will demand to take you with her and all your friends (minus Leos). Eka wants to know whats going on and its your choice whether to fill her in. Choose "Eka who?" and watch Pike get the beating of a lifetime. Just for that reason you have to pick that answer. Anyway, you get wisked off to see the King of Gadel agian. He tells you Guys is gone and Balan is back. Whoopee. Now you have to find them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Agnus: (Pike: 32, Eka: 32, Kia: 20, Gryzz: 29, Amon: 28) Items: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Inn: 24 G Items Price Weapons Price Mint 8 Willow Leaf 110 Spearamint 40 Thunder Nail 120 Grizzle Fang 10 Nihil 156 Calm Herb 6 Glaive 140 Magic Sheild 70 Power Staff 135 Warp Wing 20 Chain Mail 123 Rations Kit 65 Plate Mail 138 Buckler 60 Before you know it Kia has taken you to Agnus and dragged you to the church. Now you meet Leos's relative who really has no clue what he is doing or any sense of history for that matter. He actually thinks you couldn't have gotten by without that weakling Leos. Just for that don't give money to his church. Now your off to explore to town and get info. First as always Buy new weapons and loot the place. Leave no stone unturned in your efforts. Then talk to people to get the lowdown on things. After that head out to......You guessed it, level up Kia because she sucks. Once you level up Kia to what you think is appropriate, go to the next town to the southeast. *Special Note: Before leaving town for good, seek out Mr. Jameson, he's good for a laugh. ^_^ Whats Coming Next: 1.) The second half walkthrough 2.) More side quests 3.) Guide Overhaul. That is to say, reformatted, items added, reworded, more details. 4.) Reformat of the character info and spells 5.) What the spells do; right now I just have what level they are gained at. 6.) A list of those who have contributed or helped with this guide Thanks and I hope you like the guide. Let me know your thoughts and I'll try to add/change due to suggestions. ^_^ On a side note, this guide is under construction as you read it. I should finish the game and have a complete guide finished at some point.. ====================================================================== V. 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